#And Keith´s dad being dead
bylrndgm · 2 years
eight-fifteen screencaps (S1 and S2)
Premises: I'm completely unhinged (🤡) and I have time to waste, therefore, I decided to give my contribution to the whole 8:15 gate.
No, for real: in this post I will put the screencaps of what happens at 8:15 and -8:15 of each episode (probably gonna reget it halfway through it lol).
In this first post I will go through S1 and S2.
Long post -> keep reading under the cut.
Pictures on the left: 8:15
Pictures on the right: - 8:15
Season 1
Chapter one: The vanishing of Will Byers.
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Chapter two: The weirdo on Maple Street
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Note: at 46:51, the lights flicker.
Chapter three: Holly, jolly
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Chapter four: The body
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Note: at 8:15 there are the title credits playing.
Chapter five: The flea and the acrobat
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Note: at 8:15 there are the title credits playing.
Chapter six: The monster
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Chapter seven: The bathtub
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Note: seconds prior 8:15, Karen finds out some blonde hair (that probably came off El's wig)
Chapter eight: The upside-down
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THOUGHTS: What is absolutely feral about this, is that S01E01's 8:15 matches with S01E08's -8:15 -> in both cases Will is leaving (the shed/Mike's basement).
And while the 8:15s seem a little disconnected from one another, the -8:15s kinda have a recurring theme:
El is trying to escape from the bad men
Joyce is crying after the line dropped (after she heard Will breathing)
Hop leaves the library to get to the quarry where he will find the fake body
Joyce breaks her house's wall trying to reach Will, who moments prior was "in the walls"
Lucas goes away after El used his powers against him
Dustin is assaulted by Troy, who threatens him to remove his teeth. Moments later, Mike will jump off the cliff
El finds out that Barb is dead
Will goes home
They're all about "going away/dying/leaving/escaping".
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Season two
Chapter one: Madmax
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Chapter two: Trick or treat, freak
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Chapter three: The pollywog
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Chapter four: Will the wise
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Chapter five: Dig dug
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Chapter six: The spy
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Note: The Duffer Brothers are unhinged as hell, like, what does it mean that these two 8:15s are connected? The first lie: Jonathan and Nancy don't feel anything for eachother, they're just friends, which Murray debunks. And the lie was said because there was Steve in the middle of them (aka Nancy had still to sort out her feelings).
Chapter seven: The lost sister
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Chapter eight: The mind flayer
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Chapter nine: The gate
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Note: the poster on the image on the left, shows a woman who's being chocked by some dark, monster-like hands -> the exact same thing that will happen to Joyce later on
THOUGHTS: What I noticed, is that the 8:15s are about learning, discovering and understanding because:
Keith is discussing about acne, teaching them it's not contagious + Will is having his first "now memory" of the UD
Hop tells El why she can't go trick or treating + teches her a new word: compromise
Dustin borrows five books from the library to understand more about Dart
Self-explainatory: "do you know what this word means?"
Jonathan had just learnt from Nancy that she waited him a month before getting back with Steve
Murray understands Jonathan and Nancy are lying to him
El is about to reunite with Kali
Billy's dad talks to him about "respect and responsibility" and he asks him if he understood
Joyce clicks on how to free Will from the Mind flayer.
That is pretty much it. Probably I will post pt. 2 tomorrow and let me know your thoughts.
I will leave the posts that inspired this madness raptus below, so that if you want to understand more, you'll be able to.
this by @aemiron-main
this by @byler-4-life
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lunova-rambles · 2 months
VOLTRON (VLD) AND NINJAGO HAVE SO MANY PARALLELS/SIMILARITIES SKAJSOWKSJ I made this post like 3 years ago I’m just reposting here 😭
spoilers in case anyone actually reads this
This is mainly because of popular archetypes, but in both teams there's: a leader, a hothead related to red & fire, a comic relief who’s blue, a strong boy who likes food, a smart nerd, a badass lady, and an older dude who helps the team out
Jay & Lance are both associated with blue and are the comic relief within their teams, but can be serious and get the job done when needed
Also both blue boys fall for the badass lady who becomes part of the team later in the series
There’s an older brother and younger sister duo with missing parent/s (also the smart ones are both missing a parent)
There’s a character who’s revealed to be related to an ‘enemy’ species (Lloyd/Keith)
The leaders (Lloyd/Shiro) both disappear for the majority of at least 1 season (Lloyd gets possessed)
While we're on the topic, both badass ladies (Nya/Allura) don't become a ninja/paladin until the season when their leader disappears
Both badass ladies are somehow related to water
The badass ladies are both shipped with another dude before ending up with the blue boys
Ok this isn’t a parallel, but ironically, vld makes it a point to show that strong boi Hunk can cook really well, whereas ninjago makes it a point to show that Cole is bad at cooking
Both older mentor dudes have fabulous moustaches
The green ninja/paladin is the youngest member of their team
The red and green ninjas/paladins find their possibly-dead parents later in the series (Kai finds parents, Keith meets mom, Lloyd finds dad again in the Cursed Realm, and Pidge rescues dad)
All previously listed parents were assumed to be or actually were corrupted/traitors/working for the enemy at some point
But the red and green ninjas/paladins' moms come in later in the series to help their kids uwu
Speaking of which, there's a lot?? of moms??? that suddenly appear later on in both series
Morro, a baddie of season 5, essentially tells green ninja he can help them see their father. Zarkon, a baddie of season 5, essentially tells green paladin he can help them see their father.
Red boys are somehow connected to a female sidekick of a villain (Skylor & Acxa) for at least 1 season; the female character ends up being a good person who helps the team in a later season
ALSO THERE'S A PURPLE & WHITE-COLOURED BADDIE WHO'S BAD but oh wait he's good buT OUP HE'S BAD AGAIN (*cough* Pythor and Lotor which both end in “or”)
Both teams get literally put into a game of some kind (Prime Empire & Garfle Warfle Snick)
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localfanbaselurker · 3 months
I’m watching “Voltron: Legendary Defender” for the first time and these are my compiled thoughts.
This is Season 3
(S 1-2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
<this one will be a little longer because I took more pictures when I watched these two seasons, as I got a little more invested in the show>
(Edit: apparently I can only put 10 pictures per post, so while I planned for this to be season 3 and 4, this has to be a solo season post because I have wayyyy too many thoughts and a lot of them need accompanying pictures)
Pre-Season 3
-> I wonder who is gonna be the new black paladin, I hope it’s Allura. Or Keith I guess, but his ass is NOT ready for leadership
-> I need to know where Shiro is. Bring back my Cruella Deville!
-> the witch is altean! This is gonna be sooo important I just know it
-> I wonder how Allura and Keith will interact now that she sorta accepted him being part galra. that’s actually a really interesting topic.
->Keith being galra is gonna be something very important as well I think.
-> Pidge BETTER find her brother and father this season or I swear Dreamworks is gonna catch these hands
Post-Season 3
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-> ^if villain why hot?
->his ideals are giving Roman Empire. (I guess that makes sense considering he’s the prince of the Galra Empire)
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->^hmmm.🤨🤔 (I know what you are)
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->^Space TyLee! And Space Asami, too!
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->^oh so Keith gets to be insecure now, I guess everyone gets their own “angst” episode
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->^hes the first to comfort him! is this a “klance” moment? It feels like one
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->^Once again have to talk about Allura and her dad. She already threw away all her dad’s memories and his “essence” of him. Now she can’t even stay connected to him by piloting his lion ☹️. I genuinely get so sad every time I think about her. 🙁 All I do at 3 am is cry. 😕
->I originally got super sad about that, but then she became the blue one and I was really happy. But I was reallyyyy confused about the schematics of the switches. (still kinda am) like the lions don’t fit their personalities. And isn’t it the point that they get chosen for a reason?? Like when the blue one chose Lance in s1? And the red one chose Kieth, etc. ?? I guess it makes sense for them to call on other paladins when Shiro “dies” (his ass is not dead, I’m 100% sure of that) but Allura fits Black/Red better imo.
-> But then again, I did like how it was executed/explained. “Oh Lance ur the new red one cus you accepted Keith as ur leader and now you have to be the right hand. Get it cus red is Voltron’s right arm??” like yeah. And of course:
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->^Allurance!! I finally see it, now.
-> Also, my supposed question about “langst” was proven wrong, there’s more than just the “seventh wheel” episode.
“Not only am I not meant to be the leader, I guess… I guess now I’m not even meant to be a paladin”
He is really insecure about that isn’t he? Does any of this ever get resolved??
-> this season was huge for klance apparently. They have so many moments together. When they get dragged by evil elsa Lotor to that weird planet and have their lions talk face to face, the shoulder touch, them seeking each other out for/being the first to give the other comfort/reassurance, “Leave the math to Pidge” , Lance being the most upset that Keith isn’t at the parade thing, their teamwork in “Tailing a Comet”, “Yeah, who am I gonna make fun of?”
You guys just kept winning this season honestly slay.
-> The Lore drop that Coran did about the creation of Voltron/Original Paladins. Bro
->I’m still hung up on that. Honerva I could have saved you.
-> Gotta say though im all for an evil couple.
-> I loved all the S1 call backs to the original paladins “I’m a leg!” Like yeah 🩷 you are 💛 and the og blue paladin does the “lance in the intro” thing
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->^When they form Voltron for the first time in the flashback, the colors are brighter, much like the original 80s show’s colors, and the captions later read “Defender of the Universe”, which was the name of the original Voltron show. This is an especially fun detail because not only are they honoring the “original paladins/voltron” of the show’s lore, they are also doing so in reference to the original show itself, which I think is all so beautiful
->Baby Allura is soooo cute!
-> We get Shiro back! I knew he wasn’t dead. Low key I was scared he lost another arm or something but no! He’s okay 🖤🤍
-> I did some research and it turns out he is in fact 25, I don’t know whether to be happier or sadder for him. On one hand, thank fuck he’s not like 15-17 like the others, on the other hand, he should be at the club. He should be finding love, he should be at his 9-5 paying taxes and doing laundry not having his arm chopped off and replaced with magic and having to fight in the space coliseum and then escaping and having to pilot a giant robot and be a part of an intergalactic war. (I suppose that last part is true for all of them, but the rest is shiro-specific, and it all makes me a little sad)
-> call me crazy but he looked hotter when his hair was long
-> on that note, WHERE did he find a razor. Did he just use a sword or something?? Like in mulan??
-> in “Tailing a Comet”, they apparently meet alternate space reality!Kuvira from atla:lok , and ASR!Bataar Jr. I mean, really, down to the bun and the mole, as well as the controlling dictatorship-esque behavior and the “really, this is actually for their own good” attitude when it comes to said controlling behavior. Did the writers of each show just share ideas or??
-> im so serious with that last question. The thing that came out of the “quintessence rift” that the original paladins had to fight? A dark spirit from LoK: Book 2: Spirits. Whatever tf happened to zarkon when he got too close? When Unalaq got possessed by Vaatu. I mean really, were they just passing cards like go fish?
->I genuinely cried when Keith left for the Blade of Marmora (to save time, I’m gonna start calling them the “Blades” or “BOM”)
-> however, I feel like him leaving for the blades is gonna be really plot relevant later on
-> I think that’s when S3 ended im pretty sure. I don’t have further thoughts other than those I could’ve discussed if I could upload enough pictures for my S4 thoughts that accompanied them.
These are thoughts I’ve had compiled for a while. I finished S3 on 06/26/24 and S4 on 06/30/24. As of today (07/3/24) I am on S5E3.
