#Anakin lost his
marvelstars · 1 year
Why Palpatine LOVED Anakin’s Mechanical Arm
In the novelization of ROTS Dooku said to Sidious how he was disgusted by Anakin´s mechanical arm, he was revolted at the idea of recruiting an ally who wasn´t entirely human, comparing Anakin to general Grievous. To Dooku´s surprise Sidious replied that Anakin´s mechanical arm was exactly what made him the perfect man for their plans. He saw Anakin´s arm as a permanent symbol of the sacrifices he had to make for peace and justice. That arm was a badge of heroism that Anakin had to publicy wear for the rest of his life, forcing everyone to look at him and see his honor, courage and integrity. Sidious said that Anakin was perfect just the way he was.
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Morgan has NO IDEA
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tamago-aki · 1 year
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so you're telling me i can draw ANYTHING..... (bestows anakin snore mimimi)
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jaigeye · 10 months
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anakin & the mother / do not tag as ship
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mayhemspreadingguy · 9 months
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“I need a father. I need a mother. I need some older, wiser being to cry to. I talk to God, but the sky is empty.” ― Sylvia Plath
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
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Darth Vader and the Lost Command
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morgan-n-cheese-91 · 8 months
How often do you think Obi-Wan borrows a friend's cloak and the loses it?? And then has to do the walk of shame that he lost their cloak?
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skywalkr-nberrie · 1 month
Trying to argue that Padmé’s unwavering faith in Anakin is just the story’s way to default on her character because she didn’t hate Anakin for the Tusken Raider massacre, otherwise the story doesn’t care for her “agency” in that way is actually a stupid take I’d block anyone over.
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ineffablejaymee · 2 years
cody:kenobi keeps loosing his lightsaber in the middle of a battle and i have to pick it up and have it ready for him every time????
rex: i mean
rex: you dont have to
cody: nah im gonna
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kingtuna · 10 months
Cody: I give up I am so tired
Obi-Wan: Get the emergency supply!
Anakin and Ahsoka:*appear out of nowhere carrying a Rex*
Anakin and Ahsoka:*places Rex in front of Cody*
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annabethchase06 · 5 months
The Jedi Council did not want Ahsoka, a fourteen year old child soldier to go to the Citadel mission, but I didn't see anyone objecting when the said fourteen year old was dressed as a slave and offered to the Queen of Zygerria.
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unspuncreature · 1 year
Anakin Skywalker and the Five Stages of Grief, Confusion, then Horniness (again) experienced upon discovering that the faceless sponlyfans creator he’s been subscribed to for years is none other than his former master
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tennessoui · 1 year
omg time traveler ahsoka au! she gets obi-wan to leave the order for satine in the hopes that he’d be weird with someone else but anakin gets sent on a mission to mandalore and wow there’s this handsome duke he has to look after. what a shame he’s married and definitely wouldn’t leave his wife for this jedi he feels immediately weird about
hmmmmmmm this is one of Ahsoka’s closest attempts because obi-wan’s personal sense of loyalty wouldn’t let him cheat on his wife, and he’s spent so long building a family and a life on Mandalore that he would never toss it aside to be romantically involved with a kid (read: 22yo) that he doesn’t even know even though he feels a very strong pull towards him….obi-wan is adept at lying to himself
It gets easier to lie to himself when he realizes that Skywalker is also married, though secretly…..it offends part of Kenobi, but that’s just because Skywalker is making a mockery of the Jedi order with his secret marriage!! Kenobi is no longer a Jedi of course but he still has great respect for the Order!!!
That’s the only reason he feels so strange when he thinks of Skywalker’s marriage even long after Skywalker and the senator he was guarding as she came to a celebratory feast on Mandalore leave again.
