#Alberu is ready to give up on him
birb-catto · 1 year
Dark Tiger!Alberu before KRS!Cale confesses about his transmigrator status: “No matter what it is you tell me, I'll sincerely listen to anything you tell me.”
Dark Tiger!Alberu after the reveal (ft. Choi Han): “You motherfucking bastards.”
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illusionsofdreaming · 5 months
Bound to You - Choi Han
Notes: If anyone still remembers Cale's version, here's Choi Han's version - though it's a bit more nostalgic haha. Pt.3 Alberu coming up soon. Ft: Choi Han
Choi Han
As always, a perfectly normal day gets sidetracked by a surprise attack.
An enemy mage leapt out from the shadows, spouting vengeance and the usual villainous spiel everyone’s sick and tired of, magic shooting out their hands. Everything happened at once as everyone acted upon the unspoken but unanimous decision to protect the weakest in your group: Cale. 
As the others rushed the mage, you and Choi Han leapt to push the aghast young master away, just in time to bodily receive the blast yourselves. 
The world spun sickeningly as you were flung away, breath knocked out your lungs as your back collided with a tree.
You groaned as you fought to keep your breakfast down. There was an annoying ringing in your ears, and your limbs prickled with the sensation of pins and needles.
“________?” You looked up at Choi Han’s soft query, surprised to find his expression pinched with discomfort. “Are you alright?”
“Yes…” You answered slowly, mentally assessing your own body’s state. It would take more than being thrown across the clearing to take you down but the tingling on your skin made you hesitate. As you made to stand, an overwhelming wave of dizziness swept over you, and pain lanced through your consciousness, sending black dots swimming in your vision.  
You would’ve fallen again had Choi Han not stepped in to steady you. Two realisations hit you in quick succession: one, you were definitely not injured enough to feel so terrible, and two, the moment Choi Han made contact with you, the nigh unbearable pain you felt was relieved almost instantly. 
What…? You glanced up and finally noticed your companion’s sickly pallor, the beads of sweat against his forehead and the tremors in his hands as he steadied you. As you met his gaze, Choi Han’s grim expression seemed to confirm your worst suspicions.
Something was really, really off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
A curse of distortion targets one’s mana and twists it against itself. Rampaging mana would eventually tear its hosts apart. Fortunately, in a strange twist of fate, when both of you were hit, the magic split between two sources of mana seemed to have reached an uneasy balance - though just barely. Although neither of you were at immediate risk of imploding, the moment either of you moves too far away from each other, the fragile balance of your unstable manas would collapse, causing unimaginable pain.
After some trial and error, maintaining some sort of physical contact seemed to neutralise the worst of the side effects. It was decided you’d hold hands until your manas naturally settle with time.
You glanced down at your linked hands, you flexed your fingers in his grip. 
You quickly learned that constantly maintaining a firm grasp on another’s hands presented its own set of challenges. Unused to your suddenly narrowed range of movement, you’d often pull each other off-balance as you headed in different directions or moved before the other was ready. Even performing simple tasks became a hassle as you struggled with only one usable hand and your non-dominant hand to boot. Menial chores took twice as long to complete and anything that required any degree of dexterity was off the table. 
To make matters worse, Choi Han seemed uncomfortable with physical touch. He couldn’t seem to meet your eyes directly and twitched every time you moved your fingers. You didn’t blame him, being stuck alone in the Forest of Darkness for tens of years does things to people. You’d give him some distance if you could but the curse seemed to affect you more than him as you’d discovered when you separated briefly to tend to nature’s calling only for Choi Han to rush to your side when you nearly blacked out from the pain that overwhelmed you. Swordmasters must be built differently since the distance only caused Choi Han a massive migraine and nothing more. 
You sighed forlornly, stretching your fingers and closing them, gracefully pretending that you didn’t notice Choi Han shiver beside you. How was it possible that two unparalleled warriors, each an expert in their own field, when put together, would result in less than one fully functional person? You could only imagine what havoc it’d cause if you’re suddenly forced into combat.
“Maybe we’re not so compatible after all.” You mused aloud, thinking perhaps this was a good time to reflect on changing your training techniques. It’s true most close ranged fighters would usually pair up with mid to long ranged partners to cover each other’s weaknesses. Maybe you could give spear handling a try? You hadn’t noticed how Choi Han stiffened beside you.
“I just need some time… to get used to it.” You glanced at him, wondering how getting used to being attached by the hands would help cover each other’s openings but you managed a nod in response to his sudden determination. Swordmasters probably knew what they’re doing, right?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Swordmasters do know what they’re doing after all.
Though it started off rough, after a few more collisions, stumbles and painful falls, you’ve started to piece together the patterns of your partner. You began to recognise the minute shift in his movements that indicate direction and have a better grasp on how much ‘space’ he actually takes. You were moving more efficiently, able to gauge where he would step and shift accordingly to avoid impeding his movements or yanking him. Choi Han, too, began to relax. His grip used to be light and weak, as if wary of his strength, now his grasp is firm and comfortable in yours as you walk side by side. 
One thing about being stuck next to another person in close proximity for an indefinite amount of time meant conversations you wouldn't typically have time for soon filled the air between you. You traded insights on favourite colours (such as the flash of light as dawn breaks and the iridescent blue shine of lakes), preferred fruits (he liked strawberries, while you’d prefer citruses), and even contemplated on potential career changes once everything settles. The conversations delved into seemingly insignificant details, which, when combined, shaped the people you’ve become.
You fed another stick into the fire and glanced at the starry skies, leaning into Choi Han’s side. The camp was quiet, everyone else had retired to their sleeping bags as you and Choi Han volunteered to keep watch.
“Do you miss home?”
The fire popped and crackled as he prodded the coals. “It would be a lie to say that I don’t.” he answered eventually.
You resisted the urge to turn around and see his expression. “Would you go back if you could?”
It was a question that was on everyone’s minds that no one dared ask and perhaps even in the silence of the campsite, and even with your close relationship with him, you still weren’t worthy of asking such a personal question. You wouldn’t push and Choi Han knew he wasn’t obliged to answer either.
It meant the world to you, when he did, regardless.
“It’s a place that has probably moved on without me.” he said. “Even if I could, I don’t think it’s my place to return and disrupt the peace anymore.”
“Besides,” you turned to see him watching you with a wistful smile, “I have found a new home. I don’t mind leaving relics where they belong.”
A bittersweet feeling became lodged in your throat as you turned to watch the fire, hoping it would hide the sudden wetness in your eyes. “As if we’ll let you leave.” you scoffed, “Even if a portal suddenly opens and sucks you in, I’m going to drag you back here kicking and screaming.“
Choi Han’s laugh was warm and comforting and his grip tightened on yours. 
“Yeah,” he smiled. “I’m counting on it.”
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Cale is so ready to take on everything.
I’m rereading the heart scene and, just- his life as Kim Rok Soo had such an impact on how he handles pressure, it’s actually sad. When he was KRS, people relied on him. Heavily. As the team leader, people saw him as a life line.
He never took breaks, he put himself in danger and sacrificed his well-being by using his abilities (for example, Instant), and as we hear later on- he had a 0% mortality rate. When people around him were weak, he became strong in order to overcome it. Nobody died when he became the Team Leader.
And in the world they lived in- yes! I’m not surprised at all that people latched onto him. No matter how much they care about him, they couldn’t help but allow him to save them. Over and over again.
So Cale had this expectation for himself too! When others give up -> he does not. In front of impossible tasks, he rises up, because that’s how it should be. How could someone who had so little as a child- no parents, no friends, no stability or safety or reliability- how could he possibly give up what he’s managed to attain? How could he let his friends get hurt when he knows that he could be hurting instead?
And then he becomes Cale, and he relaxes. His new companions are strong, and he’s not going to be with them for very long anyway. He will slack off, chill out, and take his hands off the wheel.
But he can’t- he just can’t stop helping them. Like an addiction, he helps Choi Han get a connection to Ron and Beacrox. Then he saves Raon. He helps Lock, Amiru, Mary, Alberu, Queen Litana. It’s so impulsive. It’s for his own benefit but he tangles himself into the story because tampering with Fate is a side hobby for him.
Then he develops relationships and friends- and when he sees danger approaching he stands up against it like a solid wall. Over and over again.
And, what? He naturally expects the people behind him to stay behind that wall. To listen to him and help, but to stay safe in the long run. He expects them to back off when something looks impossible. Because- well, he’s right here isn’t he? Overcoming the impossible is second nature for him!
But the people around him… aren’t standing by passively, like they did when he was KRS. When he was KRS they let him protect them for 15 years. Then he’s Cale Henituse and they don’t. They learn from him. They learn to stand up against the unpredictable and the indomitable. They see him and learn.
They aren’t happy about his sacrifices, but he tells them to be full and content and to eat well… so they listen. For a while. They understand wisdom and they take his words and learn their limitations.
Right until he stabs himself in the heart. What the fuck?! Biggest hypocrite in history right??! Can’t trust this guy to not bleed and sacrifice himself for shit!!!
So they angrily push aside his worry and their limits and they decide that it’s THEIR turn to protect him. Even against a GOD, Cale has shown them that nothing is impossible so they’re going to turn the tables and THEY’RE going to be the ones to cough blood!!
This scene is so heart wrenching, but it’s Cales disbelief that hurts the most. He’s stunned. He’s someone who can’t even imagine the lengths that a person would go for him. He’s a person who protects without ever expecting to receive that same effort.
Sure, he knows he’ll be protected. He’s not naive. But he puts 200% and expects 50-100%. He goes above and beyond, but prepares for average. Prepares for lackluster.
So when everyone tries to push him aside to protect him? He- he doesn’t even notice their efforts! It’s like looking for a leaf in a forest, but he’s supposed to be looking at the entire forest. Why would he think that they would give him a forest’s worth of leaves? He’s oblivious. So he looks for a single leaf.
Then they really do push him back and protect him- they defend against the orb that’s exploding and it’s like they’re screaming “It’s the forest! It’s always been the forest!”
And he’s lost. Absolutely, utterly lost. It’s heartbreaking, how distressed he is that his friends are hurting and they won’t let him handle it for them. He’s not even hurt, after all! He hasn’t fainted, he’s still useful! He’s ready! What he’s done so far hasn’t even been too difficult! Why won’t they let go and give it to him?
Everyone is so angry at him, or busy pitying him, that he’s left alone with this. While reading this scene I’m filled with a strong disconnect. He is surrounded by his friends but everyone is far away from him. Their goals have never been farther apart than this moment.
He’s always been one step ahead.
He’s always been ready. He’s always waiting.
And then he stabbed himself in the heart, and everyone but him felt the shift in the stars.
And then the next scenes are his friends trying to wrestle the responsibility out of his white-knuckled hands. They fight for it! Yet all the way until the orb’s time to explode, he holds onto it with an iron grip. I don’t even think he realized they were trying to take it out of his hands.
He kills the White Star, he Embraces the Ancient Powers, and he even manages to Embrace the Sealed God into the book and take over the temple in one move. We get to see everyone’s reactions to his stubbornness too.
So they become twice as stubborn. They cough up blood, they faint, they do 200% of what they’re naturally capable of. Why?
Because they saw Cale do it first. Because they refuse to let him do it again.
And Cale?
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He can’t say anything.
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Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Transported!Reader
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You and Cale finally talk about what happened, but only after you suggested an outrageous plan.
For the first few times he had met you, Alver had thought of you as someone reliable and capable. You were always berating Cale more openly than others and whenever Cale was being dense, you'd share a look with him and the others as if you were all suffering together because of how dumb that man was. But then as he got to know you, he found out that while you were always the one berating Cale, you were also the only one Cale trusted to share his self-sacrificial plans with and always encouraged Cale's crazy plans with such a solid trust that it made Alberu curious on how deeply your relationship was with the man. 
But more importantly, he knew just how unhinged you can be, and he knows that this isn't the most unhinged he will see you be.
"You're telling me—" he started slow, rubbing his temple, "—that you want to go there under a disguise?"
You rolled your eyes, mildly annoyed at his exasperated tone. You've told him this twice, can't he keep up?
After overhearing the conversation of the men in the street, you and Alver hurried to return to the palace. Along the way of returning, you proposed the idea of sneaking into the supposed gambling house and suggested that Alver could probably find a drug ring if this issue turns out to be bigger than they all expected.
"That's dangerous," he told you with a frown and his response had you frowning in disapproval.
"As if you and Cale don't do it every time it's convenient for you!" You retorted, listing the number of fake identities that Cale has and the alias Alver had chosen everywhere he wants to go undetected. Bob, you recalled the ridiculous name, knowing how many faces you can put on that name alone.
"Yes, but it's different this time," Alver tried to reason with you, knowing how stubborn you are. He grasped your hand, forcing you to look at his stern blue eyes. "A woman disguising herself to sneak into a gambling house is a different story. I know I don't have to elaborate any further for you to understand how vulnerable you would be if we go with your plan."
"But Count Theo--"
"Exposing his misdeeds isn't worth your safety," he cuts you off. You stared at him for a moment and Alver lets go of your hand, his own coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I don't understand why you're being so insistent on this despite knowing how dangerous it is. I know that you have a bone to pick with him but you have never been the type to mix that personal aspect of your life into a professional setting."
"Then what do you propose?" You asked him, ignoring his comment regarding your professionality. "We need to get rid of him."
Alver stared at you for some time, racking his brain to give you an answer. To be truthful, he had thought of disguises as well to find out more about Count Theo, but he couldn't exactly have you go down there alone, especially not when you have a personal grudge against Count Theo. Worse things come to worse, you'd be found out and your name dragged through the mud for being present in a brothel and gambling grounds. 
"Are you ready to woman up and talk to Cale yet?"
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"I miss [Name]."
Cale's gaze moved from the ceilings to Ohn who sat beside him on the bed, the tip of her silver fluffy tail twitching in intrigue as she studied Cale's jaded brown eyes. It has been quite a long time since you stepped back into the duchy and it's been rather upsetting to see that Cale has been spending more time laying on his bed instead of sitting around and reading a book or enjoying a few snacks, one of the many things everyone knows he forced himself to do in the afternoon because he's always expecting a visit from you.
