#yes a lot of these are just. DIO poses
lady-efri · 2 years
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You want power. Control. To be truly seen as a Toa. I can taste your desire, O seeker mine."
"I can gladly provide, you only need Wish it." Makuta Aiakos, The Witch
Kanohi: Great Mask of Scavenging
Aiakos is a name that many have heard, but few truly understand.  An ancient Wish-Dragon, she is known to go to places of hardship and strife to feed on the occupants' desperation.  While not entirely malicious, she is known to use her power to twist the words of her prey into less... beneficial outcomes and their energies absorbed if they are not careful. Surviving the Great Hunt and escaping to this world, she has spent the time since acting as beneficiary to some, and much worse to others.
While she did not choose to side with Teridax when he and the rest of the Makuta turned on Miserix, she has not acted against him.  Not directly, that is. Empowered a Toa or six, sure, but she sees little benefit in doing much more than observing for now.
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I had SO much fucking fun posing her, and I’m incredibly happy with how the throne turned out
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animebw · 2 years
Well, y’all were right: Ascendance of a Bookworm is, in fact, some Good Goddamn Isekai.
I’ll admit, it took a couple episodes to grow on me. The limited animation took some time to get used to, and there was some tonal awkwardness with how it handled the contrast between Myne’s old personality and her new life. But as it developed at its own natural pace, I found myself loving it more and more. It crafts such a wonderfully believable world, one rich with politics and economics and culture we’ve only gotten a small taste of but still feels so alive beyond the edges of the screen. And it does a great job making that world matter too. So many isekai treat their worlds as disposble because, well, they are; they’re nothing but playgrounds for the self-insert protagonist to do with as he pleases. But the world of Ascendance of a Bookworm has real, tangible purpose. It shapes Myne’s journey and influences her growth, both in the obstacles it poses and the opportunities it allows.
What I wasn’t expecting, though, was just how well this show works as a disability allegory as well. Myne’s magic disease functions a lot like real chronic illnesses, and watching her figure out how to live with that struggle- and understanding how this world is set up to let people like her slip through the cracks- hit me so damn hard. Yes, I teared up on more than one occasion, big shocker. Look, it’s just seriously well written, okay? Myne’s family is great, Lutz is great, Benno is great (Dio’s voice actor playing such a wholesome character is wild, lemme tell you), everyone is so lovable and yet still believably human and complex with their own strengths and weaknesses... man, I’m excited to see where things go from here.
So! All things considered, I give season 1 of Bookworm a score of 7/10. The animation is still a bit lackluster, but that’s forgivable enough when the story is so compelling in spite of it. Can’t wait for season 2!
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kimerawrt · 4 months
Dannymay 2024, now with kitty paws!
Prompts from my AU, also in AO3
Day 22: Song llyric
On a Saturday afternoon, the sun was shining upon the Amity Park Park. Yes they know it is an awful name but it's their park. It was a beautiful day, perfect to hang out outside with friends and family. It would have been the perfect day to relax, if it wasn't for the giant crab ghost destroying everything on sight.
The ghost wasn't aware that it was destroying buildings and trees alike. It wasn't smart enough to comprehend that the small creatures around it were alive and the crab wasn't. This was the case for most animal ghosts, not that it made Danny’s life easier.
Danny, the cat half ghost staring at the giant crab, groaned in annoyance. His current form was that of an orange kitten with dark brown marks moving alongside his body like a cuttlefish mating display. Besides his weird fur and green eyes without pupils, Danny was extremely adorable. His fur and body were shaped in a literal ball of fluff. He was very round and even his eyes were huge and adorable.
That wouldn’t help to fight the ghost but Danny had no choice in the matter.
“Don't you have enough pictures already?” Sam asked the techno-geek of the group.
“Just a few more and a video going around and I'll finish” Tucker said. This was one of the cutest forms Danny had ever taken and Tucker was sure that it would become extremely popular on the internet.
Danny sighed and stood still until Tucker was done. It was a good thing that the filming teen only took some seconds to do it as the ghost crab was getting closer to them.
“I'm done!” Tucker exclaimed cheerfully.
“Nya!” Danny made a cute sound that Sam made sure to capture in her phone.
Now that he didn't have to pose for the videos Tucker makes, Danny ran towards the crab ghost. It didn't take long for the halfa to defeat the ghost using laser eyes and super powerful kitty smashes with his fluffy paws. At the end, the ghost crab was turned over and seemed unable to put itself back upright, Sam took the opportunity and capture the ghost in the Fenton Thermos before anything else could happen.
“Nya nya!” Danny felt very proud of himself.
He was about to turn back into his human form, when he heard a dreaded sound.
“Oh dios mio! It’s the cute kitty!”
Paulina and Star appeared from behind the corner and started to gush about the cute kitten that defeated the ghost. Both girls were fans of the cats in the videos that kept the town safe from ghosts. Though they became fanatics when the cats were cute and had done a lot to try and lure one of them to be their pet. Not that it worked, but the girls were persistent.
Of course, they didn't know all those cats were Danny. The halfa would have accepted to visit if it wasn't for their talks about putting the cute kittens in pink dresses. Danny was not going to be dressed up as a doll no matter what.
As he didn’t want them to know it was him, Danny ran away still in his cute cat form.
“The kitty is getting away” Star pointed at the escaping cat with a sad pout on her face.
“After him!” Paulina ordered. She was going to get one of those cats one day. She was not going to give up on getting one of the cutest kittens ever.
“Mamma mia” Tucker watched dreamily. Danny was so lucky to be chased by pretty girls.
“Here we go again” Sam mumbled, knowing that Danny would hide somewhere in her house. 
The popular girls never looked there.
(Song: Mamma mia from Abba)
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basedkikuenjoyer · 8 months
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I make no claims to being a skilled painter, but the fact this idea turned out looking like I wanted it to is an accomplishment. Yes, that is Okiku striking that Dio pose from the Phantom Blood OP. Fans of the blog likely recognize the connection. Hawkins the Magician, Kiku the Heirophant, Luffy the Fool. Very cool dynamic in Chapter 913 of One Piece which gets a neat folklore allusion in the title too. Hawkins's tarot cards forecast a Fool meeting someone who tracks with a struggle the Heirophant upright/reversed would represent.
Which gets me to Shyarly from yesterday. I knew Kiku & Hawkins had the same birthday. Figured it was a coincidence until I saw Shyarly did too. It's not just the Chrysanthemum Festival date, it's also Fortune Teller's Day. That makes Kiku having the whole "step ahead" concept we talked about as well as the way we talked about some scenes with her having an extra dimension if you remember Luffy now has Future Sight a lot more interesting to me.
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pinketine · 2 years
Kiki my darling dear can you please explain to me the premise of. Whatever the fruity men with wild ass names is because I am going insane /silly lighthearted.
The premise of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Oh boy
The explanation is going under this cut because of how long winded this will be
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an anime series focused on a family, and their bizarre adventures, shocker. There are 9 parts, each focusing on a different member of the family, all of whom can be referred to by the nickname of JoJo. Part 9, JoJolands, has very recently just released its first chapter.
JoJo is welll known for being over the top, especially in the anime with the constant colour palette changes, ridiculous character designs and poses. And yeah, it does end up being extremely gay. This is evident in the often homoerotic dynamics the JoJo has with their "JoBro"
There's also a LOT of musical references, especially with Part 4 onwards.
Parts 1-6 follow one universe, with part 6 being reset by its main villain, causing a new universe. CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, this new reset universe is not parts 7-9. They are 2 separate stories about two separate Joestar families. The first 6 parts are this:
Part 1, Phantom Blood, is Jonathan Joestar, a young man in early 1900s England, who is the adopted brother of Dio Brando. Dio is evil as shit as a child, seemingly mellows out, until the pair of them are both about 19 or so, when it's revealed that Dio is still a power and money hungry little shit. He turns into a vampire and the part then becomes about killing him.
Part 2, Battle Tendency, is Joseph Joestar, Jonathan's 19 year old Looney Toon character (not even a joke, he deadass quotes Looney Toons) grandson, and starts in 1940s America before moving to Italy. He and his friend/JoBro Caesar Zeppeli are tasked with having to fight ancient Aztec Gods, the Pillar Men (yes, really).
Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, is Jotaro Kujo, Joseph's 17 year old deliquent grandson, as he, Joseph, Noriaki Kakyoin (the JoBro!), Jean Pierre Polnareff and Muhammed Avdol go on a 50 day cross contiental trip to Egypt to fight Dio in the late 80s. Yes, the same Dio. He's a vampire, ya know?
Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable, is Josuke Higashikata (the kanji for the suke in his name can also be read as jo), Joseph's illegtimate 16 year old son in the summer of 1999 in Japan. He and his friends track down their local town serial killer, Yoshikage Kira, 33 years old, lives in the North East section where all the villas are-
Part 5, Vento Aureo, is Giorno Giovanna (Yes it's pronounced JoJo), the illegtimate son of Dio and Jonathan Joestar (it's GENUINELY not what it sounds like.) in 2001 Italy. He and his band of friends all named after Italian foods go on an adventure to kill the leader of the Italian mafia, Diavolo/Doppio Vinegar, in order to stop drugs being sold to kids.
Part 6, Stone Ocean, is Jolyne Kujo, the 19 year old deliquent daughter of Jotaro, and takes place in 2011 Florida. She and her friends break out of prison, save Jotaro and stop Pucci, a priest and follower of Dio, YES THIS GUY AGAIN, from resetting the world.
Those are the first 6 parts, and the first 6 JoJos. We then leave this universe, and join a completely new one. Important side note: Stands are only introduce in Part 3, with Parts 1-2 having this type of magical breathing named Hamon!
Part 7, Steel Ball Run, is Johnny Joestar, who is this universe's Jonathan, in 1890s USA. In order to regain mobility, he partners up with JoBro Gyro Zeppeli in order to win the Steel Ball Run horse race to learn the Spin and collect the corpse parts of Jesus Christ. He ends up having to kill the US President, Funny Valentine.
Part 8, JoJolion, is Josuke Higashikata, nicknamed Gappy, who is clearly this universe's Josuke in 2011 Japan. I never read JoJolion, so I'm not too familiar with the plot, but I do know that Gappy is actually two men. Like. He's a Steven Universe fusion of Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo. I'm not shitting you.
And now, we have the newly released Part 9, JoJolion! This is 15 year old Jodio Joestar, and we don't know much of the plot yet due to us having only one chapter. He seems to be this universe's Giorno, but maybe not a son of Diego Brando was ran over by a train. Apparently, it's the story of how he got rich. Right now, he's a drug dealer who was born in New Jersey and now lives in Hawaii in the present day with his sister (IDON'TCAREWHATARAKISAYSSHEISATRANSWOMAN) Dragona Joestar and his mother.
Something interesting to note is that the 7-9 JoJos are very much unlike their counterparts. Jonathan is a gentlemen, Johnny is a pretty selfish cold blooded killer. Josuke is a sweet kid, Gappy kills without remorse. Giorno resents drug dealers, Jodio is one.
So that's the premise for each part! I could go even more indepth, but I think this gets the point across. JoJo's premise is that it's a bunch of bizarre stories 2 families go through.
Anyways, part 3 is my favourite and my favourite character is Kakyoin ^-^ but my favourite JoJo is Johnny
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foxydivaxx · 2 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Actors Au- Villains Club
- As mentioned in a previous post, all the Jojo villains AU are BFFs and are all called the Villains Club by the fans
- Dio is the de facto leader due to being the first villain and the most famous one at that
- As the two older villains, Dio and Kars are the parents of the group. Dio being the mum and Kars being dad
- All of them are fashionistas
- It was Kars that suggested that Dio uses green lipstick for Stardust Crusaders because it makes Dio stand out no matter how outlandish it is
- Dio and Kira fight a lot because Kira keeps stealing his stuff, especially his perfumes
- Everyone agrees that Dio and Kars are both unapologetically sexy and bold and flirt with everyone and each other
- Dio and Kars have both admitted to be terrible perverts as they often have dirty thoughts about each other xD
- Kars always breaks something everyday due to being a giant
- Dio and Kars have made out with each other loads of times. They have hinted at some steamy sexual stuff, something the others have at least admitted to
- Pucci and Funny Valentine play pranks on the others
- Diavolo is scared of heights but still went hiking with the gang
- According to the others, Dio has the largest wardrobe
- The other Villains always ask Dio for pose advice due to his past modelling experience
— Funny Valentine keeps on losing his glasses. Yes he wears glasses a lot
- The guys have a secret clubhouse only they go to. No Jojos allowed.
