#Among many other things I'd have to make for him BUT honestly considering it
siixkiing · 2 years
Debating...either adding a ‘New Gods’ verse here OR the possibility of a side/new blog possibly...since I really do be liking the version of Sun Wukong.
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kishiar-la-orr · 2 months
personally speaking, there are 3 parts of kishiar la orr's character that makes me find him really fascinating.
first is how he is technically a troupe but a subversion of a troupe at the same time? male leads in romances, whether its het romance or a BL romance, are usually like. cold northern duke who is super strong, super smart and opens up to the main character very slowly because of the main character's kindness, blunt and at times rude. instead, we have kishiar — who is also a northern duke and super strong and super smart, but i'd argue between kishiar and yuder, the one who made the first move to further advance their connection is kishiar? as in, he extends his thoughts and feelings genuinely, expresses wanting to be close to yuder, which are all an olive branch yuder can accept, a sign of trust and (to a degree) vulnerability and real intent to form a connection.
yes, part of him plays into the common male lead troupes, but other parts of him honestly reads more like a female lead? he's the one more emotionally in touch, he's the socially savvy one, he's sunny and smiley. which is just fun, in my opinion, when compared to other BLs i've personally found over the years.
the second thing is my unending fascination with kishiar's complicated tango with mortality. being sickly from childhood, there must've been a sense of impending doom — especially when it's practically public secret among nobles that imperial family members usually die young because of vessel issues. kishiar was on super fast track to the same recorded fates those other people had. but then, in the prev. game, he survived! became healthy! only to not long after take two steps backwards as his health arguably got worse. sometimes i think being killed by yudrein in the 1st tl could be considered a mercy to 1st tl kishiar.
and in the 2nd tl, he went from sick to healthy — and that is it. i think with the blooming romance with yuder, it emphasizes the core characteristic of kishiar that is: he does everything for the people he loves, their future and happiness whether it's with or without him in the picture. ideally, of course it's with him. and in the 2nd tl, he's finally granted this. you can really tell when you see the prev. game flashbacks and go back to the present timeline that kishiar is just much more alive and not just in the physical sense — there is a drive and a sense of liveliness that wasn't there in all of their past life sections, in my opinion.
i just really get fascinated with character struggles with mortality, man. i think kishiar especially has a lot to offer in this department, there are so many things from canon that you can deconstruct or things not yet answered that you can headcanon — everything to play around and explore further about his character and its deep ties to death. even down to the way that he talks, to me, is due to his isolation because of the very vessel bursting issue that also foresaw his impending doom. like, he talks like a person who's alone a lot while growing up? the eloquence and all. it is so fun. naturally, this also includes his expertise with emotional processing and expression — i also think this can also be tied down to his intricate dance with mortality.
finally, the last layer is that kishiar, by all accounts, should be a gary stu — a male version of a mary sue character — and should maybe be boring to read about. he can do practically everything from magic, swordsmanship and aura, divine power to awakener ability. he is sociable and politically wise, able to play the 5D chess of nobles and high society and extract information from enemies and allies alike easily with his multi-layered words. he is smart, he is emotionally intelligent, he has a lot of strong allies, he is kind. but... he isn't boring to read about? not at all. his struggles may have passed, but they are struggles anyway. they contribute to the way i perceive him as a character and only cause me to be even more fascinated by him. and this very 'perfection' kuyu sets him up with — especially the being super strong and able to wield all the powers in their world like a goddamn avatar — is set up to be a major flaw: the very reason his vessel couldn't hold it for the majority of his life and in the 1st tl. everything just colors a very interesting picture of a character that i ended up beyond obsessed with.
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gotham-daydreams · 9 months
I don't want to be pressuring, but how will they even find y/n. Like, they're so many people in Gotham, and they know nothing about them except from thire own name. And if they were found, would they put up a fight? 🤔 she could beat tim in a one on one, with her being a black belt and all... so how will the capture be like?
You're good! No worries.
As for your questions, I will say that how the Batfam ends up finding the reader is revealed in the 3rd part. Though I will drop a small spoiler and say that they don't get kidnapped... not right away, anyway ;] (or at least not in the part I'm currently writing, as of right now.)
It is still angsty, and honestly I'd say pretty heart wrenching since, y'know, it doesn't go well at all. Which I'm sure pretty much everyone expected-
Though, I will say that if anything where to happen, the reader would definitely put up a fight! Granted, they don't want to fight the Batfam- not because they can't fight at all (and as you've mentioned, they do have a black belt (as mentioned in "Not Here"), and they do have some experience in boxing as mentioned in "Not Tonight" (though I can't recall at the moment if it's also mentioned in "Not here"), among other things that could help them out in a fight), but because to them, I can imagine it's more of a last resort kind of thing. If they have to, they will, and considering the Batfam? They definitely will.
For one-on-one fights? Yeah, the reader probably could beat Tim, and maybe get scarily close to beating Steph (or just flat out beating her too). For Dick and Jason, I think they'd honestly need a little more polish and refinement on their skills and fighting style to actually beat them, but they could get a little close. As for Damian and Cass? Ehh, they'll definitely need more training and experience for that. Both are trained to be weapons before anything else, and working with Batman isn't exactly going to make that suddenly go away. If anything- it'll probably put the skills you learned from that experience to the test (fighting/combat wise, anyway).
I don't think I have to even mention Bruce, but if that were to happen the reader would like to think they at least got halfway there to beating him, and they'd probably be half right.
Though, this is all just on strength, agility, skill, reaction time and such alone. Everyone in the Batfam easily has quicker reflexes compared to the reader, and more experience when it comes to combat (not that the reader doesn't have their own fair share of experience, but y'know), but the reader would definitely try to use their head more than just fight the family head on (which is just... asking for failure and disaster).
Even if it isn't going to be easy to out smart the World's Greatest Detective, or someone with a mind like Tim- not to mention Oracle being on their side. Or really just, anyone trained under the Batman, at all. It isn't impossible.
So, in a situation where the reader has to fight someone from the Batfam, they'll try to utilize both their brain and brawn. So, if they can't beat whoever they're fighting, at the very least they can get away from the fight and escape. Which they definitely have better odds at succeeding in since they took track and field as mentioned in "Not Here." The reader might try to take down whoever they're up against depending on who it is, but I will say that they'll mostly choose to have a smooth getaway more often than not.
Again, like you said, Gotham is a big place- they could probably get away for a little while, if nothing else. :]
Besides, the reader could also unintentionally suprise the Batfam with some of their skills and techniques when it comes to combat, but I don't think it'll be enough to throw any of them off enough to beat them- but that also depends what caused the Batfam's surprise and how big their reaction was to it. So, now that I'm really thinking about it, it's possible to catch them off guard and defeat them that way. Unlikely- but possible. (Also because it depends on how certain members of the Batfam view the reader and their own fighting capabilities. Since that can really determine how shocked or surpised they'll get at certain things. Which I'll say right now- despite the awards in your room, some definitely don't think you can defend yourself, or could hold up well in a 'real' fight. Dick is one of them.)
Nevertheless, how would a kidnapping play out?
Honestly, it really depends on multiple things.
1. Why they resorted to kidnapping above everything else. (Which can vary from you being in danger (from their perspective), or just them just getting impatient.)
2. Who is doing the kidnapping. (Which can be multiple people.)
3. How whoever is kidnapping you, plans to do it.
4. How urgently they want to kidnap you (which can affect #3).
5. Do they have a plan, or are they doing it impulsively?
6. How likely are they to mess up, and if they do, how quickly can they recover.
These can all change and differ, with the reader's reaction and action changing accordingly, but again, it depends. In some situations the reader may be put into a position where they can't fight back. Or maybe they realizing what's going on much too late. Maybe they even fight back and manage to get away, or they fight back but their attempts are fruitless in the end. If the Batfam fucks up, even a little bit or unintentionally, the reader could take advantage of that- but that's if whoever is trying to kidnap them can or can't recover fast enough.