When Cale kept his mouth shut, Ohn took it as a sign that Cale himself does not know what to say to her in regard to her words. It's been a few days of others pointing out how ever since you left, the estate seemed to be too peaceful. You weren't running around the halls to head to your office or the library in a hurry, your voice no longer greeting even the servants during their breaks. Some of them are pondering whether or not you remember to rest and eat your lunch because everyone knows that you treated lunch as a reward for finishing your tasks. 
"I heard from Grandpa that she was here."
The tip of Ohn's tail began flicking when Cale's eyes widened slightly, his voice barely a murmur when he asked; "She was?"
"Mhm." Ohn circled the spot she was on before sitting down, resembling a loaf of bread with her paws and tails hidden underneath her fluffy fur. Cale stuck his hand out, caressing her right behind her ear, smiling slightly when Ohn began to purr in delight. It didn't take long for her to lay on the bed, stomach showing while Cale gives her head rubs. "Grandpa said she came by just to have some snacks, though she didn't look very well."
Cale frowned in thought as he continued petting Ohn. He expected you to be quite worn out with all the new workload but he didn't expect you to make time to come over despite that, and to only have some snacks? Also, why didn't Ron report your return to him? 
'Something doesn't feel right.'
Just as he began to come up with a few scenarios of what could be happening, his bedroom door slammed open and was followed by the shrill voice of a certain Black Dragon. "Human! Human!"
Cale sat up, seeing Raon so happily flying to him with the mana communication device in his paws, Hong hot on his trail with a big smile. "It's [Name]! She's calling!"
Ohn sat up, tail swishing left to the right despite her calm face. They all shuffled closer to Cale when Raon dropped the communication device to his lap, turning on the call.
Instead of your face, Alver's face appeared, his noble smile on his face as it was the default expression on his face. Cale couldn't help but frown when he saw the blond man instead of you, his displeasure visible and so was his kids'. Alver's smile faltered and he looked at them all with a raised eyebrow, "Am I that bad to look at?"
"Of course not," Cale replied, his face staying the same. "It's an honor to be facing His Highness--"
"Alright, enough."
Alver leaned back in your chair, staring at Cale and the kids' displeased expressions, thinking about how they must've been so excited to see you again only to see him. He decided to use your communication device instead of his just to mess with Cale and he knew that you knew about it because you didn't put up a fight when he suggested it. You were across the room, folding your cloak along with the one he had borrowed, storing it back in the wardrobe.
"You don't seem to be in your study nor your room," Cale pointed out, noticing the different window sill and wallpaper behind Alver. 
"He's with me."
Cale felt his breathing almost stop at hearing your voice. He watched you begin to move into the frame, standing behind the chair Alver was sitting on. How long has it been since he heard your voice? How long has it been since he saw you? Perhaps too long because he found himself drinking the image of you as if you were the most interesting thing he ever found and must be remembered and revered for centuries.
Your face looked lethargic and formal wear was a bit ruffled, but the slight backlight from the window behind you made you look holy as if there was a glowing halo around your head, the light shining through your [h/c] strands. Cale never thought of himself to be much of a poet nor was he a romantic person and he hated how his thoughts were filled with the words he would have cringed at when he was younger, but oh, how can you look so wry and beautiful at the same time?
That kind of beauty is unfair, he thinks, because it's the kind that one could be ungrateful to have seen at the moment and if they were lucky, they would become old and think back to your face, and perhaps it would be enough for someone to be youthfully felt just by thinking of your eyes and the tired smile on your face. And thankfully for Cale, he was not the type to start appreciating things once they have been lost.
Cale's eyes softened once he saw you and he let himself smile. "How are you, [Name]?"
You looked a bit stunned for a moment, not expecting Cale to immediately address you so softly. The gentle way he spoke of your name sent tremors to your hands, your knees weak, and you had to force yourself to not give him a full-blown smile, because how can you not be happy to know he was still there, waiting for you?
"I've been well," you managed to reply to him and for a moment, you believed that you are well now that you'd seen him. "And the kids?"
"We miss you!" Raon yelled through the device. "Come home, [Name]!"
You subtly tapped Alver's back, urging him to please take charge of the conversation. As horrible as you could be, you could never be able to lie to children.
Alver cleared his throat. "Right. Cale, we require your assistance."
"But if you can't, that's fine," you piped in, holding your hands up and giving him an anxious smile. "Seriously, no pressure."
"[Name], stop it," Alver berated you. "I'm not sending you out there alone."
Cale straightens up upon hearing Alver's words. "What is this about?"
"We plan to have [Name] go under a disguise to find out more about a possible brothel and gambling ring," Alver answered, seeing Cale's expression turning into disbelief. "There is a possibility that a few nobles of the empire are running it and it was originally her plan, not mine."
'Snitch,' you thought, hand coming up to pinch Alver by his waist. Alver flinched and tried to scootch away, giving you a dirty look, one to which you replied with your own. 
"I know it's dangerous, you don't have to tell me," you say before Cale could continue. "Please, this is something I have to do, so tell me whether or not you'll help me. I don't have much time."
Cale stared at your face, trying to find out what you meant by not having much time. He tries to look at your eyes as deeply as the communication device allows him to but just by the way the corner of your lips are slightly turned down and eyebrows scrunched, he was able to see that you were pleading. And how could he turn away from you?
"I'll help." He sighed, leaning back on his pillows. "What are you planning?"
Your lips curled into a smirk, excited to finally have things go your way. You glanced at the children for a quick moment, hoping Cale could understand that you don't want the kids to hear about your plan. "Come over and I'll tell you. Bring Choi Han with you."
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Cale arrived at the Palace as quickly as he could, bringing along Choi Han with him as per your request. They both headed to Alver's study, Choi Han knocking thrice before opening the door once they heard Alver's invitation to be inside his study. They found Alver by his desk with you standing by his side, showing him a few sheets of paper. Alver picked one up and grinned with a single eyebrow raised in amusement.
"Are you sure this is not a lengthy plan for you to just get a dress?" Alver's question can be heard as they stepped closer to his desk.
You grinned, looking at the paper he was holding. "You think I'd be brave enough to wear this type of thing to a formal event in this stuck-up place?"
Alver shrugged nonchalantly as he stared at the paper. "You'd look good. Scandalous, but good."
"Scandalous?" Choi Han repeated, mildly curious about what you and Alver were discussing. Alver set the paper down to look at Choi Hand and Cale properly meanwhile you gathered it with the others, hiding them from their view when you hold it close to your chest.
"Now that you're both here, [Name] could explain her plans in detail," Alver said, gesturing to you with his hand. "Take a seat."
You watched Cale turn to you, his brown eyes studying you as he sat on the couch of Alver's study. His gaze followed you as you sat across them, folding the papers in your hands and tucking them inside the pocket of your coat. You smiled at him, "Hey."
"Have you eaten yet?" Cale asked, noticing that you had lost some weight. It wasn't too clear on the communication device but in real life, he could see the way your sleeves hung on your limbs instead of like in the past where your clothes looked snug on you. 
"I ate a little bit before coming out earlier," you answered him. "Too excited to share my plans."
"I heard it's about a gambling ring," Choi Han joins in the conversation, standing behind the couch Cale was sitting on. "And sneaking in?"
"Yes. Alver and I were out earlier today together and stumbled upon a couple of men in the slums that mention Count Theo giving them money and preparing girls," you explained, not noticing that Cale had looked over to Alver at the mention that you had both went out together, an eyebrow raised as a silent question and Alver only shrugged, hoping Cale understands that it was nothing. 
"It seemed to be a usual case of a noble playing with women and money laundering," Cale stated slowly, turning to look at you. "What's special about this one?"
You shrugged. "I have grudges."
"That's not very healthy," Alver commented.
"I'll heal in hell," you retorted with a grin. "Count Theo has been under my surveillance ever since I started working here. At first, it was only because he was a sexist jerk, but then I started noticing how most of the locations in his project proposals are within the same area so I had been suspicious that something fishy must have going on in that specific area. After getting a clue that he's probably money laundering and visiting brothels, there's a very huge chance that he is also involved in drugs. His Highness' people are already digging for anything that could be of help and to see what kind of connection he has with that particular area he's always been interested in."
Cale cradled his chin and began to think. While the whole issue seemed to be based on your grudge towards the noble, Cale wasn't the type to refuse a plan just because it was petty. He would accept it because it's petty. "You're planning to go down into the place by yourself. What do you hope to accomplish?"
"The plan is to completely go into disguise and find the place Count Theo will be spending his time in," you began. "I would have to make sure the people that are in charge there are to be completely distracted while His Highness' people, Choi Han included, sneak into the establishment and find anything that could immediately incarcerate them."
Cale tilted his head. "How will you be doing that? Distracting them?"
You gave Cale a sly grin, shrugging nonchalantly. "I have my ways."
Cale suppressed the urge to smile at your confidence. He loves it so much when you're brimming with confidence to the point it's dripping, forcing everyone in the room to acknowledge it. Cale thinks you might have not realized the amount of power you could have in your hand had you been so constantly like this, confident and blunt with that grin on your face. Cale let out a defeated sigh, "Okay. What's my role in your plan?"
Alver let out a snort and both Cale and Choi Han turned to him with raised eyebrows, confused about why he suddenly laughed. Alver covered his mouth and used the other hand to wave them off, "N-no, listen to her plan."
Cale turned to look at you again, seeing that your face is now red and you were looking down at the floor with both hands gripping at your dress on your lap. 
"[Name]?" Cale called. "What am I supposed to do?"
"It's not what you're supposed to do, but what I'm supposed to do," you corrected him, face still red and avoiding looking at him. "I can distract them if I'm alone but--"
"[Name], stop killing me and just say it," Alver calls you out, trying to suppress his laughter. You hissed at him and then glanced up at Cale, face red. Cale felt his own face warming up at your gaze and nearly drop dead at the words you utter to him next.
"I'll be going as your woman."
Cale blinked owlishly. "What...?"
"Oh, I'm sure you'll both do a splendid job," Choi Han commented, the misunderstandings he had kept to himself after all these years allowing him to be blind towards the situation and atmosphere. You glared at the black-haired male with a scandalized look, "What do you mean?"
Surprised at your heated reply, Choi Han stuttered, "I-I mean, I believe you both can do it!"
Cale let the sound of you and Choi Han arguing drown as he thought about the plan. The fact that they will all be visiting a pub of some sort or perhaps even a fancy underground brothel meant they couldn't be just entering the place and not have someone by their side during their whole stay there. They needed a companion to go with this plan and your plan to go in as an escort isn't too bad... is it?
"If you don't feel comfortable with it, I can go alone," you told Cale, seeing that he looked a bit disturbed after you revealed your plan.
"Absolutely not," Alver boomed, voice stern and leaving no room for any arguments. "I will not be allowing [Name] to go down there alone. I will assign someone to be with her if Cale cannot do it."
What are the things that escorts must do so that they can look convincing? Cale thinks of the things you must do, like hanging onto every word your partner says, arms tangled together wherever you go, and the way you would have to be so close all the time, perhaps bodies pressed against each other even. Cale isn't the type of man to take advantage of a woman, especially not the woman he wished could be his, but thinking about you doing those things to someone else made him feel...
"Would you prefer it to be me?"
Cale didn't think he'd say those words out loud so clearly. Your gaze sweeps over his face, seeing a myriad of emotions flash across his handsome face when he realized you were analyzing him. You gulped, thinking of your words carefully considering the awkward situation between you and Cale. You closed your eyes, sighing, 'Fuck it.'
"I..." You felt your heart squeeze in your chest as you look at him with a mellow smile. "I don't think there's a world where I will not prefer it to be you."
Cale forced himself to gulp, wetting his mouth a little bit because it had gone dry the moment he heard your words. Cale doesn't like assuming things, but is he allowed to at least hope?
"Then it's decided!" Alver clapped his hand, attracting everyone's attention back to him as he grinned. His blue eyes met Cale, glimmering with joy seeing Cale's slightly red face.
"Cale and [Name] will be in a disguise and sneak into the establishment. You are both to distract the people there and create a safe environment for my people to get what we needed."
It wasn't long until Alver received the report regarding Count Theo and several other nobles who seemed to frequent a common commoner's area near the slums. These reports came back with proof of connection between them and several brothel homes and gambling rings that has close ties with several drug dealers, though not enough to prove their transactions. It seemed most of them gathered together in a pub near the slums while concealing their identities by wearing masks and covering any identifiable features.
"The plan will start tomorrow night," Alver declared to the three of you. "Miss [Name] will have to return to the duchy for today as discreetly as possible. I'll be sending over the things you'll all need tomorrow morning."
Your return to the duchy was welcomed with open arms and cheerful smiles. You could guess why both the Duke and Duchess gave you a worried look when you greeted them but you decided to not think much of it when Cale stopped walking beside you to ask, "Will you join me for my evening tea?"
You wanted to laugh at how formal he sounded. "Okay."
You walked beside him towards his room, seeing Ron already standing in front of his room with a benign smile. Upon seeing you, Ron bowed his head and greeted you, "It's been a while since we've had you back in the duchy. Welcome back, Miss [Name]."
You kept your smile despite how clear the man was recalling your last visit here. "It's good to be back."
"Ron, prepare us some tea and snacks," Cale told the butler as the older man opened the bedroom door, showing the two children and Black Dragon that are sitting on the couch together. 
Upon seeing you with Cale, they stood up with large smiles on their faces and ran to you, Raon greeting Cale first while Ohn and Hong came to you, Hong hugging your waist while Ohn looked up at you with gleaming eyes. You hugged the red-headed child back, using one hand to ruffle Ohn's silver hair. "Oh, I missed you guys so mu-ch!"
"You were away for a long time," Hong grumbled against your dress. "Why did you take so long?"
