vitinho2004 · 9 months
Oh Que Fofos Esses Dois, Mas puxa, lá vem outro casal querendo uma revanche, senhoras e senhores, irmãos, irmãs, melhores amigos e casais Apaixonados de humanos e trolls de toda Arcadia de um Lado temos o Casal mais Gracinha, mais lindo e mais Mágico de Toda a Trilogia contos de Arcádia O Jovem e Talentoso Caçador de Trolls Jim lake Jr e sua amada Feiteira mais Linda, Elegante, sombria porém charmosa Clara nuñez!!!!!
E do Outro Lado temos um outro Casal, Polêmico porém Encantador, os Futuros rei e rainha de Akiridion 5/Terra, 1 deles é o maior Valentão de toda a Escola, Mas também um dos Maiores mestres em Planos infalíveis e Especialista em Demolições Steve Paluque e sua Amada Vossa Majestade, a eterna Princesa herdeira do Trono de Akiridion 5 Ajarina Von Tarron Void também conhecida como "Aja Tarron"
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jmeestella · 2 years
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It seems that our queen still likes to have fun and escape from time to time. We can say that it is almost like a healthy exercise routine.
Day 13- Space
bernies_toatober22 by @bernie-the-nugget
I never get tired of saying that I adore #AjaTarron and the #Akiridion design. I wanted to draw a bit of his home planet with a lot of neon blue colors, but drawing backgrounds gives me anxiety so I went for something simpler. I just wanted to see her vibing high with some good music in the background while playing on her skateboard.
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⚔️Blood in the Wine🩸 - The powerful women of TOA.
Rlly loved this one. This song is my anthem.
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sheerakk · 4 years
I don't always die,
but when I do, I don't ~ every Tales of Arcadia main protagonist
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cornalinaemerald · 3 years
Bad romance meme #badromancememe #meme #badromance #wizardstalesofarcadia #trollhunters #3below #jimlake #clairenuñez #ajatarron #kreltarron #stevepalchuk #elipeperjack #tobydomzalski #douxie #hisirdouxcasperan #douxiecasperan #netflix #movie #originalart #fanart #originalcharacter https://www.instagram.com/p/CSEecSMKYla/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marianasalvado200 · 4 years
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More #fanart of : #douxie #kreltarron #douxiexkrel #drel #krouxie #ajatarron #stevepalchuk #staja #talesofarcadia #3below #talesofarcadiawizards (Hope you like it)❤(if you don’t like it don’t comment!!) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF0Tjaen3-n/?igshid=1oic7s4rafihm
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ravenfirelair · 4 years
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so here is my big project FINALLY done, this drawing was hard for me to complete because this type of drawing is certainly not what i usually draw and is outside of my comfort zone, but I wanted to at least give it a try anyway. i tried to make it look like a cyberpunk city from an alien planet by taking a lot of inspiration from futuristic movies like blade runner and the 5th element. I put 3 below characters tronos and aja in there just make them the focal point of the pic.
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pride-flame · 4 years
Attempt to draw Aja in her most adult human version.
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trollhunterz · 5 years
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patchworkofravens · 4 years
Aja: Give me one reason why I shouldn't turn into a slug right now
Krel: I cannot think of one and it bothers me
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smallgirl10101 · 6 years
My 3Below OC
I'm no good at art but at least I'm good at writing or descriptions!
So that's what I'm here to do!
So Ania, yes I used my name I am quite aware, is a human that lives in Arcadia Oaks.
Shes 15 years old and works at the coffee shop, the record store, and any other job she can find. She lives with her uncle. She is American on her fathers side and Russian on her mothers side. While she does not speak in a Russian accent she can speak Russian very fluently.
When she was around ten years old her parents and her little sister were killed by a home invader. Her uncle, her fathers older brother, was the only living relative that could take her in. He didnt like that fact that she was living in his house for free so he made her take multiple jobs at a young age.
She is selfless, kind, protective, and fiery. She would be the adult in the group, making sure everyone was taken care of. She would also be the one lecturing someone if they made a mistake. She is home schooled but the main subject she focuses on is English Literature. Shes a fantastic writer and loves to show her work or say her opinion through speech.
