#Prehistoric Times Magazine
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on Styracosaurus albertensis; Late Cretaceous (75.5–75 Ma); Marginocephalia (ceratopsian); Described by Lamb, c. 1913; Artwork by William Stout, featured in his deluxe art book, "William Stout: Prehistoric life Murals" (2008), published by Flesk.
PIC #2: Cover art to "Prehistoric Times" magazine #44, published October/November 2000, also utilizing the Styracosaurus painting for its cover art.
Sources: www.williamstout.com/news/journal/product/prehistoric-times-44 & Pinterest.
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uvmagazine · 1 year
News From Asbury Park High School: Awesome Projects!
This past year at Asbury Park High School, Mr. Wronko’s students had produced very artistic and professionally created projects.
This past year at Asbury Park High School, Mr. Wronko’s students had produced very artistic and professionally created projects. News from Asbury Park High School One of the projects they had worked on was the Ironclad project. The Ironclad project was a multi-level assignment which called for the students to make many connections throughout history including events going on in the world…
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esmaniottoart · 1 year
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A Winged Deity_Kelenken Portrait. Digital, 2023.
Illustration featured in Issue #145 (Spring 2023) of the Prehistoric Times Magazine.
References: Ben Yoo
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peachesofteal · 7 months
Dad!John Price/female reader The Ocean anthology Note: The orcas mentioned in this series are based on a real population. Coolest things on this planet.
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The strait is quiet. 
Fog rolls across glass, painting grey sea smoke on top of clear, hyaline waters, mirror images cast from horizon to cliff. It’s a prehistoric stillness, the kind that’s sung low in the belly of this passage for millions of years, volcanos and glaciers all doing their worst, their best, to shape and carve this land to be as it’s known now. 
Granitic wall looms above and below, plummeting into the earth beneath you until the water is too deep to see where it ends and hell begins, water and plants and light refracting into a teal green color. painting the pitch something most only see in magazines. It stretches tall too, forms the base of the islands, of all the land that flanks the strait, and you have to crane your neck to see where rock ends and soil begins. 
It’s a marvel onto itself, but you’re not here for the geology. 
Where are they? 
Your paddle dips, pushes, forging a path through the quiet, preternatural stillness, wrists to ribs moving with hypnotic pace. Left, right, left, right. Dig. Dip. Your lungs burn, muscles ache, and still you paddle, up and down the coast, maintaining your determined pace in the face of exhaustion, forcing yourself past the brink of logic and reason, as always, in the pursuit of passion. You focus on your breath, on the cold, settling it in your bones, falling into the beautiful rhythm that is paddling, cold sea spray dripping down to your gloves.
It’s easy to get lost in the quiet of the water. The fog and the cliffs crowd inwards, silent watchers of a sacred place, protectors of a balance long disturbed and derailed everywhere else in this world. Your paddle strokes in perfect time, kayak cutting through the eerie mists and propelling you forward, focus fixed on the horizon, looking, listening. Waiting. You simmer in the silence, straining to hear the telltale blow of air, the signal of surfacing.
Nothing comes.
Where are they?
Salmon jump in front of the kayak, shattering the serenity in their wriggling flight.
The residents elude you. You say good morning to an otter, a sea lion the size of two men, some curious Dall’s porpoise, but are left bereaved at the noticeable absence of the pods. 
It’s the first day. It’s okay, it’s only the first day. 
The alarm on your watch goes off, just as the lighthouse, affectionately named Little Rock, looms ahead, faded and chipped green paint calling you back to the cove, a glacial breeze whipping under your goretex and neoprene, cutting to the quick, right down to flesh and bone. 
Time’s up. 
“Did you see them?!” Aly bounces on her toes at the edge of the dock, running alongside the pace of your paddling. 
“No.” Your tone is light, but you don’t hide the disappointment, and she smiles sadly, sympathetically. What a smart kid.
“I’m sorry.” 
“That’s okay.” 
“Are you coming in now?” You nod, motioning to the beach, and she skips ahead, running down the steps onto where millions of little pearled rocks give way under her feet, echoing the same as you run the fiberglass bottom of your kayak aground, popping your legs out on either side. 
