#Amethyst Tertiary
bonusdragons · 3 months
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July 5, 2024:
Amethyst Tertiary, Auraboa, Shimmer.
Tokyo of AnyaKnees' clan!
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Aberration Female
Amethyst / Pearl / Purple , Crystal / Sludge / Flecks
Arcane Glowing
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scryingworkshop · 3 months
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spiteweaver · 2 months
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sorcerrorsdragons · 4 months
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Actually obsessed with how Geode is turning out
I know a few things are clipping a little strangely but that’s ok, I like to imagine his hat just has holes for his horns
Above is his Formal, Casual, and Unclothed versions. The dachshund is named Toby after my irl little guy
All I am missing now is the amethyst flourish tail clasp and he will be done! I have no plans to give him a tertiary gene or a skin/accent unless one shows up that fits him perfectly.
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sylkicute · 2 years
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Image ID: Two identical pride flags with nine stripes. The first five colors are melon orange, pale peach yellow, pure white, robin egg blue, and pale violet. The rest of the stripes mirror the top, starting with brick. The flag on the right has a white circle in the middle which boarders an amethyst colored alteraffectis symbol.
😇🛡 Celetiagua (Alt. flag) ⛲🦢
🕊 ۪ ۫ ੭ -- A form of nonhuman tertiary attraction (Alteraffectis) that describes how a guardian angel feels towards the one(s) they’re guarding.
Celetiagua was originally coined by @honey-makes-mogai !! This is simply an alternative flag design made with permission. Go give aer some love!!
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DNI banner transcript: Basic DNI (racist, ableist, queerphobic). This blog is radinclus, pro-endo, against transrace and transabled, anti-contact and anti-harassment. If you don’t like that, block and move on.
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reversemoon255 · 1 year
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XVX-016RV Gundam Aerial Re:Verse XVXSU-01BP GUNDoll Re:(B/P)eat XVXSU-01BTh GUNDoll Re:Bir(d/th) XVXSU-01ED GUNDoll Re:Mol(e/d)
As a Gundam mechanics person, I'm really not that attached to any of the suits from G-Witch. Most seasons try and do something new with their mechanics to set them apart, but almost every unit in G-Witch recycles elements from UC, X, or Turn-A. As such I have very little interest in straight building any of them because I just don't find them that interesting. That being said, I think they're great custom fodder, and I plan on making several more custom G-Witch units in the future. Because I bought a lot and I have to use them for something. (Also, I do think the show is great, I just don't like the robots.)
The Details: The Re:Verse itself is a straight repaint of the Aerial Rebuild with no physical modifications. I painted it with black as a main color, amethyst as a secondary, and gold as a tertiary; a bit of a change-up to my usual black/gold/pop. I actively tried to change-up its color separation as well, dividing the limbs in half down the middle, changing up the head, chest, and skirts' color division, etc. I also painted the Shell Unit parts metallic red because I wanted to use the prepainted red chest elements since there's no paintable detail without it.
The Re:Verse doesn't have any default weaponry, as it's meant to be more of a control console for all its GUNDolls. The term "Shell Unit" has a lot more meanings for this one.
Onto those GUNDolls, the name being a combination of GUND-Bit and Mobile Doll; they all borrow the same color scheme as the Re:Verse, with all the venting on the under side being metallic red.
Re:(B/P)eat is made of the Rebuild's shield minus the two bottom parts, and is meant to be a stag beetle. It's a heavy artillery Bit, able to combine with the main unit to increase its fire power.
Re:Bir(b/th) is made of the the original Aerial's shield with its parts rearranged, and is meant to be a bird. It's a defensive Bit capable of projecting a beam shield, but also has a set of blades so it has some offensive capabilities.
Re:Mol(e/d) (which I made a few weeks later) is made of the Lfrith's shield and backpack and is meant to be a mole. It's capable of rapid, lower power beam fire, as well as being more armored and having better melee capabilities than Re:Bir(d/th).
I'm surprised the names worked out as well as they did.
Overall, not the most interesting combination of parts, but I'm very happy with the colors and layout, and I'm happy with how the GUNDolls turned out.
