#Also x!undyne is so pretty
floofballsammy · 3 months
Brainrot is HITTING me today. But this time it's characters I felt like drawing and not the sillies.
(Not happy with how Chara turned out, but I wanted to draw Asriel anyways-)
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Color!Sans/Othertale by Super Youmna
X!Undyne/X-Tale by Jakei95/Jael Peñaloza
Delta!Sans/Ultra!Tale by AnimatedZorox
Storyshift by voltrathelively
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shiocreator · 18 days
I absolutely know i wont be able to write anything like this cuz not my expertise but
Had an idea of an undertale (i personally had this thought about underfell in particular though) x reader where you end up very vocally defending the monsters when they first arrive, (sure the idea monsters existed might be scary but its just cruel to toss em away again)
and after abit, end up working for Grillby, cuz, hey you need a job and hes apparently hirin', you have a good enough rep with monsters for gossip to spred from before, and you end up helping kick out a shitty human who was tryna start shit and getting a better reputation in the monster community, but you also end up gaining a mixed one with some of the humans in there
How I personally would end up making it, is a mettaton x reader, where eventually he learns about you through the positive rumors and he would love to meet a human that isn't against monsterkind, and you end up becomin pals with him n stuff,
but I can personally see a LOT of kinda potential with it on others, essentially just a good baseline maybe, monsters know who you are cuz gossip spreads like wildfire among em, and you work at a monster run establishment thats probably decently known to the monsters? So they could just pop on in and see you,
Grillby x reader? You work there, Sans x reader? Yeah you see that guy a lot, (he also witnessed you almost punch a guy as a first meeting) papyrus x reader? That one regulars loud brother(he also witnessed you almost punch someone),
alphys/undyne/tori/asgore etc etc who probably might not go to grillbys often x reader? they watched you violently defend the monsters right to exist day 1 and hear about you from the grapevine and end up curious about this human whos been a friend to monsterkind, etc etc
I DOUBT i'm original with this cuz its pretty basic, but I think its fun to mention just in case it can spark smthn creatively in someone, somewhere when I just can't find the motivation to write that in particular
I've personally been thinking about the kinda idea a whole lot with my oc in place of the reader n been havin a blast w it at least hvghv
So, go wild go crazy and if ANYONE does anything with this idea please tag me bc i would LOVE to see abnjks
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Some Assorted SequenceShift Fun Facts
I don't have art of this AU just yet and I don't have a specific topic I wanna focus on, so I decided to list some random facts in the AU. Some a bit more important than others.
There is no Barrier in this AU. Rather, instead the Monster Kingdom is a very strictly isolationistic underground country that humans are generally aware of, but absolutely not allowed in. This is due to humans in SequenceShift being a bit weaker and their war with the Monsters being considerably bloodier (well, dustier for the Monsters) on both sides. The current situation is the result of a very rough stalemate following a human occupation of the Underground, though things have died down a tad bit in more modern times.
The order of humans that fell into the Underground is Integrity -> Kindness -> Bravery -> Perseverance -> Patience -> Determination -> Justice
Clover in SequenceShift uses He/They pronouns.
Starlo and Martlet are both trans (Starlo is a Transman and Martlet is a Transwoman).
The current canonical pairings are Starlo x Dalv, Ceroba x Dina, and Moray x Martlet. I'm not against different pairings, though, as long as they aren't overly problematic. Also yeah, Ceroba and Chujin are divorced.
Kanako's 'Flowey' equivalent has been retooled quite a bit. Instead of being a flower again, Kanako is instead a pale fox-like amalgam known as Kit, who can transform into objects at will (referencing shapeshifting kitsune in Japanese folklore).
The Wild East was ravaged by the an unknown gunman sometime in the past. Almost half the town's population was killed and stirred up a lot of anti-human sentiment in the Underground. Currently, the Wild East is mainly a Ghost Town that only really acts as Ranger HQ.
Dina is well known as something of a folk hero along Frostpeak. She's greeted fondly by most of the residents, passes out candy to the kids, and is pretty good friends with Sans and Papyrus.
People say that the Honor Guard and Royal Rangers have a rivalry, but it's an Urban Legend. They generally get along pretty well with one another and the biggest point of conflict is Undyne and Starlo arguing over Anime vs. Westerns. It happens quite a bit.
Axis has both an EX and a NEO form. His EX-form was designed to better protect himself if he ever gets damaged enough. The NEO form basically turns him into a giant war mech, and designed at a time where the Kingdom was considering building robots to fill in the ranks of soldiers. Ceroba was VERY hesitant to approve of this upgrade for Axis and insisted it only be used in the worst case scenarios.
And that's what I got so far. Really loving how this AU is turning out so far.
