#And C) they think shes way way too good for them and deserves better
morelikebaldursgay · 6 months
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FUCK Shadowheart kind of falls in love with the PC regardless of romance triggering as long as you get her approval high enough doesn't it. I'm sorry sweetheart next playthrough.
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netherfeildren · 4 months
10:05 PM
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Joel is exhausted, you're there to make him feel better.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Content Warnings: Post Outbreak; QZ Joel Miller; Somnophilia; Established Relationship; Friends With Benefits, kinda; Free Use; PIV Sex; Unprotected Sex; Creampie; Kind of mean and uncaring Joel, but at least he makes you cum; Rough Sex; Somno may or may not have been previously discussed, but she's okay with it happening; He's in kind of in a hopeless and numb state of mind (likely thing for Joel Miller to be)
A/N: idk man whatever i might look into religion after this
Word Count: 1.4K
Read on AO3
10:05 PM
He’s exhausted.
That sort of tiredness that takes you away from yourself. The sort that takes away rest and peace and the ability to let go. Like you’ve crossed over the edge of the world where sleep is no longer possible, and all you are is sore and dirty and beaten, and you don’t think you’ll ever rest again. It’s just the too hard day, and the too hot sun, and a night that won’t ever end.
 And Joel is tired. 
He knows if he falls into bed now, he won’t sleep. He’ll stare up at the water stained ceiling, the cracks in the plaster deeper than the cracks in his mind, and he’ll find no rest and no peace and no forget, and all he’ll do is remember. 
Pulling his shirt over his head as he goes, he toes one unlaced boot off and then the other, the sweat damp cotton sticking cold and tacky to his back, and it peels off slow, a little disgusting, the grime of his shift all along his skin, in his hair, between his toes and under his fingernails and looking at you, the slow rise and fall of your shoulder as you sleep so peacefully, he knows he shouldn’t touch you, have you, know you. 
He doesn’t really care.
The button of his jeans, sticky, warm summer night air against his already hardening cock, and he watches you. You’re wearing a little white tank, worn and frayed and old as a long past life, ratty panties, too hot to pull the sheet over yourself, nothing but a sheen of sweat for cover. You’re beautiful in the way things aren’t beautiful anymore. Beautiful in a way that makes him not want you. But you’re here, and you’re his, and you give him things he doesn’t deserve, yourself, and Joel is a selfish creature now, bad and bristled in the way this new world demands, so he takes. 
All the time Joel Miller takes things. 
He doesn’t love you because he can’t, because he doesn't have it in him. But there’s peace here, or comfort, or something easy and silent and freely given. Understanding, maybe, which is all anyone can ask for anymore. He shucks his grime covered jeans and crawls over you, and he shouldn’t touch you, never should have, but he does because, again, he’s selfish, he touches you because you let him, because he has nothing else but this to feel good and man about. 
Hooking his fingers beneath the edge of your panties he pulls them down, slow and steady, watching the rise and fall of your ribs, steady heart in the steady rhythm of your breath. You’re still asleep, and he’s going to have you because he can, because you’re his without commitment or ask or demand. Because it’s easy. 
He pushes a soft thigh up high, opening you to his gaze and pulls your cheeks apart gently, dragging a gentle thumb up the crease of your sex as he goes. You hadn’t waited up for him the way you did most nights, and he’s grateful for this, grateful for the fact that you’d spare him from conversation, questions, wants. All the things he can’t give you and doesn’t even really want to because he doesn’t have any of that in him anymore. 
Sometimes, and he’ll admit it because Joel isn’t a liar, honest to a fault, he’ll feel that faint whisper, dream pulse of desire, like a thing he knows exists somewhere in the world just not inside him that beats of  togetherness or commitment or love. Something that beats of all the things he knows you want but he can’t give. 
His thumb against your little clit, and he circles and circles against the warm, damp dryness. You’re not dreaming of him, no immediate well of slick desire, and through his haze, it makes him a little bothered, a little sad if he still had the ability to be sad. But he circles and circles, and you shift and whimper, and then finally, eventually, there’s that drip of want. Sticky and sweet and only for him because he might not love you, but he does possess you, and you’re only for him. 
You turn your face further into the pillow, hips hitching, cunt dripping, a deep sigh and his thumb presses in, tastes the well. You’re warm and hot and tight, and he slicks his thumb in and out of your cunt, fucking you slow and gentle, stretching you a little while you still refuse to wake for him. He wonders what it would be like to love you, to know you dream of him, to dream of you. He shoves your thigh higher, wet enough now, and lines his cock up. 
Joel is tired, but he has this, and it’s enough.
Cockhead notched at your entance, and one thing he does still love: the sight of his too wide head against your too small hole, the sound of wounded hurt you make when he shoves inside and makes you all his. And he keeps himself slow and gentle at first, he doesn’t want you awake, that’s not what this is, he only wants you his and for him, until he’s all the way pressed inside, deep enough for you to wake with hurt and you shift and wiggle and your hips arch like you want to escape or want more but it doesn’t really matter anyways because you’re caught and flayed now. 
“J– Joel?” Soft as a butterfly while your cunt flutters around him. “What’re you doing, Joel?” And if there wasn’t the moan of his own little whore in the sound of you, he’d think otherwise, but he knows you’re pleased to be woken so. You press and clench and stretch like a cat, spine long and lean and fluid, arms reaching for something he can’t and won’t ever give.
He swings his hips back, fucks in again, your cunt’s good and wet now, and the giving’s good as the take. “Don’t worry, baby. Just gotta come. You don’t gotta do anything.” He pulls back again, your pussy flutters and sucks at him, and you plant your hands against the apocalypse stained wall of this poor and sad room in a place that used to be called Boston and let him use you as he needs. Just gotta come in you, he tells you again.
And you might whisper that it’s okay, it doesn’t really matter if you do or don't’. He doesn’t need to know, he doesn’t need to care. Joel buries his face in your throat and loses himself in the wet of your cunt and the heat of your skin, the scent of your sweat, fingers clutching and twisting at your breast, and there's a sound of hurt or want coming from your throat. He doesn't care much about that either. Just take it, just take it, he says over and over. “Just lay there and take my cock.” The sound of your wet, sloshing cunt is the loudest thing in the whole dead world, and he loses himself in it. He counts his breaths, counts his not blessings, only you, and eventually, he fucks deep enough he hits your womb, that place he’s reckless and careless about, and you start to milk him deep. A moan of his name, Joel, sleep addled, love deluded, what else would excuse or allow treatment like this, and you come on his cock like you always do. Long pulls of a too easy, too delicious cunt, the contractions of your womb reverberating through every line of your muscles while you suck him deep and cry into the pillow. Joel swears and sweats worse than he did through his long twelve hour shift, grunting and panting above you. And when he anchors himself above you on locked, bulging arms to watch the drag of your red cunt around his cock, slicked with desperate want for something neither of you will ever have, the way your ass bounces and jiggles against his too rough thrusts, he comes too. Fills you deep and full to the brim, enjoys the spill of it around the place where he fills you, spills himself dry. And he doesn’t feel content, Joel, but he does feel satisfied, he does feel sated. And he tells you that you’ve been a good girl because he knows you like it and knows you deserve it. And if he presses a soft and gentle kiss to the wing of your naked and sweating shoulder, it isn't because he loves you, but because he needs you. 
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pia-nor481 · 5 months
Oscar Piastri NSFW alphabet
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A-Aftercare (what they're like after sex?)
Always cuddles, whether she's resting on his chest or him on hers. I definitely see him being lazy afterwards and is all "do we have to get up, it's so comfortable" but he knows better and does so with a groan.
B-Body part (what is their favourite part of theirs and their partner?)
He actually really likes his cock. Not overly sure why but just does. But also his hands, they can do a lot.
I don’t think there’s one part of his partner that he doesn’t like. But he like boobs. Always has and always will. Seeing them is a pretty bra just gets him off. But he will always have an appreciation for ass.
C-Cum (anything to do with cum)
Oscar likes things MESSY. He will happily cum absolutely anywhere, and he comes a lot. Also taking into consideration Australia's circumcision rate of 10-20% (depending on where you look) I reckon he isn't, and so is very sensitive, so it's quite easy to make him cum.
D-Dirty secret (just a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he might really like the idea of someone watching, he’s a bit of a voyeur. Not many would believe he’s so fantastic in bed. So he’s like someone else to see and say so. Not that her body language doesn’t tell him that. He’s a bit of a show off at times. But it’s always hot.
E- Experience (how experienced are they)
Not very, but he's so willing to learn!! He wants to make her cum because she deserves. If he eats her out he doesn't expect anything back, but he'd never complain. I think he likes to do research and wants to try it out, so immediately he's telling her about this thing and he's all giddy.
F- Favourite position
Oscar loves so many positions!!! He really likes straddling positions where she's on top; any variation of cowgirl or where she's sat in his lap. But he also likes to be on top;any variation of missionary, but in particular when she has her legs around his waist and hands in his hair.
G- Goofy (how serious are they in the moment)
Definitely a mix of both. There's definitely times where nothing arousing or particularly intimate has occurred yet he really wants sex. Or times where they could have a pretty normal conversation while getting railed. But he like more serious sex too- he likes to focus on pleasure-not just cumming.
H- Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes)
I think Oscar's hair is the same colour. But I think he's very well groomed, although he's okay with mess (have you seen his drivers room?) I think this would be something he's quite picky about. Always trimmed to a nice length. Have you seen his happy trail? I think he’d be a little scared of razor burn (probably happened once and was suffering) so avoids them like the plague, unless she offers for him when in the shower ;)
I- Intimacy (how are they during the moment? Romantic? Pleasure driven?)
I’m lead to believe he’s very romantic, he wants to show her how passionate he is. He loves her with all of his heart, and what better way to show that than pleasure. He knows that the build up to an orgasm is just as fun as the final climax so he isn’t always desperate to cum.
J- Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
In my mind he doesn’t masturbate often, but when he does he likes to tease. He uses such light pressure that he can’t get anywhere close to cumming. Or he’s so desperate that his main focus is the head, he just rubbing an open palm against the tip, moaning while is eyes roll back. However he doesn’t like to Jack off, he’d prefer her hand or mouth.
K- Kinks (one or more of their kinks)
Switch- if it wasn’t made obvious I think he’s the perfect example of a switch. He’s equally as submissive as dominate, and it makes for a really good sex life. With his dominance, I think it comes mainly position and instruction; there will be times where he just picks her up by the waist, places her on the nearest surface and just fucks her brainless
Bottoming- is this even a kink? Well it’s here now. I think this came about from his little research moment, he saw a lot about how much pleasuring the g-spot could heighten his orgasm and practically begged for it.
Temperature play- I think ties into a fondness for toys. But also, now hear me out, when he’s getting a bj and there’s lots of spit on his cock, he likes when she blows air onto it, giving a cooling sensation.
Voice/sound- he loves when there’s some kind of music playing, but he also loves just hearing her voice, maybe it’s because he likes being told what to do.
Praise/degradation- this can be read in the context of either dom or sub. But he’s loves degradation with a mix of praise. “Such a slut, so good for me.” Praise him because he derives it!! But call him a slut for looking at lando like that. Oscar loves to give praise after sex, sweet nothings and pillow talk is his specialty if he’s coherent.
L- Location (their favourite place)
I’m going to have to be basic in saying the bedroom. However not just the bed. Say you’re picking out some clothes from the wardrobe, if you’re trying things on, you should know it’s not long until you’re being pushed up against the door.
Round two in the shower are a must.
M- Motivation (what gets them going?)
He really likes dirty talk, but the subtle kind. Or if you whisper in his ear out in public “I can’t wait to get home and have your cock in my mouth” he’s already semi hard. “I think it’s time we leave”
Lingerie- I imagine him to really like baby dolls or really pretty/ intricate bras and panties.
N- No (what turns them off)
CNC-he can’t see the appeal of it.
Spanking- I’m talking more about 5+ with the intention of it really hurting/being a punishment. He definitely likes to tap her ass. But not leave it so red and sore that she can’t sit.
O- Oral (preference on giving or receiving. Skill)
I think he may slightly prefer giving. Just seeing the pleasure he can give with his tongue/hands. He’s very skilled in eyes, I think that he’s desperate to please and so found different techniques to see what would work best. Oscar *fuck me eyes* Piastri like to be on his knees while you ride his face. However, when he sees how enthusiastic she is about blowing him, how can he say no?
P- Pace (Are they fast or slow? Rough or sensual?)
He definitely prefers slow and sensual, but he does like it rough from time to time. He knows variety is super important and is very willing to give that. I think post race win!Oscar definitely likes hardcore, he feels like he deserves it.
Q- Quickie (their opinions on them? How often?)
I think he can see the appeal and is quite happy that he can cum pretty fast, the risk of it is nice so he does enjoy them. But he would definitely prefer hours long to have his way with you.
R- Risk (will they experiment? Do they take risks?)
He loves to experiment. He knows to switch up his technique every so often, switching from deep thrusting to short and shallow. The following week maybe he tries to milk her g-spot. He will always keep it interesting
S- Stamina (how many rounds do they go for?)
I believe he can go for quite a few rounds but he has a long refractory period. You have to wait quite a few minutes to even dare to touch his cock after cumming. But it will take him a while to cum again. But he’s easy to overstimulate
T-Toys (do they own any? Do they use them? On a partner or themself?)
Absolutely loves them!! His personal favourite are vibrators. He loves using them on her, as well as on himself. If he was really spending the whole night focusing on her, his mouth and hands will need a break. So he’s ready to get out a rabbit or a wand. He might like handcuffs but it can be a spur of the moment thing, even if he’s in control. The first time he used one (a vibe) on himself he came in under five minutes, and overstimmed himself. He didn’t focus on the shaft enough. But he later realised to use a slow vibration and apply less pressure. His favourite dildo is 6-inches btw.
U-Unfair (how much do they tease?)
He loves being teased but not edged. When he wants to cum he should be allowed to!! Or he’ll pout. Slowing down while blowing him is one of his favourite things. But he also loves to tease back. He’s NOT all talk. He’ll make you wait for hours before you’re allowed to cum. Only kissing around your cunt. Or just twisting/sucking your nipples. But you won’t cum. Foreplay is a favourite of his.
