#After i finish what i gotta do i must finish an animation that i really want to see the final result of....................
starmonsterrr · 9 months
oh god finally
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its finished
time to update its page now............
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artdolliewishes · 27 days
Neytiri’s Fatal Flaw and Her Future Arc.
I was watching the deleted/original cut of the scene with Neytiri holding Spider hostage which — first off, incredible scene by the way like holy shit — but it made me think about how perfectly it served for Neytiri’s character.
Someone might’ve already talked about this already, but what I don’t think a lot of people realize is that this scene serves as the payoff for earlier Neytiri-related scenes as well as a starting point for her arc going forward.
If you haven’t watched the scene, here, it’s a far more impactful version of an already hard hitting scene and I’m going to treat it as what “really” happened in the story for the sake of analysis.
The first moment I’m focusing on is this one where Neytiri goes to pick up her bow after killing a few RDA grunts, only to find that the bow is now broken and unusable.
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There’s a running theme in these two movies that I’ve seen people point out and that’s how Neytiri keeps losing things that are precious to her, whether they be people, places, or objects.
In the first movie, she loses a lot including but not limited to the Hometree, the Tree of Voices, her older sister, Tsu’tey, her Ikran, and her father. When her father dies, he grants her the Ceremonial Bow and that’s what she ends up using to fight in all subsequent battles.
In the second movie, she thankfully doesn’t lose as much, but she’s still forced to leave her home and her first born son is killed in the heat of battle, rough times all around.
You’ll note that I didn’t include losing her precious bow on the list of things she lost and that’s because she didn’t lose the bow, she broke it.
All the other losses I’ve described are caused by the RDA, but this one isn’t. Instead of her bow being broken by another grunt in the heat of the battle, she’s the one who breaks it by swinging it haphazardly at her enemies.
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I may not know all that much about archery or making weapons, but I’m almost certain that bows aren’t designed to be used like that, which is why her bow broke the way that it did.
And it cannot be understated how important this bow must be to Neytiri. I mentioned before that it was given to her by her late father, making it an important connection to her family already, but it’s also made from the wood of Hometree. So not only is it a connection to her family, it’s a connection to her people and the home that was stolen from them.
All that and she still broke it, not because she didn’t cherish the bow, but because she just couldn’t control her anger enough to handle it properly.
And that’s what I feel Neytiri’s fatal flaw is, as well as what her arc will be primarily focusing on in the upcoming movies — Neytiri’s anger and hatred leads to blind rage, and she becomes liable to hurt those she cares about.
For the record, I am not making the claim that Neytiri’s flaw is that she gets angry. Being outraged by death and destruction, hating those who bring about injustice, these aren’t flaws and aren’t things she should be vilified for. What is a flaw is how she uses her anger, or rather how it uses her.
Jake spells it out pretty cleanly in a scene that happened a while ago. When Tonowari told Jake and Neytiri about the destruction the RDA was causing to the nearby villages, they immediately connect it back to Quaritch. Neytiri describes how they have to finish off Quaritch — “we have to hunt this demon, trap him, kill him” — and this is what Jake says in response to that idea:
“We gotta be smart…”
He’s not dismissing the idea of doing something, he’s just cautioning her on how they go about doing it. That’s the crux of Neytiri’s most prevalent flaw, it isn’t her becoming angered at the injustice she and her people face, it’s her not being smart about how she acts on it.
The last two moments I’d like to draw attention to are the one where one of Quartich’s lackey calls Neytiri a “wild animal” and the one where she actually acts like one.
For the record, Lyle and Quaritch are in the wrong for likening Neytiri to an animal and dehumanizing her in the process, especially when the reason they insulted her was because she was acting violent in the video where she was protecting her husband. However, it’s undeniable that during the fight on the Sea Dragon, Neytiri is the most violent and rage filled we’ve ever seen her.
It’s particularly noticeable right before she realizes she broke her bow, which is definitely not a coincidence I’ll tell you that much.
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She screams in the guys face and stabs him over and over and over again, after which she gets up and starts growling, searching for anything else that moves. It’s not a stretch to say that, in this moment, she’s acting almost like a bloodthirsty animal hungry for vengeance, not too dissimilar from the wild animal the recoms painted her as.
And all of this, her accidentally breaking her father’s bow, being asked to be smart about it all, acting like a wild animal, it all comes to a head in the moment where she uses Spider’s life as leverage to save Kiri’s. It starts off good when she makes Quaritch let Kiri go, but when Kiri is freed from Quaritch’s grasp and she can turn her attention to the man himself…
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…she puts the blade back against Spider’s neck and utters those infamous lines:
“A son for a son.”
I’ve seen a lot of people comment on how “powerful” of a scene this is, and while I agree that it’s a powerful storytelling moment and extremely important to Neytiri’s character, I think a lot of people miss the fact that this isn’t an admirable moment of a mother’s rage, but a scary and dark moment where Neytiri is about to fall to Quaritch’s lows.
Because if Neytiri had actually gone through with this decision, then she would’ve done the same thing to her family that she did with her bow — destroy it. What’s important to note about Neytiri’s hatred towards Spider is that; while it’s understandable considering all the trauma she went through at the hands of his father and the RDA, she’s the only one in her family that feels this way towards him.
For one thing, Spider is both Lo’ak and Kiri’s best friend and they know how much Spider hates being Quaritch’s son, there’s no way that they’d just accept Neytiri after she killed their best friend. We don’t get much development on Spider’s relationship with Tuk or Neteyam, but we see Spider protect Tuk, tease Neteyam, and cry during Neteyam’s death, so they must be friends on some level.
And finally Jake. Admittedly, Jake is pretty lukewarm towards Spider throughout the entire movie, but I’d argue that’s him keeping a respectful distance because of him wanting to side with his wife and not any malice Jake genuinely holds towards Spider himself. We even see him checking over Spider at the end of the movie like he does with Lo’ak and Neteyam.
As much as Jake unconditionally loves Neytiri, I cannot see a world where he’s able to look at her the same way if she killed an innocent child.
And I do mean innocent, because at this point in time Spider’s only “crimes” are being human(not his choice) and being Quaritch’s son(also not his choice). Even if Neytiri’s feelings towards him are understandable and valid, her actions at this point are not justifiable and Jake knows it.
That’s not even mentioning how she hisses at Kiri during this scene, she’s not acting with her family’s best interest in mind, she’s acting on pure rage.
If she had gone through with it and killed Spider, Kiri and Lo’ak would hate her, Tuk wouldn’t be able to look at her the same way again, and Jake probably would’ve left her. She truly did come a hair’s width away from destroying something precious to her once again.
Now let’s talk about Spider for a minute because he’s crucial to all of this, as Neytiri’s hatred for humans extends to her hatred of him.
We already know that, to the Na’vi, “I see you” is considered a respectful greeting, but it’s also a show of great understanding between two people; it’s why Jake’s two pivotal emotional moments at the end of the movies are him telling a loved one “I see you,” it’s because he’s come to understand them as a person beyond what he initially thought.
In contrast, Neytiri does not see Spider, her eyes are shut. Instead of seeing Spider as a person, all she sees is just another human who ought to be with his own kind, a demon. And this is honestly fine, Neytiri isn’t Spider’s mother or caretaker so she’s not obligated to try and understand him as anything deeper than her enemies child and her own children’s best friend.
However, because Neytiri refuses to see Spider as anything other than another human, she lets this hatred for him and his heritage fester until she feels comfortable to threaten his life and see him as a means to an end. And that, no matter how much one may argue it’s understandable from her perspective, leads to dire consequences.
Namely, Spider’s choice to save Quaritch.
Now, before anyone yells at me let me clarify — I am not saying that Neytiri is responsible for Spider’s choice, nor is she responsible for any harm Quaritch will cause in the upcoming movies. However, it’s undeniable that her actions influenced Spider’s decision, whether directly or indirectly.
When Neytiri threatened Spider’s life, Quaritch initially plays off the fact that he’s technically not his son, citing that they aren’t even the same species. But when Neytiri pushes even further, he breaks and shows that he does actually care about Spider, willing to let go of his hostage in order to protect him.
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This is big for Spider as his only major desire is to have a family, specifically a parental figure who genuinely cared about him as he is. I’d even go as far as to say that this moment probably proved to Spider that Quaritch cares about him as more than just a mean’s to an end. He’d already helped Quaritch bond with an Ikran and find the Sully family(against his will), he had nothing else to offer but Quaritch still wanted him alive.
This, along with the months they spent together, are what pushed Spider to make his decision at the end of the movie, a decision he was explicitly conflicted about.
And this came about from Neytiri’s decision. I know a lot of people would argue that Neytiri had to do this because it was the only way to save her daughter, and I’ll agree that there weren’t many options for her. But this wasn’t a tactical move she was making, she wasn’t bluffing or putting on a show to force Quaritch’s hand, she was explicitly going to kill Spider just to make Quaritch hurt in the same way she was hurting.
Also, if we want to nitpick we could also say that the months Quaritch and Spider spent together also came about as a result of her actions. When they’re running away from the Recoms, Spider is the only one who falls to the ground and Neytiri doesn’t even think to try and go get him.
“B-But there’s no way Neytiri would’ve been able to save him and get away! She has her own children to worry about!” I hear you typing in the notes of this post, and to that I say you’ve got a point.
However, the fact that Neytiri doesn’t even consider going down to rescue him, doesn’t look over the branch and hesitate before making the difficult decision to prioritize Kiri and feel bad about it later shows that her reasoning is solidly NOT rooted in him being one of her kids or not.
She doesn’t even try, and because of that Quaritch and Spider end up forming the basis for a solid bond.
TLDR; Neytiri’s fatal flaw is that she allows her anger and hatred to cloud her better judgment and control her, leading to a destructive attitude that can ultimately hurt the people she loves and make things worse for her.
Now, what does this have to do with her arc going forward?
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At this point, I’m pretty sure everyone has heard at least a little bit about the next movie, Avatar Fire and Ash. I’ve seen people theorizing that the fire tribe will be joining forces with the RDA, that they don’t believe in Eywa, and that Neytiri will have to infiltrate the tribe in order to rescue her children.
I’m not certain whether any of this is true, but what I am certain of is that — if these concept arts hold water by the time the movie is released — then the fire tribe we’ll be encountering in the third movie is going to be an extremely violent community, likely one that puts emphasis on anger and hatred.
And if the rumors are true and Neytiri really is going to be infiltrating them, then Neytiri’s flaws might be able to inform what narrative role the Ash People and Varaang in particular will have in the third movie.
I’ve already explained how in depth how her flaw is how she allows her anger to take control of her and close her vision; she’s volatile like lava and burns hot like fire, becoming liable to burn everything and everyone around her.
From that perspective, she seems more suited to be a fire Na’vi rather than a forest or reef one, no? The choice to take us to a volcanic, fire steeped region isn’t just James Cameron checking off the boxes like “oh we did forest and water, fire next!” its him taking us to a we might find uncomfortably befitting of our worst traits.
And that’s basically what I think Neytiri will have to face upon encountering the Ash People — they are the embodiment of all her flaws put on display.
Varaang specifically may work as her narrative foil, a literal funhouse version of her at her worst(from my perspective the concept art of Varaang actually looks a lot like Neytiri, so that’s interesting).
I also think it’s important to note that Neytiri is absolutely going to find out that Spider saved Quaritch in the third movie, or at least it’s incredibly likely if the Ash People really will be working with Quaritch. That means that her hatred for him and her need for revenge will come back into play, this isn’t over.
But this time things will be different, because in between Neytiri learning of Spider’s betrayal she will also get especially close to the Ash People and find that she is uncomfortably similar to them at her worst. Before she does something she might regret, Neytiri will be forced to ask herself some important questions:
Is revenge really worth it? Is this the kind of person she wants to be? If Jake wasn’t there that night, would she have the blood of a child on her hands? Will she hurt other people she loves because of her anger?
These questions are ones she likely never wanted to ask herself, but they’re necessary because she’s starting right in the face of people who didn’t.
Hopefully, she finds that the answer is no.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
two for one || j.h.s
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Summary: A visit to the local shelter brings not one, but two surprises.
Warnings: No use of y/n, fluff
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Authors Note: Based on these pictures. I saw them and couldn’t get it out of my head. Thanks to my lovely betas @wkndwlff​ & @ryebecca​, you’re the best!
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When your boss told you to take Tuesday off, you wasted no time in signing off and putting your work phone on ‘do not disturb.’ You had been logging a lot of overtime lately, brokering a deal with a new business partner and overlooking the expansion of the Boston office. Luckily you could stay in San Diego working remotely with the team from Boston, letting you avoid the time consuming travel across the country. 
You had washed three loads of laundry and cleaned out both the pantry and the fridge. After a quick stop at your favourite deli for lunch, you headed out to the grocery store. You opened up all the windows when you got home, putting away the groceries and then taking on the task of cleaning the condo. You had some time to kill before starting dinner, so you headed outside to relax on your hammock with a book. 
You must have dozed off because the next thing you know, your boyfriend is shaking you awake. “What time is it?” you groaned, stretching your limbs. 