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mcnotok · 1 year
okay so i live in a place where it's cold very like 80% of the year, including now and because it was really freakin cold today, it got me thinking about how the climates of undertale really work and that in turn got me thinking about how the bad sans gang™ would react to the cold.
so like first off, do monsters even react to the temperature changing. i mean undyne overheats in her armour when you enter hotland so presumably she does react to changes in her surrounding temperatures. but undyne isn't made entirely out of magic and bones and she likely is a little bit more human than other monsters since a really popular theory about her eye is that she got injected with determination.
but sans and papyrus are skeletons and live in snowdin and that place is constantly covered in snow. (side note: HOW THE FUCK IS THERE SNOW UNDER THE MOUNTAIN. like it could be magic but that's just weird especially considering the fact that waterfall which is right next to snowdin is a marshy grassland which if you know anything about that type of environment you know that snow doesn't really work, okay rant over back to the skeletons).
i've seen a few pieces of art and fanfiction that basically make it so the skeletons react to the cold like a human would; frostbite, hypothermia, ect... but thought is always like would they react that way. most versions of sans are wearing hoodies and shorts and slippers out in the cold and they seem just fine.
cross is wearing like sixty different layers but it's made pretty clear that his outfit is supposed to be a really embellished royal guard uniform so jury's out on him actually being hot underneath all the fluff.
my conclusion is that skeleton monsters are pretty resilient to the cold in general and that it takes a lot to get any of them uncomfortable when it comes to the weather.
so onto the headcanons.
i think that horror, killer, and dust would react to the cold in a similar way because they all lived in snowdin for most of their lives prior to getting hired/adopted into nightmares gang. i think all three of them would really enjoy the snow and the cold in general
horror would be a little more adverse to it because of the hole in his skull and getting water out of there seems kinda annoying to deal with. killer starts a snowball fight and immediately gets his ass handed to him by everyone else. dust just would sorta starfish into the snow and stay there for the whole day. he's like those huskies who just stay outside for as long as possible and when someone drags him back inside he's just laying on his back, covered in snow.
cross is interesting because he also technically grew up in snowdin but most of the universes that x-gaster put him into were on the surface and along with his fluffy coat and scarf i think he's less hyped about the cold. like with all the layers he'll be fine but if you take that from him and he's just outside with a turtleneck and shorts, he'll be shivering after like 15 minutes.
nightmare hates the cold. i've seen a few headcanons that involve his slime/sludge freezing and i think that's really fucking cool. nightmare would rather eat like (idk what nightmare doesn't like to eat but assume something icky) than go outside. if it's under like 35 degrees he's just going to stay inside. he also fucking hates the snow with a burning passion because if it melts on him it'll hurt (i'm actually not sure if the whole, nightmare is hurt by water thing is canon to dreamtale lore, but i think it's cool so i'm sticking with it)
anyways sorry for the long ask, but i got thinking a bit too hard and your blog is probably the thing that got me back into utmv
anyways i hope you have a lovely day!!
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I hope this is how you pictured it :)
Ice/slushie consistency when cold nm my beloved
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tging24 · 1 year
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TG!Lovedtale - take on Lovedtale, in which the characters are more canonical and less cringe
Frisk x Monster kid Sans x Drunk Bun Papyrus x Muffet Alphys x Undyne Napstablook x Shyren Asgor x Toriel
Frisk x Monster kid:
- Frisk owns the shop "Determination", and Monster kid became a comic artist Kid: The Hero: An orphan adopted by Frisk and Monster kid. Is the main character
Sans x Drunk Bun
- The family runs their own little shop - Sans manages the food department, Bun-Bun the alcohol department Kids: Roman: taciturn, doesn't like to talk much, talks in Times New Roman font Frank: A prankster, loves to prank and prank everyone, talks in Franklin Gothic Book font Cooper: Lazy, likes to eat, especially hot dogs, speaks Cooper Black font
Papyrus x Muffet
- Own their own restaurant - They usually sell Spaghetti with spiders Kids: Lus and Ida: Two crepe twins selling spider-flavored crackers. Talking on Lucida Calligraphy
Alphys x Undyne:
- Undyne works as a policeman, and Alphys works as a math teacher Kids: Alphyne and Unphys: They are brother and sister. If Uniphyl is muscles, then Alpine is brains. They also usually bully a lot, for which they receive from their parents (The names were invented by Asgor)
Napstablook x Shyren:
- Just working on music for Mettaton Kid: Screamblook: A pretty mean kid with a kind heart. Constantly yelling
Asgor x Toriel
- About the same as in Deltarune, only not divorced Kid: Astell: Works as a babysitter. She is kind, but also strict. Just constantly carry a backpack with everything you can.
Grandpa Simi: He was a royal scientist before Gaster. I slept through all the main events in the game under the sink. Talking on Semi Serif
Flowey and "Chara": After Asriel turned into a flower again, he started hiding from everyone in the dungeon. Soon he became so lonely that he decided to "resurrect" his friend. Entering Alphys' Secret Lab, he finds a test tube with determination. He puts determination into the flowers at the place where Chara is buried. The flowers came to life, but due to the fact that Chara's soul split into many parts, each flower acquired a particle of Chara's character.
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wurdrob · 2 months
Hi, so, I was the anynonymus person with the dumb reader x flowey request thing, srry for accidentally sending it twice. and sorry for making more requests but your writing is SO GOOD.
Could you make a flowey x a reader who kinda behaves like a mix of sans and undyne?