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secondtolastfr · 1 year
Happy Anniversary!
It's wild to think this funky little dragon game has been around for ten whole years. The site has chilled out since this morning, haha- here are my thoughts on what we've gotten:
New NPC: Avery the Wildclaw
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I love him so, so much. He's a wreck, he's overworked, he's just like me fr. I love the little details in his artwork too, especially the trophies. Not to mention the Scroll Case and the Skycat! I hope we get his little bowtie thingy as apparel later on, it's adorable.
Favorite Vista: Crystal Shop
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How very aesthetic! The big chunk of amethyst (?), the little jar, the specks and bits of color- it's just nice to look at.
Favorite Scene: Cottage Garden
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It looks like it came straight out of a fairytale! I love the fog in the background, the subtle and dreamy colors, the little squirrel gnome... everything just comes together so nicely here. Absolutely adorable.
Favorite Apparel: Shackled Books
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I love the imagery and the lore ideas here. The fact that each end of the chain ends in a clawed hand is super neat too! Since I'm a college student, I can relate, haha. I couldn't pick just one version of the books because all four colors are super cool and I can't wait to use them on my dragons.
Favorite Familiar: Crystal Collector
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The name is a little lackluster in my opinion, but the design more than makes up for it. I mean, cmon- it's a crow and a raccoon. Together! A perfect being! A little dude you would find in your trashcan! Amazing!
Bees: Bees
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Tertiary Gene: Carnivore
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This was so far out of left field and I love it. I have so many ideas for pairs that use it, and I'm doing my damnest to make one particular color combination work, but I think I've found a new favorite Tertiary.
Tertiary Gene: Firebreather
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I haven't messed around with Firebreather yet, but I feel like it's Smirch-adjacent with a touch of Thylacine thrown into the mix. It could be really fun I think.
Other thoughts All in all, I'm really having fun with this. I'm more excited for Flight Rising than I've been in a while, and I can't wait to see what else the devs do. I hope everyone else is having fun too!
Happy Anniversary, everyone!
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aardcinder-dragons · 10 months
Callback to last poll
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Alright, so Cream Primary and Purpley Secondary and Tertiary are actually goated. (Ehrder - Cream/Heather/Amethyst)
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I also like Greens and Browns together and I think that I can make Twilight work. (Kubos - Camo/Hickory/Twilight)
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dungeonmalcontent · 2 years
Character potential with living grimoire (coming soon to Grimdark & Dangerous).
Starting with existing characters
- Iron man (literally arcane mech suit). And I don't mean artificer power armor mech suit. I mean Jarvis take the wheel, full casting mech suit.
- Riza Hawkeye from FMA. They don't talk much about the tattoo on her back, now marred by fire, but it's the instructions to one of the most powerful forms of magic in the show. Now imagine if she could actually use that tattoo the way Roy uses his glove. THAT.
- Thordak from she-ra (oddly enough, that's what first comes to mind for this archetype). A failing body needs arcane augmentation. When tuned properly, it is capable of massive power.
There's also non-existing/lesser known character potential.
-Gmid and Archimus. If anyone has been following this blog long enough, maybe you recall the tale of the amethyst mage and his son. They feature in The Chains that Join Us as tertiary characters (and technically antagonists). They are a living grimoire pair, which Gmid being the mage and Archimus being the grimoire.
-The precious tumor. More of a concept than a character. A dwarven mage experimenting with artificial gem creation through magic succeeds in their task. Simultaneously, they have inflicted a gemstone cancer upon themselves. Ruby and topaz and garnet crystalize across their skin in scales that might appear beautiful but may well kill them if left untrimmed. All the same, the growth of the gems form arcane patterns that reflect the dwarf's spell craft and store vestiges of spent power, fueling their growth.
-The changeling. A formless mage who sought a degree of permanence. Every time they looked in the mirror they forgot a little more what they once looked like. Their power warped their shape, but that same power can become their face as it is tattooed onto their ever-changing skin. Now, no matter how they shapeshift, they see themselves in their reflection. Not their face, but the knowledge written on it is their identity.