“I know you wanted to see them.” Her eyes are wide and a little fearful. You frown. 
“I’ve got all year, I’ll see them. Don’t worry.” The assurance is tepid, but present, and she shrugs. 
“You should ask my dad. He knows where they are a lot.” 
“Oh yeah?” You could try. She nods, excited, shiny dark braids gleaming in the mid-morning sun. You glance around, looking for an adult, or someone who accompanied here down here, but there’s no one, and you chew on it, pulling your boat higher up than the tide will reach today. “Shouldn’t you like, be in school or something?” 
“I do school online.” She rolls her eyes, gap tooth grin stretched across her face. “It’s for gifted kids but I always finish early.” 
“Does your dad know you’re running around this place unsupervised?” She shakes her head, and then sobers, glancing towards the woods. 
“I’m not unsupervised.” What? You look the same direction, but all you see is the shadow of the forest, darkness so thick you’re not sure you could see your way in broad daylight. 
A chill traces your spine, ice cold and cautious, slow in its discovery, pressing against your skin like it’s moving under your clothes. You gasp, whirling and- 
There’s nothing. Only the lapping of the tide, the gentle waves that rake through the shore. Your beached boat. Remnants of the morning’s mists. 
Must’ve been the wind. 
The Ranger’s daughter giggles. You raise an eyebrow, and then motion up the hill. 
“Want to head back with me then?”
“Aly!” The Ranger’s voice reaches you, even a hundred meters away. She sprints ahead of you, and your stomach twists, iced over fear spreading through your veins. 
He’s going to freak. He already hates you and now he’s going to think you kidnapped his kid or something. 
“Where have you been?” 
“Down at the water.” She kicks a rock, beaming. One of his too wide palms sweeps over her forehead, moustache and lips kicking to the side with a sigh. 
“Not supposed to be down there on your own, remember?” 
“I wasn’t.” She stands tall with her insistence, and proudly points at you. “I was with her.”
John straightens. He stares at you with a scrutiny that you’ve never felt, an intense pressure building behind your eyes, in your thighs, incinerating all the muscle in your body until you’re sure to explode. 
The silence is painful, and Aly hops from one foot to another. 
“You find ‘em?” There’s no softness in his eyes for you, only a hard edge, hand coming to rest on his daughter’s shoulder. 
“No.” You think he’ll turn away then, drift away in the wake of this encounter, but he holds you steady there, caught between him and the earth, crushing weights on either side. It’s unnerving, this stranger, this Ranger, a moon to a tide, and you swallow when he finally speaks, it’s with that rich timbre, the accent that twists you up in boundless knots.
“They make you earn it.”
“You should sleep with your window open.” Aly pipes up, and John’s mouth twitches.
“You can hear them in the cove, in the middle of the night.” He explains. “They hunt and play in the shallow off the beach pretty often. Though it’s too cold to be sleeping with your window open.” The last piece is serious, like a warning, but you’re already vibrating with anticipation, attention fixed through the trees, like you can see down the hill to the harbor.
When you turn back, John is watching you. Hard muscle and tone turned dulcet, there’s less shadow in his eyes, replaced by something wild, willful.
There for a second. Gone in the next.
“Well I’ve… work to do.” Paltry effort. It sticks in your mouth the way this man has stuck to your mind, lurking and wandering, leaving you wondering what he's doing on the other side of your bedroom wall, your living room. Wondering what he’s like, what he’s really like, under the clipped and caustic words, the churlish airs swirling around him whenever he lays eyes on you. He’s the definition of surly, and the reluctance to interact with you stings, even though you shove it down. Secrets lay beneath his ribs, you have no doubt, protected by his thick coat and wide frame, a mass of tenured muscle and strength visible under the heaviest wool.
He nods.
You turn your back.
"Leave a note, when you're goin' out." He's got Aly in hand, halfway up his side of the porch, breath fogging in the space between your bodies. "Shouldn't be out alone, without anyone knowing, alright?"
Leave a note.
