#Also this is re-uploaded yes bc I needed it in one post.
kelpiemomma · 2 years
Listening to the halo reach soundtrack at work and thinking of spartan Ingo again 🥰🥰🥰
Either he and Emmet separated for Ingo to join the Noble team OR they were both recruited, with Ingo becoming Noble 6 and Emmet Noble 7.
But gaaahhhhh Noble 6 Ingo nervous because he and Emmet have been a team for so long, and he's assigned to noble team alone because they only need one member and he fits what they're looking for.
Ingo is uncertain about where he stands with Noble team, with Carter telling him he can't rely on his brother to have his back only, that he can't go hunting down Emmet when he's in trouble. He has to stay with the team now, and Ingo isn't sure he can. But he stays and gradually begins to fit in. He and Emile grate on each other, but he gets along well with Kat and Jorge. He doesn't see Jun much but when they do interact it's polite. Carter is pleased with how he's fitting in, even if he's talking to Emmet almost every day. There are things he has to dance around, missions they can no longer share, and it's hard because they've never had to keep secrets from each other.
And then the Covenant land on Reach, and all Ingo can tell Emmet at first is that something's gone wrong. And then he's storming a beach with the team, trying to remember when the last time he spoke to Emmet was, promising himself he'll do it as soon as he's back to base. Except then he's in space with Jorge, breaching a Covenant cruiser, and then Jorge is pushing him out of an airlock and everything is happening so fast.
He's creeping through the night with Jun, trying to save civilians, desperately firing at Hunters to try and keep them safe. He goes through all of Reach, seeing his team die and sacrifice themselves so that one, just one, of them might make it. Might pass on what needs to get to the right hands.
And he gets to the ship, and he thinks that maybe, just maybe, he and Emile - bonded slightly after watching Carter take out the scarab for them - might make it. Might be able to reuine with Emmet, with Jun, to mourn the losses of their team, their family, might be able to allow his grief an outlet- and then Emile is stabbed from behind, he's down, and there is no one else that can protect the ship. There is only Ingo. He swallows his nerves and turns around, heads for where Emile was just slain. He takes out the Elites - not without heavy injury - and clears the skies.
And then he is alone.
He's never been alone in his life. There was always Emmet or Elesa, and then there was Noble team. Even when Jorge sacrificed himself he wasn't alone because his team was waiting for him. But now there is no one but Ingo.
And the Elites are coming for him, and there is no escape.
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ariapmdeol · 1 year
8:11 anon here again. Wow. W o w. Brain empty but just. Wow.
Went through all the endings and then had to go back to Arrival Point S to cope with all the other ones. And, as expected, the first ending and S destroyed me. Cried at least two times. My god. It's been a while since media made me cry, and I certainly didn't expect to get so emotionally invested in CoE.
However! I have questions!! Spoiler-y ones? If you don't mind, of course. Sorry if it's a lot?? I'm definitely going to re-watch everything again to connect whatever is left.
First off: is there a "canon" ending? Surely S is what everyone wishes to be canon (although E is pretty good too, in its own way, definitely wouldn't want it to be canon, though) but is there a defined one by the developers? Actually, what even is the first ending gotten before S?
Second: what triggers change the endings? I figure that for deaths it's mostly a matter of wasting time, which is really neat and genuinely puts urgency into the situation.
Connected to that, what's the blue-colored person speaking at the end of most endings? The one who "guides" the player on what they missed to try again?
Third: honestly what (and who) the hell is Kanou. Man shows up as quickly as he dies, reappears in like two endings, commits suicide in both. Is he just the local cryptid? A doll? There's something going on with him, between the Told You So death, the text about murdering coworkers at a previous lab, and his corpse disappearing (and, in specific endings, showing up as...human? Dialogue specifies that)
Fourth: you mention the DLC, but also Hermits Room and Interlude, however I don't see them in the playlist? Do they have to be played specifically as there's no uploads?
Fifth: wow Utsugi is so incredibly fruity. My god that guy is gay, good for him, good for him. That's not a question just need to state it. Also Sanemitsu being emotionally not there ever and Atou threatening him every five seconds. Peak dynamic, love them all so much. Shinano being happy. S ending my beloved
Sixth: I heard something about a...cipher? An art book cipher? Or an ARG? Idk but if you're willing to explain.
That's...it? Surely I have more questions but these are the main ones I can think of now. Again, sorry if this is a lot???
And!! Enjoy 8:11 whenever you get the time for it!! It was so fun to play and mind-boggling.
CONGRATS ON FINISHING AAAA!! i'll answer all these in order!! let me know if you need clarification on anything <3
Yes, there is a 'Canon' Ending'. S+ is considered the canonical ending! This actually answers the other part of this question: the Ch 8 Arrival point S goes through S (Future), which directly leads into S+ (Empyrean Point). The two endings are connected, and S needs to happen in order to achieve S+! OH ALSO. THERE ARE POST-S CHANGES, which i will put under the cut bc I have collected them <3 These technically happen in S+, but we don't see them bc we only check back in when Atou is in ch 8 already. The DLC (Records of Sanemitsu Isoi) takes place almost exactly 3 years after S+. (These are shown in the playlist after the Ch 4, 6, and 7 extras <3).
ENDING FLAGS: Fun bonus fact: the purple text will tell you what you missed, and this changes based on what you did wrong! S Root: get all the info, don't let anyone die. A Root: keep everyone alive but don't get all the info. Ensure that you have charged Shinano's Phone B Root: everyone alive but Shinano's phone was not charged or unlocked. C Root: Succeed in saving Yanagi. Fail in Saving Karen D Root: Succeed in Saving Karen. Fail in saving Yanagi E Root: EVERYONE DIES!! YIPPEEE Mx. Purple Text is something that you'll learn about in the DLC, so I'll RAFO you for now (Read and find out). It is purple specifically! (though i also made that interpeted it as blue at first sdajkldsjkal)
Kanou Flag: in Chapter Four, you can read Yuusuke Aiba's Journal without Kanou (this is shown in the extras for chapter 4). This starts the kanou flag. This is what triggers a couple of small changes surrounding Kanou (the quick flash of him in ch 6 comes to mind) and grants access to the kanou elevator scene. TLDR Kanou was infected with cells, which let him live a little longer, but not enough to grant abilities. They talk about dying as a 'human' because if he lives longer, his cells will morb and he'll become a doll or a creature. He also gives us a Note that says something like 'live for me'. This note gives us a buff during the origin beta boss fight (his "curse" protects atou <3)
The first Five records of the DLC (+ the intro) are in the playlist! for anything beyond that point, contact me here, on discord (@ ariapmdeol), or on twitter (@ AriaPMDEoL ) and I'll help you!
UTSUGI FOREVERRR HE'S SO. he makes me so emotional i love you noriyuki utsugi. Sanemitsu my darling my beloved he is trying but he also sucks so much <333 i love him. The Reiji-Sanemitsu-Haruki family means so much to me. they make me emotional UEEEE. S and S+ make me explode,,
YES there are ciphers!! there's an official artbook for COE (which unfortunately isn't being sold right now orz orz) Which has a few ciphers in it! The one that i was looking at is HORRIFICALLY warped (i genuinely don't think we were actually meant to solve it LMAO) but I solved it and a friend was kind enough to translate it for us! There is also a Cipher in DLC, and a few others in the DLC 2020 credits! I have solutions to all of those as well. It's less 'ARG' and more "here's some information hidden behind a cipher." They're not REQUIRED reading but they help a lot with theorizing, and I've been finding it to be a lot of fun :D
OK POST S CHANGES ( you'll have seen one of these before). These are sorted by chapter. DON'T WORRY IF THESE DON'T MAKE SENSE TO YOU YET.
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"You want to forget the rat without a head" has been changed from Red to Purple.
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There is an Item on the floor in chapter 4 (the room that you have to walk through in order to get to Aiba's journal) which reads "Zero Does not Exist".
Chapter 6:
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This document has been replaced, the first time you look at it, by a document by CODE:DANTE. This one is a little long so you can DM me and I'll grab it for you!
Chapter 7:
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ok so. this is shown in A root but it's not an A root thing, it's a Post S root thing (it's because of how the YT translator got their endings, dw abt it). All mentions of Seodore Riddle have been removed
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This text has changed (both in normal vision and in Vision shift. it reads:[normal vision text] 'This is not the start of a nightmare but the end of a peaceful dream' and 'but what will you see when you wake' is added post S. [purple text] 'Aare you enjoying this divine comedy?' with 'i'm glad, you've enjoyed the love of god' added post S.
^this section was translated by tumblr user hermitroom!
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aisclosed · 1 year
last anon so real for that bc what if i said i do miss you???? </3 i miss y/nwon so much too i reread match found last night while waiting for the teaser i wish i was joking.
omg ALSO jungwon’s perm?? like that is pookie right there 😭😭
:( </3 I miss u more.
agsjsbs I also miss my match found y/nwon so much. I need to upload the bonus but I'm just too lazy to set up my pc and format the post 🫠 I'll do it soon I swear. I wish I could re read match found but certain chapters make me cringeeeee. I cant. But the teasers omgs shbs I'm so excited for CB TMR!!
and YES!/!!/!/ perm jungwon: my pookie snookums bb girl.
it's also crazy that you called him pookie bc that's been my number one nickname for him this past week. teddy I swear we're telepathically connected
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crab-funk · 2 years
This time on Things Happening Pertaining To Music That Interest Me:
Because you know what? This is a blogging site. And I love to be an annoying motherfucker. Woe, musical obsessions be upon ye.
Firstly, it seems Vic Entertainment uploaded some Yoeko Kurahashi stuff 5 months ago! A couple music videos and higher-quality footage from a live (just one song tho.)
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https://youtu.be/4c-R9kxL3Ss (Song is called ‘Jewelry’ I believe.)
I’ve seen footage of this live before (as have I heard the songs they put up MVs for,) but it makes me wonder if it’s just because they happened to have em on hand/get the go-ahead to put em up or something more. Probably just the former, but I do wish I could’ve been around when she was active - she’d stopped making tracks and performing live before I’d even hit school. One commenter on the live video has the same lament...I feel you, buddy!
Moving on...
On the topic of re-uploads...
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U/M/M/A Inc. has done an official upload of the Strobe Light MV! It’s a song that’s so so dear to my heart. I was so shocked then I caught it only 1 hour after they uploaded it and ran to listen immediately!
However, funnily enough...the key was too high! It seems that they have now done a re-up rectifying this, but that was funny. Everyone was chattering away abt it in the comments. It’s nice that something light-hearted happened with this bc understandably I think a lot of us siinamota fans get emotional about his passing whenever he comes up. I initially thought that perhaps this was a commemorative set of uploads, in fact, but yet again I think it’s just because they had the videos on hand or got the rights, smth like that.
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Moving on, it seems that Porter Robinson has a real-ass Vocaloid as of 5 days ago! I’m not a Porter Robinson fan, but I mean cmon it’s Porter Robinson. I rlly like Po-uta and the debut song Humansongs...songs that are from the pov of the synth are always so heartwarming/heartwrenching gaaughgh
I think it’s interesting that despite it being an AI vb, the direction in the song and the vc in general is decidedly robotic and more like a character than a human person, which I love. As awesome as it is when vocal synths sound realistic, I greatly appreciate when people go more ‘stylised’ - as a few people have called it.
ALSO: This is not a recent discovery for me BUT I need to put this out there so people hear it:
What is THIS, you may ask? It is a Gakupo cover of You Spin Me Round (no img bc it’s literally just a still of the original mv lol.) It is so so good and it makes me happy to see people use Gakupo to any capacity these days...hes my og babygirl and I love his vb sm so. You best believe I blast this in the mornings!!
The yt channel this is on has a tonne of awesome Gakupo covers in English, Japanese and I wanna say Polish(?) so like...freakin check em out!
That concludes this post about Things Pertaining To Music That Interest Me. Thank you for reading or not reading.
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sweetest-honeybee · 2 years
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Re-upload bc I didn’t put the links :’D
Finished this batch of striders and yes. I put a big ugly watermark on them bc I really need to start doing that more often XD
Same rules as always:
DM to claim
Payment via PayPal
I need your email! I’ll send the original unwatermarked version that way
Email doesn’t send transparent images so if you have Discord, I can send the transparent version that way. If not, we can take a gamble and see if Tumblr will let you download a transparent image from DMs lol
Also in the case that I get busy and can’t keep an eye on DMs for a hot minute and more than one person claims the same adopts, the person lowest on my DM list will receive the adopt bc they asked first. Otherwise, I generally keep a good eye on em
Edit: I KNEW I FORGOT SOMETHING. Can’t put the dang status to save my life apparently XD
Warped: CLOSED
Crimson: CLOSED
Soulsand: CLOSED
Basalt: CLOSED
Bastion/Gilded Blackstone: CLOSED
Don’t want these? I have adopts open on the following posts:
Random Set
Warped Stem Set
Reblogs are always appreciated :)
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peevishpants · 3 years
when I first saw your hyrule university au I was kinda upset with it because Skyward Sword is the first game chronologically, and BoTW is the last! but then I read more comics and I'm enjoying it, and I think it's an interesting reversal on canon.
and an actual question; do you have any plans to add any Goron?
haha that's fair, and thanks for enjoying it now despite the departure from the generally accepted games canon! I see this AU as a sandbox space to rearrange canon concepts however I want, in any way I thought would be cool. I decided Link would be an archaeology student and needed some ruins for him to discover, so the Divine Beasts from BOTW became "ancient" ruins in the modern-day setting that's mostly mapped onto Skyward Sword. Actually wait in trying to justify my choice I had such a cool idea - maybe LINK IS THE ONE TO DISCOVER THESE RUINS BC THEY WERE WAITING FOR HIM... ONLY SOMEONE WHO DOES WEIRD TIMELINE STUFF COULD FIND THEM... oh wait never mind I already said Divine Beasts lore was written in his textbooks and therefore known to other archaeologists already... hmm we'll workshop that later
I also want to disclaim that I am really just making stuff up for this AU as I go along - I'm bound to contradict myself eventually, and plenty of my ideas are not very good upon close inspection, but I've pigeon-holed myself by uploading them thinking they were cool/funny/unexpected without being careful haha
For example, I just answered another ask with "Link had 0 shirts before university" but I also already drew Link getting his uni acceptance letter, wearing a Shirt (the post is queued up! Or you can find it on my instagram) so. Schrodinger's Shirt?
