#And Brynden about his marriage
jamespotterismydaddy · 9 months
For The Taking
aemond x sister!reader smut
A/N: this is based off a request here for obsessive!aemond so i hope you love it!
TW: smut, DUBCON, incest, knife kink, blood kink, breeding kink, size kink, murder, rough smut
word count: 1,789 words
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Aemond chaperones all of your meetings with possible suitors. It’s just what a good big brother does, right? He watches closely to make sure they don’t get too close, don’t say anything too suggestive, or do anything that could ever bother you.
He walks, ten steps behind, as you promenade around the gardens with Lord Tully. He hates him already. In theory, Lord Tully checks all the boxes. He’s handsome, considerate and only eight years your senior but something about him makes Aemond see red. Some boring lord from Riverrun could never be good enough for you, his perfect baby sister and the worst part is, you seem to like him.
“Of course, Ser.” You giggle at the lord’s words. Fuck. Aemond missed what he said.
“I shall have to part ways with you for now, princess. I have felt a sudden need to speak to the King.” You beam up at him. Speaking to the King could very well mean a marriage proposal.
You nod in response and giggle again when Lord Tully kisses your hand before leaving.
“I don’t like him.” Aemond says sternly. Your face falls.
“What? Why not?” You say as you look up to your brother with puppy dog eyes. His opinion means everything to you.
“There is simply something about him I do not trust. You can do much better.”
“I don’t understand. I thought he was-”
“Do you not believe me?” Aemond asks you, putting a hint of sorrow in his eyes.
“No! Of course that’s not it. I’m just disappointed. It seems there has been something off about every suitor. Soon there’ll be none left.” You pout a little as you look down.
“You will find a perfect match.” He tilts your head up so you have to look him in the eye. “I will only have the best for you.” 
“I know.” You say softly before pressing a light kiss to his cheek and murmuring something about attending to your needlepoint with Helaena. You make your way from the gardens.
The next day, the royal family has a breakfast. A family breakfast. You don’t think that you’ve shared a meal with your father in weeks so there must be some sort of news.
“My love.” Your mother starts. “We have something wonderful to tell you…” She looks to the King who seems to be irritated that he has to speak on the manner.
“Lord Tully has asked for your hand and we have granted it.” Your father finishes.
“He has?” You look at Aemond nervously.
“Yes, isn’t it wonderful?” Your mother beams at you, happy with the match.
“But mother, I was sure we discussed my thoughts on him.” Aemond starts and you watch the look on Alicent’s face change. She knows. A mother always knows.
“Ser Brynden is a good man and a knight. You’ve also shot down all of her other suitors, Aemond.” The Queen looks at him sternly. Aemond is fuming but says nothing. “We will start the wedding preparations soon.” She says to you with a soft smile.
The rest of the meal is tense but your mother tries to push through, chattering about wedding dresses and cake. Though, when everyone is finished eating, Aemond leaves quickly, a disturbing look in his eye.
In the middle of the night, you are awoken by the sound of your bedroom door opening. You call out your guards name and receive no response. You start to get nervous. You grab a candelabra from your bedside table as you get out of bed.
“Who’s there?” You call out.
Aemond comes into view.
You sigh in relief. “Aem, you frightened me.” You put down the candelabra.
“Were you intending to fight off an intruder with that?” He chuckles. And then… he walks into the moonlight. There’s blood on his collar.
“Oh Aemond, are you hurt?” You rush over to him, a concerned look in your eyes as you inspect him. You go on your tippy toes when you hold his face in your hands so you might be able to see better.
“What a caring little girl you are.” He coos at you but the look of worry strewn across your face doesn’t fade. “It’s not my blood.” He says darkly but you still don’t get it.
“Who’s blood is it?” You ask tenderly, just glad he isn’t hurt.
“Tully’s.” He says and this is when you realize.
“Is he… alright?” The concern is gone from your voice. You’re frightened again.
“Most people aren’t alright after being run through with a sword and fed to a dragon.” He says and chuckles again. Your mouth goes dry.
“You… you…” Your eyes well up with tears. You’re utterly shocked.
“Killed him? I did.” He says and then notices the look on your face, how you have started to inch away. He reaches his hand behind your head, running his fingers through it before gripping it tightly at the roots.
“Ah… Aemond, that hurts.” You whimper and he loosens his grip slightly so he’s just holding you in place.
“I’m sorry, darling. You know I never want to hurt you but the way you’re looking at me right now… it hurts me.” He says calmly.
“You truly did it?” You ask and the tears start to fall.
“I did it for you. For us.” He explains.
“Us?” You’re confused again.
“Yes. Can’t you see? None of these men are enough for you. You’re mine.” He says firmly as he pulls you closer and looks you right in the eyes.
“But mother says it’s… unnatural. Aegon and Helaena are an exception to support Aegon’s claim.”
“We are Targaryens. Wedding you is my gods given right.” He says as he wipes the tears from your face. “I’ll make sure of it. Mother will have no choice but to accept when your belly swells with my babe.”
“W-What?” You try to say more but his lips are pressed to yours before you can get the words out. He kisses you roughly and forces his tongue into your mouth. So much for a gentle first kiss. His arms snake around your waist and pull you against him. When he parts his mouth from yours, your lips are swollen and you stand still in shock.
“Take your nightgown off.” He commands, his eye staring firmly at your nipples that poke through the fabric.
“No, Aemond. We aren’t wed. You’ll ruin me.” You beg him.
“Shhh. I’m your big brother, rūs.” (baby) “You need to trust me.” His fingers go to the straps of the nightgown and slip them down your shoulders so that the garment falls to the floor. You let him, ever the obedient sister. His fingers move to your smallclothes, letting them drop off you next. His gaze washes over you. “You must be the prettiest girl in all of Westeros.” He praises and you don’t know if you blush more at the words or your nakedness. “Lay back on the bed, rūs.” You pout a little and don’t obey him. You’re frozen in place. “Now.” The command brings you back to reality and you listen this time and lay back, your legs clenched together. “Open up those legs.” He says.
“I’m frightened.” You whisper out and he chuckles.
“I’ll be gentle, rūs… at first.” He says as he pries your legs open. He looks at you so hungrily as you lie there, waiting for him. You’re so much smaller than him, so delicate. He undresses for you, he likes how your eyes follow his movements. “You like watching me?” He asks before dropping his breeches.
“I-um…” The size of him makes you nervous. “That part goes in?” You ask him.
“Yes.” He says before beginning to play with your pearl, You whimper softly.
“It won’t fit.” You say.
“It will. I’ll make it.” He slips a finger inside of you. “Tell me rūs, have you ever touched yourself here?” You feel the heat rise to your cheeks again.
“N-No, my septa says it’s dirty.” He smiles at your answer.
“Good. This place is only for me to touch.” He positions himself between your legs and pumps his cock a few times. “This’ll hurt.” He sheaths himself inside of you slowly but still too fast for your liking.
“No… out.” You whine and squirm but he holds your hips in place, forcing you to adjust to his size.
“Stop squeezing me like that. I won’t be able to control myself.” He says with a grunt.
“I’m not.” You say truthfully with a whine. You’re really just that tight.
“Is it still hurting?” He asks.
“Only a bit.” You say, tears in your eyes but that’s enough for him.
He begins thrusting in and out of you savagely, hitting so deep inside of you that you feel as if you’re about to burst.
“Gods, your cunt is perfect.” He says as he fucks into so that you’re whimpering beneath him. He’s so big compared to you that he can see the outline of his cock on your tummy. He smirks at the sight and presses down on it to make you squirm. “I’m going to make this belly swell with a baby just like how I’m making it swell with my cock.” He says and leans down more to kiss and bite at your neck. “You’re fucking mine. Do you understand? You’re my wife.” He punctuates his words with his thrusts. The rough behaviour leaves you light-headed.
Aemond reaches over to the bedside table where he placed his dagger and he grabs it. Your eyes widen.
“I’ll make you my wife the moment I spill my seed into you, spilling drops of our blood together.” He says as he brandishes the dagger.
You don’t even know what to say, too tired for a response as he grabs your chin and runs the blade of the dagger across your lips until you bleed. You wince. He cuts his own lip right after. His blood drips onto your skin but he doesn’t kiss you yet. He begins to rub your pearl, trying to coax a peak out of you. When he feels you begin to clench around him, he knows it’s time.
“Aem, something is happ-” He cuts you off with a kiss, mixing your blood with his. He fervently makes you his wife in the ways of Old Valyria. You gasp as your peak washes over you, never having felt such a thing before and that gives him the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth, kissing you deeply as he spends inside of you. When he parts the kiss, he gazes into your eyes.
“You’re mine now. By my will and the will of the gods.”
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy
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ass-deep-in-demons · 5 months
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never the same river
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire Pairing: Ned Stark x Catelyn Tully Stark Tropes: developing relationship, arranged marriage, fluff and spice, mutual pining, idiots in love, dirty talk Rating: T+ Words: 2k Summary: Ned learns Catelyn used to be fond of swimming. He has no idea what he's doing.
for @nedcatweek day 6 prompt: "I want you to feel at home" [AO3]
“It is beautiful here,” Catelyn said, looking around. Ned observed her as she dismounted and gave the reins away to one of their host, before they were left alone. The weather had reached this sweet spot on the cusp of high season, when it was warm, but not hot enough to become unbearable. Late though and tentative, summer had indeed come to the North. The ice floe on the river had long melted, the flowers were yet in bloom, but the trees had for some weeks now been clad in the most verdant foliage, making one forget that the Winter was, indeed, coming. (Because Winter was coming. Tomorrow, or in twenty years, it was always coming, Ned knew.)
The idea to come here had arisen in Ned’s mind during the cold months. He had to bear Catelyn’s nostalgic looks on Harvest Day, then her barely visible flinches and chills in response to the cold drafts in the castle during winter. Though she might hide it well, Catelyn did not feel at home.
“What are we to do now, my Lord?” Catelyn asked and looked at him. Would that he could find his words easily. Alas, he’d never been skillful in conveying his meaning. Why had he brought her here? What were they going to do now? He wasn’t sure himself.
He wanted her to feel more at home. The Sept that he’d commissioned for her two winters prior hadn’t been enough, if her wistful sighing and withering glances were anything to judge by. Ned blamed himself. If only he’d made her feel more welcome. He had tried to keep her company whenever he could, but he wasn’t sure if his quiet, brooding presence had been any help, or if it had only made things worse. (Because he’d been brooding, Gods help him. He knew he’d been.)
