#dog breed discourse
epiales06 · 1 year
What is an American bully XL and should they be banned? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985
The root of the increase in dog attacks is fairly simple:
Over Covid, people bought and adopted dogs that they couldn’t properly train or look after then the lockdowns ended. No dog breed should be BANNED, only specific OWNERS. In all of the cases referenced in the article, there is no mention of an owner being anywhere nearby- the dog being out of control is because the owner is not fucking controlling it.
“It’s a MASSIVE dog!! 60kg!” Yeah and Irish Wolfhounds can get to over 80kg but you don’t see legal restrictions on them mentioned every time someone is injured by one. That’s because Irish wolfhound owners tend to know about the breed and are able to handle one.
American Bully XLs are not a problem, idiots that buy dogs they can’t control or look after are.
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wolf-tail · 1 year
people when you tell them a pitbull is just a dog and not a mindless toddler-eating killing machine or a harmless angel incapable of so much as scratching you
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wandering-wolf23 · 3 months
Obviously, not all dogs can be saved. I am not an idiot. But if you take a high prey drive dog out without a muzzle, then you flip out when that dog does what it was bred to do, you're an idiot. Especially if that dog has killed small animals before.
End stigma around muzzled dogs.
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healingheartdogs · 7 months
As someone involved in pointers who has been to a lot of hunting events with breeders and sat around listening to them talk to each other in ways they wouldn't around casual dog people just know that if a pointer person ever tells you that pointers are docked because of concerns about happy tail or because their tails get caught in brush and injured while working that person is either misinformed by breeder lies (assuming they aren't a breeder) or is outright knowingly lying to you themselves.
These people will legit sit around and casually talk amongst themselves about how docking pointers is actually about docked tails looking "nicer" in a point, how natural tails are just "ugly", and go back and forth sharing opinions on what the most aesthetic dock length for a pretty point is. Those excuses to try to make it sound medically valid instead of aesthetic are just that, excuses they tell people who aren't in their circles because they don't want to deal with being lectured about aesthetic docking being cruel and unnecessary.
Also whenever they use the "tails caught in brush while working" excuse please know that setter people everywhere are laughing at them.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
not to keep vagueposting about animal welfare discourse, but i happened to run into one of the blogs that was shitting on scout for their cow husbandry and the shit they were saying was so fucking stupid...it was something along the lines of 'rabbits aren't social animals because their wild ancestors have a social group set entirely by mating/the HRS tries to force you to bond rabbits unnecessarily and is a peta-affiliated organization/its unnecessary to spay female rabbits because the 85% association between uterine cancer and not spaying is only supported by two studies', all of which may make sense for breeding rabbits is complete and utter bullshit when dealing with pet rabbits.
Rabbits are indeed social animals that grow anxious when alone and should have SOME form of companionship most hours of the day. This does not have to be another rabbit, and the urging to establish a bonded pair is typically done for people who are OUT OF THE HOUSE most of the day. HRS and shelters don't 'force' pairings, they encourage them because having someone around 24/7 isnt always viable in American households. When I tried to get Celeste bonded because I was worried about her welfare (this was when I was 14 and new to rabbits), both the HRS and shelters talked us out of it because she very clearly did not care about other buns, and didn't need to be bonded because there was always someone around them. But if you're a singular person who's away from home most of the time, then yes you need some sort of partner animal because it reduces stress in your rabbit.
Those social structures are ofc going to be different if you have unfixed breeding animals, but the core aspect of it is still the same. Rabbits are social animals. They are comforted by the presence of others around them, form bonds with other rabbits, and feel more secure in groups. Just because they are more territorial when unfixed (as they should!) doesn't reduce the fact that they are social prey animals, it just means that you need to keep them in different conditions than you would a fixed creature with less hormonal urges
The HRS is not aligned with PETA. They denounce affiliations with meat breeders because they're entirely based on improving the welfare of rabbits that are kept as pets. I can see why some might feel offended on their stance against meat rabbits, but rabbits are still primarily viewed as livestock, and after hearing enough comments about people wanting to eat my rabbit, I can understand why they'd be so clear on it. People are assholes about pets that are commonly viewed as feeder animals.
