#what is software development
jobsbuster · 5 months
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dammjamboy · 8 months
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datamined · 27 days
Not sure where to ask this, so im posting here as well as some forums BUT:
Basically I really love using Figma for making interactive menus. I have used Figma for mocking up websites and mobile apps before at my job, and in my odd time I’ve taken to using figma to prototype and make sketches of things like UI and flowcharts for the game my friends and I are developing. And even more recently I prototyped a fully custom, nice-looking, interactive character sheet for my character in the current campaign im playing.
Now, It’s got me thinking: I would really, really love to build custom character sheets for people as a side job as its something i genuinely enjoy doing. But the problem is, figma will not exist forever and I have foreseen that it might be a pain to build someone a prototype and I am the sole person to make updates whenever their character levels, they get new gear etc and I don’t really like the idea of forcing people to make an account for a tool they wont want to learn or use outside of the prototype i send them. Additionally, Figma prototype is ultimately not ideal for more distinguished and specific character sheets as I’d like for it to be.
For example, I would love to make buttons that a user can tap to mark how many death saves they have succeeded or failed, I want the user to be able to mark for inspiration and conditions, etc. I know I could possibly feasibly make it work all inside one scrollable frame, but the way I prefer to set up the character sheets requires navigating to different frames with buttons.
What other good alternatives are there? I like to make these character sheets for mobile use (phones and tablets) so should I jump to app development? I don’t mind learning new or more complicated softwares, just as long as the software is free, there’s a free trial long enough for me to learn the gist of the software, a single larger purchase for a license for a good amount of features, or the cost for subscription is low. Is Godot a good software to use for this? My team is learning godot anyway for our game as we were discouraged from Unreal Engine.
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
No, you are not alone. I also start things, give up, procrastinate, live the future and not the present and complain about my life not moving forward while I spend time looking at other people's lives.
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Hello everyone, how are you?
I hope well.
I was thinking of giving up this tumblr and just as I started everything from scratch to study programming (github, linkedin, notion and I even created another google account) start a new tumblr.
I even commented briefly a few weeks ago with @lostlibrariangirl who supported me to just continue on this one and see my evolution. And today I was thinking that this could be cool not only for me, but for other dropouts, who are frustrated that they think they'll never get to where they want to go and et cetera.
If you've been following me since the beginning of this year, you've already seen that I never completed any course and I assume that I gave up on the most difficult parts, besides the constant anxiety of getting a job in technology and thinking that I would never get it and that made me procrastinate, suffer and not live the present studying.
I gave up on one of the scholarships I got and now I'm catching up on the delay (it's until the 7/30th)
Nowadays my mental health has improved a lot, thanks to my elders.
And also thanks to them I understood that I was going around in circles, being lazy, not trying 100%, being stubborn in a stupid way (for me stubbornness is a quality, if you know how to use it) and spending too much time on other people's lives and not mine.
Also, today it's easier for me not to feel so much anxiety because I no longer have the goal of getting a job registered as a dev this year, so I'm starting to learn from scratch EVERYTHING AGAIN only this time better and really trying hard.
In my case I wasn't doing my best, trying hard and that's why I fell so many times. I don't like the word failure/failure, as I learned from an older, mistake it's study/learning and not failure.
Now in May, for example, I started studying Linux from scratch (my system that I'm confused to understand), git and github. I was all this time without really understanding these 3 tools, just doing it without understanding / in a lazy way and that didn't give me confidence.
And I don't think we need to memorize it, but it's nice to understand and practice.
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This print from above is me studying after writing and repeating to myself that I WILL ONLY START a new cycle after ending the old one.
And I hope to share this journey here.
I have a lot to study, whether in back-end or front-end, but I'm not in a hurry and that's why I'm progressing.
So if you're reading this far and you're going through the same thing I was, I wanted to give you some unsolicited advice.
Spend your energy, do physical exercises. Because anxiety can only be resolved with a psychiatrist, but exercises help.
Understand why you procastine, what is making you feel frustrated or afraid? Did you find out? How can you solve this?
If you don't finish something to start another and it HURTS you (if it doesn't hurt, that's fine), try to understand why you give up? Where is making you insecure / afraid? And after you understand this, strive to finish everything you start (I know it's hard, but we need this)
Get off social media for a bit. For me tumblr is what I spend the least time on, but it's very easy to lose hours on instagram and tiktok.
And guess what, that time we spend doesn't come back and unless you work with these networks that ALSO won't give you any money / jobs.
So, if possible, start to regulate your period in these environments. At first it's difficult because your brain is addicted, but after a while it works out and your version of the future (if you invest that time studying and working) will thank you.
I wish you all to be well and not sabotage yourself to achieve your goals.