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," you cooed, rubbing his back. "There was so much to do and I couldn't go home until they were all finished."
Again, it was better for you to say it like this than to lie to their faces when Cale is right in front of you. You look up at the man himself, seeing him cradling Raon close to his chest while staring at you. You chewed the inside of your cheek and gave a tight hug once again to Hong, "Why don't you all go play while Cale and I talk?"
"Okay," Ohn answered obediently. She pulled on Hong's arm gently from you and suggested going to the kitchen to look for Beacrox's cookies. Just the mention of Beacrox's name was enough for Hong to let you go.
"Go ahead and say hi to [Name] before leaving," Cale murmured to Raon before letting the dragon go and fly towards you. You immediately opened your arms, embracing the dragon and feeling his scales scratch at your skin lightly, his body was oddly cool and felt refreshing to touch. "It's nice to see you again, Raon."
"Don't leave again, [Name]," Raon grumbled and you felt your heart skip a beat. You hugged the Dragon and let your cheek flush against the Dragon's scaly head. 
It did not escape Cale that you didn't say anything in response.
Once the kids have left and Ron have provided tea and snacks, you and Cale were left alone in his bedroom. You sat across from him, staring at the refreshments as you rack your mind to find the words to start the conversation because you can see clearly that Cale himself doesn't know what to say.
"I don't know how to start," he admitted first, breaking the silence between you two. "This is... my first time dealing with these types of things."
You gathered your courage to look at him, seeing that Cale was already staring at you, pale cheeks dusted pink and eyes hazy. Your heart started drumming against your chest and you could feel your own cheeks heating up at the memory of what happened. You couldn't get the memory of pulling him down to you and pressing your lips against his, the way your lips molded perfectly together as if it was created for each other, as if that was your duty of living, to keep loving one another.
"I'm sorry for running away and not talking it out," you began, your eyes averting down to look at Cale's hands that are situated on his lap. You don't think you can look at Cale for too long and be expected to form coherent thoughts and hold up a verbal conversation. 
"I took advantage of you," Cale said and you jolted out of shock, nearly standing up from the couch. 
"What--? No!" Your voice nearly faltered. "No, no. No, you did not take advantage of me. I was a bit tipsy, yes, but I also wanted to do that and I enjoyed it so no, you--you weren't the only one who wanted it--you didn't take advantage of me. I swear, I felt like I was the one who took advantage of you because I shared some pity story and I was afraid you kissed me because I was so pathetic that -- wait, hold on, I think I'm rambling."
You took a deep breath after that word vomit, wondering for a second whether or not Cale was able to properly digest your words and understand them because you had been explaining everything too quickly. You fiddled with your fingers, cursing for the habit of overexplaining things when you could have just stopped two sentences in. 
Fuck, you hated how your name rolls from his mouth so good. His voice alone was enough to make your whole body tingle, but the tone he held as he spoke made your heart melt to the point it was hard to breathe.
"I... I wouldn't kiss someone because I pity them," he told you. "And no, I didn't pity you that day. I just feel disappointed in myself for not noticing your feelings."
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. "About me missing my family or about my feelings towards you?"
Cale's cheeks flushed red a bit. "Both."
Your lips are pursed into a straight line, nodding. "Good to know."
There was a pregnant pause between the two of you -- Cale staring at you and you staring at the refreshments on the table as if it was the most interesting thing in the world you've ever seen. You ponder about what to say to diminish this tense, awkward situation, but all you could think was how now your relationship with Cale would never be the same. You can no longer enter his room and sit on his bed so casually, you could no longer stare at him and not think about the way his cold lips molded with yours and the soft strands of his hair when you play with them. Fuck, you're in trouble.
"I really, really, like you, Cale."
You missed the way Cale's mouth had opened, most likely wanting to speak first before you stole that chance. Your hand ran up to the back of your neck, rubbing a spot there as you continue speaking. "I don't exactly know your stance when it comes to these types of situations and relationships so I don't know whether or not you'd want to be committed. However, I do know that you're dedicated to the life of a rich slacker and I've made it a personal goal to see you achieve that, so I want to see that before anything else. Plus, with so many questions surrounding my appearance in this world, I don't want to take any chances of... investing too much of my heart in you only to leave you afterward. I don't want to risk the heartache and you don't deserve that."
Cale could understand your reasoning and most of all, he grieved over the thought that you had made his goal your own. He wanted to berate you for it, but at times like these, he knows it would only be like talking to a wall. His chest swelled with a feeling he had been getting familiar with these last few weeks as he thinks about the possibility that you might want to be with him after all those things you mentioned had been settled.
"I have the same feelings for you, [Name]."
Your heart skipped a beat and you looked up at Cale with wide eyes. The man smiled slightly, "Now you're looking at me."
"W-what? Cale—" You began to stutter over your words, cheeks reddening like a teenager sick in love and it intensified when Cale's brown eyes are glazed with mirth. 
"Calm down," he replied. "I already thought about and I'm certain that I have feelings for you, too. I respect your choice to not be committed, but please know that with me telling you my feelings, I'm handing you a part of myself, so please treat it with great care."
His face when he spoke of those words made you feel like your chest is about to combust and flowers will burst out from your ribcage. You nodded, hand on your chest to calm your racing heart. "I'd never hurt you."
You never thought of Cale being someone so straightforward regarding these things because he was always the type to just carry on and be subtle as long as possible, so your head was spinning from this new Cale you never expected to exist and the feelings that are brewing in your chest. 
A knock on the door startled you from the sweet moment and Ron's husky voice calls from the door, "Miss [Name], His Highness has sent you his recommended designer."
"Fashion designer?" Cale questioned with an eyebrow raised.
"Oh, right! That's quick," you commented, standing up from the couch. "I asked His Highness to have a dress made for me to go undercover with. Make it feel more real, you know?"
Cale nodded, following you to the door. "I see. It seemed you're set on going all out for your first undercover operation."
You turned to look at him when you both stopped in front of his door. "I have to. I have to look good while working with Bob."
Cale gave you a questioning look before realizing it was the moniker he always used whenever he goes undercover. You giggled, having caught his expression as he processed your joke. 
"You'll have to be very familiar with me during this whole thing," Cale began. "We'd even have to..."
The word 'kiss' is at the tip of his tongue but Cale wasn't brave enough to say it when you're so close to him. "Are you comfortable with that?"
"I trust you," you answered him simply. "I think the fact that I chose you as my partner says enough, setting aside my feelings for you, of course. You'd have to get used to kissing me, are you okay with that?"
Cale casts a glance at your lips and thought about how irresistible they are. Would he be able to get used to kissing you? Probably not. A single kiss from you managed to haunt him for weeks! Imagine multiple. He'd probably carry the thought into his grave and it wouldn't be such a horrible death, would it? To die remembering your lips and the tender emotions you managed to impart just by brushing your lips together.
"D-do you want to test it out?"
Your suggestion caused Cale's cheeks and the tips of his ears to flare up red. "That's not a wise thing to do..."
"It's just for us to get used to--" You told him, scrambling for your thoughts on why the everliving fuck would you suggest that to a man who had confessed to you? "You don't have to do it."
Cale chewed on his bottom lip as he ponder about it. 'It's just for the undercover... We can test it out, to make sure it's authentic in front of others. Right? Right. For the mission.'
"Well... I suppose we do have to get used to it..."
You faced Cale properly with burning cheeks and reminding yourself it's only so you can get the job done as real as possible and it's not because your stomach had been crowding with butterflies when you saw Cale glancing at your lips. Cale's cold hands came up to your face, hovering over your cheek for a second before he cradled your face. He leaned down to you as you push your body flush against him, hand placed on his chest and feeling the drumming of his heart underneath your palm.
"Fuck," you heard him murmur before he leaned his forehead against yours, the quick pace of his heartbeat and the rush of his blood throughout his whole body too much to handle. He could feel every curve of you against him and it was almost like he was going to enter a state of an anxiety attack. 
You looked up at him through your lashes, seeing his flushed face and eyes full of tenderness and some sort of pain, as if he couldn't force himself any longer to be strong. You stood on your toes and crashed your lips together, wrapping your arms around his neck and your eyes fluttering close. Cale stayed still for a moment to process what just happened before he closed his eyes, returning your kiss with so much heat and fervor.
You let out a sigh when Cale's hand slowly went from your cheek to neck, stroking it so lovingly and sending tingles down your body as his fingers began to sneak under your collar, his cold touch against your hot body made the kiss so much more exciting. You open your mouth and teasingly licked at his lip, Cale flinching at the new sensation and opening his mouth with a quiet whimper. You thrust your tongue into his mouth, twirling your tongue with his and feeling Cale shudder underneath your touch.
You grabbed his hand that was on your neck and lead it to your hips, sliding it until his hand was placed right on top of your derriere. You can feel his fingers twitching, hesitant to touch you.  
"Miss [Name]?"
You pulled back slowly, a string of saliva connecting both of your tongues. You opened your eyes to look at Cale, seeing his flushed-out face and the way he fluttered his watery eyes open. He looked at you with awe and something so indescribably tender that you melted in his chest.
"How was that?" You asked, voice low and soft as you wiped his lip with your thumb. 
Cale stared at you with a look of faux displeasure and leaned his forehead to your shoulder. "I don't think I can ever get used to that."
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ohmycale · 2 years
Fix-it AU prompt
This happens coz I read way too many angsty fics.
- Everybody regresses to the timeline of the previous generation
-Teen!Jour and teen!Deruth are dating. Jour is ready to say yes to Deruth's marriage proposal
-Jour gets a weird dream  (courtesy of GoD) where she sees' OG!Cale's memories after her death.
-Jour doesn’t sleep a wink, stays in her room until Deruth checks up on her. Jour decides to break up with him. She uses every reason why she and Deruth aren’t gonna work out, courtesy of the gossip mongers.
-teen!Deruth (with regressed memories) is panicking, convinces Jour to go on with the marriage. He thinks his second chance in life is slipping.  Jour says her mind is made up.
- In another place, Catherine (Alberu's mom) is currently pregnant with him. She hasn’t told Zed yet. Tasha (with regressed memories)  manages to convince her that Alberu will be killed if Catherine pushes to telling Zed. Catherine is convinced, leaves the palace with Tasha
- Teen!Jour is more than annoyed with Deruth trying to change her mind. She decides to 'marry down' to a young common man with merchant links in Huiss to fend off Deruth. Nobody bats an eye because she's not a rich noblewoman and people thinks it’s an equal match i.e. rich commoner matched a poor noble
-Teen!Deruth is shocked to hear Jour that has married, still sends her letters even though she's already married. Teen!Deruth realized that if Jour wasn’t married to him, his chances of seeing future!Cale is nil. He decides to wait if Jour changes her mind or becomes a widow in x number of years
- Catherine, Tasha and Jour meet each other in Huiss. Both Catherine and Jour are expecting. They bond over the topic of babies and their babies being friends.
-Deruth is being forced to marry because he is still single. He still pines for Jour. Eventually, he meets Violan and Basen. He loves them as he did in his memories but is unhappy because future!Cale  isn’t in the picture.
-Jour gives birth to Cale, with all his features intact. Also, Catherine gives birth to Alberu. Alberu has brown hair but his skin is magically altered. Tasha is happy because she has two nephews. The mothers are happy with their respective kids. The ‘fathers’ weren’t informed. At all.
Fast Forward to 10 years or so. (yes, Cale and Alberu have regressive memories. The only one who don’t are Catherine, Violan, and Basen. Might change my mind on the last two. I’m 50/50 on Jour.)
-Cale (yes, Jour insisted on the name) is making a name for himself as a superb merchant leader and going up the merchant guild. Jour taught him to be charming, Tasha taught him to be diplomatic, Alberu kidna taught him to be glib and his father taught him everything about trade. Both he and Alberu are decent swordsman.
-Deruth stayed married to Violan, had Lily. Still fending off his relatives, with Basen being the presumptive heir. He caught sight of Cale when he traveled to Huiss, but Cale disappear before he take a good look.
- The Molan due (with repressed memories) encounters Catherine and Jour. Both men are nostalgic about past!Jour’s help to them. They convince Jour to consider taking them in and work for Cale's new!father. Jour asks Cale what he thinks of the due, Cale approves but is wary of the two.
Think this is good enough for a part two?
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elvesandlanterns · 2 years
Cale Anti-Hero
It wasn’t often that Cale found himself alone. There was always ‘something’ happening so it was totally reasonable that he wanted to take advantage of his new found free time. They had settled on singing; it had use to be Cales favorite pass time with his mother, he had not sang in years and for Kim it had been even longer. ….. they really should had been more careful.
I have this thing where I get older but just never wiser
Ron stopped short of the mansions entryway, Hans and the kids rushing in only to quite. They had all planned to come home earlier today. Had no one told Cale?
Ron huffed, what was this puppy saying? Cale had matured so fast in such a short time, too fast even.
Midnights become my afternoons
Raon chuckled it was just like his human to sleep the whole day away if he could! Good thing Lemon gramps was here to wake him up!
When my depression works the graveyard shift
The wolf children stopped smiling turning to look at Lock, “What does that mean!”, “What’s wrong?”, “Hyung Lock haven’t you been taking care of him!”. Lock stilled beside Beacrox, no no this couldn’t be happening how could their savior, the man who took them in be so unhappy?
All of the people I've ghosted stand there in the room
What did that mean, Cale had never killed anyone if anyone was to be haunted by ghost it should be me though Choi Han. Listening in from a different room in the house, having taken an entrance through the window instead of the door like a reasonable man.
I should not be left to my own devices
Alberu seconded that! Cale never does know when to leave shit alone. He’s been surprised to have gotten a call from Cales children only to be welcomed with the sound of beautiful singing. But Alberus’ stomach began to twist he had a bad feeling just where this was going.
