#I love all agonists
catgrandpa · 4 months
I wish the characters weren’t all so great because Kabru should be my favorite character he has everything for me but then the autistic monster fucker guy opens his damn mouth and says something so god damn stupid and I’m done for.
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hitmeupaep · 11 months
dean 10000% has confessed his love to cas in the shower
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driftwithme · 1 year
I love that Guillermo del Toro didn't want Pacific Rim to be all about the military, so he ended up giving the PPDC ranks based on cowboy imagery: ranger, marshall, etc.
It makes me think about some of the most beloved characters by the narrative are the ones who rebel agonist the military way of doing stuff: characters like Newt and Raleigh for example. Because well, characters like Mako and Hermann are rebellious but only due the influence of Newt and Raleigh -- and characters like Herc and Chuck seem to be rebellious in parallel to Raleigh too, like some contagious virtue on the loose.
It's palpable in two of their most famous lines on the movie: when Newton talks about how fortune favors the brave and when Raleigh tells Mako that in real life you make decisions and you have to learn to keep living with the consequences. Everyone around them looks down at them at some point for being what they'd call reckless, but Raleigh and Newt are aware of the risks, they are not kids. Which is funny because in contrast, they even do that to each other: the perception of the other as a fool of some sort.
And yet, without Newt and Raleigh tendency of disobeying, they'd all be dead and gone.
Without Raleigh insitance on having Mako as his co-pilot and his demand to get G. Danger deployed, the Double Event would had been the catastrophe that ended their last run to the Breach before it started. Without Newt's crazy plan of drifting with a kaiju, they would had perish due the lack or information.
Twice Raleigh piloted solo and twice Newt drifted with a kaiju. In one of those ocassion they had to give a part of themselves that they would never get back (a part of Newt's sanity, Yancy's life). After the first time, both emphasize to Pentecost that they can't do it again. They can, technically, but now they've done it once and it hurt.
Still they do it and it saves the world.
The man who was good for nothing except to hold his own on a fight and the guy who was destined to love fictitious monsters in every universe except that one. In any other world or timeline, Newtom and Raleigh would have been the losers. They were still somehow the losers on Pacrim, a has-been pilot turnes into a builder and a scientist perceive as another sick kaiju groupie. They weren't disciplined like the others yet they were a bit obsessive, they were the sort of ambitious that makes people doubt, stubborn and arrogant in their convictions, totally unapologetic in knowing themselves.
Sure, they have to pay the price in double, but at the end of the day, they are champs of fortune: they do the impossible and survive to tell their stories, breaking every rule and winning the faith of those around them.
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psyphigirl · 5 months
Trial Run
Content Warning for death feedism straying closer to abuse rather than a mutual relationship.
How was that? Nice?
No ... ? Oh. I spent a long time making that slop for you to enjoy. The least you could do is pretend to be appreciative of everything I do for you.
I know it makes you sick and eating so much is painful, I'm tired of hearing you compain. Your ailments don't have to be my problem. It's hardly my fault I had to fatten you into immobility. You were constantly trying to fucking escape!
Enough with the waterworks. Don't you think I know you well enough by now to tell when you're faking? Yeah that's right, dry your eyes.
Oh, what's that? Something's the matter? Let me guess: Tight chest? Probably a heart attack, then. But you aren't worried about a silly little mid-week heart attack. You've survived heart attacks before.
Unless ... Maybe there was a little extra sugar in today's slop. Maybe some extra lard, too. Or maybe, just maybe, there was a little dose of levalbuterol.
Ooooh ... That got your attention, didn't it? That's right. A beta agonist. The perfect thing to give to someone who suffers from reccurent heart attacks. I'm a little disappointed you knew what that was, to be honest. If you remember your time as a pharmasist it means I've failed to strip you of your personality and memories. No matter. I've learned from my mistakes.
Haha, now you don't fancy your odds! Now you don't think you'll make it through. Now you're scared.
I bet you wished you hadn't left me everything you own in your will. It was such a turn on for you to do so, too. At least, it was until I made you too big for the front door. All that money ... such an incentive for me to ... How should I put it ... Cash in? And move on to the next unsuspecting sow.
Hello? Still with us? Vision fading? Vignette growing around the edges of your vision?
Let me just lie you back down on the bed. There you are. If you're experiencing loss of vision you're sure to soon become too lightheaded to stay upright.
Woah ... I can actually hear your heart beating from your bedside. You're little heart is actually beating out of your chest and you're still lucid. How about that.
Don't give me that look. I won't leave you. I won't risk you pulling ofd yet another miraculous revival only for me to be halfway across the country, thinking the job is finished, and not being by your side to feed you some more slop.
I know you know you were only a trial run. But I did love our time together. Why don't you sleep now? There there. You won't have to deal with me much longer ...
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harmonic-melodii · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
Thanks, @davycoquette, It's time for me to drop some more lore about myself! My answers will most likely end up longwinded. And here's a link to the original post too for the questions if you'd like to fill them out yourself! Link
About You
When did you start writing?
I started writing around 2016, so when I was about 12 years old. I was already an avid reader and devoured every single book I came across. Back then my stories were much more fantastical, but the passion never died.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I will never write Historical Fiction despite it being one of my favorite genres to read. Books that delve into alternative history or simple romance stories that take place around historic events have always held a special place in my heart. Why will I never write in that genre? Because I'm not built for the research that goes into creating those settings.
I also enjoy the occasional romance novel, though I don't write romance-specific stories. The lightheartedness is a much-needed break from the gritty stories and concepts I write. At most I include romantic subplots in some things, but I don't like focusing on romance as a plot.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Not for my fantasy works. For sci-fi, I would like to emulate Ray Bradbury. I've always loved his books and short stories. And how he wrote about the human condition and its interactions with technology for better and worse. Though I cannot say I have written anything as profound yet.
