#tw dog attacks
epiales06 · 1 year
What is an American bully XL and should they be banned? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985
The root of the increase in dog attacks is fairly simple:
Over Covid, people bought and adopted dogs that they couldn’t properly train or look after then the lockdowns ended. No dog breed should be BANNED, only specific OWNERS. In all of the cases referenced in the article, there is no mention of an owner being anywhere nearby- the dog being out of control is because the owner is not fucking controlling it.
“It’s a MASSIVE dog!! 60kg!” Yeah and Irish Wolfhounds can get to over 80kg but you don’t see legal restrictions on them mentioned every time someone is injured by one. That’s because Irish wolfhound owners tend to know about the breed and are able to handle one.
American Bully XLs are not a problem, idiots that buy dogs they can’t control or look after are.
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skuffypaw · 3 months
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he stood still before he lunged and i — rather foolishly — thought i was safe
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68spidey · 1 year
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Some traumatized turtles getting the Service Dog experience.
Blue's (@weregreatatcrime's rat!!) service dog Cheese can sense that these men are... a bit fucked up. Helped Don get some GOOD SLEEP for once and helped Leo work through a nasty panic episode. What a good bupper snup
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rosie-dear-rosie · 3 months
Literally can’t stop thinking about about how Butcher’s going to handle it when he returns to the boys and finds out what happened to Hughie (both in terms of Tek-Knight and his dad) and how fucking devastated he’ll be that he wasn’t there to help, to protect his canary. After dealing with the powerless feeling of seeing his wife assaulted by a supe for years then to have it happen again to Hughie, someone he’s always felt obligated to protect. Blaming himself, thinking about how Hughie wouldn’t be in this mess, wouldn’t have had to euthanize his own father, if Butcher hadn’t dragged him into this in the first place.
Meanwhile Hughie couldn’t care less about what Butcher could or couldn’t have done. All he cares about is the fact that Butcher is with him now.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
Just a Dog Walker
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x grad student!dog walker!fem!reader
Summary: As Tim's dog walker, and nothing more, you grow close to him and Kojo. After protecting Kojo from a dog fight, you learn how Tim really sees you.
Warnings: dog attack, dog bite (r), fluffy ending. (Kojo is totally fine!)
Word Count: 3.5k+ words
A/N: More Kojo, what the world really needs.
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“Sergeant Bradford, come to my office for a minute?” Wade asks.
“No,” Tim answers quickly. “Uh, sorry. No, sir, I can’t.”
Crossing his arms, Wade inquires, “Why not?”
A low huff is audible in Tim’s office, but Wade knows it isn’t him.
“Is yo’ dog under that desk?”
“Let me amend the question. Is Kojo under the desk?”
Kojo barks happily, trying to push past Tim to visit Wade. Wade shakes his head, dropping his arms.
“Why is he here?”
“I’m working a double and I couldn’t leave him at home. What if he had run out of water or needed to go out?” Tim answers.
“You know, here in sunny Los Angeles, there are more people than I can count who are certified dog sitters.”
“Kojo doesn’t like strangers.”
“Just Kojo? Look, Tim, I get it, the bond between a man and his dog. But, there has to be a boundary, a separation somewhere. I’ll call Luna, she’s got friends with dogs and trusted, bonded employees who watch their dogs. Walk ‘em daily, train ‘em, do everything while you’re at work.”
“I can take care of my dog by myself.”
“Not while you’re at work, Bradford. He can stay for now, Lord knows he’s a better boy than you, but by the end of the week I want to know you’ve got someone to care for him.”
Tim grumbles, pushing his hands under the desk to pet Kojo. “I’ll take you up on Luna’s friends then.”
“She’ll call later.”
“You already asked her?”
“’Course I did. We have work to do. And, so you know, we can see Kojo’s paws under the desk. But nice try.”
“I tried, buddy,” Tim tells Kojo, passing him a treat from the container hidden in his desk drawer.
Grad school is expensive, but since you don’t have the degree level you are striving for, you need a different job to get you through. Pushing 30 and being a dog walker isn’t ideal, but it’s paying the bills. One of your neighbors helped you open a business with proper insurance and licensing to care for the dogs of Los Angeles. 
Most of your clients live nearby, and you do your rounds twice daily, studying and attending classes between. One of your favorite clients has a friend named Luna, who you love. She gets you jobs, helps you out constantly, and is like a mother figure to you. You are forever grateful for her. So, when she calls, you rush to answer.
“Hey, Luna!” you answer. “How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you doing? Still working on your dissertation; making progress?”
“Slow but steady, yeah. What can I do for you?”
“This is actually something I can do for you. There’s a sergeant that works with Wade; he’s got a dog and needs someone trusted to take care of his dog while he’s at work. He’s been sneaking Kojo into the station and Wade had to ask him to stop.”
“Kojo? That’s an adorable name. But, yeah, I’d be happy to meet him.”
“Awesome! His name’s Tim. I will send him your number and have Wade force him to set something up.”
“Is Tim a little rough around the edges, typical cop type?”
“Not typical, no… Just- you’ll see when you meet him. He’s great, though, deep down.”
“I’ll try to remember that. Thanks, Luna.”
“See you Friday?”
“See you Friday.”
You sit back, writing the name ‘Tim’ on your dog-walking calendar. Another client would be great for your wallet, but it seems like this sergeant will take some convincing before he hires you. This is understandable, of course, because you wouldn’t let just anyone take care of your babies, and dogs are just four-legged babies. 