They come with prices and vices
I end up in crises
Rosalyn started next to Alberu ready to teleport at a moments notice! Cheeks puffing in anger, just who on Earth would go to Cale demanding money? And enough to put Cale in crises… maybe this was before from when Cale use to be a trash drunk ? The lyrics did say “vices” after all hhhmmm
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
The dragon and cats looked at each other in confusion, Cale loved sleep they definitely would have noticed if he had nightmares!
Ron closed his eyes and sighed, oh those nightmares after the first Countess had died. Was he the only one that ever knew about those? Not that he was of much help, Cale was nothing like his own son he still didn’t know how to confront or comfort him at all,
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
'Cause you got tired of my scheming
For the last time
Positively Everyone froze, what? Did Cale think that they would all just abandon him?
Deruth began to cry, he didn’t want to see this anymore. Who had decided to share such a thing with them in the first place? It never would had been Cale. That child never aloud himself to be so vulnerable in front of his family. In front of him. What kind of a father had he been?
The Henituse family could here Deruth crying but no one had any words to console him. After all wasn’t this there fault? They had made Cale feel so unloved and unwanted in his own home that he now believed that no one would stay with him if give the chance.
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me
Cage was beginning to regret picking up the call from Cale kids right now. Taylor was utterly distraught and admittedly so was she. Cale was a good person! Their very own lucky charm!
At teatime
Everybody agrees
Basen felt ashamed. He remembered getting into verbal tirades with Cale the first few times his trashy behavior had started. He had told him to act better, for the family’s social reputation if nothing else! But just how many of those tea times included demeaning his brother as a part of the entertainment. And then he had just yelled at him and told him to go back to endure more. He was a horrible brother.
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
Pasetons face flushed a tad, he had considered Cale a bit vain actually. Not that he didn’t have a right to be! But did Cale perhaps not enjoy looking at himself? Did they perhaps have this in common?
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Antihero? But Cale was a hero! Sure he did unsavory things to reach his goals but.. but… did it perhaps bother Cale? He always did say he wanted a slacker life.
Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby
And I'm a monster on the hill
If Violan had been less dignified or more hot tempered she would have thrown her teacup into the wall! Instead she rose from her seat to talk to her husband, no one no matter how noble was going to get away with making Cale feel uncomfortable in his own body! Violan smiled, no doubt Cales new body guard and vice captain Hilsmans knights would agree.
Too big to hang out
Slowly lurching toward your favorite city
On and Hong hissed! Yeah to save it!
Pierced through the heart but never killed
Something in Choi Han broke, Cales voice cracked as if he was crying. He never wanted to hear Cale cry, it hurt so much to not be able to do anything- he’d do anything.
Did you hear my covert narcissism
I might disguise as altruism
Like some kind of congressman
Alberu hummed at that, did Cale hate politics that much? What is this feeling ? Oh right guilt.
Tale as old as time
I wake up screaming from dreaming
One day I'll watch as you're leaving
And life will lose all its meaning
For the last time
It's me
I'm the problem, it's me (I'm the problem, it's me)
At teatime
Everybody agrees
I'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror
It must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero
Choi Han decided to join everyone else at the parlor, he couldn’t take this alone anymore.
I have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money
She thinks I left them in the will
On and Hong were outraged! They would never love someone so despicable!
Meanwhile every adult was enraged! They would protect Cale and his little family - was that why Cale loved money?
The family gathers 'round and reads it
And then someone screams out
"He's laughing up at us from hell!"
Cage was bewildered why would Cale ever think he would go there? And didn’t Cale not believe in god?!?!
It's me
No one knew what to do after the song ended, everybody in person or on call was as tense as a bow string. There were no words to break the tension.
Cale was beginning to play the piano again, oh dear god now what??!?!
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vergeofpanic · 3 years
Ok, but it's basically canon in Trash Of The Count's Family that by the second time a character travels with Cale they are willing to murder anyone for him for absolutely any reason. This includes any children that come into contact with him as well.
Like, I'm pretty sure everyone who's read the manhwa and novel remembers a time where each character is just horrified by the number of death threats sent to enemies for insulting or hurting Cale, or just them threatening Cale when he doesn't take care of himself, only for that person to end up doing the same thing the next time they meet up with him.
  Remember back when Roselyn seemed to be calm and sane? Yeah nah, she was ready to fight the God Of Death and win after hearing that Cale was supposed to died. Everytime she hears Cale say something even remotely negative about himself they literally describe the air in the room becoming cold and vicious just as they start talking about Roselyn’s reaction. It always seems to be before her reaction is actually described as well. She gives me such big sister vibes when it comes to Cale though. I love her.
Remember when Mary just wanted to go with Cale and his group to see what the world was like outside the City of Death? Yeah, well now she is probably trying to figure out how to control people who are alive with their bones after they tried to Cale mess with him. She may be the closest to Raon and Choi Han out of everyone, but damn, it’s amazing seeing how she just goes from a quiet person into creating bone swords and using dark mana to destroy anyone who poses a threat to Cale.
Remember Eruhaben, when he just wanted to kick Cale and his gang out of his lair so he could train Raon and help him become more dragon-like? Welp, guess who Eruhaben declared as his kid in the middle of a fight with fucking White Star himself when Cale was in danger. Guess who is trying to convince Cale to learn at least a small amount of self-defence...
"Oh, well Alberu seems to hate Cale in the manhwa, so there's no way that Alberu is insanely protective of Cale like everyone else seems to be, right?"
 NOPE, guess who decided to start showing up to places Cale’s at, in his true form, just to mess with Cale and call him little brother/dongsaeng in front of his friends and allies. He literally goes out to dangerous areas and battlefields to do it. 
Guess who decided to make Cale his sworn brother so that he wouldn't have to worry about the kingdom's nobles trying to slander him.
Guess who the first person to actually realise that Cale wasn't joking about being a slacker was? YEP, it was Alberu, but it was very close to the time where Choi Han realised it properly as well. 
He also seems like he may be doing the best job out of everyone at reminding Cale to look after himself. Every. Time. He. Ends. A. Call. With. Cale. He. Tells. Him. To. Look. After. Himself. 
The only thing that is different when it comes to Alberu is that people are trying to threaten him as well because they are worried that Cale is to dense and innocent to see that Alberu may be trying to use him (Just look at how Basen and the nobles felt when it was announced that the two of them became sworn brothers. Calling Cale innocent. It made me giggle + when Deruth and Violan where willing to disobey Alberu’s direct orders if they found any evidence of Cale being forced to go to the Whipper Kingdom). The funniest thing is that while Alberu does use Cale for his own benefit, especially in their first few interactions, Alberu is also being used by Cale and is completely aware of it. He just lets his cute dongsaeng run rampant because he knows that he will do as he asked and exceed his expectations every time. They both care for each other and it's just hilarious to see others misinterpret it.
I think Raon and Choi Han may be the only ones who are actually able to understand the relationship between the two of them, though Raon often has difficulty trying to figure out what's going on, even if he is great and mighty 
You remember when Choi Han was thinking of ways to kill Cale in case he was trying to trick him during their initial meeting? welp, within a few weeks of knowing each other, especially after the carriage Cale was in was targeted by bandits, we are just able to see how ruthless Choi Han became when it came to Cale’s safety, even being a bit worried about how Cale would feel about “the first real threat against his life”. Plus it was absolutely adorable seeing the way that Choi Han would seek out Cale whenever anything happened, no matter if it was something small like something confusing him, or when Lock went berserk for the first time. The guy was prepared to commit mass genocide against anyone Cale asked by the time that the attack on plaza happened. That’s not even mentioning that Choi Han will throw down with anyone who even seems remotely like a threat towards Cale, such as Toonka and Clopeh. Plus with the way that Choi Han witnessed what Kim Rok Soo was like with Choi Jung Soo, oh boy, enemies better start running...
Then you have Cale himself, who will do whatever it takes to at least hit an enemy once as a way to get revenge for his children. Doesn't matter what that person did to the kids, they upset them so now Cale has to destroy everything that person loves. He also at least tries to help his people, which I just find hilarious.
what have we learned today? Cale brings out the best in people :)
is it in anyway important, hell no, but it’s pretty funny
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hajidumps · 3 years
Cale who got hit by a potion which made him have no mouth filter at all and sprout words like nothing.
Cale barging in Alberus room: Let's blow up a island
Alberu: are you okay? you usually don't say that out loud
Ron: here's you tea young master
Cale grumbling: I don't want it, give me sweets!
Ron: hoh *benign smile*
After many misfortunes, cale is now getting ready for bed
Cale: *korean* fuck!
Cale: i should have just talked in Korean!
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shiii-kei · 3 years
The Ultimate Goal for Cale to Gain Weight!
Another TCF brainrot, wherein a few months after the Sealed God's test where everything is comparatively peaceful and Cale has managed to have his own personal moment of, the least, a relative semi-slacker life. At this period of time, Ron and the rest of the gang made sure to fill up their puppy young master and made sure to have his very deserving rest. Watching Cale getting thinner and paler as he keeps vomiting liters of blood and not being able to have a complete good night's sleep nor rest has made each of their heart ache with worry and pain. And the most aggravating fact of all is that Cale lost a LOT of weight.
So while time was still at a level of certain tranquility, they are making sure they bring back the color in him and most importantly, for Cale to gain at least a damn kilogram on his system. The poor guy doesn't even have the muscles the og!Cale had had before he had taken over his body for more than 3 years already.
No skipping of meals... Ready snacks in the morning and the day and even at midnight if Cale decided to feast on something late in the night.
On, Hong and Raon always accompany him most of the time and several days went by and what happened was that instead of expecting a minimal change in Cale's weight, the one with the very prominent difference of appearance is On, Hong, and Raon is getting chubbier than ever from several days ago.
Ron, gently: Didn't I told the three of you that the rest of the cake was for young master Cale?
On: I reminded them..
Ron: Although?
Raon: But the human said we should finish it all because children love sweets and so we should eat cake!
Hong: He said he was full after eating one very thiiin slice!
Ron, looks at On: Is that what happened?
On: Cale slept after that.
Ron: My, my...
After discovering that Cale loves the dishes from Choi Han's hometown, Choi Han spends most of his time in the kitchen for than helping train the soldiers of the Henituse Territory. Choi Han tries his best to relive the memories of the recipe and taste of the Korean cuisine he had eaten when he was still back in Korea. Because creating these dishes surprisingly (not for Choi Han and the kids) makes Cale very happy and very eager to eat and eager for more!
In the kitchen:
Beacrox: Where the fuck do you think I'll get some fucking seaweed?!
Choi Han, shrugs nonchalantly: I don't know. You're the chef, aren't you supposed to be, y'know, knowledgeable about it?
*A messy catfight inside the kitchen in a supposedly normal afternoon*
Cale, with stars in his eyes: I can't believe you made this..
Beacrox, shrugs nonchalantly: It isn't really hard. *turns to stare daggers at CH and grind his teeth together in utter irritation* I am a chef after all.
But weeks went and go by and Cale's skin now has a glowy and healthy color to it but on the 'gaining weight' part? To become triumphant seems such a very far goal for them... Not until a Physician came to the Mansion to take a check-up for the kids and also Basen, Lily, and even Cale. And when the physician checked Cale's weight, everyone was brought to tears when they learned that despite his slightly scrawny appearance, Cale had actually gained 2 kilograms from the past few months!
Cale: Oh I've gained weight.
Basen: H-H-How much?
Everyone inside and outside the room holding their breaths: ...
Cale, confused at the stutter: 2 kilograms.
Cale: Right, I should probably lose weigh---
Alberu, appearing in the room using a teleportation spell: hOLD UP MY SWORN BROTHER, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU SAYING.
Cale: How did you??? Well, I---
Cale: What the---
Mary, giving a cookie to Cale: You should eat more. You can't eat when you're dead.
Cale having the worst goosebumps yet: Uh, yes, of course.
Viola and Deruth: We are so happy for you Cale!
Basen: Orabuni! That is amazing! I really look up to you!
Lily: Orabuni, I am super happy!
Raon: YES! MORE CAKE! You need more cake, human! More meals!
Hong: You should eat more to be fat!
Cale: Pardon--
On, sighing: I am glad Cale that you're gaining weight.
Cale: uh.
Eruhaben: Unlucky bastard, I'm proud of you. *fatherly head patting to Cale*
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weirdsht · 2 years
kahalangdon . 2
a/n: I think this is the longest chapter I wrote for this miniseries lol
Warnings: hints of abuse, trauma, and ptsd
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don’t repost my work anywhere without my permission
If there’s something missing in the warnings let me know so I can add it
Any form of interaction toward the post is appreciated <333
(means dignity in deep tagalog)
Parental figure Cale Henituse, Parental Figure Alberu Crossman, Reincarnated child Reader
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The black dragon might have understood what the three adults were thinking as he looked over at Cale and spoke with confidence.
“I’m the great and mighty Raon Miru, I can handle something as easy as this. Plus if she’s younger than me then doesn’t that make me her older brother? As her older brother I have to care for her like how On-noona and Hong-hyung do for me.”
Although a bit reluctant, they know that the dragon won’t be backing down soon so they continue planning. Directly after planning they instantly made preparation and made rescuing the soon-to-be chimera, as the half-blood calls her, their priority.
‘I might be royalty and the crown prince but I’ve had my fair share of neglect. That and she might go berserk if she stays there any longer.’
That’s what Alberu told himself as they quickly, but not hastily, made their way to the facility the half-blood provided them.
“...Why does this look like a scientific laboratory?”
“Human I don’t know what that is but I can sense a young dragon around here somewhere.”
He heard Cale mutter to himself as soon as they opened the door. Alberu had an idea on what his dongsaeng was talking about because of his trips on earth 2 and couldn’t help but silently agree. The three started inspecting the seemingly empty place. There were only three of them, Eruhaben wasn’t with them as there was no need to. Clean-up might be going smoothly but there still a lot they have to do so they have to be efficient hence why the ancient dragon is somewhere else right now.
