#And I will check with her to see if it's ok to post said DMs if need be/if this person continues being a jerk about this old-ass situation
goldies-cryptobitch · 14 days
Tfw you keep seeing the same person vagueposting about your friend, whom they treated shittily, and the overwhelming urge to post the entire conversation of them being an abhorrent, boundary-stomping jerkwad for the Trollhunters fandom to see in case this person has been badmouthing said friend to others, and to only be held back by the knowledge that it might make friendo upset if I were to post the screenshots without her approval...
Just let it be known that if a certain villain stan in the Trollhunters fandom is talking any sort of shit about Goldie in people's DMs, please know that this person is an unreliable narrator and is literally the only person Goldie's ever had to straight-up block due to them CONSTANTLY overstepping boundaries and trying to twist her words in an attempt to make her sound horrible. Normally I wouldn't comment publicly on this at all, since it happened over a year ago and there should be no reason to still be bringing it up, but the fact that I just saw ANOTHER vaguepost about the situation that was posted merely a month ago makes me worry that they might also be talking shit about her in DMs if they're still hung up about it after THIS long. And I don't like the idea of somebody doing that to my friend with severe mental health struggles who isn't even around to defend herself these days. :/
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Normally I post about Dimension 20 on my main blog but a thing happened on Adventuring Party and I'm gonna talk about it
So watching through the Episode 2 Adventuring Party, something really amazing happened at 2:15 ish. And now I'm gonna talk about consent and content in Tabletop and how @quiddie and Izzy (and everyone else at the table) absolutely fucking nailed it
Edited because I cannot believe I spelled Aabria wrong so many damn times in a row I'm so sorry
Specifics below the cut for spoilers and content warning: parasites and squick
The notes for DMs (and players) to take away from this:
Look for soft no's, even if you know your players. Make space for a no, even if you are excited. Once the no has been said, move on and no complaining that someone's comfort level isn't the same as yours.
So Brennan asked a question about the parasites, Chipmunks, and bear in Adventuring Party to clarify if Chipmunks and Parasite were one in the same or different entities (it was just the chipmunks being massively fucked up)
Aabria, as DMs who put their entire heart and soul into making a campaign often do, went to start explaining the basis for the parasites (link to ribbon worms, very content warn, dead dove do not eat). The table reacted. Brennan does a very physical ick response, Erika's face was very "I am listening to something gross", while the rest of the table looked interested in that way nerds do when they don't know what they're walking into. And Izzy said "I want you to stop."
Aabria just said ok, told the camera/audience to google it, and they moved on.
And I wanna talk about what a baller move that is on Aabria and Izzy's parts. (And Quiddie if you see this please tell Izzy she's an inspiration and I adore her and all of the compliments)
So first and maybe least controversial: Aabria
-While giving the explanation of the fucked up thing she slows down her talking (I'm not sure if it was intentional but it seemed it so I'm gonna talk about it) Instead of rushing through the explanation the way people excited tend to do she said everything slowly, gave lots of pauses to be interrupted, and really took the time to let the party know what she was describing was icky
-While doing the describing, she looked around the table. Not just at the person with the biggest visual reaction, but you can watch her make the rounds with her eyes to look at everyone and make sure they all know she is still engaging with them and checking in on them
-Her "ok" is so pleasant. It's not just polite, it's not just kind, it's upbeat and pleasant to listen to. There's no judgement in it, there's no "but I wanted to keep talking about this thing" its just "ok"
-And that's the fucking hard part, letting someone know you've heard them without any judgment or disappointment when they want you to stop talking about something
And now Izzy
-Most people aren't going to applaud someone for saying "I want you to stop" to a DM explaining something but I will. A+ Izzy
-She found her boundary and enforced it and felt comfortable with it
-She did it in such a specific way "want" instead of "need"; "I want" instead of "You need", not to mention the full firmness of it where it couldn't be misinterpreted (A+, hardest part)
-The flick of her eyes to the rest of the table, I can't tell if she's checking in with other people's comfort level or just watching Brennan's arm thing, but the way she looks at her fellow players is just such a Thing that I cannot Words about, whether its checking in for their comfort or looking for support for hers its an important look that I might be reading too much into.
Now some other important beats
-No one comments that Izzy made Aabria stop.
-Brennan says he can connect with Aabria later about it, without mentioning any of the content, and Siobhan and Jasper make the note of "maybe don't google it" but no one mentions the content after Izzy says it
-They just move on. Like even if it briefly sounds like they might hit back onto it (we'll never know what Erika was leading to with their "I've always been obsessed with") they just move on immediately
It's a goddamned masterclass of consent at the table. Aabria checking in and looking for soft no's and giving space for hard no's and then once a hard no was thrown immediately shifting the entire direction of the conversation was amazing.
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avi-on-jumblr · 4 months
i genuinely used to follow u on ur main. i cant believe the heinous shit youve said on here. oct 7 was an atrocity and NO ONE not a single israeli that day deserved to die. but atp, why not a single post saying that you hurt for palestinians? even if not in the same way. what abt the hostages israel is killing? there is no plan to wipe out hamas, not without wiping out gaza. i cried seeing that little boy who was released from hamas eating food in a hospital, cried for the mothers and fathers begging for their children back, and i will continue to weep yet you can't even seem to shed a single tear for the thousands of dead palestinians.
ok i spent 3 hours writing a long and detailed reply to this and then tumblr fucking crashed and deleted everything and i am so so tired so :/. I did appreciate that you condemned October 7, and I was genuinely glad that you showed care for Israelis and Palestinians both, which is a rarity in my anons, which is why I tried to do a more lengthy reply in good faith. feel free to send me a dm if you want to talk further. cannot type that out again but please check out these:
Whispered in Gaza
Builders of the Middle East
Palestinian Youth for Development < please donate to this, info on how is in the comments. Started by Moumen Al-Natour, who's on the ground directly getting food to other Gazans, despite being tortured and targeted by Hamas. This org is a great way to provide actionable help and aid without Hamas stealing it.
rootsmetals < educator, meticulous sources in captions of her posts. frankly i'd recommend just reading every one of her posts since october 7
basic summary of what I typed: I have made posts about the Palestinian people caught in this war, and it is tragic and horrible and awful. I want nothing more than an end to the fighting, but this will never happen with Hamas in power. I'm also allowed to centre my own experiences and my own grief and fear on my private blog on tumblr.com, and it is deeply unfair to demand that a Jewish person should make more posts about xyz to prove they're compassionate enough, especially when antisemitism is rising at insane rates and the only people posting about it are overwhelmingly Jews.
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loud-whistling-yes · 26 days
beloved mutual loud-whistling-yes please tell me the story on how pearl found your blog I am so curious now /nf
ok its been like 2 years since this happened i barely said a word about it but ok whatever pearl probably forgot about it i think i can say it now
October 24th, 2022
Pearl announces the release of her dl plushie
It's several months after dl's finale and 2 weeks until my birthday
My mental state in this period of time was solidly parked in the Pearl Insanity Zone
I want- no, I need that plushie
It's 138 ringgit
The plushie is 138 fucking ringgit
My mother refuses to let me buy the plushie
Not even as my birthday present
Not even if I offer to pay with my own money
I was this close to chewing up the furniture
I am not allowed to chew up the furniture
I choose instead to scream and cry on tumblr about it because well where else was I gonna cry about it
In a moment of stupidity and plushie-mourning grief
I maintag the post for personal sorting reasons
October 30th, 2022
It's exactly one week until my birthday
I get an ask in my inbox
It's tumblr user pearlescentmoo
I check the blog to see if this is a troll blog or something
She says she feels bad that I can't get the plushie cause of the price
She wants to send me a discount code so I can get the plushie for free
Wait what
I distinctly remember feeling like I was gonna throw up on my laptop
Oh yeah also losing my mind on whatsapp with my irl friends who have no idea what the fuck was going on
Problem is
She sent this to me via an ask
I'm pretty sure her DMs were closed at the time
Look man I wasn't gonna blast the fact Pearl's giving out plushies for free all willy nilly like that I have standards
I tried responding to her via answering the ask privately
The answer gets sent
I never get a reply
I'm pretty sure that tumblr, in it's true tumblr fashion, ate the ask
I never got the plushie
And that's the story of why Pearl definitely knows that my blog was titled "pearl my blorbo skrunkly poor pathetic meow meow"
It's been 2 years and I still want to die
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bcacstuff · 8 months
It is not fun and games when real people are involved ! Following this woman for three years is madness. I know you and CRT have DM with MA, but now I am thinking about the plotting and scheming going on behind the scenes. A private video, uploaded , instantly deleted and now you are the only one with a copy???? From a legal standpoint….you are screwed. I contacted a few people in his camp about this. You have crossed a line. It is harassment , defamation and possibly extortion. Why associate yourself with this?