V-Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
When dimming he’s not quiet, but not loud. He’s definitely making noises. He groans and had a very low moan. But the more he cums the higher and louder the moans become. He’s very breathy if that makes sense.
W-Wild card (a random headcanon)
He really loves flavoured lube. He’s got all of the fruity ones in the bedside table. He just thinks it’s nice to spice it up as lube isn’t just used on his cock or her cunt. Yes he does like whipped cream and sweet sauces, so he cheats on his diet quite often.
X-X-ray (how big are they?)
Definitely more thick. Although I can imagine 6/7 inches I’m not sure why.
Y- Yearning (how high is their sex drive)
Not very, he just gets very caught up in the moment. So one day he’ll be begging for hours on end for pleasure as if he didn’t have morning sex or didn’t bend her over the sofa two hours ago. Other days he just doesn’t feel like cumming at all. But if you asked he’d definitely eat you out, or grab one of the many toys scattered around his messy room. Overall some days are 0/10 others 10/10
Z-Zzz (how quick do they fall asleep afterwards?)
Oscar Piastri sleepy boy confirmed. He loves his sleep so much, so pretty quick; especially it was very sensual and romantic. But if the sex was more rough I think the adrenaline would keep him up for quite a while.
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Help why is he so pale. Like you’re from Australia babe, how are you as white as me. (I’ve not stepped foot in the sun for 3 years.)
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rivatar · 5 months
Do you still hate me?
w/c: 2.7k
Pairing: Aged!Up!Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: explicit smut, enemies to lovers, reference of rape, fist fighting, mean Neteyam, dominant Neteyam, cussing, some degrading/dirty talk, porn w plot, I think that’s it??
Summary: enemies to loverssss w Neteyam! Lo’ak is your best friend and it’s caused a rift between you and Neteyam. Hatefulness turns into desire.
A/n: Hey guys! Just wanna let everyone know that I’m only gonna be writing porn w plot lol. So all my character are aged up. I like to have a backstory that builds up the tension, I think it’s so much better but I’m sorry if you think it’s too long or it’s not your thing! Also PLEASE send me ALL your requests and I will do them but please note that I’m only gonna be doing pairings with Jake, Neteyam, and Lo’ak. Enjoy!! 😘
“Hey, wait up!” you call out to Lo’ak. You two were exploring the forest of Pandora, a pastime you’ve both always enjoyed since you were little kids.
“Keep up loser! Not waiting on your skxawng ass!” he yells, not looking back and continuing to run and leap along the terrain.
You and Lo’ak were best friends, platonic soulmates really. Y’all were known for your mischievous behavior and carefreeness, though it’s toned down a lot now at your ages, you being 20 and him being 21. He liked to tease you and call you a baby although he was only older by a few months. Typical Lo’ak behavior.
Growing up you could always count on him for a good time, he was always making you laugh and cutting up with you after your daily schooling and duties were done. The grown ups and your parents would tease you both that you would grow up to be mates. You both thought ‘ewwww’ to that and still do. You loved him very much but not in that way. You were never jealous over each other, you both could talk about your crushes and so forth. There was a sense of respect in your friendship, and being okay that you were just friends and y’all truly didn’t want to ruin that friendship with anything romantic.
Now huffing and puffing and hunching over to catch your breath, you finally caught up to him since y’all were at the edge of the cliff now, right beside a waterfall. It was beautiful.
You stepped to the edge and he playfully tapped you as if pretending to push you off. You get into a play stance and aim to grab his tail. “Skxawng!” you laugh.
“Coming from you?!” he counters. “Hey, mom said she was making teylu tonight, your favorite. Come eat?”
You consider it for a second. Your parents often complained you were at the Sully’s too much, especially when Lo’ak invited you for dinner. And there was also gonna be Neteyam over there… the grumpiest asshole who often tested your patience. But you thought of the mouth-watering teylu and forgot about everything else.
“I guess so. Not because you asked but because I want teylu.” you teased. He just rolled his eyes with a smile and you two headed back to the Sully’s hut.
Back at the hut, you and Lo’ak entered in. “Y/n! I’m glad to see you, will you help me finish dinner?” Neytiri asked. She’s always liked you. “Of course!” you smiled.
After you two finished making dinner, she called everyone to come gather to eat in a circle. You took your usual place next to Lo’ak. Then Neteyam walks into the room. He makes eye contact with you and instantly tenses up. He looks away and resumes his broodiness. He was always like this around you. You would catch him laughing and being carefree around others, but it seemed like he absolutely hated you. Like your presence just sickened him. You couldn’t understand why though, all you ever were was nice to him. So now you do hold a grudge against him as all your efforts to be nice have done nothing.
Everyone ate dinner and made small talk about their days. You avoided eye contact with Neteyam of course. “Thank you for dinner mom, it’s delicious.” Neteyam says. “Thank you son but y/n helped me with it, she deserves some appreciation too!” Neytiri chirps.
Neteyam slowed his chewing and looked over at you. “Thank you, y/n” he mumbles. The tension is palpable and the silence is awkward. Everyone knows Neteyam doesn’t take well to you, though they don’t understand why.
After dinner, everyone starts cleaning and doing their own thing as they get ready for bed and settle down. You were looking for Lo’ak and about to cut the corner as you heard him and Neteyam speaking. You freeze and listen closely.
“Why do you always bring her for dinner? You know it’s family time. And plus don’t you ever get tired of being with her all the time?” Neteyam spits.
“Bro, why do you hate her so much? She’s done nothing to you and she’s my friend. Get over yourself,” Lo’ak storms away and before you can move your hiding spot, he runs right into you. You were definitely caught listening and he sees your hurt face. He ushers you away where Neteyam can’t hear or see you and starts trying to calm you. It doesn’t work much and you decide to just head home since you feel so unwanted there. Lo’ak offers to walk you back but you decline and say you want to blow off some steam on your walk by yourself.
As you were walking, all these thoughts were going through your head. You were distracted and not paying attention to your surroundings. Then you hear chuckling and low voices. You turn around and see two guys who you recognize but don’t know their names.
“Hey pretty girl, what’re you doing out here so late and all alone?”
The other one approaches you and you try to back up but are backed into a tree. He slides his finger underneath the strap of your top and smiles menacingly at you. “It seems like she wants some attention, huh? Like she’s asking for it..” they chuckle.
Your eyes are wide with fear and adrenaline is coursing through your veins as the realization sets in that you are in serious danger. You regret not letting Lo’ak walk you home.
Then suddenly the one closest to you is stripped away and falls to the ground. It takes you a minute to recognize who it is now punching him ruthlessly and you see that it’s… Neteyam?
The other one tries to get Neteyam off his friend but then he gets sucker punched into the oblivion. You’re just gawking but then finally snap into reality. “Neteyam, stop!!”
He hears your plead and stops. He raised up slowly and is peering down at the guys with their faces bleeding now. “Stay the fuck away from her or next time I’ll kill you both.”
They scatter off and don’t say a word. You’re breathing heavy because a lot just happened. You glance at Neteyam and he holds your gaze as his chest heaves up and down. He turns and starts walking away. Where is he going after what just happened??
“Neteyam, wait!” You run up and grab his arm to turn him to you. His eyes bore into your soul. There’s just a moment of silence as you try to think of the words to say.
“T-thank you for saving me… from those guys” You look down at the ground because you can’t hold his intense eye contact.
He barely nods his head in response and backs away. “You shouldn’t be out here alone this late. Stupid girl. And maybe you should put some more clothes on, you leave nothing to the imagination” He scolds.
Stupid? This was his fault! And commenting on your lack of clothes?? Hell no. “Then next time don’t save me, mighty warrior.” You mocked. “I don’t need you and you don’t impress me like you do everyone else. And you’re not the boss of me”
He just chuckled. “No but if you were mine you would know who was boss.” He towered over you.
Huh? This is outrageous and the most you and Neteyam have ever talked and this is how it goes??
“You’re CRAZY” you shout and push him hard on his chest. “I hate you.” You push him again.
His ears fold back. He can’t hold back anymore.
He grabs both your forearms and pulls you all the way to him and bends down to your ear. “You know what, sevin? I hate you too.” He pulls back and his eyes lock on yours. “I hate how bad I’ve wanted you for so long and you would never even look my way. Too occupied with my brother. I bet you’ve already let him fuck you. I could almost kill him for the fact you’ve always chosen him and not me.” He’s near trembling from a mixture of anger, hurt, and desire.
The truth was he hated seeing you with Lo’ak so much because it was a constant reminder that you weren’t with him. It frustrated him that Lo’ak was the one who got to spend time with you and make you laugh. It should be him, not his baby brother.
His confession has you dizzy, confused and breathless. You couldn’t believe what he just said and questioned if you were in a dream for a second. But no, this was real. Your body was betraying you by being hot all over from his scent in your nose and his breath falling on your skin.
His eyes are searching yours for answer, for anything. You really are just speechless though. He sighs and let’s go of you, ashamed. He goes to walk away and you grab him again to swing him around toward you.
“I’m sorry…” you reach up to hold his cheek with a light touch. “I didn’t know…” your voice cracks a little. “You should’ve told me, you idiot.” You pause for a second, “Lo’ak has not had me. Nobody has.” You confess.
You feel like you’re having an out of body experience but it feels so right. Maybe you were too tired but you honestly felt that Neteyam was being genuine. This realization quickly turned into need.
You go up on your toes to surprise him with a kiss. It’s sweet and warm. You loved the taste of him. You wanted more.
“I’m so sorry, y/n. I have handled this wrong and I am an idiot.”
He swooped back down to press another kiss on you. You open your mouth a little to let his tongue swipe in. The feeling goes straight down to your core that’s gaining more and more slick.
He pulls back and takes a deep breath in. “I smell you, tiyawn. You smell like heaven.” You blush at the fact that your body can’t lie to him. You do want him, want him bad. Even after all his bullshit. But you decided to put your pride aside.
“I need you, Neteyam. Please” you beg. His eyes turn from gentle to dark. Not in the way you’re used to seeing, but dark in a way that was primal. Like a predator watching it’s prey.
“Are you sure?”
You nod yes. He wastes no time and swoops you up bridal style. You look at him with questioning eyes as to where you’re going. “What’s the matter, sevin? Thought I was gonna take you right here for everyone to hear and see?”
Once he finds a nice secluded spot with cushiony moss, he lays you down swiftly on it.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this,” he lowers himself on you and plants sloppy kisses on your neck and collar bone. Your breath quickens.
“You’ve no idea how long you’ve visited me in my dreams” he kisses lower, hand snaking up under your top to reveal your breasts.
“Fuck” he breathes. He squeezes his eyes shut and his head drops down. “I could almost cum at the sight of you”
He latched onto one nipple, gently nibbling on it with his teeth. He takes the other in his finger and starts pulling, pinching, rolling.
“Oh!” You cry out and arch back.
“That’s right, syulang. Gonna make you feel so fucking good”
He starts kissing down your stomach and around your hips as he unties your loincloth and slides it down.
“Fuckkk. You’re soaked, y/n. All for me?”
You nod frantically. He grins and gathers some slick from your aching cunt. It glistens on his fingers as he admires it. He sucks them clean.
“So sweet. So fucking sweet”
He lowers himself down to let his face hover over your sex, pulling your soft, plush thighs on top of his shoulders. He looks up at you through his eyebrows and starts feasting.
Electricity courses through your veins and you feel high. “Neteyammm” you whine pathetically. He continues lapping you up and the sounds are straight up sinful. You didn’t want it to ever end.
“Don’t stop!!” You cry. He just moans and groans on you, sending vibrations through you, hitting the spot.
You feel the high coming, it feels overwhelming and all consuming. You have no control over your body now, he has you completely.
“Gonna cum!! Neteyam!!” You pant and squirm, trying to get out of his hold.
He inserts a finger into your hole, “Cum on my face, pretty girl”. His low voice and words send you over the edge. You see stars and your eyes roll back to your head.
“HOLY FUCK!” You scream. He lets you ride out your orgasm on his fingers and face. He’s now covered in all your juices and licks up as much as he can.
“Shit, y/n. Wanna taste you forever” he groans.
You’re panting trying to catch your breath. Eyes half lidded and looking delirious. He raises up and you shift your gaze down to his tented bulge. “Show me” you point with a weak finger.
He flashes a big grin. “Being bossy are we? Who’d I tell you was the boss around here?”
You roll your eyes and softly chuckle. “Please Neteyam. Don’t tease me.” You wiggle towards him and open wide. You look up at him with siren eyes. The playfulness in him goes away and is replaced with hunger once again. He unties his loincloth and tossed it to the side. You bite your lip in anticipation.
He lines up his cock with your entrance and pushes in. The stretch was so good, as he brushed past all the right places. You looked at him and you both held eye contact, staring into each others souls. As he pushed and pushed you both shared looks of pain and pleasure, mouths agape and eyes fixated on the other. He finally bottomed out as far he could go, you couldn’t believe how full you were. Full of Neteyam, your worst enemy. Or so you had thought.
“Ready tìyawn?”
“Yes!! Go!!” You beg. He pulls out and slams back in.
“Oh, fuck!!” You yell. He starts a pace that has you losing your mind. He lowly groans and occasionally grunts.
“I wonder what your best friend Lo’ak would think about you under me, huh?”
You can only manage to moan in response. You can’t think about anything but your pleasure and Neteyam’s dick stuffed inside you.
He grabs your face and gets nose to nose. “Tell me, will Lo’ak ever get to see you so needy under him like this?” He never stops with his pace, skin steadily slapping and breaths and whines collecting in the air.
“N-no. We’re just friends” you whisper.
“Yes!!! Please Neteyam!”
“Please what?”
“Make me cum!!”
He growls at your needy plea and fucked out appearance. He speeds up and buries his face in your neck. He’s losing it and feels his own release approaching.
“Shittttt, y/n. You feel so damn good. Please don’t let this be the last time I ever get to be in this pussy” he breathes on you.
You’re so fucked out you can barely form a complete thought but you understand his request. “It’s yours Neteyam! All yours!!”
