#Amy M Fleming
heartlandians · 3 months
Filling Empty Spaces (Amy/Mitch), part 230
Mitch and Amy find an unexpected connection due to absent lovers. Set around season 11->.
A/N: I didn’t have a beta for this story, so hopefully there won’t be too many grammar errors.
The whirring of the hospital doors played in the background and the smell of hand sanitizer pushed through their noses when Mitch and Lou entered the building.
The sensations reminded Mitch of the visit he had paid to this very same hospital last year after Ty had attacked him unprovoked at Heartland. Thankfully no bigger harm had been done back then, but it seemed like his visits here were never for anything pleasant.
It was strange to think how things had changed since, but apparently awkward trips to hospitals were still an on-going theme for him.
After the assault, things had been weird between him and Amy. There had not been anything romantic going on (yet), despite what people had assumed, so Ty's attack had only added a layer of confusion into everything; like he had not been even allowed to be friends with Amy because "it sent a wrong signal".
Now, almost a year later, they were more than friends and yet they were still kept apart to some degree partly due to that whole misunderstanding at that time. This time, however, the message would have been truthful, but the timing would have just been bad.
And so, here was Mitch, tagging along with Amy's sister when she paid a visit to the hospital her younger sister was in, in hopes to make sense of all of this.
"Hey, I'm Lou Fleming. I'm here to visit my sister, Amy Fleming", Lou began the conversation with the nurse at the reception when they reached the counter. She leaned on the surface after adjusting the handbag on her shoulder. "I was wondering if there's been any updates since yesterday?"
"Let me see..." the nurse said and began to type in something with the keyboard in front of her. "Amy Fleming, you said?" she checked.
Lou nodded. "F-L-E-M-I-N-G. Just one "M". Yes."
Mitch looked around, assessing the atmosphere in the waiting room.
He saw people on their phones, either contacting loved ones or trying to find distraction, others leaning on their loved ones as they were trying to keep their eyes open with poor results and some visitors were pacing back and forth as the waiting was starting to drive them up the walls.
Even though the situations all of these people had faced, for them to end up here, were no doubt mostly unfortunate, Mitch knew from his own experience that sometimes waiting was even worse than being the one in the surgery or the one in a coma; the feeling when there was nothing you could do but wait was crushing.
Everyone here had their own story, but they had at least one thing in common; without exchanging a word with any of them, Mitch knew all of them felt helpless right now.
And yet, despite all the worry and sadness, there was so much love present. That brought in some hope.
He had been waiting for news about Amy for days now, only getting little crumbs of information here and there. Being closer to actually getting some answers now, Mitch realized that despite having all the time in the world to plan what he would do or say - if this were to happen -, he had no idea what he was actually doing here.
Was this helpful in any way?
To who, exactly?
Was he being selfish? Would Amy approve of this?
"--there's not much to report right now, I'm afraid", the nurse's voice brought Mitch back to this moment.
Answers. Focus, he told himself.
It seemed like the nurse had talked with Lou for a while now, but he had gotten lost in his own head and missed the beginning of the conversation.
Hopefully nothing too crucial.
"It's just... it's been days already", Lou expressed her restlessness, and even though she could have had her personal, somewhat immoral reasons to wish Amy's coma to continue for a little while longer, she did sound disappointed - or maybe concerned. It was hard to tell.
"Your sister's suffered a major head trauma, so it can take a long time to recover from something like that", the nurse replied patiently. Sometimes loved ones had a hard time understanding how long healing actually took because this wasn't their every day life.
But for her, it was.
Mitch couldn't help but admire the way the person behind the counter remained calm, even though it could have been easy to get tired answering - what he assumed to be - repeated questions all day long. It really made a difference when the family and friends were trying to deal with a life-altering event.
"And will you call us right away if she happens to wake up? If no one is here then", Lou insisted to know.
The nurse had an empathetic smile on her face. Mitch assumed this was another question she had almost expected at some point.
"She can't just wake up from a medically induced coma", the nurse reminded.
This was something the family had been told when Amy had been admitted to the hospital after her accident, but the nurse understood it could have easily slipped someone's mind when there was so much new information that had to be taken in.
Or maybe Lou had not been there for that - which, she had not, as she had been flying in from New York.
"Oh... Right..." Lou let out, feeling silly for only thinking how people always woke up from a coma in the movies - medically induced or not - and it was always very dramatically, too.
The nurse felt like maybe repeating some information was in order - which played in Mitch's favor, as this was his first time hearing about it.
"We're still continuously administering the sedate every couple of hours to keep your sister unconsciours in an attempt to minimize brain injury", the nurse continued, stressing why this was important.
Mitch listened to all of this, and even though it all sounded so bizarre in a way - as this still didn't feel real to him - he understood it was all part of the process.
The nurse went on. "We check her every couple of hours to ensure she's still unconscious and sufficiently medicated. Keeping her in a coma is the best thing for her right now as it allows her brain to rest and regenerate more efficiently. When it's time to wake her up, we'll let you know in advance, so you can be here."
Lou nodded as it sounded like they still couldn't really do anything but wait. She glanced at Mitch, realizing she had completely forgotten to introduce him to the nurse.
"Okay, we'll just go see her anyway", Lou said, then gesturing to Mitch. "He's... uh..."
She was looking for a right word.
Mitch waited with bated breath; how much gatekeeping of visitors did this hospital practice? Was it "family only"?
Was he to be Amy's brother, or something?
"He's... with me", was all Lou finally let out, getting a nod of approval from the nurse.
"You remember the room number?" the nurse checked.
"Yeah. Thank you", Lou assured and then turned to head to the elevators, gesturing Mitch to follow her.
"You're welcome. Have a good day", the nurse replied as they left the reception area.
Mitch trailed Lou, eventually catching her at the steel doors just as she pressed the button and adjusted the handbag on her shoulder nervously.
It wasn't even falling off; Mitch noticed it seemed more like a stim to calm Lou down.
"You okay...?" he eventually checked, noticing how frantic Lou seemed.
Her gaze wandered in the hall, quickly passing at him, and then returning to the elevator button.
"Yeah. Yeah", she mumbled, touching her forehead with her clammy fingers. "Sorry, I didn't... really know what to say to the nurse about who you are; I figured you and Amy don't want to tell others about... the dating thing yet. Not that the nurse would care, but just so she doesn't accidentally tell someone else about it. You know, like Grandpa. Or Dad."
Mitch appreciated Lou being discreet, despite the awkward situation.
"Thanks. I think that was fine", Mitch said, looking up to see the digital numbers showing how the elevator was getting lower. "I'm just glad I didn't have to play Peter again in order to join you somewhere."
Lou frowned. ""Play Peter again"...?" she repeated.