“Please be as great as Luna said,” you whisper before returning your attention to the research before you.
“Yeah, I texted her. We’re meeting at an outdoor café tonight,” Tim says before Wade can ask. “But if I don’t like her or if Kojo doesn’t like her, I’m going to keep looking.”
“Got it,” Wade answers. “But you’ve got more double shifts in your future, so don’t take too long trying to find a ‘perfect’ dog walker.”
Tim nods, hoping he can find a way out of letting a stranger into his house to take care of his dog. He checked your name, and your business seems legitimate, but there’s no way of knowing. Luckily, he and Kojo are both excellent judges of character.
Luna sent you a picture of Kojo, and you spot him immediately. The man sitting beside him, though, is breathtakingly handsome. You’re shocked that he doesn’t have female neighbors and friends lining up at his door, offering to take care of Kojo (and him). 
“Hi, Mr. Bradford?” you ask.
Kojo looks up at you and pants, his tail slapping against Tim’s leg.
“Yes. Nice to meet you,” Tim replies, offering his hand.
Shaking his hand, you glance down at Kojo. When Tim releases his grip, you squat and extend your hand for Kojo to sniff. He flips your hand up with his snout, stepping closer to you.
“I’m sure Luna told you that I’m a cop,” Tim continues, drawing your attention away from Kojo.
You sit beside him, lowering a hand to pat Kojo’s head. “She did, sir.”
“Then you know that if anything were to happen to my house during or after your visit, I could very easily charge you with any number of crimes. And I won’t tell you what I would do if something happened to Kojo while under your care.”
You can’t tell if his threat is legitimate, so you nod in understanding.
“Yes, sir, I understand. Kojo’s safety, and your home, of course, are of the utmost importance and I will do everything I can to do right by both of you.”
Tim nods, watching Kojo for a moment. “You’re good with him. He’s not always so welcoming with strangers; scared one of my girlfriends away once. So, I’m going to give you a chance.”
“Amazing. Thank you, sir. I promise you won’t regret it.”
“What do we need to do to get started?”
“I can offer you a few days free, as a trial run. And if you still want to keep me on afterward, we can discuss payment, sir.”
“That’s unnecessary. I need someone to take care of Kojo and you seem to be the best fit.”
“Okay. Then I will email you a link to create a client account and my website has a portal to pay. Luna mentioned that you work overnight sometimes, so if you needed me to do later or earlier visits, I can do that too, sir.”
“Sounds good.”
Tim stands, wiping his hand on his jeans before offering his hand again.
“Nice to meet you and I look forward to your email.”
“You, too. And thank you.”
Petting Kojo once more, you smile before walking away. You didn’t expect him to be so attractive, so you have to remember that he clarified you’re his dogwalker, and he doesn’t even really want a dogwalker.
Determined to make him see the benefits of someone caring for Kojo, you add him to your schedule before he even pays you. Money is no longer a concern; you’re already in love with Kojo, and now, you need to focus on not falling for his owner, too.
“What’d you think about her? I know you hired her, but what’d you think personally?” Luna asks, standing in Wade’s office.
Tim shrugs. “She’s very polite. Seems driven, hard-working, responsible.”
“Well, now that you’ve read her resumé, have anything else to add?”
Tim doesn’t answer, and Wade guesses, “She makes you nervous?”
“A little.”
“What?” Luna exclaims. “She’s the sweetest!”
“Not like that, Luna,” Wade interjects. “Someone wasn’t expecting a pretty dog walker.”
“Oh. Tim Bradford, I wasn’t sure you still had it in you.”
“She is taking care of Kojo. Yes, she is beautiful, but this won’t go any farther than a business agreement.”
“Care to bet on that?” Wade asks.
“No,” Tim answers before leaving and closing the door behind him.
“Hey, Kojo, Kojo,” you call, entering Tim’s house with the key he had made for you.
Kojo’s nails click on the flooring, rushing to greet you.
“Hey, buddy. You miss your dad? I bet you do.”
As you slide Kojo’s harness over his front legs, he licks your face, and you laugh, scratching his chest before standing to connect his leash. Kojo has quickly become your favorite dog. You visit several throughout the day, but Kojo is the sweetest and the most handsome.
When you return to Tim’s side door, it’s standing open. You know that you closed and locked it, so you pull Kojo’s leash tight, stepping back as you prepare to run.
“It’s just me!” Tim yells from inside. “Sorry, my hands were full, and I couldn’t close the door.”
Sighing in relief, you lead Kojo inside, closing the door behind you and locking it instinctually.
“Honey, we’re home!” you call.
Tim freezes in the kitchen at your teasing, borderline flirtatious tone. You remove Kojo’s leash and harness and put it away, following him as he runs toward Tim.
“Why are you home so early?” you ask.
“I worked all night,” Tim answers. “Thought you’d feel my absence through our connection.”
You chuckle at Tim’s flirting. After the second meeting, it became much easier to talk to him. Interestingly enough, Tim started the flirtatious tendencies. You tend to stick to business-related topics, but sometimes it feels like you’re just two friends – maybe more – and you forget you’re just his dog walker.
“Everything go okay at work, sir? Kojo, for one, had a great day.”
Tim says your name, a sigh more than anything. “I told you a week ago to stop calling me sir.”
“Sorry, sir- Tim.”
Tim looks away suddenly, turning his attention to the bags he carried inside while you were walking Kojo.