Sure, the chances of anyone in the Batfam messing up are low, and go even lower depending on who you're talking about. However, those chances are never zero, and again- the Batfam doesn't really know much about the reader at all. With some knowing more than others, sure, but you also have to take into account that some of these people are going to be selfish as yanderes, and don't want to share certain pieces of information about the reader with one another because maybe they want to be the only one to know about whatever they're keeping to themself.
Hence, making it more likely for mistakes to happen, but the Batfam is also really good at what they do- which is also why how quickly they can recover from said (most likely unintentional) mistake or slip up is kind of important. Seeing as it can make or break the reader's chances of escaping successfully.
Not to mention that certain pairs work better than others, but depending on what leads up to the kidnapping- some unlikely teamups could be made. They could either get in the way of each other, or work scarily well. Though solo attempts are also possible- let's be honest, with how most of the yanderes feel about the reader at this point in the series, that's not going to happen. They all want to see and meet the reader as quickly as possible, to a point where they're almost borderline not allowed to see you without being in pairs or something. Not because they want to stick together necessarily (most do want to just, be with the reader alone, after all), but because of their own selfishness, greed, and sometimes jealousy. (Though there are some exceptions, like part 3.)
Basically: who knows? It can go one of many ways, and depending on which way it goes, the reader could possibly escape or just be left helpless at the hands of the Batfam. As for THE kidnapping? I'm not gonna spill, we'll see how things go :]
1. How the Batfam finds the reader is explained in Part 3 and I'm not spoiling.
2. Yeah, the reader will fight if they have to- and stand a better chance against some of them compared to others. Though for the most part would use their brain and, if they can't defeat someone, they'll make a quick getaway instead, and have higher chances of succeeding in that. Though it is possible for them to catch whoever they're fighting off guard, and defeat them that way.
3. How the reader reacts and acts to a kidnapping highly depends on the kidnapping itself, and who is trying to do it. The reader may or may not be able to fight back depending on the situation, and there is more room for mistakes because the Batfam doesn't know much about the reader — and if someone does know more they'll probably keep it to themself out of selfishness. The chance for a slip up is small, but could be enough for the reader to get away.
- As for the actual kidnapping that may or may not happen in the series, and how that'll go with everything? I'm not spilling, sorry!
Hope this answered your question! If it didn't, I apologize and I can clarify anything specifically that may have confused you or anyone else in another ask.
If anyone else has a question, or you yourself have another question, feel free to send in an ask! I'm trying to answer these as much as I can while writing the 3rd part, if you couldn't tell!
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doberbutts · 5 months
I also think- having recently seen a post that said Blue Eye Samurai isn't a queer story, it just has queer elements- that sometimes it feels like fans cannot make up their minds.
Do we or do we not want stories that treat being gay as a perfectly normal, perfectly common experience the same way straight people are depicted in every story to ever exist?
In BES, no one is outright stated to be queer. That's partially because in Japan, until Japan felt the need to sanitize itself to appeal to foreigners, it wasn't unheard of at all for men to be gay. Multiple famous samurai and swordsmen and nobles were either outspokenly gay or are commonly theorized to have been gay in modern historical readings. Abijah making multiple references to swinging both ways, Kaji's offer of a male prostitute, the various scenes we have of men being together in sexual positions, they're not met with surprise because homosexuality was an acknowledged thing that happened.
Taigen's erection while he's wrestling Mizu, even though he doesn't yet know her secret, is treated awkwardly because they're supposed to dislike each other and also he's supposed to be in love with Akemi, not because "whoa bro no homo".
(This is also why I keep saying that it's difficult for me to put into English words what I think Mizu's gender is, because gender and sexuality quite frankly did not work the way my 2020s American brain wants to contextualize it, and I think it's important to consider the cultural aspects here esp in a show so heavily leaning on a racial story)
However, compared to many other shows out there even regarding the same area and country, BES is significantly more queer than the majority of them produced in the last 30 years. Is Mizu herself queer? Well... maybe, depending how you define it. Back in the day, otherwise cisgender crossdressers and male-impersonators were still grouped in with those we'd call transgender nowadays. She seems to be exclusively interested in men, but also seems to be equally receptive to considering herself sexually as both a man and a woman pairing with men, than as a man or woman pairing with women which she has adamantly refused with zero interest on multiple occasions.
Is Taigen bi? I mean, maybe! He seemed more mortified that he had an unwanted erection in front of someone he wanted to impress and play with, than that he had it over someone he considers a man, using the excuse that he misses his would-be fiance.
Abijah certainly seems to be bisexual, considering we see him having sex with both women and men, and his various sexual references talk about both men and women as well. This is ignoring whatever weird sexual tension thing he's got going with Heiji, who seems both receptive and repulsed by it.
And, not to be remiss, but there is a reason I specified that homosexuality among men was pretty known. Due to the more rigid policing of women's sexuality in this era, homosexuality among women was less commonly reported (though I have heard stories of noble women and their handmaids, or the working poor women, or among prostitutes living together in the brothels, so also not unheard of but perhaps less accepted as women were largely bought and sold in marriage and sex trafficking) - but even with all of that, Kaji and Kinuyo have something together. Whether that is a mother-daughter thing, or if they were lovers, is up to interpretation. The implication that out of everyone at the brothel that Kaji genuinely cares for, Kinuyo was special, and that wasn't a particularly uncommon arrangement historically if I'm hearing about it 400 years later in a completely different country.
So this "well it's not a queer show" and "if I was told this was a queer story I'd be disappointed" is honestly just ridiculous hooey to me. Do you want characters who are able to explore their sexualities without looking over their shoulder out of fear of homophobia, or not?
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mywingsareonwheels · 5 months
Here be yet more Fred Thursday musings ;-)
[Long post and spoilers for all of Endeavour here.]
So, I was thinking yet again (for the billionth time ;-) ) about Fred Thursday and the three people we see him kill over the course of Endeavour while trying to save someone else:-
Mrs Coke-Norris
Ludo Talenti
Raymond Kennitt/Peter Williams
The show seems to be pointing us into believing that the third of those is somehow much, much worse than the first two and I... have a problem with this.
I mean, in all three cases Fred was responding to an immediate threat to life (of someone he cared about, and in the second and third cases also Fred himself). In the case of Mrs C-N Fred was officially on duty which gives him some extra legal cover, but I'd say no extra moral cover.
I'm no legal expert, but from what I understand, under English-and-Welsh law, none of the three were murders; you're looking at manslaughter at worst, at best a good case for self/other-defence, which... is a grey area but certainly a decent defence lawyer could have had a good go.
(It is worth noting, of course, that this is the morseverse and this is Fred Thursday; he's made so many enemies both in the criminal justice system and among criminals, mostly through doing actively good things, that his chances of either a fair trial or then surviving prison are basically non-existent. I think we have to weigh all of Morse's decisions in "Exeunt" with that in mind because there's no way Morse isn't aware of it. Sam's chances of surviving prison for drug-dealing I think we can assume would also be remote, again due to the enemies Fred has made. And I think again, we have to weigh both Fred's and Morse's decisions with that in mind.)