Also, re: gorons, in a way yes! I've sneaked a to-be-named Goron in as the king (and face) of the Goritos empire, aka the Hylian producers of every student's favourite studying snack (tm) LOL
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mallowstep · 3 years
nursery things
when do queens move into the nursery?
also it is very important to me that kits call their parents by their names
this lost all formatting when i pasted it but i need to sleep in literally three mintues enjoy
cats have a gestation period of about 2 months. for the sake of cat ease, we'll say they think of it as a full season, but obviously they don't know if they're pregnant until as little as a moon before they give birth. this is not factually what is occuring, it's what they think, because that means kits become apprentices at nine moons, a holy number.
anyway, cats will show at three weeks to an experienced eye. at four weeks, they'll have a bit of morning sickness. by five weeks, they'll be able to feel the kits development. so that's uh, about 5 weeks before they give birth?
i'm really bad at math i'm sorry.
after that, they're going to grow rapidly and become unfit for patrols fairly quickly. i'm trying to construct a timeline for the fourth apprentice and the poppyfrost drama, but if berrynose knew poppyfrost's kits were coming, he probably had a point.
i mean, she didn't have to move into the nursery, that was overzealous, and she had some time before she couldn't serve as a warrior, but pregnant queens are not exactly mobile.
like mate. she's not going anywhere.
queen madness
i've talked about this a lot and i'm kind of rushing to get this out bc i have a midterm tomorrow so i'm going to bed in 15 minutes regardless of whether or not i post/queue something but i don't want to cheat by uploading allegiances for something i wasn't planning on writing allegiances for (plus those always take me forever) and fuck i'm getting to the point
look. i've talked a lot about this and i don't have anything new to say.
queens. they get overprotective.
frankly, squilf refusing to take young kits back to camp and them hiding under her tail is a fucking trope in my fic.
i don't even know how that's possible, and yet.
so there's this cat equivalent of sids (sudden infant death syndrome) where young (feral) kits just kind of...don't live.
it's also pretty similar to what's called "failure to thrive"
anyway all of these things are interesting go look them up (sad tho be forewarned, also re. failure to thrive lots of very unethical decisions.)
but anyway, i've introduced this concept as fading for several reasons.
one, it explains the vanishing kits problem.
two, it explains why so many kits die despite having socialized medicine with around 95-99% cure rates.
three, it's a good folklore thing. like, queens are scared of this. they're anxious about it. especially in leaf-bare. it adds a good bit of filler drama and all that.
four, more cat biology accuracy.
anyway, this is marked by a kit failing to grow properly. there's nothing wrong with them, they just...never "get on board."
i'm not digging it out now but i have a quote somewhere that's basically "well, she's quiet and calm, but she's growing, so i don't think she's going to die in her sleep."
anyway, this is basically my merciful catchall for kit death. sue me, that's one of my lines.
(but wait, i hear you say, didn't you literally write a fic involving neonaticide and neonaticannabalism? i made that word up i can't spell for shit tho. well, yes, however, those are not character kits, they are plot devices, and you know it. so it doesn't cross the line. i didn't give them personalities for a reason.)
so yeah. okay 10 minutes left and two more sections i can do this.
birthdays (birth days)
heh no one fucking cares.
about, like, the human concept of a birth day.
no, so queens will know they're going to kit soon up to a week beforehand. hazy sources, i'm sorry, provide on request.
again i'm rushin.
right anyway so queens are pretty Aware as you will, and so there's plenty of time to prep the nursery. or other location. that's fairly common in green-leaf, but the clan works real hard to avoid it in the other seasons because it's significantly riskier.
but anyway, a separate kitting nest is provided, and because these are near human levels of intelligence, the cats don't have problems figuring shit out. the other kits are cleared out to the elders den for as many as three nights (kitting can take up to 40 hours), and it's usually the queen's wish to spend a night w her mate. (a) because parents and (b) because safety instincts.
(also as an only vaguely unrelated side, i've recommended "the minor fall, the major life" before and i can't say too much now because i don't have 15 minutes to reread the whole thing i read 1k words a minute and type 100 words a minute how do you think i publish so much but there's some funny? i think it's funny stuff where redtail is all "you know it's kind of concerning how willowpelt keeps having children with no clear father")
and uh, yeah. queens usually track their kits birth to the nearest whole or half moon depending on the clan. there's usually a transitional day ceremony and a mid season ceremony, kits are done when the queens decide they're mature, usually erring over six moons, but on occasion, erring under.
as far as i'm concerned, cinder/bracken/thorn/bright situations never happen. i never remember the four of them are littermates because of that.
moving on i have like 1 minute fuck i forgot i need to brush my teeth
kinship terms
i've already started work on a separate piece for this but.
kits call everyone by their name. they might stumble over it, and those become nicknames, the way young kids do, but please remove every instance of a kit calling "mama" and replace it with either a generic meow or their mother's name.
this is important to me. it just doesn't make sense for the clan to do this, imo, because we see no other terms to refer to people, not even a father term. kits canonically call their fathers by their name (skyclan and the stranger.) anyway i'll talk more about this later i'm out of time.
love u bye <3
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dear-yandere · 4 years
—ask collection!
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a collection of mostly very old chats and sweet asks that i never got around to answering! thanks for the patience and love!! 
beware, fairly long post... woops....
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chat asks.
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darling: Eu-jin is best boy. Change my mind.
vanya: i am physically incapable of fulfilling that request, how dare you do that to me... i’m biased since he’s my own oc, but i would die for my (very best) boy eu-jin... who can resist such a gentle yandere that loves you so whole-heartedly?
that reminds me! he’s actually based off of kuroyuki and gekkamaru from the otome nightshade, so if you want similar characters by any chance, do check them and the game out ♡
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darling: I was watching the dub for Part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre adventure yesterday...Mista called himself Daddy and I like- sdfghjfgsdhnhnmj!! My heart can't take this--
vanya: WAIT HE DID???? i’m not even big on daddy kink and reading that made me go 😳 this is vital information to know... what episode was this??? for research purposes, of course. gotta perfect my yan! mista, after all~...
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darling: for yandere songs, have you heard of the major to minor covers by chase holfelder :O? the way he delivers the lyrics in some songs (betty, all i want for christmas), added with the key changes to minor, is really fantastic, and gives a stalker-ish vibe imo! and he's a really good singer in general
vanya: i have!! a good chunk of them are actually on my personal yandere playlist, so i end up hearing them frequently when i’m writing!! i haven’t been keeping up with his uploads recently, so ‘betty’ is completely new to me and just, wow???????????? this man is an absolute god send for us “romantic” horror fans... ♡
this ask gave me such a lovely idea, though, darling: assigning yandere types/mbti based off each of chase’s minor key covers. i think i’ll do that just for you. ♡
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darling @blossomiich​: I reread some of your old character interaction asks and saw the one with Jotaro hugging his Darling after a panic attack and the elephant seal plush reminded me of the iconic C H O N K Y ringed seal plushie that was kinda trending and I can totally imagine Jotaro having one of those >w< that's so adorable!
vanya: i honestly don’t remember that interaction, but then again i don’t remember most things hmghng so i looked it up and
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j...just imagine star plat hogging it and not letting joot cuddle with it 🥺 the duality of man...thank you for this cute image...
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darling: Umm, sorry for asking this. I'm just curious because of your bio language in your header. Are you Chinese too, perhaps?
vanya: no worries!! i’m mixed guyanese (indian, chinese, & possibly black and/or portuguese), but my family only celebrates (or rather, acknowledges?) our indian descent, since the majority of our family is predominantly east indian. 
my header is actually a quote from a danmei novel (and one of my all-time favorite fandoms), tiān guān cì fú (heaven’s official blessing)!
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darling genki stan anon: Omg you're writing for free now, i didn't expect that one lol. It's a cute show innit? Not a nagi stan but I feel like nagisa has that kinda unsnapped personality that would make him peak delusional yandere material lolol like oikawa but less threatening and without his head being up his own ass 😂. Hope you're doing well!! -gsa
Gdjsjs im such a fool, i think my last ask said something about not thinking you'd write for free when i literally just pointed out kisumi on your sideblog LMAO my bad 😅 😂 also ill hold back on the gen chan requests because ive already asked so many in the past! Thank you though 🥺. Also feel free not to post this, it can just dip into my onesided chats with my lil flower 💐 so long as you receive them im fine 😌 -genki stan anon
vanya: nagisa isn’t my favorite (kisumi is), but gods if he wouldn’t make a great yandere. honestly, out of the iwatobi boys, nagi is probably the most unhinged. i wouldn’t peg him as delusional, at least not at first; i think he’s very lucid and knows exactly what he wants and how to manipulate people in order to get it!!! kisumi is fairly similar now that i think about it... i might... have a type...
please feel free to send in gen-chan requests whenever you want!!!! i’m kinda super asocial, so it’ll take me a while to answer, but i love getting asks from you since you’re so sweet and excitable!!! your little flower reads and cherishes them all!! 🥺
also darling genki stan anon: Sorry for spamming you with asks hdjkdks, u dont even need to reply im just kinda brain empty venting here whether you recieve them or not 😂 i just needed to confess that while yes i am #1 gen simp, and he is undoubtedly my fave oc of yours but that Ilya tentacle smut had me very much so highkey kinda 👀, had to re read the genki oral style drabble to bring my head back. He dont even need to worry about luca bc that man a thot. I think therin is a thot too but like lowkey, a classy thót -gsa
vanya: omg i’ve kept this one for forever mnmghngh i might’ve even answered at some other point, now that i think about it... but i just 🥺 gosh i hope i find my muse soon, because i really wanna write you a genki fic 🥺 hhhh
the ilya tentacle smut was so in character for that boy... i have no clue how to write monsters, much less tentacles, but i’d honestly do anything for him 🙏 kinky russian boy...
therin is definitely a classy thot, the kind that only bangs the finest concubines then turns around and slut shames you for banging the very same prostitutes gbfmngnfg rules don’t apply to him, in his kingdom...wish that were me tbh ✊😔
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sweet asks.
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darling one: i've read almost all of your dazai and chuuya fics and i love them so much!! your formatting is also super aesthetic just a question, i saw on your kofi that you also draw so i was wondering if you drew all the header arts?? bc they're all super pretty :) have a great day!
darling two: Just wanted to say love the writing and the way your format your posts is so aesthetically pleasing. One day I hope my posts looks half as good as yours because I legit can't get over how pretty and organized it looks.
vanya: omg thank you so much!!!! one of my bffs, yue, is to thank for the formatting and aesthetic choices, really! if you wanna see more of her aesthetic formats and posts, she actually runs a few blogs! you may know her as @milkscafe​, formally @milkaaton! i adore her and her aes choices so much 🥺
as for the headers, i don’t draw 99.98% of them! i have drawn a couple, but they’re so few and far in between since i almost never finish my art wips haha... my older posts are lacking proper credits because i’m an absolute idiot, but i’m slowly working my way backwards to credit them all where possible! they’re all indeed super pretty!!!
have a great day yourself, my love!!
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vanya: this was in response to a now-deleted lil blurb but i kept it in my inbox because i wanted to say i love u very much and seeing this ask each time i open my inbox makes my heart skip a beat ♡
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darling: Listen I love your writing, you inspired me to start it myself! I've always loved to write, and read of course but your style and concepts just stick with me. If you where to write something besides Yandere content/fandom content and started your own series? I would read the shit, out of it. I'm always nervous to interact with my favorite writers because you know, I'm afraid of the impression I'd leave but I just wanted to say this anyway! 💞💞💞🔫😳
vanya: wowowow fgfnmgnfmngfg that’s such a high compliment my brain just gmfnbgmnf go boom fogjfngnfg and thank you for the interaction, us writers truly appreciate it no matter how awkward or nervous you think you may be / come off!!!
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darling one: As a writer, your post struck a nerve with me. I don’t send feedback to writers I like nearly as much as I should (and certainly not as much as I’d like in return as a writer). So, as such, I’m going to start doing that when I can, starting with you.