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Ok, as you can imagine, I have an inbox full with all the various opinions and messages you might imagine, and maybe even more. So where to start... ok... starting with a few... well you got it what sort this is.
For the record:
I don't follow her, I wasn't even her on Tumblr at the time she was 'in the picture' so to say. I was alerted by someone in my DMs, not an Anon. An account that I have had DMs with quite some times before and always has been honest with me and very well knows, I'm not just going by any sort of shady message or whatever. She simply sent me a screenshot of the story, I checked it out. So it wasn't 'dropped in my inbox'. The story was on AT's public account, available in all legitimate ways. Everyone could see it. It had been there for more than 3 hours when I saw it. So much for a 'private' video, and it wasn't 'instantly deleted'. AT posted it with a caption and tagged Sam on. it, that is not someone that posts something mistakenly.
I discussed it briefly with my contact, she told me she follows AT because she likes her art. I was confused and didn't really know what to make of it myself, as I wrote in my post. I didn't say I am the only one with a copy, I don't know that. But since AT deleted the video at some point, I reckon not everyone saves a story when you see it. I've done nothing illegal, when you post on a public IG account, you are warned that the content you upload is subject to public domain and people can and may use it, even edit it. You're agreeing with these TOS. But I guess nobody reads the fine print and nobody ever complains when I post pictures or videos from IG here. I haven't had any complains for all the pics and videos I posted about the event of Wednesday. So you might reconsider your 'legal standpoint' Anon.
Plotting and scheming? Are you accusing me Anon? Now that is what I call defamation and harassment. Show me your evidence! And for real, I can show you some real defamatory content about an actress who is married, her husband is constantly defamed, called names in a very disturbing way and has been accused of things, while he doesn't even have a social media account. And there is a 2 year old boy involved, that has been subject discussing his paternity into lengths. Oh and I don't even want to mention a funeral video that has been analyzed for every frame.... I can go one but I think you get it. I agree that it surely is not funny when it involves real people.
Then, last but not least, you make a sort of connection between what I posted last night, a short video, showing his corridor and a painting and you can hear his voice. What exactly is the connection between that and MA? I have never had a DM convo with MA to begin with. I see no connection here, other than that he DMs with people. Well that is no news, he even confirmed that himself. And I see no shame in that. I also do not make any story more out of it. As my contact who sent her screenshot to me and follows her because of her art said last night, when I told her the video was deleted: Why would she do that, it was a nice video.
And I guess, you and some others that I do not post, haven't read my post to the end. Don't shoot the messenger...
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jovenshires · 4 months
hi katie jovenshires im a big fan. if ur ok with sharing, what ships are in the botb au and what are the vibes for each 👀
thank you so much!! <3<3<3
hmm i've been thinking about this and i think i'm only deadset on spommy, ianthony, kolivia, and amangela as far as like. my canon goes. not sure what if any other ships im gonna include... ive gone back and forth with shaymien and shaynse too but not sure!!
but, i will say, for the most part the edits are mostly left up to interpretation so you can all decide whatever ships you want really!! (or if you don't want any ships at all that's cool too <3) like i've said to me the botbau is a little collaborative barbie world that we can all make whatever we want out of. like i told someone the other day - if you wanna write a fic or make an edit or something for this and it doesn't exactly line up with what i might write or think ab the au... PLEASE go for it. it is out there, public domain now, do with it what you will. and i will love and eat it up no matter what!!
as for the vibes in MY head, i will throw them under the cut so this post doesn't get too long KFNLKNKFNF
spommy: i've covered this a little before here so if you want the full version check that out but BASICALLY spommy is kind of rivals-to-friends-to-lovers except tommy has an Extremely one-sided beef and spencer just thinks he's cool and wants to be buds. eventually spencer wins him over and then... uh oh! love! once again skimmin some details that, if i ever Write A Fic for it, will be spoilers. but that’s the idea you know
ianthony: taking this directly from my dms to lilac but basically. ianthony botbau my beloveds....... to relearn how to co-pilot something with someone that should come so second-hand to you but you're both different people now but your feelings carry through anyway for who they were and are and will be........ yeah theyre everything to me. in a way it's a mirror to life/what actually happened to them with smosh (art imitates life) but the divorce era was even MORE famous because they're like a household name so it was a lot more pressure. idk yet if they were together beforehand and then broke up and now they're getting BACK together or if they had unresolved feelings they never dealt with and now they're struggling to reconcile them with their renewed friendship AND reunited band/the fame that comes from that... but either way they are Messy. im obsessed.
kolivia: kolivia in this au fascinates me because in my head keith is kind of known for being a player and fucking around but i think he stopped that Ages ago because. these two are basically dating. like they don't put a label on it and it's not public and i don't even know if THEY know how in love they are. but they live together. they sleep together "just to blow off steam" (come on now). they don't date other people. everyone can see it but them type beat. olivia's like "he's not my boyfriend" and then picks up the phone and is like "hi baby do you want chinese for dinner" NDLFKNANKSFLN like they are exclusive and they have deep feelings for each other but they are both so deeply in denial that they swear they're not dating. they have realistically been in a relationship for like five years.
amangela: RIVALS TO LOVERS AGAINNNN i have talked about this one a Lot with baflegacy bc like. they are my roman empire. at least these two have met on multiple occasions and actually fought with each other - they keep meeting at gigs/in bars and bickering. angela "clearly abba is the best band ever" giarratana and amanda "WHAT about fleetwood mac you DUMB ASS" lehan-canto. like they meet a bunch and EVERY time they end up bickering. meanwhile angela keeps seeing thirst traps of amanda on tiktok and being like "why are all the lesbians obsessed with her she SUCKS" and chanse and arasha, who have heard this three million times, are like "yeah okay buddy whatever helps you sleep at night." meanwhile amanda is living her bliss <3 and then they realize they're both in battle of the bands and uh oh! things come to a head!
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rhoorl · 6 months
Week in Review: Nov. 19
Hi there! Posting this recap a little later than usual because it was an action-packed weekend and I was a bit off my routine. I hope you had a good week. I’m coming up on a short work week (yay) because of the Thanksgiving holiday, so I’m looking forward to that! 
Here's a live look at me only having two days of work this week!
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Please indulge me in a quick(ish) story before I get on with the recap. This weekend, we took our daughter to a trampoline park to play (and get her energy out) and while there she made friends with another little girl. They were both playing with something and looked at each other and in an instant they were pals and walked around and bounced together for half an hour. 
While I was watching them, it made me think of my time here and the people I’ve met and interacted with. Whether it’s through a reblog, comment, ask, or DM, making friends on here is akin to making friends on the playground (or trampoline park).
It is all so simple when you realize, hey you like this *insert actor, movie, character, very specific gif, etc*? Me too? Now we’re friends. Let’s yell about it! 🙂 In person, I can be reserved and shy, especially when meeting new people, so being on here has all been an exercise in pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I still get so nervous and second-guess myself a lot on here, but I’m going to keep at it because so far it’s brought some laughs, thots, and just overall great conversation to my DMs and beyond.
Ok, now onto the recap and assorted other ramblings…
Fics I read this week:
My TBR list grows and grows - I wish I had more time in the day to read more things. Here’s what I got to this week:
Frankie Morales
Six and a Half Minutes - Frankie’s version by @avastrasposts - Welp, Mel, I can honestly tell you now that when I’m cooking and have a timer on I will be thinking of this. 