Flowey x a reader who's a mix of Sans and Undyne
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Warnings: none!
A/N: I'M SO HAPPY YOU ENJOY MY WRITING SHXHXHDHDHSHXV and don't worry about it I'm happy if you send in more requests (maybe Deltarune next time? Pretty please?)
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• I think Flowey probably has beef with Sans, and that's why he doesn't like you.
• you act too much like him for his taste.
• but he's even more dumbfounded when he finds out you're also energetic and impulsive like Undyne.
• How was that even possible?
• Sans is a lazy bone, and Undyne is just.. the complete opposite.
• For a fact, he's afraid of you. What fact? Well, both Undyne and Sans are very powerful, he knows that.. so maybe it's better if he stays away.
• Is more surprised when you try to approach him.
• Why would you go to him, or worse, aknowledge his existence?
• Not everyone knows about him..
• Well, since he probably would've gone mad waiting for another human to arrive, he decided to spend time with you.
• Even though he didn't exactly like you, he grew accustomed to your behavior.
• Forces himself not to insult you because of your unfunny puns.
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Please don't repost my works, reblogs are appreciated :)!!
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goat-and-coat · 4 months
UT Yellow Spoilers Ahead.
So. Here’s some buffer text so this shouldn’t show up in your notifications. The spoilery parts. The spoiliest. Consider this your spoiler warning.
Yeah, this is probably long enough. I’m just gonna shotgun this lol.
We’re going to start with the good.
So the good!
Yeah. There’s a LOT. Way too much to mention, so here’s some highlights.
Toriel showing up is obviously a necessity. But it was such a cool little moment to have the rescue ending (:
Nice callback to UT’s little “wait for something to happen” moments that happen in the Core and Ruins.
The music, of course, is amazing. Whether it’s the original music or the remix (I dig that Hopes and Memes remix), they did a phenomenal job.
On the front of artistic expression, the art. Sprites are amazing. The flashback art is amazing. The videos are super cool. The animations are really good.
Gameplay is pretty in line with Undertale. You’ll find yourself holding X a lot more to slow yourself down than you did in UT.
I like how the game makes callouts to beloved characters we don’t see directly, like Alphys and Undyne. It was nice to see more of the same side characters, too. The expansion on monsters is good- like Dalv. And we finally see farms.
I love Clover, Martlet, and the Feisty Five. Cerboro… well, we’ll talk about her later. Their dialogue is always great. I don’t think there was even a single bad line.
The hugs at the end! And the hand holding! And how much everyone just loves Clover aaaaah
Also Flowey (:
Good cowboy representation!!!
Snowdin expansion (:
More of the Ruins we never got to see (:
We got to see the city up close wooo!!
The map is just good. My favorite part was the Dunes. I liked seeing the UG Apartment Complex. The Royal statue specifically. Nice smaller detail that I’m glad didn’t go forgotten.
Also! UT Yellow successfully retains the writing and goofiness of UT. While the drama doesn’t hit AS hard, it’s still definitely a tearjerker! It really makes you see the six kids as more than just a number. Helps to put gravity and weight on that.
But most importantly, the creators very clearly have such love and respect for UT. It shows in their creation. A lot of hard work and effort went into it. UT Yellow is what all fan games should look to do in my opinion. I want you to keep this in mind for what I’m going to say about the dislikes.
Here’s what I didn’t like:
Do you wish every fight was as bad as Sans? Do you hate everyone and yourself? Do you wish to inflict pain on your mental well-being? Do you straight up suck at dodging, but love seeing game over screens?
Congratulations. This game is for you. It’s a mix bag for me. Extra challenge is good, but this was extreme.
The boss fights don’t hold back. So this could easily be in the “good” category if you’re a masch… maschochist? Masc… enjoy pain. I can’t spell it, okay??? And I ain’t gonna Google it.
Axis took me close to two and a half hours to beat (in comparison, the dance boss took only about an hour and a half).
That’s my only real complaint about the pacifist run as far as combat goes. No way monsters would’ve been locked away without a single soul during the war if they were this strong.
I will say the world makes the Underground seem TOO big, which contradicts the whole “the underground is too small” narrative Undertale pushed. I think Yellow mentions it once or twice, too? HOWEVER!! I am totally and completely willing to ignore this because cowboy hehe (:
Plus, it explains some food source. Little curious how they’re growing crops underground, but I’ll just go with “it’s magic so it doesn’t need sunlight” as my excuse.
Flowey. I know I said I liked him, too. So here’s what’s going on.
This is gonna be weird to people because Asriel and Frisk are my favorite UT characters. And I don’t even dislike Flowey in Yellow! He’s super funny.
But he should not be there.
His presence opens up a whole can of worms.
1- He can save and load while Clover can’t (he is Clover’s save point). This isn’t an issue in itself, but it is an issue at the same time because Flowey’s goal to take human souls would be ten billion times easier if he just bodied Clover at the very first opportunity like he tried to do with Frisk. This is a kid who throws a temper tantrum after about five seconds of you not dying to his bullets. I don’t think he would have the patience to play the long con.