White walls, clean, organized, the bed with straps on the center, and the alchemy tools scattered all across the room. It really looks like a science laboratory but instead of scientific experiments they had alchemy and was that dead mana over there? Observing the dead mana Alberu recalled the half-dragon’s words.
“I’m certain you or someone else in your group met that magician White Star kept by his side. By now I’m not sure about their progress but they are using the dragon to mix mana and dead mana. That’s why that kid might be a chimera right now.”
Alberu ignored the black dragon and red haired man looking around as he set his eyes on the closed door a few centimeters away from him. The two were probably looting stuff that they deemed useful or profitable so he opted on leaving them alone.
He didn’t know what he wanted to expect when he opened the door, he didn’t even know if he was expecting something. Nonetheless his heart couldn’t help but ache a bit as he saw a young girl on the corner of the tidy bed in the tiny room.
The child had her eyes closed. Anyone can see that she was expecting for someone to come in. Anyone can also see that she was scared. But there’s one thing that the man slowly walked towards the bed that others might not notice saw for himself.
This kid was ready to die
This kid probably deduced that she was going to die today and nobly accepted her fate. She probably had no choice but to do so. The crown prince hated that the human-morphed dragon was giving up but had no choice but to understand as he can acknowledge where she’s coming from.
“Ho? This is surprising that half-blood was telling the truth”
Was it because she didn’t know him or was it because the child wanted to at least look at her executioner? Alberu Crossman doesn't know what might be the reason why the young girl before him slightly opened her eyes but it was a welcomed gesture. As the dragon stared at him he could see a child-like shine filled with innocent curiosity in her eyes. Concluding that she was intrigued by him, he decided to take this opportunity and held out his hand.
“Let’s go, you’ve suffered too much already. Let me help you get out of this hell.”
No matter how curious the child may have been, she was still wary first and foremost. But she seemed to have made a judgment quickly as she took Alberu’s hand after a few moments.
‘Skinny, she’s too skinny, just how long has this child been starving?’
She might be in human form right now but she’s still a dragon. Despite that the dragon was too light for Alberu’s liking. He was carrying a child but he felt as if he was carrying a bag of bones with maybe a few rocks mixed in. The girl was clean and didn’t seem to have any threatening disease but she was light, as if she had been deprived of food for a few days. Pushing his thoughts aside as he can fix it later, Alberu walked out of the room with the kid in his arms.
As they step into the previous room he was in he can feel the girl try to bury her face in his chest as an attempt to not remember terrible things. Try as hard as she might, Alberu knows that she’s still hurting and can probably envision the things she went through in this room. He knows that there’s little to nothing he can do right now as the brain works in wonders but that doesn’t stop him from tightening his embrace in an attempt of comfort.
Sure after hearing the situation from the half-blood Alberu’s mind instantly went on as to how he can benefit and use the dragon. But he wasn’t so calculating to the point that he was heartless. Alberu still sympathizes with the poor child that didn’t know any better and promised to thoroughly look after her as he is now the one who’s responsible for the dragon.
“Oh crown prince there you are, we just finished looting the place clean!”
“I see you found her, we can go now then. Hurry up I wanna slack off after finishing this whole thing”
Sensing that he came back the two turned around and greeted the crown prince. He can see the previously empty dimensional pouches now filled. The room that was previously filled to the brim looked emptier compared to when they first got in. As he nodded in acknowledgement the black dragon flew over to him and handed him the vial of dead mana he was eyeing earlier.
“This one is yours, you came here with us so this one is free. We also saved some to give to good little Mary when we come back”
‘So this one is free’ Alberu couldn’t help but shake his head at the implication they also saved some to sell to the dark elves later. Well that’s none of his problem, he was sure that Cale would sell it at a fair price as the dark elves were their people.
Out of curiosity the young girl residing in the quarter elf’s arms looked at the new voices she heard. He could see that the polymorphed dragon made eye contact at a certain red haired ex-commander as she turned her head.
“KIm Rok Soo-hyung?”
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author-luna · 3 years
My writing ideas (2/?)
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Ayo hi? I didn’t expect myself to be updating this series so soon 😂
anywho, a longer one this time with only 1 idea but it’s more fleshed out then the short synopsis style of the previous ones
Fandom: Trash of the counts family
There are 2 children, wait what?!
Brace yourself for a shit show
Literally, I had this idea 2 days ago at like 3 am and I’ve just gotten to write it out and work on it
Is it gonna make sense? No, who do you think am i??
It’s gonna be damn long cuz I kinda fleshed this out more then the others
Okay, so the idea was that after everything settles down, everyone low-key decides that Cale won’t be doing anything for at least a year or so
Cale has no objections of course, cuz that’s his goal
So, the first few weeks go by peacefully and Cale thinks ‘man, I could get used to this way of living. Nothing can get in my way now, right?’
Baby, no, you’re soo wrong
One day, as Ron goes to wake his young master up, he finds 2 children in the bed instead of one
Yes, you’ve read it right, 2 little red haired boys who look like the reflection of each other
One of the little shits boys is our Cale/KRS and the other one is OG!Cale
Somehow, OG!Cale travelled from the past of a different world into this world’s future
He’s terrified of course, because who the hell are these people and oh god one of them has a sword someone save me
As for our Cale/KRS, his body and mind got regressed into the age of 7
he has OG!Cale’s memories as well as part of his own from his childhood
Everyone freaks out since there are 2 self sacrificing idiots now and one of them looks ready to bite them if they even look into their direction
OG!Cale and KRS lowkey act like siblings since they’re both kinda stuck here with these weird people
KRS takes on an older brother type of role towards OG!Cale and he can’t explain it but he feels like this little boy that looks like him deserves a lot of happiness
OG!Cale is kinda weirded out and panics because he has no idea what to do, but seeing the other boy take care of him kinda makes it easier for him to stay calm
Deruth is lowkey an ass here because he feels a bit too grateful that he doesn’t only have 1, but 2 Cale’s now that he can make up his absence for
But oh boy h boy, imagine his surprise when both Cale’s act cold towards him
Basen and Lily wanna spend time with their little brother (brothers?) but, uh, OG! Cale is shy and scared of them while KRS doesn’t take anyone’s bullshit
At some point they drop them off at Alberu’s and he gets stuck as a babysitter but it was surprisingly fun for him
Erhaben is grandpa ™️ and he fees so attached to both Cale’s
For everyone’s sake, one of them is called Cale while they call the other one Cal (Cale is KRS while Cal is OG!Cale)
The kids are kinda curious as to how their father figure. Is gonna act and they’re pleased to know that he still kinda acts like himself, just a lot ore reserved and rude
Cuteness overload is guaranteed
Everyone gathers together to figure out wat to do, and suddenly they get contacted by 2 gods
The God of Death as well as the Goddess of Time are the one’s responsible for this set up
They explain that OG!Cale is from a parallel universe and that the soul residing within their Cale is also a bit different then the one that was living here at that age
Upon questioning why they brought OG!Cale here and why KRS got regressed, they explain that there is an inter dimensional disaster awaiting everyone, and the only people who could stop it are these 2 children, and being in this form makes it easier for them to full fill the mission since children have a “purer” soul and mind
Everyone is understandably enraged and they want to know how they can bring OG!Cale back to his universe and how to undo the regression on KRS
The assho gods explain that in order for everything to go back to its original way, they have to go through different memories of Cale in a world where they are twins, find the thing that isn’t correct and change the outcome in order to obtain parts on how to stop the disaster from happening (I swear the actual scene in my head is way better and cooler then the explanation I’m giving)
So, they both go into a deep slumber type of thing so that they can fix the memories of Cale and KRS, and unbeknownst to them, everyone is able to watch them and their memories
After they fix the first memory they receive a page and some text appears on it, but they can’t read
They keep relieving those fake memories and some are pretty harsh
It takes a lot of effort to change them, but at the end, the page is filled with text and they’re eager to read it
Well from here out I’lll come up with something, I swear-
Anywho give me feedback on this idea pls, it’s the most detailed one but I’m still very unsure about this one
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icyteaa · 3 years
AlbeCale Headcanon
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[Vampire x Angel]
Inspired by this post.
Part 1
Part 2
When Cale finally regained his consciousness, what was in front of him was red. The liquid that poured from the stiff bodies. The fluid that comes from the open wound on his family's bodies is red. And he himself, since god knows when, full of red.
Something like needles felt like spatter his right shoulder that later he would find out to be wound from those bastards that made everything, root of his misery, happen. But just like that, that day he found himself couldn't move, freeze in the place while his world crumbled.
His mind became blank as his eyes couldn't focus on what was in front of him. Cale's breath felt heavy and his chest hurt so much. But still, he just stands. Without knowing what to do, he stared at the bodies that were now becoming cold. Maybe if he could join them, it would be easier. Maybe if he wasn't left alone alive, it would be better. Though he didn't know if becoming one of those monsters could be called alive.
Cale didn't know how long he just stood, but he finally recollected his mind when he felt someone's presence near him. He couldn't see anything, but he felt like this was the last farewell he could do with his family. He felt like that presence would bring his family's souls to the afterlife and completely left him alone in this world.
With that in mind, he shut his eyes and hoped that his family would have a better life after this. He didn't believe in gods, but he still wants at least his family to get a better place than this fucking world. While he was at it, Cale promised them to live a long life while carrying the pain everyone receives and will take revenge for them.
When the presence finally disappeared, Cale dragged his body to the body of his father. His hands trembling as he shut his eyes off. He made their last place exactly where they died. With crude tools and mostly just his hands digging on the ground, he didn't know how long he did it until everyone finally got buried. He just feels empty. His hands hurt badly and he felt breathless. Yet his body was not rotting and he didn't die. Everyone left him alone with thousands of memories that now becoming needles that made his heart hurt.
When the presence finally let himself be seen, he found that blonde creature with a face like a beautiful statue. He presumably thought before about this presence was right because there is no human who could have the power to not be seen while having a pair of wings and a bright smile. His offer sounds ridiculous to Cale, but he accepted it anyway. He thought that collecting information about those vampires would be easier if he followed him. And deep in his heart, maybe he just wanted to runaway from this place that made a very big wound in his heart.
After becoming a vampire, he knew something had started to change in his body. Start from the appetite he has and how he digests something. He didn't feel hungry that much even if he hadn't eaten for a very long time. And even just imagining having his favorite food now makes him disgusted. This change, however, didn't happen just like that, but it hurt his whole body. That is why he sleeps almost every day. When energy in his body is forced to be absorbed because of the pain, he will let himself sleep to get healed.
This pain, however, stopped after he drank the blood that Alberu provided. It's not something Cale really wants, of course, because it immediately reminds him about that day and the fact that he is a part of those monsters now. But he too remembered that he had made a promise to have a long life to get revenge. That is why he drank it.
He could feel his body become stronger every time he drinks blood, but he never tries to drink blood from live humans by attacking them even if Alberu explained that it would make him feel two times better and stronger, because it makes him no different than other vampires.
Cale didn't need to sleep that much after drinking the blood, so he found himself often just blanking out before that man—that Angel, tried to have a conversation with him. But Cale had a little secret. When Alberu wasn't home, he would often come to Alberu's bedroom to see if he could collect any information about those vampires from there. And there are a lot of files cases where vampires attack humans. He and his family are not the only ones. He tries to organize his thoughts based on those files. But in the end, Cale felt guilty because he did it without Alberu's permission. After everything the Angel did to him, Cale betrayed that trust.
Cale confessed his fault to Alberu one day when they gathered on a couch in Cale's bedroom just like any other time before. He had ready to be kicked out of that house, but Alberu laughed instead. "You know what? If you just ask me, I will gladly tell you about them. Though it's not nice to break others' bedroom when they aren't there, I'm not any better since I always come here, right?" Cale felt sincere from those eyes when Alberu continued, "And I feel happy because this is the first time you told me your story without me asking first."
Cale felt embarrassed but warm at the same time, because he realized that even if he was left alone now there was already someone here, beside him. He still didn't know why the man brought him to his house, but Cale felt grateful. Though he was still too embarrassed to say it out loud, he took a note in his head to not forget. Besides the revenge he wants to take, he still has a life that was given to him. That life where he could have a simple conversation every now and then with his immortal friend.
After that, Alberu gets more free around Cale. He will bother him when he sleeps and drags him out of the house from time to time. Even though what they do outside is always to complete Alberu's task to guide the soul and Cale just observes him from behind. Cale finally left the house where he always felt more secure and far from those monsters reach.
Alberu told him that if he wants to get revenge, he should get stronger. And that can happen if he is outside the house and at least moving around and adjusting his vampire blood to the body. In addition, maybe he could find traces from those vampires who attacked his house.
But sometimes blood scents from the bodies that the souls Alberu guide make him feel dizzy and uncontrollable as his instinct tells him to drink it. One day the scent was really strong and made him almost do what the vampire does. Fortunately, Alberu was still able to stop him by letting his hand get bitten by Cale instead. "It's just... I know you will regret it later. That's why I stopped you." Alberu said when Cale finally got his consciousness again. Alberu was right. Cale will feel that he is not any better than the ones who attack him and his family if that really happens, so he feels grateful.
That time when they gathered in Cale's bedroom and had conversation just as always, Alberu brought the fact that they often call each other with 'hey' or just name. "I'm way older than you, so call me Hyung from now on." Cale didn't since when, but they throw a simple joke to each other on a daily basis now. So when he heard that, Cale smirked, "With your age now, shouldn't I call you grand—" his mouth immediately got covered with Alberu's hand. The man standing in front of him intimidatedly as he gives Cale a smile that is far away from Angel's smile. "It's hyung." Alberu repeated firmly.
Cale never saw Alberu that sensitive and ended up calling him the way Alberu wanted. Though in his head, he took a note about this weakness that maybe will give him advantage in the future. Annoy Alberu with this fact when he bothers Cale too much, for example.
Alberu explained that vampires just need to drink blood from time to time to live a very long life. And as he felt he really didn't have appetite when he thought about human food now, he never tried to eat as the way he did when he was human now. But one day, Alberu comes to his bedroom with a jar full of cookies—or it's what it looks like.
