#Although this is already just a big ice cube lol
sysig · 10 months
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Sit literally anywhere else, why are you choosing to suffer (Patreon)
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artblogofanekophile · 3 years
Thank you so much for the tag, @jhoudiey!
This looked like a nice, simple enough thing to fill in (though knowing me I will needlessly complicate matters), so I decided to do this as a way to ease myself back into posting.
Firstly, here's the blank answers for ease of use:
Veggies VS Meat
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Sweet VS Salty
Noodles VS Rice
Mint VS No mint
Singing VS Dancing
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Dog VS Cat person
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Extrovert VS Introvert
Actions VS Words
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Movies VS Series
Comics VS Books
Good liar VS Bad liar
I believe the intention is to simply bold the answers... But because I'm extra, I'll be providing an explanation where I feel necessary. You may fill it in as you so please!
Without further adieu...
Veggies VS Meat
Miss Neko is a feline beastwoman, and cats are well-known to be obligate carnivores. However, in being a beastwoman, she also needs some form of a human diet as well. Her preference is absolutely meat, but she stopped begrudging the need to eat vegetables at about age nine.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Cats are well known to have sensitive tongues, and Miss Neko is no exception! Anything more than mild spice and the poor thing will be sneaking ice-cubes out of the Mostro Lounge freezer for days!
Sweet VS Salty
She has a bit of a sweet tooth! Especially cake.
Noodles VS Rice
Rice is generally less messy, and there's nothing more irritating than ending up wearing most of your food, especially for a proud pedigree such as herself!
Mint VS No mint
I imagine mint will have the same effect on her as spice - it's less of a refreshing treat and more like a cold burn.
Singing VS Dancing
Miss Neko loves to sing! Whether she's good at it or not, well... That's up for her company to decide. Even then, it won't stop her.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
While she can manage the sun in small enough doses, Neko dislikes excessive heat. She learned the hard way to apply sun-lotion to the skin of her ears when she was but a kitten! The cold weather is so much more accommodating to her natural tendencies. Ah, a cushioned window-sill, a woolen sweater, a warm drink and the sound of the gentle rain hitting the window...
She could just... nod off right... there...
Dog VS Cat person
"Nya? Surely you jest! Can't you see from these adorrrable ears and this elegant tail that I am nothing less than a pedigree kitty? How silly~"
Big spoon VS Little spoon
Both! I was initially going to say it depends on who I ship her with, but even if she was dating one of the taller characters, I don't think she would shy away from curling in around them and purring against their shoulder to soothe them to sleep. Relationships are about give and take, after all!
Extrovert VS Introvert {It's... complicated}
I think that Miss Neko is an introvert that disguises herself as an extrovert. She displays a veneer of charm and natural charisma, putting forth the impression of a very confident person. However, her sense of bravado hides away a rather vulnerable side to herself, a part of her with insecurities and vulnerabilities that she doesn't want to readily share with just anyone.
Actions VS Words
Words can so often be empty. Actions, no matter how small, can say as much as a thousand words could. Although, if you wished to pair said actions with pretty words...
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
I think it does depend somewhat on the situation, but I think that Neko doesn't allow things to pierce her very deeply unless they come from someone she holds in very high esteem. Working as a server in the Mostro Lounge has perhaps taught her how to let thoughtless words roll off her back... most of the time.
Movies VS Series
If you ask her to sit through much more than 90 minute movie, she might just doze off.
Comics VS Books
Both! Though she definitely gets through comics faster, unless the book she's reading is incredibly interesting.
Good liar VS Bad liar
A good liar to those who don't know her heart.
Persephone Amaryllis
Veggies VS Meat
Persephone finds it incredibly rewarding when meals are made using produce from her own garden! You can really taste the difference in quality.
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
She's more adventurous with foods than others! She's always keen to try anything at least once. Kalim seemed delighted when she seemed to enjoy the dishes from his homeland despite the intensity of the spice. Even if a few others looked at her as though she'd grown a second head...
Sweet VS Salty
Sweet treats are great! Especially when you incorporate fruits and berries into a dessert.
Noodles VS Rice
Being someone who likes to work in the dirt when tending to plants, she doesn't really care much if she gets her clothes dirty from slurping noodles. Keeping her clothes spotless aren't a huge priority for her - stains just bring back fun memories.
Mint VS No mint
A little can go a long way, bringing a dish together to feel light yet fulfilling. Easy to overdo, however!
Singing VS Dancing
Being a rather animated person, she often has a lot of pent up energy! Who cares if you look silly, so long as you're having fun?
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Warm weather is Persephone's element. There's no better time to go for a long walk outside and take in the beauty of nature, wading through long grass, sitting in the shade of a tree, watching the gentle breeze sway the budding flowers to and fro. The soft caress of the sun as it cascades over your skin... what could be better than that?
Dog VS Cat person
Both animals are wonderful as far as Seph is concerned! They both have their own unique characteristics as a species that make them charming, though perhaps a dog might suit Persephone a bit more as a pet because dogs tend to match her energy more, and she could take a dog out on her adventures with her. Fancy getting a cat that isn't Neko into a harness!
Big spoon VS Little spoon
She has a protective and nurturing side to her as well. Sometimes all you need is someone to hold you close and be present with you in that moment. Seph may be a high-energy person, but she also knows when to mellow out and simply let a moment pass comfortably with peace. Nothing need be said, only felt. I'm here for you. I'm not going anywhere.
Extrovert VS Introvert
And extrovert, through and through! She has no qualms about going up and introducing herself with confidence and enthusiasm. Anything new, she will readily and cheerfully throw herself into it. She tends to be quite open and upfront about her positions and feelings on matters and people... there are few things that she feels the need to hide, but that's the same for everyone, isn't it? No one is entitled to her deepest secrets, it makes the version of her she shows to other people no less authentic.
Actions VS Words
Growing up, she learned that people liked to excuse their actions with words. She thinks it's best to let your actions and the way you treat others do the talking for you. Small gifts, body language, physical touch, small acts of service... That's her love language.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
There is nothing you could say to her that her mother or herself hasn't already. You'll have to try pretty hard or be pretty close to hurt Persephone Amaryllis.
Movies VS Series
Movies have so little time to really explore the world and characters! A series can offer more insight at a far less rushed pace than movies can, and you get so much more growth in a series than in a film. They feel more satisfying to Persephone.
Comics VS Books
There's just something so satisfying about the sound of a page turning, the scent of paper and ink, and a typewritten font...
Good liar VS Bad liar
Strict mothers make convincing liars.
Robin Redfearn
Veggies VS Meat
It takes both to make a wholesome, hearty meal!
Spicy food VS Non-spicy food
Robin is used to her grandmother's traditional cooking, where sadly the most spicy seasoning is probably pepper...
Sweet VS Salty
There's nothing like a nice trifle after dinner to hit the spot.
Noodles VS Rice
She prefers white rice because it soaks up the sauce in a dish, giving it more flavour.
Mint VS No mint
A little bit of mint is fine. Just not so intense that it makes her eyes water!
Singing VS Dancing
True to her namesake, Robin loves to sing and has quite a nice voice! She often sings while she does chores or schoolwork. If you make it known that you're listening, though, she'll trail off, turn red and quickly go back to her business but in silence.
Cold weather VS Hot weather
Many a winter night was spent cuddled up on her grandma's knee in front of the fireplace as it crackled and roared, the falling snow faint through the frosted windowpanes, the dog at her feet. Her grandmother's soft voice humming her a lullaby as she fought sleep but always eventually succumbed. These memories hold such a special place in her heart.
Dog VS Cat person
She's fond of dogs because of her grandmother's Scottish Terrier!
Also she's shipped with Jack, how can she not like dogs lol
Big spoon VS Little spoon
I don't think poor little Robin could be a big spoon if she tried... though the idea of her trying to spoon Jack is kind of hilarious. But no, I think that she would feel safe and content being in the arms of the person she loves, feeling his breath against the nape of her neck as his warmth envelops her. Lured into a secure, peaceful sleep, much like the roaring fireplace back home...
Extrovert VS Introvert
Robin is quite shy and timid at first, and while she does work on becoming more confident and assertive... she still can't quite manage to be as outspoken and energetic as Persephone. She likes smaller social gatherings, and if asked to attend larger ones, she generally sticks with a small, familiar group and tries to have a good time!
Actions VS Words
Both are necessary. Communication is an important part of any relationship. Telling someone she loves them, though nerve wracking to start, will eventually come to be as natural as breathing to her. She also shows love usually through cooking or baking. She'll purposefully make more than she needs to so she can give others what's left over, and omurice with a heart-shaped squirt of ketchup? You'd best believe it.
Thin-skinned VS Thick-skinned
Admittedly, she can be pretty easily discouraged and hurt. It's something that she knows is an issue and she's working on not taking things to heart so much. Easier said than done.
Movies VS Series
She doesn't really watch much TV. She gets more absorbed by books.
Comics VS Books
Having lived a rather sheltered life before she somehow ended up in NRC, she often found escapism in the form of fantasy books. Who would have thought that she would be walking amongst wizards and magicians, not unlike the ones in those childhood stories? Certainly not Robin!
Good liar VS Bad liar
Honestly if she had to lie she would probably just do it by omission or being very selective about the information she shares. Her grandmother had this look that always somehow managed to make a confession spill from her lips in mere moments... Sometimes Robin wonders if her Grandma might have been a magician...
This was fun, if not a bit long-winded... my apologies. I just get so into it! I hope it's not bothersome to read.
Tagging: @mopotatoes, @shadowwalker593, @goudsreblogzone, @junowritings, @kotobukicutie
And anybody else who would like to participate! To those I have tagged, please don't feel pressured to fill this out (certainly not in the amount of detail I went to) if you don't want to. I'm just interested to see what your answers are for your characters. If you're not comfortable sharing, that's totally fine. No pressure at all. <3
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mysymestash · 5 years
RFA + Saeran w/ MC who has terrible allergies
He was so excited when you told him you were coming to visit him at work!
Freaking out though lowkey because this is the first time you’ve seen his workplace and he wants to make you proud
This boy cannot sit still he’s trying to make sure everything is perfect, taking pictures of all the cutest animals, etc..
His nervousness goes away pretty quickly as soon as he sees you talking with the front desk
You had brought him a homemade lunch wrapped up in a cute patterned handkerchief??? He really couldn’t handle it anymore and basically tackle hugged you
All that nervousness and panic comes flooding back tenfold as you start coughing and sneezing basically as soon as he makes contact
So confused, pulls away immediately to make sure you’re okay
When you tell him sheepishly that you’re actually allergic to cats and dogs, but you wanted to see him at work anyways
At a vets office
Yoosung: >:0 ????
He is mortified and drags you outside for you to get some air
Scolds you for putting your own health in jeopardy
Afterwards sits down with you and you two have lunch together
Shows you all the pictures he took,, the amount of cute animal selfies he sends you doubles the next week because he doesn’t want you to miss out just because of your allergies
I think you know where this is going
The first time you stay overnight at his place you forget your allergy medication at home (figures)
Still determined to stay because you don’t want to ruin the night
You decide to just try and keep your distance from Elizabeth as much as you can
That is, until she walks up to you and nuzzles your hand and makes your heart go uwu
Your fate had been sealed as you could obviously not bring yourself to push her away
Jumin comes home to find you sitting in the corner sniffling, eyes red and puffy
Drops everything and rushes over to you (does that slide thing on your knees people do in movies,, dude is dramatic)
.2 seconds away from calling the police in his distress
You have to stop him and fess up to your cat allergy
“The fact that you have been cursed to not be able to witness such a regal breed in person..it is truly a deep sadness. I will do everything in my power to bring the full light of Elizabeth III into your life.”
Rest In Peace Jaehee because this man is about to launch the largest campaign in C&R history to cure cat allergies
Even when you tell him it’s unnecessary, all you need is your medication
Good luck trying to stop him
He had been in a funk™️ the past week or so
Felt really bad for having you feed him and basically just keep him alive during that time
So he’s going to make you lunch!
More of a light snack
Because this boy does not know how to cook
PB&J sandwiches! A classic, everyone loves em
Even splurges a little from his HBC budget to get some marshmallow fluff in there
It’s all very cute,, and he brings you the plate plus a glass of milk
He’s got his proud and happy face on as you take a bite out of his creation
Until your face promptly starts swelling
Recognizes it as an allergic reaction almost immediately and mentally slaps himself for not checking if you had a peanut allergy
He keeps epipens and other medical emergency things around the house- but turns out he didn’t need it because you’d already dug one of your own out of somewhere and stabbed it into your leg
He didn’t realize he’d frozen up when your breathing became impaired
WILL blame himself for this,, requires an adequate amount of cuddles afterwards to make sure he doesn’t fall back into his funk™️
Makes sure to check that every little thing going into your mouth isn’t something you’re allergic to
“Are you allergic to hotdogs?”
“Wait! What if you’re allergic to my love?”
Quickly devolves into just teasing
But now he carries at least five epipens on his person at all times
Ayy allergy buddies
You immediately bond with him over your mutual cat allergy
Although it’s not nearly as severe as his who tf sneezes at pictures Zen
You two end up adopting a big fluffy black dog together
Teasing Jumin’s love for cats? Check. Spamming the messenger of selfies with your dog to annoy Jumin? Check.
Most of your interactions with Jumin will inevitably lead to the subject of your dog and Elizabeth III
Zen ends up taking your little ‘rivalry’ way too seriously
Both of you spend way too much money on dog collars, dog beds, dog clOTHES
Tries to get your dog casted in a theatrical show
Jihyun (V)
Oh the irony- you’re allergic to the sun
He honestly just thinks you’re really into skin care because of all your assorted lotions and creams
Doesn’t really think much of it until a very intense heatwave hits your town and you’re basically trapped inside your apartment
Usually you’re able to out for short periods of time during the summer as long as you cover up and moisturize, but this time it’s way worse
You can’t risk it so you end up just staying home most days
Except from Jihyun’s perspective it feels like you’re avoiding him??
