#And also how i drew the teef
starmonsterrr · 9 months
oh god finally
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its finished
time to update its page now............
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feralghxuls · 2 months
wow...after. Months. of chronic illness flares that put me out of work and absolutely fucking debilitating fatigue. i find myself today thinking about some of my wips in like a. constructive, i might actually be able to work on something relatively soon, type of way
instead of a. guilty, depressing sort of way.
so thats nice <3
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whoslaurapalmer · 1 month
-it was the 75th year of the fair so they had little paper diamonds everywhere for their diamond anniversary 💎
-the fair is a big display of poultry/livestock/STEM/farming/sewing/athletic/art clubs, where the kids display their cute animals and their best vegetables and their train creations and make cute informational posters for everything and do demonstrations and get show ribbons 🎀 they also have lots of food and rides and a car show and tractor demonstrations and local organizations get tables to promote their stuff and crafters come too!
-in the art division there were soooooo many kids who drew anime pictures and I was like. literally tearing up like these kids showing off their painstakingly copied manga panel drawings at the fair I love them so much 😭
-You Are Not Allowed To Pet The Animals In General But Sometimes You Get A Super Friendly Kid Or Adult Holding Their Small Animal Outside Of Their Pen Who Openly Encourages You To Pet Them which is how one year best friend and I got to pet a bunny!!!!! AND THIS YEAR I GOT TO PET THAT PIGLET!!!!!!!!!!
-this was the first year I saw ducks and geese alongside the usual chickens, which was so cool!!!!!!!! this is silly goose and giggles. their poster had been Nibbled. Repeatedly. I would trust them to commit sooooo many crimes
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-this is cannoli and fluffernutter!!!!!!!!!! they are considered 'heavy ducks'
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-this total UNIT of a fancy fancy chicken oh my god. elegant. sophisticated. AMAZING. she is a ✨️lavender orpington✨️. the world continues to amaze me re: chickens
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-they also have reptiles too!!! they started that much more recently, like within the past, 7 years maybe, so there's usually not a lot, and the geckos were hiding but I did get to see this gorgeous frog
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-this absolutely BEAUTIFUL bunny named dusty
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-they do have some adult division stuff for the parents and someone had ANIMAL SKULLS!!!!!!!!!!!!! the one on the left is a rabbit, and the one on the right is a fox. eye sockets always get me. fucking wild.
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-this precious angel baby goat had this little piece of straw stuck to his mouth and kept trying to eat it. I love him so much
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-.......I don't know what this is. goat????? small ram?????????? but he was incredibly eager to try and escape his pen bc he had his head right there the whole entire time. Someone Free Him. you can see the hint of some SUPER COOL horns and I kept trying to get a good picture of them but I could not. those little teefs, though!!!!!
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-most of the big ponies were out doing one of the horse events, I think, so I didn't see very many but I did see this cutie
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and my hand, gently petting her sweet sweet stiff pig fur 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽 god look at her little foot!!!!!!!!!!
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memphis-menace · 2 years
Siren!Elvis Headcanons
Disclaimer: Okay so just because I drew him, doesn’t mean my headcanons are the be all end all, okay? If you write about him, feel free to make up your own stuff about him, use this stuff about him, whatever you want! That’s the beauty of fandom! This is just how I personally think of the lad when I doodle him.
Disclaimer #2: There will be mentions of animal traits and geographical/topographical shit. I do not claim to actually know anything or claim it as fact. I am making this up, not aiming for accuracy. He’s a sexy water monster, I don’t think “accuracy” applies here.
Once again, @venus-haze has some AMAZING work out regarding her interpretation of him, and hopefully there’s more coming and I can’t wait to eat it up!
Alright, onto my version.
Okay so right off the bat, my version of Siren!Elvis ain’t exactly a fish. That interview that mentioned crocodile eyes took hold of my soul so. The boy is gator based. 🐊
Lives in a swampy/marshy river type area. Look I don’t know terminology I just know what I live by.
Originally, he sang more traditional siren-y songs; mostly just very melodic, wordless tunes. But as people started building residences and moving near his territory, he heard their music - blues, country, rock n’ roll - and decided he really liked it, so his siren song adapted accordingly.
So, being more reptilian than fishy, he doesn’t have a tail. He has semi-webbed clawed hands and feet, and a gator tail to help propel him through the water. He has scales covering his skin in certain places, mostly his back and arms? I’ll try and draw a reference for what I envision one day I’m not good with description there’s a reason I doodle instead of write fanfic 😭
Now yes, he does eat people. Come on, that’s like. The whole “siren” shtick. HOWEVER, if you should catch his eye as something other than food… 👀
Under no uncertain terms, this fella is a YANDERE. Once he’s set his sights on you, it’s over. You’re his. Prepare to be sung into submission, so to speak.
That being said, he knows that realistically he can’t keep you in the swamp indefinitely - humans are not made for mostly aquatic living. So you can stay at your house, but you better visit him every day or there WILL be a tantrum and his tantrums get bloody
Also his eyes do that reflecty/glowy thing, so if he finds out where you live and you wake up in the middle of the night to see glowing blue eyes by your bed looking at you, don’t worry it’s just Elvis, checking on you.
He may try and eat your pets but if you really reiterate to him that you don’t want him to do that he’ll concede and leave them alone.
However, don’t tell him of anyone you’re getting close to that he may consider a rival. The next day you’ll hear about a nasty, mangled, half-eaten corpse found floating down the river 😬
On the flip side, probably don’t tell him about people who are upsetting you. Unless you’re cool with a pile of bones being left on your porch. Cause like, you know how cats bring you dead animals as a gift? Yeah Elvis will do that. And will get extremely huffy if you throw them away or get rid of them; they were a gift! So what if it’s a liability and if someone finds out you could get arrested on suspicion of murder? He’ll eat the cops, don’t worry!
Fair warning, he will eat you if you try to break up with him or cheat on him. So if you’re starting a relationship with him, it’s gonna be your last one. One way or another. So proceed with caution.
He can also do that scary ass hiss/growl that gators do. Because it’s cool and I say so.
Now if you wanna hear him damn near purr, gently scratch the scales along his spine when you cuddle him. He’ll practically melt.
Now, mans got some sharp teefs. And unfortunately, biting is a love language for him. He’s not being mean or trying to hurt you, he just has to mark you up so people know you’re taken 🙂
Now when it comes to sexy time, you deadass may want to get him a muzzle because hoo lord you may end up in a hospital. He can’t always control his chompers when his hormones get high. He’ll feel bad afterwards and try to help you with the bleeding 🥺
Like most gators, Elvis will eat anything, especially if it’s something you made. Because he can’t fathom that you would take time out of your day to cook something to and bring it to him, when he’s perfectly fine eating raw meat. So it’s super special to him when you bring him food you made. It could be a deep fried boot and he’d eat it happily as long as you made it for him.
Eventually he learns (via siren magic because again, this is fantasy and I can do what I want) how to mask his reptilian features and look human, so he can spend even more time with you! Ain’t that great? :) He’s watched the humans around him for quite a while, so he knows how to behave like one when he needs to. You just need to buy him some clothes. 
This will be updated, but this is what I got for now. He’s basically a big ol puppy with some less than safe eating habits and a unique way of lovin’
He is a g8er boi he said see you l8er boi
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humblemooncat · 2 years
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✨ I finally sat down and drew my boy ✨
This is how, if I had my way via mods or what have you, Ki'to would look. At least as far as I am in the story right now.
Also, who punched him in the face? No clue, but they're about to get rekt. (I just wanted to practice painting blood tbqh, and show off his lil' teef. I love that moon cats have fangs. 🥺💖)
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starmakerphantom · 2 years
OCs! Woo
Hi im Phantom and my hyperfixation is making ocs. These are my ensemble stars ones i have drawn already and some infos about them!
Akio Nijihara
-Part of a unit whose theme was that they are RPG charackters. Hes the healer
-His whole gimmik is that hes a nurse. Modeled after my sister who is very low empathy
-I gave him sister related trauma
-i need to make his other unit members.