- Diavolo has ADHD and often gets hyper at times and it terrifies him
- Kira has been trying to grow his hair out with little to no success
- Diavolo eats a lot which shocks a lot of people
- Pucci tends to sleep on duty a lot
- The guys often do funny voiceovers via YouTube where they dub over some funny videos they find on social media. Most of these videos involve scenes where Dio and Kars openly flirting with each other and doing some smexy stuff, Funny Valentine and Pucci being mischievous kids, Diavolo often being the confused one and Dio straight up bullying Kira xD. Yes Dio says Wrry, Hinjaku and Muda in those videos just like in real life xD.
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Hello! Um, I was wondering if your event was available and if you could do the touching prompt with Camilo? I wasn't sure if we're were supposed to pick a number but just incase number 7? Or 48? I think those were the ones
A/N: Yes,yes of course the event is available!! I couldn't change the bio since I write on mobile but thank you a lot dear, for your request! I hope it's to your liking!!
2. A/N: I found the pick-up lines I used here on the net so if there's anything wrong, don't hesitate to tell me!!
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《Simping For My Lover Is My Profession!!》
ೃ⁀➷Word Count: 1,7+
ೃ⁀➷ Camilo Madrigal( He/Him) x GN! Reader
Touching prompt 7: Holding Hands
Touching prompt 48: Dancing with each other
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The bright sun was shining with all of its power, making the birds chirp happily and animal wake up slowly. For the Casita though, it meant that it was time to wake the family up! And what was the best way to do it?
Using the tiles and the bricks, of course!
And the windows.
Even though Camilo warned the Casita to wake him up as soon as sun came out, saying that tomorrow was an impossibly important day for him, Casita waved its windows as of saying "No worries! You should be worried about whether you'll wake up or not!" and all Camilo did was puffing out disbelievingly while throwing his hands out, saying that he would definetly wake up and that the worry was for nothing!
Apparently though, Casita was right...
Because no matter how many bricks Casita threw at his sleeping form, Camilo wouldn't wake up and Casita was getting stressed because when Camilo couldn't wake up at the time he wanted, he would whine forever untill someone stuffs his tía's arepas and surely, no one was ready to hear this.
So, as the final trump, Casita shoved Mirabel to his room, hoping she'd be successful in waking him up. Seeing her primo sleeping like a bear, there was one thing she could think of to make him get his ass out of the bed.
Well... All's fair in love and war soo...
"Oh, Y/N!! Welcome!!"
And with her loud voice, it was as if she pushed a button in Camilo's head which made him open his eyes widely and resulted with him on the floor. He tried to get out of his blanket's hold, making him trip and fall in front of his prima.
Mirabel laughed at her cousins misery 'till her stomach hurt and, after calming down from his panic, he pouted at her while crossing his arms in front of him.
"Mirabel!! It's not fair, you were supposed to be on my side! How could you do this to me~~!"
She stand right next to the door with a smug look on her face and pointed to where Casita's windows were swinging back and forth almost angrily.
"Casita tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge so I came here! Though I didn't exactly lie, it's almost time to breakfast!"
Camilo sticked his tongue out at her and fixed his clothes, hopping off of the mess on the ground, he went to go to the toilet while ruffling Mirabel's head and walking in a "cool" way.
"Good joke, dear prima, but you can't make jokes like me so-"
"Good morning La familia Madrigal!! I hope I wasn't late!"
Camilo stood there frozen for a second and after turning to look at Mirabel, he dashed out of his room to stand against the fence. Looking at the main hall where you were standing with two baskets full of food, he looked at you lovingly with heart eyes.
And couldn't realize the fence gave up which made him fall face down.
He grunted and rubbed his face and when he lifted his hand off of his face, he found you bending down, looking at him worriedly.
"Are you okay, mi vida?"
After looking at you with a stupid smile, he fell to his left side and lifted his hand to hold his head while stretching his legs to pose for you.
"Oh, I'm totally fine... ¿Te has perdida?  Porque el cielo está bien lejos de aquí."
He winked at you, hoping that his blush and embarresment couldn't be seen but unfortunately, you laughed at his antics and held his hand, making him get up. You kissed his cheek lovingly while holding the other with your hand delicately.
You felt absolutely so happy, so happy that your heart was beating rapidly against your ribcage. Seeing him flushed because of the embarresment of him oversleeping, it was obvious since he had his pajamas on and his hair was even more messy, made you feel even more love than you already felt.
You felt guilty though. Since his family loves you a lot, I mean Pepa always had the brightest sun and rainbows above her head whenever you come so yeah they LOVE you, you didn't think you'd see him that startled. Still, you guided him to his room so that he can change his clothes and come down with you to have breakfast.
He was still in a daze, after you kissing him so lovingly and, with a stupid smile, he nodded his head and went to his room. Before he'd close the door, you peeked inside and looked at him with a smirk.
"Since we are sharing our pick-up lines at this hour, here is mine: Tienes unos ojos tan bellos, que podrías curar hasta a un ciego..."
And before you could have watched his face take different shades of red, he slammed the door close with a hand on his chest, exactly where his racing heart was.
Isabela and Mirabel, being witnesses to your loving flirting, snorted and said at the same time.
But Camilo heard this and even though he was flustered, he opened the door harshly and shouted them a fast sentence and slammed the door back again, making you giggle and sit in front of his door while the two sisters laughed even harder.
"Simping for my lover is my profession, now back off!!"
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Calming himself was a hard task, but Camilo finally put on his clothes and opened the door. Seeing you still there with your baskets, he immediately took one from you while scolding you.
" Why did you not go down, mi amor? You should have put these down, I wouldn't want you to get tired!"
You rolled your eyes at him and flicked his forehead gently,making him give you a lopsided one as well.
"Well, I wanted to go with my boyfriend. Why do you think?"
While you two were bickering, you didn't realize but your hands started to move towards each other, making you two hold hands while talking.
You didn't even realize when you greeted everyone, set the baskets down even though tía Julietta said you didn't have to bring so many things, and even when you and Camilo sat down next to each other, you still held each others hands under the table.
But sure as hell, the whole family did. Pepa was having a hard time controlling herself from pinching your cheeks and kissing all over your face while Felix, who had a proud smile, was trying to calm her down and his cousins and sister was getting ready to tease him.
He couldn't see any of them though. The only thing he saw and felt was your touch and loving smile. While you two were having a silent conversation about some silly teen stuff, Abuela Alma looked at you two with a soft yet barely-there smile. She never said it out loud, but you two reminded her of her husband and herself when she was younger.
And when he lifted his head only to see Isabela's and Dolores' teasing smiles and cocked eyebrows, he deadpanned at them and sighed deeply while squeezing your hand.
"It's gonna be a long breakfast, isn't it?"
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After the breakfast, bearing their teasing and doing the chores; you and Camilo finally went to do as you pleased. You two ate and played with the kids as you twirled around slowly with them while holdind a baby who wanted to join as well.
Camilo went to get treats for you and himself and when he returned, a goofy smile appeared on his face and he crossed his arms while looking at you proudly. He saw you giving the chubby baby back to her mother who gave a soft smile and leaned forward to say something to your ear. He didn't know what the woman said but, a beautiful blush found its way on your cheek, making his heart swell.
Then the thought of you two getting married and eventually have a baby entered his head which made him blush as well. He couldn't help but think "Why do I think like this!! I mean it's not like It's a bad dream but we're like still 16!!"
When he turned his head and saw the orchestra men standing there. He took his wallet off and told them to play something energetic. After giving him knowing smiles, they nodded and he sprinted to you, took your hands into his and held your waist delicately.
"Would you give me the honor of having this dance with you, mi amor?"
You smiled gleefuly and nodded. You two danced alongside with other people 'till your feet hurt and you got tired. Seeing that your eyes were dropping of, Camilo grinned devilishly which made you cock your eyebrows even though you were tired. He put his hands under your legs and lifted you in the princess style and took off running.
You two laughed on the way while you were kissing his neck teasingly which made him feel hotter. He stopped under a tree and sat you down. You looked up at him cutely and watched him sat down next to you to look at the stars above you. When an idea popped in your mind, you grinned and jumped at him, making him fall down and let out a squeak.
You laughed to your heart's content, and looked down at him. His hands were around you waist and he was holding you to his chest firmly. Your legs were tangled with each other and you hand was playing with his curly hair.
"Did you know I love you more than anything, 'Milo?"
He grinned like a kid and kissed your nose before hugging you to himself. You rolled to his side and layed your head on his chest while his right arm was around your waist. His left arm was resting on his stomach and you took your right one to hold his hand again and closed your eyes in bliss.
Looking at your relaxed face, he kissed the top of your head and snuggled his nose into your neck when his previous thoughts came to his mind again. And knowing that it'll come true one day, he closed his eyes slowly as well.
I'll definetly put a ring on your finger Y/N...
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
👑Hewwu Queen 👑 is it alright if I request DIO in part 3 meeting his descendant?. Like he basically had a kid accidentally in part 1 and now he’s meeting their great grandkid who looks allot like him and seems to not be fully human. Maybe he meets them at night since their family was traveling around the world and stopped off in Egypt where he found them maybe listening to music?
Since you write for DIO, is it alright if I request that he somehow meets one of his kid after they get into some time travel shenanigans. Maybe his kid has a stand that is kinda similar to his but they aren’t confident in using it
DIO aiding his helpless descendant 
sfw / gn reader 
notes/warnings: implied assault (on your great-great grandmother)
Another case of two anons thinking alike!! It was really fun to think about this and sorry for taking so much time to get to it :o I hope you’ll still enjoy 💖✨also the pacing is strange/fast (to me), but i felt it fit with how frantic i imagine meeting Dio is
Somewhere between irking Jonathan and wishing to destroy any respectful sliver of the Joestar bloodline, Dio had his own way of indulging and spending his time. Men, women; any creature he could manipulate to his will and suck the life out of to join his dark army was welcome in his dimly lit hideout to meet their fate. The self proclaimed god that had surmounted humanity took pleasure in playing with his food; leaving them in complete darkness, literally. He’d let them suffer in silence, hearing them whimper and regret their choice to ever step foot inside the wicked monster’s palace. But it was always too late.
Except for the very night Jonathan had decided to come spoil the fun and ruin Dio’s playtime. The woman hadn’t meant anything to him, just a toy to play with and to later discard on the pile of other bodies strewn about. Was she glad to have been saved by the burly Joestar? At first yes; brought back to her senses, out of that monster’s grasp but left terribly violated. Left to carry and care for the offspring Dio would never know or care about, too busy being left to slumber in the ocean and gaining a new form from his hated ‘brother’.
Dio rose again, skulking in the shadows of dimly lit cities, looking for any and all petty humans and stand users to claim for his side. It took time and patience he didn’t know he possessed to get fully comfortable in his new body. There was always this inkling, a nagging sonar that kept getting louder and louder, not much unlike his connection to the new generation of Joestars. It grasped at his thoughts, kept him from any semblance of peace of mind -as much as he could acquire it- and there seemed to be no way of silencing it. He couldn’t see a clear picture; it was just nothing but an annoying sense of something being near.
He had searched for weeks like a bloodhound hot on a trail, irritated that he of all people, nay creations, was being made to follow and be obedient to the terrible nagging. It angered him greatly and only when he found a mere youngster sitting on a bench, you, a simple looking human, did it boil over. Sat with your walkman resting next to you on the wooden seating, head bopping along to your newest cassette in the middle of the night. Completely lost in the song you’d been drumming along to with your fingers. Dio was furious but knew better than to strike before investigating, he needed answers and he needed them now.
As he got closer to you, sneaking from behind, he noticed an immediate shift. You were no longer alone. An image, a blur that became clearer and steadier and more live-like as each second passed; posing defensively, staring down Dio with a fire in your eyes not much unlike the tall blonde’s. Not for a moment does he fear for his safety. Even though The World is a newly acquired power it could easily wipe out a scrawny kid without even hitching a breath. He smirks, eyes cast over in shadow by the dim street light as he hears you pause your cassette player.
“Oh? Was I disturbing you?’ he mocks in a smirk, catching the way your eyes glint and the vaguely familiar image you awaken in him. Just like before he’s left to figure out who this annoying hazy memory is. His voice shivers down your very being, goosebumps taking over your skin; not sure if you had already missed your chance to run. It was like his glare fixated you in place, finger still resting on the pause button of your player while the other reached up to remove the flimsy headphones.
“You…” you barely get out the word. The accusatory tone you had tried to convey had watered down to a whimper. You had felt the connection too, something nagging at your soul and stringing you along until you’d finally found the source. “Me? Hah! No, you.” Dio slid closer, his steps so quiet and calculated that even though you couldn’t take your eyes off of him you swore it seemed like he floated. You swallowed thickly, the huge figure that excluded an aura so menacing only a meter away from you.
