#Aiden king
iliarareadssss · 9 months
Therapy is expensive, Daydreaming about fictional characters is not.
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erasurecloud · 6 months
Eli: why doesn’t Cole like us? We’re perfect for his daughters.
Remi: Your guess is as good as your lordship’s.
Cole: *remembering what Aiden and Ronan were like*
Cole: Never happening.
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mzradyer · 5 months
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lisichka X the overlord
cecily knight and jeremy volkov from god of wrath (legacy of gods #3) by rina kent
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urlocalrambler · 6 months
internally crying because rina kent is choosing NOT to write the one LOG book that i was dying for. remington // ariella would've been EVERYTHING, imagine the golden boy and the female stalker trope in action, and the amount of drama that could've occured with this one book between everyone. how did all of the King's get a book (the only book that wasn't about a King was Jeremy Volkov's and of course, that one was my favourite) but Ronan/Teal (my all-time favourite rina ship) got nothing for their one and only child.
justice for ariella // remi, their ship lives on in my brain. i have so many headcanons for them.
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sillyballoonmilkshake · 2 months
Brandon: It's so hot in here.
Nikolai: Of course it is. It's cause you and I are in the room. *winks*
Brandon, shaking his head: No, it's because we're in a sauna, Nikolai. *sighs*
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severe-kitty · 5 months
Cecily: Ava, what is this ?
Ava: It's my to-do list.
Cecily: Oh, That's great. I'm so glad you're starting to be-
Cecily: ...
Cecily: This just says 'Eli'.
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mead7 · 7 months
"You loved me when I didn't even like myself"
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aidenelsa · 1 year
may 2024 is a big month for annoying people (eliava shippers)
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pink-mask-06 · 1 year
Landon: *lying face-down on the floor regretting his entire goddamn existence*
Landon: and then I called him dad
Aiden: *to Elsa while actively trying not to cry*
Aiden: and then he called me dad
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
Oki dok so i have read all of the LOG books except the first one.
Mainly because imo Elites>bratva.
So i do not like Killian because he is constantly up my mans Landon. Although i love Jeremy and Nikolai....OK the real reason is because his nickname is so stupid like the other nickames i like
Landon-Little muse ( as in she is his muse bc he is an artist)
Jeremy- Lichiska (lets not talk about the english but its sounds hot in russian)
Creighton-Little purple (I dont like the little but purple is cute bc thats his girls favorite color)
Nikolai- Lotus flower, prince charming (I swear all his nicknames for his man is the best thing ever and even if it was little hippo i would stan it)
Now the one that makes me want to scratch my eyes out
Killian- Little rabbit. LIKE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT? YOU COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING CUTE? Poor Glyn she must be jealous all her friends have better nicknames.
Im probably just going to read it tho
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azspymasters-hoe · 8 months
"Do you love me?"
"What I feel for you isn't only love, obsession, or addiction. It's all of those and more. Do you know what that means, sweetheart? It means I can't live without you, so don't you fucking dare leave me."— Twisted Kingdom by Rina Kent
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This might be controversial and gop fans will definitely hate me. ( Also this is just MY opinion. )
But I need to say this.
One of the most weirdest thing in the book is the s*x scenes between the main couple.
Especially Annika who is literally a teenager. Note that she was 17 and she just turned 18 in the book, so yeah she was BARELY AN ADULT. She was still a KID.
How is this not weird like how is an adult grown woman writing about a teenage having s*x and also describing it with all the details.
Maybe it's just me who found this weird. But it really is weird where a teen is having s*x with an with an adult ( barely an adult, Creighton is only 20) .
Also, how come Creighton ( who is barely an adult knows so much about chains, whips and all the stuff. Even this was weird for a guy who just spends his time sleeping 😴 in his room.
And last but not the least, why is it that the author thinks that she should dumb down one character so that other can shine. ( I am talking about the mafia)
If you can't write about the mafia then don't write about them.
Just so you know, I have no problem in reading s*x scenes but there should be some age limit.
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bluetalenerd · 2 months
RES MEME (Horsemen Banter)
Aiden : Well, i must say Teal for being as intelligent as she looks, she tried to drive the wrong man to the cliff
Ronan : Are you for a fact forgetting that Elsa was my fiancée once?
Aiden *left eye twitching* :
Xander : King relax
Cole : Right, King, drink some water
Aiden : Shut up you fucked your stepsister
Cole *grits his teeth* : She wasn't my stepsister
Aiden : So you keep saying
Ronan : Anyways, Peasants, Elsa was my fiancée, Kim and Elsa almost agreed to having to threesome with me and well as for Silver i had her sight of being tied to bed i die as a happy man
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mzradyer · 5 months
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ma belle x his lordship
teal van doren and ronan astor from vicious prince (royal elite #5) by rina kent
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deviant king is so funny to me cause i literally cannot imagine a 16 year old going "I WILL DESTROY YOU" like what are you doing go finish your homework lmao
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amorettopedri · 10 months
King men >>>>>>>>>>>>
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