With the first vestiges of spring, Ser Brynden Tully had come to Winterfell, bearing greetings and letters from Lord Hoster. The Blackfish had stayed in their Castle a fortnight and spent most of those mornings observing little Robb at play, and most of the evenings trying to get Ned to drink with him. Ned had very good reasons to not over indulge (what with the secrets he carried), but he would indulge a little, on occasion. And so he had played the gracious host, indulged a little in the cups with his guest, and had used the opportunity to pry subtly about Catelyn’s life back in Riverrun. One of the memories shared by Brynden had struck him as a particularly happy one. It was that of young Catelyn and Lysa going swimming in the Red Fork River in the summer. So, Catelyn liked river swimming… This seemed to Ned an extravagant passtime, but what did he know? He was from the North; he did not understand southern customs, and therein lay the whole problem.
“I thought we could go swimming in the river,” he said simply. 
“... Swimming, my Lord?” she asked. Had he announced he was going to re-paint the walls of Castle Black bright crimson, her eyes could not have gotten any rounder. Taking her swimming had been his plan, ridiculous though it might now seem. The swift currents of White Knife, sure to be carrying the chill of northern glaciers even now, did not seem particularly enticing, he had to admit.
He regarded his Lady. She looked beautiful when surprised. To be precise, she looked beautiful at all times and all moods, to Ned at least. He would admire her quietly when she would glide through Winterfell, swishing about in her gowns, which she took to tailoring according to Northern fashion, but which retained the elegance and lightness of the worldly South. She would brighten his dour abode with her mere presence, but here, among nature, with the warm sun glinting in her teal eyes and setting her hair aflame? Catelyn Tully took his breath away.
“Perhaps the hot springs near your castle would serve better for that purpose, my Lord?” Catelyn asked, when he prolonged his silence. Her surprise had turned into visible amusement. “You know you can call for me whenever you want for company in the pools…”
Ned felt his ears turn red at the memory of their last time at the hot springs. He had noticed the cold did not serve his Lady well, and proposed they visit the caverns in the Godswoods, where the temperature in the pools was particularly high, so that she could warm herself and forget about the snowstorms that had been plaguing Winterfell. Catelyn had accepted this offer, but, instead of an endeavor towards the betterment of her health, she thought it primarily an effort to introduce some variety to their marital duties. And so their hot spring experience quickly turned… steamy. 
Not that their bedroom needed any more steam. Ned would visit Catelyn’s chambers regularly, although never without her prior invitation. And she would invite him often. Every other night, in fact, whenever she was not through her menses. Ned knew this was what Maester Luwin advised her in order to quicken again, as Catelyn was bent on giving him another son.
Thing was, Catelyn had already given him one perfect son. Whenever Ned even looked at little Robb, he could not help but wonder. He had never thought he would ever get to be this happy. Not after… After… More still, she had given him another child, a sweet little babe, a daughter. Sansa favored her mother, and that made her beautiful to Ned’s eyes. Still, his Lady wanted to bear him another son, and it didn’t seem likely she’d give up before achieving that goal.
He could not help but feel guilty. Was it because of Jon? Was it that because Jon existed, she felt like one legitimate son wasn’t enough? Oh, he did feel guilty, after Jon, unworthy of those constant invitations to her bedchamber of wonders. For all his guilt, he’d never suggested that one heir was enough, though. He wondered if he maybe should, for her peace of mind, but then their nighttime activities would likely cease, and he just couldn't give her up. Wretched as he was, he came to rely completely on the reprieve that her touch offered. He would not show it, but most days he lusted after her, he awaited her signal impatiently like a man starved. It took a lot of effort on his part to not lose himself utterly with her, to not bite her soft, creamy skin, to not yank her lush red hair, not to take her a little too eagerly. She seemed so delicate, so refined. Ladylike.
He had earned the nickname the Quiet Wolf, because in his boyhood he’d been perceived as calm, in contrast to Brandon. Ah, Brandon… How his brother would now mock him, if he could see him so… lovesick. Ned had always been the sensible one. The reserved one. But not with Catelyn, he wasn’t. Not after having tasted her. Sometimes he thought one look of her eyes alone could make the wolfblood in him awaken. The wolfblood that he had used to doubt he had a drop of, but that he could now feel cursing through his veins whenever she lay under him. He restrained himself, fearful of offending her and losing her good graces, losing the privilege of sharing her bed, that he had nearly forfeited when he had brought Jon in. So he tried to remain calm during their couplings. Calm, gentle. Attentive to her whims and needs. He made sure she had her pleasure too, because Gods knew he had his aplenty with her.
“What is the true purpose of this outing, my Lord?” Catelyn asked, snapping him out of his musings. She was getting impatient, Ned knew. No wonder - they had spent the entire morning on horseback to get here, on his urging, and he’d kept her in the dark as to their destination. “Why have you brought me here?”
Ned sighed.
“Ser Brynden has told me you were fond of the river as a child,” he said. He could not bear to look her in the eye, so he instead looked at the murmuring crystalline waters. “I wanted you to feel more at home…”
Catelyn’s expression darkened visibly, at that. This was, apparently, the wrong thing to say, though for the love of the Old Gods, Ned could not figure out why.
“You do not get it, do you?” she grumbled, and he could tell she was bitter. He said nothing, as was his way, and let her speak. “I’ve lived here for four summers already! Winterfell is my home! Would that you saw it. Would that my welcome here was warmer.”
“What do you mean?” Ned was alarmed by her outburst. “Have I not seen to your comforts, my Lady? Has anyone in the Castle mistreated you?” Whoever had wronged her, Ned would not let them get away with it.
Catelyn sighed and shook her head, dejected.
“The truth is, I do find the North so very… cold,” she said quietly. “And not for all the snow and winter winds… I know I am unlike the women around here. Not as… hardy. The glances I sometimes get... I am a foreigner in everyone’s eyes. And, worse still, in your eyes…” She looked so sad that Ned’s very heart clenched painfully. “Sometimes I feel like I shall never belong.”
“No,” Ned rushed to appease her. He took her hand in his, hoping she’d turn around, hoping she’d look at him. “Of course your place is here! You are my Lady. My wife!”
“That I am…” She uttered a mirthless chuckle. “And you are ever so dutiful a husband. So stern, so focused, when you come to my chambers.”
“Have I been amiss with my attentions towards you?” Her comment, offhand as it was, stung deeply. He prided himself on doing his very best whenever they lay together.
“I do not deny that you are.. attentive,” she whispered. “Yet I always wonder if you even want to be there. With me.” The vulnerability in her voice rendered him near speechless. He hated himself for making her feel this way, for letting it come to this. 
“Wherever else would I be?” he asked, genuinely bewildered by the very concept.
“You tell me,” said Catelyn and finally regaled him with a look. Though her words were quiet and her face ablush, thunder and lightning danced in her eyes.
Ned was frustrated. He was well aware of his many social shortcomings, and of how much Jon’s presence had soured things between them, but he had been trying his very best to be a good husband to her. He’d made many attempts at conveying how much she meant to him, but all of his efforts had failed, it seemed. He felt his temper rise, for the first time perhaps where she was involved.
“Then what would you have me do, my Lady?” he asked, not trying overly hard to smooth his speech this time. “Would you want me to grab you by your beautiful, downright sinful hair and take you roughly against the wall? Would that convince you of my commitment?”
This was, shockingly, somehow the right thing to say. Catelyn’s entire face brightened momentarily and it made something in Ned’s stomach stir in anticipation.
“You would want me like that?” she asked, breathless. Contrary to Ned’s every prediction, she did not look appalled nor frightened by the idea of them coupling roughly.
“I have… thought about it,” he admitted carefully. Her expression softened further, so he allowed himself to reveal even more. “In truth, I have been thinking of little else for many months now…”
“And you like my hair?” she asked.
Ned did like her hair, Gods help him, and he liked how her voice vibrated with excitement. He’d suddenly got many more ideas on how to make his wife feel more at home…
This is my contribution to NedCat Week 2024. Thrilled to be part of it and in awe of all the awesome writers making it happen <3
[my fanfiction masterpost]
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thebeesareback · 8 months
Fuck it, let's talk about Littlefinger
(the ASOIAF character, not just fingers in general. Also, I've said "Brandon Stark" for Ned's brother, and "Bran Stark" for Ned's son)
Trigger warning: rape and forced abortion
So one of the things I've said before is that I love ASOIAF for many reasons, including the complexities and backstories of all the characters. I suppose that's why there's a bazillion characters and the books are so long.
Anyway, one interesting example of narrative framing is the perspective we get on Littlefinger. He's (arguably) the main antagonist in the first book and is responsible for everything from Jon Arryn and Ned's death to the Tyrell marriage to Joffrey's assassination. We see him as a scheming villain, determined to harm our saintly Starks.
Littlefinger was born as a second-generation immigrant and heir to a minor lordship. Thanks to his parents' relationship with fuckhead Hoster Tully, he got to foster at Riverrun, where he befriended Cat, Lysa and Edmure. The books are interested in the "outsider" perspective on power status, hence Jon Snow's POV, and arguably Theon and Arya, too. They live in the home, they're part of the family... kinda. Sansa always thinks of Jon as her "bastard half-brother", Theon knows that Ned might have to kill him, and Arya doesn't fit neatly into her assigned gender role. They see Rob and Sansa and want that, kind of, but know they'll never get it.
Therefore, in his youth, Littlefinger knew that he was smart, knew that he wanted power, yet was keenly aware that it was almost impossible for him to socially climb. He does -- we'll get to that in a bit -- but as a child, he knows it's unlikely. Think of Rob and Jon playing in Winterfell and Jon yelling "I'm the Lord of Winterfell" and Rob just returning "no, my mother says you won't be". It's a horrible situation to be in. We don't get Littlefinger's POV, but if we did, I think there's a good chance he would remember a similar scenario.
Then there's Littlefinger's relationship to Catlyn and Lysa. Little boys often have crushes on little girls, and it's usually pretty sweet and can sometimes become a nice romance or just fade away. We hear that Catlyn is intelligent and beautiful as an adult, so it's easy to see the appeal, and Catlyn also has status through her Tully blood and an understanding of Machiavellian power plays because her father raised her as his heir until Edmure was born. One could easily see Littlefinger's desire for Catlyn being a desire for power and status, as well as her own merits.