-A tome of flesh. A man obsessed with his studies, paranoid of theft. He does not leave his notes lying around. A book can be stolen. There is only one safe place on his person for him to hide his masterpiece; and it is literally on his person. His applied the ink to the skin on his arms first, carefully and with small print to leave space for later additions. But that was years ago. The only skin left to mark he cannot reach on his own. He travels to a new tattooist every time he needs to add more now, never trusting the same one twice. He dictates what must be written on the spell book of his body, and shares no clue of what the markings mean.
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Warrior Cats Prefixes List- A
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Acorn-: "[noun] the fruit of the oak tree, a smooth oval nut in a rough cup-shaped base"
Adder-: "[noun] a small venomous Eurasian snake that has a dark zigzag pattern on its back"
Agaric-: "[noun] a fungus with a fruiting body that resembles the ordinary mushroom, having a convex or flattened cap with gills on the underside"
Agate-: "[noun] an ornamental stone consisting of a hard variety of chalcedony, typically banded in appearance"
Albatross-: "[noun] a very large oceanic bird related to the shearwaters, with long narrow wings"
Alder-: "[noun] a widely distributed tree of the birch family which has toothed leaves and bears male catkins and woody female cones"
Algae-: "[noun] a simple, nonflowering, and typically aquatic plant"
Allium-: "[noun] a bulbous plant of a genus that includes the onion and its relatives; [noun] flowers growing 4 or 5 feet tall with white, blue, lavender or purple snowball-shaped inflorescences atop bare stems"
Almond-: "[noun] the oval edible nutlike seed of the almond tree, growing in a woody shell; [noun] the tree that produces almonds"
Aloe-: "[noun] a succulent plant, typically having a rosette of toothed fleshy leaves and bell-shaped or tubular flowers on long stems"
Alpine-: "[adj] relating to high mountains; [noun] a plant native to mountain districts; [noun] a butterfly with brownish-black wings and red-orange spots"
Amanita-: "[noun] any of various mostly poisonous fungi with white spores and a globe-shaped swelling about the base of the stem"
Amaryllis-: "[noun] a bulbous plant with white, pink, or red flowers and strap-shaped leaves"
Amber-: "[adj] golden yellow in color; [noun] a honey-yellow color typical of amber; [noun] hard translucent fossilized resin produced by extinct coniferous trees of the Tertiary period, typically yellowish in color"
Amethyst-: "[noun] a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz; [noun] a violet or purple color"
Anemone-: "[noun] a plant of the buttercup family, typically bearing brightly colored flowers"
Ant-: "[noun] a small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony"
Aphid-: "[noun] a minute bug that feeds by sucking sap from plants"
Apple-: "[noun] the round fruit of a tree of the rose family, which typically has thin red or green skin and crisp flesh; [noun] the tree which bears apples"
Apricot-: "[noun] a juicy, soft fruit, resembling a small peach, of an orange-yellow color; [noun] the tree bearing apricots"
Arch-: "[verb] to have or take on a curved shape"
Argus-: "[noun] a small brown or bluish Eurasian butterfly that typically has eye-like markings near the wing margins"
Ash-: "[noun] the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance; [noun] a tree with silver-gray bark"
Ashen-: "[adj] the pale gray color of ash"
Aspen-: "[noun] a poplar tree with rounded, long-stalked, and typically coarsely toothed leaves"
Asphodel-: "[noun] a Eurasian plant of the lily family, typically having long slender leaves and flowers borne on a spike"
Aster-: "[noun] a plant of the daisy family that has bright rayed flowers, typically of purple or pink"
Auburn-: "[adj] of a reddish-brown color; [noun] a reddish-brown color"
Arum-: "[noun] any of a genus (Arum of the family Araceae, the arum family) of Eurasian plants having usually arrow-shaped leaves and a showy spathe partially enclosing a spadix"
Avalanche-: "[noun] a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside"
Avocet-: "[noun] a long-legged wading bird with a slender upturned bill and strikingly patterned plumage"
Azalea-: "[noun] a deciduous flowering shrub of the heath family with clusters of brightly colored, sometimes fragrant flowers"
Azure-: "[adj] bright blue in color; [noun] a bright blue color"
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bonusdragons · 11 months
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November 8, 2023:
Amethyst Tertiary, Mirror, Slime.