As for poetry, I'm heavily inspired by many African-American poets like Langston Hughes and Maya Angelou. As a young black woman myself, I hold a lot of respect for similar artists in my discipline that came before me. And while my poems are inspired by my experiences and struggles with race, I believe they can bridge gaps of understanding.
Overall, I have never been compared to any authors.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
My writing spaces are as chaotic and fluid as me. Sometimes I will be sitting at my desk with a water bottle and typing on my computer. Other times I'll lie in bed at 2 am typing furiously into my notes app. Hell, I have a tiny spiral notebook that's a bunch of index cards with entire plots and character profiles. I write wherever and whenever I can.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Music. I create countless playlists, some of which I'll share soon. I probably have over 70 total. Not all for my WIP or other characters that exist, but all of them are for writing in some form or another. Otherwise, I try to regularly consume new media. That is a lot harder because it takes so much energy for me to engage with new content, but when it works it works.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Not necessarily. Very little of my inspiration comes from the beach town I grew up in. Rather I'm influenced by places where I've endured insane life trauma. Don't worry, there's no trauma dumping here. I want to write about those places because it allows me to visit them again safely and on my own terms.
As for people, yes a handful of my characters are inspired by people I've met. Some are not the best. But hey, it makes for decent inspiration.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
I feel like I always gravitate towards writing about religion in some form or another. I was raised Christian myself and currently identify as Agonistic. I like deconstructing faith and what it means to believe in something greater than yourself. So it doesn't entirely surprise me that I circle back to religion in one way or another.
I also write a lot about family dynamics and the platonic love or lack thereof within those dynamics. And about the limits of love and what is considered "too much".
Your Characters
Me? Talking about the lesbians in my novel?? Yep!
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Hands down my favorite character in the cast is Aaliyah. She's the main protagonist. An optimistic college freshman, who has an intense thirst for knowledge. She was raised by her father, Ezra, all on his own. Ever since she could remember it's only been the two of them. She's funny, sweet, but very sheltered at the end of the day.
Which of your characters do you think you’d be friends with in real life?
I think I'd be decent friends with Graham. She's a guitarist in a rock band. A little rough around the edges, but I'd love to hear the music she plays.
Which of your characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
It'd probably be Ezra. He's a strict man and quite judgmental of people. If anything he'd dislike me first and I'd simply have to fire back on principle.
Tell me about the process of coming up with of one, all, or any of your characters.
In general, all of my characters start as an idea or concept. For example: Graham came to fruition because I thought it'd be funny for the man who oversees campus safety at this small college to have a rebellious daughter. Then slowly, I add more details about who she is as a person. I ask "why?" questions all of the time. Once I have a solid idea of who they are, I connect them to other characters. Sometimes relationships come before the solid idea and they help.
Do you notice any recurring themes/traits among your characters?
I write so many lgbtq+ and people of color. I genuinely don't think I have many cishet white characters. Because if they're not straight, then they're bisexual, lesbian, or asexual. I write a handful of trans people (Graham my darling beloved is trans). And I don't write a ton of white people because I enjoy writing things that represent me and my communities.
When it comes to this specific unnamed WIP the characters share themes of guilt, love, and rebellion. Which is what creates the perfect storm of the plot they find themselves in.
How do you picture them? (As real people you imagined, as models/actors who exist in real life, as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc.)
I use picrews to imagine what my characters look like. I don't draw and I prefer the blank canvas I get with avatar creators. It's very freeing.
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
I write to share my thoughts and feelings. My opinions will be heard one way or another.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Honestly, most comments are motivating enough. Just the idea that someone looked at my work and felt compelled to write something about it is enough for me.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Character building and writing tension. I feel both go hand in hand when you're writing scenes. The stronger the character the better potential for a tangible relationship between the two.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Professors have complimented me on tension and character-building. I've been told I have the ability to really dig things out.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question.)
It's fun and cool. Best hobby ever!
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Definitely. In fact, I'd probably write in obscure and weird places. Like I'd get paint and write lines of poetry on the street. Things like that. All of my writing doesn't need to be read, I just like getting it out of my head.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? If it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
As someone who has also written fanfiction, I don't care what other people enjoy. I write for myself first and foremost. Because for every single person who doesn't like my writing, I know there's at least a handful of people who love it. If I focused on what people enjoyed reading I simply wouldn't be writing my WIP novel.
Tag list time !
@sodaliteskull @honeybewrites @cowboybrunch @writeblragenda
+ Open tag to anyone else who wants to participate!
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dragons-bones · 1 year
FFXIV Write Entry #2: Drumming Song
Prompt: bark || Master Post || On AO3
“I think I’ve found it,” Synnove muttered to herself, examining a rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb made of tiny, glittering aetheric equations repeated over and over in a perfect tessellation, floating amongst a ribbon of other geometries.
Her new carbuncle, Tyr, was a lovely, sweet boy, gentle despite his enormous size, but he was…quiet. Unnaturally so: he made no physical sounds like the purring or chittering common of carbuncles, nor did he communicate via the aetheric harmonic that Galette uses with her. The lack of it has clearly frustrated the lad, and so Synnove had spent this first sennight of possessing a new summon on unspooling his physical form into a single line of code to examine each and every fragment of his full manifested array. The written array was perfect, so clearly something had gone pear-shaped during summoning.
And now, finally, she’d found it. This equation tessellating into the honeycomb, at a glance, seemed to be related to sound; Synnove jotted down the full equation in her notebook, as well as a sketch of a flat rendering of the shape it formed, to better study it later. Her current theory was that the sheer density of aether contained in Tyr’s topaz had caused some sort of interference and so far, the evidence supported it. That this was the only hiccup was a pleasant surprise.
For all that he couldn’t communicate in a traditional manner at the moment, Tyr was still aware and able to make himself known: the ribbon of his unspooled-self did an excited little shimmy. Synnove grinned as she began to pluck the honeycomb apart, pinching a dodecahedron here, smudging one with her thumb there.
