#Also thank you. Sorry I'm in a weird mood lol
hajihiko · 5 months
I wish to be as attractive as your art style. You really do just make everyone hot.
well you'd only be pixels on a cold screen with no marks or history or warmth, which to me personally doesn't sound so hot. If I could capture a whole person as if real life (with different wrinkles and marks and hair and fat distribution and hues of colour and expressions) every time I draw, I would. You exist like that already, so if anything my artstyle wants to be like you.
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dinogoofymutated · 20 days
Omg I love your headcanons/fics!! I really need to ask if you'd be willing to write an addendum for the jealousy headcanons for Wolverine? Of course no pressure if you can't/don't feel like, just thought I'd try to ask! :) Hope you have a nice day/night, and keep up the good work! 💗💗💗
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Jealousy Headcannons!- Multi/GN!Reader - Wolverine, Morph, Angel, Sabretooth. You got it man!! Had a version of this requested for Logan so many times lol. I went ahead and added more characters to round it off into a full multi character hcs. Logan doesn't explicitly punch anyone in this one, so sorry if anyone was looking forward to that! (Sorry though, his is pretty similar to cable's) I'm also testing the waters while writing for Morph. I know everyone is starving for fics with them, but I'm not really used to writing for they/them characters (despite the fact that I try to avoid pronouns for the reader, weird I know, but its mostly due to me using you/your.) forgive me if I slip up with their pronouns, and let me know if I do so I can fix it! TWs: Violence (not towards reader, but some pretty mean names are called tho) Men can be creeps/harassment. Unnecessary changing scene with Warren bc I love non-sexual intimacy like that. Flirting, Barfights again but this time it's a little bloody (sabertooth) Drinking mentioned.
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Okay, so Logan here is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to jealousy. I really feel like it depends on the situation? In general, he trusts you more than just about anyone. When someone flirts with you, he's generally just very grouchy and most of the time, quiet. He glares a lot, and if you meet his gaze he'll raise an eyebrow, basically asking if you need an out, and then he'd act accordingly.
Buuuttt. If he's in a bad mood or has had a tough day, he's more likely to resort to threats and intimidation to handle any romantic attention you might receive. He gets more physically protective and will usually have an arm slung around you at all times.
That's not to say he only gets jealous of romantic attention though. I feel like he also get jealous of anything and anyone taking up your time, really. he'd probably stay quiet until he just kinda snaps and drags you away from whatever has your attention for smooches and cuddles. Don't let him fool you by telling you he's not cuddly, he totally is.
"Back. Up. Bub." Logan's rumbling voice is venomous, a growl of warning as he bows up on the man in front of you. The two of you had been out on a mission together, which normally would have gone perfectly fine. Unfortunately, you'd ended up running into some old acquaintances of his. Both of you were bristiling at the contact, but you knew that coaxing Logan into a fight was just what he wanted. The man had been making moves on you the entire time- and although you were practically an expert in ignoring the flirtation from asshole guys, you were beginning to get more and more uncomfortable with it. It was when the man had started to make sexual comments about your body that Logan snapped.
"Who you callin' bub, pipsqueak?" The man smirks, looking down on Logan with arrogance. Anxiety had begun to worm it's way into your stomach.
"You better learn to watch your mouth." Logan growls. His fists flex as his claws unsheath, the adamantium practically itching to dig into the guy's skin. This was escalating fast, and you needed to stop it now. You both needed to complete the mission without any complications, extra fights included.
"Logan, Please, can we just go?" You say, grabbing his wrist and tugging before he can launch himself at the man. Logan's angry face remains intact, but you can see the way his shoulders slightly loosen. He glances at you, before backing off from the man with a snarl. You sigh in relief as Logan turns to follow you as you drag him away, just thankful you've avoided a problem at that point.
" 'bitch's got you on a hellava tight leash. Who knew the wolverine would be so whipped over some cheap whore." Logan stops abruptly at the words, sighing deeply as he looks at you, rage burning in his eyes. Whatever reserved attitude you had about this fight was basically gone, evaporating at the insults. You let out a long sigh, before you pull your hands away from him and shrug your shoulders. Logan grins at you wickedly.
So what if he came home with a few more bruises than normal? His knuckles would heal- but the ass whooping he gave out would damage that guy's ego forever.
Warren is the silently jealous type. No matter how bad he's being cooked with jealousy, he's really just going to keep an eye on you from afar. Growing up as a rich kid, I feel like his dad was very strict on manners and how not to make a public scene, which has kinda carried over into his adulthood.
If someone just won't give it a rest and keeps trying to pursue you, Warren will be not low-key about it. He'll come over and set his hand on your back, or sling his arm around your shoulder, or if he's feeling really cocky, Shake the person's hand and introduce himself as your boyfriend/husband. He'll only outright tell them to back off if they start to get out of hand and he knows you're getting really uncomfortable.
"I just don't like him." Warren says, leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom. He's still in his suit from before, the red and bright white standing out starkly compared to the muted warm tones of your shared bedroom. You laugh at him as you begin to change.
"What? Why? I think Pietro is kinda funny." You ask, beginning to take off your shirt. Warren sighs in a petty way.
"Yeah, exactly." He mumbles under his breath, walking over to help you when your head gets stuck in the neckline like it always does. You give him a kiss on his cheek when you're free, not quite having heard him.
"Can't I dislike him just to dislike him? I don't need a reason." Warren speaks up this time, and you can't seem to hold back your amused smile as he digs his hole deeper. "-but, if I did, I'd say he's just too friendly with you. I don't like it." You can't help but laugh at that as you finish changing into more comfortable clothes. He turns around on autopilot, letting you unzip him from his suit- careful not to catch his blonde hair with the zipper.
"It's not like he's taking me away from you, Warren." You say, pressing a kisses to his exposed neck and back as you help him navigate his wings through. Warren huffs a little, his wings twitching as his voice goes soft.
"I never said that. I know he's not. I trust you enough to know so. I just..." He trails off, stepping out of his suit and left in his boxers. He lets you pull his shirt over him, stretching his wings in the confined space of the bathroom when its on correctly. You cock an eyebrow at him now that you're facing him, waiting for him to continue. He doesn't, simply looking away from you to avoid your knowing gaze. You let out an amused chuff before closing in on him.
"It's okay to be jealous, Warren, but I promise you, I'm not going anywhere." You say confidently, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He sighs again, but smiles as he looks at you with a soft and loving gaze. His arms wrap around your waist as he rests his forehead against your own, closing his eyes as the two of you begin to sway a little.
"Yeah, I know."
I really think that Morph is more of an insecure jealous type, but they're more likely to hide it behind humor. If you're being flirted and don't seem to be overly uncomfortable, they're probably going to fade into the background. They know that you love them, and they trust you, but they're so used to being second best for everyone they know that they just feel like they're bothering you. Later on, when whoever is flirting with you leaves, Morph will shift into them and start joking about it. Don't let the humor fool you, they're hurting right now. Just give Morph some extra love and kisses and reassurance and they'll feel better eventually.
Now, if it's clear that someone is bothering you, Morph won't be afraid to roast the everloving shit out of them. They take the moment to really embarrass the person, and if you're in a bar he'd totattally shift into the dude just to offer a drink to everyone and then dip, sticking the asshole with the bill.
You really didn't like clubs. They were busy and loud, but you had a friend celebrating her birthday in one, so who were you to turn down the invite? You certainly couldn't go without your favorite shapeshifter by your side either. The only problem was that Morph wasn't the only one who had eyes for you that night. Morph hadn't said anything in the moment, but you knew stuff like this bothered them. Even while walking home from the club, they still seemed to be trying to brush it off.
"Hey, Good-lookin. You interested?" Morph says, having shifted into the guy who had been flirting with you earlier. They're leaning against the side of the payphone like a goofball, having waited there as you called the school to let the others know you were finally on the way home, tipsy, but still hoping the fresh air would sober the both of you up. You roll your eyes as you giggle at them, shoving their shoulder and sending them stubiling.
"In that guy? No way!" You laugh, walking past Morph before they quickly catch up to you.
"You gotta admit, he was pretty handsome for a POS." They joke, puckering their lips and making kissy faces at you.
"Mmhm. suuureeee." You hum, pushing their face away from yours as they laugh.
"Come on, you saying' that tall dark and handsome isn't your type?" Morph shifts from the man at the club, and into the blonde, blue-eyed Warren worthington, wings hidden underneath the supposed coat. "-Or maybe you'd prefer blondes. I hear Warren's quite at catch." You huff at them, and shake your head again. Something in their tone of voice just seems to set off alarms in your brain, and they doesn't seem to be acting as genuine with you anymore, a vulnerability creeping into their voice no matter how hard they were trying to hide it. This goes on for a rather solid minute, Morph shifting into different people you know and asking who you prefer with a laugh and a fake smile. You shake your head every time, but it's starting to become more than just a bit. You begin to lose your patience, your own hurt seeping through the cracks.
"You're into the gruff, muscly, Logan, right? Hafta' be if you're still-"
"Kevin." You finally cut them off with a stern tone of voice, grabbing their wrist as you abruptly stop walking. They flinch at the name, eyes blowing wide with concern as they shift from logan, then to the dark haired version of themselves- before then settling on the form you know so well.
"... Not the government name." They mumble, more caught up in the strict way you said their name rather than the words themselves. You grab them by the collar of their leather jacket, pulling them close to you as you look into their eyes.
"How many times to I have to tell you I love you for you to believe me?" You whisper after a moment, voice coming out a little broken. Morph's seems to panic a little, making a concerned face as their hands catch hold of your wrists gently.
"I- no, that's not what I..." Morph says, trying their best to fix the situation. They can't seem to come up with the right words, their eyes avoiding your gaze as their mouth opens and closes with no luck. You cup the side of their face, bringing them back to face you.
"I. Love. You." You say purposefully. "Not some guy at the club- you, Morph. Any part of you that you want to give me, Any form you want to take. As long as it's you, I don't care." Morph relaxes at your words, sighing as you bring them closer to you, resting their forehead against your own.