Javier Peña
Dry Run by @chronically-ghosted - Javi dancing …. The descriptions in this are top-notch!
Joel Miller
Medicine by @goodwithcheese - Like I said in my reblog, my brain short-circuited a bit with a mention of Joel with wet hair, but this was really a beautiful piece! 
Dieter Bravo
Thrash Metal and The Bow Tie by @morallyinept I needed a cold shower after Trash Metal. I mean, the header image alone 🫠 and The Bow Tie is a little giflet featuring one of my favorite Pedro red carpet looks.
His Place of Peace by @nerdieforpedro As much as I love a smutty Dieter fic, I’m equally in love with a fluffy one (hi, yes I see Working Title staring me in the face - I haven’t forgotten you). 
Benny Miller 
Another week of me being absolutely out of my mind feral for this man … I had to channel it with a few one-shots and then some writing of my own.
All I Need by @dameronscopilot - Ok, this one took me on a journey and the smut was smutting on this one for sure. 
Ribbed by @mermaidxatxheart - The header graphic for this alone sent me on a bit of a tailspin and then I settled in for a super hot little one-shot. 
I also threw an ask over to @musings-of-a-rose and she delivered in spades. 
Current Compulsory Series:
These are the series I am keeping up with at the moment.
Delta Palms Tropical Resort (Frankie) by @linzels-blog 
I Like the Way You (Frankie) by @undercoverpena
Destiny & Deliverance (Dieter) by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings
Paranoid Heat (Javi P) by @goodwithcheese
It’s Never Too Late (Javi P) by @javierpena-inatacvest Still one chapter behind along with some extras I have on my TBR list!
Posts from the week:
A fun writing challenge popped up that I think is pretty cool! I’ve never written for Javi P before, but if there was ever a time, it is now! Also, check out the awesome header @trulybetty made for it!!
I got my Javi and Joel pencils from by @fuckyeahpaperco! Now there’s more - sticky notes and washi tape!! Mr. Rhoorl may be getting a few links for my Christmas list lol 
I got tagged in some fun posts this week. Here’s a little get-to-know-me and an aura quiz.
Feral corner:
Where do I even start … this week was one for the record books and I’m not sure if the feral corner can capture it all.
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The Strange Way of Life behind-the-scenes gifsets were almost too much. Like this one and this one. Goodness, I was an absolute mess the day these graced my dash.
It’s hard to pick a top three when it comes to Pedro characters, but this post makes a compelling point for these three.
Young Joel is always on the brain, so this post of just his arms was 🫠 Also, some Young Joel in the morning. If you’re curious about how I picture Counsin Joel in Delta Landscaping, it’s like this.
Some more assorted posts that man me feral: Tim Rockford thots, Black Shirt Javi, a compilation of Pedro boys’ kisses, and Pedro dressed as Dieter sends me. This little moment from The Bubble is just so sweet it almost cured my WT writer’s block.
Garrett Hedlund
Garrett gets his own little spot on the feral corner, because …. Well, I think this post started it all. But then a good Benny gifset always gets me.  I still need to watch his new show, thanks to posts like this and this.
Things I watched:
I saw a few things this week - I rewatched Strange Way of Life and still love it. Ugh so good! I was so overwhelmed the first time I saw it, so seeing it again was helpful to pick up on the little things I missed (like Pedro’s tricep).
For a fun throwback, I watched Green Street Hooligans this week. Thank you to @laurfilijames for letting me yell about it. I forgot how much I liked that movie and how hot Charlie Hunnam was in it.
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I also went to the movie theater this week to see the new Hunger Games movie. I didn’t read the book, I literally have it sitting next to my desk mocking me because I thought I’d be able to read it before the movie came out. I thought visually the movie was beautiful, but I was a bit confused by the ending. Snow is supposed to be this evil figure in the original trilogy but I didn’t find his turn to be that convincing in this prequel. But maybe it’s because I missed something? I don’t know, the ending felt rushed to me.
Personal Stuff
A month down in my health journey and I’m feeling a lot better! The Thanksgiving holiday will be a big test, but I’m trying to not beat myself up too much and just enjoy it. 
I went to a concert this weekend and I had a blast! I really liked Ice Nine Kills before this, but now I’m an even bigger fan. They put on a great show (I loved how campy some of their antics were), and they sound amazing too. Plus, their lead singer isn’t bad on the eyes (again I’m feral AF).
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I also finished up my Pedro 2024 desk calendar. I’ll take some pictures when it finally arrives from Shutterfly. 
Fic updates:
Gave Frankie some love this week on the latest episode of Delta Landscaping! I was also distracted by Benny this week (and my thots) and put out a Part Two of Are You On Mute. I’ve taken a little writing break, but I miss my characters so I’m hoping to get some writing in this week. 
Thank you as always for reading and listening to all of my rambles!
Working Title (Dieter, series, ongoing) | AO3 
Delta Landscaping (Triple Frontier, series, ongoing) | AO3
Turbulence (Frankie, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? (Benny Miller, one-shot) | AO3
Are You on Mute? Part Two
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lotusmi · 1 year
what happened?
well. I will try to clear everything that happened...
"i am x void"
Starting with the I AM X VOID comment. I was not mad with her about that. Why? Well because it is okay to have different views on topics. She asked "they are not the same?" I said, "they are completely different for me". I was ok with this and everything was right, since we had discussed other topics before and we respected or different points of view, such as "affirm persist". I remember once she asked me if lucid dreaming and astral traveling were the same thing, I explained they are not the same, everything was ok. After replying her reblog, I left to watch a movie and only logged again this morning.
"You unfollowed her"
Why would I? I did not. It could be a tumblr glitch, maybe i forgot to follow the new account, maybe I missclicked the following button. Again, after replyng her reblog, I even found one of the first asks she sent me and I even rebloged it, because everything was okay.
+ this that an anon sent me, it really makes sense:
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I forgot to unfollow Glossy, the girl who lied to me. Why would I unfollow a friend?
"You and Roselle said shit about her"
This is a LIE. I never said anything against Unique. I and Rosie almost don't text each other. And if we did, who would share the screenshoot? Also, where is those screenshoots? No one sent me any
There was a person who was posting fake screenshoots about Riri. Everyone here knows how Riri write, everyone knew that it was fake.
+proof of my dms with Rosie
"You talked shit with other bloggers"
she mentioned angel, multiversebaddie, remcycl333, and konniesreality.
Ok. I never dm angel EVER, tho I really love her posts on states
proof (there is not even how to text her since the dms are closed) :
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i only texted her once and it was to explain a thing about the void:
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also she texted me today and i had no idea what she was talking about:
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I even thought it was about Glossy lol. We only texted each other 2 times..
About Rem, I love all her posts. But we never talked ever and I don't even have her dms too.
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she texted me twice. When she first texted it was about a personal thing of her, and the second and last, was when they both had a fight or whatever:
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I could screenshoot all the times I defended her in my dms or all the hate asks i've been getting today, but I decided not to do it. I already had proved myself here. Also. Fleur, Vesora and Unique are the only bloggers that knows my other social media.
Early in the morning I thought all of this was a misunderstood. But now I see how disrespected I was by being accused of things I did not did by a person i thought was a friend of me.
Unique, how many times I did checked if you were okay? How many times I was there for you? I defended you? I sent you a lot of asks when my anons were sending you hate, asking them to stop it. But you did not posted any of them. I know it was your decision and it is okay. But why post all of this without proof and say this was my fault? i would had sent all of this in your dm but you decided to block me without reason.
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Progress Update!
I know it’s been a while since I posted an update on here so here’s just a big update dump!
Last time I really talked on here, I was about to run a few beta test sessions. Which did happen but too much happened during the two sessions and I ultimately had to cancel the rest. Which was a bummer but its ok! I got a lot of good data on what did and did not work. So I took a few weeks as a break and got back to work. Most of said work has been reworking the Move dex to be clearer and more consistent. Which brings me to…
The Move Dex is now at version 6!
@bdigfreakingwooper and I, as well as a few others from the discord server, have gone through the entire move dex (again) and its hopefully in the last stages of development! Combat still needs overhauled somewhat so the move dex might need to be updated again afterwards but other than that, I don’t foresee any other big issues so I’m happy with where its at.
