#American bully xl dog
epiales06 · 1 year
What is an American bully XL and should they be banned? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985
The root of the increase in dog attacks is fairly simple:
Over Covid, people bought and adopted dogs that they couldn’t properly train or look after then the lockdowns ended. No dog breed should be BANNED, only specific OWNERS. In all of the cases referenced in the article, there is no mention of an owner being anywhere nearby- the dog being out of control is because the owner is not fucking controlling it.
“It’s a MASSIVE dog!! 60kg!” Yeah and Irish Wolfhounds can get to over 80kg but you don’t see legal restrictions on them mentioned every time someone is injured by one. That’s because Irish wolfhound owners tend to know about the breed and are able to handle one.
American Bully XLs are not a problem, idiots that buy dogs they can’t control or look after are.
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fiftysevenacademics · 1 month
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I'm not putting my shoes on fast enough for this giant baby and he's crying about it.
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blogofadog · 1 year
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Morning walks 🐶🎀
Hey everyone.
I’m Nova. I’m a 11 month old American Bully XL. Mum created this to show my journey & make people smile when they’re not having a good day. I hope I’m cute enough to make you smile ❤️
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neurotoxizity · 4 months
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these fucking dogs are so fucked up looking i love them. i wish i could afford one
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revcleo · 5 months
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idkwhatevertbh · 1 year
So funny the UK is now banning “XL bully” dogs. Got rid of all their predators and so now they’re eradicating the spooky dogs
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salt-spine-darpg · 1 year
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Berry, female American Bully XL variety
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smokewshihouin · 9 months
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rolex dior (rollie) ♡
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Let's address the elephant in the room. This vegan friend of mine is making me seriously question what plane of reality we're operating on.
She has four American XL bully dogs, those muscle-bound pit bull types that look like they stole from the set of a dogfighting movie. Their names? Earth Destroyer, Tofu, Topanga, and Broccoli. Already an incoherent mix of names that screams "my lifestyle defines my personality." Like, I get being anti-meat industry, but giving your dog a moniker tied to a California cow-traumatizing TV character seems counterintuitive.
Anyway, these ultra-breeds were banned by the government last year out of safety concerns. But she's had her dogs for 12 years already. They're super old and decrepit now. One is actually disabled after a run-in with a fox, which doesn't exactly align with their "bloodthirsty mauler" reputation.
So this woman sees in the newspaper that there's a huge need for adoptive parents and foster families in our area. Being vegan-adjacent, she jumps at the chance, assuming she can just relinquish her illicit canine crew to a peaceful sanctuary run by her mate. Wrong! She can keep the status quo as long as she gets periodically audited.
Which...what? How does that make any sense? There's zero correlation between owning notoriously aggressive dogs and being a qualified parent figure, unless the goal is remaking a Rosemary's Baby scenario. It's utterly paradoxical.
I don't know, this whole thing has my mind bending like a Möbius strip. Give me enough specialty mezcal and I might start ranting about whether the secret world government is gaslighting us all with these utterly incoherent policy loopholes. Perhaps the vegan revolutionaries are the real puppet masters here. All I know is something extremely counterintuitive is happening on a cosmic scale with this scenario.
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kfpcollector · 2 months
⚠️ SIGN to help our shelter dogs! ⚠️
🩵 At the moment, the Irish government is imposing a ban on XL Bully dogs. If you love dogs, please consider signing the petition to extend the rehoming of XL Bullies this October! 
🩵 “From October 1st 2024, new regulations will prohibit the importing, breeding, selling and RE-HOMING of XL Bullies.”  
🩵 Hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent dogs will be euthanised in shelters this October. If you agree with the ban, so be it, I will not argue with that. But the mass euthanasia that is about to take place is completely unnecessary and cruel. Shelters in Ireland do a fantastic job at rehoming rescue dogs and specific breeds to appropriate and responsible homes. There is simply no need to force shelters to euthanise these bully dogs when there are experienced people willing to rescue and train them. 
🩵 We are NOT advocating to stop the ban altogether. We are simply advocating to lift (or at least delay) the rehoming ban. 
🩵 Please sign the petition to save these dogs! Thank you and have a wonderful day x
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cccowboys · 8 months
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my dog being himself???