Lysa had a crush on Littlefinger, creating the incesty love triangle that GRRM loves so much. I can't imagine playing kissing games with a foster brother and a sister, tbh. Littlefinger himself seems to only see Lysa as a pawn, and uses her feelings to get her to do what she wants. The narrative suggests that, for a time, there's Catlyn, mourning her mother; Lysa, mourning her mother and interested in a boy who doesn't really care about her; Edmure, just being a baby; and Littlefinger, caught up in rules and restrictions: allowed to be close to what he wants, but never truly part of the team.
Events start to occur. Fuckhead Hoster Tully decides to set up marriage alliances for Catlyn and Lysa. Lysa meets Jamie Lannister, who barely pays her any attention (he's distracted by the presence of his hero, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully). Catlyn meets Brandon Stark, who has power, status, a noble house, physical prowess -- everything Littlefinger wants. On the night the Stark-Tully engagement is arranged, Littlefinger gets drunk. He can't cope with the years of complicated class dynamics, he's heartbroken, and he's what, 14? He's immature and acts like it. Then Lysa rapes him.
I'm not a psychologist so I can't comment on the impact of sexual violence, especially when gender and power play into the situation in this way. However, Lysa did an unforgivable thing, and there was nobody Littlefinger could turn to. That's horrifying. I also think that more should be made about Littlefinger's comments about shutting your eyes and getting it over with in relation to being in bed with "an ugly woman".
Soon after, he challenges Brandon Stark to a duel for Catlyn's hand. Catlyn "betrays" him (in Littlefinger's mind) by giving Brandon her favour, Edmure "betrays" him by "squiring" for Brandon, and then Brandon nearly kills him. So we have a teenager who is 1) in huge amounts of physical pain, 2) without friends or allies, 3) was recently raped and 4) considered unimportant and insignificant. Then, Lysa rapes him again. The fact that this poor child didn't have a full mental breakdown is genuinely suprising.
We don't know if Littlefinger knew about Lysa's pregnancy at the time. What Hoster did to her was also unforgivable -- violence begets violence, and Lysa and Hoster's relationship is full of toxicity and harm. Hoster is also just generally monstrous. If Littlefinger did know, that's another layer of complexity where his foster father aborts Littlefinger's baby, a physical reminder of the sexual violence Littlefinger endured.
A few years later Lysa convinces her then-husband, Jon Arryn, to bring Littlefinger to King's Landing. He is traumatised, he is resentful, and he is cunning. He works hard to enter the places he was once barred from, like the court, the Red Keep and the small council. Now he can take his revenge on everyone who hurt him.
GRRM often talks about the futility of revenge. House Martell is the most obvious example of this, and the speech Elaria gives is beautiful and poignient. Littlefinger doesn't get revenge on Hoster or Brandon Stark. He does kill Lysa, but that's more to shut her up. In a story with a different perspective -- and a few characters kept alive -- we could see Littlefinger as a Kill Bill style avenger, ruining the lives and families of all of those who harmed him. It could be easy to root for him, not against him as the narrative sets up.
Revenge isn't simple, and that's why Littlefinger doesn't succed and isn't an inspirational character. He never confronts anyone on what happened to him -- he's too psychologically damaged -- so instead he kills Ned and Jon Arryn, two people who had nothing to do with his traumatic experiences at Riverrun, and then he hyperfixates on poor Sansa, who looks like Catlyn in his memory. He's immature and stunted in his mid-teens. I wonder if Littlefinger and Sansa lived for another 10/20 years he'd find himself losing interest because she moved on and he can't.
Littlefinger will likely die because of Sansa, and nobody will miss him. He's not a good person. He's groomed and lied and manipulated her, and the horrors he inflicted on Jeyne Poole, supposedly her best friend, are even worse. I don't see his future death as triumphant, though, in an unbiased overview kind of way. The Starks will celebrate, because he killed their dad. No one else will really care. The Lords Declarant have got rid of an annoyance, and he wasn't really working with King Tommen or the Small Council any more.
I think there is some sadness, though, for the child who wanted to be included, wanted to be loved, and who was instead hated, abused, ignored and scarred. RIP Littlefinger, a victim of the patriachy and the class structure.
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bringerofplagues · 1 year
Some underrated ASOIAF characters who deserve more attention
As the title says, this post will be about some of my favourite ASOIAF characters who i think deserve more attention.
Aurane Waters:
The first character on this list is Aurane Waters. Now Auranes story isn’t very deep but he is fun, entertaining and cool as hell. So he starts out fighting with Stannis at the battle of blackwater bay, then he ends up joining Cersei on the small council and manages to charm her by looking like Rhaegar, and then he runs off with her newly build navy. Now i do not like Cersei so people who can play her and beat her at her own game instantly have a place in my heart. I should also mention that i love pirates and there is strong evidence that Aurane will become the pirate king known as the Lord of The Waters using the ships he stole from Cersei. This also puts him in an interesting position going forward as he could realistically join any faction in the current conflict and be a big player which is really cool. My last point is this, just look at him, the dude absolutely fucks:
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Rodrik Harlaw, aka The Reader: Rodrik is Asha and Theons maternal uncle and he is my favourite ironborn character. In many ways he reminds me of Doran Martell, an fatherly figure to a female pov character who is noted to be more cautious than the people around him and who is looked down upon by many within his culture. I also like his quirk of loving books, even having had septons at his home to help him care for his collection. I also love his relationship with Asha, being a better father figure to her than Balon was ,as well as her biggest supporter (that title might be challenged by Qarl and Tristifer). He also seems to be scheming to protect Asha from her forced marriage by overturning the kingsmoot, as he sends her a book that specifically mentions that a kingsmoot can be nullified if a claimant was not present, in this case that would be Theon. And then there was the time he owned Euron the Incel with just 2 words. Euron was bragging about having sailed to Valyria when Rodrik says: “Have you?” which clearly pisses Euron off. Fucking legend
Brynden Rivers, Aka Bloodraven: Ok so, Bloodraven does get a lot of attention especially from the theorist community who have the saying “when in doubt blame Bloodraven”. But i don’t think enough people give attention to him as a character. The cool thing about Bloodravens character is that he seems to be a product of his enviroment. Bloodraven grew up in kings landing as one of the great bastards of king Aegon The Unworthy. He famously suffered albinism which resulted in him having to wear heavy black clothes all of his life. This would have gone on since his childhood, and we know that this trade made people not trust him. So people have apparently distrusted him since he could walk outside. Imagine what that does to a kid. And then at some point he figures out he is a skinchanger. And that is when he becomes the master of the game of thrones and worlds best spymaster.I love this because a lot of characters justify their distrust of him because of how good of a spy he is, but he became that way because no one trusted him. And lets not forget that he was apparently a really nice military leader. At least enough to where most of his private army, The Ravens Teeth, decided to join him on the wall despite being under no obligation to do so. That show some major respect from his men. And at last he has some really cool Odin symbolism going on with the one eye and the ravens and all that.
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do you have any shiera seastar headcanons? i hate how little we know about what part she played in westerosi politics even though she's supposed to be one of the great bastards.
Omg for real though!! Let her have some of that evil advisor slay I think she’s earned it 😭
- For starterssss though!! I think I’ve talked about this a lot but I do like to think she was raised in Daeron’s household because there was no one to really take care of her since her mom (Hightower plant) died and her dad kinda sucks. She was most likely primarily raised by a nurse but…. Idk. I like to think Myriah would braid her hair and she’d play with the other kids, as a treat <3
- Also, I think she should absolutely be a Weird Kid™️ like, making mud potions and catching bugs and putting them in her pockets to show people, for no other reason than that’s kinda fun lol
- I think I did see an art piece of Shiera a while ago with a pet parrot or smth like that……. I like that idea tbh, so she gets a parrot his name’s Sunfyre II and he regularly picks fights with Brynden’s ravens :)
- This headcanon might be a bit weird but I mean….. I kinda want her to have a passion for a very early sort of marine biology? Like yes witchcraft is also really cool but I have no idea why her last name is Seastar so….. idk, let her dissect starfish and other sea creatures or smth!! She can make cool graphs about their biology! Let her study the migration patterns of salmon whenever Brynden brings her up to the riverlands!!! And idk maybe this weirdo obsession with the sea can add to her witchcraft allegations!!
- Likely did sleep with both Aegor and Brynden but liked Brynden better because he’s goth. Don’t have many headcanons on their relationship but I like the idea of him proposing marriage in increasingly convoluted ways to try and trick her into saying yes and her pulling even more convoluted ways of saying no. It just kinda became their lil game, as a little haha silly <3
- Lived for a long time. Like, an absurdly long while. She might still be alive now, even, who knows it’s a ~mystery~ wheeee!!
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alannybunnue · 2 years
Brynden definitely knew how Bittersteel was gonna react to him marrying his cousin. He already started preparing for an invasion before the wedding even took place. Aegor was one of the main reasons Lord Bracken denied his many requests to marry his daughter. Brynden wargs into nearby birds take in his reaction to the news and laugh hysterically.
Aegor found out about the marriage because Brynden sent him the bloody sheets from the wedding night because he’s an absolute dick.
Not the sheets 😨
Once Aegor saw those, he immediately realized that his dear cousin, the apple of every person's eyes, the only pure light in this world, had been tainted by a mf who he took the eye off once a time ago AND HE'S FUMING...
While he is having his moment of anger, Brynden on the other hand, is caressing his wife's back, putting in her head that nothing was wrong, like he didn't just sent the sheets from the previous night to taunt her cousin that is most likely to show up any minute to kill him...but before that happens, let the Bloodraven enjoy his wife a little more. 😏
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
In a universe where Rhaegar wins and Jon becomes a Targaryen prince, how do you think the family dynamics will be between the siblings + Rhaegar/Lyanna/Elia? Really interested in your opinion on this
Um. Bad?
aksjdjdj. The last blackfyre rebellion wasn’t that long ago not to mention Egg wasn’t too fond of Brynden so I think in general, Westeros is just incredibly wary of boy bastards who are castle raised. And even if Rhaegar does some plural marriage stuff, I do think there will be some bastard stigma still attached to Jon regardless.
Bigamy has not been done by the Targaryens since Maegor the Cruel. THE CRUEL. Not a great precedent here.
The last Targaryen who worshiped the old gods was Bloodraven, which is again, not a super great precedent to be invoking.