He moans in appreciation. You feel the coil about to burst and hold onto him tight as he rocks into you ruthlessly.
“Mmmmmmm” he’s muffled from being in the crook of your neck.
You both cum at the same time, spasming on each other. He releases his load inside you and you take it in greedily while you come down from your climax. He stills and goes limp on you.
“Do you still hate me?” He jokes.
You roll your eyes and swat him playfully. “The bigger question is how are we gonna tell Lo’ak?”
“We’ll worry about that later. For now, sleep.” He kisses your head and you both fall asleep on each other peacefully surrounded by the forest.
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comfortless · 3 months
so. please consider: König is a prince (yeah we aren’t going full king this route, maybe he has an older brother or some complications having the throne to himself but either way he has some power just not all of it lol) and reader is part of a performing troupe that usually acts out plays outside of the castle. he goes out to watch them and becomes so desperate for her that he gets /her/ to perform as /him/ when the plays are about his heroic deeds or whatever.
i have had this idea stuck in my head for days and i just know you can bring it to life 🩵
the evil little König in my head took over. no one look at me. 🥩🏰
prince!König x fem reader.
content/warnings: 18+. minors do not interact. dubcon. mentions of adultery (not committed by reader or König), corruption kink (virgin!König), cunnilingus, light roleplay, scent & praise kink, smut (piv), reader is kind of evil here (König still manages to be worse), allusions to abduction.
“You are certainly lovelier than my wife, the Queen!”
He had his sword drawn, not high enough to elicit panic, but just enough to know that yes, there was a very present threat. This could be a bloodbath in an instant. Speak another word — he won’t refrain. He feels his teeth grit, grating, ash in the mouth and in the air.
The actors are unaware where they are stood on stage, and the mass of bodies surrounding barely take note of their Prince. A phantom. Loathed thing that he has always been. More hated than even their lecherous, stupid king. There’s only one thing he’s good for and it’s never been politics; there’s no need to garner up public appeal when your stage is a foreign field littered with blood and corpses.
Another insult to his poor mother and the city could be one too.
From a small wooden booth acting as a prop depiction of a brothel, steps a woman. Barefoot, bare flesh, the only thing she wears is a breast band and a loincloth of finely stitched lace. She isn’t a whore, not in truth, but she looks the part of the women his men rush to the second they’ve returned home. Ale and sex in abundance, and he’s never had the focus for the latter after a round of the former.
He watches as she sways, draws her hand to her forehead and bats her lashes while her other trails up her thigh to the hem of the piece concealing her womanhood. She stops with a laugh, turns to the crowd with sparkling eyes and says, “You lot should not cheer! The Queen surely deserves better than a womanizing fool!”
König’s never been one for plays, how tactlessly they slander the royal family and make jest of current affairs. This troupe, though… he thinks it’s done in taste. Or maybe it’s just her.
Even as the aging performer with his weathered face and messy gray beard acting the part of his father rushes to the pretty thing on stage and paws at her waist, König can not tear his eyes away.
The scene reaches its end when the brothel is burned, enacting something horrible the king had done several springs ago. Bereaved, the woman returns to the stage and bares her breasts, monologuing so sweetly as she feigns tears for her fallen sisters.
König swears to be nothing like his father but he still finds his trousers fitting more tightly at the sight, not foul enough to touch himself here, if ever at all. His heart aches with each fragile word spilled from those plush lips, and his cock demands further engagement with each gentle sway of her body and heave of her round tits.
His sword slots back into place at his hip when the scene comes to an end: the crowd a storm of laughter, the fire of the torches illuminating the street flickering, the actors dissipate behind the wooden stage, and all at once the play is over.
Tactless and impulsive, he thinks to thank her for not furthering the set-up for a joke, looks the part of a proper fool when he makes his way backstage where she’s sat wiping away carmine from her cheeks. The actress’ eyes go wide and hazy when she catches sight of him towering over her, the cloth and mirror slipping from her hands to rest on the table.
Of course, she takes it as a warning, asks him if he would prefer they only act out the current affairs— the recent siege of the southern kingdom, maybe? Or a story about the harvest festival? The gods or beasts? Anything she can sputter out to the man she easily recognizes as being the Prince.
König only finds himself further endeared when she dips her head as if ashamed and moves to conceal the bare skin of her stomach as though it would be insulting to see her in such a state of undress.
He excitedly tells her about the siege, of how he slaughtered those treasonous men and so valiantly brought their women and children to the capital to live much more honest lives, boasting while she looks on in acute, wonderous horror. That’s what he chooses, even pulls his hood from his face and drops it into her lap when he tells her she has to play his part.
The actress explains to him, docile and sweet, that she’s never played a male role and certainly lacks the stature to accurately represent him of all people. To which, he laughs, bids her a farewell with a flick of his wrist and wanders back out into the cobblestone and muck to finish up his patrol of the city.
A fortnight later, she returns to the stage in hastily put on armors, his veil hanging proudly about her head, a wooden sword clasped tightly in her hands. The crowd watching laughs at her expense as she tries in earnest to perfect the way she imagined his sword must have danced during that siege. The male actors fall with each tap of the weapon’s tip, and her voice takes on a forced, deeper tone when she speaks her praises to the kingdom she’s pilfered glory for.
König only sees fire, not in the flames of torches but lain out before him, a heat that courses from the picture of this beautiful little doe on stage straight down to simmer in his chest, his stomach. She’s so cute, pretending and doing her best just to appease him that he finds himself backstage again once the play concludes.
It’s just to talk, to congratulate her on a wonderful performance. He even presents a hefty sack of gold coins to her when she returns his veil, and she marvels at the donation, takes each piece and turns it in her fingers for a time before setting the little bag on the table.
Her brow scrunches for a moment before she settles on offering her hand out to him, fingertips ghosting over his upper thigh, loitering on the armor shell protecting him and drifting further up until he takes her hand and interlocks their fingers. Surely then, the actress comes to realize that her prince is as pure as the sisters in their temples.
She breathes out a laugh and shakes her head.
“I mean to pleasure you, my Prince,” she says, less meek now and more insisting. Her hand draws back to remove the prop armor from her body, eyes never leaving his own.
Though he considers the woman’s offer heavily, pulse stampeding and heart aching, he does eventually will himself to voice a weak refusal.
Never does he keep himself holed away from her for long, even after; König returns for each play whilst his men go about patrolling the city for prowlers and thieves. He watches each performance and continuously seeks her out backstage after. They talk each time, with him offering his suggestions and her clamoring for excuses as to why, no, she isn’t fit to play his role for another fight or some drab court meeting.
Finally, the same song and dance proves too much.
This night, there is no play and König still finds himself in the room cluttered with set pieces and props. The other actors have gone about seeking their own affairs for the evening; bedsides to coax comfort from or mugs of ale and bowls of bone to drown themselves in whilst gambling away the coins the hungering crowd has thrown their way.
She sits with him, perched up on her little table wearing nothing at all. Her skin is lit aglow by candlelight, the incense burning bathing all in the welcoming, warm comfort of lavender and rosemary. There’s ash in his chest again when he finds himself at her side, already aching with a want that should not exist, one that he would deny in full with bared teeth and blurry vision.
Only, she doesn’t prompt him with questions when her palms splay flat at the chest of his tunic, just grins like a wolf given a fat leg of mutton when she feels him begin to tense. She assures him that she’s only teaching him to act after demanding that he kneel, catches his jaw atop her hand and guides his face between her thighs where he then pants and groans at the foreign, enticing scent.
It awakens something in him, something bathed out and buried in blood, the very same that courses through his veins like a violent river now. A feral look and an iron grip on her hips that would leave bruises is all she gets. All until she hisses out the words, “I am your princess and you will do as I ask.”
The first lick is hesitant, clumsy, his stubble grazed over her most sensitive parts as he slips his tongue across the smoothness of her slit. He doesn’t have an idea of what he’s doing, only enacting the vile things he’s heard men about the castle speak of, how to properly take a woman apart and push her to not only want, but to need.
Mostly, she’s unimpressed.
When he gathers her taste on his tongue, he becomes a man possessed, ripped away from duty and sovereignty and brought down to the lowness of mere swine. He groans into her cunt, laps and suckles at anything his tongue and lips can touch, savors the sight, dewy and swollen when he presses a kiss to the bud that finally does get her to purr.
“Sweet boy..,” she coos to him when her hands find his hair, petting him so gently as he continues to lap at her clit. “You’re taking such good care of your princess, yes?”
His mind blanks entirely, driven forward with a renewed, feverish vigor as he dismantles her wholly with a drooling mouth and an unrelenting stare. Rationality should have pulled him away before it ever got to this point; she’s a peasant, and he can’t run amok fathering bastards and condemning himself to Hell for a simple woman. But that’s all beaten back by her taste, the way she writhes in his hold, keeps whispering her praises and lacing those soft fingers through his hair… no amount of devils or men could pry him from her cunt.
Only she does when her voice comes in a pant and her grip tightens to pull him back. The table, his face, all sticky and wet with what must have been her very essence, drawn out by a man lacking experience but so unknowingly eager.
“Take off your clothes,” comes her next demand, one he obliges with a great hesitance.
The tunic is pulled away with shaking hands, the tie of his trousers next. He mutters a curse below his breath when his cock springs free, so erect and angry it looks painful. The tip drools just as much as that fluttering heaven between her legs, pearly beads of preejaculate leaking down to stain the fabric and further condemn him to this impromptu fate.
He jerks when she wraps her hand around him there, whines when she leans forward to kiss its head.
“I can’t…” His voice sounds weak to his own ears, pathetic and miserable as he makes a mock attempt at prying her away with a gentle press to her shoulder. “My princess… we should not.”
He’s almost certain she’s a devil herself sent to exact some punishment upon him when her lips curl up into a grin and she lies back with her knees drawn to her chest. She speaks such words to him then that he would not dare to ever repeat, songs only the unknown could sing. An angel, perhaps, when she slips a finger into herself to demonstrate to him just what should be done… there, with panting breaths and whispers of heaven.
And finally, when his cock throbs and kicks at the sight, all resolve is entirely lost. He positions himself over her where she guides the tip of his manhood to her slit, praises his size when his hips give an involuntary twitch and he slightly dips into her, sampling her warmth and the resistance from something so thick pressing into her.
His world crumbles at the sensation, cobblestone replaced by the raging heat of brimstone and an obscene lust that clouds his mind and leads him to spear her open to his hilt.
He finds holiness in their union, bites back a roar when her walls tremble around him. She only laughs when his teeth find her shoulder, only sings more hymns into his ear as he fucks into her cunt at a reckless, brutal pace. The words don’t register, far-away and distant amidst the roaring tide of sensation. She’s so tight, so wet and yearning, quivering beneath him and clawing down his back.
“We shouldn’t, hm?,” she whispers in his ear, teeth grazing the lobe. His strokes become even sloppier, each thrust stuttered and heady when the sound of her voice pulls through the haze of bliss. “My sweet boy is so good at this, though…”
His voice is nearly a wail when he loses himself fully then. He holds the back of her thighs, fucks himself through an orgasm that leaves his head spinning and his body shaking as though he’s come down with some wretched fever. And perhaps he is ill, because he can’t bring himself to think of anything more than the divine rapture of stuffing his seed into the warmth of her pussy, can’t bring himself to pull his cock out of her even when he begins to soften.
His face is buried against her neck, professing his endless love as he breathes her in and ruts into her over and over until his cock is once again stiffened and drooling inside of the very cunt he would die to keep.
Surely, when her troupe begins to pack to drift further out into the kingdom for their performances to be seen… he could accuse them of slander, have the old man playing the part of the lecherous king executed, the others thrown into rat-infested cells, and the little princess tethered to his bed to warm his heart and his cock.
He will kiss away her tears, tell her that all could be forgiven if she would only let him make an honest woman of her.
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fillinforlater · 5 months
A little pre-Christmas breeding perhaps?
Feeling your hot thick cum inside of her only encourages Sakura to dance harder 😉
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Both of you managed to not get caught but Chaewon knows something is up when Sakura has that burst of confidence and energy. Just thinking about it distracts Chaewon and she makes a cute little mistake when performing (Chaewon actually made a mistake during AAA performance 😂)
Knowing Chaewon is starting to get suspicious but deep down she's also a needy girl (Or so you've heard).
Would you continue to secretly fuck Sakura until Chaewon inevitably comes to you? Or would you rip the bandaid off, surprising Chaewon by fucking Sakura in front of her and hopefully convince her to join your frisky activities?😉
The Award She Wants
Male Reader x Miyawaki Sakura (ft. Kim Chaewon)
Length: 509 words
Tags: Quickie, a literal quickie, dialogue only, needy sex, THIGH STRAPS WORLD DOMINATION, prais kink, standing sex, creampie, cumming deep inside her, trying (not?) to get caught, needy_noona!Sakura
(A/N: the definition of late night BFH, as often thanks to @friskyriskywhisky)
"Hurry, we don't have much time left."
"I'm here, I'm here—God, it's so hot in here. The Philippines are killing me."
"What do you think of this? Do you like it?"
"Your face? Gorgeous as always, Noona."
"No! The, the outfit. Does it look any good?"
"Oh, you better not feel self-conscious about it, Noona.
"Please, spin around for me. God, you look so good in this. Sexy, hot, perfect—naughty."
"Your hands, hng! You're the naughty one."
"I love that this dress exposes your navel. It makes you look irresistible, I can't get my hands off of those abs.
"You smell so damn good, Noona."
"You too~"
"The thigh strap is a nice touch. I bet many people want to get their hand underneath it and—"
"Hey, what are you—"
"Lift your leg high like this. Oh lord, Noona, I can see it in the mirror: your thighs have gotten rounder. Look how they jiggle in my hands."
"Touch them more, okay? Are they nice?"
"Hm, yes, but what is that? Your ass is hanging out, they will see so much of it. Almost like an Arin fancam."
"Y-you, ah, watch Arin fancams?"
"No, I only watch fancams of you.
"Now, what do you want, Noona? I can already feel your wet pussy; should I finger you? You'd glow so bright on stage after I make you cum."