“Did you even wonder where Kojo was?” you ask.
“No. I know his dog walker is punctual… and a control freak.”
“Planning my day doesn’t make me a control freak!”
“You have it planned to the minute.”
“To accommodate you,” you grumble.
“Yet you won’t let me take you on a date.”
“You won’t ask.”
You fall silent, and when you think you took it too far, Kojo barks and makes you both laugh. Talking to Tim is easy, but no matter how much you love Kojo or think you could be more, you must keep everything in perspective. Tim is older, a police sergeant and you are his college student dog walker.
“Hello?” you ask, answering your phone and rubbing your eyes as you look away from the computer screen.
“Hey,” Tim says. “I’m so sorry for the late notice but I’m going to be here overnight. Could you-“
“I’ll go over now.”
“Listen, it’s crazy out there right now. If you want to stay there, please do. I don’t want you out more than you have to be.”
“Tim, that’s not necessary.”
“Please. It’s not just for your safety; I’ll feel better knowing that you’re somewhere safe.”
“Okay,” you reply. “As long as you’re sure.”
“I’m insisting. Kojo is a cuddler, but that’s all you have to fear there.”
“Oh, you should have started with that. Kojo cuddles sound amazing.”
“Long day?”
“Not as long as yours. I’ll text you when I get there. Thank you, Tim.”
“Thank you. I’ll be back in the morning.”
“See you then.”
The drive to Tim’s house is short, but you hear several police sirens. Whatever they’re dealing with does seem (as Tim put it) crazy. Once you’re inside and the alarm is reset, you collapse on the couch and let Kojo cuddle up to you. You feel weirdly close to Tim, too, probably from being in his house. Falling asleep here is easy; you’re at peace, happy, and cuddled by a warm, loving dog.
Waking up is not quite as peaceful. Tim is taking a picture, and when you grunt, he lowers the phone and smiles.
“That’s adorable,” he states.
“I’m quitting,” you murmur, throwing an arm over Kojo.
“You know, he didn’t even come see me when I got home? He’s a cheater, although I can’t blame him. It does look pretty comfortable.”
Ignoring him, you move closer to Kojo.
“Consider this my two hours’ notice.”
Tim chuckles, and the couch dips by your feet as he sits. When you sit up, he’s leaning back with his eyes closed.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Yeah, just tired.”
“Well, I’ll get out of your way so you can rest. Need me to come back later?”
“No, I’m here all day. If you want to stay, you can.”
“I have a paper to finish,” you lament. “But I appreciate it.”
“Anytime.” You’re gathering your things when Tim reiterates, “Seriously. You’re always welcome here.”
“Thank you. I’ll see you later.”
“Drive safe.”
It’s cloudy in Los Angeles, like a bad omen. You’re considering taking Tim’s offer of staying at his house to work. Kojo is the last dog you visit, and you look down at him as he sniffs the base of a streetlight.
“Mind if I stay with you for the rest of the day?” you ask him.
Kojo’s tail wags faster, but he’s still more interested in the light than you.
“Sounds like a plan.”
Kojo picks his head up, continuing toward the corner as you lead him down the sidewalk. You see something move up the road and command Kojo to stop. Unsure if it’s a dog or some other animal, you wait a moment before walking again.
With your attention on the unknown shadow before you, you fail to hear a dog running up behind you. Kojo turns suddenly, and you don’t register what’s happening as you push him out of the way.
Another dog, about Kojo’s size, with no leash or owner in sight, is on top of you. Kojo is barking, trying to help, but you yell at him to stay back.
“Kojo, sit!” you yell over the other dog’s growling.
Your yell turns to a cry of pain when the dog’s jaw clamps down on your arm, his claws digging into your side.
“Get off!” you yell, your adrenaline giving you the strength to push back. 
Once you’re sitting up, you use your legs to free yourself from the dog’s grip. Kojo is behind you, unharmed, and you need to keep it that way. Flipping yourself on top of the dog, it releases your arm before moving its legs wildly, raking a paw across your face as it tries to move away.
“Go!” you yell harshly, moving enough to let it up.
Stomping your foot after it, you show the dog you’re in charge and wait in front of Kojo until it’s out of sight.
“Kojo, we have to go,” you say quickly, grabbing his leash and limping behind him as he leads you home.
Kojo focuses on getting you inside, and when you close the door and fall to the floor, he moves to your side. He whimpers, and you want to comfort him, but you are growing dizzy.
“You okay, boy?” you mumble.
You scream in pain when you raise your hand to check that Kojo is okay. After dropping your arm, your breathing grows shallow as tears stream down your face. Kojo whines again, and you want to reach for your phone, but your arms feel too heavy to move. Looking down, you suddenly realize the severity of what happened. Covered in blood and with no strength to call for help, you whisper an apology to Kojo and let your eyes drift close.
Tim sighs as he turns onto his street. He’s ready to see Kojo and, if he’s lucky, you. When Tim sees your car in the driveway, he smiles and rushes toward the door. That happiness quickly disappears when he notices the trail of blood leading up the driveway. Walking to the sidewalk, he sees that it leads nearly to the corner. Racing to the backdoor, which has a large blood smear below a clear handprint, Tim keeps a hand on his gun as he unlocks the door.
Kojo’s whimpering greets Tim, and when he looks down, he sees that Kojo has blood on him. Kojo looks over quickly, and Tim follows his movement. Whatever fear he felt when he saw the blood on Kojo is multiplied when he sees you.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, Tim calls for an ambulance before kneeling beside you.