(Ahsoka tenses on her reset button as anakin makes his way back to mandalore a few months later, but they’re being….normal…this anakin requests to study ancient mandalorian and Jedi texts that are housed in the capital city and it’s weird because he’s never really cared about history but he’s being very…respectful….and master obi-wan is also being very respectful if a little stand offish….he accompanied him down to read the texts and they spend hours down there together but as far as Ahsoka can tell there is nothing inappropriate happening —she has gotten very good at telling when something inappropriate is happening between her old masters—they really are just…talking and reading and they’re being…sort of weird…but sort of normal….it’s the closest they’ve come to the original timeline in fact…Ahsoka relaxes on her reset button)
War breaks out anyway of course and obi-wan lasts only a month or so after anakin is pulled to the front lines before donning an old beat up and anonymous suit of mandalorian armor and flying to fight with him. The Duchess of Mandalore offers no comment. The official story is that her husband is sick in bed from a nasty case of Flafu flu. No one knows that it’s the Duke of mandalore in the red armor, supporting Skywalker’s troops.
Ahsoka wonders if Anakin knows, up until the moment some droid gets a lucky shot in and obi-wan goes down on the battlefield and anakin levels an entire field of droids to get to him looking half out of his mind with worry and rage….then she knows he knows and maybe that he’s always known
She’s tensed up over the reset button again, but after obi-wan’s been seen to by the medic, anakin sends him back to his wife on mandalore and, miraculously, after 2 years fighting to be by anakin’s side, obi-wan…stays, but he looks so beaten down over it, so without half his heart, like he’s suddenly aged 20 years and lived in a desert for all of them. But he stays.
The war ends eventually and the Jedi triumph. Ten years later, leia runs through Anakin’s study with an old red helmet over her head as Luke runs after her, playing war. anakin gently takes it off her and sets her on the ground. He cradles the helmet though in battle worn hands, but thankfully before either of them can ask, padmes speeder arrives and they shoot off to go welcome their mom home - anakin stays for a second longer, just staring at the helmet with such a naked expression of wistfulness longing heartbreak and acceptance that Ahsoka almost wants to turn away. Before she does she sees anakin touch his forehead to the helmet’s once before rising and putting it away, turning instead to go greet his wife
and it leaves Ahsoka with such a WEIRD feeling in her own heart that she’s pressing the reset button before she can think it through because she wants them to be apart and she wants the Jedi to win the war and everyone to get their happy endings but…but not like this…not if they’re not happy….she gets 1 reset where she gets to be selfish ok she’s gone through thousands now probably.
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tragedy-for-sale · 7 months
Mourning Daze
It was a sacred temple filled with golden light. Even in times of tragedy, the temple shimmered golden. A day like this would enhance the beauty of such a sacred place, if the reason wasn't for death. AKA Anakin mourning the loss of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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It was a morning of quiet whispers. Ahsoka hadn't spoken a word, neither did Plo Koon when he picked her up outside the door of her quarters. They walked side by side in silence. Ahsoka looked up and out the windows and then down at the sunlight that beamed through. If she looked forward, she could almost see Master Kenobi, who always looked happiest when the sun shone on his face and his hair a warm glimmering gold. But she'd blink and remember, he was gone, and it was time to say goodbye.
Ahsoka reached out and grabbed Master Plo's hand, he hadn't left her side. Last night, she'd gone to Obi-Wan's room, she didn't know why she knocked. Ahsoka found Obi-Wan's robe, folded neatly on his bed. She buried her face in it, it still smelled like him. Her eyes watered as she held it tight, as she held him tight. Falling back onto the bed, she didn't know how this could've happened. Ahsoka opened her eyes and they were in the room outside the burial chamber. She scanned for Anakin, and beside him, she could see Obi-Wan too, a weary smile on his face, hand on Anakin's shoulder. But Obi-Wan wasn't there, and Anakin was alone.
"Master Plo," Ahsoka looked up, squeezing his hand tightly. He looked down, giving her a small nod before he let go. She took her hand back and walked towards her master, but for all the steps she took, he kept drifting farther and farther away. There was a chime and the chamber door opened. Everyone filed in, hoods up and not a word spoken.
