ghstmsk · 7 months
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decided to do a bunch of concept mouse doodles of some of my ocs i have ideas for but havent drawn for a poll. part 1.
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lady-efri · 2 years
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You want power. Control. To be truly seen as a Toa. I can taste your desire, O seeker mine."
"I can gladly provide, you only need Wish it." Makuta Aiakos, The Witch
Kanohi: Great Mask of Scavenging
Aiakos is a name that many have heard, but few truly understand.  An ancient Wish-Dragon, she is known to go to places of hardship and strife to feed on the occupants' desperation.  While not entirely malicious, she is known to use her power to twist the words of her prey into less... beneficial outcomes and their energies absorbed if they are not careful. Surviving the Great Hunt and escaping to this world, she has spent the time since acting as beneficiary to some, and much worse to others.
While she did not choose to side with Teridax when he and the rest of the Makuta turned on Miserix, she has not acted against him.  Not directly, that is. Empowered a Toa or six, sure, but she sees little benefit in doing much more than observing for now.
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I had SO much fucking fun posing her, and I’m incredibly happy with how the throne turned out
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wombocombo4x3 · 9 months
Coqui learns how to say "oomfie"
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Mom and son strolling in Aiako Harria Nature Park (Gipuzkoa).
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sitting-on-me-bum · 7 months
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Horses On Bianditz Mountain. Behind Them Aiako Harria Mountain Can Be Seen
By Mikel Ortega
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thedovahcat · 2 months
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You can't blow crap up with the power of Darkness if you ain't cute
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Aiko in ed edd n eddy (very early sketches, once again: still working on getting the style right)
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titanomancy · 1 year
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It should come as no surprise that with the release of X Edition and updates to the Terminators and Sternguard Veterans imminent, that those kits are being discontinued - and the classic plastic Dreadnought, while venerable in its own right, has been duplicative of the Venerable Dreadnought kit for a decade already.
But it’s notable that so many Forge World kits, especially those unlikely to be converted to plastic, are going away. Hector Rex and Solomon Lok are noteworthy departures, although I feel like they’ve been discontinued before and seem to keep turning up. The Imperial Inquisition’s chief weapon is surprise.
Ditto, the Minotaurs chapter command - although if you feel very strongly about Spartan-themed Space Marines, perfectly serviceable .STLs aren’t hard to find. Asterion Moloc is unlikely to canonically cross the Rubicon Primaris, but there’s a Gravis Captain version up on Cults right now if you can manage to figure out the legally distinct keywords it’s tagged with.
I don’t think it’s entirely outside the realm of possibility that the Vendetta conversion kit will just be incorporated into an upgrade sprue the next time the Valkyrie is repackaged, though. Likewise, the Chaos flyers are better candidates than most for incorporation into either the mainline 40k or Horus Heresy range in exactly the same way that the Valkyrie, itself, was.
But like the Nurgle Plague Hulk in its day, I don’t think we’ll see many of these again... so act now, for fear of missing out!
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nethertrolls · 3 months
Show us a certified wife guy
This took long to answer because I was getting a few details from a friend. I do btw.
His name is Aiakos Nalika and he loves his wife Mantri. From simply being a major fan of her music to taking a stand against a ‘friend’ in her honour to eventually being married. He canonically lives longer than them for more reason then him just being a seadweller but he never really moves on from her.
They also have a kid btw eventually and said kid is so pretty omg
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verfotos-org · 2 days
Senderista caminando en el Parque Natural de Aiako Harriak Euskadi
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lady-efri · 2 years
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I spent entirely too much time on this
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shencomix · 2 years
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🍋 Compilation Posts 🍋
Season 1 Big Compilation Post [#01 - #17] -> Start Here!