So... yeah. I think there are only three things that you might consider as making the killing of Raymond Kennitt worse than that of Ludo Talenti or Mrs Coke-Norris:-
the use of the knife rather than a gun, which makes it theoretically possible that Fred could have found a way to end the fight that didn't involve killing Kennitt. That does strike me as something that's probably easier to see from a backseat than if you're Fred in the middle of what's happening, but still.
we know Kennitt's horrifying backstory (not that Fred does), and so feel huge amounts of compassion for him even though he's obviously awful in the "present", and sympathy for the grief that Jakes would feel if he knew what had happened. That's inevitable I think, but, well. Can we be sure that Mrs C-N and Ludo aren't child abuse survivors too? (We do know that Fred and Charley both are, though not the details.) All in all, I think this is a show that wants us to feel compassion for as many characters as possible, and I don't want to assume that Mrs C-N and Ludo didn't end up Like That for no reason.
the fact that Fred kills Mrs C-N and Ludo in defense of Morse (the protagonist, Fred's protege, and a character we all love) and kills Kennitt in defense of Sam (a more minor character, and Fred's son). I would hope that Morse wouldn't see it like that and that neither does Russell Lewis because obviously that's a dreadful position to hold, but... yeeeah. It would annoy me a lot if that's part of the reasoning of the show, but protagonist-centered morality is a flaw in an awful lot of fiction, and while Endeavour mostly doesn't give into it, I don't think any writers are immune. So I do have a horrible suspicion that this is the bit that makes the actual difference, even though I really think it shouldn't be. If Fred had killed Kennitt to save Morse rather than Sam... would we as an audience feel differently? (I ask that of myself as well as of anyone else who wants to ask it of themselves! And honestly, I probably would feel better about the killing if it was for Morse, even though rationally I know it's no different!)
I'd actually say that in the case of the killing of Kennitt there are a couple of minor mitigating factors that the first two lack:-
Fred is in the worst state mentally we ever see him in "Exeunt", and is completely falling apart; earlier in the day he had some form of heart episode or possibly severe panic attack. At any rate: he's going through hell and he is ill as a result.
I can't actually remember if he has his gun with him during the fight with Kennitt, but he certainly isn't willing to use it given the situation; the knife is Kennitt's not his, and a weapon you aren't intending to use is for practical purposes not here, so he's... taken on an armed man while essentially unarmed. Fucking berserker that he is. Rather than two people with guns going up against each other.
you can see a moment of decision in Roger's face for the killings of both Mrs C-N and Ludo; by Fred's own account to Morse (which I think we can take as honest) he didn't make any conscious decision to kill Kennitt (see above re awful mental state).
Honesty? I think that killing in immediate self-defence and/or defence-of-other is however as close to necessary and justified as killing ever gets, and I'm inclined to be extremely forgiving about all three deaths. I'm not sure Fred had a real choice in any of the three cases.
What Fred does do in the third case that really is different of course is the cover-up, in misleading everyone, in being an absolute arsehole to Morse when he comes to check on him that night. In all of it it's massively, massively understandable (as he's a) ill, b) still trying to protect Sam). Morse's sense of betrayal though is also massively understandable. Ugh. My heart hurts. *shakes fist at Russell Lewis, and also at Roger and Shaun for being so amazing*
Anyway. Do I have an overall point? Probably: Fred Thursday is a complicated character and I love him and I want to hug him and also throw things at him. He has horrible violent tendencies but he isn't a murderer under English-and-Welsh law, and I don't think s9 makes sense unless we interpret him as very mentally unwell by the end of it. Also: Morse and Thursday both need different jobs, holy shit. Also also: I reckon Morse ended up forgiving Thursday and being in touch with him, because he is pretty fair when given time to process things, and he doesn't have Morse-centered morality. Also also also: Russell Lewis is a meanie and I want more fix-it fics. ;-)
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
Can i have a blurb about a wife!reader x Alfie Solomons where she absolutely loves it when he speaks russian? She just finde it really attractive even though she can't speak it herself and has no idea what he's saying. I'd love it to be fluffy.
"Best Kept Secret" — (Alfie Solomons x fem!Reader)
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SUMMARY — Before your dear husband went full-on stupid and you two settled in Margate, Alfie kept telling you that one day you would leave him, as you should have long ago. Truth be told, if you had to live one day without him, you’d rather ask Tommy Shelby to off you, too.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Hi Nonnie, thank you so much for this request! I hope you like it and if you do, I would really appreciate feedback or a reblog, that would just make my day! ❤️❤️❤️
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There was a certain duality to your husband. This much was obvious since the day you met.
On the one hand, he was the big bad wolf of Camden Town; the madman among the gangsters, who always stayed two steps ahead of the game and never let on what exactly he was planning next.
On the other, Alfie was a charmer. He talked and people listened; even if, more often than not, his speech was truly intended to charm snakes, rather than people.
But that particular front of a snake charmer was actually how you met, and the reason why Alfie fell for you so fast and so hard was that you never believed in the bullshit. He could have told you the most mundane story, in his most solemn voice, but one twitch in the corner of his lips; one tiny glint in his eye, and you would have known he was lying. Somehow you saw right through him.
When Alfie finally “retired”, or rather used Tommy Shelby as his proxy to retire, you came to realise there was yet another side to your husband that you previously only ever saw a glimpse of. Now that he was “dead”, Alfie let himself be different around you. Not a bad sort of different, though not the expected kind either.
All of a sudden, Alfie started to really share things with you, and how it really felt was that he was finally willing to share himself. Even if you thought he was spreading himself pretty thin between you and his demons.
Those still lurked in there somewhere; creeping up on him whenever you weren’t close enough to keep his mind off of things. That was your specialty, Alfie always said so. To him, your presence was pure magic.
“Yeah, you keep them at bay ‘cause they’re scare of ya, luv. Nah, don’t give me those looks, alright, you’re lookin’ at me like I’m one of them.”
Him and his jokes would honestly be the death of you… Sometimes he asked you whatever ungodly force pushed you to marry him, to which you always said:
“Obviously your stunning looks.”
Which, of course, left him much grumpier than before, and wasn’t that what wives were really for?
He didn’t have to know that you really considered him the most handsome man you have ever met; you really didn’t need him any prouder than he already was.
Before your dear husband went full-on stupid and you two settled in Margate, Alfie kept telling you that one day you would leave him, as you should have long ago, and finally live the calm and happy life he thought you deserved. Truth be told, if you had to live one day without him, you’d rather ask Tommy Shelby to off you, too.
(Alfie did not like that particular repartee one little bit and so you got your way. He stopped suggesting you leave him and somehow that still worked out in his favour—you showered him with affection; even if he said he didn’t really deserve it.)
(Personally, he really didn’t deserve you either.)
Among the things Alfie was now willing to share with you were the tiniest possible glimpses of his childhood. Which was still better than nothing, as before he barely even spoke about it at all. He also revealed how many sisters he had (two) and how many languages he really spoke (six; though the original answer when you first asked him was forty-one).
One thing you never expected was just how different your husband sounded when he spoke to you in his many languages. Yiddish, he often used; usually it meant he was trying to hide something from you. Italian—when he tried to show off and convince you it was really Latin. English, of course, was Alfie’s weapon of choice; stealthy and flexible, really a putty for his oh so capable tongue.
Russian, on the other hand, used to be a rare occurrence in your house, but something that would happen more and more after you two retired to Margate.
“And how’s my favourite witch doing today?” was a thing Alfie often asked you in Russian; though you learned that witches had many more meanings in Russian than the one you came to associate with them in English.
That was the thing Alfie liked to say anyway—that you bewitched him. You put a spell on him when your eyes met for the very first time, of that he was certain. You wouldn’t mind if that was true, of course, but you never thought of yourself as much of a seductress. Alfie did, though. It was something you loved about him the most; he had a way of looking at things from an entirely mad perspective.
In fact, you also realised that was one of the reasons that Alfie liked Russian so much—the duality of it left more to the imagination. It suited his character, though when you asked him before why he never really used Russian much, he always dismissed you.
Until he hadn’t, and you learned the painful story behind it. You stopped asking him then. Even with your husband’s affinity for spinning outrageous tales, some things about his past he still preferred to be left unsaid. So you kept your own endearment a secret. Personally, you found the language beautiful, soft even, and the way Alfie sometimes spoke to you in Russian really sounded like affection to your ears. You decided then that, all in all, every marriage had its secrets. Yours at least was entirely harmless…
Aside from your husband being the most dangerous gangster in London. But that would be the story for another time; another day. For now, you had each other and you would always have Margate.