The Faith is in general pretty shitty about bigamy.
There were rumors that Daemon Blackfyre wanted to do some old school Valyrian stuff like marry Daenerys, take a second bride, etc., and considering all that shit went, once again, bringing to mind Daemmy B. is just a colossally bad idea
Also, “winning” in this situation means Rhaegar has at minimum killed Robert & Jon Arryn, and sent Ned to the Wall (but honestly probably offed him too), and Lyanna has walked into a situation where almost her entire family was killed by Rhaegar’s. Benjen is probably feeling some type of way. Storm’s End is probably still in a siege, because even after Robert dies, I simply cannot see Stannis giving up, because he simply has to trust that they won’t slaughter him and Renly for rebelling and he's not going to trust in that after Aerys and Rhaegar murdered so many Lords without a good reason. Jaime has killed Aerys (but protected Elia & the babies). Elia has spent months as a hostage, only for Rhaegar to come back MARRIED AGAIN with ANOTHER SON.
it’s a mess. an a tricky, unsure situation. rhaegar winning the war doesn’t mean the kingdom is back together. this one is so much different than the blackfyres or the dance because people had real, legit concerns with his father beyond succession or "but I wanna be king wahh!" rhaegar (and rhaella!) completely blow past those very rational, legitimate fears just to say “we’re in charge bitch.” it’s going to make for a very unhappy populace and a very uneasy peace. it’s going to make the situation between his children incredibly tense & toxic. So…..
I get stuck here a bit. Lyanna IS a child and not at fault for anything that happens and I will die on that hill with my head held high but the rest of the realm will not see it that way. I’m unsure if Elia would either. I would like to think they’d have a similar relationship that Naerys & Melly Blackwood had, wherein Naerys doesn’t hold it against Melly that her father sold her virginity to the King because Melly is kind to her (and probably fairly young) and Melly grows fond of the sad, sickly, sweet Queen that is just trying to survive the humiliation being heaped onto her. But this is a different situation - Lyanna isn’t a mistress, she’s a wife. An equal. Her son, like Maegor, like Aegon II, like Jacaerys, is a tiny bit of a threat to Elia’s. While fostering love & acceptance between the three is the ONLY correct and moral choice, I don’t know how likely it is. Rhaegar has a lot to deal with, and since Jon is not Visenya, I think Rhaegar probably feels a bit duped - he did everything right to have his third head of the dragon and yet he was given a boy that looks nothing like him. Lyanna probably feels very alone. Elia feels incredibly betrayed and bitter. And there’s likely a large Dornish faction at court pushing Lyanna out in this scenario because I’m not totally sure how the North is going to react to all this, so I don’t know if Benjen sends a Northern faction down South to look after her or just washes his hands of the whole thing (would Rhaegar even allow them at court after half the Starks were in open rebellion? What does court look like in the face of a justified rebellion that is snuffed out?).
Anyways, I think even best case scenario, this is a really fucked up situation that is going to lead to a lot of strife. My money is on Lyanna and Jon spending most of their time on Dragonstone or straight up holed up in their own separate apartments, away from Court and trying to lay low. I think they’d be heavily traumatized, and have terrible attachment issues probably on par with Rhaenyra/Aegon. I think Elia becomes close with Jaime because of the incredible risk he took trying to protect her, and since Tywin doesn’t sack the city, I think there’s a not unlikely chance Elia tries to bring the Martells closer to the Lannisters politically because of it. Tywin & Cersei probably won’t like that but I think Tyrion might fare a bit better if Elia sees use in befriending Jaime’s little brother and the technical heir to Casterly Rock (and i’m not saying dorne is a egalitarian, no ableism paradise - oberyn in my opinion steps over the line with tyrion - but considering the use of a wheelchair for Doran and the comments about Elia being not to healthy, I think they’re a little more accommodating of disability, which means Elia is simply pragmatic enough to look at Tyrion and see an opportunity. I think).
Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon come out of things fine. Elia looks after Viserys and Daenerys and probably they come out better. But Lyanna and Jon are in their worst case scenario here without Ned to protect them and with Jon as a threat to Aegon's claim. So what I want to say is that Elia sees this as a Naerys/Melly situation and takes Lyanna under her wing, protecting her from the whispers at court about how she's a grasping, upjumped whore who worships strange, silent gods. She would take in Jon (probably called Aemon) and encourage a closeness between the three children, comforting Jon when he feels out of place by pointing out that Rhaenys also doesn't look like a Targaryen. That Elia would caution forgiveness for Lyanna's sake, and encourage Rhaegar to have a Northern faction at court to support Lyanna - even if it's literally just a handful of ladies and knights to remind her of home - and to forgive Stannis and Renly, to name Stannis as Lord of Storm's End and make promises of peace, that Aerys had stepped over the line and Rhaegar has taken a wife from the North and a wife from Dorne to ensure that doesn't happen again, that they will call a Great Council to discuss together perhaps having a larger small council that can counteract the King.
But I think in reality it's likely that Elia attempts to freeze Lyanna and Jon out and they are both perfectly happy sticking to Dragonstone and ignoring everyone.
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sarcasticsweetlara · 5 months
Lysene Fashion and Culture: Serenei of Lys and House Rogare
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I like to think the Lysenes emulate Old Valyria by combining their own culture with the culture of Old Valyria.
Like clothing, my headcanon is their clothing is a combination of Assyrian Clothing and Ancient Greek Clothing.
At the same time I think even if the most Valyrian descendants are spread there they always have people from other ethnicities.
An example would be Serenei of Lys, if she indeed had the green eyes Shiera had, then it could be either because Serenei's family is mixed - whether it is her dad's side or her mom's side - or because of a magical reason (like the icy blue eyes of the others and Brynden Rivers' red eyes due to the connection of the First Men to the Children of the Forest) as Serenei was said to have been a witch, or because it was a simple genetic effect of blue eyes being able to be passed down as green to the descendants of people with blue eyes.
Also, Serenei could have ended up living with the Rogares who lived in the Perfumed Garden and that's how she eventually met Aegon IV.
Also, it would have been lovely to see Larra Rogare as queen and present herself at court with her own mix of Lysene and Crownlands' fashion.
Larra would have had an iconic style and I think if given the opportunity of trying to get used and accommodate at King's Landing Larra Rogare would have had a better impact on the raising of her children (my theory is that maybe Larra had no option but leave if she was raising her children under the Lysene culture and that Larra was already ill so she wanted to get a better treatment as obviously she did not trust the Maesters and needed more aid) as she would have been there for them and they would not have felt they had overcompensate by being too religious like Aemon and Naerys or just indulging in sloth as Aegon IV did, and even if Naerys did indeed show religious leanings anyway Larra would have accepted it, as unlike the Westerosi the Lyseni do not have trouble with their people worshipping different gods and yes that involves the Faith of the Seven, and in exchange Naerys would not have had to rely so much on the Faith and stood up for herself more.
In an effort to do homage to her family, Larra's elder sister Marra could have taught her children the dialects of Low Valyrian (Lysene, Tyroshi and Myrish) and eventually her great-granddaughter Aelinor spoke them as well as High Valyrian.
As it was said Marra had books, and Lysara seemed to have been politically active and ambitious, Larra also may have been an erudite who liked to learn more about the world and that was made the Maesters dislike her as well as Larra challenged everything they represented.
Granted, they were robbers but that does not mean all of them were ignorant; Larra's hardship with the Westerosi Language was due to it being so different to the Valyrian language, remember the languages Larra was able to speak were dialects of Low Valyrian.
Also, her wedding with Viserys must have happened when they deemed he was old enough to have children by seeing if he ever had 'certain dreams' during the night as his marriage with her had not been consummated until 134 A.C. when Viserys was twelve; Lyseni weddings surely involve Assyrian elements as well as Greek elements, Larra and Viserys' marriage was accepted because they had shown with Larra's pregnancy that Viserys was now able to have children and at that time they needed an heir - yes, I know Little Laena was technically the heir of her uncle Aegon III, but his regents did not like Laena's parents: Baela and Alyn.
Larra even wanted a Blessing Ceremony for her brother-in-law.
And in the end, her descendants became kings and queens.
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Say Robert and Cersei by some miracle had a successful marriage, viserys and daenerys live happy live in essos and the others just mind their business who do you think the starklings would've been betrothed to
Robb - Alys Karstark I don't think the starks can get away with having two Southern ladies of winterfell in a row during peace time at this point so a northern lady is likely and alys is the same age, karstarks are quite powerful
Sansa- If this timeline Joffrey is nicer then him otherwise maybe Willas
Arya - It sounds but maybe jojen, ned and howland are friends and jojen would be accepting of arya being "unladylike" since her and meera are quite similar
Bran - I think ned would've convinced bran out of joining the KG to further expand the house through possibly giving him moat cailin to rebuid but he still would've allowed him to be a knight and given the manderlys follow the seven, i think wylla manderly is a good option, maybe shireen if stannis was convinced to have bran as a squire and bran proved himself worthy of her
Rickon - I think he still would've had a wild side even without his circumstances so maybe a girl from the northern mountain clans or skagos
Hello! It's an interesting topic and I'm glad you also shared your view so we can have a conversation speculating about it :)
Robb: Alys Karstark is on the same age with him, Karstarks are loyal to Starks ( and kin!) and it seems that her own father would like to see his daughter being engaged to the future Walden of the North. Actually, every noble Northerner would like their daughter to become future Lady of Winterfell and it's understandable. With that being said, I think the best choice for Robb would be to marry a Manderly girl as they control North's biggest harbour and they are a very rich House.
Sansa: Ned never showed interest for an alliance alliance with the South and neither did the former Stark generations ( with the exception of the previous generation but considering how Ned's siblings ended up, I doubt he's eager to send any of his children to the South). The Tyrells also never showed interest in allying themselves with the North before Robb was declared KITN and was involved in the war of 5 kings. So, I don't see a wedding between Sansa and a southern lord.