"Yeah?" They ask, eyes fluttering closed.
"Yeah." You reply, finally leaning in to kiss them lovingly. They return the kiss softly, only separating from you when you begin to drag them down the sidewalk with you once again, hand in hand.
He does not handle jealousy well at all. Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him to put someone in the hospital. It doesn't matter if they're just flirting, or if they're actually bothering you, he's going to start some shit. The man loves to start fights, and he couldn't care less what the reason is for. I will say though, he's gonna be a lot less smiley if the person insults either of you. He may be a shitstarter, but he doesn't take disrespect, especially not disrespect towards his S/O.
He's never mad at you for it. If anything, he's glad you gave him the chance to take some anger out. He'll encourage you to wear sexy and revealing outfits because he wants to see you wear them, and also because he's gonna beat the shit out of the first guy (and every guy, honestly) to look at you the wrong way. ESPECIALLY if you have boobs. Those are his boobs. He wants them to be popping out of your clothes 24/7 but no one else is allowed to look at them. Did he just see someone glance at you? Say goodbye to your teeth, motherfucker. (and your balls too.)
Victor loved shitty dive bars, as gross and unsanitary they may be. He liked to bar hop a few of them every other night, and although you weren't necessarily the dive bar type, you did enjoy spending time with him. Normally you'd just wear casual clothes, but today you had wanted to dress up a little bit. Nothing too fancy, but your shirt was a little low cut compared to what you normally wear. Victor had been loving it, especially since he got to have you as his eye-candy. That was what you were going for, and you succeeded! The only problem was that he wasn't the only one appreciating the view.
You were sitting at the bar, watching Victor win another round of pool while sipping on your drink. A man had sat next to you earlier, but you didn't think anything of it at first. It was a busy saturday night, and there weren't that many seats open at the bar. At most, you had a uneasy tingling on the back of your neck, feeling that someone was watching you.
"What's a fine thing like you doing in this shitty place?" The man suddenly asks. You send him a questioning glance, almost baffled at the flirting. He must be new here, because every other regular of this place knew for a fact who you always come here with, and no other man is stupid enough to try their luck with you while he's lingering around.
"Who, me? Enjoying some peace and quiet, obviously." You say in a sarcastic tone. The man chuckles next to you.
"Aw, not interested, sweetheart? I swear I'll make it worth your while." You make an obviously disgusted face at that, beginning to wonder who this guy thinks he is. The tingling feeling you feel hasn't let up, in fact, it's only gotten stronger. The hairs on the back of your neck are standing up, and you can't help but feel like something is seriously wrong here. You brushed it off on the alcohol, but Victor had always been a bit more perceptive than you. He barely glanced over in your direction before he was storming over. For a split second you think he's mad at you, until he violently grabs the man next to you by the collar, his claws scraping across his collarbones and causing him to yelp as he shallow cuts begin to bleed.
"Did I just see you staring?" Victor huffs, glaring so hard you swear the man shrinks underneath his gaze. Every bit of confidence he had a minute ago had vanished completely.
"W-what? I... Uh..." The man stutters, unable to say a complete sentence through his fear. Victor turns to you slightly, his grip not letting up for a second.
"He say something to you, Doll?" He asks, and you wonder if you should tell him the truth. You almost felt bad for the guy in his grip, knowing that he was probably just stupid and new to this bar. You shake your head in response, even though the stranger had been giving you off vibes since the moment he sat down. Victor grins at you, a loving excitement in his eyes as his grip only gets tighter.
"Aww, you don't have to lie, sweet thing." Victor chuckles, and you grimace when you realise that he totally saw that lie coming a mile away. Vic turns back to the man, his smile dropping instantly as his other hand slips the guy's phone out and slams it on the counter of the bar. "Open your camera." Vic snarls. The man starts to panic now, squirming to get out of his grip.
"N-no! Let go of me Man!" The man stutters. Vic only begins to grin again.
"Nuh-uh. I want you to show my baby the photos you've been taking all night." Photos? You didn't know anything about any photos. Your brows furrow as the man begins to whine and panic, squirming to no avail. Vic smirks at you as he send you a nodd, and you grab the phone and open the creep's gallery. There has to have been over thirty photos of you from just tonight, sitting at the bar, ordering your first drink, even one from when you had gotten up to use the restroom.
"Oh, gross!" You say, recoiling from the phone and wiping your hands on your shirt, not wanting to know where this guys hands had been all night. The man in Victor's grip has gone completely pale, freezing at the sight of Vic's terrifying smile. He reaches over towards the phone with his free hand, picking up the device before crushing it with his bare hand.
"Why don't you head outside, honeybee. I'll take out the trash while you're gone."
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bbybaku · 1 month
hii! could we get some dabi/touya college boyfriend nsfw and sfw headcanons? thank uu
yall are gonna have to hear me the fuck out on this one okay
the 18+ part is below the cut 🫡
also sorry this took me like 9 months to write lmao
i think you and touya would be in the same big friend group that likes to drink and party together
okay so touya started off in the dorms of your big ass university as an engineering major and very quickly realized he didn't really fw it
butttttt he did fw the night scene
and his rich father paying him to be there
so touya barely passes freshman year
transfers to the community college down the road
moves into a party house w his boyz
i feel like he would either be like a blue-collar construction worker or a bar back until he's 21 when he can be a bartender
he's kind of a dick but he's also friends w everyone?
he likes fat girls
especially bipoc thic girls
like homeboy likes tits and ass and is not picky
i feel like he's a bit of a dick in an endearing way
like he's a college aged man and he's a lil selfish but you know he doesn't mean it
prob not the best bf all the time
he means well
hes a retired player who met you and is now obsessed with you and only you
yall are also lowkey on and off
but you’re working on it!!
that being said I'm sure he would be nice to you and care about you but he def has issues that he is not addressing
back to our party boy
he would order pizza for the after-party
always hosts the pregame
and the party lol
goes to the clubs !!
occasionally gets drunk and gets in fights (its hot af)
he would be generous w the ~party favors~ if you know what i mean
*wipes nose*
*cough cough*
has probably tried every drug under the sun at least once
so maybe not the best memory lol
like not a bad guy
but probably not the best
always has cigarettes
probably a Marlboro guy
or American spirits
always wearing all-black or all-dark colors
always smells really good
his room is actually really nice like he has a big bed and mood lights and some crystals
goes to the gym often but has a sleeper build
so looks scrawny but has some muscle when he takes his shirt off
prob has a stupid tattoo somewhere
like a cool one on his lower stomach
but also has a tramp stamp of a heart with wings
always has like an ocean sented canlde burning in his bedroom
has the most beautiful fluffy hair that he puts such little effort into
almost always has a 5 o'clock shadow
like does not shave his face consistently enough but he is hot so its okay
he likes to sit with his head between your legs
yall watch movies together often
like actually watch movies
he has a silver nose ring
drives like a red mustang
is prob lowkey a car guy
is not on any social media but is always watching weird youtube videos and texting his siblings
i feel like it’s a fantasy of his to get into a fight for you
like he dreams of some guy trying shit with you only for him to step in at the perfect time and beat the shit out of him
he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you
but he would beat anyone who hurts you
average size but a bit girthy
homeboy can fuck
like is experienced
he’s a retired whore
you are the reason he retired lol
can find the clit on anyone
you don't go home until you come at least once
all the time
anywhere you can think of
bathroom at parties
unfinished basements
empty classroom
storage closet
prob has a hand signal to you for if yall are out drinking in your group and he wants to fuck
this man oozes sex appeal
like you're not in the mood and then he's wearing all black and smells like that and suddenly you're ferral
real good at dirty talk
"that's what I like to hear"
"have you always been this much of a slut?"
just to name a few
talks like that in and out of the bedroom
does not sext but will not hesitate to invite you over when he's horny
fucking in his room during a party
and then returning to the party
will buy you food after
fucks you to hip-hop
like good music
Red LED lights in his room
has a big ass mirror
doggy or pro bono in front of said mirror
*chefs kiss*
does not want kids so he always has a ton of condoms
he doesn't like hickies but loves when you scratch up his back
car sex
he likes to choke you
especially during makeouts
like will choke you more during a makeout than he will during sex
prob lowkey has a porn addiction so can get a little carried away sometimes
but will instantly stop if you say something or if he picks up on you like liking the vibe
he's loud as fuck during sex
like his roommates will pound on the walls
doesn't eat you out super often,, but when he does?
good god
prob will ask you to do some weird shit every now and then
like clown makeup
or to top him and call him weird names
you're normally down for it
its fun because he gets so into it
is pretty straightforward about what he wants
which is nice since you never have to guess
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
I hope that's ok, but could you write about the Upper Moons and their partner, who is their opposite? I just love the couple dynamic where "opposites attract". If you don't want to write about it, it's okay, in any case, have a nice day and mood!💞
Thank you 💞, I hope you like what I wrote. Since I didn't know if you wanted any specific Uppermoon... I did all of them (the adults), lol. Sorry if it's not what you wanted and that it took me some time. If asked something more specific I can go into more detail, but I hope this will be enough for the moment. Opposites attract is a lovely dynamic if done correctly so here is my attempt.
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Opposited attract, human gn reader.
Warnings: A bit of Manga spoilers, Power imbalance and Mentions of cannibalism (both are mostly them refering of how they have to be careful with you), Some erotic themes implied, Kokushibou's and Gyutaro's insecurities, Akaza's angst, and Karaku will moan to annoy you (like the moaning while the other is on the phone type of context).
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You are such a free-spirited and free-minded person.
Kokushibou can't forget how fragile you actually are, being a human, so he never acts upon it, but he can't help but envy you. "Koku-kun, calm down. The world won't die if the hierarchy does for a few minutes. Don't worry that pretty head of yours." He is so cold, but you warm him up as you are patient with him and try to get him to stop getting frustrated over the smallest things, like Akaza and Douma fighting or remembering his human life. "Don't call me that." He protests, but still lets you do as you please.
