#Amethio Pokémon
minnlahzz · 6 months
Would you love me if I was a magikarp
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I got bored, okay? Anyway this is highly inspired by @lorbslorb 's "would you love me if I was a wurmple" thing!! (sorry for tagging)
I only did these three, but if you want I could make moreeee. I could alos make other prompts
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randomchaosyay · 3 months
Pretty Boy - Amethio
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I would marry him in a heartbeat 💗
I know I have pending requests but I wrote this at 3am against my better judgement
Warnings: None
Reader gender not specified
Amethio wasn’t good with affection, or surprise visits. That being said, you probably should’ve warned him before going over to surprise him. By surprise what you really meant was that the rest of your group was on vacation and you were assigned to help him since you two made such a great team.
It’d been a while since you’d seen him in person, always having other simple tasks to do. You and Thio always kept in touch via text though. It took him a while but now when you asked how his day went, he didn’t just say fine, he actually delved into the details. The progress was slow but you loved him all the same. You knew affection is hard for him but you love that he’s trying, just for you.
Reaching where your pretty boy, Zirc, and Conia are, you took a breathe and steeled yourself for the chaos that was going to ensue when you entered the building with a bag of freshly baked sweet treats.
As soon as you entered, the chatter stopped as they looked at you for a second. Then they were instantly lunging for the baked goods in your hands, Amethio getting to them first surprisingly. Zirc and Conia let out small groans of disappointment, before practically tackling you in a group hug.
They gave you the run down on what was happening and the progress so far. You didn’t have the heart to tell them that Thio already told you everything when they were so glad you were back on the team. A few seconds after they finished the run down Zirc tapped Conia’s shoulder and whispered something in her ear, causing her to leave with a promise of catching up soon.
That just left you and Amethio in the room together.
You ran over to him and tackled him in a hug which he stiffly returned. You moved back so you two were now sitting up on the couch with you on his lap facing him.
“I missed you, pretty boy”
“I missed you too” Amethio responded, hesitantly and awkward.
You took a moment just to stare at him, to take in all of his features once again. He really was beautiful. You knew Amethio wasn’t comfortable giving affection, but in the time that you had been dating he had gotten used to the way you showed your love for him.
The rest of the day was spent sitting with your pretty pretty boy, just enjoying each others company and lazily eating the food brought, together on the couch.
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Gonna Wish
Dynasty: *Stares at Amethio, then starts to walk away* you're gonna wish you never had met me..
Amethio: *Raises his hand, staring after her* We could've had it all...
Dynasty: Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep
Amethio: We could've had it all...
Dynasty: You're gonna wish you- *Glances back at Amethio, Kirlia teleporting her away*
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ha1cyon-daze · 3 months
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redrew something from last september-
original piece!
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leeches-drawer · 3 months
learning how to draw him
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d3adbr3inc3lls · 3 months
Hi!! Could you maybe write performer reader x amethio?
Amethio x Preformer!Reader | HCs & Drabbles
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Note-- some of this is written at unholy hours of the morning(/lh) so some parts may not make sense, but I edited this in the morning again, so hopefully that balances it out.
Amethio was usually too focused on his work to look at work to watch anything really,
Conia was the one who showed him the pokémon performers, and you instantly stood out to him.
No matter what pokémon you had with you, you always brought out their full potential,
For crying out loud, you could be using Giratina and you'd be able to make the deity look graceful and like it doesn't have some twisted backstory
You were able to ace most, if not all, challenges that came your way.
Sure you may have struggled with some, but you kept going. You never backed down and that's what he loved about you.
The two of you probably met through Conia, she was a close friend of yours who was always there to support you, and even though you hesitated slightly at meeting Amethio, her superior, who wouldn't? You expected him to be a serious adult and not someone your own age, but she later convinced you that it was a good idea.
When you two finally met, you were in Sinnoh to relax and train your 'mons, and Conia, alongside Zir and Amethio were there because they heard of Kleavor and wanted to get to it before the RVT did.
You two meeting was a complete coincidence and it was unplanned, (Conia originally planned on having the two of you meeting up after their current mission which was to track down Kleavor), so it was a suprise when you heard your best friend yelling your name.
Hearing your name being yelled you quickly spun around to meet a familiar greyish-blue haired woman running over to you.
The two of you have been friends since highschool, and thinking back on it, she was like an older sister to you, always helping you get to class and was the main reason you passed calculus.
Crashing into your arms she gave you a tight hug, clearly missing someone who she views as a younger sibling. Your beloved partner pokémon quickly glances up at the two of you before letting out a happy cry and glancing at Conia, waiting for her to release her Psyduck.
You could see a taller man -who you assumed is Zir- somewhat behind her covering with a shorter man as they approached the two of you rather slowly.
"Your last performance was great, even Amethio and Zir watched you,"
A smile of pride paints Conia's face before she releases her Psyduck -now Golduck- to play with your 'mons.