-his glasses are fake, he wears them for aestatic
he will get a drawing with a plague goctor outfit and he will get a drawing with a labcoat where just....candy drops out. Im just bad at art
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-insecure little bitch, copes via means of fashion and being not nice
-mainly sensitive about his looks and being small (basically "if people want to stare at least give them a goo reason)
-blooms on stage, his worksona is very pleasant to work with
-will always choose the sluttiest costume available
-actually used in an rp!! Gay gay homosexuall gay
-His unit is named Chronostasis, their theme is Gay Lasertag
-he wears a facemask and froggy hat. Used to wear a hoodie but the hat was a gift from his units leader
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Secret Garden
Oh damn a whole unit but i dont have their costumes
Leader- Sai Himawari
A poet, an artist. If words fail, sing. If singing fails, dance
-Logical conclusion? Become idol
-(obv. a valkyrie mega fan. He would never admit that. We know its true)
A romantic soul
dense fucker, Aji could be stabing someone in the background and hes like "what did we say about using our words"
Hes a wip
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Aji Kengai
-oh boy
-a gardener
-"yeah thats safe to eat, trust me bro"
-is an idol because hes BIG GAY for Sei, and with big gay i mean hes a yandere because im cringe
-bad at words
-i loaded all my body image issues into him
-if he smiles with his eyes closed, run
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If you put their names together (Ajisei) supposed to spell the japanese word for hydragena :,)
Kokoro Cafe
WHAAAT, Another Unit? YES! Main boys. Their gimmik is that they cute cafe staff/ a host club
Leader- Gekko Amina
-looks and talks a bit sus, but actually a good boy
-got scouted, formerly know as the karaoke king
-loooots of confidence, a bit cringe
-shark teef, has to wear braces.
His jacket is so big it has room for another guy
-ironically, he has stae frigth
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-movie fan, but like only old hollywood stuff because he likes the divas so much
-has adapted the personality....is aware he currently lacks the talent to justify it
-friends with Gekko so thats how he ended up here
-has trouble taking no for an answer
-i just think hes cute
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Hayato Mikimura
-"Haha great plan guys, anyways wheres my paycheck"
-In need of money. Does this for the money
-scam artist. And not ashamed to rope the other 3 in
-has a twin sister who used to medel
-gets cold fast
-at least he provides brains
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Yani Hanabe
-"Wait this is an idol school?" Didnt you go trough the entrance and performance exams? "yeah-" AND THAT DIDNT RAISE QUESTIONS??
-Anxiety on legs
-needs a haircut
-and better clothes
-actually the one who had the idea of the cafe theme after a job brougth them all together
-he is their SON but they also bully him the most
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All 4 of them have crossdress designs. Take a guess why
The one i havent drawn yet but is the worst/ best idea
-he has (animu)amnesia
-but is convinced becomming an idol will help that
-im working on it once my hand is doing better, i work better AFTER i drew a vague concept
I can make a shuffle with that many boy. Theres already a temporary unit in story
I love ocs so much. I want more
I want to use them more
Im just very shy about showing my writting
If ur lucky i manage to do more idol costimes
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mostly-comfort · 11 months
hello again!
i've been able to dm sideblogs in the past/people have been able to dm mine, but maybe that changed, weird and sad lmao oh well :')
i'm happy to continue in asks then ^-^
pete's hair is indeed streaky in some art! they're trauma streaks, pete got caught by hunters (shifting phases' premise), and he survived and escaped with the help of his friends, but not before having his whole life destroyed :)
pre trauma, pete's hair is solid auburn and kept short, he still has the jaw scar
post trauma, he's covered in scars and his hair is streaky, it also grows out because he cant cut it and wont let anyone cut it because he has big issues about the sight of blades and their proximity to him :) (in terms of scars, 95% (i say that coz i havent written out the Torture yet so i might do some fun unexpected unforseeable things ehe) of the ones that are relevant to bust-shots are already mapped out on the ref sheet :) )
and! indeed he has lil teefs! they're not big or long or anything, but they're definitely there and definitely pointier and sharper than a human's canines :) i drew them a few months back, im a stranger to teeth so everything may look right on the surface, but there may be technical issues 8) his teeth appear normal aside from the canines, and then he's got those standard, surprisingly pointy human pre(?)molars, but the canines just make em look extra sharp lmao
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oh! and claws, pete has claws, i have 0 idea if you or i mentioned, or if it's on his profile (i cant save an ask as a draft unfortunately and i cant open tabs on the mobile so im really living ip to my name lmao), but he has claws! they are very fun :) they look and grow like regular human nails except that they're very much in the shape of sharp claws with a sharp edge. what he used to do, again, when he could stand the sight of blades was, very literally carve them into the shape of human nails. he can't do that after his trauma :)))))
i'm writing this out on mobile so im not entirely sure if i missed anything, so, if you have more questions or need some more specific deets, feel free to hit me up any time ^-^
also ty ^-^ it's pretty detailed because i may or may not obsess exclusively over this universe, boi, and cluster of concepts haha.... 8)
oh and btw, your boi looks *very* scrummy, poor thing suffering those functional cognitive issues, not a fun time :') thoughts.exe got uninstalled and he's having a hard time, but at least plants have his back <3 i bet he'd have a whole HEAP of emotion tho >:)
that's everything i can think of, good-timezone ^-^
aaaa thank you for all the info!! i found out that u can't dm with sideblogs if they're shared by 2 or more accounts, which is what i did in an attempt to move everything to a new account LOL
i'm very interested in drawing him post-trauma especially, i love how there's so many things, both internal and external, affected by his capture!
he wants to do his best 😭 he's the goodest boy idc what those mean humans said otherwise
ty again!!
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wigglebox · 2 years
Hi! I always wanted to ask, even if its a silly thing, but I never saw an artist with your style and I think its really cute that your dean and cas have such bitable noses (they just look so fluffy). Where did it came the idea to make them like that?
lmao omg biteable noses i haven't heard that one awlefjawlkejaw i love it so much. why boop when you can boop with your teefs!
so i waited to answer this until i was back on my computer to basically say: idk!
but the longer answer is i was always interested in making the nose the focal point of the face. all my art style journeys always made sure i would put the nose for you to see it and always make it red lol.
i haven't drawn in a few years, about 3 years, until last fall and i wasn't happy with my style anymore. it felt too morose when i was just wanting to feel happy because the world around me is just meh and blegh every day, my job is stressful, and i wanted something to just keep me happy.
this was my art 3 years ago
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and i liked this style -- but it was also limiting for me bc it just always made me feel less vibrant and just more quiet and a little sad
but over the last 7 years these were styles i would do for a drawing or two every so often while i was still trying to figure my style out until i arrived at ^ 
I think this one is the closest one i can get to now 
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but there were other attempts:
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i thought it was a limiting style though because they don’t have a fully drawn eye and the noses kind of reminded me of a newspaper comic strip i used to see growing up falled Funky Winkerbean. I don’t know why -- their noses definetly aren’t like this -- but whatever pfft. 
But I still found the lack of eyes limiting, and that these were too cutesy, but also i couldn’t figure out how to make it constantly work so i just abandoned it and went back to my normal stuff. 
like i said, i hadn’t drawn for a few years but last october, i was feeling frustrated not being able to find the proper motivation to do winchester-relod’s Suptober challenge so i doodled this dude [by now i didn’t have my tablet and so any time i sporadically drew since 2018 i just drew on my phone]
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and then idk people thought he looked cute?
and then i drew this a few days later:
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with these tags: idk I am feeling squishy and gooesy this Saturday and want a hug, Jennifer why are you drawing big noses, because I have no idea bht it’s fun
and i guess it just kept going from there? people thought it looked cute, and i thought it was warm and happy and it made me happy to draw it. 
obviously looking at the art even from 9 months ago the style has changed as i figured out what i wanted to do with it [and invested in a little ipad to draw on instead of drawing with my finger on my phone lol]:
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So Idk really! 