2- Flowey doesn’t seem to have met a human other than Chara and Frisk… and the ones who killed him, I guess. The True Lab implies that before him, LemonBread had the SAVE/LOAD ability for a short time.
3- Flowey’s presence also stuffs the timeline in a box. We’re to assume Flowey in UT woke up relatively recently, because he’s been screwing with timelines. But Toriel tells us a human hasn’t been underground in “a long time” in both games. I can picture this being 7-10 years minimum.
Are we really going to believe Alphys had people locked in her basement for ten years? Because I couldn’t see that lasting more than 3 months tbh. 6 months would be a MASSIVE stretch before people stormed the gates. I feel like Alphys’s mention should’ve been left at “the new Royal scientist made a robot.”
Leave out the subplot of Cerbora’s blatant disregard for child safety. You wouldn’t even need to do away with the (frankly busted) fight she had (I did most of it with the silver scarf btw).
My final thing that is a total complaint is the genocide ending. Clover gains the LOAD/SAVE, one shots Asgore, murks Flowey, and frees the souls. But they’d still be trapped down there lol.
I feel like Asgore should’ve just skewered Clover and that should’ve been the genocide ending. Flowey being left out would’ve nullified my dislike of him dying (for realsies).
Though I will say, the art made exclusively for it is disturbing as heck and belongs in a horror game. So they definitely did a great job on that part of it.
Speaking of Asgore… he seems really out of character to just fire someone like he does. I can disregard this as him wanting kids to NOT die. Axis is very clearly a way bigger threat than MTT could ever dream to be.
So really, my complaints boil down to:
1- Game too hard ):
2- Biiiig place but cool so it’s worth it (but how the heck is there a desert down here? Who cares!? Worth it!)
3- Genocide ending sad and dumb and I hate it because sad and weird):
4- Flowey’s presence
5- Timeline confuzzlement.
The first is a skill issue (even if I know I haven’t had nearly as many issues as some other people).
The second is really just a mix bag. It makes sense in most places (Snowdin, Hotland, New Home, Home/the Ruins) but less so in other places (the Dunes, aka my favorite spot in Yellow. Damn, I’m willing to compromise just to keep this tho.)
The third is just personal preference I guess… I don’t like how it’s contradictory to UT. As a stand-alone thing, it’s perfectly fine. Just too depressing for me.
The fourth… well… okay, this is the only complaint I don’t see myself budging on.
The fifth just needs some minor corrections.
How is Yellow overall?
If Undertale is a 9, which frankly it is, I’d give UT Yellow a solid 8.75. It should be impossible to make a fan game that’s almost as good as the content it was based on, but the absolute madlads did it. They really did it.
Jury’s still out on DeltaRune, but I rate it around an 8.25 so far.
For context, out of all of my favorite games, I’ve never once thought of a game as a ten. Not even the fantastic Fallout: New Vegas or the reliable (Halo) Reach.
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hey guys wanna see me try and brute force a saiki k undertale au
just a "which character would fit which role and why" type post,
spoilers for undertale
also be prepared for a really long post if/when you press keep reading, I might've had a bit too much to say about this
Kusuo could fit Frisk pretty nicely, there's this general vibe that Frisk's just being dragged through the story by the other characters. When they interact the narrator says something along the lines of "you tell [character] this" and that might be a pretty good interpretation of telepathy.
Akechi would be Chara, there's a popular theory that Chara is the narrator, Akechi played the part of narrator during the Urashima Taro play so there's that. They both speak pretty formally, Akechi also just straight up looks like Chara. That bug eyed stare and smile he usually has along with his hair cut makes him really remind me of them. Chara's very left up to interpretation so pretty much anyone could be Chara honestly.
Kusuke fits Flowey the best for sure, the whole "everything is a game" type mentality and everything. He could be warp instead of a flower, then maybe for the god of hyper death form he could be Mr K or something.
Teruhashi would either be Toriel or Mettaton. The whole having a massive fanbase thing could really easily make her Mettaton, her arrogant attitude is also pretty similar to Mettaton's. (btw this is not me hating on Teruhashi, that whole "girls are not allowed to like how they look or like attention" narrative people have is toxic) (just feel obligated to say that) I say Toriel because I'm really just not sure who else would be Toriel? Her savior complex could make it work.
I think Kuboyasu is gonna be Sans, has that general chill unless provoked type vibe you know?
Kaido would be Papyrus. This one's the most clear. Papyrus isn't delusional the same way Kaido is, but if Papyrus talked about dark reunion instead of joining the royal guard you'd have nearly the same character. Nendo as Sans would be pretty similar to how they interact in the anime, half a braincell between the two of them (it's Kaido's) Kaido and Kuboyasu being put together also just works, "sworn friends" and such.
Hairo would be Undyne, flaming passion and such.
Nendo would fit Monster Kid pretty well I think
I'd say the best fit for alphys would be Suzumiya Hii, since she acts the closest to alphys (BY THE WAY. I'm ignoring a lot of the relationships in Undertale. Alphys x Undyne is one of those, I mean Hairo x Suzumiya is a little weird.)