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antianakin · 5 months
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I mean, as per TCW canon, we know that Rex at least has THOUGHT about the inherent contradiction with the clones' relationship to the war, enough to have seemingly made his peace with it. So it seems reasonable to assume that the other clones around his age who've survived to this point, too, have at least thought about it (so this would be people like Jesse, Cody, Bly, Gree, Fox, Thire, etc, basically anyone we might've met within the first season or two of TCW that is clearly still around by Order 66). Cody has his line about how it's hard to be the one that survives in season 7. So yeah, I'd say it's fair to assume they have a complicated relationship with the war itself and that this is something every clone would have to come to their own conclusions about. Not all of them reach the same one, though. Cut chooses to desert peacefully and Slick chooses to betray them all for a chance to escape. So while someone like Rex (and probably Cody) has made his peace with being made to fight in a war, not necessarily everyone does.
As for their relationship with the JEDI, I imagine that's also going to vary from clone to clone, but what we know from higher canon is that they honestly DIDN'T feel all that complicated about the Jedi. Rex discusses his complex emotions about the WAR, but he never seems to feel that conflicted about the Jedi themselves. He's always pretty positive about his relationships with Anakin and Ahsoka, to the point that he can't fucking STOP gushing about Anakin in Rebels. He also doesn't show any discomfort around Kanan and Ezra (unlike the obvious discomfort we see on Kanan's end) and pretty happily starts to build up a friendship with Ezra. Wolffe on the other hand DOES seem more conflicted about it, but his primary issue is fear of the Empire and the attention that the rebels' presence could bring, not necessarily fear OF THE JEDI themselves. During the chip arc in season 6, Fives explicitly calls the Jedi the clones' best friends and seems equally as upset about the fact that the chips would make them kill the Jedi as he is about everything else.
Even if we look at Cut and Slick, ONLY Slick has a complicated relationship with the Jedi, while Cut never even brings them up as part of why he deserted. So that's one example among many many many examples of the clones loving their Jedi and considering the Jedi their best friends. While you can certainly use Slick to argue that it's possible not every clone loved the Jedi and that some of them might've seen them more negatively, there is OVERWHELMING evidence of that being an exception, not the rule.
As far as what's in TBB in terms of how the clones feel about Order 66, there is... very very little. TBB's main characters don't actually care about the Jedi really at all since, other than Echo, none of them served with Jedi all that much so far as we can tell and never built up any kind of relationship with the Jedi. And Echo's relationship with Anakin (and potentially Ahsoka, we never actually get to see them together outside of the Citadel arc, so I'm not sure how much time they would've actually served together canonically but it can't have been much) isn't touched on at all in TBB and doesn't seem to impact his reaction to Order 66 in any way. Hunter seems upset by Caleb's lack of trust during Order 66 and does go out of his way to protect him by lying to Crosshair about killing him, but after that moment, there's no real attention paid to the Jedi. We saw Cody in season 2 and he says a few very vague things about how maybe they made some bad choices because at this point we have to assume Cody still HAS a chip that might be making him feel like he'd CHOSEN to turn on the Jedi even if it's weakened enough to let him doubt his actions. But because he's speaking to Crosshair, he's not saying anything particularly explicit and he's in one episode before he disappears. Most of the other real clones we meet in TBB are either freed of the chip already (Rex, probably Gregor), didn't have Jedi to turn on (Howzer, Cut, Mayday, also probably Gregor), or seem to be fully under the chip's control still (Wilco). So what discussions ARE had about the impact of Order 66 don't really center on the Jedi much at all, leaving us a little in the dark about how the clones feel about that in the more immediate aftermath of it.
However, given the way we see Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe reacting in Rebels, the way Rex reacts in TCW season 7, and everything else we see about the clones in high canon during the war itself, it's pretty safe to say that while there might have been some clones who weren't that upset about killing the Jedi regardless of whether the chip was active or not, the VAST MAJORITY of the clones would never have turned on them at all and have to spend the rest of their lives either mourning the Jedi and feeling guilty about what they were forced to do, or struggling to figure out why they'd even done it in the first place when something in them is telling them it was wrong.
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phoenix-flamed · 1 day
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I'd say I'm going to try not to ramble, but that would be pointless, because tbh I think best and most clearly when I'm writing things out. So this post is probably going to be long. (But it's mostly for myself, to reference for writing my dumb(affectionate) blorbo!)
I'm going to try and keep Ultimania stuff to a minimum, aside from regarding timeline stuff, in order to not go insane over the contradictions. This is also me kind of revisiting some other headcanons I had about his parents, and revising them; most notably who the fuck was on the throne before Elwin took it.
Thank you to @warofthebeasts , @stingslikeabee , and @lured-into-wonderland for all of your help! You guys are absolute lifesavers!
Okay, I'm going to try not to flub up these ranks and titles, but there is like a 99.9% chance that I'll do it anyway because I'm cobbling this together through a combination of research and ??????? over the fact that XVI seems to also have cobbled these things together to a degree, at least with regards to Rosaria.
Let me start off by saying my headcanons aren't meant to be 1:1 to the real world. Also that a big thing I haven't been taking into account so far with my other headcanons and portrayal is that you're born into a rank, but you are given a title. I uh, I honestly hadn't even thought of that. Oops.
(In my defense, I never said I was good at this sort of thing.)
Anywho. Okay, so, in terms of real life titles, an Archduke/Archduchess is pretty on par with a king/queen, but below an Emperor/Empress, I think? (You win this round, Sylvestre.) Does this hold true in XVI? I have no idea, but I wouldn't be surprised, all things considered.
The Grand Duchy of Rosaria is, obviously, a bit different from the Holy Empire. Originally, Rosaria was a series of individual nations -- but they joined together to create one unified front, forming the duchy that we all know and love. For my headcanons, the governing body is comprised of representatives from the Seven High Houses; the representatives of each one is the current head of the particular noble house, with House Rosfield being the main house and royalty. Each of these High Houses were the ruling families of the nations that joined with House Rosfield to form the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, so they're a pretty big deal.
I can't stress enough that these families each have a heavy presence in Rosaria's political matters and decisions. The Archduke/Archduchess doesn't rule on their own. I like to go with the idea that the Rosfield on the throne has the final say, but they still have to consult and work together with the other High House representatives.
Kind of like Parliament's House of Lords, in short. Or something.
Then you have the court as a whole, which according to Elwin's will, was pretty fractured by the end of Elwin's reign. And I mean, it does make sense -- you have eight people(the spouse of the one on the throne included in there) trying to push their own ideas. There are going to be disagreements, there's bound to be tension, and there are bound to be those among the court who support the monarch -- and those who support the other political figures. This is the case for the Rosfields, if Elwin's will is any indication. He had enemies within the court at the time of the will's writing, and that isn't even including the issues that cropped up regarding the rumors of Clive's true lineage when Joshua awakened as the Dominant of Phoenix instead.
And considering Anabella herself opposed many of Elwin's decisions, views, and ideals, of course there would be others who felt the same way as her, especially when you factor in that many of Elwin's ambitions for the future would shake up the societal hierarchy.