"Should I pull down the bottom of this outfit—with this way, waaaay too short skirt and eat your beautiful ass?"
"Hng, no."
"Then what do you want, Noona? Tell me."
"I want, I want your c-cum, deep in my pussy! Quick, Chaewon will be here soon!"
"Oh, but last night you wanted me to last forever~
"And now you want to be filled while Chaewon waits outside, her ears on the door of the locker room? Lewd-kkura~"
"Stop, please, just fuck me!"
"Pull them down, I'm already hard for you, Noona.
"And kiss me.
"Let me give you the confidence you deserve."
"Oh fuck, your, your pe-nis is so nice, ah."
"Aw, you're so cute—my tight, little Noona.
"Your pussy, no, your fucking cunt is trying to empty my balls."
"Don't call it that! So deep, so deep, f-fill me."
"You're so lewd, your eyes, you
"Hot-kkura, Noona.
"Fuck, I'm getting close."
"Ah, right there, faster, yes!"
"Noona, y-your cunt, I—
"I could fuck you the entire time, e-every day. I need your snug cunt, and I'm gonna make it my little hole for cum. Be my little cock-sleeve for now, Noona, and, and shine—like the star you are."
"Noona, I—
"Chae-chaewon, wait!"
"I'm cumming, Sakura~"
"Our performance is in forty seconds, what are you still doing in there?"
"Pull them up, quick!"
"What the—who are you?"
"He, he is a friend."
"Yeah, I just got here and—good luck, on the performance?"
"You should not be here—dang it, Unnie. On stage, now!"
"Yes, of course!"
"Who are you, really? What happened?"
"I'm... just a friend? And we, uhm, hugged."
"Seriously? Is that why you got a fucking bulge?"
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romanoffsbish · 4 months
Please, Forgive Me
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
You broke up with Natasha—what have you done? | WC: 1,882
Warnings: Brief Angst | Toxic “Friend” / Natasha (if you squint) | Nonsexual Nudity (18+) | H/C Ending
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“You look really pretty," Valerie, your best friend said with a smile that made your stomach flip into turmoil.
The smile on her face dropped, the sound of your chair scraping against the linoleum the clearest rejection. It made you sick and regretful for the last twelve hours.
It was an adrenaline rush spurred on by another fight with your beloved girlfriend, Natasha... Your beautiful, sweet Natasha with enamoring eyes and a sultry smirk.
You lurched up the dinner you just shared with that traitor Valerie, who smiled at you so tenderly, it was alarming. With her repulsive blue eyes, riddled with darker hued lines to which you confused with safety.
They were dangerous; a dark storm you got caught up in, not much unlike the one you were running through.
You missed the soft pair of green that belonged to the woman who owned the key to your heart and knew the way to unlocking your soul with purposeful fingers.
Looking into her eyes was a luxury only you and Yelena were granted; the halves of Natasha's heart, oh my...
You'd broken that heart only thirteen hours ago, now you were running through the rain to make amends. It was well past midnight but you had to get across town to the compound Natasha was unfortunately staying at.
If only you would have cast that she-devil aside at the first warning Natasha threw your way you'd be safe in her arms right now, likely looking into her eyes that reflected the same heat the fire beside you would've.
Natasha's eyes were your favorite feature, truly. The way they changed your view of her in various places always filled you with wonder on how she saw yours in the first place, she was just too good for this world.
At the compound they were almost always glazed over with a clear authority no one could question. From a side glance you'd see the Black Widow, but whenever she looked your way, which was often when you'd visit, there was a sparkle of humanity reserved for you alone.
Inside the four walls of your apartment her eyes always shined like brilliant emeralds, and her teasing smirk oftentimes softened into a goofy smile; a pure love that unfolded within her irises, right before your very own.
When you were outside she'd usually wear sunglasses, but on the off chance she'd forgotten them you could see the way the sun drew out light splotches of brown. Which fondly reminded you of the days you two spent wandering the countryside, getting lost in forests with shades of green that reflected the same field you got lost in every time you looked into your lovers orbs.
They were complex—guarded, but you had worn down her walls enough to get a peak into her greatest joys and most heartbreaking sadness. You blinked hard, a hand on the freezing call box outside of the compound going unfelt as you tried to forget the pools of sadness.
Those were the last things you saw when you broke up.
The thought alone nearly halts you, the minuscule contents left within your stomach churning tauntingly as if to remind you that this was all your fault. Valerie told you Natasha was being toxic, and in some twisted sense you actually believed the hypocrites words.
You told Natasha she was toxic, and you knew how much that likely shattered her remaining self image.
What kind of person does that to the love of their life?
All of you wanted to push the code and call out to her, but you realized now how selfish it was to expect her to console you. This heartbreak was all your own doing because you truly thought Valerie was your friend, that she was right thinking Nat was being controlling, but she was a two face liar and you were an absolute fool.
Natasha deserved better, your hand fell from the box and you were prepared to walk away, but a soft voice full of exhaustion called through the speaker, "Y/N?"
All you could do was to pitifully whimper her name.
You cast a look down at your watch, a photo of the two of you smiling popped up under a bright red 1:32AM that flashed beneath a raindrop, which magnified the early morning hour that filled you with shame.
There was no time to apologize for the impromptu arrival as you heard the loud buzz that let you in. You resumed your sprint and through your tears made it to the place Natasha stood ready to catch you in her arms. The impact had to have hurt her just as it did you but she stood strong, like an unmovable fortress. A warm breath fanned over your chilled cheek and fresh hot guilt trailed down your cheeks when you felt her relax.
Natasha wasn't angry, no, she was relieved. This was meant to inspire joy in you but it hurt you more. Of course the woman would forgive you just like that.
"I'm so sorry Nat," you wailed, breaking the silence, "Fu-fuck, I can't believe I-I," you couldn't stop the harsh hiccups that stopped your heartfelt apology.
This absolutely made Natasha panic, you had stopped breathing for more than three seconds, she was about to rush you to the medical wing if not for your sharp inhale. "Keep breathing detka, just breathe, please."
You looked up into her eyes and for the first time ever you saw fear, in the bravest set of eyes you'd ever seen.
"I," you tried again but she pecked your lips shut. "I don't need you to apologize detka, you coming back to me is apology enough. I'm not mad, just worried, so please don't fuss and just let me take you inside..."
Natasha was a warrior but right now she was breaking, her eyes were pleading with you to finally stand down. To wave your white flag and let her fix everything.
"Okay," you whispered, and were rewarded with a warm kiss to your cheek that sent a shiver down your spine, which didn't go unnoticed by the worried spy.
Without question the redhead took you straight to her room and ran you a bath that likely rivaled the devil's. The redhead preferred room temp but never backed down from the challenge when it meant she could hold you close. Tonight was different though, even if she didn't need your apology she did need your consent.
In your relationship, that was technically called off, it was always welcome unless announced otherwise.
Natasha made no assumptions, and simply escorted you into the room when she deemed you'd adjusted to the rooms temperature enough before you were set to enter another that would have been polar opposite.
But you stopped her dead in her respectful tracks.
"Stay." She couldn't say no even if she wanted to, the way you looked over at her, like a frightened mouse, it made her forget all of the pain from the prior day.
There was nothing but tenderness in her touch when she tilted you up and slid in behind you. Her arms didn't even have a chance to settle around you as you instantly rolled over. Natasha had huffed in genuine surprise when you straddled her, your arms dangling over her shoulders as your face pressed into her neck. Her muscular arms locked over one another around your lower back and she hummed a soothing tune.
A gentle smile adorned Natasha's face when she heard the first snore then felt it rumble against her skin. She was ticklish and suddenly desperate to clean the both of you up and get you tucked into her Avengers bed.
The first time she heard you call the mattress that with such disgust she became defensive. But, before she could match your energy you elaborated and it was so sweet, how you regarded your apartment bed as hers, that she learned to listen first and question later.
Natasha knew yesterday afternoon that you'd come back, once you've had time to think of course. Not because she was manipulative or cocky either, but because she believed in not only your love, but her gut. She knew that as soon as you saw Valerie's intentions you'd come here to apologize for thoughts given to you.
The glint in your eyes when you're being truthful was missing when you broke things off, and so she knew this was just a standard moment of lived experience.
Natasha knew you wholly, which is why she knew better than to expect you to stay asleep when she left the room. She returned to find you sat up, the sleeves of her hoodie were balled up in your fists that rubbed your eyes in an attempt to make your vision less bleary.
"Detka," she hummed, it was angelic like, "I made you some tea because I wanna get ahead of your cold."
You pouted and shook your head. "Natasha..."
A tense sigh left her and your back straightened.
"I am not mad Y/N," her tone was level and void of unsureness, "you can't sway me because I love you, and I know you were being poisoned by your dear friend."
"Enemy," you corrected venomously and she chuckled heartily, as if your distaste healed her fresh wounds.
"The point is I love you and knew you loved me too."
"I do," you pleaded with pooling tears in your eyes. "You are my one and only Natasha, I'm so sorry."
"Don't cry pretty girl," she wiped away tears that slid halfway down your cheeks. "Don't be sorry either, I think we're stronger than this moment detka."
"But I hurt you, you should hate me." Natasha gritted her teeth and nearly spilled the tea as she set it down with a purposeful slam. "Don't ever say that again."
You blinked in shock as she gripped your chin and forced you to stop staring at the wall behind her, and into her eyes instead. Another sob shakily left your lips as you wordlessly understood the truth in them, she wasn't capable of doing anything else but loving you.
Instead of trying to make your point that she deserved better, which you knew would be futile, you leaned in and kissed her with a gentle passion. "I'm sorry..."
"I forgive you," Natasha relented, giving you a sense of closure even if she didn't mean the words. Her entire life up until you required a ruthless demeanor, but she has taken so well to the softer side of life with you. It was impossible for her to feel the anger she should towards you when you'd done nothing maliciously.
You called her toxic, it hurt; you didn't mean it though.
Intent is everything to the woman, and she knew yours was, ironically, under the influence of another's words.
Plus, Natasha knew on some level that she was toxic—it was something Valerie would come to find out once the redhead finally tapped into the fresh heartbreak...
For now though, she'd hold you close and listen to the way you breathed, a warmth, layered with a sense of calmness crept into her chest and soothed her woes with every subtle reminder that you were still hers.
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thef1diary · 10 months
Don’t Go | C. Sainz
Summary: You and Carlos broke up over a month ago, however he doesn't want it to stay that way.
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Warnings: angst, toxic relationship if you squint
word count: 2.2k
pairing: carlos x fem!reader
"You know what, that's it. We're done!" You yelled at your boyfriend who was blatantly ignoring you while getting dressed for a work event. You didn't even wait for a response from him, mainly because you knew you weren't going to get one. You weren't the type of person to create a scene but your anger got to you. Slamming the door to your shared apartment, you kept telling yourself that you'll be fine without him while tears streamed down you cheeks.
One month later:
It turned out that you were fine without him, mainly because you haven't seen him yet. Carlos had a triple header coming up when you broke up with him, so you knew that he would be too busy anyways which meant you weren't expecting a text or phone call after your dramatic—but much needed—exit from his apartment.
It obviously hurt to leave him, after all you were together for four years. But what hurt more was that he didn't even care that you left. Despite how hectic race weekends could be, you thought that you had at least some sort of importance in his life to at least deserve a phone call.
During that one month, you thought about the four years you spent together and wondered where it went wrong. Carlos was an amazing, loving boyfriend. You understood each other, respected each other, and you truly loved him.
There were moments when he would be extremely stressed out due to his racing results and you completely understood that. The thing was, he would come to you to talk about it all. He would lay his head against your chest and you would play with his hair while he was would tell you everything.
However, the Carlos you knew then was nothing like the one you broke up with. He was distant, cold, and made you feel like you didn't mean anything to him.
You were currently out with your friend at a club because she made it her mission to help you move on. Obviously that meant finding someone else for a night to help you forget about everything but you didn't want that. In fact, you two had been out for a few hours now but you were still completely sober. You were moving on. Not forgetting about it, but accepting the truth. Or at least you thought you were.
You watched as your friend was dancing freely, without a care in the world and you wished that you could be like her. The temptation of wanting to drink was strong, but you restrained yourself because you didn't want to wake up with a hangover. Plus, drinking wasn't your thing. What you needed right now was a cigarette and a lighter, both of the things already in your pocket.
You silently communicated with your friend when she looked at you, telling her that you are going to step out for a moment. You stood in the alleyway where you saw two people making out further away. Turning away from them, you lit a cigarette. Sure this habit was bad, but it could be a lot worse. You weren't a heavy smoker but you always had a pack on you, just in case.
The air was chilly which made the smoke you inhaled feel a lot better than it usually would. The warmth radiating through your body was inviting.
You heard the back door open but didn't face it, thinking the couple went back in. You smelt his cologne before you saw him, and instantly the memories rushed back. Although, you doubted that he knew it was you.
You were right, because he tapped your shoulder and asked for a cigarette. When you turned to face him, he looked quite surprised. He looked good, of course he did, there were rarely any bad days for him. His hair was slightly messy due to the wind outside, and his outfit was quite casual.
He said your name to bring back your attention towards him. You passed him the pack and he commented, "thought you stopped."
"I did." You simply said, implying that you started again after your breakup. You'd still carry a pack on you even though you never touched it, but now things were different.
He nodded, standing beside you while you puffed out smoke. "Thought you didn't smoke." You commented to which he replied, "I didn't."
You could read the implication as well, but you didn't think that he'd ever indulge in this bad habit. He would always tell you to stop, joking around that he will live longer than you.
You didn't like this silence, nor did you want to talk to him. You initially thought that he'd say something, anything. But this silence was deafening.
Throwing the remnants of the cigarette, you turned around to leave but you remembered something so you stopped, "I still have to pick up my stuff, text me a time you're free so I can come by."
The night that you left in anger, you didn't take your keys belonging to your shared apartment, which meant you had to wait for him to be home so you could pick up your stuff.
He followed through on your request and texted you a few hours after your last conversation, telling you to come by whenever because he'd be home for the week.
So here you were, standing in front of the main door to the apartment you once called yours. He opened it after a few knocks, and you had to take a deep breath before you entered. It's finally time to get through this, no matter how painful it may be.
