#And calling his out his bs to his face really loudly in front of everyone in public
legxllyblxndc · 2 years
hayes family dinner ( @foreverwednesday )
FH AH AG AG NH: "Alba, make your boy shut up." Freddie snapped across the table, interrupting Arlo telling what felt like his hundredth story of the night, loudly and animatedly, almost knocking over Jude's drink in the process. He'd never had much patience for these family dinners; he loved them all and he really would do anything for them, but having everyone together always got his temper riled up. He much preferred his own company these days; sitting in front of the TV with a bottle of whiskey was how he spent most nights. "How long is dinner going to be?" He just wanted to eat and get out of there and he was sure everyone knew it by now. "Pour me another drink." He told Noah, nudging him in the side with his elbow.
FH AH AG AG NH: "He's just telling a story, Fred." Aaron said gently, reaching out quickly to catch Jude's glass and making sure it was out of his sons reach. "Your dad loves these family dinners, doesn't he?" He whispered to his brother in law with a chuckle, shaking his head. He loved Freddie, but his grumpiness never got any easier to bear and he did sometimes wish the other would at least pretend to enjoy himself. "Grace, would you like a top up?" He asked the older woman, reaching out to the water jug to pour himself another glass and then turning to her.
FH AH AG AG NH: Ava laughed as Freddie spoke, rolling her eyes fondly - after all these years, she was more than used to him and took everything with a pinch of salt. "Five minutes max, Freddie. It would've been earlier, but I got off shift a little bit later than I expected. Breech baby." She explained with a shrug of her shoulders, getting up from her chair to go and check on the food in the kitchen. Work always kept her so busy and if she was honest, she probably would've liked to come home and unwind tonight, but she'd agreed to host this family dinner and she did think it was important they all got together like this. She thought she probably wouldn't even see Noah if he wasn't forced to come. She passed his chair and leaned down to kiss the top of his head fondly on her way to the kitchen. "Everyone hungry?" She called as she walked through.
FH AH AG AG NH: Arlo stopped his story in its tracks as his granddad spoke, pulling a face and picking up his drink to take a big swig - he was rambling and he knew it, because he felt awkward being around Iris when they weren't really talking. Part of him didn't regret what he'd said, because it was the truth; but he hated what it had done to their friendship and he was determined to fix it, to be the way they were again. He missed her so much. "Mum, can I have another coke?" He asked, looking at her with his typical charming grin he reserved for only her. He usually loved these family dinners, he liked being fussed over and he hoped tonight was going to be no different.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy had been filled with anxiety all day at the prospect of this family dinner; it was the first one in a month and she was well aware that it was getting harder and harder to hide her stomach now. She had taken to wearing floaty dresses, big jumpers and whatever else, things she knew weren't her style but she had no other choice. She still had no idea what she was going to do, how she was going to tell everyone and this felt like the only way. It wasn't only the bump; her face had filled out, she looked different and she knew it. She just hoped nobody said anything. "How quickly do you think we can get out of here?" She whispered to Iris with a sigh, raising an eyebrow. She just wanted to be back in Iris's bedroom, where she didn't have to keep this huge secret.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba sighed a little as she heard her dad and she quickly shook her head, "You don't have to listen to him, Dad." There was no way she was going to tell Arlo to be quiet. She didn't think that he had done anything wrong, after all. He was just talking to them all, telling some story. She took a sip of her wine as she looked around the room. She loved these family get togethers but ever since Elias had disappeared, it had been harder to be around everyone. She still missed her big brother. She didn't think that she would ever stop missing him. "Of course." She nodded in Arlos direction, a smile on her face. She quickly got up and moved to the fridge so that she could grab her son a can of coke. She had always fussed over Arlo a little more than most would with their son but he was everything to her. "Does anyone else need anything?" She asked, as she placed the can in front of her son and lent down to kiss the top of his head quickly.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: If this dinner party wasn't happening, then Noah didn't think he would actually go and see his mum or dad. He liked living alone, living a life that was pretty much solo. He didn't enjoy having to answer to people and it always felt like he was having to answer to people whenever he was around his family. "Did you forget your manners, Granddad?" Noah asked. Though he reached over to pour himself and his granddad a drink. He had a soft spot for his granddad. After Elias, he was probably his most favourite person. It was difficult to get much out of him, though. Noah had been drinking more recently. He was hoping not to be sober when he brought up what he wanted to bring up. He figured that his parents couldn't back away from the conversation while the whole family were there.