I will continue to post my thoughts/Updates on the tag “laura’s first vld”
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himbos-hotline · 6 months
muppet babies au????? i’m intrigued
The muppet baby au is the first AU in an installment of four fics regarding your [ngl mostly my and my siblings favourite wrestlers] as infant and young children. It is an au where nothing hurts and everything is cute and sweet. Think of it like a little episodic TV Show with linking characters and storylines. With a couple of OCs sprinked in for our own enjoyment! The cast include
Maddie Orton [OC] - Shes 5 - a tiny doctor - autistic and dyslexic - baby adopted sister of Randy Orton - Parents: Triple H/Shawn Micheals [Adopted the Orton/Rollins children after their birth parents died in an accident]
Finn Balor - Hes 6 - always full of chaos - thinks hes immune to being told off because his ma runs the daycare [that is fundermentally untrue] - Likes to be lavelled as Irish - Bites but for fun - parents: Ma and Pa Balor
Samuel 'Sami' Zayn: - 5 - Translates Generico to everyone else - Isnt too good at making friends - probably doesnt sleep enough for a kid - Wears his hat and glasses - Always has his fingers in his mouth -Parents: Edge and Christian
El Generico: - age: 4 - barely speaks so its mostly sounds [Danhausen and Sami can understand] - Dances and always on the move, cannot sit still - sleeps on tables - He always has the lucha mask on [adults are sure hes posessed by some kinda mexican wrestler and is thus an "old soul"] - refuses to believe the young bucks are seperate people - gets emotionally attached to things that arent human - Parent: Excalibur
Kevin Owens: - age: 7 - the kind bully very much - is very loud when he wants to be - Likes the slide so he can scream at people from the top - refuses to say hes samis friend [they are though, he will push you in the mud over it] - Parent: Chris Jericho [we found this funny when we were planning]
Aleister Black: - Age: 6 -Draws on himself and runs around in his pants - Has lost a tooth - Draws terrifying things, should probably be put in therapy over it but shhhh - literally an old soul, speaks very well for a six year old -gets strangely emotional if things fo wrong Parent: AJ lee [we kinda ran outta parents here shush]
Aleks Page [OC] - age: 5 - Has a crush on tiny aleister - British [confused about everyone else and sami but thats normal for Samuel] - Likes to be outside - Somehow becomes convinced that her and Adam Page are related because they share the same last name - Tries to drink her little weight in juiceboxes - wildchild Parents: Her bio mum and dad [catholic nurse and stay at home dad]
Balor: -Age: 7 1/2 or 7000 nobody is really sure -"Around finns age" supposibly - sleeps like hes dead -His hair always sticks up like hes got little devil horns - Understands Generico and Danhausen just doesnt tell anyone -Parents: Brodie King
Randal "Randy" Keith Orton: - 10 - the eldest kid at the daycare - eats bugs and things to look cool - plays with the younger kids cuz hes forced too - loves his sister but will never tell her -Overprotective -parents: Triple H/ Shawn Micheals
Seth Rollins: - Age: 4 - the youngest of the Orton trio - gets roped into shit Randy does -Has asthma -Jumps off talls things - wears terrible clothes because Shawn dresses him - Steals the colouring supplies - Him and Mox were in the same care home, bugs Mox about if their friends or not every week -he has unlimited power - wants a dog, no you will not argue with him -parents:
Jonathon 'Jon' Moxley: -Age: 5 -pretends hes not allergic to cats - constantly covered in bandaids- always has one on his nose - has ADHD and gets anxious about going to new places [Regal sits in for his first day of daycare] - Calls Regal dad, things regal will send him back if he screws up - Regal teaches him origami - Gets nosebleeds and is way too calm over it - Doesnt like tiny MJF -loves Rain - ADORES FROGS - scared of the dark but pretends that he isnt -Calls tiny Gernerico "champ" and pats him on the head or back -Will eat and bite everything - eats the paper on sweets - likes dragons - never wears his coat, always wears boots and either mismatched socks or no socks - Number dyslexic - Parent: Willam Regal
Rhea Ripley: -age: 8 - plays violin and plays things like the phyco theme - spooky child - tall for her age so everyone thinks shes older - wears spooky looking earrings - Parent: Lita
Darby Allin: - Age: 4 - Friends with Generico but doesnt know what hes saying, makes up his own conversations - Throws and jumps off everything - sucks his thumb when hes asleep - paints his face with the paint that isnt face paint - friends with Seth cuz they both throw themselves off high shit for fun -parent: STINNNNGGGGGG
Adam "Horseboy" Page: Age: 4 [but hes almost five] - wears tiny cowboy boots -not so social, more anxious. likes to colour with the girls - the newest kid on the block -horse girl - has little butterfly jeans - owns my little ponys -knows everything about cowboys and horsies - has sawdust in his hair sometimes - anxious cowboy but squashed into tiny - has resting sad face - cries randomly a lot - still has a pacifier and a weighted horse toy parent: Beth Pheonix
Maxwell Jacob Friendman: - Age: 4 - tiny asshole - has hayfever and it makes him mad - bullys Maddie and pulls her hair - refuses to do things that are "not fun" - wears expensive looking clothes - jewish and has adhd - always wears his scalf - Parent: Stephanie McMahon [we also found this funny]
Matthew "matt" Jacksonville aka Matt Jackson: - Age: 7 - basically a small lab as a human being - always seen with little kenny and his brother - always super happy to show off his shoes, bullys over people for their shoes - wears the loudest brightest clothes - little sunshine baby - likes to read - is in dance and tumble classes - has braces [hes not happy about it] - autistic, gluten and lactose intolerent [Matthew simply, cannot pick a struggle] Parents: mama and papa Buck
Nicholas "Nick" Jacksonville aka Nick Jackson: - Age:5 - Also wears the loudest brightest clothes - Holds tiny mattys hand when they travel anywhere - has a stuffie bird he carries everywhere - also autistic - atill plays with baby toys cuz theyre free stim toys - falls over a lot - parents: mama and papa buck
Kenneth "kenny" Omega: - age: 7 [older than matthew] - tiny traumatised child - wets himself a lot due to trauma - is suprisngly happy despite troubling homelife - has tiny curls, wears little ponytail - in chronic pain - has a little backpack filled with baby and kids pain meds - brings comic books to school to show friends - always with tiny bucks - plays hockey -Parent: Don Callis [we dont talk about it, it hurts]
Edward [Eddie] Kingston: - Age: 9 - friends with tiny kevin because theyre both filled with rage - small new york accent - makes friends with Mox - that kid who always wants to see gross stuff cuz it looks cool - plays baseball - never seen without a plastic hat - Parent: Mick Foley
Wheeler "Wheels" Yuta: -Age: 2 - Mute - is left at daycare because regal needs to work - follows Mox around - communicates through sounds and laughter - sits on Moxs little bike while he rides it - toddles like the sims toddlers - knows a little sign language - autistic -tomboysih - Parent: Willam Regal
Daniel Hausen: -Age: 6 - speaks Generico, sleeps under the tables that Generico sleeps on - keeps all his baby teeth and carries them around - plays dolls with hangman - spooky child - calls the children by their full names [Jon is Jonathon] - also plays with the not facepaint paint -will get himself into really weird "how the fuck did that happen?!" situations -Parent: Excalibur
HOOK: -age: 3 - selective mute - doesnt know what to do with the weird demon that keeps trying to make friends with him - anger issues - climbs trees to be alone and doesnt know how to get down - needs to be persuaded to eat food that arent chips - fucking ADORES dinos my guys! - reads the same dino book over and over again - punch first, ask questions later -parent: Taz
Lukas "Luke" Gallows and Karl Anderson: - ages: 8 and 7 respectfully - two half of a whole idiot - Luke is the tallest in the little kid class - Karl has esxma and wears gloves so he doesnt itch it - weirdly facinated by tiny kenny and little buckles - Parent: AJ Styles [like BC, get it?]
Orange Cassidy: - Age: 6 - that one kid that just, doesnt care - sensitive to light, so wears sunglasses inside - likes wearing jeans - can sleep anywhere at any time -shows emotions rarely - Parents: Excalibur
Charles "Chuck" Taylor: -Age: 8 - isnt eager to move up to the big kids club - has rosacea - naturally comedic gold - that kid that laughs in awkward situations - really likes being helpful - sarcastic - "you ever warm up to talk to people?" - southern friends with little cowboy -Parent: Tony Schiavone
Trent ? Barreta: -Age: 7 - kindly that kid that knows nothing - asks tiny chuck questions -tiny chuck carpools with him - literally the most agreeable kid yall could meet - drives around in one of those like, tonka cars -Parent: sue
Adam Cole [Toddler]: - Age: 5 - little smug child - its very clear shes an only child - thinks her hair is very pretty - off and on again friends with the tiny elite - is actually kind when you get to know her -padengt queen -Parents: Claudio and RJ City
Jack "jungle boy" Perry: - Age: 3 - also loves dinosaurs - carries around a stuffed lunchasauras - climbs trees and knows how to get down - helps nicky indetify birds - like the best hair on a little one - parents: Edge and Christan
Ruby Soho: - age: 5 - tiny punk baby - isnt to be left alone with scissors - knows lots of myths and stuff - also draws on herself - once ate a thumbtack - friends wiht little eddie - parnet: Aubrey Edwards
Julia Hart: - Age: 2 - also speaks very well for a two year olf - seems to be able to read minds - likes her big hat and enjoys dressing up _ has kind eyes and the opposite of a resting bitch face - has spikey teeth - Grown up: Brodie King
Jay: - AGe: newborn - originally fostered by Regal - ends up being adopted by mama and papa buck - hangs out in the nursery/little play area with the younger ones - Maddies cousin
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dorky-zuko · 1 year
Plz share your thoughts on the Mass Effect Endings (Both from a Watsonian perspective of "which ending choice is the best" and from a Doylist perspective of "were any of those endings a good way to end the trilogy?")
Look, you asked for it.
When the third game first came out and I reached the ending, I immediately shot the glowy kid because I thought he sucked, and then when nothing happened I decided to blow up the Reapers. Apologies to my new friends The Geth and the lovely EDI, but I’m hittin’ destroy every time lol. My dad, Captain Admiral Keith David Anderson, told me to do it. 
After the DLC update however, now when you shoot starkid he gets real pissy and throws a tantrum, locking you into what is simultaneously the worst and best ending. The refuse ending is interesting to me because it really is the developers saying, okay, you didn’t like our endings, huh? Well here’s one where everyone dies instead, happy now??? And like, yeah! Even though everyone dies and the content is significantly, significantly truncated, at least it’s a real ending? At least it makes sense? 
All three crucible endings are terrible because, let’s face it, the crucible suxs. From your Doylist perspective, it was dead on arrival, a dud the moment it was introduced into the plot on Mars. Really, all the crucible endings are bad because the whole set-up for ME3 is bad. It turns Mass Effect into a story about building a magic machine to make all your problems go away. No matter how the crucible ended up working it was never going to be narratively satisfying, because it’s just an enormous machine that beats the Reapers for you.
When you spend 2/3rds of your story writing your characters into a box, it’s bad form to start act three by handing them a box cutter.
So if the crucible sucking is the one of the one, two punch that is ME3’s terrible ending, the second punch is surely that we’re going into this game with the goal of explaining the Reapers. This gets even worse when you consider what they add in Leviathan, but even without that, making the Reapers a force with whom Shepard can discuss both the nature of life and the Reaper’s plan in relation to it at the end of the game is just pathetic. Both for Shepard AND for the Reapers. 
When Sovergin says “You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it,” that’s all I need from the Reapers. When he says “rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance,” THAT’S ALL I NEED FROM THE REAPERS. When he says “there is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it”
That’s it, baybee. That’s the whole thing. 
I don’t need the Reapers to be any more scrutable to me than an 8 year old child is to the ants that live in his ant farm. They work all day, living their little ant lives, toiling in obscurity, oblivious to the fact that the giant beyond the glass is even alive in the same way that they are. Oblivious to the fact that they are utterly at his mercy. And then one day he turns 9, and decides he’s too old to have an ant farm any more, so his parents come in with the pesticide, and then later they tell him the ants went to a farm upstate. The ants live and die, they build a civilization only to watch it fall, and the whole time they are utterly unaware of the factors that motivate the beings that control every part of their entire universe.
That’s the Reapers. Eternal and unknowable. Alive in a way organic beings can barely understand, motivated by forces that defy our every way of thinking.