There was something I was puzzling over, before Kevin helped me out and bapped me over the head to get me to stop overthinking. When Clive was removed from the immediate line of succession by Elwin to try and spare him from the court's bullshittery(at least, according to the Ultimania), he was given the title of "Marquess", as demonstrated in the game by people addressing him when he's younger as... well, "Lord Marquess." In contrast to Joshua being referred to as, "Your Highness" at Phoenix Gate by Sir Wade. So my headcanon has been that Elwin removed him from the line of succession to basically yes, spare him from not only having to deal with the court jeering at Clive and making the poor boy's life a living hell as he grew up, but also so that Clive wouldn't have to deal with them going on to make his life a living hell when he took the throne as well. While I was digging around, I found something to tack onto this headcanon -- that the reason why Elwin did this was not just to avoid Clive getting slammed by backlash from the nobility and Anabella, but also because given that the governing body consists of the other heads of the High Houses as well, they could try and call into question Clive's right to rule due to the rumors and claims that he's an illegitimate child of Elwin's.
Obviously, this is a default for my blog, but if any Clive RPers have different ideas, or want this omitted in interactions with them, please let me know!
As for my Elwin's parents... Okay, I concede, Rosaria is probably male-dominated, at least in terms of the ruling family. The statues of former rulers, at least the ones that we're able to see in the artbook's artwork, are all male. The emphasis is usually on "Archduke"s, even when it comes to mentioning the custom of the Archduke gifting something to the ducal scions when they come of age. So what's my headcanon for why, in the Ultimania, Elwin's parents are both referred to as "Arch"? Archduke, Archduchess? Weeeeell. Odds are that yeah, Elwin's dad was 99.9% likely the one "officially" on the throne. Even in the bedroom scene between Anabella and Elwin, Anabella's like, "you are your father's firstborn son" or something along those lines, so the emphasis is, again, always on the males. But on top of all of these other thoughts and headcanons, I also totally headcanon now that Elwin's parents were joint rulers. They ruled as one. While his father, Alden, was off fighting and dealing with crap away from Rosalith, his mother -- Willow -- was wholly the one on the throne. She ruled in his place, and when they were wed after Alden took the throne, Alden gave Willow the title of Archduchess. This really doesn't change much of anything at all about my headcanons for those two and their relationship + dynamic, in retrospect...
I still headcanon that Alden died first, then Willow died a few years after Elwin took the throne, since the translated Ultimania doesn't mention her except one time, and that's in this sentence: "Since then, while performing official duties as the eldest son of the Grand Duchess, he traveled with Murdoch to various parts of the Wind Continent to deepen his knowledge." So I'm taking creative liberties on that one.
The fact that Willow and Alden were ruling as one is still what gave my Elwin the impression -- and hope -- that he and Anabella would be like that, too. Ruling together as one, always on the same page. A team, through and through. Unfortunately, he was a bit too idealistic on that front(as he was with most things), because what his parents had together is probably not as common as one would hope. Even though Elwin very much views Anabella as his equal, their opinions, views, etc. are too drastically different for that sort of thing.
I don't remember if I covered everything I'd wanted to cover. Er. Well, if I think of anything else, I'll jot it down in another, hopefully less ridiculously long post.
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triphimi · 10 months
So a lot of people really dislike Dittophobia for messing with their theories. So let me tell you all the things that Dittophobia actually confirmed for my theories.
1. Fnaf SL happened after fnaf 1. The book pretty much confirmed my timeline of games order which I'm happy about since there was really not a lot of evidence for either side and I'm glad we finally have an answer for that.
2. Experiment theory. Self explanatory. Even though it was pretty known a lot of people still belived we play as CC in a coma (and I wad really surprised by how many since I haven't seen that theory being popular since the logbook came out)
3. Nightmare animatronics weren't real or at least not in their in game forms. Among experiment theory believers there were still arguments whenever nightmare animatronics were actually real. My theory was that yes but no. In short there was something either plushies or mannequins (which actually turned out to be correct!) That were moved around and the whole illusion was made with factor of darkness. Well that is true however I never really considered the whole nightmare gas thing so I'd say I was like 80% correct on that one.
4. William was already a killer before CC died. I've even had a post about how I think MCI happened in 1983 bc there's already rumors about haunted robots while CC is still alive. And people are mad about that one because it supposedly "ruins his motivation" which for them was death of his son but I always found that theory unbelievably stupid. William's motivation isn't really covered in games. Sure he wanted to experiment on fear and agony. But the most motivation on why he would do this is in book trilogy where after killing Charlie he's scared of what awaits him in the afterlife so he tries to find the key to immortality. And it doesn't have to be the exact same reason in games since the trilogy is different continuity from games. However I could see that be the case but it's just speculations.
5. Since Fredbear plush is just William talking through it finally is a nail in the coffin for "William was actually a good father and wanted to protect his family" theory. I've also had and entire post about why I don't think he was a good father before Dittophobia came out just based on games so no trilogy evidence there. I honestly don't know why would someone think that William wasn't all that bad and why would he be somehow redeemable.
6. Midnight Motorist isn't about Aftons. I've actually had a rocky path with that minigame and it's interpretation (as pretty much everyone) but for the past 1-2 years I've came to the conclusion that it's not Aftons and probably a family of one of William victims which turned out to be true. But honestly I was wrong about which victim bc I thought it's about someone from MCI but it's most likely Rory so oops.
7. There were maaaaaany victims. Yeah William is a psychopath and a serial killer. People are still to this day arguing whenever toy animatronics are haunted and some say he only killed 6 children. So it makes so much sense to me that there were many victims beside them and even more beside toy animatronics kids bc William was monster who would do anything for his own gain. "He always comes back" but not just from the dead but to commit another murder.
So yeah these were the things that I've already belived before Dittophobia came out and said book just confirmed them. Did it confirm literally every and each one of my theories? No, like 70% of them. But am I gonna claim other 30% that were disproved are a retcon because I'm never wrong? No lmao and I don't get why people are like that since all the things I listed above are conclusions to which I came to some years ago (most recent being probably Midnight Motorist one). So it was possible to form these theories without Dittophobia and yes I'm happy we finally have fnaf 4 explained and I still would be even if it disproved all of my theories as long as we have a consistent story.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Re: Wizard Stupid
As you outline it, i definitely believe its a thing. However, id like to object that Ludinus exhibits it in earnest. Absolutely its what he projects (ie. the absurdity of hating clerics for being gifted magic while working alongside SORCERERS), but i think he projects it knowingly and deliberately, which disqualifies him from Wizard Stupid.
Basically im denying the adage “Never attribute to malice what can be adequately attributed to stupidity”. Id LOVE your thoughts on this but its my belief that Ludinus is weaponizing populist talking points against what are basically ignorant common folk and traumatized people as a shield to hide his greater true desire to become god emperor of Exandria. Especially keeping in mind that us as the audience have a vaster knowledge of the Exandrian pantheon and its inner workings than a regular commoner who’s worked a farm all their life and just wants to make enough money for a meal. If right-wingers get away with this kind of shit all the time, i certainly believe Ludinus does, too.
I would disagree with a few things here; but to address the first point, Wizard Stupid really is just "I think the consequences of my actions will not come back to me, and indeed haven't necessarily thought them through at all", which I believe absolutely applies to Ludinus. While we don't know for sure that teleportation is broken, or that he's fucked the ley network and therefore arcane magic, those are both pretty likely. He activated a machine that had taken damage with his own life force. He also did hire Astrid, who is heavily implied to have been feeding intel to Caleb and would therefore be indirectly responsible for quite a lot of that damage. He stiffed Ira's bill; reneging on a contract with a fey even other fey think is kind of a wildcard? That's Wizard Stupid. I'd also note: never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity is much more about assuming that the person who cut you off in traffic is a fucking idiot who wasn't paying attention, not that they have it out for you and want you to crash. It doesn't mean people can't be both malicious and stupid, and we do know Ludinus is, canonically, evil. I am not denying his malice; I'm saying he's also, in some areas, very, very stupid.