“A little after three. Last class got cancelled, so I figured I’d head home early to surprise my girlfriend. Looks like you’ve been busy today.” You hummed as he pressed a quick kiss to your lips, pulling you up from the hammock.
“I just wanted to get everything done so we could enjoy our weekend off together.” 
Jake wrapped his arms around you, kissing the tip of your nose. “I have a surprise for you.” 
“What?” You looked up at him, a playful smile on his face, eyes vibrant with joy.
“Remember how we talked about getting a dog?” Jake had a childlike excitement surrounding him, that cheeky grin you loved so much in place. 
“Fanboy was showing me pictures of this shelter and I thought that we might go and take a look.” 
You lit up, bouncing on your feet. “Really? Because I know you said you weren’t sure and -,” Jake cut you off, kissing you again.
“Yes sugar, I’m sure. The shelter closes at 6pm, so I figured we’d head there now and we can pick up dinner on our way home.” You were already heading towards his truck before he finished speaking. Jake followed behind, smiling at your childlike glee. “I just gotta change, baby. Then we can go.”
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“Aw, baby look.” You gestured to the German Shepherd who was snoozing in the corner. Jake trailed behind you. The shelter was fairly empty, both with people and animals. Lisa, a volunteer, explained that they recently had a “family day” and a lot of the animals had been adopted.
“We’ve really seen an upswing in adoption recently, it’s honestly so great seeing these animals find their forever home.” Lisa spoke with Jake as you wandered around. An odd sight in the back captured your attention and you kneeled down to get a better look. 
Your heart melted as you set your sights upon a tiny dog, all curled up into a ball. What melted it even further is the cat sleeping by its side. They looked so cute, all cuddled up with each other. The tag on the outside told you that their names were Ares and Apollo. You turned around to call on Jake, only for him to be right behind you.
“What’s this?” He asked as he kneeled down next to you. The dog blinked at the two of you sleepily before snuggling its face into the cat’s fur. 
“Look at them baby, they’re so cute.” You gushed, wiggling in your excitement. 
Lisa wandered over to the two of you. “Ah, you’ve found our little makeshift family. They were found together, abandoned in a box by the side of the highway. They’re most likely from the same home. We’ve estimated that they’re both around a year old. We tried to separate them at first, but they were both so unhappy that we just let them be together. It’s made adopting a bit more difficult. Not a lot of people want to take on the responsibility of both. But we’re adamant that they go together.”
Your mind is made up the moment she stops talking and you turn to Jake, pout in place, as you prepare to plead with him. He rolled his eyes at you. “We said one dog darlin’.”
“Yes, I know, but look at them! And they have to be together.” Jake raised an eyebrow, but you were determined. “And! When we’re not home, they won’t be lonely because they’ll have each other! I know we said a dog but I’ve always wanted a cat, too. Please, baby?”
Jake was quiet for a moment, watching the little animals sleep. The dog, Apollo, had a fair coat - white mixed with light brown. The cat, Ares, on the other hand, had pitch black fur. 
“I guess we need to pick up a couple of cat things, too, then.” Jake said, and you squealed, throwing your arms around him. 
You stayed with them as Jake talked to Lisa, getting everything in order for the adoption. The dog yawned as you tickled its belly, almost squishing the cat in the process as he chased your fingers. The cat was more apprehensive but after some ear scratches and treats, it let you pick it up. 
Jake returned with a carrier in hand, letting the dog sniff him before picking him up. “Hey, buddy. You’re gonna come home with us, isn’t that great?”
You packed all the essentials into the truck before thanking Lisa and heading home.
Setting everything up was fairly simple. The litterbox went into the laundry room and Jake scattered various toys and a bed in a corner of the living room. You insisted on getting a water fountain and you set up their bowls in the kitchen. A second bed was placed at the foot of your bed. 
After making a grand showing of the litter box for Ares, and telling them where to eat, you walked around with the little creatures, showing them their new home.
They both warmed up to their new surroundings quite quickly and before you know it, they’re both snoozing off between you and Jake on the couch as you watched the news. 
Jake hummed, absentmindedly scratching Ares behind his ears. Apollo is cuddled into your side, tongue sticking out.
“Thank you. I love you.”
Jake lifted his arm and you moved gently, as not to startle Apollo and cuddled into his side. “I love you, too. And to be honest, I don’t think I could have gone home without them. They’re perfect.”
“Hah, I knew it. You loved them as soon as you saw them, too, right?” Jake rolled his eyes, nudging your side.
“Yeah, I did. But one of us have to be responsible.” You giggled, lifting Ares so he could rest in your lap. An idea suddenly struck you and you squished your face against the side of Jake’s arm to stop the laughter. 
Jake nudged you again. “What are you laughing about now?”
You snorted, trying to hide your amusement. “You’re totally gonna be one of those cat dads who said they didn’t want a cat but secretly loves it.” 
He made a noise of protest but stopped as Ares abandoned you and crawled onto Jake’s lap. Apollo was snoozing between the two of you. “Don’t tell anyone.”
You smiled. “I won’t. Besides, it’s good training.”
“For what?” Jake murmured, tickling Apollo’s tummy. 
You found yourself falling in love with him all over as you watched him fawn over the two of them. When you first met him, you had doubted that he would want something serious and settle down. Now, two years later, you couldn’t be more wrong. 
Jake was everything you wanted and more. And as you watched him with the two newest additions to your future, you knew he would make a great dad one day. But for now, you would have to be parents to two little four legged babies and you couldn’t be more happy.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @antiquitea @fuckyeahhangman @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @wkndwlff @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming​​
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mister-qi · 5 months
Mr. Qi Friendship and Romance Mod: 4/19 Progress Update
It's a working title, I'm trying to come up with something less wordy that still will pop up in Nexus searches.
I wanted to be able to track my progress, mainly for myself, but if you're curious, this is the state of the mod right now:
Heart Events - the 2 heart event is fully written (with blocking directions), and the 6, 8, and 10 heart events are outlined. The 4 heart cutscene currently has me a bit stumped; I have ideas, but nothing concrete yet. I definitely now understand why Sam's 4 heart cutscene is him dropping an egg. 14 hearts is on the back-burner as a little treat to myself once I get further into things.
Generic Daily Dialogues - about 1/3 done, probably the highest priority for writing. I'm leaving his vanilla casino dialogue as the two heart dialogue, and the vanilla Walnut Room dialogue as his four heart dialogue, with a few small changes. And, since it's me, I have more marriage dialogue written than anything else...
Day-Specific Dialogues - very few written, lower priority. Hoping to have a lot of these made eventually, and I have plenty of ideas, but they aren't necessary for the core of the mod so they're on the back-burner for now.
Gift Dialogues - all 5 generic gift response dialogues are written, with an additional 22 dialogue lines for specific items/groups of items. I'm also up to around item 530 in figuring out what item corresponds to which dialogue/whether or not he likes it. Certain item groups, like cooked food, still need more lines, however. This is definitely something that should be low priority, but also something I'm really enjoying working on. Some personal favorites so far are-
[if given a fish (hated)]: "Eugh, it's all slimy..."
[if given a legendary fish (disliked)]: "If you must give me one of the rarest fish in the valley, can you at least wrap it so I don't have to touch it with my bare hands?"
And I think that's pretty funny.
Portraits - 3 new portraits finished: "deep frown" "glint" and "glasses-less". I'll probably be messing with "glasses-less" for a looong while; it's first shown at a dramatic moment so it needs to look good. Blushing portraits are next on the docket.
Here's "glint" btw, with a background thrown on so I can have a custom icon. You know I gotta make him do the anime glasses thing a few times.
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Sprites - no progress yet. Walk cycle is up next after I finish the blushing portraits. Did you know he doesn't have a walk cycle at all? [1.6 spoilers] in the cheated Summit cutscene where he attacks(?) you, he literally just slides at you very fast. Anyways, I may also change his map sprite a bit as well, since it was drawn to match his old portrait and doesn't actually have the same color scheme as his sprites. Note to self: is it possible to make the sparkles on his outfit prismatic?
Maps - no progress yet. The 6 heart and 10 heart cutscenes both require custom maps, with the 6 heart one being a fully custom asset. 10 heart recycles some existing assets but will still need some custom stuff done as well.
Misc Sprites - in my head, there's a dream version of the 8 heart cutscene that has so, so many unique sprites. Like an incredible amount of stuff. I think it'll kick ass, but also that sequence could be done with a few lines of text. So, for now, it's low priority. But maybe in a few months I'll put out a request for help.
Not totally sure how to split this into sections yet, as I'm very much still in the preliminary stages so far. To say that I'm feeling overwhelmed is an understatement; documentation on the wiki swings wildly between "an asset is a file in a video game" and "this is an advanced tutorial. Read these 4 other pages first before continuing."
I've started using Ms. Coriel's NPC Creator which has been good for setting up the basic file structure, but ultimately doesn't cover some of the more complex stuff I want to do. EDIT: Turns out it's completely outdated for 1.6! Had to throw out a bit of work, but I still learned from it so it's fiiine.
I think setting up his "schedule" will be a challenge, in that I don't actually want him to have a real schedule like most NPCs. Not to pull back the curtain too much here, but I want him to "exist" in both the Casino and the Walnut Room simultaneously, which is to say, he does not exist in two places at once in the narrative, just in the code. This will change after marriage, however.
My next goal is to set up placeholder cutscenes for each of the heart events, and then to implement the generic daily dialogues once those are finished.
Final Notes
God, this will be a work in progress for a while, but I'm enjoying it! Definitely enjoying the writing more than anything else, but hey, that's how it be. I've got around 70 lines of dialogue written, a bit of art done, and I've started learning how to actually get stuff in game. I've always been more of a designer than a coder, but it's getting there!
ADDITIONALLY I've decided that if I abandon this project for more than 8 months, anyone is welcome to request my work so far and use it for their own mod. If this blog hasn't posted in a long while, feel free to send me an ask or message! I may say no, however.
Ultimately, I want this mod to exist in some fashion. While there is an existing one, I have a pretty different take on the character and I want to share it with you all! Every line of dialogue, every heart event, every little detail needs to share something interesting about a character and their world. Yet, Mr. Qi is a mysterious guy, and I think some things should be left up to player interpretation. And I think it's crucial to be able to match his tone and voice to the vanilla game, while also expanding on his characterization. It's a fun challenge to write, and I hope the finished product, uh, well I hope it gets finished mostly, but I think it'll be pretty good.
Thanks for reading all this. This is largely just a stream of consciousness for myself, but I hope it's...interesting, or something?
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ghostssweetgirl · 2 years
crazy over you ~ simon ghost riley x reader slow burn/enemies to lovers
description: y/n gets transferred to task force 141 and quickly becomes friends with soap and gaz, but her and ghost "hate" each other for the first part.
warnings: mentions of violence and death (duh), alcohol intake, smoking (at some point), nsfw (at some point), subtle flirting with soap. i'm new to writing? so don't expect this to be the greatest. this is not in line with the game campaigns or missions. the only characters i included are y/n, soap, gaz, price, & ghost. i have no knowledge of the military this is just creativity
disclaimer: i do not own modern warfare or any of its characters.
chapters: next [distraction - strangers] last
A/N - Either I'm being too critical of myself, but I think my writing is getting worse lol, I hope you guys still enjoy though, sad chapter - I'm so sorry!
You stayed in the range for about an hour, shooting targets, brushing up on your throwing knives skill just in case, because now would be one of the best times to impress Ghost. The time alone was tranquility; you had an awesome night and morning, so it was nice to relive the moments in your head while you were training. 
After another 30 minutes, you sighed and started cleaning your gun. They should be ready anytime now, you thought. You were ready to get this over with. You walked over to the safe house to gather your bags, seeing Soap and Ghost gathering their equipment and greeting you.
"Hey, lass, you ready?" Soap asked.
"Just gotta grab my stuff, too. Just one sec," you informed. You took note of how Ghost didn't speak to you, or even look at you. 
Gathering into the vehicle, Ghost started going on about the mission. "We're going to a destroyed village scoping for survivors, other forces in the military called us for help. Price and Gaz are doing a quick mission and will join us as they finish. Enemies might be hiding out, we got to watch each other's six's." 
"Yes sir," you and Soap said together. 
"'S gonna be a long ride," Ghost sighed, starting the jeep and driving off.
You caught up on some much-needed sleep during the ride. 
Arriving to the site, Soap's mouth opened in surprise, "Steamin' bloody Jesus..."
"Absolutely destroyed..." you added.
Well, this was going to take forever, you thought. A whole village, strips of shops and bundles of houses completely destroyed to rubble, along with furniture and what was left of the food in the shops. From what you could see, there would be no survivors, and if there were, they were surely to die before you found them.
Everyone gets out of the vehicle, strapped with their weapons. 
"Fuckin' bastards..." Ghost rasped as he checked his heartbeat sensor to see nothing as of right now. "Be lucky if anyone survived this."
"Right..." you looked around, taking in all the damage, wondering what happened but learned better than to ask questions. 