You still message each other and have calls over the phone, but every time he tries to meet up somewhere you bail- not wanting to worry him about your condition
He’s pretty understanding for the most part, knowing that personal space is important to a relationship
But the man is human and he’s realizing that he really misses seeing you
A few days turns into weeks of not being out with you and my boy starts going a bit stir crazy
Begins to overthink every interaction you two have and had in the past couple weeks that may have caused you to start avoiding him
V being V, he bottles up all these emotions until one day when he’s just at your door
He’s just apologizing and apologizing for whatever he thinks he did wrong
You are just- incredibly confused
As soon as you figure out what’s happening you explain to him right away why you haven’t been able to go outside
The relief this man feels
Understands completely although he’s a little miffed you thought you had to keep this a secret from him
You two end up just hanging out at your place for the rest of the summer- cuddling and watching movies
He’s trying to make up for all the time you two missed out on lol
Buys you all the creams and medication you might need in the future 👍🏼
Being with Saeran means you’re probably going to be eating a lot of ice cream
...which might not be super good for your dairy allergy
It’s never gotten worse than a slightly upset stomach though so you keep quiet about it
Well, it’s never gotten worse until now
After a particularly busy day at a new Baskin-Robbins that opened near your place- where he obviously was going to try every single flavour
Your body just could not handle it and he found you throwing up your guts at 2 in the morning
He just starts
Thinks you’re dying for real,, does not know how to handle this situation
You’re basically trying to calm him down while also hacking and wheezing into the toilet
Once he sort of calms down enough to actually listen to what you’re saying, he just sits down next to you and pats your back really awkwardly
“Is this your way of comforting me”
“Shut up we’re never going back there again”
She had been overworking herself again recently and you’d forced her to take a break and hang out with you
You two decided to go out for a picnic, since it was such a nice day
She had packed cute bite sized sandwiches and fruit cubes
After eating, she had laid back on the blanket, just relaxing and listening to you talk
You were excitedly mentioning the new selfie Zen sent to the messenger, reaching for your phone to show her
Unfortunately you did not notice the bee chilling on your phone case
You did soon enough though when you felt the sharp sting in your hand a telltale bee sting
Jaehee immediately sat up when she heard your yelp, seeing your swelling hand and face
But this is baehee we’re talking about
Of course she knew about your allergy already and had three epipens ready
On the outside she was the epitome of calm and collected as she swiftly pulled out the pen and injected it into your thigh
But on the inside she was freaking out
Panic panic panic
After making sure you’re okay afterwards both of you decide that was enough for relaxing picnic time
You two had back home and just cuddle for the rest of the day watching recordings of Zen’s musical
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xoexoxhoe · 5 years
Iced Coffee
Anon Request: “inspired by the treasure cafe lol. can you write barista! hongjoong getting it on with s/o in the kitchen with overstimulation and cumplay but if you're not comfortable with it it's fine. thank you!”
A/N: ANON. I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG. But my co and I totally knocked this out of the park and I hope you love this because this was actually really fun to write! Please enjoy, and again im so sorry it took so long but we wanted to make it the best that it could be! Hope it’s alright!!! 😪💛
Characters: Kim Hongjoong (Ateez) & Y/N; (special appearance of another member el oh el)
Theme: barista!au, barista!hongjoong, hongjoong & reader
💥Warning: SMUT, angst, temp play, overstimulation, & a bit of sass💥
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“So, I’ve got an iced americano with two shots of espresso. That’ll be $4.50, sir.” You reached across the bar as the business man before you gently placed the crumpled dollar bills into your palm, winking at you before sliding another piece of paper along the granite countertop. You raised an eyebrow, “Sir?”
“Keep the change, Y/N!” he sauntered to a table in the corner of the shop to the far left, waiting for his order and continuing to watch you work. You flipped over the ripped piece of paper only to discover his number on it. You crinkle your nose, shoving it into your pocket, knowing that work was more important at the moment. Hongjoong was leaning against the countertop behind you, rolling his eyes, hating the way this other guy was looking at you- no, gawking at you and not even being sly about it.
He reached forward to grab the paper cup from you, working on the order swiftly, measuring out the coffee and ice into equal proportions. He took the dark espresso and poured it into the cup, mixing it only half as well as he should have, finally securing a lid onto the drink and sliding it onto the pick-up section of the bar. “I’ve got an iced americano on the bar, two shots of espresso, for…” he took a few seconds before smirking, “Park Jay-gook”. The name was clearly written for ‘Park Jaegyu’, but Hongjoong didn’t care. Jaegyu took his leave after bitterly receiving his coffee from Hongjoong, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Hongjoong walked past you, brushing his fingers along your back playfully, sending a chill down your spine. It was a long day at work for the both of you, and you couldn’t wait to close down the shop with him at your side, knowing that he’d wanna take his time wrapping sandwiches with you, restocking the shelves, and asking you how your day was, although he spent every second of it with you. He never failed to keep you comfortable, always ensuring you were safe and taken care of on and off shift.
“That guy was a real ass today; but wait! He’s like that every time he walks into this cafe.”
“Joong,” you giggled, restocking the pre-made drinks and smoothies in the small fridge below the bar.
“You know, Y/N, I don’t even make him americano’s sometimes, and he still drinks that shit. Fucking creep. He’s just in here to see you.”
You stood up slowly, shaking your head, “He’s just-”
“A creep. He’s just a creep.” Hongjoong stood near the french press, scratching his head while looking down at his phone, the cleaning rag in his other hand sopping wet.  
“What’s wrong?” you paused, staring at the rag, “Joong- Hey, there’s water dripping all over the floor, by the way.” You walked across the cafe, closing up the window shades and locking the front door.
When you turned to face him, he was leaning his head on the wall. “Shit.”
“Joong- the water.”
“Oh!” He quickly grabbed the mop next to him and circulated the water along the floor.
“What? Did that girl- Wait. What was her name again?”
“Ah, I don’t care. That girl. What, did she dump you or something?”
He looked at you with an uneven smile, “No, she didn’t dump me, thank you very much. I told her I didn’t wanna be with her anymore because…” his words stopped as he held the mop at his side, rocking back and forth, “Ah, It’s complicated.”  
“Complicated? What do you mean? I know you didn’t really like her anyway, right?”
Hongjoong just smiled at the ground, walking to the kitchen in the back and leaving you there to ponder among your own questions. “Joong!” You made your way to him, “Did I say something?”
His hands were to his face now, massaging the bridge of his nose, “I couldn’t be with her because I told her about you.”
You felt yourself get hot, “What?”
In that instance, Hongjoong had his hands traveling down to the small of your back, pulling you into him and kissing you softly.
You stared into his eyes, clouded with lust, “Hongjoong, I…” your voice trailed off, your fingers brushing his cheek and cupping his chin, “Let’s just keep kissing, I guess?” your sheepish smile won him over.
“You guess?” his hot breath began fanning across your neck, working its way to your throat through the soft pecks he left.
“I mean, we’re already here, we might as well keep going, right?”
He raised an eyebrow, a sinister grin spreading across his face, “It’s completely up to you, Y/N.” His hands began sneaking up your back, unhooking your bra with ease, pulling it out from under your shirt. He locked eyes with you again, searching for your approval. You gathered his fiery locks in your hands, tugging at the roots of his hair, simply nodding while leaning into a passionate kiss.  
“Wait, shit-” you stepped away, leaving him breathless and heaving. You peeked your head out of the kitchen, surveying the empty room, ensuring you locked up correctly and pulled down all of the window shades. Hongjoong showed up behind you, placing a hand down your pants, catching you off guard. You let out a tiny yelp and fell forward onto the barista counter, your hands fumbling against the container of ground coffee beans. You turned your head, seeing Hongjoong step closer, pushing you up against the counter even further, sweeping his hand across the granite, sending canisters of whipped cream and empty milk cartons to the floor. You wasted no time in unbuttoning your jeans and clawing at your thong, sending them to the floor hastily before he whirled you around, picking you up and placing your bare backside onto the counter. As he loosened his belt, letting his own pants meet his feet, you looked at him with wandering eyes, “Joong,” his fingers began to tug at the hem of your shirt, prompting you to lift your arms, sending the polo over your head. You eyed out the milk cartons on the floor, slowly dripping its remaining contents onto the tile below, “You literally just mopped the fucking floor.” His lips trailed along your belly button, planting kisses towards your pelvic area, “I mean- Oh my god. I’ll- I’ll clean it up later, it’s fine-”.
He licked his fingers, placing them in you and moving slowly, pressing against the walls of your core. You tilted your head back, unable to think straight. He smirked, reaching across the bar to open up the ice chest at the right of the espresso machine.
“Oh, hell no-”
A slippery ice cube swirled in the palm of his hand, slightly pooling at his warm touch. He slid the ice into his fingertips and ran it across your chest. Your breath hitched, your jaw locked, and you felt numb when he placed it on your breasts.
“You like that?” he whispered against your skin. The combination of the freezing ice and his nimble fingers made you dizzy.
You nodded, reaching your hand aimlessly behind you and snapping your head around when you heard the familiar whirring of the coffee grinder. You let out a little giggle, and so did Hongjoong as you turned the machine off quickly, refocusing at the fact that you couldn’t hold in your moans anymore, They fell out of your mouth like you were handing out free mochas on international coffee day.
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?”
His voice was low, only making him seem even more irresistible in this moment. He felt you tighten around his fingers, pushing them in further, dropping the ice cube from his other hand and using it to play with your clit, sending you into a shaking frenzy against the counter. “Hongjoong, I-”
He didn’t let you ride out your orgasm for long, pulling you back down to the floor and holding one of your legs against his side, plunging himself into you with his thick, veiny cock.
“I would not have expected it to be that big,” you chuckled, rocking back and forth in his arms as he fucked you senseless.
“Why… not?” his hips thrust faster and harder, his grip around your thigh tightening as he grit his teeth.
“Joong, you have the smallest hands, it’s so adorable, I wouldn’t have thought your dick would be-” you felt a hand wrap around your neck gently, Hongjoong’s body easing into you even more. He stuck two fingers into your mouth, “that big-”
“What?” his cock twitched inside of you, and you could feel the way his hips grinded against your clit, his tip hitting your g-spot with a burning intensity. “Are they too small now? You’re not acting like they’re small now, Y/N. Go ahead and say something.”
He gagged you with his fucking fingers, breath barely able to escape, but you relished in the way it made you feel. Another orgasm was heading your way, but that didn’t stop Hongjoong from placing more pressure onto your neck, tears of pleasure now streaming down your face while he plowed into your pussy. With a shaky voice, you let out a loud moan. His tongue licked his lips and he sucked in a large breathe between his teeth
“Hongjoong- wait, fuck…” You let out a muffled scream through Hongjoong’s fingers, mustering what little strength you had to push away from him and bend down with your knees on the floor, taking his length in your hand and placing it into your mouth, jerking him off quickly. He wrapped his hands in your hair, mouth fucking you and pushing your nose into his belly. You gagged slightly as he entered your throat. The warm cum filled your mouth, trickling down your lips and onto your neck.
He looked down at you and smiled, “I didn’t expect that shit-”
You took his cock back in your mouth, sucking him off even further, the onset of overstimulation blooming in his face. A hard ‘fuck’ escaped his lips, his legs were left shaking. You swallowed every last drop of him, not wanting to waste. As you stood, you pulled your jeans and thong up from the floor. Hongjoong did the same, handing you your shirt and placing his belt back into the loops along his pants, smiling to the floor. When his eyes finally met yours again, he lifted a finger and dragged it along your lips, removing whatever cum was left. You caught his hand and sucked on his finger, winking at him as it popped out of your mouth.
“So… I’m guessing that girl couldn’t do that, huh?”
Hongjoong pulled you into a kiss, “Y/N; no other girl could do it the way you do. I’m sure of it.”
He walked you home that night after helping you rearrange the cafe you both so willingly ruined for a good time. When morning came around, you had the pleasure of working with Hongjoong again. He kissed you before unlocking the doors for the start of the day, “Ready?”
You nodded, “Only if you are, Joongie.”
At about 11:00, the owner’s son, Choi Jongho, strolled into the cafe, his dark glasses being lifted slowly as he stared at you.
“Good morning, Jongho! What can I help you with, little brother??” you displayed a soft smile, and Jongho just shook his head.
“Morning, Y/N. Good shift last night, huh?”
You raised an eyebrow, “I- Yeah, actually,” you grinned again, remembering what happened vividly, “Maybe it was fun?”
Hongjoong saluted Jongho while waltzing out from the kitchen with a wet rag and a few cookie containers. He restocked the shelves in an orderly fashion and cleaned the barista area, leaving it free of any loose coffee grounds and whipped cream spots.
Jongho let out a sigh, “Just get me a large iced mocha, two shots of espresso, chocolate walls, and a pump of peppermint.”
You wrote furiously on the cup, handing it over to Hongjoong, “Got it! Give us five minutes. Free of charge.” you winked unable to hold back your confused look as Jongho closed his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
Jongho shook his head, “Please don’t wink at me, Y/N. Its given me nightmares.” He stopped halfway to a table and turned, “And please, don’t use the ground coffee beans on the left side of the bar.”
After about five minutes of you whispering to Joong on how weird Jongho was being, it finally clicked in your head. Oh shit.
“You know…” he slid a USB towards Hongjoong across the bar, placing his glasses back on and gripping his coffee, “You guys are so lucky I scrubbed the security footage before my mom ever got to it.” Hongjoong dropped the carton of milk he was holding, and you placed your hands across your mouth. Jongho laughed, “To be honest, I know Hongjoong was nasty, but you, Y/N,” he shook his head, “Filthy animals; the both of you.” He made his way out of the cafe, and you burst into laughter. Looking at Hongjoong’s face as he ran his hands through his hair, his cheeks flushed red with anguish.
You shrug your shoulders, realizing that what’s done is done, “Well…” you gave him a peck on his cheek, “Guess you’re just gonna have to come home with me from now on.”
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Scenario where Akainu falls in love with a female s/o pirate and how it would go?