You are patient, tolerant and understanding, you don't hold yourself. He wishes he could be more like that and less like himself. There are times he just wants to push you away, for you to disappear, to stop reminding him what he isn't. But at the same time he craves having you by his side, to chase after you.
In the end he just stays by your side in silent, watching you be that beautiful self. "C'mon Koku, just relax. We are ok."
You are very mature, specially in emotional intelligence.
Douma can't help but notice you know how to respond to everyone's feelings. You are very empathic and can easily deal with yourself without hurting others, not that Douma would know anything about being hurt. Still, you are very weird to him. Even when he teases you (and he can be cruel at doing so) you only take a deep breath. "Douma, please stop. I'm not standing those comments, they are hurtful and I will leave if you don't stop."
"Alright, alright. I will stop." It's not that he could not stop you from leaving, but it's weird how you handle the matter. You don't just barely tolerate unlike his followers and Gyokko, nor ignore him like Kokushibou and Muzan, much less attack him like Akaza, the Hashira and technically her. But this is not about her. It's about you. "Thank you for listening." You are honest but willing to compromise at the same time you stand for yourself in a respectful way.
You are just a human, like any other he could just eat you, but he doesn't want to. He wants to understand first. How? Why? That makes him always want stick around you. "Hey, Y/N. How about we go to my place? That would be lovely!" But he doesn't show it besides acting like he does with everyone else. Because Douma is bad with feelings.
You are always growing, not only physically, but mentally.
It scares Akaza, to be honest, how you are constantly transitioning and changing. "I just decided to try a new hobbie, might like it more than what I do in my free time now." If he looks away a more than a month you already changed your rutine, already have a different favorite things, and learned so much it changed your worldview. And for Akaza is a bit hard to keep up with it. "I have buyed a few more books, I will read them whenever I have time." Not also this, but you are aging, like the human you are.
"Become a demon, Y/N." He always tells you, afraid that one day you will not be there. Or worse, that you will but he won't be able to recognize you. Because you are always moving on, and he is stuck. Stuck as the third Uppermoon, stuck as a demon, stuck as a servant of Muzan, stuck in his hatred, stuck in the feeling someone something should be here but it's not, stuck in the need to bring up medicine something, stuck in his desesperation to get stronger to save them. But you don't become a demon, you will die, you will leave him behind too.
You always comfort him, and he stays close 24/7. He's afraid and can't let you go. "Please don't leave me behind." It's hard to convince him you won't, but still, besides you he is very happy. Sometimes he wishes you could get stuck with him, but he won't force to anything. "I'm here, Akaza." For now.
You are a humble sunshine! No, really, you smile as if both your wallet and mind were empty.
Nakime doesn't know what the heck she likes about you. You are lovely, she can easily admit that, but that's it? Still, she lets you around, you watch with awe her castle, wanting to touch everything, to explore everything. "Nakime-chan! Your house is the one of an empress!" You always compliment her for everything.
"You are also very impressive." She tries to answer that good vibes, it's bit hard to her. You don't mind it, you are fine with how little she gives. There is also the fact that you talk a lot and she can't keep up with that. "Nakime-chan, it's not necesary for you to compliment me. I know it doesn't come naturally to you. Just being around and you teaching me all this greatness make me so happy already."
But she loves being around you, she lets you explore but keeps an eye on you to make sure you are not hurt. She relaxes against the positive energy you bring to her home as you wander around or join her to talk to her. This is fine.
You are brave and honest, always facing upfront everything. A natural leader.
Hantengu admires you a lot, but he also finds you quite intimidating. Everytime you are around he hides and covers himself, which is a bit cute with how nervious en embarrassed he is, but you always manage to find him to talk. You share yout thoughts and feelings easily and try to reach solutions. "I really think you should find a way to depend a bit less on the clones. They can't always be around."
"Al right, I will see into it. I promise. Just let me be, please. I'm very tired." He lies, he always lies. It's hard to not lie. To lie is to protect himself, and he's just so afraid. He knows you can deal with the situations but he is too paranoid to not lie. Still, you are patient with him, and he trusts you enough to rely on you. He really likes you because he can actually do that.
It's hard to be so afraid of everything, to not being able to trust himself. He didn't ask to be like this. You are a stable safespace. You are trying to communicate, no idea if there will ever be results. But you try.
You are a hyped disaster who just wants to have fun!
Sekido wants to die. What was going on with him falling in love with the perfect mix of Karaku and Urogi?! What the hell?! "C'mon Sweet-Cherry, let's just have fun!" You pull him into doing a reckless and useless activity that would probably get you both killed if he wasn't a demon. "DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT!" He screams blushing, you are nothing more than trouble. You start laughing and keep teasing him and he just trembles of embarrassment and rage. "HOW DARE YOU?!"
He never does anything to you, how could he? Not only you are too precious, but you would die from an attack of his. Why must you be so infuriating?! Always being in the best mood?! "Ohhhh, are you mad? You look cute at mad, but you know what would be even more cute? A smile!" He really can't stand you... and that is why he just stays still as he lets you have your way with him, huh? There are times he is just amused and watches you be.
There are even times you got him to laugh "*gasp* Is that a smile? That's so cute!" He will always deny "NO, leave me alone!" He gets used to your teasing, and you know you've won when he starts teasing you back. "I stop looking at you and you almost kill yourself. Are you that needy?" He asked once amused. "Oh hell yeah, I am. You should always look at me!" He does.
You are a concentrated person with great ambitions.
Honestly? Karaku is always just chasing a good time, that includes chasing you at times. You, on the other hand, don't do anything without having actually thought about it, analyze the results, pro's and con's. "C'mon, Hot-stuff! Pay attention to me!" He is always trying to distract you when you are working.
You want more than what you have, you want to get big things, be big things, that you work hard for it. "Give me 15 more minutes and I'l spoil you, Karaku. But I'm working." He doesn't want to wait, so he puts himself on your ear and "Argh~ ohh fuck~ ahh, Y/N~ it feels- mnph!" You blush and cover his mouth with you hand, and he starts to lick it and suck it.
You always have to redo your schedule for him, he is greedy for attention and likes to mess around. He thinks it's funny both how you resist to his charms but also give in to them. He is supportive of you, so he will help if you tell him to do something in specific, but still. Karaku is a distraction, a pleasurable one, and you are addicted to it. It's only human to procrastinate. "Y/N! Let's have fun together!"
You are classy and collected, almost having a zen presence.
Urogi likes you a lot, "You are like, shiny but without glowing or reflecting light, if that makes sense" it doesn't, but you understand what Urogi wants to say. He is always moving and acting like an animal, he likes grabbing things with his feet, chew all his food together inside his mouth filling it until parts slip off his lips, destroy things and draw attention. But you also attrack people's attention.
"Behave a little Urogi, watch your manners." You wipe softly and kindly some dirt in his cheek with a piece of cloth, being patient and tender. Ever so calm, like a Buddha! And you are elegant as well, and Urogi only wants to play and mess with you. He wants to snach you away because he likes you. "Mine!"
He is always or moving around you or all over you, sometimes he kidnaps you before flying away. As he is careful to not hurt you, you are forever impossible to perturb. That only makes him crazier about you, hyped by only having you near. "Y/N, call me Baby-bird! I like it when you call me petnames! Call me something cute!" You only chuckle calmly before nodding and speaking gently. "Is this ok, my Baby-bird?" "Yay! Call me that again!"
You are loud and strong-willed [You are Naruto Uzumaki, believe it! Okno 🤣 sorry.]
Aizetsu looks up to you, you have a very strong character and a determined personality. You are not afraid to draw everyone's attention to yourself and to stand up for what you believe. "Sekido, stop scolding Aizetsu! He is trying his best! Aizetsu, baby, don't let him talk to you like that!" He really likes you and can't help himself but shy away.
"Thank you for defending me, Y/N. I'm sorry for being a bother." You lunge fowar to grab his shoulders with your arm and press him against you, making him blush. "You are not a bother, just... stop letting others talk and walk over you. And stop being so cute!" It's easy to forget who is the more powerful between you two, since you always take the lead and he lets you be fondly.
He likes when you hold him and cuddle him, loving that you just go for what you want and that you go for him. Most of the time you are physically touching somehow, he passive and letting you do whatever you are, blushing at most. And you all over him showering him with love. "You are my baby, Aizetsu! Don't forget it, I will always be there for you!"
You are lazy, always looking tired, but very generous and kind.
Gyokko wants to scream everytime he sees you looking as if you just woke up. He actually does scream at times, horrified, really. "AHHHHHHHHH! Oh gods, oh gods, you look TERRIBLE! What happened?!" You just look at him, not really caring of your appereance, before smiling softly to him. "I stayed up late, that's all. Don't worry about me, Gyokko." That only frustrates him more "I'M NOT WORRIED! I'M DISGUSTED! GO BACK TO SLEEP!"
Honestly, there are times he thinks just eating you and get over with it would be easier, but he doesn't want to risk it. As a human, anything that happens to you might be your last breath. He doesn't want you gone, and it's easier to blame how fragile your body your state instead of the fact thatcyou don't take that much care of yourself. Specially because you care a lot for others, always helping around, giving others your time, energy and resources.
And while that is the reason he loves you, he feels you should focus more on yourself at times. But you spend a lot of time together. Sometimes you watch him from afar while he makes pots, other times he watches you help others. You watch him with kindness and awe, he watches whoever is with you with anger and frustration. "Stop wasting so much on others! Come with me right now, I'm taking you away!" You are the most patient and understanding, you you mend the problems you both have. "Let me finish this favor I promised someone and I will go out with you. Don't be impatient." He is impatient, but you both manage.
Well-born, you are very healthy in every sense possible.
Gyutaro doesn't even know what is that you like from him, he's poor, ugly, sounds ill, has low self-steem, can't say no to Daki, has enough envy to fill the district's money if he was paid for it, and you can keep listing. And you still stay around. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what is going on."
