#American hubris
emperornorton47 · 1 year
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mooseonahunt · 8 months
I love saying “it’s my God given right as an American” about the lamest things. Just dismissed a spellcheck suggestion and said “it’s my God given right as an American to spell words however I damn well please”
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tomb-mold · 6 months
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snow-lavender · 7 months
having a place where the locals all but grab you by the shoulders and yell "for the love of god, if you value your life, stay away from the black rocks" sounds like something out of a dark fantasy novel, perhaps in a scene meant to illustrate the hubris of man in the face of the unknown.
but no, it's just a normal part of life as a nova scotian interacting with tourists.
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bbpuckdrop · 8 months
me: I'll watch some sens games! I'll just have fun watching games with some players I enjoy, but it's okay because I don't actually care about the team as a whole so I won't get super invested. it'll just be some lighthearted hockey watching !! it's okay no matter what happens in the game
also me: oh. fuck. I am very invested and stressed over these boys (quietly: go sens go🥲✌️)
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blueheartbooks · 3 months
Navigating the Depths of Humanity: A Review of "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
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Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its rich tapestry of adventure, philosophy, and exploration of the human condition. Published in 1851, this epic novel tells the story of Ishmael, a sailor who embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod, captained by the enigmatic and obsessive Captain Ahab. As the voyage progresses, Ishmael and his shipmates become embroiled in Ahab's relentless quest for vengeance against the great white whale, Moby Dick, leading to a harrowing and ultimately tragic confrontation.
At its core, "Moby-Dick" is a profound exploration of themes such as obsession, fate, and the nature of evil. Through the character of Captain Ahab, Melville delves into the depths of the human psyche, revealing the destructive power of unchecked ambition and the consequences of pursuing one's desires at any cost. Ahab's single-minded pursuit of vengeance against Moby Dick serves as a powerful allegory for the folly of human hubris and the inherent darkness that resides within us all.
One of the most striking aspects of "Moby-Dick" is its vast scope and ambitious narrative structure. Melville weaves together a diverse array of genres, including adventure, philosophy, natural history, and maritime lore, creating a multifaceted and immersive reading experience. From the intricacies of whaling to the metaphysical musings of Ishmael, the novel's narrative is as expansive and boundless as the open sea itself, inviting readers to ponder life's deepest mysteries and contemplate the nature of existence.
Moreover, "Moby-Dick" is renowned for its richly textured prose and vivid evocation of the maritime world. Melville's descriptive powers are on full display as he paints a vivid portrait of life aboard a whaling ship, from the harsh realities of shipboard existence to the awe-inspiring beauty of the ocean's depths. Through his lyrical language and vivid imagery, Melville captures the essence of the sea as both a source of wonder and terror, imbuing the novel with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.
In addition to its philosophical depth and evocative prose, "Moby-Dick" is also a timeless meditation on the human condition and the search for meaning in a chaotic and indifferent universe. As Ishmael grapples with questions of identity, mortality, and the unknowable mysteries of existence, readers are drawn into a profound and transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through Ishmael's experiences, Melville reminds us of the fragility of human life and the enduring power of the human spirit to find meaning and purpose in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, "Moby-Dick" is a towering achievement of American literature that continues to resonate with readers for its profound insights, rich imagery, and timeless relevance. Melville's magnum opus stands as a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination and the boundless depths of the human soul. With its epic scope, philosophical depth, and unforgettable characters, "Moby-Dick" remains a masterpiece of world literature and a testament to Melville's enduring genius.
Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is available in Amazon in paperback 22.99$ and hardcover 29.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 314
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Sombra text: For the record, I refuse to get into any small submarines. Mauga text: Wouldn't it be a big submarine for you? Reaper text: Wouldn't it be a regular submarine for you? Widow text: Wouldn't it be a normal sized submarine for you? Sombra text: You all can got to hell!
Hey I think this is as topical as the next guy but I'm not South Park. Like, yeah I think it's absolutely wild to be ridiculously rich and die from catastrophic implosion at the bottom of the ocean because you're bolted into in a metal tube (THAT HASN'T BEEN ASSESSED BY ANY GOVERNING PARTIES TO MEET ANY INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF SEAWORTHINESS) that's controlled by a third-party knockoff xbox controller, but you're not going to see me make Overwatch characters talk about it.