“So. Who are you and why was it so disgustingly annoying to find you?” he joked impertinently, amused by the way you clenched your jaw at his remark. “I could ask you the same.” a brave little spark still smouldering inside. “DIO. Now don’t make me ask again, you’re making me dreadfully inpatient.” He hadn’t felt the need to kill you, at least not yet. Dio was truly curious about your answer but by the looks of it you really didn’t seem to know all that much.
You begrudgingly gave him your name, in need of some answers yourself. The sound of your name didn’t ring a single bell, not a tick, not a clank. Nothing. Not a single step further to knowing anything. “Well it seems like you do have a stand. Maybe you possess a great power that might be useful to me.” that wicked grin on his face told you a little too much of his motivations. He reminded you of those Saturday morning cartoon villains. But still you felt compelled to listen, ignoring every single red flag.  
Deciding to humour him you give out your stand’s name. “Trust me, we can’t really do much.” you huffed. You’ve only obtained your stand recently and honestly, it has been pretty shitty so far. You didn’t know exactly what it could do, it was just there. Any time you felt stressed or in danger it did come to your aid but it remained awfully docile. Their presence comforted you but you just knew it was capable of so much more.
“Are you a vampire?” The sudden question came out more surprised than Dio had hoped to let on. He regained his posture, opting to slide next to you on the bench with a swift move. There was something… off about the way you carried yourself that reminded him of himself and the other vampires he’d created. The question stunned you, your eyes that had already been widened in shock only growing more so. The way he had changed the entire conversation that had barely earned its start urged you to think quickly. “I don’t know.” you mumbled demurely. You really didn’t know. So many weird things had been happening to you lately that you being a vampire would explain a lot.
Your answer seemed to change the imposing man’s gaze and expression. It hardened a bit, his grin now slowly diminishing into a straighter line and his pointed brows resting down at a more natural angle. Even in this low light his image felt so familiar, like you were already supposed to know who he was but the memory remained hidden. Locked away for your safety. “You should feed. And don’t go out in daylight anymore.” Dio paused for a second. “Strange...” He pondered to himself out loud. He’s only seen a few cases like this, vampiric genes passed down through generations. For some reason he pitied you, as much as he could muster it. The unknown bond you shared felt too unusual to write off.
“What am I supposed to do?” you felt tears prick your eyes, trying your best to remain strong but you’ve been so tired. You couldn't confide in anyone, not about this. Tears started rolling, falling in thick streams down your cheeks and dropping onto your lap. Here you were, crying to a stranger named Dio about being a vampire and having weird powers. A bizarre twist of fate.
“First of all, stop crying. Then, widen your stance when you’re about to fight someone. I could have easily knocked you down with that flimsy imitation. Fix your posture while you’re at it. Call out your stand again.” He rattled off his demands quickly and flatly. Was he helping you? They were barbed complaints but it seemed like he actually wanted to aid you in whatever it was you were going through. You sniffled, wiping at your cheeks. You felt like a kid again; asking your parent for any reassurance when life knocked you down.
Dio actually offered a lot of viable advice, telling you about techniques to silence your steps, how to take someone down easily, to feed on humans within an inch of their life. You had asked him, just in case. You weren’t planning on killing anyone; a comment which made him scoff. That intimidating impression and overall feeling of having to bend to his will had lessened the more you talked to the blonde. He casually sat with you for what felt like hours. He hadn’t divulged into his own history, instead asking you about yours. He was still trying to figure out what this weird pull was.
“No one in your family has experienced anything like this before? Hmph. It seems to have skipped multiple generations then.” he was asking about your great grandmother and all the others that came before you. It could have occurred to them but you would have never known. “My family did come from England, though. My great-great grandmother fled in a hurry. We don’t really know why, Windknight’s Lot seems like an unusual place to frantically run from.” As soon as the small town’s name left your lips everything fell into place for Dio. His grin grew again, satisfied to finally know your connection to him.
One he made for himself, by accident, by a relation created on his own devious whim. Not that horrible Joestar bunch that kept ruining his fun or his horrible father that was but a faint minuscule memory. Something he did. It brought him even more satisfaction to know how perfectly in place it felt for you to be the one to develop these powers at the perfect time. His mind could have exploded with possibilities; a thousand ways to make you join his side. But it didn’t, he wasn’t sure that’s what he wanted yet. And he surely wasn’t going to tell you of your bond either, lest you get attached too quickly.
As you finished up and the early signs of a rising sun were starting to make itself known on the horizon, you were saying your goodbye’s. “Thank you for helping me. Truly, I- I don’t know how I-” you weren’t allowed to finish your earnest thanks. Dio knew you meant it, one of the only few truly grateful acknowledgements he’s ever received. “I’ll be taking over the world in a few months. If you feel so inclined to join, you know where to find me.” His lips curled into a smirk and he was making his move to leave you behind, alone on the bench again. Left to scramble for your stuff to try and stop him but he was already out of sight. “WAIT! I don’t know where to find you! You never told me!” you yelled into the empty streets, heart thumping out of your chest, hoping this wasn’t just a very elaborate dream you were caught in.
“Trust your instincts.” The voice felt incredibly close but so far away, like catching a falling snowflake; as soon as you grasped it, it just melted away.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Multiple Character Work: an s/o Pulling them into Dancing
TW // none
This was a request by @memory-mortis , I wish I still could answer to it directly but Tumblr is a dick. Enjoy the answer hun, hope you like it! <3
Kujo Jotaro, Higashikata Josuke, Narancia Ghirga, Leone Abbacchio with an s/o who pulls them into dancing, fem!s/o
You felt incredibly good. The music was something you had needed for so much time, considering all the bad events that had happened lately. You kinda knew that all the eyes were on you, there was who was smiling, who was following the rythm of the music. And then there was your boyfriend.
May it be because he was tired, may it be because he was too focused on your moves. But he wasn't absolutely dancing. It was funny to finally dance after all that time. But after you had fell in love with him, you felt like dancing with him could have been even better.
If you could only convince him...
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You approached him, with a sly smile on your face. Jotaro willingly ignored you. You were in the middle of the desert and had found a working radio which was playing good music? It all looked too weird, to him. An enemy stand user who was try to make them let their guard down? It was night, and the six of you were getting ready to sleep, after a long day. But the music was inside of you, right now.
You started dancing around, jumping around Joseph and Polnareff, who were laughing, twirling all around Kakyoin while Avdol was clapping his hands. They also looked incredibly pleased, thanks to the music. But Jotaro, your boyfriend, was a mixture between kind and shocked. He was so stressed, poor boy, and you could tell by how he was staring at the radio.
"A... A radio enemy stand which makes people go crazy..." he was mumbling, while you were getting closer to him, wanting to take his hands in yours and pulling you into dancing with you. As soon as you were close enough to be in his range of action, he suddenly summoned Star Platinum, scaring you to death. You fell on the soft desert sand, looking at him in shock.
"J-Jotaro...?" he just stood there, angrily staring at you.
"Y/n. Are you being possessed by this enemy stand?" Star Platinum was just right in front of you, as you shook your head and swallowed. The crusaders were as shocked as you were. Jotaro was too stressed. After all, his mother's life was in danger and all he could think about was defeating Dio. After he understood what was going on, his stand disappeared, and he hid his face under his black hat. "Nevermind. Sorry."
You stood up, getting closer to him again. This time, instead of grabbing his hands, you took off his hat, putting it on your own head. It was too big for you, it fell on your eyes. You smiled to him.
"It's okay, JoJo. You can never know where an enemy might be. You've been careful, and that's always good." you wrapped your arms around his torso. "I just really, really wanna dance with the boy I love." The ordinary Jotaro would have never done it, but this Jotaro, so nervous, maybe needed it.
You took him by the hand, and pulled him away from his thoughts, gently moving his arms on the rythm of the music. His hands moved directly on your waist, and you smiled. This caused a bunch of whispered comments from the others.
"Oh my god."
"Ooh la la."
Jotaro killed Joseph and Jean Pierre with his gaze, but then went back at watching you. He held you closer, and you swore you saw a smile on him.
"Didn't know you were this good at dancing." You commented, caressing his neck.
"This is not... good." Jotaro snorted. "It's just dancing, y/n."
"Mind letting me decide whether this is good or not, Kujo?" at this answer of yours, he answered with a smirk. You broke the perfect dancing pose, to hug him tight and stand on tiptoe, leaving a quick peck on his lips.
"Thank you for dancing with me, JoJo."
"How cute, a kiss~" Joseph teased his grandson.
"Oh, l'amour." Jotaro killed his grandpa and his french friend, afterwards.
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The slight pain of an elbow on his arm and the sound of a raspy voice woke him up from his daydreaming. He'd never tried to go in a dance club. It was quite a mess.
"Oi Josuke." the boy huffed. "Your girlfriend over there is staring at you. She's totally hot, you should go, she looks like she wants to dance, huh Josuke?" you were, in fact, dancing around, kinda staring at him. But he was there with his best friend. You would have annoyed him, maybe?
"Okuyasu, are you hungry?" Josuke asked, staring at you from afar but talking to his bestie.
"Yes, like a lot."
"Fantastic." Josuke smirked. "I am not. How about you go eating something? Mh?" his best friend's eyes widened.
"Oooh... I understand, Josuke." unbelievable. "Have fun Josuke, okay Josuke? Bye J o s u k e e e ...."
As soon as he left, you kinda decided it was your time to shine. And he was slightly smiling, too.
"JoJo!" You approached your boyfriend wiggling your hips around - more or less like the iconic Suzi Q approaching Joseph -, and then rested your hands on his chest, right on the heart shaped unbuttoned part of his uniform. "What are you doing here all alone?"
"Ah..." Josuke tried to play the victim, to make you baby him. "My best friend said he had better things to do and left me alone..."
"Yeah, right..." you teased him and gently kissed him, ignoring the voices of jealous girls behind you who would have wanted to be you. "You don't like it here?"
"I've never been in a dance club... 's pretty chaotic."
"Yes, but the good thing is you can be yourself without getting judged. Just dance, Josuke." you grabbed the hands he was resting on your back, and brought them to your hips.
As soon as you pulled Josuke with you, not in the middle of the crowd - you still wanted your intimacy with him -, but not too far, you felt someone pushing you, making you stumble on Josuke's feet. Luckily, he caught you just in time not to make you fall. You decided not to turn around. You just smiled, pissed off.
"Who pushed me, Josuke?" the boy watched. He saw a girl, he didn't know her, though.
"Someone jealous, I think." he just answered, giggling and holding you tighter while moving with you on the music.
Nobody in the dance club saw it coming, but Josuke knew pretty well what you were doing, seeing your stand pop up behind you and punching that girl. He laughed, and that made you the happiest. "Maybe we should look surprised?" he suggested. You shook your head.
"Nah, nevermind..." your hands moved to his shoulders, and you kissed him again, while you were dancing.
The only ones to dance, to be honest. Everyone was being shocked about the girl who had been punched by your stand - nobody could see it -, and everyone's eyes were on the couple who was ignoring her. You two. Josuke blushed a little, but he had to admit that night with you in the dance club was priceless.
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You were shocked. Bucciarati had asked to put such a cute music at Libeccio's purposely for the gang to relax a bit. Even Abbacchio was quietly humming on the music. But Narancia, a known music lover and great dancer, was just sitting at the table, his fork wandering around his plate, not wanting to eat.
Probably wanting to dance, but holding back. Why was he holding back? Even you, his girlfriend, were dancing, and he was just there, almost sad looking. From afar, you gestured him into joining you, but he just tried to avoid your gaze.
You then got worried and curious about what was he thinking about, and you reached for him.
"Oi... Nara?" you kneeled down, next to his chair, and kissed him on his cheek. "Won't you join us? Won't you join me?" He looked at you. You could tell he wanted to dance, too.
"Y/n... why do you want me to dance with you?" you got a little taken aback by his question. "I'm still trying to figure out why did you choose me over someone like Bruno or Abbacchio..." your expression softened.
"I chose you over them..." you hugged him to make him stand up from the chair. "...because it's you who I like, Narancia. Very easy. And I'd rather dance once with you than a million times with them. Understood?" you kissed his forehead, cheeks and nose. He smiled shyly.
"Are you sure we can dance together, then?" Narancia asked. You noticed how Bucciarati was actually listening to your conversation. He was thinking about how to thank you later for making Narancia happy and confident about himself again.
"It's you the real dance machine, come dance wi-" you saw Aerosmith flying over your head, and as you noticed it, Narancia had already disappeared.
You turned around and saw him dancing like he had wanted to do that for hours, Aerosmith flying all around him happily, hitting the rythm of the music with its user. You immediately joined him, but you were more focused on looking at how happy he was. Narancia was your ray of sunshine, you couldn't hold back from hugging him while he was dancing, so he could lead you and do the same dance steps with you.