You are an incredible writer. You were one of the first yandere writing blogs I found and you’re still one I check in on regularly to see what you have been working on. You can portray a sense of suspense and intrigue in a natural way that many other writers - published ones included - struggle with. You delve into the darkness without it feeling forced, and you have an amazing grasp on the psyches of the characters you write for (which is a quality I adore in writing and strive toward myself).
I’m not great at ending these things so I guess.. you keep doing you? Because the you is great and I appreciate it.
darling two:  hey. i'm here to tell you that from the bottom of my heart i love you and your writings. i really admire your writing skills. you inspire me. one of your posts once saved me from a nervous breakdown. thank you for everything you do. you're a wonderful person. good luck!
darling three: I wanted to tell you that thank you for writing such wonderful beautiful writings and that you take time to edit and write I hope you are taking care of yourself 💖❤
darling four: Thanks. I was having a hard time and deleted all my apps, but as soon as i opened my phone my first instinct was to look at your blog and i got my motivation back. Thanks (:
darling five: Hi ! I just wanted to say I really enjoy the stories you write and how they are detailed so well ! Stay safe and I hope you have a good day/night ! ლ(╹◡╹ლ)
vanya: ahhhh, these are very old asks mostly dating back to my “tumblr writing community is dying” post, and i’ve kept them this entire time because i’m just so starstruck. i have no clue how to reply to compliments, so i’m not sure what else to say besides that these asks made me very happy and got me through a few insecure moments!!! i’ve actually been feeling a little down about my writing recently, mostly because of lack of motivation / inspiration, so revisiting these really warmed my heart, so thank you truly ♡ i’m certainly keeping the originals in my inbox until the end of time!!
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darling @monstrously-obsessed: psst, this local cryptic mom thing send all of their love for you 💕
vanya: your local herbo says she loves you very much momster 🥺 mwah
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also, to the anon worried about my safety:
thank you so much for pointing that out!!! it hadn’t even crossed my mind when i made those ocs, so i appreciate your concern! i was contemplating revamping those two as is, so this is a great place to start! thank you again!!
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hobidreams · 4 years
This is the beginning of a long ask bc i have so much to say! I found your tonight MLT randomly but as soon as i realised you were the author of MOTH i had to follow you immediately. You make the most amazing intriguing fanfics i have ever seen and MLT is one of the best examples. I am in luv w the fic you don’t understand. I come to your page almost everyday to see other’s questions, your answers, your announcements and even get happy when you get complements YOU DESERVE THEM 🥰🥰 okay let’s get into the matter now. Yoongi is my ultimate bias wrecker and when i tell you MLT is breaking my heart i mean it 😭😭 why is he so complicated. Oc really out here giving him chances when i would give him the middle finger every time he opened his mouth bc of the way he treats her. It’s so obvious they both love each other but yoongi UUURRGH. The last update gave me so much hope i just want them to be happy 😭😭 pls rain stop breaking my heart (PLS CONTINUE I love the pain 🤪) Also going back to 2nd chapter you mentioned oc has rumours about her being a whore. I was hopping you would expand on that. Does yoongi know? If so what does he think? I mean he removed all concubine from the rooms close to him so it was obvs that some rumours would start but to the extent the king would hear? Also don’t the advisors be on his neck for not looking for a queen? Or to have an heir? You said she is from the a lower status in the series but is there a way yoongi can make her a concubine? I want them to be together so much but so far I can’t see how😭😭😩 Lastly you said the fic will have 45 parts. If by any chance you have to leave tumblr for whatever reason (many of my favs left bc of the fandom and to take care of their mental healthbc of tumblr. Feel free to do so if needed you should put yourself first before anyone!!) do you think you might end it short, leave it unfinished or finish the series completely and then leave? I get extremely anxious whenever i start a new series on a big page bc ik they get stressed out bc of the hate, deadlines and trying to cope w outside life and life in social media so they end up disappearing without finishing them and i get worried something happened to them or they are having a hard time so pls take care of yourself especially now more than ever ❤️-🐬
hi babe this is such a sweet ask 😭💗 i will put my answer under a cut so i don’t clog dashes!
wahhh seriously i’m so glad that this blog is a space that makes you WANT to come back so often. i’ve never really run any type of blog like this (or at least never on this level) before i joined tumblr & i’m delighted to have found a space here. everyone’s questions are so fascinating & i love answering!!!!
hahah yes, i think an inherant part of my interest in historical fiction is all the regulations/rules that result in SO MUCH PINING. i love yearning, and MLT is no exception. RE: your questions... some of them will be addressed in the series so i won’t spoil them now hehe. but i will mention that in december 1868, Yoongi removed the concubines that “remain” from Hamhwadang Hall. maybe think about the implications of that word 👀 though it won’t be too clear until... probably after drabble 16. normally, OC could not be made an official concubine because of her/her mother’s rank, but we’ll see how the story shapes up, hm? ;)
& thank u for worrying abt me! the chances of me leaving Tumblr before the series is done is very low, but i can't promise that the series will be uploaded on a weekly basis until. my motivation wanes as the school year goes on so we'll have to see ;; but i made a commitment to start it so i'm determined to finish it! i've actually never gotten any anon hate on this blog before, which makes me so happy that this can be a kind space, so you don't have to worry abt my leaving bc of that. more like i lose motivation altogether 😅 but kind comments like this charge me right up!!! if, in the worst case scenario, smth does happen, i'll probably make a post detailing how the story would have ended. so at least u would know how it would have gone!
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marksloan · 6 years
cristalcarrington’s icon tutorial!
a little treat for day 28 of my filmuary challenge!
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i’ve honestly lost count of which one this is, but welcome to another icon tutorial! here i’m going to breaking down my icon creation process step by step. i currently am a mac user and all my previous tutorials have been windows orientated (which unfortunately were all lost in the great url loss of 2017). my process hasn’t changed much since then, but i have picked up quite a few new go-to tricks and i’ll be sharing these tips in this post!
anyway! here’s what you’ll need-
photoshop (i currently use photoshop cc so be aware that options and tools may not translate onto other programs/versions of ps) and yes, i do pay for my photoshop but if you’re in need of a decent, safe download i might be able to point you in the right direction so hmu
patience (believe me some of these icons have taken me a painfully long time to create) just don’t feel discouraged if things don’t work out perfectly right away!
a creative mind. please be aware that this tutorial is only for educational purposes. under no circumstance directly replicate my icons! the one involved in this tutorial is clearly fair game, but please try to take creative liberty with your work. what i’ve found a lot of fun is incorporating bits and pieces of what other people do into my own work.
further resources
if you need more reference/help, here’s an icon psd for you to have a look around while reading the tutorial or instead of the tutorial. again, please do not re-upload or redistribute.
please consider reblogging this if you’ve found it useful. or checking out my resources!
starting off
so today, i’m going to tackle a screencap for my ongoing filmuary challenge!
i tend to get my screencaps from google, so for this i literally just googled “mirror mirror screencaps” and selected a image from google images. when i’m not feeling lazy, i tend to go through the whole movie (great screencaps can be found at screencapped or kissthemgoodbye)
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my first move is to open the screencap in the photoshop on it’s default canvas. the one i’ve chosen is normally the sort of screencap i’d go for-- one that has a central focus on the character and allows me to get a solid outline.
i tend to avoid screencaps that cut off the top of the characters head. i also tend to gravitate towards scenes that look easy to colour; if you choose overly saturated screencaps or screencaps that are too dark/light, then you will find it difficult to colour while conscious of the screencap quality.
base colouring
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i then duplicate the screencap.
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and then i set that duplicated layer to screen.
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i like to make my icons super bright so i repeat this. it will vary depending on how dark the scene is. i prefer to do this to the screencaps as i find that it preserves the quality of the cap.
alternatively, you can use a psd-- my favourite as mentioned in previous tutorial is @blairsfelicity‘s icon psd which you can find in her tutorial here. my new method is just a whole lot lazier and i’ve been really enjoying the way my icons have turned out.
now here comes the menial part-- time for the outline.
remember to add a layer (unless you want to break your own heart by doing it directly onto the cap and being forced to start over (which i would NOT recommend by the way, crying over a screencap is as demoralising as it sounds)).
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 i vary between using the pen tool and a brush/eraser for my backgrounds. i like to shake it up depending on what i feel like doing or what the screencap would best fit. it also completely depends on whether i’m feeling particularly lazy or not-- if i have time to burn, i’ll use a brush. if i’m in a rush, i’ll use the polygonal lasso tool and refine my selection area with masks.
in this tutorial (due to my boredom of doing things over and over, this beautiful filmuary) i’m opting for the brush method. but if you want me to talk through polygonal lasso process which is a lot quicker and really streamlines the process-- then feel free to drop me a message and i’ll be happy to make another talk through.
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i like to use a brush for my erasing, on 30-50% hardness. i like to use a diffused/low hardness so my icon doesn’t look too sharp and the background and model seem to go with each other more. i’ll go for a small brush size when it comes to detailing (for example, when it comes to profiles, hair etc).
once i’ve outlined the model, i select the area around her with the magic wand tool and fill in the selected area with either a brush or a fill layer. then i merge the outline layer with the new colour layer.
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(these two examples are from another icon process bc im dumb and forgot to take screenshots)
there will be a full little line around the model once you’ve merged the layers. i just tend to fill it in manually with a brush.
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now here comes the fun part-- the colouring.
make those colours pop!
as you can see, the screencap has a lot of colours, but we need to make them pop. i take one of the colours, make a new layer and just paint until it’s vibrant and bold. once you’re happy with your colour selection, set the layer to soft light and adjust accordingly.
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i tend to go for softer brushes when it comes to facial features. the lips, to make them a darker colour, i opt to set the layer style to multiply instead of soft light, and paint over the lip shape with a light pink/red.
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i always like to highlight the eyes to aid contrast in the screencap. i also like to fill all eyebrows in with a black (set on soft light) as well as the lashline, just to add further dimension and contrast to the model.
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prepping the icon
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this is what my screencap looks like with the colouring complete. as you can see, each colour is on a separate layer. this is so i can adjust/duplicate each colour accordingly. once i’m happy, i place everything into a group together.
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i make all of my icons on a 100x100px canvas. 
i like to edit the screencaps on their original canvas as it helps with the quality of the screencap as well as allowing me to outline accurately.
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i just drag the files from one tab into another.
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and then you can size it appropriately. 
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my next step is to select the same colour as the background and to paint over the white strip at the top of the icon. i do this directly onto my outline and then merge the two together. you now have the foundations of your icon to build onto!
final touches in the colouring department
there is honestly no direction that i could give you when it comes to these final colouring steps. 
i like my icons to be very bright, so i target the contrast with levels and brightness/contrast layers. I like to also turn up the vibrancy to make the colours pop even more. 
my preference is for the skin to be very neutral, so i try to combat the saturation of the skin with colour balance and selective colour layers (as well as another step i will explain later in the tutorial)
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as you can see above, i place the final colouring all underneath the background layer as this makes it easier for me to place textures later on. 
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if you have problems with the model’s skin appearing too saturated, i’d recommend taking a solid fill layer of a black/white/grey and setting it to colour. place that layer just above the screencap and adjust it so it combats any saturation you might be experiencing.
textures and finishing touches!
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clipping masks are honestly a god send for me. you can find them by right-clicking on the layers and selecting clipping masks. as you can see above, i use clipping masks to place a green texture on top of the icon’s background. i then layer above that by using further clipping masks, adding other textures and even layers to adjust the colouring of the background.
my favourite place to find textures are livejournal and deviantart-- soaked on livejournal is my go-to at the moment and i really enjoy evey-v’s icon textures. i also have my own resouces/textures that you can find here!
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once i’m happy with how the icon looks, i copy all of the layers together and paste them under the background.
this is a super lazy way of sharpening the icon-- an alternative method is explained really well by @jennifergarner (aka the god of icons) on her icon faq page. i have used this in the past but after filmuary i’ve found a few little tricks.
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i then just sharpen the icon and adjust the opacity of the sharpened layer depending on my preferences.
and then there we go---
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my chosen export settings are just to go for PNG every time. this helps preserve the quality of the icon and help it look super clean and tidy for whoever wants to use it.
and with that, that’s a wrap up of my tutorial.
for other tips and tricks, here are some of my asks that i’ve responded to;
do you have any tips for cutting short/curly/messy hair?
hey, would you mind sharing a psd icon?
what are some of your favorite icons textures?
can you break down how to use different types of textures?
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xldsims · 6 years
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It’s been a while, but I’m finally gonna try and catch up!
It’s been a while, so before I start, I’d just like to say:
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And an incredibly belated Merry Christmas to everyone :P
So...on with the answers! :D
@plummiesims asked:
I'm gonna be 100% honest I just found ur blog bc sssvitlans re-blogged ur Altus facial hair and I SCREAMED. I love Dorian Pavus So Much :") thank u im probably gonna add it to my game adhsbd;;;           
[R]: Ha, thanks :P Stuff like this makes my day XD
Anonymous asked:
Will you be updating the male sims clothing override for the new expansions and dlc? The EA version is trash.            