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louthestarspeaker · 5 months
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[ID: A collection of six images of Jurassic World: Chaos Theory promo material. The images are in the style of a magazine, with a cover and interviews from each of the Nublar Six, minus Brooklynn.
The cover has all of the Nublar Six lined up on the docks in Costa Rica, just after they made it back to the mainland. Yaz and Sammy are holding hands, Kenji has a hand on Brooklynn's shoulder. All the kids are smiling nicely, with the exception of Darius whose smile is kind of awkward and looks a little uncomfortable on camera. The title of the magazine, The Dino Times, is splashed across the top of the page. Just below it is the subtitle "Who are the Nublar Six?". Below the photo of the campers is text that reads, "Meet the miraculous survivors of the Jurassic World catastrophe in this exclusive, celebrating the anniversary of their return."
Each of the interviews has a picture of each of the Nublar Six as a young adult, their name printed large, and a little logo for The Dino Times in the corner. A transcript of the text of each interview reads as folllows:
Darius: Dino Nerd Turned Hero
Darius Bowman never would've expected a shy, nerdy kid from Oakland could become the leader of the Nublar survivors.
"Back at Camp Cretaceous I had to learn to trust myself and my friends to make it through. It was a terrifying experience, but what they were doing to those dinosaurs at that facility just wasn't right. Somebody had to do something."
Since his return, Bowman has traveled all over the country giving talks about dinosaur conservation, and has worked with the Department of Prehistoric Wildlife.
Ben: Brave Soul Against All Odds
Ben Pincus had perhaps the most dramatic metamorphosis as a result of his experiences at Nublar.
"I was terrified of pretty much everything," he said. "Germs. The dark. Non-organic snacks. And then all of a sudden we were up against actual dinosaurs."
Luckily, Pincus found an unlikely ally in a baby Ankylosaurus he named Bumpy.
"Bumpy is my best friend. She helped me face my fears and see how much I had to contribute to the group."
We'll have to see if the campus office can make an exception for Bumpy as Ben gets ready for college in the fall.
Sammy: Cattle Rancher, Dino Wrangler
Sammy Gutierrez lived with her parents on a Texas ranch before Camp Cretaceous. Ever the optimist she remarked, "At least I was already used to big animals before that whole fiasco! There;s really not much difference between a longhorn and a Triceratops if you think about it."
Back at home, Gutierrez maintained that positive attitude by staying busy.
"I have my own ranch, now. And my girlfriend, Yaz. And tons of pies to bake! We don't have time to keep worrying about all that running for our lives stuff!"
Yaz: A Track Star and Her Team
Yasmina Fadoula went from national track star to Nublar Six survivor in the span of months, and the aftermath hit her particularly hard.
"I wasn't used to feeling helpless. Before, I would just push through to the finish line no matter what. Nublar made me realize you can't win all your races alone."
She credits her relationship with fellow survivor Sammy Gutierrez as a major source of support.
"I've been going through a lot of anxiety since coming back, and Sammy's been there constantly. I want to show her I can be the strong person she sees in me."
Kenji: Cool Kid Finds New Family
Kenji Kon has declined to comment on his father's incarceration.
"All that matters is my new family. They're the ones who always had my back."
The Nublar Six have been instrumental in Kenji's return to normal life, from his relationship with Brooklynn, to his best friend Darius.
"All I wanna do is chill, you know? I've moved out somewhere peaceful. Started my climbing school. All is good in Casa de Kenji."
End Transcript. The page of Kenji's interview has a ragged edge, like the page next to it has been torn out. There is no interview for Brooklynn. End ID]
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xxtc-96xx · 2 years
Since Scarlet and Violet have now established that time machines are a thing, what do you think a past and future versions of Mew and the Mewtwos would look like? Or prehistoric and iron as the case may be.
Granted a prehistoric version of Mewtwo would likely not exist, being a product of science after all, but who cares about logic.
Honestly the paradox pokemon might not exist if it’s speculated they’re ripped straight from sci fi magazines you find in the school library, maybe it’s not a Time Machine and that’s why humans can’t return once they go through it but only “Pokémon” can
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thetamehistorian · 1 year
I recently rediscovered the joy of Primeval and it's derailed all of my other writing plans so enjoy this snippet I guess!
