#Akutagawa x y/n
kentopedia · 5 months
౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹ SAFEGUARD — dazai, chuuya, akutagawa
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summary . . . they save you after you've been injured and captured by an enemy.
contents . . . sfw, f!reader (chuuya & dazai) and gn!reader (akutagawa), violence / blood, threats, injuries, hurt/comfort, angst, established relationship, and it's pmboss!dazai bc i can't help myself — 3.5k total
notes . . . i got this request so long ago lol. not my best work, but i have been in the worst writing slump ever and just wanted to finish something. i've also never written for akutagawa before so pls be nice <3
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𝐂𝐇𝐔𝐔𝐘𝐀 . . .
there are very few times that chuuya feels he’s been outsmarted. he knows he’s not the mastermind of the port mafia, but he certainly isn’t a fool. when it comes to you and your well-being, though, his mind short-circuits, half of his intelligence draining away while his emotions take hold. 
your relationship isn’t a secret to anyone in the port mafia, which means that it isn’t a secret to your enemies either. and while most people know it’s hard to land a finger on chuuya directly, his pretty little girlfriend doesn’t have the power of a god nestled inside of her.
the rage sparks through him, growing fiercely into the blaze of a forest fire, until all he can think of is getting you home safely. he thinks of your sweet smile as he rips the door of the enemies’ base off the hinges, crushing it into a million pieces with the force of gravity. 
the men are quick to react, but chuuya hurtles the crushed door towards them, knocking three of them to their feet. another group charges at him, but their guns do little against his skill. after years of fighting some of the strongest ability users, simple criminal organizations are as easy to step over like ants. 
chuuya kills them all — except for one.
the man’s knees are wobbling, hand shaking around the gun as he realizes that these will be his final moments. there is fear in his eyes, brown ones that rest wide open, and chuuya almost hesitates. his remorse doesn’t last long, though, before he’s wrapping a hand around the man’s throat, thrusting him backwards. 
“where is she?” chuuya asks, voice sharp and commanding. 
he can feel the man swallowing. 
chuuya knows that backup is probably on the way, but it won’t matter whether they show up or not. he’ll crush the rest of his enemies just as he’s crushed the last twenty men. the poor soul in his leather hold seems to know that as well. 
“i-i’ll take you to her,” he rasps, dropping his gun to claw at chuuya’s hand. 
he drops him, lets him take a few heaving breaths and coughs, before he’s kicking at him, forcing him back to his feet.
the young man takes him up the elevator, weaves him through a hallway as chuuya leaves a scattering of bodies in his wake, not hesitating to kill a single man that gets in his way. there is nothing that can keep him from you. 
how fiercely and loyally he loves you — it drives him to near insanity. 
finally, with blood coating his face and his clothes, the young man enters a room, locked with a code, revealing you. 
chuuya’s rage is almost as blinding as his corruption, as he gazes at the sight of you. bloodied and bruised, tied up in a chair, so visibly harmed. his hands clench into fists. “get the fuck away from her,” he says to the man who seems to be monitoring you.
“what are you doing in here?” the men left in the room panic, but they don’t have time to react before chuuya throws them back at the wall, so quickly, with so much force, that their spines snap. they hit it with a sharp crack, skulls shattering against the plaster, the wall crushing beneath the weight of them. 
limply, they fall to the floor. 
chuuya rushes over to you. 
the young man that led him here disappears, but chuuya isn’t worried about him. he’s a coward; he’ll likely flee from the country and never look back. the men that truly hurt you are already dead, and he’ll burn this building to the ground once he’s gotten you away from it. 
“hey,” chuuya says, cradling your cheeks gently, trying to coax you back awake. he’s not sure if it’s exhaustion, blood loss, or the obvious head trauma that caused you to pass out in the first place. but you’re still breathing, so he counts that as a blessing. 
“hey,” he whispers again, kissing your forehead, like it will heal all your ailments. “wake up, baby. we gotta get you out of here, okay?” 
it takes you a few seconds to come to, eyes glazed over and shell-shocked as you blink at him. “chuuya?” you say; your voice is so hoarse it makes chuuya want to keel over and vomit. “is it really you?” 
guilt gnaws at him, almost crushing, at the fact that thirty-six hours passed, and you’re delirious enough not to recognize him. you probably haven’t eaten, either. 
he should’ve been there. no one should’ve ever had the chance to hurt you, yet…
“it’s me, i’m here,” he says, kissing your lips, your temple, brushing your hair away from your face. the strands are sticky with blood. “shit,” chuuya nearly shouts, pulling a knife from his pocket, sawing through the thick ropes around you as quickly as he can. “i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry.” 
he can’t get you free fast enough, and you smile at him, drowsy, your eyes fluttering shut once more. “it’s okay, chuuya,” you say, leaning your head on his shoulder. “you’re here now.” 
“you have to stay awake,” he says desperately, realizing your head is still bleeding. he doesn’t know how hurt you are. chuuya’s no expert when it comes to medicine, but he’s smart enough to know that internal injuries could be even worse than the external ones. 
“stay awake for me, okay, honey? i’ll get you back to the boss and we’ll find you a doctor. you’ll be just fine.” 
“okay, chuuya,” you hum, weakly gripping his back. seconds of silence pass before you mutter, “i just want to go home.” 
"i know." his heart pulls, and he almost lets out a cracked sob. but he refrains, knowing that there is plenty of time to drown in his sorrows later. 
finally, he gets the ropes under, lifting you from the chair. you’re so much lighter, weaker, and it makes him sick as he carries you. “let’s get you home.” 
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the call comes just as akutagawa is getting ready to head home for the evening, his tasks completed, eyes heavy with exhaustion. 
normally, he doesn’t stick around to say any goodbyes, sneaking off into the darkness of the night like a shadow, blending right in. but, something about the evening, so gloomy and drizzly with spring rain, feels off. 
with a heavy knot in his chest, so much different than an incoming fit of coughs, akutagawa heads back up to mori’s office, if perhaps to only ensure that everyone else’s jobs had been completed. he’s a lot of things, but he’s never been a slacker; and he’ll do what it takes to ensure that his position in the mafia is eternally secure.
though, he doesn’t have the opportunity to get all the way upstairs before he run into the boss, who is calm, but with an air of irritation clouding him. 
he explains the current situation to akutagawa in a clipped tone, bored — an enemy group has kidnapped you, holding you hostage. 
“how rude is it to bother a man, just as he is getting ready to go to sleep?” mori says, sighing histrionically.
but what is a minor inconvenience to mori sends an entire wave of dread through akutagawa, his entire body feeling as if it’s been dipped in ice. he can’t explain the horror that washes over him, not really, because he shouldn’t feel so panicked. it is rare for him to get worked up about the danger his subordinates find themselves in, save for his sister, of course. 
but you… you’re different. 
“can i trust you to diffuse the situation?” mori asks, impatiently glancing at his watch as if that will change anything. “i can call someone else, but they will not be so quick.” 
akutagawa doesn’t even think before he accepts the job, hating the way he sounds pathetically desperate for more details. his hands flatten the edge of his cloak, as if his ability is going to take on a mind of its own. 
he calls for a driver, calm but breathing so heavily that an aching cough rises up in him. his throat feels as if it may begin to bleed, but he swallows, glances away from the driver and gets himself under control.
there’s a ransom — bring them the money and they’ll return you, mori had told him. you’re only a lower ranking member of the mafia, and someone that makes for a pretty poor bargaining chip, so the motive is questionable. 
mori probably would’ve let you die, akutagawa knows, his teeth gritting together, so much so that a splintering sound comes from it. but the boss, in his infinite, concerning wisdom, seems to also know that his loyal dog has an soft spot for you. 
as regrettable as that may be.
akutagawa has no doubt that whoever the enemy is, they are no match for him. still, a twinge of anxiety settles in his stomach, fingers jittery as the driver, despite the decreased traffic of the hour, seems to drive impossibly slow. 
“are we not in a rush?” akutagawa snaps, leaning forward.
“apologies,” the driver, says, not daring to even look at akutagawa from the mirror. but the car speeds up, enough for akutagawa to be able to notice, at least. it cools the simmer that has already begun deep in his chest.  
even so, the car seems to go at a snails pace, minute upon minute flying by, with you in the clutches of an enemy. 
akutagawa doesn’t care who they are. he doesn’t care why, or how they captured you. he wants them dead. he’ll rip them apart, easily, and he’ll make them suffer — they’ll be alive for all of it, for every second that he peels the skin from their bones, ripping the smaller ones out of their sockets. 
what he feels for you… well, it’s too hard for him to admit to himself. he has no experience with what it means to care for another person, doesn’t even know if that’s his goal. he just knows he wants to protect you.
and he can’t do that if you’re dead.
finally, the car pulls up to an old warehouse, one at the very outskirts of the port, beyond the docks and the shipping carts. it’s tucked far back, an obvious lair for some villainous organization that doesn’t want to be found. 
akutagawa gets there, but there is nothing. he hears nothing, feels no signs of life as he trudges through the puddles left behind from the earlier rain. 
a small string of panic begins again, as he wondered if maybe the call that mori had told him was only a ruse. maybe this entire time had been a distraction, a way to lure him away. there are other skill-users in the mafia, but none quite as dangerous as him. 
though, he hears it, then. a small little sound, muffled and hoarse, full of pain. 
he ducks into another corner of a warehouse, and you’re there — bound with chains and a gag across your mouth, one of your eyes blackened with bruises, your nose bleeding. 
his heart aches. never in his life has he so quickly made his way over, used the sharp edges of his ability to shear through the chains, falling to his knees as he unbinds the cloth from your lips. 
“where are they?” he rasps, mouth opening and closing, hating the sound of his own voice. he recognizes his desperation, his anger, but the affectionate sound that clips at the end is unfamiliar, as he shakily pulls himself closer to you. 
you glance up at him, eyes glossy and wide, and though you are scared, hurt, he’s so thankful you are alive. his heart flips once, as you grasp at his cloak, the material that has the blood of so many staining the threads. 
“gone,” you say, throat chalky, words nothing more than a note against the wind. “they fled when they heard it was you coming.” 
“and left you?” he asks, jaw clenching, as he hopes that the emotions aren’t as visible on his features as he thinks they are. “were you not a ransom?” 
“no,” you swallow, hard, as if in pain. he notices bruises around your neck, the shape of fingerprints indented there. “i was bait.”
anger rises up in him like a wave, engulfing him, wholly and relentlessly. he is no stranger to that, like he is the kindness you show him, the way you look at him as if he is your protector, rather than a bringer of destruction. “i’ll go after them. where are they headed? they’ll pay, i’ll slaughter—”
“ryunosuke,” you say, reaching for him as he stands, expression pleading as he backs away. “stay.” 
he has half a mind to ignore you — the enemy escaped, after all. but your voice. your eyes… you look so small sitting there, bloodied and bruised and broken. 
“please,” you try again, near tears, and though he has never been good with obvious displays of emotion, something within him snaps at the desperation in the word. 
he nods, slowing his pace as he returns to you, lets you wrap yourself in him, cling to him. his hands fall, naturally, to your waist, somehow knowing where they belong, even if akutagawa never has a clue what he’s doing with you. 
“i’ll call hirotsu,” he says simply, before pulling out his phone, not bothering to untangle himself from you. 
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𝐃𝐀𝐙𝐀𝐈 . . .
dazai is not a forgiving man, and will never learn to be. forgiveness is not a luxury he is often able to indulge in in his line of work, and his heart has hardened enough that until the end of time, those that are branded his enemies will remain his enemies. 
though, in his blackened heart, one soured over the course of time, you have carved out your own little space, lit it up with golden rays of light that are fiery enough to melt the stone casing of his chest. 
his only love — his only weakness. but it is a weakness that his enemies know about as well. 
dazai tries his best to keep you safe. he always has, and he knows that, sometimes, his grasp on you can be a little too tight. that the way he tries to keep you under his watchful eye can sometimes be stifling, frustrating. 
but he can’t always be there to protect you. and it is in times like these, that he regrets letting you go without a bodyguard. he regrets that he listened to your insistence that you could keep yourself safe. 
he should’ve at least told you to take a friend. 