Except of course, it’s not. The Reapers were built by the space squids who still, miraculously, live at 2181 Despoina Drive. They have incredibly simple motivations that can be explained in a single conversation. They want to pull a John Conner and stop the Terminator future, so every once in a while they come kill all organics before synthetics can do it first, even though if you’re not a loser you already made peace between the Geth and Quarians so their entire point is entirely refuted before the starkid has even started explaining it to you. Glowboy says "synthetics will always end up destroying organics," and Shepard is like, "my ship’s AI is alive, and I can't get her to stop boning my pilot. The only 'destroying' of organics she's wants to do is pulverizing Jeff's brittle-bone-disease pelvis!" Everything the starkid says about organics and synthetics being incompatible instantly rings hollow the moment he says it, and that's the entire basis for what the Reapers have been doing for like a hundred million years. It’s just so weak.
And then this weak ass kid who has given you no reason to believe he has any idea what he’s talking about gives you three options, none of which makes any sense. Grab these exposed wires and you’ll turn into a big blue reaper? Jump into this hole to give everyone in the galaxy magic green cyber eyes? Shoot this machine until it blows up nice and red hot, which is somehow the intended way to turn it on???
Why would I, or my Shepard, want to do any of these three things? All I want to do is shoot the starchild. He’s literally in charge of the Reapers, the bad guys who have been killing everybody for three games now. He seems chill with whichever crucible ending you pick, only becoming upset if you pick the refusal ending. Which is good, I hate him and I want him to be upset.
Look, if you wanted me to say which color ending is best, like I said at the start, it’s red. Illusive Man wanted to do blue, and he’s a chump, so I’m not picking blue. And I don’t really believe in green, it sounds too much like made-up space magic, and I’m not a hippy. I like EDI and the Geth, I really do, but the Reapies gotta go, my dudes. I’m sorry to all the robots out there, y’all we’re the real ones.
So yeah, the endings all suck individually and they also all suck collectively. Mass Effect 3 succeeds in a lot of ways, it has the best set pieces of the trilogy (2 has the best characters and 1 has the best narrative) and it has lots and lots of amazing payoff for narrative beats that have been set up throughout all three of the games. But the Reapers aren’t one of them. Best to just play Citadel DLC and end things after the party, pretend the writers decided to keep the ending ambiguous. That Shepard, they always keep you guessing. How are they gonna get outta this one? I guess we’ll never know.
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NITA STRAUSS Says It Was 'An Honor' To Make ALICE COOPER's Upcoming Album 'Road' As A Band
In a new interview with Radioactive MikeZ, host of the 96.7 KCAL-FM program "Wired In The Empire", Nita Strauss spoke about Alice Cooper's new album, "Road", which will arrive on August 25 via earMUSIC. Produced by longtime collaborator Bob Ezrin, "Road" was written, composed and recorded with Alice's trusted, longtime bandmates — Ryan Roxie (guitar),Chuck Garric (bass),Tommy Henrikson (guitar),Glen Sobel (drums) and Strauss (guitar).
"What an honor to get to make this album as a band," Nita said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET). "It's really cool because I've been working with Alice for almost a decade now, and not only did I get him to guest on my record, but then the band and myself got to really create this whole 'Road' record from pretty much scratch.
"Alice came to us at the beginning of the tour and said, 'I wanna make a record with you guys, and I want it to show off how this band really is. So write it on the road, rehearse it on the road and record it as soon as we get off the road.' So that's exactly what we did," Nita explained. "We came up with riffs and ideas and we sat in each other's hotel rooms and recorded demos and went over songs at soundchecks before shows and then literally had our last show on a Saturday, went to Nashville on Sunday and recorded the record on Monday… We started on Monday and we took a week to record the record. We did the prep work on the road… We went into Bob Ezrin's studio in Nashville. It was really organic, really fun. I wouldn't use the word 'easy', but [there was] sort of an easy vibe in there. We recorded as a group in the round. There was no one person isolated in the room punching in and punching out. It was very organic and very raw and real."
Regarding what it was like to work with Bob, Nita said: "Ezrin is like your dad that you wanna impress in the studio. I feel like everybody wants that sort of smile of approval, because you don't get it easily. Bob is a hard guy to impress. All you want is to not get yelled at when you're in the studio with him. [Laughs] But him being a tough taskmaster on the musicians he works with is why he's such a legend and why he gets the best out of every band that goes in the studio with him."
The LP's first single, "I'm Alice", is available below.
"Road" is going to be released in a wide variety of formats and limited vinyl colors. Complementing the album's theme, the bonus DVD/Blu-ray comes with Alice Cooper's 2022 full live show at Hellfest and includes all the classics and rarely played gems.
Throughout 2022, Alice collaborated closely with his bandmembers and Ezrin, putting together what would become "Road".
"I said to everybody, 'This is your album, so I want you all to bring songs in'," Cooper recalled. "Hearing Ryan or Tommy gives it so much personality. The backbone is the group. Once they shared their ideas, Bob and I sat there and connected the songs. It was like directing a play. We're old school; we still write thematic albums."
"Road" features guest appearances by Kane Roberts, a touring and recording collaborator with Alice in years past who briefly rejoined Cooper on the road in 2022, on "Dead Don't Dance"; RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's Tom Morello, who co-wrote, and plays and sings backing vocals on "White Line Frankenstein"; and BUCKCHERRY's Keith Nelson and MC5's Wayne Kramer, who also co-wrote new songs with Alice.
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Voltron Part 26
Time for season 6! Apparently it's the last fully good season, before a mediocre S7 and an absolutely terrible S8. And honestly, I'm kinda excited bout that. Episodes 1+2, let's go:
God, Lance is really bitter about Lotura
Lotor had a Nanny as a kid. Because of course he did. (Btw, I realized who he reminds me of. Nathanial from CXG! [Cue “Who s the new Guy?” ])
Hunk’s gonna get the viewer some good old exposition
Lotor. What do you mean with: “Child raised in the void” ?
OG!Galra Kitty Man is suprisingly still relevant. After S1 I thought that he's never be seen again
Lotor is too possessive towards Allura. He doesn’t want her to fight as part of Voltron, but to instead stay by his side. -> EVIL!
Shiro is hearing voices. That's always a good sign
Space witch is also a Chosen One!
Can Shiro also use space witch as spyware? Or was she just shown to let the viewer know what’s up?
The Galra’s defence shield is just a giant puzzle for 3year olds
Hunk! Yes, you go! My boi!! Show those Galras how it’s done! (I don’t know why, but this scene especially made me laugh hard)
Lance, you’ve had so much growth the last few seasons. Please don’t just be horny for Allura again...
Ironic, how the white lion messed Shiro up
The Allurance!!!
Wait, did Lance legit just die, and Allura revived him. Or was he just passed out?
I kinda expected space witch to walk out with a corpse of a white lion. Would have been a cool visual...
Heeeey, space witch is normal again!
This was a good episode for Hunk-Stans. But now, I just sorta expect him to be completely irrelevant for the rest of the season
I was about to joke that an episode with the word “edge” has to be a Keith episode. Then one of the first shots is his face
Krolia just said so many terms I won’t remember
OMG. Lotura was totally about to kiss. (R.I.P. Allurance)
Lance called himself a third wheel. Gosh, you could almost feel sorry for that boy
Keith, Krolia. Why is neither of you worried about being stranded in space?
Hey! Finally some backstory!
Yurak would have been a great name for Keith
Also: How is Keith’s dad taller than Krolia? Why didn’t Keith inherit any of his parents height genes?
“Glances of the past and the future”. Oh God. It seems like there’s going to be so much Sheith angst. With Shiro being an asshole
(Possibly because he's being controlled by space witch)
I live for Punk making fun of Lance
Krolia basically just told Keith that he was a “happy little accident”
Okay. Allurance really is cute. But it feels sooo one-sided
Oh no. It’s the space wales. Having scrapped this Fandom a little bit before, I know that something controversial(?) is gonna happen
Awwwww, Krolia’s backstory is sad
Gosh. The motifs. Keith “The lone wolf” gets a wolf
Wait. Is Keith’s father dead. Oh Shit!!!!1 All the fanfics where he used to be in an orphanage suddenly make sense!
“It’s been 2 years” EXCUSE ME? IT’S BEEN WHAT?
And now Allura knows that Lance isn’t just horny, but in love!
(Also Did these guys really not look for Keith???? Isn't he supposed to be their friend???? He's been missing for 2 fucking years!!!)
(Are the next episodes going to be angst? Team Voltron searching for him, but not being able to find him?)
The place K&K landed on looks like Allura’s room-thingy
Oh my gosh. They found Sailor Moon. Just when you think this show couldn’t get any more anime
WhY. DiD. ThEy. pUT. SO. MUCH. sTufF. iNtO. tHIs. ePiSoDe???
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angelic-writer · 2 years
Full Circle
((Surprise sequel to Summer Camp! It also serves as a fix it to Vol.1.))
Nobody came for me.
Those words repeated in Mark’s mind as the thing outside his room continued to call out to him in a mockery of his friend’s voice.
“You need to open the door. Now.”
He shuddered. God, that thing had completely butchered his voice. His soothing, melodious voice...
“I am n-n-not going away-ay-ay-aaaaay....”
His hand tightened around his gun. Multiple bullet casings littered the bed and floor, a reminder of his useless fight against the being on the other side. It had one bullet left. He supposed he could use it to join him again...
“Please let me in, Mark...”
He put the gun to his head. The barrel was cold against his temple.
“I’m sorry for sca-a-a-a-aring you... Please let me i-i-i-i-in... I won’t hurt you... I promis-s-s-s-s-se....”
It killed Cesar. It killed the only person he swore to protect. And now, he’s all alone. Nobody was coming to help him. His mom, his dad, no one... His only solace was shown to be a lie. Who has been praying to all this time? He doesn’t want to know the answer.
What is life really worth when all he could do is join his best friend again?
He will finally be free...
He will finally be in his arms again.
He will finally hear him sing again.
He will finally be with him again.
I’m sorry, Sarah. Please don’t blame them for any of this.
I’m coming, Cesar.
He pulled the trigger.
He expected the pain to be over, but instead, he heard a click, like what happens when a gun was out of bullets.
But that’s impossible. The gun had one bullet. It should be enough to put him out of his misery. Why...? Why is it trying to keep him in this hell?!
“What do you want...?” Mark whimpered. He took a deep breath and then bellowed, “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME, YOU BASTARD?!”
There was nothing. No calls for him to open the door. No shadows under the gap. Did it finally leave...?
He then heard the tub running. Oh, I see. It wants me to off myself in another way.
That thought should scare him, but it’s oddly comforting to him now.
He got up off the bed, weakened by his lack of food and water. He felt dirty, the clothes he had been wearing for the past three days sticking to his body, making him itch. He started scratching himself, relieving the itches somewhat. His mouth felt gross. He hadn’t brushed his teeth for a few days either. He slowly walked to the door and unlocked it.
He expected the alternate to be outside his room like before, but there was nothing. It was only an empty hallway. He could still hear the tub running. As he made his way to the bathroom, he suddenly heard humming.
It was a familiar tune that Cesar would use to calm him down. It seemed that the alternate was trying to use that humming to lure him there. Mark didn’t care anymore. Cesar was dead so what’s the point?
As he finally made it to the bathroom, the water stopped running. He stepped inside.
He saw that the bathtub was full of water. The alternate was standing beside it, giving Mark a warm smile.
“Is this... my gift...?” He weakly asked.
The alternate nodded. “You can see him again if you want.”
It nodded again. “I’ll keep you company the whole time.��
Mark was already taking off his hoodie, revealing his black T-shirt underneath. He took off his socks and his pants. He was left in his boxers and shirt now. He felt self-conscious about having his shirt off, especially when...
“Wow, Heathcliff looks pretty girly for his age. Is he really a guy? Or is he a girl?” Keith had asked Mark one day during lunch. He knew those kinds of questions made him uncomfortable.
“Well, I think he’s a really amazing guy!” Cesar said in defense of him.
He still remembered crying in joy over it.
He stepped into the tub, feeling how warm the water is. It was relaxing like when you go swimming in a heated pool. He sank into the water, closing his eyes as everything became muffled. Soon, he was completely submerged.
He held his breath for quite a while. He was surprised that he was able to train his lungs to hold his breath for that long. All that lifeguard training really did him good, although it did have a threshold.
