#jesus christ things have gone downhill
anonymusbosch · 2 years
love to be employed and watch remarkable numbers of people in management or executive level positions be wildly incapable of things like "prioritization" or "foresight" or "organization" or "people skills" or "hiring women" or "having a backbone" or "firing people who are so bad they make other people quit"
0 notes
blossom-works · 1 year
His Sunshine
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Agent Leon S. Kennedy has been through hell after hell. Never having a break from the chaos. His heart has hardened over the years since Raccoon, leading him to turn to alcohol for temporary release. Who would have thought that fighting bioterrorism was the reason that Agent Leon S. Kennedy found his peace and comfort?
Warnings: Mentions of child/human trafficking, death of children, alcoholism
*OC is Asian cause let's face it, Leon has a thing for Asians (Ada and Shen Mei)
When He First Met the Sun
"Hunnigan, what the hell are you trying to say?"
Through the heavy-duty phone screen, a woman with brunette hair has to inform her long-time friend and co-worker of the horrors of his upcoming assignment.
"We have intel that whoever is in charge of creating this strain of the virus is using children to spread the disease. Trafficked children..."
"Jesus fucking Christ." Instead of taking another shot of pure liquor, Leon opts to drink straight from the bottle. The burning liquid glides down his throat, numbing the man even more.
"The president has created a specific team for this assignment. He wants you and the BSAA to partner up with an agent from the FBI. She was specifically asked for by Chris Redfield."
"Chris is on this mission too?"
"The president wanted his expertise in this. It'll be a four-man team. You, Chris Redfield, Jill Valintine, and the FBI agent. Chris said that he'll be picking you up at your current location. You are to meet the FBI agent at 1500." Hunnigan hangs up the call, leaving the drunken man to his own endeavors.
Just when the hell is this hell going to end? Since '98, things have only gone downhill. It seems that all Leon ever does is fight these bio-engineered monsters while losing people by the hundreds. This is hell. Leon is living in hell. A never-ending cycle of death and carnage.
By the time Chris gets to the bar, Leon has already finished one entire bottle of tequila. Lord knows how Leon's liver is doing. Stumbling, Leon leaves the bar to stumble in Chris' car. On his way out he forgot to pay his tab, which Chris had to pay for (but not forgetting to make a mental note that Leon owes him).
"You reek of alcohol." Chris grimaces as he rolls down the back windows.
"Yeah, so? You smoke."
"Not as much as your drink."
Chris opens the glove compartment to pull out a file. "Here, you can go over the mission on our way to the FBI headquarters. That is if you're sober enough to even read."
Leon snatches the file from Chris, mumbling how he can read "Thank you very much". He has to shake his head to get his eyesight to work. The contents of the folder are gruesome. Pictures and names of children that have gone missing fill the thick folder. Some of the last few papers are of what is suspected to be people in charge.
"Hunnigan told me that you recommended an FBI agent to the president."
"Yeah, she's the youngest sister of one of my buddies back in the day. She works in the department of human trafficking and child exploitation. She's only worked there for about two years, but she's one of the best in the field."
"Hold on, you said she's only been employed for a little less than a year? She's a rookie!"
Chris scoffs. "And? As I said, she's currently one of the best agents that specialize in this field. If we're going to accomplish this mission, we're going to need her expertise."
"And how old is this chick?"
Doing some quick math in his head, Chris answers "23".
"She's a kid."
"And she's one of the best the FBI has to offer. That says a lot, Leon." Chris further defends. He must really believe in this chick's skills to defend her like this, Leon concludes. Shutting up, the two men travel to the agency in silence.
FBI Headquarters:
In a small room sits three people. DSO agent Leon S. Kennedy. BSAA operator Chris Redfield. BSAA agent Jill Valentine. Each of them has folders and folders of information that was apparently collected by the FBI agent they will be working with. Impressive for a woman who only has less than a year's worth of experience.
The door clicks open and reveals a woman of Asian descent with a short stature wearing a basic black and white suit, with three-inch stilettos. Her black hair is tied into a high ponytail that stops at the nape of her neck. Her features are soft and the color of her skin tells people that she most likely came from a bloodline of Southeast Asians.
"Apologies for the wait. The president sent someone to deliver some useful information."
Jill asks what that information is.
"That we are given almost all clearance to the highest level. With the president's approval, we can obtain Pentagon-sealed information. Not even the CIA can tell us 'no." You sits down at the last empty seat.
"Woah, it seems he really wants us to catch these guys."
Lean speaks up, "Then we should get started."
You go over the contents of the mission. For a woman who has been working as a federal agent for less than a year, your work ethic is top-tier. Even Leon silently admits that you are well-equipped for your job. And you are sort of a cutie. You talk about how the FBI and CIA are certain that BOWs are stemming from trafficked children. Any questions they have, are answered a couple minutes later during your presentation.
At the end of your presentation, you address the elephant in the room. "So now that I've told you everything that I know. It's time you tell me how to deal with BOWs."
Chris is the first to speak up. "Shoot them in the head. It's the only way to kill them." You nod.
"Are you up for it?"
To you, it sounds like Leon is challenging your competency. He wants to know if you will be a hindrance on this mission. Sure, you are a smart cookie but how will you hold up facing a human-turned-monster? Can you hold yourself in battle? Or will you need to be babysat along the way? In truth, Leon wants to prepare himself when he eventually loses another person in this cycle of hell.
"Agent Kennedy, I understand the reasoning behind your question. In truth, I don't know. Unlike the three of you, I have never encountered a BOW." A sufficient and honest answer. You go on further. "This mission is a give and take. I give you my expertise on human trafficking and child exploitation, you give me the galls to kill those things. You teach me how to kill BOWs, I give you the information you need to outsmart these bastards and get these kids out of hell."
Standing up, you tell your team that you will meet up here again tomorrow, at six sharp. Only this time, it will be at the FBI's helipad. The rumored place of operation is near the Mexican border. The four of you will be stationed in a remote area in Southern Texas for the duration of the mission.
"Hey, why do you wake up so early in the morning? Are you getting some extra work in?" Jill asks as the four of you are eating some take-out.
On day two, your teammates kept asking you why they were waiting before barging into the supposed hideout. You understood that for them, barging in with the information you have is a norm for them. But they forget that they are not just dealing with BOWs but human trafficking. If any piece of the collected information is wrong, it could jeopardize the entire mission. You told them, "I'd willingly turn into one of those mutants before compromising the children's chance of freedom."
They stopped bugging you after that. The three of them stepped back to let you take the reigns. They really did forget that there is another part to this mission other than to exterminate BOWs.
"Sort of. I wake up early to do my morning workouts."
It is no surprise that you work out. Everyone in this damn house works out, but to do it so early in the morning and not take a nap during the day is crazy.
"Why so early?"
You shrug your shoulders. "I usually wake up early to go running at the park near my place, but since we're not in D.C., I'm extending my workout to make up for it." The conversation is then directed to how you know Chris.
"My brother was his junior in the Air Force. Redfield once came to our home back in Georgia for...was it Christmas or Thanksgiving of '93?"
"It was Thanksgiving. Your mom invited my family to come over."
"Wait a minute...You were born in '87, so that would make you either six or seven at the time." Jill says.
You and Chris hum before Chris starts teasing you. "She was so infatuated with me at the time that she kept calling me her 'boyfriend'."
Groaning, you throw a pen at Chris who ends up catching it. To further your embarrassment, Jill and Lean start laughing. You can feel the tips of your ears getting hot.
"Dammit Redfield, I was six at the time! Stop bringing up old shtick!" You huff.
"What? It was cute how you would want to sit next to me. You even 'fought' your own mom because she sat in 'your' spot." Chris turns his head and whispers to his other colleagues, "She was so cute I still have photos from that day", making them laugh even more. "Side note: Why do you keep calling me by my last name? We've known each other since we started 'dating."
"Because we're on the job. When we aren't working together I'll start calling you Chris again." You say as you roll your eyes. Getting Chris to stop embarrassing you is equivalent to getting a pig to fly. It is never going to happen. "Plus given the age hierarchy, you're the oldest one here, grandpa."
"A grandpa you once called your boyfriend," Chris smirks. To an outsider, it might seem like Chris and you are flirting, but you are not. One, because it would basically be pedophilia considering you two met at the respective ages of six and twenty. And two, because you and Chris see each other as siblings it would also be a case of incest if the two of you were flirting.
Half-joking you say, "I guess I've always been into older men."
To get the attention off of you, you then ask how Jill and Leon know Chris. Like they did, you sat and listened to their (less embarrassing) stories. By the end of the night, you find yourself getting a bit closer to Leon and Jill. Chris excuses himself to take a call and Jill excuses herself to take a shower. Leaving you and Agent Kennedy on the ground floor.
Leon is the one to break the silent barrier, albeit, not in the greatest way.
"So, you're into older men huh?" You can practically hear his smirk from behind the laptop.
You decide to humor the man and play along. "What's it to you?"
Leon shrugs. "I don't know, maybe after we finish this mission we can go grab dinner sometime?"
"Are you asking me on a date Agent Kennedy?"
"Depends on if you say yes."
"What if I say no?"
"Then it could be two friends having dinner together." Leon shrugs again. You chuckle and shake your head in amusement. You close the laptop and place your intertwined hands on top of it.
"I don't do flings, Kennedy." You tell the man honestly, making sure to make direct eye contact to show Leon how serious you are. Leon holds his hands up in surrender.
"Then we can go out as friends." He compromises. "There's nothing wrong with two friends hanging out over a meal, and it wouldn't count as a fling."
You are not opposed to the idea, but you do want to poke fun at the legendary Leon S. Kennedy. "I'm afraid not. I don't consider us friends, Kennedy. We're co-workers."
"What if I believe that we're friends?"
"Then I guess we're at a standoff." You tease.
Leon takes the challenge. "Then I guess I'll have to convince you otherwise."
You stand up and throw away your takeout container. Grabbing the laptop you head upstairs to where the rooms are. "I guess so," you call out from the stairs.
When He First Felt the Sun's Rays
Your apartment is filled with the scent of different herbs and spices. A harmonious smell that you hate the fact that you have to open your balcony door to let some fresh air in. Your hair is held up by a clip and you are in a white shirt, a thin flannel, and a pair of jean shorts. Classic "girl next door" look. You take a piece of laffa and dip it into the hummus. You have music playing in the background as you finish grilling the chicken kabobs.
You get a notification on your phone that there is someone at your front door and not a second later, they are knocking. Wiping your hands on a kitchen towel and turning down the heat, you answer the door.