“Is Kojo okay?” you ask weakly.
“He’s okay,” Tim promises, leaning closer in a poor attempt to find the source of your blood. “What hurts?”
“What doesn’t? Did you check on Kojo? He seemed okay but I couldn’t make sure the blood was mine.”
Tim turns, running his hands all over Kojo. The blood is only on his fur, evidently not his.
“He’s fine,” Tim repeats, his voice breaking at the end. “You are not.”
“There was a dog free running and I- I didn’t see it. Kojo stayed behind me so I need him to be okay.”
Tears are running down your face again, mixing with the blood. Tim wants to wipe them away, but the clear claw mark over your cheek deters him.
“There’s an ambulance on the way, you’re going to be okay.”
“I’m sorry, Tim.”
“Don’t you dare apologize. Just stay awake.”
“Kojo- Kojo’s a good boy,” you mumble.
“He is. Can you please keep your eyes on me? The ambulance is almost here.”
You nod, and the last thing you remember is Tim’s apologetic look and a painful pressure on your side.
“Tim, are you coming with?” Bailey asks.
Tim is staring at the bloodstain on his floor and up his wall. “I’ll be there soon.”
“We’ll keep you updated. She’ll be okay.”
Tim nods and waits for the EMTs to exit the house before he begins cleaning. He scrubs until every trace of your blood is erased from inside and on the door. After animal control captured the dog, several officers went out to find the dog's owner. Nolan promised to come by and clean the driveway, so Tim concentrated his efforts inside.
“Alright, Kojo, our turn,” Tim calls, letting Kojo into the bathroom to remove the blood from his fur. 
After Tim cleans Kojo and himself and throws away the blood-stained rags and cleaning supplies, he gathers his things to visit you in the hospital.
“I’ll be back with our girl,” Tim promises Kojo as he leaves.
“I’m sorry.” You can’t stop the apology when Tim walks in.
“Stop apologizing. You kept that dog away from Kojo and I don’t- I can’t lose you. I walked in and you were covered in blood… I should have told you before that I care about you.”
“It’s my job to take care of Kojo,” you whisper.
Tim moves to the side of the bed, gently taking your hand. “You are not just a dog walker. I’ve been falling for you since the moment I laid eyes on you. The fact that you love Kojo solidified it for me.”
“I- I have feelings for you too,” you admit.
“They told me your pretty face won’t scar.”
“I barely even remember what happened.”
Tim sits beside your legs as he tells you, “Nolan and Celina arrested the dog’s owner. It wasn’t the first time he had done this.”
“Given a poor, unsuspecting college student thirty stitches while she’s just trying to spend the afternoon in her crush’s house? Oddly specific crime. What’s the code for that?”
Tim chuckles, gently squeezing your hand. “You can go home now. If you’re still up to spend some time in your crush’s house.”
“Don’t tell me I don’t have to. I want to, need to.”
“I would love to spend time with you and Kojo. But I’m not sure I’m up for flirting today, handsome.”
“After the day you’ve had, just sit back and I’ll do all the flirting.”
“’Preciate that, sir.”
Tim laughs as he exits the room to complete your discharge paperwork. You smile behind him, hoping you’re not dreaming, and you finally told him how you feel.
“Kojo,” Tim chides. “Give her some room.”
“You cleaned all the blood?”
Tim gently directs your eyes to him, leaning close to remind you, “You’re more than just a dog walker. Worth the time, the effort, the love, all of it.”
“Yeah. Kojo really loves you.”
You laugh, quickly remembering that you have several stitches on your side.
“Careful,” Tim requests.
“Are you certified to help someone sit still while stitches hold their side closed?” you ask.
“Depends on the patient. You? Absolutely.”
Tim helps you get comfortable on the couch before walking to the kitchen to gather some water and snacks. When he returns, Kojo is cuddled up to your uninjured side.
“Really? Again?” Tim asks.
“I love you,” you say, completely distracting Tim as he kneels before you. “But I also think I really want to quit this time.”
Tim laughs, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. “That’s fine. I am looking for a girlfriend rather than a dog walker now anyway.”
“Care to see my resumé?”
“Memorized it last time.”
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hussyknee · 2 months
Tw: dog mauling an intellectually disabled Palestinian, murder, death.
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Posting this while hyperventilating because you need to start treating any and all Zionists like the Nazis they are. Idk what else you need to understand that every single person defending decades of this is a fucking Nazi. I can't transcribe the screenshot. Logging off and going to spend the rest of the day curled around my intellectually disabled baby brother. I don't give a single fuck if you're triggered in your safe little house, scared of a future that can't come close to a fraction of what you've inflicted on the rest of the world. REBLOG THIS.
Remember that this is being done with the full auspices, funding, protection and endorsement of the Biden Administration. This is happening directly because of Biden as much as his rabid Hitler dog. Your so-called salvation against fascism. The blood will stain the hands of another two hundred years of your descendants and damn them all to the deepest reaches of hell, the way your parents and grandparents have done to you.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 2 months
König's Serious Phobias
I'm pretty stressed out because I'm moving, so I decided to write about König stressing out too! Yay! Anyways, let's go.
König has a complicated past. His childhood was filled with bullying, his adult life has been filled with bullets and bombs. He's been through too much for one man, honestly. The fact that he hasn't either become a hikikomori or a homicidal maniac is a miracle. I think the only reason we're safe is because he has a good family and he found good friends when he joined the military. However, he has scars. Not all of them are painted on his skin.