[R]: I’ll try my best when I can :) They are trash but unfortunately, the method I’m using to override them just isn’t working as well on newer meshes :(
Anonymous asked:
Would the drowned out skinblend be compatible with lumia's vanilla skin or are you planning on making another one?                    
[R]: It should work with it. I use it over his default replacement skins and they work very well!
Anonymous asked:
Hi, can you do a female kinky tapered cut type style? both short and sorta high?                
[R]: It all really just depends on what I’m wanting to do really, unfortunately :P I’m more leaned to making male based cc, so it really just depends on what I’m feeling. I can never give anyone a straight answer [no pun intended XD], unless I was already thinking of doing it :o
Anonymous asked:
Can you do a higher version of the vindicator?                        
[R]: It’s an easy enough ask. I could probably lump it in with some other hairs I’m thinking of giving variations ;)
Anonymous asked:
Hii my brother loves your content sooo much :) thank youu                    
[R]: I’m glad he does! Thanks so much for the message! :DD
Anonymous asked:
Where did you go?                
[R]: In to the deep and dark shadows of Real Life XD. I went through somethings, had a couple of jobs and am still looking for one tbh. Played a lot of other games and did some other things. Basically just trying to re-focus my life and sort things out. Other would say that I’m “trying to be an adult” XD
Anonymous asked:
Wait, is your sims really a man or bear or are you a man (not to offend)          
[R]: They can be anything you want’em to be XD
@rocknrollvampire asked:
Hello! I'm a SIMS 4 player (obviously) from France. First, thanx for your amazing CC. I would like to know what poses packages and overlays you use with the sims "modeling" for your CC. Thanx for your answer.                  
[R]: First of all, thank you! Second, most of them were from @vanderetro​ and a handful of others I can’t quite remember. A lot of the ones I use now tend to be my own custom made poses however.
@jonysimmer​ asked:
Hello, first of all your CC is incredible. Question: Are you planning to do the roll-up version of Ryder's henley?  
[R]: I’ve been thinking about doing that, just never got around to it. It’s definitely something I’d plan on doing in the future :)
Anonymous asked:
Your smooth as fuck v1 hair looks super weird when I zoom out from my sim. It flattens out on the sim's head and looks very strange.         
[R]: My earlier did’nt have the complete set of LODs that my newer hairs tend to have. Chances are, when you zoom out, you’re seeing the EA hair I used as an import base in S4Studio :P
Anonymous asked:
hi! your sim derrick are amazing omg omg, can you share him please? thank you! keep going! 
[R]: Yeah, of course! I’m definitely gonna be sharing him at some point. :P
Anonymous asked:
Is Just outta bed hair bgc?            
[R]: I’m probably a little late to respond, but yes, to re-affirm to everyone, it is BGC. In actual-fact, most, if not all the hairs that I’ve released are BGC ;)
@aeonpixels​ asked:
Hey XLD ^-^ can you imagine to convert also may the long white gown from Mass Effect 3? "Liara Ashley, Liara and Miranda in Dress, from Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC by nach77 who has an image on his deviantart. If I could I would try it myself but I dunno how to extract such stuff from other games as a bloody noob.. Just started... =) Since you are experienced in that, I thought I would ask... may there is hope for some female clothes from ME, LOL Thanks a bunch for your coversions and creation ;)          
[R]: Probs, at some point. Just depends on where I’m at and where my motivations lie! :)
Anonymous asked:
Hi. Are you gonna possibly upload ME:A sims as well in the future? I cannot wait, because your work is so perfect. Thank you.                  
[R]: Yeap, this ask would’ve been from a while back, but I do have post showing the order they’ll be released (including some of my anticipated ME:OT character recreations ;))
Anonymous asked:
Do you think that you could make a flattop haircut?                  
[R]: I’ve actually been trying to figure out how to execute this for a while. I feel like someone’s probably done it before though, but I’ll keep trying :P
@catewithak asked:
Have you ever considered making more MM Dragon Age hairs? Either gender? I love your Altus, and I also hate alpha texture, but that seems to be the only Dragon Age hair CC I can find!                  
[R]: Yeah, any bioware-based hairs (*in maxis match*) are usually a rarity. I’ll definitely be trying to fill the void of MM DA hairs where and when I can :)
@mqsnail asked:
Hi Xld, huge lover of all your cc (i can't tell you how grateful i am for male clothe and hair cc. I had a question about one of your hairs, i've been noticing that the procrastinator hair would make certain parts of my sim's head shine as if he had some specs. The shine is noticeable in game and when moving household.
[R]: It’s been a persistent issue for a while, and I’ve unfortunately never been able to pinpoint where it’s coming from. I’ve fixed the spec-maps before on my own files, but to no avail. Unfortunately I can’t provide a fix :( I usually don’t mind it too much at this point since it’s not always that visible.
@puzzlebot​ asked:
I'm so sorry to bother you but i've been trying for ages to get a mesh into a full body costume like you did with garrus, but i just can't find any kind of resources that could help me out and even though i'm familiar with blender i'm running into so many hiccups! is there any chance you could point me in the right direction e.g a tutorial that you would personally recommend ?       
[R]: Unfortunately I don’t have any tutorials I use (most of my endeavors have been purely trial and error). Just look up some general stuff about blender features and get to know what they do. The main thing to do for getting a mesh into a full body ts4 costume is to append the model to the full body costume mesh file, delete the meshes in the LODs containing it and joining the mesh you want to said LODs --> then import to S4S and enjoy :D
Anonymous asked:
ngl i check your blog weekly to see if you've posted liam kosta. i'm so eager to have him in my game lol                  
[R]: I’m still trying to sort out his hair which is a bit twitchy with the way I made it :P Until that’s done, there’s not going to be a Liam Kosta release :/
@adamleeds1989​ asked:
I hope this question isn't disrespectful, but how do you usually create your male sims? Thank you very much and hope you have a nice day!                  
[R]: No disrepect at all! I look around...the internet. Sometimes I just make one until I like what I see. A lot of the time, I’m just messing with other male sims I’ve already made as bases. No formula, no rules, just kinda do what I want :P
Anonymous asked:
Hey, I really really love your Garrus Sims version and I'd love to have him in my game, but unfortunately I don't own outdoor retreat. I was just wondering if you ever got around to making him base game friendly. Sorry if this has been asked before.     
[R]: My main issue is finding a full base-game costume to place him in to make him BGC. There probably are ones now, but I just haven’t had the time to sift through the files :o
@oceanmangetsthisbread​ asked:
Will you link your tali suit soon?                    
[R]: Tali is a special, special mesh...that won’t cooperate. She still doesn’t have hands atm, so probably not for a while :(
@applecat90 asked:
Hi! I just fell in love with your male sims. Love your work! I tried to recreate them in my TS4, but they look slightly different than your original sims. I checked the cc list, and even used Tray Importer to know which cc items I needed, but I couldn't make it. I couldn't find proper Upperbody cc(which is used in almost every sims you made, id is 892D886D8DC9550E) and skindetailcreasemouth cc(I think this one is replaced by your DrownedOut skin overlay for later sims) and default skin.
'cause I have complete cc list for one of your sims, Kenney, but still he looks slightly different in tones of face and body(I tried Luumia's smoothish 1,2 DR, vanilla), Hiroki's betterbody). Would you please share the information about which default skin replacement & upperbody did you use to make these sims? Thank you! and thank you for your amazing works.    
[R]: Doesn’t seem like they’re anything crucial? Usually the only things that really make my sims different is the skin overlay, and using Drowned Out usually makes the difference. I’d have to give this some thought. It’s possible that the upper body mods have to do with the muscle slider I used? Other than that, there wasn’t all that much else to them :/
@jdowellc asked:
Hey, I'm not sure if you monitor or update anything still, but I'm a huge fan of the Major hair in particular. I was just wondering if you knew that the Major 2 isn't hat compatible? At least not in my game anyway - newest update. The whole back of the hair disappears when a hat is used which makes them look bald. Just a heads-up I guess (I'm not expecting anything) :)                
[R]: Honestly my bad! It’s probably something I forgot to add since I may have posted the file the way it was (’cause I never actually intended on releasing the Major 2 in the first place :P). I’ll try get that rectified when I can.
@prixetoilesims​ asked:
Thanks to you, I’ve added Garrus and my Shepard to the sims and now I’m looking for a way to make baby Asari and I blame you 100% for feeding my mass effect addiction SO THANKS  NO BUT SRSLY THANK YOU ♥️♥️      
[R]: Thanks ♥️♥️     ♥️♥️     XDD I’m feeding my own addiction too, probably worse on my end letting it consume me, but I’m glad other can feed their own addictions as well XD
Anonymous asked:
Hey I love your content! I always come back to check to see if you upload anything new! XD Willing to donate :) I had a question on how to download your good looking sims? Do you download/install them just like Mods?     
[R]: You pretty much extra them for the zips and into your tray files :D That easy! And thanks so much! I’ll definitely try to make an effort when I have time to release some more content. Already got some hairs I could probably drop soon :)
Anonymous asked:
Finally you resurrected.
[R]: Not quite, but you better believe I’m getting there.
@eggysimblr asked:
Hi, I just Recently discovered Mass Effect (Finished 1 and soon finishing 2), And I was wondering, will you make some Quarian CC? You know, because Tali'Zorah is my girl...              
[R]: Tali’s if friggin’ amazing. I know @bmso85sims‘s been making a few bits of quarian and misc mass effect content as well so I’d check them out. I’ve been struggling myself with converting Quarian content, so it’d be a while before I release anything, let alone Tali unfortunately XD
@theprodigalbanana asked:
Hi, I just wanted to thank you again for getting me into the series and for the ME sims , especially John and Kaidan. I'm going to play these two to fill the void that ME left in my heart. They are so sweet together and your short stories encapsulates that perfectly. I couldn't access some of them so I was wondering if they are a WIP. I was also wondering if sth bad would happen if I install John and Kaidan as it says that they are outdated. I love your work and thanks for getting me into ME :D            
[R]: Don’t worry, I’ve been filling that same void for years XD And no, nothing bad’ll happen, it’s just that I have newer edits of them these days (and I there’s always something about them that needs tweaking). I’m also secretly an advocate for Bioware [jk, but still XD].
@metalfenix asked:
I'm glad you're fine, xalder. Take it easy and concentrate on your job quest. (Even though I would be a liar if I say I didn't wanted to ask you about the suspenders lol).                    
[R]: I know right, me and those goddamn suspenders? I might as well release them as is honestly. I’ve been okay with how they look for ages, but quite frankly, they’re a bit hit and miss -- but if you seem to be good with them, there’s no reason why I can’t release them :P
Anonymous asked:
Hello I was wondering if I can have the tray files to two of your goodlooking Sims please? :)            
[R]: Any sims specifically being requested? ;P
@shinyobservationhottub asked:
Im having a visual glitch with the Scimitar hair. It looks like light streaks peering through the head when zoomed out at a certain distance. The hair looks amazing so I still want to use it, but wanted to come drop this by.         
[R]: Those are some strange and rather elusive specularish[?] issues that don’t actually seem to be on the specular maps in the hairs. I still don’t have a clue how to fix it, and it personally hasn’t bothered me too much so I’ve kinda just grown to live and let live (y’know, until there’s some fix for it :P)
Anonymous asked:
Hey, when will you upload tali's suit?                
[R]: May be, sometime...when her hands aren’t totally screwed up :P
@volundrromu asked:
Hi!I really liked your character - Tali'zorah. Can I download it?              
[R]: Now this is honestly such a popular question! Please refer to the above ask. :P
Anonymous asked:
Jump from 1k to 4k? Are you computer fine?                
[R]: I have a pretty high-end gaming PC, so it handles like smooth butter. :P
Anonymous asked:
Hi there, I was just wondering if you were going to put the kaidan's email mod back up? thank you!              
[R]: I’m going to be bumping this up in priority to upload, don’t worry :P I haven’t actually released it at all yet, since the original files are on my laptop that I used to game on. Will be tweaking the files for both male and gender-neutral references in the message so no one gets left out :P
Anonymous asked:
Can you make a female version of your loin cloth that you currently have for male sims?                        
[R]: An easy enough ask too :P Just depends on where my priorities lie, but it’s definitely something I could put on my to-do list. I think @quiddity-jones might have made a conversion of it -- I could probably get her to upload it :)
Anonymous asked:
Can you reupload the male loincloth files?            
[R]: Yes! It’s a goddamn crime that tumblr removed it.
@heyisfurwhoresez asked:
Please repost the oiled up skin overlay!              
[R]: I’m definitely making that a priority!
Anonymous asked:
Does Garrus still require Outdoor Retreat?                
[R]: Unfortunately, at the moment, yes :(
@limefiend asked:
Were your overlays wiped out with the nsfw ban? do you still have them up somewhere else, or are they like gone?  post/139654327414, post/149505614209, and post/155480567079 are mia now.                      