As you two danced together, your two stands could be seen having fun together on the rythm. Bucciarati was laughing, Giorno was happily smiling, Fugo and Abbacchio humming the music along with the radio. Mista tried to stand up to join you and Narancia, but Abbacchio grabbed his blue turtleneck, pulling him back on his chair.
You couldn't understand if it was because he didn't want another idiot to dance or if he actually wanted you and Narancia to enjoy your moment together. Trish was sitting on the table, yelling for a good cause.
"Won't we get to see a kiss between you two?"
Narancia had never felt comfortable in kissing on your lips in front of the gang, but he was so excited thanks to the music, that he just got closer to you, pressing his lips on yours. You felt your cheeks go on fire, but you were happy that Narancia was happy, too.
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Narancia and Mista were dancing, their music so loud everyone even outside could hear it, you dancing along with them. Too many times you pretended to stumble on your boyfriend's foot, slouched on the couch, with his eyes closed and his headphones on, just to get his attention. But he just ignored you.
You grew tired of waiting for Abbacchio to care about you stumbling on his foot, and just did what you knew he hated. You didn't actually do nothing weird, just sat next to him, without him noticing. The two boys who were dancing immediately understood what you wanted to do.
"Oh, Mista, try to put your hands around my waist, so we can dance better." Mista and Narancia were quietly giggling.
"Mmmm." was the only sound Abbacchio produced, angrily opening an eye, just to see you were sitting next to him, luckily without Mista's hands around you. You laughed.
"Hi, love."
"Mmm." you got closer and took off his headphones, since you were the only one who could do this without risking an immediate death. He opened both his eyes, and looked at you. Then he managed to put together two words. "What is it, amore?"
You stood up and grabbed his hands, pulling it to make him stand up. He's heavy, and won't stand up.
"Please?" you puppy eyed him, shaking his hands a little. You understood you had to use your trump card. "I would be so happy if you danced with me... Leone." he just couldn't say no, when you called him with his first name.
He huffed, standing up and blushing.
"I'm... fine with it, but... please, change the song... I like something more classical."
"Mh..." you hummed. "We getting romantic?" you just succeeded in making Abbacchio blush even more. You should thank God that you're yourself, or Leone would have scolded you several times for exposing him like this.
"Kinda." he said, as Narancia changed his music to something slower. Abbacchio posed to start dancing, and you looked at him, confused. He smirked. "You want to dance with me and don't know how to dance what I like?" Leone giggled. "This means I'll have to teach you." He put a hand on your waist, and moved a hand of yours on his shoulder.
"Try to stay closer to me... our chests have to be close, our heads don't." he said, as he guided you in your dance steps, under the amused eyes of Narancia and Mista.
"What do you mean our heads don't... what are we, Transformers?" Abbacchio snorted, smirking a little. Okay, that had been so sudden and funny, not even him could hold back a laugh.
He suddenly pulled you up and kissed you, leaving the two boys that were watching you in a complete state of shock. You caressed his cheek, and smiled in his sweet kiss. "I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty sure this wasn't implied in the dance step..." you whispered, smirking.
Abbacchio bit his lower lip, and smirked back. "Are you sure about this? Looks like our dancing was pretty... impressive." he gestured towards Narancia and Mista's shocked faces.
"I wouldn't mind dancing another time, would you, Leone?"
"No, I wouldn't surely mind."
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Biology [Dio x Reader]
Summary – You are stressed about college applications but by a twist of fate, a boy comes into your life and agrees to help you in exchange for something else.
Pairing – Gender neutral reader x Shane “Dio” Morrissey (No Y/N)
Warnings – general school related anxiety
Word count – 2.2k
A/N: For now this is just a one shot but if people enjoy it please let me know and I can write more! Comment if you would like to be tagged in a possible future update/s.
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“I’m heading home now,” the high school librarian announced, as she threw the keys in your direction. The clanking of the metal hitting the desk interrupted you from your thoughts. “Lock up.” She ordered you and before you could reply, she was gone. You had stayed late at the school library every night for the past two weeks trying to work on your college applications. You had applied for one of the most prestigious fashion schools in your country and were spending time working on your portfolio, trying to make sure everything was perfected. Every night, however, you found yourself staying late and as the submission deadline neared more and more things were seemingly going wrong. In the dim light, you stared at the computer screen as the brightness stung your eyes. Just then, a crash made you jump out of your seat and run to where the noise emanated from, thinking something had happened to the librarian on her way out. Instead, you saw the silhouette of a boy, clumsily picking up fallen books from the floor. You got closer and went down on your knees, reaching your hand out to pick up a book, but his hand overlapped yours. The contact sent a shiver down your spine and you diverted your gaze from the book, to the boy. He was already staring at you. Your lips parted as you realised who he was and he said your name in a gentle tone. The dim light brought out a sparkle in his eyes which almost made him unrecognisable. “Dio…”
He was the boy in your classes, who sat at the back and didn’t say a word. He was different to the other boys. He wore all black, he had piercings and, you looked down at his hand which was resting on top of yours, noting his chipped, painted black nails. You smiled; he was certainly different. Dio was one to always get in trouble, fighting with people who crossed him wrong or using his smart mouth to back-talk the teachers. You remembered just the other week he had threatened to stab someone. You ripped your hand away from his, remembering the incident and stumbled back to your feet. He stood up with you and you folded your arms over your chest, almost defensively. “Why are you here?” You quizzed Dio. There was no reason for someone like him to be in the school library so late at night.
Dio stood awkwardly, looking at you and looking at the pile of fallen books on the ground. “I- uh-“ he struggled to get his words out. You picked up one of the books and ran your fingers over the title.
“Biology?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I’m failing,” Dio admitted with a sigh. “And, I can’t fail. So I’m studying. I usually just sit in Ms Greene’s classroom every night after school. No one knows I stay back. It’s uh, kind of a secret.”
“No way,” you shook your head in disbelief. “You? Studying?” You panicked slightly, feeling as though your tone might have come off as rude, but he didn’t seem fazed.
“I don’t want to go college,” Dio shrugged. “But I want out of this hell-hole. I want to graduate. I’m already a grade behind because I failed my finals last year. I can’t fail again.”
“You’re a year behind?”
“I’m nineteen,” he told you and you nodded, listening to him intently. He was finally making eye contact with you, and the softness in his look brought you a feeling of safety, despite him being your high school’s intimidating Goth boy.
“Well,” you cleared your throat and changed the subject. “I’m here every night too.” Dio gave you a weak smile and rubbed his feet along the old carpet awkwardly.
“Studying?” he asked.
“No,” you replied and handed him the biology book. He took it and slid it back into its place. He didn’t even want it anymore. “College applications.”
“Yeah? What are you applying for?” Dio asked and you raised an eyebrow at his curiosity.
“Fashion,” you informed him, pointing at the only switched on computer which lit up the corner of library. Dio’s smile grew and you wondered if he was about to poke fun at you.
“Can I see?” He followed your finger and also pointed at your computer.
You hesitated. He probably wanted to sabotage your portfolio... that sounded like a ‘Dio’ thing to do. The awkward silence went on long enough and you gave in, agreeing, and taking him over to your computer. You slid back down into your chair and flicked through the pages of your virtual fashion file. Instead of pulling a seat up, he leaned down to your level, his hand resting on the back of your chair. The distance between you both was very small, you swore you could even feel his breath on your neck. “Ms Cassidy says all applications are due in this Friday and I’m just about happy with my portfolio-“
“-You should be,” Dio interrupted. “This is incredible.”
You paused, dumbstruck by his compliment. Dio doesn’t just give out compliments like that. Especially not to people he’s just met. Hell, you were even surprised he knew your name. “…But,” you continued. “I need this to stand out and be special or else the admissions team won’t look twice at it. Fashion is so competitive. I had this idea. I wanted to do a segment on alternative style but I need a model and I’m not sure if I could find one who fits my image in time. I feel like giving up.” You sighed, exasperated, but he didn’t answer. He was paying very little attention to your words, or even your portfolio. His eyes burned into your face, memorising and taking in every little detail like you were the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. “Dio?” You interrupted his thoughts.
You sighed again. “I can’t find a model because no one has that special air of style these days. Everyone is the same. Same is boring. We all want to look the same as each other because… it feels safe.” You shrugged.
“Right,” Dio agreed, shuffling around in his long black leather coat. The noise it made pulled you to look at him, and as you took in his appearance, you were struck with an idea. Dio must’ve seen the lightbulb appear above your head and he laughed.  “No no no,” he shook his head. You didn’t need to verbalise your thoughts, he already knew exactly what you wanted. “Not me. I’m not a model.”
“Please!” You begged, standing up and pressing both of your hands to his chest as you felt the different layers of material he was wearing. His breathing hitched under your touch and he squirmed slightly. “You’re perfect… you…” Your voice trailed off as you imagined the various poses he could do in his different clothes. He was everything you needed; your ticket to get into Fashion school. “Dio.” you pulled your hands away and pressed them together in a praying gesture. “I’ll pay you.” Your voice changed seriously. “Do you have any idea how much I want this?”
“I do… I do…” Dio said, uncertainty still dripping from his tongue. He thought of how much his friends would tease him if they found out he had been out on photoshoots with you. If they knew he was your model. But there was no reason for them to find out, and if it meant he could spend more time with you… “You can pay me. Yeah?” He eventually agreed.
“Yes!” You exclaimed, filled with happiness. “Of course Dio, thank you.” And acting on impulse, you hugged him. You felt him tense up and you buried your face into his chest. After a delay, he wrapped his arms around you. He was warm. You didn’t know what it was, perhaps his strong arms or broad shoulders that made you feel protected. It was crazy. Of course you had seen him around before, but suddenly he had you feeling all these things. “Thank you,” you mumbled. You finally felt like you had a shot at fashion school – a chance. From that moment, you swore he was your lucky star.
Dio had always stuck out in a crowd of high school students with his black gelled hair, kohl eyeliner and multiple piercings around his ears. You were certain he was feared, even by the jocks, but that only drew you in closer to him. He was like an enigma, and in this moment, you had never felt more compelled to discover more of him. Realising your hug probably had lasted way longer than appropriate, you were the first one to pull away. “So, uhm,” you cleared your throat, figuring you should go over expenses. “I can do 30$ for the first hour and if it takes longer… then 10$ for every hour after that.”
“No I don’t want your money,” Dio said, and you knotted your eyebrows together. He wanted more.
Dio knew you better than you knew him. He had been watching you for a while now, taking in your every move. He knew your GPA was above average and that you were worrying way more than you needed to be about college. He had complete faith in you. He saw you every day, laughing with your friends in the cafeteria. He watched you from his seat at the back of the classes you shared with him. He admired how smart you were, and especially how hard-working, something he felt like he could never be. You felt like you would be good for him, a positive influence which is something he knew he so desperately needed. But there was something about you that made him lose his confidence. It was a feeling he’d never felt before which made him question all his motives. He wanted to go out with you, kiss you with hunger and passion. He had done these things plenty of times before and lord knows he was experienced but it was like there was something inside of him that stopped him from making any advances. In the darkness of the library, in the close proximity, he felt the butterflies in his stomach. He felt the spark of electricity when your hands had previously touched. He’d done a lot – been with guys and girls before but the outcome was always the same. Meaningless sex and then never speak to them again. Now, he was suddenly feeling this emotional attachment. A sense of longing.
He wanted to ask you out. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t need your money, he just needed you, and he’d take you right now in the library if he could. He looked around, contemplating his surroundings. He simply couldn’t do it, and yet the urge to kiss you was so strong. “I don’t want your money,” he repeated. “Look, you help me pass biology and that’ll be enough.”
You felt the tension in the air. You wondered if he could feel it too. “Before we start on biology,” your voice was barely above a whisper. “How’s your chemistry?” You intertwined your fingers with his and bit your lip, taking a step forward to him, filling any distance. Dio felt the smirk playing on his lips at your confidence but nervously, you looked up at him doe-eyed. This was the first time you had ever gotten close to someone. Dio lifted his free hand and cupped your cheek, his thumb tracing the softness of your lower lip.
“Good enough for me to know it’s alright to do this,” his voice was dark. He leaned in and his nose brushed against yours. You hummed and found your fingers in his hair as you pushed his face closer. Your eyes fluttered closed as he kissed you delicately. It wasn’t how you had imagined at all. You had seen him around other people; the way he’d push his partners into the lockers and run his hands over their bodies. You’d see people hang out with Dio, and they’d turn up to class the next day with hickeys and love-bites all over their jaw and neck. You imagined him rough, but this felt – gentle. He was passionate and took his time to deepen the kiss. You felt safe in his arms, you wanted to stay like this forever. He was such a good kisser, although him being your first kiss, you didn’t have much to compare it to. When he eventually pulled away so you could both catch your breath, you felt your knees weaken and couldn’t wipe the smile off your face. Dio spoke your name softly and squeezed your hand. “Let me walk you home.” He murmured, to which you agreed, but not before kissing him again.