“boss,” his subordinate says, bowing his head, his voice pleading, desperate. “i’m so sorry. your wife—”
“if anything… anything happens to her, you will be the one responsible, do you understand?” dazai says, his eyes cold as he glowers down at the man, only a few inches shorter than him, but feeling so much smaller. “i will personally see that this act does not go unpunished.” 
“of course, sir,” the man says, and he, at the very least, has the decency to sound resigned. to accept his fate and suffer the consequences, for allowing the boss’s wife to get herself into such a situation. 
and dazai means it, every last word; if he finds you in a state closer to death, anyone who put you in harm’s way will be torn apart from the inside out. he isn’t able to think of anything but bringing you home safely, his hands shaking with rage as he sends more than enough people out on a search to find you. 
with all the strings he’s able to pull as the mafia boss, it doesn’t take long to find you, for those that have bravely — or stupidly — used his wife as bait to come forward, and offer an attempt at some sort of negotiation. 
there’s little of the conversation that dazai remembers on the phone, even less that he remembers after that. the anger bubbles up in him and grabs hold of his conscience, the emotion directing his movements with a mind of its own. 
he’s already sent out every last one of his people into the field, ensuring that the organization that had the gall to threaten you is wiped off the face of the earth. deleted from every corner of the world, buildings flattened to the ground. by tomorrow, they won’t have ever existed. 
today, he doesn’t care what happens as long as he finds you alive. 
you’re held hostage by two men — so completely beaten that they’ve given up on any restraints. whatever they wanted from you, you seemed to refused to have given up, lip bleeding, eyes swelling so badly that you can’t even open them. 
dazai doesn’t hesitate before pulling the trigger on the first man, then turning to the other, shooting the hand that holds the pistol. the man recoils, shouts, and drops the weapon completely, as dazai lands another bullet to his knee, causing him to fall. 
slowly, dazai walks up, firing again to his other arm, a loud snap echoing throughout the room. the man winces, trying to crawl to the gun, one last desperate attempt to stay alive. 
he kicks the gun away, watching, as, pathetically, the expression in the enemy’s face changes — any of his remaining hope vanishes. 
“you told me she was unharmed,” dazai says, bending down, his coat flaring out behind him as he squats. 
the man coughs, gasping for air as the blood seeps out of him. “we lied.” he smiles cruelly, and though he shares the same sort of darkness as those in the port mafia, there is something even more twisted in his smile. 
dazai hums. “you the leader?” 
the man doesn’t give an answer, but the slight twitch of surprise on his face is all dazai needs. he’s no one — just a grunt whose life was put on the line to guard you. 
“didn’t think so.” dazai shoots him once, straight through the forehead, instantly killing him. but he is vindictive, angry, and the man he truly wants to destroy, the one who took you, is nowhere to be found. another bullet lands, tearing apart the flesh of his temple, then another, and one more, his skull beginning to cave in from the force of it all. 
dazai heaves, letting the gun clatter to the ground as it runs out of bullets, and then he realizes, all this time, you’ve just been watching him. the ugliest side of him — the worst side of him. 
you’re no stranger to it, of course. how can you be, when you’ve shared a life with him for years? but that doesn’t mean he wants you to see it, see how bloodthirsty he can become. 
he stumbles over to you, where you’re still sitting on the ground, your wrist in your lap, bent at an angle that he knows isn’t right. bruises are littered across your skin, and your hair is matted from the blood that pools at your temple. 
it takes every ounce of restraint he has to stay calm, a million feelings swirling under his skin. ones that he was never familiar with until he met you. 
“i’m sorry,” he says, taking your face in his hands so, so softly, worried that he’ll hurt you even more. “i’m sorry, darling. i should’ve — i should’ve been there.” dazai notices his hands are shaking and he balls them up into fists, leaning back. “fuck. fuck — i’ll kill them all, just tell me who it was. anyone who laid a finger on you. i’ll cut them down one by one.” 
“osamu,” you say, and your voice is raspy, cracking, as your unbroken arm reaches for him, squeezing his shaking hand. “i—”
you open your mouth to continue, but only tears come streaming down your cheeks, over your bloodied lips, saltiness soaking your jawline. no words don’t leave you, but a soft sob chokes itself up your throat.
“hey, hey, hey.” dazai’s voice softens, every muscle in his body relaxing as he draws you nearer to him, into his chest with a touch that’s barely there. “you’re safe. i’m here, okay? they’re not going to hurt you again, sweetheart.” 
you sniffle, barely making a sound, but he can feel the tears drop onto his clothes, soaking the material.
“can you walk? are you hurt anywhere else?” 
you hesitate for a moment before answering; he’s not sure if there’s a reason you only answer the first question. “i can walk.” 
dazai nods, and though the rage is still bubbling there, underneath the surface, there is a coolant streaming through him at the vision of you alive. the men who did this will pay the price, but he still has you — and that’s all that matters.
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thank you for reading !!! ❤︎
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angelsrcute · 5 months
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Imagine Akutagawa with a Bunny!Reader, quite a horn one too. Getting so impatient when he leaves for missions that last too long, such a bad guy. Not giving you enough attention nor praise. So of course, the second he enters your shared room, you jump on him.
His ability keeping your hands bound on top of your head, hands gripping your waist as he roughly fucks you. Face buried into the pillow as whines can be heard, he pays no attention to them.
His hand landing a sharp smack on your ass, leaning in to whisper in your ears, “Why are you so loud? Weren't you the one begging me to go faster? What a dumb bunny.”
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tender-rosiey · 1 year
Hello there! If it's not a bother,i wanted to request Chuuya,Kunikida and Akutagawa getting into a fight for us and the reader's reaction? the other person might have badmouthed the reader and that caused the character to get into a fight with them. Thank you!! <33
— dazai, kunikida, chuuya, and akutagawa fighting someone who badmouthed you
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a/n: also especially posted for @dazaiaiko cause it has been while since I uploaded something bsd related
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"hello there!" dazai greets as he enters the bar. he, with a birth smile, takes a seat at the table with two men, "pleasure seeing you here."
one of them snaps at him, "the hell is your business here, kid?"
he waves his hands in innocence, "hey now, no need to be so aggressive! I just came to have a pleasant chat with you guys about something...rather personal."
"it just so happens," dazai continues, interrupting the man's response, "that you've badmouthed my dear lover," he closes his eyes as he smiles, "that isn't something I am fond of."
the man laughs, "so you here to pick a fight, ay?" the man tries to get up but is hindered by something rather painful. namely a knife grazing his thigh.
"don't cause a scene now; I would hate having to clean up after your mess."
the man frantically nods. dazai then retracts his knife, nestling it safely in his pocket.
he simply thinks that no one should be allowed to treat you like that so this should act as a warning. that if he ever tried insulting you again, there will be consequences.
dazai laughs, "that's good to hear!" he stands up, dusting his brown coat, and heads to the door, "hopefully we don't meet again...for your sake."
soon, he is at your door with a bouquet of flowers. the moment you open the door, you're greeted by his beaming smile, "hello, belladonna! you look as lovely as usual!"
you roll your eyes, leaning on the door, "what has brought you here, 'samu?"
"my heart simply yearned for one y/n l/n," he hums and you chuckle.
you take the bouquet with a grateful smile, "I think you just came for the crab salad I made."
he presses a kiss to your cheek before letting himself in, "that is merely an added bonus, my dear," his arm wraps around your waste, "I am here for you, you should know that."
"I also know that you went to the bar to threaten that one guy."
he pauses, "...really?"
to unwind, you deicided to take your husband on a date to the cafe under the agency. you were having a good time in general, but kunikida couldn't help but notice the people in the adjacent table talk about you.
"what's wrong, doppo?" you ask, your hand resting on his own.
he looks up at you with a smile, gently squeezing your hand, "it's nothing; don't worry about it."
you smile and continue on your conversation. all seems to be normal but then kunikida hears something that he simply can't let go.
he abruptly gets up and headed towards their table. he towers over them as he asks, “do you have any business with us?”
they exchange looks with each other before one of them speaks up, “well—“
“then I would appreciate you if you keep quiet.”
they quickly shut their mouth and before kunikida turns back to walk to you, he looks down at them and says, “let’s keep things civil for your sakes.”
the men don't let the threat slide and one of them tries attacking kunikida. he swiftly dodges and grabs him by the collar, pushing him to a nearby wall, "surely what I said was easy enough for you to understand."
the guy, terrified, nods quickly and kunikida releases him, letting him fall to the ground. the guy scrambles to his feet and his friend soon follows suit.
kunikida pushes his glasses up with a sigh before he turns to you, "sorry for my reaction, but—"
he stops in his tracks when he sees you looking at him in awe and with a silly little smile on your face, "aww, you love me!"
he looks at you, confused, "of course, I do."
you tackle him in a hug that he doesn't hesitate to recporicate, albeit with a hushed whisper, "y/n, pda is unacceptable!"
you press a kiss to his cheek and he quickly shuts up. y/n used kisses: very effective!
you and your husband were walking the streets, jumping from shop to shop. of course, it was fun and it helped that your husband is very engaging and tells you what he thinks and genuinely suggests outfits.
you stopped at a particular shop, though it was one that you already had something in mind to get.
so chuuya left you to your own devices, but as he was chilling, he overhead people talking about you in a rather unpleasant manner.
so he went to you, pressing a kiss on your cheek and telling you he had to quickly check something, then he followed them outside the shop.
because of their wonderful luck, they enter an alleyway. chuuya smirks before going in after them but they have yet to notice him til he speaks, "what do we have here?"
they snap their heads towards him. one of them snarls at him, "the hell you want?!" and chuuya's eyebrows furrow.
"I will just teach you a lesson," he smirks before slamming the guy's head to the wall. the other one sees the scene unfold and attempts to run away. chuuya doesn't let him get far.
soon, they are both beaten to a pulp and chuuya dusts his hand.
one thing that chuuya likes to remind people is to never badmouth you.
alas, some are simply unfortunate.
so with his head high and chest puffed out, he heads back to the shop.
though, he is met by a very angry you who grumbles, "nakahara chuuya."
he tenses up and smiles at you, "heyyyy babe, how was it?"
"what did I say about beating people up?"
the disappointment in your eyes hits him hard then he frowns, slightly blushing, "listen, they should know better than to speak about you like that."
you sigh, pressing a kiss to his cheek. what's done is done and you can't change anything. you also can't complain about having a husband who always has your back.
"won't tell me I am your strong husband at least?"
locking arms with him, you roll your eyes, "you're my 'strong' and 'handsome' husband."
he laughs before nudging you lightly with his elbow, "now what shop do you wanna go to?"
a normal evening: you were chilling on your couch, scrolling through your phone.
you didn't think that anyone would show up at this late hour. and even if they did, one expects a delivery man to come knocking on their door, not their nationally feared boyfriend injured and using the door for support.
thankfully though, he isn't in a terrible shape, but he has sustained quite the injury, if the stagger in his step is anything to go by.
"ryu!" you gasp as you run to steady him, "what happened?"
you gently lead him to the couch where he finally sits down, letting a tired sigh. he avoids your eyes for a moment before speaking up, "just had a fight with some people."
you frown, inspecting his injuries, "what did they do? anything related to the mafia?"
he shakes his head as he watches you get the bandages and whatnot. you settle in front of him and he hesitantly shows you the injury. your eyes brim with worry and you instantly start tending to them.
after a couple of moments, his hand moves to rest on your head, "they were...badmouthing you."
you freeze and look up at him. he frowns, a little defensive, "what? I hate anyone who talks you down."
a small laugh escapes your lips as you press a kiss to his cheek, "what did I say about getting into unnecessary fights?" you hum and almost coo at his blushing face.
he averts his eyes and grumbles, "that was very much necessary."