"Hey, Leon." Your old colleague greets you back with a bouquet of parchment-wrapped flowers. Thanking him, you let him inside of your apartment and find a place to put the flowers. Walking into the open concept room, you yell out to the DSO agent.
"And don't forget to take off your shoes!"
Leon immediately kicks his shoes off and is hit with a waft of comforting spices. "Smells good in here."
"Thanks, I hope you like Middle Eastern food 'cause that's gonna be dinner. If you're a bit hungry I left out some hummus and laffa out on the island counter."
"Laffa?" Leon asks but still takes a piece of the bread and dips it into the bowl of pureed chickpeas.
"It's a flatbread. Think of Indian naan."
"Did you make it yourself?"
"No, I bought the hummus and bread from a local Middle Eastern restaurant nearby. Everything else though is from scratch."
Leon tries to go around the island to offer you his help but his left foot steps on something soft. A loud "arf" scares Leon and forces him to look down. A body of blond hair scurries across the floor towards you, scratching at your legs.
"Oh shit, I didn't mean to step on your dog." Leon apologizes. The medium-sized dog is now in your arms, seeking your comfort.
You wave off Leon's apology. "Don't worry about it. Shiloh always gets so excited to meet new people that she forgets to stay out of the way. It was an honest mistake so no biggie."
Leon manages to walk around without stepping on a dog this time. He reaches his hand out to pet the top of the dog's head as another apology. It accepts his apology and their tail starts wagging again.
"Her name's Shiloh, huh? What breed is she?"
You put Shiloh on the ground so you can put the kabobs on a platter. "An English Cocker Spaniel. I got her while I was still living in Georgia."
Leon is too busy with your dog to listen to you. He is bent down on one knee and Shiloh is climbing onto him. Begging him to keep petting her.
"Huh? What?"
You roll your eyes and place your hands on your hips. "I asked if you could help me set up the table."
"Oh, yeah, sure." He spits out in embarrassment.
Together, you get the table ready for your fourth date in a row. Since you got back from Texas, Leon has not stopped pestering you to agree to go on a date with him. The first date was the unofficial date and the second was the first date. Making this date at your apartment the third official date with Leon. To your surprise, Leon is a total gentleman. You thought men like him liked to "date" women for a while in the name of fun. So far, Leon has only been able to change half your mind about him.
The unofficial date was a simple walk in the park followed by lunch at a diner. The second (first) date was at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History where you could geek out. Leon found your dorkiness cute. The third (second) date was a nice dinner at a steakhouse. Leon found out that you gave the waitress your card and told her that you would be paying for yourself. When you parted ways, Leon told you that he would get back at you for your little stunt. And the fourth (third) date is dinner at your apartment.
During your dates, including the unofficial one, the two of you have been getting to know each other a lot better. The two of you talked about your childhoods, hobbies, and stupid shit you did as a kid. Leon is a little confused as to why you failed to mention you have a dog.
Leon hums in delight. "The food is good. Didn't think you would be such a good cook."
"All thanks to my mom who would drag me and my sister to the kitchen whenever she would cook." You shiver at the unpleasant memories. "What about you? Do you cook?"
"Not like you," Leon answers honestly. "Just basic meals."
"Mmm...sounds sad." Leon laughs as he agrees with you.
Dinner went by wonderfully and Leon even helped you clean up. You purposefully put some food in a separate Tupperware for later. After the table is clean and the dishes are done, you propose that the two of you play a couple games of Smash Brothers, igniting the competitive side of Leon. Sitting next to each other, you try to kill off the other's character. After some 1v1 games, you paired up to play against bots in 2v2 games. To further challenge Leon's competitive side, you switched to Mario Cart. You end up getting a text from one of your neighbors to quiet down.
The reason why you two are now cuddled on your couch, watching an old Barbie movie. Why is the famous Agent Leon S. Kennedy watching an early 2000s Barbie movie? Because you wanted to. That is all the reason Leon needs to watch the damn cliche, animated movie about a doll. Shiloh has plopped herself on the other side of Leon. Like you, she has nuzzled herself into his side. When the movie finishes, it is close to ten.
"Think it's time to call it a night?"
Reluctantly, Leon nods. For the duration of the movie, Leon has been petting Shiloh's head, lulling her to sleep. By now, your dog is fast asleep in doggy dreamland. Getting off of your date, you head to the kitchen to grab something. Stretching his legs, Leon gets off the couch and heads to the foyer. When he turns around to say "bye", Leon is surprised to find you standing behind him with a cloth-covered item.
"Here, it's some leftovers from tonight's dinner. Just heat the bread in the oven so it won't get soggy."
For some reason, the gesture warms Leon to his core. Never once has he had a woman pack him leftovers. Not even his own mother. The sweet act touches Leon so much that it sort of scares him. Like scares him, scares him, and scares him because he wants more of you this. Your soft face and sweet eyes. Fidgeting your feet because you are embarrassed. The soft smile on your lips is just screaming at Leon to kiss you.
"Thanks...I'll remember that." Grateful, Leon takes the meal from you and the two of you awkwardly stand in your foyer. "So, uhh...I'll be off now."
"Yeah, yeah. I'll walk you out."
The two of you step out of your apartment and hug each other. Unlike your previous hugs, this one is tighter and longer and more intimate. You have to force yourself to release the hug or else you risk never letting go of the man. You whisper a "good night" to Leon and he returns the favor. Deciding that life is too short, you pull Leon back to you. Cupping his cheeks, you bring his face to yours and you kiss the irritatingly attractive man.
There are a few times Leon has been surprised. Both good and bad surprises and Leon is more than happy to count this feat as a good, no, a wonderful surprise. He purses his lips and uses one hand to hold onto the widest part of your hips, bringing the two of you closer. The new closeness gives you a burst of confidence. In the silence of the hallway, you can hear the faint smacks from your lips on Leon's. Your left thumb rubs over the growing stubble on Leon's cheek.
Leon always thought that your lips looked supple and soft. Finally able to feel them the way he wants to, your lips are supple and soft with a dash of chapped. Who knew kissing you could feel so addicting? To calm the animal inside of him, Leon compels himself to pull away. His mind is going haywire when he feels a string of saliva break.
When you open your eyes, you look too good. More attractive than usual. Too attractive to the point where Leon has to chant "Not now. Not now. Not now." in his head. What puts a crack into Leon's self-control ability is when you peck his lips a few more times.
"Goodnight Leon."
Out of it, the only thing Leon can do is nod, making you laugh a bit. That is before you look over his shoulder, which is still hunched over from having to bend down to your height.
"I can see you two."
Your neighbors that have been nosily watching, quickly pop their heads inside their apartment and close the door. You smile and roll your eyes. "Neighbors." You kiss Leon's stubby cheek and shoo him away.
Leon gives you a charming smile and tells you that he will text you later. When he is a couple of steps away from the elevator, Leon hears you call out to your neighbors again.
"I can still see you two!"
When the Sun Knew He Would Clear the Dark Clouds to Let Her Shine
With his wrists tied together, Leon manages to use his legs to kick the infected away from him. JD is too inexperienced to aid Leon, so he needs to hurry or else they will both die in this hellhole. Before Leon can get the upper hand two shots are fired, killing the two infected. JD checks himself to make sure he is not bit or injured anywhere. Leon sits up and looks around to see who is responsible. It could be a friend or foe.
"You know when you said you'll wait for me to finish my case, I didn't think to find you in an underground bunker."
A part of Leon is relieved to see you, knowing that he has at least one person he can trust. The other part of Leon is PO-ed that you willingly threw yourself back into fighting BOWs. The DSO offered you a position for your extraordinary work back in Texas, but you declined. "I'm crazy to be doing what I do, but I'm not that crazy to fight BOWs for a living."
"What the hell are you doing here? How'd you find me?" Leon demands as you cut the restraints on his wrists.
Sarcastically, you ask him if that is how he greets you after you saved his ass from getting infected. "Hunnigan told me about your little stunt so she gave me your last known coordinates. I called your cell earlier which gave her a few seconds to find your general area. I followed the corpses, which is how I ended up here."
Before the conversation can go anywhere else, JD interrupts. "Woah! I knew American women were hot but seeing one of them in person is a whole lot better!"
You look at the punk male in disinterest. Comically, the guy tries his best to look cool but in fact, does the opposite. "So, you single?"
"Umm...I'm flattered but I'm actually getting married in a couple of months."
JD hunches over himself. "Awe man! Why are all the hot chicks always taken!"
"Probably 'cause she's with the hot guy next to you."
Confused, JD looks to his side and is face to face with Leon's brown sweater. Looking up, Leon is staring down at the short man with his arms crossed in front of his chest. Almost like he is challenging JD to say another stupid thing. The Eastern Slavic male nervously scratches the back of his head and whispers an apology to the American male.
Sighing, Leon tells JD that when he does decide to use the gun, to shoot the infected in the head for an instant kill. JD leads you and Leon further down the bunker and into a narrow hallway where a metal door is. Leon and JD try to pry the door open while you watch their backs. The grunts and noises from the door gain the infected's attention.
What creeps you out is that one of the infected's head slits open to reveal flesh-like tentacles. Leon calls out to you, telling you to get yourself on the other side of the door. A little annoyed that JD cannot force himself through the crack, you plant your foot on his back and manage to push him through the door. Leon tumbles inside the room after you and chains the door within a couple of seconds.
If you were not creeped out before, you definitely are now. When the three of you reach the surface, you end up witnessing how the citizens of this country are being infected. Like a scene from a sci-fi movie, an alien-looking creature is forced down a person's throat. Truly a parasite. The three of you take a quick break before reaching the cathedral. Uncharacteristically, Leon starts to once again, complain that he was shipped off here without anything to eat.
"Are you really that mad they didn't provide you with any breakfast? I get why you're pissed our vacation got cut short, but over breakfast?"
Leon shrugs his shoulders and looks at you like you are the crazy one. Then again, you are not surprised your fiance is bitching about not eating. The man gets hungry as fast as he gets hot. Seriously, if you are not blasting the AC at home, a puddle of sweat will form around Leon. Reaching into your vest, you pull out a wrapped snack.
Tossing it to him you say, "Here. Protein bar. Should hold you over for the next couple of hours." Leon thanks you a million times over, happy to finally have something in his stomach. You offer another bar to JD and he too thanks you for your generosity. You ask the two of them to fill you in on the missing details since you basically came to the country blinded.
When you and Leon eventually leave the cathedral thanks to JD's help, you end up meeting the woman who had Leon's heart long before you met him. A couple of minutes before meeting her, you told Leon to go ahead and go inside the parking garage. You will stay behind for a bit to make sure neither of you were followed. When you eventually go inside the parking garage, you spot Leon talking to a woman with short, black hair.