It now includes all moves (excluding z-moves & dynamax/ gigantamax moves), a few custom moves (still being added to), Key words, and move range descriptions/examples. I will be posting it here in the near future, once combat has been reworked and a few more custom moves have been added. Here’s a few notable moves that I just want to show off:
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I’m sure parts of this won’t make much sense yet so if there’s anything you’re curious about, let me know!
Current Focus
What we’re currently working on is creating an Ability dex, with every ability being adapted to this system. We’ve started work on it and it hopefully won’t take nearly as long as the Move dex to finish (or finished enough). Other than a few annoying ones (looking at Transform) its not too bad! My personal favorite so far is Ball Fetch, the signature ability of Yamper, which in this system has a D6 Chance to regain an Orb after a party member uses it, if User has free pouch slot. Just the thought of little Yamper running to retrieve Orbs is so cute I couldn’t help myself lol.
As for what comes after the Ability dex, I have an ever growing To-Do list that’s slowly being worked through, starting with overhauling the combat system. Then there’s going through all the status effects, weather, terrain, items, Dojo effects, and a bunch of other stuff. Once that’s done I’ll be going back to working on the Player’s Guide, which will be a simple introductory guide to the system, character creation, and a few other important things. After that? No clue. We’ll see what happens!
Other Stuff
The server has reached over 30 members! Its been an absolute blast to hang out in with everyone. I definitely wouldn’t have gotten as much work as I have without those in the server, most notably Nines (@bdigfreakingwooper) who is now the Co-Creator of PDM! She has done a lot work independently as well, like creating a version of the character sheet that automatically fills in stuff like move information and a treasure bag sheet that does the same with items! Its absolutely insane, biggest thanks to her for being here through so much of the development.
Also about the server, I’ve been streaming a playthrough of Explorers of Sky, following the adventures of Team Soy Bois, and it’s been a huge blast. A few of us have even been doing voices for all the characters and some others enjoy just joining muted and chiming in using the text chat. We also have been doing movie nights, going through all the Pokémon movies, which has been on hiatus but will be starting back up next week! Its overall a very chill place and I would encourage anyone following the blog to consider checking it out!
As always, I appreciate the support and interactions from everyone and I will try my best to update more regularly! If you have any questions or comments or anything, my asks and DMs are open!
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princessb4mbi · 1 year
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𖦹 tags black!femafabreader, obsessive!leon, stalking, leon is very ooc, dead dove do not eat, mentions of emotional abuse 
𖦹 synopsis to sum this up, completely based on the “check your window, he’s at your window” trend on tiktok
𖦹 word count 1.1k
𖦹 a/n this will be the start to a series, how long? no fuckin idea, but enjoy this first part [story below the cut]
“Think the rain’s gonna let up?” Your close friend Vee asks as she looks out the window. It’s pouring outside of the store, causing the outside to have a nice blue hue to it. “I hope so, we don’t want to be here if it floods..” You responded, taking a sip of your bubbly soda after. 
You stare at the window too, slowly zoning out of what’s going on currently, and thinking about the past. When you and your ex, Leon, were together and it rained, you would just cuddle and watch movies all day. It was so perfect. Until.. until he went.. insane. His once calm and sometimes stoic demeanor would turn into a possessive and jealous one. “Hey. You alright?” You snap back into reality, facing Vee’s face. You shyly nod your head yes. But you assume that she has already seen the saddened look on your face before you could change it. 
“Babe.. he can hurt you anymore. He won’t hurt you anymore.. not as long as I’m here,” Vee says empathetically. You really owe her. To get someone out of an emotionally abusive relationship is hard, but she still pushed through for you anyways, even though it wasn’t her responsibility. She cared for you as if you were related to her. She placed her hand up to your cheek, caressing it softly. “I don’t want you to worry about him anymore, kay?” 
“Ok.” You smile at her. You’ve already told her this, but she would make an amazing partner if you two wanted each other non-platonically. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, text me if you need something, ok babe?” You hum in response, watching Vee get up from her chair, fix it, then take her phone and walk away. You take another sip of your soda, then go on your phone scrolling mindlessly on Twitter. Suddenly, a message pops up in your dms. Usually, you thought of it as those weird sex bots who desperately try to scam people. But it seemed too off, so you decided to check on it. 
Propped up was an obvious Twitter pre-made username, but they had a black pfp. The name simply said, KL. The message coming from them saying, I miss you. I’m lonely. You think nothing of it, deleting the message soon after. These people are just so weird behind a screen huh?.. You continue to scroll on your Twitter, giggling to yourself whenever you see a funny post. But then again, you see another message from the same account. You click on it again seeing something way more ominous. I miss your laugh. It’s weird, but there can be many reasons as to why someone would say that, and you were praying that it wasn’t because you were genuinely laughing just a moment ago. You decide to not entertain it by simply blocking and deleting the account from your dms. Then closing Twitter entirely. 
Vee comes back from the bathroom, walking back to the table the two of you shared. “Ready to go?” She said, visually refreshed. “Yea, let’s go.” The two of you walk out, then head to her car to go to her home. 
“Hey Vee, can I use this?” You say wrapping yourself in a towel and walking over to her. “My mielle? shitt girl.. you know those things rarely get restocked ‘round here,” You frown to that. Although you get where she’s coming from, you don’t need her to be stingy. “Pleasee.. I promise to go to the store and find you one!” You make a frown to try to convince your friend. She looks like she's deep in thought, but then she gives in. “Fine, put on your clothes first, then we’ll head to CVS quickly.” You hug her, then head back to the bathroom to finish up. 
The two of you walk into CVS, going separate ways almost immediately. You lift your head to find for the haircare aisle, walking to it when you see it. You accidentally bump into someone, mumbling an apology soon after. The person says “It’s okay,” with deep, raspy voice. You feel like you recognize the voice, but mark it off as nothing and continue to look for the hair product. 
The person you bumped into is still in the same aisle as you, but they have a hoodie on so you can’t make out their face. Not that you judge or anything, but they didn’t have the stature of a woman, and their muscles lowkey poked through their hoodie. They were tall too, maybe around 5’11? You quickly turn back to yourself so you aren’t caught analyzing someone. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Assuming it’s Vee, you take it out to see what’s going on. Another Twitter message. You unlock your phone to go look at it, another black pfp account, but with another name. KSL. It seemed similar to the other “KL” account since it had the same getup and all. The message they sent through, was what made you nervous. You’re still so clumsy as ever, princess. You look to the person next to you, them being in the same spot as before but staring at a product. What the fuck? This was getting too good to be true, and you were getting freaked out. But you did what you knew best.. block and delete the account from your dms. 
You go farther down the lane, passing by the stranger. “Looking for this?” The pale hand extends to you the Mielle Oil you were looking for. They turn to face you, and your heart drops in horror. 
It was him. You left him 6 months ago, and never spoke to him again. Just took your things and left. You honestly have never seen him around since then. His icy blue eyes stare down into yours, with his lips curling into a small smirk. Your toxic ex was back in your face, and you couldn’t believe it. You had no time to worry, you needed to get out of here. You run to the check out isle, seeing Vee scan her items. “Did you find it?” She says looking around your hands for the product. Her expression changes the moment she truly sees your face. She furrows her brows and asks “What’s wrong babe?” 
“He’s here. I don’t know how, but he’s here and we need to leave. Now.” 
Vee nods at your request, and you help her bag her stuff. You panic as you put the items in the bag, and the two of you hurry to leave the store and get to the car. “Go inside the car, I’ll put it away,” Vee says as she opens the trunk of her car. You get inside the passenger seat, putting on your seatbelt and waiting patiently for Vee to finish. She gets inside the driver seat, putting on her seatbelt then wastes no time to turn on the engine and drive away. A sense of relief fills you, but you see Leon in the outside mirror of the CVS, standing ominously. 
“You won’t get away from me. Not anymore.” 
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blackthorn-legion-irl · 5 months
welcome to Team Mall Santas Save The World i guess.