There is indeed a high risk associated between UNBRED unspayed female rabbits and uterine cancer. This is supported by several studies on animals with similar breeding lifestyles by multiple veterinary institutions. You won't notice it in your breeding females because the risk is SPECIFICALLY for unbred animals, aka most pets. So yes, spaying is necessary for your doe's health if you do not intend to regularly breed or have stopped regularly breeding
Even if there wasn't a very real danger to their health, you'd still need to get them fixed to reduce behavioral problems. Unfixed rabbits are much more territorial, destructive, and aggressive, making them more difficult to keep in a home environment. They will growl, they will lunge and bite (and rabbit bites are not something you want to fuck with- I have scars from Celeste's nips), they will piss and shit to mark their territory and it WILL be pungent and unsanitary even if they are litterbox trained. They can still be cuddly with you, sure, that won't reduce their value as pets, but a perpetually sexually frustrated and territorial animal is not fun to deal with and is arguably unethical for the rabbit. If you want a pet rabbit, you need to get them spayed. And I say this from personal experience- Celeste wasn't spayed when we got her, but after she did get spayed, she became much more manageable and less likely to bite. She was still manageable beforehand, but afterwards she was a hell of a lot more relaxed and not stressed
There's nothing wrong with having significantly different husbandry because you are a meat/fur breeder; unfixed animals have different temperaments, different needs, and are typically kept in different conditions that are more economically and behaviorally suited to turning a profit. But those care requirements change drastically when you have only one to two fixed animals in a home environment, which means that you cannot pass judgement on pet care requirements when you're a meat breeder, and visa versa.
#lets also not forget that this whole discourse started bc someone said that culling goat kids at birth based on sex felt wrong#and some meat breeder took it as a personal attack even though rabbits and goats are DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT ANIMALS#yes hard culling rabbit kits is necessary. but its also not a massive fucking waste when they have huge litters#if you're breeding an animal for meat and they only have one or two at a time over a span of some months then its a MASSIVE WASTE#but anyways this is about rabbits and yeah. im bitter bc i miss celeste and the holier-than-thou attitude got to me#i dont have problems with how they keep their rabbits but i do have problems with them applying farming rules to domestic pets#if you have multiple unfixed rabbits in an outside hutch then yes you need to keep them seperate to prevent breeding and stress#but they're still fine because *they know other rabbits are there*#they can see smell and hear them#if you have ONE rabbit in a home environment it NEEDS companionship bc its alone#if its unfixed then no it cant be another rabbit but it can be you. if its fixed then thats when another bun is an option#and yes they are intensely social and rabbits that do accept a partner benefit massively from it have you even seen bonded pairs#they groom each other and flop together and spend all their time with each other its def. a mutually beneficial pairing#celeste just didnt need it bc there was always someone home with us so she saw other rabbits as a threat#but if that wasnt the case then it would have been different#they arent dogs or cats!! you cant treat them as such!!#and for the record the husbandry needs of unfixed vs fixed animals is a Thing for all other pet species#or at least most of the
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arcanehackist · 8 months
Recognizing and Reporting Dogfighting on Social Media: A Short PSA
(feel free to copy/paste to anywhere.)
In light of recently discovering nine accounts with evidence of illegal dogfighting taking place behind the scenes on TikTok, I’m posting a PSA on how to recognize and report content like this for legal action to be taken, to save the lives of dogs and other animals used as “bait.”
