#test-driven development
Agile Testing: Delivering High-Quality Software with Continuous Testing and Collaboration
In this paper, we will explore the key principles of agile testing, its benefits, and how it can be implemented successfully in organizations.
Agile testing is an approach to software testing that emphasizes the need for continuous testing and feedback throughout the software development lifecycle. This approach is based on the principles of the Agile Manifesto, which emphasizes collaboration, flexibility, and customer satisfaction. Agile testing has become increasingly popular in recent years as organizations seek to deliver…
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jobsbuster · 25 days
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triohats · 10 months
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Embrace the future of software development with Test-Driven Development (TDD)!
🚀 Embrace the future of software development with Test-Driven Development (TDD)! 🧪🖥️ Boost your coding skills and build robust applications with Triohats' TDD Workshop. 📈 Stay ahead in the competitive tech world and master TDD with Java in this interactive course. Don't miss out on this opportunity to level up your programming game!
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digitalcombination · 2 years
Tips on Hiring the Best Front End Developer
Tips on Hiring the Best Front End Developer
When hiring a front end developer, there are several things to consider, such as their experience level and past projects. Before hiring a front end developer, make sure to check their portfolio and previous projects to gain an idea of their work quality and fit for your project. Experience is an important factor when it comes to hiring a front-end developer, but junior developers are also…
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iobartach · 5 months
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mivolasvivi · 11 days
I’ve been Julia-pilled, move over MATLAB/numpy 😍
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I’m sorry but this fandom has the most piss-poor reading comprehension I’ve ever seen.
I’m not sure if “reading” comprehension can still be applied to a visual medium, but whatever - regardless, the fact that fans can’t even read the fucking narrative and instead deconstruct or misconstrue characters and then rebuild them completely different then how they’re actually suppose to be in the story, is wild.
henry creel is meant to be a fucking villain. like. I need you all to understand this. there was no mistaking this when he was introduced to the show. yes, his background and reasonings for turning murderous and then fully becoming vecna are complex and interesting within the story and how they relate to the lab and whatnot, but we’re suppose to grasp from the beginning that henry always had it in him to turn into a villain. it didn’t simply start with the abuse under brenner (abuse, btw, as we’ve learned from the billy fiasco, is not a get-out-of-jail-free-card when it comes to his actions) - it starts when he’s a fucking 10yr old kid and he tied up a bunny rabbit and started torturing it. no, I’m not saying a lonely and disturbed child was straight up evil, but purely from who he was, he found his own purpose and enjoyment in harmful things.
he always had that. and we’re suppose to grasp that from the narrative.
ppl out here saying he was actually trying to help el???? that he, quote, did nothing wrong????? this isn’t interpreting the text how you see it. this is fucking taking the whole text and tossing it out the window.
the duffers were clear the second henry was introduced. we can read this not just from his actions, but by the setup too - the soundtrack, the way el is nervous and unsure of him, the way jamie plays him with that continuous haunting air; we’re told, from the start, to be cautious and unsure of him. this slowly changes we he starts interacting with el; encouraging her to utilize her emotions for her powers, whispering ‘good luck’ to her during the lesson, and then finally when we see him try to help her escape, we’re thinking maybe he’s a helpful good guy after all! the tone of the episode is leading us towards that, it’s set-up to have us believe that - so, we can have that show-stopping moment of a rug being pulled out under us when el walks out, seeing the dead bodies of her ‘siblings’ and henry covered in blood. that scene change is a massive fucking curve - it’s suppose to flip you over on your back, harshly tugging away the previous thought that maybe henry would be a good guy. we can see clearly now, he is not a good guy.
this alone, should be enough context. but his actions are more proof. him trying to get close to el wasn’t to ‘help’ her or protect her from brenner - it was a manipulation tactic, bc he saw her as a prime tool of use either for her strong psychic powers or bc he saw that same lonely/’feeling different/’ factor he felt in her too making her an easy target, and planted the seed by appearing to ‘help’ her so she’d accompany him in his take-over. killing the other children was not an act of mercy - it was bc he saw them as ‘weak’ and wanted to be rid of them before moving up with el, he didn’t gave any damn about them clearly by the way he either ignored them or encouraged el to fight back against them. this isn’t empathy - it’s manipulation. like..you all know there’s a reason why there are so many similarities between henry and el/will right? it’s to show us, in almost a black-n-white way, a good guy and a bad guy. they have similarities, but it’s their inner core, who they truly are, that gives way to them making the right or wrong choices. their morals - like the way henry, again, ties up a rabbit and tortures it, and then the way el cries at harming the cat and refuses. how will is both sensitive and haunted like henry, but instead, also kind and warm - giving his dumptruck to the little girl in the sandbox, ‘all friends welcome’ written on castle byers, whereas henry went into isolation as a youth bc he was both angry and afraid of the world. henry himself maybe didn’t start out evil, but what we’re suppose to understand is that he always had it in him to become so and did.
this! is! not! a! complex! subject! it is, in fact, NOT THAT DEEP.
frankly, I am so fucking tired of seeing this - this repeated wobbifycation of the fandom’s favourite White Boys(tm) where instead of understanding them for who the creators show us they are, completely blindside that to turn them into whatever fandom wants. we saw the same fucking thing happen earlier with billy. billy was written and always meant to be a one-off antagonist. he was suppose to show up in s2 to be a foil to max and the others and literally that was it - even the duffers said so, saying they had no plan to otherwise do anything with billy. but fangirls jumped onto him and built up fever for him so hard, completely deconstructing how the duffers planned him as just a two-dimensional racist asshole and instead saying he was some justified victim who was actually a good brother to max - and boom, now the fandom is filled with this shit, of ppl openly loving a character who tried to openly harm (or possibly kill) a child of colour, and he gets a full storyline in s3. while henry has more depth then billy, overall, this is the same pattern. the show gives us a cruel figure in the form of some young white guy, meant to be seen exactly for what he is, and fandom refuses to see it, tossing away any cruel actions by saying they weren’t meant to be bad in the first place, going so far as to completely rewrite the text of the storyline. 