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//picrew source link
yeah if angy's gonna make me dress up i'm at LEAST taking a photo of him being a mall santa too. and pixie's just vibing. (i swear if people just try and flirt with him. simon started as a joke and it's. actually kinda funny but---)
anyway. tl;dr i've gotta be on this job for a while. it's a long story, but i won't be online as much for... about a month if i'm guessing? i'll probably be on for least a bit every day, so i can get to messages and pings and stuff in okay time, but can't guarantee much else... probably will just queue some cute stuff when i see it.
so uh. yeah. stay safe out there, if you need anything that's not time-sensitive (or is something i can just run in the background) let me know, all that sorta thing.
//ooc under the cut
so this is an ic explanation for me not being around much for the next month. ooc i'm going on holiday and visiting my partner but blackthorn's aroace so get wrecked she has to dress as a reindeer B) i can post a more detailed ic explanation if asked, but since this is an overall explanatory post i want to make it also be viable for people who ignore multiversal stuff (pixie can easily just be her name and the wings dress-up so)
i'll probably be /technically/ online a lot more than she is, but not necessarily responsive. i don't know if tumblr says you're online if you have the tab open but haven't touched it in a bit, so if you need an answer to something more urgently feel free to drop me a dm on the main @demifiendcruithne since i'll be more likely to be checking in on there, or on discord if you got me
some preemptive approval for 'hey i talked to blackthorn and got this going' interactions, only request is that you do ping me in the post so i see it
basic talking to a friend about issues to try and work through it if there's no one around to or you'd rather not RP it with someone
basic hacking requests so long as they fit her ethics (for example, tracking down people causing Actual Trouble / who are lost, or getting dirt to blackmail the cops)
any hacking requests from the following people as we've interacted enough that they'd know if it fits, this includes 'hey could you help out my friend' even if i don't know said friend:
· · anyone involved in taskforce distortion (including pyrite and topaz even though they're not members just hang out in the chat)
· · any member of the pokemart household (ESPECIALLY if it involves rescuing nya)
· · sprite, indigo, kittsu (since we hung out. void and andrea OK too)
· · i am probably forgetting people and i am sorry about that. if you ask something and i'm like 'oh yeah i thought you were on the list' consider yourself on it
legion interactions: requesting things such as: homemade bread and soup, cooling pads, baby poochy pictures; dimensional travellers stopping by if they need somewhere to rest (this explicitly includes nya. yes you can mention hecking with simon)
probably more i'm overlooking, but - if it's not 'i need this immediately' then i should get to it within the day with an answer, and if it is urgent and within both ethics and capabilities then i'll be okay with it. magic anons are off for the duration; pelipper mail is still on though (sorry whoever sent the switcheroo one. i will get to it eventually...)
stay safe, happy whichever holidays you may celebrate, if you have to deal with heckers for relatives may someone blow an airhorn every time they say something stupid.
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maxverstepponme · 1 year
Let’s breakdown the timeline of these last few weeks or so. (I’m not lazy anon but I am lazy so sorry if I get some dates wrong)
- Sometime the week of the Azerbaijan GP Marina Bay anon and Lens anon show up. This starts a chain of lots of “insider anons” showing up. Some are definitely fake but some seem real
- Kelly posts a video of her and P in New York on the 28th but Steppy finds an ask form the 26th that’s says Kelly’s in New York(days before she ever posted she was there)
- Also on the 28th the Daily Mail released the article and the fake pap pics and are hinting Kelly is attending the Met Gala(Side note: Her bag and shoes are form her friends company and dress from a brand that has affiliate codes with the DM)
- Also sometime around here Deuxmoi posted anon asking if any insiders had anything on Max and Kelly
- Black and White anon makes two appearance on the 28th too. Once to confirm what Marina Bay anon is saying and later to say it was weird how quickly someone wrote into Deuxmoi. (I’m going to be honest I looked through all of Deux’s stories from April and can’t find the actual anon and I don’t remember what it said. Sorry
- I forgot to mention this earlier but a week before the Azerbaijan Gp Kelly was trying to make it seem like her and Max were on a weekend get away but he actually went to Holland for his Heineken sponsorship
- Back to the 29th. Kelly posted her and P in NYC again. This time P is pictured on a faceless man’s shoulder and in a stroller. Lots of discussion about both but K only addresses the stroller thing
- On the 30th an anon is sent saying Victoria unfollowed and re-followed Kelly
- Just Another disappears
- Max comes second in the Azerbaijan GP and Kelly doesn’t make a congrats post
- Max immediately flies back to Monaco after the GP instead of Miami or NYC like people had been speculating
- Black and White anon shows up again this day(Also take these with a gran of salt because who know if it’s the real one. Same of the other one too)
- Lens Anon up again to answer questions.(Lens Anon we need you to come back and give us Miami tea please🙏🏻)
- Yasmin and Nelson Jr both confirm they are going to Miami
- May 1st, Met Monday, lots of discussion on if Kelly is going is she not?
- Sophie comments “💗💗” on Kelly’s post after only 15 minutes
- People say she’s overcompensating for Vic unfollowing Kelly and to shut down rumors
- Kelly goes in a blocking spree after a bunch of comments asking if she cheated on Max
-She deletes all the ones asking if she cheated and if Max broke up with her but leaves the comments asking if she broke up with him(Side note: Steppy also noticed that Kelly had unblocked her but reblocked her even though she never commented or anything)
- Met Gala happens and of course she wasn’t there
- This is where I’m having trouble. I have no clue when Kelly announced the “meet and greet” with PatBo but It seems like it was announced on the 1st(I can’t say for sure)
- On the 2nd Steppy confirms that Marina Bay anon has sent her proof and seems to be real
- Max leaves for Miami and doesn’t land till around 7:00 EST
- Disco Anon shows up and sends proof to confirm that they are real. (Check the #disco anon to see all that was talked about)
- Kelly, Dafne, and Patrica host a PatBo influencers lunch event on the 3rd
- Everyone is talking about how Kelly looks completely different in every picture and how the botox and filters are getting out of hand
- There’s also lots of discussion about how Kelly looks very unhappy and tired and everyone hopes she doing ok
- On the 4th Max gets pap leaving his hotel and it’s the same agency that pap’d him and Kelly in Miami last year and St. Barths the second time
- An anon sends an ask saying they saw Max and Kelly the night before and took pictures with Max but Kelly ignored them. In a later anon they send in two pictures as proof.(Side note: Max and Kelly aren’t interacting in these pictures. The first on is Kelly a few feet in front of him getting in the car and the second is him standing outside of the car and he appears to be talking to a guy I’m pretty sure was Raymond)
- The Kelly meet and greet happened and is seen in a video just awkward standing in the back
- She also only posted 1 or 2 stories from the meet and greet.
- That night the Piquets go out for Sylvia’s birthday and Max isn’t there
- The day after Kelly reportedly ignored a fan multiple people post pictures with them and a “fan” even wrote about how Kelly was really sweet but they say they didn’t want to interrupt her so they waited till she was leaving to ask for pictures but end the message with “and then she went back to get dinner”
- Yesterday the 6th nothing really happened except Kelly went out with Patrica and Dafne and Max wasn’t there again
- Also somewhere in there an anon noticed that Verstappen.com deleted their last post with Kelly
- FINALLY!!! Today the 7th. Max and Kelly didn’t walk in together but Max does walk in with Nelson Jr
- Kelly posts a picture from the RB garage and a weird distorted picture of Max
- Max wins the GP and hugs all of his team and Martin but doesn’t hug Kelly back
-He talks to Martin instead of Kelly and people are saying they’re giving ChaCha in Abu Dhabi vibes
- Kelly posts now 14 stories from the GP when she usually only posts a couple
- Everyone is discussing how it seems like she’s really milking it
Oof Steppy this took me forever. Sorry it’s soooo long and sorry if I messed up any of the dates. I just thought since these last couple of week have been so messy that we need a recap. Imo the vibes for the last few week have been off and the vibes today were off the charts wacky and weird. Definitely still think thinks aren’t right with them and that Kelly is trying to get all she’s can before it’s too late. Anyway have a good night Steppy and Nonnie I’m going to sleep
Do you want me to tag this?