"So, shall we continue from that night?" She flirts.
Yes. You know who this woman is. In fact, you knew about her before you met your soon-to-be husband. Claire once told you about Leon when she used to crush on him. She would rant about how the DSO agent was practically wrapped around some other woman's finger. Who is this woman in question? Why, none other than the infamous Ada Wong. The woman that brings the ugly insecurities out of you.
"I don't think so, Ada. I don't know if you've heard but I'm getting married soon. Don't plan on fucking that up."
Ah, so the rumors are true. Who would have thought that the puppy she leashed years ago would slip off of its collar and run off to someone else?
"I heard. She must be something if she was able to steal you away." Ada taunts.
"She is. She's more than I could ever want and even a little more than that. She's the reason my endless cycle of hell has stopped. I'm not losing her." Leon wanted to add "And I was never yours to begin with," but he knew that was a lie. For the longest, Ada tugged at Leon's heart and even his soul. He could never get her out from the back of his mind even if he tried.
When he met you, that annoying gnat slowly started to disappear. You taught Leon how to live again, not just how to survive. When he was actually in D.C. and not somewhere else in the world, Leon looked forward to running with you and Shiloh every morning. Five days a week. To put it simply, Leon's hardened heart started to crack the more time he spent with you. There is no possible way to ever thank you for the light you bring to Leon's dark and lonely life.
Ada, as much as she hates to admit it, knows that Leon is telling the truth. He truly does cherish this woman. His eyes hold that conviction. She guesses that her game of cat and mouse with the former RPD is officially over. They both knew their past together would always be there, but now they would truly be going their separate ways. Her heart tugs a bit at the fact. Not that she would admit it out loud. She bids farewell to Leon before using her grappling gun to escape through the hole in the roof.
When Leon hears another pair of footsteps, he points his gun to his right, ready for another fight. He does not expect the love of his life to tackle him with so much force. Unknowingly, Leon cleared all of the insecurities you had about Ada. In fact, Leon would never know that you knew about his past with Ada or about her in general. Not even when he died as one of America's greatest heroes at the age of eighty-three.
When He Knew He Could Not Live Without His Sunshine
Leon knows how shitty his life has been since '98. Nothing seemed to be going right. In fact, it seemed that everything was going downhill since Raccoon. His apartment was bare as a result of how often Leon had to get up and leave at a moment's notice. Leon would drink his sorrows and pain away. He relied on alcohol, but now, he relies on you. A little too much he thinks but you do not mind. You know the shit he has seen and done. You know the shit he has to do to protect the innocent. You know the burdens Leon has to carry.
You make doing what he has to do a little bit easier every time he comes home. Leon used to wake up in an empty bed but now he wakes up to you sleeping next to him. Sometimes Shiloh will sleep between the two of you or favor one person over the other. On the rare occasions that he does get to sleep in, Leon loves to be woken up by you and Shiloh. You would have finished your morning workouts and have made breakfast. While Shiloh licks Leon's face, you kiss the one spot she missed, his lips. Probably because getting kissed on the lips by a dog is pretty gross, but you take what you can get.
Leon loves the quiet moments with you. The one where it seems like the world is in perfect harmony. No BOWs or maniacs wanting to turn the human race into the living dead. No orders from the president or the people under him. No guns. No explosions. Just you, him, and a cocker spaniel in the comforts of your shared home.
Leon loves it when the two of you cook together. You always seem to get a bit bitchy when things are not done your way in the kitchen (a trait that was passed down from your mother), but Leon deals with it. He tries to follow your instructions to the letter to make you proud. Even more so, he loves the end result. Sitting together at the table with delicious food the two of you made together.
Leon can list hundreds of reasons why he loves you, but it would never be enough. No list will ever be long enough for Leon to write down the different things he loves about you. About the things you bring into his life. His heart pounds whenever he thinks about you. He gets all giddy when he knows he is coming back home to you. He mourns the days when he has to leave because of some stupid assignment. It scares him whenever you put yourself in a battle against BOWs because you always have his back. Even if you hate BOWs as much as the next person.
The first time you shared an "I love you", Leon wanted to take you away to a secret location and live the rest of your lives there. Leon wants to be selfish and keep you all to himself, but then his sun will not be able to shine as brightly. Leon loves you. He desperately loves you. He will do just about any and everything to keep you by his side. Leon Scott Kennedy is hopelessly in love with you. It is the whole reason why he is at your childhood home in Georgia.
Knocking on the front door, he waits for one of your parents to open it. He called your parents a few days ago to tell them that he was coming to visit and asked if they could not tell you about it. Leon has just gotten back from a mission overseas so he looks a little roughed up, but he cannot let this opportunity slip. Your mother answers the door and lets Leon inside.
He is welcomed to a homemade meal, family style. A table set for three people. During the meal, your parents ask Leon what the hurry was. They worry that something has happened to you and Leon is here to bring them the horrible news.
"No. No. She's doing fine." Leon looks down at his watch. "In fact, she's probably on her way back to our place right now." The DSO agent knows your weekly schedule. He memorized it so he would always know the general area where he could find you if a disaster happened.
Leon looks directly at your father. "I came here to ask for your blessing to marry your daughter."
Yes, in the two years of knowing you and the year and a half of dating you, Leon Scott Kennedy wants to be with his sunshine for as long as time permits. His sunshine that gave his life anew. The sunshine that he loves dearly. His sunshine.
P.S. I wrote this in two days when I should be focusing on my class work. Whoops...Stay focused kids.
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cant-get-no-worse · 1 year
So, I'm a relatively new FCB fan and I've been doing some research about why the club had a downfall. What I understood was that everything went to shit since Neymar left. Plus he didn't even have any legit reason to leave apart from more money being offered by PSG. People say he left because he was in "Messi's shadow" but that's not true. All I saw was love and appreciation for him by the fans and his fellow players. Especially Messi. He treated him with so much love and respect. Even now, after going through so much shit at PSG, Neymar doesn't seem to want to leave that club. In my opinion, he is one reason why Barcelona went downhill. The club spent so much money on his replacements which all ended in failure. I think if he hadn't left at that time, Barcelona would be in a relatively better place right now. Maybe I'm wrong but that's what I interpreted. Please correct me if I'm getting it wrong or if I missed some important thing amidst all of this. I have nothing against Neymar, he's a wonderful player, but I can't help but put a little blame on him.
Hii ! I love ranting about this stuff, so warning: long ass ramble, I'm putting it beneath.
I think it's fairly common for people to assume Neymar's departure in 2017 was the thing that started FCB "downfall" (which is a pretty dramatic term in of itself), because it's such a public move that made everyone talk. It's a transfer whose consequences on the market value of players and the way we appreciate those is still underappreciated; genuinely, that Neymar saga is mad, it changed everything (to me, for the worse). But the decline of FCB, the institution, began way earlier than 2017. 2017 is kind of, the first most visible consequence of every prior stuff.
Everything was a mess by 2006/2008, for the team & institutionally wise. It got better from 2008 - 2012, under Pep Guardiola (coach) & Laporta/Rosell (presidents, although both not v good men) & which is now commonly referred to as the "golden age" of FCB's recent History. Then, from 2012 on, everything kind of started to decline. It's not very visible since we won the treble in 2014-2015 (KING SHIT VISCA BARÇA VISCA CATALUNYA etc. etc.) , but already behind the scenes it was rocky as hell. Political stuff, power struggles within the board, etc. Even that 2014-2015 "golden" season was a mess, what with the breach of the Transfer Regulations (we couldn't sign players until 2016), firing of our sporting director, firing of medical/staff members, lies about state of finances, restriction of said finances, Messi/Enrique/Chelsea conflict, etc. That 2014-2015 team winning the Treble effectively masked to posterity & the general public how fucked up the club's politics were at that time. But on the long run, that bad gestion did end up affecting that team that arguably should've gone on to win way more in 2016 - 2017, what with the bunch of talents we had in hands.
Then there was the Neymar stuff in 2017, Iniesta leaving in 2018. Of course, by then the mess that was the cub began to reflect on our style of play; by 2017/2018 already we weren't playing as good as we had. There were moments of brilliance of course, games to remember, iconic ones, but still. It was already falling, there were ovious issues, weaknesses, boring times, some alarming performances. I think that 2018-2019 UCL campaign symbolizes everything that had changed since that 2015 UCL ; we didn't have a team, we had one guy, surrounded by too unstable performances from players around. As football proves times and times again, you can have the current best player in the world, if he's alone, you'll never win shit. You'll win games, not competitions. That's the beauty of the sport, you need a team, or you'll go nowhere. Ultimately that "downfall" confirmed itself by more harsh and evident results, with the 2019-2022 period being rock bottom. Jesus Christ that period.
As for that Neymar stuff: it's so real complicated. And not as black/white as it appears. As a FCB supporter, when he left, I despised his guts for a bunch of years, genuinely. Many still do, just look at the comments under the rumors of his comeback; large portion of culers don't want him there, because we really saw it as a treason. A guy who left for money and some more fame. I guess you can say the fact that most culers still haven't swallowed that pill six years later is a testament to how much we loved him.
First, let me state that it's fucking tragic, for him as for the club. He left at his prime and, arguably, wasted it at PSG (tell anyone from 2015 that Neymar Jr doesn't have a single Ballon d'Or to his name and they'll rightfully laugh at your face) ; while Barca drowned as well, failing to find a proper replacement (FCB players were upset with the board at that failure), as you said. Had he stayed, as Pep said, and had the club managed itself better (but that in itself prompts the argument of: could they really? After all the decline started in 2014?) we could've won at least one, if not two UCLs. Honestly, now that we can take a few steps back and reflect, it seems none of the parties (except PSG, who propelled itself forward on the European scene) benefited from that move. But in truth, there can be a million reasons he left. We don't know if it was a personnal initiative or one of his family. We don't know how the Remontada and the aftermath really affected this decision. We don't know if he's the one that wanted to step out of « Messi's shadow » or if his father/agent pushed him to. We don't know if it's because Barcelona rendered public some elements of his contract, effectively breaking the trust his side had towards the club. This mess is a mix of money, ego, power, ambition, personnal relationships, psychological stuff in the brain of a 25 years old and his surroundings, Barcelona being Messi's club (whether you want it or not, it has been true since 2009. Barcelona and Messi were (still remain) synonymous, and that in itself paused a problem later on), PR/image manipulation/communication, and background stuff we'll probably never know of/or much later. The guy even pushed to comeback to Barcelona a mere year or two later. The whole Messi part is a theater play in of itself, between a starstruck kid who went on to play with his idol, who became friends and formed the most successfull Trident of the decade with him, who upon each occasion praises him and rambles about their friendship/love for each other, yet leaves. I mean, the guy reportedly told others he was leaving the club on Messi's wedding, without telling Leo - if that doesn't indicates you how fucked up/messy it was in his own head, Jesus. And yet the friendship Neymar had with other FCB players showed through the very summer he left, what with them posting a pic together following the legal actions of FCB against him. So yeah.