Certain words for dogs/behavior/people are used mostly/entirely by dogfighters. Some of them are as follows:
•*Cur* or *Stone Cold*- A dog that won’t/refuses to fight
•*Dogman*- Someone that handles fighting dogs
•*Prospect*- A promising young aggressive dog
•*Champion*- A dog that has won fights
•*Game Bred*- Dogs bred for aggression/fighting
•*Game Dog*- A dog proven “game”, a fighter
•*Scratches/Scratch Lines*- The lines dogs start behind in the fighting pit
•*Catchweight*- A heavyweight fighting dog
•*Chain-weight*- The normal weight of a dog
•*Yard*- Where the dogs are kept
•*Roll/Bump*- A training match
Fighting Dog Training Equipment
Most dog fighters use the same methods that people have for a century or more, manual devices to bulk up their dogs and train out any remaining hesitation. The names of those are as follows:
*Catmill, Flirt Pole, Spring Pole, Turn Table*
•Treadmills are a red flag, though these are also used for non-fighting dogs, so treadmills alone are not a sign.
Personal/Dog Behavior
Accounts/people that behave in a certain way are easy to recognize once you figure out the pattern. Red flags such as the following:
-Flaunting a dog’s muscle mass
-Dogs on chains outside, sometimes with doghouses
-Dogs not allowed inside/in contact with each other
-Stock of single/multiple dogs fully of Pit Bulls/Bully Breed dogs
-Dogs often look thin, but in reality have no fat and are all muscle mass
-Bragging of a dog’s “bloodline” and often citing the names of specific dogs. Looking up said dogs may bring up papers/conformation of them coming from a “fighting line”
-Videos of dogs training/hanging off of things just by their mouth, grabbing and shaking hard
-Dogs with scars on their face/head
-Breeding, advertising dogs for stud, selling puppies, “coming soon” type posts
-Advertising the kennel their dog came from, said kennel only seems to breed very lean bully breeds/pit bulls
-Often arguing for “preserving lines” or arguing inbreeding is okay
If you report the accounts/content to the social media site they are on, the content will be removed and no further action will be taken. To actually get these people in legal trouble, report them to the FBI tip line. If you don’t want to use your own information with the tip, put the address of something like a Walmart. Just make sure if you add any contact information that it is valid.
The accounts often comment on each other’s pages/videos, and if you are a strong-stomached person you may be able to report multiple at once by browsing comments and clicking on suspect accounts to acquire usernames.
FBI tip line: https://tips.fbi.gov/home
American Humane Guide: https://www.americanhumane.org/fact-sheet/reporting-internet-animal-abuse/
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radiantretriever · 1 year
All I do is wince when people tell me what breeds their dog is mixed with.
Whether it's unethical teacup breeding or mixes that are bound to be incredible high driven and neurotic--
They never understand why I wince
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puncivilian · 2 years
What is that whips people into a fever pitch about pitbulls? Like actually. Because they aren't the only dog with a reputation for danger- Rottweilers, doberman pinschers, German shepherds, Belgian Malinois - and those last two are often police dogs! Attack dogs! Yet it's only pitbulls regarded with vitriol, to the point that people will misidentify dogs as pitbulls because they were aggressive. Even boxers will be misidentified as pitbulls. So I don't really feel like eyewitnesses claiming they saw a pitbull mail someone can be trusted.
Idk man. I grew up around pitbulls, they're my mom's favourite dog. I've never been bitten or attacked by one. I've been bitten by a hormonal boxer mama, my nibling was bitten on the ear as a kid by a random mixed breed german-lab puppy, but neither of those breeds have the same stigma. I just. Don't get it. People don't give actual reasons, just claim the statistics stand for themselves (despite, again, the fact that people misidentify them, and the fact that statistics need to take into account the percentage of that breed that lives there, the fact that there are statistics for the opposite view...)
But if you really believe that, then what is it about the breed that causes this "unnatural aggression"? Can they point out actual reasons that this dog is, somehow, special compared to other dogs? What is it that sets apart the brain of a pitbull from the brain of a cane corso? Like if it's actually true (obviously I don't think it is, but science isnt about 'I think'), I want to know the reason these breeds are "unsafe". Why do they ignore the temperament reports which show that they rate below average for unprovoked aggression? Seriously, one actual scientifically-backed reason and not a frothing rage-fueled rant about how "I saw a pitbull maul a kid! So there!"
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ken-katayanagi · 2 months
The fact anyone who isn’t some kind of like farmer/rancher/hunter/etc. likes and has dogs* is one of those thing my ass will never understand. Like this is the animal equivalent of that one mechanic who’s kind of asshole but is good at his job and has fair prices. Why would you ever let him live in ur house for free?