I think I am sticking with this for now [sometines doing a slightly ‘normalized nose’ from time to time] because 1) y’all encourage me with your very kind words 2) it makes ME feel good to draw them like this -- like idk i never am like UGH with a drawing 3) it’s just fun! 
really it’s one of those things where for the longest time i’ve been trying to take inspiration from so many styles around me because I just didn’t know how to define myself as an artist, and then i just wasn’t drawing as much anymore once i DID settle on style from a few years ago -- to now just wanting to smile any time i’m creating something so if it makes me smile, my goal is to make others smile lol. 
a driving factor for finding my style before was like ‘how do i make this edgy and emo if i wanted to?’ because at the time i was still experiences lows. 
and now, i still experience lows [spoons, mental health, yadda yadda] but instead of drawing the sadness out, i wanted to draw something that’d bring the smile back at least in my mind lol. 
and nothing makes me happier than smacking my hand into my ipad trying to honk their noses and then hearing messages from others [like yourself] who find the noses cute as well! 
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Final Fantasy 7 prompts # 73
1. Puppet! Cloud drops out from a random vortex after his master was defeated. Where did he land?
On Sephiroths office desk in Shinra tower of course. Sephiroth poked him with his pen a few times before Cloud woke up.
"Master!" The blond exclaimed as he wrapped the larger man in a hug. Of course. Of freaking course, thats when Genesis barged in with a stack of paperwork tucked under his arm, (not even bothering to knock mind you!) "Ugh, Seph, you are not going to believe-" the redclad figure stopped in his tracks.
"...this isn't what is looks like."
Genesis wiggled his eyebrows suggestivly, "Sure it isn't." And he was back out in the hall without another word. The soft click the door gave seemed much too loud in the silence and only seemed to add to Sephiroths humiliation.
Thus began Cloud following around his "Master" wherever he went while Sephiroth and the SOLDIERS/Turks did everything in their power to stop him, only to fail hilariously or get beaten up by the (comparatively) petite blond for thier efforts
2. The Holy Trinity encounter Winged! Cloud from the future or a parallel dimention or something and instead of viewing him as a monster they think he's an actual angel and treat him accordingly.
3. Cloud had just finished burying a dead chocobo (may she rest in peace) he had found when he heard a twig snap from behind him.
He reached for Tsurugis handle only to pause when he saw a bright yellow ball of plumage peek out from behind a tree. The blond let out a small laugh. That was by far the fluffiest chick he had ever seen, hells, it was a perfect circle/
Cloud reached down and picked up the baby, "Hello there, are you lost?"
"Kweh!" The little circle cried out and Cloud was quickly surrounded by three other chicks, all wild and overly fluffy. He absently wondered if this was a new breed while they preceeded to peck at him with little effect. He just scooped them up and drove them to Bills place after a ruddementry search of the nearby area.
That was the end of it.
Until he woke up the next morning with three of the chicks sleeping on top of him. The blond was baffled and got up to search for the fourth, only to find it perched on Denzels head, shifting its balance as to not fall whenever Denzel began nodding off, threatening to fall asleep and plant his face in his breakfast.
If Cloud took a picture-or a dozen-no one would have to know
4. A mysterious ailment has been effecting all the creatures Hojo created using Jenovas cells causing them to run amok. With Cloud missing and AVALANCHE busy dealing with rampaging monsters, Denzel and Marlene sneak off to search for the missing blond, but will they find him in time? Or will Cloud be in the same state as the others?
5. Reno found Cloud at a mall in some nowhere town dressed as a girl. He was originally planning to use this as blackmail material before Cloud came out to him as trans.
Now Reno goes out with him and helps him keep his cover...while disguised of course. Wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and- by extention- Cloud.
Besides, if anyone did recognize them, Cloud had full permission to blame Reno and let him take the fall for it.
6. The SOLDIERS apparently had a "Chocobo protection squad" when Cloud was a trooper. He had no idea why Reeve had insisted he read this annoyingly thick file on it until he realized half way through the first page that it was about him
He was the "precious cutie chocobo that must be protected from the evils of the world"
Cloud wanted to burn it on principle...but was too curious to stop reading. Apparently most of the members were still alive and it seems he owes them a great deal, so maybe he should take Teef and the kids to visit some of them. Maybe bring gift baskets...
7. Cloud cursed as he stepped on the edge of his cloak, sending him tumbling down from the path and deeper into the cavern.
Cloud picked himself up from the ground, grateful his goggles kept any of the dirt and debris from entering his eyes.
He heard something from behind him and whirled around to slash at them with his dagger...except there was no one there.
Oh no. He looked down at the little creatures, wearing cloaks much like his own, only brown instead of the worn black fabric the professor gave them. The blond looked down sadly at the number tattooed on the back of his hand.
Guess I won't be going to the Reunion after all. Shame. Mother had said Zack would be there as a guest and he really wanted to see him again.
One of the little creatures- Tonberry- mother supplied - was clutching the edge of his cloak and attempting to lead him somewhere.
Did...did this creature think himself one of them?!
Aka Numbered! Cloud! gets adopted by Tonberrys
8. Hojo waking up strapped to one of his own tables with Cloud and Sephiroth standing over him, grinning like mad men.
9. Au where Sephiroth escaped as a child and fled into the wild and was eventually taken in by the "dead" professor Gast and his wife Iflana
He was "never found" by the Turks and eventually grew up to be a bad ass vigilante.
Cloud shared a similar fate but kept running instead of being taken in, eventually becoming a vagabond until the fateful day when their paths crossed and the pull of Reunion drew them together
10. Enraged blue eyes locked on to the blond. It may have been nearly a thousand years since Shinra fell, but he would know that man anywhere.
Not just anyone could have destroyed a corporate entity as powerful as Shinra and in the span of a single month no less! But he didn't care much about that, oh no.
He cared about the fact that this lovely creature killed him and his fellow firsts and then had the audacity to just disappear into the sands of time, stripping materia of its power and somehow causing Gaias mako to sink deep beneath the soil, never to be seen by mere mortals again. After it did, monsters began appearing less and less frequently, until they stopped appearing at all.
With Shinra so thoroughly destroyed and no other sustainable power available, information and records deteriorated, leaving Shinras history spotty at best and non existent at worse (probably didn'thelp that records seemed to conveniently disappear). Now Shinra, monsters and magic are all considered fairytales from a bygone era.
He and the others occasionally visit the lake that was once the city of Midgar to light candles in honor of all they had lost. Like hell he was going to let the blond escape again. Genesis opened his phone and made a call, "Seph, I found him."
11. Cloud meeting Female Sephiroth. Shes rather impressed that he's completely unaffected by the boob window. It had been the death of many men before him, that was for certain.
Too bad he wants to kill her, she has a feeling she would have liked having him around. Maybe she'd introduce him to Angel's puppy? She had the peculiar ability to befriend everyone she met
12. Time traveler Sephiroth saves time traveler Cloud from the labs with Genesis and Angeal.
Cloud is wondering why Sephiroth saved him and what he's planning.
Meanwhile, Gen and Geal are freaking out and asking annoyingly sane questions, like "Who is this guy?", "Why do you seem to know him so well?", and my personal favorite "Why is there a man being held captive in the labs?!"
13. Lab Experiment Cloud au where teenager Cloud barrels into Sephiroth in the middle of escaping the tower and asks if Sephiroth is his dad.
Sephiroth stops functioning and he just stands there frozen in a full battle stance while Genesis fights and subsequently captures the teenager, who he then promptly kidnaps.
Sephiroth bursts into the labs and confronts Hojo, asking if he was a father.
Hojo laughs and says "Of course you are! Do you have any idea how many creatures I've spawned with your DNA?"
Cue Sephs mental breakdown and Genesis's rampage on behalf of his friend.
Angeal does his part by babysitting with some office secretaries
Aka: the trinity raising a broody teen
14. Post OG Nebilheim is super duper haunted and Yuffie is NOT okay with that.
Cloud is even less okay and they talk about it while sitting on the roof of Clouds abandoned house...well, the fake one anyway
15. Everyone gets therapy but its from the perspective of a therapist who is %1000 done with Hojo
Bonus: This is actually questions posed by a friend and it helped spawn number 10.
What would Shinra do if Mako where to suddenly disappear? How would that even happen?