Yumehara is gonna be mettaton, this might seem a little out of left field but I'll explain my reasoning. A lot of this is just Mettaton's old diaries and his old house remind me of Yumehara, it's got that vibe y'know.
Mera would be Muffet, Muffet Mera. There was one post a while back that showed if you killed Muffet she dropped 0 gold. Also Mera definitely eats and hangs out with spiders just saying
Figuring out who Asgore would be is by far the hardest. I'm gonna say Matsuzaki, just the best idea I have. (btw this is one of those "ignore the relationships the role entails" things)
You know,,, I'm not sure how the monster/human dynamic would be translated here. One idea is psychics won the war against humans so like the humans are underground and the psychics fall into the mountain. This would make it so Aiura and Toritsuka could be the souls in this au (yeah only two souls). Considering that idea messes up the roles a bit though because of Kusuo Kusuke and Akechi, Kusuo and Kusuke are fine but Akechi isn't psychic I'm pretty sure.
An alternate idea for this dynamic: psychics underground humans on the surface. You could say that Kusuo was on the surface at first because he was "acting" as human. There's also that one theory that every Saiki k character is psychic, considering that makes this au a lot easier lmao
It's basically take your pick based on if you like the "everyone's psychic" theory or not
So the roles here are:
Frisk - Kusuo
Chara - Akechi
Asriel/Flowey - Kusuke
Toriel - Teruhashi
sans - Kuboyasu
Jerry - Takahashi
Monster Kid - Nendo
Undyne - Hairo
Alphys - Suzumiya
Mettaton - Yumehara
Muffet - Mera
Asgore - Matsuzaki
I do have some alternate ideas though,
Kuboyasu as Undyne, Hairo as Asgore, Nendo as Sans, Kusuke and Makoto as Alphys and Mettaton respectively, I've had my fill for writing today though so that's it
anyways this au really doesn't work lmao
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boyinthevoide · 1 year
I was looking on YouTube for a guide to Undertale AUs because I wanted a more comprehensive guide to some of the more obscure ones, then realised that due to that one time I just went through all the AUs looking for more Undertale content, I could make one myself.
So here is Popular Undertale AUs(/AUs that I'm familiar with) for Newbies.
Dreemur Reborn: The first AU (I think). Asriel comes back (again, I think.)
Underfell: One of the earlier AUs. Basically Undertale but evil, completely open for people to do whatever they want with it, but the original is actually pretty cool and is a lot deeper than Undertale but evil.
Underswap: Undertale but people look different. After a while, the fandom began to swap personalities as well, but only kind of.
Inverted Fate: What if the Lost Souls (Toriel, Asgore, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne and Alphys) swapped with their counterpart? A long running story that's currently on 70+ chapters and still going. I'd strongly advise you read this one, it's really good.
Outertale: Undertale but in space.
DanceTale: Undertale but they dance, ig.
Fellswap: Underfell swapped.
Swapfell: Underswap felled. (Confusing. I know. I had to look up which was which.)
Horrortale: Post-neutral ending where Undyne becomes queen and everyone goes crazy I think???
Fellswap Gold: Fellswap but different. Has cool designs.
A.L.I.V.E: Post genocide Alphys jumps into the CORE and is pinged into the space between universes I think. Includes such rarely focused on characters as Mettaton and also has a crazy Sans because everyone needs a crazy Sans.
Also please don't be like "you missed X AU". No I didn't. These were the only ones I could think of that I knew enough about to give an idea of.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
Random thought. Tmnt x undertale . I'm sorry.
Were you thinking Character Replacement or Tossed Into The Other World? Obviously it'd have to be set in the Undertale world either way. Would Sans and Mikey be friends? I feel like Sans and Papyrus would like Mikey a lot (I'm thinking 2012 of course but Rise would also be excellent)
If it's a case of "Rise are thrown into the Undertale world" I JUST KNOW that Leo and Donnie are huge Undertale nerds and are freaking out. And quoting so many memes. They're torn because they HAVE to be pacifist for the good ending but then no in-person Megalavania oh no that'd be a TRAGEDY but they don't wanna hurt anyoneeeeee
If it's Character Replacement though- whoo! Who'd even be who? I mean I guess Splinter could be Toriel and Shredder be Asgore but. Then that'd carry the implication they're divorced. Which is weird because I always default think of Rise and 2012 and they're family in both of those. So IDK about that one. Also Shredder is way more of a dick than Asgore as far as I remember (been a while since I watched an Undertale playthrough and I don't own the game myself).
I feel like it'd have to be April as Frisk, yeah? Monster Kid is probs Casey. I guess that defaults Donnie to Alphys (I'm thinking 2012 here mostly) which- actually that tracks pretty well I think. Raph and Mikey might be Sans and Papyrus, respectively. I know Raph isn't lazy by any means, nor always very laid-back, but somehow the vibe still seems right? Probably the Protective Older Brother energy. What does that make Leo though? Does that leave Leo to be Flowey? That's an odd role for him, though I guess would kinda match up to his whole thing in Mutant Apocalypse. I don't know if I really like that though...