*obvi does not apply to the breeds who were made to sit and look pretty but most of the popular breeds weren’t so-
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taehyungfirst · 6 months
Isn’t it funny how Tae has been shipped with every single member of BP? It’s almost as if HE IS THE STANDARD. And the reason they are obsessed with him is because there’s no one on his level so they have to cling to that “relationship” that ended for as long as they can since it was the highest moment of her career. They don’t stream that girls music but are for sure talking about him till this day.
Isn’t it funny how bp members themselves know about Tae clout? L/sa’s mother was liking comments talking abt her daughter and Tae, R0sé loved to reply to only Tae pfps on tiktok, Jis00 followed a V/soo page once, and I won’t even mention Jn or else this reply gets infinite.
They should hop off Tae’s back and start thinking about bp more, seeing how they’re on the verge of disbandment.
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"goldens have the softest doe eyes" "labs are so gentle and sweet"
have y'all ever looked into the beseeching eyes of a sopping wet German shepherd who is Miserable but too well-trained and friendly to growl at the groomer or attempt to escape? have y'all ever gazed upon a German shepherd who has placed its chin on its human's knee and is begging for kissies and treats? have y'all ever seen a German shepherd gently pushing a child away enough to retreat when it's done playing?
the German shepherd is an incredibly Baby breed. they're just also working dogs.
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wandering-wolf23 · 9 months
I will say that I think ethical breeding as veered from "we should produce healthy, sound, stable animals from parents who are healthy, sound, and stable" to "anything not a purebred is inherently unethical and should not exist". I'm not sure how much of it is online virtue signaling, but enough of it is to make me roll my eyes.
Come on, y'all. I'm sure my health testing working mix is sooo much more unethical than your byb purebred Frenchie.
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creepling · 3 months
FUCK this tcm game discourse lemmie hit ya with some Hands smut. under the read more, you know the drill.
tags: MINORS DNI. gn!reader, dub-con, primal, petplay, size difference, electrocution, unprotected sex, breeding, not proofread.
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what makes him different in tactic from the family is he is a 'grab and go' type guy. he's impatient, hates the chase. it's useless to him when he has the ability to just pick you up and throw you in the back of his race truck.
he has you bound to the truck so he can go on a joy ride. driving 100 mph down a dirt road, grunting and howling like a maniac. it's like a scene from mad max, the sheer chaos from the rush of the truck, the dirt kicking up and blowing back in your face. blindfolded and tied up, all you feel is the whip of the air and the bumps in the road. eventually when you give into him, maybe you can be a passenger princess/prince. this is Hands' way of showing off, letting you see who's The Man. it's the most endearing he's gonna be, even if you're screaming bloody murder.
Hands likes the fiesty ones, the ones that kick and scream, because their efforts are like pinches compared to his giant mass. the effort of taking in a 'feral' stray and domesticating you is time well spent. locking you in a cage, electrifying it to amuse in your attempts to combat the shocks to try and escape. he waits and banks on you to get exhausted and give up; like a beaten dog. then he turns the electricity off, enters the cage and thuds down on the filthy floor to cradle you in his arms and sit you in his crossed legs.
he pets you the way animals make a kinship, nuzzling his nose into your face, combing the knots in your hair with his thick fingers. it starts off innocent, but he warms up to you as the days weigh in. his hands explore different places, make marks on your soft skin; knead and scratch your thighs and chest. it was clear what his intentions were as his fingers ghost along your ass and further between your legs. his growls intensifying as your hot breath catches in your throat. he chuckles at your surprise, but he never advanced, only peering down at you with dark eyes, pressing your small body to his broad chest. finding comfort in the warm between your legs, his erection pulsing against your leg.
anything was better than the torture. and morbid curiousity gets the better of you.
eventually you answer his mating rituals, presenting yourself with open legs, bracing yourself for what he had in store. his eyes light up with desire, amused grunts panting out of him as he fumbles with his belt. his cock springs and aligns along your stomach, and all you can think is oh, fuck.
he fucks you like it's mating. stretching your hole with his thick cock, smirking at your fussing. the only goal he has in his primitive mind is to fill you with his load. thrusts hard and slow as his hands pinch your waist, groaning at the feeling of your nails digging into his arms. his cock is deep inside you and there is little chance of release as he ruts into you. his hot breath beating against your body drenched in sweat. his thrusts quicken in pace, alerting you of his climax, until a slick, hot warmth fills your swollen entrance.