As she worked, something rhythmic began to niggle at the back of her mind, thumpthumpthump, like someone rattling a door, growing steadily louder as the honeycomb. Her grin widened. “Patience, Tyr,” she crooned, and despite her growing excitement, she kept to her own methodical pace.
Finally, as the penultimate dodecahedron melted away, leaving but one behind:
--ama! Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!
“Hello, Tyr,” Synnove said, smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. Tyr’s aetheric harmonic was the comforting thrum of gazelle-hide drums and tolling brass bells. “It’s nice to finally meet you!”
Synnove shoved her chair back, and the long, glittering ribbon of golden light abruptly rolled itself up with an audible snap! As the roll completed, Tyr burst back into full materiality, and he landed with a wood-creaking THUD. For such an enormous carbuncle, he was fast, and in the blink of an eye he had rushed forward to shove his head into her stomach, his tails lashing as he tried to crawl into her lap, and chattering at a high pitch.
She aggressively cuddled him back, leaning down to plant a smacking kiss between his ears, and laughed when the action elicited in an adorable tippity-tap from Tyr’s paws. “All right, my boyo,” she said, drawing away and cupping his head in her hands, “want to give me a nice big bork hello?”
Yeah! Tyr chattered. He backed up a few steps and sat down, so excited he was visibly vibrating. His chest expanded and he opened his mouth and—
[the agonistic colliding of tectonic plates and the melting of corruption into coal into diamond and the igneous iron at the heart of the star and the tintinnabulation of limestone water into stalagmites and stalactites and the ever-wait as fire becomes stone and the ancient humming at the root of a mountain and the patient rumbling as crystal becomes Self]
—Synnove’s  eyes snapped open and she wheezed for breath as she stared up into Tyr’s worried face.
Mama, did I do it right?
Synnove was not sure what he had just done. Her scientific brain was furious about that. Her common sense brain told her scientific brain to shut the fuck up and reminded it that sometimes stupid mortals Did Not Need To Know Things. Synnove listened to common sense brain, and promptly let her memory go fuzzy and grey.
Instead, she reached up and patted his cheek. “Think so,” she croaked. “We’ll work on volume. And tone.”
Tyr promptly dropped down onto her in a full-body sprawl—she wheezed again—and began to purr. It was deep, almost soundlessly so, but it sunk down into her bones and caused every muscle in her body to relax and woah. All right, yes, that. That was good. And amazing.
Synnove wrapped her arms around her carbuncle, and decided this was probably as good a time as any for a nap.
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Some of the things I hate the most in comics are characters who are time/universe displaced.
These types of things happen because of popularity and making it so that they are stuck in a place, still, I'm not fond of the trope when there are better alternatives.
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(DC universe: legacies #2).
Originally 2 of the founders of the seven soldiers of victory were Oliver Queen and Roy Harper, better known as green arrow and speedy. But here's the catch, since they didn't have a Alan Scott/Hall Jordan situation DC would often change the line up to not involve the archers... That is until 2021 with the stargirl spring break special where they reveal they got sent back in time by clock king and where the golden age heroes.
The previous solution was good or alternatively pulling an All-stars wouldn't be bad I think, hell @the-antiapocalyptic-man take on how a golden age green arrow would be is pretty cool.
Usually with these types of things DC easily solves with merging universes with yeah it works like 80% of the time.
Another character that fits the bill is power girl, I'm not a big fan of her (not that the character isn't great, it's just that I'm focusing on other heroes) but her history is intertwined with her "younger" counterpart in ways that honestly hurt both characters.
She is both an unfortunate outcome of editorial mandates and amazing writing.
From the other beast that dominates the comic book industry you have Miles Morales and... Oh boi.
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I have a love and hate relationship with him, I get why he is here but more than anything I'm frustrated about marvel inability to actually commit to the decision, one day he remembers he is from another universe and the other he doesn't so what is it? Oh and also while we are at it his 616 origin sucks and I fucking hate Aaron.
(I think a cool version of 616 miles would be him being the son of one of those 7 unnamed Brothers of Hobie, he is also a mutant and would take on the mantle of prowler after his uncle retires or something).
Now the main reason I made this post is Bart Allen, don't get me wrong I like all these superheroes and enjoy their displaced nature but what happens when Bart ages? Is he still gonna exist when parents are born? Obviously none of these questions are gonna be answered because these characters are never gonna age, even if it's there's an ongoing plot for it.
Oh and don't get me started Scott Summers and his panteon of children from apocalyptic futures.
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Anyway sorry for the long rant about me being racist agonist fictional people from other dimensions.
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imongmamabitch · 2 years
A Knight and a King
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...notes: i'm backkkkk, there will be a part 2 :D
...contains: Diluc Ragnvindr x gn!reader, royal au, angst, mentions of blood and violence
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“I forbid you.”
You looked up and  spoke with a stern voice, “With all due respect my king, you cannot do that.” Diluc looks down at you with stern eyes, “I can, I am king, you will follow my orders.” You sigh and bow your head again, “My king, we are under siege, there is no time for this.” Diluc sighs and runs a hand through his hair, “Rise.”
You do as you are ordered and look at your king, his face is no longer stern and is now sullen, “Please, you know why I’m doing this.”
“I know.” you said solemnly, “But we both know where our duties lie. I have to go.” You both could hear the screaming and destruction of the kingdom from where you stood, there was no time for this argument but you can’t directly disobey your ruler. “I am not a Kingsguard so I cannot stay. I must fight with my brethren out there, it’s where I belong.” You say, trying to convince him to let you go even though you would still be going nevertheless what he says.