🍋 Main Series 🍋
01 -> Monsters
02 -> Aiako
03 -> Title Pending
04 -> Title Pending
05 -> Aiako does it
06 -> Title Pending
07 -> Title Pending
08 -> Title Pending
09 -> Lilith goes to see Leanne
10 -> Title Pending
11 -> Title Pending
12 -> Title Pending
13 -> Title Pending
14 -> Title Pending
15 -> Title Pending
16 -> Title Pending
17 -> End of Season 1
18 - Bofa Begins
19 - Repurpose
20 - Leanne's Trophy Pt. 1
21 - Leanne's Trophy Pt. 2
22 - Art Cubbies Pt. 1
23 - Art Cubbies Pt. 2
🍋 Bonus Memes 🍋
The Audience Robot
( Profile ) Lilith
Lilith's New Club
Aiako Gets Repurposed
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theoihalioistuff · 4 months
Hey! Regarding your last post about Zeus facets, do you have any idea about how he was perceived in cults?
I think this is such an interesting topic! There's no easy answer considering how ubiquitous and widespread his cult was, but for a quick overview I really recommend Jennifer Larson's Ancient Greek Cults. It's far from a complete coverage (for that there's Farnell's psycopathic 5 volume effort The Cults of the Greek States, and even he falls short), but it's an amazing collection of the most significant, fundamental and peculiar cultic aspects of every major god. So for my answer I'm shall offer a shamelessly plagiarised deficient summary of her work.
The most familiar cults of Zeus are the large panhellenic sanctuaries of Nemea and Olympia, where the god was famously honored with athletic contest. This last cult, a meeting place for local chieftans at least since the 10th C. BC, had victors offer massive hecatombs at the center of the sanctuary: a walled precinct called the Altis (Sacred Grove) where a primitive altar stood, a great conical pile of molded sacrificial ashes. The sanctuary also boasted of having one of the Seven Wonders of the world, Zeus' colossal chryselephantine statue. Appart from the awe and majesty, "viewers received the impression of a calm and peaceful deity. According to Dio Chrysostom (Or. 12.51), “whoever is deeply burdened with pain in his soul, having borne much misfortune and grief in his life and never being able to attain sweet sleep, even this man, I believe, standing before this image, would forget all the terrible and harsh things which one must suffer in human life.”"
Earlier cults focus more on Zeus's aspects as a rustic rain deity. As "the" sky god he frequently dwells on the summit of the tallest mountains (Mt. Lykaon in Arkadia, the Oros of Aigina, Ida in Troy, Hymmetos in Attica, etc. until ultimately Olympos) where he was worshipped under titles such as Ombrios (of showers), Aphesios (releaser, in reference to the myth of Aiakos and the drought), Hyetios (of rain) and Ikmaios (of moisture). Rain-magics were common (such as sprinkling water from oak boughs), and he was curiously worshipped on Keos and Mt. Pelion in conjunction with Sirios (the scorching Dog-Star). Fleeces seem to have formed a common part of many of these rituals.
Second only to Artemis, Zeus also had some of the most sinister cults, where mythically humans became the sacrificial victims. In Thessaly, Athamas almost sacrificed his son to Zeus Laphystios (the Devourer), and further strange practices survived to Herodotos' days (Histories 7. 197). Similarly in honour of Zeus Lykaios (wolfish) a secret nocturnal sacrifice was held during which participants ate portions of a “mystery meat” from a tripod kettle, reputed to contain not only entrails of animals, but also a human victim. Several traditions speak of the later lycanthropy of the participats. Zeus always makes a show of refusing human sacrifice in myths, punishing Lykaon and having Herakles berate Athamas, but still rituals that outlived even the roman era paint a darker picture of the god (though there's no archaeological evidence of human sacrifice).
Zeus also dwellt in the cities. An amusing rite was held in Athens in honour of Zeus Polias (of the city), where after the ox had been sacrificed the priest who had committed the deed quickly run off, and the axe that was used was tried for murder. He could also be found as Zeus Boulaios (of the Council), Agorarios (of the Agora), Soter (Saviour) and Eleutherios (liberator), and Zeus Tropaios (of the Rout) was worshipped as the defender of cities in the form of an empty armor placed on a pole. He also resided in the home, where he could be found in shrines dedicated to Zeus Patroös (ancestor), Herkeios (of the Courtyard) or Ktesios (of possessions), this last one embodied in a wool-wreathed jar filled him "ambrosia", that acted as a charm to increase the household goods. In the sanctuary of Zeus Messapeus, near Sparta, other finds were eclipsed by the staggering number of crude clay figures with massive, erect phalloi; presumably votive offerings related to male fertility and fatherhood. He was also syncretised with Zeus Meilichios, a serpentine god of a chthonic nature that deserves a post of their own. His moral attributes where reflected when he was surnamed Hikesios (of Suppliants), Katharsios (of Purification), Xenios (of Strangers/Foreigners) and Exakester (of Making Amends), and as Zeus Horkios (of Oaths) he served as the ultimate witness.