Wait if Donnie is Alphys that means whoever ends up being Undyne is his love interest. Which is. I don't like any of the possibilities there. Especially because I thought "Oh Karai probably" but then "WAIT UNDYNE AND ALPHYS DATE NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN CANON ALREADY DID IT TO LEO I WON'T DO IT TO DONNIE" so I guess we have to alter some Undertale storylines for this to work properly without. Total Weirdness and Grossness.
For Rise though it- it'd be totally different I think. Firstly Cass is obviously Undyne. Secondly Big Mama is Mettaton. Thirdly I think April needs to be Sans, the unexpectedly powerful and very protective figure. I'm feeling Raph for Papyrus? I guess that make Leo Frisk and Mikey is probably Monster Kid. I don't wanna default Donnie to Alphys again, especially since once more Doesn't Match With Who's Replacing Undyne, but I think the only other real option would be Draxum, and he might work better as Gaster. THen again I can see Donnie designing a bunch of elaborate traps as an attempt to bond with Leo as like, a canon thing tbh. "Oh brother, I feel our familial ties have become strained as of late! Come with me on this totally normal walk through the sewers that are not rigged with killer robots I can save you from!"
God this one is a mind twister of a role assignment puzzle! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
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doctor-dt · 1 year
since im gonna explode if i don't share this here's my thoughts prayers theories and predictions about underverse 0.7-2 i wrote from when part 1 dropped
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maybe what will happen is that papyrus and asgore forgive frisk for not telling them everything that's been happening... and xpapyrus tells them that they should be grateful for not knowing the truth anyway. maybe xpapyrus tells frisk that they're doing a lot better than xchara did, because in order to live a peaceful life, sometimes they don't need to know everything. and that's okay. the issue lies between frisk and the player only. everyone else is a puppet in their game, but it's frisk's choice whether or not they spare them the truth.
also xgaster is essentially doing what xchara's been trying to do during xtale: disclosing the truth and memories to everyone. they were both using it as a weapon. xchara was trying to turn everyone against xgaster, and now, xgaster is trying to turn frisk's friends against them.
basically frisk and xgaster parallel each other
the only difference here is that the classic's imperfections are what makes them so forgiving and accepting of frisk. and to construct fake people with fake perfect memories is robbing them the relationships they would've had with xgaster. also the fact that xgaster mostly refused to maintain relationships with them at all.
so we're going to see a pretty nice contrast between frisk and xgaster's actions here. while they both committed countless unforgiving acts of violence towards these people in order to strive for perfection, frisk chose to stop trying to find imperfections, while xgaster tried obsessively, over and over again.
xgaster already gave frisk the choice to overwrite their friends, and he's likely to do it again now that everyone knows what they did. xgaster tried to force them to overwrite already.
what i think is going to happen is that people like undyne might refuse to forgive frisk for not telling them anything. mettaton and muffet might even die (or so they'd think). and xgaster is going to ask them,
"you could just fix everything right now. just OVERWRITE, it's easy. your friends will forget. your friends will be alive again. it's like it never even happened."
and frisk will refuse and xgaster wont understand why they are so stubborn. so he'll probably invade the og universe by force.
also maybe xpapyrus tells papyrus and asgore how he felt having to relive his old memories. and maybe papyrus and asgore will be able to understand, and they will be the first to forgive frisk. they may try to tell undyne, alphys, and toriel. they may or may not believe them.
maybe at one point the other xtale members are able to tell them their experiences too, and they may forgive frisk. and then they will all work together to kill xgaster and it will be happily ever after ٩( ᐛ )و
bc im pretty sure atp xgaster is just winging it. like he's seriously keeping xchara around and alive, knowing how far he was able to go before Timeline X. and he doesn't take them seriously when he totally should. like atp hes just asking for it.
also a little abt the ending:
seems like cross got thrown into geno’s pacifist ending which makes me SOOOO HAPPY. this means there might be a ‘classic’ sans living there too. also, geno has experience with souls being split (as he does share his soul with his universe’ classic) so he might be able to help out with the soul fuckery that xgaster and xchara have been doing. (though afaik all their souls are complete now since xgaster overwrote them but maybe it will be relevant)
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vex-bittys · 2 years
hello hello! I wanted to do a lamia and maybe a felid match-up :3
I am very young, an introvert and like to stay home though I am very social. My friends say I have a kind of chaotic vibe and I like to make people laugh and I think sarcasm is really funny. I really like hearing music and I have a pretty peculiar taste for music if you ask me. I enjoy drawing, gaming and writing (though I'm not very good at it). I am looking for a buddy to help me take care of myself and to be my loyal companion (and also cuddle a lot)!
My (lamia) recommendations for you are:
Papython (UT!Papyrus): Papythons love to help out, and that means helping you to take care of yourself! A Papython is always up for cuddles, and he also really enjoys a creative adopter.
Corny (UT!Sans): Corny loves jokes, whether he’s hearing them or telling them, so prepare to laugh or make laugh. Cornies are very cuddling and prefer watching others do activities than participating themselves.