“I can’t let you die.” you heard him whisper. You didn’t know what to say or do. This was inevitable, you were going to die serving him, it’s just how it is. It’s your duty to give your life and entire being to him. He is the one that mustn't die. He’s far too important, while you were just one in a sea of the same knights. Offering their life to their ruler, having to die for their ruler.
“I can’t let you die either.” You didn’t know when you both moved but all of a sudden, you were both close to each other, merely a hair’s breadth apart. You could feel the sadness flowing out of him.
“It’s my honor to die for you, Your Majesty.” you whisper before pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaving the throne room.
You couldn’t look back, you just know that there was heartbreak painted on his face, as you feel yours when you finally left his line of sight. Diluc felt the tears prick his eyes, and let them flow freely. He was alone, he could cry and wallow in his sorrow as he helplessly watched his beloved walk towards danger.
He may be king but there’s nothing he could do to change your ever stubborn mind.
He loved you for that but right now, he wished you weren’t.
Diluc sobbed and wailed, clinging onto the hope that you would live and come back to him, alive and well. Hope is what kept him going as the enemies continued to surge his kingdom. All he could do was sit and wait. Wait for the agonistic screams to end. For the blood to finally run freely through the soil.
Would he even have a kingdom to rule by the end of this siege?
No, he must be optimistic, his soldiers, his knights are the best the Archons ever had to offer. He knows they’re all strong willed and capable, especially you. He had seen your strength and strategic prowess first hand. He knew what you were capable of, what you’re capable of doing. He won’t ever doubt your skills but were they enough to defeat an army of thousands?
Highly doubtful.
He was pulled back into reality when a knock reverberated from his room’s door. “Come in.” he said and Elzer, his butler, entered, “Your Majesty, there’s news of the siege.” This made Diluc stand up in anticipation, “And?”
Elzer looked hesitant to deliver the news but pushed on, “[name] has been mortally wounded.” 
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© do not repost, translate, heavily reference any of my works and please reblog
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lavalamp-juice · 1 year
Just watched the premiere of My Adventures with Superman! /w my mom AHHHHH
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My 2 cents about it!!!! -
Spoilers for the first 2 episodes
Clark- UGH LOVEABLE GOOF HE'S SO KIND AND SWEET I LOVE HIS CHARACTER!!! He is different but not too different. He has strong morals but is quirky and not as serious as any other iteration (that I have seen) it's nice to see Superman happy ya know?🦸‍♂️ALSO HE CLEANED UP THE MESS IN THE CITY THAT HE MADE. LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT. I'm assuming superheroes usually do that but they never really show it right?
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Jimmy Olsen- Character design is so fun I love it! I think he was always kinda a conspiracy theorist but they really add to it here, but not in an annoying way! He's a sweetheart, totally golden retriever vibes. He reminds me a lot of Mikey form ROTTMNT. Interesting thing I liked I that he took blurry photos like yeah he's not a professional yet, and was getting cars thrown at him.
Ah yes Lois Lane- most of my Comparisons are from the past DC animated shows like STAS and JLU, the Loises in those are not my favorite just because of ego but THIS Lois is so fun!!! She's extremely ambitious :D
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The relationships between all of them- Clark and Jimmy have a great platonic relationship! Cool that they are roommates s too will make Clarks secret identity thing even more interesting!
Jimmy and Lois have a nice friendship, they are both crazy so pairing them together is so fun. Lol Clark is just trying to handle two little kids it's great. In Superman the animated series Lois and Clark are like late 20s and Jimmy is just a tag along teen, so them all being the same age is so fresh and interesting!
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Clark and Lois are so cute together it's wonderful <3 Chemistry between them is really cute (I love when Clark brought up her to his mom) Made me like
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The Story: Yes Yes Yes
Everything Else! - Animation is amazing! Put me in a mood to actually make art which is always a plus :))) Clarks mom looked a lot like my mom it was weird, also she's so supportive :') The boss guy was a J. Jonah Jameson type so always good for a laugh and a bit of an agonist.
So sorry for the rant I've just always loved these characters and seeing them brought in a fresh way is so cool!
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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pysoch · 10 months
I cannot get enough of vampire medic I cannot get enough of him I cannot I cannot I cannot I love the concept the idea is so addicting the possibilities are endless it's like being handed a marker in a padded cell im FEEERAAAAAL
No and hear me out it's not because the whole blood infatuation (simply a plus) but because it's so easy to bend his persona around that of a vampire in terms of being a recluse, tired, agonistic and shunning god himself, with a sultry but suave attitude and a stone expression only broken by longing for mortality or non-violent love when that's all he knows HEHEIAHAHEUSHUEEVEVWVEBSHSBBS NO BECAYSE PLEASE HEAR ME OUUUUTTTT
Getting into surgical fields and dangerous work as a medic just so he'd have an excuse not only to fulfill the hunger he has but to see the inner workings and lives of mortals while trying not to freak them ouuuttTTTTT HELLLEPEMM MEMEME
And hear me OUUUUUUUUT think of all your guy's stupid and questionable ships among the mercs fit names as space provides but imagine the amount of angst alone this could bring holy shittttt and especially how the team sees him as abnormal and sadistic but internally he just wants a life with someone he won't FRIGHTEN AWAY, ANGER, OR FEED OFF OF BUT THEN THERES THE SUBTLE TONES THAT HE "FEEDS OFF OF THEM" EMOTIONALLY OHHHHH GODDDD
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also becaus. Red.!!!
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ecargmura · 10 months
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End Episode 11 Review - Another Elf
This episode shows the conclusion of the fight with Aura. It’s overall a happy ending as all the possessed suit of armors finally rest in peace and then Frieren and her party get to stay at the city for a while until they leave, but they did it peacefully. It’s a chill episode overall.