She has short brown hair with bangs on the right side of her face, emerald green eyes, and 5,1. Shes extremely short for someone her age and shes sort of on the chubby side. She wears a dark purple blouse, a black pencil skirt, and black high heels. She also wears a silver rose necklace, and black rose ear rings that belonged to her mother, with big round glasses in her face.
One day as she was having her break she saw a boy she had never seen before walk in front of the coffee shop. Her boss/uncle told her to offer him a sample of their new coffee, since there weren't many people in that day. She obeyed and offered it to the boy. He was... weird. Not funny weird just... weird. He acted as if he had no clue what she was talking about. He was a teenager who didnt know what coffee was, which was pretty rare. She took him into the shop where she gave him a cup... that he spit all over the floor. She was kind to him non the less, even though she had to mop up the coffee and got yelled at by her uncle later. She offered him a seat at her table since she was still technically on her break.
The boy introduced himself as Krel Tarron. 'Strange name for a kid. Maybe hes from another country?' Through out the rest of the evening they talked, laughed, smiled, and over all had an amazing conversation for a good 3 hours. That was until she saw something in his eyes... they were... black? And glowing? She asked him about it and all the boy could say was, "Kleb!" Before he rushed out of the shop.
Over the next few weeks the boy had come to the coffee shop to talk to her or just see her. They had become close friends and knew almost everything about each other.
She had to admit he was rude at times, quite full of himself, but she knew he meant well. He was her only friend really. Since she was homeschooled and her uncle didnt exactly let her out of his sight she didnt have time for friends.
She would show him her stories and he would show her his inventions. They were pretty impressive. They looked like something right out of a sci-fi movie.
While Ania was indeed a very intelligent girl she was also extremely clueless. Krel didnt realize his feelings for her until the day her uncle allowed her to attend public school.
They both had language arts together and apparently there was a short story paper due. Even though she was new and just attended school that day she was the first to raise her hand. She always kept her journals in her bookbag and they were filled with different stories. When the teacher called on her she rushed to the front of the room with a smile on her face.
Krel rolled his eyes and chuckled to himself watching her so excited. He leaned back in his chair and listened. His eyes got wider and wider with each sentence she read, with such passion and excitement. He gulped as he felt his core suddenly warm up. "What is this feeling?"
Weeks went by and he acted differently around Ania then he usually would. His face would warm up spontaneously, his hands would shake, and he was ruder then usual. He didnt know what to do. He was so confused and frustrated. He ran straight home after his hang out with Ania hadnt gone as he had hoped. He thought he might be sick. Aja was listening in on her younger brothers conversation with the mothership. She screamed as she ran over and spun her brother around. "AJA! PUT ME DOWN AT ONCE!" "A CRUSH!" "... What?" "YOU HAVE A CRUSH LITTLE BROTHER! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON ANASTASIA!" "... What? No! That's impossible! Shes a human! I could never find humans attractive! Of course, I do believe Anastasia is quite intelligent and witty and humorous and she is enjoyable to talk to and shes the only human on this mud ball that I see as an equal but that doesnt mean I- ... kleb."
Even though it was extremely obvious that Krel had feelings for Ania, she didnt even notice. It was painful to watch. Especially when Aja and Steve would help Krel get Anias attention, giving her compliments or gifts, and she would usually say, "Awww! Thanks Krel! Stop being such a sweetheart will ya?" Steve once had to hold Aja back from just blurting it out or more or less screaming it out.
The day Ania learned what they were was an eventful day for everyone.
She was locking up the coffee shop, like every night, when someone was thrown above her. They landed in an ally way in a pile of garbage.
Being the curious and worried person that she was she slowly walked toward them.
"H-Hey... um... are you ok?" She could see something glowing from under the trash.
"Look I'm not gonna- Krel? Oh my God are you ok!?"
"... Krel you were just thrown across the street. I'm pretty sure you'll need some assistance. Is that your phone or-" She went for his hand- hands? "What in the-"
He tried to cover himself with the trash but the bag had ripped and trash was scattered everywhere.
She looked down at her friend, well who she thought was her friend, he was... she had no idea what he was. Her eyes widened.
Krel slowly stood with his four arms up, "Ok. Do not freak out. I have a perfectly normal and nonbizzare reason as to why I look like this."
She took a step back, "Wha- How- What are-" She fainted. He caught her with his four arms.