It took hours to sweep through what was left of each building, looking under rocks for people, animals, any signs of life. The only thing you guys found was a kitten, and it was in bad shape, all black. He limped towards you, meowing, nearly screaming for you to notice it.
"Aww, little fella... Hey..." you cooed at it before carefully picking it up. Soap came over to pet it, frowning at its condition.
"L.T..." Soap called in a sad tone.
"We're not having a kitten, 's another mouth to feed, and it's likely to die," he said plainly.
"Have you no heart for this little cutie?" you brought him to the Lieutenant. "Look at him. Just look at him."
He sighed, rolling his eyes before he glanced at the kitten. "Yeah... I guess it's cute... I'm not taking care of it. Put it in a box in the jeep or something, we're not really in a position to hold onto it, especially in the middle of a mission."
"Cannae believe how it survived... Must be so scared, little one," Soap worried. 
"Thank you! Just for a little while you'll be alone in the jeep, baby. I promise we're coming back for you. You're safe here. I'm going to take care of you," you cooed at it while you found a box big enough to hold it in the jeep, thankfully the weather was neutral, and though you worried, you figured at least you'd try to rescue it. 
You met them after you had to backtrack to the jeep to get the kitten to safety. As you met them, they were crouched watching the heartbeat sensor, there were a group of people up ahead in one of the least destroyed buildings. 
"There's at least 20 of them," Soap whispered.
Ghost looked around, calculating the best options. "We sneak up on them on the left, they're aimed towards the right as if they're expecting company that way."
"Ready, Diamond?" Soap nodded towards you.
"Ready as can be."
You followed suit, sneaking up on the left side of the alleyways. As everyone crouches behind a cement block, Ghost snipes one, getting their attention but they couldn't see you guys. 
"Move," Ghost ordered as they looked down the middle path, searching. 
As you guys get closer, a gas fills the air, instantly taking your breath. It burned. Your eyes, your mouth, your nose. Choking and gagging, surely to give away your positions, you leaned down, covering your face to no avail.
The men were choking as well, they moved forward taking cover, but you were unable to see where you were going, following them to the best of your ability. But you couldn't see. 
"Fuck! Guys, I can't see!" you called.
Suddenly you collapsed in front of them, bleeding from your abdomen. Hardly able to react from exposure to gas, you groaned in pain, crawling to them. Ghost looked back and forth from you and the enemy, concerned; distracted. Not like him.
"Fuck! Guys... guys..." you panted, grabbing your stomach while you started feeling faint, seeing stars and flashes of white mixed in with the burn of the liquid of the gas.
The ringing in your ears caused you unable to make out what they were saying, but they both took care of the rest of the enemies as the gas evaporated. Your vision slowly coming back, but consciousness fading, the pain was unbearable, and reminded you of when you saved Ghost. Just your fucking luck, right? Injured again. This time shot. You didn't make out Ghost screaming into the walkie that he needed evac asap, that his soldier's been injured and needs help now. There was a strain in his voice, like he's lost someone before, and it couldn't happen again. 
Your vision was black, a deep sleep enveloped you while you were being carried to the helicopter. Price and Gaz showed up at the very end, and the enemies ended up defeated.
You regained consciousness the next morning, to a hospital room, looking down, you see gauze wrapped around your stomach as memories came rolling in, reminding you what happened. Fuck. 
"Fuck, I hope the kitty's okay..." you whimpered quietly. 
A few moments later, a nurse brings you your breakfast, nasty grits with toast and scrambled eggs with a cup of grape juice. Ugh. 
 "You have a visitor, sweetie," she smiled at you as you painfully sat up to take your first bite. "Should I allow him in?"
Him? Ghost.
"U-uh sure..." you looked away, now worried. You know you've disappointed him twice on a mission now that you've been injured again while with him.
He walked in after the nurse exited, but he seemed disgruntled, the black paint around his eyes was smeared, eyes seemed heavy.
"Hey..." you muttered.
"I... I'm glad you're okay," he sighed, standing straight with his hands in his pockets. Weird, you'd think he'd come sit on the bed with you.
"I... I'm sorry, Simon," you apologized, your teary eyes meeting his tired ones. "I-is the kitten okay?"
You share a moment of silence, anxious for what he was to say next, you couldn't tell if he was mad, sad, hurt... What was it? 
He chuckled at your concern for the kitten, shaking his head 'yes'. 
"I couldn't see... I panicked, honestly, I-"
"We can't afford this, y/n," he broke you off, earning a confused, hurt look on your face. 
"What? Simon... Really? I really, really like you... Please..." Fuck, you don't know why you're begging. It became instinct when you heard those words.
His brows furrow in a way that showed this may have been hard, or uncomfortable... He looks you over one last time before breathing out before he turned around. He grabs the door handle, looks back at you and quietly mumbles, "Can't afford distractions, soldier."
"Simon, please..." 
Not like this. 
You push your food away, losing your appetite while you stared at the ceiling. Unable to think, unable to move, you barely hear your heart monitor beep faster. You burst into tears, the shaking of your body as you cried made your wound ache worse. 
You didn't react to the nurses rushing in, them checking your pulse, waving their hands in front of your face. 
Just like that. It felt like you were strangers again. Starting all over. Why? 
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chzdavmpr · 7 months
Delicious in Dungeon Reading Diary Vol 4
Spoilers below
First thing I notice about this volume is that the red dragon is very central on the front and back cover, and the table on contents has 6 chapters of red dragon.
Also while I'm talking about the volume cover I gotra say I love the art on these things
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Like they look like they make food/wash dishes WHILE fighting the monsters, and Senshi is just doing a little mario hop with his fried rice. And all of the other covers have been similarly pleasant. Plus I love how the red boarder helps add both visual cohesion between volumes as well a nice bit of flair that helps it stand out amongst other manga.
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That's how they teleported out of the dungeon? I was expecting the flash of light thing Falin did. Could it be that their gear wouldn't come with them? I don't think so if they kept their stuff on them. Must just be different methods.
Also this might be more evidence for my "living paintings are time portals" theory. Not quite sure yet.
It's very smart to go over the rules of death and resurrection in more detail now, considering what the whole point of this mission is. It both keeps stakes alive and adds tension to if Falin can even be revived.
Go off, King.
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I've seen this panel before, I did NOT expect it to be in such tense context.
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And the dragon is down! I gotta say that was some excellent action, all the tactics were creative, both made sense for the characters to use, as well as made sense why they failed. Plus it was just really cool, the ending bit with Laios getting his leg bit especially.
Quite morbid how Laios is basically just doing a fun jigsaw puzzle with his own sister's bones.
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Wait are they seriously not gonna tell Falin about how she was a skeleton for like a month? Like when someone asks "did I died" I feel one of the worst things you can say is "don't worry about it." Maybe it's just a translation thing idk.
Falin no longer having brockitis* anymore is significant. It will be very relevant. I feel it in my bones.
*brockitis: a term used by the anime community to describe a character with perpetually closed eyes, named after Brock from Pokemon
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I'm sorry, you have NO follow up questions? Cause I sure have a few; what resident, this place is abandoned? Or that's one of the fake doors so how was there someone there? Or were they a ghost? Laios is not beating the himbo allegations.
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Honestly it's good news to see this guy. Partially cause it's a cool new plothook, but more importantly some of my living painting questions might be answered!
I just think the mermaid is drawn real cute here.
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Laios had a whole 2-second crisis over being a fake dragon fan.
Closing thoughts for the volume: the best so far. 10/10. Not only does it finish off the overarching plot so far with a really cool action scene, but sets up a lot of questions to get answered later. Plus the tension is really well done, pretty much from the point in the first chapter where they explain there are limits to resurrection to the point where Falin speaks a complete sentence there was that gripping sense of both danger and uncertainty, it makes it gripping enough to where I decently easily finished this volume in 1 sitting. While I think the coming volume or 2 will have to some work to get me invested in the next adventure I am more then confident that it can be done.
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afreakingdork · 7 months
I'd like to see how would WS!Donnie react if he was the one having reader going through some scenarios they went through with him. How would've he reacted if they were the ones stuck in the spore induced loop? Or them going through the lovebug phase from the 'rat flu', or any situation were reader is completely out of themselves and he's stuck with them. Wonder if he would handle things similarly to reader, but on his own way, ig???
We'll start in chorno order from the fics perspective with the rat flu (if it was transmittable to humans and not lethal like I made it for them):
Donnie would have begrudgingly accepted Captain Cuddlecakes if only reader would calm down for a minute. To get to Captain Cuddlecakes you gotta go through the other steps after all. We have the fever which Donnie would have been FRETTING over. He would have been so stressed trying to get reader back to a normal tempt, he'd be working nurse triple time. Onto Wild Rat man and Donnie would have been like 'too easy.' Reader would literally just be a wild animal, but they're still human. He would swaddle them super duper tight so they can't get out and use that time to try to get them some nutrients. I'm imagining they are still burrito'd by Captain Cuddlecakes, so he just obliges them by cradling them close, but he's exhausted. He's been trying to devise a medicine to heal you, but it's had because the symptom are so nebulous so there's no all in one cure other than riding it out. I can see him with cocooned reader in his lap as he works on many screens and reader is deliriously telling him how much they love him and want his full attention. He would have known they wouldn't remember so he'd indulge it even back then with 'I know, dear' and 'I love you too' since there were no repercussions. Might as well finish the symptoms so Ninja Supreme again, he'd just keep reader swaddled. Karaoke Love Songs would have been the hardest for him. Reader would belt at the top of their lungs whatever song and it would leave his ears ringing and add additional stress on his already taxed body. I imagine around here is where regular meds start to kick in so you're body is out of the danger zone fever wise. Into fanfiction, reader would probably go on about how they would have been his best evil friend after meeting him in the library and he'd like that idea very much. He'd imagine storytime with you and not even mind that your reading level was no where near his. He'd have let you into his nest and let you read his difficulty books at your speed and without immediately trying to correct you because you really are doing your best to sound out 'acquiesce.' Then the two of you would nap in his lost and found clothes pile and he'd feel what it was like to have a version of the turtle pile for the first time ever and LOVE it. Must Say Yes, he'd probably mistakenly forget as he'd the one who's going to konk out harder than you and ask for something like for you to finally settle down and rest and of course you'd both oblige and replicate the same sleep positioning as from the fanfiction stage.
For the love potion, he'd be WAY MORE upset about how you weren't acting himself, but he has much better assurances about a time table. I'd say the fear would be intense but would have lasted like 0.5 seconds before he was like, 12 hour time frame, let's experiment. He'd have the most of rules of the potion ironed out within 10 minutes, but you're a little harder to deal with because you wouldn't have the same reset. I'm not saying reader is more susceptible, but if this story hasn't taught you anything, I hope it's that reader is rash and impulsive. Because of this, they'd accept nearly all commands without fail. He probably wouldn't even find out about the reset because you never had any 'real' reason to look away. He'd probably find it someway silly, like wanting to waltz with you, but forgetting the music so he tells you to wait and when he gets it all set up and comes back, you've forgotten and he's just like... damn, dance first, then we'll test this new facet. Can't leave a scientific stone unturned! He'd limit all interactions to cutsey ones simply for the sake of it and would probably avoid giving commands, because what about you attracted him most other than you acting out of turn. He'd get to have his meat cute over and over again and relish it because even without the potion you'd crush on him every time~
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crystal-lillies · 1 year
After watching Peter Pan and Wendy I had the urge to delve into the Peter Pan properties I love, and since I was already there in Disney Plus, I fired up Return to Neverland.
And god man even all these years later it still slaps and shows why it was one of the few (if the only? Iirc, don't quote me) 2000s sequels that was released in theaters rather than DTV.
It's far from perfect but the animation is really good, the heart and through line of the film ring clear and true, and after the dozens of times watching it I still get emotional at the feels gut punch moments like Tink's light going out and Peter's reunion with Wendy at the end.
And something I really appreciated this time was noticing how very young boy-ish Peter and the Lost Boys really are depicted. Playing keep away, the incessant "why" badgering, spit handshakes, chaos incarnate, "we're rolling in dirt and we don't change our shirts" (how BAD must they stink oh my GOD 😂). But then they really do care when and where it counts.
And Hook, despite being a bit tamed and toon-y compared to the '53 original, still has a menace and cunning that's fun to watch.
Peter in this iteration is arguably the animated Peter I enjoy the most because he's softened from his more asshole rigid style of the '53 movie, but it feels like at least a believable progression from his arc in that movie. But like I said, he's still pretty vain and childlike, but he's more in touch with his empathy, which I've always liked. And he has to be so that he can encourage Jane out of her defensive coping mindset.
Also have I mentioned the fucking baller move to set this movie during wartime? The scene of the Jolly Roger flying through London dodging planes is epic, despite the aging CG effects.
Don't even get me started on Mama Wendy, she's so good. A part of me still wishes she could deck Hook in the face for kidnapping Jane because I feel like she totally would if given the chance 😂 Where else did Jane learn to fight?