Still with the same graceful look and smile that glued on his lips, he told Cale to eat those cookies in the jar. Cale raised his eyebrows with confusion but still proceeded to do it since he knew Alberu was not someone who would make any petty prank or have any ill-intention towards him. And surprisingly enough, he could feel the sweetness for the first time in a long time.
"I will not tell you where I obtained this or how, but I will give you that for time to time." That is the only explanation Alberu gave to Cale about the cookies and every time Cale wants to dig for more information, Alberu always changes the topic rapidly. Cale ended up giving up and just let him be for now. He trusts Alberu enough to know he will not make him eat something that will hurt him. And sure, he really misses the taste of food he always eats as a human. Not just blood that always reminds him of the incident.
When he is alone and Alberu gone to do his task, Cale sometimes thinks about how much he has received from Alberu, but he himself is never very useful for that angel. One day he remembered their conversation about food that angels ate. Alberu said that Angel didn't need to eat. They don't feel hungry, but still eat human food just fine. Though Cale himself never sees Alberu eat something, he just drinks wine for very rare occasions; such as during his very tight schedule and makes him a bit worn out.
Cale remembers too that he can cook very well and that wine will be really tasty with steak as a course. Just like that, it's the first time Cale left the house alone and with his own initiative to hunt an animal in the forest.
To tell the truth, the house they live in was in between two forests. These forests alone are not places humans will enter easily because the trees are very thick and make it very dark there. That is why, too, their house was never discovered by humans and even if someone saw it, they would keep themselves far away from there because from the outside that house looked like an abandoned house and radiated a very scary aura. Though on the inside, everything is very clean.
With vampire blood flowing in his vein, Cale could feel he got stronger and faster than he ever before and it was so much easier to hunt a deer from the forest. Cale quickly returned home because he didn't know when Alberu would come back. And as he thought about it, he could see Alberu in front of their house with a frown in his face and an expression that seemed foreign to Cale.
"Just where did you go?" Cale feel... worries in Alberu's voice. But can an Angel really feel that way? Cale didn't know, but he quickly responded because Alberu seemed very eager to know what his reason was. "Uh... I just go hunting in the forest?" Alberu looked confused but finally just sighed. He pat Cale's head before said, "I don't know what you want with that deer, but at least leave me a note if you want to go outside without me."
Cale didn't know why, but he felt that pat was a bit different than Alberu always does. But they quickly come inside the house with Cale busy making food for Alberu and Alberu himself just observe Cale from the dining table with mouth shut because Cale tells him to wait and he will tell his reason after that.
After Cale placed a steak and poured Alberu's favorite wine into the glass, Cale sat opposite Alberu's chair and avoided Alberu's intense stare that eagerly asked for his reason. Cale scratches his neck awkwardly before explaining, "It just.... I never properly say thank you to you for everything you had done for me, hyung. So I at least want to make something for you."
Alberu didn't immediately answer his explanation and it makes Cale more awkward and embarrassed at the same time. He still avoided Alberu's face, so he didn't know what kind of expression Alberu made when he said that, but then Cale heard the sound of fork and plate colliding. Cale peeked and saw Alberu smirking after having one slice of steak in his mouth, "It tastes better than I thought it would be."
Cale felt like Alberu was making fun of him, but he let it just happen after giving the laughing man dead stares. After that day, Cale will sometimes make food for Alberu, especially when he is worn out because of his task to guide the death soul to the underworld loaded. Though he can't ever taste the food himself and felt a bit nauseous, seeing his hyung-nim enjoying his food makes Cale feel enough. Or else, he will eat his cookies from Alberu so they can eat together.
<< end >>
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illusionsofdreaming · 3 years
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Notes: I tried a new style of writing and it’s fun but I doubt I’ll use it that frequently tbh haha. Part 1/3 winter headcanons! I mean this one is an imagine-ish one but-
Ft: Cale, Choi Han, Alberu
Cale Henituse
When it gets cold, Cale starts huddling down for warmth. Once he gets comfortable it’s nigh impossible to join in without exerting some form of drastic measure. Therefore if you’ve decided you want in on that blanket cuddle pile get ready to act fast and swiftly. Attack any exposed skin with your chilled fingers, be it his neck or shoulders. As he flinches in surprise and yelps, take advantage of his lapse in concentration to wedge into the gap of his blanket cocoon. The man will grumble and complain that there’s not enough space for two, that you’re letting the cold air in, which you are free to ignore as he will eventually settle down with a pout (that can be easily soothed with a kiss). If he continues to grumble, attach your icy hands on his stomach as a last resort, instigating a battle for control of the blankets until either your scuffling brings the both of you to the floor or he relents in fear of your cold digits. Enjoy your spoils of the fight, wrapped up in blankets already warmed up by Cale. If you’re feeling generous, you may invite him to join you because at least you know how to share.
Choi Han
Suddenly finding a  heavy weight rest on your shoulders as you work would prompt you to look up to see Choi Han wrapping you with a blanket. Even as you thank him, he disappears and returns just as quickly with a scarf, mittens, ear muffs and a hot drink in hand. You might’ve been a little chilled but now you’re cooking under all these layers. Shedding them off would be a trial in itself considering the worried, pitiful expressions he’ll shoot you until you tell him that the quickest way to warm up is to share body heat - aka. cuddling. Sip your hot drink patiently as you wait for Choi Han to cycle through all ten shades of red, eventually you’ll realise he’s not going to be making a move soon so be bold and assert your authority- pull him down to sit next to you and remember to loop your arm with his before he makes his escape. He’ll be stiff as a board but give him a few minutes for the warmth to seep in and you’ll physically feel him melt into you and the blankets. Throw his arm around your shoulders and he’ll automatically hold your hands in his and attempt to warm them up. Feel free to continue your work as he’s lulled to a light comfortable sleep by your warmth.
Alberu Crossman
This man is far too perceptive for his own good. You think you don’t have cues, that you’re as sleek and suave as they come, but one moment you’re thinking ‘It’s getting kind of cold-‘ and he’s got an arm wrapped around you and telling the maids to grab a coat for you. You’re smart enough not to bother him when he’s with others but when he’s alone in his office, feel free to scoot on over and make yourself comfortable on his lap. He’ll always open up his arms to cuddle you to him, wide grin adorning his face as he asks how you’re doing. As a quarter dark elf he can resist cold to a certain extent but when you come cuddle, he’ll light the fireplace with a flick of his wrist (“Show off.” “Only for you.”) and arrange his winter cloak around the both of you. His enveloping warmth will soon lull you to a peaceful light sleep. Before you conk out you’ll realise that the lights around you have dimmed and he’d returned to signing paperwork, all while still giving the best cuddles to you. Alberu Crossman is an efficient multitasker that’s for sure.
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polpoka · 3 years
Neighbor Au
Characters- Kim Rok Soo, Alberu Crossman, Lee Soo Hyuk, Choi  Jung Soo
Ratings- K+
Shippings- Kimrokberu
Type- (Fluff)
Part 3
Alberu turned around awkwardly to see the elder man, and spoke with a face flushed in red, “Say….Would it be alright if I stayed at your house for a while?”
Kim Rok Soo met his eyes, confuzzled at the sudden request, “Why? Don’t tell me you forgot your ke-” his voice faded out as he was scanning Alberu.
His neighbour had indeed forgotten them. 
He heard Alberu nervously chuckle and shrug, “I’m sorry, but at least now I can see the cats.”
Kim Rok Soo sighed, before opening his own door and motioning the other to come inside, which Alberu graciously obliged.
Alberu blinked trying to process what his eyes were busily examining everything in the room.
It looked modern from the large white lace on the plain ash coloured walls in the room that was adorned by plosh white furniture. A black table in front of the couch, beneath which Alberu could see a furry rug which looked like it had been taken extra care for, to the remaining empty looking hall.The only splash of any vibrant color that Alberu could see was a vibrant shade of pink on a photo frame. 
He walked over to the French window, as if in a trance  and opened it up to see an overhead view of the park that they had just left. It indeed looked pretty. The greenery made him feel at peace. It was serene and he could feel the brisk wind blow past him, which prompted him to ask rather unknowingly,
“Have you ever had tea here? It seems like a perfect place to do so, it seems so-” ‘free.’ He dare not say the last word out loud. It was to forever remain in his thoughts. 
“Tea?” Kim Rok Soo confirmed, trying to register the strange words he'd just heard.
“Yes,” Alberu took a deep breath whilst inhaling the fresh air of the morning. It was still before 8:30, and he had time to relax, he looked back at Kim Rok Soo,
“Tea. Don’t you drink it?”
Alberu compared the apartment to his own green and plant-filled room, his chamomile plants, his bedside aloe vera, not to mention the hibiscus and the sleep inducing lavender, which never seems to work, seeing as to how he keeps waking up too early. He remembered how all his plants were scattered around his numerous balconies.
The difference was striking but Alberu gladly welcomed it. He also observed that the tiled off-white floor underneath his feet was as clean as a mirror. The room was mostly devoid of colour if Alberu avoided the two small shapes resting on the white sofa with plush black cushions and a small ....pink frame with a picture on a desk. Alberu didn’t pay much attention to the photo, he just assumed that they were people that were dear to this person.
Kim Rok Soo had no expression on his face. 
“I do. Somewhat. I mostly drink coffee,” Alberu thought to himself at that moment and chuckled out loud, ‘This person’s personality really matches his house. Devoid of any emotion unless it’s important to him.’ 
“So…you’re allowing me to stay here until?” The young man asked.
“Until the spare key comes over,” Kim Rok Soo’s bass-like voice replied.
As Alberu looked over to him, Alberu’s hair was swaying so wildly Kim Rok Soo’s eyes couldn’t tear away from the dazzling brunette no matter how hard he tried. He remembered this feeling, but where?
 Alberu smiled warmly, but it was a phony; Kim Rok Soo could tell, “Tell me hyung, are you always this defenseless? you're allowing me to stay here, and when you're not even going to be here at that.” 
Kim Rok Soo scoffed and looked amused at the question, “You’re special.”
The younger one grinned at the expected response, this smile was genuine.
Looking at the blinding sun that reflected the darker man’s skin brilliantly. Kim Rok Soo felt as if he had swallowed a honeycomb which hadn’t been processed and was still raw, containing actual bees. As if they were still alive in his stomach, giving him a buzzing, tingly and brambly feeling. It was a familiar feeling, something he hadn’t felt in a long time. 
Was it this person? That was a plausible yet a ridiculous thought, he doesn’t even know this person. How can he miss him? Logically speaking, he didn’t even know who this person was and last night was the first time they had met each other. He possibly couldn’t feel that way at the second meeting itself. 
He ignored the gnawing feeling of reminiscence, ruling out all the possibilities that seemed like the only answer, most of which would have been rather crucial for him to come to the correct conclusion.
“You should smile more often.” He remarked. Alberu asked, confusedly, “Pardon? Aren’t I always smiling?”
Kim Rok Soo’s face looked unimpressed at the false words, “You shouldn’t lie to someone older to you, unless you’re trying to con them. It’s easy to find out.”
Alberu flinched, a bit uncomfortable, his hand had moved from the railing and was now putting his loose hair behind his ears which seemingly hadn’t bothered him before, “How could you tell?”
Kim Rok Soo laughed silently, “It's because you and I are the same kind of people.”
Alberu smiled half-bitterly, “If I knew that earlier then I probably would not have talked to you.”
"Do you regret it? Getting up in the middle of the night, I mean." Kim Rok Soo questioned.
“I always do, but that night, surprisingly I didn't. Is it because I got to meet you?” he said, twirling the loose hair,”I'm pretty sure not, I think it's because of the …” he paused for a bit, scanning the room for excuses, his eyes eventually landed on the small cats and he exclaimed, “Cats! Yes, cats!”
“Yep.Yep, definitely cats.” Alberu said, clearly panicking, “Nothing else.”
It was a terrible excuse but still, it was better than spilling out  the current feelings of nostalgia and yearning that were running rampant in his mind. 
“Cats?” The other repeated,
Kim Rok Soo hummed disbelievingly, before sighing, ‘I guess he doesn’t want to tell me.’ He changed the topic, “So your secretary will be coming to give you the keys. What was his name again?”
Kim Rok Soo checked his watch and blinked in surprise at the time. He was going to be earlier than he intended. “I'm going to get ready. You can make yourself at home.”
Alberu nodded, as a response. 
He walked towards the coat rack right in front of the door he entered and removed his jacket, the sleeves slipping gently down his arms like silk touched a pane of glass. Kim Rok Soo couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of the dark man, his eyes remained fixed on the other.
Alberu could feel Kim Rok Soo's gaze, it was something Alberu could easily notice…..well in this case anyone would. It was rather obvious. 
Alberu felt a bit uncomfortable, and turned his head towards the cause of his discomfort and cleared his throat, to snap the other man out from the trance he seemingly was in.
Kim Rok Soo’s eyes lazily moved from Alberu's arms to his face, completely calm, and only then did his lips part,
Alberu’s visibly wrinkled forehead was quite visible as he spoke, “Your hands have stopped moving. Weren't you busy?”
Kim Rok Soo smiled politely, “I’m sorry if I bothered you. I'll get going now.”
He walked over to a room adjacent to the balcony, and locked the door.
“Really. What a strange man” Alberu muttered, before numerously trying to tug at the suddenly clingy jacket a few times. Now a bit tired at the vainless attempts, he pulled on it harder, this time, completely pulling the jacket off himself. He huffed at his victory and hung the jacket on the rack, his hot pink shaded turtleneck sweater now soaked with beads of sweat. He walked over to the nearest sofa and collapsed on it. ‘Haa….’
He blinked and stared at the ceiling, thinking about all the incidents that had led up to this one.
He sighed, ‘I shouldn’t have forgotten my keys.’ 
Alberu’s eyes still remained locked on the ceiling, unmovingly. He murmured a barely audible tune, that was until he heard the locked door open. As soon as he heard the sound, his eyes darted to meet the other’s, like a moth to a tube light.