His lungs began to burn after a bit, making him want to go up for air. But what’s the point of surfacing when he was already sinking?
He still remembered the time Cesar almost died in his arms and how he brought him back. He told himself if Cesar was ever in a position where Mark would save him again, he most certainly would. He had failed in saving Cesar from an alternate. He didn’t even know until it was too late. Now, he was going to see him again.
Despite his mind telling him that, his body was already moving on instinct, trying to get up to breathe, but the alternate held him down. He started to thrash around, trying to get out of its grip. He was already starting to regret his decision.
Please let go of me! I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna die!!
I want to live!!
I want to live for Sarah!! For Cesar!!!
Despite his best efforts, the alternate’s grip never loosened. Even when Mark clawed at its arms, drawing blood, it still kept its tight grip. The alternate stared at him with its awful, toothy smile, clearly enjoying his misery. He finally let out the air from his lungs, allowing it to be replaced with water. The bubbles rose from his mouth and nose and his chest spasmed as he coughed and choked. Warm water rushed down his windpipe and entered his lungs, causing them to burn. The thrashing became more frantic, flinging water around and knocking the shampoo bottles off the shelves. He tried to scream, but no sound came out of him. Even when he had no air, he tried to scream. His nails dug into the alternate’s skin deeper, pretty sure he was hitting a vein as his friend’s facade continued to laugh at him. His vision began to grow dark. His spasms grew less and less. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as they started to close. His arms fell with a plop.
A calm feeling washed over him. Huh. Is this really what death is like? People always say that it’s scary and treat it like a threatening thing, but it was like an embrace, cold but inviting. Why was he trying to fight earlier? It was pointless, anyway... At least he’ll see Cesar again.
He’ll make sure to apologize to him in the afterlife.
As his vision faded, he saw the alternate continuing to smile down at him as he let go.
And now I’m finally free.
“Mark?” Cesar called out into the dark hallway. Silence.
He slowly walked forward. “Mark, please answer me. I know you’re there...” His voice was quiet and had a slight waver. He didn’t hear anything. His stomach was tight as sweat dotted his skin. He hoped that thing didn’t get him.
His heart raced as he continued down the hallway. The air felt thick as he struggled to breathe. Something didn’t feel right.
He checked the bedroom. There were multiple bullet holes on the door as well as multiple bullet casings lying on the floor and bed. He winced. He could guess what happened in there. Oh Mark...
As he approached the bathroom, he noticed that the door was open. That’s weird. Why would the bathroom door be open? With slow steps, he approached the darkened room and peeked inside. He could feel the steam emanating from the room on his face, but what he saw made his whole body freeze.
There Mark Heathcliff was, floating in a bathtub full of water. His hair was spread out in the water in waves, almost covering his eyes. Drops of blood dotted the still bath and a few bottles were floating, creating a chaotic scenario. At first, Cesar didn’t move. He didn’t register what was happening in front of him other than his best friend is dead in the tub. He’s dead. He’s dead.
He could hear himself screaming as he rushed over and lifted him up. Water spilled out of the almost overflowing tub as he laid him down onto the cold, unforgiving bathroom tile. He was completely soaked, the seemingly never ending water dripping off of his body. His brown hair now stuck to his face as well as his clothes. He brushed his hair aside as he shouted “Mark! Mierda, Mark, can you hear me?! Please say something!!”
He could see that his eyes were half-lidded. His brown irises were rolled back, only showing the whites of his eyes. His skin was unnaturally pale and cold and his lips had turned a deep shade of blue.
Cesar continued to shake him over and over again, hoping to get a response. He didn’t get anything. His head just lulled to the side as water spilled out of his lips. He didn’t want to check. It would just confirm what he already knew. He was delaying the inevitable.
He pressed his fingers to Mark’s neck, praying for a pulse to be found, no matter how faint. But there was nothing. Only coldness greeted him.
That was enough to break him. He held Mark’s body close to him as he began to sob. He buried his face in his shoulder, refusing to believe that this was real. Julia was gone, his mother was gone and now Mark is gone. He didn’t get to him in time. The alternate won. They had taken everything from him.
Now Sarah would have to live without a brother to help her. She would have to live with the fact that she couldn’t save him. She would have to live with the guilt forever.
He would have to live without his friend to help him. He would have to live with the fact that he couldn’t save him. He would have to live with the guilt forever.
“Mark... Please wake up... Please stay with me...”
“I guess I’m gonna be alive for your 16th birthday. Lucky me.”
“Yeah. Very lucky…”
“Hey.” Cesar held his hand. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna be fine. The doctor said I can leave tomorrow.”
“I’m not talking about that. I’m…” He took a deep breath. “I just can’t help but feel like I’m responsible for this. If I didn’t leave the chair, if I haven’t told stupid Keith to keep an eye on everyone, then you wouldn’t be here right now!”
“Hey, it’s alright. I’m still alive, aren’t I? And it’s all because of you. You took action. You didn’t give up.”
“T-That’s true…”
“And hey, look on the bright side. You’re gonna be pretty popular in Mandela county for quite a while. That’s like, news worthy stuff right there.”
“Heh, yeah. I-I guess you’re right.”
“Well, all I can say is… happy early birthday, Mark!”
Mark smiled and petted his hair. “Thanks. I can’t wait to see you next week.”
Cesar gritted his teeth. No. This isn’t right. This isn’t how it was supposed to end. He can’t let him go.
He laid him back down, tilted his head back, pinched his nose and began rescue breathing. He couldn’t help but notice how unnaturally cold Mark’s lips were. How long had he been in that water for? He didn’t want to know. He checked to see if his chest was rising. Sure enough, it was. It was a relieving sight to see.
Once he did that, he put his hands on Mark’s chest and started chest compressions. “1, 2, 3, 4, 5″ He began to count. Unlike Mark, he had not been CPR trained. He had no idea how long he was supposed to go on for, but he kept it up for Julia when she was... No, he mustn’t think about that. He had to think about the person beneath him. Already, water was gushing out of his mouth, causing the older boy to grimace. So much water...
“27, 28, 29, 30.” He blew two more breaths into his mouth. He was already beginning to get light-headed. Good god, this is awful... Mark, I’m so sorry...
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5- C’mon, Mark, breathe! Breathe for me! -10, 11, 12″ The water continued to come out of his friend’s mouth until it was only a trickle. There was so much that he inhaled or swallowed and Cesar already got it out, but why isn’t he breathing? He got the water out so why isn’t he breathing already?
He doesn’t have a heartbeat, you moron! You can drain his lungs, but he can’t function without a heartbeat!
He repeated the cycle for a few minutes with no luck. He was already feeling the crushing defeat in his chest. His mind was already telling him that he’s gone. He can’t save him now. But he pushed that thought back. He already failed Julia. He can’t fail Mark.
When he started compressions again, he pushed harder, causing his ribs to bend beneath his hands. The sensation made him feel sick, but he can’t stop now. If he did, everything would be over.
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10″ God, when this is over, when you wake up, you need to get me CPR certified. I don’t know how long I can keep doing this for. “28, 29, 30.”
Two more breaths.
“C’mon, Mark. Stay with me. Please...”
Thirty more compressions and two more breaths. His body shook lifelessly beneath him, causing him to slowly lose his own emotional resolve. He hadn’t responded for over 5 minutes. It wasn’t that long, but for Cesar, it was an eternity. He didn’t exactly know how long Mark was in that tub for. For all he knew, he could already be too late. He tried to continue, but he was slowly losing strength.
Mark laid still on the floor, unmoving. No breathing. No heartbeat. It was useless. He was gone.
“.....No... Please....” He buried his face in Mark’s chest as he began to sob uncontrollably. He didn’t know what the fuck he was thinking, trying to bring a drowned corpse back. It was like trying to make Frankenstein without electricity.
“Mark, please... You gotta wake up... Please hold on...” He hiccuped as the tears continued to flow. He hoped for Mark to wake up right then and there. He would cough up water and open his eyes, looking at Cesar and be like “Well, that fucking sucked.”
Cesar would hug him, burying his face in his shoulder, telling him not to scare him like that. They would both get out of there, go to his house and all would be well. But sadly, it would not be like that. Mark was dead. He’s never gonna wake up.
Cesar quietly shut his eyes, fully accepting his friend’s death. The question now is... What was he gonna do for the funeral?
He was already thinking of a flower to bring to the service. A Forget-Me-Not. A flower symbolizing hope, remembrance and trust. It was perfect for him. Mark was a very hopeful person, keeping Cesar going and he trusted him enough to go to his house. In the end, though, that trust had gotten him killed. He held his hand tightly, feeling how cold and stiff it became. He wanted so desperately for that hand to still be warm, that against all odds, his best friend was still there, hanging on to life.
He remembered his smile, his comforting words, all the times they had spent together... All the times he spent with him when he was a child. Times that he’ll never get to spend with Mark again.
That loving, caring person will never be in his life again.
Something began to swell up in his chest. No. He will get to have more times with him. He won’t let it happen. Not again.
He put his hands on Mark’s chest and began pumping again. This time, he’s sure he’s pressing down deep enough to be about 5 cm. He may not be trained, but he has seen enough information about it in the camping booklets he and Mark had.
Suddenly, water began to spill out of Mark’s lips, causing his heart to leap. “Mark! That’s it. C’mon, spit it out. You can do it.” He continued compressing his chest, hoping to get a response. However, he didn’t get one. That didn’t stop him, though.
He gave him two more breaths and thirty more compressions, making sure not to give up on him this time. He won’t let something like this take down Mark. It had to be more than this to bring him down.
He felt obligated to bring him back. Mark had brought him back to life at summer camp before. He didn’t give up on him so why did he do it briefly? Why did his own selfishness almost cost him his friend’s life? He had wasted so much time thinking about a funeral he won’t get to have. Because he will get him back. He will bring his friend back.
“C’mon, Mark. You gotta breathe for me. C’mon... Stay with me.” He sealed his lips over his, breathing his life essence into him. He made sure his airway was open, allowing the air to fill up his lungs. He could hear a slight gurgle in his throat. That meant he was still there, right? He still has a chance.
As he continued, he could see Mark’s pale skin start to return to its normal color. That gave him a little bit of hope, but he started to think about the brain damage he suffered while he was stupidly mourning. He could’ve been brought back much sooner if he had not given up, but he did. Because of that, he could either be in a coma, be a vegetable or dead for real. He wanted to kick himself for that.
I’m sorry, Mark. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to save you in time. But I promise you, I’ll make it up to you when you wake up. We’ll go camping like we did before. We’ll try to make sweets in Julia’s honor. Fuck, we’ll even rent a small studio apartment together when we leave Mandela. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Wouldn’t that be nice, Mark?
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of hopelessness, of absolute despair, Cesar felt Mark’s body jerk. A large amount of water sprayed out of his mouth as he started to cough loudly. Cesar immediately turned him onto his side and rubbed his back as Mark vomited out more water. He was sure a bit of foam was coming out.
“Hey hey hey hey, Mark, shh... It’s okay. You’re okay. Just breathe. Easy now... I got you.” More tears began to run down his face. This time, it was out of joy. He got him back. He finally did what Mark did one year ago.
Everything had come full circle.
His heart pounded in his chest, his fingers were tingling and his limbs felt like they were attached to extremely heavy weights. Mark wasn’t kidding when he said that CPR was exhausting.
His eyelids fluttered as he groaned. Cesar petted his hair as he whispered “It’s alright. I’ll get you help. You’re gonna be okay.”
“C-Ces...? Y-You’re alive...?”
“Of course I am. I was able to get out luckily and I had to go over to your house to check on you. I thought you were-”
Cesar was caught off guard by Mark hugging him, surprised by the sudden strength he showed. He buried his face in his shoulder, already sobbing.
“I’m sorry! I-I thought you were dead! I thought if I died, I would see you again!! I’m sorry I worried you!!”
Cesar hugged back and stroked his wet hair. “Hey, it’s alright. You didn’t know. You didn’t know I was still alive. Everything’s gonna be okay. We’re all gonna be okay.”