He sighs. "Great." He threw down his serrator and it turned into a overboard. He jumped onto it and flew to the mothership.
When she woke up she was greeted by three big blue... things. She screamed and backed up. "WH-WHO ARE YOU!? WHA-WHAT ARE YOU!? AM I DREAMING!? DID I ACCIDENTLY DRINK THE ALCOHOLIC COFFEE!?"
"Sweet Saklos stop screaming! Your fine!"
"... Krel?" She looks at the other two. "... Aja? ... Mr. Vex?"
"THE HUMAN KNOWS TOO MUCH! SHE MUST BE DESTROYED!" Vex turns his serrator into a sword.
Aja stands in front of her. "We are not killing her! She will not tell anyone!"
"Tell anyone what!? Can SOMEONE explain to me what's happening!? What are you guys!?"
The three look at each other. The big one, whom she assumed was Mr. Vex, groaned and put down his weapon. They explained to her what they were, who they were, and how they got here. Her eyes grew wider with every word. By the end of it she was in a state of complete shock.
"Please do not start screaming again." Krel rubbed the back of his neck. "You... do not fear us... do you?"
Ania, surprisingly, threw her arms around Krels neck and pulled him into a hug. She laughed.
Krels face has never been brighter. His core warmed up quickly and he was stiff as a board. He didn't know what to do at that moment. He chuckled and slowly wrapped his four arms around the small round girl.
She snickered after a few moments. "... Krel? You, heh, you can let go of me now."
His eyes widen and he quickly pulled away. "Y-Yes well. I'm sure you will not see us the same."
"Hmmm... I don't know. Awkward, check! Dorky, check! Intelligent, check! Cocky, check! Kinda full of himself, check!" She let's go and stands on top of the couch. She ruffles his hair. "Poofy hair, check!" She cups his face. "Adorable facial features, double check!" She smiles. "I'm describing Krel Tarron just as I would describe Prince Krel Tarron of Akiridion-4 or 5 or whatever! Your still my best friend!"
Krel smiled widely. He couldnt help but stare.
"Pfff what are YOU staring at? I'm not the one with four arms and glowing blue skin Mr. Tarron."
His eyes widened and he stood back so her hands were no longer on his face. He glared. "I am not STARING! I would never stare at YOU! You were the one that decided to cup my face!" He groaned. "Now I smell of coffee and lavendar! Ugh! Disgusting!" He stomped to his lab.
She raises an eye brow. "What was that all about?"
And that's it! I know its not as good as others I'm sure you've seen but hey... at least I tried!
~ Anastasia
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colyuka · 5 years
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Aja aka another one magical princess from another dimension ✨😂👌🏼 I adore her with my whole heart😍
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iyamisalami · 5 years
aja making steve apologize to krel for punching him in the face
steve: “...”
krel: “...”
aja: “AHEM”
steve: “i’m sorry i bit you...”
steve: “and pulled your hair...”
steve: “and punched you in the face...”
krel: *starting up the mothership*
krel: “apology NOT accepted, now get out of my face before i run you over”
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marianasalvado200 · 4 years
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My #talesofarcadia ship's: #jlaire , #staja and #krouxie (DON'T COMMENT IF IT IS TO HATE ON A SHIP!) #jimlakejr , #clairenuñez / #ajatarron , #stevepalchuk / #douxie , #kreltarron #talesofarcadia #talesofarcadiawizards #3below https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-NXWsnSJT/?igshid=93e3etxz9c2o
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rachelillustrates · 6 years
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Happy #fanartfriday 🛸 anybody else watch #3below recently? Aja is the best. I couldn't resist drawing her. #fanart #ajatarron #princessaja #dreamworks #animation #cartoons #princess #warrior #warriorprincess #alien #extraterrestrial #lively https://www.instagram.com/p/BsySuA8gUzm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n5otqmufjzwn
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cornalinaemerald · 3 years
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Aquí están los dibujos que más me han gustado del video Bad romance meme #badromancememe #meme #badromance #wizardstalesofarcadia #trollhunters #3below #jimlake #clairenuñez #ajatarron #kreltarron #stevepalchuk #elipeperjack #tobydomzalski #douxie #hisirdouxcasperan #douxiecasperan #netflix #movie #originalart #fanart #originalcharacter https://www.instagram.com/p/CSEh0klKuKf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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