You would've never believed it yourself if it weren't for Zir nodding behind her, you wouldn't have believed her. Zir was never interested in anything related to performances, and as far as you've heard, Amethio would probably find it not worthy of his time as he's often training to get better.
But you were suprised to see that you were so wrong with assuming Amethio wouldn't watch you perform,
He enjoyed every moment of your performance, even the challenges that happened before.
The 'challenge' that happened before you had a performance against the Kalos Queen, Serena, involved a pokémon battle.
Not just any regular battle- well, it was a regular battle but it had a spin- you had to show off your partner's moves, and the way they phrased it was a bit off, but it was like a performance whilst battling,
If the two of you ever began to date, expect him to be at every performance. He loves watching you and your pokémon preform, even if you don't win and get to compete in the next rounds, he still is proud of you, knowing how hard it must be to perform not only infront of hundreds of people in person but probably thousands if you concider those watching online.
With that being said, if you ever struggle oe need help, he's the last person you should ask.
Amethio only knows pokémon moves in a literal battling sense, not a performance sense, so he won't be able to help you.
He barely even understands how you manage to turn any move into one for show instead of damage.
But expect him to be there for every performance (he will try his best to go to them, even if it means sneaking out and doing dumb teenager things, he doesn't mind it as much),
Quickly scanning the area, you look for the familiar ravenhead, he's always there to greet you after your performances, -but he did say that he might not be able to meet you because of something to do with summoning a legandary pokémon or something similar that you didn't understand-
You've changed into your regular clothes after the performance for comfort and possible safety issues as you've heard many rumours and horror stories of performers -especially female performers- being harassed by crazed fans.
Feeling a tap on your shoulder, you quickly spin around, anxious to see who may have recognised you, until you heard the familiar voice that put your mind at ease.
"I apologise, I had to get something, that's why I'm late," the familiar ravenhead told you as he handed over a bouquet of flowers, he had always bought you something after your performances without fail, and it truly makes you appreciate him more than you currently do if that's even possible.
In all honesty, you probably wouldn't be aware of Amethio's occupation and role with the Explorers, he doesn't want you to talk to the other admins as he doesn't want either of you to be targets of their comments.
If he does see any of them when the two of you are out, he'd try and avoid them,
If he can't avoid them, he'd definitely deal with them, excusing himself politely, saying that he sees one of colleagues and it is in your best intrest to not interact with them.
Amethio's worst nightmare would be Sango or Spinel finding out you're dating him.
Sango would make her usual Sango remarks whilst Spinel would tell him how shallow he is, spoiler alert- he isn't, he genuinely cares for you, and how it's a typical teenager relationship that probably won't last long
Jokes on him, Amethio never planned for the relationship to be short and genuinely wants it to work out, but if you ever want to leave, he won't stop you.
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vulturevanity · 3 months
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Average day at the Explorers HQ
(original post)
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moon--kit · 7 months
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gemsbian · 6 months
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mocamoca1 · 1 year
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gotta get this guy out of my system (i really like his design)
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celticcatgirl2 · 6 months
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“Don’t ever talk to me or my son ever again…”
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minnlahzz · 3 months
Amethio with a reader that's a famous idol
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this request immediately came by when i found out illit has debuted, so this is just mwa. it might be short i apologize, i also didn't know what type of idol you were referring to, so I just chose the performance type like a pokemon performer typa bs. 😔
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when it's not public :
amethio would be supportive of it, and would try not to ruin or affect your status. so private dating !!
he would try to squeeze your performances in his very tight schedule, amethio is probably at the very back at the crowd watching you like a lovefool. hey, ceruledge likes your performances too!
strictly no pda, so even if he misses you alot, or if you miss him alot. he will resist so that he wouldn't damage your career, especially of you have an insane fanbase.
he looks like a bodyguard when walking with you somewhere, amethio does try to protect you if there were any stalkers or weirdos !!
in a way he's like a manager and a super fan, because he would take those photos you post on internet and he's also the one scolding you for stressing yourself.
if you have merch he'll buy it to support you and probably keep it somewhere, where no one can find it.
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exposed !! :
amethio would probably be overwhelmed at first, but then he just warmed up to it. "oh well" type of thing, he'll try his best to not commit war crimes while your fans are near him.
the admins definitely teased his ass the first time they heard about it.
it could be that your dumbass probably did some pda while walking with him, and someone captures it !!
media goes wild fire just like how they always are, but i assure you, your fans are fine with it after a week.
when you're posting videos there's comments under it saying, "can their boyfriend fight?", "CHEATER RAHH", and all of that.
amethio probably comments "ok" in all of your posts after it was publicly announced, he probably has a private account (doesn't have a pfp) that has a million followe requests.
sometimes your fans ask if HE'S single instead, oh boy... you're the one that has to fight now.
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Headcanon: Amethio from Pokémon Horizons: The Series is asexual!
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contribution to pokeani fandom until i actually plug my fanfics
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ha1cyon-daze · 3 months
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dasicality · 3 months
ngl watching the explorers shit talk amethio for being written out of the show is really funny to me
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