I guess marrying Joffrey Baratheon would be an exception Ned would have to make because you can't simply decline a royal offer (as it happened in canon). The only other southern exception would be Robert Arryn. The boy not only is kin but also the son of Ned's beloved mentor. I think he would trust Jon and Lysa Arryn to keep his daughter safe than he would trust Robert and Cersei (understandable). The more I think about it, the ideal scenario for Sansa who wanted to live the southern fairy tale would be to go to Vale ( which coincidentally is the place she currently is in canon)
Bran: I'm moving to Bran instead of Arya because I can see him being connected to Sansa's future. First of all, I don't think that Ned would deny Bran to become a knight. He might not be fond of the idea but he would allow him to do it as he planned to do in canon. Again, he wouldn't like for his son to go to Kings Landing. The only exception would be if Sansa was betrothed to Joffrey. In that case, maybe he could consider to let his son go to the capital so his sister won't be all alone and visa versa ( the lone wolf dies but the pack survives). Now, in my favoured scenario where Sansa goes to Vale, Bran could also go with her and be Brynden Tully's squire. I think Ned would trust the Blackfish the most to train his son and his friend Jon Arryn to keep an eye on the boy.
As for marriage, any northern lady could potentially become Bran's wife. Maybe even Alys Karstark, as I see it more likely Ned to choose her for the wife of his second son. But I want to say Meera Reed ( because of Bran's canon crush).
Arya: Any northern noble could potentially become Arya's husband and ofc someone who could inherit a castle would be preferred. Just to name a few candidates: Harrion Karstark, Daryn Hornwood ( if he wasn't already engaged to Alys Karstark like in canon), Smalljon Umber, Benfred Tallhart and Cley Cerwyn.
Rickon: I doubt that Rickon would be half as wild if he was raised with his whole family by his side. Once again, he could marry any noble girl. Maybe a girl who is the sole heir to her family so they can live on her castle. Otherwise, Ned would have to provide a place to live for his youngest son.
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istaricelebelasse · 1 year
a Jeyne of your choice with a baby?
Thank you for the prompt!
I feel like I should probably apologise to you for this one…
Jeyne curled around her baby.
The soft red curls on his head, the blue of his eyes, the blood in his veins, all of it made her son a target.
Edwyn would never know his father, nor his grandparents, nor even his aunts and uncles. He might not even know his mother, if the Lannisters had their way.
“Mama loves you so, so much.” Jeyne whispered, pressing a kiss to the down on his head, “Mama loves you more than the moon and the stars and the sun.”
She let herself place another kiss to his head, savouring the memory of him. It was a memory she would surely need in the dark of her cell.
Edwyn smiled at her, his gums poking through the curve of his perfect little lips. He waved one chubby fist in the air, and as Jeyne caught it she couldn’t he’ll but marvel over every single one of his tiny, perfect fingernails.
Her baby was perfect and she wished she could see him grow.
Carefully she dressed him in a gown made from one of Robb’s shirts. Carefully she swaddled him in a blanket made from her marriage cloak. She tucked her jewels into the swaddle, hiding them in the folds of the cloth.
It was all she could give him. All she had that would prove who he was.
A plain blanket and swaddling bands went over the top. He had to stay warm, had to stay safe, and blending in was his best chance for that.
“Mama loves you.” She said once more, pressing a single drop of sweetsleep onto his gums. A single drop should not hurt him, and it would be safer than him awaking and making a noise the Lannisters could track.
His eyes blinked shut, and Jeyne mourned for the loss of their sweet blue. She cradled him close to her chest and stole from her rooms. Better her family did not know what she was about to do. Better no one but she knew of her plan.
The castle was dark, but Jeyne knew it almost as well as her childhood home. Months under siege would do that.
The river was her destination, the small patch of bank only accessible through a door hidden by the reeds. It would be visible to the shore on any other night but for the lack of moon in the sky.
“You are sure of this?” Ser Brynden asked as he stood from his crouched position among the reeds, his voice low and kind.
“I am.” Jeyne straightened her shoulders and passed her precious son to his great uncle.
Set Brynden took Edwyn as though he was the most fragile glass, and tucked him securely into an oilskin sling against his front. So too did he take the bag that Jeyne passed him, packed with some of what he might need to keep her son safe and well.
She should have been sending him off with a grand entourage. Should have been keeping him with her in the keep.
But Lord Edmure had been spotted within the Lannister camp and they all knew it was only a matter of time before he was used to make the castle surrender.
A single swimmer would have the best chance at evading the Lannisters, and Ser Brynden had the best chance of being believed as he championed her son’s identity.
“Keep him safe, my lord. Restore him to his home.”
Ser Brynden looked down at her, his face solemn. “I swear, my queen. King Edwyn will see Winterfell, will sit upon the throne of the North as his father did before him.”
Jeyne stepped back, the tears in her eyes finally trailing down her cheeks. “I know you will. Now go! We will buy you whatever time we can. Go! Before the Lannisters wake. Go!”
Ser Brynden smiled, he tucked Edwyn closer to his chest within his oilskin sling, and he slipped into the dark of the water.
And Jeyne waited on the bank until the last of the ripples had died away and her son was truly gone.
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kingsmoot · 9 months
Okay so follow up on my last ask but specifically, I was thinking at how often from AGoT we're shown two things - first, that weddings aren't something that a wife chooses (e.g. Brynden saying that *this time* Lysa is choosing her marriage) and second that a vow spoken in front of a heart tree is sacred/you cannot lie in front of a heart tree.
To me, at least, the thing about the old gods specifically in the case of Lady Hornwood is that a vow is always, by necessity, valid if it's spoken in front of a heart tree - if you lie to them, that's your problem, your bad, your fault, you've sworn in front of the old gods and you'll be made to lie in it. It's why the old gods don't require a priest or an officiant in their religious ceremonies - all you need is for the tree to witness, and it is, then, religiously binding.
This would get confusing pretty fast, but I do think that in the case of Lady Hornwood it's a bit of a matter of old gods versus the Faith - complete inference, of course, but there are several references to the idea of a king "setting aside" a wife, and to ceremonies and so on and so forth; meanwhile, the old gods consistently reinforce the idea that sacredness is present by ritual, rather than by law, that an oath sworn cannot be broken, etc etc etc.
i would agree with you/that was going to be my conclusion as well except that robb is planning to free jon from his night's watch vows which he also swore in front of the old gods
and jon did that of his own free will, with as much informed consent as any 14 year old can give to anything
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horizon-verizon · 3 months
Since we’re talking about Daemon Blackfyre, can we FINALLY accept that he’s the brother that Brynden loved ?
Brynden refers to “[a] brother that I loved, a brother that I hated, a woman I desired”; if the first is Daemon (and as the other two are clearly Aegor Rivers and Shiera Seastar), then the identities of these people are the four Great Bastards of Aegon IV, which provides some neat narrative cohesion to Brynden’s memories (and not to mention listing them in birth order, oldest of the three Daemon, then Aegor, then Shiera as the baby of the group).
I’m not sure that Brynden would have considered himself a “brother” to Daeron II, or at least not to the extent he could with Daemon. Not only was the age difference significant between Daeron and Brynden, 22 years, compared to the mere seven between Daemon and Brynden, but Daeron was unlike Brynden in socio-political standing too. Where Daeron was Prince of Dragonstone from the age of 19, a trueborn member of the royal family descended from the Targaryens on both sides, Brynden was a royal bastard; his mother might have been a particularly well-liked royal mistress, but he was still an extramarital child, whose existence could only be explained by Aegon IV’s pointed cruelty toward Naerys in flaunting his infidelities. Likewise, while Brynden could be accepted at court (thanks to that well-liked mother) and even serve as a commander in the king’s army by the time of the First Blackfyre Rebellion, he would always bear that surname of “Rivers”, denoting him as bastard-born (if subsequently legitimated). 
By contrast, Daemon was much closer to Brynden in terms of background and position. Daemon may have had double Targaryen parentage as Daeron did, but he was, like Brynden, unquestionably a bastard; indeed, unlike Brynden, Daemon had not even been officially recognized by their mutual father for the first 12 years of his life (even if his parentage might have seemed an open secret). If they had both been benefactors of the late king’s blanket legitimization, both were nevertheless surely aware that their livelihoods depended in no small part on the new king; again, Daemon knew this perhaps even more so than Brynden, given that it was Daeron II who made sure Daemon could wed Rohanne of Tyrosh and Daeron II who gifted Daemon a tract of land on which to raise a keep after his marriage. Daemon and Brynden were both, in other words, in the same, somewhat awkward liminal position: bastard sons of the late king, nominally of the same dynastic rank as the new king (thanks to that legitimization decree) but subject to the new king’s goodwill for their daily living, with nothing to call their own inheritance.
I really don't know, I haven't really thought much of Brynden's quote so much as what happens after the Blackfyres are ousted, Daenerys in Dorne, and Daeron II's probable disbaility.
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sowthetide · 3 months
heyyyyyyyyy im back (this is TeaInABowl). this is a bit late i guess but i havent been online in a few days (✨family crisis✨) snd just got caught up in reading the other asks. i wish you luck with your own family issues, little brothers are just Like That sometimes (i would know).
honestly the quen-verse is real. and its fucking with my mind. but i also have been having brainworms abt how much the story would shift with genderbending other characters. i dont want this ask to get too long and i know this is a sideblog for your quen fic but oh gids can i talk abt it pleaseeee
also you must have put some sort of spell on this story, i think. bc (here it comes) i dont ship throbb. and i dont like genderbent aus. yet… here i stand (???) i dont even remember how u found this fic, but it has me rooting for a ship that i found annoying on a good day???? ok maybe i should clarify, i dont like genderbent aus in modern settings, but asoiaf is such a gendered world tgat theyre actually interesting if done right (as you have!!!) and i dont HATE throbb i just. wasnt very fond of it. but one thing i DO love is whatever sort of gender fuckery theon has going on, so when i saw your story i thought “screw it, who cares abt the pairing, hell be at war snyway lmao i wanna see how many more problems squidboy can have” but now i want him back???? come home???? wheres the boy?????? our boy???
as for song recs, i have too many, and probably need to compile them in a more cohesive ask. in the meantime, its not quen related but i dare you to listen to “house of gold” by twenty one pilots while thinking of catelyn and robb. i fucking dare you.
"I should have known better. Asha knew how it went with little brothers... A little brother may live to be a hundred, but he will always be a little brother." Sigh. Truer words have never been written. I hope your family issues work out too! We are Fellow Strugglers in that.