Hands inspects the cum leaking from you, pronging his fingers inside you so his seed had claim -- letting none of it go to waste. his cum strings between his fingers and he stuffs them into your mouth, coating your tongue with his taste. he pours his stare into your distant, lulling eyes and thinks such a good, little pet.
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yandere-daydreams · 1 year
With the sub genre of bullying people for sex robot controversy, is there also the sub genre similar to people bragging about their dogs? Like how people can hold insane weight on if a dog is a pure breed or not? Or like bragging about collectors items “My limited edition copy still in mint condition!” (I.E still in the box)
i am latching onto this,,, imagine the forums,,, the twitter threads and chatrooms dedicated to android upkeep that just totally devolve into round about arguments on whether or not it's ethical to use spare parts from broken androids and how bad you should feel about swapping out your alhaitham's ""assigned"" attachments for that of an itto or a morax droid. also the pure breed thing. i can see an advent collecting bragging about their first-generation ei with all of her original parts and a small legion of maintenance droids only to be met with someone who got their android second-hand being like 'this is childe. i found him in the trash. he thinks he's pregnant with my kid but we're working on it'. the discourse is never-ending.
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arcanehackist · 6 months
”When you go looking for racism you will fucking find it” you’re white aren’t you
Do you have a life outside of sending ignorant messages to people on tumblr? Or is that like your whole thing.
Anti Defamation League on Skinheads and Pitbull Dogs
Biomed Central: Humans Are Not Like Dog Breeds
Humane Groups are Misusing Race Issues to Force Pit Bull Agenda on Insurance Commissioners
Collared Scholar: Are We Really Saving the Pit Bull?
I am white. I don’t experience racism actively. I have many POC friends, and I have witnessed it. I went to a high school where it was violently rampant. Yes, my point still stands, when you go to a 4chan board you will fucking find racism, you dumbass.
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thevexinator · 2 months
Since Asagiri won't give you Guild content, I will. Headcanons, but they're based on irl facts I found within 5 minutes of googling. [These are just my hcs you can add your own if you wanna]
Louisa May Alcott 💌
- Louisa and Nathaniel are family friends. Irl, Louisa's father was one of Hawthorne's pallbearers [pallbearer - someone helping to escort of carry a coffin]. In the setting of BSD, their families were in close relations due to operating at the same church. Even though Louisa doesn't remember, Nathaniel often looked after her since the older girls [Louisa's older sister Anna and Nathaniel's older sister Elizabeth] were often helping around with the adults.
- She really likes pulp fiction.
- She's knowledgeable about the medical field. The real Louisa was a nurse during World War 1.
- Speaking of war, Louisa is a major history nerd.
Margaret Mitchell ☂️
- While BSD Margaret dresses like what if Mary Poppins was a British aristocrat, the real Margaret Mitchell actually preferred dressing in men's clothes. Thus, whenever she's not on duty in the Guild, she's chilling in something she stole from Nathaniel.
- She's afraid of fire. Why? When Margaret was a child, her clothing ended up catching fire on accident. She's never been the same since.
- She also has driving anxiety. When she was 12, her dad hit a deer on the road. She's never been the same since.
Nathaniel Hawthorne ⚔️
- Generally avoids discourse about the Salem Witch Trials. An ancestor of his played a big part during it, two others were married to women who were accused of being witches. Thus, he added the 'w' to his last name.
- He's surprisingly good with glasswork. When the real Nathaniel and his wife moved into their home, the etched poems into the glass of the windows.
