#Agile Software Development with Scrum
agileethos · 6 months
Introduction to Agile Software Development with Scrum - Agile Ethos
Explore the essence of Agile software development with a focus on Scrum methodology through Agile Ethos' training program. Gain insights into Agile principles, Scrum roles, ceremonies, and artifacts, fostering a culture of adaptability and collaboration within your team. Our training equips you with the tools to harness Agile practices effectively, promoting iterative development and rapid responses to change. Join us to embark on a transformative journey towards Agile excellence in software development.
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bookofthrees · 9 months
The Intriguing Role of the Number 3 in Software Management
In the world of software management, the presence of the number three is surprisingly pervasive and influential. Whether it’s in methodologies, frameworks, or processes, this number frequently emerges, offering a simple yet profound structure that can be seen across various aspects of the field. From the three-tier architecture to the rule of three in coding, the number three seems to be a…
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nofatclips · 2 years
The Engineering Room Ep. 9: Allen Holub on the pile of utterly worthless crap that Agile has become.
It's refreshing to see that not everybody has lost their freaking mind about this topic. Probably time to update my resume...
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Prioritizing Technical Debt in Business-Focused Scrum Teams: A Framework for Addressing Technical Debt to Improve Product Quality, Increase Productivity, and Align with Business Objectives
Abstract In Scrum teams, prioritizing technical debt can be a challenge as the focus is primarily on delivering value to the business through product features and functionality. Technical debt can hinder the team’s ability to deliver value over time by slowing down development, introducing bugs, and making it difficult to maintain the codebase. Therefore, it is essential to address technical…
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agilescrum · 2 years
There are still many open source kanban tools available, contrary to open source projects for Scrum tools that have mostly ended being transformed in a limited offer that supports a main commercial product. The simplicity of the Kanban approach has allowed open source software developers to create and maintain Kanban tools based on various platforms. This article lists pure Kanban open source tools.
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jelvixteam · 16 days
Are you sure you know the differences between a project manager and a scrum master? 👥 Our latest video breaks it down in a way that's easy to understand. Watch now to learn which role is right for your project! 😉
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mattfromgermany · 4 months
The eXtreme Go Horse (XGH) Process
So it seems like there's a software development methodology coming from Brazil that's kinda nice - it's called "eXtreme Go Horse" (XGH for short). It seems to be common knowledge among brazilian software devs, but not so much outside Brazil - and I think more people should know.
So, without further ado: this is...
The eXtreme Go Horse (XGH) Manifesto!
#1. I think therefore it's not XGH.
In XGH you don't think, you do the first thing that comes to your mind. There's no second option, only the fastest one.
#2. There are 3 ways of solving a problem:
The right way;
The wrong way;
The XGH way, which is exactly like the wrong one, but faster.
XGH is faster than any development process you know (see Axiom #14).
#3. The more XGH you do, the more you need it.
For every problem solved using XGH, about 7 more are created. And all of them will be solved using XGH. Therefore, XGH tends to infinite.
#4. XGH is completely reactive.
Errors only come to exist when they appear.
#5. In XGH anything goes.
It solves the problem? It compiled? You commit and don't think about it anymore.
#6. You commit always before updating.
If things go wrong your part will always be correct... and your colleagues will be the ones dealing with the problems.
#7. XGH doesn't have deadlines.
Deadlines given to you by your clients are all but important. You will ALWAYS be able to implement EVERYTHING in time (even if that means accessing the database through some shady script).
#8. Be ready to jump off when the boat starts sinking. Or blame someone else.
For people using XGH, someday the boat sinks. as time passes by, the probability only increases. You better have your resome ready for when the thing comes down. Or have someone else to blame.
#9. Be authentic. XGH don't follow patterns.
Write code as you may want. If it solves the problem, just commit and forget about it.
#10. There's no refactoring, just rework.
If things ever go wrong, use XGH to quickly solve the problem. Whenever the problem requires rewriting the whole software, it's time for you to drop off before the whole thing goes down (see Axiom #8).
#11. XGH is anarchic.
There's no need for a project manager. There's no owner and everyone does whatever they want when the problems and requirements appear (see Axiom #4).
#12. Always believe in improvement promises.
Putting TODO comments in the code as a promise that the code will be improved later helps the XGH developer. Nobody will feel guilt for the shit that has been done. Sure there won't be no refactoring (see Axium #10).
#13. XGH is absolute.
Delivery dates and costs are absolute things. Quality is totally relative. Never think about quality, but instead think about the minimum time required to implement a solution. Actually, don't think. Do! (See Axiom #1)
#14. XGH is not a fad.
Scrum? XP? Those are just trends. XGH developers don't follow temporary trends. XGH will always be used by those who despise quality.
#15. XGH is not always WOP (workaround-oriented programming).
Many WOP require smart thinking. XGH requires no thinking (see Axiom #1).
#16. Don't try to row against the tide.