I've collected phobias that I think he might have into a list, however some of these fears are fears that though they impact him seriously, he can live with them and won't have a panic attack upon facing them. Fears that genuinely terrify him identified. His fears are ranked 1 through 5, with 1 being a fear that just makes him a bit wary/on edge, but he's not going to have a meltdown unless pushed or 5, a fear that can cripple him with just a brush.
Phobias are listed under the cut (also I got the fears from a list online, hence why they're mostly alphabetical)
1 Scopophobia: Fear of being watched
König grew up in a small, rural village surrounded by monsters in all shapes and sizes. Adults were cruel, children were monsters. He grew up being afraid of going out because he knew that everyone in the village saw him as the socially outcast freak. Every time he looked at people, he saw them looking at him with disdain. I think a lot of this is due to developing social anxiety, and so thus he became paranoid, but he did develop a fear of people watching him, judging him, following him with their eyes. He hates going out into the civilian world because of this.
1 Agorophobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
König is scared of going out into crowds. Why? See phobia above. He can't stand being outside of a place he considers safe. Not in a 'I can't go on missions' way, but in a 'I don't want to go to a shopping mall' sort of way. On a mission, he's either alone or in combat. When he's in civilian life, he doesn't know how to turn the military brain off. He can't get it through his reptilian brain that he's safe, and he's okay, and no that person carrying a duffle bag is not actually carrying a hidden rifle, and no that person with a thick coat does not have a bomb under their clothes, and no that person who's walking towards him does not have a knife in their belt. He is safe. He knows this logically, but he can't stop his heart from racing. It's too loud, too hectic, too many things can go wrong too quickly.
5 Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Do you know what failure means when you're on a mission infiltrating a cartel base? Failure means watching your teammates get blown apart by a bomb. Failure is watching your best friend fall down into a puddle of their own blood. Failure is getting a bullet between the ears. Failure is not an option in his world. When people make mistakes, don't check their surroundings properly, when someone dares to light up a cigarette at night in an open area, that's when people die. Remember this phrase when you go to smoke on a battlefield. The first light catches the sniper's attention, the second light he lines his sights, the third light he pulls the trigger. Mistakes cost lives when on the field.
1 Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
This one is pretty self explanatory. He's been bullied his whole life. He's pretty sick of it.
3 Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
König, due to working in missions that target gangs and domestic terrorist groups, has had the misfortune of seeing dogs being used against his own people. He's been attacked by a dog before himself. In combat, dogs are tools of terror. He's seen his own team use dogs, and he knows what they're capable of. You might see a fluffy German shepherd. He sees a dog that's torn peoples hands off. However! He does also like dogs when he meets them in public. He is not going to assume your dog is a killer, but if your dog growls, he won't dare touch that dog. He won't even get close. He's seen what dogs can do.
As mentioned before in this post, König's first reaction to fears he can see is to lash out. He will punch or kick without thinking. He doesn't even yell or gasp when he does it. It's just what he does. If you go to sneak up on him, you'd best be ready to dodge. He feels really bad about it, and he's been banned from 10 different haunted houses around the world.
For fears he can't physically lash out at, he will just keep an eye on things. OODA loop, you know? Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. That's going on in his head over and over again. If he's out in public, that's going on in the back of his head. If he sees a dog, he's going through multiple different scenarios and evaluating the likelihood of each possibility. Normally he's a quiet man, but he goes deathly quiet when he's afraid. If you notice him freaking out like this, it might be nice to ground him by getting his attention and then taking his hand, or distracting him from what he's thinking about. He might not say it until later, but he'll be thankful.
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traumasurvivors · 6 months
While it doesn’t really bother me, and I just delete the messages, I want to bring attention to this because not everyone is okay with having trauma details dumped into their inbox.
It feels like a common theme on the internet nowadays honestly. And I’m mostly making this post to ask people to be mindful. There are still real people behind these screens. And dumping such details to someone without their consent can be triggering for them, exhausting or any number of things.
Being lonely sucks. Feeling alone is awful. And I’m sorry for that. But please don’t assume that internet strangers are okay with you sending them messages or comments about some trauma details.
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8-rae-rae-8 · 7 months
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Not a bad dog....
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ultyso · 3 months
Updates 6/26/2024
⚠️TW: Animal Attack, Dog Attack
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Tw: Video at source shows the attack. Instagram: Source
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Twitter: Source
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AlJazeera: Source
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Twitter: Source
(Id/alt in alt tab)
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gr1nne · 10 months
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if u wander into a strange village, they might take ur eyes
Just tryna be more loose with my digital art
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unicornpopcorn14 · 3 months
No. 9 Ramposano for the hug prompts (could be platonic or romantic it doesn't matter to me I'm starved for content of them either way tysm if you'll take the request)
—from @tulipe-rose
Hug prompts
9- Hugging them from behind to see what (how) they're doing.
Got carried away once again and wrote 2 parts and almost 3k words dgdhdj +This is more angsty than I originally planned gosh xdhdeh. tw for suicide, panic attacks and PTSD!! Hope you like it, Saff!! :D
Qualms Unprompted
1. 👓 → 🦋
Papers fall, medical utensils clank and disarray in a heap on the floor. She’s stock still.