So, this is completely focussed onAkainu’s point of view, and since their relationship/the context of his feelings weren’t specified, I took some liberties lol. Hope it’s okay xD
Akainu falls for a female pirate scenario
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Tick tock. Tick tock.
Time passed by like a breeze, and onthe far horizon you could already see how the sun bathed the sky inan orange light, ready to shine down on the world once again.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Noise from the inner courtyard. Somemarines already started their morning training routine and wererunning and jumping over obstacles while edging each other on.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Akainu eyed the glass of whiskey heheld in his right hand. He poured it for himself what felt like hoursago, and the ice cubes had of course melted already. A groan passedhis lips before his gaze shifted to his desk again- no, moreprecisely to the Wanted poster on said desk. A dagger was stuck rightbetween the eyes of the pictured woman, Akainu himself drove itthrough the paper during the raging part of his drunken ecstasy, butnow he regret it. That ugly dagger did nothing but ruin that perfectface, especially since it would leave a scar on that soft (s/c) skin fromthe poster. He groaned once more and with a swift motion of his hand,he pulled the dagger from the picture and desk below before throwingit to a corner where it collided with the wall and fell to the groundwith a clinking sound.
It wasn’t supposed to be like this.
He- the newly renowned Fleet Admiral-shouldn’t be sitting inside his office for the entire night, losinghimself in an intoxicated high and damaging his furniture.
But that wasn’t even the worst part.No, no. The worst ‘part’ was right in front of him, on his desk, witha smug smile and now visible cut between her eyes. He should havethrown away that darn wanted poster weeks ago, yet he always foundhimself opening the drawer of his desk on certain nights and pullingout that blasted piece of paper when he felt… lonely. Lonely? No,that wasn’t the right word. Someone like Akainu simply can’t get'lonely’, it must be something else. The middle aged man sighed andsoftly massaged his temples, before his eyes wandered back to theclock on his wall.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
He’s been sitting here at his desk foralmost seven hours now, without catching any sleep and justcontinously thinking about her. Oh, this was the worst kind oftorture. She haunted his thoughts wherever she could: during his missions, meetings, heck, even when he was taking a shower- did thatdirty pirate wench cast a spell of him? Did she curse him to takerevenge for all the times he sunk her comrades ships and hunted afterher? What other reason would there be for his thoughts to constantlycircle around her? Lately, she even started to haunt his dreams. Hisdamn dreams! Now, he’s never been the kind of guy who enjoyedthose… illusions breaking out in his head during his sleep, becauseno matter how pleasant the fantasy was, Akainu was always aware thatit was a dream. Not reality. But now, now, she also invaded his mindduring his sleep, almost making him dread to go to bed every evening.The grip around his glass tightened and Akainu gritted his teeth inanger while his other hand reached inside a drawer to pull out one ofhis brand cigars. His vision was still a bit blurry from the lack ofsleep and alcohol he had consumed earlier, but he didn’t pay any mindto that. It was her fault after all. If that wench wouldn’t havejumped into his dreams again, he probably wouldn’t have woken up witha heated body and mind, his hands shaking while he started to wraphis head around the fact that once more, this dream was nothing but afantasy and not reality.
He had immediately left the bed and got dressed, despite the fact that it was still the middle of the night,his hands instinctively reaching for the bottle of whiskey standing on his desk. Assoon as he poured himself his first glass, Akainu’s mind was set.Tonight, he wouldn’t go back to bed and fall into the illusions hismind created, those damn illusions where she was awaiting him. This dreamin particular caused his blood to boil, not because it was sinfullike some of the other ones, but because it once again reminded himof how he first encountered her and how the curse started to dawn on him.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
„Hah! Are all marines that sluggishor is today simply my lucky day?“ a smug smile played on the faceof a young woman, who was standing on the railing of her ship whilethe crewmates behind her bellowed. (Y/N) was a pirate captain withquite an impressive bounty on her head, although she had only enteredthe New World recently. But within that one year after she exited theGrandline, the young woman made more than a name for herself, bychallenging not only one of the Yonkos but also the Marines. Rightnow, she and her crew were attacking one of the outposts of a MarineBase close to where Akainu was residing during his mission. The man just a mere admiral at that time, but even then his sense for justiceand hate towards pirates was already so distinctive that he put hismission on halt simply to hunt after the cocky criminal who dared toattack this base without a second thought.
And now here he was with his own ship,chasing behind her as fast as possible. His face bearing a chillingfrown which could drive fear into the hearts of even the bravest men. But shedidn’t seem to care, and even though he hated to admit it, herprevious statement about sluggish marines was true for once. Hecouldn’t fathom why, but today none of the cannons managed to land ahit, which was already frustrating enough, but then that filthypirate had… the audacity to taunt them about that as well. On top of that,time was running out as athick wall of fog suddenly appeared before the ships, and Akainusilently cursed the unpredictable weather conditions of the New Worldonce more. Everything seemed to play in her favor today. And he HATEDit.
But the most infuriating part, whichwas most likely also the reason for these… unhealthy feelingsAkainu harbored towards her, was when (Y/N) turned around and lookedhim straight in the eyes. Not even a glimmer of fear was reflected inthose big, (e/c) orbs, and even though she was staring one of theMarines biggest figures directly into his soul, she didn’t back down.And neither did Akainu. He kept her gaze and furrowed his brows, apart of him wondered what this senseless staring contest was supposedto achieve, when suddenly, she winked. It caught him off guard andfrankly speaking, disgusted the middle aged man and he averted hisgaze for a moment.
„Hah! I win.“
Although her ship was already out ofreach for his cannons, and the screaming voices of his fellow marinesechoed in his ears, Akainu had no problem with understanding what theyoung pirate said. It was a message for him, two simple words,forever branded into his mind. When he looked up at her again, (Y/N)was still staring his way before blowing him a kiss and turningaround as her ship vanished in the deep fog.
Tick tock. Tick- cliiirrr.
The sound of breaking glass echoedthrough the room, and with an infuriated expression Akainu lookeddown at his hand, which was now covered in both whiskey and hisblood. He clicked his tongue in disappointment and anger beforethrowing the remains of his now broken whiskey glass across the room,just like he had previously done with the dagger. His gaze wandereddown to the Wanted Poster on his desk once more, and this time hecould feel how a malicious grin settled on his face. It won’t belong. Soon she would make a mistake, and he would be there, and herpretty face would twist into fear and regret as Akainu handed herover to the Warden of Impel Down. Soon, he would be free of thatunsettling curse again and those unwanted feelings again. And with that realization, he was surrounded with silence once more.
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explorewithme123 · 5 years
Burning Man Survival Kit
If you plan on going to burning man, here is an in depth what-to-bring list for a very successful burn!
Portable charger - Gotta keep your phone charged to document all those beautiful memories
Dust mask - It’s a desert, so, yeah, it will be dusty on the playa. Don’t forget about the sand storms! 
Lingerie - You will want to look cute while also being as cool as possible, so lingerie will be helpful!
Breathable clothes - Yes, you want to be cute, but you also want to be comfortable. Also, the more pockets on your clothes, the better. It makes it convenient to carry things you might need.
Large hat - It gets super hot, so it’s nice to protect your scalp from sunburn while also receiving a bit of shade. Plus, they’re cute!
Lantern - This will be helpful to see at night whether it’s walking around the playa or finding your pj’s in your tent once it gets dark,
Bike - This is the main form of transportation at Burning Man. It’s way more convenient than walking everywhere, faster too! Pro tip: Add a basket and glow lights on your bike! Basket, for carrying around your items. Glow lights, to be seen at night, also known as, L-Wire.
Bike locks - Yes, the playa is supposed to be a place where you are safe and welcome, and if you are safe and welcome, it would seem like your belongings would be too. However there are rotten apples everywhere you go, so it’s best to hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I’m sure it would ruin your experience if your bike was stolen. It’s just wise to not have to learn the hard way.
Water - Yes, water. LOTS AND LOTS OF WATER. Trust me on this. The last thing you want is to be out in a desert without enough water. If you think you packed enough, pack a little more just in case. The recommended amount is 1.5 gallons of water per day, per person. This does not include what you will need to cook or wash yourself with either, so keep those extras in mind. 
Boots - Boots will protect you from the playa ground and sand. Also, they will keep your feet warm at night once the temperature drops and you feel like you’re going to freeze. 
Coat - The desert is hot hot hot in the daytime, and freezing cold at night, so in order to stay warm and not miss out on any activities, you will want to bring a coat.
Scarf - This one is not just for staying warm, this will also help protect your face during sand storms. A bandanna would help you too in this case, but if you are looking to not pack a whole lot, (since you kind of already are lol) it’s just better to carry things with you that are duel purpose.
Lotion - You will want to bring lotion with you. Being in the hot sun and sand the entire duration of the festival will dry out your skin A LOT.
Ziplock Bags - These are good to store things in to keep them from getting playa dust on them since it will get on anything and everything!
Aloe - Sun burns are an absolute pain. You will want to bring aloe.
Coolers - Yes, that’s multiple because you will most likely need multiple for storing all of your needed supplies. Food, ice, water, beer, wine, etc.
Walkie Talkies -  Cell phone reception might not be a something always available while on the playa, so in order to keep up with your group, these are a handy source of communication.
Goggles - Not swimming goggles, although, they may work. I’m really not all that sure, but I’m talking Mad Max style goggles. These will protect your eyes from the dust storms.
CASH - There are zero ATM’s on the playa, so save yourself a headache, and bring cash for emergency items. 
Toilet Paper - Bring plenty of TP. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean your bladder is too. 
Bungees & Rope & Cable Ties- You don’t think you will need them for your campsite until you do.
Tarp - This will provide shade at your campsite.
Flag - This is for your campsite. Join in on the creative side of Burning Man and rep your camp! Pro tip: DECORATE YOUR CAMP SITE. 
Shallow Crate & Solar Shower - To mind Burning Man’s “Leave No Trace” policy, you will need something to catch your water and store it until you get to an area where you can dump your grey water. Use the shallow crate to catch the water from your solar shower! Pro tip: It gets extremely hot out during the day on the playa, so if you leave your water in the crate, usually the sun will evaporate it meaning you have no dumping to worry about!
5 Gallon Bucket - This will help store your grey water and/or trash. You can easily turn this into a compost bin for fruit and veggie scraps.
Camel Backpack - Stay hydrated! This will help you carry your water on your back for convenience.
Towels - Plenty of towels! Kind of self explanatory, dontcha think? 
Matches & Portable Stove/Grill - This will help you light your grill, start a fire to stay warm, and cook yourself some good food!
Face Wipes & Hygiene Wipes - It’s going to be inconvenient to take a shower every time you feel unclean which will probably be a fair bit with all the playa dust flying around everywhere. Having wipes will help you stay feeling fresh even if you’ve gone a few days without a proper shower.
Dish Rack - If you’re going to be cooking, you’re going to need to wash dishes, so drying them will be a must.
Sharpies - Important to write down things you want to remember. Pen and paper will not be immediately available, and sharpies will help you not sweat off what you wrote down.
Cooking Utensils - Bring your spatulas, soup spoons, cutlery, bowls, strainer, measuring cups, plates, whatever you may need to eat and prepare your meals.
Cloth Napkins - This will help you adhere to the “Leave No Trace” policy while eating your meals.
Duct Tape - If duct tape can’t fix it, then it’s broken. Got a hole in your tent? Duct tape. Your shoe break? Duct tape. The list goes on and on.
Chairs - I sure hope you weren’t planning on standing the whole time. Pro tip: Create a little shaded area with your tarp, park your chairs underneath, and make yourself a relaxing little spot.
Lip Balm w/ SPF - Save your lips from the sun.
First Aid Kit - Accidents happen, be prepared.
Sunscreen - This is a big one, unless you like looking like a lobster and feeling like you’re walking two inches away from the sun. 
Gifting Items - Gifting is a big thing on the playa. Everyone is supposed to contribute. This can be cereal bars, home made jewelry, water bottles. It doesn’t have to be anything super fancy, and it’s okay if you just bring a few things to gift. Sharing a meal with some one is also a form of gifting. 
Full Length Mirror - Just because you’re getting dressed on a campsite in the desert doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to check yourself out, so why not?
Batteries - For flashlights, portable chargers, cd player, whatever you will need batteries for, prepare for!
Gasoline - This could be helpful for anyone bringing a generator or fueling a fire.
Grapefruit Seed Extract - This combined with sunlight aids sanitation which is important to all those people who are trying to keep up with their hygiene. 
Extra Pro Tips: 
Store food in mason jars to alleviate the amount of trash you have to worry about.
Get pedicure before you go! It will help your feet not crack and dry out so badly!
Decorate your campsite!
There is water for sale available on site. Keep in mind, festival prices will be a lot more than the Wal-Mart that’s by your house.
Smart Food Items:
Any and all canned foods
Fruits & Veggies
Dried fruit
Bean Burritos (Can of refried beans, canned tomatoes, flour tortillas)
Saltine Crackers
Peanut Butter
Liquor & Wine
Apples & Bananas
Boiled eggs
Miso Soup
Bouillon cubes for soups
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queen-of-the-crows · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
Okay so I was tagged by like 5 different people and I'm just gonna answer all in one post cause that's the easiest way to do it. Huge thank you to all my loves who tagged me in this @annorarutherford @heraldofwho @sassylavellen @enchantment1385 (twice :P) @elevanetheirin :)
Buckle up cause this is gonna be a long ride!