Portsmouth, UK
Captain Hilary Becker had survived SAS selection, two tours of duty – which had included four miserable months in the Afghan desert with insurgents taking pot shots at him on the regular – and growing up as the only boy in a household with three older sisters.
That was to say that he categorically refused to let an overgrown prehistoric chicken become the reason his mother received a knock on the door from a sympathetic officer. With the butt of his EMD rifle nestled firmly in his shoulder he let off another burst and finally hit the sodding thing. It had been getting a little too close and bite-y for comfort for a moment there.
“Sitrep Captain?” Evan, his second and frequent bane of his life asked over the comms, presumably in the hopes that she could get off babysitting the scientist duty and have a piece of the action.
Becker didn’t so much nudge the stunned dinosaur back through the anomaly as shove it home with extreme prejudice. Look, what Abby didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her. “Fan-fucking-tastic, Lieutenant.”
“SNAFU, copy that sir.”
Truer words have never been spoken.
Becker could hear the grin in Evan’s voice. There were days he was glad that Special Forces hadn’t recruited female officers back when he’d been in training. Evan was exactly the kind of feral that would have thrived in that environment, which probably explained how she’d ended up in his unit, thinking about it. It took a certain type of person to last at the ARC.
Becker tried not to contemplate what that must say about him.
Heaving himself up, EMD still trained on the anomaly, he held back at grunt as the scar tissue on his side twinged at the movement. “ETA on Temple?”
“Two minutes,” came the reply, echoed a second later by the man himself.
Finally, some good news. After the fiasco with the first, very broken, locking mechanism, and then the creature incursion, Becker could do with some haste.
“What are these little buggers anyway?” he asked, having set up in a better position to snipe any others that got ideas about coming through.
“Eoraptors,” Temple informed him, slightly out of breath. Over the sound of the comms, Becker could hear approaching footsteps. “Late Triassic.”
“Small, fast, lots of teeth, omnivores,” Matt added helpfully from somewhere halfway across the country.
Two anomalies opening at once wasn’t exactly common, but it wasn’t the first time it had happened during his time at the ARC. Becker hoped they were having more luck corralling the herd of peaceful giants back through their anomaly his team were with the overgrown chickens. Sorry – Eoraptors.
With a scuff of boots on the floor, Connor Temple burst into the room, set down the new locking mechanism and activated it with a speed that would have the instructors at Sandhurst grudgingly impressed. This time, blessedly, the anomaly behaved itself and shrunk down to a closed state. Connor let out a sigh of relief. Becker did too, but he was more subtle about it.
Then the mad genius that Becker had the misfortune to call his colleague looked at him, grinned in a mildly manic way that could have been either the result of too little sleep, or humour, or both, and said, “So, James, eh?”
Despite his attempt to hide it, Becker did not miss the way Connor’s eyes flicked down to the ID plate on his EMD, the one that matched the dog tags round his neck which clearly proclaimed him to be one Captain H J Becker.
He was well aware of the ongoing debate at the ARC regarding what those initials stood for and was just glad that Connor hadn’t overheard the first part of the conversation.
There was a reason he went by his surname, after all.
Banging his head against the wall, Becker looked up toward the ceiling of the powder magazine – grade II* listed Hils, Maddy has enthused upon their arrival, one of the best examples of a bastion trace fort in the country - and once again cursed the universe for opening an anomaly at his favourite sister’s place of work.
SNAFU - "Situation normal: all fucked up" or 'this sucks, but that's the normal state of affairs'.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Hello! I have a sv question for you!
(Apologies if you have already answered something similar)
Turo/Sada’s time travel machine came up in conversation between me and a friend, and I mentioned out loud the ‘imagination machine’ theory, and the more we talked about it the more it made sense!