I hope you enjoyed!! Like I said let me know if you want to be added to a tag list and I will write more if people want more. Thanks for reading. xx
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jokerfan99 · 4 years
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My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains (Updated) by DarkChild316
In a different time and a different world, I did a list of “My 10 Favorite Anime Villains”. I am older now, and hopefully much wiser and now thanks to the global pandemic and my new subscriptions to Hulu and Funimation I’ve had the opportunity to go back and revisit so many classic anime that I feel like I should re-do it. Plus I’ve gone back and looked at my previous list and shook my head thinking to myself: “My God man, what in the f**k were you thinking with some of these choices!” So, I’ve gone back and redone the list, now this list is strictly for the men only. If you want to see a list dedicated to my favorite female villains, check out my list of “My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villainesses.” But for this list, here is my updated list of My Top 10 Favorite Anime Villains:
#10. Shishiho Makoto (Rurouni Kenshin): Growing up as a kid, Ruroni Kenshin was one of the first anime I had ever watched, and this guy was someone who I hated with a passion. Looking back at it years later, I realize now what an amazing villain and foil to Kenshin that Makoto was. Unlike a lot of villains on this list, Makoto wasn’t just evil for the sake of being evil, Makoto’s evil came from the worst type of trauma: betrayal! In this case the betrayal came from Makoto’s own government, where Makoto survived not only multiple gunshots, but being doused in oil and burned alive, leaving him in complete and utter agony. What puts Shishio on my list is what he manages to do after surviving death. He compiles an army of the best fighters Japan has to offer and plots to overthrow the entire Meiji Government. While in complete agony. Who else can claim that? Did I also mention he’s topping the list of the best fighters in the show? His swordsmanship is second only to Kenshin himself as he proves in their absolutely epic fight.
#9. Hisoka Morrow (Hunter x Hunter): Hunter x Hunter is a show with several great villains that truly stand out, and while Meruem was memorable, pardon me for believing that Hisoka was the standout villain from that show. A devious killer and master Nen user, Hisoka is driven by little more than his desire to find and kill strong opponents. Be they young children or master criminals, he’ll pursue them to the ends of the Earth with a bloodlust on par with that of a wild predator. Likewise, he doesn’t care what happens to himself or others in this pursuit. Mass civilian casualties, the loss of his own villainous allies or even the loss of his own limbs barely phases him, so long as he gets to fight with someone that tests his limits. As a result, he more often than not embodies chaos incarnate, wreaking havoc in his pursuit of battle and leaving a mountain of corpses behind him. Needless to say, this puts him at odds with the series’ protagonists at regular intervals. Not only do Gon and his friends fit the bill for what he seeks, but they often take on enemies that prove to be exactly what Hisoka is looking for. And yet, this also serves to make him all the more interesting. Where other villains might strike out at the protagonists and heroes immediately, Hisoka schemes, allies himself with and double-crosses people regularly, always finding the best angle to work in order to reach his goals. He may not be a world-ending anime villain on the level of a Meruem with seismic ambitions, but he’s undeniably the most interesting and brilliant villain in Hunter x Hunter to see at work.
#8. Izaya Orihara (Durarara!!): If you think of a list of top anime villains and this guy isn’t one of the first people who comes to mind, please raise your hands so I can have a few words with you in private with no cameras or eyewitnesses. The crazy thing about Izaya is that he doesn’t even realize he’s evil, and that’s what makes him great. He loves humanity; from the depths of his bones he loves us all. This is why he makes it onto my list; he does progressively more cruel acts against humans, putting people in situations that generally lead to their deaths. He is also a master of parkour and highly skilled with a switchblade in his hand (as evident in the above picture), which he generally only uses in dire situations or fights against Shizuo. In short, I absoulutely love this guy. I thoroughly enjoyed the way he manages to manipulate an entire populous, and that’s why he’s more than earned a spot on my list.
#7. Dio Brando (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure): You might have thought it was someone else, but it was me, Dio! All meme-worthy jokes aside, Dio Brando is unquestionably one of the most iconic anime villains of all time and, thanks to his series’ late-blooming popularity outside of Japan thanks largely to the 2012 anime adaptation, one that still feels modern in our minds. Dio is a tenacious bastard that takes advantage of the generosity of the Joestar family to further his own power, being intolerably dickish to Jonathan by constantly tearing him down, trying to make him look bad in front of his dad, spreading rumors to sully his reputation, and sabotaging his relationships. This escalates into killing his dog (his f***ikg dog of all things!), poisoning and later stabbing his adoptive father (I mean WTF!), and becoming a freakin vampire. Even after decapitation, Dio gets his revenge and sets in motion many of the events of the series, making a formal return in Stardust Crusaders as the main villain once again. With raw ambition taken to the extreme, iconic lines, poses, and outfits, incredible abilities from Aztec mask-induced vampirism and the time-stopping power of The World, Dio’s menacing presence towers over his series and over anime as a whole, which makes him MORE than deserving of a spot on my list.
#6. Light Yagami (Death Note): Yes, he’s a VILLAIN, get over yourselves Light Yagami fanboys! Anyway, there are a number of different adjectives and superlatives that could be used to described the lead character of Death Note: Diabolical, calculating, and determined to make the world in his own image all describe Light who was easily the most clever man in  Death Note, as evidenced by the layers upon layers that composed his elaborate plans.  Light started out as a good kid, doing well in school and heading to a bright career in police work like his father. But when he gets possession of the death note, he begins a remarkable descent into a disturbing mastermind who becomes judge, jury, and executioner for the entire world. But what truly makes Light's character stand out remains complicated throughout the story. His ultimate goal is to make the world a happier, safer place; a noble but perhaps misguided goal. His idealism and nobility still shine through when he doesn’t have the Death Note. When he temporarily relinquishes ownership of the death note to throw L off his trail, Light loses all memory of the death note and he reverts to his normal personality. His sense of morality returns and he shows more compassion for those around him. He even refuses to use Misa Amane to get information out of her when L asks him to. These qualities help to create a complex character who ends up being a detestable villain, yet you still kind of root for him to come out of this story as a winner. Light’s progression through the series is marked by his sheer brilliance. He's got a calculated and strategic mind that would make the great philosopher Machiavelli jealous, and the power of the death note adds a callousness that makes him free to use people in whatever way necessary to accomplish his goals. It’s highly entertaining to see his intricate plans play out. But Light’s messiah-like ego is just as big as his brain, and that arrogance ultimately leads to his tragic downfall.
#5. The Major (Hellsing): An evil Nazi Scientist, I know everyone is just rolling their eyes right now thinking I’m reaching for the low-hanging fruit for this one, but just hear me out here. While he may seem like an obvious pick for a list like this, The Major’s goals, however, are somehow far more unhinged than what may first appear. Despite being an impassioned orator and uncompromising strategist willing to sacrifice countless soldiers, the Major himself had no especial loyalty or passion for the cause of Millennium. His sole obsession is to plunge the world into an unending conflict to the point of endangering not only the lives of others but also his own. The Major’s leadership of Millennium, his decades espousing the genocidal ideology of fascists, and subsequent war against the Hellsing organization, the Vatican, and the entire world serve only as a pretext to satiate his insatiable bloodlust. The Major is one of anime’s most insidious villains, a charismatic, nihilistic sociopath driven purely by his sadomasochistic death wish.
#4. Shou Tucker (Fullmetal Alchemist): Now, you may be recalling that in my previous version of this list, I had Envy listed as my choice as my favorite villain from this show. Well after careful reconsideration, I’ve had to reevaluate my decision and give that spot to this creep, because while Envy’s actions were despicable to a point, they PALE in comparison to this guy! He only really appears in one episode if I remember correctly, yet in that one single episode, he made more of an impact then most villains make in a lifetime, which really says a lot about this guy’s character. What was it that made him so memorable you ask? Well, it could have something to do with the fact that this man transmutaed his own dog and daughter to create a talking chimera, which hadn’t been done before, and for what other reason…all in the name of recognition in the world of alchemy! That mere fact alone made this guy the most hated man in all of anime, the fact that he sacrificed his own family for the sake of fame, with absolutely no hint of remorse, made this guy the definition of an absolute living piece of shit and the only thing worse is how the episode ended, but I won’t spoil that one for you if you haven’t seen it.
#3. Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) Up next is a man competing with the likes of Medusa Gorgon for the title of “Anime’s Worst Parent”, Gendo Ikari, please step up to the front of the congregation. Now Gendo is a man who’s list of atrocities throughout Evangelion is far too many to name, but I’m going to try my best to list them here: You have being actively complicit in the premature instigation of a biblical apocalypse, resulting in a near extinction-level event that caused the death of nearly two-thirds of the human population. Emotionally neglecting his own son Shinji estranging himself from him for over twelve years, only to offer him up as a sacrificial pawn in his bid to artificially bootstrap humanity’s ascent into evolutionary godhood so that he could be reunited with his dead wife. Cloning said wife’s DNA into a harem of emotionally dependent albino ingenues who share a dogged infatuation for their creator. And that’s not even mentioning the horrific emotional abuse and mental manipulation he inflicts on Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and her mother Naoko. All-in-all Gendo is proof positive that love not only has the capacity to overcome any obstacle, but sometimes it can truly make monsters out of us all.
#2. Griffith (Berserk): Griffith did nothing wrong; at least, not by his own drives and ambitions. A peasant who grew to become the leader of his own mercenary band, Griffith was a self-driven man who pursued his desires with unparalleled efficiency. No matter the situation or obstacle, he found a way to overcome them, whether that meant facing down an army of thousands or assassinating a country’s leaders. All the while, he amassed a legion of friends and followers who would follow him to hell and back, caring for him as much or more than he cared for them. As a result, they were dragged down with him when his ambitions saw him imprisoned, tortured and maimed. They cared little though, risking life and limb to save him and help him salvage a life with what he had left. That wasn’t enough for Griffith though. When given the option to become a demon and continue the pursuit of his dreams, he whole-heartedly accepted it; even though it came at the cost of sacrificing the lives of each and every one of his friends and allies. But that wasn’t the worst of it, to further spite the early desertion of Guts, Griffith proceeds to rape Casca, Guts’ love interest, in front of him as Guts is held down by demons. So yes, Griffith did nothing wrong by himself. By everyone else though, he did them the worst of injustices, and continues to do so with each breath he takes, all of which makes him a compelling and infuriating villain.
#1. Johan Liebert (Monster): I’ve covered a wide variety of monsters (pun fully intended) on this list, but THIS monster (again, pun FULLY intended) truly takes the cake when it comes to anime villains. A serial killer who would fit in well in any blockbuster film, Monster told the story of a man who had truly become monstrous; a charismatic, intelligent sociopath with no other goal than to kill everyone else in the world. Johan didn't just kill people, he made other people into monsters just like him. This skill of his corruption is first displayed in his youth, when he used stories to convince the other boys in his orphanage to kill all the staff, and each other. Johan is often compared to Light Yagami of Death Note, but the two couldn’t be any more different. Light's fatal (and genius) flaw is his own ego, which leads him to put his own life above all else, even his goal of changing the world. But Johan has never been afraid of death. Quite the opposite, he welcomes and embraces it, being more than willing to put his own life at risk, and one of his signature traits is how he challenges people to shoot him. Another of Jonah’s signature traits is his skills as a masterful manipulator. Where Light and other on this list had to resort to supernatural means to get what they wanted, Johan just used his own wits and knowledge of human nature. He's easily the most frightening villain on this list because he’s the truest to life villain on this list and he exposes the base human nature of his victims and of human society. Monster's remarkable story was almost entirely due to Johan alone, and it’s why he’s #1 on my list.
So that's my updated list, what did you guys think about it? Love it, hated it? Go on and tell me what you think and let me know who your favorite anime villains are. See you soon!!!
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/darkchild316
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bunnysdoodles · 3 years
I wanna make a Jojo Comic
• • •
This all started as a joke with my partner while slightly drunk playing Stardew Valley. But I want to make a Jojo Comic. Like...a whole as part of Jojo where everything is based on 90's/2000's hip hop & Rnb and I literally started writing basic stuff out.
It started with a joke about a stand being called Kiss Me Thru the Phone...and then escalated. Just...just look.
