jarvistheallosaurus · 11 months
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Allosaurus was part of a family called Allosauridae which in turn is part of the superfamily Allosauridae. This family included Metriacanthosauridae, Carcharodontosauridae, Neovenatoridae and of course Allosauridae. Now there are many species of Allosaurus including Allosaurus Fragilis, Allosaurus Jimadensi, Allosaurus Europus, and the very controversial “saurophaganax”. Allosaurus Fragilis is perhaps the most well known of these 3 or 4 as over 60 individuals of this creature have been discovered. We can not say the same for Saurophaganax however as only fragmentary fossils of it have been discovered leading to debates whether it was a large individual of Allosaurus fragilis or a completely different species, or even a different genus! 
Check out my Youtube channel where I post speed paints (of this and other stuff) stopmotions, and animations: www.youtube.com/@jarvistheallo…
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The Voracious Predator
Gorosaurus from Wrath of God
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fastman27 · 2 years
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jdbryant · 2 years
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Allosaurus doodle from memory
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nanogrem · 1 year
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Another allosaur head doodle like the last one except I used a reference this time!
Still using my iguana inspiration from the last one as well so definitely not an accurate dinosaur lol
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the original painting and published cover art to "Prehistoric Times" Magazine #86 (Summer 2008), artwork by William Stout, featuring a Carcharodontosaurus “shark-toothed lizard”, an allosaurid theropod from mid-Cretaceous North Africa.
EXTRA INFO: Carcharodontosaurus is a representative of a family of dinosaurs that may well turn out to be the largest meat-eating dinosaurs of all.
Resolution at 876x1157 & 810x1048.
Sources: www.illustrationhistory.org/artists/william-stout & https://blog.everythingdinosaur.com/blog/_archives/2008/07/21/3803292.html.
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violessenceart · 2 years
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took about 6 hours or something it was 🥴 🥴 🥴 fun 🤪 🤪 🤪
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vickysaurus · 2 years
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An Allosaurus skeleton in the natural history museum in Basel. It was great, but to be honest I only had eyes for the Deinonychus you can spot in the bottom right corner.
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allosaurids · 6 months
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I have seen people saying that Donnie should be bigger than Leo because softshells are naturally bigger, which is the case!...if Donnie wasn't a spiny softshell.
The image above shows an AFRICAN SOFTSHELL compared to a Red Eared Slider. The second one below shows an CHINESE SOFTSHELL with an fellow Red Eared Slider.
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Now let's look at a SPINY softshell turtle with an Red Eared Slider!
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Herees one where we see that this TEXAS SPINY SOFTSHELL is not massive compared to the slider in fact they are similarly sized!
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Here's another clearer one! Donnie is canonically a Spiny Softshell Turtle and despite him being a softshell, unluckily he just wasn;t the correct the species to dominate over his twin brother.
Please note in fact that this IS NOT to bash on people headcanoning Donnie being way taller than Leo I find it people making one the twins way taller than the other funny to me, but I wanted to clear the fact that scientifically accurate or canonically they would have remained on a similar height probably.
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cadere-art · 1 year
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A collection of theropods.
Lesser spotted owlcat, a small, semiarboreal nocturnal predator. Like other owlcats, they hunt by ambush, targeting primarily birds and other flighted small prey.
Bell runner, a goose-sized dromaeosaur which favors small prey and insects. Although they do not hunt in packs, they are social and groups of bell runners can often be seen hunting together in grazed fields.
Bedejou, a large allosaurid native to the open, dry woodland straddling the Zaroub and the Great Lakes basin. The white rings around their eyes grant them a stare that legends describe as petrifying.
Antiole, a species of sapient theropods, the only sapient species of this setting. Antioles are true omnivores and highly social, forming complex societies with a wide variety of languages, social norms, and cultural practices.
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while i'm personally of the belief that shes a monitor lizard, here are some more interesting potential susie morphs for you. note the allosaurid design has a more round, lizard-like face and lips that cover the teeth when the mouth is closed, which is more true to susie's in game sprites.
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the large teeth also make allosaurid potentially even more believable than my monitor lizard theory, since susie's teeth are MUCH more visible than any lizard's, but the dinosaur tendency to grow prominent scutes and bone protrusions on the face does not lend itself to susie's smooth snout and flat post-nasal face. if i had to guess using canon images, her teeth say dinosaur but her face structure says lizard. do with that what you will
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jarvistheallosaurus · 10 months
Chilantaisaurus Tashuikouensis
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Chilantaisaurus is suspected to be a large carnivorous theropod from the late cretaceous period around 93.9 million years ago - 83.6 million years ago. However, because the holotype of the species is only known from fossils of the teeth, calf bone, humerus, the first toe bone, hip bone, thighbone and shinbone, Paleontologists are unsure of what the exact placement of the dinosaur is. It is mostly debated upon whether it was a primitive coelurosaur or a neovenatorid.  Stats: Length: ~36ft (11 m) Height: ~13ft (4 m) Weight: 2.8 - 6.6 tons (5600 - 14550.5 lb) Area: Mongolia, Zhejang Time: 93.9 - 83.6 mya Formation: Ulansuhai Formation of China Family: Neovenatoridae Species: C. tashuikouensis Reference used: www.deviantart.com/franoys/art…
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Paleophobia Allosaurus concept
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noctiilio · 2 years
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Sona true form... thats a biiiiig girl i promise you she is a very friendly kaiju and silly as hell, she listens to scatman's world on loop but you didnt hear that from me
She has a more humanoid form too she kinda pulled a "i wanna be where the people are", well you do you ariel- i mean Lazuli.