@annorarutherford questions
1. Biggest fear? Feeling like I've done nothing with my life and that I've been a failure
2. Favorite flower/plant? I'm not a nature person, that's just not my thing but a black rose
3. Are you close to your family? Sorta, some of them anyway, depends on alot honestly
4. Your deepest wish? Not to be rich but to be able to pay all my bills and still have a good amount of money left over to save and buy fun stuff
5. What's something that always calms you? No one thing always works, it depends on why I'm not calm. Video games work often, some times reading, sometimes writing, sometimes drinking
6. Some movies you love? Love this question! Jaws, Jurassic Park series, Alien series, Beauty and the Beast, Dracula, The Crow, and many others
7. Guilty pleasure song? I'm not really ashamed of anything I listen to but alot of people judge me for loving Fall Out Boy so I'll say anything by them, I have an entire playlist
8. Favorite weird smell? Professional hair color, I fucking love it. Also the green soap they use in tattoo shops
9. Game that has changed your life and how? Dragon Age. It introduced me to my love of gaming and are me fall in love with Thedas and the characters
10. Someone(s) on Tumblr you really admire/like? All my usual lovelies of course @annorarutherford @a-shakespearean-in-paris @sassylavellen @enchantment1385 @aban-asaara @heraldofwho also love seeing posts from @jawsandbones @andrastini @fyeahfenrisxfhawke @laraslandlockedblues @nevertrustamage and others
11. Worst personality traits someone can have? Always down on themselves, put down everyone around them, bad hygiene! (Not a personality trait but seriously bathe), being insanely cocky and thinking they can get whoever they want
@heraldofwho questions
1. When you get butterflies in your stomach what color are they? Blues and purples
2. If spiders could talk what would their voices sound like? I think they'd sound alot like Flemeth
3. How do you like your coffee or tea? In the trash lol I hate them both
4. If you could learn any language instantly, which one would you choose? Oh man, there's so many cool ones. Probably Russian, I love the sound of it
5. If they made a DA/ME film or series about YOUR protagonist- which OC would you choose and who should play them? Oh shit, I love them all so much!!! Probably Clea cause I think her and Zevran's story would be the most interesting. I would cast Megan Fox as Clea, she's my face claim for her and she plays a pretty good badass.
6. What change the nature of a person? Anything really depending on the person, death seems to be a big one, break ups, being broken
7. What musical instrument do you play? What instrument would you like to learn? I play piano and I sing. I'd like to have a piano so I can practice more but I wanna learn guitar also
8. Pick any aspect of your life or personality and choose a theme song for it. You Call Me A Bitch Like Its A Bad Thing by Halestorm because I'm very much fuck you and your opinions of me, i don't find being called a bitch insulting
9. Can you cook or bake? What's your speciality? I love baking and I can cook too. Cakes are my favorite thing to make
10. Got any dead crushes? Heath Ledger, Brandon Lee, Paul Walker, and Gary Oldman (I mean him in Dracula is to die for)
11. What is your quirkiest hobby or interest? I don't have many so probably writing fanfic
@sassylavellen questions
1. Do you have a favorite soundtrack from a movie or video game? Oh yes, Queen of the Damned. Best soundtrack ever created
2. What was the first video game you remember playing? Either Super Smash Bros or Mario Kart way back on Game Cube
3. If you could have any kind of food right now what would it be? Chocolate cake or Panda Express, maybe both
4. Are you a good cook? Oh yes
5. Do you have or want any exotic pets? I would love to have an iguana. Snakes are cool too
6. What fictional character would you love to be friends with? Oh so many, strictly friends with no somatic interest: Dorian, Varric, Cassandra, Shale, Charlie from Supernatural, The Doctor, Lisbeth Salandar, and Scout Harding
7. If you could have any superpower what would it be? Telekinesis and mind control
8. What movie could you watch and enjoy every single time? So many. Jurassic Park, Jurassic World, and Big Hero 6 are probably my tops though
9. Favorite color combinations? Black crimson and white, black grey and blue, black and deep purple, basically dark combinations
10. When you play games do you use armor sets that have good stats but looks bad or armor that looks good with bad stats? Definitely looks good with bad stats but I keep the ugly with good stats to change into for particularly challenging encounters. I love the story aspect of games and put so much time into my characters I like them to look good
11. Favorite genre of music? Rock and metal. KoRn and Rob Zombie are my absolute favorites if that helps explain it
@enchantment1385 first set of questions
1. Favorite fandom and why? Dragon Age. Best game series ever, the characters, the play through, the environment, the choices, the romance. And the people I interact with here are amazing
2. What's your Pokemon team? I played Black 2 so my favorite team was Zoroark, Arcanine, Banette, Lapras, Hydreigon, and Virizion
3. Favorite team in Dragon Age or Mass Effect? Depends on my class honestly but my favorite is dual weapon rogue so I'll answer for that. Origins- Alistair, Morrigan, either Shale or Zevran. DA2- Fenris, Aveline, either Varric or Anders or Merrill. Inquisition- Cassandra, Dorian, either Cole or Iron Bull
4. Favorite nonBioware game? Dishonored
5. OTP? Alistair and Cousland, Zevran and Mahariel, Fenris and Hawke, Cullen and Lavellan. None DA OTPs Mulder and Scully, Elizabeth Swan and Will Turner, Emma Swan and Captain Hook, Rose Tyler and the 10th Doctor
6. What is your guilty pleasure? I really don't have one that I know. Reading smutty fan fic maybe?
7. A food you can't get enough of? Cheese pizza, mac and cheese, spaghetti
8. What can you see right now? I'm in class so classroom stuff
9. Something I don't know about you? Alot. I'm coloring my hair white, I have a huge Fenris and femhawke in progress back piece, I'm in cosmetology school, I have a tattoo appointment with Sarah Miller
10. Most loved OC and why? As hard as it to choose between all my loves, I choose Clea. She's the most like me or rather I see the most of myself in her and that was an accident. I love her attitude, her sarcasm, her badassness, her relationship with Zevran, her goals, how she carries herself and how she just is.
11. What song is stuck in your head right now? Hold Me Tight Or Don't by Fall Out Boy
@enchantment1385 second set of questions
1. What does your name mean? Do you think the meaning is anything like you? Like our usernames? Queen of the Crows is a reference to Clea who takes over the Antivan Crows with Zevran and they do some reforming of the guild. She's one of the leaders so she's the queen of the Antivan Crows, hence queen of the Crows. Is that anything like me? Well I mean she's my OC and I'm alot like her so I would hope to be that badass if I was in Thedas.
2. First celebrity crush? Max Thieriot, he's still good looking too
3. If you could live in one fictional world, which one would you choose and why? Come on love, guess :P lol definitely Thedas. Learn archery and dual wield, find one of my favorite romances and fall in love. Oh yes! Second choice would be Westoros provided I could be with Jon Snow of course
4. Why did the chicken cross the road? His life bored him and he needed change
5. You can have one superpower, what do you choose? Answered this already but since this says only 1 I choose telekinesis
6. Biggest pet peeve? When people can't do simple things
7. 1 fictional character you would meet for a day if you could? Hmmmm I wanna meet alot. If I only have a day I think I'd choose Iron Bull, I'd be in for an adventure all day
8. First game you ever completed? Dishonored
9. Which class in game do you enjoy playing the most? Definitely rogue. Idk what it is but I love rogues especially dual weapon although I've recently gotten into playing archery as well
10. Favorite fictional villain and why? I love Maleficient. She turns into a fucking Dragon and is bitter for not being invited to a party. And the movie really goes into depth about how she became how she was and it shows that good people can be broken so badly they become bitter heartless and evil
11. Creepiest experience? I'm not really sure, I try to avoid that sort of thing. I've been hit on by creepy weirdos though
@elevanetheirin questions
1. Coffee or tea? I hate them both. I'm a soda junkie though and love energy drinks
2. What is your favorite book or book series? I have a few. Dracula (this is my all time favorite), A Song of Ice and Fire by George R R Martin (aka GoT series), Millennium series by Stieg Larsson (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, and The Meg series by Steve Alten
3. Do you have a hidden talent? Most people don't know I can play piano
4. Who is your favorite author? George R R Martin, Steve Alten, Michael Crichton, Ellen Hopkins, Stieg Larsson
5. Favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip, I know I'm boring
6. Brotp? Varric and Hawke, Sara Lance and Mick Rory, Meredith Grey and Alex Kerev, Sherlock and Watson, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
7. Did you have a nickname in school? I've never really had a nickname ever. My love in high school called me his muse cause he's an artist. Lots of classmates called me that weird goth girl cause I was always quiet, very smart, read for fun, and was goth.
8. Do you have resting bitch face? Oh fuck yes I do haha I love it though
9. What makes you smile? Alot. My stupid cats, my boyfriend, my favorite shows and movies, funny gaming videos, video games, reading, SLEEP, FOOD
10. What one thing do you like most about yourself? The fact that I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks about me. Looks wise probably my eyes
11. The best part of your day yesterday? Getting paid so I had money for chicken nuggets
Finished them all!!!! My 11 questions
1. If you could switch places with one fictional character who would it be and why? (Besides your OCs)
2. If you could choose one fictional character to be your love interest forever who would it be and why?
3. Least favorite video game you've ever played?
4. How did you get introduced into the Dragon Age fandom?
5. Which of your OCs is the most like you and how?
6. If you could only watch one genre of movie for the rest of your life which one would you choose?
7. One tattoo you plan on getting someday?
8. Xbox, PlayStation, or PC?
9. Do you have any exes you would take back if they ever asked?
10. Favorite quest in the Dragon Age series?
11. Favorite ship or OTP?
I'm not tagging anyone cause most you already tagged me but if you wanna answer my questions then go for it!
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atombombbibunny · 7 years
I Know
Pairing: Daveed X Reader
Summary: Anthony and Jasmine threw a house party, you have no idea as to why.
Word Count: 3016 (edited)
Warnings: Lots of drinking, some angst
A/N: Part two soooooon??? Mayyyybe???? Hopefullyyyyyyy?? Shout out to @musicalmoriarty For pushing me to write lol
You twirled the little red straw in your whiskey glass, the ice knocking gently on the sides.
You were going to do it, you told yourself you were going to do it, and now you couldn’t relax.
The familiar noise of metal and clanging wood filled your ears as the backyard fence opened, to your delight and fear in he walked. Daveed.
The man you’ve watched and adored for the last ten years of your life, the one you promised yourself you would confess your feelings to tonight, the one you’re completely afraid of in this moment.
Your body suddenly ached and you couldn’t decide if you should stay still or walk away from the awkward situation that was only playing in your mind. In turn you decided to glue yourself to the grass you were standing on, and awkwardly lifted your arm to give a half wave.
His eyes fell on you and he smiled brightly, he looked extra charming in his white dress shirt with his sleeves half rolled up tucked neatly in his black dress pants, his hair down and natural, and his thick rimmed glasses on.
He began to make his way towards you, reciprocating the wave, all you wanted to do was run.
You  had no idea why Anthony and Jasmine were throwing this party, it was a semi formal dinner party for absolutely reason, it was probably to show off their new house, but you still felt awkward in a floor length burgundy dress standing in the backyard, your heels digging into the soft grass, with whiskey in your hands.
You had no idea why Anthony and Jasmine were throwing this party, it was a semi formal dinner party for absolutely reason, it was probably to show off their new house, but you still felt awkward in a floor length burgundy dress standing in the backyard, your heels digging into the soft grass, with whiskey in your hands.
“Y/N. Hey!” Daveed said finally reaching you through the crowded yard, his arms wrapped around you, you stayed still as your arms were pinned down from his excited embrace.
“Hey, Daveed.” Just then his girlfriend appeared at his side. “Hey, Y/N.” You took a sip of your drink with tight lips, allowing the burn to hide your passive aggressiveness. “Hey Lauren.” You said almost too peppy. “Babe, I’m going to get a drink, want anything?” She asked tilting her head up towards him flashing a bright smile, Daveed shook his head and waved his hand. “I’m good, thanks.” Your eye watched her sway away, her long gold dress slid gently on the grass. You couldn’t hate Lauren, she was nice, but she had the one thing you wanted more than anything.
The two of you stood in awkward silence for a moment as you tried to collect and force out the words. Knowing that once you told him you wanted to talk there was no going back, you would have his full attention. You took in a tight breath and opened your mouth.
“Daveed, can we talk?” He raised an eyebrow at you and smirked. “Aren’t we already doing that?” You rolled your eyes. “Haha, so funny.” He smiled proudly but nodded towards you. “What’s up?” You grasped at your arm, rubbing it gently. As you eyed Daveed you noticed he was almost bouncing where he stood. “Daveed-.” Before the rest of the words could roll off your tongue, the words you’ve been practicing in the mirror for days you were interrupted. “Guess what?” You felt a pang of anger coarse through you, its not like he knew what you wanted to say but usually he was all ears.
“What?” You asked a little too bitterly, he bit his bottom lip and you couldn’t help but stare. “Guess why we’re here?” You glanced around at the women in long dresses and men all dressed up, you shrugged. “Anthony and Jasmine got a new house, right?” He shook his head so feverishly that you couldn’t make out his face, his glasses almost slipping off his nose. “Guess again!” You tilted your head to the side, tired of this game already. “Daveed, just tell me.” He was biting the inside of cheek now but broke out into a wide smile. “Okay, I’m not supposed to tell anyone just yet, but you’re my best friend.” You took in a gentle breath but still felt the harshness of the night cooling down.
“Y/N, I’m getting married.” You froze, not a blink, just froze in place. You felt your insides tangle and your heart sink deep in your chest. The pain was almost so unreal that you wanted to grab at your torso, but you fought against it, as well as pushing the tears that ached to escape backwards, instead you gripped your drink tighter, your fingers aching at the ridges of the glass.
Taking another moment to gain composure, you wanted desperately to run so you pushed your heels deeper into the grass.
“That’s amazing Daveed.” You said as strongly as your vocal cords would allow, praying that it would be enough. He wrapped you again in yet another embrace. “I’m so excited.” His hug was tight, and as he let you go you took in a deep shaking breath. “I’m so happy for you.” You lied. “I’m going to get another drink.” Before Daveed could question your reaction to his wonderful news you walked off towards the bar.
Once you reached the bar you ordered another whiskey, this time a double and told the bartender to expect seeing a lot of you tonight, he laughed, you weren’t joking.
You took a long gulp from your fresh glass and examined the party happening in front of you. A lot of familiar faces, and a lot of strangers. No wonder you were confused, these are a bunch of Daveed and Lauren’s friends, you know all of Jasmine and Anthony’s friends, you felt stupid for not seeing the signs that are now so clear.