The apartment was exactly the same as you left it, if not messier. "Sorry, I didn't really have the time to clean up." He told you, but you shrugged, "it's okay. I'm not going to be here for too long."
There was a awkward tension between you two, and you decided to act civilized, the least you could do to make your time spent here easier. "How was Spain?" You asked, knowing that his home race was the most recent one. You've always attended his home race, so it felt weird that you weren't there this time.
"It was good, got second place." He said, and you didn't have the guts to tell him that you watched the race, seeing him celebrate with his teammate who won. You also saw the trophy that was undoubtedly new, sitting on the shelf among his others.
If you two were together, you'd surely celebrate his race with other friends and family and even more when you two would've gotten home that night. But that's something that will never happen now.
Walking towards your bedroom, the same one you and Carlos shared, you started gathering your things. Either Carlos didn't want to remove your things or he didn't have the time to do so. For your peace of mind, you are hoping the second reason is true.
You had brought an empty suitcase with you, and while you were filling it up with your clothes, his voice made you pause, "don't go." He was leaning against the doorframe, watching you pack up all your stuff and then planning on leaving this apartment without any trace of your relationship behind.
"You should've said that a month ago," you were quick to respond without even looking up at him. Which is why you didn't see him walking closer and crouching down. He held your hand to stop you from folding your clothes, making you look at him.
"I should've said a lot more a month ago, but is too late to say it now?" He asked as he moved his hand up, placing it on your cheek.
For a moment, you let yourself get lost in his eyes. Mainly because it reminded you of the good times of your relationship, before everything went wrong.
Carlos took your lack of response to continue, "you know, I miss you" those words broke you out of your trance, "I miss the old you" you responded, making him realize the consequences to his actions.
You moved his hand away, returning back to the task at hand. "Can we please talk about this?" He asked, making you sigh. "I'm sorry Carlos, I don't think that's a good idea." You shook your head.
"Why not? It was a bit extreme no, you just walked out on me."
"Like I said, it's been a month. If you wanted to stop me or talk about it then you should've called me or at least make the effort to contact me. But you didn't, and that's exactly why we're over now." You tried to keep yourself in control, watching your tone. You didn't want to leave this apartment while arguing again.
"I was busy with the races you know that-" he tried to reason but you were quick to stop him. "And that's the problem Carlos, you were busy. You've gotten so busy nowadays that I barely see you. There have been times where I had to wait weeks before I could see you again, and even then all you're talking about is the next upcoming race."
He opened his mouth to say something but you didn't let him and continued, "I get it, it's your career, it's something you've wanted since you were a child. But if your career is that important for you that you can't even spend any time with me, then there's no point of a relationship."  You concluded.
You could see when realization hit him, knowing that things won't be the same anymore. You would feel bad but he wasn't there to console you when you felt like that either. You almost scoffed at the idea of him thinking that everything between you could work out.
"You're really choosing to throw away the four years we spent together?"
"I really didn't want to. Trust me, I really, really didn't want this. But I am tired of being the only one holding our relationship together. In the past year, I have seen no efforts from your side." You were brutally honest with him, and despite his expressions saying otherwise, he needed to hear this.
He held your hands again, "don't do this."
"Carlos, why don't you understand. For lack of better words, I'm freeing you from this. You don't have to worry about calling, texting, or even seeing me." The words you were saying out loud were tearing your heart apart and you had no doubt that if Carlos still loves you, he'd feel the same.
"If you think you're not gonna see me or hear from me again, you're wrong. You will see me, and you will damn well hear from me again." Carlos' mood shifted.
"No-" you began but he cut you off. "You've said your part, now hear me out. If you think I stopped loving you for even a moment, you're wrong. And I know you still love me too. If you didn't, you would completely ignore me and not try to convince me why our break up is a good idea. Although it sounds like you're trying to convince yourself rather than me."
You opened your mouth but no words came out because you were speechless. "You think I didn't have a single thought about you while I was away? You're wrong. You're the only person I thought about, you occupied my mind every second of every day for the entire month."
"If you really want to try this whole breakup thing out, sure go ahead. Walk out of my life like you did a month ago, but this time I am not letting you go. If you think you are not going to see any effort from me, again sorry but you're wrong."
"I am so sorry for everything I've done or haven't done for the past year and truly I have no excuse for my actions. But you, darling, are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
You know what Carlos expects you to say. He wants you to forget about it all and go back to how you two were before. But at the same time, he is challenging you to leave, and you never backed down from a challenge before and you won't start now. As much as you love him, you need actions not words.
"You claim to love me right?" You ask and he nods.
You zip up your suitcase and stand up. "I am going to leave, and you will let me. You say that you'll prove it to me, so until I don't see you taking actions for your words, I am not coming back."
He still looks taken aback, clearly not expecting you to do this. But he settles his emotions and nods, "you can leave, but I'm not letting you go."
Carlos is also the type to accept the challenge, and he will do anything to earn your love again. After all, he never wanted to break up, in fact, he wanted to make you his wife. So if he has to work for that, he will.
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sephirthoughts · 5 days
Vincent’s lingering obsession with Lucrecia is excellent drama, but their story is not a doomed romance.
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This is an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Lucrecia deserves nearly as much pity and excusing of her actions as she gets. This is not character-hate post, it's an analysis of a character I think gets short shrift as a Mother-Mary in a bell jar, and deserves better.
Lucrecia is morally grey. Charcoal grey. I love complex, morally grey characters, particularly when they're women, since usually women are relegated to roles that infantilize and objectify them, particularly in video games, which have historically been a very backward, androcentric medium. I strongly dislike brainless victims, subject to the whims of the male characters, without much agency, and Lucrecia was not such a character.
Lucrecia was an adult with agency and brains. She was a grown ass adult. She was a brilliant scientist. She made decisions with her eyes open, and even sacrificed her unborn child to her work. She is a very interesting character. The fact that she didn't idolize motherhood as the end-all of female existence, and that her obsession with her work was stronger than her desire to be a 'good mother' makes her far more interesting than otherwise. The fact that she regretted it later and wanted him back doesn’t magically make her a good person, or change the choices she made. It demonstrates guilt and remorse, which are part of character development. The bottom line is that she committed atrocities in the name of science, then felt guilty about it later, once she realized how devastating the consequences were to her personally. To say she didn’t know what she was doing or Hojo manipulated or controlled her is to infantilize and disrespect her character. She’s not some sacrificial angel who was a victim of circumstances; she was a willing participant in her own downfall.
Lucrecia is a tragic character, but she's not a romantic lead. Except in Vincent's head. After all was said and done, she had one of those too-late changes of heart that make tragedy so emotionally impactful. She had a human reaction to Vincent's death and felt terribly guilty for her role in all of it, as she should. That doesn't mean she loved him, it means she wasn't a monster. She lost her son, and gradually, Hojo's callous inhumanity and her inability to escape the net she wove with her own hands closed in on her. Did she deserve to never hold her baby son and never see him even once? No. But she caused it, with her own actions. That's tragedy. She was miserable, bereft, and riddled with guilt, so she made a last-ditch effort to make something right...by doing more insane science shit that turned Vincent into a monster. Seeing that she'd only made everything worse, she tried to kill herself, but was unable to, and thus ran off to become a crystal statue in a cave (this is a trope that I dislike, but that's the story, so that's what we've got).
Vincent is a bad judge of the circumstances. Vincent persists in seeing her as a lost love, and someone from whom he was unjustly separated by circumstances. The fact that he is so blinded by his feelings for her that he places her on this pedestal and can't blame her for what she did is excellent characterization, and I love it, but it's because he’s wrong. He loved her. She didn’t love him (I think she was in love with his father, but that's just icing on the tragedy cake, at this point). His lingering attachment, not to the real Lucrecia, but to the idealized version of her he has in his mind, is a very sad reality that adds so much delicious pain to his character. In the end, he is unable to blame her, because he loved his image of her (and Hojo is a way easier target for anger, because he's literally the worst), which speaks far more to his personal bias in the situation than to her actual role in it. She’s not moustache-twirlingly evil like Hojo but she’s not Vincent's star cross'd soul mate tragically torn away by cruel fate. Lucrecia was her own person.
In summation. Their story is not a doomed romance, it's a complicated, messy, ugly tangle of thorns, and one of the best written tragedies in a game that literally bleeds tragedy from every orifice. It's got one-sided love, obsession, mad science, betrayal, jealousy, fetal experimentation, murder, corpse reanimation, and a guy who can't die, and is left to deal with the consequences of everyone else's actions by himself forever. No one is innocent and no one comes out unscathed…strike that. Vincent is innocent and Hojo comes out unscathed. But still. Lucrecia is not a holy mother, she's not a brainless victim, and she's not Vincent's lost love. She's a person he loved, and who didn't reciprocate. Most importantly, she's a person. A whole-ass, complex, morally grey, fully developed person, who made terrible choices, then made even worse choices, and in the end, couldn't escape the fate she wove for herself.
And then wound up encased in crystal so she could be a pretty statue forever cause the game devs just couldn't help themselves I guess.
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nehime · 4 months
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Summary. Seeing him again was like seeing the star for the first time.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. fluff, angst, overthinking ofc
w/c. 0.8k
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You had many ex-lovers. You recovered from them easily. So why can’t you recover from Geto? Was he really a big impact in your life? All you felt the night he left was emptiness and darkness. You truly loved him. He did too, he could be your world at that time. But your world had found another Sun at that time. That’s why he left you. On the road, during a heavy rain, he broke your heart without a thought. Oh you hated him. Hated him so much that you can’t even forget about him.
After 6 months passed. You were waiting for a bus home. When the bus didn’t come in time you had no choice but to walk home. It was 9 PM in the evening. When you were walking you saw that same silhouette again. You still couldn’t forget about him. I mean how could you when he was standing right there. Of course in that same smoke-free area, holding a blunt. Even then he shined, glowed more than anything. The moonlight was exactly shining him. It was like seeing a star in the sky for the first time. Oh he was gorgeous and handsome. Of course you fell in deep love with him. No. You still loved him. You didn’t notice yourself getting so happy. A smile tugging at your lips as you mumbled “Suguru?” At the moment he heard your voice, your voice pierced his heart. He missed this voice so much. The last he heard your voice was when you cried and begged for him to stay. So why didn’t he? So why did he leave you disheartened and broken? You stopped smiling, nervously dugging your nails into your palms. The habit you did when you were nervous. Of course Geto noticed. He was with you for 2 years after all. ‘Did he not hear me? Will he not answer? Is he ignoring me?’ was tugging at your mind. Making you even nervous. You were about to pass out from embarrassment until he spoke softly “It’s been a while (y/n)…”
“Uh yeah! Nice to see you again!” you laughed nervously. “How have you been doing? Is life good?” obviously not good without him. You were on top of the world when you were with him. God you missed him. You just wanted to hug him, cuddle him, twirl in his arms and kiss him softly. But will he want that? “It’s been fine” He caught the lie escaping your lips. You were never used to lying. Especially infront of someone you truly loved.
He smiled in response.
“How’s your girlfriend?” What? You’re really asking this? You haven’t even met her. Nor you even know that he had a girlfriend. Widening your eyes in shock from what you just said. Cute. Geto thought to himself.
He chuckled softly “It didn’t work that well between us.”
“Oh sorry to hear that” Concerned smile appeared on your lips. You were really sorru for him. Even though you were happy that he didn’t have any other girls now you still felt sad. Because you know. You know how bad it hurts when someone you love leaves you. Geto must’ve loved her alot to leave you. But maybe now Geto realized that leaving you for her wasn’t worth it. Maybe he realized you were more special than anything. “No it’s okay. We both agreed to our breakup” Both agreed? Was it because she saw that place in his heart that is full of you? Was it because he never fully recovered from you? Was it because he truly loved you and can’t love her the same? “So why didn’t you come back to me?” You said that because he looked happy and relieved when he saw you. You were sure he still felt the same way. Then why was it quiet? If so why was he looking down, looking irritated? Was he thinking that you were shameless? Why did you even bother asking him such questions? Maybe he really didn’t love you any—
“You’re not a toy (y/n). You deserve better. I can’t just come back to you after breaking your heart in pieces. You have a feelings.”
Your eyes were brimmed with tears as you rushed to hug him tightly. You didn’t care anymore, you missed him. So why hide it? Geto dropped the blunt he was holding, gasping in shock as a little smile tugged on his lips. It was nice to be in your embrace his again especially this close. Oh the memories. Geto hugged you back murmuring “Thought you wouldn’t do this. I was worried if things were really over.”You buried your face in his chest, it was actually him you were hugging again, It was his chest, his hands and his soft voice. You murmured “Don’t leave me again” he cackled in response “I really traumatized my little angel huh?” you frowned, mumbling into his chest “You’re such a nuisance god! Just kiss me alr-“ he cupped your cheeks before kissing you, his long digits caressing your neck as he kisses you. “Don’t even think about that, i will never leave you again. I promise angel” He pulled back, looking deep into your eyes. The yearning gaze. You could stare at his eyes for hours. The broken lovers just looking into each other’s eyes as the forgotten love slowly grows back.
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✧ note: been busy lately so this is kind of short!
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fairlyang · 5 months
Special 🕷️
you get brought up on stage (request)
w/c: 3.8K
pairing: magicmike!miguel x f!reader
tags: 18+ smut. one use of y/n, ghostface mask, looks at you, chooses you, practically teasing, lap dance to the extreme, turned on x2, invited you backstage, flirting, stroking, humping, blowjob, interrupted
notes: I posted this on Halloween😭 and also this was a request by a mutual that I don’t think has found this acc yet </3
pony — song 2
It was your friend, Eva's birthday and as usual you were going to go to the club with them, but your other friend Jenna asked why don't you go to a strip club instead.
En route to your usual club too.
So the plan changed and designated driver Alivia quickly changed directions and drove to the strip club Jenna had found.
You were wearing a red lace bralette cami top with black flare pants and heels, and not a dress this time because you weren't in the mood for something tight. But now you were unsure if this was the right type of outfit for a strip club but it was too late to go change.