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It’s nice to have confirmation that the suit of armor that had the same pendant as Granat’s was his son. It’s nice that the city is at peace and that Frieren, Fern and Stark are able to move around at peace. There were cute and funny moments, especially the part where Stark becomes afraid of the man with the axe to the point that he passed out and Fern had to lift him via floatation magic. Also, I do like that Fern and Stark get new clothes; come to think of it, Frieren hasn’t changed her clothes in eighty years. Does she use magic to preserve the quality of her default outfit? Also, where does she store all those grimoires she gets? That briefcase looks too small to be holding fifty or more books. Most of all, I really liked the insert song as the party spend their remaining time in the city from eating nice meals to praying for the departed souls. The song is called Bliss and it’s sung by milet and composed by Evan Call, the main composer for this anime’s soundtrack; her voice is so lovely. The song itself is so peaceful, like it’s an ending for one chapter and the beginning of another.
The second half of the episode is the party leaving the town but then getting halted by a blizzard. Because the northern lands have harsh weather, they take shelter in a cabin that Frieren had prior knowledge of. This is when they meet the monk Kraft, another elf. It’s honestly surprising to see another elf since Frieren has been the only one we’ve seen so far; I’m not too sure how many elves are remaining since demons had killed a lot in the past, especially the ones in Frieren’s village a millennia ago.
Kraft as a character is quite interesting. As an elf, he is a lot different than Frieren in terms of mindset. He is someone who is religious and does things because he wants his life to be worthy when he eventually does pass away. That’s why he believes in the Goddess. Because he believes that a goddess of creation does exist, he believes in her just so he has someone to praise him for his deeds. While Kraft is the equivalent of a Christian or a Catholic, Frieren is the equivalent of an atheist or an agonistic. I believe in God, but I’m not super religious. I know a bunch of atheists too and they have similar mindsets to Frieren in terms of their beliefs. I do like that spending time with Kraft has caused Frieren to be reminded of Heiter. Since she’s mainly thinking about either Flame or Himmel when necessary, it’s nice to see that even Heiter was someone important to her for her to reminisce about. Kraft calls Frieren “young”, not because of her age, but it’s due to her lack of belief in the goddess. I think it’s nice learning about the religious aspects of this story because it makes it feel like a world of its own.
Oh, if you’ve ever watched SK8 The Infinity, Kraft shares his voice actor with Adam, Takehito Koyasu. Stark shares the same voice actor as Langa, Chiaki Kobayashi. That anime had Koyasu’s character be a bit…eccentric towards Kobayashi’s character, so it’s like an SK8 mini reunion between Adam and Langa in a way (It’s also a bit weird in context if you don’t like Adam). I think that Koyasu did a great job with Kraft. He showed off Kraft’s weirdness but also the composed side of him.
It’s interesting to note that Frieren and her party stayed with Kraft for six months. Even if Fern and Stark don’t like it when they stay at one place for too long, there was no other choice as the blizzard was too strong for them to progress. It’s sad that he didn’t join the party, but I do hope that they’ll meet again some day. I think one little detail from the time they spent with Kraft was that all three of them eventually started praying before eating their meals. The sequences has it that Kraft was the only one who prayed, then it was Stark and Fern, and now Frieren. It’s nice seeing them adapt and adjust to their surroundings and not make the other feel left out. Do you think they’ll meet Kraft again on their travels?
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moochilatv · 2 months
Chasing Zeniths presents: Yesterday's Outsider
Progressive rock music.
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"Yesterday's Outsider" by Chasing Zeniths is a powerful and evocative progressive symphonic rock song about frustrations one might experience during a breakup, especially if you are the one putting in most of the effort trying to keep the relationship on track.
Chasing Zeniths is the progressive and symphonic rock brainchild of songwriter, composer, and guitarist Carl Kernie.
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Based in Washington State, Carl’s youthful adventures included building high quality furnished snow forts with his younger brother and backpacking the rugged trails of the Cascade Range and Rocky Mountains. After graduating high school at the age of 15, Carl took the opportunity to travel throughout Europe and North America. While living upon such exotic shores as Washington, Colorado, Kansas, Switzerland, and Norway, Carl developed a sincere love of composing music with all the wondrous sounds of modern and traditional instruments and voices.
An avid concert-goer, Carl soon made the acquaintance of fantastically talented musicians, many of whom he now calls friends and several of whom he invited to participate on his debut album Epochs Changing. Some of these collaborators include Timo Somers and Charlotte Wessels, both former members of acclaimed symphonic metal band Delain; Anna Murphy (Eluveitie, Cellar Darling); Vicky Psarakis (The Agonist, Sicksense); and more. Rooted deeply in personal reflection and experiences, Epochs Changing is the result of years of grit and determination to create unique soundscapes that will hopefully inspire others to pursue what is most important to them. When not composing music, Carl is the author of the soon-to-be-released fantasy novel Paper Wings and is currently working on book two in the series.
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Roman Engen, Carl Kernie, and Timo Somers (Photo from https://www.facebook.com/chasingzeniths)
The collaborators:
World-renowned virtuoso guitarist Timo Somers hails from The Netherlands and has this to say about Chasing Zeniths:
“It's been so cool meeting a young Carl years ago while I was on tour in the USA and now seeing his musical vision come to life and me being a helping hand in that. His music is very intricate and precise. All the layers fit into each other melodically like a big proggy puzzle, which makes for a very big and bombastic whole. I've been very stoked to put down some of the pieces and am excited to see what insanity he comes up with next!”
Providing a rock solid foundation for the music of Chasing Zeniths, Roman Engen hails from Oslo, Norway and has this to say about the project:
"Working with Carl on this album has truly been a unique experience for me. Coming from a jazz, prog, and death metal background, the music was a really fun challenge and gave opportunity for me to play with artists who come from different styles from what I normally play. Carl masterfully crafted each artist's creative talents into a modern prog masterpiece that I'm really proud to be a part of.” - Roman Engen, bassist.