He has so much envy of you. You are reliable with your emotions, you have a body you clearly take care of, a well developed brain and skills, you are socially apt, and you were born in a family with money. You are everything he hates and yet you are so good... "I really just want... something, ne. I don't know. Give me something from you, ne." You give him a hug and he burries his face into you.
You know how to treat yourself and others without getting hurt, without being anything like him. He really would love to be more like you, just like he loves to have you around to help him. Because he loves his sister, but he also wants somwhere he can heal, and you are good health personificated for him "Let's keep this a bit, ne." He tells you. "Alright, and you're welcome." He thanks you softly as he follows your lead and trust you to help him with whatche needs, even when he doesn't want ir or disagrees.... he thinks you could fix him.
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deecotan · 3 months
I have a question, you don’t have to answer this question, but I went through most of your blog and I noticed you shipped Zosan (I do too!!!!) The question is, what other One piece ships do you ship? I’m not much of a multi-shipper but I’m not against any ship (unless it’s weird).
I really love your art and adore your Zosan family.
Also love Rejiu hehe
Thank you for blessing this space with your beautiful art!
Ohh this is an interesting ask. I haven't had a chance to talk about my favorite One Piece ships other than Zosan so far, so might as well do it here!
When it comes to multiships, I'm an AllSan shipper in the sense that I love the concept where everyone is at least a bit in love with Sanji — but my main favorite AllSan ships are Lusan, Acesan, Pedrosan, and sometimes Katasan if I'm in the mood. They're mostly a way for me to enjoy different Sanji dynamics with different characters, so they're mostly very Sanji-centric.
Lawlu/Lulaw is probably the closest thing I have as my second favorite ship in OP. Gotta love the good ol' sunshine & grumpy dynamic. I love the idea of them being able to bring out each other's softer side, like how the perpetually frowning Law would break into a soft smile whenever Luffy is around, or the hyperactive Luffy slowing down just a tiniest bit so he can listen more attentively when Law is talking to him. (this reminds me that I need to draw them more often rip)
A pairing I wouldn't expect to find so endearing is Zeff/Sora. The idea of the grumpy foul-mouthed Zeff being all soft and mushy towards Sora fucking melts me, especially in AU settings where Sora is divorced and/or taking care of her children alone. They're literally what Sanji's (and his siblings') parents would be like if they actually had a decent childhood.
Frobin is a classic. They're that type of couple who has the freakiest and most insane kinks in bed while also having the healthiest relationship you've ever seen. Dofuwani is more of a "terrible people in love" ship and I love their "enemies to lovers to exes to whatever they are now" energy. I also enjoy Shanks/Mihawk and Shanks/Buggy for the divorced parents vibe (sorry Shanks). And also whatever the hell is going on with Buggy/Mihawk/Crocodile right now. It's less "i ship them romantically" and more "i want to see what kind of fuckery they're getting into". A fucked-up goth-mafia-circus old men polycule... Oda is cooking something here
That's what I can remember on top of my head right now. There are other ships out there that I don't necessarily ship romantically, just that I find them interesting or because I want to see them fuck nasty lol. OP is a great fandom to find all sorts of ship dynamics really, since you got a large number of characters, equally large number of fans, and 20+ years worth of fanworks all mixed together haha.
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merakiui · 7 months
….do you ever think about academic rivals with jade?
YES. OTL academic rivals with Jade, but he's always the first one to have checked out the specific books you need from the library. Every time you ask if they have [insert mushroom textbook here], the librarian just frowns at you and tells you, "Sorry. Another student's already borrowed it. Should have it in by next week." But you need this specific textbook now. How else are you going to be able to write your report on various fungi species if that book is the only one that goes into detail on a very ancient species that you can't read about anywhere else?
It doesn't take you long to find out the current owner. All you needed to ask was, "Do you know who's using [insert mushroom textbook here]?" and everyone points you in his direction. Jade Leech. The two of you have a bit of a history. You're both academically intelligent, always within the top brackets for exam scores. He's abysmal in flight class, which is really the only hold you have over him when it comes to your unspoken competition. You absolutely tease him for this, but he teases back just as playfully when he catches you fumbling. <3
You met at the entrance ceremony in your first year. While Floyd was busy causing a commotion and getting his ass handed to him by Riddle, you were boasting to some friends about how you were certain you'd be sorted into [insert your dorm of choice here]. Jade had overheard and slinked over to wish you luck on your placement. You'd grinned at him and said, "I don't need luck when I know I'm right." You hit him right in his eel heart with that line..... oh, he's so intrigued.
Much to your chagrin, you're placed in Octavinelle LOL. So not only do you compete on an academic playing field with Jade, you compete as dorm members as well. Jade isn't nearly as competitive as Floyd, but when the mood strikes he's oh-so-willing to play. And you are by far his favorite plaything. He'll entertain silly competitions, if only because it gives him the opportunity to talk with you more. So he's immensely pleased when you storm into the botanical gardens to demand he relinquish the textbook for one day so you can use it. Jade pretends to consider it before smiling coyly and asking, "Shall we share it instead?"
And now you're standing side by side, shoulders nearly brushing, while reviewing the material. Jade could help you with your report, just so you know. :) he's the only other student writing about this topic for Professor Crewel's class. Why not review one another's work? Peer review is a very important part of the process, after all! You'd never willingly work with your rival, especially not when you're determined to submit the better paper on mushrooms and get a better grade than Jade, but somehow you agree. And somehow you're meeting Jade at his room to discuss papers. You're only here for academics and it's a one-time thing! Jade smiles like he doesn't believe you for a second, but he doesn't dignify your self-gaslighting with a response. He's just happy to be able to hang out with you.
Of course Floyd is also there to provide not-so-helpful commentary like: "Want me to get lost so you two can get to fuckin'?" or "Lame. When Jade said you were comin' over, I didn't think you'd be usin' studyin' for foreplay." T_T thank you for the input, Floyd.
And of course Jade flirts with you in that weird, coquettish Jade way. orz but you're certain this is just a sly tactic your rival's employing to distract you so that he can improve his paper!!! >:O from then on, any attempts at flirting are scrutinized heavily. You cannot imagine a world where Jade Leech loves you, but then that same Jade Leech is the first one at your table when you visit the lounge, always providing you with the best service. Azul and Floyd know it's favoritism, but to anyone else you're just seen as the poor soul Jade's taken a shine to. That same Jade Leech is meeting you after class when it’s dismissed to wish you luck on the upcoming exams and to offer a study session. That same Jade Leech is cultivating various fungi and flowers that remind him of you.
Most of all, that same Jade Leech, your academic rival since first year, is leaving little study baskets at your dorm door every time a big exam rolls around because he knows you neglect your health. But he's still just your rival! That's all he is! You're certain of this! (denial)
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uzis-dopeaf-hat · 2 months
Murder Drones HumanAU + some updates
Summary: Uzi doesn't get along with anyone in her school, let alone her town. Why would she ever do anything for them?
After a fiasco in their chemistry class, she and three other students are forced to compensate by participating in the entertainment portion of Copper-9's big fall festival.
Uzi is almost tempted to just take the three weeks suspension and marks on her record, but if she wants to get out of this town she can't have anything stopping her. So, VERY reluctantly...
She agrees.
A/N: Still planning on a Nuzi post, but I've been so busy that I haven't had time to work on it too much this weekend.
As compensation... I have this?
I pulled that summary out of my ass, but I have a very vague idea of how this series would go. There would be probably at least two parts, each being multi-chapter with, of course, eventual Nuzi. Planning on sprinkling a bit of SmokeyBat and... Thuzi? Thi?? Uzid??? I don't actually know since I don't really... ship them?? Lol, which is a bit funny once you read what I've cooked so far.
Obviously, human au, with like 50 other themes mixed in (eventually). ALSO nothing supernatural (sorry if you wanted that, admittedly I did ponder the idea), but I still think this will be super interesting if I'm able to get a good outline going. I've been thinking about this idea for a few weeks.
Partly inspired by both Broken Balance by Gamecube19 and by chance by spero11 (which if you somehow haven't read I highly recommend). If I end up writing more of this it'll make a bit more sense where my inspiration came from.
Anywho, enough about me, lemme share my weird ideas with you all!
Sidenote: This fic will have NO smut or gore but WILL end with Nuzi if I pursue it, it just needs to simmer :)
Words: 2444
Uzi grumbles as the two idiots sitting in front of her continue their discussion on whether or not they can create their alcohol with the chemicals they were provided with for their chemistry lab that day. They were testing reaction types with certain compounds in various ways, which is up to their lab groups.
This usually isn’t a huge issue as her seatmate- Thad- is typically her assigned partner. Each lab table could fit four people, and since Thad was constantly to the right of her, he’d usually take pity when the teacher made the students choose their partners. Fortunately, that was a rare case when the teacher was in a good mood (which was never) and decided to let them choose their partners freely.
And in those rare cases, every single time Uzi tried to insist she was fine by herself, hide, or even pretend she already had a partner, the teacher has always either caught her or assigned her to an already made group (and this never ends up well for anyone in the classroom). Hence, why Thad (literally the ONLY person who talked to her outside of class occasionally) would always partner up with the girl.
She pretends it doesn’t make her chest feel funny.
But in a not super rare case (unfortunately), the whole lab table was required to conduct today's experiment together. 
In front of Uzi sat Sam, the typical resident stoner one can probably conjure up easily in their head. The stereotypical guy, except maybe the lack of obnoxiously dirty and long hair. He always had a beanie on like Uzi herself, though he has a buzzcut whenever it's off… which is seldom (once again, like Uzi).
Uzi wouldn’t mind the boy if he remembered… well, anything about her… but more importantly their freaking assignments that he constantly forgets to finish (she makes Braidon do Sam’s share). 