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juney-blues · 5 months
if i hear another person talk about a retro game, system, or computer having a specific "soundfont" i think i'm gonna lose all will to live and spontaneously drop dead in front of them
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womaneng · 4 months
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Top 10 generative AI tools for software developers ✨
Generative AI can be used among developers for providing solutions, coding widgets, fixing bugs, and learning as well. Generative AI is considered a cutting-edge field in AI research due to its potential to create high-quality, innovative outputs that can be indistinguishable from human-generated content. 👩🏻‍💻 1. ChatGPT 2. Google Gemini 3. OpenAI Codex 4. AlphaCode 5. GPT-4 6. GitHub Copilot 7. Amazon CodeWhisperer 8. Tabnine 9. CodeWP
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e-learningsoftware · 11 days
S1000d Software Working Process - Code and Pixels
A new buzzword in the technical publishing world. New word? Not exactly new, but surely it’s a new word in the Indian Defense Technical Publishing segment.
S1000D is an Interactive Electronic Technical Publishing(IETP). It’s also called #ietm too.
S1000d is not new but very few Indian companies, which support documentation of foreign Airline documentation are similar to #S1000d word. But almost 90 % of the people who do S1000D conversation do not know what s1000d is.
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anonymousdormhacks · 18 days
The best thing about college so far is that it's giving me actual names for all of the god awful, horrendously implemented features scattered around the Internet so I can hate them with more accuracy and vow never to add them into any of my projects
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iightwoodbane · 21 days
mind u i'm not even a chatgpt user i hate when my coworkers use it to write emails cuz it makes them sound like victorian children but this specific fight (mostly fanfic) writers seem to have with it is so bizarre to me. people who use genAI for writing stories were never going to engage with actual stories anyways so you're not affected by it in any way.
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surumarssi · 1 month
I looked at my grades yesterday like I don't think anyone will hire me.
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datadegroove · 3 months
wow i just submitted my college app again with financial aid, the RIGHT ONE THIS TIME!!! HOORAY!
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parasitoidism · 1 year
i literally hate stupid fucking proprietary software bullshit
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skyborneveggie · 7 months
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honestlyvan · 5 months
👀👀 rlly interesting read on ovan, would love to hear some abt ur hcs on him n corbenik
(Now on DW!)
So it's been a hot minute since I watched Terminal Disc so my memory of the details of the canon are very vague, but I definitely think it's likely that the Epitaphs attached themselves to players in reverse numerical order, making Ovan the first and unintentionally the template for how becoming an Epitaph-PC would play out.
Corbenik is sort of funny as a Phase because the way it's laid out in the Epitaph, Corbenik serves no function until the Wave wipes out its intended target, and it's left behind to observe the void. As long as the system state isn't disturbed and no new AI begins to emerge, Corbenik stays passive theoretically forever -- but once it is disturbed, it rouses the rest of the Wave to come clean up what was left unfinished.
(I recognise this isn't how we see it play out in R1, I'm basing this on the idea that Morganna designed the Wave to be essentially self-propagating against Aura. The stalemate is the point, the rolling waves razing any fertile ground for her to develop on in favour of perpetual despair and the call of the void.)
With Corbenik as the rearguard of the apocalypse, it could have easily been the most active (least inactive?) of the Phases during the period of calm after Aura takes over Morganna's duties -- with no AI competing with Aura available to suppress, it was essentially on standby, latching onto Ovan the moment he showed up and then doing nothing until it registered the AIDA that also attached itself to Ovan.
Which is the thing that really fucks Ovan over, I think. The body timeshare he has with Tri-Edge is stressful enough, but Corbenik is also perpetually making him identify himself as the greatest threat to system integrity. So he's essentially getting a triple dose of the Epitaph "the solution is Fucking Kill Yourself" heightened self-destructive urge -- from the nature of the Cursed Wave, from the Vagrant AI-fication of the Phases and being (in part) his own natural-born enemy.
On top of this, Corbenik is perpetually calling to the other Phases like "over here! I've identified the enemy! Here is an AI we need to stop from reaching self-actualisation!" So candidates are drawn to him, unconsciously recognise him as having seniority, and then immediately identify him as the threat to be eliminated. People keep forming a kind of proxy disordered attachment to him, feeling compelled to follow his orders but also feeling threatened by his presence and become driven by the urge to destroy him.
Haseo is particularly vulnerable to this because Skeith and Corbenik are so intertwined in their roles, the first Phase is the one the last calls the strongest, and his personal sense of betrayal only amplifies the destructive resonance. And the influence goes both ways, the more Skeith perceives Corbenik's host as the main threat, the more Corbenik calls on Skeith as the vanguard to eliminate that threat. Haseo's (perceived) perception of him directly influences Ovan's perception of himself -- with everyone else Ovan is very particular about asserting his own reality, but with Haseo, the way Haseo sees him takes priority over how Ovan sees himself.
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fluttershys-lament · 9 months
I just started uni and it's not as bad as I thought.....why was I so scared ??? ^^U
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freebooter4ever · 1 year
one of the biggest ironies of my life that i was thinking about yesterday - i know that drag and drop / node-based 'coding' helps a wider (usually more visual) variety of brain types learn to program. this was the entire basis of the research group i was on for seven years in the burgh, and i completely agree with and support it. but im not that way at ALL. im that stereotype who likes pure code, and finds it easier to read the language and find patterns in the words/numbers/formatted lines than in nodes. i HATE nodes, and sometimes even fellow programmers look at me like im crazy for it.
Like dont give me that pretty but controlled interface, i want to know whats underneath.
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