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So, I do mention stuff about Squalo's femily in this post: https://squalodinoappreciationsquad.tumblr.com/post/739709038808449024/headcanons-squalos-family
Now, whilst I might not have the ability now for the entire family tree, I CAN delve a bit more on the issues Squalo's parents have and maybe also why I headcanon Squalo with daddy issues and overcompensation issues.
Squalo's mother and father
I have said that Squalo's dad is your classic case of deadbeat dad and also a huge case of "I pretended I wanted a kid until I could not anymore, I never wanted kids and my fiancée getting pregnant and keeping the baby was a huge mistake and I want no part in this".
I named this guy Livio Superbi, he is Squalo's biological dad.
He never actually put any signature on Squalo's birth certificate, so Squalo actually only has a "Genitore 1" signed, aka his mother Veronica Fontana.
Now, Veronica and Livio met at a fencing competition, they were both fencers at an agonistic level, they liked each other, things got heated because Veronica was a very straightforward woman and Livio loved that.
They officially decided to get engaged at 24 years old, after three years of dating, and were supposed to marry one year later.
Both families were so happy about them until Veronica brought home a positive pregnancy test.
And Livio was not thrilled.
He started questioning whether this baby was actually his, therefore Veronica did a DNA test and confirmed that the baby was his son.
This was done only and exclusively to keep the press at bay - let me remind you that both Livio and Veronica were fencers at an agonistic level.
So the press was all over.
And Livio shut up and pretended everything was fine until the day before the wedding.
That day he basically left to never come back - Veronica was by now 7 months pregnant.
All hell broke loose.
The press sharks were making the rounds, and whilst Veronica had to be rushed to the hospital due to stress and all collapsing around her, both families agreed that Livio had to be disowned and they also tried pressing charges, but the man was already in Argentina by then.
Veronica was then physically fine and gave birth to a baby boy she named Andrea - and this one would become the Squalo Superbi we all love.
Emotionally though. This was the end of all trust she had and the end of her being in love, therefore becoming a bit harsh - that's why Squalo does not define her as "sweet" or "nurturing", but nevertheless mother and son love each other dearly.
Livio Superbi was served with a court o0rder to pay alimony, but he found a way around it. He basically renounced any parental rights and got rid of the Italian citizenship, both by applying for the Argentinian citizenship and by marrying an Argentinian woman called Felicia Suarez.
Karma is a bitch and his wife ended up having not 1, but 3 kids - this time too he didn't want them, but his wife's family had enough dirt on him that he would not be able to live peacefully ever at all.
They were ready to dig up anything related to Veronica Fontana and include her - there was a barely missed court hearing where Veronica would have been able to sue the man's ass for everything he was worth, but this never happened as the man finally decided that maybe it was time to take on a tiny bit of responsibility.
But does Squalo know about his father and his half-siblings?
Once in the Varia he was sent on a mission in Argentina and that was where he met his bio dad.
The meeting did NOT go well.
Etc etc.
The half-siblings kind of apologised and whilst Squalo does not feel any bond with them, he doesn't hold any grudge against them. They occasionally write each other.
There was actually a moment where Livio Superbi tried to come back when his father passed away suddenly of cancer and he wanted some of the inheritance, but he was presented with the papers detailing that he had been disowned and cut off from the family and so he never tried anything after this.
This is what I have. Thoughts?
Squalo's daddy issues and overcompensation
Now, because of all of this, I think Squalo has quite a few daddy issues. He didn't grow up with a father and his mother has been unwilling to find a father figure for him - in her words "your father was a piece of trash, you are growing up just fine with me only, why would you need a father anyway?"
Which means that Squalo really didn't have any male figure to relate to directly. Yes, he has an uncle and and a grandpa, but they would not see him as a son.
Though he has accidentally called Romario "dad" a few times, whilst hanging out with Dino.
Dino is notoriously the guy who grew up without a mother, Squalo is definitely a guy who grew up without a father.
Which also brings me to think that his daddy issues are what is bringing Squalo to follow men with ambition. And also, given the whole background, Squalo has also an idea of loyalty that is ABSOLUTE.
Which also brings up OVERCOMPENSATION. Because Squalo does feel like a perfectionist in all ways and he may feel lacking in something, then he has to compensate elsewhere to bring the metaphorical balance he has in his head in perfect equilibrium.
This is good when everything is going well, but when things go south it's an absolute debacle.
And this is what I think. Any thoughts?
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escapismqueen · 4 months
Yeah I'm not a fan of Susannah she's the cause of all this it's her and Conrad with the letters and that necklace destroy these items they're cursed. That scene in that book is awful I tried to be vague when discussing the books with you but yeah they're really bad it's weird though because at one time Belly is so in love with Jere then she flip flops it shows how inconsistant Jenny's writing is we would have a better series if someone else wrote it. I didn't mention that she also shaved her legs and tried to look good before meeting Conrad with everyone else in the group when I read that it made me mad. Jeremiah deserves so much better turning him into a frat boy or whatever made no sense to me making him look dumb and not good as Conrad when in fact I would say it's the opposite Jere is better than Conrad there's a reason he only goes after Belly when he knows Jere likes her. It's going to suck if they do anything book 3 related I forgot to mention Laurel how she was so against him with Belly in the third book yet she's fine with Conrad? So much bias in this series I'll always be ride or die for him I can't believe he gets treated like this all the time and he has to hide how he feels a lot they think he's this playboy/fratboy when he's not Conrad and Steven fit that type imo.
I agree with all of this ! And omg you mentioning Laurel had actually reminded me of a part in the audio book that I hear that I was like WHAT ?! Which is when Laurel was so agonist belly and here getting married that she was refusing to go to the wedding and even told Steven she wasn’t happy about him going ?! Like I’m sorry WHAT. The whole thing is so fucked. Is it too much to ask that we see a healthy relationship go the distance on a show ?!