- For a large part of his life, he lived in a commune.
- Occasionally, he sees ghosts. The real Nathaniel once said he saw the ghost of his friend reading his own obituary.
Edgar Allan Poe 🦝
- He's an orphan. He doesn't tell people that.
- He likes being alone. Until he gets the feeling that someone is somewhere in the room with him.
- Insanely intelligent. He knows exactly what he's doing.
- Very weak constitution. One time, when the Guild were all drinking and whatever else they were doing, Poe blacked out after one drink of wine. Everyone genuinely thought someone tried to kill him until they found out he couldn't handle alcohol.
- Unphased. He's seen it all. Death? Child's play. Heartbeat under the floorboards? Normal Tuesday. Corpse falling off the roof? Crazy. Someone walking into the party dressed in red? Standard party etiquette.
Lucy Maud Montgomery 🪆
- Also an orphan. Doesn't tell people about it.
- Very charming. She can flirt. She just chooses not to. She knows she's too powerful.
- Cripplingly depressed. Self-explanatory.
- Has girl nights with Louisa and Margaret, basically a few hours of them doing girl activities. They tried to summon Bloody Mary at least seven times to no returns.
H. P. Lovecraft 🦑
- Lovecraft has monochromacy, a condition where someone can only see in grayscale. This is derived from irl Lovecraft's "The Color Out of Space," essentially Lovecraft's low education being the reason why he didn't know about the electromagnetic color spectrum.
- He's afraid of crowds. He hates it here so much.
- Has epilepsy. The only thing that can stop this eldrich monstrosity in a human trench coat is the average disco party.
- Loves cats. He is so normal about them. Cats run to him like crazy.
- He glows in the dark. Why shouldn't he? He's earned it. He's also deficient in vitamins science hasn't discovered yet. His ankles popping sound like rogue gunshots.
- AroAce. Intimacy is a concept he doesn't understand and doesn't want to.
John Steinbeck 🌳
- He's very much a dog person. His family keeps dogs. His favorite breed is the Australian Sheep dog.
- He was very sick as a child.
- Really into marine biology. [Steincraft fans stay winning.]
- Before the Guild, he worked as a construction worker, newspaper reporter,and caretaker.
- Ironically enough, he has a pollen allergy. It's not severe, just watering eyes and sniffles. He hates it.
Mark Twain 🔫
- So normal about the ocean. He takes Lovecraft and John with him when he goes boating.
- Into geology. He's the guy who collects rocks whenever he's outside.
- Guild game night isn't game night is Mark isn't beating everyone in every board game to ever exist.
- So normal about cats. The real Mark Twain has 19 cats, all with titles like Apollinaris, Beelzebub, Blatherskite, Buffalo Bill, Satan, Sin, Sour Mash, Tammany, Zoroaster, Soapy Sal and Pestilence to name a few. BSD Mark has one ginger cat he adopted off the streets of Yokohama he names Sal, occasionally calling her Sin whenever she's around Nathaniel.
- He almost drowned twice. One would think that would kill his passion for boating, but he baller'd his way out of it.
Francis S. K. Fitzgerald 🪙
- Dyslexic and in denial. Louisa tried to gently bring it up to him that half of his work email was spelled incorrectly, but he was in denial and chalked it up to it being 3 in the morning when he wrote that work email.
- He worked as a screenwriter before the Guild. Coincidentally, he met his wife there!
- He strikes me as a guy who owns a copy of "A Pickle For the Knowing Ones". If you don't know what that is, please look it up. I promise it's worth it.
- Makes too many dad jokes. John and Nathaniel officially want him dead.
- He forgets to sleep. He just forgets. Even though he looks like he died and got resurrected without prior notice and everyone in the Guild is asking him if he had a breakdown, he forgets to sleep.
Hermine Melville 🐋
- At some point in his life, he lived in the Pacific Islands.
- Hiking enthusiast. He likes the mountain terrain a lot.
- His office smells like smoke. No one knows why. It just does.
- Not much about him to be honest. I wish there was more screentime for him. <//3
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