They stayed in their embrace for what felt like hours, Mark still crying into his shoulder and Cesar comforting him. That whole ordeal had completely sapped him of all his energy. But if his friend is alive, he didn’t care at all. Eventually, he could hear police sirens coming up to the house.
“Sheriff’s department. Open up!”
He felt himself start to smile. They came...
“W-Who’s that?” Mark asked.
“The police. Looks like they did come after all.”
Mark lightly chuckled and rested his head on Cesar’s shoulder, allowing himself to close his eyes. He took the time to look at his friend more closely. He could see that he had dark circles under his eyes and he looked dehydrated. “Oh god...” He muttered.
Soon, he could hear footsteps coming towards the bathroom. A light shined in his face. After blinking a bit, he could see that it was a man he knew too well.
Lieutenant Thatcher Davis.
“Oh good god, what happened?”
“Mark almost drowned. Luckily, I was able to get to him in time.” Cesar answered.
“Shit. Okay, I’m gonna call an ambulance.”
Cesar held Mark’s hand, feeling its warmth. Help will be here soon. Everything will be okay.
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biqherosix · 4 years
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ohh how about lance and keith with an s/o who has elemental powers!! (i’ve always had this idea in the back of my head but i cannot write so i’m requesting it 😌✨)
oceana terra - headcanons
(voltron legendary defender — romantic! keith kogane x waterbender! reader; romantic! lance x earthbender! reader)
if a world with a giant robot as the universe's strongest weapon exists, there's bound to be a part of that universe where element bending also exists
cw / bloodbending
a/n — uh hi :) for once, i have nothing to say other than i miss keith akira kogane and lance mcclain. space bfs for the win ! oh and also the lance mcclain portion of my personality analysis advice column is in the works anon !! but anyway, the bending shown is loosely based off atla / tlok, so enjoy mwah !
Tumblr media
this angsty boy has such a fiery personality (him, zuko, and mako are the holy red trope trinity and you can fight me on it) that it's the literal law (my law, you can reference all my atla / tlok fics for that later lmao) that he end up with someone opposite his elemental vibe thus ending up with a waterbender
but your powers are a little more broad, so any liquid also ends up in your spectrum to bend
the plot twist is that you grew up thinking you were a human, enrolling in the galaxy garrison completely unaware you weren't human at all, instead a rare species of bender the galra yearn to destroy
you always wondered why you were always so attracted to any vast body of liquid despite being trained as a fighter pilot
but it all made sense when allura explained it to you since you weren't a paladin but "made for greater things" and keith took a really long time to process it
he didn't know if it was because of the actual news or because you immediately made a water pun upon finding out (lance who? and sokka? we don't know them we only know y/n l/n in this household)
keith doesn't treat you any differently, but you lowkey have to work up to the amount of trust you had from pre-voltron events
it's just a big deal for you and you don't really know how to deal with it, and on top of that keith just has an existential crisis since he liked you because you were so familiar and then they drop the waterbending bomb on him
but y'all get through it after lance annoys him enough bc his banter makes him miss you (for payback you freeze lance's cups of water during breakfast)
omg pidge keeping up with the earth calendar in space and you make it snow in the castle on christmas !!!
also epic pool fights >>> expect the pool to turn into a water park
anyway back to the regularly scheduled headcanons
imagine keith being touch starved, it gets worse bc you feel as though he shouldn't hold your hand or you'll accidentally hurt him or something (this boy just needs to be protected someone give him a hug, cause it ain't gonna be me)
you compromise with tapping each other's hands or loose pinkies interwined (ohh just wait till you bloodbend)
your relationship is definitely spontaneous, hot headed, and badass af !!! with an emphasis on competitive
and i mean competitive, the vibe just goes through the roof after discovering your powers
y'all would always fight for the top grades in your crew bc you were baby and you wanted to make shiro proud but y'all took it to a whole other level in space
choose your fighter: a beginning waterbender who's being trained by an ancient altean or a fast learner who happens to wield a sword?? my bet is on the fast learner (everyone has bets on who wins between y'all, it's a weekly match at this point)
my mind immediately going to angst oop- okay keith has been through a lot okay, his mom left, his dad died, shiro was previously announced dead, and now you're a waterbender who can manipulate the water in one's body
however allura didn't think to inform you of mf bloodbending, so it came off as a shock when you did it upon being captured in season seven and zethrid and ezor had pidge
you shut down, and it was so hard to talk to you even if you shared a space in the black lion with keith (jeez poor krolia having to hear that confrontation)
but when you let it out, keith is right there and he tells you of the times he's been scared of himself whenever his galran side pops out sometimes
and he tells you how he's going to be there with you and that at least y'all will finally have some familiarity being back on earth (jokes on you-)
it's a big step though because keith vocalizing things is a rarity but he's also a simp for you and he'd do anything to make you feel better
especially after he left for the blades so if anything he's just making up for lost time
this boy has had feelings for you since the minute he met you and thinks the whole universe of you
they had found you in a galra prison during a simple recon mission, which then turned into saving you, as the rumors of the galra finding rare benders and exploiting them for their power turned out to be true
well they didn't actually have to save you, you mocked one of the guards enough to have them let you go and you wrecked them with the surrounding metal in the room
lance had been the one to come and retrieve you, to which you weren't expecting the paladins to find you anytime soon so it surprised you when you were met with a laser gun to your head, and suddenly he was pinned in metal
he may have enjoyed that a little too much and wanted to kiss you right then and there, having literal heart eyes at your intense glare, and as per usual shiro had to come to the rescue
but since you were a high risk prisoner due to your powers, the paladins thought it would be safer if you stayed with them until you could go into hiding (which means once sam holt is found, you're headed to earth because you look human enough and you could help make earth believe in alien life)
which meant spending more time with lance !!
okay but lance has always been for having a badass powerful significant other wbk, so it's no surprise y'all ended up together
he says your bending makes the relationship more fun and thrilling (he just has a type okay)
and his sparring sessions are actually challenging for once
but also y'all just work well together, two peas in a pod, two people sharing one braincell, the like
y'all do self care nights !!! and y'all happen to be quite the explorers so occasionally on foreign planets you'll find stones, turning them into crystals with your bending
lance was so in awe that there's always a pack of stones waiting for you in your room, and you've amounted to so many little crystals that you make jewelry together
it can be a separate date on its own or something to pass the time while wearing face masks
the first thing he made were matching bracelets, it was pretty cute
but when he's sad he'll just pull up to your room, pull out the space crystals (you totally have a stash of self care products for when lance isn't ready to leave your room) and make jewelry for his family as an homage to them
he'll ramble on and on about them, stopping abruptly to be able to string the tiny crystals along into a bracelet or when he needs utmost concentration
but you listen wholeheartedly, contributing to the abundance of bracelets and other trinkets in hopes they'll like them too
it's a small gesture, but for lance that's enough (and that's when he realizes he loves you)
when you inevitably leave for earth, he gets sad because you'll have to be experiencing earth without him, but thinks it's a perfect time to give you the promise ring with a special crystal he managed to find without you
he finally tells you he loves you and promises to see you back on earth (he got a little carried away and made you a video for earth too for days you missed him, however you accidentally gave it to his family and they immediately took you in as their own; especially veronica who took you under her wing as you venture the garrison together)
aw and when you and lance reunite it's the cutest thing he has a mf heart attack
granted you hug keith first bc he didn't necessarily have anyone to come home to and he was family considering y'all are lowkey alike, and you ramble about how you jumpstarted and metalbended a train with veronica when lance just pulls you into a kiss like bro i missed you
the mcclain family cheers him on bc their baby is here alive and thriving but keith is like ugh ew gross
but everything is almost back to normal bc you and lance are together again and that is all that matters !!!
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hgficrec · 2 years
general recs 001
In Your Heart, I Find My Home  Author(s): abaddxns 1 Chapter - 23,394 words It’s been over a month he’s been living with Harrington, three since he’s been back and four since he died.
Life was already a sick joke before the spontaneous resurrection. Back from the dead and living out of his guiltiest wet dream’s guest bedroom, Billy’s still not laughing.
how blue, how beautiful  Author(s): lymricks 1 Chapter - 2,851 words Billy had been there, on the ground when the government people showed up, and then they’d looked back for him and he was gone. And that’s what brings Steve out here. That’s what’s kept him out here, away from Hawkins, driving all around the country looking for the right real skyline, because maybe Billy had just gotten up and walked away, that night.
Don’t Know What I’m Gonna Do (About This Feeling Inside)  Author(s): hazel1706 1 Chapter - 11,927 words He’s barely had the chance to consider grabbing the half-empty bottle of Jack on the counter, when there’s a knock at the door. He startles, slopping coffee on the floor, and cursing under his breath.
It’s embarrassing how quickly his heart leaps, how he gets a little soft and mushy about the fact that someone’s here to see him. There’s no way it’s some rando, he lives in the middle of nowhere and it’s Christmas.
He has to clear his throat and pace himself, hold back from rushing too eagerly to the door. Takes the time to put his mug down first, wipe the coffee off his hand, walk at a reasonable pace to the front door, and—
It’s Steve.
even the angels couldn’t tear me away from you  Author(s): gideongrace 1 Chapter - 1,008 words Billy sits there, legs crossed, smile fully weaponized, his beauty laced with poison and something in Steve's gut sinks.
Billy's leaving. He's lacing up his big, black fuck-you boots and he's leaving.
Something Happens and I’m Head Over Heels  Author(s): Brightwing27 1 Chapter - 636 words Steve has his hand pressed to the side of Billy's cheek, thumb stroking back and forth. His big, brown eyes are hooded, filled with adoration as Billy looks back at him.
"You're really beautiful, you know that?"
Watermelon Sugar  Author(s): SenshineKkaebsong 1 Chapter - 3,164 Summer is ending but Steve and Billy are tempted to make the most of it under the weak Indiana sun. It just happens to involve watermelon and a lot of come.
Damned If I Do You  Author(s): ThirdActLove  7 Chapters - 55,254 words The first time Billy’s dad called him a faggot, Billy didn’t really know what he meant.
Drop (The Game)  Author(s): MissGillette 3 Chapters - 42,080 words Billy has wanted a piece of Steve since spotting him on the school parking lot his first day. So when Steve flees the bathroom at Tina's Halloween party, distressed and about to drop, Billy does the only logical thing: follow the scent.
Tunnel Of Love  Author(s): HeckinaHandbasket  1 Chapter - 2679 words Steve looked back over his shoulder to see Keith rubbing his arm as none other than Billy Hargrove climbed into the boat behind him, smirk firmly planted on his face.
When I R.I.P  Author(s): hellstrider Series - 3 works - 8613 words and there's perks to being an influencer, billy knows that - free drugs and free ass are never in short supply, and despite the fact that all that glitz and glitter was just covering pools of sweat and tears and vomit and worse, billy put up with it because the payout was always the sweetest when you suffered more for it.
sugar me sweet  Author(s): thchateaus  1 Chapter - 2844 words He’s always wanted kids. He knew that.
No, that’s not what shocks him. What shocks him is he realises he wants them with Billy.
And Steve, as is the case with most things, realises it at the worst, most inopportune situation ever.
Like, right after coming inside of Billy kind of situation.
blow sweet and thick  Author(s): Highsmith 1 Chapter - 628 words Billy is back. He's moving on. He's living.
(Or, Steve is flirting and Billy is freaking out. Of course.)
Gonna light up a candle (for the patron saint of jerks)  Author(s): OurLadyOfPerpetualWallflowers 1 Chapter - 2474 words  It’s been a month of Thursdays since Billy’s seen S. Harrington of Apartment C32 and it’s making him a little crazy.
Sweet to taste (saccharine) Author(s): OurLadyOfPerpetualWallflowers 1 Chapter - 6276 words Billy wanders into the woods to beat the summer heat.
Steve goes into the woods to beat some monsters.
They wind up with an entirely different situation to beat.
And they were neighbors (oh god they were neighbors)  Author(s): OurLadyOfPerpetualWallflowers 1 Chapter - 765 words Steve is tired and just wants the guy in the next apartment to turn his music down. When he obliges, Steve gets a whole different soundtrack that he wasn't expecting.