"you could've just ignored them," you quirk an eyebrow at him and he ignores your reprimanding, firmly believing that fighting for your honor is worth every injury he could've gotten.
you cup his face, "ryu," you caress his cheek and he grumbles making you giggle before continuing, "I just don't want you to get hurt even for me."
he sighs with a small nod. his shoulders relax upon seeing your smile, though he avoids telling you that he will, without hesitation, get in another fight just for you.
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @starlostlaiba @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @aeanya @sweetcloudsimp @moon-catto @the-midnightskies @pianopuppygirl @gojosblackqueen @jisbizarre @kunikida-simp
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copyright © tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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Calling them "Daddy"
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Dazai, Chuuya, Nikolai, Akutagawa, Atsushi, Fyodor X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Suggestive content, Pet names (Baby girl, Dove, etc)
Word Count: 1.1K
A/n: Some of these are based on some TikTok vids I've seen before, so credit to them lol
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↳Chuuya Nakahara
"Can you help me with the zipper, daddy?"
Chuuya choked on his wine as he started coughing rapidly, with you watching him having a big smile on your face.
"What did you say to me?"
"I said can you help me with the zipper?"
"No no after that" He shook his head and came closer to you, looking at you eagerly "What did you say after that?"
"Oh you mean daddy?" you rolled your eyes playfully, hands reaching for his bowtie to fix it. "What? Aren't you my daddy?"
"I'm your daddy" He grinned and pulled you closer to himself just to lift you up, which you collaborated by wrapping your arms around his neck. "I like that, keep calling me that"
"Ok daddy"
Chuuya was losing it when you planted a kiss on his cheek, as if your coquetry wasn't enough already.
"Yeah keep calling me that and we'll never leave the bedroom again, baby girl"
↳Osamu Dazai
"Welcome back, daddy" You walked toward your boyfriend and his colleague who were sitting on the couch in the living room. He raised his head with a smirk and stared at you smugly.
"Thanks, Bella. Daddy has had a very long day"
"Oi! Are you two for real" Kunikida protested with a sharp tune, only for Dazai to ignore him while stretching his arms out.
"Ugh I'm exhausted! C'mon baby girl, come give daddy a massage"
"I can't believe you guys. So shameless" Kunikida got up and walked away, with your eyes following him until he exited the room.
"Let's go to the bedroom now, shall we Bella?" The brunette beamed as he placed a hand behind your back, guiding you to your shared bedroom.
"Didn't you want a massage, Osamu?"
"You can do better than a massage, baby girl" His hand squeezed your ass from behind. "Also, call me by my name one more time and you'll get a hard punishment. You don't want daddy to be disappointed, do you?"
↳Nikolai Gogol
"This meal is so sour! Don't you think so, daddy?"
Nikolai raised his head from the plate, smirking at how lewd you were to call him that in a public place. He was also turned on of course, so he put his hand under his chin while staring at your face which had a hidden smile on it.
"You think so, Dove?" "Yeah! I can't believe how expensive it is when it tastes so awful! Seriously daddy, these people are trying to scam us. You should teach them a lesson"
"Oh I will do anything for you Dove" He got up from his seat, placing his head next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine every time his lips made contact with your ear. "I will kill them all. No one has the right to upset my Sugar cube"
"Oh daddy~" Placing a kiss on his cheek, you smiled innocently at the tall man beside you. "You would do that for me?" "I would" "Then, I'll have to show my appreciation to you somehow, right?"
"Don't you worry your little head about that" Nikolai caressed your hair while imagining all the things he was about to do to you in the restaurant's bathroom. "I've already figure out the perfect way for you to repay me, baby girl"
↳Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Akutagawa had literally zero experience when it came to dating before meeting you, so when he heard the word "Daddy" slip from your mouth, he only got confused.
"I said what do you want for dinner, daddy?"
His eyebrows twitched and he looked at you with perplexity in his eyes. "Why... Why would you call me that?"
"Well... What do you think?" You winked at him playfully, finding his reaction cute.
"Is it because I remind you of your dad?" "What? No! Ewe!" "Then why else would you call someone daddy other than your biological father?!"
"You know what just forget it" You shook your head with a soft smile and went back on cutting the onions again, thinking you had a lot of things to teach this charming inexperienced adorable man.
↳Atsushi Nakajima
Drops of blood shot out of his mouth the second he heard you calling him "Daddy". His face turned as red as a tomato, blood rushing to his veins from embarrassment.
"Wha- Why- I- stop messing with me y/n!"
"What?" You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his neck, smiling playfully while giving his neck a small lick. "You don't like it when I call you daddy?" "It's not that I don't like it, it's just that..."
"Awww! Is my daddy being shy?" Shortening the gap between the two of you, you got closer to him until there were only a few inches between your lips. He was still embarrassed, but there was a new feeling growing inside him. A new one that made him impatient when you took your time to tease him.
"Don't be like this, daddy. You like it when I call you that, don't you?"
Yeah, as inappropriate as it was, he would be lying if he said he didn't like it.
"C'mon daddy, show me how much you like it when I call you that"
"You're going to be the death of me y/n" is what he says before slamming his lips on yours.
↳Fyodor Dostoevsky
"I'm sorry that I spilled water on you, Fedya" You said with fake embarrassment, standing in front of your husband who was sitting on the couch. He was a tiny bit irritated, but he didn't want to make a fuss about it.
"It's ok. Be careful next time"
"That's it?" You reply curiously "Aren't you gonna punish me for being distracted, daddy?"
Fyodor's eyebrows rose with surprise, but soon a small smirk found his way to his lips. "Oh? So you did that on purpose, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking abou- Woah!"
He suddenly pulled you on his lap, starring into your eyes as his thumb caressed your bottom lip gently. "You're being naughtier than usual, Myshka. Is that how desperate you are for my attention? To the point that you're willing to ruin my clothes? Maybe you do need to be punished"
Well, that night you definitely did got the attention you were yearning for.
Reblogs are appreciated!
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lissrissye · 8 months
𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔭𝔲𝔱 𝔪𝔞𝔨𝔢𝔲𝔭 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪… 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫?
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✿•˖* ㅤ synopsis ; they bought you makeup when you went shopping yesterday. you wanted to test it out on them because they had the perfect features! long eyelashes, plump lips, etc. (or you just did it for fun-)
✿•˖* notes ; i got lazy so i may or may not post the “they slap you during an argument”, sorry ya’ll ! 😭🙏💗
✿•˖* includes ; osamu dazai, nakahara chuuya, ryunosuke akutagawa, edgar allan poe, and fyodor~ ❥
✿•˖* genre ; sweet romance, fluff, safe for work !
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ᴏꜱᴀᴍᴜ ᴅᴀᴢᴀɪ is quite playful when you first asked if you could apply your makeup on him. He doesn’t mind at all, and he likes to play around with you as you test your makeup on him. He has soft, plump lips, so you decided putting some of your brand new lipsticks on him. The bratty brunette smudges the pink lipstick with his thumb once you take a step back to see how it looks. His specialty is to annoy you, really. Of course, you crossed you arms at him, but he just charmingly smirked at you in response, making your heart melt. —“Do I look like a beautiful princess?~”
You hated how he could just get away with anything with that smirk you loved oh too much. As you started to put eyeliner on your beloved, since he has perfect-shaped eyes, your beloved just decided to move around and mess you up. At this point, he was irritating you.
You had to offer him cuddles and kisses later for him to cooperate. You took a step back, taking a quick picture before you were about to wipe the makeup off him. However, he wanted to show it off… He ended up walking around Yokohama with the full-face of makeup on, not ashamed. You were humiliated by your detective lover’s behavior.
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ɴᴀᴋᴀʜᴀʀᴀ ᴄʜᴜᴜʏᴀ is annoyed when you request to put your makeup on him. He accepted in the end, but it took a lot of begging—… you had to go on your knees and plead him with your sad, adorable puppy eyes. Your arrogant, ginger-haired boyfriend could never say “no” to you anyways, you were his only weakness. During the process, he would complain, grumble, or groan loudly to get your attention, trying to demonstrate just how much he doesn’t like this at all.
—“Just know I’m only doing this because I know nobody else would put up with this bullshit.” The Port Mafia executive spoke with his signature scowl as you put mascara on him. You know just how much he despised being or looking vulnerable and inferior, especially in front of you. Though, he secretly enjoys this moment because he’s with you. That was the one benefit to him in this. You didn’t notice it, but a soft smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as you were occupied looking for blush.
Once you turned around, he quickly dropped the grin of his and acted all tough and irritated again. He was trying not to smile so hard… you look so excited, it was adorable to him. He had to look away to prevent himself from letting a smirk come across his face.
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ʀʏᴜɴᴏꜱᴜᴋᴇ ᴀᴋᴜᴛᴀɢᴀᴡᴀ is flustered when you abruptly approach him with the objective to test your brand new makeup products on him. He was surprised at first, then his face slowly turned red in embarrassment. He didn’t want to just shoo you away, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to look pathetic with makeup on… those sad, pleading eyes of yours looking up at him… how could he just send you off?
—“Fine, just not to much… okay, my… lo-love?” Your dark-eyed dear told you. He was such a sweetheart in the interior, hesitating to call you a cute name, even as simple as ‘my love’, since the poor boy had never received love before, making it difficult for him to be romantic with you. When you sat him down, you feel his body is tense. He was unsure about this. You then instructed him to shut his eyes tight so you can put eyeshadow on him. He was obedient despite how much it hurt ego. After you’ve finished putting eyeshadow on Akutagawa’s eyelids, you noticed his cheeks a warm, pink hue.
—“Huh, I don’t recall applying blush on your cheeks…” You thought, and in response, Akutagawa just looked away in silence. He tried avoiding the subject so you wouldn’t realize he was really flustered because of you.
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ᴇᴅɢᴀʀ ᴀʟʟᴀɴ ᴘᴏᴇ is shy when you distracted him from writing his mystery novel for Ranpo to solve, with the desire of adding your makeup products to test on him. He immediately looked away with a bright, cherry-red face as you sat on his lap, putting your products on his desk and moving his novel aside for a moment. With shaky hands, her puts his hands on your hips to support you, as the last thing he wanted was for you to fall off his lap.
—“Ok-okay… please don’t overdo it th-though, sweetheart…” Your timid darling spoke in a quiet voice as you start to put foundation on his face. You lifted the hair from his face just to see him already looking down at you with a gentle, loving and affectionate look. He allowed you to tap foundation on his forehead, use your brush to put blush on his cheeks, use mascara on him, etc. He was okay with it as long as you didn’t use to much of your products on him.
When you had finished, he turned you around so he could continue working on his novel with you on his lap. He felt very hot, so you wondered if he had a fever. In reality, he was just so humiliated that his entire body felt hot.
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ᴅᴏꜱᴛᴏᴇᴠꜱᴋʏ ꜰʏᴏᴅᴏʀ is neutral when he felt your arms embrace his torso from behind, seeking to use your makeup products on him. He turned around, carrying you to your shared bedroom, setting you down and sitting on the bed. You sprinted to your desk, grabbing hold of all the new products he had purchased for you.
—“You have my permission, myshka. Just as long you remove it once your done.” Fyodor cooed with a soothing voice in your ear, stroking your smooth hair with his pale, cold hands. You smiled brightly as you reached for red lipstick and lipgloss to start off with. It was wine-red, and your terrorist beloved seemed to enjoy the color. He kissed your cheek as soon as you finished layering the lipstick with lipgloss, leaving a mark on your cheek. He knew just how to fluster you. You didn’t even bother to rub it off and just proceeded to put highlighter at the corner of his eyes, as well as contour on his nose, etc.