you know who was suppose to be read as complex? kali.
no, I will not shut up about this - bc it is both so humours and totally disappointing in the way fandom gives free licences to white villains, but completely refuses to give that to actual complex characters and instead read them as one thing only. through the entirety of kali’s episode, we get the overall picture of her as someone both caring and cruel. kali clearly loves el, the way she treats her and smiles at her and opens herself to her showcases this - though kali will never fault el from making her own choices, it’s clear she wants her in her life. she also, cares for her friends; she’s able to relate her story of abuse to their own disenfranchisement, and then taking that, seeks out those who’ve hurt her and others so they’re repercussions, and so they can’t hurt again. there’s empathy and nobility in there - but, kali is also cruel. she’s unable to see how killing ray would affect his children, and how forcing el to confront brenner hurts her. she makes wrong choices, but we’re suppose to see, that kali isn’t trying to be inherently, 100% malicious in them. she’s got a higher purpose, a more complex meaning, behind it all. when you look at her and line it all up with how she acts, treats others, and generally just goes about her business, we come to understand that she’s neither good nor bad, but, somewhere in the middle.
and what happened? she was introduced and quite literally thrown to the mob who beat her to a pulp. fandom outright refused to look at the nuances - to them, kali did one(1) bad action, and so therefore was tossed aside, no longer to be looked at. the same fucking fandom that will bend over backwards for the villains of this story, when given an actual morally grey character shaped by hardship and abuse, wouldn’t even give her the time of the day.
honestly, if it weren’t so disheartening I would find it funny. instead, it’s just sad. it’s deeply frustrating and upsetting how fandom will find every excuse in the book to validate and understand villainous characters of a certain type (aka Attractive White Boy), but won’t give the time of day to actual interesting characters who’re much more deserving of this deep analysis I’ve seen for both henry and billy.
tl;dr: henry is a fucking villain. billy is a fucking villain. they were never meant to be anything more, and if you want a complex character, you can find that in kali or frankly, a handful of other characters in this show. and once more, this fandom has a racism & misogyny problem that aids in the complete inability to properly comprehend a storyline, and it’s no fucking wonder I really hate it around here sometimes.
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misogynist-lesbian · 1 year
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I became a huge fan of TDD and writing my unit tests along with my code because I realized for every hour I "wasted" writing unit tests I saved on debugging.
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anonprotagging · 2 years
man there’s like.   almost nothing better than closing a dense 400-page textbook for the last time and knowing you’ll never have to open it for a grade again. the relief is staggering
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semiosissoftware · 8 days
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Hire NodeJS Developers - ☎ +1 9177322215
Embark on dynamic web development journeys with Semiosis' Node.js Developers. Harnessing the power of Node.js, we craft high-performance applications tailored to your needs. From real-time web solutions to scalable APIs, our expertise ensures your project's success. Dial +1 9177322215 to discuss your requirements and partner with us for innovative Node.js development.
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grotechminds · 3 months
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What is Cucumber in software testing? Cucumber is an open-source software testing tool written in Ruby. Cucumber enables you to write test cases that anyone can easily understand regardless of their technical knowledge. Embark on your Software Automation Testing industry journey by enrolling in the GROTECHMINDS software testing cucumber, cucumber framework ,cucumber software , bdd cucumber framework ,BDD framework in selenium, cucumber software testing Courses.
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Test Driven Development: Best Practices for Writing Reliable and Maintainable Code
Best Practices of Test Driven Development. Enjoy reading...
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice that involves writing automated tests before writing the code that will satisfy those tests. It is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes the importance of writing code that is both correct and maintainable. In this article, we will discuss the best practices and examples of Test Driven…
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marrywillson · 7 months
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m have a best AI, ML & Block chain development service company USA. Our Artificial Intelligence technologies usher in a new era of intelligent breakthroughs, unlock boundless discoveries, and improve human potential.
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The Benefits of TDD
Improved code quality
Early detection of bugs
Rapid feedback loop
Simplified refactoring
Design improvement
Clearer understanding of requirements
Easier integration
Reduced debugging effort
Comprehensive test coverage
Facilitates team collaboration
Customer satisfaction
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triohats · 9 months
Test Driven Development Helping In Shift Left Testing
Test Driven Development, or TDD, is a software development approach that emphasizes writing tests before writing the actual code. It’s like having a roadmap to guide you throughout the development process.It works as guard rails to help you create what is required nothing more nothing less.
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arifinfrds-blog · 9 months
WordPress Scheduled Post: "#4 Part 4.1- iOS - TDD - Random Character App - Swift - Enable the Power of TDD to Refactor MVVM to State based MVVM"
Sometimes we want to manage State in ViewModel easier. Instead of having multiple observed properties, we can have single state property that is observed by the View. We will learn how to safely refactor our ViewModel using TDD using State based MVVM.
Sometimes we want to manage State in ViewModel easier. Instead of having multiple observed properties, we can have single state property that is observed by the View. In this video, we will learn how to safely refactor our ViewModel using TDD using State based ViewModel variation. Let’s dive in into the second part of 4th video, State base MVVM with TDD! #testdrivendevelopment #tdd #tddios…
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