"Well, you know, like when you asked me to your high school reunion last year", Mitch reminded. It had annoyed him back then, but now it was just another ridiculous memory to recall. "And you wanted me to pretend to be Peter, for whatever reason."
At least he didn't have to pretend to be someone else this time, but then again, in some ways he was still a secret to so many people in one Fleming sister's life.
So maybe it wasn't all still in the past...
Lou's embarrassment was almost palpable to Mitch as she cringed.
"Oh, god... Right, that... I had forgotten all about that", Lou admitted. "I was... sort of going through something. And it didn't help that I had to deal with Mary-Jane Sutka on top of it all-- Anyway. I don't want to get into that right now..." she sighed as she realized this could easily turn into a spiral.
She was already in middle of one, there was no room for another.
They heard a ding sound as the elevator reached their floor. The doors opened slowly before they entered, both getting more and more anxious as Lou's hand reached for the right button to press.
"So, uh... what are you going to say to Georgie...?" Mitch had to ask.
She had not disclosed that yet as the drive to the hospital had been more about them going over Amy's situation since Mitch had had so many questions.
Lou leaned back and adjusted herself on top of her heels, then glancing at Mitch on her right.
"Oh... Uh, I guess... just that you wanted to come and support me during the visit. That I was upset and... I ran into you at the town or something, and you offered to come. And I mean, you and Amy are-- were friends too, before you... well, you know", she murmured, gesturing that Mitch probably figured what she was trying to say.
He listened to Lou's plan, wondering if Georgie would buy it.
"So it isn't even that far-fetched that you could want to come. Honestly, I don't think she'll think too much into it; she's more upset about this whole situation with Amy than who visits her", Lou continued.
Mitch let out a heavy sigh, clenching his jaw.
Lou's head spun toward him.
"What...? You have a better idea?" Lou scoffed and challenged him, feeling like she was being judged for thinking on her feet. "I think I know my daughter better than you..."
"No, it's not that", Mitch wanted to straighten out as he shook his head a little. "It's just that... apparently you don't know the whole situation. -- Georgie knows."
"Georgie "knows" what?" Lou asked.
"Well, you know... about me and Amy", Mitch clarified. He watched Lou as the realization dawned on her. "I wasn't sure if she had actually already told you that she does, but I guess not--"
"Wait, she knows?" Lou didn't even let him finish. She was baffled.
"Yeah, she knows", Mitch repeated. "Or that's what Amy told me."
"Why didn't you just tell me she knows?!" Lou insisted, looking crossed. "You seriously would have let me walk in there and come up with some sort of lie--"
"I wasn't! I didn't!" Mitch hurried to remind her before she would get too carried away. "That's why I brought it up now."
"Yeah, now, when we're in the elevator, only a small walk away from her!" Lou shot back.
"There was just a lot to talk about, okay?!" Mitch felt defensive, his big frame suddenly looking smaller next to Lou's figure.
The woman huffed, turning back to stare at the doors.
At first Lou figured maybe this would complicate things, but as she mulled it over for few seconds, maybe Georgie knowing would actually make it easier.
"Okay, so... she knows", Lou stated, trying to turn this around. "That means I don't really have to say anything to her, don't I?"
She almost sighed out of a relief, feeling like she had been let off the hook; she didn't like lying to her kids.
"She knows, so... of course you'd want to see Amy", Lou continued, mapping out the plan and all of its sides, saying it out loud as if it couldn't have been more obvious.
Mitch shook his head, laughing, but not with a tone of amusement. "Oh no, I think we have to say something..."
He had not been face to face with Lou's daughter since things had been revealed to Georgie, but from what Amy had said, it had not gone over smoothly, so he wasn't expecting there to be a happy reunion.
Lou stared at him puzzled.
"What's this about? That laugh, that tone?" she demanded, gesturing at him.
Mitch felt uncomfortable and he let out a moan as he was struggling to find his way out verbally.
"We haven't actually had a conversation about it. From what I know, Amy tried, but Georgie basically ran from Heartland to her boyfriend and... I guess they have not talked since", Mitch summarized what he knew with a soft tone, hoping it would help keep Lou calmer.
Lou blinked, staring ahead, wondering what that had been about.
"Ran from Heartland? Why?" she couldn't figure it out. "Nothing's been said to me..."
Mitch sighed, spreading his hands in surrender. "You'd have to talk to her about it; I can't speak for her."
Something clicked for Lou.
"So that's why she wasn't at the rodeo", she was slowly filling the empty spaces.
The chaos of the last few days had been hard to keep up with; from the moment she had landed back on the Canadian soil, the older Fleming sister had entered into a situation where small things easily fell through the cracks - and it seemed like that had happened.
"So, who was there then...?" Mitch wondered. "When it happened... At the rodeo."
"Oh, uh, Jade, her friend and this new ranch hand", Lou explained. "It's kind of a weird situation overall, actually. I guess Amy technically hired him just before the accident, but now... she's in a coma, and we didn't really know what to do with him, so... because we needed help, he's been helping with the chores."
Lou was not the only one filling the blanks.
Typically, this would have been something Amy would have shared with Mitch at the end of the day, but on that faithful point of time, they had not had that moment together during dusk where they would have gone over everything that had happened since the last time they had talked.
It made Mitch sad again.
Those moments had slowly become his favorite time of the day, and the lack of them was noticeable.
The elevator jolted slightly as it reached the right floor and the doors opened. Both Lou and Mitch were about to step out when they noticed a person standing in front of the doors, waiting to get in.
"Georgie", Lou said when she recognized her daughter in front of her, going over the insides of her wallet. "Hey, honey", she breathed out.
Georgie brought her eyes up upon hearing a familiar voice, and her face went from soft to angry in the matter of seconds when she took in the sight.
"What are you doing here...?" she hissed as her eyes drilled onto Mitch. "Mom, what is he doing here?" Georgie demanded to know.
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aftermidnightfmk · 8 months
Part 1: January 16, 2025 through April 10, 2024
Tumblr limits posts to 100 links, thus the necessity of splitting of the Guests page into parts. It is inconvenient, yes. Click here for a list of all parts.
Alphabetical by last name, unless they don't have a surname, in which case, good luck.
Looking for the host? Try the Taylor Tomlinson tag.
Is a name misspelled? Link broken? Dear god, please tell me.
Please note: “kill” choices are (usually) not tagged. Therefore the links below may not be inclusive of every guest’s appearance on After Midnight.