And Jane. Jane my love! They did such a good job of showing her characterization from start to finish. Even while trying to be serious and grown up at the beginning, she can't help but listen to Wendy tell stories, can't help but enjoy them, despite herself. She doesn't think she has the right to enjoy them, to indulge in fantasy when she's old enough to see and understand war as a concept and how it makes things hard. She thinks Wendy is just making light of things for Danny instead of preparing him for hardship (being practical), when Wendy is doing what she can to keep hope (+faith, trust, pixie dust) alive BECAUSE she knows of the hardship and that holding tight to that will help through any painful time.
It's so good! Executed in a bit less of a nuanced manner than I'm making it out as lol but that's okay for what it is! We don't have time to unpack that because it is a Peter Pan story after all and we gotta spend at least 85% of the time in Neverland haha. But the fact that it's there and serves as one of the emotional cores of the story is more than you can ask for, especially of a Disney sequel let alone a movie in general.
And I'm starting to ramble but point being Return to Neverland is a lot better than it probably needs to be but I'm so glad it went as hard as it did and everyone who worked on it should be proud and anyone who hasn't yet seen it that likes Peter Pan should watch it!
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fictionstudent · 3 months
How "Link Click" fell from grace
Do you remember what the best anime of twenty-twenty-one was? I mean, do you still remember what was that anime that redefined genres?
Well, let me take you a little back in time. Tokyo Revengers’first season had just released, and people were absolutely crazy about its delinquent story. Yeah, it revived the delinquent genre for some time, but it’s not what I’m going to talk about. Anyway, after that, Horimiya was in everybody’s mind too. Mushoku Tensei Jobless Reincarnation too was really famous at the time. ODDTAXI redefined the way we think of mystery animes.
Even though all of these anime really stood out among the pile of great anime that came out that year, the most redefining one probably was Link Click.
The first season of Link Click literally took over the weeb community. And not just in India, people everywhere were going crazy for it. Nobody was able to get away from its fulfilling storyline and orgasmic animation. Everybody was talking about it. YouTubers all over the world—people with different tastes, different backgrounds, different backstories—all of them were just praising it.
The anime community has never been so damn united and fixed on a single opinion. There were always contrarians in the community with their bullshit hot takes, but everybody just loved Link Click.
But, the second season of the series just finished its run a few days ago. And, why isn’t anyone talking about it?
I mean, the first season ended on such a cliffhanger, man. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but this one main character was about to die, after all.
But, people never returned to Link Click.
And, it’s not the audience’s fault, either. Link Click II just isn’t Link Click anymore.
#01 - Plot
First, let me explain a little blurb of the story. Link Click follows the story of two friends, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, who have the ability to go back in time. And, they need a photo for it. Cheng could teleport the time the photo was clicked, and Lu Guang could see what happened in the twelve hours that followed the click of the photo—or it was something like that. And maybe that’s where its name comes from.
The first season ended on a cliffhanger, and the second season starts the story from where the first season ended. And, I’m not going to spoil that part. So let’s leave it at that.
The story of the second season is good. Like, it had its defects, but it was good. The filmmaker really did a good job of creating suspenseful episodes and playing up the cliffhanger. There was always this excitement when an episode ended, and I could imagine the amount of time and thought that must have gone to create something like this.
The characters are really fleshed out. All the backstories and backgrounds of each character really do justify the way they act and think. The protagonists and antagonists really did have some pretty cool problems that they needed to face and overcome. And, I feel there’s this really good use of each character’s strengths and weaknesses. Even some side characters had some really good screen-time to make them likable and make the audience cheer for them.
The filmmaker really did a good job at stepping up their game for this series. The murder mystery that the season follows was really engaging. I, personally, was shocked to see the tragic backstories and some experimental stuff that the creators decided to do.
Yeah, personally, I really enjoyed the series. But maybe that’s because I had forgotten what the first season actually was about.
#02 - Feels Off
Now that we’re done with formalities, let’s try to explain why no one’s talking about this show.
And, obviously, it’s because they made a mistake. A really big mistake. Personally, I never thought any show could make such a mistake, man. It’s… just so dumb. It’s just… so there. It’s the basics of any medium of storytelling, in my opinion.
They switched genres.
Yeah, they just decided to switch genres. And, I gotta take my time to explain clearly just what I want to.
First, a question—what made the first season of Link Click so legendary, in your opinion? What led to its exponential rise? What made people fall absolutely in love with this show? What made them literally cum to it? It’s definitely not the characters, not the animation, not the soundtrack.
It’s the theme.
Link Click had tried something new. The show used the rudimentary elements of time travel and gave something new to it. The power system had a twist to it that no one had imagined. And, time travel is largely attributed to mystery-thriller genre, because maybe that’s where the troupe works best. But, Link Click wasn’t a mystery-thriller.
The anime played well with the elements of time travel and really did explore some cool themes, you know. And, these themes were not just about time travel in itself—they were also about emotions so human. The first season was filled with stand-alone arcs that were filled with regrets and drama. New characters came to the protagonists to help them with the past, knowing that the present can’t be changed, but the past can definitely altered… knowing that death is just the end-point and there’s no evading it.
We followed these characters that were there for just an episode or two, maybe, and were absolutely drowned in their stories, their regrets, their failures, and most of all… their pasts.
Link Click was all about those emotions and that drama. The audience stuck with it because it had a sense of mystery, yes, but mostly it was the drama. People absolutely loved to try unraveling the mysteries of the stories that were told in the first season.
And, people absolutely loved the cliffhanger that marked the end of the first season… that so gracefully connected the first and last episode of the season.
Yeah, the first season was all about drama, and less but intriguing mysteries that were connected to it. But, Link Click II is different.
For some reason, the filmmakers just decided to switch. The drama is still there, the mystery is still there, but their roles have changed.
The second season is all about irrelevant characters dying and relevant ones just getting their asses saved somehow. The story focuses more on the protagonists finding the antagonists and trying to defeat them. The drama is still there, you know, but it’s more focused on just the backstories. The human essence that the first season was filled with is lacking just too much in the second one.
The second season was just too different than the first one. With the main focus on the murders and mysteries, the fans of Link Click didn’t come back to see this shit. They wanted some heart-wrenching drama that dripped off the first season. They wanted all that depressing, everyday stories. They wanted some seriously heart-touching writing that the first season showed it. But, the creators had decided otherwise.
And, it was this shift in the themes of the story that eventually led to the fall of Link Click II.
#03 - Fractured Structure
Even as a mystery, the series shows signs of weak writing. The story was poorly structured and rather focused on shock factor than on some substantial plot advances.
To elaborate, I’d first begin with what I had already talked about. The second season had literally no other connections with the first season—other than the first and last episodes, obviously. If you take out the first and last episodes, the entire first season feels just another thing. If you compare these episodes to the second season, there are literally no hints that the story was going to advance in this direction. I mean, the change was just so sudden and unwanted. And, it was most probably not planned at all. The writers must have just decided to add the first and last episodes in the stand-alone episodes of the first season to connect it somehow with what they were about to do.
The vibes of the story literally changed when the seasons switched. And, although it’s not necessarily a bad thing, it should have been gradual, perhaps, and maybe they could throw more hints to make it a little obvious that what we were seeing in the first season is not the actual story that they’re going to follow.
Then, there are also other instances of lazy planning in Link Click II, such as the cliffhangers at the end of each episode. These cliffhangers are there just to keep the audience entertained and make them click on the next episode. And, in, like, the first five minutes, these guys explain what had actually happened behind the scenes that were not shown anywhere in the previous episodes, and then soon after, the cliffhangers open up, and we get to know that nothing substantial comes out of it. They just… happened, and then ended, and then the story moved to the next cliffhanger.
In a mystery series, one important thing is that the cliffhangers should not be done like that. If the cliffhangers are there, the writers make sure that the story doesn’t have to switch back in time in the next episodes to explain those cliffhangers, and that there are sufficient hints that the audiences can kinda see the cliffhanger coming. The cliffhangers in the series felt like something just somehow happened, and how it happened was explained later. It’s lazy. I mean, drop some hints, man, so it doesn’t sound lazy and actually seems like it was planned.
Another thing I’d attribute to lazy writing is the ever-expanding power system of the story. As the story moves forward, the going-back-in-time theme is just not there. Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi are not just high-fiving each other to go back in time. Instead, they are discovering their new power. Lu Guang can somehow see the past of the photo without Cheng going back in time. Like, we never knew this was possible? And, somehow, this Cheng guy is just teleporting himself from one place to another through some security footage. There are a few more people with new powers, somehow, and even though two seasons have passed, there’s no hint whatsoever about why anybody of these guys have these powers.
#04 - Conclusion
Yeah, I guess that’s it. I pulled off a little too much hatred at the series, even though I definitely enjoyed it and was thrilled by those cliffhangers nonetheless.
And yeah, from the end of the second season, it’s clear that there’s gonna be another season in the series. And maybe there’s no going back from this point. Link Click is not gonna be the same anymore, and that’s pretty obvious by now. It’s not going to go back to the first season.
But, I still have high hopes from the next season. I’d be waiting nonetheless. Finishing stories halfway is not what I do.
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brainyxbat · 6 months
Chapter 3: An Island Without Doctors? Adventure in a Nameless Land!
(episode 80)
"Attention, pirates! Leave this place at once! This instant!"
"We came to find a doctor!"
"We have a sick person onboard!"
"We won't fall for that trick, you filthy pirates!"
"They really hate our guts. And we've just met too."
"Don't talk back!"
"They're shooting!"
"You didn't just do that! Bastard!"
"Stop, Sanji-san!"
"Vivi!" Luffy screamed, before turning to the culprit with fury. "Why, you-!"
That only made the men redraw their guns. "Aim!"
Luffy went to charge in, but to everyone's surprise, Vivi held him back. "No! Stop! Fighting won't help anything! I'm fine! It only grazed my arm!" She knelt down next to him. "In any case, we won't land here!" She bowed her head in pleading. "But could we ask for a doctor? Our friend is suffering from a grave illness. Please help! I beg you!"
Luffy watched her in awe. "Vivi!"
"You're not fit to be captain, Luffy," She almost whispered, "Not everything can be fixed by acting recklessly! If you start a fight here, what will happen to Nami-san?"
Venus frowned with sympathy. "She has a point."
"Yeah," Luffy agreed after a beat of silence, and turned to the residents, "I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please call a doctor!" He bowed down next to Vivi. "Please help our friend!" His hat rolled off his head, landing in front of them both.
The men watched for signs of attacks, but none came. Only silent pleading. "I will show you to the village," The leader decided, "Follow me." Vivi straightened up with a sigh of relief, then turned to Luffy. "See? They understood!"
"Yeah!" He whispered. "You're amazing!"
Most of the crew trudged through the snow after the residents, trekking up a hill. "I must warn you; the only doctor we have here is a witch."
Venus perked up at that. "A-a witch? For real?"
"Witch?" Usopp frowned.
"You gotta be kidding me," Sanji grumbled, carrying a coat-clad Nami on his back, "Nothing here makes sense. What is this place, anyway?"
"This land still does not have a name."
"There's a witch here?!" Venus interjected.
"A nameless land?" Vivi asked. "Does that really happen?"
Both of their questions were left unanswered, when Usopp screamed in terror. "A bear!" A hulking white bear was walking close by. "Everyone! Pretend to be dead!" He flopped down in the snow, as Venus looked down at him silently.
The man noticed a pickaxe held in one of its paws. "A Hiking Bear. They pose no danger. Don't forget to bow; it's proper hiking manners." They did so when passing each other; that is, except a still fearful Usopp, who stayed down.
"Okay!" Zoro finished patching up the self-inflicted wounds on his legs from his escape attempt in Little Garden. "All better! See!" He clapped his feet in front of a shivering Karoo, who was bundled in a warm blanket. "Now I can finally do some real training! I was getting sick of that watered-down training."
Thanks a lot, Venus. 'Quit pushing yourself!' Her words rang through his mind. 'You almost cut your own feet off! You gotta take it easy!' For a meek girl, she could be quite demanding when she wanted to. 'Fine, as long as you stop bugging me about it, short stack.' He had caved.
"And just watching the ship is boring as hell." He stripped out of his shirt and jacket, and held his palms together. "Maybe I'll go for some cold-weather swimming to suppress myself." He puffed out some air.
Before long, after Venus pulled the sniper to his feet, and back to the group, they arrived at a small village. "This is our village, Big Horn."
"There are weird animals walking everywhere," Luffy remarked, as he, Usopp, and Venus looked around the area.
"That's snow country for ya!" Usopp agreed.
"Nami-san! We made it to a village with people!" Sanji told her. "It's a village!"
"Okay. Thanks for the help, everyone." Vivi turned to see the leader talking to the other guards that escorted them. "Those who aren't guards can return to their work."
"But will you be alright by yourself, Dalton-san? They're pirates!"
"I believe they pose no threat. That's my hunch of many years of experience; you can trust it."
"What do we do? If that's what Dalton-san says, then..."
"And they don't seem dangerous."
"Alright, Dalton-san! We leave the rest to you!" Vivi watched in awe, as the men, sans Dalton, promptly dispersed.
"Be ever careful, Dalton-san."
"Just call us if anything happens!"
Dalton turned to see the princess looking up at him. "They weren't this land's security forces?"