In general though, I don't think a comparison to populism is apt. Ludinus and the Vanguard expressly aren't going around doing massive, active recruiting among common people who are, or perceive themselves to be, disenfranchised. Tuldus is actually the exception to what we've seen; the majority of Vanguard members we've encountered have been Ruidusborn. This is a cult recruiting vulnerable people. If it were truly populist, why is it not commonly known among the population? Why recruit Lilliana and not Relvin, who is similarly a regular commoner who's worked on a farm all his life? Why hasn't anyone in the party, many of whom have been living on the fringes of society, heard of it before now? Why are their only allies other tiny obscure cults and a crawler gang? Why are they killing what appears to be random travelers? The Paragon's Call members are honestly pretty apathetic, and the Malleus Key plan wasn't a recruiting tactic when Bells Hells encountered them; I think it's a case of "boss says we're killing god and they're paying well, so, sure, I don't care as long as I get overtime." Killing the gods is not a talking point being used to rally the masses; it's not populism and it's frankly not even popular. All things considered, the group at the Tishtan site is pitifully small.
I will also admit, and this applies here but to a few other posts as well, that I don't find a framing of Mortals vs. the Gods under any kind of real-world political structure to really work for me. The premise is in fact that the gods don't function like mortals, so even if killing the gods were a popular sentiment, which again, it is not, I don't know if it would map well to populism.
Now, I do agree that Ludinus is being deliberately manipulative and hypocritical. With that said this also doesn't rule out stupid for him (nor for real-life politicians). I do, in fact, think that no shortage of right-wing populists believe a decent amount of their own bullshit. Like...generally, a lot of fascists are very effective at amassing short term power, and they don't believe all the bullshit they say but use it to manipulate the population, and we obviously don't want that either, because it does not take terribly long to do a massive amount of harm; but they do often fuck up the long term planning. Eventually, you eliminate everyone you've been scapegoating and you still haven't built a utopia so you either need to, as Ashton said, get down to like 5 people at which point society collapses; or someone else shows up and you now become the target of the population's ire. Basically this is all to say you can be both stupid (and specifically Wizard Stupid, which is about ignoring immediate and possibly lethal consequences, often though not always in the service of pursuing knowledge or a greater vision) and manipulative, ie, Ludinus is not in fact disqualified from Wizard Stupid simply because he also deliberately misleads some people.
I also don't think Ludinus wants to become god-emperor and haven't seen any evidence he does - it's a theory, but I don't agree with it and believe he genuinely is mostly focused on just killing the gods. But, frankly, if he did wish to be god-emperor? Doing so by allying with powerful sorcerers whose powers are believed to come from Predathos? Of whom we know he - one of the most powerful archmages in the world - is jealous? And assuming he'll keep that position? With all the potential fuck-ups to magic? Also, specifically pissing off druids, who might actually (along with paladins) be the group most able to withstand what may go down if Predathos is unleashed given that their magic comes neither from the gods nor is arcane? Now that's Wizard Stupid.
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gamergirlshelby · 9 months
Heyo whats up! The other day I stumbled across this post by @jazz-kitty which pitched a possible Swap AU for Pokemon Reborn, which this small comic in of itself inspired. so many ideas for more swaps for.
So after getting the go ahead from Jazz, I thought it could be fun to ramble about some more possible swaps for some of the other swaps for this au :3
Its a good bit so I'm gonna put it under a read more because I have many ideas that I am happy to explain!
Ok first off are the swaps already present in the original post by Jazz, which I will be using as a baseline for my ideas! The most notable swap is Cal and Blake Whitaker being the focus of the original comic, and already I think that is just. a really neat concept all things considered. Already both of their arcs would be very different, with Cal never going to Apophyll, likely still having a lot of that pent up frustration and anger issues, and Blake mellowing out a bit, but probably still being a bit of a jerk since he doesn't really give a shit about a lot of whats going on. If anything I'd still say that Blake probably still kicked Cal's ass when they first meet like in canon which makes Cal even more mad at him in swap au,
Next is Lin swapping with the protagonist. Honestly I'd still need to think about which protagonist would take canon Lin's place since I don't really have a definitive favorite among them, and I feel like they all would be pretty interesting to switch around. I just know that it'd probably end up being one of them.
Then last of the swaps shown in the comic is Bennett taking the place of Shelly. To be honest Bennett ending up more like an anxious bookworm might be better for him in the long run versus how he is base game. Don't get me wrong Bennett probably has one of my favorite arcs throughout main game and post game, but I'm doing a playthrough rn and I just got to Iollia valley and. C'mon man.
First off is a big swap between Julia and Florinia with Amaria and Titania respectively (as well as Fern and Hardy but I'll get to them in the next section). Julia taking the place of Amaria, with Amaria being in charge of the water treatment center/gym and Julia living with Florinia in the Fiore Mansion. Titania would be a teacher at the Onyx school in Florinia's stead, writing as a side hobby, while Florinia maybe works out in the field studying pokemon strategy in the wild to better understand them? Her gym being out in the desert would also fit with her theme of being a grass type sand team.
Next is Fern and Hardy swapping. Hardy loses his connection with Titania as she gets absorbed in her work at the school, falling more into his rock star persona, although he ends up more arrogant due to his fame around the school and city. Then there's Fern, who I'd say is probably more like he is post game? Definitely the kind of guy who'd make someone smile (although still probably a little misguided).
My next swap is a bit simpler being Cain and Aya, with Aya being the recurring rival and Cain being the poison type gym leader, Cain not being able to runaway while Aya does.
Another somewhat big swap is Solaris and Elias as well as Taka and Luna, with Elias being the founder of Team Meteor, Luna being the unwilling heir, Solaris is the third member of the elite four and Taka is on the run from his father, carrying the emerald brooch.
To round out the ideas I had for Team Meteor is Sirius and Connal. They both have connections to the Belroses and also they are both huge pieces of shit. Sorry to be blunt but its true.
Another swap that I think would be interesting is Noel and Anna with Eve and Lumi respectively. Honestly I don't really have much of an explanation I just think they would be interesting pairs to switch.
And thats all the swaps I was able to come up with. There are probably more I could come up with and honestly knowing me I could probably come up with swaps for the whole game if you give me like. a week. but also that would take me forever and I am tired-- i might end up doing some doodles for these ideas at some point to cause swap aus are fun. anyways thanks for reading my rambles :3
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mardytoast · 4 months
besides tolkien being the 'boring one' in high school fics he's usually the designated party man because RICH. only exists as the rich black dude who everyone crashes the mansion or other rich residences of, and then sometimes tweek is the resident high school coke dealer (and not the drink).
omg i forgott about that.
'only exists as the rich black dude who everyone crashes the mansion.. of' i definitely agree, it's like people only want him as an npc with a mansion when hes really so much more. with the whole being rich thing, and then he's literally one of three black people on a little redneck mountain town?? come onnn.
yeah so tolkiens not allowed to be a normal teenager (drink, do drugs, commit crimes, be generally irresponsible) but he throws all the parties? talk about double standards. like do people in the fandom want him to be wild or boring.
tolkien being rich is something I feel like writers don't take advantage of. from the one episode where the kids were having a go at him for being rich he got hurt and tried to get other rich kids to come to south park. he obviously doesn't really know how to handle his wealth among the mostly lower middle class population of South park. is it that he IS responsible and let's people take advantage of him and his house to host parties? or is it that he's pretty humble and chill, and even though he doesn't really do.that stuff he's happy to host. or he simply likes partying so he hosts.
anyways im not sure if you've seen my other lil coin posts where i advocate for rascal tolkien, I'd say this ask is from my fanon post. but im using it as another way to keep talking about tolkien because he doesn't receive enough attention. your ask is more of an observation about his fanon so im kinda just talking about my own thing sorry😔. if there's anything else on his character you'd like me to talk about id love you to send another ask.
as well for tweek, i haven't really seen him being depicted as an actual dealer, more of just a meth head. kennys usually resident dealer to my knowledge. I feel like tweek being a drug dealer could honestly be good for his character. that sounds so bad and addiction is obviously not good but it'd be cool for his character to be more than just anxiety. maybe being a well known (i use that loosely, well known to buyers) druggie would garner a bit more respect as for some reason ppl think you're tough when you're into that kinda think, even though it suggests the opposite. im tired of seeing tweek getting bullied and pushed around when we know he's actually pretty fiery. he's well able to hold his own in any argument and can manipulate situations in his favour (oh yeah? and who's michael). there's so many fics where tweek is the main character and it's his perspective but writers still seem to write only one type of tweek. I've seen: social wreck bc he's just kinda like that, social wreck bc of all his medical conditions and bad parenting, and maybe a wild card here and there. consider that the meth has done one thing 'good' and make him chill.
so im pretty sure i didn't relate to you're ask at all and honestly i wasn't even planning to talk about tweek but my mind just kinda runs away from me. I love character analysises so asks are always open of you want me to spill my opinions on your favs
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uldren-sov · 1 year
for swtor Elora!