Marcella Arguello
Maria Bamford
Suzi Barrett
W. Kamau Bell
Doug Benson
Ashley Nicole Black
Flula Borg
Wayne Brady
Guy Branum
Matt Braunger
Kurt Braunohler
Sophie Buddle
Reggie Conquest
Kelsey Cook
Affion Crockett
Whitney Cummings
Jon Daly
Chad Daniels
James Davis
Bianca Del Rio
Billy Eichner
Jackie Fabulous
Fortune Feimster
Jourdain Fisher
Chris Fleming
Ron Funches
Jon Gabrus
Megan Gailey
Lisa Gilroy
Vanessa Gonzalez
Chris Grace
Max Greenfield
Rob Haze
John Hodgman
Robby Hoffman
Pete Holmes
Sandy Honig
Rob Huebel
London Hughes
Brendan Hunt
Josh Johnson
Joyelle Nicole Johnson
Zainab Johnson
Anjelah Johnson-Reyes
Amir K
Moshe Kasher
Jackie Kashian
Laurie Kilmartin
Joel Kim Booster
Kyle Kinane
Nick Kocher
Nish Kumar
Lauren Lapkus
Natasha Leggero
Thomas Lennon
Dan Levy
Riki Lindhome
Loni Love
Marc Maron
Jack Martin
Mae Martin
Brian McElhaney
Wendi McLendon-Covey
Liz Miele
Will Miles
Amy Miller
Kel Mitchell
Arden Myrin
Aparna Nancherla
Purple Necktie
Dustin Nickerson
Tig Notaro
Jerry O'Connell
Atsuko Okatsuka
Taylor Ortega
Haley Joel Osment
Adam Pally
Caitlin Peluffo
Dewayne Perkins
Pink Foxx
Esther Povitsky
Jeff Probst
Chloe Radcliffe
Mary Lynn Rajskub
Adam Ray
Caroline Rhea
Rob Riggle
Phoebe Robinson
Matt Rogers
Giulia Rozzi
Nico Santos
Anna Seregina
Jason Sklar
Randy Sklar
Dusty Slay
Dulcé Sloan
Kevin Smith
Blair Socci
Beth Stelling
Carl Tart
Jordan Temple
Chris Thayer
Vinny Thomas
Sarah Tiana
Greta Titelman
Paul F. Tompkins
Shane Torres
Zach Noe Towers
Irene Tu
Milana Vayntrub
Melissa Villaseñor
Trevor Wallace
Matt Walsh
Reggie Watts
Mo Welch
Maggie Winters
Monét X Change
Sasheer Zamata
Jenny Zigrino
Zach Zimmerman
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javathewildone · 2 years
One Day - Heartland AU (Pt. 29)
Summary: Heartland is a horse ranch run by Jack and his grandson Ty dedicated to rehabilitating both horses and the criminals that work with them. It’s also the place Amy Fleming is banished to after getting herself into a situation that will change her life forever. Thousands of miles from home living with total strangers and an uncertain future, with the help of an unlikely group of people, she discovers what second chances are all about and strives toward a new beginning she never expected. Inspired by the Heartland episode 4.08 - One Day and based on Anne Howard Creel’s novel “The Magic of Ordinary Days.” Rating: M Parts: 28, ... 30 Author's Note: For those of you following this story on fanfiction.net you will notice this is not a new chapter. This is a New to Tumblr chapter. I am finally catching up with sharing it across platforms in the event that rumors are true and ff.net shuts down.
The mystery that was Amy Fleming took up quite a bit of Ty's attention. Now that he had more information than he ever did before, it consumed the rest of his afternoon. His head was swimming after he finally left Hank and it was all he could do not to break his word and confront Amy for the truth. Or at least confirmation that what Hank revealed was accurate. Ty had no reason to doubt the man other than his questionable motives for divulging a slice of what he claimed to know. But Ty couldn't imagine any ulterior motive for it, even if he did find it hard to believe Hank was doing it for Amy's sake. To give Ty just enough of what he wanted to keep him from continuously jumping down her throat for answers.
To avoid the temptation, he instead went to work checking up on the other guys around the yard. Jack was still up at the herd finishing with the calves which explained him neglecting to return any of Ty's calls from earlier. Even if the cell reception wasn't as unreliable as it was out there, Jack would surely be too preoccupied making sure the work was done right and without any – or at least minimal – injury to bother to look at his phone. It was only a good thing the situation with Amy's panic attack ended so peacefully or else Ty really wouldn't have known what to do other than bring Amy back to the ranch.
His gaze wandered toward the house any time he passed around the front of the barn, wondering how Amy fared after her unsanctioned meeting with Hank. He'd bet the door was securely locked, which only mildly irritated him considering he didn't have a house key on him. Ty was so tempted to find out. But before he could head for the house Jack and the guys came trudging back looking exhausted and a bit worse for the wear.
Jack made a B-line for Ty when he saw him, cell in hand. "What happened?" Accusation tinged his tone, making Ty's back straighten as he readied to defend himself. It was a reflex anymore – even before Amy's arrival.
"It's fine. I handled it." Ty wasn't sure if "handled" was the proper word, or if he really did much of anything, but he hadn't made it any worse.
"All you had to do was drop her off. What was there to handle?"
Ty sighed, glancing around at the men who were passing them curious eyes as they dismounted and untacked their horses. "I'll fill you in later. We've still got a lot of work to get done." Usually it was Jack trying to throw work as a distraction so Ty was hoping it would be enough for him to back off for the time being. Strange how the tables could turn so quickly.
But it seemed Jack understood this wasn't a conversation to have so publicly and nodded, dismounting. "Other than the three tense voicemails, how did it go?"
Ty shrugged. "You'll have to ask Amy. She isn't exactly the conversational type, especially with me." Not that he blamed her. Now that he was aware of what allegedly happened, he was better able to understand her strange and often frustrating behavior.
"I guess we'll wait to find out over supper. Let whatever happened have time to pass," Jack reasoned, not really putting a lot of faith in that idea. Amy was a hard nut to crack, holding everything tightly bound inside and only allowing her defenses to show. But if Ty's revelation was correct, then she shouldn't be faulted for it. Jack just hoped that one day she'd feel safe enough in their home to remove some of that armor and release even a little of the heavy burden she carried.
As soon as Amy was inside the house she flicked the deadbolt on both doors. She didn't even pause to let Lobo inside with her. Her anxiety spiked making her limbs feel weak and her stomach uneasy. She fell onto the couch, sitting sideways and curling her legs to her chest. Leaning against the back of the couch she folded her arms on her knees and dropped her chin on them, shutting her eyes to focus on breathing slow and even.
The way Hank looked at her, the way he spoke to her, made Amy extremely uneasy. It wasn't just his predatory approach, but more like he was looking beyond the façade and at the real her. The true broken part of her as if searching to yank it out.
Finally, Amy opened her eyes to look at the yellow folder on the cushion next to her. It contained all the information she needed to look into adoption for her child, including therapy groups and prenatal care tips. Taking a breath, she reached for the folder and opened it to pull the packet of information out, with it coming a DVD from her ultrasound. Dropping that back in the envelope she rifled through the paperwork for the prenatal info. Diving into the adoption stuff just felt too much for her right now. She still had six months to make a definite decision.