Love Calling Author(s): OurLadyOfPerpetualWallflowers 1 Chapter - 1849 words There’s music blaring somewhere, Billy Idol singing about Love Calling, and Steve’s had a beer or two. His Billy has got his shirt off and his jeans undone, tight denim clinging to his hips, and his ever-present necklace is swaying back and forth ever so slightly as he pants above Steve in the guest bedroom of whoever’s house they’re in. One hand grasps Steve’s waist and Steve bites back a smile.
I Know How You Tick  Author(s): somuchanemoia 1 Chapter - 4970 words Billy convinces Steve to try out some chastity play in order to have a wild all night marathon of sex like they used to do when they first got together.
so good for you Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 3247 words “No,” Billy says, sharp, snapping his head back to look at Steve. “I mean,” he says softer. “I haven’t gone like, this far with anyone, dude or chick… But like, whatever, it’s no big deal, let’s just—” And then he’s surging up and kissing Steve again, grinding his hips back up as if he didn’t just say all of that.
Steve’s kinda dumb over him, though, so he can’t help but kiss him back for a second, but then it’s clicking together. The unopened box of condoms. The candles. Billy’s blue eyes vast and full of wonder.
It’s not like Steve didn’t already consider all of this special, but like, this is really special. Billy wants this to be special.
So that’s what Steve’s gonna give him.
perfect time to open up to you  Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 938 words It’s the first morning Billy’s waking up beside Steve in their bed, and the way the sun's rising through the curtains, the way he comes to wrapped in Steve’s arms, how delirious this happiness feels—it’s overwhelming, makes his chest clench. 
So he does what he does best: shoves two fingers in his mouth to get them nice and wet and reaches between his legs to start opening himself up.
cut my tongue (so i can’t talk to you)  Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 2221 words When he opens the window, all he can get out is, “I threw out your note.”
Billy is staring up at him, half-burned cigarette dangling from his lips. “Unlock the door.”
Steve seethes at that, that Billy has the gall to say that. As if he hasn’t been making Steve miserable. As if he hasn’t been stringing Steve along. Hasn’t been standing him up. As if he doesn’t leave him alone and wanting in the sheets when he leaves.
He should slam his window shut and go back to bed.
Steve can’t do anything but go downstairs and let Billy in.
(i’m tired) can i sleep at your house tonight? Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 1049 words When Billy stands him up again, Steve's pissed. But then Billy's at his door and Steve doesn't know what to say because he just looks—well, tired.
try one more time tomorrow  Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 1379 words When Billy gets home from work, Steve is curled up on the couch and Claire is making Starbursts.
It’s one of those days.
(lose your way) just take my hand Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 3045 words “Owen’s is on me about this talking about how I feel shit, so alright, here goes. I haven’t been sleeping. Keep having fucking… nightmares, alright? So that’s what’s up with me.” He stops picking his nails and braces his hands behind him on the counter before flashing Steve a fake smile as if to say happy now?
But Steve’s not happy, because Billy is his friend, okay? And if there’s anyone who knows about this nightmare shit, it’s Steve.
(Or: on nightmares and cigarettes and being alone, together)
a wreath around our intimacy Author(s): abigailcathleen 1 Chapter - 1202 words Steve's trying to get laid. Billy's trying to make cranberry sauce.
Favourite Liar Author(s): Quyinn 1 Chapter - 3066 words He kisses like he punches, all teeth clacking and tongue thrusting like Steve’s mouth owe him something.
Maybe we could just pretend tonight  Author(s): Quyinn 1 Chapter - 2781 words "You won't find anyone else. Nobody would put up with your bratty attitude. Besides," Steve kisses the corner of Billy's mouth gently, "Would anyone make you feel like this?"
The bloody lip you left me with  Author(s): Quyinn 1 Chapter - 1510 words "Don't ya wana see me again?" 
"What, and miss out on the worst lay in Hawkins?" They share a small, fleeting chuckle (because Billy's such a goddamn liar), before Steve presses his lips to Billy's knuckles and lets his hand drop.
a night-time shudder (you’re pulling me in) Author(s): N/A - orphan_account 1 Chapter - 6359 words 'When they played on the same basketball team, he would take the shower head next to Steve’s whenever it was free and flex his muscles whenever he thought that Steve might be looking; Use up all his self-control on keeping his own gaze above the waist to avoid anything embarrassing happening.
Now, Steve’s helping him take his clothes off and he can’t imagine trying to draw anyone’s attention to his body again, especially Steve’s.
Billy is healing in the aftermath of Starcourt, and newfound vulnerability peels back the last of his walls.
It’s Not a One Way Street Author(s): im_your_hope 1 Chapter - 6052 words Sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.
(“Get warm, you fucker,” he whispers aggressively in Billy’s ear.)
But Cuddling is for Fags Author(s): womenseemwicked 1 Chapter - 1437 words Billy and Steve have been getting off with each other in empty locker rooms and the back of Billy's car for weeks, but when Steve invites Billy over while his folks are away, things get a little more... innocent. Billy doesn't know how to feel about this.
Sore Author(s): womenseemwicked 1 Chapter - 1825 words Sometimes Billy works out too hard and can hardly move the next day. Lucky he has Steve to take care of him then.
You’re Not Alone Today Author(s): BlackStar3991 1 Chapter - 1152 words "Well, shit. Billy bites his lip and considers his options – I mean, he could just go back to sleep. But even if he can’t bring himself to say it, he’s come to like this fucker. Really like him. So he puts a gentle hand back on Steve’s shoulder and shakes him more firmly."
To take a break from Neil, Steve lets Billy stay over the night.
When Billy is woken up by Steve having a nightmare, he decides to do something to help.
The Pleasure, the Privilege is Mine Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 4836 words In a turn of events no one expected, Billy says it first.
Love Taker (Don’t You Mess Around With Me) Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 5366 words Five times Billy and Steve were interrupted getting hot and heavy, and one time they were not.
Patience Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 6478 words Billy Hargrove was not fucking sweet. He was an asshole, a dick, a jerk, irresponsible, fucking crazy, take your pick. One thing he most definitely was not, was sweet.
Make Believe I’m Everywhere  Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 3936 words The kids watch The Neverending Story at Steve's house. Billy doesn't want to fling himself out of the window as much as he thought he would.
Won’t You Lay Me Down in Tall Grass (and Let Me Do My Stuff) Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 6092 words Fourth of July BBQ at the Byers'. Billy takes out a demodog with a lawn chair while wearing red speedos and smoking a cigarette. Other things happen too, but that's a highlight.
Orion Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 1829 words It was far enough out of town that he could see the stars. Not that Hawkins’ main drag threw out as much light as the towns and cities did back home, but whatever. The night was cold and clear, cold enough that Harrington’s breath misted, and mixed alongside Billy’s cigarette smoke. He smelt of laundry detergent, and Billy wanted to press his nose into the warmth under his jaw. They were both hanging half out the window, looking up at the spray of silver stars across the night.
Billy tells Steve about the stars.
Baby This Blows ‘em All Away Author(s): moonflowers 1 Chapter - 1829 words "Okay," Billy nodded, tapped his fingers along the steering wheel, "glad we got that all straightened out. Now, are we gunna fuck when we get back or what?"
In which Steve goes monster hunting, but brings home something much easier on the eye than a demodog.
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q-gorgeous · 4 years
this fic is based off of @jerichomere‘s dead kyle au comic
hidey hey u guys im back for another dannymay fic jhgvf
Kyle walked through the main entrance of Casper High, a yawn falling out of his mouth while his eyes scrunched closed. When he opened his eyes, he had walked down the hallway a bit where the rest of the students were gathered. He smiled at some and waved at others as he walked down the hall, but it was starting to dawn on him that everyone was staring at him weirdly. 
No one was waving back to him as he greeted his classmates. Everyone either backed away from him or avoided looking at him altogether. His friend, Nost, nearly jumped out of his skin when Kyle clapped him on the shoulder in their usual greeting.
Huh, that’s strange. 
Pulling back, he looked at Nost with wide eyes, saying something about catching him later. Nost must’ve pulled an all nighter, it wouldn’t have been the first time. He shrugged off the feeling churning in his gut and changed direction when he saw Wes standing at his locker. 
“Hey, bro.” Kyle said as he walked up behind Wes. “Everyone looks like they’ve seen a ghost. Do you know why they’re acting so weird?
Wes paused in his digging in his locker, his hand clenched around his locker door. He slowly turned around, eyes wide, to stare at his brother who was standing nonchalantly in the middle of the hallway. 
“You have got to be kidding me.” Wes said. 
“What?” Kyle looked at Wes’ wide eyes and the way he shrunk in on himself. “Oh, not you too. I don’t know what crawled up everyone’s butts but you can come find me when you’re not being weird. I’m going to class.”
Kyle walked away from Wes, adjusting his backpack straps, and made his way down the hallway. The people he passed were white as a sheet and were looking at him with wide eyes. He didn’t know why they were acting so strange, but he would just go about his business as usual.
“Hey, Dale! High five!”
Dale instinctively lifted his arm and turned toward Kyle at the invitation for a high five, but the moment he realized it was Kyle’s hand smacking into his, it looked as if his soul left his body. 
Kyle continued walking down the hallway, whistling as he turned into his english classroom. 
“Lord of the Flies! Mr. Weston?!”
“So how come you don’t eat then?”
Wes kicked a rock as he walked beside Kyle, hands shoved into his pockets while he sported a grumpy expression on his face.
“What do you mean? Of course I eat! I’m just not that hungry very often.”
Wes shot Kyle a look. “I haven’t seen you eat since… For a couple weeks now. When do you eat that no one ever sees you?”
Kyle shrugged. “Probably when I’m baked as fuck.”
Wes sighed. “Well you’re not high right now, and you’re not eating, are you going to be hungry enough to join us for dinner?”
“Eh, I think I had a big lunch today. I’ll let you know if I’m hungry later.”
“You think you had a big lunch?” 
Kyle looked away from Wes. “I mean, I assume I had a big lunch since I’m not hungry.”
“You don’t even know?” Wes stared wide eyed at him. “Look, Kyle, I know you don’t believe in ghosts but-”
“Ghosts aren’t real.”
Kyle sighed. “Look, I don’t want to talk about this right now. I just want to go home and do my homework.”
Wes followed after Kyle quietly, hands tucked into his jacket while Kyle was clad only in his hoodie even in the fall weather. 
Later at home, Kyle was interrupted from his homework when Wes knocked on his door and opened it. 
“Hey, dinner’s ready. If you wanna, uh, come eat.”
Kyle softly shook his head and gestured at his homework. “Nah. I’m, uh, not hungry. Besides, I wanna get this essay done for Mr. Lancer.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll see you later.”
Wes quietly shut the door behind him and Kyle leaned back in his chair and sighed. The churning feeling in his gut was reignited when the invitation to dinner sounded more like… A formality rather than an actual invitation this time. Like Wes knew Kyle wouldn’t be joining them. 
Turning the thought away, Kyle leaned forward to his desk again and turned his attention to the homework assignment Lancer had handed him with a barely there tremor in his hands. He stared at the assignment for a moment before getting up and crawling into bed, pulling the blankets over his body and curling into himself. 
He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep. 
As Kyle walked through the hallways of Casper High, he began to realize that he now had to look up at many of the kids who were in a younger year than him. Even Wes was slowly beginning to surpass him in height. He’d always been taller than Wes, why was he catching up to him now?
Suddenly, a large body bumped into him on the left, nearly toppling him over to the floor. 
“Hey, shorty, watch it!”
Turning towards the voice, Kyle looked up at Keith who wilted upon meeting Kyle’s gaze. 
“Oh, uh, hey Kyle! I didn’t know that was you there! I thought you were Mikey or something.”
Kyle looked around the hallway and pointed to where Mikey was standing in the middle of the hallway with his friends. The boy who had once been a foot and a half shorter than Kyle now stood at the same height as him.
“He’s over there.”
Keith followed where Kyle’s finger was pointing and nodded vigorously. “That he is, I’ll go- go pummel him for making me think you were him!” Keith walked away towards the scrawny boy. “Hey, Mikey!” 