list of inspirations for her design buckle up yeehaw she's a little mix of everything i love
Multiple incarnations of Godzilla (Heisei, Millennium, '98, MV, Ultima)
Traditional depictions of dragons in multiple mythos
She's a water dragon. She has access to high pressure water beams (you do NOT want to mess with her goddamn carwash gimmick) or to use lightning, but it comes at a cost and drains her dangerously with each attempt.
each stomach plate has a vent underneath to regulate her body temperature whenever using her lightning.
she likes girls
thanks for coming.
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alphynix · 2 years
It Came From The Wastebasket #07: Carnosaur Carnage
Carnosauria was originally named in the 1920s as a grouping for all of the large-bodied theropod dinosaurs known at the time.
For much of the 20th century it was used as a general wastebasket taxon collecting together all big carnivorous forms – including allosaurids, carcharodontosaurids, megalosaurids, spinosaurids, ceratosaurids, abelisauroids, and tyrannosaurids – and for a while it even included a species that later turned out to be closer related to crocodiles than to dinosaurs.
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From left to right: Asfaltovenator vialidadi, Torvosaurus tanneri, Giganotosaurus carolinii, & Baryonyx walkeri
But then cladistic analysis in the 1980s and 1990s revealed that some of these theropods weren't actually closely related at all. Carnosaurs weren't a natural lineage but instead were highly polyphyletic, with the physical similarities between them seeming to be more due to convergent evolution than direct shared ancestry.
Some carnosaurs were split off and reclassified as more "primitive" types of theropod, while the tyrannosaurs were placed much closer to birds with the coelurosaurs. The remaining "carnosaurs" were just the allosaurids, carcharodontosaurs, and their closest relatives, and some paleontologists now prefer to use the name Allosauroidea for this group to distance it from the previous wastebasket mess.
…But Carnosauria might not be done just yet.
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The discovery of Asfaltovenator in 2019 complicated matters once again, with a mixture of anatomical features linking it to both the allosauroids and the megalosauroids (megalosaurids, spinosaurids, and their relatives) – suggesting that these two groups might actually have been closely related to each other in a single lineage after all.
This would potentially return Carnosauria back to something surprisingly close to its original definition, with the various megalosauroids now forming an evolutionary grade leading to the allosauroids.
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gladiatorofthevoid · 8 months
A Gift for @allosaurids
This is inspired by @cupcakeslushie Feral Leo AU.
After Leo comes back from the prison dimension scared and battered, Raph is just trying to survive the night and help Leo come back to them.
Even though he questions if there is any part of Leo left to return to them.
The vision in Raph's right eye is fuzzy and out of focus, and his arm on that side is throbbing and twitching uncontrollably. In fact, the whole of his right side feels wrong, alternating between numbness, and feeling like a thousand sharp needles are tearing and shredding at his skin and muscles. 
He needs rest. He knows he needs rest. But he can't, not yet.  
His mind is a field of landmines, and if he thinks too long about what could have happened, what did happen, he's going fall apart, and Raph can't afford that. Not now, when the injuries of the invasion are still raw and bleeding, still all too present. He can't rest yet; he needs to wait for his family and him to begin to heal.  
But Raph has a feeling that they never will be completely fine after this again. Especially Leo, who crouches in the corner of the dark med bay, eyes wide, wild, and unseeing.  
Raph is sitting in the opposite corner, curled inwards in an attempt to appear smaller and less of a threat, and just looks at his brother.  
His brother who spent years in the prison dimension, when for them it had only been minutes. Who has thick, jagged scars across his body that hadn’t been there at the beginning of this nightmare, nails and teeth that are sharp and cracked, and at the center of it all: a huge crack down his shell that none of them can treat because he won't let them close enough to do so.  
The two brothers watch each other in the dim light and take in each other. Leo with a scared and uncertain gaze, that shifts from Raph to the other shadows in the room. While Raph just looks and tries to take in all the changes that Leo has gone through.  
Raph wishes he could have stopped it, that he had taken Leo’s place, that none of this ever happened.  
He wishes he could tell Leo that he’s sorry.  
But he can’t. Not in a way that Leo would be able to understand right now. 
So, Raph does the only thing he could think of to calm down the scared rabid animal that had taken the place of his little brother. He hums. 
It’s a deep, rumbling, purring, hum that doesn’t come from his throat, but from the space between his lungs. He hadn’t done this in years, not since they were all tots, but it had always calmed him and the others down and he was praying it would work here. 
It didn’t seem to be working, Raph wasn’t even sure Leo was hearing it. 
Then, Raph felt a flicker of pain scatter across his arm, and he flinched.  
Dammit, not again!