Amy became so absorbed in reading over the material Dr. Virani provided about caring for her body during pregnancy, that she nearly jumped out of her skin when the phone rang from the kitchen. Peering over the arm of the couch at the handheld, Amy briefly considered letting it ring. The last time she chose to take the initiative of answering it it hadn't gone so well.
Steeling her resolve, Amy leaned over to swipe it from the base. Screw it. "Hello, Heartland." She answered as brightly as she could muster, though deep down her gut was knotting expecting it to be Kit again.
"Oh. I didn't expect anyone to answer at this hour. I was just going to leave a message." The voice sounded slightly older, more mature than Kit.
"Oh, um, are you looking for Ty? Or Jack?" Amy asked carefully, not wanting to once again give another jealous woman the wrong idea. It was made very clear women weren't a common denominator at Heartland.
"I was trying to reach Jack. But I know-"
"He's just outside. I can grab him if you like," Amy offered, unfolding her legs to get up.
"No no, that's all right. I'm sure he's busy." There was a pause and then a noise like she just realized something. "Is this Amy?"
Amy froze. "Y-yes?"
"Oh, my goodness. I am so sorry. I didn't realize you would have been there already. This is Lisa. Jack's wife."
Oh. Amy let out a breath of relief. "Hi," she replied a bit awkwardly. The woman from the photo on the mantle. Her gaze drifted over to it, trying to place the voice with the face.
Then there were a slew of rapid fire questions. How are you? Did you arrive all right? Are the boys treating you well? I hope they're feeding you better than pizza and pasta. Amy didn't know which question Lisa actually wanted an answer to so all she said was, "It's been fine."
"You don't sound very convincing."
Amy grimaced.
"Don't worry. I changed my flight to later this week. Just hold on for a few more days and reinforcements will arrive. That's actually what I called to tell Jack. I land in Calgary at noon on Friday."
Getting up, Amy walked over to the desk near the kitchen to dig for a pen and some scrap paper. "Okay. I'll make sure to let him know. Does he need to pick you up?" she asked, scribbling down the note.
Lisa laughed softly at the thought. "No. Jack doesn't do well anywhere larger than Hudson. I'll catch a cab."
"Oh, all right." Setting the pen down, Amy switched the phone to her other ear. "Well, I look forward to finally meeting you." Honestly, she was truly looking forward to having another woman at the ranch so she wasn't the complete center of unwanted attention anymore. Lisa was around the inmates long enough to have gained their respect so Amy was hoping her influence would keep them from trying to harass her any further – Hank especially.
"Me too, Amy. Hang in there, okay?"
Amy smiled softly at the kindness in Lisa's voice. "Yeah."
After she hung up, Amy took a relaxing breath. She had yet to even meet Lisa face to face and already felt better knowing she was just a few days from home.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: J.D. Vance: Gabriel Basso Beverly “Bev” Vance: Amy Adams Bonnie “Mamaw” Vance: Glenn Close Lindsay Vance: Haley Bennett Usha Chilukuri: Freida Pinto Papaw: Bo Hopkins Young J.D. Vance: Owen Asztalos Matt: Jesse C. Boyd Phillip Roseman: Stephen Kunken Ken: Keong Sim Travis: Morgan Gao Chris: Ethan Suess Kevin: Jono Mitchell Uncle Pat: Bill Kelly Uncle Arch: David Dwyer Lori: Sarah Hudson Jimmy (Bev’s Brother): Ted Huckabee Bill (Nurse): Nathan Hesse Cousin Nate: Max Barrow Bonnie (Mamaw, 30’s): Sunny Mabrey Jim (Papaw, 30’s): Brett Lorenzini Young Bev (6 years): Tierney Smith Cheryl: Helen LeRoy Emma: Kinsley Isla Dillon Adult Frank McFee: Ryan Homchick Chip: Joshua Stenvick Brooks Houghton: Bill Winkler Brett: Chase Anderson Pamela: Amy Parrish Rich: Ed Amatrudo Hiram Walcott: David de Vries Cocktailer #1: Holly Morris Cocktailer #2: Brandon Hirsch Server: David Alexander Obsequious Server: Alexander Baxter Waiter: Steven Reddington Wiry Law Partner: Angelo Reyes Stodgy Partner: John Rymer Young Bonnie (Mamaw 13 Years): Abigail Rose Cornell Adult Louis Zablocki: Lowrey Brown Young J.D. (4 years): Hunter James Evers Dane: Riley McNerney Pool Woman: Zele Avradopoulos Mr. Selby: David Jensen Holler Aunt: Skylar Denney Young Louis: John Whitley Doug: Zac Pullam Young Frank: Shane Donovan Lewis Officer #1: Mike Senior Officer #2: William Mark McCullough Kameron: Dylan Gage Katrina: Hannah Pniewski Doctor: David Marshall Silverman Dr. Newton: Jason Davis Davis: Joshua Brady Nasty Cashier: Cory Chapman Nurse: Tatom Pender Patient: Cathy Hope Ray: David Atkinson Salesperson: Adam Murray Scared Woman: Dianna Craig Meghan: Emery Mae Edgeman Young Jim (Papaw 16 Years): Rohan Myers Meals On Wheels Delivery Man: Matthew Alan Brady Young Lori (6 years): Lucy Capri Sally Coates: Déjá Dee Kyle: Daniel R. Hill Arguing Girlfriend: Jordan Trovillion Secretary at Club: Yossie Mulyadi ICU Nurse #1: Alisa Harris ICU Nurse #2: Tiger Dawn Rehab Mother: Darla Robinson Rehab Recepcionist: Belinda Keller Old Mamaw Blanton: Jessie Faye Shirley Nurse Vivian: Cheryl Howard Law Candidate Tim: Tim Abou-Nasr Curt: Leland Thomas Griffin Officer Connor: Drew Emerson Jones EMT #1: Justin P. Turner EMT #2: Joshua T. Schneider Marine Barber: Tony Ward Dining Hall Manager: Mara Hall Jill at Financial Aid Office: Tess Malis Kincaid Gas Station Attendant: Chris Charm Intake Receptionist: Mary Kraft Shoe Store Manager: Suehyla El-Attar Study Hall Friend #1: Matthew Withers Study Hall Friend #2: Jessica Miesel Study Hall Friend #3: Benjamin Rapsas Peter (uncredited): Ethan Levy Middletown Resident (uncredited): Bret Aaron Knower Film Crew: Original Music Composer: Hans Zimmer Producer: Brian Grazer Producer: Ron Howard Post Producer: William M. Connor Executive Producer: Diana Pokorny Production Design: Molly Hughes Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Robert Hein Director of Photography: Maryse Alberti Casting: Carmen Cuba Producer: Karen Lunder Stunt Coordinator: Monique Ganderton Writer: Vanessa Taylor Compositing Artist: Daniel L. Smith Camera Operator: Thomas Lappin Compositing Artist: Michael A. Martinez Supervising Art Director: Gregory A. Weimerskirch Costume Designer: Virginia B. Johnson Set Costumer: Bob Moore Jr. Makeup Department Head: Eryn Krueger Mekash Foley Artist: Heikki Kossi Art Direction: Shawn D. Bronson Rigging Grip: Gary Blair Makeup Artist: Erica Stewart Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Josh Berger Compositing Artist: Steve Dinozzi VFX Artist: Bryan Haines Visual Effects Producer: Chris LeDoux Original Music Composer: David Fleming Set Dresser: Aaron Robert Hall Assistant Art Director: Chris Yoo Costume Supervisor: Dana Pacheco Sound Designer: Grant Elder Makeup Artist: Jodi Byrne Set Costumer: Robin Fields Compositing Artist: Brad Lucas Set Dresser: Sam Carter Makeup Artist: Andrea Vieth Set Dresser: Maxfield Ladish Set Dresser: Natalie LeCompte Rigging ...