• • •
•Kiss Me Thru the Phone (Soulja Boy) Powers: electronic disruption and sound wave control stand does the superman pose while the stand user pose is the stanky leg
•Jump (Kris Kross) stand battle background music
•Villain: Gangstas paradise (Coolio) can blend in and travel through shadows and has shadow control/ can make whatever with it
•Takes place in California
•When someone dies instrumental I'll be missing you (Diddy, Faith Evans, 112)
•Female stand user. Stand: Mo money Mo problems (Notorious B.I.G, Mase & Puff Daddy, Diddy)
•Powers: Heals, Disorienting and horribly nausea inducing depending on stand users will
•Gettin' Jiggy Wit It (Will Smith) outro
•I Got 5 On It (Luniz, Michael Marshall) plays when something sketchy is happening/foreboding
•Villain: What's luv? (Fat Joe, Ja Rule, Ashanti) Powers: emotional manipulation if the stand can touch your heart your emotions are at it's disposable
•Stand User is a pimp Stand: Magic Stick (Lil Kim)
•Powers: TBD the main casts goes to them for info
•Move bitch (Disturbing the Peace, Ludacris) Their personality is serious. Powers: Fast accurate puncher with knochback
•What the main casts sings in cars n shit during the journey, Baby got back (Sir Mix-A-Lot)
•The Jojo is one of dios spawns their stand: Poison (Bel Biv DeVoe) Powers: Poison obviously, one bit or slice from the stand injects poison. The potency depends on the stand users intention and how big of a cut/ bite
•The Jobro's Stand: Fergalicious (Fergie) Powers: Disorienting flashes as well as a kick ass fighter so watch out. (yes he's a man and that's his stand)
•Female stand user. Stand: Rump Shaker (Wreckx-N-Effect) Powers: Earthquakes,seismic waves and activity. Can be big or localized to a person
•I Wish (Skee-Lo) Not the intro but like the morioh radio that plays at the open of each episode
•U Can't Touch This (Mc Hammer) Powers: Supers speed when moving, and what's inflicted on the stand is reflected back. The stand user wears hammer pants and hammer dances with stand cuz I say so
•Blame it (Jamie Foxx) intro?? Outro? Idk something though
•Villain [maybe the main?? TBD] Stand: Ms. Jackson (OutKast) Powers: Can duplicate itself, fucks with your perception of reality if it makes contact
•Big poppa (Notorious B.I.G) outro maybe??
•Feel so good opening?
•Jump on it (Sir Mix-A-Lot) Travel song, they possibly get lost in Arizona maybe???
•Bye bye bye when someone dies (just a joke?) ((maybe?))
•Pump it (Black Eyed Peas) When they meet the Jobro and have to start running from gun fire
•Group song that they go out to fuck shit up to: Walk It Out (OutKast) Possibly???
•Stand: Peaches and Cream (112) Powers: TBD
Stand user is non binary and bad ass
•California Love (2Pac, Dr. Dre) Thrown in during the journey at some point
I really wanna go forward with this even though it started as a big ass joke. And I was thinking if anyone wanted to be apart of it they could be just Dm me😁
Anyway that's the post🌟
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greekbros · 4 years
"greek-Bros: The Return of an Old Enemy"
Chapter 9: The 'War' Room
It was approximately high noon, the Dionysian Games were at their peak, all was well for the residents of Delphi except for one. Dionysus was in his competitors tent near the game field, explaining to Hermes the whole situation. Dionysus had agreed to a challenge that had now put Delphi and Ariadne in a compromising situation, if Ares won the joust he would take everything from the land to sleeping with his beloved wife.
Dionysus was laying on a pile of pillows, deeply remorseful of his string of terrible decisions. "I can't believe I would put Ariadne in this situation I really am like dad!", he sobbed, "WHY the fuck did I even agree to this?!", he continued while crying into his pillow. Hermes sat next to him, patting his back trying to comfort him. He couldn't care too much about how it all happened but he had an idea on how he was going to help.
Hermes laid down on the pillows and let out a relaxed sigh, he already had the plan all mapped out. "Dionysus, you know very well even if Ares does win...I'm not letting him screw you and Ariadne. By the way....is he using his OWN horses for this?", he asked. Ares's chariot was pulled by a trio of horses that would be best described as literal Night Mares, these mystical fire breathing war horses are fast, aggressive and can pull a lot more than Ares's weight.
Dionysus turned, sniffling, "....I'm not sure why?", now he was curious as to what Hermes was planning, "why? What are you going to do?". He was desperate to find some way of winning. It would be devastating if Ariadne found out she was going to be a prize for Ares and lose her kingdom let alone have her husband lose a challenge he decided to enter.
Hermes gave a smirk, inspite of current events he always knew how to make time for anything. "Well, I remember correctly....his horses are pretty tough....if he is using his horses, I could let them out....replace them with some of the horses from here.....I mean...how does wine effect horses.... especially ones that....breath fire?", he asked with a sly grin. He leaped up, pacing back and forth. "We could.....get him drunk, throw him off his game...or...we can go a little more further.", he turned to Dionysus for some approval.
Dionysus was catching on with Hermes's plan. He stood up, "...yeah.....I see where you're going with this....yeah.....but how are we going to get the horses to drink the wine? I mean....you can't just lead a horse to water....also....what if an animal that BREATHES fire....wine is flammable you know...". The two were brainstorming, thinking of ways Ares could be sabotaged. Their brain power would get a boost in the form of someone outside. The two heard the familiar but eloquently frustrated voice of Apollo, demanding to see Dionysus. Dionysus rushes to the tent entrance and opens to see Apollo, talking to one of the satyrs guarding the tent. "Hey man how's it hanging?", Dionysus chimed.
Apollo turned around and the look on his face spoke a thousands that all could translate to "What the HELL did I tell you?!". He marched towards Dionysus, pushes him gently back into the tent to yell at him. "WHY IS THERE AN EVENT GOING ON?!?", he shouted, "I thought I told you to hold off on any parties or anything to make sure the people are safe from what's been going on!". He almost couldn't believe that Dionysus would go the point of risking the Delphians for the sake of having fun.
Dionysus slunked into himself like a turtle going into his shell. "W-well Apollo ol'pal...ugh....wow you are NOT going to believe what else....ugh...Ares is here too....aaaaaand I'm in trouble.....more specifically.... Ariadne is in trouble.", he tried to soften the news but even he knew it wasn't going to quell Apollo's mild fury.
Hermes stepped into help in his own way, "Yeah Dionysus bet his wife, Delphi itself and his patronship of Delphi to Ares if he lost.", successfully making the situation far worse. Apollo's usually fare glowingly pale face was slowly glowing a burning fiery orange with anger, it became hotter in the tent, melting any wax candles and drying any leaves from fruits inside. "Come on Apollo, are you really going to get mad inside of this highly flammable tent with your two favorite brothers in mine?", Hermes charmed Apollo. The hot glow dimmed back into the cooler pale tone he usually had, he knew no matter how angry he got it would be pointless to lose his temper.
Apollo took a deep sigh, sat down to further collect himself. ".....ok...now...what do you plan on doing then?", he asked. He could see both Dionysus and Hermes had a plan, and he knew he wasn't going to like it. "Oh good....it seems you both have something cooked up.", he begrudgingly assumed.
The two stood there looking at Apollo, Hermes walked to a table that had a bottle of wine. "Let's just say, Ares isn't going to drive his chariot straight if his HORSES have been drinking....oh..ugh....DID you see his horses?", he asked. Apollo nodded 'yes', so unfortunately, the plan of forcing Ares's horses to drink the wine would pose a challenge. "Ok, so....we will have to feed the horses something else....spiked fruit?", he suggested. The two looked at Hermes, both couldn't argue against the idea yet they found it to be a usable one.
Dionysus chimed in, "yeah I think I have some marinated apples somewhere. We could feed it to his horses if they don't drink the wine.", he left the tent to look for some at a food tent nearby, leaving the two brothers alone.
Apollo knew that Hermes wasn't here just to enjoy watching Dionysus's fake Olympic games, he had been watching what had been going on in Greece. "Hermes, now that we're alone. What have you seen as of late? Is what I've heard from Artemis true?", Apollo was referring to the wolf man that Hermes and Artemis had encountered. He had recently come in contact with Artemis, whom had come to him to ask about Zeus's whereabouts.
His mischievous demeanor calmed into a somber awareness. Hermes took a deep sigh, he got distracted with Dionysus's issue. He turned to Apollo, "yeah, it was pretty freaky...the thing didn't die on the first shot either. I haven't seen them appear during the day though. I think these creatures only come out of night.", he took off hat hat and scratched his head. "Dionysus was getting a lot of complaints....guess people here can't stand still for long....I can see why he caved in, he doesn't want to disappoint anyone....I can relate, buuuuut honestly the whole situation feels weird.". Hermes felt mildly uncomfortable about his encounter, he had been so use to seeing things die and stay dead, that it had never occurred to him that something could reanimate.
Apollo's stern face loosened up, "Well.....he always seems to listen to his mortal citizens more than me so I'm not sure why I always act surprised.", he relaxed a little but noticed Hermes a little bit worried, "Are you ok? Artemis did mention you didn't take too well to the.... creature.". He could see Hermes look like a someone who saw something he shouldn't.
"it's ok", Hermes replied, "....I just prefer dead things to be dead....that's all.". He turned to the shuffling tent wall and sees Dionysus come in with a jar of fruit pickled in wine. "Ah perfect Dio, I'll take the fruit and wine. Wait here and I'll handle the rest.", Hermes took the jar and an amphora of wine and jetted off, leaving Dionysus and Apollo in the tent.
Dionysus turned to Apollo, "sooooo........ugh....hehe, have you seen the games? Man the folks out there are having fun.", he tried to make it as if he wasn't caring about his dilemma but there was no point, "man I fucked up big time..... fucking Ares, the asshole.... should have asked for someone who wouldn't want to fuck Ariadne.....man I'm a terrible husband.", he slumped on to a pile of pillows. He was still worried about the joust, he was worried about losing Ariadne's trust in him, and above all he was worried if he resembled Zeus in the worst way possible. Dionysus let out a deep sigh, "guess I really am my dad's kid..."
Apollo could hear the hurt in Dionysus's voice, he got closer to him and placed his hand on his back. "Look, you messed up even for your standards.....but you're not a terrible husband, you two are young newlyweds, you've been married for a short amount time and mistakes happen.... don't be THAT hard on yourself. There's still time to fix things....does she know about the bet?", asked Apollo.
"No...she doesn't....and I don't want her to know about ANY of it. If I lose, I lose everything that's important to me....if I win...well...I have yet to see Ares be a good sport about losing....for all I know he'll tell her out of spite", Dionysus replied.
"Oh come now, Ares is a difficult person for sure and he's unbarable at times....but I doubt he will be that level of cruelty. Maybe he was just exaggerating...after all the man is the father of Fear and Terror himself, he would know a thing or two about making people fear him." Apollo reassured him. "Plus, I have no doubt Ariadne would forgive you. You've done quite a lot for her if you remember, she knows you love her and you'd end the world for her.", Apollo hoped his words would at least inspire Dionysus not to consider himself a failure of a husband. After all, he along with Hades, have seemed to have rather successful marriages and to compare one's marriage to Zeus's marriage is surly a blow to one's heart and soul let alone their ego.
Dionysus looked at Apollo and smiled, "....thanks....but I just don't want to mess up anyway.", he got up and took a quick peek outside to see how far into the games the people had gotten through. Unfortunately time wouldn't be on their side, it had seems the Delphians had gone through the whole games and have already started giving out makeshift medals. "GAH! THE GAMES ARE ALMOST DONE!", he loudly panicked, he ran towards the set of armor that he set aside so he can put on for the joust, "OH GODS IM FUCKED! Hermes better be done with what he was doing!", he quickly put on his armor.
"I'll go and distract Ares then, see if I can change his mind about the bet, good luck out there Dionysus.", Apollo quickly left Dionysus in the tent.
"Bye see you later.", Dionysus responded.
Elsewhere, Hermes was at a temporary stable where the horses for the joust. Hermes snuck into the stables in hopes no one noticed him. He looked around and could see Ares's three huge, scary looking chariot horses, he slowly tiptoed to them. The horses noticed his presence, these weren't friendly horses, these horses might as well have been the horses of straight from King Augeas's stable. Hermes took a bowl and pored the wine into it, he raised it to the opening of the stable up to the three horses. In a whispered voice, "...hey there buddies, you want something to take the edge off? Come on, it should smell irresistible.", Hermes was hoping the sweet smelling wine would attract their attention, one of the horses did I fact take a sip from the bowl. It drank the whole thing in a few sips, letting out a loud delighted whinny.
"Hehe, perfect.", Hermes poured another bowl to see if he could give more wine, the same horse drank the wine while the second horse became curious and took a few sips as well. Now all was left was to get the third horse hooked on the wine, but the third horse was different, this one was a stubborn mare that lead the trio while they pull the chariot. She wasn't going to fall for the wine as easily. Hermes took a quick peak at the mare, "c'moooooon, what gives?", he could see she was all the way in the corner, glaring at him while her brothers fought to take the last few sips. As Hermes poured the last of wine into the bowl, he went to take out a wine soaked pealed apple from the jar. He gently tossed to the mare, the other two horses could smell the wine on the apple and tried to go right for it, but the mare reared her head, snorting aggressively. The two other horses stopped, the mare sniffed the apple and took a small nibble.