Kyle’s brows furrowed and he uneasily made his way over to where Wes was at his locker. “Hey, when did you all get so tall?”
Wes looked over his shoulder for a moment before turning his attention back to his locker. “About a year ago. Why? Did you finally notice?”
“Notice what?”
“That you stopped growing.”
Kyle shook his head. “No, of course I’m still growing. I just haven’t had a growth spurt in awhile. I’ll catch back up to you guys.”
When Kyle woke up the next morning and came downstairs yawning, Wes looked up at Kyle and the inch he used to have on him. 
“Of course.” Wes said as he poured himself a cup of coffee. “Who could have seen that coming.”
“One of these days I’ll make you admit it.”
“Admit what?” Kyle asked as he tossed a football towards Wes as they stood in the middle of the park.
“That ghosts are real.” Wes caught the football and threw it back towards Kyle who jumped to catch it.
Kyle tsked and tucked the football against his side. “You can’t admit what isn’t true. Ghosts aren’t real.”
Wes sighed and bent over to pick up his stuff. “Whatever.” 
I will never admit that ghosts are real. 
I won’t. I can’t-
-Kyle watched as Danny flew around, putting on a show with his parents special effect technology. The man he was pretending to fight put on a pretty impressive act. Suddenly, one of the special effect machines exploded, shooting into the building Kyle was standing in the second story of. The building rumbled and groaned and he could hear Danny shouting his name.
Then it fell. The building collapsed around him, puffs of dust going everywhere, the road littered with debris. Kyle’s head popped out of it like it hadn’t even touched him even though he could still feel the floor falling apart under his feet-
“Come on, let’s go home. Dad wants us there for some dinner with Vlad.”
Kyle watched Wes walk away for a moment, his heart in his stomach before following behind him, gripping his backpack straps tightly. 
Because if I do…
That’s not all I’ll have to admit. 
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laf-outloud · 3 years
Supernatural Novel: Nevermore
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I thought I'd start reading the Supernatural books that I bought a while ago. I wanted to share my thoughts, but this probably isn't going to be an actual review of the book, rather a look at canon vs. non-canon things that appear in the book. There may be spoilers so if you don't mind being spoiled, click below to keep reading.
Author: Keith R.A. DeCandido
Timeline: 2nd Season, Post S02E04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
Location: New York City, The Bronx
Synopsis: Sam and Dean investigate a local rocker's haunted House and discover another mystery involving Edgar Allan Poe.
As far as TV inspired novels go, this one's okay. The mysteries are decent, but there's an awful lot of time spent on describing the roads around the Bronx, parking, and the boys getting lost. It is also very 70's rock reference heavy (if you're into that thing).
There are a number of references to things that happen in Canon as well as scenes that were funny because of future events in the timeline.
The boys actually got stuck in traffic and had to pay tolls. I think J2 have joked about this before about something we never see in the show. I guess they could do it in the books!
Sam and Jess had once taken a trip to San Francisco to see the Golden Gate Bridge.
Dean has a nightmare about everyone he knows burning on the ceiling and wakes up realizing he needs to tell Sam about John's order to Save him or Kill him. This is where it gets interesting because the book adds a note about this that John also said "Don't tell Sam." I'm not sure John would have actually said that.
Sam wants to digitize his Dad's notebook.
The boys are staying in the haunted house as guests and we get this line from Sam: "While Dean had made himself right at home, Sam felt like he was intruding." I think that's an interesting dichotomy of Dean's ability to fit right in wherever he goes and Sam always feeling out of place.
The boys were raised more or less Christian. I know Sam prays, but were they really raised that way, or did Sam learn to do that because of their Pastor friends?
There's a whole section of Sam wondering what Hell is like. I had to laugh so hard at this part. Sorry, Sam. You get to find out for yourself.
There's a lot of discussion in the book about John's role in their lives. Sam insists that John actually didn't teach them that much, but rather tried to protect them. Then we get this from Sam: "That was something Dad could've taught us, but he didn't. He didn't tell us about other hunters, he didn't tell us about the roadhouse, he didn't tell us about vampires until we actually met some, he didn't tell us about goofer dust. Sure, he taught us the basics, and he taught us how to fight and defend ourselves, but that was it. Hell, most of the lore I know, I learned on my own. And for all that we fought about it - I think Dad was glad I was at Stanford." He goes on to explain how Dad signed a bunch of forms for Stanford including financial aid ones, and that for his Sophomore year, Sam was declared independent so he could sign his own forms. Dean's response: "So you're saying you disowned Dad?" Sam opened his mouth, closed it, then lamely said, "He disowned me first."
There's more too that conversation about John fighting between protecting his boys and teaching them, but it all kind of rings hollow. I know author's are given a bit of leeway when writing tie-in novels, but the whole essay on John just feels like they took it too far. We really don't know much about his motivations or what happened to get Sam to Stanford. I'd rather that be left to the imagination.
Other than that, the show stays pretty close to canon. There are a lot of references to Dean's love of rock music and his arrest warrant, as well as Sam's time at Stanford. I really like one of the side characters - an NYPD officer working the Missing Persons Unit. She's aware of hunters and actually mentions a network of officers (about 5) around the country that are available to help.
If you've read this far, congratulations! I know it's long, but how do you review a 300 page book in a few sentences? LOL! I'll be back next week (maybe) with a review of the next novel Witch's Canyon.
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yozzers · 3 years
vexos hcs and random notes
ill update as i go, because yes i do update my masterlists every once in awhile, i should probably add them to my pinned... 
I sincerely hope they have a small living arrangement so I can inflict them with the pain of having to share almost everything with each other
I just want Shadow and Lync to share a bunk
Like to think that alongside Volt, Mylene and Lync were also recruited by Hydron
None of them officially joined until they were a bit older but probably trained to eventually join the Vexos; in the mean time they probably worked for Hydron or something like that
Volt recruited at 11; Lync a year later and Mylene following not long after (respectively 13, 8, 12 when they’re all gathered)
My reasoning to why Volt is patient with Lync’s antics and Mylene less so but doesn’t lash out as badly as you think she would around annoying little kids; grew up tgt moment
Spectra probably forced his way into the Vexos like “hiiii i see you dont have any Vexos members <3″ bcs obv he wasn’t using royal scientist dad privelages (i think, bcs Clay seems horrified abt Spectra being a Vexos and well, being Spectra) 
Shadow had an advantage of being a nobleman (in terms of him being accepted into the Vexos’ ranks)
the Vexos and their set of rules magent-ed on the fridge door or something and every time they go over a page they have to staple/tape a new page on
Joined in this order, Volt, Spectra, Shadow, Mylene, Lync, Gus 
Vexos being a “chance of death low but the chance is still there” type of job... they feel like idols girl help they are bakugan idol group who work for the government 
sorry the way the vestal kids talk about them... going to treat the Vexos like a kpop group now
Spectra Phantom / Keith Fermin 
[canon] son of a (royal?) scientist. definitely had it good and comfy
think it’d be REALLY funny if he already knew Shadow before he became Spectra, Shadow just doesn’t recognize him bcs of his stupid get up
throws childhood friends Shadow Spectra at you, just two weirdos 
Keith specifically keeps Shadow from ever meeting his sister which is why neither of them really recognize each other
Pre-Spectra; probably would’ve been really into bakugan biology and what not. Feels like the kind of person to talk w/ his dad about “do you think we could change their appearance if we messed w/ their mechanical ball form or would it not carry over to their released forms”
this mf looks like a biology major i feel it in my guts 
mom isn’t dead she just divorced Clay bcs he didn’t know how to balance family and work, good for her
probably lives in another city now, and it’s a bit more of a hassle to meet with her kids so they don’t see her as much but she is present in their lives (keep in contact in other ways) 
probably went a bit silent when Keith went missing
didn’t bleach his eyebrows bcs he didn’t want to harm the skin around there and he never thought he’d take the mask off around others, or about how stupid he’d look without the mask
please please please please draw him with his pink hair roots in his MS fit he should've grown out some of his bleached hair by then
daddy issues is truly the root of evil
Gus Grav
Just Some Gut background; middle class just living life
[canon?] was going on a route to being an “idol brawler”, because that’s kind of what their brawls felt like, since it was all purely for show with some competition. it felt less like a sport and more spectacle.
Gus wanting to be an idol brawler is actually such a funny string of words put together I’m making that a thing, if he didn’t join the Vexos he would’ve been an idol brawler
I like the Gus needs glasses hc (shoutout to @marmeladebois ‘s post on that) 
The hc of him being half human and Runo’s half brother is so good 
Cooks well but refuses to help cook fr the Vexos (unless Spectra specifically asks) --> that job is usually left to Volt
not related but reminds me heavily of yugioh vrain’s Spectre (or other way around... Gus was the blueprint) 
Shadow Prove
[handbook canon] a vestal nobleman 
has an older brother (oc; Lux- casual Haos brawler)
inferiority complex or whatever, the only thing he bested his brother in was Bakugan
the Prove family being typical prim proper noble family and forcing Shadow to be repressed is something, but the Proves having the same kind of wavelength as Shadow but in different variations is funnier. They’re just Like That.
Probably not a military family, does work closely with the government still; um im thinking somewhere under the Fermins but not by much
Considered running away from home several times 
Unwillingly has knowledge on Vestal classic literature/ music
hard clutching a wall whenever he wants to join in on discussions about it bcs he knows this stuff but no way is he going to make himself look like a nerd + hes not actually that interested
*debates you for fun and bcs i hate u <3* 
You know how he doesn’t take his job as a Vexos member super seriously, I wonder:
did his parents force him to be a Vexos since he wasn’t interested in the political side of his family and probably against taking up anything related to it, so they had him do something that’d still be beneficial to the family?  
joined to pursue a freedom he didn’t have as a nobleman and is now just taking it really easy?
has clowns > jesters debate with volt; obv he’s team clown, volt is team jester
incredibly irrelevant but if he was a human he’d be chinese, i’ve claimed him, prodigal son older brother and fail son dynamic is there 
Mylene Ferrow
While I like the idea of her being from a military family, I want to make her like Ling Wen (TGCF) in the sense she started from the bottom and climbed to the top... it fits her ambitious nature of grasping for more, she hasn’t reached what she considers the top just yet... 
[very Ling Wen specific but Mylene being put in jail fr crimes unknown to me and being recruited  by Hydron bcs she kicked serious ass is an entertaining thought] 
I like to think she’s closest to Shadow due to the fact he kind of forces his presence onto her so... not her choice in that matter. “annoying” to “endearingly annoying, you still aren’t getting special treatment though”
Ofc Volt and Lync are on the same level, but I think they all know when to give each other space so they’re more of a “we hold each other at a distance, but we’re aware of out closeness which is enough for us”
Then its Spectra and then Gus in the “closest to Mylene” scale; she just straight up hates Gus and it’s mutual
whoever made the “Mylene and Spectra were exes” hc I think it’s really funny so I’m adding it here 
terrible fashion, she’s the one who chose the outfits when she and Shadow went to earth; her fashionable armor look she usually has was designed with Volt’s help, she just voiced what she generally wanted 
Her red lipstick look was bcs she thought it’d make her look more serious/ intimidating (Volt and Lync approved, it rlly does work on her)
Shadow matches w/ her (via his red nails) after they get teamed up tgt several times bcs he thinks they’re basically the go-to duo matchup whenever they’re assigned work n it’d be cool
Very forthcoming about the fact she used to be considered a criminal and was from same rundown area Volt and Lync come from
She’s grateful she got out of jail but she still has no respect for Hydron and despite how much she tries to hide it she does make it pretty clear to him she doesn’t really like him
I wish I had more to say about her... but It’s all relationship esque, i think in general she’s enjoyable and good so what I want more out of her is character dynamics
Lync Volan
[eng dub] he has grandparents; whether they’re still alive or not is...? 
was part of the same area Volt is from
probably aware of each other but didn’t really know each other
you sound like you have mommy issues 
came from the same area as Volt, but lived further out and closer to those areas where there were some bits of nature left 
ill expand on why he got picked up by Hydron another day lazy rn
Volt Luster
[canon] he’s from an area that just straight up looks like yugioh 5ds’ Satellite, and Hydron was the one who pulled him out of there  
He says Hydron pulled him out of there when he was a kid? I’d assume at youngest it’d be like Hydron (8) and Volt (11)
has a neat collection of handmade jester dolls 
lot more artistic than he seems 
Had his guardian bakugan with him the longest; had Brontes even before he met Hydron
Would the others consider him weird fr having a talking Bakugan that acted friendly with him n cracked jokes? 