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eternityservedcold · 1 year
this is a masterpost of all my homestuck!tboi designs. this wont be a rehash of info from my sketch posts from my main blog theres actual new info i prommy. ill reblog this with new ones when-if i make them ok ?
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pronouns: any
name explanation: "azaela" is "azazel" with the letters lightly scrambled to homestuck-ify it. "lemato" is from "le mat", the french name of the fool tarot card
sign: pirius, sign of the storyteller
a pangram written in his quirk: ⛧ wiz⛧rds job is to vex chumps quickly in fog!
lusus: gl'bgolyb (<-- fuchsia moment)
trolltag: aspiringGreatness [AG]
strife specibus: 2x3dentkind (<-- fuchsia moment also)
very short classpect explanation: a mage knows their aspect or knows with their aspect. hope represents optimism, belief, truth, etc
shes honestly the tutorial level for the rest of this post
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pronouns: they/them
name explanation: "lossat" is a corruption of "lost". "lalune" is from "la lune", "the moon" in french
sign: liblo, sign of the inescapable
pangram: Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow .
lusus: hawk
trolltag: graciousApotropaic [GA]
strife specibus: polearmkind
classpect explanation: a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. heart represents feelings, the soul, personality, etc
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pronouns: he/him
name explanation: the "j" in "judas" was replaced with "y" to make it sound the way most languages pronounce judas' name, which also homestuck-ifies it a bit. i also added an e to make his name 6 letters. "akelda" is from "akeldama" which is where judas from the bible died, also a judas unlock
sign: aquaza, sign of the politic
pangram: W4ltz, b4d nymph, 4 quick jigs vex.
lusus: vampire squid
trolltag: annoyedCombatant [AC]
strife specibus: daggerkind
classpect explanation: an heir changes their aspect or through their aspect. mind represents choices, alternate realities, thought, etc
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pronouns: he/him but doesnt actually care
name explanation: "kaenic" comes from "k'aeni", georgian for "cain", and "szeren" comes from "szerencse", hungarian for "luck"
sign: lepia, sign of the synthesizer
pangram: pack my box with five dozen 7iquor jugs
lusus: raccoon
trolltag: convictedAirhead [CA]
strife specibus: 2xknifekind
classpect explanation: a rogue steals their aspect or steals with their aspect, and gives it to others. light represents luck, knowledge, perception, etc
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pronouns: he/they
name explanation: "samzun" is just homestuck-ified "samson". "agonis" is from "agonistes", which means "champion" or "combatant", and references samson agonistes. it also sounds like "adonis" which i think is fun
sign: sagicorn, sign of the wild
pangram: Tw⎋ dr↑ven j⎋cks help fax my b↑g qu↑z.
lusus: bear
trolltag: temperamentalGoverner [TG]
strife specibus: fistkind
classpect explanation: a knight exploits their aspect or exploits with their aspect. rage represents chaos, defiance, fear, etc
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pronouns: he/him
name explanation: "elazar" is from "el azar", the origin of the name name "lazarus". "fordan" is a corruption of "four days", referencing lazarus' epithet "the four-days dead"
sign: argo, sign of the zenith
pangram: By Jove, my quick ⚕tudy of lexicography won a prize!
lusus: possum
trolltag: gunshyTherapist [GT]
strife specibus: garrotekind
classpect explanation: a page invites exploitation of or invites exploitation through their aspect. space represents creation, manipulation, patience, etc
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pronouns: she/it
name explanation: "evevir" comes from "vivir", the spanish word for "to live", which hearkens to "hava", the hebrew name of eve, which means "living". "megali" means "great", a reference to babylon the great
sign: gemcen, sign of the entertainer
pangram: ☾ Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz ☆
lusus: coyote
trolltag: gothicCacodemon [GC]
strife specibus: clawkind
classpect explanation: a prince destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. blood represents relationships, stability, attachment, etc
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pronouns: she/her
name explanation: look me in the eye and tell me you dont know where "maggie moriah" comes from.
sign: virsci, sign of the alchemist
pangram: My girl wove six dozen plaid jacke†s before she qui†!
lusus: cow
trolltag: charitableGourmet [CG]
strife specibus: spoonkind
classpect explanation: a witch manipulates their aspect or manipulates through their aspect. life represents healing, positivity, growth, etc
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pronouns: he/she/it
name explanation: "bughaw" is from "bugháw", "blue" in tagalog. it also has "bug" in it. "chepri" is one of the transliterations of "khepri", the name of the egyptian scarab-faced god, who can represent rebirth/renewal
sign: scormini, sign of the martyr
alive!pangram: all questixns asked by five watched xperts amaze the judge
dead!pangram: while making deep xcavations we f0und s0me quaint br0nze jewelry
lusus: fly
trolltag: carrionsTransgression [CT]
strife specibus: hatchetkind
classpect explanation: a thief steals their aspect or steals with their aspect. doom represents death, negativity, rules, etc
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pronouns: she/they
name explanation: "isscah" is from "iscah", a person mentioned briefly in the bible. okay i chose this name because its a female name starting with "is". "jusawi" means "dice" in korean, and the "sawi" part sounds sort of like "sorry"
sign: taurist, sign of the prosperous
pangram: doi really hvae to do this i m ean i think eevryone knows what crytyping is,
lusus: cat
trolltag: antagonizedTenderfoot [AT]
strife specibus: dicekind
classpect explanation: a seer invites knowledge of their aspect or invites knowledge with their aspect. time represents destruction, artificiality, impulsivity, etc
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pronouns: any (with a slight preference for they/them)
name explanation: "edinnu" is the akkadian origin of the word "eden", meaning "plain" (as in a grassland). "bedelo" is from "beddelo", meaning "change"/"vary"/"modify" in somali
sign: capriun, sign of the cartographer
pangram: About sixty codfish eggs wi11 make a quarter pound of very fizzy je11y!