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Family dinners felt a little like hell to Jude. Having everyone together like this was never something which was easy. They were all too argumentative, stubborn, for them to spend too much time together. And it was part of the reason why he had sat away from his father - to avoid any arguments between the two of them. "Oh yeah, they're his favourite things in the world." Jude joked. He had never seen his dad enjoy something like this. He knew that the other loved him but he thought that Freddie would've preferred if he didn't have to see all of them at once like this. Aaron was the saving grace for things like this, he thought. He was the only other sane one. "Starving." Jude called as Ava came into the room, "Is everything good to go?"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Leave him alone, Freddie." Grace snapped, rolling her eyes. She didn't know why her ex husband had to act like this sometimes. He had always been grumpy but it seemed to be worse with his old age and Grace had much less patience for him. She thought that Arlo was just being an excitable kid, after all. She sometimes forgot just how old her grandchild were now. "Yes. Please." She smiled at Aaron, nodding her head. She looked over at Nancy, then, "So, how are auditions going?" She asked her, a smile on her face. She thought that her granddaughters career - like her daughters - was so exciting and she wanted to see the best for Nancy. She'd started a trust for all of her grandkids when they were young and they'd get it when they turned 21. She wanted to make sure that they were all on a decent pass.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Bridie had always felt like she was a part of the Hayes family. She felt more like she belonged with them, than she did with her own family so family dinners like this were a no brainer to her. Though since she had started talking to Elias again, she found it harder and harder to be around everyone. She would always keep Elias' secrets. If he didn't want to tell the rest of his family that he was okay, then she thought that was his decision. She was just glad to have him back in her own life. She had always been selfish like that. "Do you have anymore wine, Ava?" She asked, emptying the first bottle into her glass.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Since Arlos revelation, Iris had been trying to keep her distance from him. She had tried getting out of the dinner tonight but had promised Nancy that she would go with her - at least for a little while. Iris was just trying to figure out what she was feeling, how she was thinking and she didn't want to have to be around Arlo while she was figuring that out. She still couldn't be completely honest with her self - she had feelings for him. It was too scary for her. Especially as she sat opposite her mother. She was trying to do whatever she could to not become the other woman and she thought that something between her and Arlo might make that happen. "We just have to get through the dinner. The food. Then we can go."
FH AH AG AG NH: "Like I have a fucking choice." Freddie muttered as he looked down at the table, shaking his head. Arlo's voice was loud enough that he was pretty sure the neighbours were privy to all of his stories too, but he knew there was no arguing with Alba when it came to her son. He let out a gruff laugh as he heard Noah, raising an eyebrow. "Nope." He shrugged, taking the drink gratefully and taking a big gulp. He looked around the table, looking at his grandchildren - and frowned slightly as he took in Nancy. It had been a little while since he'd seen her, but she'd definitely changed. "You've put on weight." He told her, pointing his finger over at her before he picked up his drink and took another gulp. "Everyone is hungry, we've been waiting for fucking years." He muttered in response to Ava.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Yeah, you can really tell." Aaron laughed, shaking his head. His own family was so different to the Hayes, but over the years he'd gotten used to them - he knew nights like this were never going to go very smoothly though, something was always going to happen. "It smells great, Ava." He smiled, nodding his head. He winced slightly as he heard Freddie, wanting to change the topic as quickly as possible. "So Noah, how's football going? Anything big coming up soon?" He asked with a smile, hoping everybody would just bypass it.
FH AH AG AG NH: "It's okay grandma, I don't mind." Arlo laughed, shrugging his shoulders. He'd always known that his granddad Freddie was grumpy - even when he'd been a little boy, he'd been like that and it didn't really phase him. Not when his mum was there. "Thanks, mum!" He opened the can and took a swig, shaking his head at the fizziness. He turned excitedly as he heard his dad ask about Noah's career; he was always so interested in it, he loved sports and he thought the fact that his cousin was playing for a proper team was so impressive. "Yeah, I wanna know when you're gonna get me tickets to one of the big games - there has to be some perk to knowing you, right?" He laughed, shrugging his shoulders jokingly as he looked over at Noah.