He always forgot her name, and even after re-informing him, he again forgets within the next few minutes. It's probably because of all the edibles he eats. Uzi thanks god every day she doesn’t have to deal with the stench of weed by this boy because god only knows if he’d survive her rage of having to smell that shit all day. They have close lockers so she wouldn’t be able to escape that reek even if she wanted to.
As for Braidon, he was a stuck-up, rude, and obnoxious redhead. He and Thad were definitely on the higher ranking when it came to their school's hierarchy, but unlike Thad, he flaunted that status in the stupidest ways Uzi could imagine. Constantly cut others in line at lunch, always making sure he’d “accidentally” spill his food onto the girl (which, way to get creative, idiot? Lizzy’s pulled that one back in Middle School), being the goddamned teacher's pet while borderline tattling on Uzi for things that never even happened (like the one time Rebecca stuck gum in another girls hair and had Braidon blame Uzi for it), and most recently, decided to “confiscate” Uzi’s belongings for a search as another student has supposedly reported to a staff member that she had firearms on her. 
Yeah, Uzi wasn’t fond of the asshole. Her dad always tells her not to fight so much with the other students, always urging her to make amends with the boy. She knows this is only because Braidon’s dad had a huge say in the community, along with one of the bigger funders of their shitty school. Uzi knows she could easily bend that bastard if he ever tried to get physical with her. She knew better than to retaliate physically with so much stacked against her (police chief's daughter or not), but she had her exceptions. 
The last time a bully tried really hurting her she kicked them straight in the face. Uzi had never felt more alive. Her dad wasn’t pleased with her two-week suspension, though.
But back to the shithead, he and his annoying ass tie made its presence known by discussing loudly with Sam about the lack of possibility of turning their little chemistry experiment into alcohol of all things. 
“Sam of all the things you could contribute, why choose this ridiculous notion? Whoever you give that to is going to end up in the hospital.” Braidon states, seemingly uninterested. Thad lets out a chuckle as Sam just gives a lazy shrug, mixing some chemicals he stole from one of the cabinets into a spare beaker that was left on the shelves. “Just lookin’ for somethin’ to do. Wasn’t this the uh- like, what we’re supposed to be doing anyways?” Sam questions, still casually mixing.
Braidon scoffs as he recites their assignment to Sam. Uzi growls and gets out her worksheet, intending to finish her work before class ends. With or without the help of her partners. Braidon will just figure out the work himself and give the information to Sam to copy.
She notices Thad watching her as she prepares their materials. She flushes a bit but elects to ignore her the heat rushing to her face as she finishes setting up, turning to Thad when she’s deemed everything ready.
“Ya ready?” She asks, making sure she doesn’t sound too interested in what he’ll have to say. Thad nods before he quirks a brow at the two in front of them. “What about them?”
Uzi rolls her eyes, “They’ll catch up, as always”. Uzi cracks her knuckles. “Let’s just get this over with already so I can stop talking to you idiots”.
Thad only nods, used to Uzi’s blase and hostile nature to be able to not feel too offended.
As the two work, Braidon seems to notice them moving on without him and Sam and huffs, before beginning to write down their data and shoving Sam in the arm to try and steer his attention at the task at hand (which has about a 30% success rate).
Despite Uzi’s general dislike of her school’s populace (or her town), they’re usually able to get shit done with minimal issues. Thad and Sam typically make for good buffers between the others. If left alone with each other for too long, an argument is guaranteed, along with a high chance of Uzi having a nice visit to the principal's office. 
With that being said, minimal incidents does not mean zero incidents.
The group finishes their lab reports first, thanks to Braidon and Uzi’s high intelligence (not that anyone is singing her praises), and they proceed to turn in their papers. Uzi cleans up the lab table since Sam is too doped up to realize it needs cleaning, while Braidon doesn’t care to help if it means any more interaction with Uzi, which neither of them wants.
Thad, of course, helps. And Uzi makes sure to be extra careful when he hands her a beaker he just rinsed, cautiously preventing her fingers from grazing his (even if she may desperately crave to). It doesn’t take long to finish, and Uzi lets out a sigh as she places herself back on her stool, checking her phone and noting that she only has twenty minutes before class ends. Luckily, this is her last class of the day. Once that bell rings she is out. 
Uzi leans down to grab her bag below her seat, struggling, before letting out a defeated groan and hopping out of her chair to reach it instead. She places it on the table before jumping back in her spot yanking her earbuds from the bag's side pocket and shoving them in her ears and phone aux. 
She puts on one of the many random playlists she’s painfully curated over the years on,  turning up the volume probably too high to drown out her shitty class, before grabbing one of her journals (which looked to have been used quite a bit), a blue and a black ballpoint pen (she’d need new ones soon), and a thick folder filled with varying sizes of used paper (both blank and assignments).
The others ignore her, Thad knowing better than to look at her work as last time he did so she shouted at him so suddenly that he couldn’t hear out of his left ear for the entirety of football practice.
Uzi turns to where she had left the journal’s bookmark ribbon, the page showing different designs for a variety of weapons, the next page is the start of a messy sketch of a landscape being made with small notes added here and there. It was a blank journal, so no lines obscured the mess of ink she had left behind.
Uzi hums as her music continues to blare, turning it up more as some lab tables away a group is having a spat about their results. 
Next, she grabs her folder, which is purple and made of cheap cardboard. The spine was starting to deteriorate and the smaller subfolders had been repaired with black duct tape to help keep it together, barely keeping all her papers together (she’d have to delegate some old papers to recycling or her closet soon). All of the papers were filled with notes from over the years, keeping the most important ones to the left, and the most relevant to the right. Uzi grabbed one from the right subfolder and turned it around to check the back, before setting it down and closing the folder. 
On one side of the paper was a one-page assignment that had been graded and returned, a large ‘100%’ in red marker covering the top. On the other side, there were more notes, mostly about some sort of story concept, along with side notes to footnotes, unorganized and multicolored. Uzi looks at some of the purple ink left on the paper, making a mental note to grab a pack of purple pens as well when she eventually goes to the store.
Looking at the paper, she smiles a bit before getting to work in her journal, making certain lightly sketched areas more detailed, adding elements she had previously intended to incorporate. In the corner in all caps in small letters, the words “DEATH’S DRONES: PLANET-9 CONCEPT.” Underneath in an even smaller font was “title a work in progress.” Uzi wasn’t very proud of her naming abilities. 
As the girl continued her sketching, she didn’t notice her table mates suddenly begin to speak. Not until someone rounded the table and painfully ripped one of her earbuds out.
“OW, What the absolute f-” She’s interrupted from her anger by the suspect, Braidon, tutting at her and waving a hand. 
“Oh, hush up you’ll be fine. We just needed you for something real quick.”
Uzi growls as she narrows her eyes, now noticing that Thad and Sam are also staring at her, with Sam at some point having also stood up and placed next to Braidon. He was still holding the beaker from earlier. She checks her phone. 
‘2:53,’ a little over five minutes left of this hellhole. Uzi detested the idea of getting into an argument with the idiot in front of her and having to stay at the school for any longer than she wanted because she had somehow “instigated” the dickhead and would probably have to attend detention. 
With a groan, the girl relented. “And why the hell do you need me?”
There’s a flash in Braidon’s eyes, and Uzi glares harder. It’s so unfair that the three surrounding her are still taller than her even on this death trap of a chair. Bullshit is what this is, but she’s not about to back down just because of a little height difference.
“Just drink this, Doorman.” He grabs the beaker Sam is holding and shoves it in Uzi’s face. Uzi looks down at it, eyes widening in surprise. Thad lets out a small noise, seemingly debating whether or not to step in. Sam, to his credit, finally looks a little less out of it and gives Braidon a confused look.
“Uhh… I thought you said if someone drank that it would-” He’s cut off when Braidon holds his hand up. The taller of the two glares, “Ah- I was just being hyperbolic, Sam. She’ll be fine! And hey, if this works, Chad and Brad will have something new to serve at their next party. Or you, Thad.” He gives a glance to the jock as he gives out a mirthful smile.
Then, he turns back to Uzi, placing the beaker in front of her. “Whenever you’re ready.” He grins, eyes sharp.
Uzi stares at him, then at Sam, then Thad. 
Braidon has a smug grin, his arms crossed as he waits impatiently for Uzi to take a sip of Sam’s concoction. Sam himself looks a little confused but mostly tired. He gives a small yawn and when he catches Uzi’s gaze gives a lazy wave. Thad just looks pensive, smiling encouragingly when their eyes connect.
Uzi takes a breath, pausing her music and calmly taking out her other earbud, before picking up the beaker.
Then, as she stares directly at the redhead, pours the liquid down the sink drain that lies in the middle of their table.
Sam laughs a bit, not caring about his half-hour of work being drained away. Thad looks a little relieved, though stares at the sink confused. 
And Braidon looks pissed.
Uzi sticks her tongue out at him and as she’s about to speak, a slow, crescendo of sizzling reaches her ears.
Confused, she turns to Thad who’s still looking at the sink, seemingly startled. She turns only to jolt when she realizes something is coming up from the drain. Both she and Thad bolt up from their seats (Uzi with some difficulty) when the sizzling gets louder and louder.
She bumps into the two boys behind her, but she’s too spooked to care. It seems they have the same mindset as neither comment on it.
Suddenly, there’s a loud ‘pop!’ and a large flash that engulfs the whole room.
And when the light fades away? Uzi pales at what she sees.
The sink was ruined, the metal corroded away and the surface of the table surrounding the sink also had been damaged. Whatever Sam had mixed had eaten at the metal and table, leaving behind smoke that thankfully seemed to be teetering out.
The entire class was quiet, staring at the ruins of the corner lab table with wide eyes and open mouths. 
Until a very angry teacher marches up to the four and shouts.
None of them protested as all four rushed out of the classroom.
Uzi’s hands were shaking.
She ignores it.
...so uh... let me know what y'all think! I don't have a name for this AU or story yet, but as I type more behind the scenes I'm sure I'll think of something... hopefully
I also had a helper with me as I wrote both this post and the "first chapter" so to speak.