Finally, he had fascinating rites in Crete, where he was said to be born and die every year, and his tomb was shown to visitors (I won't go into details because I'd be here till the cows come home), and he was as an Oracular deity in Dodona, his other major panhellenic sanctuary. His cult title there was Naios (flowing), and together with Dione (the female form of his own name) he delivered prophecies (different ways are given depending on the version or theory: speaking oak-trees, doves, dove-priestesses, ascetic male priests, wind-chimes, lead tablets, etc.). In such a capacity, and as lord of fate, Apollo and other oracular figures were conceived of as his mouthpieces.
Generally speaking, quoting Larson: "His cults typically reinforce traditional sources of authority and standards of behavior, whether in the family, the kinship group, or the city." Still, plenty of his cults where surrounded by an elemental and primitive air. He ranges from majestic and lawful to savage and wild, from rustic to urbanite and from straightforward to mystical. He's the pile of contradictions I love to see in my mythological figures.
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connorsnothereeither · 7 months
Hi I request knowledge about guardians in relation to telchins/guardians on fable and figured you'd be the best person to ask? (Sry if not)
Basically, how were the guardians created? I know one of the books mentioned that the elder guardians are a mutation; are guardians living creatures the telchins? I know that they're supposedly machine in Minecraft lore but- If guardians are living creatures, how were they created? Splicing, like with other things? Something else? Do we know how the elder guardians evolved, or is that something I can make up? Anything you can tell me helps!
Hullo!! I might not be the best person since I think the Guardian lore was established before I joined, so it wouldn’t hurt to also check with Ocie, Metta or Heyhay somewhere, BUT I do know a good chunk that I can hopefully help out with! :D
The guardians (Project Argus) were developed after the failure of Project Aiakos (the conduits). The conduits were stationary, and easy to get past, so they needed something living. Something moving, and able to selectively target the drowned.
Initial attempts at creating the guardians were surgical, frankensteining creatures together to make something singular that could work (that’s why Ulysses, a surgeon, was initially brought into the projects). However, as the project went on, it became clear that genetic splicing was more effective at consistently selecting traits on a larger scale. They were selectively designed, grown and bred to be an effective army, functioning as a hive, with their sole purpose being to detect and kill drowned.
However, the telchin never managed to properly develop intelligence. They couldn’t create sentience. So they ended up with a multiplying population of creatures that were impossible to kill, and even harder to train.
The first signs of mutation (which was inevitable given how overly manipulated the guardian DNA was) developed in the senses designed to detect drowned. By that time in the war, most of the drowned were the bodies of dead telchin, and the guardians were no longer able to tell the difference between a dead telchin, and a living one, turning against their creators.
The guardians are living creatures, initially genetically mutated and engineered, with subsequent mutations perpetuating through breeding among the artificially created population. As far as I know, there is no specific lore on how the elder guardians evolved/mutated, so I think you’re more than free to make that up/interpret it how you like!
I hope this was helpful in some way! It’s more of a lore dump from the telchin side of things than like, scientific details on anything haha, a lot of the telchin lore works on “fantasy science” rules where we make it as scientific as we can and then smudge the details a little lol. If there’s anything you wanted me to clarify let me know! :D
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deathlessathanasia · 6 months
After reading two whole books on Thetis, I'm all the more aware of how much material we have about her in contrast to her sisters. Out of the 50 Nereids, the only ones who stand out other than Thetis are Amphitrite, Galateia and Psamathe, but even about these there is minimal information. Amphitrite appears in less than half a dozen stories despite being wife to a major god, the only myth Galateia appears in is the one of Polyphemos' love for her), and Psamathe only appears as consort of Aiakos and mother of Phokos.
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