I think part of why he stayed at PSG after they retained him from going back to Barcelona is because he's, like every great player, a winner, he wants to get everything, he genuinely wants to give Paris what he came to do, but also cause, in the long run, he's trapped himself there. The more time passed the more it became that kind of need: he wanted/needed his move to mean something, he wanted that UCL so he could feel like he didn't waste so much time and talent and prime there. All in all, it's a bit tragic, I could ramble about it for hours but I'm gonna cut it short now cause that's not your ask lmfao.
Conclusion to the essay: Neymar's transfer to PSG didn't start anything, rather was the consequence and the accelerator of a decline that began years prior in the institution's background. Hope it helped bring some elements to the table, anon! ❤️
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theoddcatlady · 9 months
Nearly lost my temper at work yesterday
For a bit of background, I work at an insurance company. I’m not exactly changing the world, but it pays well and it’s usually pretty chill. Except for yesterday, which I just really need to rant about. It was a bunch of little things that stacked up to my… almost explosion.
The water cooler was dripping nonstop. Citrix servers had gone down and that was the main program I use for work. I had a pounding headache from the bright lights in the office and my skin was all dried out from the artificial air. And for fuck’s sake, Barbara would just not leave me alone.
I’m not a people person. I can answer the phone and be amicable enough, but I’ve never been like BFF’s with my coworkers at… any of my jobs. Most of my coworkers get I’m here to do my job and get paid. Barbara though, good god. She just doesn’t get the hint. And I can’t exactly mouth off to her because she’s been with the company for like two decades so if she complains I’m the one in trouble… not like she’s done work for the last five years, but I digress.
“So is this your boyfriend, Ellie?”
I chewed the inside of my cheek as Barbara plucked one of the pictures in my cubicle up, cooing and aww’ing. I hated being called Ellie. “He’s so cute!”
“Andrew is my brother, actually. I’m not seeing anyone at the moment.” One of the only other people I can tolerate in this world. I grabbed the picture and not so gently snatched it back, setting it down. The vein in my forehead probably popped out another good inch as I saw that Barbara had left a greasy thumbprint on the glass. I’d need to clean it when she was gone.
“Oh!” Barbara cocked her head to the side. “You don’t look alike!”
“I’m adopted.” Desperately I stared at my computer, willing Citrix to get its shit together so I could tell Barbara I was busy working. I was not going to be that lucky.
“You know, I have a son about your age.” Barbara started fiddling with the other things in my space, my notepad, the pens. “He just broke up with his girlfriend, and I was wondering, I bet the two of you would love to have coffee together…”
“I’m sorta preoccupied with other things at the moment than dating. And I hate coffee. I’m more of a tea person.” Jesus Christ, I was at the point where I was begging the clock to speed up. Even with the systems down, I still wasn’t allowed to leave until four. Just in case they came back on, even though they never had in the past. I wouldn’t mind getting paid to sit on my ass and do nothing if fucking Barbara would leave me alone.
“At your age?”
Oh, here we go. I rolled my eyes as Barbara tutted her tongue at me. “You need to get on that, honey, otherwise you’re going to be unmarried at thirty! After that it’s all downhill, not to mention how this could effect your future children- is something wrong with your arm?”
Shit. I hid my hand under my desk. “No!” I spared a glance and almost starting cussing. Of all times to start shedding, this was not a good time. “Bathroom emergency, move it!”
I shoved past Barbara, accidentally pushing her to the ground in my haste. I heard her snap after me but I didn’t care. I scooted into the bathroom and slammed the door behind me.
I held my hand in front of me to see more skin start to flake off, revealing the putrid muscle and flesh underneath. Fuck me. Today had to be that bad, huh?
My brother used to call it my ‘zombie mode’ to make me grumpy, but it’s not really like that. I keep my sanity, but I just start rotting and falling apart at the seams. It’s been like this since I was a kid, though I do tend to rot quicker when I’m having a shitty day, so Barbara can get fucked.
There’s really only one way to speed up the process so my skin grows back normal and healthy, and it sucks.
I sent Andrew a text, telling him to come pick me up as soon as he could and to bring my large coat. He knew what I meant. With a sigh, I double checked the lock before I pulled my shirt off, bra following onto the floor. Where the underwire was pressing against me the skin was already starting to come off. I gritted my teeth, grabbed on, and yanked.
It doesn’t hurt, not when my skin’s already dead. Sometimes a bit of the live skin comes with it and oh that hurts like tearing a hangnail, but it’s hardly lethal.
Pus and blood spattered into the sink as I ripped more and more of my skin away, both lumps I once called breasts slapped on the ground with a wet sound. I could see tumorous, bulbous growths starting to form in the fat. With most of the skin on my torso gone, I moved onto my arm. I groaned with relief as I finally scratched away at the sore, ripping away more skin and flesh.
I had skinned my entire upper body and was finally starting to feel relief when I heard a timid knock at the door.
“Sweetie? Ellie? Are you okay?”
Barbara’s voice made my blood boil, but right now she was exactly what I needed. I cleared my throat before approaching the door. “Sorry, Barb, I… I threw up. Everywhere. On my clothes, on the sink. It looks like a horror film in here. I called my brother to come get me, but could you please bring me stuff to clean up? I am not leaving this for Willis to clean up tonight, he’ll probably quit.”
“Oh, of course, sweetie! Don’t worry about work, I’ll handle it.”
She even was nice enough to cover her eyes as she handed me the cleaning supplies through the crack in the door. I scrubbed that floor and counter spotless, filling a garbage bag with bloody paper towels and gore so that no one would assume I butchered someone in the bathroom.
My brother gave me my trench coat when he came to pick me up and acted like he was helping me out of the building as he escorted me, in reality he was making sure I wasn’t bleeding over everything.
Now I’m home, enjoying a few seasons of Friends as I heal up. Andrew is a coroner and if I didn’t have him, I probably would’ve lost my mind and eaten Barbara on a bad day years ago. Whenever I’m done ‘shedding’, he brings me home a few human body parts so I can eat. I usually add them to whatever junk I’m eating, but Barbara was nice enough to bring me some chicken noodle soup. Now it’s chicken noodle soup plus a kidney, but hey, what can you do.
Whoa, feels good to get my shitty yesterday off my chest. Thank god it’s Friday.
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iliveonteaandbooks · 1 year
•A Steve Harrington x Reader Mini Series•
Camping Trip Pt. 1: Car Ride Gone Wrong
Steve Harrington x Reader
Series: Pt. 1
Summary: Steve and you decide to take the boys for a small camping trip for a few days. But during the car ride, things go a little...downhill.
Genre: Angst - ish?
Language: English (English is my first language btw)
Requested: Yes/No
Warnings: Language, yelling
Word count: 925 words
A/N: I normally don’t use strong language in my writing but this is Stranger Things; I mean c‘mon. I had a lot of fun writing this. This is also my first one for Steve; bear with me:) I love feedback on my writing, so please feel free to comment. Requests are open for other fandoms as well! Oh, and I do not own you, Stranger Things, the characters or the actors that portray them, or any of the gifs I use. Credit to the owners. Thanks! <3
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"Are we there yet?" groaned Dustin from the back of Steve's car.
"What?" you semi - yelled, over the loud music coming from the radio.
"ARE. WE. THERE. YET?!" yelled Dustin.
"Quit yelling man!" barked Steve looking unto the mirror above.
"Well your girlfriend's deaf as hell and can't hear shit!" Dustin yelled back.
Steve chuckled.
"Are you not going to defend me?" you cried lightly hitting hitting his arm and suddenly sitting up.
Steve merely, shrugged, putting his sunglasses back on.
You scoffed putting your feet back on the dashboard.
Steve glanced, annoyed (slightly) but said nothing about it.
"Back to the question." sighed Lucas.
"Honestly, like a married couple." rolled his eyes Mike.
"Well, according to the map we still have another two hours."
A chorus of groans and sighs erupted from the back.
"Don't blame me. If Steve hadn't taken a wrong exit back at the interstate," you looked sheepishly at Steve. "We would have been pulling up by now."
Everyone looked at Steve.
"I did not just hear that. Who agreed to drive you dipshits for five ef'ing hours? Huh? I really don't have to do this, you know."
"In the meantime let's play a game!" you offered cheerfully. "I spy." you began. But a series of:
"I'm out."
"Here she goes.
"Here we go."
"Yeah, no. Not happenin'."
"No thanks." erupted from the back.
And a quiet "Nope." from Steve. Which was a mistake from Steve's side.
"STEVE!" you yelled. "That's mean."
Pouting, you turned around and stared out the window at the never ending fields and trees; arms crossed. You even took your feet off the dashboard.
"Aw. Babe. C'mon. I didn't mean it like that. Don't get mad at me?" he pleaded taking off hiss sunglasses and giving you his best puppy eyes.
You weren't looking at him though.
"No you jerk." you mumbled.
He started poking you trying to get out at least a giggle or maybe even a smile. But you slapped his hand away.
Forgetting he was on the road, he turned towards you with both hands.
"EYES ON THE ROAD!" the kids yelled together making you quickly turned around.
"Steve!" you yelled, your voice filled with worry and urgency. Afraid for everyone's life.
The car was swerving. On a highway.
He quickly grabbed the steering wheel saving the car from crashing into the truck ahead of you.
You guys were now stuck in traffic. Great.
"Jesus Christ!" you yelled. From relief of course.
"Oh. My. God." he breathed rubbing his temples.
The kids were having none of it.
"What the hell dude?!"
"You about almost frickin' killed us!"
"Are you insane?!"
"Eyes on the road next time. Jeez."
"I have to agree, Steve. That was a close one." you said.
"Yeah, Steve. Even your girlfriend agrees."
"QUIET!" yelled Steve suddenly and all of you immediately quieted down. "I'm sorry, okay?! I was an accident. You think I meant for this to happen? To 'kill' us all? She," he pointed a finger at you. "distracted me." he shouted.
"Yeah, Steve blame it on me." you shouted back. "No one," you indicated around the car, "asked you to start poking ME! Or start trying to hug ME! Maybe, just maybe, you should keep your eyes on the GOD-DAMN ROAD!" you yelled now.
"Guys!" yelled Mike.
He was unnoticed.
"Well then you shouldn't take things so seriously and make a big deal out of everything!" he shouted.