A sighed burst through and you took another long drink, almost finishing it, you saved some though, not wanting to look like an alcoholic to the bartender, although you bet, he’s seen worse than you. Your head began to swim.
“Y/N. Hey!” You turned to see who was calling you, and there stood Rafael, a smile broke across your face and tilted your drink towards him. “Rafa, hey.” He smiled and examined your almost empty drink. “Need another?” You shrugged eyeing the lack of liquid in the cup. “Need ten more.” You informed completely monotone. Rafael let out a short chuckle. “What’s wrong?” You shrugged once more playing with the skinny straw again, you wondered to yourself why they were there. “Why do they put these tiny straws in these drinks, when someone orders whiskey they aren’t going to drink through a dainty straw like this.” Rafael laughed wholeheartedly this time, he fixed his hair from his laughter and pulled you to his side. “Let’s go get you another.” Nodding you polished off the last few inches of your drink.
Once the third drink was in your hands everyone was called back inside for dinner, and a special announcement. You held back your scoff as you walked towards the door. You lost Rafael in the crowd but proceeded in on your own. Taking an empty seat next to Lin and Vanessa who flashed you a bright smile as you sat, you nodded back at them and took a sip of your drink. They could feel the unwilling to talk vibe coursing off of you.
As everyone settled in the hosts of the evening entered and thanked everyone for coming. “Now I know like, everyone was confused as to why we had you dress up, but this is actually a huge occasion with big news, without saying anything else I’m gunna pass this off to Daveed.” Anthony announced nodding towards Daveed
All eyes turned to Daveed and Lauren who just happened to be sitting all the way at the other end of the table. “Hey!” Daveed said nervousness radiating off him. “We have some big news!”
“Is it that you have big news?” Rafael shouted out, causing a giggle to escape, you glanced over to him and shot him a look, but he just flashed a smile.
“Ey, fuck off Rafa.” He said flipping him off, Lauren giggled but nudged Daveed gently. “Right! Okay!” The room was silent, it made you uncomfortable. “Lauren and I are engaged!” The second the word engaged fell out of his mouth there was an eruption of cheers and applause and gasps, you sat in silence stirring your drink, the ice cubes slowly melting watering it down.
As everyone got up to hug the happy couple you stayed seated, only looking up from your drink to see Daveed’s face, his smile was wide, it was the one that made you want to kiss his cheeks because of the way they puffed out and his eyes were squint yet were still so gorgeous.
Sighing internally, a slight knot sat at the bottom of your throat, you swallowed more of your whiskey to burn it down, the only reason you began drinking whiskey was because of Daveed, his glass was next to his dinner plate, you envied it.
Dinner passed, it wasn’t anything fancy chicken and all, everyone told stories of the two love birds placed at the end of the long dining table.
Wishing desperately for the night to end,  you knew even after dinner you would have to stay a bit longer, or questions would definitely be raised as to why one of his best friends left so quickly on such a joyous occasion.
As you played with the few grains of rice that sat on your plate Lin touched your arm. “Are you okay?” you glanced at him realizing you were slumped over, completely immersed in your plate.
You smiled lightly and took hold of your glass again. “I’m fine.” Lin eyed you cautiously, your body language told him otherwise, but he knew not to push it.
Dinner finished and everyone wandered around the new house and the backyard once more. Everyone seemed so focused that no one saw your face slowly fall, the tears you were pushing back were trying for another escape, you quickly made your way to the bathroom, after locking it roughly you leaned over the porcelain sink.
You let out a sob before covering your mouth, a few tears slid down your cheeks, you just stared at yourself, almost disgusted, why were you crying, you knew this was bound to happen.
A muffled sob came out, every breath in felt like knives, as the tears spilled over your fingers.
A quiet knock came from the door. “Y/N?” Jasmines voice echoed out into the large bathroom. You swallowed hard. “Be right out.” you choked out. “Y/N…” Your name came through the door again, this time softer and filled with worry, you felt the guilt fill your veins. This was Daveed’s big night and you were ruining it. “I’m fine, I promise. I’ll be out soon, okay?”
There were no other words between you two, you just heard her heels click away from the door.
You wiped away your tears and tried to salvage what makeup you had left on your face.
As more minutes passed with your attempts to calm yourself down and fan down the red on your cheeks you could feel attention turning to you
At least Rafael is probably looking for you.
You took one last deep painful breath and exited the bathroom; a few eyes fell on you as you fast walked back outside to let the cool air calm you down.
Like magic Rafael was back by your side. “Y/N, where’d you go?” Forcing out yet another smile, they were beginning to hurt. “Just looked around.” You could see he didn’t buy what you were saying. “I got you another drink.” He passed you the glass, you already felt sick and drunk, but you took a sip. “Listen, Y/N you know you can talk to me, right?” You nodded, taking another sip, but just when you were ready to fold Daveed walked up to the two of you. Your heart fell low in your chest once more.
His smile had yet to differ from the moment he arrived. “Hey guys, having fun?” You nodded and Rafael slapped him on the back. “Yeah, congrats again man.” He said laughing at him. “Never thought I’d see the day.” Daveed shoved him whilst laughing. “I told you I was going to do it, you idiot.” Your eyes snapped to Rafael; his eyes flashed with fear as he looked back at you. “Uh, yeah.” He said trying to keep his face bright and happy.
You moved back a step. “Y/N, where you going? I feel like I haven’t seen you all night?” Daveed questioned, watching you take another step backwards, you had never felt sicker than at that moment. “I gotta go home, I have an important call in the morning.” That wasn’t exactly a lie, you had to call your mom to cry.
Daveed’s smile finally disappeared. “Are you okay? You’re a little green.” You took another step away. “Yeah, just a little too much to drink.” Daveed reached for your arm to try and pull you back, but your arm snapped gripping your glass. “I really need to go Daveed.” His eyes desperately tried to search yours to find something. “Y/N” he said cautiously. Another step back. “Really, congratulations Daveed.” Your voice quivering in mid sentence.
You spun around on your heel and headed for the door, your phone almost tumbling out of your clutch as you dialed for a cab, you were too drunk for driving and too embarrassed or too angry to ask anyone for a ride. You could hear Rafael call out your name from the back door, but you had tunnel vision for the front door.
Once you exited the house you stood in the front yard waiting. As you delivered the address to the driver you heard the door open. “Okay, thank you.” As you hung up the call you could feel someone behind you. You put your phone away and continued to ignore who ever was standing there. Deep down you knew who it was, but you didn’t want to admit it, even to yourself.
The two of you sat in silence, you closed your eyes and hoped that when you opened them the cab would be there.
“Y/N.” Daveed’s voice rang out into the quiet night, you kept your stature and continued to stare forward. “I know you can hear me.” You stood still, still saying nothing, you wondered how it could be so quiet with everyone in the backyard. The streets felt eerily silent. “Your cabs not here yet, come back inside.” Still you refused to say a word, nothing.
Footsteps approached you. “You’re scaring me.” A hand touched your shoulder, you wanted to fall, to cry into his chest. But that would be the last thing you could do.
“Come on Kitty.” He said gently. Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of your nickname, the nickname he gave you for your love of naps and hair pets. Then you just suddenly went cold. “Don’t call me that.” you muttered; his hand left your shoulder. “What?” You held your arms tightly in front of you. He finally walked around to face you.
“You don’t get to call me that.” You said sharply. His face was plagued with confusion he once again searched your eyes for something, some kind of answer as to why you were acting this way. “Why?” His voice was low and gentle. “Because Daveed.” You didn’t want to explode on him, but the whiskey was taking over, you tried to clench your mouth shut, but he just asked again. “Y/N. Why?” He looked almost hurt, but more angry, angry that you were creating this drama, angry at why you were doing this for no apparent reason.
 You looked off to the side, hoping to see any sign of your cab. “Y/N, answer me.” You let out a light scoff, like he could tell you what to do. “Daveed just leave it.” Now he was irritated, you knew how to push all the wrong buttons, and now you had done exactly that. “Y/N, for the love of god why are you acting like this?”
You began to walk to the other side of the driveway, you didn’t want to embarrass yourself further, you didn’t want to hurt Daveed. But as you moved from him, he grabbed at your arm and pulled you back in front of him. “You can’t just walk away, you’re my best friend!” His voice sounded broken as you ripped your arm from his hand. “Daveed!” You shouted losing it. “Because you’re getting married, okay!?” His shoulders dropped as he stared at you. “What?” He whispered; immediate regret ran down your body like cold water.
“Daveed- I” He stepped back from you. “You…” You watched as he tried to find the right words, but nothing came to him, the headlights from the cab came into view. “Daveed, I’m sorry.” You muttered out, you started to move so the cab could see you. You were just past Daveed’s frozen body when he swiftly took hold of your wrist, you felt your heart pound painfully in your chest, you were tiring of being grabbed. You glanced at him from the side, his eye stared forward, but he wouldn’t let go of you.
The cab was almost at the house. “Daveed.” You begun to protest his grip once again, but then you found his lips on yours. The kiss was rough and passionate, the taste of whiskey on his lips burnt at yours, his hands rested on your cheeks as he pulled you flush against him.
It was everything you wanted and more, but it was wrong, he was angry and confused. You reluctantly placed your hand on his chest and pushed yourself away.
“Goodnight Daveed.” You said hearing the brakes of the cab pull up beside the two of you.
You didn’t dare look back at him, if you had you knew you would have gone back to him.
As you entered the cab you mumbled out your address then promptly hid your face in your hands.
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moosefrog · 7 years
100 Questions
@pkoceres tagged me, tagging @medusinestories, @tea-blitz, @pangur-pangur , and anyone else who wants to (if you already did this just ignore me lol)
1. Coffee or tea? Tea (so much tea. I prefer loose black teas.)
2. Black and white or color? Color
3. Drawings or paintings? Both! I’ve actually sold more paintings than illustrations
4. Dresses or skirts? Neither? I suppose dresses. They’re easier to put on.
5. Books or movies? Books (And movies when I go to a theatre! I have a hard time sitting through a movie at home.)
6. Pepsi or Coke? Neither. They bloody well discontinued Coke Zero so no more cola preferences for me. It all tastes terrible.
7. Chinese or Italian? Food? Are we talking food? Cuz.. both? XD Uhh... Italian, I suppose. I probably eat more Italian than Chinese. 
8. Early bird or night owl? Is there a bird who sleeps in until nine or ten then is in bed again by eleven? Because that would be me. The reasonable duck.
9. Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla (Chocolate triggers migraines so it’s been a couple of years since I last had it.)
10. Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted introvert. People drain me but that doesn’t mean I can’t perform when expected.
11. Hugs or kisses? If I can only have one, it’d be hugs.
12. Hunting or fishing? Fishing. I rarely catch anything but it’s nice to spend time outdoors.
13. Winter or summer? Ugh.I suppose winter because I'd rather be too cold than too hot.
14. Spring or fall? Spring. The winters are long here and it spring means the end of seasonal depression!
15. Rural or urban? Urban but in my heart of hearts there’s a wee cabin in the woods waiting for me.
16. PC or Mac? Mac. I used to be PC but omg. I’m never going back.
17. Tan or pale? Pale.
18. Cake or pie? Cake
19. Ice cream or yogurt? You can’t compare! Unless we’re talking frozen yogurt... then probably ice cream. Specifically Natrel or Island Farms ice cream. 
20. Ketchup or mustard? They both have their uses.
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles? Sweet pickles!!!
22. Comedy or mystery? Comedy
23. Boots or sandals? Sneakers! But I suppose sandals. I only wear boots when it gets to -40C here.
24. Silver or gold? Silver
25. Pop or Rock? Both! XD I guess I’ve been listening to more pop lately. I go through phases.
26. Dancing or singing? Singing and awkward dancing at the same time
27. Checkers or chess? Either is good with me but I used to belong to a chess club. =p
28. Board games or video games? Video games because I don’t get together much with friends but when I do, I like board games well enough.
29. Wine or beer? I can’t drink alcohol. (I mean, I could? But it’s a huge IBS trigger so unless I want to run to the bathroom and get stuck there...)
30. Freckles or dimples? Freckles
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce? Honey mustard!
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights? I do both on a regular basis. I hate using machines and prefer free-weights!
33. Baseball or basketball? I’ll play either but I also hate watching either. So boring.
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus? Crossword!
35. Facial hair or clean shaven? It depends on the person in question. My partner is clean shaven.
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice? Crushed
37. Skiing or snowboarding? Cross country skiing
38. Smile or game face? Smile :D
39. Bracelet or necklace? Necklace. I don’t even wear a watch because I hate things on my wrists when I’m coding. And I’m coding every day.
40. Fruit or vegetables? Fruit
41. Sausage or bacon? Sausage
42. Scrambled or fried? What? Eggs? Over easy so... fried?
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate? Neither.
44. Tattoos or piercings? Neither
45. Antique or brand new? Both! Depending on the item.
46. Dress up or dress down? Down, down, doobie do down, 
47. Cowboys or aliens? That was a not bad movie. =p Aliens.
48. Cats or dogs? Neither. I love both but I’m allergic. (But cats are inherently superior.)
49. Pancakes or waffles? Waffles. Big old Belgians.
50. Bond or Bourne? Bond
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy? Both. Definitely both.
52. Numbers or letters? Letters
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Both but LOTR/Hobbit is what I’m interested in atm.
54. Fair or theme park? Mehhhh... crowds. Disney at Christmas was pretty magical.
55. Money or fame? Money
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry? Laundry
57. Snakes or sharks? Snakes
58. Orange juice or apple juice? Apple (But I don’t drink juice very often)
59. Sunrise or sunset? (They’re kinda the same!) Sunset.
60. Slacker or over-achiever? Over-achieving slacker. 
61. Pen or pencil? FOR WHAT? Sheesh. Context. Uh... pencil.
62. Peanut butter or jelly? Peanut butter.
63. Grammys or Oscars? Not interesting to me.
64. Detailed or abstract? Both! Which is why I’m a good coder.
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions? Meh. I don’t care. 