You had finally made it and the bright neon lights came to view after walking out of the parking lot and to the entrance. You walked to the line, getting ready to get your ids checked which surprisingly went by quickly.
You all walked in together and the inside was the complete opposite of the bright exterior of the club. It was dark and only had a few pillars with red neon lights on them.
And of course with the big stage in the middle with loads of lights. But besides that there was a bar on both opposite ends of the stage, along with lots of tables in front of it.
It was still early, barely about to be 7:30 so your group was somehow able to find a table right up front of the stage.
"No fucking way in hell do I wanna get dragged up there-" Eva says as everyone sits down making you scoff.
"It's your birthday why the fuck would you not want a hot man dancing for you." Jazmin quickly says making the rest of us nod.
"Well first of all I'm wearing a dress, everyone knows they purposely don't choose girls who wear dresses." She says matter-of-factly which only confuses you.
She notices your confusion and continues, "it'd be tougher to do all their moves with a girl in a dress."
You shrug and look up at the stage as the lights turned off, you turn to her and say, "wouldn't be the worst thing in the world though..."
Suddenly the lights come and just as Pony by Ginuwine starts playing there's a man on stage with his back turned to the crowd. He was still fully clothed but as he turned around to look at the already hollering crowd, you noticed he was wearing a ghostface mask.
And as if it couldn't get any better he started dancing while unzipping the sweater he had on, throwing it on to the floor and immediately doing some hip thrusts while he had his arms up.
You yelled along with the other women on the floor because you couldn't help it. And mainly because he deserved it.
The way he was moving his body, to the beat of the music, and in such precision, you could've sworn you were getting turned on already. He had literally just started and the worst part it's not like he was even doing this for you. And it was his job.
Which just meant he was good at it.
And looked good while doing it too.
His biceps were big and toned, you might as well have been salivating as you watched him dance and move around expertly, paying the most attention to his arms.
And his broad shoulders. He looked like a big guy and those muscles looked so fucking good.
He did more hip thrusts and spun before dropping to his knees, hands moving down his body as he slid behind him while moving his hips back and forth. Then standing up, doing a cartwheel and takes his tank top off.
More screams erupted and his torso was just as good as his arms. If not better.
You were barely able to see the six pack he had before he immediately went down to the floor and did some floor thrusts. Your mouth was wide open and your friends next to you were screaming their hearts out.
He then slid to the edge of the end of the stage he was on, sitting there for a few seconds for everyone to ogle him, lifted himself up to do two thrusts then stood up now on the stage in front of you.
He jumped on beat to the lyrics before taking off the tank top he had on earlier, out of his pants-
Your mouth was still wide open in shock because you didn't even notice he put it in there. But you quickly screamed as he threw it to your table making all of you scramble for it but birthday girl Eva was the lucky one to get it.
"Fuck yes!!" She screamed before turning her attention back to Mr. Ghostface.
He then did a few moves looking at each side of the stage before slowly taking off the mask then flipping his hair back. And of course he was gorgeous.
No surprise there.
He dragged the mask down his body before locking eyes with you. He took a couple steps back before throwing the mask behind him. He then walked forward to the front of the stage, has a hand above his eyebrows as if he's scouting out into the crowd then points towards you specifically before turning back around and does a backflip off the stage and lands in front of your table.
Your heart was beating out of your chest and you notice the lights turn off before you felt him in front of you. Surely enough you feel weight on the arms of your chair and his face in front of you. He then moves down and whispers in your ear, "do you wanna come up on stage?"
You feverishly nod before realizing maybe he can't see you, "absolutely!"
Suddenly the lights are back on and he's no longer in front of your face but between your legs. He wraps your legs around his head and then carries the chair you're sitting on up. You quickly wrap your arms behind his head as he drops the chair and in an instant holds you up by your back.
You blurt out curses as you realize how close he was to your crotch but laugh as he carefully places you down on the stage. He slyly got on the stage and his head was by your stomach before he fully brought himself onto the stage and started trusting dangerously close to your crotch.
It was full on torture but the wide grin he was giving you, might've made it worth it.
You were too afraid to touch him so you gathered up some of the bills that were by your head and waved them at him. The grin never falling from his face as he gets up, almost tripping on the loads of bills he had been receiving throughout his whole routine.
He then reached down, grabbed your hands and pulled you up. You straightened up as he brought your hands over his body, letting your trail them along his chest and abs.
You internally screamed and just gasped as you noticed how toned he was up close. And fine, this man was undeniably the hottest man you've laid your eyes on.
He then grabbed your waist and had you walk backwards until you felt something hard by the back of your leg. He had you sit down until your ass was on a chair and you couldn't believe your luck.
He began by dancing in front of you to the beat of the new song that was playing and you subconsciously squeeze your thighs together as you watch the way his body moves.
His eyes were dead set on yours and it only made this whole experience more thrilling. He moved a hand over his body before it stops at his crotch and he does a handful of thrusts to which you happily cheer for.
He then came up to you while on his knees, hands on your shoulders as his head comes up your body, almost touching your cleavage but his eyes were definitely set there before he looked into your eyes. You were mesmerized and could watch him do his thing all day if you could.
He then got on top of your chair, at first kind of squatting over your lap, running a hand over your hair then stands up with his crotch right in front of your face. Your mouth grew dry and it was just making you more excited.
He comes back down, gently caressing your cheek before he jumps off the chair then turns around facing the crowd and flips his body backwards, landing on top of your lap. You watch absolutely shocked as he thrusts on to you then grinds on you slightly before coming back up.
Your mind was already so overwhelmed and filled with thoughts you probably shouldn't be having while getting a show right in front of your eyes.
He stands up again only to do a little spin and sits on your lap, one hand on your shoulder while he brings his body backwards, then lets go but brings a leg up and over your shoulder. You left a hand on his thigh and he then quickly brings your head down towards his crotch.
You laugh again as he sits up, thrusting his hips in front of you before the lights turn dark again and he carefully brings the chair you were on down until it hits the floor. You stayed still not able to see anything until his crotch was the only thing you could see in front of your face, making your body grow hot.
You then see him move his arms forward and he brought the chair closer to him, his crotch now fully being your only view. He then used the chair as support to thrust in front of your face before he grabbed your legs, wrapping his arms around your ass then carries you up.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his waist and you had no other choice but to look at his crotch once again. You let out a shaky breath as you could've sworn you felt him give your inner thigh a kiss.
He then does some fast maneuver, somehow flipping you over his shoulder before bringing you back down to the ground. He gives you a bright smile for a singular second before he flips you back and bends you over, hands on your waist as he full on grinds against you. You held back a moan as he continued and even thrusted against you, you almost forgot there were other women watching this all, including your friends.
He then helped you back up before bringing you back down to the floor again, you laid down no questions asked. He left your eye sight, probably to do some moves for the women in the crowd before coming back crotch back in front of your face.
One thrust before he somehow flips you on to your front, pulling your hair up gently making you gasp before he thrusts into you. He then grabs you, placing you on your side, lifting your left leg up as he thrusts behind you then pulls your leg over and grinds right against your clothed (not so surprisingly) wet pussy.
You cover your mouth as the lights turn into a red and you could see the smirk on his face as if he's only now taking account what kind of reaction you've given him. Surely he was enjoying this too-
He flips over so he was back to thrusting his crotch onto your face but then flips again and drags your body across the floor and now somehow you were sitting on top of his lap looking out into the crazy hoard of women now standing up and closer to the stage.
He bucks his hips up against you then brings you down and flips you over so you were back on your back while his crotch was hovering your face, thrusting again.
He then gets off you and pulls you back up again, then grabs the back of your legs, carrying you as you wrapped your legs around his waist, arms behind his neck. He then starts thrusting into you making you let out an accidental moan into his ear which made him laugh, "enjoying this huh?" He teases in to your ear making you laugh.
He pulls away, still thrusting and you shrug, "maybe.. could you blame me?"
"Don't think I can honestly..." he murmurs as he squats down, hands no longer on you but instead behind your back as he thrusts faster making you gasp before he stands back up.
"Maybe I can help you out." He whispers and you nod, before he places you down and finally the song was coming to its end.
He turned you to the crowd and you could only laugh and hide your face as he blew kisses and thrusted into the air for the hoard of horny women in front of you.
He grabbed your hand and walked to the end of the stage before jumping off and helping you get down. "I'll catch ya in a bit yeah?" He whispers in your ear, giving you a wink before climbing back on stage for his standing ovation.
You stood there shocked until Eva pulls you down to your chair and all your girls scream. You sat there dumbfounded, finding it absolutely unbelievable that you were somehow the chosen one.
And by a fine ass stripper at that.
You looked back up to the stage and right at that moment he gave you a wink before he slipped his ghostface mask back on and ran off backstage. You looked back at your friends and covered your mouth, eyes wide and ready to fall out still shocked. "Lucky bitch."
"That was the hottest thing I've ever seen in my life-"
"So fucking lucky-"
"He was hot as fuck-"
They all spoke at the same time and you couldn't even tell who said what because your body still felt extremely hot and now you just prayed Mr. Ghostface would come get you because he caused this mess.
Another stripper came up in a firefighter outfit but you couldn't stop thinking of that dance you just got. It was so exhilarating and your body was still feeling all tingly from his touch.
And you might as well give him a good tip because that was a once in a lifetime experience and he gave it his all.
Suddenly you're tapped on the shoulder making you turn your head to see a woman with short hair giving you a smile, "our ghostface would like to see you."
You quickly stood up waving to your friends before grabbing your purse and phone then follow the woman who led you backstage. You walked past a ton of other strippers who were getting ready to go up and who were also wearing all types of Halloween costumes.
Michael Myers was also looking pretty good...
You felt them staring right back at you and you couldn't help but question if strippers usually bring girls backstage?
That thought quickly vanishes when the woman brings you up to his door and then walks away. You knock and hear a slight, "come in."
You take a deep breath then open the door to see Mr. Ghostface putting his mask on to a mannequin head before turning to you and giving you a smile. You step in then close the door before he beckoned you.
You walked into his dressing room and gave him a smile back before opening your purse up, "that was really incredible-"
"Oh you don't have to do that." He says and walks up to you, putting his hand on yours to stop you.
"I want to!" You say and he shakes his head.
"It's alright, plus this dance felt a little... extra special than my usual ones go." He replies in a low tone making you nod slowly before letting go of your purse.
His hands were now off you but now you were just filled with curiosity. "How come?" You asked and he chuckles.
"It didn't feel like I was working, it was fun. Not every night we can say that." He says making you hum, slightly understanding him.
"But maybe you could pay me another way.." he suggests and you play dumb, shrugging.
"Like how?" You whispered and he leaned in closer to your face, sending shivers all throughout your body.
"I think you know how now don't you gorgeous?" He murmurs and wraps his arms around your waist, bringing you as close to him as possible making you place your hands to his bare chest.
"I think I have an idea." You say as you feel his hard on right up against your stomach.
"You did really do such a good job out there." You murmur as you snake a hand down his body before letting it trace around his bulge, teasing him.
He starts to breathe heavily and it only makes you more excited. "Had me shocked at every part." You whisper and finally rub your hand against him making him moan.
"Also left me wanting more..." you cooed into his ear as you started to stroke him over his sweatpants.
"It left me wanting more too as you can tell." He breathes out making you chuckle.
"You bring all the lucky girls back here?" You joke and he instantly shakes his head.
"Never do actually." He says making you scoff.
"Seriously. All the guys were shocked but you're special. Something about that out there was special." He murmurs and you stroke him faster after he's done.
"That's good to know." You coo and he hums.
"Technically no competition." You say making him laugh before he holds onto you and sits down, making you sit on his lap.
You both moan when your cunt directly rubs against him. "None at all gorgeous." He breathes out as his hands sit on your hips.
You move them back and forth while you're sat right on his hard bulge, him helping you as he lays his head back. "So fucking beautiful." He murmurs making you moan as his shaft hits perfectly against your slit.
You place your hands against his shoulders for support before moving faster, earning you the hottest moans from him. You bit your lip as you grind against him perfectly.
You then get off him and slide down his body and get on your knees in front of him, looking up at him as you play with the waistband of his sweats. "My names Miguel by the way." He says making you chuckle and smile up at him.
"Y/n." You reply before sliding his sweats and boxers off and then taking hold of his thick cock.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl." He coos making you grin before you spit on it and let it dribble down before licking the tip then stroking it. You then take it in your mouth, slowly going down trying to take him while stroking his base. He moaned above you and you felt his hands guiding your head lower, to take more of him.
You let him and go as down as possible, his tip hitting the back of your throat as he bucked his hips forward making you gag before he goes back down and you pull away, slapping his tip onto your tongue.
He groaned and you took him back into your mouth, going down then back up as you looked into his eyes. He locked his gaze on to you watching as you moved back and forth as if this was your job.
He leaned his head back moaning as you took him deep in your throat again and then pulled back only to take him deep again. You were already starting to feel breathless but you needed to make this man cum.
He gave you such an incredible show you might as well repay him the best way you knew how.
"Fuck baby — taking me so good." He moans as you bob your head up and down, stroking what you can't take.
You squeezed your thighs together as your arousal was only getting more prominent in your panties. His moans were just driving you insane and were your motivation to keep taking all of him even if you couldn't breathe anymore.
"Just like that — good fucking girl you take that cock." He groans and grabs onto your head, pushing you down and having you gag on him again.
He thrusts his hips up having you gag even more before pulling away and drool slips out of your mouth and onto his cock. You stroke him fast, the wet noises of his cock filling your ears and only turning you on more and more.
"Holy fuck baby." He grunts, bringing his hand down to your face before slipping his thumb into your light which you happily sucked on.
He rolls his eyes back and pulls it away with a plop. You get back to work and bob your head much faster as you take all of him in your mouth.
Miguel leans back against the couch and feels his orgasm approaching in his lower abdomen as you gag on him more making him groan. He then pushes your head down all the way making you breathe in through your nose as you feel his trimmed happy trail tickle your nose when you feel him twitch and then drop his load down your throat.
You swallowed as much of it as you could before he finally lets go and you pull away coughing then catching your breath as you stroke him through his high, the last of his cum dripping onto his thighs.