[R]: Looks like there’s a good 10-20% of my original posts (not just CC) that got wiped out in the stupid-ass nsfw ban. I’ll definitely get to reposting them soon and rewiring the download links. They’re still on simfileshare, I’ll just need to be making the necessary fixes for the links. :)
@cejeubeu asked:
Hi there. I just came across your tumblr today and saw some of your uploaded sims. I've downloaded them, but I wanted to send some potential suggestions, primarily one: could you upload the CC in a ZIP containing the tray files for the sim? I've seen a few uploaders do this and it's not only convenient but it's much better than linking the sources, since often times the source can move to a different page or the link given simply may not work anymore, as if the case for some of your pages linked  
[R]: For my mass effect sims, the content is usually separated so users can dl the bits they want. Other sims I’ve uploaded usually don’t have a lot of CC associated with them, and are usually the same bits I use across the board, so you only need to download them once from any of the links of my releases. Plus breaking up the downloads into smaller files is easier on my near-dial-up-ass adsl internet speeds (I don’t get fiber where I am since our local district council isn’t looking to update our zone until the mid 2020s).
@jonysimmer asked:
Hi, are you planning to do the pants that everybody uses in ME Andromeda? Because I converted it but... looks weird. BTW: I love your Tumblr!!
[R]: I’ve been trying to make the textures for it, so I’ll definitely be working on it on the side. It was one of the things setting me back from releasing my Andromeda sims. Also, thanks XDD
Anonymous asked:
Hey there, I wanted to download the Dorian's moustache cc but it's removed, was wondering if you could reupload it or something. Please & Thank You                    
[R]: I don’t even know how that was explicit content, there was literally just a picture of his face XD Tumblr pls. I’ll get the links up as soon as I can :)
Anonymous asked:
Can you please post an updated download for the all oiled up overlay? It disappeared from my game a few days ago and I truly miss it as I'm sure others do as well. <3                
[R]: My game’s not quite up-to-date so I don’t know what exactly the problem is so I’ll definitely have to look into it. Most updates shouldn’t be breaking something
Anonymous asked:
The URL’s no longer work for the misc skin overlays ☹️                    
[R]: Thanks to tumblr’s tyrannical nsfw purge, I’m gonna have to repost, so they’ll be up soon again, dw :)
Anonymous asked:
Hey I'd really love to use All Oiled Up if you could repost that <3                    
[R]: Definitely, it’s been asked quite frequently so it’ll be high up on my tumblr to-do-list :P
26 notes · View notes
Hey Reluctant you remember that tragic fic you wrote about Dorian leaving Varlen bc he refused to stay behind while Dorian went to Tevinter? since I've been thinking about it again and it's re-broken my heart, could you pretty please maybe do a short sequel where Varlen follows Dorian to Tevinter anyway and keeps him safe from the shadows, something with a happy ending? Bc I'm dying still thinking about my boys sad and lonely even if the fic isnt technically canon its still breaking my heart ;~;
PHEW. Sorry about this taking SO LONG to actually get to, but it ended up much longer than I anticipated. Because of that, I have uploaded it to AO3 in chapters for ease of reading (LINK HERE), but will also put it here for people who don’t mind… y’know… a lot of scrolling >.>
Also HERE is the break-up fic in question, in case people are interested
Things Thought Lost (Pavellan, Post-Trespasser)
Varlen Lavellan x Dorian Pavus, approx 8500 words. CW: violence, attempted assassination.
“Magister Pavus?”
Dorian groaned softly, the fingers of hisleft hand rubbing a tired circle against his temple. “Yes, yes. What is it?”
The scribe entered; a mouse of a thing calledAdiran. New to the household, he bobbed his head deferentially, and with theMaker as his witness, Dorian swore the young man’s knees were trembling.“T-There has been a change of venue for your meeting with Magister Tellene.Instead of the upper chambers, she has requested you meet her at the,u-um…“ He paused, glancing hurriedly at his board, which quivered andjumped in the air. “The Gilder.”
One dark brow arched high on Dorian’sforehead. “Harbour-side? An interesting choice for a lady with such a notabledislike of salt air.” The young man opened his mouth as if to beg apology, butDorian quickly waved a hand. “No matter, no matter. Thank you, Adiran. Informher that I will be present at the agreed upon time.” Typically, Dorian wouldmake a show of rescheduling entirely, as was common practice within theImperium when one wanted to assert one’s status over another. Or be a little petty. However,if he was to ever bring forth discussion of the treatment of slaves in themagisterium, he needed Tellene on side. She was old blood – something that carriedgreat weight in a nation stained red. Her support would be invaluable. Despitehis better judgement, he had little choice but to attend whatever she deignedto organise. If he did not establish an alliance now, someone else wouldinevitably beat him to it. It was not something he could afford.
Sighing softly, he pushed himself to hisfeet, chair sliding out behind him along the soft carpet. Moving to thefloor-length mirror, Dorian took a moment to adjust his attire, tugging hisrobe slightly, reasserting the perfectly effortless flow required of his cloak.He would not be wearing his insignia of office this time. Not if he was toventure so far from the heart of the Magisterium. It would be interesting, hesupposed. He had yet to visit the harbour since his magnificent return toTevinter. It held a rather significant number of fond memories.
All he hoped was that the meeting would gosmoothly, and those memories would not be replaced by something comparablydark.
The Gilder was decidedly… unremarkable. Nice,mind you, but most things in that part of the city could at the very least bedescribed as nice. Dorian exited his carriage with a nod to his driver, Valus, who wouldwait for however long the meeting took. Adiran hurried out behind him, carryinga stack of papers and ink to transcribe should the casual conversation take amore formal turn. It might not be needed, but Dorian always found it better tobe prepared, and the young man seemed as though he would benefit from theexcursion.
“Try to calm down,” he said to Adiran as they approached the establishment. “I brought you here as a member of myhousehold staff. Do try to look the part, yes?”
“Y-Yes, Magister Pavus.” Adiran swallowedtightly, sweat beading on his brow. “I’ll… I can do it. I’ll be fine.”
Dorian’s expression softened slightly as theyascended the steps to the entrance. “There. That’s the spirit. Just stay withme and look interested in what’s happening.” He paused as Adiran hurriedforward to get the door, then as he passed, he fixed the scribe with a sidelongglance. “But not too interested.”
The young man paled again. It was a bit cruelto tease him, but Dorian couldn’t help himself. It was the sort of thing thatwould have earned a soft snort of amusement from his companions back inFerelden. A touch of the arm. A bright smile. Silver hair swept over oneshoulder, blue eyes gleaming with barely contained laughter…
Dorian caught himself mid-thought, startledthat his mind had wandered so far from its course. No. Now is not the time for such…distraction. He needed tobe focused. This meeting could make or break half a year’s worth of work. Ifhis thoughts were elsewhere, it could lead to disaster. He had to deny them, nomatter how desperately they wished to elope.
“The meeting is upstairs, Magister Pavus.”Adiran, who had been swift to hurry over to a richly attired man with a ledger,returned just as quickly, his brown hair tousled, green eyes bright withnervous energy. “Shall I lead the way and ah… introduce you? Is that, um… howthis goes?”
“Yes. If you please.” Dorian’s response wasclipped, his mind still distant as he followed the young man. Why think ofVarlen? Why now? Was it because there was so much at stake? Was it because he wasfeeling so very out of his depth?
Or was it because, if he were to be perfectlyhonest, he would give anything in the world for Varlen to be the one currently standing by hisside.
You are the one who set thatship to sail, you know, Dorianchided himself silently as he followed Adiran up two flights of carpeted stairsto the room. Thenyou launched a fireball and burned it to ash for good measure. You have no one toblame but yourself. He is not coming back.
It was a bitter thing, to consider how muchhe had already been forced to give up to become Magister Pavus. Maker’s breath,he had yet to decide if it had even been worth it. Perhaps, if he could doenough good here, he might be able to make it safe. Yes… yes, if he could dothat, Varlen might just…
Dorian’s thought was cut short as Adiranknocked meekly on the door of one of the rooms. Good grief, even his knock wasmouse-like. Dorian would have to work on that with him; give the young man abit more presence. It would do him no good to come across as so fragile. People arewant to take advantage of such individuals, particularly in the Imperium.
There was a soft affirmation from beyond thedoor, and Adiran took a steadying breath, steeling himself. He glanced back atDorian, who gave him an encouraging nod despite feeling almost sick with nerveshimself. But to offer support was only fair; Dorian had been the one to insiston Adiran’s involvement, after all. It was the least he could do. To Dorian’ssurprise, the young man actually mustered a flicker of a smile, standing alittle taller before turning the gold-coated handle and pushing open the door.It swung on perfectly oiled hinges, revealing the lamp-lit room beyond. Chin raised,knees still shaking slightly, Adiran stepped in ahead of Dorian, as wasprotocol. When he spoke, his voice rang out with unexpected clarity.
“Magister Tellene and valued associates, itis my honour to present the esteemed Magister Pavus, son of the late HalwardPavus, member o—”
It had been difficult for Dorian to keep aproud smile off his face at Adiran’s confident tone, but he had managed upuntil the young man suddenly cut off, his introduction coming to a jarring haltmidway through. Dorian frowned, brow creasing in mingled disappointment andconcern as he stepped forward to usher Adiran aside, assuming the scribe’snerves had simply overcome him. No matter. There would be other opportunitiesfor him to practice. He placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder comfortingly butfirmly. “That is enough with the formalities for n…” Dorian halted the momenthe stepped up to Adiran’s side. He caught the young man’s expression. Adiran’sgreen eyes, once bright with nerves, were blown wide, staring down in shock.His head was barely tilted, frozen in place, colour draining fast from histanned skin. Bitter dread clawed up the back of Dorian’s throat, and almostreluctantly, he let his own gaze descend.
A hilt, adorned with delicate gold weave,jutted from the centre of Adiran’s stomach.
“Fasta-vass!” Doriansprang into action, his time spent fighting with the Inquisition far fromforgotten. Magic leaped to his fingertips in less than a frantic heartbeat, butfor once the destructive fire of his youth was not the first thing to rise tothe occasion. Instead, a barrier rippled around Dorian and the young man,wrapping them in a familiar hum of energy, and it was just in time as anotherdagger streaked towards them only to be turned aside by the magical shield. Ahigh, panicked whine crawled up the back of Adiran’s throat as blood began toseep around his fingers, wrapped almost protectively around the hilt of theblade. Dorian drew the young man close, hooking him around the waist to keephim on his feet. “Stay with me.” He clenched his teeth as he fought to maintaintheir defences as another projectile – one far less mundane – was repelled. “Do not pullthat out, do you understand? Stay with me.”
There were four figures in the room and nosign whatsoever of Magister Tellene, save the fact that she was likely behindthe foul play. Just four assassins against one mage and a young man whose skinhad already drained of colour as he entered the first stages of shock. This wasbeyond bad. In fact, as Dorian attempted to back towards the door, eyesflicking between his assailants, he could think of few more potentially deadlysituations in which to find himself. Foolish. He shouldhave been more careful. Should not have rushed in so eagerly. His instincts hadwarned him, and he had ignored every last one of them.
Dorian’s father once said that a man’s worthcould be measured by his ambition. Dorian himself always fancied ambition to beworth remarkably little if, in its realisation, one fell to the folly of haste.
Just this once, he wished he had taken hisown damn advice.
Sweat beading on his brow, running down histemples, Dorian backed all the way to the door only to find it had somehow beenclosed behind him, the act going unnoticed in his rush to protect his scribe.He snarled; a surprisingly vicious sound; as an assassin started forward,intending to rush the barrier. Dorian snapped his hand to the side, three boltsof fire shooting from his palm to catch the cowled man mid-flight. The assassincried out, staggering, throwing his arms up to guard his face, but his clothingremained uncharred by the flames. In fact, the fire seemed to sweep pastharmlessly, repelled like water from oiled canvas. Of course.Yes, he should have guessed they would be ready for combat with a mage of hisparticular specialty. These were no mere hired blades, after all.
“Kaffas,” Doriangrowled, face set in a snarl as he chose lightning, charging a bolt in his palmand sending it lancing forward. It hit one assassin, then leaped to a second,but again the effect seemed almost laughable. They slowed under the assault,only human and unnerved by the display, but did not stop. For all his power,Dorian was little more than an inconvenience to them.By his side, Adiran’s breathing had started to come in short, panicked gasps;too little to fill the boy’s lungs. They didn’t have much time. He didn’thave much time. Turning, Dorian threw a hand towards the door, summoning magicto his palm and sending it scorching outwards in a bright, loud blast. If hecould get them out and summon the city guards, then perhaps—
The sound of shattering glass ripped Dorian’sattention back to the room even as the door buckled and blasted outwards. Theassassins standing by the window cried out in surprise, stepping away hastilyas a figure swung into the room. A blur of black and brown, the person hit theground, rolled, and was on their feet in less time than it took to bat an eye,twin blades flashing in their hands. For a moment, Dorian thought this might beanother assailant, come to ensure the job was done thoroughly. But before thatthought even reached completion, the stranger whirled on the assassins,slashing fast, feinting and dodging and weaving, harrying and harassing them inclose quarters. It seemed the stranger’s arrival was as much as surprise tothem as it had been to Dorian, and they scrambled to defend themselves,momentarily distracted from their quarry.