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filteredpet · 1 year
Why the UK is banning American bully XL dogs
The UK government announced in June 2022 that it would ban the import and breeding of American bully XL dogs, a type of pitbull. The ban was introduced in response to concerns about the breed’s size, strength, and potential for aggression. The American bully XL is a relatively new breed, having been developed in the United States in the late 1990s. It is a large, muscular dog with a broad head…
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blogofadog · 1 year
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Muzzle training!
Today we took a step forward by being able to put the head straps on without her becoming stressed & trying to get it off. She kept it on for a whole minute! When we first tried her muzzle on when fitting it at the pet store she was heavily overstimulated and it was probably a lot for her due to her environment, but she’s starting to adapt which is nice. I think it will be at least 4 weeks before she can wear it outside comfortably without trying to remove it but she will get there.
Muzzle training, to me as well as many other responsible dog owners out there, is a very important stage for all dogs because you don’t know when you’ll need it. Whether it’s a vet trip, a crowded place, scavenging or BSL, muzzle training will help your dog be able to adapt to these situations should they ever be something you face.
The reason Nova has a muzzle is because she scavenges. Yes, we’re training her to not do so but the muzzle will help prevent her accidentally eating anything harmful. Where I live people throw food all over the floor & we have vermin for that reason, so I would hate for her to eat a poisoned rat or a infected bird, it could be fatal for her. Should she ever become reactive she will already be trained to wear a muzzle too. Should they ever ban her breed, she’s already adapted to the muzzle then.
Please be kind to muzzled dogs. Muzzled does not automatically mean they’re a bite risk BUT you should always give that person space regardless as a sign of respect. You shouldn’t judge or automatically assume they’re a bad owner. It just means they love their dog enough to protect them at all costs.
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palanquinpal · 1 year
If you're a UK resident and you love dogs, PLEASE consider signing this petition to prevent the banning of an entire breed based on owner negligence and abuse. These animals don't deserve to die for the disgusting way they are treated by us
If you're one of the people who believe the breed is to blame and refuses to educate themselves on why that is not the case, then feel free to not sign and move on because I'm not going to give a fuck about anything you have to say.
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ur-mag · 1 year
My daughter was mauled by an XL American bully dog – I thought she’d never recover | In Trend Today
My daughter was mauled by an XL American bully dog – I thought she’d never recover Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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despazito · 3 months
Dunno if you've already seen it but there's a youtuber (Izzzyzzz) who just uploaded a video about puppy mills and questionable dog breeding practices. I'm not as much in that scene as you are, but i thought she raised a bunch of really important points. What do you think?
I really like izzzyzzz but unfortunately it's really not a great lesson in the topic imo
Same with the ethanisonline video on the topic, they don't actually make the distinction of what an exotic bully even is and what sets them apart from adjacent breeds, and use photos of american bullies and exotic bullies interchangeably. They kind of treat the bully breed group, apbts, american bullies, and exotic bullies all synonymously. I'm fairly certain they never said the name "exotic bully" even once.
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Like, this is one of the clips they showed while talking about the dangers of brachycephaly and extreme conformation... This dog's proportions are totally fine..? If you mean pimpy pull up pictures of pimpy, why's this random dude catching strays.
I'm not really sure why they also brought up XL bully attacks if the topic of the video is extreme breeding of exotic bullies, they are completely separate breeding projects (also talks about XL fatalities in the UK without any of the kimbo line context, it really deserves its own full length video to properly discuss). They talk about american bullies being potentially dangerous (any dog can be potentially dangerous) when again the breed was intended to be a more docile companion dog than its predecessors.
On top of that they basically wonder out loud whether venomline dogs are being used for fighting?? sweaty those dogs are NOT made for fighting.
They push the adopt don't shop angle which, granted, if you're in the market for a bully or a pit in the united states you can definitely shop around tons of rescues. But i wish instead of this they used the angle of just how many litters per year some of these kennels are churning out in comparison to more devoted breeders who really put their all into setting up every litter for success. A good breeder isn't contributing to the shelter population. And i wish instead of just using the moral argument that it's weird to advertise your stud like a product, maybe talk about the tangible harms of the popular sire effect and everyone wanting to use the same few studs in their lines.
Overall I don't think the video was researched enough. It broadly generalizes and uses different types of bullies completely interchangeably, and tries to cover way too many topics spanning many different lines of dogs in a 20 minute video. there's other things that stood out to me but i'm not confident enough to discuss, i'm sure @pitbolshevik could do a way more thorough autopsy on this video than me lol.
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