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michaelcosio · 9 months
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Written by John Pearson
Publisher - Ian Fleming Publications
Paperback (05 Oct 2023)
Includes delivery to the United States
It was a strong face, certainly – the eyes pale grey and very cold, the mouth was hard, the dark hair – grey-streaked now – still fell in the authentic comma over the forehead.
This is how John Pearson reacted to his first encounter with the real James Bond, an encounter probably unique in the annals of thriller writing. He went on to write the bestselling authorised biography of Ian Fleming. At the time, like most of the world he assumed that James Bond was nothing more than a character in Fleming’s highly charged imagination. Then he began to have his doubts. Doubts which were reaching such a pitch that the British secret service were trying to warn him off the scent. Despite this, he finally became convinced that James Bond was not only real, but actually alive.
Thanks to a change in policy within the secret service he was invited to embark upon a companion volume to his life of Fleming. This resulting book must be one of the most extraordinary biographies of our times – the authorised life of a myth, the official biography of James Bond.
In this landmark volume, Agent 007 recounts the story of his life, revealing breathtaking adventures only hinted at in Ian Fleming's iconic stories and showing a side of himself never before seen. The resulting book is one of the most extraordinary works of our times - the authorised life of a myth, the official biography of James Bond.
'James Bond was the last man to write his own story - as M pointed out, it had always been hard to get the simplest report from him after an assignment. John Pearson assembled Agent 007 from the alluring fragments he unearthed when writing his life of Ian Fleming, their strange interdependence, how each was the person the other envied and could never be. The result is a richly enjoyable romp, a fulent and informed response not only to Kingsley Amis' query, 'What was a commander of naval intelligence doing in the Ardennes in 1944?', but to further questions about Bond's elusive personal history that have continued to tantalise readers for 70 years.' Nicholas Shakespeare
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rhetoricandlogic · 1 year
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A Man Lies Dreaming by Lavie Tidhar review – a noir novel about the Holocaust
Adam RobertsA Holocaust novel like no other, Lavie Tidhar's A Man Lies Dreaming comes crashing through the door of literature like Sam Spade with a .38 in his hand. This is a shocking book as well as a rather brilliant one, and it treats the topic of genocide with a kind of energetic unseriousness.That hasn't, of course, been the general approach. Personal testimonies by the likes of Primo Levi and Elie Wiesel harrow their readers, and are supposed to. Howard Jacobson may be famous as a comic writer, but when he writes about an imaginary Holocaust in his latest novel, J, the comic sparkle goes out the window and he assumes the dour demeanour of a man writing about Serious Stuff.
Latterly, though, there's been evidence of a shift in tone. Timur Vermes's Look Who's Back, translated into English earlier this year, uses Hitler to score darkly satirical points at the expense of the YouTube generation. Martin Amis's The Zone of Interest finds a grim kind of comedy in the death camps. We can trace this approach back to Roberto Benigni's 1997 Oscar-winning movie, Life Is Beautiful, a film that dared to tell a lighthearted Holocaust story. For many, of course, laughter is simply out of place in Holocaust fiction. But humour is at least ironic, and irony has a better purchase on an enormity so extreme that it defies reason and humanity. Theodor W Adorno famously claimed that writing poetry after Auschwitz was barbaric, and when dealing with the moral abyss of such a subject, "seriousness" can look like po-faced impertinence.
Tidhar's novel treats its grim theme not as a comedy, although there is plenty of caustic humour, but instead as a pulp-noir tale of seamy city streets, gumshoes and lowlifes. It is an alternate history in which Hitler's rise to power is thwarted in the early 1930s. Germany is now a communist state and former Nazis have fled abroad, many of them to London. "Wolf" (the meaning of the name "Adolf") is now working as a private detective. Hired by a beautiful Jewish woman to track down her sister, he goes to work: spouting savage antisemitic and otherwise hateful opinions at anyone who'll listen; getting beaten up by the police; visiting brothels and S&M clubs; and lifting the lid on white slavery and plots by the CIA to overthrow the Red German government. He rubs shoulders with Oswald Mosley, the Mitford sisters and even a young Ian Fleming. All the while, a sinister new Jack the Ripper is murdering East End prostitutes and carving swastikas into their dead bodies.
Tidhar gets the outre tone just right: outrageous sex and violence related in a briskly workmanlike style. And Tidhar's Hitler is a striking reimagination of that endlessly reimagined individual: twisted with hatred, doing good almost by accident. Discovering a group of Jewish women being trafficked for sex, for instance, he beats up their pimp and frees them, even as he rants about how despicable they are. Just when you think Tidhar has gone too far – Hitler with a rubber-ball in his mouth being whipped by a dominatrix dressed in leather SS gear – he goes further. At one point, Wolf is forcibly circumcised by a knife-wielding Jewish gangster. Though introduced into the story as a piece of casual torture and humiliation, by the book's end this mutilation has taken on a more profound resonance.
This, though, is only half the novel. The other half is the titular dreaming man: one Shomer Aleichem, based on the Yiddish author Sholem Aleichem. Before the war, Shomer had been the writer of lurid pulp adventures. Now in Auschwitz, he is, it seems, dreaming his revisionist fantasy of Hitler the detective to escape the horrors of his waking life – scenes that are written with expert, chilling precision by Tidhar. These sections interleave the pulp mystery, and save the novel from becoming simply ludicrous by anchoring it in the reality of suffering. It is a risk, yoking together two such tonally disparate elements, but it comes off. The book manages to provide both the guilty pleasures of a fast-paced violent pulp and the more thoughtful moral depth of a genuine engagement with what the camps meant.