The death of a Jedi used to be such a foreign thing. Anakin had never seen the funeral chamber before, Qui-Gon's funeral wasn't here. As Anakin stood there, staring at the covered body of his best friend, he felt a flicker, he blinked and he saw Obi-Wan, young and exhausted by grief. Beside him was a little boy, who held Obi-Wan's hand so tightly, so scared to let go, so scared to lose him. Anakin stared at Obi-Wan's face, silent tears streaming down. Obi-Wan never recovered from Qui-Gon's death, he'd return to this moment a hundred times, wishing it had been different. Anakin opened his eyes and stared at Obi-Wan's body and wished desperately that it had been different.
Funerals came and went but this pain was forever. The death of a Jedi was a tragedy, but it seemed to be happening more and more. "Master Kenobi's-" Anakin's eyes went wide as he tried to see who had spoken, "-Master Skywalker, we want you to know how-" He could sense their sorrow, feel their remorse. But Anakin couldn't see, he was certain he was outside his body. Existing in a place outside of this one. "-Take as much time as you need-" The floor started to fall away and Anakin was free falling. "-We're so sorry-" So sorry- So Sorry- So Sorry. That wouldn't bring Obi-Wan back.
Anakin sat on Obi-Wan's bed, trying desperately not to breath. He couldn't hear Padme's steps as she folded clothes that didn't need it. Padme could have been talking and had pressed a kiss to his check, but Anakin couldn't listen. He stared at the door, waiting for it to open, he could sense Obi-Wan about to walk in, the pillow he held tightly would be prefect to throw at him. But Anakin took a deep breath and found himself laying down, the room darkened by night. Anakin pulled the pillow closer, Obi-Wan. He was just here. He was just here.
The bed had been made imperfectly, there was dirty laundry in a basket, an empty wrapper on the dresser, water droplets on the shower. This room had been lived in, it had been a home but it was now an empty room. Anakin held the pillow tight, staring at the blinds, "Do you want me to open the blinds?" Obi-Wan asked before walking over. Anakin closed his eyes, waiting for Obi-Wan to sit on the bed. The blinds were half open, his boots were unzipped with one pair on its side, his comb had a stray hair on it, the toothpaste tube was half empty. Obi-Wan had lived in this room, how was Anakin supposed to just pack up all of his things when Obi-Wan was just here? He was just here.
He'd wait another day to pack up these boxes, and another day after that. Anakin stood still, body heavy as stone. He trudged down the corridors until a face caught light. He had Rex's face, but he wasn't dressed in blue. Orange and white, a warm glimmering gold. Anakin felt his heart race, the very essence of hate. His mind flashed red, his lightsaber so naturally finding its place in Anakin's hand. He darts towards this man, blade swinging. Then Anakin blinks and Cody is at attention. Anakin tilts his head ever slightly, sensing the sorrow in this man's soul. Anakin could take it away, his eyes flashed red, it wouldn't take much, his lightsaber was right there.
Cody marched down the corridor, Anakin watched him go. Obi-Wan walked beside him, robe flowing free as he tossed his head back and laughed. But Anakin turned away, his mind flashed red. This isn't darkness, this is mourning. This isn't hatred, this is sadness. This isn't pain, this is purpose. This isn't Anakin, Obi-Wan doesn't exist anymore. He wasn't there anymore, his eyes flashed red, rage seeping in. But it wasn't rage- Even if it was, there wasn't anyone to tell him this was rage. Obi-Wan couldn't tell Anakin to let him go, that everything would be okay, or to tell Anakin that he was okay, Obi-Wan couldn't tell Anakin anything anymore, because, well,
Because he was dead.
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Something I am grasping onto to explain the 'Masters and Apprentice' trailer without Sabine being retconned to be force-sensitive for no reason is the title.
Masters and Apprentices.
Not Padawans.
Being an Apprentice doesn't mean Ahsoka is teaching her the force. Instead, it may mean that Ahsoka is picking up where Kanan left off and, in a way, finishing Sabine's "training" because he couldn't and Sabine needs it to find Ezra. She isn't a Jedi, but she is learning the Jedi way.
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antianakin · 2 years
Can't believe Star Wars has had Anakin end up with THREE female characters he believes should make their entire lives revolve around him and him alone and reacts badly when they don't and people still don't think he's sexist.
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