Chain (SF!Papyrus): Because of the unique SOULbond that he shares with his adopter, a Chain likes nothing more than spending time with them. Chains can have a very dry or sarcastic sense of humor, and they love physical contact.
My (Felid) recommendations for you are:
Russyne (UT!Undyne x Russian Blue): Russyne has her own chaotic energy, and she loves to have fun. Russyne’s playful nature means that she’ll want to game with you, but when she’s tired out, cuddles sound nice as well.
Benphys (US!Alphys x Bengal): Benphys is a loyal and friendly felid who loves to be social if you need a wingman (woman? cat?) Benphys appreciates sarcastic humor and is more of a cuddlebug than any other Felid.
Siamyne (SF!Undyne x Siamese): Siamyne will always have her nose in your business, and part of being nosy is noticing if you aren’t taking care of yourself. Siamyne is more reserved about affection, but she does care deeply for her adopter and will remind you to do your daily “upkeep” tasks.
*Please let me know if you’d like an adoption scenario.
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Undertale Rant 5!
The X Reader aspect of the community it bland
How the reader meets everyone is predictable, the moments that show bonding are boring as fuck, the same tropes are used over and over again and it’s not my favorite.
Also, there’s always some sort of stereotype that goes with everybody. Asgore is a divorced dilf who misses Toriel (this is an actual thing, I don’t know why it’s a thing) Toriel is a divorced milf who hates Asgore and is just “mom” (why do people make this a thing) Undyne is a gym lesbian, Alphys is just gay panic, Frisk is either super dark or super shy, Grillby is there and horny, Papyrus is there and either horny or oblivious to everything and Sans is just fucking everywhere, do not get me started on that. No matter the shipping, everyone is one of these. Don’t tell me I’m wrong.
Also, the Harem side of things, specifically the skeletons. Everyone is also a stereotype of some kind, each version being carbon copies of each other to some degree. Also, the premise for a lot of harems always have a mansion of some kind and I just find it really fucking funny. Papyrus and Blue are always nice, while everyone else just hate your guts for no reason other than the fact you’re a human, which in my opinion is pretty hypocritical since each one of those stories talk about racism in some way, Sans wanting “equality” or some bullshit (cough Maid cough) also Red is always super horny. Like always horny, it’s so annoying. Same thing goes for anti-harems, always the same premise, relationships, and arguments!
I should be able to talk about this since I write X reader myself? This is for shits and giggles so don’t take it to seriously
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
💕 for Undertale & Deltarune? :3
Thankyou very much for asking!!
I'll be honest here I haven't gotten super into Undertale or Deltarune shipping. I have a lot I like sure but I didn't really go out of my way to find content for any of them like I do for other fandom ships?
That also means anything not mentioned I'm probably neutral towards tho, sense I don't have strong opinions on the one's I like anyway fdkgjdfk
Problematic ships under the cut
Undertale Ships
I really liked Toriel/Sans back in the day, and still reblog it from time to time. They're losers and I think that's funny. Step-Dunkle Sans for the win
In that same vein Asgore/Gaster is so very *chefs kiss* Devoted Royal Scientist X The Depressed Lonely King. My god. What dreams are made of
Because of those two I got really attached to Asriel/Papyrus, just to continue the Goat/Skeleton thing??? fdkgjkdf Mostly tho Post Pacifist Flowey or Souless Asriel. I think they're cute. "I think I'm the evilest thing to ever live" 11 year old mentality X "I think I'm the greatest thing to ever live" 12 year old mentality (Papyrus is a grown-ass man though I am not infantalizing him)
ACTUALLY though Papyrus/Frisk was my OG Papyrus ship, while everyone else was all about Frans and Papyton, I was on the Stupid Little Guys train. I ADORE them. Frisk didn't want their Gender so they gave it to Papyrus
Does liking Alphys/Undyne even need to be stated at this point? It's like the default of Undertale shipping. They're cute. Good for them.
Alphys/Madds/Undyne is INCREDIBLY cute though I hope she gets pulled into the Alphyne polycule so badly she is their little meow meow
There was like a week of my life where I got super hard obsessed with Asgore/Mettaton spesifically because of one artist who drew the thottiest Mettaton with a Biggest little guy Asgore I'd ever seen and I'm still on that. Mettaton deserves to be a Sugar Baby to the King of Monsters
Chara/Asriel is extremely cute they are best friends they are siblings they are partners they kiss and snuggle and one day they'll rule the underground together and Chara is convinced they don't deserve Asriel
I think Asgore/Chara would be a very cute ship but there's probably no content for it. I just think on it sometimes.
Frisk/Chara Queerplatonic body sharers post game is very good to me. I've also seen an AU where Frisk gives up their soul for Asriel to come back and they share a body and I think the three of them should vibe like that.
Frisk/Monster Kid is always appreciated in this house we love Monster Kid content in this house
On that note I love you artists who make the briefly mentioned Suzy an Undertale version of DR's Susie and have her hang out with Frisk. They are buddies and I love them so much.