lusus: ferret
trolltag: tempestuousComedian [TC]
strife specibus: jokerkind
classpect explanation: a maid creates their aspect or creates with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc
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pronouns: he/him
sign: serpens cauda
pangram: A lArge fAwn jumped quickly over white zinc boxes.
screen name: tergiversantArchangel [TA]
strife specibus: pistolkind
classpect explanation: a prince destroys their aspect or destroys with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc
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pronouns: she/any
sign: serpens caput
screen name: unspokenUltimatum [UU]
strife specibus: chainkind
classpect explanation: a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. blood represents relationships, stability, attachment, etc
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pronouns: she/they
symbol: well it says it right there wish bone
typing style: all lowercase. usually no punctuation except for when there are two sentences in the same line or being particularly blunt
chumhandle: godforsakenGrave [GG]
strife specibus: clubkind
classpect explanation: a bard invites destruction of their aspect or invites destruction with their aspect. space represents creation, manipulation, patience, etc
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pronouns: she/they
classpect (if she played): maid of heart (a maid creates their aspect or creates with their aspect. heart represents feelings, the soul, personality, etc)
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pronouns: he/they/it
symbol: spider
chumhandle: cynicalCapitalist [CC]
strife specibus: bombkind
classpect explanation: a rogue steals their aspect or steals with their aspect, and gives it to others. time represents destruction, artificiality, impulsivity, etc
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pronouns: he/him, dabbles in others
classpect: sylph of mind (a sylph heals their aspect or heals through their aspect. mind represents choices, alternate realities, thought, etc)
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pronouns: she/any
symbol: star
typing style: Proper case and punctuation. Usually uses periods even if it's a question.
chumhandle: thoughtfulThaumaturge [TT]
strife specibus: bookkind
classpect explanation: a mage knows their aspect or knows with their aspect. light represents luck, knowledge, perception, etc
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pronouns: he/him
classpect: not this one. the other one is a knight of breath though (a knight exploits their aspect or exploits with their aspect. breath represents freedom, independence, apathy, etc)
this is just some guy like dont even worry about it alright.
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pronouns: they/it
symbol: black hole
typing style: just weird And does whatever. random caps and Punctuation and spacing.. . don't try to pin it down
chumhandle: apparentlyAnnihilative [AA]
strife specibus: scythekind
classpect explanation: an heir changes their aspect or through their aspect. void represents confusion, secrets, infinity, etc
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pronouns: "What? I'm going to kill you."
classpect: not this one either. the other one is a witch of rage (a witch manipulates their aspect or manipulates through their aspect. rage represents chaos, defiance, fear, etc)
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yumeko2sevilla · 8 months
Obey Me OCs' Unique Magics
Summary: If the Obey Me OCs have Unique Magics in Twisted Wonderland. Basically an Obey Me X Twisted Wonderland crossover.
✦Inspired by @achy-boo
✦Asterine Marlais_ Echoes of Emptiness
Unique Magic: Echoes of Emptiness_ Hole Dwelling- Kikuo
"Fall with me, come on fall with me. Because together, we will always be alone. Echoes of Emptiness."
╰┈➤The user is capable of forcing one's soul down into a pit of bottomless emptiness. The deeper they fall, the louder the echoes become, mostly the echoes are of agonist spirits and scearming. Of course, this was all hallucinations. The time limit is 10 minutes, if you can't get out of the illusions, then you will lost your identity.
How to escape the hallucinations?: Simple, find the "keys". Mostly, these are things that you hold dear the most. Find them among the echoes and nothingness, then you win.
✦Hibiki Yamashita_ Songs of the Unforgetten City
Unique Magic: Songs of the Unforgetten City_ Tokyo Ghetto- Eve
"Afraid to let go now, afraid to go. So here you'll alway stay... And here, you'll always stay, in our vivid town! Songs of the Unforgetten City!"
╰┈➤ The user is capable of shifting the reality into an abandoned and run-down town. When you are summoned there, you will see shadowed figures, as the parade of the lost begin. A set of chaotic, yet haunting musics will start, and it will lead you to you staying there forever, in your mind. 30 minutes is your time limit, if you can catch Hibiki inside her realm, then congratulation.
How to catch Hibiki?: Well, Hibiki is quite the trickster. She often hides herself as a shadowed figure, joining the parade and blending in the crowd. But, Hibiki would always have that purple wisp along with her. Find the wisp, and you will see her near there.
✦Inazami Hitoriyama_ Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest
Unique Magic: Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest_ Life-Cheating Game-kemu
"Welcome back, my own feelings. I love the way I feel, that I wish I was dead. So I'll sneer, as I pray along. Deadly Lance of the Sallowtail Crest."
╰┈➤The user is capable of summoning an entity that takes the form of a wind-up bird. When the wind-up bird was summoned, it would make you experience all kinds of death that you could ever imagine. Every kinds. 19 minutes is the amount of time that you need to stop the wind-up bird, before the hallucinations become true.
How to stop the entity?: Unfortunely, the entity can not be stopped. But there was a way that you can use: Convince Inazami to erase the illusions. Mentions of Hibiki Yamashita seems to work.
✦Marianne Ayamary_ Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance
Unique Magic: Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance_ Will O' The Wisps -Masa Works Design
"Can you understand my suffering, the pain of being thrown away suddenly to be burnt.. Can you understand my pain, I believed you were always with me but you sold me abruptly.. You will never understand my suffering, for I will take you to hell with me. Frenzied Spirits' Performing Dance."
╰┈➤ The user is capable of summoing agonist spirits across their realm. As the spirits begin the frenzied dance, you will experience physical pain despite there are no wounds and injuries. The pain of it burn badly, no other pain you know burn like this. 10 minutes, only 10 minutes for you to stop the spirits. If you managed to do it, then the pain would stop.
How to stop the spirits?: [Unknown]
@anxious-twisted-vampire @writing-heiress @yukii0nna @achy-boo
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