"They're ordinary citizens. Come to my home for now."
"Hey! Look, Luffy! A Hiking Bear!" Usopp pointed out.
"Again?!" They quickly bowed, only for it to be a tall human.
"Oh, Dalton-san! I heard there were pirates!"
"Yes, everything is okay. There's nothing to worry about."
"Oh, Dalton-kun!" An elderly man called to him. "I look forward to the election in two days! Everyone says they're going to vote for you!"
"Y-you can't be serious!" Dalton waved his hands in modest protest. "I'm nothing but a sinful man!" Vivi watched on in curiosity.
Later, they were at Dalton's home in the village. Over the fireplace was a pair of swords crossed together, and a white tiger skin. "Use that bed there," He offered, "I'll warm the place up." Sanji laid Nami on the bed, and Vivi covered her with a warm, green blanket. "I haven't told you my name yet."
"Dalton?" The young witch piped up.
"Venus," Vivi scolded.
"It's okay, she's right. I'm Dalton, captain of the security squad of this island." Sanji glanced around the room curiously; there was a strip of brickwork above the walls. "Please forgive our heavy-handed welcome." Dalton set his bag down. "May I ask you a question?"
"Eh?" Vivi looked up from the bed when he turned to her.
"I somehow feel like I've seen you before," He remarked.
Vivi quickly turned away. "I-it's probably just your imagination! Anyway, please tell us about this witch!"
"Yes, please do!" Venus perked up.
"Nami-san's temperature was 42 C when I checked it just now!" Vivi continued.
Dalton's eyes widened. "42?!"
"Yes, sir," Venus nodded.
"Her fever's gone up for three days in a row."
"She'll die if it goes up anymore!"
"Yes," Vivi agreed worriedly, "But if we don't even know the cause of this illness, or how to treat it."
"We need a doctor!" Sanji urged. "Anyone will do! Where is this witch of yours?!"
"The witch, huh. Do you see those mountains outside the window?"
"Yeah, those insanely tall-" Sanji turned to look, but only saw a snowman with barrels and wooden beams.
"Hyper Snowman!" Luffy announced.
"Snowzilla, the snow beast!" Usopp followed.
"Yeah!" They shared a high-five from their spots high up on their creations.
"Don't make me kick your asses!" Sanji glared.
Venus peered outside, and smiled brightly. "Wow, those are awesome!" Her heart dropped when the cook started barreling outside with anger. "Sanji, no!"
"Those mountains are known as the Drum Rockies," Dalton informed, pointing to the tall, tower-like mountains peeking behind the totaled sculptures. "Do you see the castle at the top of the tallest one in the middle?"
"Castle?!" Usopp asked through some hot chocolate.
"That castle no longer has its king."
"That warms me up," Luffy sighed happily.
"Yeah, there it is," Sanji observed, looking out the window.
"What's so important about the castle?" Vivi asked. It was on the middle tower, and was almost microscopic.
"The only doctor in the land, Dr. Kureha, lives there," Dalton replied, "People call her a witch."
"What?!" Sanji exclaimed. "Of all the places, why does it have to be so far away?!"
"Can we call her here?" Venus suggested. "Nami needs treatment now!"
"Even if we wanted to, there's no way to contact her," Dalton answered.
"Huh?!" Sanji glared. "And she calls herself a doctor?! What the hell is she like?!"
"As a doctor, she's very skilled. But she's an eccentric old hag; she's nearly 140 years old right now."
"Eh?!" Vivi looked up.
"140?!" Sanji exclaimed. "I think she might need help!"
"Well guys, witches are very mysterious," Venus lectured, "I'd read about them when I was little."
Dalton stared silently at her for a moment, before continuing. "Anyway, let's see... she likes pickled plums."
"What happens when people get sick, or injured?" Vivi asked.
"She comes down from the mountain when she feels like it. She looks for patients, treats them, then as payment, she takes whatever she wants from their houses before leaving."
"Sounds like an unfriendly old hag!" Usopp glared.
"Sounds like Nami, minus the doctor part," Venus commented.
"Hey! She almost sounds like a pirate!" Luffy remarked.
"But how does such an old woman go down that mountain?" Vivi asked.
"It's an odd rumor... but several people claim to have seen her riding a sleigh through the sky on moonlit nights. And that's the reason she's called a witch."
"Wow," Venus breathed in awe, "A witch on a sleigh! I thought it'd be a broomstick!"
"Some also saw her with a strange creature they'd never seen before."
"That must be her familiar!" She perked up.
Usopp tensed at that, and fell face-up on the floor, his legs flailing. "I knew it! See? It's a Snow Man! It's a snowy mountain, after all!" He sat up, and fell forward. "I knew there'd be one!" He rolled around on the floor fearfully. "A witch, and a Snow Man?! Oh, please never let us run into them!"
"She is the only doctor, but she's a hag I'd prefer to stay away from. All we can do is wait for the next time she comes down the mountain."
"You can't be serious," Vivi said.
"Dammit!" Sanji exclaimed. "We can't wait for that! Even as we speak, Nami-san is-!"
"Hey! Nami, Nami!" Luffy patted her hot cheek. "Can you hear me?"
"What are you doing?!" Vivi, Sanji, Usopp, and Venus raged simultaneously.
To his delight, her eyes squinted open. "Oh! She's awake!" He then turned back to her. "Hey, the only way to see a doctor is to climb a mountain. We're gonna climb it!"
"Don't be crazy!" Sanji scolded. "What are you doing with Nami-san?!"
"It's okay! I'll carry her on my back!"
"That'll only make things worse!" Vivi glared.
"What's the problem? We need to hurry, don't we?"
"That's true, but you can't! Look how steep and tall it is!"
"I can make it."
"Maybe you can make it, but it'd be too hard on Nami-san!" Sanji pointed out.
"But look! If we fall, we'll land in snow!"
"Even a healthy person would die instantly after a fall from there!"
"Seriously!" Usopp added. "She's 6 C over normal temperature! Do you even get it?!"
"What other choice do we have?" Venus chimed in.
"V-Venus!" He stammered.
Everyone turned to Nami when they heard her struggle to talk. "I need to get over this fast," She panted heavily, "I need to hurry... for Vivi." She moved her hand, so it was weakly held up. "I'm counting on you, Captain!"
Everyone gawked in awe, before Luffy beamed, and shared a careful high-five with her. "That's more like it! Just leave it to me!"
"I can't believe it!" Usopp exclaimed. "Like captain, like navigator!"
"Do you know what condition you're in, Nami-san?!" Sanji fussed over her.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Vivi asked. "It'll take hours to get there!"
"Old guy! Meat!" Luffy eagerly demanded. "Gimme meat!"
Sanji glared in determination. "Alright! I'm comin' too!"
"Count me in!" Venus chimed in.
"What?!" Usopp cried. "W-why?!"
"I'm going to meet the witch! I bet I'll learn a lot from her!"
"B-but it'll be dangerous!"
"More dangerous than Marines, dinosaurs, and agents?" She quirked an eyebrow. "I'll be alright, promise!"
Usopp sighed in defeat. "Alright. Now listen, Luffy!" He then turned to the captain, who had Nami on his back. "Don't fall even once, or you can expect Nami to die!"
"Eh?! Even once?!"
"And keep Venus-chan safe for me! I-I mean, for us! Both of you! Got that?!" He glanced between him, and Sanji.
"Wait! Hold still!" Vivi was in the process of tying Nami to Luffy for safety. "I need to tie this right!" Once she was done, she straightened up. "All set. Okay, I'm going to wait here. I'd only get in the way."
"Same here!" Usopp agreed.
"Got it!" Luffy looked back at the navigator, who was back in her yellow/orange plaid coat. "Okay, Nami! Hold on tight!"
Dalton watched them for a quiet moment. "If you're really set on going, I won't stop you. But at least climb up from the other side. There are Lapins on this course; fierce, carnivorous rabbits. If you encounter a pack of them, you're as good as dead."
"Rabbits? But we're in a hurry. We should be fine, right?" Luffy turned to Sanji.
"Yeah! I'll kick 'em!"
"Kick?! You can't be serious! You'd be walking to your deaths!"
"It's okay!" Luffy assured, and began sprinting. "Alright, then! Let's go, Sanji, Venus! Before Nami dies!"
"What?!" He ran after him, with Venus close behind. "Don't say things that could jinx us, you dumbass!"
"Venus! B-be careful!" Usopp called out.
"I will!" She promised with a wave of her hand.
Dalton watched them with Vivi and Usopp. "Will they really be all right?"
"Well, I'm not worried about those two," Usopp replied about the captain, and the chef.
"But the question is if Nami-san's strength will last long enough," Vivi added, "I hope they make it there safely."
With that, Dalton started heading back inside, but saw they weren't moving. "What's wrong?" Vivi turned to him. "Come inside. It's cold out."
"Oh, that's okay," She smiled nervously, "I want to stay outside."
"Me too," Usopp shivered.
Dalton let a smile grow at their apparent loyalty, and closed the door, staying out as well. "I see." They turned to him, as he sat cross-legged. "Then I will join you." Usopp and Vivi smiled gratefully in his direction, before they all watched the mountains. For a few seconds, it was eerily silent, before he spoke up. "We did have some, long ago," He recalled.
"Eh?" They turned to him in surprise.
"Doctors," He clarified, "But they're all gone now, for certain reasons. They were all incredibly skilled. We were even known as an advanced medical nation."
"So, what happened?" Vivi asked.
"This country was destroyed just a few months ago. At the hands of pirates!"
"Eh?!" Usopp and Vivi's eyes widened in shock.
"The entire country?!" Usopp exclaimed.
"So that's why you were so nervous about us?" Vivi asked.
"Yes. The word "pirate" is still too much for everyone to handle. I'm sorry about that. But there were only five people in that pirate group. The captain called himself "Blackbeard", and he destroyed our country in the blink of an eye with his devastating power."
"Only five people?!" Vivi gawked. "You can't be serious!"
"Blackbeard?!" Usopp glared.
"But there are some who say it was actually good for the country."
"There's nothing good about a country being destroyed!" Vivi pointed out.
"Yeah!" Usopp agreed. "That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"
Dalton smiled at them again. "Thank you. But people say that because the monarchy that existed here until then was appalling in the eyes of the citizens. The country's former name was the Drum Kingdom! The king's name was Wapol!" Dalton glared at the ground at the name alone. "He was the worst king possible!"
Vivi and Usopp gasped in shock; the same man they encountered at sea earlier! "Yes! That man! I remember him!" The former recalled.
"Wapol?!" Usopp exclaimed.
Up in the mountain, Luffy, Sanji, and Venus were hiking through the snow, with Nami securely on the captain's back. "It's gotten a little colder," Luffy remarked, "The wind's picking up."
"So why aren't you wearing shoes?!" Sanji pointed out his sandals. "Just seeing that is painful!"
"This is my police!"
"Police?! You mean "policy"!"
"Yeah! Anyway, did you know? People in snowy countries never sleep!"
"Huh? Why's that?"
"'Cause they'll die if they go to sleep!"
"Don't be stupid! There's nobody like that!"
"It's the truth! Someone told me a long time ago!" Through their sprint, a certain kind of creature was lying in wait, scattered on the mountain.
One attempted to pounce on the group, but it missed all of them. "Usopp, I bet," Sanji snarked.
"Uh, guys?"
"No! I heard it in a pub, in my village!" Luffy insisted, as Venus went unnoticed. The Lapin yanked its head out of the snow, and growled in anger, continuing its pursuit.
"Then why did that Dalton guy have a blanket?" Sanji challenged.
"That's a good point." It went in for a bite, but chomped down on a tree instead. "Maybe it's for when he dies then?"
"Yeah, right!" They avoided a downed tree by leaping over it. Sure enough, klutzy Venus tripped on the landing, and fell in the snow "Venus-chan!" Sanji immediately backtracked, and helped her up, still dodging the predator. "Okay, did you know this: Women in snowy lands all have silky smooth skin!"
"How come?" The Lapin kept the chase up.
"Isn't it obvious? Whenever you're cold, you rub your skin for warmth." Venus stared on in confusion at the random banter. "So you get smooth skin."
"Fellas?" She kicked it away, but it stubbornly kept going
"So women in snowy places have such silky-smooth, white skin!"
'What the hell are they talking about?' Venus thought, before kicking the Lapin away again, and getting frustrated when it returned. "Boys!"
"How come it's white?"
"Because the color of the constantly-falling snow dyes their skin!"
"Huh?! You're so dumb!"
"Like you're really anyone to talk! And..." Just as Venus was about to try gaining their attention yet again, Sanji actually kicked the Lapin away, to her surprise. "Quit being so damn annoying!"
"What was with that guy?" Luffy wondered aloud.
Venus was quiet with exasperation, as they kept running. They noticed it the whole time?
"Hang in there, Nami-san!" Sanji urged through their sprint. "We're gonna get you to a doctor!"
"The snow's really deep around here," Luffy remarked.
"Guys, wait up!" Venus called out, having to take slower, higher steps. The snow was almost up to her hips. "My legs aren't as long as yours!"