If your colleagues use XGH and you are the only sissy who wants to do things the right way, then quit it! For any design pattern that you apply correctly, your colleagues will generate 10 times more rotten code using XGH.
#17. XGH is not dangerous, until you try putting some order into it.
This axiom is very complex, but it says that a XGH project is always in chaos. Don't try to put order into XGH (see Axiom #16). It's useless, and you'll spend a lot of precious time. This will make things go down even faster (see Axiom #8). Don't try to manage XGH, as it's auto-sufficient (see Axiom #11), as it's also chaos.
#18. XGH is your bro. But it's vengeful.
While you want it, XGH will always be at your side. But be careful not to abandon it. If you start something using XGH and then turn to some trendy methodology, you will be fucked. XGH doesn't allow refactoring (see Axiom #10), and your new sissy system will collapse. When that happens, only XGH can save you.
#19. If it's working, don't bother.
Never ever change - or even think of question - working code. That's a complete waste of time, even more because refactoring doesn't exist (see Axiom #10). Time is the engine behind XGH, and quality is just a meaningless detail.
#20. Tests are for pussies.
If you ever worked with XGH, you better know what you're doing. And if you know what you're doing, why test then? Tests are a waste of time. If it compiles, it's good.
#21. Be used to the 'living on the edge' feeling.
Failure and success are really similar, and XGH is not different. People normally think that a project can have greater chances of failing when using XGH. But success is just a way of seeing it. The project failed. You learned something with it? Then for you, it was a success!
#22. The problem is only yours when your name is on the code docs.
Never touch a class of code which you're not the author of. When a team member dies or stays away for too long, the thing will go down. When that happens, use Axiom #8.
#23. More is more.
With XGH, you thrive on code duplication. Code quality is meaningless and there's no time for code reviews or refactoring. Time is of the essence, so copy and paste quickly!
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jobsbuster · 5 months
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jogoagilecoaching · 5 months
Who writes user stories in Agile with Scrum? This question often arises in job interviews, and it's crucial to understand the role of different team members in Agile projects. Stay tuned to our channel for more valuable insights into Agile methodologies, Scrum practices, and job interview tips. Don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon for notifications about our latest videos! #AgileInterviewQuestions #UserStories #JogoAgileCoaching
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data-panda · 9 months
Unleash Your Potential: Elevate Your Career with Online Agile and Scrum Training Courses!
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The term Agile is used to describe a general framework for handling software development. The different Agile methods focus on teamwork, customer collaboration, and the ability to respond to change quickly. On the other hand, Scrum is one of many Agile processes. It is a framework that is used to implement Agile development.
If you want to recognize the principles of Agile practices, its tools, techniques, and various methodologies, signing up for Agile and Scrum training courses online is right for you.
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itonlinetraining · 1 year
Agile Software Development Manifesto: Unleashing the Power of Collaboration
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development serves as a guiding principle for any organization seeking to embrace agility and foster effective agile software development practices. It emphasizes the importance of individuals and interactions, resulting in better collaboration and teamwork. By focusing on customer satisfaction through continuous delivery, agility allows for adaptability in an ever-evolving marketplace.
Agile methodologies like Scrum have become increasingly popular in recent years, leading to the rise of certifications such as Agile Scrum Certification and ScrumMaster Certification. While these certifications can provide valuable knowledge and recognition, it is crucial to remember that true mastery comes from practical experience rather than just obtaining a piece of paper. The real value lies not in following a rigid set of rules but in understanding the underlying principles and adapting them to fit your team's specific needs.
By embracing agility, organizations can reap numerous benefits, such as increased productivity, improved customer satisfaction, enhanced quality assurance processes, and higher team morale. However, it is essential to realize that agile transformation is not a silver bullet. It requires commitment from all stakeholders involved, including management support and employee buy-in. Agility demands constant learning and improvement while fostering a culture of transparency and trust among teams.
The Manifesto for Agile Software Development lays out key principles that guide organizations towards more adaptive and efficient software development practices. Certifications like Agile Scrum Certification or ScrumMaster Certification can be helpful additions to your skillset but should never overshadow the importance of practical experience.
Research: Look for information about the certification on the H2K Infosys website or other reputable sources. Understand the curriculum, learning objectives, and any associated benefits. #Agile #scrum #Agile and scrum course #Agile certification #Agile project management #free agile scrum certification #agile scrum certification #agile scrum master certification #scrum master certification online #h2kinfoys, #training, #online classes #chatgpt # software development #continous improvement #agile manifesto
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agileethos · 7 months
Agile Software Development with Scrum
Dive into the world of Agile Software Development with Scrum through Agile Ethos' Certified Scrum Master Training. Elevate your project management skills and become a certified Scrum Master with a program that seamlessly blends theory and practical application. Agile Ethos is your gateway to mastering the Scrum framework, enabling you to lead teams with confidence and agility. Uncover the principles of collaboration, adaptability, and iterative progress that define Scrum methodology.