Tidhar, who cut his teeth in the world of genre SF, understands how eloquent pulp can be. His Osama was also an alternate history: a world where 9/11 didn't happen, in which a private detective called Joe is hired by a mysterious woman to locate the reclusive author of pulp-fiction novels featuring one "Osama bin Laden, Vigilante". It won the World Fantasy award. I wouldn't be surprised to see A Man Lies Dreaming repeat that achievement.
Or perhaps turning so hallowed a site of human suffering into pulp fiction will scare admirers off. It is an approach more common in movies: treating weighty subjects such as nazism and slavery through the medium of schlock is, after all, exactly what Quentin Tarantino does. Like Tarantino, Tidhar may find that some people don't take him seriously. But the joke's on them. Seriousness is the least of it: A Man Lies Dreaming is a twisted masterpiece.
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Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
thank you @shrinkthisviolet for the tag!! 💛
1. MJ Watson (MCU)
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2. Sharona Fleming (Monk)
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3. Claire Kincaid (Law & Order)
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4. Aang (A:TLA)
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5. Rayla (The Dragon Prince)
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6. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, ft. Alya Cesaire because i love them both (Miraculous Ladybug)
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7. Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
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8. Violet Parr (The Incredibles)
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9. Radar O’Reilly (M*A*S*H)
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10. Mei Chang (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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tagging: anyone who wants to do this!
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okay but why does sharona leaving monk have the same energy as trapper leaving m*a*s*h 💀
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kitisscreaming · 2 years
Hi tumblr. Today I offer you a Surgamy heathers AU
Veronica: Amy Rose
Martha: Sally Acorn
Kurt: Knuckles the echidna
Ram: Sonic the hedgehog
JD: Surge the tenrec
Heather C.: Rouge the bat
Heather D.: Breezie the hedgehog
Heather M.: Honey the cat
Miss Fleming: Vanilla
And perhaps the role of Jd's dad could be filled by starline ? As for any other roles I'm unsure, but I think Sonic's dad would be uncle chuck and knuckles dad would be locke ?
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pa-tr0-clus · 4 years
LGBTQ+ book recc master-list:
(Cause the last time I did this was in 2018 and a LOT of great queer books have been published since then)
1) The lies we tell ourselves by Robin Talley
2) Girl <3 Girl by Lucy Sutcliffe
3) As I descended by Robin Talley
4) Lumberjanes by Noelle Stevenson
5) Our own private universe by Robin Talley
6) Paper Girls by Brian K Vaughan
7) Giant days by Allison, Sarin, Fleming, and Cogar
8) Princess Princess by Katie O’Neill
9) Goldie Vance by Hope Larson
10) CREMA by Johnnie Christmas
11) High class homos by Momozerii
12) You should see me in a crown by Leah Johnson
14) Laura Dean keeps breaking up with me by Mariko Tamaki
15) Love Frankie by Jacqueline Wilson
16) Girl from the sea by Molly Ostertag
17) Hani and Ishu’s guide to fake dating by Adiba Jaigirdar
18) The good girls by Claire Eliza Bartlett
19) The love curse of Melody McIntyre
20) Always human by Ari North
21) Afterlove by Tanya Byrne
22) I think I love you by Audriane Desombre
23) Tell me again how a crush should feel by Sara Farizan
24) Who I was with her by Nita Tyndall
25) She drives me crazy by Kelly Quindlen
26) Some girls do by Jennifer Dugan
27) Trouble girls by Julia Lynn Rubin
28) Royals duology by Rachel Hawkins
29) Patience and Esther by Sarah Winifred Searle
30) Margot & me by Juno Dawson
31) The henna wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
1) Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
2) Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
3) Simon VS the homosapiens agenda by Becky Allbertalli
4) Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green
5) I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson
6) Hold me closer by David Levithan
7) Two boys kissing by David Levithan
8) Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe (+ unreleased sequel) by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
9) Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan
10) The raven king by Maggie Stiefvater
11) Blood bank by Silb
12) Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman
13) Nick and Charlie by Alice Oseman
14) Openly Straight by Bill Konisberg
15) Honestly Ben by Bill Konisberg
16) The perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
17) Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell
18) Any way the wind blows by Rainbow Rowell
19) Date me, Bryson Keller by Kevin van Whye
20) Sonnet by Emily Cheeseman
21) Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin
22) Tripping over you by Owen White
23) Starfighter by Hamlet Machine
24) Long Exposure by Kam Heyward
25) Obliviously in love by Jiaoski
26) I’ll be home for Christmas by Mason Denver
27) Liebestrasse by Greg Lockard
28) Check, Please! By Ngozi Ukazu
29) Always raining here by Bell
30) I was born for this by Alice Oseman
31) Red white and royal blue by Casey McQuiston
32) The gravity of us by Phil Stamper
33) They both die at the end by Adam Silvera
34) Dreamer trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
35) If this gets out by Sophie Gonzales and Cale Dietrich
36) Fifteen hundred miles from the sun by Jonny Garza Villa
37) You spin me right round by David Valdes
38) As far as you’ll take me by Phil Stamper
39) Darius the great is not okay (+ sequel) by Adib Khorram
1) Leah on the offbeat by Becky Albertalli
2) Odd one out by Nic Stone
3) We are young by Cat Clarke
4) Brightsiders by Jen Wilde
5) Everyday by David Levithan
6) Paris Syndrome by Lisa Walker
7) Beneath the citadel by Destiny Soria
8) Ship it by Britta Lundin
9) Home and away by Candice Montgomery
10) Ink Mistress by Audrey Coulthurst
11) Reign of the fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh
12) The Gentleman’s guide to vice and virtue by Mackenzi Lee
13) The gentleman’s guide to getting lucky by Mackenzi Lee
14) The doctors are out by Blauerozen
15) Fence by C. S. Pacat
16) Be more chill by Joe Tracz
1) George by Alex Gino
2) The art of being normal by Lisa Williamson
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) What we left behind by Robin Talley
5) Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky
6) If I was your girl by Meredith Russo
7) Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart
8) I am J by Cris Beam
9) Symtoms of being human by Jeff Garvin
10) A + E 4ever by I. Merey
11) All I am by Chaaistheanswer
12) The weight of them by Noelle Stevenson
13) Dream Daddy vol 2 by Lee C.A.
14) Fluidum by Layla E.