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Okay, so I don't have a beta and I probably won't need one (Grammarly has my back! I uh... think,,) but N was nice company lol. Uzi will be out soon and you bet I'm gonna go crazy with that when it comes.
The N Shimeji was created by Polar Summit, and you can find their other Shimeji projects here where they update their works!
Thanks for reading all my bullshit if you've made it this far! If I end up pursuing this I'll post it on my AO3, with some potential changes to this "first chapter" (which I want to make a little closer to 4k-5k words).
I won't reveal too much since I really like this idea and I uhhh kinda don't want people to take it? But feel free to ask questions and speculate lol love y'all <3
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aannnd they've multiplied. goodnight.
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leidensygdom · 1 month
Your art reminds me so much of the game Hades, but like, the women have realistic bodies and unique faces and ur not afraid to make a character actually look rugged in a way that so many big name artists don’t even bother… no shade to the game I’m just a picky artist who loves women in more shapes than just Hollywood Skinny 😂
This is a major compliment btw. Your art is always so beautiful and I just love your character design
Hey, thank you!! Honestly I had some peeves with Hades when it came to actual... Eh, diversity, but they've tried to do it better for Hades 2. Hephaestus and Hestia do at least have some different bodytypes (and they've been a massive controversy on twitter, of course...)
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However there's also some faces that were a bit more unique in Hades 1 that have been... pretti-fied for 2? (Aphrodite looks more anime-y in the new one, Demeter had a stronger jaw and looked older on the first one). I admit I'm a bit terrified of how BAD the discourse has got whenever any videogame has anything but hyperattractive standard people
But I get you. Sometimes I feel like things would be easier for me art-wise if I just... Limited myself to the good ol' Hollywood Skinny. I'd def get less comments or asks of people pissed at me for drawing "ugly people" (jfc). I'm also aware that my more "conventionally-attractive" (mind the quotes) characters do tend to get more attention. Hell, Yxala used to receive more love before I started to seriously work on her bodytype. People love "muscle mommies" up until there's more than 1% body fat or they look actually old in any way lol
I'm sorry if I come out too harsh, finding out someone made an entirely new account to bypass a block to keep talking shit to me because Yxala has a belly kinda put me in a weird mood about this stuff!!
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
i'm so obsessed with the early stages of nepo baby and rockstar!eddies relationship and just everything cowboy!eddie, so as you can imagine these blurbs have been feeding me good recently!!!! do you plan on writing anymore full fics for the rockstar!eddie early relationship? also hockey and boxer eddie are literally sooooo gooddddd, i love seeing you flesh out the characters and stories with each eddie and am so excited to see where you take them❤️❤️ you are an amazing writer and i read literally everything you put out!!
i love nb and rockstar!eddie. my babies.
i had plans at one point in time to write about their first date. like official date and how much of a disaster it was lol. mainly because they’re like so awkward with it. they’re trying to be nice but also not used to it because they’re a little unsure (a lot) about what they’re doing and what exactly their relationship even is.
like nb makes a joke, and eddie goes straight into “yeah? you’re gonna talk to me like that?” instant mood killer bc they’re not playing, they’re on a date and he’s like … sorry lol. a lot of that.
i don’t know if anyone remembers the anon that said they were literally beauty and the best specifically their first date was ‘tale as old as time’ the song, but i think about that a lot with them. i actually had a wip that i started this summer before shit got weird that was called ‘bittersweet and strange’ about their first date and was named after that anon and the song.
i’m closer to their vegas wedding fic being done so that will prob come before the other, but I might pick that one back up and start on it :)
thank you so much!!! 🫶🫶
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Do you think that people ever get Hermes confused for Peter Pan and Jack Frost when they first meet him in PJO? If you look at Disney's Peter Pan and then Rankin Bass' Jack Frost, you can kind of see the elf like looks that Hermes is kind of known for. Then there's the mischievousness and the flying.
If he of course leans into that with his appearances with mortals. Maybe that's why he tries to be more grey and adult looking like a 20 or 30 something professional? Like if he were to appear young, some mortal would say, "Oh, no, it's Peter Pan!" He's real! His Lost Boys can't be too far behind. I'm not letting him whisk me off to Neverland!" Then they run, Hermes is just rolling his eyes and going really? Before he chases them so Zeus can punish them. Random thought, I guess. I know I have awful humor and weird ideas. Thank you for reading.
Hey Anon! Sorry it took me so long to get to this; it got buried at the bottom of my inbox.
You know, I assumed that Hermes looked like he was in his 20-30s because of two reasons: 1. because that was a decent age to look as when he's talking to his kids (seeing your dad the same age as you has got to be weird/uncomfortable lol) and 2. because that's the age-range that he feels - like late 20-30s is about the age that you are when you have kids and your parents are still alive and interfering in your life, which kinda describes the situation that Hermes is in.
But this? This explains so much oh my goodness. I can totally see Hermes lowkey starting Peter Pan and Jack Frost rumors when he's in his more mischievous moods. I love this idea. Also Hermes is one of the younger Olympian gods, so it makes sense that he makes more of an effort to appear older in order to be taken more seriously.
Tho imagine that Hermes appears to his youngest kids as Peter Pan or Jack Frost and helps them out, pretending he's a character in their books? Ofc he has to stop when they get older and start to question it bc of the no-interference rules. Hermes screwing with his kids (in a fun way) while being a good father (by godly standards?) Yesss. Also aren't some of the Peter Pan/Jack Frost lore based on the kids making a wish? I feel like that could be interpreted as prayers by kids, which would give Hermes an arguing point if he ever gets in trouble for interfering.
Thank you so much for this. It was a wonderful idea. I have adopted it as one of my headcanons. I may write a fic about it.
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cowboybarzy · 1 year
hi! let’s do it, right this time!! could i request a trip to paris with cale makar where he’s going to propose but you don’t know it yet for your travel around the world summer requests!! thank you!
yes this is absolutely cute!! tysm; also can you tell I watched friends before writing this lol
come along the world trip
📍paris, france with cale makar
"That was a great diner," you said as you stepped out of the small Parisian restaurant holding your boyfriends hand. He agreed, having ordered another appetizer during his actual meal because he couldn't get enough, you weren't surprised. The restaurant he chose served divine food and the atmosphere was very romantic. "I'm still in the mood for Crêpes, though. You?"
"Sure, I could eat one." He would never not want any more food. You looked up a place to go and remembered a place from your research before the trip that came highly recommended.
"No, not that one. It's not near the Eiffel Tower," Cale disagreed.
"I want to see it light up."
"We can do that tomorrow. Or afterwards."
"No, I want to do it now. Come on, they're just as good over there," he continued to argue, but it didn't make much sense to you. "Come on."
With a sigh, you gave in and followed him in the opposite direction. You were really confused by his behavior, he never insisted like that without giving a legitimate reason and usually he gave into whatever you wanted. But now that you thought about it, he had been acting weird this entire trip, especially today. He was extremely jumpy and lost in his thoughts.
The streets of Paris were extremely busy and loud, but you loved that. While not every street was beautiful and you were definitely aware of your surroundings, you loved the of building and all of the different kinds of people living their best lives here. But with the sun long gone and the wind that had picked up a bit, you were getting a bit chilly on your walk so you asked for his blazer.
"Of course." He stopped to take it off, but then suddenly paused and then put it back on. "Actually, uh, no. Sorry."
You furrowed your brows in confusion. "What? Why?"
"Well, uh," he looked for his words, coughing a couple times. "Then I'd be cold."
"Oh-kay." You kept walking, a bit disturbed by the experience. He always offered his jacket and would rather freeze to death than let you be a bit chilly. "You're being weird."
He chuckled and draped his arm over your shoulder, his hand still in yours. "Yeah, well, that's me." He kissed the side of your head, then changed the subject to distract you from that awkward interaction.
"Une crêpes au Nutella, s'il vous plaît," you ordered a while later at a little food truck near the Eiffel Tower. "Et une au Nutella et bananes."
You paid the man and watched him make the two crêpes. Cale grinned, "that was hot."
Once your crêpes were ready, you found a spot on a bridge with a perfect view of the tower to eat them. You saw it sparkle a few times and shamelessly leaned into the tourists in you and took some sweet pictures. In the last while, you could tell he had relaxed a bit, but now he got fidgety again.
"Love," he looked around nervously, while grabbing your hand. He cleared his throat one too many times before you gave him a concerned look, but the mood changed suddenly when his hand reached into jacket pocket and pulled out a small black box. Out of the corner of your eye the Eiffel Tower started sparkling again and a lightbulb went off in your head. He was about to propose.
Time slowed down as Cale lowered to one knee. Your breath got caught in your throat. Your pulse started racing. And your eyes flooded with tears. "Cale-" It was barely a whisper. He cleared his throat one more time, then smiled looking up at you.
"(Y/n), I have loved you for a long time now. Probably longer than I should admit, because the first thing I thought when I first saw you was 'I want to marry her one day'. Well, now I'm hoping to make that a reality. You are my favorite person in this world and you're making me a happier and better man every day. Even with my crazy schedule, when we're miles apart or right here next to each other, I always feel close to you. You're the only person I want to come home to, wake up to, and kiss goodnight. I love you more than words could ever describe. And with this ring," Cale opened the little box, revealing a beautiful ring. "I will promise to love you forever and ask you to spend the rest of your lives together. (Y/n), will you marry me?"
"Cale—", a small sob left you. Your entire body was screaming the word 'yes', even before he asked the question, but all you could do was whisper it over and over again. "Yes. Yes. Yes."
He managed to slide the ring on your finger before you threw yourself at him, slinging your arms around his neck. "Yeah?"
You nodded vigorously. "Yes. Always."
His dimples appeared, deeper than ever, and even in the dark you could see his blue eyes sparkle with joy. He finally kissed you, his soft lips exploring yours with newfound passion.
"That's why you were acting so weird," you realized when you pulled away after a moment.