Deltarune Ships
Kris/Berdly is the only one that actually hard matters to me I love them I love them so much they are gaymers. Especially love it with Transfemme Berdly for no other reason than I love her my baby girl
Kris/Spamton is!!!! So good!!! I love Spamton a little freak an old man who's really weird about this teenager he just met he makes them so uncomfortable I think it's hysterical
Kris/Ralsei while we're on the train is incredibly cute and another instance of a Darkner being very Unnormal about Kris in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Ralsei infantalizes Kris while also putting them on such a high pedestal. Good uncomfy Yandere content
Another probably doesn't need to be said but I think Susie/Noelle is pretty alright. My opinion on it is very same as Alphyne it's fine it's canon gays and it's cute. No complaints from me
Lancer/Susie/Noelle though?? Incredible. Top tier. Susie will go nowhere without her little guy Lancer, and Noelle thinks he's cute as can be and incredibly silly. Is he involved romantically? Unclear but he sure is there
Roulxs Kaard/Spade King was very juicy back when we only had chapter one. The last bit of porn I witnessed before Tumblr fully closed it's doors was some nasty shit of the two of them. RIP the OP of that work they got hard banned four separate times.
Roulxs/Queen has sense filled the Roulxs Kaard malewife shaped hole in my heart however and it is so much funnier than whatever he and Spade King had going on. Queen talks about him like how we all talk about Spamton and I think that's glorious
Queen/Swatch Queerplatonics my dearly beloveds
Are Sweep Cap'n Cakes a polycule? Someone said they were brothers and I cannot remember who or if it was canon. I like them as a polycule. They kiss on the mouth
I love you Jevil/Spamton divorce does it count as a ship if my favorite part of it is they're broken up?
Jevil/Seam is incredibly cute I love them soft I love them angsty I love them devoted and broken and wishing for the old days and I love them together and happy and silly old married couple
Spamton/Addisons any Addison or all Addison I love Spam/Addi ships a lot because it can't be sweet they left Spamton homeless and alone in the streets. The good ol days only kinda ship.
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how did revil come to exist?
Also what type of meat ya want, i saw the other asks lmao x) S T E A K
Hello there! Hope cha havin a nice day
Revil is the result of many experiments made on a Sans who came from an incomplete au, still creating itself, but when the Sans found the way to escape cause a "code bug" the au auto-destroyed(so basically he doesn't have brother, family, friends etc from there, not even a place to go and that can consider "home")
He got found by the "lovely" Bad sanses who entrusted it to 3 sciencists: Fell!Alphys, Swapfell!Undyne and a sort of Mad! Science aka Underdespair Science, or just from an au where he basically lost his mind, who transformed him in a sort of Frankenstein monster, by merging the DNA of the Sanses part of the group.
After a lot of failed tentatives, he been the one and only to survive so he joined their group, causing even more chaos
(One day I'll probably do a short thing to explain everything and then link it to the pinned post, it would be really helpful hehe)
In the case u were talking about how and why I created it- well he been my first oc so I still didn't have much skills, I always loved the bad boyz and thought of them like people who just suffered, so already at the Start I distinguished a cruel version to consider as canon, while a sort of chaotic but comforting character as fanon version, if I well remember it hasn't been a really nice time in that period of time, so I just looked for a way to kill my bad thoughts and be lil more positive. After some time I realized that without all the needed details and some adjusts it was pretty cringe, so a little at a time I "perfected" it to make him a decent character and not just an op Sans
AAAAAAAND- every type of meat is fine. Steak too. We appreciate donations, right Rev?
Revil: *munching raw meat* rrr....
Uhhhhh- he said yes :3
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imagine-papyrus · 1 year
Got tagged by @rose-coloured-angel in a tag game here, and I figured "why not??"
Three Ships:
That I ship?? I guess that's the question?? I'll just pick the three most recent ones in my brain.
1. Emmet/Skyla (Pokemon BW): it started out as a joke with a friend and then it stopped being a joke. Whoopsie? I assume there's an agreed upon ship name for it somewhere but I personally call it DebateShipping.
2. Pico/Bf/Gf and the component ships (yes from FNF and Pico): Because nothing's funnier than hiring a hitman to kill your daughter's boyfriend, and then watching said hitman date them both! Also shout out to Bf/Gf specifically, because there's one thought between them and it's love!!
3. And because this is the Papyrus Undertale blog, Papyrus & Undyne best friends forever goes here! I don't actively romantically ship him with anyone, so friendship it is!!
First Ship:
Is this... something people remember?? I sure don't!
But if I had to guess... I think it was Zelink (Zelda and Link)? Or maybe it was one of those crossover ships you'd get out of an rp? OC x canon? Not sure...
Last Song:
The Ballad of Smokin' Joe Rudeboy by Tom Cardy!
Last Movie:
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish! It was really good and pretty!!
Currently reading:
Two books, actually! I haven't made good progress on either, but they're A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. LeGuin and Ordered Universes: Approaches to the Anthropology of Religion by Morton Klass!
Currently watching:
Let's see... at the time of writing this... I haven't watched any TV shows. I've been watching some anti multilevel marketing videos on Youtube if that counts?
Currently eating:
Peach fruit cup! Slurp!!
Tags: Play if you want! Go ahead and take this from me!!
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