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hoaxs · 9 days
i don't like those hateful blogs they give me the ick and i don't trust them i see their posts because of reblogs i come to you because you respond in a mature way more than that blog and her friends do i am sorry if i didn't respond better but it's really hurtful to me seeing these blogs turn on people that we thought were friends and also accusing them of being stalker blogs everyone has been getting weird asks these last few days ever since the block out trend started it angers me that people think it's someone who stalks someone and you all know who i am talking about and i don't want to get involved in it either i am tired of seeing that stalker drama on my dash because it's giving maya/manthapaige stalker drama again and im not getting involved.
im thinking of revamping it also because it hasn't been fun being in this fandom and these blogs just want to come at each others throats and accuse us of being someone else etc etc sorry to drag you in i just thought i shared my opinion on what i was seeing i didn't want to start drama with you at all you have always answered my asks respectfully and i appreciate that.
okay, i do want to answer this respectfully anon but i also need to ask that this particular drama not be brought to me anymore. if you really want to talk, my dms are open and i will have an adult conversation with anyone who wants to talk about this.
im about to sound off but please, anon, you specifically, do not take it personally because this isnt at you. this is at this entire situation.
below the cut.
i dont see hateful things being spewed on my dash. people keep telling me its all over and i just... dont see it? but i dont like... religiously check anyones blogs but jaime so otherwise i have no idea whats going on in anyones world at any given time. being hateful is never necessary and fixes nothing in my opinion especially when it comes to a pop star and the in's and out's of her choices. but i dont think thats a reason to be hateful to anyone back? anyone spewing hateful behavior will automaticlaly give me the ick, too because hate is icky. but i dont see it so i dont get the ick idk. i think we all need to take a step back and remember that this is the fucking internet.
THE FUCKING INTERNET. where everyone has opinions and even their cats chime in with hefty opinions too!! everyones screaming at each other with opinions all day every day. hit the block button bestie it will give you so much peace.
the block button is your best fucking friend! hate someone? block them. dislike someone? block them. irritated by someone? block them. disagree with someones points to the point it makes you sick to your stomach? block them.
i dont love a hateful attitude but that doesnt give me the right to go spread hateful commentary either.
it comes down to you and your choices at the end of the day - if it bothers you and you let it continue to bother you or you dont unfollow or block and follow the kinds of blogs you want to be surrounded by then i just dont know how to help or what to say. i cant make the internet stop being the internet. but i also cant just not chime in when asked about things because i will get yelled at because its the internet.. so its a choice we all have to kind of make for ourselves.
and everyone has a right to enjoy their time online and you get to kind of make it what you make it.
thats what i want to be taken from this
i dont give a fuck who is involved or who were talking about. none of what i just said is directed at any individual person or group, its just being thrown into space because this keeps getting brought to me.
ok, im prepared to be cancelled or yelled at or accused of being evil or whatever it is yall are going to have to say now.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
You Love Me?
Name By: @tuesdaylovesu
Letitia Wright x Streamer Black Fem
Inspired By:Sza And Kai Cenat
Taglist : @tuesdaylovesu @verachii @iloveours @zayswriting @2k7-sparkles
Summary Of P2:Tish asked you out on a date after meeting at a party . After the date you take her to your house .The Next morning you check your phone and rumors start to spread .You enjoy time with Tish until the stream
Part 1 Part 2:What a night Part 3
Y/n’s Pov
You unlocked the car and handed Letitia the keys . You sat in the passenger seat and Letitia on the driver .You connected your phone Bluetooth to the car . You shuffled your playlist and it starts to play Wishing-Dj Drama Ft Chris Brown ,Skeme and Lyquin . Y’all put on your seat belts and started to head to the place . “This song freaky than a mf “ you say vibing to the song . Letitia places her hand on your thigh , you don’t say anything it gave you a comfort feeling . “Where we going “ you ask her . “You’ll see “ you roll your eyes . “Mysterious huh” you say looking at her . “You could say that “ she says having a smirk . The song goes off and starts to play poison by Brent Faiayz . You start to relax and check your phone . You took a picture of Letitia’s hand on your thigh You posted it on your story and captioned it “🤭” . You turned your phone off and started having a conversation with her . “ like i said at the club I end my streams late so if you want you can sleep in my guest bedroom if you want “ you say fidgeting with your hands . “An Like I said At the club who said I want to sleep in the guest bedroom “ you side eye her . “You freaky ass mf ,I would think you would want to sleep in the guest bedroom for privacy” you say looking at her side view . “Ehh you right about that” She says winking at you . “ Why did you dm me ?” Tish asks you. “Don’t worry about that just vibe “ you say nervously and flustered .Keeps on falling in love by Ella Mai starts to play. “ You’ll most likely find out tomorrow during stream” you say like that’s normal . “Mh,You know your good at dancing “ Letitia says having a small smile. “Thank you “ you say smiling back at her . Exchange by Bryson tiller starts to play .”oh this my songggg” you say . “See this what happened when I think about you I get in my feelings yeah I start reminiscing yeah “ .You sing the lyrics from your heart . “Look at how I ate that “ you say laughing. Tish cracks a smile . “So give me all of your in exchange for me “ you sing to tish while tapping tish . “Ok I see your a tiller fan “ she says “very much so “ you laugh .tish cracks a smile at you .” You look cute when you smile “ tush says looking at you in the mirror.”Thanks tish" you say. Tish made you feel a way you hadn't felt in a while but you couldn't explain the feeling.Tish parks the car at a restaurant called"Bacchanalia” you click your seat belts . And now your walking to a restaurant. Once we got in the restaurant you stood behind Tish.”Can I get a table for two “ Tish asks the waitress. “Yes follow me” the waitress walks to the back goes upstairs and goes to a secret area . “Enjoy your night “ the are was beautiful it was outdoor showing the sky and lights . While the waitress leaves the area you run and hug tish .”It’s beautiful tish ,why are you doing all this when we just met” you ask while looking up at her .”Because I want to get to know you” she says while grabbing your waist . Y’all sit down ordered food and ate .
After the 5 star experience at the restaurant .y’all headed back into your car .”We need gas you say looking at the tank. “Ight” she says looking at you while grabbing your thigh. Your phone was already connected to Bluetooth .Your playlist started with Lost you by giveon.You slowly fell asleep in the car .
Letitia’s Pov
As I see you sleep it made admire her beauty. I looked at her while she looked peaceful. I made it to gas station and parked it in the spot I got .I started to get the gas and it was 65. I payed for the gas than I got gps to your house. I parked the car in the garage and carried you in the house bridal style .I placed you on her bed and placed her stuff next to her. I went to the the guest bedroom and bathroom and I changed in the pjs you had in her guest bedroom. I went to sleep in the guest bedroom.
The Next Morning
Y/n’s Pov
You wake up on the bed right next to your stuff . Tish probably carried you in . You check your phone on social media .
Is Streamer Y/n Dating Letitia Wright?
Letitia and y/n’s dating history.
Streamer y/n see with Letitia wright
Streamer Y/n post a picture of someone grabbing her thigh.
You decided to ignore the rumors for now . You get your stuff for a shower and you placed out your out for the day
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(Outfit idea you can where whatever)
After you took your shower and got ready for the day you made some breakfast.Tish was still sleep so why not make breakfast.You made French toast for breakfast and eggs and bacon on the side. Not knowing what juice tish wanted you put water next to her food. You turn on your tv to watch a classic show. Everybody hates Chris it was one of your favorites. You sat on the couch eating and watching tv .
You hear footsteps come you way ur was tish walking down the hall .”Morning “ you exclaim . “ Good morning “ tish says walking to the bar where her food is . “I didn’t know if you wanted apple or orange juice so I gave you water “ you tell her getting up to start washing Dishes.
“These are really good y/n” Tish says stuffing her mouth. “Relax there is more French toast “ you giggle. As you finish the dishes you walk to where tish was sitting. “Did you sleep well “ you ask her making sure she is comfortable.”Yeah I slept well and these pjs are hella comfortable “ you say nodding.”Ok that’s good to hear. You smile . “I’m going to go relax I’ll be in my room “ you say while walking to your bedroom.