"Guilty. I just wanted to do it in front of the lit up tower and couldn't wait another day." You kissed his grin, too sweet not to. "Oh, if you're still cold you can have my jacket now."
You threw your head back with a small laugh. "I'm good. I'm all warm and fuzzy now. I love you."
"Love you more, honey."
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gurugirl · 11 months
I love stepdad Harry! Always brings a smile to my face when i see youve posted (guilty pleasure yum). Thank you for the last one!
but i cannot get enough of stepmom reader. You’ve made that one into something really special. In fact I told someone about it last week and they were like ~ nope. Not into stepmom stuff or older yn. Nope ~
but then guess what? they wound up reading it and binged all three parts and admitted to me that they were wrong 😂 I’m like ‘yeah I know’
just wanted to share that with you! Your stepmom fic is so shockingly good (not shocking bc you’re not a good writer, shocking bc it’s a trope most of us were not interested in) that it’s quickly become my top 5 all time favorite.
i cannot wait for part 4! I adore them and you so much. Do you have any idea when part 4 will come out? Any sneaky???
ps.. sorry for the weird capitalization stuff going on there. My phone decided when to capitalize randomly and I’m too lazy to fix.
A Good Boy sneak peek under the cut below!
🥹 thank you so much, babe. Really glad you liked the stepdad!harry from yesterday! That was a quick little fun thing to write.
As for stepmom!reader - wow! I really love that you're liking it so much and talking about it with other people and that your friend changed their mind 😂 Seems to be the theme for that fic. So many of y'all didn't think you'd like it based on the trope alone but I'm surprised that you guys did enjoy it anyway! Makes me smile.
So, I'm almost done with part 4. I think I can have it out by Thursday? Maybe? I'm super busy today (well, busy for me LOL) and gonna try to write but I've also got something I'm working on that someone paid me to write so I'm prioritizing that. Thursday at the earliest I'll post part 4 but I'll let y'all know.
And the random capitalization? My phone does the same. 😂 The words can't, can, and don't often get capitalized in the middle of sentences and it's a crapshoot on when the beginning of a sentence will be capitalized or not. I need to turn it off so it just leaves everything lowercase. So no judgement from me!
Sneak peek below !! (just remember this is literally copied from the word doc I'm writing in and hasn't been proofread or edited so some changed may be made before I post part 4)
Y/n was wearing her newly altered peach silk dress. The alterations were simple. The straps and hem were adjusted and the back column was dropped down a bit to drape to her low back. Her strappy nude heels were well-worn but comfortable because she was just simply not in the mood to wear the stiff, new heels she’d just bought.
The estate of Rebecca Manera was impressive. Probably equally as impressive as Leonardo Styles’. Most of the guests had already arrived by the time the Styles’ walked through the front door a little late.
Leo scolded Y/n for taking so long to get ready and making them run behind but in all honesty, she didn’t give a fuck. They could be half an hour late. No one would care. Why rush to go to a party? It’s not like they needed to clock in and earn a paycheck.
“It’s rude, Y/n. That’s why it matters. You’re so goddamn rude sometimes. You only think about yourself.”
She turned sharply to look at her husband in shock. That was the first time he’d ever said such a thing to her. Normally he had no opinion on how she conducted herself. She was chronically late. Yes, she could admit that was a flaw in her character but she was on time when it really counted. But to get so worked up over a party? And to insult her on top of it?
That had set the whole mood for the night. And now she was even more suspicious about this Rebecca.
But when Rebecca did make her appearance and introduced herself to Y/n she was taken aback. The woman had to be in her 50s. She was pretty, sure, but not quite Leo’s type. If Y/n were any sort of indicator of a type.
Servers walked around with trays and served the couples in attendance. There were only ten couples there as well as Rebecca’s two daughters, Y/n learned. Quite the intimate affair really.
Leo brought a glass of wine to Y/n as she chatted with Mrs. Topman (she never learned her first name, as the woman literally introduced herself as Mrs. Topman).
“Here you are darling.” His green eyes shined down at her before searching the room casually. She was on to Leo. But she found it odd that the woman he was with in the Hamptons was Rebecca. She was intrigued.
She watched Rebecca mingle and sip wine and laugh and there was nothing there that made Y/n think Leo would be interested in her sexually. But maybe that was it, Y/n thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side watching the woman speak boisterously. Maybe it wasn’t sexual. Maybe it was a woman he felt a deeper connection with than he did with Y/n. Perhaps it hadn’t started sexual but led there.
The snack table was set up with decadent treats. Y/n picked up a toast smeared with something pink, topped with heart-shaped tomatoes on top as she scanned the room for Leo, wondering where he’d gone off to. It hadn’t been that long but knowing about Rebecca being with him made things feel like she was in some kind of true crime detective story and was trying to get to the bottom of a mystery. Though there was no crime being committed, she could entertain herself with that thought.
“Are you enjoying your time tonight?”
Y/n turned her sight to Rebecca who was next to her picking up the same toast with pink schmear.
“It’s amazing. Your home is so lovely, Mrs. Manera,” she smiled and noted the woman’s massive diamond ring in addition to her massive diamond wedding ring.
“Why thank you. Phineas has put in so much work to make this large shell into a lovely cozy home.”
Y/n nearly spat her bite out. The home was anything but cozy.
“It’s incredible. Where is Mr. Manera tonight?”
“Oh, just over there,” she pointed to a man in tweed with thick black-framed glasses, “You haven’t met yet?”
Rebecca led the way as Y/n walked in her wake to meet Mr. Manera. She had still not spotted her own husband.
“Phineas, dear, this is Mrs. Styles. Leonardo’s wife.”
The man held his hand out, “Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Styles.”
“Likewise. You can call me Y/n.”
 “Well, Y/n. We’re happy to have you here. Where’s Leo anyway? Haven’t seen him.”
Turning around quickly to look over her shoulder she shrugged and faced the man and his wife again, “Not sure actually. I haven’t seen him in a bit myself,” she laughed. And before she could even think about what she was implying she spoke to Rebecca, “But I’m sure you’ve seen enough of him since you saw him in the Hampton’s this weekend.”
Rebecca and Phineas’ smiles dropped as they looked at one another and then back to Y/n, “I haven’t been to the Hamptons in over a decade. Are you sure you’re not mistaking me for Parker? Our daughter? She was just there all weekend with her girlfriends.”
A Good Boy Masterlist
A Good Boy tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay @amateurduck
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lady-of-endless · 2 months
thank you also for the trade!! i’m so excited for it!! <3
okay so my name is anayeli but i also go by sora, im 16 and im hispanic! my pronouns are she/her, but my gender is unlabeled. my sign is aquarius and my personality type is INFP.
i’d like to be perceived as a stand user also, and i love animals sm (even if im allergic to them) iggy is one of my favs. im honestly pretty introverted and i usually only talk to people if they talk to me first, i like to stay indoors a lot but once im outside it’s hard to get me back inside. im honestly just like a big nerd and i have many childish interests and im really bad at hiding it. i tend to get burnt out a lot if im consistently socializing and i sleep a lot because of it LOL, but usually that’s enough to recharge my battery. i’m definitely a night owl and i love staying up until the sun rises, mornings are not for me i dread them the most. even still my makeup and hair is always done and i like to dress in like a y2k mcbling-ish style. i have a huge fear of driving for some reason im a designated passenger princess LOL. i don’t really play any sports but i do occasionally hit the gym. i’m honestly kind of a negative person i usually only speak badly of myself rather than highly. i listen to all kinds of weird music, ill literally listen to anything besides like normal mainstream, i cant function without it. i’m a big fan of video games even though i don’t get the chance to play them often. i’m honestly more book smart than street smart, im really slow and honestly kinda like dumb LOL. making decisions and pressure is not my thing. my love language is gift giving and physical touch, im not very good with words and get flustered easily 😭 but i also have a very sensitive temper when it comes to defending the people i love, and i also have enough self respect to defend myself, whether it be verbally or physically
tysm for reading!! i really hope it wasn’t too much 😭💞
Author's Note: My God, this was a hard one. Why? Because you seem such a nice and complex person. Again, I'm sorry for not being able to make up my mind and choosing two charters. Hope you'll enjoy this, thank you again for this trade! GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the creators for them.
I match you with...
Muhammad Avdol
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- He is also more of a mediator in general and this will make you two get along well right from the start. Plus, as much as he tries to act as the voice of reason for the group he too has a sensitive temper sometimes.
- He is drawn to you because of your uniqueness and realness. He admires how in tune you are with your feelings. He understands when you need to take a step back and recharge your social batteries.
- I feel like you two would work surprisingly well. Despite him looking rather serious, he too likes to have a good laugh and engage in childish antics when he's in a good mood.
- Iggy admits that he only finds you and him the most pleasant to hang out with in the group, so when he notices the spark between you and Avdol, he's pleased.
- If Avdol finds you asleep, don't worry, NO ONE will get to disturb or wake you up because he'll make sure of that. Both he and Magician's Red who becomes very protective of you.
- As a professional fortune-teller, of course he'll ask the cards about how your dynamic will change in the future once he realizes that he's falling for you. Joseph catches him while doing that and it's game over for him. Poor Avdol won't be able to look at you affectionately from afar without Joseph winking at him and teasing him about his crush.
- Avdol doesn't mind the fact that decision-making is not your thing but the fact that you speak badly of yourself saddens him. He wishes to understand the reason why but won't be too demanding as he doesn't want you to feel pressured.
- He would find your style very unique and he'll be curious about that weird music you mentioned. He's curious and open-minded, of course, he wants to know more. Side by side, you two would make an interesting contrast. He'll even gift you one of his bracelets!
- He doesn't mind that you prefer not to drive. You'll be his passenger princess. He'll always keep your seat warm with Magician's Red ability.
And because I couldn't decide...
I also match you with...
Kakyoin Noriaki
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- If you and Avdol would work because of the contrast, you and Kakyoin would work because of some similarities you two have.