66. Adventurous or cautious? I would say I used to be more adventurous. Now I’m a bit more cautious. SHE CAN LEARN! XD 
67. Saver or spender? Auto-saver likes to spend. (i.e. I have my finances arranged so the bank automatically saves money for me. I get to spend what is left.)
68. Glasses or contacts? Glasses
69. Laptop or desktop? Laptop! I haven’t used a desktop in at least a year.
70. Classic or modern? Context? I like a mix, generally speaking.
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer? I already have a personal fitness trainer. I would loooove a personal chef but seeing as I did go to school for culinary arts... I should just not be so lazy and cook for myself.
72. Internet or cell phone? Internet
73. Call or text? Text
74. Curly hair or straight hair? Curly
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening? Evening. I hate going to bed when I don’t feel scrubbed clean.
76. Spicy or mild? Mild.
77. Marvel or DC? Marvel all the time
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent? Neither! Paid off the mortgage this year!
79. Sky dive or bungee jump? Bungee.
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy? Golden Oreos
81. Jello or pudding? Pudding! (mmm butterscotch...)
82. Truth or dare? Truth. I have no truths too shameful to reveal. Mostly because my shame-tolerance is so high.
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel? Ferris wheel
84. Leather or denim? Denim
85. Stripes or solids? Stripes
86. Bagels or muffins? Bagel
87. Whole wheat or white? White
88. Beads or pearls? Beads
89. Hardwood or carpet? Carpet
90. Bright colors or neutral tones? Bright colours!
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are? I’ve ben thirty years old since I was twelve. So I’m both. =p
92. Raisins or nuts? Raisins
93. Picnic or nice restaurant? Restaurant
94. Black leather or brown leather? Brown
95. Long hair or short hair? Short
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”? Pfft. Aim twice shoot once.
97. Fiction or non-fiction? Fiction (Although I enjoy reading sciencey non-fiction)
98. Smoking or non-smoking? Non-smoking
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think? Constantly talking before I can slap a filter on what I’m saying.
100. Asking questions or answering questions? Answering.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
February 21st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on February 21st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Teasday by FeatheryJustice.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Teasday by FeatheryJustice~! (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Draco Plato
I really like the most recent scene with Vander because I'm really looking forward to where it's going to lead to, it left me with a feeling of suspense
I also enjoyed the scene with Calen and Folen
My favourite scene is actually Anton and Spyder, especially trolling Spyder with salt instead of sugar. I do love drawing Calen and Folen :3
Also what tea is everyone drinking today?
Nothing right now- out and about but when I get back chai.
What kind of chai? Traditional or like the new form types?
Draco Plato
peppermint XD
Ohh classic. Plain peppermint or mixed with other stuff Draco?
Draco Plato
just plain, it's pretty watery too since it's the keurig one
Loose leaf (masala I think?) w/ sugar, vanilla, nutmeg and cream.(edited)
Ohh that sounds so good
And cinnamon.
my favorite scene is probably the one with calen and folen. i think they add a lot of dynamic to camellia since before she was just grumpy tea witch. now shes grumpy tea witch with a past. plus i really loved that appearance change because just so many questions. tea party host plot twist: i actually hate tea. long live the coffee witch.
There is a coffee witch
She's cool
which incidentally i did enjoy the dialogue about the coffee witch and the whole description of camellia's interaction with her. it made me laugh.
Beat me to it @RebelVampire.
I always look forward to the author note at the end - it makes me imagine what they are drinking in the story
Also sorry I revealed my tea in general already - but I might make some hojicha for the occasion
Draco Plato
haha I do really enjoy the author notes at the end too, I've learned so much about tea
Eeesh, will be going through a dead zone soon for a few mins, don't freak if I stop talking.
Here for the moment. Yeah, I liked the tea witch/coffee witch thing where they each made the offer and declined, I can totally relate to that. Coffee is just a no for me.
(I don't drink tea much either, but never coffee.)
im really hoping well meet the coffee witch and see the spark of rivalry to a degree. friendly rivalry, but rivalry none the less
another less scene but more moment i enjoyed was at the end of sweet tea where the spider is just using multiple arms to pour in more sugar than should ever be allowed in anything ever
Random surprise twist, Calen inherits the coffee witch title.
I also thought it was a nice touch in the night scene to have Camillia without her gloves. One wonders if she had a tea mishap in her past... or maybe she worked in fast food and gave it up.
There was more sugar than cup, I think. ^.^
Yeah they are really good friends, the coffee witch and Cam
I like the lullaby sung in Tea Cocktails. makes me think of how a lot of our childhood songs can get a little creepy
That song is plot important
We've also seen a fruit witch. Is there a veggie witch?
In like three seasons ahha
There is one!
Draco Plato
oh i was thinking it had plot relevance, the song
(I'm randomly reminded of a bake shop near me called "The Scone Witch".)
That is a good name lol
And yeah of course it has plot relevance, I mean I wouldn't invent a random song without meaning XD
I hope it's clear when I said I liked the author's notes that it doesn't get in front of the content for me! Although I do think it gives each page something extra
idk i could head canon camellia just invented it to troll ppl and creep them out
She would XD
Also I think I want to do a recap section for the longer ones so people can get read through it and get the tdlr
Like I should recap the herbal arc hha
She sings it to people who come in and ask for coffee.
Hellooooo~ Favorite Scene? Vander's hiring. Camelia went through so many applicants that it was silly, and then this guy can pick up the simplest lavender tea
Also, aaaaa, I still need to read from the herbal arc. I fell behind a while ago T_T;;;
I am still reading but I really liked the getting ready to go out/meeting Anton
i also liked how kind of shrug no big deal vander was about knowing the tea
I think Vander was expecting something more challenging, because he's got some sort of tea magic, but... Camelia has long dealt with normal people, who don't know it well
Yeah I would be a lot more... I think the word is chuffed? If I guessed a tea challenge
Actually there is a thing why she was so surprised actually
also urgh, is it Camellia or Camelia... I keep forgetting which words have two ls some nights
It was barely hinted at
QUESTION 2. As hinted by the name, one of the comic’s goals is to focus on all topics related to tea. What is one interesting fact that you learned about tea thanks to the comic? Of the episodes, which episode did you find to be the strongest in terms of how it delivered educational, tea related information? Alternatively, of the episodes, which one did you find most entertaining on how it tackled a certain topic of tea and tea brewing? What other tea brews or information are you hoping to see the comic tackle? Lastly, which of the brews presented so far is your favorite?
Well, as I recall it was diluted all to heck. Camillia was waiting for someone to say "it's water, not tea".
yeah id call that more than a hint XD
It was diluted
I really did like the intro to herbals, though Feather had told us a bit about it in IDC some time ago
also the process of tea flavoring is fascinating!
I'd never considered the difference between infusers and the little collander thing that sits on a teapot. Surface area and such.
Draco Plato
I'd never heard of a lot of the tea combinations before so it gave me a lot to try
And yeah it was more than a hint haha XD but people gloss over it a lot
Draco Plato
the banana tea particularly fascinated, and the chocolate tea
the fact that coconut tea is so oily wasn't... surprising
Draco Plato
yeah it was!
I'm shocked it goes with chocolate though
Lol XD
chocolate is a pain to clean up after in my mug XD
Yeah somrtimes you oh
You can put the chocolate tea in a tea bag and then into an infuser XR
...that would keep the oil from escaping wouldn't it
Oh yeah, banana tea, what was up with that. Did not anticipate.
i have learned all the tea facts. as someone who doesnt like tea and thus doesnt make it, my knowledge equates to basically 0 on anything involved with making tea. like didnt even know there were different ways to flavor things. so all in all the comic has been educational as a whole to me
I am glad I am teaching people!
wait, rebel, you don't like tea?! whaaaaaaaaat
Also man I had to research so much for the herbal flavouring thing
It's a "steep" learning curve.
the research really shows through though because i think in comparison to the other strips this one has been the most thorough
I love that pum
Also I was trying to do a different format as well that time CD
and no i dont like tea. but tbf to tea i dont like hot beverages in general. even coffee which i do like i take it iced.
Iced tea episode hahaha
Funny thing about tea for me. I don't like hot tea. I definitely don't like iced tea. I'll tend to drop an ice cube into tea shortly before drinking it (it melts, admittedly diluting) to split the difference.
yeah, I let my tea cool before drinking it in many cases -- but some just taste better hot
but compared to rebel, I live in the arctic I think
Lukewarm tea is okay
Exactly. Gotta go for lukewarm.
in terms of education, i also liked the alcohol tea drinking. cause it was educational and entertaining. cause idk what it was about the scene, but i got kind of a bar feeling. like camellia suddenly the bartender just serves alcohol tea
to rebel most ppl live in the arctic in comparison XD
That reminds me, when Camellia's with her family they call her Amellia. Is she undercover with her C?
I'd honestly never had tea with alcohol... that sounds... pretty good imo
i assumed it might have been a nickname cause it seems like most charas have their own nickname for her
but then again
she did change her appearance
Amelia is what they call her and Ilia is what Anton and Spyder call her
Oh, good point, the llia hadn't consciously registered.
She looks different to tend bar.
Yeah becuase she actually attempted to dress up XD
Also I need to bring back Galene sometime soon
she looked very pretty in those scenes too
i was hoping wed see galene again cause i really like galene's design
I had fun drawing her but I was also like "OH GOD WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF"
Galene is Calen's secret informant.
Fun fact, they don't know of each other's existences yet.
Galene and Calen never met in story
Same as how Vander never met Anton and Spyder yet, and Rhurbi only seen Spyder and Anton like once
Also the fun thing about alcohol with tea is that you can put it in hot tea and burn off the alcohol content. Or cook it
oh man i cant wait till vander meets spyder and anton then. partly cause i wonder who might teach who about tea.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-3/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=24 Vander's real shady in this page ಠ_ಠ
Maybe Vander already knows Spyder by reputation. "Oh, you're the sugar daddy."
I'm back!
You almost made me choke on my tea there Math
vander knows cause hes seen how much sugar inventory they have to keep and its abnormally high
Fun fact, Vander HATES sweet things most of the time.
Don't get him a cute teddy bear for his birthday then.
i agree with kabo that vander was super suspicious in that one panel. but honestly vander seems suspicious in general cause he seems to know little about making tea at all but somehow was able to recognize a diluted mixture that nobody else could
maybe he's a tea-witch in training
Draco Plato
maybe it's just part of an ability his species has
He said he knew tea stuff though, didn't he?
Hyper taste?
yeah people say things
Draco Plato
i thought he said he was learning from Camellia
theory time
he's a business rival
Draco Plato
tries to remember why Vander was looking for a job
he just kind of wandered in, I thought
Kabocha: That seems plausible. Guess he's playing the long game rather than trying to buy her out.
https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/herbal-part-4/viewer?title_no=169870&episode_no=25 oh look at that
support for my theory as I'm reading
Draco Plato
maybe he's related to one of the people calen killed
Pffft, Calen doesn't kill people, no she's an angel Coughlaugh
Draco Plato
O_O suuuuure
She outsources.
Folen does it for her
Draco Plato
Also I am laughing because I want to say things, but can not because well that's Spoilers~
QUESTION 3. Despite the tea focus, the comic does take some time to add in a few character mysteries. What do you think Camellia past is with Calen and Folen? Why is Camellia so ardent about not going back to work with Calen? Also, why do you think Camellia changed her appearance to pay a visit to the two? What do you make of the scars depicted on Camellia’s hands? Besides Camellia, there is also her new assistant Vander. Do you believe that Vander can be trusted, or do you believe Calen will find out something shady about him? How will his continued presence affect Camellia and/or himself?
I THINK FOLEN wanted to marry camellia(edited)
Leans back to watch fan theories steep
Kabocha went there
Kabo did.
I always go there.
I would show you a clip of the next episode talking about cups
Becuase literally it's all Folen and Camellia that episode hahah
Camellia turned Folen down, though, because... Well. She honestly doesn't want that romance stuff. Just give her the tea, dammit.
Folen, on the other hand, is interested in magic, and hey, tea magic is magic... yes right?
Draco Plato
that's pretty much what I had but I think overall the three of them are like family too
so there's probably a deeper connection there
As I recall, Calen said that Camellia and Folen used to date, or something. Maybe he runs a fast food place.
Maybe he likes flavored Coffee
Doesn't go well with tea.
LOL I wish there was a fast food witch somewhere XD
Wendy's, the good witch?
HAHAHA XD I'm laughing so hard
Obsessed with hair nets... I can picture it now...
"Do you want fries with that?"
They're magic!
Magic Fries for everyone
the veggie witch and fast food witch must be friends
to make all those french fries
Makes you crave more magic fast food
Real potato fries, so real they will teleport out of your stomach
Sweet potato fries are the veggie witch's favorite, I'm sure
put cinnamon on 'em
Draco Plato
Yum yum
Veggie witch was actually schdueled to come around earlier in devlopement but I wanted her to be more placed later in the story as like, weird wacky aunt who visits
She bringing a lot of onions with her
She would invite people over, but she's got a leek problem
Onion tea?
There is onion tea
wait theres onion tea
Onion and ginger might be good
It's made like a cold remedy
But I like Onion tea by itself
Draco Plato
It's full of tears
Layers of flavour
Is there tea made with bacon?
I think so
I seen that in like, a weird tea thing
They used like, bacon bits with black tea to get a smoky flavour
so anyway camellia's hands: scars from tea brewing or scars from something else? O_O
Also Lapsang Sochong (One of the teas from an episode, has a good smoky taste so you can add bacon to it and give it a try???)
And I can't confirm or deny why she has those scars, other than man it's hard to draw them all the time
I keep forgetting they exist XD
So It's a plot point
(Everything I do is a plot point, only when it isn't then it isn't for a plot point XD)
im personally leaning towards the latter. although i could see the former. like idk how someone becomes a witch in this world, but maybe camellia wasnt meant to be a tea witch. like she had to work super super super super duper hard to be a tea witch.