"Hey, Luffy! Run more smoothly! You're gonna make Nami-san worse!" They then stopped, giving Venus time to catch up, but there was an obstacle in front of them; lots of them. "W-what are these?"
"They're white and big, so they're polar bears!" Luffy guessed. "I'm sure of it!"
"No, those are Lapins!" Venus' eye widened. "Dalton told us about these guys!"
"Wait! You know Wapol?!" Dalton exclaimed.
"We don't just know him!" Usopp replied. "He's the pirate who attacked our ship! I got rid of him, though," He claimed, "But I do recall him saying something about the Drum Kingdom."
"Yes," Vivi agreed, "There's no question about it! I remember clearly now! I met him once at a monarch meeting my father took me to when I was very young!"
Dalton looked up at that. "Monarch meeting?! Just who are you?"
"No, uhh, you see," She stammered, having said too much, before changing the subject, "In any case, we met Wapol! Yesterday, on our way here!"
"Yesterday?! Are you sure?!"
"But what's going on, then?!" She asked. "He called himself a pirate, not a king!"
"He must be calling himself that, as camouflage. Wapol is merely wandering the sea, trying to return to this island."
"So the people on that ship were kicked out, because they were no match for the Blackbeard pirates when they attacked this country?" She guessed.
"No match? It's not like that!" He glared at the snowy ground.
"When it happened, Wapol's army didn't even try to fight!" Dalton shook with fury. "In fact, the moment he learned how strong the pirates were, Wapol abandoned the country, and was the very first to flee out to sea! That threw the entire nation into despair. Is this what the king-"
"Is that what the king of an entire country does?!" Vivi finished for him with immense anger. "That's appalling! A king abandoning his people!"
Usopp watched her in concern. "Vivi..."
"You're exactly right. But at least Wapol's tyranny is finally over. The remaining people on this island have come together to try to create a new country. So what we most fear right now is Wapol's return; the return of his monarchy. We must avoid that at all costs, while people are still feeling unsure! If we're to create a new, peaceful nation on this island!"
On the mountain, one of the giant Lapins leaped in the air, straight towards the group. "It jumped!" Sanji exclaimed. He and Luffy jumped out of the way, the former yanking Venus away, and protectively keeping her behind him. "You gotta be kidding me! How can it move like that?! What is it, a gorilla?!"
"No! A polar bear!"
"It's a bunny!" Sanji glared.
"You're the one who just called it a gorilla," Luffy pointed out.
"It's a Lapin!" Venus corrected.
"You're right, Venus-chan! Like what Dalton was talking about!" He turned to the pack standing in their way. "This many of them?!"
"How do we get past them?" Venus asked around nervously.
"Oh! Oh! Wapol-sama!"
"What is it, Chess? Did you find Straw Hat's ship?!"
"No, Wapol-sama! We've finally returned home!"
"How many months have passed, as we've wandered the sea?"
"It's our homeland! The Drum Kingdom! Truly?!"
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kyuponstories · 4 months
Hey so I'm interested in knowing more about Oh Coffee Boy. Like what's the plotline and how'd you come up with it. (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
YAAAY, an OCB ask!! 🥹❣️I appreciate your interest, love! 💞
This is a bit long, so buckle up lol. 🤠
I came across a post here on Tumblr a few years ago (on an different account). @one-time-i-dreamt, to be exact, where people submit dreams that they've had. I can't find the exact post, but I wrote it down in my notebook to never forget lol:
"I got hired for a job at McDonald's in the next town over, but I took a wrong turn & ended up at a maid cafe themed McDonald's instead. 'The manager was like, 'Well, we can just transfer you to this store since you're here and we're understaffed.' They called up the store I was going to work at without asking if I wanted to transfer."
I thought that'd make a hilarious plot line for a show, and it's like the great Toni Morrison said, "If there's a book you want to read and it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." Even tho this will be an animated series, the point remains!
My goal is to make mainly Black (girl) joy stories where brown & dark-skinned Black girls are the leads in multiple fun genres like rom-com, adventure, fantasy, etc. And because I'm an introvert, most of my MCs end up being so as well. In the beginning, the idea was for a slice of life about an introverted Black girl finally working up the courage to get a job after years of social anxiety (gotta make it hit home a bit lol). Thought it'd be a really cute SOL, but never really added onto it.
Fun fact! My grandmother and brother argue every morning. I kid you not. It's always because my grandmother loves coffee. So he makes her a cup of coffee every morning. The problem? She doesn't always finish it.... usually never. But what she will do is NOT care about it until it gets cooler. And then ask him to heat it up for her multiple times throughout the day! 🙃 So big bro complains about it. When my mom was in the hospital, we told the nurse about how grandma is with coffee. Gave her a good laugh when I put the stubborn woman on speaker so she could hear firsthand how it was the first thing she mentioned. 😂
Now, at some point, we starting calling my brother "coffee boy". My mother rarely drinks coffee, and usually drinks tea. At some point, he basically declared "If I'm coffee boy, then you're tea girl", so now he always makes the two of them coffee when they want it while I'm over their tea lol. The funniest thing about it is that mama rarely wants tea, but grandma always wants coffee. 😭At one point, I started dramatically singing "Oh, coffee boy" like the song "Oh, danny boy". And then it clicked! Like magic! ⭐ The title, the main character, his household. My family thought I was CRAZY when I ran upstairs and started writing it out lol. But yeah, those two are the inspo behind OCB! ☕As well as the dreamer who submitted that dream, of course (s/o to you, whoever you are! ✌🏾)
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Just realized that I've never really made a summary/bio for this show LOL. Basically, Akachi is a guy in his early 20s who lives with his grandparents who he helps manage a barn with. He hates coffee, a drink he's forced to make every morning for his coffee-loving grandmother. Not only is it disgusting (which my brother also thinks lol), but his grandmother never finishes it. When Akachi takes an Uber to show up to his new job in the city, he shows up at the right restaurant, but the wrong location! Before he can object, however, he's transferred to the understaffed MegDonald's branch (spelled intentionally lol). Turns out Akachi is not only a great chef, but a coffee-making expert that has all of their customers coming in for a cup.... much to his dislike. To top it off, his co-workers are incredibly goofy and cosplay every day! Will the boy survive working at this new job?
Thank you for this ask again, really appreciate your interest in Oh, Coffee Boy! 🥰Writing it is so much fun, hope it'll be even more fun to watch! ❣️
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teethw0lf · 2 years
I had the horrific idea to get high and write about Mista and Narancia getting high using a concept I had already joked about with a friend and this is how it turned out. I wrote it in notes app so I’ll just copy and paste it 💀.
Pizza Heroes
Five edibles. Five. One two three four five. That was the bet. If Mista and Narancia could not finish watching “Low Quality Family Guy Memes” without even so much as cracking a tiny baby smile. The tiniest of all smiles ever in the whole world. They’d have to wake up in the morning and take 5 edibles or more. They’d never done more. But they did today. Fuck them. They were underestimating their power. They were gonna prove them wrong so good. Holy fuck LMAO.
So it was five. That was the requirement. But no. What they took was 10.
Narancias muscles had just started to go on strike just as the both of them got epic fnaf ninja mr. beast jumpscared by Mistas phone. It was loud as all hell and it almost had a rude ass tone to its voice, like it was going “HEY YOU PIECE OF ASS POTHEADS PICK UP NOW.” so naturally mista picked it up, while Narancia stared on in bewilderment only properly described by a cursed emoji reaction image from the depths of Gen Z Pinterest.
“Oh hell- nah. Oh sorry haha. No I was talking to somebody else. Um I’m sick. Cmon- dude ok alright uh. Ok.”
Mista hung up.
He faced Narancia with a look of horror.
They faced eachother with a look of horror.
Only properly described by two cursed emoji reaction images from the depths of Gen Z Pinterest.
Oh god oh fuck.
“Narancia we gotta go to work dude.”
They weren’t even all the way high yet but the thoughts in their brains were already falling out of their nostrils and also ear holes as soon as they formulated, leaving no time and no ability to maintain a proper conversation with anything and anyone. Including the house fly that was annoying them.
Narancia threw a gnarly punch at the fly but it landed on mistas huge tit.
He threw his hands up in agony like that one cursed emoji reaction image gif thing where the emoji disintegrates away while holding its hands up and making a face of true and utter distraught.
“Sorry bro. There was a fly.”
They managed to drive to work by sheer luck and sheer luck alone. Narrowly missing a cruel and painful death several times over and somehow not really realizing it unless the other car honked then it was “WOAH FUCK!!!!!”
Expensive ass overrated pizza. Mista and Narancia thought their pizza was just any ass pizza and that that good and definately not $45 for like a medium pizza or something fuck them. But they worked there so whatever.
After clocking in, the two of them put on their dominoes pizza hats with the anime lines behind them and victorious and suspenseful music playing and they grasped each others hands in camaraderie and best friendship and possibly maybe a homestuck romance reference or something really fucking nerdy and cringe and gay like that and they posted up behind the counter. Alone as the fly in Narancia and Mistas house thought it was when Narancia punched it into a tit that must have been like a gigantic and majestic mountain to that tiny little fly. Death by boob mountain. That is hilarious Narancia decided and he randomly doubled over and lost his shit laughing. He could not hold it in. He could not even try to hold it in. He couldn’t. It just came out like vomit except it was laughing. What was he laughing about? Idk honestly I myself can’t remember what I just wrote so you put two and two together okay? Ok.
Narancias laughing made Mista start laughing too.
“Bro stop that you’re making me laugh”
He said with a breathless “heeheehaahaa”
Omfg he sounded just like a donkey.
Narancia was laughing like that chimpanzee at the campfire named Sugriva when asked “is it dinner time”
“Hey mista. If you had a fursona do you think it would be a donkey?” He asked, giggling.
“A donkey? Fucking why.”
Mista asked pretending to be offended because technically he was being called an ass. But ass is a butt and that’s fucking hilarious oh my gods.
The gods are probably shaking their heads at them right now as they stand there making stupid jokes and forgetting what they were supposed to do right here and now. Unbeknownst to them both they are ignoring several orders and are both standing behind the cash register and 4 people have come and and then left after seeing these weirdo loser furries talk about their fursonas.
“Mine would be a chIIIMP-“ Narancia couldn’t finish that last sentence before he started laughing again and it forced the tail end of his sentence to get all loud and yelly. Fuck chimps are so fucking funny. They are so fucking silly and they make loud screaming sounds and it’s hilarious.
“Nah!! Chimps are scary! Buff as hell. Stronger than any man.” Said Mista.
“I’m hungry” said Narancia.
“Oh wait FUCK OH SHIT.”
They both turned their heads so fast the air went through their ears and made a SHOOSH sound.
They’ve been sitting here ignoring 10 orders.
Mista and Narancia scramble into the kitchen like shaggy and scooby doo. Or more like shaggy and shaggy because they are both human men and not a dog. Mista pulls out his Bluetooth speaker and it starts playing his playlist for work. They are not actually allowed to do this but nobody is here not even a manager so fuck those bitches.
They make artful and beautiful pizzas. Narancia sways back and fourth while putting toppings on his pizza to Slow Dancing In The Dark by Joji.
The music fills him with such a floaty and blue emotion. Oh it was so pretty. And sad. Slow dancing is such a pretty name for a song. Slow dancing in the dark. That was just classically romantic and so so lovely. It was roses and dewdrops and a faun stumbling in the rain with an arrow in its back.
Damn it NO this fic is supposed to be funny, Narancia thought, the fourth wall being held in his determined and angry grasp and shaken by the throat. This will NOT become an angsty crush fic.
But then, suddenly, Mista turned around to face Narancia and he said “I want to talk to you about something I saw the other day and it’s really interesting and cool.”
Narancia nodded. Still schmoovin except the song has changed to “Fourth Of July” by Sufjan Stevens.
“No what change the song Mista this song makes my eyes water.”
“I was trying to tell you something hold on-“
“Mista my heart is SENSITIVE AND MUSHY!!!!”
“Okay okay fine”
“Alright tell me”
“Okay Narancia so there is this thing called homestuck-“
Narancia was trying to listen to Mista but he was too busy on trying to make sure the pizza didn’t look like it was made by a person who was extremely high. Oh shit. What if they could tell based off of the pepperoni symmetry.
The phone started ringing. Oh fuck. Oh shit. Wait how long have we been making these pizzas. Just two pizzas. No way….an hour? Oh fuck. No no no.
He picked up the phone.
“This is Pizza”
They hung up.
Mista was laughing at him.
“Mista we are going to get fucking fired I’m so scared bro I’m so fufkced I’m so fucked oh fuck.”
Mista was reminded of the vine with the kid slamming the oven to the beat while his dad plays the horn and they are wearing sunglasses. He thinks about imitating the horn tune and slamming the oven to the beat like the video to make Narancia laugh and stop getting scared, but he didn’t wanna break the oven. What if he was accidentally too rough. So he just went
“Mista what are you doing. Holy fuck we have like. A million orders.”
Narancia started shaking his hands next to his head and pacing and sobbing and crying.