Bonus Bonus: What would be the quickest/ most brutal way to take down Shinra and/or SOLDIER? How would the Firsts feel about being completely owned by a stranger who appeared out of nowhere? (This was also my thinking about 10)
Announcement: Due to lack of interest, list #75 will be the final one. Thank you for reading my ideas. It made me super happy!
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good-old-kooks · 3 years
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Hi, I spent the entirety of last night drawing an entire a4 page’s worth of shitty Spade King doodles and I’m going to make that everyone elses problem. Incoherent ramblings about the drawings (that aren’t on the image already) under the cut.
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I think it’s VERY telling that, out of all of the kings, this asshole’s the one wearing the most black. Like, come on, he’s such a moody bitch, staring off of the balcony of his castle before his battle and shit. And having his tits out 24/7? Dumbest motherfucker alive.
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Spade yelling. I like his teef :)
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I can bet my ass the only reason he doesn’t swear in-game is because he’s trying to look all cool and dignified. He’s such a fucking tryhard it’s embarrassing. 
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This man eats soap you can’t convince me otherwise. There’s legit reasoning behind this headcanon of mine but no one cares lmao, so all you need to know is that Spade and Lancer can both digest just about anything and soap is just Spade’s personal favourite.
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Greedy bastard. Again, teef are mostly the reason I drew this one. Also please for the love of god ignore the shitty cape. I gave -5 shits about drawing his cape in the smaller sketches. Also yeah all of these are just coloured sketches, I swear I usually draw better than this.
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Anyway here’s human Spade. Both my sister and best friend said he looks ugly and I think that means I did my job REALLY well.
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Oh yeah, I also have full personality headcanons for all the other kings, I just happen to like Spade the best. I like seeing just how much I can stretch and pull an expression for exaggeration purposes. Spade is really useful for that because he has a REALLY weird and specific design, so he’s easally recognizable.
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Seam and Jevil cameos. Again, you can’t convince me that Spade ISN’T the “no fun allowed” king. Also I JUST realised I didn’t draw a Rouxls cameo on this entire page... Good.
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What else is there to say? Other than the fact that the proportions on this are the worst I’ve ever done. I had to re-scale Lancer TWICE. And it STILL looks bad.
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Yeah I don’t know the context for this one, I just thought it was a cool pose, and gave him something in-character to say along to that. I’m considering actually making this a Real Finished Drawing but god only knows how long THAT will take.
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Bonus Lancer for your patience in reading through all this.
Also, shameless plug, I made a playlist of songs I associate with/are about the Spade King, it’s called the Spadelist. Right now there’s not much on it, other than remixes of his theme and some other metal songs and metal adjacent songs I think fit him. Check it out if you want, it’s only 21 songs thus far, but I plan to keep updating it.
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Author Spotlights: Kurtdeservesbetter Day 1
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Author: @kurtdeservesbetter​
How did you get into Glee and Glee fandom?
Watched it while it aired; already knew fandoms existed through livejournal and fanfic.net. Just dive headfirst back in 2010
In general, what drew you into writing (and/or creating)?
Reading fanfiction in general. I had already written fanfiction in other fandoms (namely Harry Potter) and since I liked glee so much, and read glee fanfiction so much, I just started writing my own.
What was it about Glee that made you decide to write fanfic for it?
I hated certain plot lines and how they changed things, or simply didn’t like an episode, so I decided to write my own versions.
Have you been a part of other fandoms before? Have you written fanfiction pre-glee?
Yes! Harry Potter was a big one. I also enjoyed X-Men (the Patrick Stewart Originals) and some shows here and there.
Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
I definitely want to get more into series writing. I have a universe planned out in my notes, with lots of details, plot ideas, lessons, everything, about Season 3. It’s where all of the OGs (plus Sam and Blaine) are all seniors. I’ve talked about it on my blog before. My current fic, I’m Falling Apart, But Only On The Inside, is one of the fics in that universe but it’s more of an AU on the episode “On My Way”.
Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
There’s lots. Too many to name.
How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
20 and they aren’t consistent. I do have another Kurt-centered fanfic that’s a bit wild. It involves Cody (yes, Sexy Bi Santa). It’s a bit dark (with a happier ending) and it takes place in S2.
Check out Kurtdeservesbetter’s Fics
I'm Falling Apart, But Only On The Inside - Fueled by Dave’s suicide attempt, Kurt finds himself in an alleyway, pulling some neanderthal off of a boy. In the end, he realizes what he’s done may have been completely stupid (he was never a fighter) but Kurt doesn’t regret one bit of it. Until the newest duets competition starts bringing him bad memories, and he begins reexperiencing the worst things to happen to him.
The Great Milk Thief of the Hummel-Hudson and Evans Home -  Sam, Kurt and Finn all disagree on who keeps using up all the milk.
Teef, Buns and Me! (According to Kurt) -  Kurt gets his wisdom teeth taken out. Sam and Finn are along for the ride. So are everyone else.
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Black Cloth and Star Systems- Fusion AU
Ao3,   MasterPost,  More of This AU
Legally speaking this is the second installment in my fusion au, and u should definitely read the first one!! but it is not necessary to understand this one.
Relationships: Romantic Analogical, (briefly) mentioned romantic Royality
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff, minor insecurity (it is Logan after all), one (1) kiss, excessive cuddling, Virgil and the Logan/Virgil fusion both have monster-like traits (big teef, pointy ears, nocturnal eyes, etc.), the fusion is also agender because I said so, and seriously lots of flowery descriptions cuz I was really having a good time with this one. Oh, and lack of sleep/unhealthy sleep schedules, brief mention of paranoia (very very minor), and I think I accidentally implied that Virgil has ADHD but that’s par for the course. 
Word Count: 3,797
Logan stared at the ceiling of his room, tired eyes tracing over the patterns etched into it. They were irregular, scrawls and lines that bumped up from the plaster and stretched on and on. If he squinted, they could almost look like maps- charting and directing the reader across a very foreign land, and in addition the reader might not be good with following maps, which would explain why this one seemed so vague. Or maybe it wasn’t showing a place at all. Nowhere real, at the very least. 
Oh, what the fuck was he talking about. The ceiling was a goddamn ceiling, and Logan was exhausted.
Sleeping would be the ideal solution, and it was something he definitely wasn’t opposed to, but by this point it was borderline impossible. Logan could shut his eyes, but he knew all he’d see would be that blinding flash of pink light. He could try and try to relax beneath his blanket, but still he would see double-set of eyes, swirling between emerald green and cinnamon brown, set behind big cutesy-framed glasses. He’d picture those two pairs of arms, that staggering display of height, and the body that was decorated with gold and crimson and sky-blue. 
What he was seeing was beyond understanding, and it was all that he could think about. His friends had fused. Patton and Roman, out of pretty much nowhere, had become one being right before everyone’s eyes. One burly, talkative, and endlessly fascinating being.
Like any person who persistently sought knowledge, Logan had taken to investigating the new creature at once. He’d had questions, burning questions, but Patron- as he’d named himself- had requested some alone time in his new form. It was a perfectly reasonable ask, so Logan resolved to postpone his interviewing until Patron was ready. But then, just as he was looking forward to finding out more about him that next morning, he was back to being two sides. Two sickeningly sweet sides who were way too caught up in their new relationship to answer any of Logan’s questions copacetically (All their answers had been full of purple prose, talking about how fusing was just the most amazing thing, and providing no real insight into it at all). 
Logan, presented with bizarre occurrences and offered no explanation, was understandably restless, abuzz with curiosity, and frustrated. And, if he was being honest, he was interested in the topic beyond what could be considered objective study, as well.
Very interested, in fact. He found himself wondering that… perhaps… Was he also capable of fusion?
Yes, the best way to learn about it would be to experience first-hand, so that would solve that problem. But that was hardly Logan’s entire reason for wanting to try it; Patton had soundly reported that forming Patron helped his and Roman’s communication by miles. Specifically vis a vis their more affectionate emotions, which really ended up being the thesis of the whole ordeal. It was, fundamentally, a very affectionate thing. 