The Quenverse is so real!!!!!! It's something goddcoward and I have discussed at length, including (but not limited to) full genderbend Throbb (with Quenlyn & Robyn) and the Ironborn-Tully "Let's Fuck Nasty" Initiative (with increasingly unhinged pairing up of Greyjoys/Harlaws and Tullys. This includes Alannys/Catelyn, Rod the Reader/Brynden the Blackfish, Gwynesse/Lysa, Aeron/Edmure, etc.) goddcoward also has a bunch incredibly fun AUs, including what has been affectionately dubbed "sigil furries", where the Greyjoys are actual humanoid cephalopods and the Starks are werewolf-maxing. Not to mention goddcoward's AU take on Quobb with arranged marriage, which they're still working on... ;-)
PLEASE talk to me about your vision!!!! Also PLEASE send any song recs you've got!!!!
I'm so incredibly flattered that this fic got you to like Throbb, even just for the purposes of this story. Also, confession: I didn't really like genderbends either- that is, until I started writing this story lol. I think it's just because I didn't feel like genderbends were often well-handled in ASOIAF fics, even for a world as Gendered as Westeros? (Not to say they all suck, I've just run into a few that I thought were... Ungood.)
Theon's experience with gender is so incredibly fascinating, and the prospect of him being born female raises so many interesting questions about who he would even be (and thus this fic was born lol). See vivacissimx's theon's gender was always broken, which is prob the #1 Theon Gender primer.
I'm also glad you came around to Robb, haha. You're sounding like Quen in my inbox: "now i want him back???? come home???? wheres the boy?????? our boy???" For a long time, I was mostly interested in Robb as a compliment to Theon and Catelyn's characters, but I've really come to appreciate him in his own right. I can't wait for all the tender Quen-Robb moments in the endgame of this fic 🥲
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shining-m00nlight · 1 year
It’s tragedy that binds us!
The Starks are coming to Riverrun to celebrate the birth of Robb Tully, Rickard Stark's first grandchild and heir to Riverrun. Making his mother, the Lady Catelyn Tully recall the tragic beginning of her marriage to her heir's father, Eddard Stark.
A little Birthday/Christmas present for @ladycatofwinterfell
“Are you well, my lord?" 
Catelyn Tully asked her husband as he was staring out of the windows of Riverrun, worried lines all over his young face.
"I'm fine, my lady. Thank you for inquiring about my wellbeing. It is most kind of you." 
Eddard Stark answered and while his word sounded truthfully spoken, the Lady auf Riverrun couldn't quite believe him.
So she asked again: "Are you nervous about your family coming to visit?"
Eddard turned his head back towards the river running outside the castle, apparently not wanting to look into her eyes.
"I am of course happy to see my family, my Lady. I am awaiting their arrival!" he answered. 
Catelyn felt like he was intentionally avoiding her question as well as her eyes. It made her heart feel quite heavy. Since they had married a year ago Cat had come to appreciate so many of her husband's qualities but it hurt her more than she was willing to admit, that he would always be closed off towards her and would neither share his thoughts or feelings with her.
At the beginning she thought he would just need some time to warm up, they had been married rather quickly after all. But as time went by and her husband stayed closed of to her, she started to worry about the reasoning her husband could have for not wanting to be close to her, in more than the physical way of their marriage bed. 
Maybe he resented her for being the reason he had to leave the North, which she knew he had a great love for. Or maybe he didn't like the fact that because of their marriage he was not the ruler of land or a household but merely a consultant to his wife. She knew how men generally thought about women and ruling. She had heard her own bannerman question whether or not she should rule. 
She didn't quite believe this was the cause for her husband's distant behavior because she had not heard words of complaints from her husband himself. Her Uncle Brynden had reported that her husband never agreed with the barbs drunk men make about ruling women and defended her should the man say something against their Lady. 
But she still tried to cling to this explanation because it would hurt less if her husband felt resentment towards her because she was a ruler and he was not, than the thought that her husband might just resent her for who she was as a person. 
To think that he found her lacking as a wife. That he might not like the way she looked, or laugh, or genuinely behaved. That he wished he married someone other than her. That he believed he would achieve more happiness with this other wife. That he was unhappy with her and that he blamed her and her family for this unhappiness.
They had married on the day that was supposed to be her wedding day with his older brother Brandon. Their wedding hadn't been their own and it had been rippled through with grief and sadness. A bit over a year ago then Stark had packed for their journey to the Riverlands to marry their eldest son and heir to the oldest daughter of Hoster Tully. In their last correspondence with Hoster Tully himself they had been assured they would be met with happiness and a big feast fitting to celebrate the marriage of the young couple.
Instead they were met with grief and sorrow. During their time on the road horror had visited Riverrun. 
Hoster Tully's young heir of only seven years had decided to go for a swim in the river that flows around Riverrun. But the weather that day was as unpredictable as the gods. In a matter of minutes, the sunny day turned into a storm that transformed the slight current of the river into a dangerous death trap. 
While trying to bar the windows against the storm a maid had spotted a little red dot amongst the blue water and had screamed and immediately ran for the Lord of the castle. 
When Hoster Tully heard the news that his son might be drowning, he did not wait a second to run outside towards the river. Yelling at people to find his son, still hoping the maid was wrong and his son would be found safe in the castle. But he wasn't. 
By the time Lord Tully reached the water, the message of what was happening had reached the rest of his family. All three wanted to follow their Lord to the river. Brynden however ordered Lysa and Catelyn to stay behind and to stay safe from the storm. Lysa obeyed but Cat could not stay behind if her brother was in danger. 
She followed Ser Brynden as soon as he turned his back to his nieces. Lysa yelled at her to come back but the older sister didn’t listen. When they had reached the river they found a small figure on the river bank. 
The red hair marked the person clearly as Little Edmure. But nothing else reminded Cat of her baby brother. Never had she seen him so still and silent. He was always loud and lively. Even when he sneaked into her bedchamber late at night, because of his bad dreams, he would toss and turn the whole night, snoring and sometimes even talking. 
And now nothing moved. Not even his hair or his clothes moved in the wind, they were so soaked through that they did nothing but cling to the little body. Catelyn would only feel the horror of seeing her dead little brother with his skin turned blue from the cold water later, in the moment however her heart was pumping the blood through her veins at an almost violent speed, not letting her stop to take the time to grieve. 
She frantically looked further down the river, to find her father. Her eyes quickly located him. He was still in the rushing water, only his head and his arms above the service, clinging to the land. Apparently he had found the strength to heap Edmure out of the water but had lost it for himself. 
Though different from his son, the Lord of Riverrun was still stubbornly clinging to life. He stared directly into his daughter's eyes. Catelyn thought the look in his eyes might hunt her forever, full of grief, lost and hopeless. Brynden and Cat both started to move towards their loved family members at once, but so did the large tree branch that the storm had ripped off the trees close to the river.
Her knightley Uncle had almost reached his brother when the Lord was caught by the brauch. It hit him in the head and dragged him further down the river, limbs tangled in branches and leaves.
Ser Brynden cried out, out of fear, grief and helplessness. Another thing from that day, that would give Lady Catelyn nightmares for years to come.
Having already lost family, Cat watched in terror as her Uncle Brynden dived into the waves without any regards for safety. The only thought in Catelyn’s head was that she would lose the three men of her family all at once. 
Instead of jumping in the river she followed the tree that took her father down the river on foot. Only in the back of her mind did she notice that the storm almost stopped. As if the Stranger had decided that he claimed enough that day. Running along the shore she could see her
Uncle's arms and head peek out the water now and then, making her more focussed on her father's whereabouts.
The river turned a corner and effectively stopped the tree and her father from moving further down the water. Catelyn saw Brynden fight with the leaves and branches to get to his brother. Cat was about to jump into the water herself when she heard her Uncle call over to her: 
“Stay there little Cat! Please! I got your father. Just help me pull him out of the water."
Her Uncle managed to free his brother and started to drag him through the water. Cat took the last steps towards the shore, bending down to pull her father out of the cold, grabbing him under his arms, laying him down as gently as she could on the ground cradling his head on her lap. The cold water soaked through her dress, making her shiver.
Her Uncle jumped out of the water, to her side taking his brother's head between his hands trying to check for signs of life. When Ser Brynden lifted his brother's head from her lap, Catelyn cried out. Her blue dress was stained not only with water but with blood, a lot of it. She tried to inspect the wound but she didn't know what could be done against the bleeding she found. So she ripped a big part of the cloth from her dress to press it against the wound in hope it would stop the bleeding. 
Brynden was still trying to get Hoster to wake up but with every second Catelyn lost more and more hope that her father would ever awake again.
"Come on brother, you stubborn old man. Open your eyes. Come on, open them!" 
Brynden pleaded with his brother. Telling him to open his eyes over and over again. But her father never opened his eyes again. Hoster Tully was gone and only his body remained.
Later his body had been sent down the river with the body of his little boy in his arms and lit up on fire by his brother's arrow, as his daughters watched. It felt ironic to Cat that they had fought so hard to get them out of the river just to send them back into it a few days after.
So when the Starks arrived, Riverrun was still in mourning for their Lord and his young heir. Even so, Riverrun was packed to the brim. Most of its bannermen had been on their way to Riverrun because of the upcoming wedding or had been ready to travel as soon as the Ravens, informing them of Hoster Tully death, arrived. 
They hadn't been able to send a raven directly to the Starks, while they were on the road, but they had sent one to Seagard, to inform them of the situation.
The Bannermen of the Riverlands were good loyal people, at least most of them and they wanted to pay their respect to their Lord. But Uncle Brynden had warned his niece that night that even the most honorable man would not pass the chance to gain power when it was in front of him.
He had been right. The Starks hadn't arrived in time for the funeral, so the Lords of the Riverlands had tried to use this occasion to gain something from her fathers death. As soon as the boat had descended down the river some Lord had raised the question of who was the Lord of Riverrun now. Some Lords claimed Ser Brynden should claim the title for himself as the only male Tully left, others were in favor of Lady Catelyn taking her fathers seat. 
Later Cat noticed that those most opposed to her had brought their daughters with them. Probably to fling them at her Uncle as soon as he agreed to become the Lord of Riverrun.
Those men were sorely disappointed when Ser Bryden shut their idea of him becoming Lord down almost as soon as it hit his ears. He made it clear that his brother would have wanted his daughter to rule the Riverlands after his passing, if his son couldn't just as he had desired before Edmure was born.
Lord Cox had not been willing to give up this quickly and had brought up that the Lady Catelyn was to leave in the matter of weeks to the North as Lady Stark, so how could she rule the Riverlands.