15) Magical boy by The Kao
16) The passing playbook by Isaac Fitzsimons
17) Sasha Masha by Agnes Borinsky
18) The deep and dark blue by Niki Smith
19) Cemetary boys by Aiden Thomas
20) All boys arent blue by George M. Johnson
21) Detransition, baby by Torrey Peters
22) Felix ever after by Kacen Callender
1) Dear Evan Hansen the novel by Val Emmich (Connor describes his sexuality as something fluid)
2) The lady’s guide to petticoats and piracy by Mackenzi Lee (Felicity is implied aro/ace) (sequel to the gentleman’s guide but I’m not sure it can be read as a stand-alone)
3) The Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan
4) The Trials Of Apollo series by Rick Riordan
5) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
6) Deadpool comics (pansexual)
7) Nimona by Noelle Stevenson
8) Final Draft by Riley Redgate (pansexual)
9) Lets talk about love by Claire Kahn (ace/biromantic)
10) Lost on plant earth by Magdalene Visaggio
11) Youth by Curt Pires
12) The backstagers by James Tynion IV
13) Loveless by Alice Oseman (aro/ace)
14) Six of crows (+sequel) by Leigh Bardugo
15) Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
16) How they met and other stories by David Levithan
17) Rock and riot by Chelsey Furedi
18) Kiss number 8 by Colleen A.F. Venable
19) This is how you lose the time war
20) Upright women wanted by Sarah Gailey
21) The wicker king by K. Ancrum
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myrna-nora · 3 years
2021: Books
January 1. How to Raise an Elephant (2020) Alexander McCall Smith 2. Kopp Sisters on the March (2019) Amy Stewart 3. Dear Miss Kopp (2021) Amy Stewart 4. The Floating Admiral (1931) The Detection Club +
February 5. Send for Paul Temple (1938) Francis Durbridge 6. The Nonesuch (1962) Georgette Heyer + 7. Hangman's Holiday (1933) Dorothy L. Sayers ^ 8. The Man in the Brown Suit (1924) Agatha Christie * 9. Romancing Mr Bridgerton (2002) Julia Quinn 10. Mrs. Pollifax Pursued (1995) Dorothy Gilman
March 11. The Knocker on Death's Door (1970) Ellis Peters + 12. The Viscount Who Loved Me (2000) Julia Quinn 13. An Offer from a Gentleman (2001) Julia Quinn 14. My Life in France (2006) Julia Child 15. The Girl Before (2017) J.P. Delaney 16. The Christie Curse (2013) Victoria Abbott 17. To Sir Phillip, With Love (2003) Julia Quinn 18. The Unfinished Clue (1933) Georgette Heyer +
April 19. The House of Green Turf (1969) Ellis Peters + 20. All Systems Red (2017) Martha Wells 21. The Duke and I (2000) Julia Quinn 22. The Woman in the Window (2018) A.J. Finn 23. An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good (Äldre dam med onda avsikter) (2018) Helene Tursten
May 24. Dial A for Aunties (2021) Jesse Q. Sutanto 25. When He Was Wicked (2004) Julia Quinn 26. The Secret Adversary (1922) Agatha Christie **
June 27. Partners in Crime (1929) Agatha Christie ** 28. N or M? (1941) Agatha Christie ** 29. By the Pricking of My Thumbs (1968) Agatha Christie ** 30. Postern of Fate (1973) Agatha Christie ** 31. The Chinese Parrot (1926) Earl Derr Biggers + 32. Mrs Pollifax and the Lion Killer (1996) Dorothy Gilman 33. Unshaken: Ruth (2001) Francine Rivers 34. The Bombay Prince (2021) Sujata Massey ^ 35. Nightmare Alley (1946) William Lindsay Gresham
July 36. Every Last Fear (2021) Alex Finlay 37. The Other Black Girl (2021) Zakiya Dalila Harris 38. Survive the Night (2021) Riley Sager 39. The Man with the Golden Gun (1965) Ian Fleming 40. Bath Tangle (1955) Georgette Heyer + 41. The Obsession (2016) Nora Roberts 42. Teacher's Threat (2021) Diane Vallere
August 43. The Flight Attendant (2018) Chris Bohjalian 44. Dune (1965) Frank Herbert 45. Rainbow’s End (1978) Ellis Peters +^
September 46. For Your Own Good (2021) Samantha Downing 47. Unspoken: Bathsheba (2001) Francine Rivers 48. Miss Kopp Investigates (2021) Amy Stewart ^ 49. Mrs. Pollifax, Innocent Tourist (1997) Dorothy Gilman 50. I Married Adventure (1940) Osa Johnson +
October 51. Legacy (2021) Nora Roberts 52. Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village (2021) Maureen Johnson 53. The Man Who Died Twice (2021) Richard Osman ^ 54. A Line to Kill (2021) Anthony Horowitz ^
November 55. Once Upon a Wardrobe (2021) Patti Callahan 56. The Joy and Light Bus Company (2021) Alexander McCall Smith ^
December 57. Unafraid: Mary (2001) Francine Rivers ^ 58. The Big Book of Christmas Mysteries (2013) Otto Penzler (editor) 59. Portrait of a Murderer (1933) Anne Meredith
+ read what I already own challenge ^ finished/caught up in-series * re-reads ** re-read series challenge (Tommy & Tuppence)
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piccadillytown · 5 years
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a flower does not use words to announce its arrival to the world; it just blooms.
🌺 flowers in film 🌺 - part three
alice in wonderland - tim burton / wizard of oz - victor fleming / sex & the city: the movie - michael patrick king / clueless - amy heckerling / under the tuscan sun - audrey wells / the village - m. night shyamalan / ophelia - claire mccarthy / simply irresistible - mark tarlov / stealing beauty - bernardo bertolucci / hugo - martin scorsese
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loveislattes · 4 years
Guidelines for what characters in each fandom I write for on a normal basis are below the cut. These guidelines go for ALL requests. 
Examples of my writing are available here on my masterlist.
Stranger Things based:
-Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson, Peter Ballard, Murray Bauman, and Argyle.
Youtube Ego based:
-Dark, Wilford, Host, Author, Bim Trimmer, Dr. Ipler, William, Damien, Actor Mark, Googleplier, Bingiplier, Yancy, and Illinois.
-Anti and Chase Brody.  
Riverdale based:
-Hal Cooper, Alice Cooper, FP Jones, Penelope Blossom, Sierra McCoy, Fred Andrews, Mary Andrews, Hiram Lodge, Hermione Lodge, and Edgar Evernever.
Supernatural based:
-Crowley, Charlie, Donna, Jody, Meg, Lucifer, Gabriel, Chuck, Balthazar, Ketch, Mick, Rowena, and Castiel.
Criminal Minds based:
-Reid, Garcia, JJ, Rossi, Luke, Prentiss, Hotch, Tara, Matt, and Morgan.
Star Wars based:
-Kylo Ren (Not including most recent adaptation TROS).
Batman (Dark Knight series only):
-Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn, and Scarecrow/Dr. Crane.