Logan sat up abruptly, shooting a glare at his door from across the room. This was getting ridiculous; it would be a horrible idea to try something as significant as fusing with so little information on it. Just because it seemed self-explanatory didn’t mean that it was, and the results could be unstable and catastrophic!
But it wouldn’t be. There was the side he knew- the side he trusted- well enough to believe that it wouldn’t really go so awry.
Logan was making excuses.
What was there to be explained verbally that wouldn’t be much easier to just experience? Patron had proved two things: 1, fusing could happen, and 2, fusing could un-happen without issue. Any of the specifics would be figured out best by firsthand experience, that was pretty evident.
So Logan was making a few excuses, and maybe he was a bit scared about the whole thing, but so what? It was a moot point anyway, because Virgil would never want to participate in it, anyway. The idea of fusion would only upset the anxious side, maybe send him spiraling, and that was the last thing Logan wanted. 
With a groan, Logan flopped back down onto his bed, resuming his studious observation of the popcorn-patterned ceiling.
Yeah, it wasn’t working.
Logan dragged himself up yet again, flinging the covers off of his legs harshly. He sat, immobile, glaring down just past the foot of his bed for an uncertain amount of time. He then heaved a very over dramatic sigh, kicked his legs over the side of his mattress, and stood. He set his feet down as though the carpet had personally wronged him, trodding across the room and throwing his door open with the same temperament. 
 The hallway was pitch dark, but Logan barely noticed it. He made his way down the stairs, the map of the Mindpalace splaying out in his head and directing him as well as light would. As soon as he hit the bottom of the stairs, his (moody) stomping ceased, for the time being. He tipped his head to one side, confused, as he listened out. 
There was a perfect silence.
An abrupt perfect silence. The very specific type of quiet that was too clearly manufactured. Such a- a tense hush could only be brought about by someone deliberately holding their breath. 
Logan shuffled his feet, peering into the blackness. Something shifted over by the couch, and the gleam of two reflectively-paneled eyes made themselves apparent. Logan yelped in fright, stumbling over his legs and bumping his back into the wall. 
There was a thump from across the room, a curse of ‘oh, shit’, and another shimmer from those eyes, animalistic and narrow. 
“Logan?” A gravelly voice asked, “Is that you?”
Logan blinked, staring at the dark silhouette that had come to stand before him. Animalistic, perhaps, but very very tall, and very very person-shaped. 
A lamp clicked on, washing the room in low and orange light, revealing that the creature was indeed Virgil. He looked considerably more human, now that he could be seen past his imposing outline- and he also looked more tired. 
Somehow, despite all of the other oddities in their situation, Logan found himself preoccupied by the smallest detail.
“Your eyes, Dear,” he drew forward for a closer look,  “How haven’t I noticed? They’re reflective!”
Virgil shrugged impassively, leaning down to let Logan hold his head and examine the unusual feature. 
“You can’t really tell unless it’s very dark out, or if you know what you’re looking for. I guess it just never came up.”
“But you can see in the dark, then?” Logan asked, perfectly aware that he sounded more than a little awed. Virgil just snorted, looking endeared. 
“Yup,” he popped the ‘p’, “Is it that big of a surprise?”
Logan turned the question over in his mind, but after a moment he shook his head, no. Virgil already had a multitude of unique attributes- his fangs, his claws, and a few more distinct things that only appeared when he got particularly stressed. (All of the sides had traits like those, actually. Of them, Logan was certainly the most average- the only discrepancy had to be his slightly exaggerated proportions, and even that couldn’t compare to some of the others’.)
Virgil hummed vacantly, shifting his weight a few times over. He kneaded his shoulder, glancing down at Logan with sudden interest. 
“So, what’s up with you? It’s like, three in the morning.” 
Logan stiffened, but tried to disguise the worry. 
“I could ask you the same question,” he deflected, ineffectively. Virgil only smirked in response. 
“I mean, I guess you could: paranoia, pent up energy, general inability to focus- you know, the stuff that keeps me up every night. You, though,” Virgil hovered over him, making him tilt his head back to keep eye-contact with their height difference. Logan felt his face flush, though it was only partially due to embarrassment. “You don’t stay up late, L, like ever.”
“I’ve just been thinking a lot,” he once more evaded. 
“You’re always thinking,” Virgil responded with a laugh, but he stood up straighter and gave Logan his space. Logan glanced up, confused, only to get a shrug by way of reply. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, babe. I’m not gonna, like, interrogate you. I just… wanna make sure you’re okay, is all.”
“Oh,” he smiled, “Yes, I am. Thank you.”
Virgil gestured to the couch, returning the smile.
“Wanna stay up with me? Might help you get your mind off whatever it’s on.”
Logan relaxed at that, nodding a bit sleepily as he followed his partner to the sofa. 
Virgil’s arm was twined around Logan’s waist, holding him into the taller trait’s side as they sat comfortably on the couch. In the near pitch dark, Virgil’s laptop was propped up against the coffee table, the screen lit up by slightly unnerving YouTube animations. 
Truth be told, though, Logan had paid attention to exactly none of them. He had a few reasons for this: one, he was very sleepy. Two, Virgil was warm- much warmer than himself, as Logan had always had strangely cold skin, and the heat was calming. And three, he was still caught up in his own thoughts, albeit less frantic and frightened versions of them by this point.
He knew that Virgil could easily sense his anxiety, but still, Anxiety did not pry. Add that to the many-paged list of reasons why Logan appreciated him as much as he did. 
Appreciate him he did, yes, and he also- he trusted him. Completely. To such a degree that, in the serene partial-silence between the couple, Logan found himself wondering what would happen if he just… told Virgil? If he explained what was on his mind, would it really upset him as much as he feared? The idea of fusing, well, just talking about it couldn’t be too much of a disaster. They were too strong, too stable for that.
“Virge?” Logan didn’t turn to look at him as he spoke. The name was really just a murmur on his lips, uttered noncommittally and with the hope that it might just go unheard.
With a soft click, the video paused, and Virgil shifted. 
Oh. He was really doing this.
“Could I ask you about something?” Logan would’ve left it at that, but feeling Virgil tense up beside him, he hurried to elaborate: “It’s nothing bad, my love, I just- it’s what’s been worrying me, this evening.”
“Uh- ask away, I guess..”
Logan took a deep breath, feeling his heart rate increase concerningly. He was thankful for the lack of light in the room; if the embarrassed heat spreading across his face was any indication, he likely looked just as nervous as he felt.
He exhaled, trying to focus on Virgil’s arm around him instead of the worries. Everything would be alright.
“You remember when Patton and Roman fused, I trust?”
There was an almost subtle intake of breath from Virgil. 
“Yeah, I wasn’t about to forget something like that, L.”
“Right, of course,” Logan found Virgil’s hand and wound their fingers together, fiddling with them. “I just wanted to know your thoughts on the situation.”
There was a beat.
“Um. I’m just relieved that they could get back to normal, I guess. I was sorta worried they’d get stuck- which doesn’t make a lot of sense in hindsight, but with how clingy they both are, I mean…” 
Logan hummed, encouraging him to go on, despite the intelligent side’s swiftly fading hope.
“But, like, now that I know they’re okay, I guess it’s not really any of my business?” Hesitation laced Virgil’s voice, as though he wasn’t sure what he was meant to say. “Other than that, though, I just think it’s kind of weird. Like, the whole idea of it. Fusion.”
“‘Weird’ in a negative sense?”
“I don’t know, man,” Virgil huffed, “I mean, I’m not a big fan of cartoons but- it’s weird like it’s interesting, weird like I wanna know more. If that makes any sense.”
Oh. That was promising.
“It does make sense,” Logan whispered, desperately emphatic. The glow of Virgil’s eyes turned to him, wide enough that they looked like little full moons.
“Did you-” he stopped short. Inhaled sharply. Then asked it all in a rush: “Are you asking because you wanted to try it? With me?”
Logan stayed silent, gripping too-tight to his boyfriend’s hand. He sounded… surprised? But maybe not upset? 
Oh, who was he kidding, he’d never been able to read tones, really, and it was too dark to try and figure out Virgil’s body language. He’d just have to go blind on this one.