The rope tied in a loop before her, hanging from the middle of the agency’s office’s ceiling, greets her silently with its ominous presence– and suddenly she isn’t at the agency anymore, suddenly the room is tainted in harsh hues of red, and suddenly there is a body limply suspended mid-air, one she cared so so much about and shit- shit she has to save him, she can’t mess up this time, not again, nonono-
A tap on her shoulder jolts her, and Yosano rigids so hard she thinks her body’s sturdiness was the same as a rock’s for a second, about to whip her head around, to confirm that what she’s beholding is real, to tell the other person to help her save him-
“Hey.” That voice- she knows that voice, “It’s okay… You’re okay…”
Arms gently wrap around her midsection from behind, securing her arms from treading upwards in order to claw her eyes out. Yosano’s world swerves in colors, dark red, bright white, dark red, bright white- Flickering and glitching like a playing of an old, dusty tape. The arms stay. They ground her. Always have.
The following minutes don’t feel like mere minutes, as the flames in her chest take a while to ebb down. Slowly, her thoughts clear enough for her to make sense of her surroundings, the scene finally stuck on bright white rather than dark red. She doesn’t dare look up at the noose again, transfixed on the ground and inhaling deeply. Finally, she realizes who has embraced her, who she trusts so much that her mind hadn’t offered a second of doubt that that voice is here to help-
Sweet smelling, anchoring, trusted Ranpo…
“I’m sorry.” He croaks in her shoulder, sounding appalled, angry.
She chokes, “What- What is that-”
“It’s Dazai’s doing. The new guy.” He explains, and Yosano’s eyes close– right, right, Dazai. That was his schtick. How could she forget? “Sorry, I should’ve figured something like that would happen. I’ll make Fukuzawa give him a scolding or two about this.” Ranpo lets go, prompting her to turn from the scene. She does, though her eyes don’t yet open, paranoid about seeing dark red again.
Something about what Ranpo said rubs her off the wrong way– well, aside from the fact that he’d apologized two times in a row, “No- No, don’t.” She tries to articulate her thoughts, finding hands guiding her to sit on the floor, granting her shaking knees mercy, “He didn’t know– don’t blame him too hard. It’s not his fault I’m broken-”
A pinch to the ear surprises her, causing her eyes to open without permission-
“Ow, hey!” She glares at the man before her, though her fight leaves her at how serious he looks. His eyes are open, glaring at her from his cross-legged sit on the floor.
He takes her hand aggressively (never roughly), opens her palm, then puts something metal on top of it. Her eyes flick to the butterfly clip, her second anchor, and she grasps it tightly as she looks back up.
“It’s not his fault you’re broken, you say? Well, newsflash, genius, we all came to this agency broken.” He points at her, she blinks, “Don’t give me that look-” He mumbles quickly, “the blame on who broke us never falls on any person here. So, what, you’re suggesting we shouldn’t ever consider each other’s problems?! That we just shut up and take it whenever anyone crosses a line?! Are you insane?!”
“I-… But-” She wanted to counter, argue that chastising someone for something they didn’t know about is unfair. Dazai’s evidently a bundle of problems– problems she didn’t want to think about too hard, and getting rough with him the first few weeks after joining isn’t ideal, “Isn’t including Fukuzawa-sensei a bit much…?” She mutters weakly.
“Pff, who do you take Fukuzawa for? He knows how to handle each one of us, from the most recently joined to the latest. It’ll be fiiiine.” He flicks his hand nonchalantly, Yosano isn’t impressed, “No, I’m serious. He’ll just give him some stern words, provide him a brief idea of your situation, and a bunch of ‘please never do this again’. That’s it.” Yosano still isn’t convinced, Ranpo clearly takes offense to that, “Come on! When am I ever wrong?!”
Yosano smiles weakly at the clip. At least she’s a little reassured now. “Hm. You’re right…” Her expression falls quickly, however, her shoulders sagging, “Hope he doesn’t hate me more than he already seems to do, though…”
“Eh? He doesn’t hate you…?” Ranpo cocks his head, like it’s obvious, “He’s scared of you. There is a difference.”
Yosano’s brows furrow, eying Ranpo quizzically, “What? Why would he-”
“His past seems to be thoroughly erased, that even I haven’t figured out, for now.” He adds quietly, “Though it doesn’t take a genius to realize he has some sort of trauma associated with doctors, you know?” He shrugs
“Oh…” Yosano whispers. She should have considered that when the guy avoided her and her infirmary like the plague. Though, she was probably too busy escaping him and all his suicide ideations. Gosh, they need to talk. “Thanks… for pointing that out.”
“Wow, you didn’t even realize?” He sighs dramatically “Must be hard to be this dumb-”
“Shut up.” She punches his arm lightly, which he exaggeratedly whines over like a toddler. Yosano smiles, dark red forgotten entirely.
Despite her certainty that it will forever be a part of her, moments like these remind her that there are always people that will help her overcome it. People who’ll guide her, who’ll accept her, who’ll never use her, and never let anyone else use her, at least without the involvement of carnage and bloodshed.
People who’ll let her broken soul heal, slowly, slowly, never rush it, and never dismiss it.
Sometimes she wonders how she’s been blessed with such people.
“Thank you, Ranpo-san…” She says again, though it feels foreign on her tongue, seeing as they resort to teasing most of the time, their dynamic never changing since they’d known each other as teenagers– and it doesn’t help that Ranpo is still mentally stuck at fourteen, either, “For real, this time…”
“Ah.” Ranpo flicks his hat in pride, “It is but my very easily performed duty, though I am moved by your appreciation all the sa-”
“And please never sincerely apologize again.” She adds belatedly, feigning shivers, “That was weird.”