Mista didn’t like seeing Narancia cry! Oh no? His friend. He had to create a distraction. Woah man his muscles were totally not having it. His brain was just a big playdough mound bumpin around in his skull. It was like he was made out of lead. His tounge and his fingers were getting numb and tingly. Yo he was SO high. Woah. Uh oh. Oh no.
Right distraction.
“Okay Narancia so like listen this might make you feel better. So theres this thing called homestuck and there are humans and trolls and they play a game. And theres different kinds of romance but I can’t remember the one that makes me feel about-“
Oh fuck he almost said ‘you’. Narancia can’t know that Mista was totally mega cringe down for him?!!!!!!!
“About this person I think is pretty cute and stuffs.”
His story was not helping Narancia. In fact he was sitting on the floor rocking back and fourth and sobbing but almost completely silent with his mouth hanging open and his eyes squeezed shut like he’s a toddler that fell down and it hurt. The door rang. Oh shit. He tried to pretend like Narancia wasn’t losing his mind behind the counter.
It was Trish.
“Why the fuck are you guys at work like this.”
“Because they wouldn’t let me call out big cheese says I’ll get a write up.”
“You guys look like you’re totally pulling this off and having absolutely no problems. Where is Narancia.”
Trish looked like an emotion Mista couldn’t comprehend. Like dorcelessness. Or maybe she was being sarcastic. Shit was he autistic?
Narancia tried to say “I’m here.” from behind the counter but he only made a sad sobbing sound.
Trish peeked from around the corner at him and he almost got ejected from his body.
he sounded just like Darwin from the amazing world of gumball.
Oh fuck his heart. It was so fast. Holy shit he can’t swallow. It’s like he can’t swallow what if he starts choking. What he he has a SEIZURE!! oh-
“Mista I think Narancia needs to go home.”
Trish poked Narancia like he was a roadkill.
“I need to go to the hospital guys. Can you overdose on weed? I think I’m dying. PleSe don’t let me die.”
“No you can’t overdose on weed, Narancia, oh my fuck- Mista. MISTA.”
Mista was thinking about troll romance.
Then Fugo walked in.
“Did you get the pizza or what it’s been fucking 35 mins- oh my fucking god why are you guys at work.”
“Fugo please tell Trish I could be having heart failure!!!!”
Narancia wailed.
Trish rolled her eyes so hard that it looked like it hurt and it probably did because she rubbed them after.
“Oh god you guys I swear I’m not crazy. Was our shit LACED!?”
Fugo scoffed “no you fucking idiot you took ten fucking edibles that’s what’s going on here.”
“Fugooooo” Narancia wailed.
Trish and Fugo looked at Mista who was staring off into space still standing behind the counter and thinking about troll romance. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends all about this new cool and very much brand new thing called homestuck.
Fugo leaned over to see the absolute state the kitchen was in. As expected there was a burnt pizza in the oven and a pizza that was halfway made and stil frozen halfway falling off the counter. The speaker was playing “DICKE TITTEN” by Rammstein. Ah hell yeah. This was fugos groove he loved pissed sounding German men singing industrial metal.
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angelnumber1 · 2 years
Scum Villain Self Saving System mini fic for the Himbo in SVSSS AU I’ve been discussing with @rarepears
Contains vaguely NSFW content and features OCs (Original Characters)
(The NSFW is comedic in nature)
I... was really really lost. Like. I don’t even know the language lost.
Calls don’t work lost.
Weird animals and plants lost.
Some other thing that shows how lost I am lost.
But I still have Wi-Fi? But maps don’t work. It’s all in Chinese right now. Weird.
It’s just. Like.
I know I’m from America, melting pot and all, but this is just weird!
There’s no way crazy cult villages are THAT close to college right?!
Well… at least all this running makes for a good workout. Though I’ll need some fuel soon, track team’ll kill me if I pull a Devon.
Oh right! I’ve got some of those off-brand meat sticks one of the clubs were selling!
They really fucked up the shape though.
Well. It’s nearly sunset so I can use the stars or something to find my way back. There were these three stars by the campus that looked kind of like a short dick if you looked at it from the science building.
We named it Peen-ience.
I followed Peen-ience to get back to the campus once, did walk in on a ‘bros group project’ first though. We named Peen-ience really well.
Welp. Gotta get some grub now. Wish I could just order pizza or something… I’m even wearing pizza pinks right now! Nice fuzzy robe one of the seniors bought me after he showed me this cool club.
Wait! Gotta get food. Um. Ok. You can do this.
There’s nothing here!
And I need to piss too…
Sorry trees… and bushes… and random vines that keep trying to trip me…
I’m answering nature’s call right now and they don’t take no for an answer.
So sorry plants!
…oh yeah, plants like this actually.
Wow these plants are weird! They’re grabbing my legs and kind of feel like those octopus suckers? Feels super tingly too!
I’ll just brush them off. Carefully though! I’m not going to harm the environment.
As I finished up my… business the world suddenly… changed, it’s got this pink tint too it! Ah. This is fine :) It happens.
Well I’ll just pull my pants back up and-
Mmh. My legs feel weird again… Why the fuck is someone grabbing my legs?!
Oh my gosh they’re covered in piss.
Where did they come from!?
Or someone was sleeping where I pissed?!
And I didn’t notice!?
I’m not sure which is worse T-T can people get diseases from piss?
So. Um.
There’s just some guy? They’re kind of pretty with all that long hair so they could be a girl, or what if they identify as something else and I misgendered them!
But they keep trying to get more… of my… out of my… by. Mhn!
“S-Stop. C’mon that’s-that’s my. St-“ They keep. They’re. Stop it!
Should I punch them? Stranger danger?
But they look so skrunkly like a poor little green meow meow ;( so thin! And their hair is all messy! And they’re face is all… weird looking, in a pretty way, but that’s not the point!
They’re licking the piss off now.
Were they drinking my! My!
I though they were trying to do something else…
Imma just…
Imma just leave.
This is getting weird!
With a quick few steps backward I easily get away. Glad I didn’t break any of those weird octopus vines though. Respect nature and all that right!
That guy must be super weak though- there was like, no strength to his grip at all. He must skip all the days. Smh I swear. If you skip leg day your glutes are being neglected but if you skip all the days you’ll fall down and break your hip or something.
But man! The sunset and this pink glow looks super cool! It’s like a scene in a web novel!
Oh? What’s that noise?
I heard some singing coming from my right. Some ultra-feminine high pitched voice piercing my ears, it feels… maybe I could head over and check it out?
Nah. Might be one of the people that chased me earlier.
As I headed away I felt almost like something inside of me increased? And when I concentrated on it I felt resistant to the singing? Weird.
Well I’ll just keep moving!
Some of the trees are blocking the sky over here. So I’ll have to find a clearing or something, oh right! Maybe I’ll be able to use my phone over there too!
The sun is nearly completely set by now. But look at this!
It’s so cool!
Wow this really is like a novel! There’s this huge clearing here and a little lake with a waterfall and tons of pretty plants!
Oh hey! It’s the green perv from before… maybe I’ll just stay at the edge of the clearing… this place has tons of other guys(? Weird cosplaying ten feet tall dudes? Oh silly! I’m probably hallucinating, I’m laying in a bunch of flowery bushes!)
The green perv looks a lot more human compared to the other dudes in the clearing, maybe he couldn’t get enough stuff to make his costume, well at least it doesn’t look like he’s covered in piss anymore.
In fact he looks tons better than earlier! Maybe it’s a different dude?
Suddenly my vision blurs. Or. A rectangle of my sight?
It’s really staticky though…
…Poison Resistance lv up!
Stealth lv up!
Experience Pasting Activated! Additional Experience added to%#&…
Error. Error. Transmigration System. Prince Raising System not detected.
Additional.al.al eXp will be sent to storage.
Error. Invennnnnnnnnn.-
Nnntory does not exist.
Contacting world consciousness…
Con#+} {3wards t0 i.t3mized f0rm
Whatthefuckwhatthefuckwhatthefuck! What the ever-loving holy shit is this bucket of crap?! This ain’t cosplay anymore!
With that. I felt weird. Empty. Likes there supposed to be something inside that really cool and I’m seriously missing out.
I feel really weird now… but stronger. And I have this Chinese style bag now. Some kind of pouch?
I don’t wanna think right now!… This is a killer headache…
Then another carfucking voice popped up.
And then a THIRD carfucker decided to bulldoze my head…
I got some new shit from that though. One of those hair crowns from Chinese movies. It looks like something a MC would wear!
I don’t think I can put it in my pockets with it poking me. But my hairs way too short and I have no idea how to wear it either.
Maybe ponytail style? I was supposed to get my hair cut next week so it should be long enough for a mini ponytail.
It’s really hard to put on without actually knowing how it supposed to go. And also that I’m not even trying to put it on the right way either.
But still, after a few more attempts and the help of a paper clip, I actually manage to put it on! Yay!
… it felt weird. Like my whole body was lighter. Still have that headache though.
I must look like a cosplayer too now! My hair has a crown and I’m wearing a sleeping robe with a pouch hanging from the belt.
Suddenly another object appeared.
It fell on my head! Owwww…
A jade hairpin with a little accessory dangling off it. The pin matches the crown! It looks super pretty. Maybe that guy from earlier needs one of these. His hair looked like tree vines from how messy it was.
I think I have to do something around now though?
Oh right. The stars. Why I came here and stuff.
I look up to the. The now night sky. Middle of the night kind of night sky.
How long have I been laying here! It’s the middle of the night! And there are like- a bajillion stars. And my phone still can’t call anyone! But I still have service! And full charge too! Nice.
Huh. Wonder if the cosplayers are still here.
Peeking from the bushes I see most of them have already left. The perv and a few others are the only ones left. I hope they leave soon. I’m super thirsty! Can wait to guzzle up some of that life-liquid.
The other bros in the frat said not to say that out loud now that I think about it. They looked super red when I said that. Maybe it’s some slang I didn’t learn yet?
Hey! That big guy in the middle just hit the perv! It could be because he’s a perv though…
But he can’t keep doing it! And why are the other guys?… OH MY GOSH! Are they eating him!?
Um! Uh! I’ll throw this rock at them!
Picking up the rock I- crush it with my bare hands!? When did I get enough gains for that!
And! Oh. Shit. I’m standing in the middle of the clearing after making tons of noise by crushing a rock.
…Are they going to eat me too?
Frozen in place I stare them down, okay, just back up slowly… if a wall of clearly carnivorous plants weren’t trying to eat my ass!
I’ll fight them then!
Just have to brace my self and-
Oh. Oh wow these guys are weak.
Within moments I’m standing on top of a group of cosplayers. Well. Not anymore considering how broken the outfits are.
Walking over to the other guy I reach down, offering him my hand, I’m feeling a little like a hero. Though all I did was beat some guys up.
The perv though, he definitely doesn’t have manners! He just started licking the tree sap off my hands.
I pull my hands away. Seriously! This is why I’m calling you a perv in my head!
“You know what! Here eat this instead!” I knew they didn’t speak the same language but by anime if he wants something in his mouth at least have it be food!
He gingerly takes the offered food, for some reason he drapes some vines over it first, weird dude.
He seems to be inspecting the length of meat.
His eyes are trailing every inch as the vines tighten and greed sets into his eyes.
After letting the vines rest on the meat a bit longer he hungrily consumes it, shoving half of its length in.
It’s rather long and thick compared to most now that I think about it.
I can see something that I think is his tongue wrapping around fruitlessly trying to cover the entirety of its length.
It isn’t soon before his body starts to shudder at the unexpected gain, liquid flowing down his chin as he couldn’t even close his mouth.
The noises he’s making… wet, sticky sounding gags coming out as he’s forcing the meat into himself. And with a final shudder, he’s completely consumed the offered meat.
Well, while he did that I got some water to drink and started eating some fruit nearby. If you only eat meat you’ll get indigestion!
The rest of the group crawls over to me, I think they want some of it? I do clearly still have a few more and that guy really seemed to like it.
Or maybe not.
The group is just staring at me, the big one who I think was the leader, offers his head to me? No, he’s gesturing to the flower on top.
It’s a… sturdy flower. The color is really dense and the edges are spiked.
I wonder what kinds of plants these are? And if any can get rid of my headache. It hurts ;(
The other guy comes rushing over once he sees us, I can see the outline of my meat in his throat.
He gestured to the flower bud on his head, where did that come from?
It looks super soft though, maybe I’ll just touch it a little?
The bud trembles the moment I touch it, as I lightly run my finger on the light pink sides, he’s shivering as I slowly inspect it.
I lean down towards it, it’s actually kind of cute, and it seems like he doesn’t mind me touching him like this.
It looks really… delicious in all honesty, I want to bite it.
As I play with the bud it suddenly opens up!
Pale petals fill my visions and- oh my gosh it’s so soft!
I give the flower a little kiss for flowering for me.
I might not be able to find my way back but this is fun!
And that was an incredibly long snippet from my self indulgence. It was supposed to be short which is why it isn’t on ao3 instead.
Well anyways I hope whoever read it enjoyed it and feel free to direct any questions to my askbox though most of this AU will probably end up on @rarepears blog if they’re okay with it.