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chibi-pix · 3 years
Ah, another night of watching Voltron Force (2011) has me loving Vince more and more!  Anyway! Tonight was episodes 4 through 6. Just a few, yes, I know. Anyway! Shall we get this started?
Episode 4.  Lance: Is this the kind of science that can smash, burn, and/or explode? Pidge almost sounding annoyed: Yes. I don’t know why this had me amused so much. It just did. And I adored seeing Pidge work with the monitors. And then Coran coming in for a crash landing. At first I was worried about him. But that hastiness he showed in wanting to get to the control room. Sus. Among Us brain is calling him an impostor. Though the team leaving the cadets in “Coran” ‘s care, my brain went “Coran, Coran, the babysitting man!”.  Vince also acting weird with hearing a voice and glowy. Something is up. And I’m both excited for and worried about my baby boy.  I was hoping when they found out about that not being Coran, Vince would shock him. But the audible whimper-gasp that I made when he was blasted. I mean, I know I want Vince whump, but seeing it actually hurts. Precious baby... And then Vince having that trance moment. And seeing Alfor ghosty? And a weird emblem thing to put with his voltrcom was intriguing.  Also. Keith and Lance suck at teamwork. At least the others have their backs.  And my amusement at Coran holding roboCoroan’s head. “My, that’s... unsettling.
Okay, time for episode five! “We’re being treated like kids!” Um... Daniel? Darling? You are kids? Right? I mean, you can’t be older than sixteen, right? I’d venture more at fifteen. Which is amusing because VLD Pidge is apparently fifteen. Oh, a crossover with that would be amusing and them seeing a kid piloting a lion. And then deciding to head to Doom. That’s a horrible idea. You don’t have a full team, you’re just starting out.  And Lotor. Giant. Buff. Angry. And covered in gross glowing purple pustules. Don’t do drugs, kids, or you end up like Lotor. And try not to be reanimated from the dead, either. That doesn’t go well. Ever. Twasn’t a surprise when the kids got captured. And Maahox... the dude is a bundle of heebies and jeebies! A full set! And Vince’s voltcom reacting to the haggarium... I know I want whump, but don’t hurt my precious baby boy!  Oh look, Lotor is still a creeper wanting Allura.  “Too late for the heads up, trying to avoid the heads off.” I love the humour in this series. It has my highly amused and grinning.  One of them. WHAT IS VINCE!? Though... no spoilers. This is just my brain screaming. “You’ll pass out long before we get to the really painful tests.” Maahox... your attempt at being comforting was not comforting.  At least Larmina wrecked Maahox. Good hit!  Time to escape and steal some Haggarium!  I’m going to be honest. I was hoping Vince could do something again to help Voltron in their fight against Lotor, especially after Lotor literally cut the lions up! How is that a thing!?  WHat I did not expect, though, was Vince making Voltron rearrange itself! “Um, did you guys know that Vince glows?” Lance is definitely caught off guard.  I loved Lotor getting shot by Lance’s Voltron guns. Then Lotor being rereanimated. “-destroy Voltron!” Bonks into glass. Perfection.
Now onto episode 6! I thought Hunk was building a hot rod. But it’s just a really cool grill! Until it incinerated the food. Then got blown up when it went haywire and left the castle. ka-BOOM.  Vince trying to train with his powers... and he has no confidence. Poor baby... and it’s not going well. At least it was a simulator and they weren’t truly in danger.  And Hunk feels left out. He doesn’t have a cadet and Lance and Keith are like a couple of dads or something getting after their risk taking son.  But at least Hunk gets to bond with the kids! And I’m glad he found a way to bond with Larmina, especially music. Bonding through music is a wonderful thing!  “The rules are there are no rules! Except don’t kill each other.” C’mon, Hunk, where’s the fun in that? At least Mama always told my siblings and me to try not to leave bloodstains in the house.  Wadbot robeast is a bad thing. And I think Hunk called Pidge “pigeon”? Right before Pidge pointed out that he was a genius.  In the end, it was nice seeing the cadets bond with Hunk more, even showing him their lair. Such a happy episode.  Also, the bonding of trying to wreck each other and then destroy wadebots? So much fun! Beats a food fight.
Anyway! I’m pleased with watching this show. It has me amused. Sometimes I sit and wonder “how have I not watched this sooner? Or when it came out?” But then I remembered the year. 2011. I didn’t have access to cartoon channels in my room. That explains it.  I’m still left with some questions. But some of the bigger ones. Just how old are these kids and do their parents, especially Vince and Daniel’s, know where they’re at?! What their kids are doing? I mean, Lance practically just kidnapped them and took them to Arus! 
Okay, that’s it for the night. I hope y’all enjoy this next part of Chibi watches.  Until next time!
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icecreamchick45 · 3 years
It’s like a month later but fuck it, I’m still thinking about Wondering Isles and specifically my girl Eris Darkwater (what a queen and what a wreck). Here’s all the headcanons i have for her epilogue times.
-She gets really good at hustling people in bars (to the point she gets banned from doing it at Xarus’s bar)
-All the drinks she orders are incredibly sweet and incredibly cursed
-She uses teleportation necklace almost exclusively to fuck with people or visit her sister
-When Ari moves in with Nyx those two things combine
-There’s a period of 5-10 years after Nyx leaves the Delrose where she visits but not as frequently as she does at other points in her life. She doesn’t know for a while what role she’s allowed or should have in her sister’s life. On one hand, despite having love in other places and finding romantic love later in her life, Nyx is her greatest love and soulmate. She doesn’t know what kind of person she would have become without her sister and she really hates thinking about the time her sister was dead. (When she has to refer to this time she just says that Nyx took a break and it’s one of the biggest deviations from what happened from reality in her book.) On the other hand, she knows what kind of life she lives and how for all their childhood they were all each other had, shouldn’t Nyx get to find a world where she’s able to find herself without Eris. A particularly insecure part of herself wonders if the real reason Nyx left the Delrose is because she just couldn’t handle Eris anymore and figured it wasn’t worth it. (That part usually silenced by reason and knowing that isn’t true, but it takes a while before it goes anyway entirely.)
-Eris does enjoy seeing lots of different planes and has gotten kicked out of about 6. (Only three of them were permanent)
-When asked what her position is on the Delrose, she remains that it’s the gunner despite the fact the Delrose doesn’t have canons
-Eris is pan or as she refers to it: “I’m just into really REALLY hot people.”
-Eris ends up having a great romantic love in her life. It starts out as a rivalry with the first mate on a different ship. The rivalry isn’t technically her fault, but she definitely made it worse. The rivalry starts when she’s about 25 and they don’t end up getting together for another decade because they’re both stubborn motherfuckers. It takes another 5 years before they’re even on the same ship. (Her girlfriend is a half-orc multiclassed assassin rogue/trickery cleric.)
-Her name is Tyche (named after Greek goddess of luck)
-She eventually as an insanely extravagant wedding in her forties with practically everyone she ever met invited
-She asks about 5 years after the big fight, if Eva would want to contact her husband/twins dad (Nicole can’t remember name)
-The teen zone is established and continues for the entirety of Eris’s life. Much past the age she’s technically allowed to be in it per her own rules.
-While no biological children, she ends up taking in any children/teens who are in similar situations that the twins were in. There’s about three of them that she considers truly hers (one of which does refer to her as mom)
-Eris is the type of adult who likes for kids to think they’re being really tough and scary while she’s behind them actually being threatened to stop anyone from giving the kids shit
-Slowly realizing that Eris is just slowly becoming a mix Adam and Keith from CaffeinatedFlumadiddle’s Voltron is (Basically) a Disaster series in her epilogue (to be fair this is a great fanfic)
-Has and will kill people for trying to use mind control magic on her
-For a period of about two to three months in her mid thirties, she was mind controlled to basically become a killing machine for some wannabe Castellane. The party came together to save her (along with her “rival”). The man who kidnapped her got perhaps the most gruesome death anyone there had ever seen when Eris was done with him.
-While they don’t get together directly afterwards, this does mark a turning point in the “rivalry”
-Eris spends a solid two months living with Nyx and not adventuring after this
-With a mix of her rival, Nyx, Thalia, and the rest of her friends and crew she’s able to get out of her own head
-She has an obnoxious wedding where she forces Ari and Lian to a kids table
-She briefly marries the prince to make Tyche jealous
-She dies in her early 70’s, it’s not so much a fight but a sacrifice for some child who she felt deserved it. Her last words are commenting on how the narrative difference of dying in a fight vs dying via sacrifice makes a difference to her. (Someone who always thought she would die via pirate fight)
-She spends her afterlife in the plane she did seances in, in essentially an endless seance
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hallowghoul · 3 years
⌠ zoe kravitz, thirty, gay, non-binary, they/them. ⌡ wait a minute, is sage kahn still in town? i thought i saw a flash of (the subtle smell of cinnamon, leather jackets and old rock band t-shirts, delicate fingertips tracing outlines on your skin)! last i heard they were working as a tattoo artist at TBD. when it’s the (scorpio)’s birthday on 10/18 i forget that they’re reserved and celebrate that they’re charming. i hear pour some sugar on me by def leppard every time i think of them. 
Tumblr media
sage uses both she/her & they/them pronouns!
muse board
Age: twenty eight Birthday: october 18th Zodiac sign: scorpio Sexual Orientation: homosexual Relationship Status: single Occupation: tattoo artist @ tbd Positive Traits: charming, easy going, detail oriented, persistent Negative Traits: arrogant, closed off, egotistical, shallow Aesthetics: the sound of tattoo guns buzzing, the subtle smell of cinnamon, leather jackets and old rock band t-shirts, delicate fingertips tracing outlines on your skin
born in the bronx of new york city to a single mother sage hadn’t known who their father was for most of her life. she’d been sheltered to the fact and when their moms job moved out west she seemed to lose all hope in finding him
growing up into their teenage years however a man reached out to them and not just any man..
she was 15 when infamous keith downing, lead singer of the rock group pleasure in pain, told them that he was their father
the band was at its peak and against their mother’s best wishes she traveled the country with him during the summer up until their 18th birthday. during her time there she honed in on her arts and was sent to school on his dime
came out a professional tattoo artist after landing an apprenticeship in new york
she obtained a nasty cocaine addiction after her freshman year of college, between the atmosphere of school and the summers spent touring with their father she was doomed to fall into the same fate keith had
sage had created some distance between them due to this, even if she truly just wanted his love and affirmation
his presence loomed close however and he roped her in for one last hoorah before he was to set off for a european tour
sage found him the next morning after a house party dead on the floor of his bathroom after he’d ingested a cocktail of pills and alcohol the night before
a few years have passed but she still hasn’t shaken off the effects of finding their father and has a sort of dark shadow following them around
sage hasn’t spoken much to their mother, for them everything all became too much and she has shut a lot of people out
still has a charismatic and affectionate way about her and can be quite alluring to anyone they’re interested in though she has severe issues with attachment
has probably broken up with most of their partners out of sheer fear of being hurt again
has lingered in town for most of their life besides a few summers away with her dad/college
sage is a free spirit, she doesn’t really tie herself down to anything or anyone.
fun facts:
has an impressive array of vinyls that make up a majority of their living room and is in steep competition of their collection of plants.
sage has a green thumb and loves her greenery, their little green cactus is their favorite and even has a tattoo commemorating him
tattooing is her favorite thing to do, she spends most of her day at skin deep
will probably one day be the matriarch of a cult in the middle of the desert, or live the rest of her days in a small apartment in paris.. there’s no in between
owns far too many candles for their own good, favorite scent being pumpkin spice
her favorite tattoo was one they had given to themselves, a rose just above her knee
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