In the confusion, Dorian did the only thinghe could. Grunting, he hauled Adiran up and made for the door, almost trippingover the debris, staggering out into the hallway. The boy’s blood ran freelydown his front, now, staining the carpet red as they stumbled and wovechaotically. After a few hindered steps, Dorian opted to simply sweep the boyinto his arms, ignoring the shriek of pain Adiran let out at the movement. Thesound stole the breath from Dorian’s chest in the worst possible way and hegritted his teeth, trying not to give in to the rising panic. The guilt. Adiranshook in his arms, tense with pain, eyes glassy and wide as he stared down athis wound.
He’s just a boy. I shouldn’thave brought him. I shouldn’t have—
Dorian reached the stairs just as a form camehurtling out of the room’s shattered doorway, skidding into the hall, a horrorof black fabric and deadly blade. Assassin. Cursing,Dorian threw up another barrier, but before he could attempt to flee the mancrashed into him, sending both Dorian and Adiran to the ground. They hit hard,and Dorian rolled on instinct just as the assassin’s wicked blade slammed intothe ground where his neck had been. Whatever it was made of, it sliced straightthrough the floorboards as though they were paper. With little left to hisdisposal, Dorian kicked out, catching the assassin in the side, knocking himtowards the stairs. Unfortunately, the cloaked man managed to catch himself onthe first step, avoiding the damaging fall that might have followed, andimmediately launched himself back towards Dorian, who had barely had time tostagger to his feet.
Whether through skill or sheer luck, Dorianmanaged to catch the assassin’s wrists, that deadly blade stopping mere inchesfrom his chest. Both men grunted, snarling, one’s face hidden by a mask, the other’sexposed and desperate. Despairing. Livid. Adiran layin a crumpled heap, curled in on himself as if to guard the blade sheathed inhis stomach. He’sjust a boy. Dorian cried out, heavingback against the assassin, forcing the man back a half-step from the suddenforce of it. Justa boy. His grip tightened on theassassin’s wrists, clamping down hard, the fitted fabric of the man’s sleeveslipping down as they struggled for dominance. I should not have brought him. 
For a split second, Dorian felt warmth against his palms –skin – and quite literally seized the opportunity with both hands. Ignoring thethreat of that deadly blade, Dorian focused his magic, dropping his barrier anddrawing its power into his attack, feeling the energy coil and writhe inside him. Then,just when he could contain it no longer, he released it in a rush, theelectricity discharging with a muted crack directly into the assassin’s exposedskin. The man screamed, arching, grip tightening on his blade, neck snappingback, body shaking. Dorian refused to let go, his eyes on the assassin, hisheart on Adiran, his mind chanting a desperate mantra for it to all be over.The smell of something cooking, and then burning, rose thick in the air, untilthe assassin finally collapsed in a smoking heap on the floor. Without eventhinking, Dorian snatched the man’s blade and slipped it into his belt, themimmediately staggered over the corpse and towards the crumpled form of hisscribe.
“Adiran,” he rasped, exhausted, shaking as heturned the boy, rolling him onto his back. Dorian was greeted by the faintestof moans, but it set his exhausted heart racing again, newfound energy risingto flood his veins. “Come – that’s it. We’re fine. You will be fine.” Hegrunted, heaving the boy up again. Adiran did not cry out this time. In fact,he seemed barely aware of who Dorian was or what was happening, head lolling,eyes unfocused and half shut. Bitterly, Dorian could only think that was alllikely for the best.
Dorian did not exit via the front of theestablishment. The back door was closer, and his chariot was waiting down theside of the building. As soon as Dorian stumbled into sight, Valus,leaped to his feet, eyes blown wide with shock. “Get the door open,” Dorianordered as he ran towards it. “Now! Take us to Maevaris.” She had a spirithealer on staff – one who might be able to help. That was the boy’s onlychance, Dorian feared, and even then it was slim. As he and Valus heaved theyoung man into the carriage, Dorian eyed the wound and felt a sick sensationchurn in his stomach. Itwas bad. Any seasoned fighter wouldsay the same. A slow, painful way to go.
Once inside the wagon, Valus immediately setthe horses off at a canter, moving recklessly through the streets, hollering tomove people out of the carriage’s way. Inside, Dorian cradled Adiran’s head inhis lap, smoothing the boy’s hair, unable to find the words he deserved in sucha moment. His hand worked what little magic he had left, trying to numb thearea – ease the pain. Whatcould one truly say? 
“M… Magis…ter…” Adiran’s voice was barelyabove a whisper, and Dorian started, almost missing it for all Valus’ shoutingand rein-cracking.
“Shh, hush now,” Dorian murmured almostreflexively, reaching to wrap a hand comfortingly around the young man’s wrist.Holding him. What else could he do? “Save your breath. We are almost at thehealer.”
Adiran swallowed, flinched, then gasped atthe contraction, his hands twitching painfully around the embedded blade.“A-Are y… s-safe?”
The expression on Dorian’s face would havebeen comical had it not been lined so heavily by grief. “Foolish boy,” hechoked, shaking his head, fingers still combing soothingly through his tousledbrown hair that seemed immune to any form of taming. Sucking in a shakingbreath, Dorian pressed on, “I am fine, Adiran. Unharmed. You did well. You… didvery well.”
Had the young man been more present, he mighthave disputed that claim, given the circumstances. But instead his feverishgaze seemed to brighten ever so slightly as it drifted upwards, focusing on thejolting roof of the carriage. Their green was dimmer than before; wilting fastlike cut grass. All Dorian could do was helplessly beg the carriage to gofaster.
Maevaris, as always,moved with the efficiency of a woman whose world always ran on perfectschedule. The moment Dorian’s carriage pulled up, she appeared as thoughsummoned, whether warned by her own guards or Valus’ booming voice, Doriancould not say. Either way, it did not matter; the moment she saw Adiran shelaunched into action, sending a servant to fetch the healer before slidingbeneath Adiran’s other arm herself and helping Dorian carry the boy along.“Maker’s breath, what happened to him?” she demanded as they ran into themanor, a cot already being wheeled down the hallway from one of the nearbyrooms. “And if you are going to stop by unannounced, flowers never go astray.”
“Not now,” Dorian begged, andMaevaris seemed more than happy to oblige him in this instance. While boththeir instincts in the gravest moments were to make light, this time… this timeDorian just couldn’t bear it. What happened next was something of a blur, andthe next thing Dorian knew, the boy had been whisked away by not just onehealer, but a group, all speaking in fast, serious tones. The only thing thatstopped Dorian from following them instinctively was Maevaris’ steadying handon his shoulder. He turned to her, aggrieved, but she just shook her head, gazesympathetic but firm.
“Let them work, Dorian. There isnothing either of us can do for him now.” Her pale gaze drifted to where theyhad disappeared down the corridor, voices fading in the distance. “I do notknow who that boy was, but he is in good hands. The best, if Jahvri’srecommendations are to be believed.”
“One can only hope. Maker’sbreath…” Dorian sagged, andMaevaris quickly guided him over to a chair, steadying him by the arms as hecollapsed into it. “How?” he continued, shaking his head, curving forward andburying his face in his hands. “How did I let this happen?”
“Hush.” She pulled him in close,letting Dorian’s head rest against her stomach, holding him without a care forthe blood, both fresh and dried, that coated the front of his robe. “You will tell me what happened, Dorian… but not now. Youare safe here. That is what matters. Stay as long as you feel you must.”
“You are too good to me.”
“I am. But Maker knows you woulddo the same.”
To his credit, Dorian managed afaint smile at that. It was true, after all. But it wavered and fell all tooquickly. Maevaris, perceptive as ever, gave the excuse of fetching tea for themto drink. As if she did not have staff for such an endeavour. But regardless,she made herself scarce, offering Dorian a moment’s reprieve, and he wasgrateful for the solitude. Suddenly overcome by a wave of exhaustion,Dorian raised his hands to rub at his eyes, then jolted as thesight of his own bloodstained palms sent a spike of panic through him. Yes. Yes,of course. As if reading hismind, a servant appeared with a warm, damp cloth, offering it to him for thetime being and informing him a bath was being drawn and would be ready shortly.Maevaris was nothing if not a gracious host.
Sitting there, Dorian’s mindwandered back to that room at The Gilder. To the figure who had leapt in; asaviour of dark leather and flashing steel. Whoever that person had been,Dorian wagered he owed them his life. Perhaps even Adiran’s, if…
Dorian blanched and leanedforward heavily, resting his forearms on his knees, uncaring of how he mightlook to the guards flooding out to take up extra watch duties in the wake ofhis dramatic arrival. What he had done; attending that meeting; had been amistake he could not afford to make. Not now. Certainly not again. A singleerror of judgement could mean the end of everything. Of himself. Of others. He was more than just a lone agent – a pariah actingout against an established ideal. Finally, he was in a position where his voicecould be heard above the powerful ruling minority. If he allowed himself to besilenced through his own recklessness…
There was a sound from outside;men and woman shouting what sounded like a warning. Dorian launched to hisfeet, exhausted but rekindled by the thought that the assassins had givenchase. The idea that he might have brought danger to Maevaris’ house left himsick and hollow inside, but as he attempted to rush out a pair of guardsmenstepped in front of the door, blocking his path. “Apologies, Magister Pavus,”one said, “but we are under strict orders.”
Of course they were. Dorian’slips curled disdainfully, but quickly his rational side caught up, windingtight around his anger and stemming its flow. He was drained. Exhausted andbroken in too many ways. If he rushed out there, he would only be a liability.
A horn sounded – a few staccatobursts – and Dorian’s gaze flicked between the guards with an appropriate levelof indignation for his station. “At least tell me what is happening,” he said,seeking compromise. “I trust you can do that much, yes?”
After sharing a nervous glance,the other guard spoke, her voice ringing within her helm. “An attempted breachof the estate’s wall, Magister Pavus. That last call was to say whoever madethe attempt has been apprehended. They—”
Suddenly, the door behind theguards was thrown open, sending the pair staggering to the side and Dorianjumping back a step. Another group of Maevaris’ soldiers stormed in, a figuredragged between them, gripped tightly by the upper arms, surrounded by thethreat of blades. Dorian’s heart raced, but it seemed their captive was notputting up much of a fight; an occasional grunt and jerk of resistance when aguard got a little too rough or a blade slipped a little too close, but nothingmore. It was… well, rather strange. The group started moving past Dorian, their captive twisting,brown and black leather stained by blood…
… that was when Dorian recognisedwho it was.
“Wait! Stop!” Starting forward,Dorian placed himself between the guards and the hallway, cutting them off. Thegroup immediately halted. They might be under Maevaris’ employ, but they werenot so bold as to trample a Magister. Breathing harder than he had any need tobe, Dorian held out a hand. It was trembling. “Wait. I know that armour. Thisperson saved my life.”
There was a hush of uneasytension that filled the room. “Apologies, Magister, but we are under strictorders—” one of the guards began, but then the captive spoke over the top ofhim.
“I’m sorry.” His voice was deep.Earnest. Achingly familiar. Somethingtightened in Dorian’s chest, his eyes widening at the sound. No. Itcouldn’t be. “Itried to keep them all in the room, but one slipped past, and I’m…” The figureshivered and hung his head, still cowled and masked. Only his eyes werevisible, and Dorian caught a glimpse of them for the briefest moment. A bright,brilliant blue. “You got away.” The man continued weakly, almost to himself.Almost relieved. “Fora second I thought…”
“Release him,” Dorian breathed,stepping forward. But the guards did not comply, and his angerrose swiftly from the centre of his chest. “Did you not hear me? I said—”
“It is all right.” Maevaris’voice rang clear and crisp through the room. She had entered with a servantbearing a tray of tea, and while she seemed wary, her ability to read Dorianlike an open book spurred her to act. She met Dorian’s grateful gaze and noddedto the guards. “Let him go.”
Immediately, the guards releasedthe cowled man, who grunted and rubbed his arms where he had been held. Then,slowly, he straightened, his gaze rising to meet Dorian’s. They held eachother’s stares for a time, neither entirely sure of what to say. What to do. Dorian’s mind was little more than a whitewash ofemotion, fuzzy and uncertain, relieved and terrified all at once.
What was he doing here? How did he…?
“If you’re going to shout at me,can we at least do it without an audience?” Varlen’s voice was the same asDorian remembered, but somehow different as well. Harder. Colder.
“I’m not…” Dorian trailed off,then licked his lips, glancing about the room full of armed men and women.“Maevaris, if you please… I would have a moment with this man. Alone.” Underher intense stare, Dorian gave her a pointed nod. “All is quite well. You havemy word. Is there somewhere we might speak? Preferably a room without yourdutiful guards present.”
“Dorian,” Maevaris said warningly, but at the look on hisface she just sighed, reaching up to rub her forehead with her fingertips.“Very well. Fine. This way.” She spared a glance for the newcomer. Or perhapsa glare wouldbe more fitting. “Attempt anything at all and I will have you skinned and wear you like acoat. Understood?”
Dorian imagined Varlen would havepaled beneath that mask, but his voice remained surprisingly resolute as hegave a small bow of his head. “Yes, ma’am.”
Yes ma’am. Ittook all Dorian had to suppress a cringe as Maevaris arched a brow at theimpropriety of it all. But he supposed, if nothing else, it was strangelycomforting to know that some things had not changed.