It took a few seconds for the mare to understand why this apple was spicy, however, she seemed to have liked the spiked fruit and ate it in one bite. She clopped towards Hermes, intimidating him for more apples, he quickly obliged and held the jar to the mare. She shoved her muzzle into the jar, eating a few more bits of alcoholic fruit. Hermes wasn't satisfied yet, he left the jar with the mare and he quickly ran to get two more amphoras of wine. He quickly began to pore more wine for all three horses, the more the three sipped, the relaxed and tipsy they acted. The three swayed back and forth, bumping into each other, loudly snorting and whinnying.
Plan A, was a success. Hermes patted the three horses snouts, knowing damn well he would never have a chance to do this with Ares's horses ever again. "Ok, bye bye.", he darted off to see what Ares was doing, unfortunately, he was more focused than ever, he was now for some reason practicing using his sword on an innocent tree as if he was going to fight Dionysus to the death. "What the fuck is he doing, he isn't going to kill dionysus is he?", Hermes questioned to himself. He suddenly saw Apollo call out to Ares, wanting to have a conversation with him. "Ah oh, this is going to be good....or really bad.", Hermes hoped Apollo was going to help.
End of chpr 9
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emrlden · 4 years
Anime and manga artsyles I like and why
Brought to you by my smooth brain and the low quality images I stole off google yes I know this is bad but I wanna talk about this sO-
1 Jojo: of course I’m talking about jojos bizzare adventure how could I not. Aaight so first off, in the manga I really vibe with Arakis way of drawing really pretty dudes despite his characters being absolute units for the first 3 parts. I don’t like Dio as a person but dang he pretty. Josuke is my favorite jojo design wise just because he so soft looking or something. ThaT oNe drAwinG oF hiM wiTh gLoVes??? YOOOOO! Maybe it’s the eyelashes maybe it’s the poses idk but nice
I also really admire the outfits he makes and how he makes everyone look so weird but it works. Like where are these guys buying these dumb clothes. 3 people in Passione have chest windows or whatever and it looks niCe. Part 6 Jotaro and Johny have these weird pants that turn into shoes? There's just a lot of weird fashion that turns out looking cool to me .
Lastly I really like his sketchy doodle style. It looks really simple but idk something about it looks nice about how sketchy it is. Cool.
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2 Demon Slayer: bruh I actually finished the manga like a week ago and this artist is so rad in how he draws eyes. You can tell who the character is just by them and a lot of them are really unique.
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He’s also cool at designing characters. He makes the demons look cool whether they look human or mutated. My favorites would be Akaza, Doma, and the mother spider demon. All the pillars have unique designs and I love theM. I admire his artsyle and how simplistic and complicated it can be.
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3 Hanako Kun: AAighT sO I do like the artsyle of this but the main thing I admire is how they color the manga. Its so warm and I really like it
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4: ᴵ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᶦᵗ ʷʰᵉⁿ ᵐᵒᵇ ᵍᵒᵉˢ ¹⁰⁰ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵍᵒᵉˢ:
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Like he’s such a calm dude and then he looks so scary and different like even his eyes change it’s so cOOL. I know one punch man does the same thing but I still have yet to watch that despite adoring mob psycho.
I also like how ONE’s style can look so simple but still get the point across. It’s not as polished as other manga but I enjoy the look of it and it can make comedic moments funnier heehee
This has been my dumb spontaneous essay on artstyles I hope to take the parts I like and compact and squish it into my own dumb artstyle
Might do another one on My hero academia and some others as well since I ran out of picture space :p
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oingos-bitch · 4 years
Another JoJo Mall Fanfic™ -- Hooters (Part 1)
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Beware of spoilers! Specifically Part 5/Vento Aureo spoilers!
Risotto  drove  up  to  the  Hooters  side  of  the  mall  and  parked  his  car  in  the  handicapped  spot.
'It's  early  in  the  morning,  and  we're  only  gonna  take  about  30  minutes  to  do  the  interview..'
Melone  stepped  out  of  the  car  as  his  Capo  pondered  the  morality  of  the  situation.  He  fluffed  his  hair,  straightened  his  white  blouse,  made  a  few  faces  in  the  car's  window,  and  with  that  decided  he  was  ready.  He  asked  Risotto  if  he  was  also  ready  to  go,  but  the  Capo  seemed  to  be  lost  in  a  long  chain  of  possible  scenarios.  What  if  his  teammates  found  out?  Would  they  belittle  him?  Would  they  feel  guilty  because  of  it?  He  would  hate  it  to  see  the  guilt  on  their  faces.  Or  worse  yet,  what  if  the  Boss  had  found  out?  What  if  his  snitch  of  an  underling  Doppio  found  out  and  ratted  on  him?  He'd  have  his  head  on  the  Boss's  wall  for  sure,  another  example  of  what  not  to do  and  a  symbol  of  endless  shame  to  La  Squadra  di  Esecuzione.  God,  that  was  an  even  worse  thought  than  the  first  one.  
He  breathed  in, 'Fuck it,'  and  jumped  out  of  the  car  on  his  exhale,  startling  Melone.
"Jesus  fuck! Oh, sorry,  Capo."  
"It's  fine."
And  with  that,  they  strode  gallantly  across  the  parking  lot  to  their  (hopefully)  new  place  of  business.  Who  cared  if  the  Boss  wanted  their  heads  on  a  platter,  anyway?
'Remember,  be  confident.'
Risotto  misjudged  his  strength  and  ended  up  slamming  the  door  into  the  side  of  the  wall.  He  also  misjudged  the  volume  of  his  voice,  accidentally  shouting.
At  first,  the  two  Joestars  jumped  in  terror,  but  after  hearing  the  occasional  voicecracks  in  his  speech,  they  giggled  politely  and  invited  him  to  sit  down.  Risotto's  eyes  widened  in  embarrassment  and  he  quietly  sat  down.  Melone  followed  suit.  
"So,  Mr.  Nero  and  Mister...?"  Jonathan  quizzically  looked  at  Melone,  who  smiled.
'Just  Melone is  fine,  sir."  
"Okay,  Mr.  Melone!  Um,  shall  we  get  started  with  the  interview?"
He  looked  over  to  his  brother,  who  was  unabashedly  staring  up  at  the  giant  in  front  of  him.  Even  when  sitting,  he  still  towered  over  the  Joestars.  Even  though  he  was  thinking  the  same  as  Dio,  Jonathan  was  much  more  discreet  in  his  musings,  meaning  that  he  decided  to  ignore  the  elephant  in  the  room.
'I  didn't  think  anyone  could  get  any  bigger  than  the  Joestars.'
"SO,"  JoJo  declared  rather  loudly,  snapping  Dio  out  of  his  trance,  "Why would  you  like  to  work  for  our  mall,  gentlemen?"  
"Well,  our  Boss  decided  to  cut  some  of  our  pay  during  these  last  few  months,  and  since  we  cannot  really  afford  much  of  our  necessities  we  decided  to  get  a  second  job  to  compensate  for  our  lack  of  pay." Risotto  admitted.  Melone  nodded  in  agreement.
That  seemed  good  enough  for  Jonathan.
"Okay!  Next  question-"
"Wait."  Hissed  Dio,  "Why  do  you  want  to  work  for  US  specifically?"  His  brother  sighed.
'Can't  Dio  go  through  one  day  without  flattery?'
Melone  quickly  stepped  in,  "Because  you  two  gentlemen  sounded  quite  respectful  and  professional  over  the  phone,  and  from  my  experience,  that's  one  of  the  signs  of  a  great  boss,  and  an  extraordinary  businessman!  And  how  could  we  not  take  the  opportunity  to  work  with  such  amazing  managers?"
Risotto  smirked. 'Thank  God  he's  so  good  at  kissing  ass.'
Dio  seemed  satisfied  with  that  answer,  though  he  wasn't  letting  him  off  of  the  hook  just  yet.  Jonathan  anxiously  continued,  "Oh,  why  thank  you! Now,  shall we  move  on-"
"Tell  me,  Mr.  Melone,  is  kissing  arse  one  of  your  listed  skills?"  He  sneered.
"Because  it  should  be.  You're  smart,  unlike  this  twit  here,"  he  pointed  to  his  brother. "Flattery  will  get  you  everywhere."
Melone  sheepishly  smiled  at  him,  regaining  his  composure.  At  least  the  worst  was  over.
"May  I  speak  now?"  Jonathan  looked  over  at  Dio.
"You  may."
"Right...So,  I  just  have  one  more  question  for  you  two!"
"JoJo,  don't  make  it  that  easy-"
"Quiet!  They  seem  like  wonderful  young  men,  I'm  sure  they'll  be  great!  Now,  last  question...What  are  your  schedules?  So  that  we  may  plan  accordingly!"
Dio  groaned  loudly,  his  brother  was  making  this  way  too  easy  for  them.  But  whatever,  they  needed  employees,  and  if  they  stepped  out  of  line  they  could  always  fire  them  without  remorse.  Well,  he  could.  Jonathan,  he  wasn't  so  sure  he was  capable  of  that.
"Great!  We'll  meet  you  here  on  March  thirteenth!  That's  the  grand  opening  of  the  mall,  so  we  might  need  you  here  a  bit  earlier.  Is  that  okay?"
"Yes,  that  works  perfectly.  Thank  you  so  much  for  this  opportunity,  sirs,"  said  Risotto.
"Thank  you  so  much  for  your  time!  Enjoy  the  rest  of  your  day,  sirs!"  Melone  added.
"Likewise,  Mr.  Melone!  Oh,  and  one  more  thing."  
"May  I  ask  of  you  two  to  not  park  in  the  handicapped  spots?  I  know  they  may  seem  unimportant,  but  they  are  there  in  case  someone  needs  them," Jonathan  shyly  requested.
"Ah, yes,  of  course.  I'm  very  sorry,"  Risotto  apologized,  face  flushing  slightly.
"Thank you.  Alright,  have  a  good  day  now,  gentlemen!"
Jonathan  waved  as  they  walked  out  the  door.  Dio  sat  silently,  his  eyes  never  leaving  Risotto.
"Dio,  why  were  you  staring  at  Mr.  Nero?"  Jonathan  asked  once  they  were  out  of  earshot.
He  leaned  towards  the  brunette,  almost  as  if  telling  him  a  secret.
"Don't  you  think  it's  rather  uncomfortable  for  him  to  be  carrying  that  monster  around  in  his  pants  all  day?"  Dio  licked  his  lips.
Meanwhile,  in  the  parking  lot,  Risotto  sneezed.  He  could  swear  that  there  was  someone  talking  about  him.
Diavolo  grimaced  as  yet  another  bill  was  presented  to  him.  He  was  a  powerful  stand  user,  yes,  and  an  equally  powerful  mafioso,  yet  not  even  he  was  safe  from  the  inevitability  of  paying  bills.  It  further  depressed  him  knowing  that  his  goons  out  there  weren't  bringing  in  enough  money  as  they  used  to,  and  what  made  it  worse  was  the  prediction  that  most  of  the  population  would  soon  stop  buying  altogether,  courtesy  of  those  damned  school  seminars.
He  punched  a  hole  in  the  wall,  allowing  him  to  cool  off  before  thinking  of  a  Plan  B.  He  could  always  take  up  a  second  job,  but  as  what?  He  certainly  couldn't  join  a  workforce  that  required background  checks,  he  couldn't  start  a  puppet  company  because  the  officials  would  eventually  find  out  during  inspections,  so  needless  to  say,  his  options  were  slim  to  none.
"Goddamnit.."  He  growled.  Swiveling  around  in  his  chair,  he  peered  outside  the  window  out  at  the  street.  Nothing  seemed  to  be  unusual,  just  the  same  boring  street  lights  and  payphones.
'Yes,  that's  it.  Just  focus  on  something  else  for  a  bit.'
He  then  noticed  that  there  was  a  building  painted  differently  than  the  others, 'Red's  a  nice  colour.'  And  the  streetlight  to  his  right  had  a  chunk  taken  out  of  it, 'I  wonder  how  that  happened.'  And  just  below  that  missing  chunk  was  a  pale  yellow  paper  advertising  a  new  mall -- wait,  a  new  mall?  He  pressed  his  face  against  the  window  to  get  a  closer  look.
"Joestar  Bros.  Mall.  Help  wanted.  Call  927..."
He  couldn't  make  out  the  rest  of  the  paper,  the  characters  were  too  low  for  him  to  see.  There  was  no  other  choice,  he  had  to  get  out  of  the  house.  Reluctantly,  he  trudged  out  of  the  door  and  into  the  street,  hastily  snatching  the  paper  and  stuffing  it  into  his  pocket.  Once  inside  the  confines  of  his  office  again,  he  scanned  the  advertisement.