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justnshalom · 1 year
Demystifying Kanban Agile: Streamline Your Workflow for Efficient Project Management
Demystifying Kanban Agile: Streamline Your Workflow for Efficient Project Management Do you find yourself overwhelmed with managing complex projects? Are you constantly struggling to maintain transparency and accountability within your team? If so, it’s time to consider Kanban Agile as your go-to project management methodology. Kanban Agile combines the principles of Kanban and Agile…
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Anti-Padrões e Agilidade
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Os antipadrões de Sprint são armadilhas ou comportamentos comuns que podem prejudicar a eficácia de um Sprint no framework Scrum. Aqui estão alguns antipadrões comuns do Sprint e possíveis soluções para resolvê-los:
Compromisso excessivo: Antipadrão: A equipe assume mais trabalho do que pode concluir de forma realista dentro do cronograma do Sprint. Solução:
Priorizar os itens mais valiosos e viáveis durante o planejamento do Sprint.
Considere o desempenho do Sprint passado e a velocidade da equipe para definir metas realistas.
Promova uma comunicação aberta para garantir que a equipe se sinta à vontade para levantar preocupações ou riscos durante o planejamento.
Escopo Desvio: Antipadrão: Novos requisitos ou mudanças são introduzidos durante a Sprint, interrompendo o trabalho planejado. Solução:
Estabeleça uma Definição clara de Pronto e um Backlog do Produto bem refinado antes de iniciar o Sprint.
Incentive as partes interessadas a fornecer feedback e solicitar mudanças durante o refinamento do backlog ou revisões do Sprint.
Utilizar os processos de gestão de mudanças para avaliar e priorizar novas solicitações, considerando seu impacto no Sprint atual.
Falta de Foco: Antipadrão: A equipe se distrai ou se desvia da meta do Sprint, trabalhando em tarefas não relacionadas ou em itens de menor prioridade. Solução:
Definir uma meta clara do Sprint durante o planejamento do Sprint e garantir que a equipe entenda seu significado.
Revise regularmente o progresso em relação à meta do Sprint durante Daily Scrums e faça ajustes, se necessário.
Promova a auto-organização e incentive a equipe a se responsabilizar mutuamente por manter o foco no objetivo do Sprint.
Feedback insuficiente: Antipadrão: O feedback das partes interessadas, usuários finais ou proprietário do produto não é obtido até o final do Sprint. Solução:
Promova uma cultura de feedback antecipado e frequente ao longo do Sprint.
Incentivar a colaboração regular e comunicação com as partes interessadas e usuários finais.
Realizar revisões ou demonstrações do Sprint para coletar feedback e validar suposições durante o Sprint.
Falta de Transparência: Antipadrão: A equipe ou o Scrum Master falha em fornecer transparência sobre o progresso, impedimentos ou desafios enfrentados durante o Sprint. Solução:
Realizar reuniões diárias (Daily Scrums) para compartilhar atualizações, discutir impedimentos e promover a transparência.
Use ferramentas de gerenciamento visual, como quadros Scrum ou quadros Kanban, para tornar o trabalho visível para toda a equipe e partes interessadas.
Incentive a equipe a levantar questões ou preocupações com antecedência, permitindo a colaboração e resolução proativa de problemas.
Sem Retrospectiva do Sprint: Antipadrão: A equipe pula ou negligencia a Retrospectiva da Sprint, perdendo oportunidades de melhoria contínua. Solução:
Agendar e conduzir Retrospectivas do Sprint regularmente no final de cada Sprint.
Encoraje discussões abertas e honestas sobre o que deu certo, o que poderia ser melhorado e possíveis itens de ação para o próximo Sprint.
Certifique-se de que a equipe identifique e resolva problemas de processo ou comunicação para promover uma cultura de melhoria contínua.
Lidar com esses antipadrões requer uma combinação de comunicação eficaz, colaboração e compromisso com os princípios ágeis. O Scrum Master desempenha um papel crucial em facilitar a resolução de antipadrões e promover um ambiente de Sprint saudável. O monitoramento contínuo, a adaptação e o aprendizado com esses antipadrões podem ajudar as equipes a obter melhores resultados do Sprint e o sucesso geral do projeto.
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agilescrum · 2 days
In today’s fast-paced business world, agility has become a buzzword everyone discusses. But what does agile mean, and how can we use it to drive project success? This article will explore the concept of continuous improvement in agile methodologies and how it can help teams achieve better results.
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Agile Testing Case Study: Improving Product Quality and Customer Satisfaction
In this case study, we will explore how a software development company used agile testing to improve its product quality and customer satisfaction. Enjoy...
Introduction: Agile testing is a methodology that is used in software development to ensure that the product meets the customer’s expectations by testing frequently and continuously throughout the development process. The goal of agile testing is to provide timely feedback to the development team, improve collaboration between the team members, and reduce the overall time and cost of the…
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