- He notices you because of how you defend the ones you care about and also yourself, despite having an introverted nature. It's something he admires.
- He's also introverted so it will take a lot for you too to warm up to each other. But once you do, everything gets so much fun.
- He too recharges his social batteries by sleeping so this will earn some playful teasing from the other crusaders about you two. Joseph, wanting to be the mature one, but failing, will make you two share a room when they make stops on the journey. Why? Because you both sleep a lot, no other reason, nope. Not because Joseph secretly wants to be a matchmaker, nooo.
- It hurts him to hear you speak badly of yourself when in his eyes, you're more than worthy of praise. He takes this matter into his hands and showers you with encouragement, compliments, and so on.
- Hierophant Green is very curious of you, don't be scared if you notice him staring at you or floating over your shoulder when Kakyoin lets him out.
- Aesthetically wise, he's such a big fan of Y2K style. Your outfits will make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Eventually, he wants to match your style somehow.
- The only drawback is that you'll have to fight for the title of passenger princess because he doesn't really like driving.
- You're enjoying video games and also being a night owl? You two will definitely spend so many nights playing video games together
And a random choice: N'Doul - he would meet you during that fight in the desert and he thinks you're different from the aggressiveness of the other crusaders. You spark his interest.
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goopyedgay · 8 months
Uh time to be cringe
sometimes it makes me feel very bad and the fact of being a gregstella shipper bothers me, imagine that what you love the most and makes you happy is also what hurts you the most, I'm not doing anything wrong and still the people get to be very annoying and cruel to me, I want to believe because I am the one who is actively creating content about them, so I guess it makes sense that I'm the one who takes the hits.
I'm someone who tries to take things calmly but sometimes I just explode over things as simple and stupid as these, I know I asked people to block me if my content bothers them, and I appreciate that they do, but there are also people that the only thing seeks is to annoy, even sending me messages that I should kms.
I couldn't care less about these things when I'm in a good mood but in these moments when I just feel bad and I can only say, I'm sorry? sorry for shipping two characters that have nothing problematic? I wish I had become obsessed with something else instead of this but I can't help it, I've been dealing with this shit since last year, but now that I've become more open it only makes things worse.
I can't even calmly interact with the hellpark fandom because I'm afraid they'll get mad at me and point out that I'm "proshipper" or "lesbiphobic", at this point I don't even want to draw HP Estella and Gregory together, I have to admit that I ship them and that was the reason why I started doing it gregstella content, but to avoid problems I created my own au or whatever. (and it ended up becoming a very ambitious project wow)
I'm not lesbiphobic, in fact, I really like ships wlw, and I have considered being a lesbian many times but i'm aro so meh, just because I like a "straight" ship doesn't negate everything else, it will sound like an excuse but I don't even consider Gregory to be a man (or at least the one from hellpark and my au) or a woman, I consider him as... Gregory just being Gregory? I don't really give much importance to this hc thing because at the end of the day my favorite characters are my favorite characters for other reasons and not just for that, and I found myself unfortunate that my two favorite characters are two that you can't ship because it's "wrong". I know there are some gregstella shippers who have said or done unpleasant things, but there will always be weird people, and that doesn't mean we should pigeonhole us all into that.
It's sad that I have to say something as stupid as this to me. But I needed to get this off my chest because I'm really getting tired of this kind of stuff, I'll probably delete this later or maybe keep it here so people are clear about where I stand and stop saying or misinforming what I do or say, like e.g. I draw nsfw (something I have never done publicly and I haven't drawn this type of explicit things for years since I was grommed lol, and if I did in the future that is something that does not concern you, much less if you are minors)
Anyway, thank you very much to the people who support me and like my art, you really motivate me to continue being open with what I like and continue bringing content for the community of this beautiful ship, or even if you don't like the ship and you only like my artstyle, it is also appreciated ♥️
This is more vent than a clarification, but hey, take it as you want, love y'all!
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demonsteapot · 5 months
What type of music do you like / have you been jamming to recently? Any recommendations?
(my internet died halfway through this so i nearly had to rewrite it)
you caught me at a bad time i was schmooving to a sewerslvt playlist yesterday ;-;
okay to be serious for a moment. uh. i don't think i have super good or interesting (or normal) tastes in music? i can point you to some of the things i think are cool and good, and i can also point you to things that i listen to for mood.
ive also probably mentioned some of these before (probably all of them?) so sorry if there's repeats
(okay this ended up being longer than expected so cut vv)
good (mostly not depressing stuff?):
Bill Wurtz – weirdly dreamlike jazzy stuff (?) i recommend 'At the Corner Store' and then i recommend you listen to all his other stuff
Ujico*/Snail's House: ive probably ranted about this guy before; 'Cosmo Funk' is probably your entry level snails house song. sweet adorable future bass, my go to for free serotonin
Heaven Pierce Her – Ultrakill: Violence, the game's newest EP. generally melancholic but really sick especially in context. 'War Without Reason' is probably my new favourite track in the whole game? (you can tell i like amen breaks lol)
also ofc i have to mention john / TOOBOE!! shout out to @donutinsideofashark for introducing me to this guy. some recs: 'Tablet', 'Roman', and 'Appare kanpai' – stuff goes hard and makes me wish i knew jp so i could actually remember lyrics
mood (depressing and/or weirder stuff):
vivivivivi's Dead but Dreaming: concept album about a dead god, mostly chiptune instrumental stuff until the second-last track – personally I LOVE this album, but as someone said, it probably sucks unless you have autism (disclaimer: i'm not diagnosed autistic, this is a reference to the pinned comment). this particular album influences a lot of my works to be honest
two more vivivivivi beepbox albums, ones that are a little more lively: Sisyphus and Silly Little Songs from my Silly Little Head. probably not to the tastes of sane and normal people but i like the beeps and boops :)
sewerslvt: breakbeat stuff from a dark place. people seem to not like sewerslvt fans which is why i'm reluctant to talk about this one but whatever. idk what you'd call their genre (i've heard it described as ambient jungle, trance, something or other dnb, but most importantly NOT breakcore. call sewerslvt breakcore and you are signing up for a hell of a flamewar) listen if you like amen breaks and hate yourself (i hope not…) idk what to even recommend here… i stumbled across her first with Drowning In The Sewer years ago. i've been getting back into their stuff recently, which is probably not a good sign for my mental health… currently listening to 'was it weird that i listened to im god by clams casino's when i lost my virginity' which is a hell of a title
Heaven Pierce Her again – The Enigma of Heaven and Other Daily Delusions: weird album about religion and the internet. since this is hakita again there are amen breaks. good if ur fuckin WEIRD. i recommend most of HPH's work
i've also been listening to an ultrakill fan artist called Marzuku, who does – guess what – more amen break stuff. i don't know man, but 'At Ends' is pretty good
shit fuck of course the jvne section ends up being a whole paragraph just to say don't listen to their stuff.
THAT'S IT IT'S TIME TO WRAP THIS UP THANK YOU FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. damn this got long. this is what happens when you ask me about my interests LMFAO
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sangfielle · 1 year
if its okay to ask, ive been listeing through all of f@tt for the last like, have a year or so, and im finally getting close to the end (close as in im about to start sangfielle, but grand scheme i still think thats close, lol). do you have any podcasts / webcomics / books / etc that you feel have a similar tone, or that you really like as well?
thank you!
okay! hi. sorry this took forever to get around to because i honestly don't know a lot of things that i would consider to be in the same vein as f@tt? the two immediate ones that sprung to my mind were heaven will be mine and gundam, but i get the strangest feeling you already know about both of those. i do have some suggestions that, while not really like friends at the table, i feel you're liable to get something out of if you like it.
podcastwise, something rotten and the ranged touch podcasts (i've only listened to homestuck made this world, but am going to get around to the others, any my friends like them, lol) are nonfiction analysis podcasts. i'm pretty sure austin was actually on the most recent ranged touch patreon episode? but i don't have the money for many subscription things right now, so i can't confirm if that was actually the latest one or anything. + batman unburied is honestly a pretty good podcast that i would recommend if you can buy into the bullshit that is required to get into any major superhero setting. i've also enjoyed what i listened to of campaign: star wars, though that has been very limited. my interest in star wars varies pretty heavily, so i can only listen to it when i'm in a specific mood, and when i am in that mood i'm usually working on catching up on a more civilized age instead.
webcomics: brainchild, fairmeadow, the last halloween, prague race, soil that binds us, and white noise i've all enjoyed what's been put out so far & think other fatt fans may like. i'm a particularly devoted longtime fan of prague race, and i've been really liking white noise.
books: discworld is a very mixed bag for me, but i can't pretend i don't get anything out of it, and i feel if you haven't already read it that there's going to be a lot of appeal overlap for parts of fatt. this is how you lose the time war, obviously. i've moved recently, and have basically a full storage unit's worth of books, but not easy access to them, so i can't really go through and give you recommendations at the moment, because most of the books/series i'm taken with are bad but interesting, and most things that i file under that category i don't know if everyone else will similarly appreciate. i can give you a reading list when i actually get settled in at some point, lol.
shows & movies: nope 2022, the boys (if you can get past the grossout shock humor part of it), the expanse (i am intending to read the books but can't speak to the quality of those yet), the get down, event horizon, palm springs, his house, star trek (especially tng/ds9), princess tutu. this is just off the top of my head, i'm sure i could actually find more shit that i feel like i could put here if i combed through everything i've ever watched.
video games: if you like janine's characters in specific, dragon age will probably be up your alley. other than that, weird west, fallen london and the games surrounding it, disco elysium (obviously), the dishonored series, elder scrolls, zero escape, slay the spire, a mortician's tale, king of the castle (obviously, again), fallen hero, manor hill, vespertines, & dr langeskov (^^) i've all found charming and to hold some level of interest.
i have a lot more things i could recommend if you don't specifically want something good, but i figure i should leave it at things i can actually recommend without too many disclaimers (besides discworld) for this.
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