sillygoosegosling · 2 months
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analogince week day 5: "here is where we shall stay"
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analoceits · 6 months
Logan, reading from a card like a gameshow host: What is the most fragile object in the room? Virgil, slamming on his buzzer: Roman's ego! Roman: Wh- hey! Logan: Correct. Roman: HEY!
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monstrcatz · 6 months
people arguing over ships in thomas' christmas video,, but this is the reason im a multishipper. because it means i stay winning.
DRLAMP FOR THE WIN!!!! (with the exception of the twins,, loved the brother content, they're so goofy)
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transgender-png · 4 months
if i had a nickle for every time i became hyperfixated on a ship with a pessimistic, rational, closed-off guy and a twink who acts like a flirty drama queen but is secretly very insecure, i would have two nickles, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
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Remus: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Roman: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Remus: Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Virgil, cocking an imaginary gun: Magic missile.
Logan, tiredly: What the fuck is wrong with you guys?
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halfhissandwich · 4 months
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I’m a sucker for some good ol analogince
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pencilpat · 2 months
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Little analogince sketch for my own heart's sake <3
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loganslowdown4 · 4 months
More of my thoughts on—
What Makes The Perfect Gift? ❤️🎁 (Part 2)
Maybe there’s no winning on Christmas
But these 2 clearly won both Secret Santas 😌💙❤️
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These reactions 😚👌
Virgil stepping up 😌💙💜
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I think Patton had the best Christmas of all though 🥹
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This look >>>>>
😭❤️💙💜 (stop being gorgeous for 2 sec— impossible)
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These reactions 🩵💚 😂😂😂
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Anyhoo, that’s about it! I really loved this episode and I’m still not over it lol
Thanks for reading!
More thoughts on Part 1!
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jaz-it-up · 6 months
the new sanders asides is killing me /pos
the analogince energy... roman smiling like That when logan started figuring out virgil's puzzle... "i could use the creativity"... dude i forgot how much i care about these idiots
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bumb1e-vee · 3 months
Virgil couldn't stand it. Though it wasn't their fault (never their fault those two were perfect). They were the perfect mix of logic and passion and Virgil just whishes he was able to be included in that love that the two of them share. It hurt, his arms ached and burned when he saw them cuddle, tears pricked at his eyes when he watched them share sweet nothings during movie nights, his heart felt like it was being squeezed in an iron fist when the two of them held hands. It hurt the worst when they sat right beside him.
He couldn't help it, after he saw the two of them together, he ran up into his room, locked the door and started sobbing on the floor, not even making it to his bed. He had gone downstairs for a snack, and when he was in the living room he saw Logan and Roman making out on the couch. It made his heart shatter (the pieces of his heart always chipped away the more he saw the two of them together like that), and his eyes prick with tears that he managed to keep at bay until he was alone in his room, skin stinging with phantom touches, not knowing the feeling of loving touch (He wishes he could be between the two of them on the couch, smothered in those sugary sweet kisses he watches them indulge in).
But Virgil knows better than that, he knows better than to wish for such things. He knows better than to know that he's worth their love (he wants to be, so desperately, he wants nothing more than to be worthy of them). Logan and Roman were the perfect match, logic and creativity, brains and passion, and who was Virgil to think he deserved a spot in love with them, he had a perpetual storm cloud hanging over his head. He'd only put a damper on the perfect happiness the two of them had.
He picked himself up off the ground and got into the shower, that way his sobs could be masked by the running water and the playlist he chose to put on. A bunch of breakup and unrequited love songs used to put salt into his wounds.
(How could he listen to anything else, his heart was screaming in pain?). Virgil sat in the shower until the water ran cold and the playlist had played out at least three times. His eyes were red rimmed and his skin was wrinkled as he pulled on a tee shirt and a pair of shorts. It was only about 5:30 at night, well before dinner, but Virgil didn't see himself going to dinner with the others. (He didn't want to face the other two and sit across from them to see them so in love). It didn't matter that much he decided. He pulled out his phone and opened tiktok, the endless doom scrolling was about to begin, and he could at the very least distract himself from the growing hole in his heart.
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disneybrandautism · 6 months
the new asides episode was so virgil and roman bonding and roman finally speaking his mind a little bit and i’m living for it.
there was also a little bit anlogince and i’m so happy.
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shsl-fander · 2 years
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Some Sanders Sides twitter posts
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analoceits · 6 months
them randomly cutting to roman grinning in the middle of an analogical scene and ONLY ROMAN. this is how analogince can still win-
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monkeythefander · 5 months
So.. one sanders sides ship I happen to like is Analogince (Virgil x Logan x Roman), and I’m always hoping to find more fanart and fanfics about the ship. I also happen to like the ship week blogs for different sanders sides ship, so would anyone be interested if I made an Analogince week blog and hosted an event for it? This would be my first time hosting a ship week, so any suggestions on how to get it started (planning dates for it and prompt suggestions would be appreciated). But first, should I make and host an Analogince week event/blog?
-Monkey💜 (1/17/24)
Please consider clicking the reblog button so more people who might be interested can see it./nf
Update: I made the blog. It��s @analoginceweek
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analoginceweek · 4 months
The prompt list for Analogince Week 2024 has arrived 😌
This event will run from April 29th to May 5th
I’m going to add the prompts to my pinned post (which includes all the event rules) as well, but I made a little poster/drawing to display the prompts separately as well as on my Instagram. The prompt list and poster are below @tsseventhub @sanders-sides-events
Analogince Week 2024 Prompt List
Day 1 (April 29th): Library / Theatre
Day 2 (April 30th): Nightmare
Day 3 (May 1st): Disney / Adventure
Day 4 (May 2nd): “Are you okay?”
Day 5 (May 3rd): “Here is where we shall stay.”
Day 6 (May 4th): Touch Starvation (Pre-aa Virgil)
Day 7 (May 5th): Spooky / Spiders
Extra ideas: “If I loved you”, Victory, Lights, Burnout/Poetry, Tea, Companionable Silence.
Prompt list credits:
The prompt Burnout/Poetry and the prompts from days 2,3,5, and 7 were suggested by @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
An anonymous person suggested the prompts “If I loved you”, victory, lights, tea, and the prompt from day 4.
The prompt for day 6 was suggested by @ameliq259
Disney was also suggested by @idkmyusernamenotsorry (I believe that’s the correct blog)
Day 1’s prompt and the prompt Companionable Silence were suggested by myself (@monkeythefander)
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Roman: Make no mistake. Not only am I party rocking, but I am also in the house tonight.
Virgil: But are you shuffling?
Roman: Everyday.
Logan: What language are you two speaking??
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