Also some of the little things in here like Devon and carfucker are from his fraternity.
Devon is a guy who forgot to eat or drink anything several practices in a row while another person decided to start saying swears differently as to not disrespect mothers.
The ‘people’ in the fic are plants based monsters and beasts whose hierarchy is based on size and traits.
Thicker, rougher and sharper flowers are seen as the stronger and better fed while softer ones are seen as weaker.
These creatures can reproduce asexually or by deflowering another and it works like crossbreeding.
It works with most species though humans need an extra push for it to work with them.
Our MC has abilities from three systems that are needed because he’s not supposed to have them unless he transmigrated to that world.
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crmsnmth · 5 months
September Sky Chapter Six, Part 7
"I'll just have a Pabst. Amber, right?" Addison asked. And then she looked at Justin, "And you are Justin?" Justin nodded and Amber came back.
"Yep. And your Addison," Amber said, her ever present smile still showing off.
"Or you can call her Nugget and him Skeletor," I said, smirking.
"Do you give everyone a nickname?" Addison asked, taking a sip of the beer in front of her.
"Only the people I like."
"I was under the impression you don't like anyone."
"There's always exceptions to the rule," I said, smirking softly.
"So explain them," Addison laughed.
I pointed at Justin, "I think Skeletor is pretty self-explanatory." Justin just shrugged. He knew who he was, dammit.
"And Nugget is because she has one of those PETA stickers on the back of her car. You know the one I'm talking about. The baby chick holding a sign that says 'I am not a nugget!'" I said.
"Oh, Are you member of PETA?" Addison looked at Amber.
"Nope. I just think most animals need to be treated better and protected," Amber said.
"Agreed. 100%." Addison said with a smile.
"How'd you two meet. It's gotta be interesting if it involves Chris," Justin asked. I chuckled to myself.
"He ran me over." Addison said, her own tiny laughs being hidden behind her smile.
"Like with a car?!" Justin exclaimed loudly. And although I tried to hold it in, it was a vain attempt, and I was full on laughing. My eyes watered as I gasped slightly for air. Justin stared at me for a few seconds but soon enough he was laughing too. At least he was self-aware.
"No, I was trying to catch a bus and I ran right into her,"I said, wiping tears from my eyes.
"And then he actually asked me out," Addison said, finishing the thought.
"Wait, Chris asked you out?" Amber said, not even bothering to hide her disbelief. Even Justin's eyes were wide. I really couldn't blame them.
"Yeah, for coffee."
"No fucking way," Justin said in shock.
"Seriously, that's what happened," I said, still laughing every so often.
"There's no way. That can't be what really happened," Justin's look of shock said it all. I couldn't help but smile with a strange sense of pride. Like a kid who gets his picture on the fridge.
"It's the truth." Addison added.
"Our Chris? This guy right here?" Amber chirped in finally. Addison nodded at her.
"Why is this so hard for you guys to believe?" I said. I knew the answer. This was completely out of character for me.
"You must be something special," Amber spit out after a few silent seconds. Addison only smiled and shrugged, and I tried to show no emotion. I was betrayed by the grin on my face, and the light in my eyes.
"Damn. Our antisocial Chris is growing up," Justin said in a condescending tone. He finished off his drink and sat the glass down.
"Hey, fuck you." I said as Amber grabbed it and went to make another one. She sat the glass in front of him, and practically fucked him with her eyes, and he noticed nothing. I wanted to yell at her to just fucking tell him and stop with this middle school stupidity. But then again, what did I really know?
"Did you want to leave or stay for another?" I asked Addison.
"One more. It's kind of nice to see how you interact with your friends."
"Co-workers," I blindly corrected.
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luffythinker · 1 year
IM CRYING, IM GLAD YOUR OPEN TO MY SHIKANARU CAUSE EVERYBODY I TRY AND TALK TO ABOUT THIS SHIP DOESNT CARE I actually am making a story i just got to get it all together. IMA SHARE IT WITH YOU WHEN I GOT IT TOGETHER it's really just me changing some events in the story and making it where Naruto and Shikamaru end up together. My plans are to have Naruto end up with Shikamaru, I love Sai/Sakura but Ino loves Sakura and i don't understand the Ino/Sai i'm still watching the anime it's just i never finished my run so i started reading the manga back to the part im at and im at ep 145 of shippuden i think? I'm not allowing myself to finish watching it until my story is caught up to where i am. Back to what i was saying I'm thinking of making it Ino/Sakura/Sai but it's more of "This is my girlfriend Sakura and her boyfriend Sai" my reasoning for this is when Ino witnessed Sasuke pull that guys arms out the socket as a kid it traumatized her, made her scared of him and Sai apparently looks like Sasuke, they were saying he looked like Sasuke a little bit in the anime if i remember correctly. it just creeps her out. I don't think Ino really ever liked Sasuke she just liked him cause that's what was cool when she was a kid so the whole rivalry with Sakura was just built on that idea. I was rewatching some scenes and i think, ok i gotta back track a little bit. I headcanon Ino's famliy is the most chill with same-sex stuff, so like if their daughter was gay they wouldn't mind. Ino puts this thinking in Sakura's head but Sakura's not as understanding as a kid and thinking it's weird cause different households (Not saying her parents were homophobic, it's just never been brought up to her before) Ino finally realizes she's in love with Sakura after she comes to her rescue when he hair gets cut that's the whole of what i wanted to say. So from that point on Ino likes Sakura, Sakura still has her feelings for Sasuke and Naruto's crush on Sakura has gone. I noticed he still asked her on dates but ultimately before and after Sasuke leaves it really hits Naruto that Sakura holds something special to Sasuke. Tsunade even notices it when she watches him leave the room to give them a moment after she heals him, Naruto walks out the room and says he wants her to look at Lee but his body language said "Oh im not needed here" and his feelings looked a little hurt. Another thing Neji developing a crush on Shikamaru before and during the timeskip because those two are the smartest in the group meaning they must work together alot even if they weren't in the same squad, Chunin Neji and Chunin Shikamaru being paired up alot is something i look at with shining eyes. But Neji, he notices Shikamaru's crush on Naruto so backs off, this leads him to back to Lee cause i'm a huge Neji/Lee shipper as well. Now, i've been reading this fic i'll include it here (Love Is A Battlefield by MadamZenobia on AO3) my endgame ships are
As for Hinata i'm not throwing her away, just changing her motifs a little i guess? She has a crush on Naruto yes, after him being away for so long she has time to work on herself and find herself more. She does like him but it isn't what's going to make her happy. It isn't because i don't like Naruto/Hinata it's cute it's alright but it doesn't make sense even if i haven't seen the movies or episodes that show it. I feel like Hinata needs to do some self reflecting. Naruto is a huge inspiration to her, she's watched him train, become who he is but those two with a family together isn't something i can see happening even if it canonly happened, when i first got into this i didn't see it coming. So in my story Hinata is happy living her best life being single, watching her friends be happy together has brought her so much peace, even watching Naruto be happy with Shikamaru. (I wanna plan a talk she has with Shikamaru about his crush on Naruto and them discussing their feelings about Naruto so Shikamaru doesn't feel like he just took Naruto from her since from his point of view it looks like she liked him first but Shikamaru's had a crush on Naruto since he meet him, Shikamaru met Naruto first. ) I also have an idea of Hinata just wanting to be a single mother in Boruto, and Naruto/Shikamaru adopting and teaching a orphan both their Jutsu's turbsdfuvbhrsu IT'LL BE SO CUTE
i'm not finished with my story im writing but i can give you my fic i'm rewriting, the original version it's Shikamaru and Naruto what a troublesome love story by ZerosWaifu (I don't have a tumblr im using my friend's account they said it's fine so don't worry )
I'm so glad you're into shikanaru as well, I have never really found someone to talk to about them!! Please do share your story when it's done, I would love to read it <3
I feel pretty neutral about Sai/Ino, not because I think they are madly in love or anything but in Boruto I like the dynamic I saw of them, plus inojin is my favorite kid so I'm biased here… But I'm also super down for a Sai/Sakura/Ino, with mostly Sakura being the bridge between them!!!
For me, Ino would be a lesbian who had to deal with a lot of compulsory heterosexuality, so she forced herself to have a crush on Sasuke when they were kids because that's just what girls are supposed to do, but after a small breakdown after a fight with sakura she talks to her parents and surprisingly it's them that tell her that she might have a crush on her and they tell her that it's okay if she feels that way and that there is nothing wrong with her.
I think it's pretty accurate that Sakura would be a little reluctant to accept that, but eventually, she does understand that she's bisexual and things become a little easier for her to figure out what she wants and who she wants to be! [Discovering non-monogamy/polyamory is a whole other can of worms so I'm not gonna get into that here unless you want me to!!]
I'M SO GLAD YOU BROUGHT UP NEJI AND SHIKAMARU. Okay I know they're not your main pairing but a few years ago I read a fic of them that to this day has a place in my brain, I will leave linked it here if you're interested
But yes, for our shikanaru endgame purpose, Neji is very perceptive so he kind of always knew he never really had a chance here, he backs off, and eventually, his feelings for someone else grow which is how we get to neji/lee!!
Also thank you for the fic rec, I'll try to give it a read soon <3 Sasuke and suigetsu is such an interesting ship, I never got into them fully but their dynamic is so fun!
I like your take on Hinata, for me, i ship her with Kiba, he was so in love with her it's crazy, I don't know if you noticed the signs but they would have so much potential, honestly a throuple with shino would work too. But I also really like your take on her talking it out with shikamaru and realizing that her feelings for Naruto lean more toward admiration than actual romantic love, would love for her to have a happy life, would also really adore seeing her become the head of the Hyuuga clan and start making the changes Naruto promised Neji he would do it (and he never actually did it)!!
I think that's all i have for today?? do hmu whenever you want cause i'm super happy to explore more about naruto <33
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barry-propaganda · 2 years
Holy shit, I just decided to check watch.pokemon.com on a whim, only to find it’s got season 11 up on it currently, meaning it’s got Barry’s introductory episode. So I have decided that I must do a not-so-live reaction (‘cause I’m gonna put all my thoughts in this one post and then post it).
Alright, here we go: S11E49 Barry’s Busting Out All Over
The Sinnoh Arc openings go HARD.
I know the episode just started, but HE’S HERE! Love that they introduce him with the classic “THUD!”
Love the consistency of him saying he’s gonna fine you but then him never enforcing it; maybe he keeps a running tab?
Brock, Dawn; Ash was not running that fast or that far away that you missed him meeting Barry.
Dawn, why do you sound surprised to have found Fantina at her gym?
THUD! the sequel
Okay, so Dawn knows who Barry is, but they still made the executive decision to have them not be childhood friends in the anime?
It’s been so long since I watched the Sinnoh Arc that I forgot just how big a Paul stan they made Barry. If you’re gonna have Barry constantly bring up a trainer he thinks is real strong, at least get it right and have him bring up Palmer. (That other post was right that he really does feel like a mouthpiece to hype up Paul here.)
I will say, this definitely feels like a conversation that would happen between 10 year olds, at least.
Barry, I know I think you deserve better than Palmer, but I would literally take you not shutting up about him over you not shutting up about Paul; since, you know, that’d be CONSISTENT.
[Barry: I have 3 badges. Ash: I’ve got 4.] XD this reminds of when Ash said he had 7 badges and then Barry flexed his 6 badges on him.
More on them being 10, it definitely makes them constantly falling for Team Rocket schemes more believable; especially here since this is Barry’s first encounter with them.
Sinnoh Arc motto is fun, especially since I think it’s the one that gets interrupted the most; my favorite will always be when Jessie was hit with Yawn in the Hippopotas episode and fell asleep during the motto, so James has to cover her lines while doing an impression of her.
I’ve never understood how the hair that Dawn has pulled back by that third clip is longer than the rest of her hair.
Tumblr media
Love how offended TR gets at Fantina saying they don’t know how to dance.
Also love “James loves his Pokémon” moments, this time featuring his old Cacnea.
Those three have GOTTA be doing theatre on the weekend or something, right? The dramatics, the rhyming, the alliteration, etc.
“I’m not sure what you mean by bonding with them.” BARRY, DON’T YOU HAVE A FUCKING ROSERADE?? I mean, unless you caught it as a Roselia…
Barry, why are you making it sound like Paul is who inspired you to become a Trainer? WHAT ABOUT YOUR DAD, BARRY?
Barry, is your Staraptor secretly part Grass-Type? How did one Flamethrower from a Chimchar take it out?
I always forget that the anime tends to not give a flying fuck about type match-ups or STAB or whatever.
Dawn, he also earlier put a Grass-Type against a Fire-Type, and he won that bout, so… Also Empoleon is part Steel-Type, which I think makes Electric neutral (I forget if it does or not) which realistically doesn’t make sense (since water and metal both conduct electricity).
Huh, surprised they kept the consistency of having to recharge after Hyper Beam.
RIP the days of Volt Tackle; you will be missed.
Alright, episode over; that was fun. Thanks for joining me slip a lil further down the Barry wormhole.
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