Planewalker of TheSciFiAwakens' clan!
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RAMCOA, TBMC, SA, CSA, COCSA, C-PTSD, abuse (psychological, physical, s*xual, animal), child t*rture, trauma dumps, vents, drug and alcohol use, SH/SI, disordered eating
DNI list:
-General DNI (homophobia, transphobia, racism, MAPs, z**philes, proshippers, ableism, etc)
-People who do not believe in DID or OSDD, fakeclaimers, those who do not believe/support fictives/introject heavy systems
-Supports non-traumagenic/endo systems
-Anyone who wants to "date" our alters. No.
-IRLs and "reality shifters"
Basic information about us:
-Polyfragmented (unknown number of alters, at least 130 at last count)
-Survivor and escapee of RAMCOA under a CSEM organization
-Body age 19, pisces ♓
-Pronouns they/them
Frequently fonting alters:
-Primary host: Chloe
-Secondary hosts: Jay, Raine
-Tertiary hosts: Dexter, Holmes, Delilah, Natalie
-Primary fragments (nearly always one being co-con): Abram, Azazel, Belial, Ezekiel, Zechariah
-Secondary fragments (frequently co-fronting, co-con): FORGET, Void, MachineHead, Amethyst
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scryingworkshop · 7 months
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atlasifyllm · 2 years
just #sulcore things aka i have a special interest in colors
- I kept the term "Paladin" from my Voltron phase because of the potential pun "Palette-in"
- Jay being the edgy one is based off of Brown being Orange mixed with Black; Jay rejects their title as Orange Paladin by wearing black, as Brown is not a spectral color
- Rina's neutrality towards issues is based off of me claiming Green being a neutral color; it's such an in-between of yellow (a very bright warm color) and blue/cyan (the coldest colors) that Green as a character feels very neutral and emotionless to me
- Turqbalt is both the Cyan and Blue Paladins, because lots of people just lump Cyan as another shade of Blue. Hence why his whole "dual soul" fiasco exists; he's the entire Blue Spectrum, even though they're two pretty unique hues
- Amethyst and Aster get mistaken for one another, but are notably different people; "Violet" is a spectral color and is a more bluish purple, while "Purple" refers to violet pigments and is a more reddish purple. And so, Amethyst is the Violet Paladin and Aster could be considered a Purple Paladin. I'll occasionally use the terms interchagably though; I'm not as strict on the Purple spectrum than the Blue spectrum
- Rose I'll solely call the Pink Paladin, but she can technically represent Magenta or "Rose" itself
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I use this color wheel as a huge way of organizing the Paladins; I think that Magenta and Rose (color) have different personalities in-universe, but Rose as the "Pink Paladin", it's very vague on which hue she actually represents. Until a Magenta Paladin pops up, she can technically represent the entire Pink spectrum; though I usually lump her in with the CMY colors
- Rose is the youngest and most inexperienced because technically a Pink Paladin shouldn't exist; Magenta as a color doesn't actually exist, it's merely how our brains perceive the absence of Green
- Because of that color wheel, I like to imagine there's potentially /12/ possible Paladins to exist; there's 6 Tertiary colors in this wheel, but only 2 of them are Paladins. We'll see!
- Jay and Amethyst are technically Tertiary colors, though I like separating the Paladins as RGB + Violet and CMY + Orange; the general personalities of Tertiary Paladins just fit those groups better
- Tarum is the only Quarternary color to exist as a real Paladin; since Indigo was previously said to be a color of the rainbow, I felt it was flexible enough to make an "Indigo Paladin", even though Rainbow-Indigo tends to refer to modern day true Blue rather than my own Blue-Violet definition. That being said, most Indigo souled characters are named after the BLUE dye.
- Gray being considered an absence of color is why there's a plot where Ruby's soul starts turning gray; she's literally infected by a curse that saps away what makes the RED Paladin... well, RED.