Ranpo’s speech comes to halt, for him to flatly say, “I don’t like what you’re implying with this one bit.”
“As you should.” She smiles teasingly, clip in hand, lost to the world as Ranpo throws a tantrum at her ‘disrespect’ and she laughs to his face, and keeps on laughing…
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2. 🦋 → 👓
“Uh oh…” Yosano stops by the room she passes, eyes wide as she takes in the scene inside. Her non urgent duties get put on hold, taking a reroute as she steps inside.
Ranpo’s back is facing the door, but the glasses he wears are visible. That wouldn’t have halted her if it weren’t for the fact that he’s also deathly silent, seated alone. That’s never a good sign.
She doesn’t approach quietly, intentionally loud as to not spook him. He definitely knows she’s there, however, had known the exact second she’s stop and enter, every move she herself doesn’t yet know she’ll make.
On a whim, she resorts to lighten the clearly somber mood by wrapping her arms around him– a gesture either of them made whenever the other were too far in their own heads that they forget everything else, including themselves.
“Wham! You’ve been caged in by Yosano!” She chirps, glancing at the thing Ranpo’s holding. It’s a crossword puzzle, one with at least a thousand letters, but the older can easily solve with his eyes closed (literally), there is not even a need for glasses.
It’s surprising, however, that there are no words yet to be circled.
Ranpo doesn’t perk up or stiffen, as per expected, “Oh my, I’m so scared…!” He reciprocates weakly, though doesn’t take his eyes off the paper, as if in a staring contest with it, whoever breaks the stare-off loses.
“Hm, seems to be a troubling case we’re working on, huh?” She sarcastically mutters, breaking the hug and sitting on a chair parallel to his. He’s yet to lose the stare-off.
“Haha, very funny…”
“Well, it’s either that or you’re genuinely struggling with a crossword puzzle on a Tuesday morning.” Her gaze softens, “Seriously, why are the glasses on?”
“Don’t want them off.”
“Alright.” She shrugs, but doesn’t get up to leave, “Anything I can help with to take em off, then?”
“I won’t.” He speaks monotonously, “Also, stop insulting me before I hide all the chainsaws.”
“Hey, that’s too far!” She points jokingly, “Is that what I get for trying to help?”
“You aren’t helping.”
“Well,” She leans back, arms crossed, “I have nothing to do at the moment-”
“I know.”
“And the kids are outside so there is no one to scare for fun-”
“I know.”
“So I’ll naturally stay here until you take em off.”
“I knew you would-”
“Point taken, genius,” She snaps, frowning, “Come on, do I just yank them by force?!”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Gahhh!” She leans back, frustrated, “Look, Ranpo-san, maybe you know everything, Mr. ‘I have the best ability in the world’, but the inferior sum of us need context, here. Talk to me.”
Ranpo pauses, then finally loses with the paper, to give her the flattest look in history, “The sarcasm doesn’t erase the fact that this is a wildly embarrassing statement. Don’t say it again.”
Yosano blinks, taken aback. She wasn’t really sarcastic with the idea itself, more with the tiresome recite of a concept that she wholly believes in.
Besides, this is the first time Ranpo openly acknowledges that he’s not an ability user, at least to her, so the few seconds of her shocked silence is warranted, “What, weren’t you the one adamant that it’s an ability?” She asks with little bite to it. Matter of fact, they’ve just escaped from Poe’s book a week ago, marking this conversation’s uphold a bit too soon, “We just went over that.”
“And you’re humoring me, huh?” His grip on the paper tightens, teeth starting to grit, “Because I’m just a ridiculous fool who needs to be humored.”
“Woah, woah.” She reaches forward, taking the paper in her hands herself. She weakly tugs on it to ensure it won’t rip, and when Ranpo doesn’t fight back, she removes that barrier between them, “Where is all this coming from? I was serious about the ‘talk to me’ bit, by the way.”
Ranpo runs fingers through his hair, appearing troubled. Yosano patiently waits for him to gather himself. He sighs, head hanging as he mutters, “Sometimes… taking them off reminds me of how monstrous the world can become…”
Yosano leans forward, eyes down-casting as she takes that in, “Monsters, huh? You mentioned that before.”
“And it’s stupid, isn’t it? It’s the one thing I can’t wrap my head around.” He strains, trying to take them off but his shaky hands never pull them past the nose bridge, “This thing doesn’t amplify my ability- I don’t even have an ability. So why does such a useless artifact make me feel infinitely better? It’s nonsensical…”
“Hm.” Yosano nods, taking a moment to gather her own wits. She feels prided in the fact that she’s got Ranpo of all people to talk about something bothering him, trying not to mess up her chances, “It’s understandable, though. You’ve lived with that belief for… what, twelve years? I mean, I’m no psychiatrist, but it’s natural you won’t stop feeling those things all of a sudden…”
“But there is no logical explanation behind it, either.” Yosano is about to argue that there is, though doesn’t get the chance to when Ranpo scoffs, “It shouldn’t make me feel better, but it does. I hate it, but I can’t convince myself that they aren’t good for me. So better to leave them on then, right?”
Yosano takes a moment, then shakes her head, “No. You’re going about it in the wrong way…” Ranpo’s gaze lifts to meet her eyes, “Maybe they really are good for you, no reason or explanation needed. But that doesn’t mean you should wear them all the time, either. You’ll lose your sense of self.”