"How dare you! Do you realize how crazy you sound?"
"GUYS!!!" yelled Mike again while the others watched you like a tennis match. "GUYS! YOU ARE GOING TO WAKE UP WILL!"
"Probably to late for that." muttered Lucas, to which Steve just rolled his eyes.
You two immediately stopped.
Suddenly, you became interested in the worn out map. And Steve stared out the window keeping one hand on the wheel.
"Well, this is awkward." deadpanned Lucas.
Both you and Steve turned to say something but noticing this, immediately turned back around.
Not only were you stuck in traffic with a bunch of boys and a jerk, you were now in a fight with Steve. A ridiculous one at that. Great. Just Great. Wonderful. This is so stupid, you thought.
This is really, truly not how you wanted to spend your camping trip.
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A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as much as I did! Pt. 2? Maybe? Let me know in the comments. Thanks! <3
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incarnateirony · 1 year
You know I'm looking back at the troll in my inbox that caused the post that is pinned on my blog and realizing you guys really just genuinely do not understand me or my motivations. I didn't even notice it at the time because my mind wasn't there, but when it flipped from accusations of faking the shooting to pretending to being about research, they tried to say oh I would love the story from a true fandom hero as if to appeal to some sort of pride or ego any of this was done for
I've never considered myself that. I don't even like this fandom. I don't even like most of the people here. I am a Media blog that happened to want to support a queer battle within supernatural that people screamed and denied was happening until they were slapped in the face with it repeatedly. I'm not even a friend of supernatural. I'm a friend to Media representation.
Like Jesus Christ I am literally talking to friends about going to a convention with zero interest of actually speaking with any of the guys directly and literally just going to troll all of you. We do not have the same interest and you need to stop projecting your interests or motivations on everybody else. Just because you want to be some hero to a fandom does not mean everyone does. I hate this damn place. I want you all to go away and leave me alone. I don't want the attention. I have literally intentionally coded my blog for upwards of a year so only truly interested people would get the information needed without me having to deal with you hostile, combative, ignorant bastards.
Is that what this is? Is it that in your head, if I've been telling the truth the whole time which I have, you see me as a hero but you're angry it wasn't you? Like what's going on in your heads that when your first accusatory angle failed and that was your second line of thought.
None of you are special. Nobody has to prove themselves to you. And I'm sorry, very few people if anyone actually wants to be your hero. I did what I did because it was what I personally wanted and because it was what was right. The latter seems a very foreign idea to most of you if it doesn't get you glory.
If I did this to be a hero to anyone, it was a 10 and 20 year past due revenge cycle to help leverage my friends back into the glory they had before there was ever a show called Supernatural or a network called CW or a president named Pedowitz. Conveniently, they're all gone, and now peachtree is everybody's landlord, but you guys aren't ready to discuss reality, and jobs, and real people. You just want your digital attention and to look important, and get real mad if anyone does things of real impact that don't involve paying for an experience.
To you people, Jensen, Jared-- Dennis Miller, or Schwartz--Ted Turner. Tyler Perry. Bruce. Myself. We're all just digital fictional characters in your head you can argue and opinion about the lives and motivations of. TV syndicates and studios and their motions can't affect you in your hallucinated fandom bubble divorced from reality, and nobody is allowed to make changes or motions on that level because you deny they exist, and get mad when shit rolls downhill on you anyway.
Here we are. Don't turn away now.
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morganee · 2 years
Byler Fic Rec Week - Day 6: Canon divergence
the taste of the color by waffles_isa (@waffles-isa) (699 words, complete)
It's a world where people are only able to see in black and white until they find their soulmate. Everyone's worried about it, but Mike is completely chill.
Static Re-connection by IllogicalFallacy (@illogical-fallacy) (62k, complete)
AND - H E R E - I - T H O U G H T - U ‘ D - F O R G E T - M E N E V E R N E V E R - E V E R - ? N E V E R - E V E R He thought about the way Will had looked at him all those years ago, lying in the hospital bed, eyes not his own. Even through the fog of possession, something behind Will’s gaze had clicked and recognized Mike for who he was. Even without anything else left, Will had still remembered the connection he had to his mom - and... to Mike. His trembling fingers hesitated for an infinite moment, before typing faster than his brain could hope to process, P R M S E - ? Y E S A miles-apart, oblivious mutual pining, emotional summer vacation disaster-fest starring Mike, Will, and one incredibly unreliable radio connection.
must be a devil between us by els bloody rollerskate (@super-nova5045) (37k, ongoing)
Don’t assume that because every gate was closed by your telekinetic girlfriend before the world split in two everything will be okay. Your best friend might become a new target of this monster four months later on summer camp and be in grave danger. Or do. He’ll have to die. Ever since November 1983, when Will Byers went missing, shit has just gone downhill for Hawkins, tragedy after tragedy afflicting a once peaceful town. For the first time ever, Mike Wheeler, is at peace – he’s going to Camp Hero in the summer of ’86, where the high-schoolers of Hawkins bond for a summer of “totally rad, epic fun”. The only thing that could possibly spoil it? His best friend, Will, happens to be attending camp too, as well as his girlfriend El – the two people Mike was trying to avoid; the sheer level of awkward tension between them driving him insane. Mike’s trying his best to ignore Will and even worse, ignore the feelings for Will he tried to repress, too. However, when his assumed-dead dungeon master, Eddie Munson, steps foot on Camp Hero on one midsummer night, Mike knows he must get over his tension with Will and El and reunite his friends to destroy Vecna, once and for all.
A Hope to Cling To by midnighteverlark (18k, complete)
While talking to Will in the shed, trying to break through the Mind Flayer's control, Mike starts thinking about what he would do if Will gave up, and completely unintentionally blurts, "I love you." Mike's existential crisis follows. Meanwhile, Will uses the words as his anchor, holding onto this glimmer of hope with all his might as he struggles to hang on against the Mind Flayer. Basically, a more Mike/Will-centric version of episodes 8 and 9 and the time beyond, with a good dose of of grit and Serious Stuff but also plenty of happiness and some fluff to come. (I mean, come on - Will is a gay kid in the 80s who just craves love and acceptance, and he deserves A Break. Mike is just realizing he's bisexual and he needs some love and acceptance and A Break too.)
king of my heart by bookinit (@bookinit02) (21k, complete)
Will finds himself wondering, sometimes, if his mark matches Mike’s. He thinks it must, really—he can’t imagine wanting to spend the rest of his life with anyone else. Mike’s cool and strong and brave and funny. His hair flops down over his forehead and his eyes bore into Will’s soul, always so steadily intense. He doesn’t cry when he scrapes his knee. Instead, he just gets back up. Will thinks that if Mike isn’t his soulmate, something is seriously wrong with the world.
truth serum side effects (may include: accidental gay confessions) by sterrenhemel (1k, complete)
"You okay?" Mike asks him. "Yeah, your hands are really soft." And— Jesus Christ, what was that? Sure, it wasn't a lie, but... what?! "Uh, thank you?" Mike replies awkwardly. Will wants to hit himself. Why would he say that?  "I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that." Or the one in which Will is hit by a truth serum.
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asknarashikari · 2 years
Emu, Aruto, and Ace in the same room
*cue the memetic Mii channel theme*
Ace: So... you two were Riders too...
Emu: We're still Riders, for the record, but yeah.
Aruto: And you're the new guy, right? The one who's like a thousand years old?
Ace: Two thousand, actually. Or maybe not. I don't really know to be honest. My past's kinda... spotty.
Emu: ...You sure you aren't just an amnesiac?
Ace: ...I don't think so? I mean, the DGP could've messed with my memories, but I haven't lost one for a long time until that damned Girori rigged the game against me...
Aruto: Maybe you had a chip implanted into your brain that makes you think you're ancient as fuck?
Ace: ...What? How would I have a chip in my brain?
Aruto: ...The same way my boyfriend does?
Ace: You're gay?
Emu: Very. Everyone knows when he and Aruto have done the deed.
Aruto: I still don't understand why you came up with that alert system thing...
Emu: ...You're joking, right? People can hear you two from several floors down!
Aruto: It's not my fault, Isa is just that good!
Emu: No one asked you to do it in your goddamned office, Aruto! You can, I don't know, do it at home where no one can hear you!
Ace: ...Boy has the quality of the conversation gone downhill in only seconds
Ace: ...Also, the office, really? Jesus Christ
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
We are in receipt of an update and it is fairly ripe we're ready to talk about it.
- There are huge numbers of people who are trying to get to several locations he's mentioning one of them is the Hawthorne Mall and people are wondering if he's been there before and they think that his uncle bill took him there really it's his son and they were relatives and he was pretty big and people thought it was Mr Forsyth which is bill but it was not and he did take them down there and they had ice cream and some sandwiches and they were having a good time and it was only like 20 minutes or something and they complained the whole way back and he said you're ingrates and stuff like that you calm down and they went and slept and our son had a rough time and Brian had a rough time finally they just decided to sleep and stop complaining we got up in there harassed by these guys it's true that they didn't want them there and stuff. Well they left but it was a horrible horrible visit. And they said what is the deal here it says it wasn't our fault it took us to the Hawthorne and he goes ohh and he looks it up a little and says Jesus Christ and he started to laugh and he said this is terrible. And it was not Ken but they are missing if not gone and they said well inside something and he started looking around he said I know where this is and he figured out some stuff and he went missing it happens to a lot of people now there's a horrible horrible shell on in the rings and Alana death.
- The total of about 20 million aside and their leadership is pretty much going to be gone real soon and it's probably down to 2% and 3.5% literally they're killing each other and it's going on and Trump is losing tons of people and they went down into the tunnels for real and they were competing to do it and they actually are doing it and they're competing to get down there so it's happening and it's fast and he's getting small for real. There's other things going on but they're going to get desperate and they're trying to hide that.
- There are several competitors here in Charlotte County fighting each other it's turned into an ugly scene and it is getting violent all over the county it is recommended to stay doors. And for a few days.
- On top of the leadership percentages there are the number of households it wasn't about 97 and now it is around 90 and we said it was going there. But there are about 30 households that want to go out there and arrange more troops in just a few million and they're trying to get them here and they've been trying for awhile and they want to do it all at once and they're starting to gear up and that would be catastrophic we think. clearly think they can win the battle so that's what they're doing
- On top of that tonight they have called another roughly 2% each and with that number trump will be down to one percent we believe and yeah we we're not giving up the right number and they were influencing it it sort of still are but the numbers are gonna be very low and it is around 4% and he's gonna be at two percent and it lost a whole bunch of troops today but it rounded off from 0.4 percent to four now it's gonna be a hell of a battle tonight and downhill from there. He is getting weaker and so is Dave pretty soon nonexistent.