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swarishjewels · 3 months
The Role of Color Theory in Gemstone Selection for 925 Silver Jewelry
Selecting the right gemstone for your 925 silver jewelry involves more than just personal preference. Color theory plays a crucial role in creating harmonious, striking, and meaningful pieces. Understanding how colors interact and influence emotions can help you choose gemstones that not only look beautiful but also convey the desired message or mood. Here’s a guide to the role of color theory in gemstone selection for 925 silver jewelry.
Understanding Color Theory Basics
Color theory is the study of how colors interact and the visual effects of color combinations. It involves three main components:
Hue: The basic color itself (e.g., red, blue, green).
Saturation: The intensity or purity of the color.
Value: The lightness or darkness of the color.
Colors can be categorized into primary (red, blue, yellow), secondary (green, orange, purple), and tertiary (combinations of primary and secondary) colors. They can also be grouped into warm colors (reds, oranges, yellows) and cool colors (blues, greens, purples).
Complementary Colors
Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel and create a vibrant contrast when paired together. For example, blue and orange, or red and green. Using complementary colors in gemstone selection can make your 925 silver jewelry stand out and catch the eye.
Blue gemstones (e.g., sapphires, topaz) with orange accents (e.g., fire opal, citrine).
Green gemstones (e.g., emerald, peridot) with red accents (e.g., ruby, garnet).
Analogous Colors
Analogous colors are next to each other on the color wheel and create a harmonious and pleasing look. These combinations are often found in nature and are soothing to the eye.
Blue gemstones (e.g., aquamarine, blue topaz) with green accents (e.g., emerald, peridot).
Red gemstones (e.g., ruby, garnet) with orange accents (e.g., carnelian, fire opal).
Triadic Colors
Triadic color schemes involve three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel, creating a balanced yet vibrant look. This scheme offers strong visual contrast while maintaining harmony.
Red, yellow, and blue gemstones (e.g., ruby, citrine, sapphire).
Green, purple, and orange gemstones (e.g., peridot, amethyst, citrine).
Monochromatic Colors
Monochromatic color schemes use variations in lightness and saturation of a single color, creating a cohesive and elegant look. This approach emphasizes the gemstone’s color while maintaining simplicity.
Various shades of blue gemstones (e.g., light blue aquamarine, medium blue topaz, dark blue sapphire).
Various shades of green gemstones (e.g., light green peridot, medium green emerald, dark green jade).
Warm vs. Cool Colors
Warm colors (reds, oranges, yellows) are associated with energy, passion, and warmth, while cool colors (blues, greens, purples) evoke calmness, relaxation, and tranquility. Choosing gemstones based on their color temperature can help convey the desired mood or feeling in your 925 silver jewelry.
Warm gemstones (e.g., ruby, citrine, amber) for a vibrant and energetic look.
Cool gemstones (e.g., sapphire, amethyst, aquamarine) for a calming and serene look.
Gemstone Meanings and Symbolism
Colors and gemstones also carry symbolic meanings and can influence the wearer’s mood or energy. Understanding these meanings can add depth and significance to your jewelry designs.
Blue gemstones (e.g., sapphire, aquamarine): Symbolize calmness, wisdom, and trust.
Red gemstones (e.g., ruby, garnet): Represent passion, love, and courage.
Green gemstones (e.g., emerald, peridot): Associated with growth, renewal, and prosperity.
Purple gemstones (e.g., amethyst, tanzanite): Symbolize royalty, spirituality, and creativity.
Practical Tips for Gemstone Selection
Consider skin tone: Warm-colored gemstones often complement warmer skin tones, while cool-colored gemstones look great on cooler skin tones.
Match with outfits: Think about the colors in your wardrobe and how your chosen gemstones will pair with your clothing.
Personal preference: Ultimately, choose gemstones that resonate with you and reflect your personality and style.
Understanding color theory can greatly enhance your ability to select the perfect gemstones for your 925 silver jewelry. By considering complementary, analogous, triadic, and monochromatic color schemes, as well as the symbolic meanings of colors and gemstones, you can create stunning and meaningful pieces that resonate with both you and the wearer. Whether you're designing jewelry for yourself or others, let color theory guide you in making beautiful and harmonious choices.
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