“But I can’t… take them off. Not right now. Not when everyone– everything is…”
“Scary? Monstrous?” Yosano’s tone softens, “Perhaps we really are. And perhaps I’ll never truly understand. But look at it that way: Wouldn’t that mean that you’re the only one in this world strong enough to not become a monster like the rest of us? Do you realize how special you are?”
“Special…?” He looks at her unconvincingly, “Or fractured…?
“Both, if you will. But it’s the good kind of a fracture. The one so clean and unique doctors and scientists look into it and never figure out how it came to be.” She smiles a little at her analogy, finding it a bit silly but equally logical, “In other words, while your fractures don’t defy you, they’re equally a part of you that you have to embrace, Ranpo-san, and it all starts with accepting the fact that leaving the glasses on won’t help you the way you think they would…”
Ranpo listens intently, then pauses, glancing at the crossword puzzle for a second, the looking back at the ground. His fingers twitch in an ache to do as commanded, and Yosano smiles slightly,
“I have a feeling I’ve convinced you.” She opts to give the hands a verbal nudge, “Come on~ lemme see those pretty greens.”
Ranpo stares, then his face contorts in disgust, “Ew, you are so embarrassing right now– I think I wanna barf all the marshmallows I ate.”
Still not taking them off, then. One of her creepy smiles crack her face, “You’ll make me do it.”
Ranpo’s expression falls in horror, “No-”
Her fingers curl like the claws of a cat about to lunge, twitching up and down in warning, “I’ll do it!”
“No, wait-” He tries to escape but it’s futile-
“Tickle attack!”
“BAHAHAH- STOP-!” He tries to push her off, but it’s futile. No amount of genius can escape the dreaded tickle attack, especially when trapped in a chair, “Okay, okay fine! Geez!” He yanks the glasses off before he has the chance to dwell on it, handing them to her with a pout and a huff, “Here!”
“Thaaank you,” She sing-songs in satisfaction, then turns fake-doctor-mode on, “You’re suspended from wearing them for 24 hours, only I can wear them.” She orders, putting them on and making explosion noises, “Woah, I feel my mind growing in size, already!”
“Stop it,” Ranpo pushes her head away while snickering, making her snicker back, “You’re lucky I’m a good patient who listens to my doctor.”
“You literally aren’t. The Agency’s dentist gets a mini heart attack whenever you visit.”
“Well, she should lower her expectations, then! What do you mean I can’t eat three packs of gummy bears for breakfast?! This is abuse!”
“Oh yeah. Seriously, who does that?!” She wails along with him, both of them wide-eyed and comfortable, “I bet she even tells you not to end the day with four lollipops for good luck before going to sleep!”
“She does! Can you imagine?!” Ranpo giggles, “Wow, are the glasses really working?”
“Well, they’re certainly effective, seeing as they spent twelve years belonging to Ranpo-san, best detective in the world!” She lowers her pitch gesturing a headline before her, “Even the glasses should have picked some of your intellect, by now!”
Ranpo chuckles, subdued as he averts his eyes, “Would be stupid of them not to.”
“Yeah…” She deflates as well, taking them off, “Don’t call yourself that again, though, ‘kay? Foolish and ridiculous don’t suit you.” She opens Ranpo’s palm and places the old glasses on them, to which he stares at, and doesn’t do more than that, “Well, in most instances.”
It takes a while, but Ranpo finally mutters, “They don’t.” She relaxes, perhaps even sighs in relief, “You’re right.”
She watches him, face flickering with emotion, then giddy excitement and confidence taking over, an expression she’s so familiar with, the one she’s learned to appreciate immensely,
“You’re right. I am the best!” He jumps up, standing on the chair as he loudly laughs, “Who was that hater spouting nonsense about me a minute ago?! They don’t understand jack shit!”
Fukuzawa suddenly spawns at the door, “Language. There are children present.”
The two of them jump out of their skin, panickily looking at one another then in one breath exclaim, “Sorry, sensei!”
The next day, Yosano finds a crossword puzzle in her infirmary, and her eyes widen…
The words ‘Thank’, ‘you’, ‘upcoming’ and ‘genius’ are the only words highlighted, with a little note at the bottom reading: never as genius as I am, tho!
She smiles, already planning to get him back for that.
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I don't have it anymore, but I had a fanfic end-of-author note where I mentioned I was attacked by a dog and went through surgery to get my arm repaired, and was writing as soon as I got home the next day with my arm in a cast and several stitches :')
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186 notes · View notes
city-of-c0rpses · 6 months
My body's all icky... I don't like it... it wont stop even with my scratching till my skins all red and raw... why won't it stop...? I want it to stop.... it feels like I'm there again... I hate it... I don't wanna feel like this anymore...
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Why does my chest feel so tight…? I don’t get it… it hurts…
I don’t know why it hurts… I don’t feel pain anymore, but it feels like there’s this pressure on my chest… like there’s hands around my throat too… and my face is all wet…
I think there’s a big river nearby… maybe i can make it all stop that way…
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rainbow-beanie · 8 months
Hey, wouldn’t it be really fucked up if alastor’s father’s demon form looked like some kind of wolf/canine as symbolic of him being abusive, while also as a heavy reminder of the dogs that had mauled alastor before/after his death?
Hahaha just kidding!
Unless? 👀
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