It took him a moment to swallow the other’s outfit. His hyung was rather….stylish. Unexpectedly so.
It was a two piece suit, his hair was sloppily slicked back which made Alberu actually think that Kim Rok Soo was his age.
The jacket was like midnight, and his bow tie was the same magnificent shade. His stoic and calm face painted the picture rather well. On his back, Alberu could see a case hanging on back, also darker than the night itself.
“You look rather dashing. Didn’t know you could look like that.” Alberu said, making a passing remark, to hide his real thoughts.
Kim Rok Soo ignored the jab and eyed him carefully, he liked the way Alberu looked right now, he looked unbelievably pretty,
Kim Rok Soo said nothing except, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”
“Mmm?” The object of Kim Rok Soo’s gaze hummed as his eyebrows began to scrunch up,
“Why’re you staring?”
“Thanks, I guess,” Alberusaid, confused at the sudden compliment. He hadn’t expected this man to care about social cues.
On closer inspection Alberu saw that Kim Rok Soo’s hair wasn’t in place, and him being the utter clean freak he was, he had to go and fix it. He walked towards the taller man, a bit annoyed. His hands were now on the older man’s hair and his arms extended over Kim Rok Soo’s shoulder, “That is not how gel works, hyung” He murmured, fixing the two strands of hair, to see it perfectly in place. 
Kim Rok Soo maintained a cool face, despite the inward panic he was facing right now.
He closed his eyes and let the younger man finish what he had begun. Alberu was too focused to notice the little or no proximity between his and Kim Rok Soo’s face. After he was done, he smiled, satisfied at his accomplishment. 
“Are you done?” Kim Rok said, after realizing that he no longer felt the cool touch of the calloused hands on his scalp. 
Alberu nodded, “Looks better.”
Alberu looked down and also noticed that Kim Rok Soo’s bowtie was crooked. He hadn’t noticed that from a distance, but now that he was closer, he clicked his tongue, “Up.”
“Up?” Kim Rok Soo asked before Alberu sighed and tapped the bowtie, “It’s crooked, so, look up. I need to fix it.”
‘Ah.’ Kim Rok Soo quietly moved his head up and the younger man gently but efficiently tied the bow.
It was as if time had stopped at that moment. ‘He’s quite good at it. Probably used to it.’ Kim Rok Soo’s thoughts started to drift about his performance today. 
It was at the wedding of his subordinates, Kim Min Ah and Bae Puh Rum. The couple that were the ones to have a trident as their soulmate symbol. In all honesty, Kim Rok Soo thought that they made a cute couple. They complimented each other’s personality. He ended up losing himself in his thoughts, and didn’t register the feeling that his tie had already been fixed until Alberu lightly tapped his chest and spoke in a harsher tone, “Did you not hear me? It’s done.”
Kim Rok Soo shifted his head, and blinked. Alberu thought it looked like an owl waking up after fourteen hours. 
“Thank you.” 
Alberu could hear the sloth-like tone, and immediately giggled. He had heard that tone several times, he just didn’t know where. “I guess no matter how much you dress a person up, they’ll always act the same.”
Kim Rok Soo’s eyebrows formed a slight frown, “What do you mean by that? Would you rather I act differently?”
“No, I’d prefer the you right now.” Alberu’s hand unknowingly went to touch Kim Rok Soo’s face, before Alberu himself understood where it was going, he had no idea where it reached until the darker hand entered his field of vision. ‘Ah,’ he awkwardly reeled it back, as he stuttered, “I-I’m sorry. I have no idea what came over me.” Alberu sighed, ‘Why was this even happening? I swear to god.’ 
Kim Rok Soo just nodded at the some and moved towards the door,
“I’ll head out now. Here are the keys.” He said, throwing the keys across the room, directly into the very surprised Alberu’s hands.
“Keep them.You can return them later.” 
Alberu scoffed, quite fed up with Kim Rok Soo’s haughtiness,
“What makes you so sure that we’re gonna meet after this?”
Kim Rok Soo quietly spoke, “Well, you did tell me that you were going to call me hyung, and I didn’t pin you to be the kind to call just anyone hyung.”
Kim Rok Soo could see Alberu’s cheeks light up as he clamped his near open mouth shut.
Kim Rok Soo softly smiled, “Do remember to make yourself at home.”
Alberu nodded his head, as he walked towards the door, and bowed,
“Thank you for helping me.” It was against Alberu’s principles to not express gratitude to someone who helps him, especially without any ill intentions.
Kim Rok Soo didn’t know what to do as a response, he simply didn’t want to feel responsible for a frozen neighbour. That’s all.  
He wondered how to get himself out of this quagmire, so he simply gave an excuse, while awkwardly turning and rubbing the back of his neck,
“I just didn’t want to see a person I just helped freeze. That would be a terrible premonition, would it not?”
Alberu couldn’t help but laugh at the excuse. It was so stupid, yet hilarious.
Kim Rok Soo turned his head to see a now straight standing Alberu laughing at his excuse.
He gasped for his breath, “Premonition…” he tried to say, struggling to contain his laughter,
“You really don’t seem like a…pfft-” 
‘It was like a never-ending spiral’ thought Kim Rok Soo, 
“Superstitious haha-” he cracked up again,
Kim Rok Soo could not understand why the other person was laughing, 
“Person,” he said in a higher pitch than usual, “I’m sorry. It’s just too-,” he wheezed, trying to stop himself, utterly failing, though. “-funny.” He moved one of his hands to cover his face. “You might want to head out, I’m really sorry, but this is a bit pfft- too too funny.” Kim Rok Soo nodded his head before turning it away, before once more being interrupted by the younger man,
“See you later then, hyung.” 
Kim Rok Soo couldn’t get mad at that face. He sighed, “See you later.”
Alberu smiled contentedly at the expected reaction.
“Why isn’t he here yet?” Alberu said out loud, his thoughts momentarily escaping his mind, filling the empty room. His hands were lightly caressing the two baby cats who purred, enjoying the affection.
An hour had passed, and Taerang still hadn’t arrived. This made Alberu have the need to drink water in the morning after eating something spicy. 
‘I’m thirsty. Where’s Taerang? He usually isn’t this late. I can’t just use a random cup. What if it’s his favourite and he doesn’t want people touching it. Wait, does he even have a favourite cup? He sure as hell looks like the person that would.’ with all these thoughts and the overwhelming thirst, Alberu’s brain collectively drew one decision, ‘Wait, couldn’t I just not tell him? And he did say that I could treat this like home so, don’t mind if I do.’ 
He picked himself up from the couch that was kept in front of the table, his slouched position switching to a more animated one.
He walked over to the kitchen to see that it was rather large, neatly arranged and sparkling. Not a single sign of greasiness, and not to forget, he could see everything, from the first traditional chef’s knife to the last peeling knife, plastered on the white wall with black columns. The shelves were all flanked towards the left side of the large space, the middle remaining clear and spacious.
He opened the fridge to see a jug of water sitting on the first cell. He took it out, and walked over to the counter and placed it on the plane surface, before scuttling around to find the mugs. His eyes landed on the shelf on his right which contained several rows of cups and glasses. 
Alberu picked the white mug, since he thought that Kim Rok Soo would be the least angry if he chose it. Little did he know that the white mug in particular was Kim Rok Soo’s favourite.
He set the mug down right next to the jug and began to pour the water into the mentioned mug. 
After he was done, he put the jug in the fridge, exactly where he had placed it and walked out of the kitchen along with the cup.
He sighed as he took a seat again on the sofa. 
He slowly tried to structure his thoughts on this person,
‘Was it simply nostalgia or something more than that? And if it’s not as simple as me missing something, then how deep w? How deep were the feelings I felt?’ 
As he sat down with his emotions and reasonings for those particular emotions, he took a sip of the cool liquid.
Unlucky for him, he didn’t expect that one of those cats would move, since in the entire hour he was there they hadn’t and so, quite unstratergically, the red cat jumped over him, propelling itself onto his chest where he had carefully positioned the glass of water leading the mug to spill over him.
He cursed and screamed at the freezing touch of the liquid inwardly, “Really?” he asked, turning to the cat, who had nestled itself on his chest, despite not expecting an answer, it would have been nice if the cat gave him the reason for this unsuspected pounce.
He received a cute ‘mew’ as a response which made him a teensy bit lenient towards the cat and ended his annoyance with just a warning and the kitten being put down. 
He sighed as he searched for a bathroom and consecutively found one, he began his search to find a mirror to check the parts which had been soaked. It was easy to do so, since the mirror was quite visible, he walked over and used to see his reflection. In it, he could mainly see a smudge all over his turtleneck, it looked like the water had gotten everywhere. No wonder, he could feel the cold temperature of the liquid grip the entirety of his skin.
He pulled over the turtleneck slightly over his abdomen to take a closer look, but as he  saw something else caught his attention, and needless to say, it was not a smudge. More like a symbol.
‘Huh? What’s this-’ 
On Kim Rok Soo’s end, the arrangement had gone quite well. The other members had also played their part splendidly. 
He felt a pat on his shoulder, which made him turn around to meet the eyes of the conductor, or as he was better known to him, his hyung.
“Oh Rok Soo-ya, you did well, today.”
Kim Rok Soo sighed, and as soon as he did, he felt another pat, this one on his head,
“Rok Soo-ya, today you were going rather fast. Did something happen?” Kim Rok Soo spoke clearly, “Nothing out of the ordinary.”
Choi Jung Soo, being the closest to his age amongst the three, could easily tell what was going on inside his dongsaeng’s tiny little and prone to overthinking brain, he sighed, his eyes that were fixed on Kim Rok Soo’s face, were now filled with mischief,
“Oh ho~ Doesn’t really seem like anything. Did you perhaps,” he gasped and whispered the remaining words, “-finally find your soulmate?” 
Kim Rok Soo was rather confused and surprised at how Choi Jung Soo reached that conclusion, but before he could say anything else his other hyung joined in on the fun. “Oh~ Is that so, dongsaeng? Details, details. Don’t be shy.”
“Shush, Rok Soo-ya. We need to hear everything about this.”
Kim Rok Soo could barely get a word in before the two began to drag him to a restaurant.
As they got a table, Kim Rok Soo had only one opinion of this fiasco, which was that he didn’t like this. He didn’t like this one bit. The two sat in front of the other.
“This feels like an interrogation.” Kim Rok Soo said, still stoic.
“As it should,” said Choi Jung Soo before ordering a whiskey for Kim Rok Soo, a beer for himself and an orange juice for Lee Soo Hyuk instead of the beer the man usually drank.
“Wait, shouldn’t I be allowed to drink the most easily here?” Lee Soo Hyuk asked, surprised at the clear injustice when he’s the eldest and the hyung here.
Choi Jung Soo eloquently countered his argument,
“Well, we obviously need Kim Rok Soo to be drunk and excluding Kim Rok Soo, you are the only one who knows how to drive, so you have to be sober.”
Lee Soo Hyuk grumbled something along the lines of, “How unfair.”
Kim Rok Soo, who was the witness to this short exchange had just one thought in his mind, 
‘When did I ever say I was getting drunk though?’
“So,” Lee Soo Hyuk started as he turned to Kim Rok Soo, “Who is this mysterious soulmate of yours?”
Kim Rok Soo sighed,
“First of all, he isn’t-”
Choi Jung Soo gasped, “A man. My my, Rok Soo-ya. How cute.”
“Listen to me-”
Lee Soo Hyuk asked very intrigued by this unknown person, completely pushing aside Kim Rok Soo’s stance,
“What does he look like?”
Kim Rok Soo opened his mouth to refute the fact and state that his neighbour couldn’t possibly be his soulmate. Though, he was rather charming. It simply couldn’t be possible.Though, it was clearly visible that his disagreements were most probably going to be discarded or thrown away. So he simply gave up defending his case, and described his neighbour,
“He has bronze skin-”
Before he could finish he was cut off by his two energetic hyungs who couldn’t wait for him to finish his sentence. 
“Bro-bronze skin! Does it look pretty!?”
‘I know right,’ thought Kim Rok Soo, but refused to share his opinion with the two.
Before he was going to speak, the waiter arrived with their respective beverages and Choi Jung Soo handed one over to Kim Rok Soo and the youngest obliged, taking the glass mug off the other’s hands, before pressing it on his lips and guzzling it down.
He kept it down and spoke, his voice a bit hoarse after drinking so much in a gulp,
“He also has the cutest fashion sense.”
“Oooooh,” Choi Jung Soo wooed.
Lee Soo Hyuk took a sip of his orange juice and asked,
“What’s his name?”
Kim Rok Soo didn’t hesitate to say his neighbor's name. After all, that wouldn't be important, would it?
“Alberu Crossman.”
Lee Soo Hyuk’s reaction was maybe not the best. 
He spat out the orange juice which then resulted in the volatile liquid planting itself onto Kim Rok Soo’s face quite unsophisticatedly. 
“Wha-” Choi Jung Soo had a similar reaction to Lee Soo Hyuk but luckily, it did not end up with Kim Rok Soo being soaked in both alcohol and orange juice.
Kim Rok Soo distinctly remembers the citrus juice burning his eyes as he had promptly excused himself to tactfully retreat to the washroom to wash his face, hair and possibly dab some water on his now utterly soaked suit. 
As he splashed the water on his eyes, feeling some relief, it wasn’t much but still it was much better. He poured some of the water that was violently gushing down the tap on his hair to remove any traces of the liquid from there too. He sighed as he removed the blazer from his shoulders, which quite persistently stuck itself to his shoulders. The substance was sticky and rather difficult to remove. He pulled it down hard, resulting in it finally getting out. He looked in the mirror to see the places that had spots created by the orange juice. But instead of him catching any of that, a single thing caught his attention, an undeniably weird symbol right underneath his chest caught his attention. He frowned as he unbuttoned the dress shirt, revealing a symbol of a small sun encompassed in a bigger moon. 