You wanted to relax because you know steam was going to be crazy with questions about your posts and the paparazzi picture . As you lay on your bed and turn on the tv your phone vibrates.You check your phone and it was a call from your manger.”Umm hello “ you where confused you didn’t have a meeting today .”Have you seen what’s going on social media “ your manger asks you . “Yes I have seen social media what’s the problem “ you say annoyed .”people believe that you two are together “ you roll your eyes “mhm ok so what’s the problem “ you ask unsure of what’s wrong . “ you have to tell the truth “ she says. “I was going to do that anyway “ you tell her . “Ok well next stream de bunk the rumors “ you hang up
You roll your eyes and open up Hulu on the tv . Letitia knocks on the doorframe of your bedroom door . “You good in here ? “ tish asks while walking to your bed . “Management “ you say as tish sits next to you . “What happened” tish asks while looking at you.”She told me to debunk the rumors about us I was already going to do that though “you say you wished your manager would trust you to already do something’s . Tish looked at you confused on what your talking about.”What do you mean” tish asks confused on what rumors your talking about. “Paparazzi took pictures of us and people think we’re dating “ you explain while look at her . She looks a little surprised . “I was going to talk about it on stream tonight “ you say showing a smile . “ you turn on the amazing world of gumball and relax . Tish lays down with her hair laying on your thighs . For the next couple of hours you guys where in the same pose watching tv . You slowly went to sleep and took a nap.
Letita's POV
You and I where relaxing watching TV in your bedroom. I realized that I needed clothes. I didn't wanna leave y/n so if she woke up when I was gone she would be fine. I asked management to just bring me clothes. They definitely understood the assignment. I got up and went to the door to grab the clothes they dropped off. I took a shower with soaps y/n had In the bathroom idea. The whole time I was in the shower I thought about y/n.I thought about how y/n didn't remove my hand off her the thigh how she let me lay on her thighs. Did y/n have feelings for me? I sure as hell had feelings for her but did she love me? I got out the shower getting lotioned up and dressed. I heard y/n start to wake up . Thankfully I was done changing so I walked out the guest room. Y/n was still in her bedroom chilling but it looked like she went back to sleep. “You up” I ask her . “ she looks at the time on her phone it was 3:30 pm. “I’m waking up “ she responds looking me up and down “When did you change “ she asks.” I asked my mangement to drop me off some clothes” I Explain to her .”I’m hungry asf “ you say . She opens her phone “You want some chick-fil-A “ she asks me . “ Yeah I just want some chicken tenders “ .Y/n rolled her eyes and placed her order . “Are food should be here in 30 minutes “ you smile .”Wjat you wanna do we can play games watch tv etc” she says .”We can play games” I explain. “Sit “ she pats right next “ she goes up to her dresser and tv and connect her Nintendo switch . She sits back down next to me . She hands me a controller “Wanna play smash bros “ she looks at me with a smirk .”Yeah that’s fine “ She opens up smash bros on her Nintendo Switch .”I bet you some of my fries im going to win “ y/n says “bet” I smirk. We choose are characters and start . “Ah shit” I say frowning ,”Aye im getting it “ . “I WON I get to eat some of your fries “ she says getting up and jumping .I grab her by her waist making her trip and sit in my lap.Y/n became silent and just sat their . I look at “ cat got your tongue “ I say ending with a smirk .”Let me go “ she tries to get out of this.”Nah I don’t think I want to “ She reaches to get her controller. I get my controller and I lay my head on her shoulder to see the tv. We start the next round and of smash bros .”Got you back “ I say with a chuckle .”No fair let’s go again “ as you guys picked your characters it was a knock on the door . “Now you can let me go” y/n says . She goes by her her dresser and gets money .
She walks out her room and goes to the front door to get the food .I hear y/n open the door “Here’s your tip “ y/n says . I hear her close the door and now she walks back in her room. “Ready to eat “ she asks me .”You know it “ I say smiling she sits back on her bed . Next to me and she hands me my food . She starts to make a chick-fil-a hack most likely from TikTok . “Wanna a bite “ she asks me . “Sure “ I reply she gives me an extra fork and I get some of her food mix on my fork . I eat it it tastes pretty good .”this good “ I grab more of her food .”Woah there buddy ima need you to let me eat “ she says jokingly “Please ma can I get some of your food “ I ask her “I guess but not a lot “ I eat some more of here’s while eating my chicken tenders after a while we finish eating.
“Let’s get this round started “ y/n said as she sit back into my lap. “I won ,what you going to say now “ I say picking on her “ This calls for Mario kart “ she says as she opens Mario kart on the switch .”If I win you have to post me on your story and give me cuddles “ I demand . “If you win I’ll post you on my story” I say “deal” she says . We choose are characters and cars .
“You won “ she says annoyed with her rolling her eyes .”What’s wrong ma you don’t want to do the bet “ O say annoying her on purpose.
We lay back in her bed she lays on my chest and takes the picture .The picture covered my face so people wouldn’t know who it was .She posted it and captioned it “I guess we’ll never know 🤷🏾‍♀️”.After the picture she placed her phone down on the bed . “What you trying to watch “ she asks me while looking up to lock eyes .”We can watch princess an the frog “ I say . A smile lifts on her face “that’s my favorite movie “ she says and she turns it on. For the movie we where chill calm and collected.
Y/n’s Pov
We finished watching princess and the frog and now the time was 6:50 . You got up from tishs chest and went into your stream room . You started the stream “Hey guys how are y’all “ you question them .
Noturgirl:I’m good
Sadhotlines:I’m alright
“Im going to assume most of y’all seen my story “ you smile .
Heluvsme2828:Spill the beans on mystery relationship
“Im sorry heluvsme, but can’t do that one ,for tonight’s stream we have a special guest we are going to play truth or dare react etc “ you say leaning back . Tish walks in your room.
Fr3akyH03:Is that tish
1-800-Broke:Hey tish
“I thought you would want a special intro “You say turning around to look at her.”Nah ma I was just going to come in” you chuckle.”Well there no other chair so I’ll let you sit in my chair “ you explain and you get up so tish would sit on it . Tish walked to your chair and looked at you with a smirk. Once she sat down you were going to ask about her smirk.Until she tripped you so you’ll be in her lap .”Bruh this is the 2nd time you did this if you wanted me sit in your lap say that "you say rolling your eyes. You turn the chair back around.Donation from luvmoney”tish look up y/n simping for tish” .Tish looks at you and nod letting her use your monitor. She watches the clips someone made and posted on YouTube.You where nervous how would she respond from you practically saying you loved and wanted tish to be your girlfriend. The room became silent until tish broke it with a question. “So you love me “
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supernovaodessa · 8 months
I'll send this as an Ask rather than an unsolicited DM, but the sadness in that Brittney Spears GIF caught my eye. Are you ok? Feel free to ignore/delete this, I just thought I'd check in.
I know the Brittney Spears gif was from the other day, but I only just discovered this ask so I apologize 🖤
There's times when you read something that touches you and before you even have the time think about it, you're crying. This was one of them. Thank you so much for checking in. For caring. Usually if someone besides my partner asks me that, I know all the only answer they want or expect to hear is "I'm fine." But because your concern was so genuine I want to be able to be honest about it. Especially because you were able to hone in on it all from a gif.
I'm not doing well right now. The anniversary of my mom being diagnosed with lung cancer last year came around the middle of September. I've been thinking about it a lot. How much life changed when it was already hard to begin with. Her chemo and radiation is done now, but she still has immunotherapy every fortnight. Throughout her entire treatment, I was her sole caregiver. I've no problem with it and would not have wanted it any other way. She's my best friend, has been my entire life and I live for her. However, both her and I realized how alone we are when she was fighting for her life. And it was an indescribably hard lesson to learn during the most terrifying time. We learned how conditional the love was from everyone in our lives. From friends, to the closest family members we loved and trusted. My mom was always the one who took care of things for people. Took care of everyone before she took care of herself. We realized that the people who kept taking and taking and taking just couldn't be bothered when she had nothing left to give anymore.