Catelyn had told him politely but firmly that this was business between her family and the Starks and was not of his concern. Even while her heart and head were in shambles, feeling utterly confused about the rapid changes her father’s and brother's deaths were bringing to her life, she knew she could not allow the Lords to talk over her by letting her Uncle speak for her.
At that point she did not know what would happen when the Starks arrived but she was not gonna show any insecurity in front of her people. Not just her Lords were talking about what might happen to Riverrun and her betrothal to Brandon Stark. She and her Uncle talked about it amongst themselves for hours and hours.
They both knew that Cat had to become Lady of Riverrun. Brynden was strictly against becoming Lord, refusing to even engage with the thought of usurping his nieces. He also didn't have children nor was he planning on ever having any. So even if he would ascend his brother's seat, he would have no heirs so it would fall back to Cat and her children anyway.
Cat also understood that she would not be able to marry Brandon if she was to become Lady of Riverrun. She could not rule the Riverlands, live in Winterfell, run the castle and raise the next Lord of Winterfell at the same time.
The thought of losing Brandon might have hurt Catelyn more if her heart wasn't already filled with grief and her head wasn't trying to find a solution for the mess her family's tragic loss made in her life.
She liked Brandon. He was handsome and fun and he made her heart spread up when he smiled at her. But she knew she would survive this loss. She was not worried that she would mourn her potential marriage to Brandon for too long.
She was however worried about losing her family's good standing with the Starks. Her father and Rickard Stark had gotten along well. They were both delighted in the alliance that they created through the marriage pack. Now she had to tell Lord Stark that she could not marry his son and their alliance would potentially be lost.
While Catelyn thought Rickard Stark was a man that was able to understand that this was not a purposefully slight against his family, she also knew that he was a man of pride and if a man's pride gets hurt he can become a dangerous person.
She needed to find a solution with the Starks, so when they left her home they were still her allies and if not that at least they would still feel positive towards the Tullys of Riverrun.
Cat still wasn’t sure what she would do by the time the Starks arrived but she knew she would not falter. She greeted the Starks in the courtyard. It seemed they had gotten the letter she sent to Seagard for they looked all grim and when Rickard Stark dismounted from his horse to greet her.
He did so by saying: "Lady Tully, it is a pleasure to see you again. I am sorry it had to be under such dire circumstances and I’ll have you know I am very sorry for your loss." 
She thanked him for his words and then greeted his three children. The youngest, Benjen, had been left in Winterfell. The whole ordeal was awkward. Brandon kissed her hand gently but without his usual sparkle or charm. She wasn't the only one who knew her fathers death would change things between them.
Catelyn had never met Eddard and Lyanna Stark before and meeting them under these circumstances had not made it a light affair. Eddard had looked at her with cold eyes, not knowing anything about him yet, she thought he did not care that she had just lost her father. 
A year later she would know better of course. She still thought Eddard was a cold person, but he wasn't an unfeeling or unkind person. He just wasn't able to show feelings to people he was unfamiliar with. Lyanna wasn't cold but she was clearly uncomfortable in her skin as well.
They had moved inside the castle rather quickly. After the Starks had settled in she had the evening feast served. It had been a continuation of the awkward mood. Throwing a welcoming feast in this situation felt wrong but the Starks were still honored guests at Riverrun and the feast, together with the other festivities, had been planned for almost a year, ever since the date for her and Brandon's wedding had been decided.
During the feast her Uncle Brynden had sat on her left side, together with Lysa while Lord Stark sat on her right side. The whole night was laced in a veil of uncertainty. Catelyn and Rickard had talked, neither quite knowing which toppings were fitting and which they would have to put off till later. Their guests were uncertain about how to behave as well, not wanting to be disrespectful towards their deceased Lord but losing more and more of their composure the more wine was served.
At the end of the night Cat was just happy to lay down in her bed and get a few minutes of peace, trying to put her mind at rest and finally falling asleep.
The next day started early for Catelyn, she had met up with her Uncle before they broke their fast together, to again discuss the different possible outcomes of the day. The one her Uncle thought was the most likely was that Rickard Stark would want Lysa for his heir if he couldn't have Catelyn. 
The day before Cat would have been inclined to agree. She had noticed the way Rickard Stark's eyes had followed her sister the night before. Not in a way that was inappropriate, but in a thoughtful, calculating way. But she had also recognised a certain disappointment and dissatisfaction in his eyes. She would have been offended on her sister's behalf, if she didn't understand what Rickard saw. 
He saw a grieving child. Catelyn hadn't been afforded the luxury of mourning her father properly. She had too many things to worry about. But she wanted to give her sister the chance to grieve, to be able to say her goodbyes to father and Edmure without her mind being distracted by other obligations. 
And so her sister did and Rickard Stark could tell. Lysa was present only for a short time and then disappeared again looking underly unhappy. She didn't talk to people, would only cling to her Uncle or Cat if there was an opportunity and if there wasn't she would be sitting or standing alone hugging herself. Catelyn couldn't imagine Rickard truly judged Lysa for grieving her father and brother but the North was hard and unjust. One couldn't let grieve get in the way of important things or one might starve or freeze to death. At least that's what Brandon liked to tell her.
So no, she wasn't as sure as Brynden was that Lord Stark wanted Lysa as the next Lady of Winterfell. But she was certain that he had the same goal as her in mind, keep the alliance standing and find an alternative way to remain allies.
Lord Stark, the Blackfish and Catelyn decided to gather in her fathers solar. Rickard Stark had referred to it as Lady Tully's solar, which pleasantly surprised her. His tone and words had conveyed his confidence in the fact that she actually was ruling the Riverlands and not her Uncle. She felt guilty when she heard it being called hers, she wanted it to still be her fathers, she didn't want her father to be dead. 
She shouldn't think about it at that moment though and she couldn't show weakness in front of Lord Stark. No matter how courtess and empathetic he had been about her father dying, he was here to retain a strong ally. Catelyn had to be strong herself or Lord Stark wouldn't even consider her an ally worth having.
Almost as soon as they were seated, the Stark patriarch started talking. It didn't surprise Cat, Lord Rickard was not a man for unnecessary words.
"Lady Tully, you know you have my deepest sympathy for losing your father and brother in such a horrible accident. But I realize you also know that this changes the arrangement I made with your father. You understand I wanted you to be my oldest son's wife and I believe you would have made a fine Lady of Winterfell. And from all of the reports your father gave me as well as the once from your bannermen I am confident that now you will continue to be a fine Lady of Riverrun. Unless you're planning to give your title to your Uncle?"
He ended his speech with a question. 
Catelyn answered him in a calm manner to not seem unsure or to eager but she made sure her answer was clear: 
"I do not, my Lord. I was my father's heir once before, prior to my brother's birth. It would not be my fathers wish nor is it mine to have my Uncle rule over the Riverlands. And I am quite certain it isn't his either," she added with a small smirk towards her Uncle, who gave an amused snort in agreement. 
"And I am aware that this is not a situation, either of us wanted to happen. You honor me with your words Lord Stark, my Lord father and you honored me when you agreed to make me the Lady of Winterfell and it saddens me that this future is not to be, but as you and my father honored me I want to honor the allyship you created between our great houses."
"I am quite pleased to hear that Lady Tully. I am certain you have thought of possible ways to keep our alliance standing as much as I have these past few days and I guess you have also thought about the possibility of marriage between your sister and my eldest," Lord Rickard stopped to give her time to respond. 
"I have." Catelyn simply confirmed not wanting to say more. Lord Rickards words did not sound like a proposal but merely the rekindling of a passing thought. But apparently something on her face had given away the thoughts she had earlier on Brandon and Lysa marrying.
"I can see that you came to a similar conclusion like me. They are not terribly well suited for each other. My Brandon is quite the wild spirit, as I'm sure you noticed and he is in need of a strong wife that can rein him in properly." 
Catelyn had to stop herself from defending Lysa, because deep down she knew Rickard Stark was just speaking her own thoughts out loud. Lysa would probably love the idea of marrying Brandon, he was after all very handsome and charming, but Brandon would forget about her rather quickly. Lysa would spend the rest of her life, alone, forgotten and missing the finerys and beauty of the south.
"I have thought of a solution that I deem acceptable but that might perplex you at first. I would still like you to marry my son, but Brandon is obviously not an option anymore. That’s why I would like to propose that you marry my second son, Eddard."
As Rickard had predicted Catelyn was stunned, that was not something she expected.
"You would like me to marry, Eddard? To be my consort, here at Riverrun?" She asked to make sure she hadn’t misunderstood him.
"Yes", Rickard answered. "I know it might sound unorthodox to you. But I do believe you and my Eddard would make a good marriage. Eddard might not appear to be the warmest person. I know, but he is a good soul. He would be a loyal husband to you and would undoubtedly always support and aid you in your rule. You are a young woman, who recently came into a position of great power through tragedy, you are aware that you have a need for an heir yourself now and for support. Believe me, ruling on your own is terribly lonely, and I am certain that my second son can give you this. Right now you need someone stable by your side and no one is more stable than my Eddard, he isn't easily shaken." He added the last part with the tiniest bit of a smile, that spoke of fondness towards his son.
Catelyn had to think quickly, she needed to run this proposal and what it would mean for her, through her head, before giving an answer. She quickly asked Lord Rickard another question to keep him talking.
"You would send your son to live in the south for the rest of his life?" She hoped she won some time with this question. 
She knew how important the North and their connection to it was to the Starks. But she was also aware of Rickard Stark's ambition. Lord Stark was not a dishonest man, she believed most of the things he told her to be true, possibly a bit exaggerated to sell his proposition better, but mostly true. 
She was aware that this was an ambitious scheme by Lord Rickard. Having two sons at the head of two great houses is not something a lot of Lords can claim to have accomplished. And with his daughter soon to become the Lady of Storm's End, Rickard Stark would have his children, and his house set up in a powerful position. She had also heard how close Robert Baratheon, Eddard Stark and Lord Arryn are. While there was no official alliance the Starks, Baratheons and Arryns were close to each other thanks to the boys fostering.
The Starks would gain a lot by having Eddard married to her but she would receive just as much. She was well aware that not everyone would be happy, that she would rule instead of her Uncle and having the largest Kingdom of Westeros backing up her claim, especially if she had a child that was half Stark, would make everyone think twice about speaking against her. Being part of this large alliance of great houses Rickard Stark worked so hard to create came with certain implications as well. 