FH AH AG AG NH: "They're going well, grandma." Nancy smiled, looking over at her grandmother fondly. She was one of her favourite people in the world, they had a special connection and they always had - Grace just understood her. In fact, Grace was the one person she'd considered telling about the baby... But she thought she had too much loyalty to her mum. "I've already done my recalls for Mountview and Guilford, I'm waiting to hear back from Urdang and Central about a date and I'm yet to hear anything from the others." She smiled, shrugging her shoulders. Guilford was where she really wanted to be and she was just glad she'd done her recall before she'd found out about the baby. Her heart fell as she heard her grandfather and she felt her cheeks flaming red; she had to remind herself not to touch her stomach, something that had become a bit of a habit recently. "Thanks, granddad." She rolled her eyes, hoping it didn't arouse too much suspicion.
FH AH AG AG NH: "All good to go!" Ava called, picking up a couple of the bowls and carrying them through. "Here we go." She laughed, making sure she put Freddie's down first. It didn't take her very long to get all of the bowls of pasta out, bringing out garlic bread and cheese with her and taking her own seat. "Oh yeah, there's another bottle here. It's red, though." She passed it over to Bridie, not quite meeting the others eyes - she found it hard not to say anything about how much she drank these days, but she knew now wasn't the time to bring any of it up. "Freddie, is that necessary?" She snapped at her father in law, shaking her head and taking a sip of her own wine. "She's doing great, Grace. Guilford were very impressed." She smiled proudly. "And so is Noah." She looked over at her son. "How are your uni interviews going, Iris?"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Didn't think so." Noah chuckled. If Elias understood him better than anyone else, then Freddie was a close second. He laughed again at the comments about his sister. He was pretty protective over his sister but he couldn't deny that he'd been thinking it too. He wondered what the hell was going on with her. Noah shrugged his shoulders as the attention turned to him. This was one of the reasons why he hated these things. He hated people asking him questions, asking how he was going. He never really knew how to answer that kind of question, "Yeah, it's good." He shrugged again. "There's some scouts from the main team coming to take a look at us in the next couple weeks so... could really be making ways then." His dream had always been to play for the main team .. but he also knew that he needed to get a little more serious about it. He needed to stop drinking, stop using. He just wasn't prepared to do that.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: If they had to start all over again now, Jude didn't think that any adult would willingly enter into that family. As kids, Jude thought it was easier to bring people over, to introduce them to his parents. It was pretty much impossible now, he thought. His parents were insufferable. Jude loved them. But only because they were family. He knew that if it was anyone elses family, then he would not be putting up with any of it. "Thank you." Noah nodded as his food was placed in front of him. He looked to his son, raising an eyebrow as attention was turned to him. He wouldn't admit it but he was pretty jealous of Noah. He had everything that Jude felt like he had missed out on.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "It's not okay, Arlo. He shouldn't speak to you like that." Grace huffed. Really, it didn't bother her all that much but she liked picking at Freddie. It was one of the main reasons why they separated. They could argue like cat and dog. They could be best friends sometimes too, though and it absolutely depending on the day, on their moods. It had become less good than bad in the last few years, though. "Very impressive." Grace smiled, nodding her head. "And which is the one that you're wanting? Alba, where did you go, again?" She asked, flitting between her daughter and grand daughter. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at Freddie, "That's two for three, Freddie. What're you going to say to Noah? To upset him?"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba smiled as Arlo thanked her, "You're welcome." She chimed, ruffling his hair a little before she moved to sit back down again. Hostess was something which Alba always enjoyed. She enjoyed spending time with her family - even if they were a bit of a mess. She smiled as she listened to Nancy explaining about the schools she'd auditioned for. She had been so nervous back in those days and she thought that Nancy was already so much more confident than she had been at that age. "I went to Mountview." She smiled. She was so excited to see what Nancy did with herself. "Thank you, Ava. This all looks amazing." She smiled as she looked down at the food in front of her."
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Iris rolled her eyes as her mum asked for another bottle of wine. She knew that now wasn't the time to bring it all up again. She just wished that Johnny was invited to things like this. It was always easier when he was around. Her attention was taken, though, as she heard Avas question. "They're good." Iris smiled, "I have offers from Durham and Edinburgh but i'm hoping to hear back from a London school soon." She smiled. Growing up, Iris had dreamed of going away from university. She wanted to escape London, escape her mum. But now that she was a little older, she knew that she didn't have that liberty. Because she couldn't just leave Bridie. She knew that if she left and something happened, then Iris knew that she would never forgive herself.