He breathed heavily and you stopped stroking him as you watched his cock twitch the final remnants of cum drop off the side of his cock.
You let him go and he shakes his head, looking down at you with the widest grin, "I think we're even now."
You laugh and return the grin before sitting up, "maybe we are but maybe we could go furth-"
Suddenly the door swings open and you scramble to stand up while Miguel stays seated, calming his breathing when the woman from earlier comes in, "Miguel you're up again with the group."
"Thanks Lyla." He says waving her off as you stood up, a bit disappointed this was the end.
"How about we call this a rain check and next time could be outside the club?" He suggests and you nod, smiling at him before grabbing your things and watch as he stands up to change into something else.
"Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the show." He says giving you a wink as you open the door and give him a wave before walking away.
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neuvillettes · 2 years
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oxytocin | tighnari
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summary | tighnari can’t help himself when you give his sensitive ears some attention.
pairing | tighnari x fem!reader
warnings | swearing, smut, praise, sub!tighnari, dacryphilia, choking, breeding, oral (f ⇾ m), begging, creampie, overstim, cum swallowing, porn no plot, unedited
wc | 2.4k
a/n: wrote this for the lovely @sanzucide bc she deserves more subby tighnari in her life <3
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a whimper escapes tighnari as your fingers begin to tug teasingly on the fluff of his ears. what started out as innocent cuddling in the safety of tighnari’s personal bungalow at the ranger’s base, had now turned into something much less honorable. the second you started your ministrations on his ears, he was a goner. tighnari can’t help himself, your fingers sifting through the fur of his sensitive ears was heavenly. his hips had a mind of their own as they stuttered timidly. he hesitated for only a few moments before succumbing to the sensation and letting his hips fully grind into you.
a small chuckle leaves your lips and you hum, “always so needy for more. does it really feel that good?”
he doesn’t respond with his words. instead he buries his face into your chest, hips bucking freely into you now. you tug on his left ear, indicating you wanted an answer. the ranger nods his head, mouth too busy nipping at your chest to form a verbal confirmation. you sigh, knowing better than to think you could get a superior answer out of him when he’s like this. you couldn’t help but to smile.
it was amusing to you, how tighnari could be so brash and self assured with anyone else. But the second you got your hands on him, especially his ears or tail, he was utterly complaisant. you hum again as the fox-like man’s grip on your hips tighten in desperation.
“need more, pretty boy?” you take a fistfull of his hair and gently pull on it to make him look at you.
his hazel gaze already clouded. you coo at the obvious need in his eyes. however, you refuse to move until he answers you and he knows that. “yes, please, yn. want more- need more, please.”
you giggle at his response. he’s nearly babbling already and you haven’t even begun to play with him. “such a good boy, ‘nari. tell me, what do you want- need- me to do?”
he blushes and averts his eyes looking around the room momentarily before he forces his gaze to match your own. “n-need you to… to touch my c-cock, please. want to feel your hand wrapped around me.”
his voice is timid but rushed. tighnari’s composure slowly peels away with each passing moment you aren’t paying attention to him in the way he craves. he whimpers as you let go of his hair and slide your hand teasingly down his already bare torso. a shiver runs down his spine as your fingers slowly trail below his underwear’s waistband and along the prominent vein that leads to his hardened length.
a shallow hiss leaves the ranger’s lips as he finally feels you where he needs you most. you take your time of course running your finger along every curve and vein. you make sure to avoid his tip, knowing it’s the most sensitive. his hips began to stutter once again, an indication that he was getting impatient.
you tut and give him a mocking pout, “i need you to stay still for me, pretty boy. gonna make me lose focus if you keep moving your hips like that…”
your voice is as sweet as honey but tighnari knows better. he knows that one wrong move and you can get mean. which is why he fists the sheets and forces himself to still. you smile up at him with a mischievous glint in your eyes. you withdraw your hand from his underwear and before he can protest you’re pulling them down, freeing his weeping cock.
“so pretty, ‘nari, you have the prettiest cock.” he whines at your praise letting it cloud his mind.
satisfied with his reaction you finally give the tip of his length some attention. you lay your thumb flat against his slit and press, rubbing it in shallow circles that you know will drive the poor man mad. the stimulation you’re providing is not enough. he wants more, needs more. his breathing is erratic and shuttered.
your face is level with his cock but your eyes are lifted to gauge his reaction. tighnari has his eyes screwed shut, lips parted, face flushed and head tipped back. you loved being able to render him powerless like this. he was wrapped tightly around your finger and you knew it well.
the forest watcher lets out a pathetic whimper. “yn, please. i-i need more. want… want your mouth please, yn, please!” his voice has become shrilled, clear desperation slurring his speech.
“mhmm? well since you asked so nicely.” your tongue darts out to replace your thumb. you start with small kitten licks before circling your tongue completely around the head of tighnari’s cock. tighnari’s head falls back and a garbled moan rises up from his throat. you spread your lips across his tip and hollow your cheeks, sucking gently.
he can’t help it, the feeling is just so blissful that he loses all rationale. tighnari squirms then bucks his hips up, thrusting his cock into your mouth. you’re taken by surprise and don’t have time to brace yourself. you gag around his length and brace your hands on his hips. once you gather yourself, you sink down further, your nose brushing against his pelvis. you swallow thickly, the taste of his precum filling your senses.
tighnari’s ears twitch uncontrollably as you start bobbing your head. your focus is still on twirling your tongue around the tip and sucking hollowly. tighnari’s tail begins to twitch and shiver, his tell that he’s close. as if on cue or like he could read your mind, tighnari’s whimpers get louder and he moans out, “gonna, nngh~ g-gonna… gonna cum! please, can i? wanna cum, yn, please, please, please!”
you shift in place, rubbing your thighs together. the sight of the ranger pleading, begging, for you to let him cum and the fucked out look on his face almost enough to get you off. you hum in affirmation and that’s all he needs to whimper out a loud chant, “cumming, cumming, cumming-“
you still your actions as he orgasms, letting his cum fall down your throat as you swallow. tighnari’s cock twitches and pulses in your mouth as the last of his cum spurts out. your eyes sting with unshed tears as you slide his length out of your mouth and gasp for air. you give tighnari a sharp look and smile mischievously.
the forest watcher comes down from his high only to recognize that look and what he had done. his ears droop and lower lip wobbles as he starts to splutter. “i’m sorry, ‘m so sorry, didn’t mean to move. it jus’ felt s’good.”
his words are slurred and panicked as you slide off your underwear and climb on top of him. his legs and tail are still trembling. you coo at him, shushing his rambles. “you know what you did, right, pretty boy?”
his ears twitch again in anticipation. “i-i moved when you asked me not to…” his voice was quiet and hesitant.
“good boy. as punishment, i think ‘m gonnna make you cum until i say enough. gonna cum inside me, make sure you breed me? you’d like that wouldn’t you? fill me to the brim so i can have your lil’ pups, hm?”
another desperate whimper falls from tighnari’s lips as you solidify your words by grinding down on him, covering his cock with your slick. “answer me, ‘nari. you wanna breed me? fill me up? make me a mommy?”
“yes! yes, yes, yes~ fuck- wanna make you mine, wanna fill you up with my cum, want you to have my children- please!” Tighnari is sobbing now, tears starting to pool at his water line, bottom lip trembling, he was a mess and just needed you to fuck him already. he wanted you to have your way with him, he wanted it so bad that he felt like he was losing his mind with every second that passed without being inside of you.
luckily for the ranger, he didn’t have to beg much, you were already situating yourself, knees hoisting you up as you lined his still hard length up with your entrance. you gave him no time to prepare as you all but dropped yourself onto him. a resounding slapping noise filled the living quarters as your skin came in contact with his. you wasted no time and started bouncing yourself on tighnari. your were only a few strokes in, but tighnari was already at his limit.
a warm feeling rose in his core and spread to his crotch. he swallowed thickly, eyes screwing shut as he tried to concentrates and not cum too quickly. he didn’t want to be selfish, he wanted you to feel good. your moaning was a testament to that but he wanted more, wanted you to be louder, sound as desperate as him. he moved his hands, which were previously clutching onto his sheets, to your body. he tried to still your hips and hold you up but you shut him down quickly.
you snatch his wrists and pin them above his head. you grind into him as you hold his wrists in one hand and wrap your other hand around his throat. thighnari groans at the sensation of you gently squeezing. he ruts into you, all inhibitions lost to him. your grip on his neck tightens as you steady yourself and throw your head back, gasping out a series of moans. you let go of tighnari’s wrist and his hands immediately gravitate towards the plush flesh of your ass. he kneads the skin as he assists you in bouncing on his cock.
the sound of skin slapping on skin is elevated and you thank the archons that tighnari’s bungalow was in a somewhat secluded area and was the only one with actual doors. otherwise the whole camp would be able to hear your not so safe for work escapades. the sounds coming from both you and your lover were exceptionally lewd. tighnari was borderline sobbing as his loud whimpers became frenzied. he was getting close to his second orgasm, his nails digging into the swell of your ass.
your eyes flutter and toes curl, your high fast approaching as well. tighnari’s tail begins to sway and twitch as he feels your walls tightening around him. his eyes shoot open to plead with you. “wanna cum, so so close. ‘m s’close- but want you t’cum too. please, cum with me-“
your hips start to erratically grind down into tighnari every time your hips meet, you were close, and by the pulsing and twitching of tighnari’s cock you could tell he was trying so hard to hold himself back.
“mhmm gonna cum, s’close too, cum with with me, ‘nari~” that was all tighnari needed to hold your hips, this time you lettting him, as he held you up and pounded into you. he cock hitting your most sensitive spots. your cunt tightens, making it hard for tighnari to keep up with his movements. he manages to get a few pumps in before your contracting around him and cumming. you let out a series of squealed moans. tighnari tries to ride out your high but can’t hold back his own release.
he cums for the second time, stilling inside you as he sibs and whimpers, the feeling even more intense than the last. it was almost unbearable. his vision went white and his mind was completely gone. when he comes to you’ve already started grinding on him, the sensation too much. tighnari stutters out multiple whimpers, his whole body twitching and burning. he felt too hot, too sensitive, it was too much.
tighnari didn’t know what to do with his hands, his eyes were stinging with tears that were freely flowing now. “y-yn, s’too much, can’t- i…. nngh~ can’t, too much…” his words were slurred by whimpers. every syllable coming out as a whine.
you let out a moan as one particular twitch of his hips slid the tip of his cock against your sensitive spot. your mind is going blank again and only listening for one word. tighnari doesn’t say it as his words become jumbled and incoherent. his third and final high for the night nearly knocking him out as he pants out whimpers.
you cum again with him, his noises and the feeling of his hot cum filling you up tipping you off the edge. you nearly scream, your noises drown out by tighnari’s, breath mixing together to make the room humid. you collapse onto tighnari, breathless. tighnari’s eye are still glazed over, as your pussy is still milking him for all he has.
you’re both spent as you scatter kisses along his chest, waiting for tighnari to come back to you. you massage his scalp and eventually his arms wrap around you and rub your back soothingly. you hum in appreciation and lift your head to look at the ranger. his face is wet from both tears and sweat making droplets flow down his soft features, his ears were still twitching (most likely due to the fact that he was still inside of you), and his hair was sticking to his forehead.
you giggle and gently swipe the hair away. tighnari moves his hands to your hips to brace you, as well as himself, to slide out of your hole. you’re quick to stop him by shaking your head and humming out a whine. “no, not yet, just stay a little longer, please.”
your voice is so soft, tighnari has a hard time saying no to you already, so he couldn’t even imagine denying you now. your fingers gently trace the skin of his cheeks and your eyes brighten with an idea. tighnari watches your face light up and it brings a sleepy smile to his own face.
“i’m going to draw us a bath. i made a mess of you. gotta clean up my pretty boy.” your giggles are cut off by a gasp as tighnari brings you flush to his chest and snuggles his face into the crook of your neck. it brings a fond smile to your lips.
his voice is muffled but you still make out what he says. “let’s stay like this for just a little while longer first.”
you close your eyes and hum. how could you say no to such a sweet request?
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tags | @dxttores | @mxnjiros | @albedophoria |
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i'm glad more people are pointing out the flaws and bad writing in spop, and the toxicity in c//a's relationship. however, i do want to remind y'all to not get too biased.
i've seen a few people victim blame catra when it comes to her relationship with shadow weaver, and that's a really shitty thing to do. catra was a terrible person but the way shadow weaver treated her wasn't her fault.
i know that a lot of us like shadow weaver as a character, myself included, but she was still an abuser. she still physically and emotionally tortured a child for no real reason, because abusers don't need a reason. it's all well and good to point out catra's abusive behaviour but what shadow weaver did to her was not her fault.
i've even seen people implying that catra deserved to get abused or that shadow weaver abused her because she was disrespectful or didn't try enough during training. this is a really fucked up take. catra being disrespectful doesn't justify shadow weaver's abuse, that's like saying that adora deserved to get abused because she stood her ground against catra sometimes.
and catra didn't have to attend the horde training, none of them deserved to be groomed into child soldiers. the horde wasn't an environment any of them chose to grow up in. of course, catra's inferiority complex can seem a little hypocritical considering the fact that she never tried to do better, but i can understand the idea of wanting to give up because you're a slow learner or not naturally gifted in something.
also, catra seeking out shadow weaver's validation isn't bad writing or catra being stupid. it's pretty common in abusive relationships, actually. take zuko, for example. he's the example of a well-written character that we all turn to so for once, i'm gonna compare him to catra in a positive light.
ozai was actively abusive towards zuko but he still desperately wanted ozai's validation and approval. this is the result of being raised by an abusive parent. you feel like you have to earn their love, even when you're upset or angry at them, you secretly feel like it might be your fault.
i have to admit, the light spinner episode still makes me feel really bad for catra. the way she asks shadow weaver why she got abused really resonated with me, because i feel like catra secretly blamed herself for the way she was treated by her mother.
she might have told adora that shadow weaver was a horrible, manipulative person but i think deep down, catra had the classic dilemma of hating shadow weaver but craving for her love at the same time. she wanted to believe that shadow weaver might see some potential in her, the same way she did with adora. it's easier said than done to be like “well if you know that your parent is abusive, why don't you just leave them?” or “why did you let them manipulate you again?”
basically what i'm saying is: let's be mature about this whole situation. of course none of this justifies catra's actions and of course she deserves to be held responsible for her abusive behaviour and her war crimes. but let's not cross the line and start being insensitive towards abuse victims. catra did a lot of shitty things but being abused by shadow weaver wasn't one of them.