- There's a lot of people who hate them including our our son and daughter they can't stand them they can't looking at them they can't stand them can't stand hearing them they're all over the news they don't even care what anybody thinks and we think that they're a nasty disgusting vermin. Going on for years with them just being horrific jerks. Carrying that they're getting their **** kicked and getting killed and shot this is ridiculous OK this is so far below human it's not even funny primates do not act this way they're smarter.
- There are other actions there's other wars going on. We'd like this garbage to be out of the way and it's working we're gonna post and we'll show you
we're gonna post and we'll show you
Thor Freya
breathtaking ok really it is
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askfordreams · 2 years
omg don't get me started on adult heedo. if the writers wanted me to believe heedo and yijin broke up and she was fine living her life cause ~ things dont last ~ then show me that she moved on. instead, they showed me her keeping RAINBOW chairs around her studio, using yijin's thing he wrote on her sword with her daughter, the look in her face when she hears his name… like? she's obviously not over it at all. also older heedo forgetting THE BEACH TRIP, her very first significant trip with her first 'real' friends it seems. she acted like it never happened. and sure people forget things, but this was significant. i don't think anyone would plain out forget that.. idk maybe its just me. they were really trying to nail in things dont always last but jesus christ it was like heedo had amnesia except when it came to yijin though right? she remembers him like yesterday sigh what a waste of a beautiful relationship. i dont even know those two anymore in the last eps. things just went fucking downhill so quickly only cause the writer wanted to fit the ending into this weird narrative that she couldn't make believable at all at that point. you can't show us what they mean to each other for those 14 eps then quickly pull them apart, quite literally, at the end to make it work for this bs ending cause it didn't. if she wanted to show us they couldn't make it, there should've been signs way earlier but no, she waited until we barely got them together and suddenly all their traits are gone, they cant communicate, they cant be understanding when thats all they've been doing for each other the whole time.
No the rainbow chairs 😭😭 you know that last episode had me bawling I was so sad. I felt actually heartbroken for heedo. The way she pretended to forget the beach trip please she didn't forget, I bet she remembers every little thing. It was so meaningful to her and everyone else. Remember how only yijin got that photo of her?? Yeah that seems like a guy that would break up with the love of his life. Such a wasted opportunity for such a beautiful ending. I don't buy the whole "realistic ending". It was not realistic, it was stupid. I know they hinted since ep 1 that they might not end up together but then they shouldn't have created such a good relationship for them. From acquaintances to friends to almost lovers to lovers. They made them so in love. I'm getting sad again. I don't remember the last time I felt so sad after watching a drama, maybe only after uncontrollably fond. Agh. I'm upset again 😭 we were so robbed.
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god-whispers · 2 years
sep 27
the great speculation
"but someone will say, “how are the dead raised up? ��and with what body do they come?" 1 cor 15:35
the feast of trumpets will end today at sundown.  i must say i have never before seen such anticipation in the body of Christ about a feast day before, and with good reason i believe.  i also think the rest of this calendar year and into the next will be filled with the same.  this is the season of His coming and all must be alert if we are not to be taken unaware.  all that being said, it got me to speculating about a few things.
today i am going to theorize about a few "what if's."  i am going to do so because i am filled with wonderment of what awaits us.  maybe the feast of trumpets didn't go exactly as i thought it might have but i am not giving up.  i will continue to believe all prophecies needed for His return have been fulfilled.  now He's just waiting for the Father's word.  "go and retrieve Your bride.  all is ready."
for that reason i will continue to believe He could come this year.  we still have yom kippur (jewish new year) to get through and who knows what that might bring?  (watch jerusalem and the happenings - the red heifers, the ezekiel 38 war and iran, all being factors)  i will not give up on the hope set before me.  but that is not what i intend this daily to be about.
do you ever wonder what your new body will look like?  i don't know about you but i certainly don't want this broken down, used up one i now inhabit.  which brings me to another question.  will those remaining even know we were raptured or will the shell of our previous body remain and be visible.  perhaps the empty shells could be explained as death - another pandemic or some such.  our departure will have to be explained away or many will rush to God spoiling the enemies' plans of deception.  a searching the scripture will ensue - if bibles are still available.
there i go, getting sidetracked again.  first, let's talk about Jesus and His resurrection.  He apparently had the same bodily form since He was recognizable (even though He could appear disguised, or hidden, at times).  His wounds were still visible as He showed them to others.  His appearance in this form served a needed purpose - that many might believe He had risen.
but how much will our resurrection be like His?  i ask anyone to share with me if they have scripture saying this body of ours shall remain intact, even after glorification.  i can't speak for anyone else but i don't want my current body representing me after my resurrection, and i certainly don't want it's damage still visible.  the apostle paul described these earthy bodies as just tents we inhabit.  well, i want a new tent.  one that i can wear and be content with throughout eternity.
i think of what Jesus said, "so why do you worry about clothing?  consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." matt 6:28-29  i want my new body to be as beautiful and fragrant as those lilies.
think of a butterfly - how it goes through a transformation that changes it from a crawling worm in the dirt into a beautiful butterfly which can soar to the heights of heaven.  God may have made the earth and all in it "good," but it has gone downhill from there.  sin will do that.  "it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is." 1 john 3:2
that will make all the difference - seeing Jesus, knowing Him in a way we never have before.  we will know Him in such a singular and intimate way.  He will hand us that stone with our new name on it, known only between the two of us.  is that intimate enough for you?  if not, i'm sure He will have more in store.
so i sit here speculating.  whatever my new body will entail, i know it will be something special.  special because it will be pleasing to Him.  i know it will please Him because He will be the one fashioning it and that is good enough for me.  "they shall be Mine,” says the Lord of hosts, “on the day that I make them My jewels." mal 3:17  friends - we're going from rags to riches people in a moment and i can hardly curtail my excitement.  maranatha!
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meateater-rabbit · 2 years
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spiderlingh · 2 years
Élite Season 5 Review
‘cause why not? obviously contains spoilers.
so i wasn’t planning on watching this season after the mess that was season 4
EVERYONE currently in this show is so fucking annoying.
even samu. and that man had some great character development in the past
except for rebe. my beloved
cayetana baby i thought we were over spending our time with shitty men babe???
anyway. onto the new ones. and old new ones.
old new ones;
patrick - still don’t like him
mencia - yoooo i thought this chick was annoying last season (n everyone thought she was a baddie? like no baby) but to me she was even more unlikeable now!
ari - miss girl i liked you during the first 3 episodes why tf are you cheating on samu ???
benjamin - this is the worst fucking character in the show. this man is the equivalent of arturo from la casa de papel for me. jesus christ someone summon polo from the dead or lu from new york so either of them can rip that man’s head off
philippe - ugh i hate him but glad he at least had the decency to stand up for isadora after the events in ibiza
new new ones;
isadora - annoying as shit for the first five episodes! tho i gotta admit i like how they portrayed her struggle with addiction. hated what happened to her later on :((
portugese man whose name i could not bother remembering - thoroughly dislike him! screwing a taken girl? u ain’t cute! (and his actor, a white man, has repeatedly said the n-word on camera! so that’s a no from me)
black guy whose name i also don’t remember - don’t like him. bro what even was the point this man appeared for 2 scenes lmaooo
onto basic things;
i want the old inspector back?? but i bet that lady was just done w all this las encinas bullshit lmao
i have disliked omar since like season 2 or something and this man just keeps digging his own damn grave…
this season was so boring ugh
why do they keep making things bigger and grander? parties, origins of the characters? not a vibe
at first it was just about the kids of lawyers, diplomats, marchionesses, et cetera
now everyone is a prince? or super famous? or owner of ‘several businesses and half of ibiza’ at fucking seventeen or whatever age these kids are?
obviously this isn’t the number one show to pick based on realism but it’s so over the top that it just icks me
the amount of inappropriate age gap relationships the past two seasons has only gone up and i certainly do not approve. yikes
sex scenes lack everything a good sex scene should have! it’s just awkward to watch at this point
i know that samuel is one of the least liked characters of the show but i actually really like him (ever since s2 came out)… so seeing him end up dead (it’s not confirmed but i highly doubt he’s alive) hit harder than i expected. after all the shit he’s been through, he ended up being another victim. i know they had to write him off somehow because itzan is not returning for season 6 but man… i’d truly hoped for his happy ending. fuck.
i’m sorry but none of the characters that were introduced to us after season 2 seem to have any kind of depth. that is, unless you count daddy issues! (i have those too babe. you’re not special.)
season 1 to 3 were so much better. a popular opinion, as i’m aware, but fucking hell does it need to be said. it feels like an entirely different show now.
i miss truly interesting characters. polo, carla, lu, guzman, nadia. hell, even marina and nano. christian. i miss them.
the storyline was better, the murder mystery was better, it was all connected and so captivating and well written.
the costumes were better and more fitting (they become more and more ridiculous with each season). soundtrack used to be much better. I MISS IT DUDE.
even the acting/casting has gone downhill. none of the new actors speak to me in any way whatsoever, definitely not like the old cast did.
netflix should’ve ended it with season 3. everything came to a close with everything surrounding marina’s death being revealed, carla confessing and polo dying, just after guzman forgave him. it could’ve been a perfect ending.
anyways, i’m gonna rewatch season 1 and 2 because they’re still as fun for me to watch as the first time i watched them.
not sure whether i’ll be watching the upcoming season. but you’ll hear from me then ;)
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years
Burn The Witch 15 - Liar Liar [Bucky Barnes x Reader]
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful support and feedback my loves ! ❤ Here’s the next chapter, I hope you like it as well and please let me know what you think! ❤ Thank you! ❤❤❤
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, fake dating, mentions of blood, sex, violence, death, manipulation, language, guns, knives.
Summary: Dishonesty requires practice.
Series Masterlist
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Every spy knew things could go downhill on a mission. Considering how your last mission had ended with your ex, you weren’t exactly unfamiliar with the idea of your cover being blown but—
None of the targets were as dangerous as this one.
For a moment, you thought about pushing that button on your wristwatch and calling your whole team here because there was no way you could take down the legendary Winter Soldier in a fight, but through the haze of panic, a voice in your head told you not to.
It was just a mission.
As long as you kept your calm, you could fix this.
“Bucky,” you heard yourself say, “I can explain.”
He stared at you and the gun in his hand, then raised his brows.
“Okay,” he said, “Yeah, please explain why you have a gun.”
God damn it.
Okay, you had to think. Your cover was the naïve sweet civilian girl so any sentence you formed had to fit the description. The spy in you was already trying to come up with something, you had been taught to lie without even blinking but somehow it felt almost—
You tried to pull yourself together, shaking your head.