As you were finishing up putting highlighter on your boyfriend’s nose, Fyodor was in a trance, captivated by your beauty, as if he got hypnotized by you. Though, your didn’t pick up on this.
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sonder-paradise · 1 year
Hello, my dear friend. I was thinking… what if Chuuya, Akutagawa, Dazai, Atsushi are having a nightmare and their s/o comforts them?… btw, I really like your posts🖤 thank you for doing them, I really like them a lot💙💛
𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 — 𝐁𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐠𝐬
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◊ characters. chuuya nakahara, osamu dazai, ryunosuke akutagawa, atsushi nakajima, gn!reader
◊ genre. slight angst, comfort
◊ note. thank you for the req i had fun :)
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— 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚
for a man that does not dream, the closest he gets is the vague feeling that he is not safe. when he awakes, his palms stick to the sheets. his chest pounds and he swears he doesn't know what's going on.
he remembers nothing but a vague memory that something is wrong. he blinks, breathing slowly. once, twice, and then finally turning his head to look down at your sleeping form.
you are safe. he is safe. but as you shift in your sleep, mumbling something softly to yourself before finally looking up at him with hazy eyes, he feels a horrid, painful ache in his chest.
"chuuya? what are you doing up?" you whisper. your voice soothes something inside him and he swallows thickly.
"nothing. just thinking," he says quickly.
your lips tug down for a moment before letting out a sigh. your hand wraps around his waist, pulling him back down to the bed to lay down. he lays in your embrace quietly, soaking in your whispered words and soothing touch.
"you know you can tell me if something's the matter."
"i know."
unspoken words drift into the silence and chuuya releases his grip on the sheets to hold you a little tigher.
— 𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐃𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐢
dazai says nothing. pulling himself out of bed and towards the kitchen. he's not sure what to do. his mind races and for a second he's scared. everything feels so unfamiliar, so unnatural.
'it was just a dream.'
that's what he tells himself as he paces the kitchen debating on heading down to the Lupin. then you appear in the doorway. he stills himself, eyes wide as his lips fall open in an attempt to explain himself.
but then, he doesn't have to.
"osamu... if you had a nightmare, it's okay to talk to me."
he pauses once more. for a brief second, he looks close to tearing up. but dazai knows better. it would be silly to find relief in you just because of some silly dream.
but when you stand a little straighter and open your arms like that... he can't help but find his way back into your embrace. you stroke his hair as he sinks into your touch.
"wanna talk about it?" you whisper, slowly but surely leading him back towards the bed.
"no," he murmurs, letting himself succumb to the way you just... take care of him. no extra narrative involved except your love.
— 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐚
panic. that's the first thing atsushi feels upon waking back up. he's alert and scanning the room for potential areas of danger. but as he soaks in the atmosphere, he spots his familiar room, the scent of you and him intermingled comfortingly and most important, you.
he stills himself, trying to pull it together slowly. questions race through his mind. is it okay to wake you for this? would you be mad if he got closer? his anxiety warps his already panicked state of mind.
then you roll over, rubbing your eyes before realizing the sort of state your lover's currently in.
"atsushi..." you murmur, carefully holding your arms open. "what's wrong?"
he immediately latches on with no intention of letting go anytime soon. silence replaces his answer but eventually he mumbles the details of his dream to you.
you’re quiet, taking in the way be trembles under your touch and stiffens when he thinks you’re about to pull away.
“i’m here. i’m not going anywhere,” you whisper and he nods and accepts those words.
the silence becomes a little less terrifying.
— 𝐑𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐀𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐰𝐚
he wouldn’t admit he’s been startled awake by something haunting his mind. akutagawa turns away from you, unable to look at your peaceful form.
he traces back his memory; where he is, who he is, and his safety. he’s not wearing his coat…
akutagawa grabs the dark coat that sits patiently on a chair nearby. he wraps it around himself and questions if sleep is still a viable option for him.
then your voice hurries from the bed and he returns to your side.
“ryuu, are you going somewhere?” you ponder aloud, noticing the way he grips his coat a little tighter.
“no,” he grumbles.
you stare at him quizzically. he looks so frail and tired standing there so awkwardly. you soften your tone as you reach out to cup his cheek.
“you can keep the coat on. just lay down with me, is that okay?”
he thinks for a moment, then nods and sits back down. the coat is still wrapped around his frail shoulders. you pull your arms around him too.
akutagawa isn’t sure whether or not to love this affection or shun away from it. but it feels so warm, so unfamiliar yet right that he accepts it.
it’s a better alternative than the nightmarish comforts that await him when he shuts his eyes.
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Taglist: @requiem626k @kruven @nonsense-corner @kiyokoxd @jessbeinme15 @starglow-xx @shadyteacup @colourless-cora @scul-pted @kuraxmasha @yochicoz @pompompurin1028 @trashykawahq @swrdemon @life-sus @foolishestchildofchilds @fyodorscello @kur0-kawa @planetxiao @dazaiaiko @chuuyasboots @ruthdied @allisonlol @questioningmyownexistence @sebtomm @nullified-kiss @nathansside @cuteflowers-101 @sigmafied @boombboi @scarletta-ruan @skgch @daz8i @httpsobi @dazaiscum @thekaylahub @dazaisbloodybandages @dazaisfavgf @alice0blog @irethepotato @vinyicryes @monastary @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @disa-ster @mastering-procrastinating @wonpielle
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prettylittledollswork · 5 months
The day he realized.
He didn’t mean it.
He couldn’t help but lash out.
He didn’t want to be like this.
After a long day of fighting, he comes to the comfort of your arms, so upset. He lashes out on you again. He doesn’t mean it, he swears!
He yells and yells, you stay like a little doll and listen on. He’s frustrated. Why are you listening? Why aren’t you responding? You’re not a robot. Talk. TALK.
He wants to feel alive.
Soon before he knows it, he’s sobbing in your arms. Apologies. He doesn’t like apologizing. But losing you, he hates.
You comfort him, explaining that letting him vent out first is the right choice before you continue. He’s on his knees. Sobbing in your lap. You rub his back with one hand, the other playing with his hair as you comfort him.
Why are you so sweet? He’s a monster. He doesn’t deserve this. Yet, he longs for the comfort of you. He’s not affectionate. He wants to be.
Before all this, he was.. Well, distant. Maybe because of fear of you getting targeted? Or he just didn’t want to deal with you.
From now on, he clings by your side. Always finding ways to stay with you. You can protect yourself, he won’t understand that. He’s way too afraid. He’s anxious. One wrong word or move and he’ll hide back in the shadows.
He’s like a stray cat. Lots of coaxing. Reassure him. After all, you’re the only one left to help him. Please. He doesn’t mean to lash out. But after this situation, he’s sure to never lash out again in complete fear. He’s scared. Please, he’s sorry.
Xiao, Akutagawa, Scaramouche + your faves!! Idk any more to name, lmk and i’ll include them !!!
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livelaughlovesubs · 3 months
WHATSS UPPP🔥🔥🔥🔥 Anyways :3 can I pretty please request an Akutagawa x reader and Akutagawas reaction to reader/us handcuffing him?? (Also if your uncomfortable with that I totally understand if you dont wanna write for it! I need more subby akutagawa in my life🤤)
Of course you can~ here is your order sweetie!
Dom!reader x sub!akutagawa
Warning: handcuffs, bondage, teasing, otherwise pretty sfw?
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‘What a frail boy,’ you thought while sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, arms crossed as you hide something under a pillow. His physic was no surprise to you anymore, though how comes every time you saw him he gets thinner? Yet he still wants to be of service to you. How can you make him work without feeling pity for his poor body? A sigh left your mouth, your eyes glanced over the soft pillow which served as your hiding spot. That’s why you prepared this, to make sure he’ll leave it all to you.
Then your eyes turned again, moving to look at the male standing next to the bed again. His pitch black coat was now placed over a chair, revealing his white dress-shirt. It stood out so much, since the rest of his outfit was dark as well. “Come here, aku.” You commanded, still sitting in the same position as before. He obliged your order without any hesitation, nor did he make a single sound. Slowly climbing onto the mattress as he hovered above you, legs on either side of your figure.
It might have seemed bold at first glance, but he didn’t even dare to sit down onto your lap, only kneeling on top of you while wearing a softer version of his usual expression. His pupils were also raven black, skin as pale as porcelain and cheeks tainted slightly rosy. You stared at him off a second, before reaching out for his collar. Gently, you pulled at his jabot, loosening it up and throwing it onto the floor. Afterwards, you started unbuttoning his shirt. One button after another, without rushing anything. He didn’t say anything the entire time, staying as still as he could for you. Even though he tried so hard to appear unaffected, his breathing hitched and his nervous gaze exposed everything.
“How cute.” You chuckled as you said that, hands working on the last button. He scoffed at the compliment, face twisting into a pout. What can you say, you are never wrong. Right when you were going to pull his shirt off him, he took care of it already, letting the fabric drop onto the floor. Then Akutagawa began working on his trousers, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrists, sighing, “This won’t do, pretty boy. Leave it all to me.”
Before he got the chance to respond to it, he felt something hard and cold pressing against his wrist. Then a clink sound reached his ears, followed by another one. He looked down, eyes widening as the realisation. “What is this…?” Aku asked you, eyes searching for your guidance and explanation. “My, you out of everyone doesn’t know what these are?” You teased, fingers playing with the chain connecting the two metal holes. His reaction is cute, to think the mad dog of the mafia is so innocent. The confused look on his face was adorable as well, actually you liked everything about him.
“I know, handcuffs, but why are you… using them?” Akutagawa kept questioning you, he looked at you like you were crazy. “Sweetie, what is the purpose of cuffs?” You teased him, yanking on that chain a little to make him lean forward. His face was now inches away from yours, and his blush darkened a few shades. “To restrain someone, to prevent them from doing something.” Despite the fact that his heart was fluttering, and his voice trembling, he still managed to answer you. It was a good response, just as you expected from him. “Right, now guess why I might be using these.”
“But there is no reason for you to restrain me.” The boy said, a drop of sweat rolled down his forehead. Now he was looking at you all flustered and blushy. “Then be my prisoner for tonight. Your crime is~ seducing me. Your sentence? Forbidden from doing anything.” You whispered against his neck, raising the hand that was still holding onto the chain high into the air, causing him to raise his arms above his head as well. “What do you say, Ryuunosuke?” At this point he was already a mess, glaring at you like a feisty cat. When he met your playful gaze, a shiver ran down his spine, and he eventually said, “…I- I got it, officer.”
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pfpanimes · 3 months
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⌕ bungo stray dogs - akutagawa.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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luvfy0dor · 4 months
can u do neck kisses w/ akutagawa?
Akutagawa + Neck Kisses ♡⁠˖
Warnings; biting, allusions to hickeys
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Akutagawa had a tendency to slightly shiver or squirm when touched because he wasn't used to such gentleness just yet. Your relationship wasn't all too new, but you were still discovering which parts of his body were the most sensitive. One evening while you sat next to each other on the couch with only side-to-side contact, you stretched your arms and yawned before letting them fall over his shoulders with your forearm grazing the nape of his neck. His shoulders scrunched up and he grimaces, letting out a shaky sigh at the feeling of your wooly sweater touching his skin and raising his hairs. You raised an eyebrow and leaned into him. "I didn't smack you or nothin', did I?" You whispered, drawing his attention to your self. "No, it just grazed me awkwardly and made me shiver. My neck is sort of sensitive." He tells you. You hum and lean your head on his shoulder, glancing at his neck every now and again instead of focusing on the movie the two of you were watching. "Can I kiss your neck, Ryuu?" You ask him, staring at his Adam's apple as it bobs when he swallows. "What would you want to kiss my neck for?" You shrug. "Just cause. I won't if you don't want me too, but-" you start to put your hands up, but he grabs them. "Go ahead, kiss my neck all you'd like." He says, his grey eyes wide grey eyes nearly burning holes through your skin with his stare. You laugh at him a little and peck his lips before traveling downward to his neck. His white skin gradually turns pinker when you press your lips against his neck, sucking gently with your hands on his shoulders. Your head was tilted as you gently bit down on his pale flesh, making him gasp quietly and lean back into the couch. His hand fell on your hip while you started to pull away, but not before licking over the red mark you'd left. "uhm, I believe that was not just a kiss." He said, staring at you with squinted eyes. "I'm sorry, Ryuu', you coulda told me to stop if you didn't like it." You say, a nervous frown on your face. He shook his head and grabbed the collar of your shirt, not tugging it but just holding it. "Did I say I didn't like it?" You laughed and shook your head too. "No, no you didn't. Want it again?" He averted his eyes and bit the inside of his cheek. "Well, since you're offering.."