The theory is that rather than being a true link to the past/future, the machine only leads to what the operator wants it to lead to. This would explain why sada and turo’s versions of the machine are visually the same, why all the past/future pokemon have very similar traits (past pokemon all being extra spiky/dinosaur looking and future pokemon all having the same chrome & jointed look), and why there is no mention of hisui/hisuian pokemon in Sada’s research. It also explains why the pokemon seem to fit very well into the environment (too well, but the paradox pokemon aren’t on the bad end of that) and why all versions of the pokemon are found in a wacky occult magazine.
Please keep in mind we haven’t seen masters or dlc content, but if anything in there supports/denies the theory please do not hesitate to share!!
Also I apologise for the length of this ask, but Thankyou for reading!!!
No worries abt the length! Half my posts are under a readmore bc I'm longwinded so I get it haha. Anyway, totally agreed, there is no way in hell it's an actual time machine
Like you said, the time machines function identically and seem to have pokemon based on modern fictional interpretations rather than actual prehistoric pokemon. They resemble scifi costumes or children's dinosaur drawings more than actual genuine creatures, and I think that goofiness is supposed to be a clue that these are made from the professor's ideas of paradise rather than a genuine time machine
Not only that, but the whole game seems very centered around wishes moreso than time. It does have a lot of components of legacy, and you do get dialogue about "the future of Paldea" and whatnot, but most of the dialogue seems focused around treasure, wishes, and wants rather than time. It also makes more sense when you think about Terapagos-- it seems way more like a wish pokemon than a time pokemon, and since the tera crystals are powering the time machine anyway, I would hazard a guess that the entire thing is a wish granting machine. I also think that would elevate the themes of the professor's storyline-- hunting for treasure and wishes gone wrong, etc etc.
Anyway tldr I'm with you, I don't think it's a time machine I think it's a wish machine. DLC might contradict this so we'll see! Masters can suck it tho that game means nothing to me
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the original painting and published cover art to "Prehistoric Times" Magazine #86 (Summer 2008), artwork by William Stout, featuring a Carcharodontosaurus “shark-toothed lizard”, an allosaurid theropod from mid-Cretaceous North Africa.
EXTRA INFO: Carcharodontosaurus is a representative of a family of dinosaurs that may well turn out to be the largest meat-eating dinosaurs of all.
Resolution at 876x1157 & 810x1048.
Sources: www.illustrationhistory.org/artists/william-stout & https://blog.everythingdinosaur.com/blog/_archives/2008/07/21/3803292.html.
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uvmagazine · 1 year
Asbury Park High School Students Artwork Published in Prehistoric Times Magazine!
Asbury Park High students were able to show their artistic talents by getting their work published in Prehistoric Times Magazine.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
Many of Lovecraft's tales contain elements that give a new and more scientifically plausible perspective to standard occult themes. The Shadow Out Of Time was a tale many critics have sited as pure 'Science Fiction'. It was one of Lovecraft's last fiction writing efforts and was highly thought of by writers like L. Sprague deCamp and Colin Wilson who otherwise did not care for much of his work. In fact Colin Wilson's story, The Mind Parasites was highly influenced by HPL's story. The Shadow Out Of Time appeared in the pulp magazine ASTOUNDING STORIES not long before HPL's death. The tale concerns a college professor who seems to have been suddenly overtaken by a new and alien personality. In fact his mind has been transferred to the body of a monstrous alien life form from the prehistoric past of planet earth. The alien creature's consciousness is at the same time living in the body of the professor. Eventually they switch back. The traditional occult theme of 'demon possession' is masterfully given a modern upgrade and a terrifying origin in this Lovecraft tale. (Exhibit 357)
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saddayfordemocracy · 1 year
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Lin May Saeed (April 30, 1973 - August 31, 2023)
Lin May Saeed, a Berlin-based artist whose work was included in major exhibitions including the Berlin Biennial and in Castello di Rivoli in Turin, passed away on Wednesday, her Los Angeles gallery Chris Sharp confirmed. ‘One of the most radical and uncompromising sculptors of her generation,’ the gallery described her, ‘Lin was also passionately committed to the cause of animal rights and the harmonious coexistence of human beings and animals.’