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fluorescentbrains · 7 months
anyways haven’t spent much time in iowa but I did spend a summer in rural ohio. I didn’t much care for the demographics it’s true but the state is absolutely beautiful. I even met a chinese exchange student who liked riding the singular shuttle bus in circles around town because she loved the area
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Crazy how Toronto isn’t getting much of the wildfire smoke but New York is getting absolutely pummelled…
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table-top-horror · 2 years
I love bad adaptations, I love horrible casting choices, I love misunderstanding the material before adapting it, I love misreading a characters motivation before setting it out, I love attempts to create new material and failing to integrate it, I love dogshit remakes
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gontroublevt · 13 hours
God has come and he is a very angry(?) Metal Jellyfish.
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blueheartbookclub · 3 months
Navigating the Depths of Humanity: A Review of "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
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Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its rich tapestry of adventure, philosophy, and exploration of the human condition. Published in 1851, this epic novel tells the story of Ishmael, a sailor who embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod, captained by the enigmatic and obsessive Captain Ahab. As the voyage progresses, Ishmael and his shipmates become embroiled in Ahab's relentless quest for vengeance against the great white whale, Moby Dick, leading to a harrowing and ultimately tragic confrontation.
At its core, "Moby-Dick" is a profound exploration of themes such as obsession, fate, and the nature of evil. Through the character of Captain Ahab, Melville delves into the depths of the human psyche, revealing the destructive power of unchecked ambition and the consequences of pursuing one's desires at any cost. Ahab's single-minded pursuit of vengeance against Moby Dick serves as a powerful allegory for the folly of human hubris and the inherent darkness that resides within us all.
One of the most striking aspects of "Moby-Dick" is its vast scope and ambitious narrative structure. Melville weaves together a diverse array of genres, including adventure, philosophy, natural history, and maritime lore, creating a multifaceted and immersive reading experience. From the intricacies of whaling to the metaphysical musings of Ishmael, the novel's narrative is as expansive and boundless as the open sea itself, inviting readers to ponder life's deepest mysteries and contemplate the nature of existence.
Moreover, "Moby-Dick" is renowned for its richly textured prose and vivid evocation of the maritime world. Melville's descriptive powers are on full display as he paints a vivid portrait of life aboard a whaling ship, from the harsh realities of shipboard existence to the awe-inspiring beauty of the ocean's depths. Through his lyrical language and vivid imagery, Melville captures the essence of the sea as both a source of wonder and terror, imbuing the novel with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.
In addition to its philosophical depth and evocative prose, "Moby-Dick" is also a timeless meditation on the human condition and the search for meaning in a chaotic and indifferent universe. As Ishmael grapples with questions of identity, mortality, and the unknowable mysteries of existence, readers are drawn into a profound and transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through Ishmael's experiences, Melville reminds us of the fragility of human life and the enduring power of the human spirit to find meaning and purpose in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, "Moby-Dick" is a towering achievement of American literature that continues to resonate with readers for its profound insights, rich imagery, and timeless relevance. Melville's magnum opus stands as a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination and the boundless depths of the human soul. With its epic scope, philosophical depth, and unforgettable characters, "Moby-Dick" remains a masterpiece of world literature and a testament to Melville's enduring genius.
Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is available in Amazon in paperback 22.99$ and hardcover 29.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 314
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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play-now-my-lord · 1 year
FOOD HUBRIS BY COUNTRY america: believes their shitty local burger chain is a once-in-a-lifetime culinary experience because their mayo includes onion paste canada: if your poutine tastes better than the styrofoam plate it comes on you will discover the cold rage that lies under the canadian's polite exterior united kingdom: despite thriving and unique fusion cuisines spreading from the UK to the rest of the world in recent decades, when asked to think of 'british food' the average UK citizen will start a fight over whether cold beans with a modest side of white bread is haute cuisine france: McDo Ortolan Bunting italy: extremely mad about american versions of italian food. blissfully ignorant of what happens in brazil brazil: if the scientific genius applied to making cronenbergian pizzas were applied to anything else, brazilians would all be commuting to jobs on the moon. They have pizza that can feel pain russia: obviously mayonnaise is the perfect topping for all foodstuffs, this is solved. The question is what to put on top of mayonnaise, and it might never be answered germany: less a joke than a fact: the single most produced numbered Volkswagen part is a standardized currywurst
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veshialles · 11 months
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although I do have issues with the costuming in this production but nothing can be perfect I suppose
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anonymusbosch · 1 year
love to be employed and watch remarkable numbers of people in management or executive level positions be wildly incapable of things like "prioritization" or "foresight" or "organization" or "people skills" or "hiring women" or "having a backbone" or "firing people who are so bad they make other people quit"
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