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A/n; new theme chat since NOBODY EVER WANTS TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT /lh but I think it's cute, I like the more muted color and my last one was not nearly as cohesive as this one. ALSO ALSO I get to participate in my first varsity banquet this year for varsity swim, I'm so excited fjekskdkkwk
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chuulyssa · 5 months
Akutagawa or dazai with the 14th prompt at the 5k event :)
↷ A/N ─ didn't know which one to write, so i wrote both! you can probably tell my exams ended with the amount of content im giving 🤭
★ PROMPT ─ 14
!! FT. ─ akutagawa, dazai
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"i'm sorry. i talk too much."
"Hm?" he looked up from the paperwork he was doing after you finished your long rant about the new movie you watched with your friends.
"Oh, never mind then," you huffed. He probably hadn't listened to a single word you had said. How could he, with how much you talked?
Akutagawa narrowed his eyes at you, and you felt small against the look on his face.
"No," he said curtly, sitting up straight, his calculating gaze deepening. "Don't stop."
"Stop what?"
"Don't stop talking," he looked back down at his papers. "We'll watch the movie after I get this over with."
Your face immediately brightened up and you resumed your talk. Akutagawa smiled softly.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dazai turned to look at you. It had probably been hours since you came to bed together, neither of you able to sleep. So you had decided to talk - rave, more like - about this and that.
"Nah, you don't, bella," he said simply. "I talk more than you."
"Then why don't you?" you pouted, snuggling up closer to him. "When I drone on and on about stuff, and I don't hear you reply, I feel like you don't want to listen."
"Oh, but I do, darling," he kissed your forehead. "I love listening to you."
His face turned mock-serious. "Bella, if I were to die now, it would be from the sheer beauty of your dulcet tones."
Since Dazai was never much of an early sleeper, he didn't mind it one bit, really. But he could never forgive himself for making you feel unwanted as he once did.
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© chuulyssa 2024 - do not copy, plagiarize or repost my works on any platforms. do not translate.
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you couldn't keep me off for long 🤺🤺
how about the same three (dazai aku and fedya) but with a reader that runs super cold ?? i love this idea for no reason because dazai would tease, akutagawa would just be funny because haha sickly victorian children, and fedya has fuckign anemia so ofc he's cold 24/7 as well. ur writing style is also delectable i would like to eat it tysm
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(me when i read ur things)
OMG I LOVE THIS! (Bro thank you sm i seriously feel like my writing style is shit but I love you…and please never fend off)
to the anon requested the bsd men and cold fic it is underway, I currently have written half of it…the ones with all BSD men take longer to write 😞😞
off I go to writing this ✨✨
BSD Men With a Reader That Runs Cold
In this post: 💃 Osamu Dazai, Ryonosuke Akutagawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky💃
Pairing: Fem!reader/BSDMen
Synopsis: BSDMen and a gf that runs cold.
Osamu Dazai
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Dazai is a man that burns with joy and passion in his everyday life. Consequently, his body temperature almost always runs high. And as the saying goes, opposites attract: you’re almost always cold, and Dazai, the man of your life, seems to have fire licking his skin constantly. He eagerly appoints himself to be your personal furnace, wrapping you in his arms when you shiver, and lending you his coat without you even having to utter a word. But his gestures come with a small price. Your boyfriend always teases you, his cat-like eyes smiling fondly as you glare at him, bundled in a mountain of covers and still needing his body heat. Dazai’s favorite joke is to propose sex as a way to warm you up. No matter how much he teases, however, he will always be ready to rescue you from the freezing cold that claws at your skin, enjoying the time he gets to spend holding you close to his heart.
You walked through the streets of Yokohama, shivering like you were experiencing your own magnitude level 5 earthquake. You were bundled up in a large coat, a scarf and gloves, even a small hat adoring your adorable face, and yet, you were still shivering so hard your teeth chattered.
Your boyfriend, Dazai, was walking leisurely in front of you, wearing only his usual trench coat, seemingly unaffected by the cold that held you tightly in its claws.
“D-Dazai!” You called, feeling as if you couldn’t take another step without shattering into a myriad of tiny ice shards.
“Yes, my belladonna?”
“M’ cold…”
Dazai sauntered over to you, leaning down to peck your nose. “Such a rare occasion, isn’t it, Bella?” He cooed mockingly, caressing your lips with his thumb.
You swatted his hand away, whining. “Stop teasing. I need solutions, not problems.”
“Okay, I have a great solution.” Dazai declared, looking in your eyes very seriously. You nodded, listening, blowing some warm air on your freezing hands, which still felt on the verge or falling off, even with your gloves on. Dazai’s hands took yours in his, warming them up with his own personal heat. “We go back there, and I fuck you so good — ”
“DAZAI!” You shouted, afraid someone could hear you. You rapidly checked around the both of you, terrified that a little kid might have been lurking in a corner. Returning to look at your boyfriend, you found him doubled over, laughing.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” He said, a hint of laugh still dancing in his tone. “Come here,” he said, opening his trench coat. You slid inside, instantly feeling warmer. Dazai closed the coat around you, holding you tightly against him, feeling a little proud when you stopped shivering. “When we get home, l’ll make you some warm tea.” He promised, already seeing your apartment complex in the near distance.
“And then we cuddle on the couch.” You said, starting feel your ears again.
“And then we make out on the couch, yes.”
Your joyful boyfriend started laughing, and you soon joined, your laughter intertwining into a beautiful melody, as you two walked home. Throughout the walk home, Dazai made sure you were completely covered by his coat, a perfect bundle of warmth. He promised himself he would always be there to hug you till you weren’t shivering anymore.
Ryonosuke Akutagawa
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Akutagawa was a normal person, who never felt too hot or too cold. When you burst into his life, all joy and laughter, he had to get used to you, and all your wonderfully eccentric behavior. But the one thing he struggled most with, was your abnormally low body temperature. Whenever you told him you were cold, he would stare at the various layers of clothes you were wearing, as well as the winter coat you had thrown over your shoulders. Akutagawa just…couldn’t understand you. He didn’t try to be mean or anything, his mind just couldn’t make sense of it. Akutagawa soon realized that his body heat helped the perennial cold that seemingly nestled, like a frozen rose, in your heart. Whenever you would be shivering at night, Akutagawa would tentatively wrap you in his arms, and warm you with his body heat. He would crank the heat up in your apartment, despite your protests about the price (he had enough money to spend). Soon, you feeling cold became another quirky aspect of your relationship, and also gave Akutagawa the opportunity to always keep you in his arms without explicitly voicing his desire to do so, which suited your touch-starved boyfriend perfectly fine.
You were at the Port Mafia’s annual Christmas Party: an event that lasted all night long, in one of the many ballrooms owned by the criminal organization. The floors were made of polished wood, and the ceilings were decorated with wonderful paintings, and delicate flowers engraved in the dark wooden beams that supported the high ceilings. The moonlight filtered in through the mosaic windows, coloring the partygoers in different shades.
You were sitting at a table, a glass of glittering champagne in your hand. You were wearing a black slip dress Akutagawa had gifted you. It adorned your body perfectly, a slit exposing your right leg. You looked gorgeous, and Akutagawa stared at you for a good 5 minutes without being able to say anything when you had come out of the bathroom, finding you the epitome of beauty.
The night had been fun: you had successfully dragged Akutagawa to waltz with you, holding you close. You could feel Akutagawa’s heart beat against your chest, a small smile twinkling on his lips. The moment had abruptly ended when Mori had called Akutagawa to raise a toast to the Port Mafia with the rest of the high executives.
You, being a low-level Port Mafia member, had given him a kiss to send him off, and had gone back to sit at your designated table. All the dancing had made you sweat, and now the droplets were cooling on your skin, making you already colder than you always were. You had decided to sip on your champagne to warm yourself up, but your exposed arms were not helping. You had started shivering, setting the flute back down on the table, and wrapping your arms around yourself to try and create a little heat.
“Are you feeling cold, (Y/N)?” Akutagawa asked, dragging a chair to join you. You nodded, sheepishly. Akutagawa glanced at you for a few seconds, his eyes zeroing on your shivering shoulders. He exhaled, not believing he was about to do this.
Slowly, Akutagawa removed his coat, an item of clothing that was seemingly fused to his body: he rarely took it off, and only in the comfort of your home, where he knew the both of you were safe from any danger.
You watched him in utter disbelief as he draped it around your shoulders: it was the greatest act of trust Akutagawa could ever commit towards you.
Seemingly not having moved you to tears enough, he scooted closer with his chair, wrapping you in his arms and holding you tightly against him, trying to transfer some body heat.
Akutagawa was known for not liking any form of PDA. You knew. He knew. The whole Port Mafia knew, which explained the shocked glance Chuuya threw your way.
But honestly, you didn’t care, and nuzzled your face in Akutagawa’s chest, glimmering tears sliding down your cheeks and ruining your makeup: Akutagawa always found proclaiming his love to you to be extremely difficult, but clumsily, through his actions, he always found a way to tell you how much you meant to him.
Your boyfriend felt your shoulders shake, and mistook you to be still freezing. He held you even closer, until he noticed the wetness on his chest, harshly pulling you away from him to check on you. “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” His panicked tone made you laugh through the tears.
“You’re just perfect, you know.” You whispered, bringing his hands to your mouth, leaving a red lipstick mark on his knuckles. “I couldn’t have gotten luckier.”
Now it was Akutagawa’s turn to feel his heart melt, his eyes suddenly watering. He coughed, looking away, trying to maintain his cold persona.
“Akutagawa, it’s our song!” You squealed, suddenly hearing the melody play. “Let’s go dance!” You excitedly grabbed his hand, almost dragging him to the middle of the dance floor, his coat still around your shoulders.
Akutagawa almost protested, but the smile that was engraved in your eyes the minute you started swaying in his arms was a force too strong for him to resist. You two ended the night in each others arms, singing the song’s romantic lyrics to one another, the mosaic windows coloring each part of your faces with a different color.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Listen, Fyodor is anemic, he’s always cold. Russia’s harsh winters must have infected his body, because this evil mastermind is always shivering. And when the two of you got together, and you told him you were a person that generally ran cold, Fyodor smiled, saying he was the same. The two of you share the same struggles on a daily basis, and try to rely on one another for warmth, but with little to no results. The heat in your apartment is always cranked so high that Nikolai directly comes in shorts whenever has to come over. Whenever you two sleep, you have at least 5 covers and huddle in each other’s arms. Whenever you whine that you’re cold, Fyodor does hug you, but you both know it won’t be enough, so he throws a cover on both of you, and only then can you two start to warm up. A warm tea, or a warm milk, are mandatory every night, and you have a multitude of hot water bottles stashed in the kitchen. You use one almost every night. Still, even if Fyodor knows that hugging you won’t change much, he secretly adores sleeping with you in his arms, because the love that you so clearly feel for him is enough to warms his heart.