(when i tell you i rbd the ask meme to the wrong blog LOL but ty anon!!! )
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art by @artofzofia
👊 - A Best Friend
She's lucky enough to have some actual friends on the dark council, close friends at that and some with quite a fair amount of history to be considered best of friends. However, going from "work friend" to bestie with @kornyo's Vrupet is so surprisingly fun and interesting. She's someone that I think El looks up to and admires, and seeing this kind of pillar of the Council for the complicated and at times warm person that she is, I think Elora treasures their friendship even more. Plus catching up now to become Mom and have Mom Friends alongside like Ta'anet is PHENOMENAL. Joining the ranks of stunning moms is just the best way to rank up and reach her full potential. Though whenever she can get away from the Empire anymore she is sure to hunt down and find her Independent best bestie in @sotc 's Cahira.
🎭 - A Former Friend
I'd say she lost a lot of former friends in the course of the war, both to Jedi and Sith hands alike. Though some of the most potent former friends would be ones that have simply betrayed her and she had not anticipated it. Most notably another one of my OCs, Alejo Szalot, who is her master's counterpart in the Sphere of Defense. Both come from Ziost, both were in the academy in a similar time, both went to functions around Academy age and when they were Lords. There was a tenuous camaraderie and acknowledgment as to how similar they were, but they were always frenemies; close enough to rely on each other above others, but rivals enough to fight constantly. But both came up to Darth on their merits, so he had her grudging respect, up until he proved more Sith than her in weaving a political scheme in order for him to ascend higher and sacrifice many to do so. It was the better, cleverer, move, but he lost her respect all at once and now is simply another enemy with whom she has a history with.
🍜 - Someone who’s A Great Cook
I am contractually obligated and literally cannot go with anyone else other than @damarlegacy's Karo. Her Not-Legal-Husband-But-Still-Husband-Slash-"Mistress" due to obviously how impactful he is on her life and how absolutely dismal she is in comparison, which just makes him look better by comparison. He literally ruined her for anyone else because, among other things, he can cook like a mof and honestly what else could she do at that point? You just don't go back to takeout and boring Dromund Kaas taste after that, idk what to tell you. You also don't go back to the kind of partners you had growing up but that's another story.
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infinitenicknames · 4 months
Saw others making Twisted Wonderland X Pokemon content, and I thought I'd join in! This is my Pokemon Trainer OC and their team! Hopefully I'll do some short scenes with them and the boys here soon :3c
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More writing with these guys: [To Be Added Soon]
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(Here's the picrew I used if your interested)
Yew Ironwood
Genderfluid (they/she/he/it. Honestly could go for just about any gender and/or pronoun given the mood/circumstance)
A resourceful and honorable Pokemon Trainer who has been out on their journey for many years. While they know them and their Pokemon's limits, Yew isn't afraid to push themselves if the situation calls for it. While out on their journey, Yew had managed to collect virtually every Badge available. Even though that proves their great power, Yew hasn't claimed any titles like Champion or Gym Leader despite qualifying for it.
Yew somehow found himself at Night Raven College while he was on his way back to Nimbasa City to meet up with his Uncle Morose for Uncle Morose's birthday. Yew initially tried to fly straight back home, only to realize that he didn't recognize the world at all. Begrudgingly, the Pokemon Trainer accepted Crowley's offer to stay at Night Raven College until they found a way back to his own world.
Yew is a trainer first and a student second. She loves to battle, which isn’t really considered normal in Twisted Wonderland. Some people believe that she is aggressive because of this, but in reality Yew means these battles in the friendliest way possible.
Yew had had a lot of difficulty settling into Twisted Wonderland. They're used to traveling around a lot since they were on their journey. Despite this, Yew is incredibly curious of Twisted Wonderland and is constantly asking questions about it. Some questions may be "stupidly" obvious to the people of Twisted Wonderland, so Yew often has to remind them that they're not from there. Strangely they seem almost... Ansty being in one place for so long...
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Annabeth the Hydreigon
Female (She/her)
Yew’s first pokemon and partner. They're practically inseparable and usually go everywhere together. Annabeth is surprisingly docile for a Hydreigon. She'll only display her brutal nature if she feels like she, Yew, or any of their Pokemon are threatened.
The two smaller heads have retained a little bit of their personality upon evolving, which is highly unusual for Hydreigons. Because of this, Yew has named each of the heads so that she can refer to each of them if needs be (An the right head, Na the left head, and Beth the main head). Any time Annabeth is curious about something she'll bite it gently.
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Kayden the Arcanine
Male (he/him)
A playful goof who loves to mess around. His lighthearted nature has stopped many bad days from ruining the team’s spirits. Kayden loves cuddles and will gather up the entire team for a cuddle pile when the nights get cold.
Kayden once belonged to Yew’s father, who passed away a few years before she went on her journey. Kayden feels like it’s his responsibility to raise and protect her on behalf of his old trainer. He is a constant source of comfort for Yew through countless trials.
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Lapis the Manaphy, Prince of the Sea
Bigender (he/she)
Yew found Lapis as an egg caught in a tidepool when visiting the beach with uncle Morose. Yew tried to move the egg back to the ocean when it hatched. Yew and uncle Morose looked for Lapis’s family, but when they couldn’t find them, Yew begged Uncle Morose to let them raise the small blue Pokemon.
Shortly after that Team Rocket began hunting the both of them, since Team Rocket wanted to get to the Sea Temple. Uncle Morose tried his best to hide Yew and Lapis from Team Rocket by claiming that Lapis was just a Phione instead of the mythical Manaphy. By doing this among other things, Uncle Morose was able to keep them hidden until Yew set off on their journey.
Due to his young age, Lapis is still very childish and naive. She is still learning about the world and why she is so important to it. One day though, Lapis is destined to return to the sea to fulfill his role as the Prince of the Sea.
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Maylee the shiny Mawile
Female (she/her)
A shiny Mawile that Yew met on their journey. Yew helped Maylee after she had injured herself in a fight. Yew carefully nursed the wild Mawile back to health before asking her if she wanted to join the team. Due to this, Maylee feels undying loyalty to Yew.
Relatively shy, Maylee doesn’t like to make a scene out of anything. She’d much rather hide away in the background. However, Maylee does have high standards, which she holds the entire team to. This sometimes causes conflicts in the team, but they all understand Maylee has the best of intentions.
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Relic the Sigilyph
Nonbinary (it/its)
Relic met Yew when the young trainer had gotten separated from his Pokemon in some ruins. Relic led Yew back to his team. Yew didn't have much to offer the wild Sigilyph to show his thanks, so Yew offered his water bottle to it. Relic, who absolutely loves water, was overjoyed and decided to join Yew on his journey from then on.
Relic is quite expressive for a Sigilyph and expresses itself through various body movements. To most people these wild flailings mean nothing, but Yew has managed to decipher its meanings over the years. Relic loves ruins and old buildings and will often wander or patrol them when left unattended.