She was taken out of her thoughts by Rickard Stark finishing answering her question: "... lived in the Vale for years. He will do fine here and it is not too far from the North to visit." 
Catelyn looked at the Lord of Winterfell having decided what her answer should be: "Your proposal has a lot of merit Lord Stark and I see this as benefiting both of our houses. I am inclined to agree and I am sure we will have to discuss a lot of details in the time to come. But I shall let you know one thing I shan’t be moved on. That is in the matter of my children's names. My children shall be by your son, they shall be half Stark, be proud of that and understand what it means, but they will be Tullys. They will be my heirs, my fathers heirs and the future rulers of the Riverlands, so their names will be Tully. If you and your son can accept that he will not be having any children called Stark by be, I would like to accept your offer of marriage." 
This marriage would give her a lot but Catelyn was not willing to end her family's name for it.
Rickard Stark looked at her with a cold expression, calculating. She knew he did not expect her to answer this way. That the childrens names potentially could have been a part of the negotiation was something to expect, so she decided to make it clear immediately that this was not a matter that was up for discussion for her. Catelyn wanted to be steadfast on this matter, if Rickard Stark believed she would let the Tully name die, he would be reaching too far.
Obviously having come to the conclusion that she would not allow discussion Lord Stark gave her a short nod with his head and agreed with her words.
After that they discussed more details and plans. Now her Uncle decided to take part in the discussion as well to help them decide certain details. They came to the conclusion that they would keep the wedding date and most of the arrangements Hoster and Rickard had made but would simply swap out one brother with the other and arrange some things new to fit the new circumstances.   
Catelyn did feel guilty for it. It seemed cold on her part to agree to swap the brothers as if they were not people with feelings and desires, but she knew that this was necessary. And so she married Eddard Stark shortly after her fathers death, both events changing her life forever and irreversibly. 
----------------------------------Flashback End----------------------------------------
Now a year later they were standing by the window awaiting Ned's family to arrive again. This time Riverrun wasn't mourning the death of their Lord and his heir, but celebrating the birth of their Ladys first son. 
Robb Tully was born three moon turns ago and they decided that now was a good time to officially introduce their son to the Lords of the Riverlands by holding a feast in his honor. Catelyn and her husband had also invited the Starks, they had not expected all of them to come but apparently Rickard Stark’s first grandchild was worth traveling to Riverrun again after only having made the trip just a year ago.
Her husband was worried about his family coming to visit. Not that he told her. Her husband didn't think her worthy of hearing his concerns. 
Family was a hard topic between them. Neither of them were ever comfortable enough to let their guard down to talk freely. Cat was often still overwhelmed with grief everytime she thought about her family and talking about Ned's family would always include Brandon and Brandon was a topic they both seemed to avoid at all costs. 
Sometimes she wanted to push, make her husband share his inner thoughts with her but she was too afraid of what she might uncover if he did. 
Instead she stood next to her husband, looking out off the window waiting. Trying to give him comfort that he probably didn't want from her, for the worries he would not share with her and hoped that their marriage would become stronger one day.
When the Stark banners appeared in the distance, Catelyn Tully's last hope was that this visit would not open up wounds off the past so deep they could destroy them forever. 
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kingsansa · 1 year
Help - I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole again. Currently rereading IY and have some questions (if you have time to answer):
1. Does Jeyne, Cat, or Ned know about Joffrey’s abuse? If so, how did they react?
2. After Sansa left Joffrey, why didn’t her family pay off her loans?
3. Will almost one night stand guy or Joffrey make an appearance? Will Ygritte?
4. Was the camping trip the only interaction between Ned and Sansa? What does Ned think of Jon/Sansa?
5. Do Jayde and Sansa share daddy issues?
6. Would you ever write a prequel with Ned Danye and Sansa? - their relationship seems so very sweet and I love sweet.
7. Sansa seems so very secure considering she looks nothing like the women from Jon’s previous two relationships. Will that security continue or will she freak out at some point?
Thank you for taking the time to read my list of questions. Sorry if these have been asked and answered.
That’s okay! Sometimes when I’m writing, I forget you guys aren’t in my head so you can’t see the big picture like I can and I forget to add some details. I’ll fill you in!
1. Nobody knows but Jeyne. Ever since, Jeyne has been really protective of her when it comes to guys since. Hence her distrust of Jon.
2. She didn’t go back to her family until recently, which was just two years ago. She was too ashamed to ask them for help. By the time she came back, she’d been out of school for quite some time. They asked her if she needed help with money or anything, and she told them that she was fine and she had a great new job (by this time, she had just started working with Jon, so this was true) but they don’t know the extent of Sansa’s debt. They’re aware that she might have a little, but they’re under the impression that Cersei was paying for her tuition—which she was….until things went left. She couldn’t tell them what happened, so she just didn’t tell them at all. So no. They do not know about her loans.
3. No and no.
4. They’ve had some exchanges, but nothing in-depth. Like you’ve probably gathered, their relationship is still healing. But they do have a conversation next chapter. While he was taken aback but Sansa’s marriage and certainly hurt that it happened without him, Cat’s feelings kind of took center stage, and his focus was playing the peacemaker. The last thing he wants is to chase Sansa off again like he did all those years ago. Other than that, he was always a fan of Jon and he does like him as a person for his daughter. So he’s content in that matter.
5. Sansa has daddy issues, but in a similar respect that bee stung sansa has daddy issues. Ned (and Cat to and extent) has always viewed Sansa as his most put together child. So if he didn’t spend as much time hovering over her, it was because he didn’t think that she needed it. No, he doesn’t say it because he isn’t the type to express his feelings like that, but Sansa has always been his golden child (which is why she got away with so much, ie underage drinking and partying. Brynden bailed her out after Frostfangs btw) In comparison, the Poole girls are their daddy’s little princesses, with Jeyne being the littlest princess of them all. So no, Jayde does not have daddy issues. They all have a good relationship with their father. And mother. Jayde is just unhinged.
6. MMMMMMMM. I don’t know. I do adore them as a pairing, particularly in the pre canon of this universe, but I have already gotten people in the comments beating me with a stick, saying that Jon is second choice and Ned was her one true love. I don’t think I’m gonna volunteer to give them anymore of my writing to misconstrue 😭 I love that you love them though! Thank you!
7. Sansa might over think and fall into anxious patterns from time to time, but one thing she is very secure about is her looks. She knows she’s pretty. She’s been told this her entire life. This is a fact. Dany and Val were also very beautiful. But after Jon made it clear how him and Dany ended, she doesn’t really view her as competition. Especially now that she knows that Dany viewed her as competition and since she’s the one that ended up married, she won! So no, she isn’t insecure in that regard. Val was different. If you couldn’t tell, Sansa was half obsessed with Val herself 😭 And despite the fact that she’s blonde, her and Val are of similar build. Also she was so cool, she wanted to be her! So being attracted to her isn’t something that she really holds against him, nor can she considering the fact that they weren’t serious, and he didn’t even seem to care after they broke up. So yes, his ex girlfriends were blondes but I feel like the security in regards to his past comes from the simple fact that Jon has made it very clear he is all about her from the very beginning. He is a one woman muffin. It doesn’t matter what his “type” was before! She’s his type now! He gave her head in a TENT like he is so obviously obsessed with her she isn’t worried about that. I think she’s more worried about it not lasting/changing in the future. Thanks for reading!
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dreaminonao3 · 9 months
Fictober 02 - "Don't worry, I got you." - Brynden/Alysanne
Fandom: pre-ASOIAF
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Supportive (AO3)
“Don’t worry, I got you,” Alysanne Stark assured her boyfriend.
Brynden Rivers chuckled as he tied his scarlet necktie. “I’m not nervous. It’s not as if I haven’t met them before.”
“Bullshit. Yes, you’ve met them, several times, but this is the first time you’re sharing a meal with them as their daughter’s boyfriend. The context is completely different.” She playfully batted his hands away then finished the knot for him. “You face down an army of reporters without flinching, but having dinner with my parents scares you shitless.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is it wrong to want their approval?”
Alysanne rolled her eyes. “If that’s what this is about, you already have it. They both love you.”
“Yes, for helping your father with the Iron Islands situation, but this is different.”
“Mum already considers you part of the family, and Dad respects you more than just about anyone.” She wrapped her arms around his waist, murmuring, “Relax, Brynden. You’ll be fine. After all, you already won over the hardest person – me.”
Brynden grinned as he wrapped his arms around her. “You’re right, and I fight that battle daily.”
She opened her mouth to protest and he silenced her with a kiss.
“So, Brynden, have you and Aly talked about the future?” Lorra Stark, Duchess of Winterfell, asked as casually as she could. They were at the most expensive restaurant in London, at Brynden’s insistence.
Alysanne rolled her eyes. Mum is anything but subtle.
Brynden choked a bit on the sip of wine he had just taken. “Er, nothing specific,” he said once he had cleared his throat.
“Lorra, don’t pry,” Beron Stark muttered before cutting off another piece of his steak. The duke was not nearly as interested in his children’s love lives as his wife, though it was obvious Alysanne was the exception – his pondering gaze kept going between Alysanne and Brynden through the entire dinner so far.
“But,” Brynden went on, “that’s not to say I’m not thinking about the future. In fact, I was hoping to win your approval tonight … and your blessing for when I ask Alysanne to marry me.”
It was Alysanne’s turn to choke on her wine. She stared at him wide-eyed. “What?!”
Lorra’s face lit up. “How wonderful! Of course you have our blessing, Brynden!”
Beron nodded. “There isn’t a better man alive for our Aly.”
“We haven’t even talked about marriage…” Alysanne said weakly.
Brynden gave her a smile that was somewhere between amused and sympathetic. “Are you turning me down before I’ve even proposed?”
She found herself rising to the challenge in his eye. “Propose to me properly, and I mean properly, and then you’ll have your answer, Bloodraven.”
“You heard her, she brought out the alias,” he said, chuckling. “I’ve really put a foot in it now. Pray for my survival, my friends.”
“You’re on your own there, Brynden,” Lorra said, smirking. “I’ve learned never get in front of Aly when she’s on a rampage.”
“Thank you, Mum,” Alysanne muttered before turning to Brynden. “Do you have any idea how exasperating you are?”
He smirked. “Of course – you tell me daily.”
She couldn’t help smiling back. “Just so you’re aware.”
His proper proposal came a week later and Alysanne gave him the only answer she could.
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