“Fyodor, I’m still cold,” you whimpered, trying to huddle in his arms. The two of you had been cuddling in bed for thirty minutes, bundled underneath an avalanche of covers and duvets, each of you holding a warm water bottle. Fyodor was feeling…okay. Not warm, exactly but not as freezing as you were. You must have been tired: you usually felt colder when you were tired. Fyodor tried his best to rub his arms against yours, but to no avail.
“I can tell, myshka…you’re shivering,” he cooed, trying to tuck the covers around you. But nothing seemed to be working that night. Fyodor leaned back, trying to figure something out, his already fast mind moving at inhumane speed. “What if I draw us a warm bath?” He asked, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.
Your eyes shot open, a glimmer of hope in your smile. “Yes…please,” you scooted out of his embrace, watching as your boyfriend braved the cold, sliding out of the sheets. You instantly felt colder, now that he was gone. You hugged his hot water battle as well, watching as his tall form slid inside the bathroom. You heard the water running. The harsh sound of water on marble soon changing to water sloshing on water.
You waited impatiently, jumping out of the bed when you heard his sweet voice calling you. You ran to the bathroom, trying to avoid the cold’s claws that reached for you. You almost threw yourself in the bathroom, closing the door behind you to not let the heat from the heater make its escape.
Fyodor looked at you lovingly, helping you slide your clothes off. You didn’t wait for Fyodor, almost throwing yourself inside the large bathtub. You instantly felt the cold hidden in your limbs wither and die, finally feeling at peace. The water sloshed around you as Fyodor joined you in the tub, his pale skin almost taking a pearl-like shade in the dim lights.
You happily swam towards him, falling into his arms. Fyodor welcomed you with a small smile, glad to see your cheeks flushed with heat for once. “We should do this more often,” you thought out loud, playing with your boyfriend’s hands.
“Noted, milaya.” He purred, feeling a drowsy sense of relaxation spreading throughout his body. “This sure is peaceful,” he murmured, sinking further in the bathtub, eyeing your naked body underneath the trembling surface of the water.
“Stop,” you laughed, noticing his gaze, swimming away from him and flicking some water in his face with your foot. Fyodor moved uncharacteristically face, grabbing your ankle and tugging you toward him, and pressing a kiss to your soft skin. You giggled shyly, hiding underneath the water.
Fyodor dunked his head underneath the water, meeting your eyes. You smiled at him, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging you against him. He pulled both of you out of the water, watching as it cascade down both of your bodies. You laughed merrily; Fyodor laid his head on your chest, closing his eyes and humming quietly. You caressed his head, diving back in the water when you felt a sudden chill caress your spine.
You kissed Fyodor lazily, watching with half-lidded eyes as he opened the tap to let more scalding water fill the tub around you.
You two cuddled in the warm water for hours, sometimes kissing, sometimes just laying in each others arms.
You were falling in and out of consciousness, and barely noticed Fyodor lifting you out of the now lukewarm water, drying you and slipping your pjs on you. He then carried you to bed, tucking the both of you in, carefully. You snuggled against his chest, and peacefully fell asleep, finally warm, Fyodor’s hand held tightly in yours.
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Pregnancy Dramas
—Things you faced when you were carrying their child
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Fyodor, Kunikida X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Mainly Humor
Format: Drabble
Warnings: Pregnancy, Pregnancy problems, Cravings, etc
Word Count: 1.4k
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↳Osamu Dazai
If anyone had told Dazai that he would eventually settle down with someone, he would have merely laughed at them; but there he was, standing next to the infirmary bed while looking at you, his beloved wife, who was carrying his baby.
You were now three months pregnant, your belly shaped into a cute bump. You both agreed to not know about the gender of your baby till it finally arrives, therefor, whenever you went to a sonography you only asked the doctor if the baby was ok and refused to gain any more information. You were feeling sick a while ago so Dazai hurried to the hospital to show you to a doctor, and now you were waiting for the result.
The doctor smiled at Dazai's worried face and put the sonography results on the desk. "You're very attentive toward your wife's health condition, but these kind of problems are common during pregnancy. I'll give you some medicine to kill the pain, though I assure you, all four of them are fine"
"Thank you so much, doc—"
You suddenly froze. Looking at your husband and catching a glimpse of his shocked face, you turned your face toward the doctor. "How... How many?"
"Ah, you're carrying triplets, right?"
"T-there has to be some kind of mistake, sir" You were now stuttering over your words and Dazai was still silently staring at the doctor with the same expression. "I mean we didn't want to know anything about our baby until it's born but— TRIPLETS? MY FUCKING VAGINA IS GOING TO EXPLODE!"
"I'll... give you a minute..."
As the doctor left the room, you covered your mouth with your hand. "Aren't you going to say something...?"
"I... guess we'll have to ask Kunikida to be the godfather..."
"So that we raise the kids with his money?"
"Well, sounds like a plan"
↳Chuuya Nakahara
"Sob* this cake is sob* delicious..."
Chuuya had always had a hard time understanding people around him since they were all a bunch of weirdos, and ever since you showed him the result of your pregnancy test, he couldn't really get you either.
"Yeah... I would have believed you if you weren't crying while eating it" He shook his head with disappointment as he reached for the cake tray, but you snatched it away and shot him a threatening look. "DON'T YOU DARE EAT MY CAKES. THEY'RE ALL MINE!"
"Ok ok, geez..."
"Nothing! Eat your cakes!"
"Don't tell me what to do! I eat my cakes whenever I want to!"
"Do whatever you want y/n"
You shoved the rest of the cakes in your mouth, and your sobs got even louder. "I'm sob* gonna get nom nom* fat... Waaaa this is so tasty... sob*"
Chuuya thought of leaving the room, but that could make you even angrier.
"It's all your fault that I'm fat since you're the one who got me pregnant in the first place!"
"I'm not complaining baby doll, you look even prettier like this..."
"My god that's not what I fucking meant!"
During these few months, you had become overly sensitive and moody. He really was the one to blame— Chuuya did knew that; but sometimes he lost control and snapped out, like now. Though the second he saw your teary eyes, he sighed and leaned to plant a kiss on your cheek. "I'm sorry honey... What can I do to make you feel better?"
"...More cakes please?"
↳Fyodor Dostoevsky
You were lying on the couch and Fyodor was sitting on the floor with his head on your belly, wearing a soft smile that made your heart flutter. He had become extra sweet with you since the day you got pregnant, so despite all the pain and trouble you were going through, you didn't want these days to be over.
"Are you sure she's going to kick?" he held your hand gently and lightly kissed your palm.
"Positive. I mean, I kinda have the feeling... You know, motherly instinct and stuff..."
"Then I shall wait a little longer" He closed his eyes and started stroking your hand with his thumb. You couldn't help but to reach out for his cheek with your free hand to caress it, and you almost died when he leaned to your touch.
"Fedya..." "I love you too, my darling"
Then it happened.
A light kick indirectly hitting his head, announcing her presence to her daddy.
Fyodor smiled, a dazzling one that was rare and charming to the eye, and looked at your belly. "My... Our baby is a wild one. That was one aggressive kick"
"I'm sure she's just impatient" Giggling softly, you patted your belly. "She's not aggressive, she only wants to arrive soon. Our baby will be an angel"
"She will be; she takes after her mother, after all"
You closed your eyes at the feeling of his lips pressed against your forehead, thankful for your lovely family. You went through a lot to get to this moment, but you could never regret it even one bit. Not when you have Fyodor, and your soon-to-be-born baby.
↳Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Safe and sound sleeps had always been a stranger to Akutagawa. Growing up in the slums, he had to sleep with his eyes open so that he would be ready when a threat came along; and even though he was not living in the slums anymore, he still couldn't get much of a sleep.
You wouldn't let him.
"Ryuu" You shook him lightly, watching as his nose scrunched up with annoyance. He seemed put out and he didn't even open his eyes, talking to you with a low, husky voice. "What?"
"I want fried chicken"
You observed him as his eyes shot open and stared at your serious face with disbelief. He looked kind of shocked, and you wondered if he was familiar with the term "Craving".
"Y/n it's 4am" He sounded unsure. "All of the stores have closed by now"
"I'm pregnant with a seven months old baby Ryuunosuke, I don't care if it's 4am"
"Well I'm not going out right now either" He closed his eyes again, trying to go back to sleep; but your sudden remark suddenly sobered him up.
"Fine then, I guess I'll just have to eat you instead of the chicken"
Your tone was not humorous, nor it was threatening. It was more like you were announcing your next steps if you don't get your way.
"I don't think I'm enough to satisfy you. I'm all bones, barely any flesh"
"Then I'll eat your sister. She's not as skinny as you. She's living next door, isn't she?"
Looking at you again, Akutagawa searched for a hint of humor in your eyes to confirm that you were joking; but all he saw was a dangerous gaze, shooting out of a hungry, pregnant woman's vicious eyes.
"...I'll go get my coat"
↳Doppo Kunikida
"Y/n? Where are you?"
Hearing your husbands voice, you get up and exit the bedroom to greet him at the front door of your apartment. You announced your pregnancy to him last night, making him thrilled to bits. After celebrating with you, he had started planning out the ideal schedule for the nine months ahead. He had left you hours ago to go shopping for necessary items, and now he was finally back.
"Welcome home, Anata" You pecked him on the cheek. "So? What did you buy? Lemme see them"
The blonde smiled and took your hand, dragging you inside the living room to sit on the couch. He then started taking his purchases out of the shopping bags, explaining about them with slight excitement.
"This is a medicine to help you stop vomiting, this device is baby sleep that would inform us when the baby wakes up in it's room, and these are some clothes that I bought for the baby. I tried to buy neutral clothes since we still don't know the gender of our baby"
"Oh Doppo, I think it's still too soon to buy some of these" You chuckled and took the small shirt to have a better look of it. Its small size made you feel butterflies in your stomach. You were having a baby that probably looked like your husband. You finally had a family of your own. Nothing could stop you from being happy. Nothing...
"And these are for when your body gets bigger"
You looked at the pregnancy pants in his hands. "When my body gets bigger?"
"Your ankles are gonna swell, your breast are gonna get bigger, even your face might get a bit out of shape in the last month. Your cheeks might bloat as well too. There will also be stretch marks on your belly, and your vagina might dilate if you choose not to have a caesarean... ARE THOSE TEARS IN YOUR EYES??"
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All rights reserved © 2023 AshTheMadWriter. Please do not copy, repost, translate, or modify my works on any platform.
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irasamu · 6 months
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 . . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 I'LL BE YOUR GIRL, LET YOU TASTE IT : a ryuunosuke akutagawa fic.❞
❝ "he is such a daddy."  . . . popular streamer 'a' once again makes the girls swoon over him by making out with his girlfriend on stream.❞ one hour ago.
🎀  LIGHTS, CAMERA AND STREAM! ; the hottest streamers and all about them and more at www.mvnjiroarchives.com..
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . please don't come at me with the "aku would never act like this!!" -- he will in my mind.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . tw ; streamer!aku, boyfriend!aku, mean!aku, fem!reader, nsfw, dry humping, riding, overstimulation, squirting, fingering, clit pinching, rough play, smacking, gagging due to fingers forced down the throat, manhandling, blood play, lip biting, making out on camera, semi public sex in a way?, uses of mommy and princess, slight degradation and that's all i remember lol.
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what a load of bullshit.
till it isn't anymore.
ideas give birth to ideals and ideals, if taken the wrong way, leads to a world of narcissism. not always, but surely at times.
but ideas and ideals are also necessary and absolutely essential in the society to ensure that it works properly and in harmony.
because everyone who lives, thinks and when he thinks, he thinks no one else ever thought of what he did, which isn't entirely right or wrong.
and everyone had ideals and everyone has ideas and everyone likes someone else who fits their ideals and ideas and everyone wants to fit in the ideals and ideas of others.
perplexing? sure is.
not for the man sitting on his gaming chair though. he who had crafted a mask so tempting that it fits many people's 'ideals', his massive following is the proof of it and the stans on twitter who go berserk after any and every 'attractive' thing he does and makes edits, are the unshakeable evidence of his charms and charisma and also his ability to deceive others.