“Yes,” Logan blurted, immediately holding his breath for a response.
Virgil was as stiff as a board. His hand was frozen in place, his gaze boring into Logan. 
“Are you sure?” 
His tone was soft, sweet, and so so careful. Logic blinked. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected from Virgil, but he knew that it wasn’t something so… gentle.
“I- maybe? It’s not necessary, if you don’t think you’d be comfortable with-”
“That’s not what I was asking,” Virgil interjected, “I wanna know if you’re sure that you want this, not how you think I feel.”
Logan mumbled an apology, feeling oddly chastised. He collected his thoughts and tried again.
“Yes, I’m sure. I- I trust you, Virgil.”
Virgil relaxed considerably, his head dropping to rest in Logan’s hair. 
“Okay. Good.”
And with that, he went quiet again. The show was not unpaused, though. Logan wondered if he was meant to say something, and if so he wondered what it was. But in the end he couldn’t make any sound at all.
Virgil’s hand slipped out of his, instead moving to the back of his neck. Logan instinctively leaned forward with its direction, letting himself be held close. In turn, he wrapped his arms around Virgil’s waist, turning sideways into him. He was close enough now to hear the beat of the anxious side’s heart, which was always rather quicker than anyone else's. This time, though, it was like a hummingbird’s, hammering loud and excited.
Logan tilted his head (as much as he could) in confusion. Had the conversation somehow affected Virgil more than it first seemed? Was something about the situation that spiked his anxiety? But that didn’t add up, either, because his breathing was completely even, and he wouldn’t let anyone be this close to him if he really was panicking.
Before Logan could ask what- if anything- was wrong, Virgil nestled his face in his hair, holding him impossibly tighter. And at that point, they were pressed flush together head-to-toe. And that was what made it click. 
Oh, they were doing this now. This- this was Virgil’s way of attempting- 
Logan hooked his ankle around Virgil’s, clumsily attempting to reciprocate the- erm, the Thing That They Were Trying. Heat rose in his cheeks at even the thought of it. 
What was he supposed to do? Was there some way to activate it? Was it enough to simply touch, or was movement required to fuse? What if they couldn’t get it to work at all? That would make plenty of sense, Logan was logic and what was the possibility that he’d follow the same rules as, say, Roman-
Logan glanced up, his neck straining at the angle. Virgil was gazing down at him, pupils expanded with fondness, his fingers easing through the hairs at the back of Logan’s neck.
“Calm down, okay?” 
Logan might have commented on the irony of that, but Virgil was leaning forward and pressing their lips together oh-so gently, and all his thoughts flew out of the proverbial window as he kissed back. 
It was soft, light, maybe a little clumsy. The touch was barely-there, really, just ghosting. And then it wasn’t there, at all. The feeling faded, as did so many others, but neither of them were moving apart- or at least, they didn’t think that they were. If anything, they seemed to be getting closer, and closer, but-
Closer to what, exactly?
They opened their eyes. Wait, no, they blinked a couple of times- ah, there, they opened all- five?- of their eyes. Not only was it no longer pitch black, but it seemed that lights had been conjured above them, dozens of tiny purple and blue tea lights that cast the living room in a pleasant glow.
Had- had they caused that? Somehow?
Conjuring on accident- how did they manage that? And what else could they do? What couldn’t they do, though, in this new form? Something like them was bound to have limitations.
They stood up sharply, and immediately cracked their head against the ceiling. They yelped in pain, silently amending that standing up straight while indoors was the first limitation to note. They hunched over, managing to keep upright if they just bent their knees and tilted their neck. And that brought on a much more important investigation into themself: their new physical form.
They were obviously very tall, but also sort of- long in general? Their limbs, their fingers, their face, every feature was very narrow, almost spider-like. And, on the topic of spider-like limbs, they had two sets of arms; one in the usual place, but another placed behind that, curving around from just under their shoulder blades. In addition, their fingers, lithe and spindly, were six on each hand. Despite the unordinary length to many of their appendages, though, they were still noticeably muscular. Wide shoulders, a defined abdomen, and sturdy legs.
With a sharp wave of their hand, they conjured a full-body mirror to hang in front of them, promptly leaning over to examine themself.
Their face was made of edges; sharp cheekbones, pointed ears, and blocky glasses that covered all of their eyes but the middle one. They ran their fingers through their shaggy, curled up hair- a good deal of which fluffed forwards past their forehead and into their face. It was mixed colors, swirls of purple and blue blending together in soft, bouncy locks. 
They had interesting features aplenty, but one thing stood out dramatically. One thing that drew their attention at once. 
The mouth.
Their lips were dark- almost black, with hints of color toned under it. They dragged a finger along it, but it didn’t wipe away like makeup. They opened their mouth, revealing long needles of teeth, dozens and dozens of them top and bottom- all except for the upper canines. Those were thick, overly large, and tinted with purple. They ended in dangerous looking points, shoving out past the new side’s lips even when they closed their mouth, appearing much like an arachnid's venomous mandibles. 
They took a step back from the mirror, experimentally poking their big fangs. To their surprise, the teeth moved; just a wiggle, but enough to show that they were mobile, that they could be flexed and retracted. Well, that was...
That was sick as hell.
Now, to investigate their outfit: they were a little monstrous, sure, but also very smartly dressed. They wore a navy blue plaid waistcoat, laid overtop of a pastel purple sweater, which in turn was beneath a plain, black, short-sleeved button-up shirt. Their tie was a simple white with subdued flecks of violet and sapphire, dotted to look intentionally asymmetrical. 
Their lower half also bore a layered aesthetic: sheer lavender leggings beneath strategically ripped black jeans. They also wore a short, tight skirt over it, the color and pattern matching that of their waistcoat. A few chains dangled from the belt loops on their hips, clinking a little as they moved. They had sleek black shoes with small platforms, something vaguely Demonia-style. Altogether, the look was a strange blend of elegant and alternative. Strange, but very, very, very… becoming, to say the least. 
They couldn’t help staring at themself. Actually, ogling might be the more accurate word. They were hot, was that vain to say? If it was, they didn’t particularly care, because it was true. Of all the things they could have been together, confident wasn’t expected, but it was more than welcome. Because- damn.
Five minutes of gawking at their own reflection wound up being enough, in the end, and they forced themself to wave the mirror back out of existence. There were so many more things to consider about themself, after all, and that just couldn’t wait any longer. There were infinite things to know, God, they were a new creature entirely.
It was… it was overwhelming. They had so many questions. They had so many concerns, millions of them, and millions of thoughts that didn’t fit into either of the aforementioned categories, thoughts that existed just to fill up space in a head that suddenly felt overpacked. Too many minds in such a reduced space.
It’s okay, they thought, sucking in a deep, slow breath, One at a time, Dear.
There’s too much. I can’t see it all. I can’t explain all of it.
Which half of them was that? Was it… both? Both of them, comforting and receiving comfort? What an impossible creation they’d become! Wait, no, they had to focus on calming down before they gave that any thought. 
We can’t get to all of it, they agreed with themself, Some of it, though, certainly.
Like what?
They thought for a moment.
We could start with a name?
Oh. That’s probably important.
Yes, just a bit. 
They let their breath out in a laugh, pulling their sleeves past their hands and curling their fingers in the fabric. It took only a second of contemplation before, quite promptly, they knew what they were going to be called from now on. They knew their name, and everything else began to click into place from there.
They sighed, contented, and sat back into the corner of the sectional. They didn’t exactly fit, curling up on the couch as they had before, but they were easily flexible enough to find a way. Now that they knew their name, they could really start learning who exactly Livril was.
There was so much they could learn from this, so many things they could enjoy this way. What music did they like? (Probably sad. Most certainly folk punk.) How did they speak? (sharply, they would guess.) How did they move? (Quick, startling, definitely fidgety.)
And that was hardly all, though it was a good start. There was so much more to get to, and they intended to answer all of it as soon as possible.
...But that ‘as soon as possible’ would probably be in the morning, because Livril fell asleep exactly two minutes after their head hit the couch cushion.