I'll be honest when I say that I'm a pretty cynical and pessimistic person. But any little bit of hope I had in people died when all of this happened. It broke me because I saw how much it broke her. To see a woman wasting away to nothing, crying because she can't understand what she's done to these people to deserve to be treated in such a way. Why they don't love her anymore. To see her feel such fear to live the rest of her life feeling as though she has no one to rely on. It breaks my fucking heart. I find myself thinking about it during the last couple weeks and it makes me uncontrollably sob. For what she went through, and for my own fear. Of realizing that if something happens, I have no one. No family or friends to rely on. (I don't include my partner in this statement, by the way. He's done everything he can and has gone above and beyond anything I could have asked of him. I know he knows this, but I wouldn't have survived the last year of life if it weren't for him.)
Part of the fear I feel is because I'm quite sick myself. I've been battling a plethora of chronic illnesses and pain for the last 15 years. I worry that I can't take care of my mom, especially if I can't take care of myself. Pain doesn't care if I really need to work a 15 hour day 6 days a week. Or if I have to stay up the entire night taking care of my mom. It doesn't discriminate. And because of the trauma of the last year, I've really broken down physically, mentally and emotionally. I've only just turned 30, but I feel like I'm 80. I'm just...so fucking tired. My soul is so tired.
So when I saw that post that said "do you wanna come to my house and do absolutely nothing with me?" It was just like....yes. I want that so desperately. I want to be little again. I want to watch The Land Before Time VHS tapes whilst coloring in my favorite Little Mermaid coloring book with a brand new box of crayons. I want to be carried to bed and kissed goodnight, cuddling my stuffed animals and waking up with no pain. I want to be a teenager again and ride around at night with my best friend listening to music. I want to be the young adult I once was. Being a makeup artist for Chanel during the day and a classical musician at night doing Broadway shows or symphonies. And I wish I could be the woman I always dreamt of being at this age. I'm mourning the life I wanted to live, as well as the one I wanted to provide for my mom. There's so much I want. Or wish was different. But most of all, I just want to feel safe.
I apologize profusely for how long this response was. It was a way of answering you honestly, as well as getting everything off my chest that I've kept buried inside me for over a year. I know we've only spoke briefly before, but I want you to know how much it means to have someone care. To ask after me, especially when you didn't have to. I hope with all of my heart that you always keep the kind and loving nature that comes from your heart. Please don't let anything in life ever take that away. For the sake of anybody that comes your way, but especially for yourself. Most importantly, I hope you always have someone that checks in on you, too. In life. Online. Where ever you may be. You so deserve a hug right now and I'm sending you the biggest ones I can find. xx
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valkyrieofsmut · 1 year
Ok, time for some self indulgent sharing...
This ends in the spot it does because I'm encouraging you all to jump in and (write/draw/whatever) what you want to happen next! You can do whatever you want, please give a -cest or snuff/dark warning if you do that, and an 18+ if you make it spicy, post it, don't post it, send it in dm- whatever, wherever you do it! Just please tag me so I can see the result!
I'm going to work on mine, but it's probably not going to be out today... Lol
Here it is, the prompt-
"hey, dere, dollface," a deep voice greeted, and (Y/n) looked up from the counter she was writing tickets on to see a rather large skeleton monster in a perfectly tailored, full three piece suit, the unlit stub of a cigar clenched between his sharp teeth, a gold one glinting from an almost unnoticeable chip. Her eyes moved up to his, finding burning red lights there, focused on her from the shadow of his fedora.
She blinked and pulled a friendly smile over her tired face. "Hi, please make yourself comfortable," she gestured to the bar stool, "what can I get for you?"
He looked her over and sat on the stool. "coffee. an' mustard."
She lifted a brow in confusion, but complied, getting him a mug and a bottle of mustard and setting them on the counter as she filled the mug with hot coffee.
He picked up the mustard, looking at it, and set it back down. "can i get a new one, doll?"
She gave him another questioning look, but ducked under the counter to get a new bottle and set it on the counter, moving the open one under the counter as she asked, "any cream or sugar? Or something to go with your mustard?"
He gave a chuckle and a smirk, reaching into his inner pocket and pulling out a cigar case to put his cigar away, and (Y/n) caught sight of a decorative insignia engraved in the shiny metal. If his suit alone hadn't screamed money and status, his cigar case definitely let her know.
"nothin' fer the coffee, but some sugar from you would be perfect."
(Y/n)'s eyes widened a bit at how forward he was being, but didn't seem too bothered by it. "Unfortunately, I'm not on the menu," she told him, gesturing to said menu, "but if you see something on there I can get you, let me know." She flashed a smile and hurried off to where a man was tapping his coffee mug on the table.
Sans sat at the counter, watching as the cute waitress moved around quickly, making sure that every customer had what they needed, what they had ordered, and that it was delivered quickly, and doing it gracefully with a smile.
She stopped back at the counter, filling the coffee mug of every man in the line, ending in front of him. She bit her lip as she poured, but it was obvious that there wasn't enough to fully fill the mug. "Sorry, it'll be just a moment while I get another pot going."
"sure," he agreed, letting her know that he wasn't troubled by it.
She turned around and started getting the coffee machine ready, pulling the filter and setting it up.
"isn't taday some special human holiday?" Sans asked.
(Y/n) turned to look at him in confusion. "Holiday?"
"somethin' about candy, 'r flowers…?"
She blinked, then looked down at her ticket pad at the date. "Oh- yeah; Valentine's day. It's for couples, impressing someone you got the hots for, having dates and stuff."
Sans gave a smirk. "den what's a gorgeous doll like you doin' 'round here?"
She huffed a laugh, waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. "Working. Someone has to."
"ya got someone waitin' fer ya at home, den?"
(Y/n) turned and looked at him before getting the coffee pot and filling his mug. "Nah," she answered jokingly. "No one would want to see me after a shift, probably be too tired to really be much fun, anyway."
She gave another smile and excused herself to go work more.
Sans pulled his pocket watch from its special spot, and checked the time. 2 pm. So his pretty little interest should be off at any moment.
This was the best timing he'd probably ever had, finding this doll just when she was about to be free to run into his arms.
He drank from the mustard bottle, ignoring the murmurs as he did.
There was a sound from the back, and a man Sans knew was the owner came out of the kitchen.
"Hey, (Y/n)," he called as she headed back to the counter.
(Y/n) gave a tired smile as she made her way up to him. "Yes, sir?"
"Cassy isn't coming in, I need you to stay late."
(Y/n) bit her lip, looking concerned. "How late?"
"Why, do you have a date?" He asked doubtfully.
"Well, no…"
"Then don't be so stingy, you should cover and let the others have their fun, especially since you're not doing anything anyway," he scolded.
"Cover- the whole shift?" She asked.
"You already said you didn't have a date, so what's the problem?" The owner demanded.
"hey, dere," Sans greeted in his low voice, and the two of them looked over to him, the owner looking surprised to see him, though Sans had no idea who could miss a huge guy like him being in the room.
"O-oh- hello, Mr. Gaster," the owner greeted back shakily. "I- I'm sorry I wasn't out here to greet you- I- I'll finish taking care of this and be right with you-"
"nah. here's what you're gonna do… cassy is yer daughter, isn't dat right?" The owner nodded nervously. "so you're tryin' ta make dis gorgeous doll stay here fer another shift so's yer own daughter can go run around? gee. i'd hate ta think you're abusin' yer power over yer employees."
The owner's eyes widened and he started trembling a bit. (Y/n) could feel his nervousness as the large skeleton seemed to start looming above them- even though he was still sitting on the stool.
"see, that'd be a real shame, especially since ya just got set up wit protection." His voice was threatening, despite being even. "but, my boss an' i… we don't protect people who treat other people like garbage. so, as i was sayin'; here's what you're gonna do. you're gonna cover until ya daughter comes in, an' you're gonna let her," he nodded to (Y/n), "come wit me."
"Y-yeah- yes- sir," the owner agreed.
"Um- I- wait-" (Y/n) looked around a bit nervous, afraid of leaving with this strange man, but the owner seemed ready to sell her to the skeleton to save his own ass.
"c'mon, dollface. I got somethin' planned fer ya…"
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