“I—it’s—“ you took a deep breath, “Yeah I have a gun.”
“I can see that,” he said drily, “Why?”
Good question.
Why would the small town sweetheart have a gun?
The cover story didn’t have anything like that, so you had to come up with a believable lie based on—
Oh. Bingo.
“I was going to tell you,” you said. “I’ve actually—I’ve had it for weeks.”
“For weeks?” he repeated, “Why?”
You ran a hand over your eyes, then crossed your arms and shrugged.
“I’m going to need more than that, Y/N.”
You gritted your teeth and raised your glances to look up at him. “After I got mugged,” you started, “I told one of my friends back home about what happened and she’s—she came up with this idea that I should maybe buy a gun because I—I don’t know. I don’t know why I bought it, I just bought it.”
“You bought a gun because your friend told you to?”
You tilted your head, “No Bucky, I bought a gun because I got mugged and got shot within the first month of moving here.”
His gaze on you was fixed, as if he was trying to see whether you were lying or not but now that panic wasn’t taking over you, you could think straight.
Bucky was a legend among the espionage world and he was unstoppable and you probably didn’t stand a chance against him yes, but you had one advantage.
Bucky was a soldier, not a spy.
Spies were different. Bucky had the physical training to go after a target, but he never, ever had to manipulate them emotionally. You were one step ahead on that and if there was anything that could get you out of this mess, that was it.
“Listen I know that you’re concerned, but you have nothing to worry about,” you waved a dismissive hand, “The guy at the shop was very helpful, he even gave me his number—”
His head shot up, “What?”
“Yeah in case I needed anything with the gun. Or if I had any questions.”
A shadow crossed his eyes and he scoffed, shaking his head.
“Did he now?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, “And besides, I watched a bunch of tutorials so I think I got it. I’m a very quick learner.”  
“Yeah, videos.”
He blinked a couple of times, and looked down at the gun before looking up at you.
“You watched videos.”
“Mm hm. One of the guys even had a deer head mounted on the wall behind him, it’s very clear he knows what he’s talking about.”
“Jesus Christ,” he muttered to himself and you had to remind yourself not to smile.
“And I know how to take the safety off,” you added, “After that point it’s basically point and pull the trigger, that’s what the video said.”
“I don’t even know where to begin— sweetheart,” he turned to you, “Forget what the video said, I can teach you if you want, but for what it’s worth, I think it’s a terrible idea.”
Hook, line and sinker.
“I hate guns,” you insisted, “It’s just that—Stacey said it’s a big city and after I got shot… I don’t know. I know I should’ve told you, I just didn’t want you to think I’m some kind of a paranoid person.”
He heaved a sigh and reached out to tug you by the hand so that he could pull you closer.
“I don’t think you’re paranoid,” he said. “I just think that you could hurt yourself or someone if you don’t have any training.”
“The guy made it sound pretty easy.”
“Yeah, I don’t think selling it was the only thing he wanted.”
You rolled your eyes at him, “Now who’s being paranoid?”
“I’m just being observant.”
“I’m not jealous,” he said and you scrunched up your nose
“Right,” you said, “Of course you’re not.”
“So is there anything I should know about?” he changed the subject, “Anything at all? I won’t judge, I swear.”
You pressed your lips together as you looked up at him. What could you say to that?
I’ve been manipulating you all along.
I’m working for the same government that is looking for you to slip and make a mistake.
When this is over, I’m probably going to hate myself much more than you hate me.
Yeah. There was absolutely nothing you could say.
“Nothing I can think of right now,” you shrugged your shoulders, “So, can we go now?”
You could barely remember the last time you had been to a funfair. It didn’t even matter that you already knew where you were going, you were still quite excited despite the earlier panic you had gone through. Thankfully, Bucky seemed to have bought into your story but it didn’t mean you weren’t taking mental notes about what to do by the time the date was over.
Or when you were out of his sight, whichever.
“Thank you!” you said what it felt for the hundredth time as you put a piece of cotton candy into your mouth, enjoying the sweet taste melting in your mouth and Bucky smiled at you fondly.
“No problem darling.”
“No seriously, I haven’t been to a funfair in…I don’t know, forever!” you said, “Wait, so it was a thing back then?”
“Bringing your date to a funfair?”
He nodded, walking beside you, “Yeah. There wasn’t much to do and you know, lots of people.”
“So no gossip?”
“Lots of gossip,” he corrected you, “But at least—“
“No one’s virtue got damaged.”
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Nope,” you grinned at him and gasped when something caught your eye, making him turn his head.
“Oh my God!” you pointed at the huge neon sign and he followed your gaze, then scoffed a laughter.
“I want to try it.”
“Shoot The Ducks.” He read out loud, “You know what, let’s see how good you are if you watched that many videos.”
“I’m going to get that teddy bear,” you pointed at the biggest teddy bear sitting on the top shelf while he looked like he was fighting a laugh.
“Are you sure you can carry that?”
“You’re going to carry it for me,” you said as you handed him the cotton candy, your nose in the air and tugged him by the wrist to lead him to the shooting range. You took a look at the paper ducks with bullseye on them, then turned to the man behind the counter.
“Excuse me, how many of those should I shoot to get that?” you asked, motioning at the teddy bear and the man looked up.
“3 sets, all bullseye.”
“Okay,” you said and reached for your purse but Bucky had already paid the man by the time you could get your wallet out. He gave you the toy rifle and you had to remind yourself you were supposed to be terrible at it no matter how much you wanted that goddamn plushie.
The good thing about being an expert sniper was that you knew exactly how to miss and look like an amateur. So you pointed the rifle slightly to the right and took your shot, and as expected you missed.
“No!” you whined and Bucky stifled a chuckle, but adapted a look of seriousness as soon as you turned around to look at him with your eyes narrowed.
“I said nothing.”
“That was just bad luck,” you insisted, then took your shot again, deliberately missing once more. You lowered the rifle, pouting.
“I’m pretty sure this is rigged.”
“Or maybe the guy with the deer head on his wall had no idea what he was talking about,” Bucky pointed out, “Almost like watching videos isn’t enough to figure out how to shoot, wouldn’t you say?”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying this.”
“On the contrary, I am a little terrified now that I know you have a gun," he taunted you, “And seeing this…”
You glared at him and took your shot, missing again and you heaved a sigh, lowering the rifle again.
“Better luck next time miss,” the man said and you offered him a small smile. Bucky heaved a sigh as if he was fighting himself.
“Which one did you say you wanted again?” he asked and you pulled your brows together, then pointed at the huge teddy bear. He nodded at the guy and handed him some cash after giving you your cotton candy back, then grabbed the toy rifle from the man and in only a couple of seconds, he had hit every single bullseye, making your jaw drop.
You were so screwed.
You knew that he was a great super soldier but seeing it was something else. A shiver ran down your spine as what you had read on his file flashed before your eyes. You were right earlier, you had to make sure to avoid any kind of combat with him by the time this whole mission was over.
Your head shot up and you tried to pull yourself together, letting out a breath.
“Wow,” you managed to say and the man behind the counter gawked between you two.
“Um— that one please?” you said and he blinked a couple of times, then reached out to take the teddy bear down to put it into your arms. You let out a small squeal of glee, then beamed at Bucky.
“Thank you!” you said, trying to keep your nervousness hidden and he smiled.
“No problem,” he motioned at you and you gave the teddy to him so that you could hold your cotton candy better. You shook your head slightly, distracting yourself with the sweetness on your tongue but a small laughter escaped from your lips when you took a look at the sight beside you.
The scary Winter Soldier holding a huge teddy bear in his arms.
“Nothing,” you managed to say, “I’m going to name him Bucky.”
“No you’re not.”
“Fine, I’m going to name him Grumpy,” you said, “Same deal.”
“Hey!” he protested and you giggled, then looked around.
“Come on,” you said, grabbing his hand, “Let’s go to the Ring Toss!”
It was as if the time was going faster on your every single date with Bucky. Even after spending hours in that funfair until midnight, you were still quite giddy when you and Bucky reached your building. You let out a giggle as you turned around and took the huge teddy bear from him, hugging it tight.
“Thank you,” you said, looking up at him, “Really. I…I think it was the best that I’ve ever had.”
“Yeah!” you said, “And now I have to find something equally amazing for a modern date, so no pressure.”
He chuckled, “You don’t have to find anything,” he said, “I’d be happy just being with you, not doing anything.”
Warmth filled your insides and you smiled.
“Really,” he nodded and you put the teddy bear down, then stood on your tiptoes to pull him down to a kiss.
His arm wrapped around your waist and you found yourself sighing as his other hand cupped your cheek. A fire – a very, very familiar fire started burning at the pit of your stomach as you felt yourself melt at his touch, every single doubt about the mission and the strategies and everything else wiping out of your mind until desire was the only thing left. He brushed your hair behind your ear as you pulled back and looked up at him, the same fire burning in his eyes but he was better than you at hiding it so a gentle smile pulled at his lips.
Fuck what the strategy report says.
“Um—“ you took a deep breath, “Would you want to come upstairs for...a cup of coffee or something?”
He looked almost surprised at the suggestion but for what it was worth, he overcame that quite fast. His gaze stopped on you for a moment before he nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, “Yeah I’d love to.”
A nervous laughter escaped from you and you nodded,
“Okay—“ you started but before you could say anything, his phone started ringing. He closed his eyes for a moment and took it out of his pocket to answer it.
“This is not a good time man,” he said, but his frown deepened as he listened to the other line, “Right now? Are you serious?”
You tilted your head and he heaved a deep sigh while the person told him something you couldn’t hear.
“Fine,” he muttered, “I’ll be there.”
Oh God damn it.
“Let me guess,” you said when he hung up, “Change of plans?”
He ran a hand over his eyes and nodded.
“Sam says there’s this group of people in need of help…” he grumbled, putting the phone into his pocket, “But somebody better be dying because if not, I can fix that really fast.”
You let out a laugh, “Don’t be like that,” you said, “It’s fine. I told you, I’m not going anywhere. Go save lives.”
“I’m really sorry darling.”
“It’s fine,” you repeated with a smile and pecked him on the lips before picking up the huge teddy bear. “But be careful, you hear me?”
“Yes ma’am,” he saluted and you blew him a kiss before walking into the building. You took the elevator, still holding the teddy tight and as soon as you got to your floor you stepped out.
“What the hell is that?” Keith’s voice reached you and you tilted your head to look around the teddy’s arm to see him by his door, as if he was just leaving.
“It’s a teddy bear,” you said, walking to your door to open it, Keith following you into the apartment.