Taglist: @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @donnieluvsthings @intruxiety @thefivecalls @did-he-just-hiss-at-me @gayformlessblob 
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the-moon-pal · 4 years
Broooo,,,, how do you draw teef so well???? I genuinely need help ifjfkdndid
References inspiration and repetition!!
I looked up mostly teeth from dogs/wolves and some tutorials on how to draw teeth, like any teeth tutorial is genuinely really good. I just searched some in google and hey! You should give it a quick search
Also i tried to copy the way some artist drew teeth! (Not necessarily by tracing, not that it's bad if you're only studying it but i myself i tried to copy it by only looking)
There's some really good artist out there that just draw such good teeth that i get inspired and i try to replicate it to get good practice!
And then i just do it over and over, i myself find teeth to be really cool! So im used to just doodle different ways to draw the sharp teeth. So its all about practice
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lady-of-skyhold · 4 years
I Don’t Know What To Do With My Hands. - A CloTi Fan Fic
My first fic in a long time. What better way to get back into the swing of things than with Cloud x Tifa. My OTP. c: 
- 10.5k words. Rated M. Completed.
 NSFW Chapters on AO3
A strip club.
Could Zack be more of a cliché?!
The neon sign baring the name “Seventh Heaven” burned so brightly that Cloud swore he could read it through his eyelids, a headache already beginning to stir.
“Oh, don’t look like that, Cloud. It’s not that bad! It’s way more respectable than that Corneo’s gig.”
Cloud refrained from pointing out that Corneo’s place wasn’t exactly hard to beat – in entertainment value or health and safety standards. Regardless, he took notice of Zack’s enthusiasm about the club and with a sigh, pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Let’s get this over with then.”
The grin on Zack’s face was infectious even to the blonde ex-SOLDIER, a gleam in his eyes the only outward sign of amusement, but to Zack it was all the encouragement he needed. Zack laughed, clapped his hands together and strode right behind him, hands placed on Cloud’s shoulders as he ushered him off of the city street and through the door, giddy with excitement.
“Atta boy! You won’t regret this, I promise. Once we get a few Cosmo Canyons in ya, you’ll be a new man! Come on, the others are already inside.” Cloud shook his head, unsure how his introverted self ever became friends with the living definition of “extrovert” that was Zack Fair and also dreading to think what a “Cosmo Canyon” even entailed. But it was Zack’s bachelor party on the eve of his wedding to Aerith, and if this is where he chose to celebrate it then Cloud would at least try not to hate it. He’d really try.
They walked into the establishment together, Cloud with his eyes fixed on his feet and Zack strutting as if he owned the place. The quiet blonde braced for jarring club music, but it never came. Instead smooth, sultry jazz emanated from a live band playing on a stage nestled in the far corner of the room. Red curtains, faint cigar smoke and soft low lighting surrounded him.
It certainly was no Honeybee Inn.
Small round tables littered the area before the stage, candles flickering at each one. Some patrons filled these tables simply enjoying the music and a drink, their fingers drumming on the table matching the tempo of the band. Others sat in booths set to the side of the room, a bottle of champagne in a chilled bucket on the table and a beautiful woman at their side or - those Cloud quickly glanced away from - on their lap, wrapped in nothing but fine lingerie and a sheer robe. 
Similarly dressed woman floated past the two ex-SOLDIER’s as they headed for the bar, their robes open to expose the lingerie beneath and flowing behind them gracefully as they slipped past, hips swaying wide to the accompaniment of the double bass that Cloud could feel in his chest, even stood as far as he was from the band on their stage. Multiple women greeted Zack by name as they passed which said to Cloud his friend had frequented Seventh Heaven more than he let on. Zack simply shrugged good naturedly.
“Aerith’s friend runs this place, we drop off flowers every once and a while.”
He gave a small nod and spotted another woman approaching, growing nervous Cloud darted his eyes around to settle them somewhere not involving bare skin before choosing to stare at a spot on the floor where plush carpet met the dark stained wood of a dance floor. Zack felt Cloud’s shoulders tense and gave them a small squeeze while directing him towards the bar. He grounded himself in the security of his friend’s grip on his shoulder, the man literally having his back, and let his shoulders drop from up near his ears.
“Relax, man. It’s gonna be a good night. Have I ever led you astray before?” Cloud was tempted to throw a dirty look over his shoulder at him, remembering that time Zack convinced him it was a great idea to cast Fira on a camp fire during basic training. His eyebrows had never grown the same since that day.
It was a hell of a campfire though.
As the pair drew closer to the bar, they spotted the rest of their party. Barret, an unmissable giant of a man, occupied a large portion of the bar himself. He was stood gesticulating wildly as he told whoever was working behind the bar a story of his glory days as a freedom fighter, no doubt. An older man sat hunched over in his bar stool beside Barret, his elbows propped up on the bar as he sipped a whiskey, definitely Cid. And a tall, thin man sat at the very edge of the bar where it curved to meet with the wall. His back rested against said wall as he surveyed the room, from body language alone Cloud knew it to be Vincent; never one to drop his guard, Cloud revelled in the fact someone else would be watching his back.
Vincent noticed the two ex-SOLDIER’s approaching and tapped on the bar to catch the rest of the party’s attention, whom all turned and raised a glass to herald in the man of the hour, it really was a rag tag group of friends to celebrate with but Zack couldn’t have been happier to see them.
“You finally made it! Was beginning to think you’d done a runner. And I was just contemplating which kneecap I was gonna break first, for Aerith’s sake.”
Zack barked a loud laugh, and slapped Barret on the back.
“You’d have to have caught me first!” They bantered, Zack pretending to jab the much larger man in the ribs as Barret took him in a headlock and messed the raven spikes atop Zack’s head with his prosthesis.
Cloud took special notice of how easily Zack bounced off of other people, allowing a small pang of envy at his friend’s confidence before pushing it aside to enjoy his night.
Their friends parted to make room around the bar, Cloud pulling himself up onto a barstool and settling slightly self-consciously, nodding in greeting to the others before picking imaginary dust off his jeans as Zack made conversation with the bartender.
"Teef, my girl! Have no fear, your VIP is here" Zack took a small, half-bow from his seat and beamed his classic charming grin at the barkeep.
"I can see that. Good to see you, pup! What can I get for you tonight?”
A wholly feminine voice spoke up and dragged Cloud’s attention from his lap to behind the bar. The first thing he noticed was silk. Smooth, black silk.
Smooth, black, dangerous, silk.
The woman behind the bar stood wrapped in a short kimono-styled robe that caught the light as she shuffled her weight from each foot, taking in Zack’s round of drinks he bought for his party. The second thing he noticed was her hair; Cloud really wasn’t sure where her hair ended and her robe began. So similar was the sleek shine of the long, dark tresses to that of her silken robe. Despite the ribbon tied tight around her waist – Cloud paying extra attention to the way it created a dramatic curve of her silhouette- the sleek material was pulled taut and extra shiny across the fullness of her chest, trying desperately to conceal her enormous…
Wine coloured eyes filled his focus as he snapped his eyes away from dangerous territory, thankfully her eyes still focused on Zack. A blush blazed hot across Cloud’s nose. He desperately tried to look anywhere but the tempting valley of flesh that disappeared beneath the neckline of her robe and safely dropped his eyes to his lap, wishing to be back in his comfort zone, far away from jazz and alcohol and silk.
Alas, a quick elbow to his side brought him back to the uncomfortable present and Cloud met Zack’s gaze, a dark eyebrow raised as he looked at Cloud in question.
“What drink do you want, dude?” Cloud opened and closed his mouth several times, unsure of what to order, or what to say. Zack had many dealings with Cloud’s shy, quiet way of communication but never had he seen him entirely struck dumb before.
“Urm, he’ll just have what I’m having.”
“Coming right up.” She answered Zack.
Cloud once more dropped his head, content to listen to his friends chatter around him. He was too preoccupied staring a hole into the bar floor to notice his closest friend tilt his head to one side like a curious dog, and narrow his eyes as he examined him. 
Too deep into his thoughts, Cloud was oblivious to his audience as his eyes drifted up from the floor ever so slowly to settle on Tifa’s back while she got to work preparing drinks on the other side of the bar.