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Patches the Mimikyu
Male (He/him)
Patches met Yew when they were attempting their Island Challenge in Alola. Yew had been attacked by members of Team Rocket and was forced to hide in an abandoned building in Po Town. The young trainer broke down crying from stress, and was found by Patches. Patches took good care of Yew until they fell asleep. When the trainer woke up again, Patches had alerted Team Skull to where they were. Team Skull offered Yew a place to stay. Yew accepted their offer, along with letting Patches join their team.
Patches loves fashion and dressing up. Yew and Patches often work together to sew up new outfits just so that Patches can have some options at any given time. Usually though, Patches just dresses up as a Pikachu.
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Legion the Falinks
Mainly masculine (He/him [individual], They/them [group])
The initial group of six Falinks joined Yew while she was traveling around the Paldea region, but during the team’s journey through Galar they adopted another young Falink who had no group. This is quite unusual since Falinks usually only stay in groups of six, but Yew has had no issues with this larger group of Falinks.
The group works together with mechanical accuracy. They have boundless energy and are always working. If not given a task they’ll find something to do, whether that be constructive or destructive.
Nicknames for the members of Legion
Captain: The Brass and leader of the group. Always in charge and confident in his abilities.
Scout: The fastest of the group who loves to run. He's the one who gets sent out if Legion needs to scout ahead or get someplace fast.
Grunt: The most aggressive. He acts all grumpy but actually cares about everyone deep down.
Doc: The best at treating the other’s wounds. He really likes gardening and berries, so he's often in charge of Yew's Berry Pots.
Hot Rod: A bit of a jokester and loves messing around. He's always trying to impress the others. He usually has to get saved by them when his pranks go wrong.
Tiffy: The repair man. He's always fiddling with something or looking for something to dismantle and put back together.
Junior: The youngest who they picked up in Galar. He tries his hardest even if he’s too young or too small to do most things on his own.
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Adorabolt the Rotom
Nonbinary (they/them)
Yew found Adorabolt stalking around the Old Chateau in Sinnoh, but didn’t realize that the little ghost had jumped into her phone until after they had left. Yew didn’t mind and let the Rotom stay in her phone. Adorabolt chats a lot with Yew about various things since they're the only one capable of human speech.
Adorabolt LOVES social media and the internet, almost to a concerning degree. Adorabolt constantly catalogs all of their journeys online with various pictures and anecdotes from their travels. Surprisingly they're camera shy.
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sezja · 2 years
If allowed questions for you, reply when you want. You can reply each in different posts too just tag me please. Only if you feel like it.
Favorite oc? Or are you the type who can’t decide? Any reason someone is a favorite if you have one?
Favorite ffxiv character? Any reason?
Favorite game (because nobody knows)?
Favorite character of all time (because nobody knows) and why?
How did you chose Nerise’s dragon name? What about her?
Will Marty ever officially marry? (I’m making this up just to make one more question)
Thank you.
OH BOY it's Learning About Fox Time!
1: I kind of cycle between Favorite OCs; my "favorite" is whoever I'm fixating on at the time. At the moment, it's kind of a three-way split between Nerise, Fenumin, and Darcy, but any given moment, if I'm reminded of another OC, they briefly claim my heart and run away with it. I think Origins!Kuja, better known these days as Urha'to Nelhah, is my favorite of all time... which should come as no surprise, considering Origins is my baby, and considering... Well.
2: I assume you mean favorite NPC, in which case: Stephanivien de Haillenarte, my beloved...... I picked up MCH at a time when I was having a huge falling-out with the friend who'd played a major role in getting me into the game, and I was kind of considering unsubbing, because ARR hadn't really grabbed me and I wasn't like, deeply invested beyond the AU I was crafting for my Origins characters (alongside my roommate's WoLs). Then I ran into Steph, and oh man, he saved the game for me; it's not an exaggeration to say I would've fallen out of the game completely if he hadn't gotten me super invested in it all over again. I actually roleplayed Steph for a couple of years, on @skysteelsun.
3: Favorite game: Final Fantasy IX, by a massive unstoppable landslide!
4: Favorite character: Garland my beloved Why is a complicated explanation, but it kind of boils down to my huge undying love for fallen civilizations - what could be better, then, than a completely dead planet? Garland is overseeing the revival and restoration of a world that has been dead for several thousand years, and that fascinates me. And I think his treatment of the beings he has created to populate that dead world (among others) is kind of an interesting look at how he himself, also a construct, might have been treated by his own creators. I can't say a lot without, you know, spoilers, but I find him so incredibly interesting on so many levels. He's only around for less than a disk and a half, but he makes excellent use of his screentime.
5: Nerise's wyvern's name, Sohl Amh, means "Slow Song," and while I initially chose it because I liked the sound of it... it has very much come to fit their personality. Sohl Amh is the steadier, more patient of the pair, content to wait and see what happens - compared to Nerise's quick temper and eagerness for results. Nerise's name was also just an "I like the sound of it," to be honest. We don't know a lot about how elezen naming conventions have changed, if at all, in the past thousand years, so it was kind of a shot in the dark!
6: Oh man okay so eventually what happens is Marty gets his ass arrested for poaching (he actually takes the fall for Dom, presuming - not without reason - he'll get off lighter than a Duskwight would). And who should happen to spot him while he's being brought in than one Serpent Captain Sanson Smyth? Who notices he looks vaguely familiar. One thing leads to another, and Marty gets introduced to Guydelot, and they realize they probably share a dad. Sanson's owed a favor or five by the Adders at this point, and has sufficient influence to get Marty's sentenced negotiated down to exile from the Greatwood. It is at this point that Marty realizes he's going to have to tell Tsimh everything - part of the reason he hasn't asked her to marry him yet is the whole "I'd have to tell her I'm a poacher".... thing. So he tells her. She is understandably upset, but honestly, more about not being told. They work it out. They move - in keeping with Marty's sentence - to La Noscea, and settle on a farmstead. All's well. And then, yes, Marty finally proposes to his girl.
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dojae-huh · 1 year
talking about gold dust by dy?
You have no idea how happy I was to hear gold dust full on dy's voice...i mean i was disappointed at the original where he got only few lines as it was that kind of song where dy can show his vocal ..and also dy like the song with actual lyrics that draws fans attention...but dont worry fans...who is he....he is the singer who covers others songs and make it his own....and here he actually claimed that gold dust is his song....now we got 2 versions and people started to recommend this one....that is kim doyoung. ..he proves himself not with words but singing...he even participated singing contest to prove his parents that he want to sing .....so I am not going to underestimate him about his career....i want the whole world want to do the same and know that kim doyoung is an idol who can sing well.....(sorry about my english....it is not my first lang)
I love 127's "Gold dust" as it is, but the lack of Doyoung is prominent. His part (voice tone) is not balanced out with his later appearence. If he closed the song or had Woo's part in the middle, it could have been better. It is one of the songs where different voices give it richness, but the number of voices should be more limited for less disarray and longer individual parts. I'd say it's a song for 4 seasons feat Mark. Woo sounds nice in the end, but complitely different in mood and warmth of tone from Doyoung, which is not good in this case.
Hate me or not, but in painting it's usually 3-4 colour chords, seldom a 5-colour chord.
Honestly, would have just recorded two versions of the song and put them both on the album. Very neo, heh. Plus fans of Johnny, Yuta and Jungwoo would have got a song where their biases sing a lot.
Back to Doyoung.
I think he is going to go on as many programmes where he can sing live songs with stories as possible. These appearences don't bring that much of publicity, but they allow him to re-arrange songs and satiate his thirst, chose those genres he likes himself. They also build his reputation among musicians and producers (remember, idols are not considered real singers by outsiders). One never knows what tv directors and music critics keep an eye on things.
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