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moonssalad · 10 months
Am I the only one who is disgusted by seeing how many people actually seriously excuse Rhysands fucked up actions?
I have seen so, SO many people talking about how he hid the truth about Feyres pregnancy from her and always excuse it by saying how he didnt want to stress her out 💀. Or that he was looking for a way to save them before he told her, like he shouldve told her right away. And how he told the IC about it before he even told Feyre and told them to keep their mouths shut too and even worse is that they fucking listened to him, like what the fuck?? And how always in discussions about only Rhysand keeping it from Feyre people always start talking about how Madja didnt tell her either, like dude this is a conversation about what an asshole Rhysand is and not about Madja, keep to the topic! And how people hate on Nesta for telling her, like fucking hell. Ive even seen people say that Rhysand not telling her is AS BAD as Nesta telling her to hurt her or whatever. Its just insane, I think I lose braincells every single time I see posts like those 🤯. Feyre literally says throughout the books multiple times how she hates when people choose for her or dont tell her something because they think it would be too much for her and Rhysand literally keeps one of the most important things from Feyre.
Also what the hell was that bullshit about Amren saying how Rhysand should be High King? Hes literally one of the worst options for it. Bro cant even handle 2/3 of his court 💀. And lets so many people suffer in Illyria and Hewn City even though he has had CENTURIES to change something. Honestly none of the IC even try to change something about the Hewn City, like are you seriously telling me that Mor was the only person who was good in that shithole? Whats even more insane is how Mor doesnt change anything about it when she had LIVED THERE for years and now has the power to do it! And Illyria, Cassian seems to be the only one who is actually trying to make it better even though its not really working. Why the hell cant healers heal wings but can heal someone whos guts are basically spilling out?? Hell why the hell doesnt anyone know about c-section? Just insane. What the hell does Rhysand even do for his court? Just sits on his ass and thinks only about Velaris? Because it seems like that.
And am I the only one who was mad how Rhysand chose to show off Feyre as if she was his plaything in the Hewn City. Like yeah yeah keeping up appearances or whatever but how the hell will they see Feyre seriously after that? I think Feyre was in the Hewn City two times and the second was when she was High Lady and Rhysand got her to sit on the throne after the first time he showed her off as his toy. You cannot convince me that the Hewn City residents take Feyre seriously and its all Rhysands fault.
Talking about keeping appearances, the whole 'mask' thing is so stupid. When someone doubts the IC intentions they have the fucking audacity to be mad about it as if they arent the ones who made sure eveyone thought they were all incredibly evil.
I dont even want to start talking about UTM and how fucked up it was.
People always say that he does things like these because he is 'morally grey' but to me hes just a toxic asshole. You dont write a 'morally grey' character and then excuse every fucked up thing he has done, its just not how it works.
Rhysand is literally the worst MMC ever and its insane how so many people say how wonderful he is, how he is the man of their dreams 💀, fucking worried about yall if you seriously think that.
Feyre should take Nesta, Elain and Nyx and get the fuck out of there because they all deserve so much better than this.
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I think that Karnak lets everyone come back to life at the end for two reasons. One: let’s be real, putting them through all that just to bring them all back is such a Karnak thing to do. And two: THEY DESERVE IT GODDAMNIT
Noel’s favorite band is The Smiths
Mischa likes giving Ricky stickers to put on his cane or wheelchair
Ocean is aroace, but didn’t know she was aroace for a long time. She just thought she was “too mature” and “too focused on her schoolwork” to have crushes
Penny lets Noel borrow her dresses sometimes
Constance is extremely prone to infodumping (Penny could listen to her for hours though)
Ricky likes to “accidentally” run over Ocean’s toes with his wheelchair when she babies him
Mischa and Noel actually aren’t that bad at math; Mischa has a C and Noel has a B. Ocean just views anything below an A as “bad”.
Penny dressed up as Jane Doe for Halloween, and the rest of the choir found this hilarious
Taylor Swift is Ocean’s favorite singer and Penny’s celebrity crush
Constance has had a crush on everyone in the choir at some point (including Noel, but this was before he came out)
Ricky and Noel once tried to write a Monique/Bachelor Man crossover, but because their stories and writing styles were so different, it failed miserably. Now Ricky just draws pictures of Monique and the Bachelor Man kissing instead.
Ocean likes to wake up early, and Constance does not. So when they have sleepovers, Constance will often wake up and Ocean will have breakfast ready for her.
Ricky and Noel like to go on double dates with Constance and Penny
Noel and Ricky are both genderfluid. Noel is AMAB and Ricky is AFAB, and they’re both prone to dysphoria. If they had a nickel for every joke they made about switching bodies, Noel would have enough money to move to France and take the whole rest of the choir with him.
After the Cyclone thing, Mischa spends more evenings at Ricky’s place than his own
Prior to the Cyclone, Noel is extremely protective of Constance because of the way Ocean treats her
Mischa once overheard Noel talking about RuPaul’s Drag Race during choir. He thought it was an actual racing show and started watching it. It wasn’t what he expected, but it is now his favorite show. (This is technically semi-canon; in the high school edition, Mischa mentioned this.)
Penny and Noel are the definition of gay/lesbian solidarity
Penny and Constance like to go on picnic dates
Ocean and Noel are basically siblings. They actually do love each other and know each other better than anyone, but they live for getting on each other’s nerves, and Noel isn’t afraid to call Ocean out on her bullshit.
Ricky, Noel, Ocean: cat people
Mischa, Constance, Penny: dog people
They’re all autistic, I don’t make the rules
For Noel’s birthday, Ocean made him a bracelet that said his name with red and green beads (because Christmas). In return, Noel made Ocean a bracelet with her name and orange, yellow, white, blue, and teal beads (because beach colors; little did he know that those would become the aroace colors). They trade those bracelets every time they see each other.
Constance once made the mistake of having Mischa watch Up with her. He cried.
Ocean was Constance’s queer awakening in eighth grade. The crush lasted for about four months. ‘Twas a very awkward four months.
Mischa had a crush on a guy before meeting Talia, but didn’t realize it was a crush at the time because it was the mid 2000s and queerness wasn’t really talked about as much as it is today. When Ricky mentioned being bisexual, Mischa came to the conclusion that he was too.
Penny has what might be the greenest eyes that any of her friends have ever seen on a human
Constance is really good at styling hair, so Ocean and Penny always go to her when they want to have their hair look nice for a concert or contest
Ricky’s really good at doing people’s makeup
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mel-13-29 · 1 year
-She's 'into' me?-
paring - Wednesday addams x fem!reader
summary - y/n attends nevermore for the first time and meets someone named wednesday. enid confronts y/n and tells her about there mutual pining.
warnings - mutual pining - fluff - i think that's all if you find anymore please tell me i'll update!
1619 words its the first time i've wrote that much ——————— Fuck.
That was the only thing going through my mind the whole way to nevermore academy. the mear name makes me shiver.
The crazy school. yes. I heard rumors that there was a girl who almost killed someone. 
yeah sure. I punched someone in the face. but he deserved it. I saw him pushing a girl in a locker. and yeah I guess I should've just minded my business. but I'm a gentlewoman. I just had to punch him and I would do it again. 
and again. 
   and again. 
       and agai- 
But whatever it is what it is if I wasn't being sent to a fucking juvie for phycos now my parents are driving me there in their 6-year-old car I don't even know how it is still working. 
"Why am I even going to nevermore I only punched him and he deserved it," I say trying to change their mind I know they would still take me there but I had to put up a fight that dumb principles son what's his name oh right Jack.
"Cause you punched him!" my dad argues.
"That doesn't mean I have to change schools! it's the principal's son he probably told his dad."
"Enough of this young lady, you are going to nevermore, and you are going to love it there." my mom says closing the argument.
After that, I shut up being silent the whole way to Nevermore. 
And now I'm here in front of the gates of Nevermore. I feel crazy. I know if someone else did punch someone. they would just get detention but this was the principles son. a bastard among basterds he thinks he's the king of the school just because his dad is the principal? 'there are always people like that in the world all you have to do is prove them wrong' my grandma once said so I'll trust her, once I get out of this school. I will get back at Jack. 
I take my bags and hug my mom and dad then I say goodbye. the bags were kinda hevy but I think I'm strong enoph to cary them. I walk up the stairs. finally reaching my dormroom I had to put my bags down to open the door and I saw two people in my dorm. I thought I was in the wrong one until someone said. 
"Oh! you must be the new girl." a girl says standing up on her two feet. 
"Hi." I say awkwardly the other girl says 'awkward' in the background but I don't hear her all I was looking at was the plain room. that consisted of a plain twin bed, a normal bedside table, and nothing else honestly I expected worse. 
I put my bags down and the other girl leaves the girl said 'bye Yoko' so I assumed her name is Yoko. cute name for someone who looks like a real-life human zombie if it had not green skin. 
"The one who just left is Yoko she's you're roommate I'm just staying here Yoko's bed is very comfy so much better than mine," The girl says sitting back on the bed facing me.
"My name is Y/n what's yours?" I say asking her name and sitting down on the bed too. I can't just keep calling her 'girl' for the rest of the school year.
"Enid" enid says then akuward silece again
"Well, I have to go now," I say trying to get out of the awkward situation even though I don't even know how the school works I don't even know what to do after I get out of the room.
"But why you just got here I wanna get to know you!" Enid says standing up "Wait your new right? I can give you a tour?" Enid offers. I say yes. and now were walking down the halls of nevermore academy.
I never thought I'd be walking in the hallway of nevermore academy I thought if I was good enough. they wouldn't send me to detention or suspend me at all. 
for that matter, I just lived my life in silence. always letting the other kids take the spotlight. I just stayed hidden some people don't even know my name. it's dumb. but I loved it. I loved being the school mystery.
Of course, I never told my parents they would urge me to 'make friends' but those 'friends' always stay away from me for some reason. 
"Earth to y/n!" Enid says into my ear waving her hand in my face. crap. I was spaced out.
"What were you thinking about silly?" Enid questions. "I wasn't thinking about anything," I say quickly, trying to avoid the question then Enid opens her hands as if she was pointing at, the lunch room I supposed.
"This is the quad," Enid says introducing me to a place with lunch tables and people in black and blue outfits "Come on I'll introduce you to some of my friends," Enid says walking towards a guy.
"Y/n this is Ajax, ajax y/n," Enid says introducing me to a boy named Ajax I smile trying to look decently good for someone I just met.
"I'm Ajax," the boy says and reaches his hand out for me to shake. I shake his hand and then let go. 
"welp bye, Ajax I gotta introduce y/n to Wednesday!" Enid says, grabbing my hand and guiding me to wednesday.
"Who's wednesday?" I ask, wondering who the person was. 
"Wednesday my roomie," Enid says runing to a girl with an all-black attire she looked really pretty.
"Wednesday!" Enid shouts to get the girls' attention.
"Enid what are you doing here I thought you were with Yoko," wednesday says dully.
"Oh yeah but I wanted to give the new girl a tour around the place ya know so she doesn't get lost," Enid says excitedly to introduce me to her friend.
Wednesday looks at me with her black eyes like she was examining me for some reason it didn't feel odd I kinda got shy and looked down at my shoes until Enid put her hand on my shoulder I look up and see wednesday again it was not visible but I'm blushing
"y/n this is wednesday, wednesday this is Y/n," Enid says and I reach my hand out for wednesday to shake it was just an excuse to hold her hand but she only nodded I pull my hand away a little sad I didn't get to touch her hand
I wave my hand awkwardly not knowing what to do I mean she was just staring at me what am I supposed to do? 
"Well I'll leave you two alone I kinda have to do something," Enid says seeing the tension in the air I almost tell her to stay like she is the only one that can break the tension 
Wednesday walks away and I go after her now knowing what to do "So where are you going?" I ask and she turns her head slightly to look at me not blinking "I'm going to class why are you following me" she says I don't know why I'm following her I should stop I'm probably making her unconftrorbal 
I stop in my tracks and say "Ye-yeah I should go I have um ms. thornhill ill just ask someone else to show me her class" Wednesday hears this and grabs my hand before I could walk one step 
"That's also my class," she says dragging me through the hallways I was surprised but relaxed in her cold hands I'm holding her hand I'm holding her hand I'm holding her hand I'm holding her han- before I could think any further we reach a door I assume Miss. Thornhills class
"So this is miss. Thornhill's class?" I say a little disappointed when wednesday dropped my hand 
She doesn't answer and sits down on one of the chairs I sit next to her not knowing anyone in the class she glares at me but I look at the teacher focusing on the lesson
*Time skip*
It is now lunch and I look around for Enid or wednesday she walked out the door right when the lesson ended and I have to confront Enid for leaving me in that awkward situation 
I feel someone tap my shoulder and I look behind me seeing Wednesday and Enid hiding behind a pillar in the quad she has a thumbs up I feel like she knows something but I look back at wednesday 
"Um, do you need anything?" I ask not knowing why she would come up to me she looks at me with that look again just like when we first met which was 3 hours ago.
"Is Enid behind me?" she asks I nod and before I could ask why.
Wednesday walks away and enid runs towards me "What did she say?" Enid asks.
"She just said 'is enid behind me?' and then left why do you want to know?" I ask and her eyes widen.
"She's totally into you. I saw her walking out of the classroom and in the dorm, she wouldn't stop covering her mouth and looking down like she has never done that before. like ever." enid clams.
"What how- why would she be into me?" I ask stunned by the news. 
"I don't know but she's definitely into you and I know you're also into her 'cause I say you blush when she was looking at you don't try to lie," Enid says then walks off back to her dorm.
How can she also be into me I mean wednesday? how? wait if Enids telling the truth I might have a chance with her.
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