Although the silk gave no hint of what lingerie lay beneath - such as the sheer robes the dancers wore - from this angle, anyone sat at the bar could see the outline of suspenders clipped onto stockings just out of sight beneath the hem of Tifa’s robe. A dark line ran down the centre of her stockings, the entire length of her leg, and Zack watched as his younger friend’s eyes followed, marvelling at the length and strength of each leg, topped off with black stiletto heels with red bottoms.
In all the years of their friendship, Zack had never witnessed Cloud take interest in a girl before. Suddenly, his friend’s new found muteness made sense and an idea began to form in his cunning mind.
Without turning his head from Cloud’s direction, Zack spoke.
“Hey, Teef? Have you still never danced yet?”
“No, I'm just a bartender Zack.” Her modest answer floated across the bar as Tifa continued making drinks with her back to the party.
“Would you consider a private?”
“Remember you're marrying a friend of mine tomorrow, Pup.” She laughed.
“Oh, it’s not for me. It’s for him.” Cloud’s head whipped round to catch Zack’s knowing smirk before Tifa turned to face them.
“Zack, what are you up to?” Tifa placed her palms down on the bar and cocked one hip. Eyebrow raised in question.
“Well, y’know, I was just thinking. Doesn’t Johnny like to stop by around this time?” Tifa showed only a small amount of panic as her eyes flickered to an old clock hanging on the wall behind Zack’s head, he was right. Within the next 10 minutes Johnny would surely arrive to begin his nightly routine of flirting – borderline harassing- Tifa until the end of her shift.
“Your point being?”
“Well, my buddy Cloud here gets a little overwhelmed with crowds, and I feel bad for dragging him way outta his comfort zone for my big night. Why not take care of 2 birds with one stone. You both get to hide in a private room until the coast is clear and my friend here has settled into the night. I know you'll take good care of him.”
Tifa turned to look at Cloud who refused to make eye contact and had one hand nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don't know, Zack.”
“I’ll pay double what you’d make out here on bar. No Johnny, no pressure to dance - just serve some drinks to this poor Chocobo head and make my bachelor party a little easier for him, huh?”
Cloud was expecting a polite decline, maybe a “Thanks, but no thanks” after he felt those red eyes of hers take note of his nervous fidgeting, and yet -
“Alright, I’ll do it.” Cold sharp nervousness spread from Cloud’s stomach and sent a shiver up his spine, his eyes zipping between his friend and the barmaid incredulously.
That was unexpected.
“Excellent! You’re an angel, Teef!” Zack slapped a hand on Cloud’s shoulder and gave him a wink, Cloud gaped.
“I know.” She said cheerily and finished preparing the drinks Zack ordered, setting them down in front of each of them. A Bloody Mary sat in front of Vincent, another whisky for Cid, a surprisingly fruity smelling and colourful cocktail sat in front of Barret and two shots were placed before Zack and Cloud.
Stepping out from behind the bar, Tifa turned towards Cloud and gestured for him to follow. She offered him a warm and friendly smile that lit up her entire face, a smile which made Cloud’s Adam’s apple bob on a visible -and almost audible- gulp.
Zack picked up his shot and placed Cloud’s in his hand.
“Hey, do me a favour, enjoy yourself.”
Looking nervously at his shot, Cloud clinked it against his friend’s glass; downing the shot in one go, both grimacing at the burn of alcohol and the following shiver that racked through their bodies.
Cloud took one last deep inhale, pushed himself off of his barstool and followed that dangerous silk further and further away from his comfort zone without daring to look back.
“He’s a goner.” Spoke Vincent, quietly.
“Oh yeah.” Remarked Zack, as he giggled at his smitten friend following the barmaid like a lovesick puppy dog.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
The Dentist (pt11)
Yay for insomnia writing :D So much for a short fic. This crazy composition is now nearly 8000 words long. But we are getting closer to the end...I think ::eyes Virgil::
@onereyofstarlight A special bit just for you in this one :D
From here.
Time passed for Virgil. Mangled, doubled and incoherent time.
Grandma was there, but she wasn’t the grandmother he knew. Scott was always there, but sometimes he was John.
Allie, Gordo, Kay...they were all faces caught by the wind and blown away only to be replaced by dark shadows and pain.
His face hurt and at some point he realised that medication was the source of his confusion. Sometimes there was a hand in his hair. At other times his hands were taken and held, sometimes softly, sometimes fighting him, holding him back, preventing him from striking out at the figure who wanted to hurt him.
And sometimes there was quiet murmuring of comforting voices, that hand in his hair, just stroking, and the fear would be replaced with safety.
Eventually, that safety became dominant and he could rest.
“Gordon!” His brother’s name was a hissed whisper. “Shut that bird up.”
“Trying!” It was an equally whispered desperate word. “But he won’t come.”
“Then shut the damn window. Now I can see why Virgil wanted to kill you.” Scott’s voice managed to be both furious and fond. It was a skill that amazed Virgil. His own anger at Gordon for teaching a tame tui to say his name over and over again just to irritate him had been much more simplistic and volatile.
“Viiiiiir-gil!” A window latched and the bird’s voice was mostly dulled by the excellent soundproofing of the villa.
Virgil relaxed, sinking into the bed. Tui were native to the Island’s patches of forest and quite a handsome if noisy honeyeater. Gordon was just a dick.
With the absence of irritation, Virgil let sleep take him once again.
Someone was holding his hand. Soft fingers brushed away the hair on his forehead.
He frowned.
He groaned, maybe.
“Virgil, you with me?” A finger touched his cheek.
His cheek.
His eyes flew open and he gasped in a breath. “Teef!”
Those hands moved to his shoulders. “Hey, hey, you’re okay. It’s all over. You’re safe.” Blue eyes caught his and hammered the safety home. “You’re safe. I promise.”
Virgil drew everything from those eyes as they held him, narrowing just slightly.
A tense moment, every muscle ready to spring.
Scott’s fingers squeezed a shoulder and Virgil let it all go. The tension exhaled in an exhausted breath and his body melted back into the bed. “God.”
“You with me?” The hands on his shoulders moved to his arms, rubbing gently.
A blink and Virgil refocussed on his brother. A frown. “You ‘kay?” His voice was parched and he coughed, but the resultant smile that blossomed on Scott’s worried face was worth it.
“I’m good.”
Virgil didn’t believe him. “You look like ‘hit.”
A hand appeared from nowhere holding a cup with a straw in it. “Yeah, well, big bro had to go kick some ass and he hasn’t slept, so yeah, Scott, I’m with Virg on this, you look bad.”
Virgil only had eyes for the cup of water that was being paraded in front of him as his brothers had words. “Guys?” His throat was so dry.
“What? Oh, sorry, Virg.” The cup was lowered and Virgil reached out to grab it, but instead found the bed rising as Scott hit the controls. A bit of floundering eventually found the straw in his mouth and sweet, sweet water in his throat. Oh god, that was good.
The movement revealed a few facts however.
The first was that there was an IV in his right hand and he was in the infirmary. This last should have been obvious considering the bed, but his thought processes were a bit sluggish.
The second was that all his brothers were in the room.
And all of them looked like shit.
“What happened?”
There was silence in answer to that.
But as with all silences, Gordon was the one who broke it. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine.” It was automatic, but it also forced him to self assess.
His face hurt.
His teeth hurt.
He brought a hand to his mouth. Scott’s eyes widened and he reached out as if to pull Virgil’s hand away, but then changed his mind. His hand hovered a second before settling on the bed covers, tight with tension.
Virgil’s fingers felt the remains of swelling on his lips, his cheek his eye. His mouth hurt. Memories surfaced wrapped in fear.
His eyes landed on Scott.
“You drugged me.” His heart fell through the floor. “You knocked me out.”
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seventeendeer · 5 years
THANK YOU ... I LOVE BULBASAUR’S TINY SHARP TEEF .... it took me a minute or two to figure out how its little mouf works, but I also think it came out good! Bulbasaur is at the exact mid-point between a puppy and a frog and that’s just the tea
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