Grey's Anatomy (up to s3) based:
-Meredith Grey, George O'Malley, Christina Yang, Izzie Stephens, Derek Shepherd, and Callie Torres.
Heartland based:
-Ty Borden, Amy Fleming, Lou Fleming, Tim Fleming, Caleb Odell, Scott Cardinal, and Peter Morris.
IT based:
-Pennywise, adult Richie Tozier, adult Ben Hanscom, adult Eddie Kaspbrak, and adult Mike Hanlon.
HO1C/DR/TFH based:
-Otis Driftwood, Baby Firefly, Captain Spaulding, Rufus Firefly, and Winslow Coltrain.
Scream based:
-Sidney Prescott, Randy Meeks, Billy Loomis, and Stu Macher.
House of Wax based:
-Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, Nick Jones, Carly Jones and Paige.
SAW based:
-Jigsaw, Mark Hoffman, Lawrence Gordon, Amanda Young, Eric Matthews, and Peter Strahm.
Other slasher based:
-Brahms Heelshire, Candyman, Freddy Krueger, and Jason Voorhees.
If there is someone you’d like that is not on this list, just ask! I might not be able to do it, but asking never hurts.  💓
I accept reader/canon characters in the form of m/m, f/m, f/f, and nb/any, as well as polyamory based pairings, but it needs to be specified. I default to female POV naturally.
Things I refuse to write:
The REAL youtubers/actors themselves.
CanonCharacterxCanonCharacter (I.E. BillyXSidney, Dr. IplierXDarkiplier, etc) [CanonxReaderxCanon is OKAY!]
Excessive gore/mutilation/torture (Some blood, bruising, and fighting is fine)
Non-Con/Dub-Con (I DO write consensual non-con roleplay tho)
Underage characters- unless it is related to wholesome family fluff ONLY
Some specific kinks but those requests are rare to come by (examples are piercing, scat/vomit, age regression {daddy kink is a whole different ball game and I do write it}, cheating, etc) Just ask!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
In the world of fandoms
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM
by Tryingmikeywinters
Munro Jade Evans wakes up in a different body every day. Cliche storyline right? The one thing that sets this story aside from any other story where someone wakes up in a different body everyday, is the fact that Munro wakes up in the body of an original character, in a different fandom she is in everyday.
 (Tags are to be added, please read the first chapter as it will have a better explication:)
Words: 346, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Primeval, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012), Total Drama (Cartoon), How to Train Your Dragon (Movies), The 100 (TV), Teen Wolf (TV), Zoo - Fandom, Heartland (TV), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Descendants (Disney Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Rise of the Guardians (2012), The Walking Dead (TV), Wolfblood (TV), Anne with an E (TV), Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Miraculous Ladybug, Young Dracula (TV), Supernatural, Degrassi, Zootopia (2016), Lost Girl (TV), Merlin (TV), Dork Diaries Series - Rachel Renee Russell, Frozen (Disney Movies), Big Hero 6 (2014), Glee, Barbie - All Media Types, Sing (2016), Hannah Montana (TV), Dance Academy, Sonny with a Chance, Liv and Maddie, Bratz - All Media Types, Victorious (TV), Jurassic World Trilogy (Movies), Jessie (TV), Brave (2012)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Mal (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Jay (Disney), Evie (Disney), Ben (Disney: Descendants), Harry Hook, Jane (Disney: Descendants), Uma (Disney), Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Connor Temple, Abby Maitland, Nick Cutter, Stephen Hart, Danny Quinn, Hilary James Becker, Gwen (Total Drama), Duncan (Total Drama), Noah (Total Drama), Courtney (Total Drama), Trent (Total Drama), Heather (Total Drama), Cody Anderson, Leshawna (Total Drama), Bridgette (Total Drama), Geoff (Total Drama), Lindsay (Total Drama), Tyler (Total Drama), Sierra (Total Drama), Alejandro Burromuerto, Zoey (Total Drama), Mike (Total Drama), Dawn (Total Drama), Beth (Total Drama), Harold McGrady V, Katie (Total Drama), Sadie (Total Drama), Eva (Total Drama), Izzy (Total Drama), Owen (Total Drama), Justin (Total Drama), Ezekiel (Total Drama), Scott (Total Drama), Sammy "Samey" (Total Drama), Sam (Total Drama), Anne Maria (Total Drama), Jasmine (Total Drama), Shawn (Total Drama), Sky (Total Drama), Topher (Total Drama), Ella (Total Drama), Kitty (Total Drama), Brody (Total Drama), Hiro Hamada, Tadashi Hamada, E. Aster Bunnymund, Jack Frost (Guardians of Childhood), Ty Borden, Amy Fleming, Lou Fleming, Mallory Wells, Georgie Fleming-Morris, Maddy Smith (Wolfblood), Rhydian Morris, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Noah Puckerman, Mike Chang, Kurt Hummel, Maya Matlin, Mia Jones, Eli Goldsworthy, Adam Torres, Vladimir Dracula (Young Dracula), Ingrid Dracula, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Charlie Bradbury, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marc Anciel, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Luka Couffaine, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Astrid Hofferson, Jade (Bratz), Yasmin (Bratz), Cloe (Bratz), Sasha (Bratz), Tara Webster, Kat Karamakov, Christian Reed, Sonny Munroe, Elsa (Disney), Anna (Disney), Nick Wilde, Judy Hopps, Owen Grady, Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi, Hitachiin Hikaru, Hitachiin Kaoru, Kirishima Eijirou, Shinsou Hitoshi, Amajiki Tamaki, Toogata Mirio, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Isaac Lahey, Danny Mahealani, Derek Hale, Clarke Griffin, Bellamy Blake, Octavia Blake, Monty Green, Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Jesus (Walking Dead), Aaron (Walking Dead), Michonne (Walking Dead), Negan (Walking Dead), Maggie Greene, Beth Greene
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eqjbxM
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thecraggus · 6 years
Altered Carbon Season One Review
AssHat has stacks to say about Netflix's Altered Carbon #Review
Craggus had planned for this to be my first review, but I wanted to get into the reviewing groove before tackling this. It should be apparent from what follows but if it isn’t, I want to make one thing clear: the concept of “Altered Carbon”, along with its execution, requires a considerable amount of talent and guile to pull off a fictional world this complex and the good news is that the show’s…
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hiddenwashington · 2 years
@wariourisms​ said : Can I reserve Emma Becker once more and drop Elizabeth Swann, Amy Fleming, and Snow White? The muse for them isn't what I was hoping and I don't have time for a lot of muses rn.
emma becker is now reserved for m until 8/30 at 7:03 pm est! 
**elizabeth swann, amy fleming, and snow white are now reopened for applications; however, please do not unfollow this mumu! 
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