"Call  927-867-5309..."  
He  punched  the  wall  again,  there's  no  other  option  right  now!  He  HAS  to  do  this,  who  knows  when  he'll  get  another  chance?  And  besides,  he  can  always  just  get  rid  of  the  owners  if  they  start  getting  too  nosy.  But  what  if  they're  notable  people?  
"FUCK!"  He  screamed,  kicking  his  chair  across  the  room.  He  heaved  heavily,  trying  in  vain  to  calm  down.
'Don't  worry,  no  one's  gonna  know  who  you  are,  you'll  be  fine...'
That  seemed  to  work,  for  the  time  being.  After  staring  vacantly  at  the  ceiling  for  approximately  half  an  hour,  he  worked  up  the  nerve  to  dial  the  aforementioned  number.  He  hoped  he  didn't  sound  too  nervous.
"Hello,  I'd  like  a  job.."
March  thirteenth,  he  didn't  want  to  be  late!  Diavolo  pulled  his  pink  hair  through  his  hair  tie,  walking  briskly  to  the  mall,  Thank  god,  he  got  there  at  7:51  A.M., 'I  have  a  few  minutes  to  spare.'
All  of  his  anxiety  seemed  to  dissipate  once  he  stepped  into  the  air-conditioned  restaurant.  Everything  seemed  to  be  great  so far,  he  just  had  to  lay  low  for  a  bit  and  serve  some  food  to  some  people,  pose  for  a few  pictures,  and  occasionally  clean  up  the  place.  How  much  easier  could  it  get?
Melone  heard  the  telltale  ring  of  the  doorbell  and  went  to  greet  the  newcomer. 'I  hope  they're  cute.~'  He  rounded  the  corner  and  theatrically  gasped  at  the  sight.
Diavolo  turned  to  his  right, his  face  soon  contorted  in  terror.
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yuna-dan · 4 years
Only the Ocean (Ch. 1)
Chapter One: La Canción del Pirata
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I wanna thank my bestest friend and beta @awkwardkindanerd​. I really love how this chapter turns out but it was all thanks to her.
Anyways, I hope y’all enjoyed it. If you wanna listen to the song that inspired this chapter click here
Summary of the Ch: That night Logan dreamed about living a pirate’s life, and the next day he was decided to begin a new life as a pirate. 
Warning for this chapter: Slight violence. Alcohol Mention.
Logan didn’t remember a lot of his childhood. There wasn’t a lot to remember really, growing up in a foster house wasn’t exactly a great experience. 
Logan’s favorite memories were of the times in which the nannies would take all the kids to the beach, and he would spend all day just sitting on the shore listening to breeze of the ocean. 
The physician said that since he was abandoned near the sea, he associated the idea of family to the sea. Logan didn’t think it was true. The ocean did provide him with certain calm, but he believed it was because of the sounds it produced. He didn’t think it was something deep, he just liked the sea, big deal. If a bourgeois kid says that they like the sea, the small kid would probably be constantly flattered about how intelligent and curious they were.
So, Logan went on with his life, paying for his damn studies, because he wanted nothing more than to investigate the wonders beneath the sea. He was eighteen years old when he was invited to join a royal ship’s crew.
After almost a year of working there, he abandoned the idea. The Crown didn’t care about the life and surprises behind the blue waves, no. They wanted to exploit every damn resource they could find, and Logan wasn’t going to be part of it. He had already told the captain of the ship that he was leaving on the next port, so now he only had to wait.
The nights were always the worst. He wanted to cry so badly, but he didn’t want the crew to listen to how defeated he really felt. It was then, while holding back tears, that he heard a soft humming coming from the deck. He was an intelligent man, but also a very curious one, so he put on his boots and followed the humming to one of the sides of the ship.
The air felt nostalgic, almost as if the sea was saying goodbye to him. He chuckled, that idea was ridiculous, even for a sea enthusiast like him. He leaned on the wood, feeling the breeze hitting his face and his glasses getting dirty.
He thought of jumping, filling all his pockets with something heavy, and never look up. While this sinister thought crossed his mind, the humming became clearer and suddenly the transfigured into words being sung. Que es mi barco mi tesoro, Que es mi dios la libertad, Mi ley, la fuerza y el viento, Mi única patria, la mar. 
Logan abruptly stood up, panting heavily. The words once again turned into a soft humming. “I am exhausted; I must be imagining things,” he said, trying to convince himself. He couldn’t, but he decided it had been a dream.
The next day, Logan went to a pub to try and forget the fact that he spent almost a year working with the Crown. The payment had been good though, so once he found a place to sleep, he went directly to get a drink. The pub was full of marines, fishers and pirates, each of them minding their own business. This was a town near the shore, so of course it was full of people made a living thanks to the ocean.
Logan couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. 
He was moping around, sipping a beer, when he heard a familiar melody: the same rhythm of the song he had dreamed about. “Olas de plata y azul; y ve el capitán pirata,” was singing the bartender while he cleaned some dishes.
“Excuse me?” Logan got the attention of the young man, who looked at him with an eyebrow raised. “That song…uhm?” The alcohol was hitting him, and he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. He knew he didn’t have a high resistance to alcohol and yet...
“It’s an old pirate song, from my hometown,” the bartender answered with a thick accent and continued doing his work.
Pirates, huh. 
That night Logan dreamed about living a pirate’s life, and the next day he was decided to begin a new life as a pirate. If the Crown hadn’t cut it, he would try betting on the other side of the coin. At first, he fantasized of buying a ship, getting a crew and just sailing off into the sea. That idea was tossed really quickly, however, when he realized that no one was going to trust him, since he wasn’t precisely a strong man. Besides, he didn’t want to be a pirate captain, he just wanted to be in the ocean and fucking investigate.
Well, for now he had to get used to life in this town.
Two years passed quickly for everyone in that small town, for everyone expect for Logan Sanders.
By then, Logan had probably asked more like begged every freaking pirate that went through this town to let him join the crew. Yes, he may not know how to fight, but he was a good strategist, and he could even clean the ship. Most of them would just laugh right in his face and brush him off, others would make him scrub the deck spotless and then spit something like we’ll let you know.
Logan got it, really. He wasn’t a muscular, strong man, but it wasn’t solely his fault. When you grow up in a foster home with twenty other mouths to feed, you can’t exactly eat to your heart’s content. Of course he wasn’t going to grow tall, he thanked the gods for not being sickly.
Logan’s money was starting to dry up. Most of the time, when he needed money to pay for the small room he slept in, he would gamble in the pub. It was laughably easy, since most of the people who gambled there were pretty drunk, and Logan was good at it. Actually, that was how he knew he was good at developing strategies; he had never used them in combat, mainly because he didn’t fight, but if he was good at tricking men twice his size, then he couldn’t be that bad a strategist.
He was on his way to the pub when he surprisingly made out an unknown ship tied in the dock. He smiled bitterly, thinking that maybe he would ask its captain eventually, but he already felt defeated. He sighed, and then the soft melody started. 
It was odd, yes. Logan knew he was probably going crazy, but ever since his last time on board, he could hear a soft hum coming from the sea. It started always at the same hour, like a sweet bell indicating the moon would soon come out to greet him. He found it comforting, for some reason. He also knew that it was probably just him imagining things.
He hummed along and went into the pub.
Deceit sighed for what it felt like the millionth time. He really loved Patton, he would kill anyone for him, but he was so-
“We can just ask them, right?” He sighed again.
-childish and so innocent for a pirate.
“Enlighten me, please,” Dee said, “How would you ask someone to please let us steal all their money?” He hissed.
Patton pouted, “You don’t have to be mean, you know.”
Deceit was about to call it a day. I am sorry, my Captain, we don’t have money due to our inability to create a plan and Patton being, well, himself. He wondered, why the hell he was paired with Patton? 
Someone cleaned his throat next to them, and Deceit instinctively touch his dual swords. Patton’s hand went to his whip; he preferred a weapon that could hurt but didn’t kill. “Uhm,” The guy showed his open hands, to show he wasn’t posing any threat. “M-mind if I help?” He asked. The guy was tiny, really, probably a few inches shorter than Virgil.
Patton’s soft, pleading eyes laid on Deceit, and of course no one could say no to him, so he just sighed. “That guard has an issue turning on his right side, so if you attacked him from there it’s probably easier to overpower him. That way also you would have direct access to the money, without alerting any other guard and breaking into a fight.” He said, almost too low, as if he was scared. He probably was.
Patton looked at Deceit, who was staring into the guy’s eyes, looking for any traces of a lie. He gave a short nod to Patton when he realized he wasn’t lying. “If somehow this is a trap,” Deceit said, getting closer to the man, “We’ll kill you right here, pipsqueak.” 
The guy gulped hard, “I am not lying,” He took a deep breath, “I give you my word.” 
Deceit stoop up, and signaled Patton to remain there, “Mo, you stay here.”
“Aye, Dee.” He said, “I am not killing him, though.” He added.
“Of course not.” Deceit murmured, clearly annoyed and mumbling to himself. 
His plan worked. Of course it did, Logan didn’t have any doubts about its efficiency. -Except he was literally shaking the whole time he sat next to the friendly one- 
Once they saw the one who had his face covered with a thin black cloth approaching the table, the friendly one —Patton, he learned later—, took his hand, stood up and suddenly he was running with the two of them. 
Logan expected the worse. This is how I’ll die. However, once they were far away from the pub, he saw that Patton was smiling. 
“See that, Dee? I told you, violence is never the solution.” 
Dee, Logan assumed, was smirking a little, “You do realize that stealing is not exactly a pinnacle of morality, right?” He said, checking the bag full of golden coins.
“I dunno what that means.” Patton said back, cheerfully.
“It means the peak,” Logan said, trying to catch his breath, “Li…like the culminating po…point,” He was wheezing, trying to breathe again, resting his hands on his knees and trying not to choke, “I-is like saying the goal.”
“Okay buddy,” Patton said, giving him small patpats on his back, “You did a good job.” 
Dee was counting the money inside the bag, “I think our Captain would be satisfied.” He finally said, picking a bunch of coins and throwing them into a small bag. 
“This is for your help, pipsqueak.” Logan looked up, to see Dee handing the small bag to him. 
For a moment he was thought about trading the money for a spot in their crew, since he now realized they were probably pirates from the ship he saw earlier at the dock. He opened his mouth when–
“I think we should keep him.” Patton said. 
Dee didn’t even look at him, “No.”
Patton pouted. Logan actually saw a pirate pouting. “At least we can buy him a drink?” 
Dee stayed silent for a minute. “Remus expects us back at the ship at night.” He sighed, “I guess a couple of drinks won’t affect us.”
Logan looked at Patton, noticing how he was staring at him. “Well, we can’t go back to the pub we just stole from, right? And we’re not from around here so...”
“Right, right. Follow me, I know another place.” 
Logan was about to get drunk with pirates, and he had no idea how that would turn out. 
Patton was stumbling his way back into the ship, when he saw Virgil already at the dock. “Vi~” he said, leaving Deceit’s side and running to hug the smaller man. 
Virgil didn’t hug him back, but he did put his hand on his waist to help him stabilize his body. “You are drunk.” 
Deceit chuckled when Remus gave him a questioning look, “Sorry about that, Captain.” He shook his head when he saw Virgil helping Patton into the quarters, “Someone helped us get the money you asked for and, well, you know Patton.” 
“Why did someone help you? Couldn’t handle it alone, Deceit?” He said, with a twisted smile on his face. 
“On the contrary, my Captain,” they started walking into the ship, “Patton didn’t let me.” 
They laughed softly. They walked towards the side of the ship, Remus staring at the water. “Should I be concerned about this person who helped you, Damien?”
Dee wasn’t comfortable when people called him by his name, it was something he had left with his past life. However, when Remus did it, he couldn’t help but feel a light wave of warmth spreading inside his chest. “Not really, my Captain,” he saw how Remus slightly shook his head. “He’s just a pirate wannabe. He’s really clever, if I must say.” 
Remus hummed, and started walking towards his quarters without saying another word. 
Logan was drunk. 
Deceit and Patton took him home since he couldn’t even walk straight. He fumbled with the keys of the room and threw himself on his bed. 
He was too drunk to acknowledge the small humming addressing him by his name. “We’ll meet soon, Logan.” 
He was too drunk to realize it wasn’t a dream.
Roman was lying near his brother’s ship, smiling to himself.
“I am going to run my precious ship over your obnoxious tail if you don’t tell me what you’re plotting, Roman.” Remus hissed.
Roman just smirked at his brother.
Apparenlty Roman can speak Spanish. 
Next Chapter Remus will meet Logan! I am so excited for this fic lol, anyways. Thank you so much for reading it <3
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