Saeed’s work took its subject from the artist’s political conviction, her activism for animal rights and for equality. It told stories of the history of human-animal relationships, spanning from prehistoric times to the present day, as in her first institutional exhibition, Biene, at Studio Voltaire in London in 2018. Saeed believed we humans had a lot to learn from animals, and told writer Osman Can Yerebakan in an interview for BOMB Magazine that her ‘favourite daydream’ is imagining aliens and animals coming together to meet humans to give them a ‘masterclass’ called ‘How Not To Mess It Up’.
Born in 1973 in Würzburg, Germany to an Iraqi father, Saeed included Arabic in her artworks and published a small book with recipes from Iraq in conjuction with an exhibition at Bonner Kunstverein in 2012. A solo exhibition, Lin May Saeed. The Snow Falls Slowly in Paradise, in which she also responds to the work of German sculptor Renée Sintenis will open at the Georg Kolbe Museum in Berlin on 14 September.
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bespokeredmayne · 2 years
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With film festivals in full swing again and Eddie Redmayne in an awards-buzzy film, these are glorious days for his fans. Starting with the world premiere of The Good Nurse last month at the Toronto International Film Festival, there have been opportunities to see him up-close-and-personal on red carpets at seven film festivals in Europe and North America, with hundreds successfully cozying up for a selfie or an autograph. He’s high-profile on talk shows and in magazine and newspaper spreads, and making appearances (sometimes displaying adorably palpable chemistry with co-star Jessica Chastain) at special industry events and entertainment organization screenings that help court awards voters. 
For a decade now, Eddie has quietly done something unique, though, with each of his film releases. Through his NY PR team, he has connected with fans for an interview. The first was done in 2012 by the creator of the definitive fan blog at the time, iloveeddieredmayne on Tumblr, run by American Kate Burton. She did a second interview, but by the time he was an Oscar winner promoting The Danish Girl, the interview became a group effort to broaden the geographical reach and reflect his fandom. 
On the eve of the release of our latest fan interview, here’s a collection of the earlier efforts, in reverse order. As fans, the interviewers show a depth of knowledge of his career that Eddie responds to with thoughtfulness and appreciation. He’s known as one of the nicest celebrities in the entertainment world, and this is additional evidence that he’s earned that reputation.
If there is not a direct boxed link , click on the link below the image to read the interview.
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spaceypineapple · 1 year
9 People You Want To Know Better
Tagged By @thehomestucker-surgeburbofficial
Last Song I Listened To: Gooey by Glass Animals
Currently Reading: …national geographic dinosaur magazine ("a new look at prehistoric icons") 😭 (i just bought "one of us is lying" and "the probability of everything" though!)
Currently Watching: breaking bad, 9-1-1, avatar: the last airbender (4th rewatch), death note, (probably going to start rewatching mp100 too)
Currently Watching (YouTube Series Edition): not really series but ive been watching thru PricklyAlpaca and RachelMaksy's videos (i didnt wanna start anything before ruin came out!)
Current Obsession: Homestuck (main for almost 3 years), Undertale, Deltarune, and aus (Specifically Underswap), my literal own ocs, kandi, Ed Edd n Eddy, Karkat Vantas (seperate from the homestuck obsession), etc etc
Who I’m Tagging: @goldenonigiri @silly-hetalia-fun-times @meeks9854 @kujochi @toiletjapan @s0daman (pretend theres 3 more people plez)
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the-feral-one · 1 year
Wo-Chien + the Paldea region
Even while he was in the king's castle, Wo found a way to get out of there for a look around the region that the merchant had brought him to. He often went on long wanders with the scribe, and highly appreciated what was told to him. When he was able to, Wo wrote down what he the scribe said about the areas that they visited. The tablets that have his opinions on them are still present within his spiral, as he's still finding things to add to them.
Wo has written about the towns he's visited, the areas that he goes to during his shrine supply runs, the location of the Pokemon League, Area Zero and what lives down in the hole, and where his and the other Ruins' shrines were placed.