FH AH AG AG NH: Although he'd hurt him and irritated him to no end, Freddie had always had a special connection with Elias and he felt the same with Noah - because they were three of a kind. He'd passed that gene on down to them and he felt responsible for them being the way they were. He shrugged as he heard Grace, laughing quietly. "I'm thinking of something, give me time." He didn't mean to upset them - or at least, he didn't do it for that reason, he just thought he was too old not to say what he meant now. "So you're training hard, then? They're not going to pick you if you look like that." He nodded over to his grandsons appearance. He definitely had his suspicions about Noah's lifestyle - he looked too similar to how Elias had at that age.
FH AH AG AG NH: When she had been younger, Ava hadn't quite realised the depth of the Hayes family - just how intense it was; but she'd never had much of a choice anyway, because as soon as she'd fallen pregnant with Verity she'd been tied to them and by the time they'd lost her, she was too in love with Jude to ever walk away. So she was one of them and now, they felt like her own - but if she'd known from the beginning just what they were like, she had no idea if she'd have gotten involved or not. "You're welcome." She smiled at her husband, taking his hand underneath the table. She knew he regretted a lot of what he'd lost when it came to football; she was endlessly proud of her son, she wanted the world for him, but she knew it must be hard for Jude at the same time. "They're going to pick him. They'd be stupid not to, he's one of the best on the pitch." She smiled, shrugging her shoulders.
FH AH AG AG NH: "That's great, Noah. Wow. Big stuff." Aaron smiled, raising an eyebrow. He didn't think it was any secret what Noah got up to; he knew Arlo had told Alba some of the stuff, some worries he'd had and he wasn't going to spread that business around and he especially wasn't going to tell Ava and Jude, when Noah was a grown adult, but he thought they probably knew anyway. He wondered how that was going to affect his chances of being picked. "This is fantastic Ava, really." He smiled politely as he ate a mouthful of his food.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy frowned as she heard her brother laughing at Freddie's comment, kicking him hard under the table; this was all so alien for her. She was so used to being in control, looking perfect and now she felt like a fat, out of control mess and she hated it. She couldn't even explain to them why. She smiled over at Grace, though, she knew she was trying to make it better for her. "Guilford is my number one. Mountview is my second." She smiled, nodding her head. "Think you could put in a good word for me?" She asked her aunt with a laugh, clearly joking. Nancy wanted this all of her own back. She picked up her fork and pushed around the food a little, but she didn't feel much like eating after Freddie's comment.
FH AH AG AG NH: As the food was placed in front of him, Arlo dug in and tried to concentrate on that instead of what everyone else was talking about - because he didn't even know if he was going to be able to go to college yet. He'd had to take his English GCSE again at college - twice - and whether he passed it this time or not was what made the decision. He didn't want to admit that, though - only his parents and Iris knew it. His head snapped up as he heard Iris, though, eyebrows raised. "You heard back from Edinburgh?" He asked. He couldn't believe she wouldn't have told him something like that, even if they were fighting. He hated that what he'd said had come so far between them that Iris felt like a stranger to him now. He dug into his food again, this time moodily.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Noah shrugged his shoulders at Aarons compliment. He didn't particularly think that it was a big deal. He knew that he probably didn't stand much of a chance but he thought it was enough to get everyone off of his back for a little while. He hoped so, anyway. "Fuck off." He hissed at Nancy as he felt her kick him under the table. The pair of them had always acted like kids when they were together and this was no exception. He pretty much ignored what his granddad had to say but as he heard his mums voice, he turned to look at her, raising an eyebrow. "I heard something pretty interesting the other day though - Mum, Dad, what's your blood type?" He asked them. He wanted to catch them in the lie before he told them what it was that he heard, before he confirmed his suspicions.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Jude smiled slightly as Ava took a hold of his hand. He still couldn't believe his luck that he had ended up with Ava, that they had the life that they had. It was nowhere near perfect but Noah knew that he wouldn't change any of it for the world. His family - the four of them - was everything he could've hoped for. Even if they had their troubles with their son. "Dad..." Jude sighed, shaking his head a little. "Noah is doing his best." He shrugged. Because he definitely thought that, that was true. Whatever was happening with his son, he knew that he was trying his best.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "And we're three for three." Grace huffed as Freddie insulted Noah, too. She could give or take her grandchildren sometimes but she thought that they were all pretty impressive, in their own way. She nodded her head as Nancy spoke, "That's a brilliant school. I'm sure that you'll hear from them soon." She smiled. She was so proud of Nancy and Grace wanted to make sure that she knew that. Grace had never been the most motherly of people but she hoped that she could be a better grandmother - she already felt like she was.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba smiled as Nancy spoke to her and she shrugged her shoulders. Her schooling had been the most enjoyable time of her life and she knew that it would be similar for Nancy. She knew that Nancy was just going to go from strength to strength. "You don't need a good word." Alba laughed, shaking her head a little. "You're so impressive, Nancy. You'll be having your pick of schools. No question." She narrowed her eyes a little, though, looking to her son as he spoke to Iris. Because she didn't understand why Iris wouldn't have told him - she thought that the two of them told one another everything.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Although Iris had known that her mum wouldn't be interested in where she was going for school, it still hurt her to see the other woman take no interest. It wasn't her mothers thing but she thought that she could at least pretend to pay attention. It was probably that thought which put her in an even worse mood when Arlo spoke to her. She had asked for space, some time to get her head wrapped around everything that had been happening ... but she didn't think that, that was something that he was willing to give her. "That's what I just said." Iris huffed, rolling her eyes. A part of her thought that she was being too harsh but she wasn't about to comment on it. Because she didn't think that she owed him an apology.