“What’s in it?” he asked, “Weapons? Guns? Knives?”
“Y/N—” he started but you put it on the floor and took a step back.
“Where are you going?”
“General gave me a mission,” he said, “You seriously want me to believe you just got a teddy bear just because?”
“I was on a date.”
“Oh,” he said, “Romantic. It would be a great way to hide weapons though, even you have to admit—”
“Bucky found my gun.”
Keith stopped talking and stared at you for a couple of seconds, “I beg your pardon?”
You rubbed at your eyes, “You heard me. He found my gun.”
“Why the hell did you not alert me?”
“There was no need.”
Keith threw his head back, “Are you serious right now?” he asked you, “This is the freaking Winter Soldier we’re talking about, you’re not supposed to take any chances! For God’s sake, I live next door for a reason!”
“My cover wasn’t blown,” you insisted, “If you or the team got here, all this would’ve been for nothing. I handled it.”
He crossed his arms, “Still an unnecessary risk to take,” he insisted, “Anything could’ve happened, Y/N. You’ve read his file.”
You nodded, “I handled it,” you said, “You should go by the way. You’re going to be late, the General hates that.”
“Do you want me to say anything to him?”
You thought for a moment and shook your head.
“No,” you said, “Good luck.”
“We will talk about this when I came back.” he pointed at you and left your apartment. You took a look at the teddy bear, then grabbed your phone to touch Chloe’s name.
“Hey there!” she answered on the first ring, “How was the funfair?”
“It was good,” you said, “Listen, I need you to make sure my background is solid.”
“What?” she asked, “It is, I made sure of that—“
“Bucky found my gun,” you said, “Earlier.”
She took in a sharp breath, “God damn it.”
“No it’s fine, I came up with this story of buying it from a shop after the mugging, but…”
“You need a document just in case,” she completed your sentence, “Got it. Do you think he would check?”
“No,” you said, “But Wilson might, he and Bucky are pretty close. It would be much harder to trick him.”
“Got it,” she said, “I’ll get the document ready, maybe some footage… And I’ll go over your social media just in case.”
“But are you okay?”
You paused only for a moment,
“Sure,” you said, “I’m fine, I handled it. It’s all going according to plan.”
“Alright,” she said, “I’d better get to it. Be careful!”
“You too,” you said and hung up, then went to the kitchen to grab a couple of knives before going back to the living room.
“Sorry about this Bucky number two,” you murmured as you turned it around, stuck the knife into it and started ripping it, “But you really would make a good place to hide weapons.”
Chapter 16
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super-nova5045 · 2 years
new chapter sluts
“I saw you out there – you lied to them.” Mike said slowly, not yet raising his voice. “You said you’ve never played baseball before.”
“Jesus Christ, that’s what you’re mad about?! You’re mad that I lied to some people on my team to look cooler?!” Will seemed utterly incredulous at the thought of this.
“It’s the fact that you lied to seem cooler is the problem! You’re being someone else – a supposed natural batter at baseball – just to be well-liked and popular! W-what ever happened to being freaks together, as one party?”
Will crossed his arms over his body. “I’ve been picked on my whole life – if someone notices my talents, which, by the way, you haven’t been doing at all, I’m going to take my opportunity. Don’t pretend you’ve never wished to be popular, too. Stop being mad at me for wanting a different future."
Don’t assume that because every gate was closed by your telekinetic girlfriend before the world split in two everything will be okay. Your best friend might become a new target of this monster four months later on summer camp and be in grave danger.
Or do. He’ll have to die. / Ever since November 1983, when Will Byers went missing, shit has just gone downhill for Hawkins, tragedy after tragedy afflicting a once peaceful town.
For the first time ever, Mike Wheeler, is at peace – he’s going to Camp Hero in the summer of ’86, where the high-schoolers of Hawkins bond for a summer of “totally rad, epic fun”. The only thing that could possibly spoil it? His best friend, Will, happens to be attending camp too, as well as his girlfriend El – the two people Mike was trying to avoid; the sheer level of awkward tension between them driving him insane.
Mike’s trying his best to ignore Will and even worse, ignore the feelings for Will he tried to repress, too. However, when his assumed-dead dungeon master, Eddie Munson, steps foot on Camp Hero on one midsummer night, Mike knows he must get over his tension with Will and El and reunite his friends to destroy Vecna, once and for all.
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allfather-we-stan · 2 years
A little life update "summer 22 with no solid poo"
for anyone who cares lol
as some of you may have seen from my other social medias and here, my health has gone to pretty downhill and I want to share my story and explain bc idk
And for not to scare anyone, no its im not deadly ill. Im prob gonna be just fine.
gross warning i talk about poop
So umm this all started at the end of may- start of june when i started having diarreah. no biggie, i get anxiety diarreah like once a week so i didnt think much of it at the time. Only took me like few more weeks for straight diarreah to realize that something may be wrong lol. So i joked about it and let it be. I call this summer "Summer 22 with no solid poo" and wanted to wait till august to go to doctor. Then i got covid. So i had to wait that out before going to the hospital.
And finally the day I got to go to the doctor and everything was fine, i was supposed to get blood work tested and maybe poop in a container and the doctor thought that it might be celiac-disease bc that runs in my family. But i got fever straight as i got home. I didn't feel so good. The fever continued for a couple of days and then we decided its time to go to ER.
We went there, got bloodwork done etc. Waited there like 6 hours and finallly at 9pm the doctor had time to see me and turns out my inflammatory values were super high and that theyd like me to stay at the hospital for a while. So i stayed at the hospital for 7 days.
In those 7 days they took so much bloodwork from me it was insane! (and fun fact, turns out my veins are shit and no one can find a good spot to draw blood or put an IV tube in). For a couple of days, no answers. They had no idea whats wrong with me. My fever rise and they gave me antibiotics and other meds. Went to the ultrasound and nothing. And then, they had to give me a observation aka "put a little camera up my ass".
But bc i live in a small city theres like one doctor who does that and his schedule was full. So I had long long days waiting for my appointment. And they got me on friday.
But before we get to the camera up my ass part. Hell was loose. They had to "clean" my bowels. And they told me, and I QOUTE "It's either 1: drink two cups of this cocktail that tastes like orange juice or 2: drink 3 litres of water". Obv i took the orange juice! It cant be that bad! WRONG! JESUS CHRIST I WAS WRONG.
As soon as i drank the bad tasting orange drink, i felt like throwing up. Then the pain came. Oh god the pain. It was like level 10 menstrual cramp kind of pain. I was literally crying and screaming bc it hurt so bad. Only thing that helped at the moment was to stay still but i couldnt do that bc i had to shit out the cocktail like every 5 minutes. Many times i thought to just shit my pants on the bed and not let that be my problem. I was in so much pain I was in panic mode. And the worst thing was, no one warned me. They didn't even mention that it might hurt with some people. I don't remember all bc panic lol but i remember this one bitch ass nurse going "Duh its gonna hurt it has big chemicals in it! Even gas can hurt inside bowels". I would have punched her if I wasnt shitting at the time. Then the nurses took their sweet time to get me painkillers and nausea meds. But I couldnt take those bc i felt like throwing up. And then I remember a doctor came. He was nice and explained to me that it hurts bc the orange juice made my bowels like spasm to clean it. I was like "lol thanks for warning me beforehand". Some time goes, they give me that yummy tranquilizer trough IV and I'm high asf. It still hurt but atleast i was high. Then came the cup number 2! I tried to drink it, immeadetly i threw it up like no way that stayed down. And again, panic bc idk what happens next. Do i need to do this all again? Is my bowel clean? Am i gonna be okay? And then i passed out and slept trough the night.
And at this point, on a serious point. WHY THE FUCK IS TELLING PATIENCE THAT THIS THING X IS GONNA HURT SO FUCKING TABOO??? Like i get it, you dont want to scare people but a little heads up would be better than nothing! I just wish someone had told me.
Okay, morning comes, its friday, camera about to go up my ass. they give me nice tranquilizer again, YUMMY. Im high again. they roll me to the operation room, and the nice nurses and a doctor explains whats gonna happen. ( I knew this was gonna hurt beforehand bc they gave me the tranquilizer and figures). At this point they tell me that going up my ass is the hardest part and hurts but after that its easier. Im like okay i can do this, im high and im a big boy! So there i was, laying on my side, doctor rips hole in my underwear to put the camera up my ass. And there it goes, felt weird. Then this stinging pain comes and i curse. Nice nurse lady notices and presses against my tummy and the pain gets easier. They tell me to take a deep breath everytime the pain eases. I do. I'm breathing so good baby you wouldnt believe ( still fucking high). And that thing happens over and over again for like, maybe 3-4 minutes but felt much longer. Sometimes the pain was larger but the nice nurse always pressed my tummy and i, kind of, farted the pain out? It's weird but you get it. Then i hear the words of heaven "We are there"! THE WORST IS BEHIND. I'm happy! I turn around, look at the screen where i can somehow see ( didnt have my glasses) the inside of my bowel part. And i said "ew" and turned my head back. I dont wanna see that. it was pink. Then the doctor spoke something doctorly that i didnt understand. They spend a minute inside my ass doing... doctor stuff and then they took the camera out. It didnt hurt just felt weird, like taking a weirdly shaped long shit. And then they were like "lol we done! We gonna take these samples to the lab asap!" And I was like "you took samples?". THEY TOOK PIECES OF THE INSIDE OF MY ASS WTF.
okay its done, im still high and after couple of hours, they let me go home. I'm happy. I'm feeling good. Life was good. Untill the next morning.
I felt bad again, I threw up at night and I had a mild fever. We call the ER to ask what we do. They tell me that i havent drank enough liquids. So for the next two days I drank so much water you wont believe but i still felt bad and had a fever. So off to ER again!
We went there, they were like lol again bloodwork. At this point im sure i have no blood left. Then we waited and waited and they take some more blood and wait again. Results come back. My inflammatory values were high again. They again want me to stay at the hospital overnight. Hospital booked full. I wait. And finally its time. They take me to a 2 person room, as a 3rd guy. Like it was so cramped and I didnt even have the emergency button. Everything is overwhelming. It smelled like shit. I cried. it was a horrible experience and i can go all night about how shit it was but ill skip it at this point.
So i spend like two nights at the hospital, and they finally have the results in about the pieces of my ass they took. they dont know what it is. THEY HAVE NO CLUE. But atleast they got me meds that work and i dont have a fever anymore. But its like 5 different meds. They make me nauseous and tired. So its not going that well now but atleast im in a good shape to be at home rn.
Im still waiting for more results and follow-up things at the hospital. I'll update as I get to those. Thanks for reading, feel free to ask any questions and stay healthy lmao.
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