When the door closed behind them,the first thing Dorian did close the space between himself and the cowledfigure. His hands reached out, thumbs brushing along the sides of Varlen’s coveredface, both pleased and surprised to find his former lover did not jerk awayfrom his touch.
So, Dorian removed the mask.
The elven man’s features wereprecisely how he remembered, although he supposed he shouldn’t really besurprised. It had only been just over a year, after all, since they had gonetheir separate ways for good. Discarding the mask, Dorian’s hands returned asthough drawn by a mysterious force, ghosting along the sides of Varlen’s face, wantingso badly to feel the warmth of his skin, but uncertain of whether such intimatecontact would be welcome. Instead, he allowed himself a moment of indulgence,drinking in the sight that stood before him. Those bright blue eyes, that palevallaslin. Cheekbones that gave such pleasing shape to his face; lines Dorian hadonce loved to absently trace. They were more pronounced now, he realisedvaguely. Varlen had gotten thinner. Then again, Dorian figured they both hadneglected themselves in more ways than one. Nothing could drain a person quitelike constant, unwavering stress.
In Dorian’s distraction, it wasVarlen who was the first to speak. “Dorian… were you hurt?”
That question. Why did everyone always ask that first?Pain flickered behind Dorian’s eyes and he lowered his hands, stepping away,the image of Adiran shivering in his arms suddenly too vivid. Too overwhelming.“I am well, Varlen.” He paused, collected himself, then added. “And you? Icannot imagine your entry through the second-storey window was a comfortableexperience.”
A faint smirk flickered acrossVarlen’s lips and he shrugged, although a little stiffly. “It’s not so bad. Ifyou do it right.” With a sigh, he reached up, tugging down his hood, hairspilling from its confine to tumble down past his shoulders. Dorian’s eyeswidened at the sight. Still long, yes, but he wore it shorter than before. Thedemands of practicality. But more than anything, it was predominantly black.Dorian was stunned into silence for a good while, slowly taking in changes hethought he would never see. Varlen lovedhis hair, proud to wear the same silver as his mother and sister. Now, only afew inches of it had grown, catching the wavering lamplight, no doubt awaitingthe dyeing process. What followed the unveiling was an uneasy silence; one thatseemed better suited to a funeral procession than an untimely reunion of formerlovers. Then again, perhaps it was a perfect silence. After all, Dorian had noidea how to fill it.
Uncertainly, Varlen rose to theoccasion, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Dorian… I know this isn’twhat you wante—”
“No.” Dorian, it seemed, hadfound his voice. Funny, how easy it was to make the throw once the first stonehad been cast. Varlen blinked, uncertain of what to make of single word, butDorian just shook his head gently. “Varlen, if it is apology you areattempting, I would much rather you refrain.” He paused, a familiar discomfort gnawingat his stomach, but forced himself to continue. “I know that we left each otheron rather unfortunate terms. To putit mildly, of course. But if it is quite the same to you, I would rather notdwell on that particular conversation.” Themistakes that I made. “The… things that were said.”
Varlen licked his lips, and therewas an air of uncertainty to the movement. For a time, Dorian feared he haddone precisely the wrong thing; that their parting words might have beensomething Varlen needed to address and he had just crushed that need underheel. But then the elven man released a long-held breath, some of the tensionleaving his shoulders as he did so, and glanced up to meet Dorian’s gaze. “Yeah.All right, sure.” A faint smile quirked up the corner of his lips. “So… I takeit you’re not going to lecture me, then?”
“Come now, let’s not be entirely unreasonable.”
Varlen laughed, and Dorian foundhimself succumbing to the desire as well. It was a giddy feeling, especiallyconsidering what had just transpired, but a part of him simply couldn’t helpit. His scribe was barely clinging to life, he had nearly been assassinated,and now his former lover stood before him swathed in black like a murderer fromsome cautionary tale. But he was smiling. Laughing.
These were strange times indeed.
They quieted after a moment,returning to a kind of still contemplation of one another, eyes locked.Focused. Neither seemed willing to break the connection. “I… had considered anumber of outcomes. For my meeting with Magister Tellene, that is.” Dorian’sconfession was soft, and he shook his head, still not quite believing what washappening. “But this… well, this one hadcertainly failed to cross my mind.”
“I know.” Varlen was the first tobreak the stillness, looking away and moving over towards the window. He peekedthrough the curtains, squinting against the late-afternoon sun. What he waslooking for, Dorian could not say. “I got most of them,” he eventuallyexplained after glancing over his shoulder and catching Dorian’s perplexedexpression. “But one of the assassins slipped past. I tried to chase him down,but the others cut me off and…” He pulled his lower lip between his teeth, eyesflicking back out to the front of Maevaris’ estate. There was shame in theexpression. Whatever Varlen had intended, it clearly had not gone according toplan. Loose ends were always complicated, after all.
“I believe I ran into thatfellow, yes,” Dorian said. Varlen turned sharply at that, eyes widening inalarm, and Dorian quickly gave a placating wave of his hand. “Now, now, not tofret. He was… dealt with.”
“But the clothing they had on was—”
“You will find little in thisworld that is entirely mage-proof,Varlen.”
“Right. Yeah. Good point.” Varlencleared his throat, nodding and letting the curtain fall back into place as he steppedaway. He wiped his hands on his pants anxiously, and Dorian couldn’t help butfeel a pang of guilt. After all, he knew why Varlen might be in such a state.But before Dorian could find the correct words, Varlen turned to face him,expression tense. “Well, are you going to ask me or not?”
“Ask you…?”
“Why I’m here, Dorian.”
“Ah.” Dorian sighed, moving overto a sturdy mahogany table – a wood favoured by Maevaris and half themagisterium - and leaning against its edge. “Very well, then. Why are you here,Varlen?”
The elven man had seeminglyexpected an argument. He paused, mouth half open, and then closed it with aclick of his teeth. He was clearly on edge; Dorian could read that much, atleast. But despite it, Varlen pushed himself to speak. “I… heard rumours.”
Now it was Dorian’s turn tofrown. “You will have to be a tad more specific, Varlen. A great many rumours havecircled me of late.” He made a grand gesture at his bloodied robes. “Somewhat partof the office, I’m afraid.”
“Yeah, well… part of the job ornot, I didn’t like what I heard.” He was pacing now, that familiar restlessenergy demanding some kind of outlet. Dorian said nothing, simply lettingVarlen sort through his thoughts. “I’d begged Leliana to keep an ear to theground for me, and she…” He swallowed; shook his head. “People want you dead, Dorian. More than most Magisters.Which I guess is something of anachievement, but not exactly what I‘d been hoping to hear.”
“And that surprised you?”
“… No.” Varlen sighed, raking hisfingers through his hair. Silver fading to black. “Just… do you know what it’slike? To be so far away and hear reports like that? Over and over again? Firstit’s unnamed mercenaries. Then trained assassins. Then suddenly any wealthy altus who can afford morethan a single attempt on your life. Then the threats started coming from yourfellow magisters. Dorian…” Varlenshook his head, although he was unable to look over and meet Dorian’s gaze andhis voice dropped to barely a whisper. “What was I supposed to do? Wait until Igot the news that y… that you’d been…?”
The unfinished question was metwith silence, heavy and uncomfortable. Dorian knew what he should say. You were supposed to stay away. It is notsafe here for you. That was, after all, the bitter note on which they hadended their relationship. Dorian had thought cutting ties was the only way tokeep his amatus out of danger. But they were no longer a couple – there was nolonger that sense of obligation – and Varlen had still come to him.
“I don’t know, Varlen.” It wasthe most honest answer Dorian had given anyone since returning to the Imperium,and it seemed Varlen sensed that by the way his gaze finally flicked over and stayedfocused on him. “Things here… they have been difficult. On that matter, I willnot lie. What I am attempting here was always going to breed some measure of hostility.” Slowly, painfully, he offered a weak smile. “If it is anyconsolation at all… this is the closest anyone has ever come to completingthe deed. Your timing remains remarkable as eve—”
To Dorian’s surprise, Varlen snorted. He seemed utterly amused, andDorian stopped mid-sentence, uncertain what to make of the outburst. Anapologetic look washed over Varlen’s face and he cleared his throatuncomfortably. “Sorry. It’s just… this wasn’t the closest. Not really.”
Dorian felt his face go slack. “Itwasn’t?”
Varlen shook his head. “Therewere a few times. At night, mostly. At your estate. Some were ready withpoisons, waiting for you to head to your rooms for the evening. They planned toslip it into the water pitcher on your bedside table. Once was…” He paused, asif uncertain if he should continue, but after an encouraging nod from Dorian,he did. “It was your old scribe, Dorian. She was to deliver you a message, butthe parchment was soaked through with something.She wore gloves so she wouldn’t touch it, but knew you wouldn’t have any onafter dinner.”
My scribe. For thebriefest moment, Dorian’s mind flickered to Adiran, but he quickly shooed theimage away. No, not him. The one the boy had replaced. “I thought she had simply fled my employ, the same as some of the others,” he murmured.Feeling strangely unsteady, he reached out, groping behind him, dragging one ofthe chairs out from beneath the table and sitting down. “Corellia. She hadserved my family for years. It was a shock, mind you, but I imagined many of myfather’s old staff were less than pleased by my replacing him.” Then, Dorianlooked up, grey eyes finding Varlen and fixing on the man. “So she… did you…?”
“I had to.” His voice was barelyabove a whisper, and Varlen closed his eyes, turning away. “She wanted to killyou, Dorian. What choice did I have?”
Dorian’s heart felt like stone,heavy and coarse. “Was she the only one? Among my household.”
“And did you…?”
“Yes. I did.” Varlen let out ashivering breath, but opened his eyes again. Just a touch. But he did not lookat Dorian, and there was something defeated in the expression on his face. WhenVarlen worked up the will to speak again, his voice was hoarse, thick with a hurt that could not bedescribed. To hear it tore Dorian apart.
“I’m sorry, Dorian. For all ofit. I know you cared about them, but I couldn’t just let them go.” Hisvoice had risen as he spoke, edging into something panicked and desperate.“M-Maybe I shouldn’t have done it. Come here. Interfered. I just…” His voice cracked,and something inside Dorian cracked with it as Varlen turned away sharply,almost desperate to look away. “I didn’t think it would be so…”
“Varlen… come now, none of that.”Dorian rose quickly, ignoring the lurch of unsteadiness that accompanied themovement, and crossed the room in a few long strides. He reached out, takingVarlen by the shoulders, finally seeing the pain the man had been sodesperately trying to hide. Perhaps the mask had allowed him to pretend, for atime. Perhaps it had let him pretend it was someone else holding the blade and taking the lives. Now,that dark cloth lay abandoned on the floor, a black stain on Maevaris’ plush carpet.Dorian wanted nothing more than to burn it to ash. “Varlen… look at me.Please?” Slowly, the elven man’s gaze drifted up, glassy but stubborn, refusing to give in to the threat of likely much-needed tears. Dorian smiledfaintly and brushed a strand of hair from Varlen’s face. “I owe you my life, itseems. Many times over. What you have done… it is a debt I can only ever hopeto repay.”
Varlen just nodded, but the movementwas stiff. With a pang, Dorian realised that was not what he should have said.Wincing internally, the mage forged onward. He had to find what Varlen needed tohear. “What you have endured… I can only imagine how difficult it must havebeen. Tell me; were you alone?”
“Leliana,” Varlen murmured, eyeson Dorian’s chest rather than his face. “She would send information. Leads. Ijust followed them. Got in the way as often as I could.” He paused, and thenadded even more softly, “Some were… harder than others. There aren’t manyplaces for someone like me to go here, when things go wrong.” He snorted dryly. “You were right about that much, at least.” There was abitterness to that last remark that stung like a slap.
“Oh Varlen…” Unable to helphimself, Dorian just pulled the elven man into an embrace, holding him tight.At first, Varlen remained rigid, the way one might when dragged into anunexpected hug by an acquaintance. Polite endurance, nothing more. But then,after a few tense beats, he relaxed. Leaned into the embrace, wrapping his ownarms around Dorian and pulling him close, burying his head in the crook of hisneck. For a moment, everything almost felt like before. Dorian closed his eyes.Breathed in the familiar scent of his amatus. Maker’s breath…
Dorian had no idea how badly hehad missed this. How badly he had missed him.
“I have made so many mistakes,”Dorian murmured, shaking his head slightly, arms refusing to let go of Varlen.“More than I have any right to. But… how we left things…”
He felt Varlen shift against him,but he made no attempt to extract himself from the embrace, settling to mumbleagainst Dorian’s shoulder. “It was bad, wasn’t it?” Dorian just nodded, andVarlen continued. “I won’t lie. A part of me wanted to wash my hands of you. Itseemed… for the best, in a way. I didn’t want to admit it at the time, but youwere right. Coming to Tevinter and standing at your side… it would have been too dangerous. There is just noway we could… be us here.”