About Mesagoza and the towns around Paldea -
"I have been living here for countless years, and within those years, I have seen these places get built and change. These places are quite diverse, and I can't say that I dislike any of them. Yes, Levincia can be loud and bright, and Medali can be home to someone who...doesn't like me that much...but I do like to go through them. Mezagoza, the biggest populated area in Paldea, is somewhere that makes me happy whenever I explore it. It is where I get to meet so many different faces each day, and it is where I was given my duty as an assistance Pokemon, which is still highly appreciated. I can't wait to see what happens to these places in the future. Hopefully things go well for them, even if I'm not here to see what happens."
About the areas he travels through while on shrine supply runs -
"I have written so, so much about the ecosystem...s...of this region that I'm running out of tablets just by thinking about it. I have put up a region map in my shrine, and on it I have pinned all sorts of things that I've found while on my travels. I have also split the region into five areas, each having their own color as well. I am fascinated by the range of flora and fauna that I've found and written about. Often, while on my way to get resources, I get sidetracked by what I see. I do really like that there's something new to find almost every time I go on my excursions~"
About the location of the Pokemon League -
"I have seen various humans decide to go into the cave that can be reached after going to the far left side of Mezagosa. I haven't been up that way quite yet, but I have heard of the structure that exists beyond it and the purpose that it serves. Human Pokemon trainers go into it in order to face the so-called 'toughest trainers in the region'. I know that one of them is a teacher in the academy, so this sort of thing is not new to me. One thing I can say, though - I do like the challenge that comes with trying to defeat them. One day, I do want to face them all, just to see how well I would do. Even though I prefer to be pacifistic, I...do enjoy the occasional battle. I only do so against strong human trainers, though...since I am still considered to be a 'legendary'. Other than that, I do like where the structure is located. It's easy for the human trainers to get to, and that's good enough for me."
About Area Zero and what lives in the hole -
"I've only been down into the giant chasm a few times. Even though it is a vast expanse full of interesting specimens, I...prefer to stay out of there. The megafauna that exist in the area - known as 'Paradox Pokemon', that have been brought from both the past and the future - are as intriguing as they are dangerous. The creatures from the past resemble strange prehistoric versions of modern-day Pokemon, and the creatures from the future are, if I remember correctly, metallic chrome-covered automatons that were made to look like species that went extinct. ...at least that's what it said when I read about them in the magazines that I found... Although I choose to stay out of Area Zero, there is someone who resides down there that warns us of who escapes from the holding facility and what needs to be done about it, which is useful."
About his and the other Ruins' shrine placements -
"I have written about each of them whenever I could get the time to do so, usually when I'm not tired after assisting in Mesagoza or from traveling around gathering resources. I do like where my shrine has been placed. It is not far from Mesagoza, yet is fairly easy for the curious human to get to. After getting out of the shrine, I found myself wanting to use it for other purposes, such as making it into a combination of cafe and library. They're still in the first stages of production, but I do intend to complete them. The next one I have is Chi-Yu's. Their shrine is located within a cave, and is surrounded with water. After they got out of their shrine, I heard them ranting about how wet it was, which, I'm not going to lie here, did get a laugh out of me. It's not a bad location, but if it was my shrine, I...wouldn't go back to it after getting out. The one after that is Ting-Lu's. Their shrine is within a forest that overlooks the region's biggest lake. To be honest, if I had to swap shrine locations, this one would be the one I would most likely want to swap with. The only thing that would stop me doing so would be that the forest has some scary Bug-types living in it. The last one...is the one that used to belong to a very old friend of mine. His shrine is located on a cliff face that overlooks the Paldean ocean. Every now and then, I go up to visit it, and keep it tidy, just in case there's ever a chance that he'll recover from what torments him and want to live in it again. If that ever happens, I'll be helping him to make it into a home, like I have with my own. I...I do...I do hope that...that he finds a way to be freed from his torment... ...sorry...I have to go..."
Wo-Chien hopes that there's more new things to discover as he continues to explore the Paldea region, and he also hopes that he gets to find everything there is to see before the time comes for him to leave the region.
And when he does leave Paldea to go to parts unknown, Wo wants to write down what he finds there too. He just hopes that there are resources there that he can use to make tablets with, as he would hate to run out while recording his observations.
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