"what did you say?" it is not common of him to abandon his on going stream to look at you who stood behind his camera set up, an eyebrow cocked up as if to challenge you to utter those words again.
"i said you are a loser." you smile, playfulness written all over your face as you provoked your boyfriend by once again poking fun at his fascination and knowledge of criminal psychology and the overall criminal world and crimes.
"and what makes you think your opinion matters?" akutagawa scoffed with his eyebrow still raised yet with one glance at the screen to see the chat going wild over him as they found him hot, a cocky grin spread upon akutagawa's face and he leaned forwards to grab the packet of cigarettes and to pull a stick out.
"your opinion matters more then anyone else's to me so shouldn't mine matter more then anyone else's for you too?" you tilt your head as you watch him, observe him even, as he lights the end of the stick and push it between his lips.
why he smoked is something you'll never understand no matter how many cynical words he used to explain this addiction of his, saying how smoking isn't a reward but a punishment for when he thinks he hadn't performed as well as he expected.
you did not like it. so you take a step forwards slowly, not being afraid of coming in the camera frame as the man who has everyone whipped for his calm yet raspy voice and the way he so easily yet with a neutral base explained morbid and gruesome details of morbid cases . . . (and he also played horror games), is not someone who is very fond of pda yet despite so, he had made it obvious from day one that you were his girl with the way he stood so close to you or spoke directly next to your ear or close to your face, not wanting to be away from you or at a distance from you.
"why on earth do you crawl to those that are harmful for you?" you whisper for only him to hear as half of your upper body became visible on the camera frame when you planted your hand on the armrest and leaned in to take the cigarette stick from his hand, akutagawa only smiled as he let you, before he too, whispered,
"because i like it when you worry over me."
perhaps the words were simply just charming but you still couldn't stop the frown from etching onto your lips as you stared at him, unfazed.
you leaned up with a sigh and took a few steps away, after which only did you do your next step ; bringing the stick of pain closer to your lips to get a taste of what is in the nicotine in it that has your boyfriend coming back to it time and time again.
"hey, no. don't even think about it." akutagawa tsked as he watched you not reacting or taking his words seriously and with a sigh, he stood up from his chair to take big steps closer to you.
"come on, it's just one puff ryu. you do it all the time so why not let me try it too?" you tried not to grin as you took a step back to maintain the initial distance between you two but one glance up at akutagawa and it was clear that he didn't share the same amusement as you did right now.
"because i said so." akutagawa told, extending his arm to grasp your wrist to stop you from taking another step back and he pulled on it, pulling you and making you bump against his chest as he stared down at you, looking unamused.
"well then if i say so then you should also not smoke." you knew your attempt at negotiation is worthless yet you still tried but when the ends of the man's lips twitched before they curled up into a taunting smile, you knew it was hopeless to even think of using words against the one who weaves words like silk.
you watched with lips parted for a possible protest when akutagawa took the cigarette stick from your hand and brought it towards his lips again.
"and what if i refuse? are you gonna hit me princess?" akutagawa taunted in a low tone as if his voice isn't already enough to make the blood in your body pump excitedly. he even leaned down to look directly into your eyes and so, gulping your shyness, you nodded.
"i will. i'll punch you so hard that you'll be crying like a little boy." you warned or, well, tried to then why did you take a step back immediately?
simple because akutagawa had the ability to make you grow shy and flustured with even a glance so when he took a step towards you, you took one back on instinct as you felt joy twirl your heart in a dance.
"yeah? then why are you moving backwards princess? c'mere and punch me." akutagawa smirked as he said so and you shook your head, trying not to smile as you kept on walking backwards.
and as you did, your eyes went up and down to check the man stalking towards you, akutagawa isn't the most muscular and is more on the lean side yet he still had some assets, from his pale veiny hands to the soft abs hidden by the white short sleeved t-shirt and a leather jacket on top of it. black always did look the best when he wore it after all.
you kept on walking backwards and akutagawa kept on walking forwards ; the dance of the predator and the prey came to an end when the back of your knee bumped against his gaming chair and taking it as an opportunity, akutagawa took a big step forwards and pushed you on the chair with his knees.
you sat on the chair and your eyes immediately widened as the camera lens mocked you from your peripheral vision yet it was the least of your concerns when akutagawa leaned down, placing both his palms on the armrests, the cigarette between his lips as he smirked down at you like a predator who finally has its prey cornered.
if only one of you two could turn your heads to watch the chat going in a frenzy at this unexpected act, then maybe things wouldn't have escalated further but then again, perhaps akutagawa had been searching for this opening to make it clear to everyone that he belonged to someone.
"stop or i'll punch you for real ryu." you smiled up, leaning back on the chair as you bit your lip to suppress the smile which threatened to break on your face.
"go for it, let's see if you actually have the guts princess." akutagawa challenged but when he tried to move back to stand straight, your fingers found themselves clasping around his hand as you did not want him to end this moment.
so with a smile, you took on his challenge as you raised your knee up to hit him on his stomach, akutagawa stopped you immediately as his hand grasped your knee and he pulled it up to make your leg wrap around his waist, keeping you in that position.
"say you are sorry." akutagawa said but you only scoffed, tilting your head.
"or else what? you are going to cry to your mommy little boy?" your cockiness was thrown out of the window the moment akutagawa used his other hand to do the same for your other leg as he did with the first one before he twisted both of your bodies so that he would be the one sitting on the chair and you on his lap.
"who let that tongue of your's get so sharp?" akutagawa titled his head as he grasped your chin between his fingers, looking at the screen to make sure the chat doesn't find this too offending and once he saw the positive response overtaking the negative one, akutagawa smirked a bit to make this more memorable for his viewers before he raised his eyes from your lips to your cheeks to your nose to your eyes, completing a journey in which his eyes feasted upon you and your features.
you do not reply yet only smile as you let him toy with you, finding it hard to not smile when he turns your face to the sides using your chin before letting go of your chin but his assault on your face continues as he lightly smacked you -- perhaps the correct term would be 'gently patting' your cheek if we judge his action and the force he used to carry it.
"answer me." akutagawa mumbled but when he saw you bite your lip as you tried not to smile, he gently smacked your other cheek, entertained by your reactions.
"why should i?" your words hitted the right spots as akutagawa sighed, leaning down on the chair as he adjusted himself and you on his lap before he looked at the chat, smacking you again and making your head turn to the other side.
"wait who was gonna tell me he has a gf?"
"what a daddy. daddy daddy daddy."
"i moaned and something else purred."
"kiss kiss, fall in love."
"did he run out of topics? what's the use of bringing his gf to this stream?"
"bros desperation is showing."
"what are her socials? i am sure i can treat her better."
ideas are ideals yet ideas are dangerous if thought about without morality and resistance.
and akutagawa does not entertain any thoughts of this kind where people think they are free to imagine themselves with what akutagawa had already claimed as his.
for akutagawa is a possessive man, quite territorial in his nature.
his eyes narrow like how a tiger's does when it sees someone, a unwelcomed guest in its territory.
the tiger takes a step forwards slowly. akutagawa licked his bottom lip before he decided to take in your appearance to see your chest rising and falling calmly as you breath through your nose, the way your eyelids move when you blink to hide your preety irises from him temporarily before showing itself to him again, the way you are silently smack your lips as you wait for akutagawa to do something or say something yet all he does is stare at you while listening to the comments piling in by every passing second, no doubt many more would've had commented how they think they can treat you better then him.
how on earth can they even begin to think of such a big misunderstanding and how can they, with the passing second, continue to believe the little delusion their mind created for them?
there is a freeze in the muscles of the tiger before it begins to run towards the intruder. akutagawa's hand grasped both of your wrists before he brought them down, pinning them on top of your pubis mound as he leaned up to place his lips on your's, moving them slowly at first as his other hand grabbed your nape to move your face away from the camera and more towards him.
"won't apologise? you wanna keep on being stubborn?" akutagawa rasped, his breath getting a bit heavier as it is desire that is pushing down on his lungs everytime you or he moved, he could feel the outline of your dripping core on his crotch and near it and as you rubbed yourself on his thighs unconsciously during said movements, it drove him insane due to how restricted he is from freely touching you.
it all made sense. the reason for you to barge in and to try and provoke him and as akutagawa grinned at the realization, he smacked your cheek again. "such a needy princess, ain't ya?"
akutagawa had whispered out as to not let anyone else hear him yet his voice came out throaty as he did so, making it sound as if it had a hint of growl in it and that made your cunt to squeeze around nothing as more arousal dripped out of you and onto the fabric of your panties. you only nodded, licking your lip as akutagawa turned the chair around more so your bodies wouldn't be directly visible to the camera.
"so this is why you came to ruin my stream? because your pathetic fingers don't hit the same as your boyfriend's?" akutagawa mocked as he played with your bottom lip by flicking it, akutagawa raised his eyes to look at you as he smirked and let his hand (which was previously playing with your bottom lip) to trail along your cheek before cupping the curve of your jaw, "apologise to me already mommy."
akutagawa had softened his tone at the last part on purpose to make you feel breathless and breathless you were. your hands would've grabbed the collar of his jacket had it not been for his hand pining both of your's down.
akutagawa immediately leaned up to push his lips against your's as he pulled back as quickly yet didn't tilt his head back, choosing to remain in that proximity to tease you further knowing you and him share the same disadvantage of being unable to move freely.
"are you gonna stop --" you words were bought to a halt when akutagawa leaned in again to bump his lips against your's, the short moment of skin contact was frustrating to you,
--stop stream -- " you closed your eyes tightly before opening them again and akutagawa's hands grabbed your hips to adjust you to hide his crotch which is slowly growing hard under you, this caused your hands to be free and you immediately buried them under his shirt to lightly trace through his slight abs, your touch didn't feel as tickling as it felt stimulating for him, a light pink blushed coated his cheeks.
this had caused his eyes to widen and when his adam's apple bobbed as he gulped, a sheet of satisfaction covered you as you slowly parted your legs to have your clothed cunt press up against his crotch more.
"ryu . . . are you gonna stop streaming now or do i have to fuck myself infront of all your viewers to get you --" your words stopped, eyes closed and your hands tracing his abs laid flat out against them when akutagawa tsked mocking, immediately capturing your lips with his.
he moved his lips with aggression and desperation as both of his hands raised slowly up your body, slithering up your sides before one rested on your collarbone in such a way that his thumb pressed against your collarbone while the other four fingers were digging into your shoulders.
akutagawa quickly separated as he raised his hand to smack you on the cheek, leaning near your ear to mutter,
"what a needy slut you are, princess. you wanna let my viewers see how much of a cock hungry slut you are? go on, make a fool out of yourself f'me." akutagawa tilted his head.
his words made your thighs twitch yet you quickly shook your head as your hands clawed at his abs as if desperately trying to hold him, "n-no ryu, 'm sorry, ryu really. please ryu. sorry, 'm really sorry. for real."
your words came out smoothly in a whiny tone as you pecked his lips after every 'sorry' you pronounced and this action of attaining forgiveness and reawaken some slept on softness in his heart made akutagawa grin.
not smile but grin almost close to a smirk as the cockiness radiated off of him.
"you are sorry? really? won't be a brat anymore, right princess?" akutagawa mimicked you by pecking your lips after every sentence he spoke and when you parted your lips to speak, akutagawa shoved his index and middle finger down your mouth as the pads of both the fingers pressed down on your tongue to make you unable to speak or even close your mouth.