A thought suddenly occurred toDorian that saw cold flood his skin. “Varlen, I need to make something clearthat I may have neglected. It is true, we can never be what we were inFerelden here, but it is not because I do not want it.” He tightened his grip instinctively. “Maker’s breath, even back then, against my better judgement, Iwanted it more than anything. But… the thought that you would come here becauseof me, and place yourself at risk…” Dorian felt his throat constrict but attemptedto talk through it. “If somethinghappened to you…”
“Stop. Dorian...” Varlen’s words were firm, but his touch remained gentle. Hepulled back, taking Dorian in, and it was only the expression of concernthat flashed across his face that made Dorian aware of the fact that he was,indeed, crying. Perhaps it was his exhaustion or his worry for Adiran, or hisdiscovery of Varlen struggling in the heart of the one place he had tried tospare him from. Perhaps it was a culmination of all the day’s miserable, bloodyevents. But regardless of the reason, silent tears had crept past Dorian’scareful guard, and he regretted them immediately. Ashamed of himself, Dorianmade to wipe them away in a harsh motion, but Varlen beat him to it. And hishands were gentle. His gloves soft. Without dismissal, he brushed away the first sign that,finally, Dorian had reached a limit he was not prepared to handle.
At least, not alone.  
“You shouldn’t be here,” Dorianbreathed, his voice only shaking ever so slightly. It was the most composedanyone could be while crying their eyes out, he liked to imagine. It helpedlessen the sting a touch. “Amatus, this is too dangerous. I won’t beresponsible for dragging you into it. I can’t.”
“Well that’s fine. Because youaren’t.” The words were so simple, and Varlen spoke them with such convictionthat it actually gave Dorian pause. A faint smile managed to find its way toVarlen’s lips and he held Dorian’s face in his hands, keeping their gazeslocked. “We broke up, Dorian. There was, as you said, no obligation for me tocome here.”
“You came anyway,” Dorianmurmured. Varlen nodded.
“I came anyway.”
“After everything I said to you.Everything I…”
“Yeah, well…” Varlen gave a faintshrug. It was meant to appear dismissive, but deep down, Dorian could onlyimagine how many months it must have taken for him to perfect it. “Turns out itwas going to take more than a bad fight to keep me away. Whether we’re togetheror not, Dorian, I care about you.You’re my friend as much as you were… more than that.” He swallowed, taking asecond to collect himself. “The fact of the matter is, I believe in what you’retrying to do. Fenedhis, I want you to succeed. I know I can’t helpout in the open, so I figured I would do it my way, and it was actuallyworking.”
“Until today.”
“Until today,” Varlen agreedquietly. He let go of Dorian, the tears having ceased as they spoke, and took asingle step back. Not too far, but far enough. “I… messed up, today. I was tooslow. I didn’t pay enough attention to the obvious threat, and it…” Varlen bithis lip, glancing towards the door. “Creators… he’s so young, Dorian. Just a kid.”
“I know.” Dorian’s voice washusky, and there was no helping it. He could still see Adiran’s shocked expression;that vacant stare at the roof of the carriage; and it pained him in a way thathe simply could not describe. “But it was not your fault, Varlen. Do not blameyourself. What you have been doing… it is already more than I deserve.”
“No, it isn’t.” Varlen steppedforward again, resting one hand on Dorian’s shoulder, squeezing intently.“Dorian, this would be a lot easier for both of us if you would just let mehelp you. It’s hard enough hiding from the rest of Tevinter without having to dodge you too.”
To Dorian’s surprise, a dry laughmanaged to escape him. “You say it as though you will continue regardless of myanswer.”
“Funny. That’s probably because Iwill.”
“You remain stubborn as ever.”
“Did you expect that to change?”
Varlen smiled, and Dorian evenmanaged a weak one back, not sure what precisely was happening between thembut grateful for it nonetheless. But something remained unspoken;something Dorian could not simply ignore. “Varlen… if you are to remain…”
“It’s like you said,” Varlensaid, cutting him off quickly. “We can’t be what we were in Ferelden. I get that. If we’reseen publicly together… well, let’s just say it wouldn’t help you start thismovement of yours.”
“Not when the people I amattempting to move possess moreprejudice than sense,” Dorian agreed reluctantly. “No, of course. You areright. We couldn’t.”
There was a pause. A long one. “Imean… did you actually…?” The words left Varlen so awkwardly that it remindedDorian of when they had first met. A pocket of warmth filled his chest as theelven man continued hurriedly. “I mean, yeah. No way. It couldn’t work…. right?”
“No. Not at all.”
The pause returned. Then Varlensaid something that caught Dorian completely off-guard.
“You called me amatus.”
Dorian blinked. “What? When?”
“Before. When you were… y’know…” He gestured to his face. “Crying.”
“Well now that’s hardly fair, tojudge a man when he is so clearly outof—”
—“Did you mean it?”
Dorian stopped. His mouth hungslightly open, as though in the process of giving voice to defensive words, butno sound passed his lips. Had he meantit? Thinking back, he did not even recall it, but he had no reasonwhatsoever to believe Varlen was lying. In the end, that meant only one thing.
He had said that word; a word thatcarried so much weight. A word he had not been able to utter since they parted.A word he had dreaded and sampled and discarded more times than he could count.If he had truly said it, after all this time, and without even realising… then yes.He meant it more than anything.
His response seemed to stirsomething in Varlen because he sniffed suddenly, blue eyes flicking away asthough the far wall suddenly offered something incredibly interesting. “I…” Helet out a watery laugh. “I really fucking missed that, you know? The way you’d say it.”
Dorian didn’t bother holding backthis time. He just reached out, turned Varlen towards him, and kissed him. Theirlips pressed together, warm and soft and everything he remembered; Maker,everything he had wanted for so long.There was no stiffening of surprise from Varlen. Not even a hitching of breathas Dorian’s tongue swiped along the inner curve of his lips, tentativelyseeking more. If anything, he had been more ready for the moment than Dorianhimself, who had initiated it. Varlen opened his mouth, inviting Dorian in, onehand threading through his hair, the other sliding past up his armand coming to rest on his shoulder, holding him in place. Holding him close. Dorian turned them both, moving afew mindless steps until Varlen was against the table, their lips still locked,hands roaming one another as though feeling their shapes for the first time.And in a way, there was a newness of it. The newness of a fire rekindled.
Dorian broke the kiss for amoment, rasping a breath, neither drawing away not pushing for more. “Amatus…” he breathed, shaking his head,not quite believing what was happening. Not quite believing how badly he hadneeded it, all this time. A low chuckled curled from Varlen’s chest, meetingthe fond curve of his lips.
“There it is…” Varlen’s eyes wereclosed, almost peaceful, his head cocked slightly to the side as thoughlistening to beautiful music somewhere in the distance. Then, slowly, his eyesfluttered open to catch Dorian’s. Dorian’s expression was, understandably, confused, but Varlen justsmiled, his thumb brushing along the curve of Dorian’s cheek.
“How you said it. That was it.”Understanding flickered in Dorian’s eyes and Varlen leaned in, stealing aquick, chaste kiss, smiling against his lips. “It was just like that.” 
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mehtranslations · 6 years
The Favoured Genius 105
Translator: Foreverhungry
Editor: Ome
Proofreader: librismuse
Alright *pulls back sleeves* prepare yourselves for an extra long note today. I have a few things to mention, and bless our site manager for keeping me so organized.
1) Results of the vote! WP : tumblr is 10 : 5 sobs so we’ll be moving to wordpress sometime in the near future, we’re still kinda setting up (be prepared for shitty systems tho bc free wp is shitty wp)
2) @our supporters (mainly kirindas and hoyaoppa since I see you guys a lot >.> I swear I see you everywhere kirindas) Thank you so much for supporting us up till now and I hope that you guys would continue the journey with us in the future too! Everyone appreciates your thanks, but we have nothing we can give you in return so I guess you’ll just have to stick to reading future chapters;;; @some people (be ready for the preach) Life is full of things that you want and need, sometimes you'll get it, sometimes you won't. We've already made an announcement on our management on the things you want but we are not obliged to give you. This is our form of thanks for the support, but if it still doesn't satisfy your want? Honestly, I don't really care. I'm not obliged to you, we are not like some websites where we give chapters according to how much you pay. We are a fan translation site. You have the rights to make your wants to be known, but we also have the rights as to our speed of fulfillment, or even whether we want to fulfill that want. Please don't be arrogant assholes. Thank you. Yours Sincerely : ) What brought this on? People asking ‘when can I read 1-100′ when I’ve already made an announcement about it. 3) So um. This is. Kinda not related to the post. But I still wanna get it out so you guys know we actually read your asks. We got a request to translate ‘God of Thunder’. Thank you for having so much confidence in my abilities;;; But I’m afraid I’ll have to let you down. Reasons why I’m not going to translate said novel:  - No time - I have other projects that are going snail-paced - My procrastination powers are stronk - Frankly the novel isn’t my type, soz :( I hope there won’t be any bad feelings @anonrequester?
4) Updates on the first hundred chapters Things are going along, we’re taking the chance checking for any spelling or grammatical errors before we post things up so it’ll be sliiiiiiiiightly different but it won’t change anyone’s background/past knowledge of the novel. Re-uploading date: First 10 chapters still tentatively early April First five chapters are up on WP, and we’re still working on the rest of the chapters
And that’s the end of it! @thosewhoreadeverything I'm sorry for the long note, please enjoy the next chapter now!
Space and Rebirth: The Favored Genius Doctor and Businesswoman - Chapter 105 -  Carrying the Blame (背黑锅)
Jing Yunzhao squinted her eyes, not the least surprised by Qiao Hongye’s response.
Qiao Hongye may still be young and less experienced, but she had been bright ever since she was little. In addition to Qiao Weimin and Ye Qin serving as her role models, she became even sneakier.
If Qiao Hongye had admitted her faults just now, Jing Yunzhao would actually feel that there was something wrong with her.
However, after Qiao Hongye had finished speaking, Cao Xing’s eyes looked as if it wanted to spit fire, “Don’t listen to her nonsense! She was supposed to be my lookout! She had even paid me to help her bring down this Jing Yunzhao before!”
Qiao Hongye’s tears seized the opportunity to fall,” You… How could you say that? I obviously only saw you once before this. Also, it wasn’t I who called the police! You cannot wrongly accuse me... Mr. Policeman, you must investigate clearly. Jing Yunzhao is my older sister, and these two are also my schoolmates. Why would I go against them?”
Su Chu’s cheeks bulged out to their limits. She was so angry that she was literally jumping on the spot in anger, her face stifled red.
A few police officers who saw Qiao Hongye crying so miserably felt that not only was she dainty and delicate, but also pitiful and obedient. How would they think of the possibility that she could be lying?
They became even more displeased by Cao Xing this hooligan. He really likes holding onto a grudge too much. This little girl was just coincidentally mixed into this when she came, but he had to insist on having her become his lookout. This was practically destroying the country’s flower buds! [1]
“Little girl, you can relax. We would definitely not wrong anyone. Next time, however, you need to be careful. When you meet these kind of bad people, it’s still better to first call the police. This way, you can also avoid being misunderstood.” Once the officer had finished speaking, he forced Cao Xing into the police cruiser.
Cao Xing’s heart was filled to the brim with resentment. For those in this **** business, there were only a handful who never entered the ‘palace’, but right now he was walking right into it. How shameful!
Qiao Hongye this slut actually dared to deceive him. To save time, he had first confirmed the location of Jing Yunzhao’s room. During these few minutes, he had overturned everything in Jing Yunzhao’s room, but he didn’t even see a speck of the so-called Ginseng. He didn’t even see a single cent; she must be a penniless ghost!
This woman (QHY) purposely used the ginseng to manipulate and swindle him!
The moment Cao Xing was taken away, Qiao Hongye relaxed. Seeing her like this, Jing Yunzhao suddenly found the situation funny.
She thought that everything would be fine as long as she made Cao Xing bear the blame alone? She may be smart, but she’s just indulging in her own fantasy!
When she had stayed in prison for a few years in her past life, she had actually learned some common knowledge about the law. Cao Xing had attempted an unsuccessful robbery and did not cause any major loss at all. In addition, there was no one in the house, and he did not threaten someone’s life. Under such conditions, it would be impossible for him to be sentenced.
At most, he would be detained for a period of time. Even with the previous case of intercepting and blocking her… It was still totally impossible.
Previously, she did not understand why Cao Xing had to hide away. Because, if the other hooligans dared to sell out Cao Xing’s location, they wouldn’t wait until now.
As long as Cao Xing denied everything persistently and the other people related to the case or witnesses did not identify him, there would not have been any evidence against him, thus her statement would have no conclusive effect. In other words, at most, Cao Xing would have been an extra suspect in the police’s extra cases. He would be let out very soon.
By that time, could Qiao Hongye still be as happy?
Jing Yunzhao was not so generous to remind Qiao Hongye about it. She only walked up to her and took out the Ginseng root they were looking for from her bag.
“Qiao Hongye, I am an honest person who doesn’t speak in circles. Weren’t you looking for this? Such a pity that I… don’t want to give it to you.”
Jing Yunzhao finished provoking her and continued, “Such a large Ginseng. I’ll slowly stew the whole thing when I return tonight. Its juices are the finest ingredients needed for beautifying. Even if I have to just rub it on my face and treat it as a skincare product, I won’t let you touch a single strand of root hair. Satisfied?”
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