FH AH AG AG NH: "No." Freddie barked as Grace tried to get him involved, shaking his head. "I'm A positive. Like Jude." He knew what Noah was getting at, of course and he wasn't about to further the lie; he'd never agreed with it and he'd made that clear all those years ago, when the decisions were being made. He went along with it to keep the peace; and because everybody else seemed to have agreed with it. But he didn't like it. And if it was going to come out now, Freddie thought so be it. Noah deserved to know his truth.
FH AH AG AG NH: Ava laughed softly as Jude spoke, but she was definitely starting to feel a little unnerved - she could feel the intensity coming from her son and she didn't get it, she didn't get what he could be getting at... Until he spoke. Her heart dropped into her stomach, she felt sick - but she hid it well. She couldn't let the mask slip now; they had been keeping this secret for twenty years and for good reason. Noah couldn't know who his father was, because they would lose him forever. "You are?" She asked with a forced smile, shrugging her shoulders. "That is weird. Your dad or I must have our blood types wrong."
FH AH AG AG NH: Aaron visibly winced as Noah spoke; there it was. What they'd all been trying to avoid for twenty years was here and if he was honest, Aaron had always known it would be. This secret was impossible to keep forever, even if they'd thought it might've worked when Elias ran away. He felt bad for Noah, because underneath the anger he could definitely sense the upset... It had always been obvious he felt he didn't fit in and this was why. He squeezed Alba's hand, not making eye contact with anybody around the table. He had no idea what was going to happen next, but he knew it wasn't going to be good.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy rolled her eyes as Alba told her to leave Arlo alone; it was typical that Arlo got to be treated like a little prince when he was the one that had messed things up with Iris in the first place. The two girls had always been sisters, as close as could be, but ever since they'd found out about the baby they'd gotten even closer, if it was possible. There was absolutely nothing she wouldn't do for her and Iris's burdens were hers, and vice versa. She couldn't take her eyes off her brother as he spoke, trying to digest what he was saying. "What is going on?" She whispered back to Iris, shaking her head. "Mum?"