He groaned and curled inward bracing for what was about to happen. 
The parts of him that had been fused with the kraang flared in agony. Burning sharp pain that made him want to scratch and tear at his skin to get it out. His whole-body shook, his eyes watered, and Raph knew that all he could do was ride it out.  
But, God, he just wanted it to stop.  
The episode went on for what was likely just a few minutes, though it felt longer, wearing down Raph’s already weak mental defenses and allowing the memories of everything that had happened to invade the parts of his mind not already overwhelmed with the pain. Why couldn’t this horrible day just be over already?! 
Raph felt something brush against his left arm.  
The snapper whipped around and pressed himself deeper into the corner to get away from whatever had managed to sneak up on him. But as he did so, whatever had touched him skittered backwards with a hiss.  
Leo hunched inwards on himself staring at Raph with fear and expectance, but Raph froze. For a few seconds neither of them moved, then Leo leaned forward and audibly sniffed the air. After a second, the slider took a step forward and made a soft clicking noise.  
"...Hurt?" Leo managed to rasp; voice uncertain but his face a mix of apathy and fear. Raph managed a small nod, too scared to make any move or noise that could frighten Leo back into the opposite corner. The younger just sniffed the air again and shuffled closer. Without taking his eyes off Raph, Leo reached out with one dirty clawed hand and placed it atop his brother's bandaged wrapped arm.  
It took everything Raph had not to flinch at the contact, as it caused the pain to spike and be brought to the forefront of his mind again. Leo ran his hand over the bandage, squinting down at it with his still cloudy eyes. He took the larger hand into his own and ran his fingertips down it and turned it over.  
He's looking for blood, Raph realized. Checking to see if the bandages needed replacing. Just like he always does when one of us is hurt.  
The thought gives him a terrible hope that maybe a part of Leo survived whatever had happened to him.  
Leo's administrations hurt more than they help, because there are no cuts to bleed, and his bandages are clean. But Raph allows it because it's the closest Leo has been to normal since they got him back, and he's not going to ruin this. He stays still, even when Leo moves his examination from his arm up to his eye, and, upon finding nothing to treat, onto the rest of him. 
When it's over, Raph is still just as hurt and tired as when they started, but Leo looks more present than he has since they got him back. The younger pulls back and faces Raph head-on. His mouth twists like he wants to say something, but he doesn't even try to open his mouth and vocalize it, which is so unlike the Leo that Raph knows.  
That's okay, Raph still has his voice, and he can talk for them both for now.  
"Thanks for the help, Lee," He whispers. Leo squirms under his gaze, then makes us sharp hissing click before turning away.  
Raph briefly panics that he did something wrong before he sees Leo moving towards the medical cot in the center of the room. The older relaxes realizing that Leo is just going back to bed now that he knows everything's all right. Or so he thought. Because Leo is coming back with the pillows and blankets that had covered the bed.  
He puts the pillow up against the wall next to Raph, then takes the large sheet and throws it over Raph's head. Leo sits down with the pillow protecting his injured and broken shell and arranges the blanket around his older brother. When he's done, he just curls slightly into his shell and stares out over the dark med bay, searching for a threat that isn’t there. 
The dangerous hope has taken root in Raph's chest, and he prays that Leo is still there.  
For a few minutes they just sit like that. Then Leo struggles out a single word.  
For a moment Raph's not sure what he's talking about, then he remembers all the horrible things the kraang could make him see when it forced itself into his mind. An overwhelming sense of grief threatens to swallow him whole, and he moves to take Leo's hand in his. To try and convince his younger brother that yes, this is real, and he is safe now. But he stops himself.  
Memories of what it was like being held captive by the kraang, about how they clung to every part of you, and how their touch was unescapable, flashed across his thoughts.  
No, touch wasn't a good idea. But the idea of not being able to cling to some part of Leo was worse. 
So, Raph does the only thing he could think of, he reached up and undid his bandana from his head. He wrapped one of the fraying ends around his own hand and offered the other out to Leo.  
For a moment Leo just stared, eyes flickering between Raph and the red fabric.  
"Take it," Raph offered, and Leo's face filled with the same dangerous hope that had blossomed in Raph's chest. Leo shakily gripped the other end of the bandana, and Raph pulled it taut between them.  
They had done this when they were younger too, mostly when Donnie didn't feel that he could touch anything but still wanted to know his brothers were nearby. It feels wrong using it like this, but it's the only thing that Raph can think of. 
"This is real," Raph promised, tears flowing out of his eyes. "You're safe now." 
Leo’s empty gaze returned to scanning the dark room, but his grip tightened on the bandana, and after quiet moment Leo began to hum in the same way Raph had done earlier. 
Raph closed his eyes, pain still shooting up and down his skin and returned his brother’s attempt to soothe them with his own rumblings. 
They would both be healed soon; they just needed a little time. 
Sooooo, I'm kinda sliding in under the buzzer here.
I rewrote this at least five times, and still wasn't satisfied with it. But @allosaurids deserves a gift, so I just had to go with it.
Thank you to @rottmnt-secret-gifting for hosting, and to the receiver of this gift I ask permission to be able to post this on Ao3.
Thank you.
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