She burned her hands on tea didn't she
Draco Plato
The scars probably relate to a murder
maybe she was trying to work with Folen and it didn't work out
Also all witch related questions will be answered soon, after the wrap up of season 1
What are your views on infusing tea into other food?
rice, cakes,
i hope that if her scars relate to murder she didnt infuse the victim into tea or something. cause yes i went the dark route
Delicious, I have recipes with tea for DAYS!
Also there are
Many screams
Draco Plato
Don't give feather ideas XD
Pfft, it was already set in stone lol!
Draco Plato
Omg XD
So tea infusions in other things?
Flower witch too, maybe?
There is a flower witch
And also fun fact about the scars, Camellia actually has enough fingerless gloves to match her entire wardrobe, all in the basic colours XD
And my favourite thing to do right now is to try to use teas in savoury dishes
Recently made broiled chicken with a lemon chili pepper white tea, and that was so good
(Be right back, grabbing another cup of tea, getting some apple chamomile cinnamon roobios)
i hope we can meet the flower witch
although i wonder if witches have to be female
cause part of me wants it to be a guy who wears a flower crown
I wonder if I can say.
Well you will have it explained during the episode of the origins of how these particular witches came to be.
But I haven't designed the Flower Witch so I will keep that in mind.
QUESTION 4. The story has its fair share of shenanigans while having a lot of future potential. Insofar, which character do you enjoy seeing the most in the comic and why? Are there any potential future scenarios you’re hoping to see them in? Are there any other sort of witch types you’re hoping exist in the world that could play a role in the comic? What about creatures? In the long term, do you think Camellia will keep her current tea brewing style of life, or will something come along and change it in contrast to all the shenanigans? Finally, in general, what other scenarios do you see popping up for the story given any story fact?
i enjoy seeing vander cause he really is a suspicious mofo.
maybe vander is a world reknown thief
and he thinks camellia keeps her treasures in that backroom
and now he finds out nah she just has tea and more tea
so has to convenient go on vacation to never return
Reminds me of the Tuxedo Mask Meme
"My job here is done" "But you didn't do anything" Whoosh
I personally just can't wait to finish Season 1, and then get into the really good stuff in Season 2. I also can't wait to kinda fix my old art ahhahahha XD
But I wouldlike to introduce more of towns folk, becuase there is a good amount of diversiTEA in the town Camellia resides, which is far away from the big city of where Folen and Calen are
What will Camelia think when someone serves her Coffee Puerh
Also Vander being a Phantom Thief really makes me have ideas though haha
The same thing Camelia thinks when people give her Tawinese Coffee Milk Tea. "....Thanks but no." And Coffee tea is going to be an episode on it's own as well.
i hope thats the episode where we meet the coffee witch
You gonna call $CanadianTeaRetailer out lol
as they both stare in horror
Yes you are
I actually like the Coffee Puerh tbh! It's tasty. But I can see why Camellia might not. Is she not a fan of high caffeine, or does she prefer smaller doses at once
Yes, they look at that and is like "Are they shipping us?" "Probably?" "Weird."
Camellia can not drink coffee because she is allergic.
Like how the Coffee Witch is allergic to tea, but can at least have herbals XD
(Back from crib.) I suspect Vander is a spy from the warlocks. Only witches are female, the guys want in on the action.
I love diversiTEA.
vander can be both, be a spy and a phantom thief. cause who is going to expect the spy is actually a thief
or maybe vander is a secret evaluator
like an undercover food safety inspector
but for tea
hes juding camellia and her knowledge
Vander could also be a student in debt trying to get a part time job and is lucky Camellia doesn't look at resumes becuase he doesn't have any experience
idk vander seems like he dresses too nice to be a student in debt. O_O unless that is the actual answer in which case vander please, sell your clothes and downgrade
Oh god Vander is one of those guys who are like "I spend all my money to look good and now I am broke" XD
Also maybe Vander is a food inspector waiting for that one bug from the other episode to show up and he never does
Vander also at first wasn't going to be a character actually. It was only after I realized I needed an every day man type character for reasons to exposition at did I create him.
I'm glad people like him
one thing from the story im really curious about is the vampires apparently? since there was that one dude who showed up and needed tea cause someone named krys was grumpy. im really curious about all that stuff cause i wanna know who this krys person is
I do kinda wonder about Calen and her sword fighting in the house.
HAHAHAAAA I love Krys, they are great
You will see them later.
And Calen was killing things with a coat hanger actually
Just gotta listen for the Krys Anthem - Mum.
Very sturdy coat hanger
I guess if you don't have a coat, why not.
Oh yes, and the random sword
That was just from off the wall
Like you know when you have like swords on display
So, are we shipping Camellia and Rhurbi? Fruit and tea mix well, as we've been told. ^.^
Reminding me of Narbonic- kinda creeping me out... @FeatheryJustice
They've got that whole "I hate you when you don't call" vibe going too.
Ping was supposed to be at front?
Lol, Camellia isn't very good at remembering phones exist
And what is Narbonic?
camellia watched too much harry potter and only sends messages by owl
Also Draco also said they ship Cam and Rhubi
And yes, Camellia would do owl mail
Camellia travels by unconventional means too.
Old webcomic that finished, I'll find the link if you want?
Yup, by the friend express
Okay, Cam and Rhubi ftw. Vander will have to make due with Spyder.
Mad scientists.
This conversation is rather disjointed.(edited)
Yeah it is, alright, reeling it back in
I gotta get my ships in before time elapses.
So far, that's a popular ship
And I haven't seen that webcomic but I will check it out Cheshire
Or three conversations...
i will accept the vander and spyder ship
Well it will be fun when they meet
As far as the tea brewing life, I feel like she already had a change in her past. Maybe related to the injury. I don't see her deviating any more.
And no one mentions mysterious person on the other side of magical tea cup
Which, the logo?
I'll put the link on general.
Hm, not sure it consciously registered.
That was the dude by the seaside or whatever.
Don't worry
It's a really long sideplot
I can't wait to read more
But yeah it's a cup that you can share liquids with another person on the other side
Interesting how much got set up. Oh, that's clever.
Gotta make sure when you're rising it out that the person on the other end doesn't drink sudsy dishwater.
I tend to write in a way where I am like "Here is Plot point A, which goes into A-A, into A-B, into A-C" Meanwhile "Plot B-G is with plot point G-A"
Best with it!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to FeatheryJustice, as well, for making Teasday. If you liked the comic, make sure to support FeatheryJustice’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/teasday/list?title_no=169870
FeatheryJustice’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FeatheryJustice
FeatheryJustice’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/FeatheryFern
0 notes
Sin City
Spent the weekend blissfully lost in a group of beautiful ABGs. Nobody knew me, really. Other than my name, it was the perfect solution to the “my name precedes me” thing that I had been encountering after moving back home.
There was a blur of little moments, living so in the moment that not much was committing to memory. 
But I can feel the memories already blurring away. I just have to let this out somewhere, so here we go.
Friday, June 21st (the first day of summer, my period, and the summer solstice).
Jody’s flight got delayed by 4 hour (at least) and I found myself drowning in intimidation. These girls knew exactly how to do their hair and makeup, what to wear, etc. Found myself regaining some confidence as I successfully put on lashes (really well too, tbh) for the first time since I was 18yo about to perform at recital and was empowered to ditch my Spanx.
While we were waiting in line for Wynn’s XS Nightclub someone raised his voice at me, “Hey, I know you.” I subtly rolled my eyes, assuming he was the first creep of the trip. But then, “It’s Rochelle, right?” I passed along the velvet rope to get a closer look at him. “Arsenio,” he said. The name didn’t ring a bell. 
“I’m Annie’s cousin.” 
“Annie, who?” 
“Ohhh, Christy?!”
“Yeah, we met when I was staying at her house in Houston. I think we’re friends on Facebook.”
I quickly looked him up. He was right. Our mutual friends shook the cobwebs from the old connection. It had been TEN YEARS since he last saw me, completely crazy. We tried meeting up for shots in the club, but it didn’t work out. He said he was living in the Bay area now. I looked up his profile, he has a 3-year-old kid now. 
We spent the majority of our Friday evening tediously scouring XS for a table, waiting for Jody, and denying the inevitable fact that a group of 13 young women were not about to ALL get drinks at the same table let alone maneuver a dark nightclub without getting separated. 
We hunted for tables big enough for the majority of us, got half-assed efforts from promoters, and eventually some guy rounded us all up to his table for [free] drinks. It was there that we meet the “thirty-something” Miami guy. We danced, he twirled me, someone later told me they thought he was gay, it definitely didn’t feel like it (but then again, I literally have the world’s worst gay-dar). He even gave me a lap dance -- what an odd feeling to have someone’s nuts rub on your leg... blegh.
We eventually left their table and stopped like ten feet away (the crowd was thick enough to be out of obvious vision). My feet were screaming and I asked if I could sit. He had a sleeve of tattoos -- hello, talking points! At this point I could have talked for hours as long as it meant that I could sit. I don’t really remember his face, but it felt like I had him wrapped around my finger. At one point I was sneaking ice cubes out of their bucket because I was that desperate for some hydration. He said something about being warm, and I don’t know what came over me but  I instinctively leaned in and asked “Did you say you’re getting hot? Come here.” Our faces were close enough and just said “kiss me” before passing an ice cube into his mouth. It was the smoothest and sexiest I’ve ever felt in my life. 
I nonchalantly pull away and feel completely detached from the romantic gesture. He boyishly blurts out, “Thanks for making me look cool in front of my friends.” I’m glad it was dark so I could hide my chuckle. Finally, we head home and we recap the night over Chex Mix and Gardetto’s. Night ended around 2-3am.
Woke up around 8am (I think) and continued recapping the night. Realized my feet were insanely dirty from walking around the hotels and drop-offs sans shoes. We started getting ready for day club and I accept 
omg i’m tired of writing. here comes the word/phrase vomit.
AB&G smoothie, morton’s neuroma, small boob insecurity, “thicc” girl empowerment, big boob empowerment. lowkey strutting and hopping around the suite proud of the muscle on my legs, jiggle on my chest, and less fat at my abdomen than 7 months ago. looking like bougie bruno mars as a woman. fhearing those first beats at day club. USC med alumni. “what job would you have?” “I would enjoy being a PT,” “I’d be humans of new york,” “I’m just now starting to pay off my loans,” his name was Patrick, he’s a urologist either “operating or in clinic.” the exotic Mediterranean guy “She just like a fun, nice girl.” Billy was just one of the cute guys, idk i naturally kept tabs on him i think. Felt like I was successfully flirting with and then getting subtly rejected by Nikolai - with the twin friends (ft. dance move guy), he is an electrical engineer graduated from UCSB who would get a 2x4 lego tattoo if anything and taught me a few phrases in French - because I assumed he’d rather get with one of the girls in the group (Later on Payne would convince me otherwise - that he kept looking around for me and was just talking to everyone because I kept leaving, classic Rochelle scenario, no?). The support I felt when they all encouraged me to go after him. One of the doctors didn’t pick up on my sarcasm when I said he was the oldest (obviously the youngest), it was sweet to see all his friends play along and to have his thirsty ass wanna make me his girl hahah. Some guy named Ty who was turning 21, filipino with great tats - ended up asking for his insta bc i kept running into him. OMG the handsome, potentially gay Black man who stopped me as I got out of the pool and lowkey-strutted towards the bathroom with a “girl you are naturally gorgeous - and you know it!” ugh idk why but it was the most believable comment I’ve ever gotten from a passerby (along with the random ladies that would compliment me omg i cry).
For a while I thought everybody bailed on me and left me with Nickolai just as things were fizzling out. But thankfully we found Kim, Payne, and Mary. We weaved through the crowd, over velvet ropes, and just danced our asses off to Marshmallo’s set. As we were gathering our things at the locker, Jody happened to be walking by (I swear, technology is the biggest cockblock for serendipity). I hadn’t had enough of Day Club at that point so I stayed and saw Jody and Kathleen in action with these guys at their lounge area. Man they really committed to fishing. Finally the delirium of Day Club became a bit overwhelming and we made our way back to the hotel. At this point I felt natural and confident enough to shower naked in front of an also naked Kim. It’s amazing how much confidence I had on reserve strictly from a fresh bikini wax and the knowledge that I’ve been consistently active.
Freshly showered and freshly napped, we started getting ready for Night Swim. (Seriously, the partying never really stopped - just paused for attempts at nourishment/rest.) There was something even more heightening about this round. I played up my freshly-fallen bun-curls and took a FIRE selfie on snapchat (although it didn’t get that much feedback, whatevs bc who was i even hoping for feedback FROM?) 
Donning Kathleen’s kimono and my “naked” swimsuit... (man, looking back where did this person come from?) 
Started talking to this Filipino-Black guy in line and his friend in all white came back and asked if we wanted to join them in their cabana. None of the girls wanted to go, but I figured why not? (the guy was so tall, I think this was my subconscious, amateur attempt at jersey chasing LOL) Also they were from Brooklyn, and I’m a sucker for a good nyc story. Bopped back and forth with drinks form their cabana to our lily pad. 
In classic form, I eventually said goodbye to the cabana boys, grabbed someone from the lily pad, and headed off to do laps. This naive, potentially-gay gentleman at the dance floor tried teaching me how to salsa, as I kept reiterating, “honeyyyy, I’m from Houston! I know how to dance!” We met this Brazilian sounding guy literally because he was standing there an just put his hands up -- got us drinks and saw a poor attempt at line dancing in Vegas, encountered a PTA named Jery (classically shocked that I finished school already hehe). Kept encountering this older gentleman who was charming but creepy, gave Katy a lesson in public strutting, and finally circled back to lounge at the lily pad. 
Eventually Katy came over and whisked me away to a table in the pool. About six girls were already there. There were only two guys so of course I assumed my role as a poolside, go-go dancer. I looked down and realized that I recognized this guy’s dance moves from day club!! And sure enough Nikolai was there! I called him over asking why he wasn’t backstage at the Zedd show. Got in the pool and of course dealt with the same ambiguous vibe as earlier that day. 