"shh. be a good girl and take it." akutagawa said while he pressed down on your tongue more while pushing his fingers deep till they were in knuckles deep, your gags and the saliva dripping down your chin made his cock harden up more.
the saliva dripped down your chin slowly made it hard for akutagawa to remain still, his legs twitched and he pressed down ever harder on your tongue making you jerk up as you looked at him through blurry eyes, the sight causing him to tilt his head back and moan and when he did so, his adam's apple bobbing up and down was a sight for your eyes to feast upon.
"f-fuck it." akutagawa stuttered and cursed as he tilted his head back up before immediately pulling his fingers out of your mouth and instead, replacing it with his lips on your's.
immediately, he pushed on his heels to roll the chair forwards, the wheels of the chair crushed the cigarette which dropped from his hand long ago and along with that, so did his stream end. after doing so, akutagawa's eyes shifted to you again as he lightly digged his teeth on your bottom lip thrice or twice as he leaned back on the chair to sit more comfortably, hands on your curves to guide you to lean back with him.
akutagawa's hands trailed up your body, squeezing the flesh along the way before one rested on your jaw as he gripped it with his fingers while the other once again went lower to grab and grope the flesh of your ass now, akutagawa's lips moved against your's before he began to leave little pecks on your bottom lip for a few seconds.
as he separated, akutagawa looked at the monitor to make sure the stream has ended and once he made sure of it, he turned his head back at you again to see you breathing heavily as you looked at him him with half lidded eyes as you licked your lips.
"how can i not give you my entire world when you are such a patient princess f'me?" akutagawa groaned, grabbing your hips again as he lifted himself from the chair, turning you two around before making you sit at the edge of his chair while he went down on his knees, looking up at you.
"ryu --"
"i know princess," akutagawa intrupted your whine as he clasped both of his plams with yours, pulling your arms and wrapping it around his neck which made you lean down towards him. akutagawa tilted his head up, once again kissing you while his hands undid your shorts knot and slipped under it to rub over the wet patch he felt before too, over your slit.
"let me reward you now, yeah?" akutagawa mumbled in the short course of time where his lips separated from your's before he began to kiss you again, his tongue slipping through the small partition between your upper and bottom lip which you created to allow him access inside.
his tongue swiped over your teeth once before he used his free hand to grab your palms which were turned into fists behind his head, pulling on both of your fists to pull you closer towards him and have his lips pressed dangerously close to your's.
his teeth clashed against your's while his tongue flicked your own, he pulled back slightly to have his attention on your bottom lip as he digged his teeth into it, drawing out a few beads of blood from your lip.
he immediately moved towards your upper lip as he left a gentle and soft peck on it, his finger which was rubbing your slit now moved up to pinch your clit which made you softly cry out.
as akutagawa's finger lowered towards your slit again, so did his lips as they sucked on your bottom lip as he sucked out the blood. your hands grabbed his hair tightly as he leaned up while still being on his knees to push you back onto the chair and he used his hand to push your legs apart and towards your chest after your back was supported by the back of the chair.
two of his fingers immediately plunged into your hole and you moaned out against his mouth which lead him to once again dig his teeth into your lip to draw out even more blood.
your hold on his hair tightened as he showed no mercy, as if the concept is foreign to him with the way he pushed and pulled his fingers out of you so fast, your chest heaved up and down with each thrust.
you were only given limited oxygen to breath into as akutagawa's attacks on your bottom lip didn't halt for even a second, alternatively sucking on your bottom lip and sucking the blood out or drawing more beads of blood out of your lip.
it was when he felt your walls tightening around his fingers that he raised his thumb to rub aggressive and quick circles around your clit, his lips leaving yours as you began loudly moaning and whimpering while your body shook as it prepared for the upcoming and quick orgasm though you didn't expect it to leave your body in such a way.
every nook and corner of your body felt the farewell of the orgasm as pleasure replaced it, your back arched as you leaned back even more on his chair, almost sobbing as akutagawa licked his lips and watched how your legs shook while you squirted, your panties and shorts getting wet was a sight that made his cock harden up even more.
akutagawa immediately grabbed your throat to pull you near him, not caring if you are still breathing heavily due to the orgasm or how your body is shaking, he watched your red and swollen bottom lip and parted his lips, pressing his down on it to experiment with it and see if the pressure of his tongue could draw out blood or not as he once again began to aggressively rub your clit and he whispered out, hot breath colliding with your mouth,
"give me one more princess? --" akutagawa paused to smirk cockily, poking your lip with his tongue. you parted your lips and he immediately began to suck on your upper lip, leaving it only to lick your bottom lip and suck on it softly instead.
your hands shakily grabbed the armrests of the chair to stabilize your shaky body as akutagawa's one hand was choking you lightly while the other was rubbing your clit and when he felt your body tense again.
"make a mess f'me please mommy." akutagawa whispered and watched you crumble down again as your body lost its strength and your head tilted back as your lips parted while you breathed out, short and rushed.
yet akutagawa wasn't one for mercy as he watched with awe at how he was able to make you squirt again, a odd sense of pride settling on his heart and mind.
immediately, akutagawa grabbed both sides of your waist to lift you up and turned both of you around again to make you sit on his lap again, spreading his legs to have you directly above his crotch and he didn't care for how you stained or made his jeans wet.
all he cared was to watch how you let out a dry sob when he humped up against you, the fabric of his jeans colliding with your wet panties and shorts which in turn, made contact with your swollen and sensitive clit and cunt, sending overwhelming waves of pleasure through your body.
"ry-- ry-- yu --- ry --" you cry out again as you weren't given the chance to speak out his name even once as everytime you tried to call out his name, akutagawa humped up against you and left you a moaning and trembling mess.
"what's wrong mommy? thought you wanted to be fucked stupid? hm?" akutagawa innocently asked yet the smug smirk on his face told you just how much he enjoyed seeing you be a mess for him.
akutagawa raised his hand to cup your jaw and pull you closer, he affectionately rubbed the tip of his nose against your's before once again thrusting up against you which made you let out a choked moan.
"my preety princess." he planted a soft peck on your swollen lips before his eyes narrowed and he smirked as he whispered,
"i will make sure to make such a mess out of you tonight  . . . mommy." akutagawa teased mockingly as he scoffed and smirked once more before grabbing your hips to lift you up and pull down your shorts and panties just enough to let him see the arousal and cum dripping down your inner side and making a puddle on your panties.
akutagawa exhaled a shaky breath before bringing his hand near your clit and taping his knuckles against it to watch how you jerk up, letting out an affectionate sigh.
"such a preety thing, 's all for me, right?" akutagawa raised his eyes to look at you who was too fucked out to even reply and so, he clicked his tongue before raising his hand up to smack you with the back of his palm, (again, let's not forget that the force of his smacks hadn't once changed and continued to remain gentle).
"i asked you something, ain't you supposed to answer me mommy?" akutagawa raised his eyebrows as he pressed down on your clit yet again and watched leisurely how you jerked up, frantically nodding.
"use your words. you aren't mute, right?" akutagawa commanded and his smugness increased when he watches you sob as you shake your head for he knew just as well as you how he is making it hard for anything other then moans to leave your lips and he cooed as he raised one of his hands to wipe away the sweat forming on your forehead while the other hand had pulled down his zipper
"fine. you wanna be ungrateful to me after i've been so nice to you princess? go ahead and humor me." akutagawa grinned at the way you shook your head while he lifted you up using your thighs, quickly pulling his jeans and boxers down with much effort till they were pooled by his feet and he immediately pushed you down on his hardened and angry cock.
"-yo -- 's your's ry -- ahh - ryu! all of me -- is -- it's your's!!" you end up screaming out as he immediately begin thrusting into you and akutagawa hummed as he watched you shakily wrap your arms around his shoulder, clawing at his leather jacket as you lay your head down on his shoulder only for him to grab your nape to pull your head back so he could stare at your fucked out expression, and before he spoke, he smacked your cheek again as your head turned to the other side due to how lightheaded you feel as you feel another orgasm approaching you.
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"such a good girl but don't you dare hide your face. let me see how much i am making you feel good, 'kay mommy? wanna see you as i fuck you stupid." akutagawa whispered and paused for a moment to watch you ; your back is arched as your nails dig into his leather jacket while your eyes are squinted as you try your best to not break the eye contact and akutagawa ran a hand through his hair to push his hair back, chuckling breathlessly before he groaned out, "fuck. fuck me mommy -- let me fuck you mommy. what a hot beauty you are."
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1-800reki · 1 month
❝random Ryūnosuke Akutagawa headcanons!❞
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summary: headcanons (that probably aren't cannon) with Aku <33
pairings: akutagawa x gn reader
a/n: my friend had to help me with these 😼 (come back the kids miss you)
a/n: these are lazy so they might not be (def not) cannon or good 😖
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• Akutagawa pretends to not like you in public but when you're alone he acts like the best boyfriend ever.
• He would keep the relationship a secret but only to protect you from any dangers since he's in the Port Mafia.
• He would call you when he has a chance when he's alone at the Mafia just to check up on you.
• Gin would know of your relationship and she would be your biggest supporter.
• You would live with Akutagawa and Gin.
• Gin would ask you to do her hair since she loves you playing and brushing it.
• You would have movie nights with the two of them.
• When you first met Gin, she was nervous with you, but she got comfortable. After you started going over for a month she got used to your presence and you being there. (ROOTBEERRR)
• You moved in with them after almost 2 years of dating.
• Higuchi would still have a crush on Akutagawa but he would be more distant than he is in the anime.
• Akutagawa would def take you out on dinner dates or café dates.
• He gets your favorite flowers on your anniversary or on dates.
• In a modern au he would have a private account where he replies to your posts. (and before you started dating he yapped about you)
• He's not a big fan of cuddling but it happens sometimes during the middle of the night.
• You have date nights every two weeks, that consist of amusement parks, restaurants, and sometimes if you don't want to go out, he'll set up something nice!
• If he had to comfort you, he'd be a little shy at first, trying not to tightly hug you or sit still next to you. Seeing you cry makes him cry, so expect him to be a bit on edge- his heart will break a little.
• If you have scars, he takes time to admire them and make you feel confident about them.
"Look, it's almost the shape of a star. Because you're my star."
• Your social media profiles probably look a little something like this:
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• If you were in public, he'd hold your hand and rub his thumb along your knuckles.
• When you can't sleep, he whispers sweet nothings into your ear, kissing your forehead with a smile.
• His favorite type of weather is either wind or rain. If you ever come over while it's raining, you might (100% will) notice him sitting on the porch watching the rain. It makes him feel peaceful.
• He definitely smiles with his eyes before his lips. He's used to having a mask in the mafia and giving fake smiles, so it's no hard feelings when he does it.
• He absolutely ADORES you when you call him 'Aku'. He also folds at terms like "sweetheart", "baby", "my love". In turn, he likes to call you "darling" or "honey". He's not a person who's big on pet names anyways, so take it or leave it.
• When you leave for work before him, he gets bored and lays on your side of the bed. It's still warm, and your scent lies within the pillow. Obviously, he's not a weirdo, but could you really blame him? He's inlove with you! He might spam you a couple times with positive affirmations to have a good day and then go back to sleep (he imagines you next to him)
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a/n: this is so not cannon but whatever.
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prettylittledollswork · 5 months
He doesn’t like to admit things. Especially when it comes to his longing for love. He wants comfort, he wants to bask in your arms, but will he ever admit it? No.
Sometimes, he might tug on your sleeve for a hug. His ears and cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of red as he feels embarrassed about the whole situation.
He wants your love. He wants your cuddles. He wants you. He doesn’t want to admit it. It’s a weakness of his, he wants you to understand his cues and act promptly. You never understand his cues but you can tell by the way he’s as bright as a honey apple. It’s cute.
It’s adorable. He longs for it. Give him the love he desires (and needs).
Akutagawa, Xiao, Scaramouche + ur faves!! (Can u tell what my type is..)
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