His mind was going wild, but only one thought solidified in his head,
‘I guess hyung was right. I really do have a soulmate now.’
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aurorapillar · 4 years
Title: oh, what a life    Fandom: Trash of the Counts Family Characters:  Cale Henituse, Choi Han, On, Hong, Raon Miru
Summary: Choi Han’s gaze turned towards Cale, a curious expression on his face. “Cale-nim, back in Korea...what was your family like?” Cale froze at the question
For Day 1 of TCF Week 2020 Prompt: Family
“Oh, you’re going down!” On’s battle cry was followed by her lunging at her younger brother with a snowball in hand. It was one of the rare occasions that the kittens were in human form, the temptation to have a snowball fight having overruled their preference for being in cat form. Thus far the different form was working well for them; or at least it was for On, who’d managed to land a snowball right in Hong’s face.
“I’ll avenge you!” Raon cried, using magic to lift up several snowballs and fling them in the direction of On, who failed to dodge them completely and ended up on the ground.
Choi Han couldn't help but smile at the sight of it, with all that was going on in the world it was good to see that the kids could still be kids; it reminded him of how he’d used to play with his siblings as a child. They’d go racing out into the snow, only to be dragged back inside to bundle up properly before heading out again.
The smile slipped off of Choi Han’s face as he realized that was the first time in years he’d thought about his siblings, back when he’d first ended up in this world he’d thought of them often, but over time he’d realized that focusing on what he’d lost just made it harder to go on. Now that he’d started thinking of them again though, it was hard to stop; he wondered what had happened with them after his disappearance. How long had they spent searching for him? What had their lives been like as adults? Had they been happy?
He didn’t know and probably never would.
“Choi Han?” The sound of his name being called caused the swordmaster to turn around, Cale stood behind him, a concerned expression on his face. “Is everything okay?”
“Just...thinking of the past.” Choi Han turned his gaze back towards the children, during the few seconds he’d looked away alliances had changed, and now On and Hong had teamed up to try and take down Raon; it wasn’t going particularly well for the kittens. “My brother and sister used to go after me like that, they always lost though.”
As Choi Han spoke, Cale moved to stand beside him, the noble’s gaze was also fixed on the children playing innocently in the snow. “You miss them.” It was a statement and not a question; the answer was obvious after all, still Choi Han nodded his head.
“It’s strange, I've spent more years without them then I did with them, and yet it still hurts.”  
Cale didn’t respond, when it came to something like this he had no words of comfort to give.
After a moment though Choi Han’s gaze turned towards Cale, a curious expression on his face. “Cale-nim, back in Korea...what was your family like?”
Cale froze at the question, his whole body stiffening in response to the unwanted memories such a question brought to the surface; however he quickly schooled his expression as Choi Han shot him a concerned look. “Ah, I didn’t have one.” His heart was pounding as he spoke, but Cale managed to keep both his voice and face neutral.
Choi Han had no such luck however when it came to hiding his feelings, upon hearing Cale’s words a stricken expression had appeared his face; Choi Han had been someone who grew up in a happy family, and while he had been forced to come to terms with the fact that the world was not always kind, people like that tended to assume at first that everyone had the same type of childhood as them. It didn’t make people like that a bad person of course, but it often led to awkward situations like the one they were currently in.
Choi Han opened his mouth, looking ready to apologize, but Cale quickly cut him off; he didn't want an apology or words of comfort, all those had ever done was made him feel worse. "My parents were killed in an accident when I was very young," he explained. "So I ended up in an orphanage.” He had hoped with the explanation of why he didn’t have a family, the line of questioning would end there, however Choi Han’s curiosity didn’t seem to be satisfied.
“Didn’t you have relatives to take you in?”
Cale shook his head, “Not that I know of.” His mother had been disowned for marrying his father, who hadn’t been deemed worthy of her by her parents, so he’d never gotten to know that side of his family. And the only living relatives his father had had were his sister and her husband, both of whom had died in the same accident that took his parents.
Things at the orphanage hadn't been pleasant, like the other kids there, he had been looked down upon for having no family. It hadn’t mattered that their situation was in no way their own fault, in the eyes of the caretakers they were lesser for not having blood relatives. And they hadn’t hesitated to remind them of it.
What Cale would hesitantly call the ‘nicer’ of the caretakers, had stuck to only verbal reminders, frequently telling them how worthless they were and how they’d never amount to anything. The meaner ones however had also gotten more physical with their reminders; he’d lost track of how many broken bones he’d ended up with over the years.
For the first several years he'd tried to fight back, he’d argued and struggled but in the end, he’d been worn down. The more he’d opposed them, the worse it seemed to become for him and nobody ever bothered to try to help, even if they realized what was going on they considered it to ‘not be their problem’ and turned a blind eye. All he’d been able to do was suffer in silence until the day he’d become old enough to live on his own.
Perhaps some emotion caused by the recollection of his past had shown on Cale’s face, or maybe Choi Han was still hung up on the knowledge that Kim Rok Soo had been an orphan, but the swordmaster was staring at him with just the kind of sad gaze he’d wanted to avoid.
“Cale-nim, I…” Honestly, Choi Han wasn’t sure what he should say, Cale had acted like what he’d just revealed was no big deal, but the man had a bad tendency to downplay things. Choi Han couldn’t claim to be any kind of expert when it came to human psychology, but he did consider himself to be an observant person and what he’d just learned combined with some of Cale’s traits, painted a sorrowful picture.
“The past is the past Choi Han.” Cale’s stern voice cut through the cold air. “We can’t change it and dwelling on it won’t make things better. All we can do is keep living.” He turned his gaze towards the children, who’d finally exhausted themselves and collapsed in a pile on the snow, and his expression softened. “Both of us have had hard times in life, but we have a second chance and a new family here with us now.”
Choi Han got the feeling that for just this moment Cale was being more honest than he’d ever been before, he truly meant what he said about them having a family here. The words touched Choi Han’s heart; Cale was right, though the world they came from and anything they’d left behind there was now out of their reach, they still had something here. Choi Han had found siblings in Cale, Rosalyn, Lock, Mary, and though it might be presumptuous for him to think so, Crown Prince Alberu as well. In On, Hong, and Raon he’d gotten a niece and nephews; and even Beacrox and Ron, who he didn’t always get along with, were incredibly important to him.
This would be his final home, and he would be sure to protect his family.  He hadn’t realized he’d spoken that last thought out loud until he saw Cale nod in agreement.
“We’ll both protect them.”
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queenharumiura · 3 years
Taken from meme: [x] ||Accepting|| ((Oh Kiki, I see what you did, you beautiful bean))
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
[x] - Answered here ; As a bonus, i’ll answer A and R in regards to the Inuyasha fandom bc we’re both in it. He is coming into a friendly relation with Margaret (OC) which is great. IDK what he’d be with Elena, but realistically, I think it would maybe be a friendship of sorts? I think that covers that. I don’t have any ships that are official in threads. However, I do think our Kikyo and Sesshomaru would eventually get down to being a ship.
In fandom, I support Inuyasha/Kagome and Sango/Miroku as it’s canon. In regards to what I like, I do like Sesshomaru/Kagome and Sesshomaru/Kikyo (GET FUCKING REKTED INUYASHA! Don’t be mistaken, I love Inuyasha but I am biased). Sesshomaru and Kagura would be an interesting dynamic to explore more on. I think I’ve seen people state Sesshomaru already loved Kagura when she died and I just-- don’t feel the vibe tbh. I personally think he would’ve needed more time to come to terms with such an emotion. I think it was interest, respect, and familiarity at best at that time. Anyways, I think their dynamic would be very fun as a ship. I’ve seen Sesshomaru and Sango as well and i’m like LE KEK, SURE WHY NOT? Me casually making my muses a ship magnet in fandom? Yes. In RPC? LOL SHIP? Can I eat that? 
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Oof- Okay... uh... I’ll avoid the fandoms i muse for to try to make this more original. 
Trash of the Count’s Family
Cale- I am biased, I love the main character, obviously. I just really like Cale. He has some sassy thoughts in his head and I LIVE for that. Additionally, I just find him to be fascinating as a character. I can’t really go into it because it goes into severe spoiler territory, but basically, the way he was integrated into the world he was isekai’ed into is so fascinating to me, especially when you realize there is more to this isekai than we, the readers, are initially led to believe. In regards to emotions, he’s more stagnant than I’m used to in a lot of characters I like, but I don’t hate it? Rather, it fits him well. He’s an ‘unlucky’ dude and I laugh at his misfortune. When you consider angst material—Ohhhh CHEF KISS.
Alberu- BIG BROTHER CROWN PRINCE ALBERU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. AHHHHHH He’s such a fun character to me. This sly Prince. He really does care a lot about Cale and it makes me cry. He takes his role as a Prince seriously and puts so much care into the common-folk and he doesn’t discriminate against those of the dark species (Necromancers, dark elves, vampires, etc) which is almost unheard of especially since the most prominent religions are those of the Light. He has a reason for it which I won’t spoil. AHHHH I love him. //sob
Raon Miru- BABY DRAGON!!!!!!! The cutest lil thing who I love to pieces. He was introduced as an abused baby and it hurts me to think about. He hates humans but he sticks around Cale because he’s the human that saved him from being tortured daily. He slowly becomes acclimated to being around humans and grows to trust some. He still hates humans but the ones he’s close to aren’t ‘humans’. They are ‘his people’. I cry. This all-mighty dragon is amazing and can do everything. Bow before his might. I love him. Fite me.
Legend of the Sun Knight
(Lesus) Judgement Knight- Okay, he’s not the main character, but--!!! He’s great. Even though he’s supposed to be at odds with the Sun Knight as they embody different philosophies, they are actually the best of friends in secret. He deals with a lot of Grisia’s (Sun Knight) BULLSHIT, getting him out of trouble. His dynamic with Grisia is just hilarious to me. He’s a calm and collective type. Very serious, not very talkative. He’s the head of the ‘cold-faction’ and his role is to punish sinners in grotesque ways so many fear him but HE’S. A. GOOD. BOI!!!!!!! He just—is so dedicated to his role but mostly Grisia, his best-friend-who-is-not-his-friend. I’M CRY.
(Grisia) Sun Knight- The actual main character of the series. He’s so… HE’S AN INSUFFERABLE LIL TWAT—BUT I LOVE HIM. So sassy and just a lil shit in general. He’s very clever and he’s also what you could consider a genius. I love competency, mmm. He’s HELLA petty. To put it simply, he’s the Sun Knight, who is like the head of the Sun Church. You could say he’s the leader of an entire religion, who worship the God of Light. (If you ever see me type OMGOL, it’s bc I’m typing Oh My God of Light. Fax) There are select knights who are spokespeople for the church and he’s the head of them. All such knights are considered to be ‘brothers’ and he’s very protective of them all. Princess? King? Liche? The world? He don’t give any flying fucks. You touch his knights and he’ll get revenge. BET. I love that level of savagery.
(Neo) Sun Knight- I must say, he doesn’t show up much, but he is just //chef kiss. The special knights I mentioned earlier are roles that get passed down to a new generation. There are 12 in total, and the Sun Knight is the topmost knight. Neo Sun is said to be the best knight in HISTORY aside from the original. His sword skills are legendary and he raised Grisia, the… uh… ‘weakest’ Sun Knight in history. He’s the weakest in sword skill and horse riding skill, but Grisia is the strongest when it comes to magic proficiency. Just Neo’s name can send Grisia into a panic. He is somewhat of a Father for Grisia. A scary one, but one that Grisia cares deeply for. The sacrifices that Neo has made for Grisia is just //sob. He and Lesus both have done so much for Grisia behind the scenes and I’m just--- //cries harder.
The King’s Avatar
Ye Xiu- He is the main character of this novel and ughhh I love him so much. He too, IS A LIL SHIT!!!! He is so insufferable sometimes to his opponents and I LOVE IT. He’s very smart and skilled in what he does. He’s a professional gamer and I don’t understand a thing about games but I only need to know that he’s wicked good lol. He’s very dedicated to Glory, the game that he was a professional gamer for. He kinda… got ousted out by the team he FOUNDED. He says that he’ll get back into the professional association and take another championship. The novel centers around him and you watch as he sets out to complete a specific goal in mind in honor of a certain someone.
Huang Shaotian- A talkative dumbass. I love him. He is such PUPPY ENERGY. He bothers Ye Xiu a lot with his highkey energy. He’s extremely talented and he is known for his trash talking. He talks ridiculously fast and he’s just so--- insufferable in another way lol. I love him for it. He doesn’t always think before he talks and it gets him into trouble. Even though they are on opposing teams, he is quite fond of Ye Xiu and after finding out Ye Xiu suddenly retired (ie he was forced out of his team), he was very concerned for him. He even travelled to come talk to him and do him a favor. He was like: Old Ye, if you ever need anything, just ask! I’ll help! THIS. GOOD. BOI!!!!!!!!!! He’s really just a big idiot sometimes. “Hey, Shaotian, where are you?” “Oh, I’m xxxxxx.” “Oh? That’s where a boss spawns. I’ll be there.” Who just—he legit just gave intel to Ye Xiu about a boss monster spawn to an enemy guild. He is just too honest and ready to answer to Ye Xiu. You can tell he really respects Ye Xiu despite what trash talk he spouts. Ye Xiu IS the God of Glory, after all.
Han Wenqing- IN COMING YE XIU’S OLD RIVAL FOR YEARS!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH They just--- I’M CRY. They have such history with each other, constantly butting head with each other in game/tournaments. They don’t have a dynamic where they look at each other and just cuss each other out or what have you. They genuinely respect each other and wouldn’t mind hanging out with each other in private. They are both captains of their own respective teams and the fans of their teams are mortal enemies lol. Han Wenqing and Ye Xiu are both older players and you really get to see the struggles older players face in the tough gaming industry. He’s a responsible captain and he is so respectable. He’s so great. I love him too. The dynamic he has with Ye Xiu is--- //crying
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