(At some point during this, Kathleen came over and dropped off my things - holy shit i just looked it up, it was around 1am - and I asked her to take my phone and wallet back to the hotel at the risk of getting it in the water) Kathy had just offered me some WatEr and I ended up just chillin’, enjoying the vibes and visuals by the side of the pool. I vaguely remember seeing Nikolai leave and honestly just dgaf about it. Kathy explained that it was ok to want to feel physical touch so I just leaned the fuck in to the virgin experience and let everyone and their mother scratch my head, massage my back, and just love on each other hahaha we ended up closing the club at like 3:30am or something.
As we were leaving, one of the two guys (the half-Jap-half-Russian who I was initially told was gay - found out his name at like 5am, and then ended up not being gay) bluntly says, “you’re really pretty and I’d like to make out with you” - looking back, it was almost perfect... I was already comfortable with him because he had been [orgasmically] pulling my hair all night and massaging my neck. He said later that he thought he was being obvious in making a move, but i’m pretty sure he was doing that with everyone, esp considering Kathy was deadass wrapped around his back like a monkey lolol he later said he was only pulling my hair, my rolling ass had no fucking clue ahahah
Anyway, I hadn’t had someone suggest making out in so long and had been recently longing for that exactly, so after several minutes of inner turmoil (at this point i was still getting used to him not being gay, but also i was on my period, freshly waxed, and headfirst in my first Experience). I stayed back with Kim and James (literally a total ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ vibe with his british accent and her stunninnnggggggg looks), Kathy, and Mr. Makeout. There was a cool breeze accompanying us on the late night streets of the Strip and we just let ourselves walk and blow away with Mr. Makeout’s EPB/APL. We ended up at their room at the Palazzo and sure enough, when Kathy and Kim went to talk in the bathroom, he point-blank says, “are we gonna make out now?” 
He was odd in his own way -  a balance of nonchalant, poignancy, and just enough flirtation. Stolen smiles and glances had become our forte at this point, I was really wishing that Kathy could see what was happening, and that I hadn’t given my phone away. The three of us decided to leave to give Kim and James some privacy. Kathy lagged behind to talk to Kim and we continued to make out in the hallway. Kissing him was somehow so erotic yet so professional/respectful. 
The sun was beginning to come up as we headed to the guys’r extra room at Caesar’s and awkwardly laid in bed, in our swim suits, unable to sleep, just waiting for Kim to need us since we had a key card. Let me just say that damn Kathy is such a good friend. She had her phone out the whole time even though battery was draining fast, making sure that Kim felt safe and that she wasn’t ubering alone or anything.
There was a moment that Kathy was going to leave and I was going to stay back with Daniel (I now knew his name), I decided against it and as I got out of the bed he beautifully clung to my waist with his previously whispered “I’d like to make love to you” twirling through my head. I playfully tried getting away, knowing full well that he had me locked down (If I was smart at all, I would have remembered James’ subtle mention that Daniel brought a NCAA National Judo Title back to Harvard, i.e. their ALMA MATER, which I barely cared about at this point because I was so out of it haha). We convinced him to come back to the Venetian/Palazzo with us (and he paid for the taxi, bless).
We kept stealing a few kisses in various lobbies as Kathy essentially babysat all of us lmao. Before heading up to our room, I threw my number onto his phone internally plotting how I can sneak away to him. After all, it was only 6am at this point and everyone was deadass asleep. 
Immediately I realized how not sleepy I was in comparison to everyone sprawled out on their air mattresses. I updated Katy and Jody and replied to his immediate texts:
OK come now.
Can we make out a little more?”
I trotted out of the room in a sun dress, no bra, and my bikini bottoms. I told you, it was the start of Cancer season. Walked through the adjoining hotels (seriously, how convenient) and eventually he found me. 
“You changed”
“Well I didn’t really want to walk around in a sheer kimono at 7am,” then alluding to the lack of bra underneath. 
He was surprisingly disciplined in the elevator, undoubtedly catching me smiling in anticipation for his lips to be back on mine. Thankfully, he deviated towards a corner wall to kiss for a bit before heading down a very long hallway. It was the most seamless a makeout has felt in a long time. We were eye to eye whenever I’d rise up onto the balls of my feet. I grabbed at his jet black hair and his hands ran all over me with an energy I’d never felt before - I had gotten used to greedy hands on me... his were appreciative, almost even respectful. I could feel him near the hem of my dress and he’d lightly lift it up, but never yanked at it or slid it up too high... we continued down the long hallway with the same style of kissing, even getting caught by a couple, oops hehe. 
We got to the room and decided to continue in the [pleasantly spacious and conveniently mirrored] full bathroom. Knowing fully well that we only had time to makeout, we started slow, just weaving back and forth. We took our time, taking turns unbuttoning each others tops, one by one, kissing to celebrate the each exposure of new skin (forgetting the fact that we were already half naked when we met or that we had already laid next to one another in our underwear). 
Eventually the clothes were off and he didn’t question when I said that underwear has to stay on. It was 45 minutes of bliss. He leaned against the counter for the majority of the time and our hands ran free, up and down each other’s bodies. His musculature perfectly balanced - I seriously don’t think I’ve ever been so dumbfounded, I literally had no critiques. But I couldn’t properly articulate myself because I was so shocked by his whispers and praises.
“You’re so pretty... You’re so cute... You’re so hot... You have the most incredible body,” as he appeared to blink in what looked like disbelief. For once, I actually believed a man’s compliments on my body...
 “I was trying to talk to you all night,” he said as I stared back in disbelief reminding him that his hands were on all the other girls as well. “You have so many dang friends, I didn’t know how to get alone... and then you disappeared, I couldn’t find you.” We continued kissing through all this recapping and sure enough, he blessed me with that same, firm hair pull.
We ended up laying on the floor towards the end, him teasing me with the words, “I really want to eat you out” - BUT OF COURSE, I was on my period at a time when I’d never been more willing to do it. His lips were so luscious and our tongues had already become well-acquainted at this point. He told me to lay on the floor and his hands just explored my lower abdomen and superficial pelvis... it felt beautifully similar to the scene in “Pretty Woman” where Richard Gere goes from playing the piano to playing Julia Roberts’ body....  it was just pure bliss, I’d never been so happy to be in a hotel bathroom at 7am. And as we ached over the fleeting minutes, eventually we heard James fumbling for the bathroom knob, I doubled over in giggles as I fumbled for clothes to cover my mostly naked self. “I’m not done exploring you yet...” he said with a tone of sadness as we departed, again not realizing that I was plotting to return to him. I wasn’t done either.
I’m going to stop writing soon, but I ended up going back to his room (sans James) after Jody left. We had about an hour, “You just always leave me. I booked my flight for 11:30 after you left. I didn’t think I’d get to see you again.”
We kissed slowly, obviously running on depleted energy reserves, and eventually ramping up to the same enthusiasm as earlier that morning.
“I wish I had a video of you doing that,” alluding to my practically-rehearsed minx crawl over his supine body. To which he countered with the masculine version when it was his time to be on top. However, I think I reached a completely new capacity of physical attraction as I laid on the bed with him standing, holding my hips. Every time his hips thrusted forward, his chest and delts contracted with each pulse.... I’d never been with a physique like that, ever. I don’t know what came over me but eventually I was going down with an enthusiasm I hadn’t felt in years, genuinely wanting to kiss him just everywhere. I was lasting a lot longer than usual. I could feel him squirming and just when I thought he was going to finish - he blurted “I just want to fuck you” as he simultaneously tossed me to the head of the bed and held himself over me - it was performed so swiftly and smoothly that I officially have a newfound sexual respect for guys who do Judo. It almost felt like a couples tango... I just laid there, sprawled out in complete disbelief, realizing that I reallyyyy wanted him back in me. We wrestled with the idea but there were no condoms left and I wasn’t on birth control - I had to bite my tongue to prevent myself from discussing the significantly decreased likelihood of getting pregnant when on your period, but luckily he reminded me that we’re a couple of strangers, a couple of mature adults. Eventually time caught up with us  and with rosy-cheeks we left his room. I lamely asked if we could hold hands to which he said, “of course.” I could feel his smile next to me in the elevator and gave each other a quick kiss before he headed to the lobby and I sped off to the Venetian to clean up my things before check out.
 At one point we were just laying there and he said those perfect words, “this is all I really wanted.” I didn’t fully believe him, but I nodded in agreement because it truly felt wonderful.
(Sidenote: I initially started this post because I was resisting texting Mr. Makeout. I caved and started drafting a message, but I kept backspacing because I didn’t actually know what I wanted to say. Finally got frustrated and gave up on keeping contact, phew glad that period of desperation is over with) 
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redemptiionss · 7 years
o.o okay anon, you got it. *rolls up sleeves*
1. Coffee or tea?
Coffee over tea anytime.
2. Black and white or color?
3. Drawings or paintings?
4. Dresses or skirts?
5. Books or movies?
6. Pepsi or Coke?
Er…… Coke? Idk. I almost never drink soda and when I do, it’s usually not Coke or Pepsi.. so I can barely remember how they taste lol
7. Chinese or Italian?
Ummmm… Italian?
8. Early bird or night owl?
Night owl for sure
9. Chocolate or vanilla?
Vanilla (for ice cream, mostly).
10. Introvert or extrovert?
introvert big time
11. Hugs or kisses?
12. Hunting or fishing?
er.. fishing would mean i’d get to just sit around or whatever till i snag a fish, but hunting would mean i’d have to look for game. idk..
13. Winter or summer?
14. Spring or fall?
spring, where everything blooms
15. Rural or urban?
Hmmm. If by urban you mean like big cities, then I’d take rural.
16. PC or Mac?
17. Tan or pale?
18. Cake or pie?
give me cake!
19. Ice cream or yogurt?
ice cream! (frozen yogurt is yum too)
20. Ketchup or mustard?
both. I like mixing them
21. Sweet pickles or dill pickles?
When I eat pickles, i expect it to taste sour, not sweet.
22. Comedy or mystery?
23. Boots or sandals?
24. Silver or gold?
25. Pop or Rock?
i dunno. Pop?
26. Dancing or singing?
27. Checkers or chess?
… checkers, i guess? never really played either
28. Board games or video games?
board games
29. Wine or beer?
30. Freckles or dimples?
31. Honey mustard or BBQ sauce?
honey mustard
32. Body weight exercises or lifting weights?
idk, body weight exercises?
33. Baseball or basketball?
baseball…. only bc theres less running around…..
34. Crossword puzzles or sudokus?
crossword puzzles. sudoku is too complicated
35. Facial hair or clean shaven?
clean shaven
36. Crushed ice or cubed ice?
cubed ice
37. Skiing or snowboarding?
idk, i’d die doing either one.
38. Smile or game face?
smile. i don’t have a game face.
39. Bracelet or necklace?
40. Fruit or vegetables?
41. Sausage or bacon?
Bacon, hands down. For some reason I was never very fond of sausage, although I can eat it.
42. Scrambled or fried?
um, fried? 
43. Dark chocolate or white chocolate?
white chocolate. dark chocolate has a weird aftertaste that i don’t really like
44. Tattoos or piercings?
tattoos. has to be nice and appropriate tho.
45. Antique or brand new?
of what??? it depends tbh
46. Dress up or dress down?
…it depends.
47. Cowboys or aliens?
48. Cats or dogs?
dogs are the best boys
49. Pancakes or waffles?
50. Bond or Bourne?
bourne, i’ve never seen any of the james bond movies
51. Sci-Fi or fantasy?
52. Numbers or letters?
??? letters
53. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
54. Fair or theme park?
theme park
55. Money or fame?
56. Washing dishes or doing laundry?
doing laundry
57. Snakes or sharks?
eeeeep. I don’t know.
58. Orange juice or apple juice?
apple juice
59. Sunrise or sunset?
60. Slacker or over-achiever?
slacker tbh (more like underachiever)
61. Pen or pencil?
62. Peanut butter or jelly?
peanut butter
63. Grammys or Oscars?
idk. oscars bc of the cool gold statue i guess.
 64. Detailed or abstract?
65. Multiple choice questions or essay questions?
multiple choice
66. Adventurous or cautious?
67. Saver or spender?
saver most of the time
68. Glasses or contacts?
glasses (never worn contacts before)
69. Laptop or desktop?
70. Classic or modern?
71. Personal chef or personal fitness trainer?
personal chef!!! but personal fitness trainer would probs be better…..
72. Internet or cell phone?
73. Call or text?
74. Curly hair or straight hair?
curly hair
75. Shower in the morning or shower in the evening?
in the morning
76. Spicy or mild?
mild. tbh it depends, sometimes mild actually has some spiciness to it, other time it’s grass.
77. Marvel or DC?
78. Paying a mortgage or paying rent?
rent? unless i plan on living somewhere for the rest of my life for sure, then ya mortgage.
79. Sky dive or bungee jump?
bungee jump.
80. Oreos or Chips Ahoy?
81. Jello or pudding?
82. Truth or dare?
……… truth, maybe? i’ve never played that game but i already don’t like it
83. Roller coaster or Ferris wheel?
roller coaster!
84. Leather or denim?
85. Stripes or solids?
86. Bagels or muffins?
87. Whole wheat or white?
whole wheat
88. Beads or pearls?
89. Hardwood or carpet?
90. Bright colors or neutral tones?
bright colors
91. Be older than you are or younger than you are?
errr…. i can’t decide. younger would mean that i’d be able to make different choices than i’ve already made, and older would mean that i’ll finally have had everything over with and i’m actually adulting.
92. Raisins or nuts?
93. Picnic or nice restaurant?
nice restaurant
94. Black leather or brown leather?
black leather
95. Long hair or short hair?
long hair
96. “Ready, aim, fire” or “Ready, fire, aim”?
ready, aim, fire. ofc. i mean wtf? the latter sounds just wrong. you have to aim somewhere first before firing. basic common sense.
97. Fiction or non-fiction?
98. Smoking or non-smoking?
non smoking.
99. Think before you talk or talk before you think?
think before i talk
100. Asking questions or answering questions?
answering questions. i’m awkward with asking questions
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