FH AH AG AG NH: Arlo was about to tell his mum it was fine, that he didn't want her to have to defend him, when Noah started speaking - and although he didn't quite know what was going on, he definitely sensed that something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes slightly, looking around the table. "But it makes sense for Uncle Jude to be A positive, right? If granddad is?" He shrugged his shoulders, thinking that he was being helpful. Of course, he had no idea that a twenty year old secret was about to be unearthed.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: As Ava quickly tried to cover up, Noah couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You're a doctor. Nancy has the same blood type as you. And like Arlo says - it fucking makes sense so.." He didn't understand why they would lie to his face. When it was so clear that what they were saying was wrong. "Don't lie to my face." Noah huffed, shaking his head. He thought that them keeping, whatever this secret was, for twenty years was one thing but them then lying to him when he was starting to figure it out was something completely different. "Grandad.." He asked, turning to look at him. Since he was the only one who seemed to want to tell him the truth - since Grace had tried to lie to him - "Grandad, tell me what's going on? What am I missing here?" He asked him. He thought that he knew but it felt too barbaric to be the truth. How could they keep something like that from him? It was utterly ridiculous... right? There had to be some kind of explination and he just hoped that his grandad would be the one to tell him the truth. He trusted him to tell him the truth.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: The penny dropped a moment too late for Jude. He realised what was happening just slightly too late. He should've lied. He shouldn't have let Noah catch him out and now they had to lie through their teeth to dig themselves out of whatever it was that was going on. "You're being ridiculous, Noah." Jude snapped, rolling his eyes. He was a Hayes. He was quick to temper and he definitely didn't like feeling like he was getting caught out. Because why had this come out now? How could everything be unravelling now? Noah and Jude had never had the best relationship and he was worried what would happen once his son realised that he wasn't actually his dad.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Grace sighed as Freddie didn't agree with her. She knew that he had struggled with the secret. But the older that Noah got and the more that she realised just how similar Noah and Elias were, she had grown even more confident in her decision. She was sure that if Noah knew that Elias was his father, then she was even more sure that he would follow down that bad path. She thought that they would destroy one another. She was even more scared of Noah finding out now, though. It was clear that he was barely hanging on, after all. "Keep your mouth shut, Freddie. This is not your business." Grace snapped. If the secret was going to be coming out tonight then she definitely didn't think that it was for Freddie to tell Noah.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: As the conversation continued, Alba bit down on her lip, hard, trying to keep herself a little more under control. She missed Elias. She missed him every single day but none more in that moment. She was sure that he would know how to fix it. And, at least, he would be there to support Noah while he found out about this news. She couldn't imagine how it would feel to find out that your uncle was your real father but he was dead. She felt heartbroken for Noah. "This is hell." She whispered to Aaron. She was trying her hardest to not cry but it was difficult. "Arlo..." Alba called over to him, shaking her head a little. She didn't want him getting in the middle of this.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: The more that Iris took in of the situation, the more that she thought that she and Bridie shouldn't be there. They had always been treated as an honorary Hayes but she was well aware that they weren't one of them. She looked over to her mum for a moment. This situation had something to do with Elias. She could see that on her face. Her mother had never really been in a good place but she was better since he had gone away. And any mention of him just seemed to make things worse. "I think you need to stop drinking now, mum." She whispered over to her, quiet enough that only the two of them could really hear - not that she thought anyone else would pay attention. "Oh my god, Arlo, will you shut up? You're not helping." Iris huffed, rolling her eyes. Usually, she found his naivety, his obliviousness a little bit charming but with the mood that she was in and the clear shift in atmosphere, she just found it annoying.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Since getting older and getting deeper into her addiction, Bridie had struggled to feel any negative emotion. She'd turn to alcohol or drugs to numb that feeling. And as the conversation was gearing up to turn towards Elias, she couldn't help but feel guilty. Because the Hayes believed him to be dead and she knew otherwise. She knew he was okay, that he was alive. They hadn't been talking for too long but they had been talking long enough for that. She had just taken a swig when she heard her daughters voice. "Shut up, Iris. Don't tell me what to do." Bridie snapped at her daughter, rolling her eyes.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Fine! Then it's his fucking business!" Freddie shouted, pointing over at Noah with a shaking finger. His temper was rising now, because it seemed so obvious that Noah had figured out the basics and now he thought they all owed him the truth. No, it wasn't going to go well; he was too much like Elias to take this lying down and it would probably be ropey for a while, but it was going to be worse if they continued to lie to him. "Ava." He turned to her, ignoring his son. "He fucking deserves to know. If you don't tell him now, I'm going to." He told her. And he meant it. He thought that much was clear to everybody. The jig was up, there was no hiding this anymore and he thought they were all stupid to pretend it was even a possibility. "Tell him, Ava." His voice softened slightly, trying to reason with his daughter in law in a last ditch attempt. He missed his son so much; and looking at Noah right now was like seeing him again.
FH AH AG AG NH: Ava winced as her son snapped at her, but she got it - because she was lying through her teeth and Noah knew it. Her hands were shaking and she felt like screaming with everything building up inside her, but she knew she had to hold on. She had to manage this situation. She nodded as Jude spoke, but even then she knew it wasn't going to be enough. "We have to tell him, Jude..." She whispered, reaching out to take his hand. Ava's eyes were full of tears as Freddie spoke, because she knew he was right, but she also knew that after she spoke, her son was never going to look at her in the same way again. "Noah..." She began, her voice so quiet it was barely audible. "When we were younger, when we'd just gotten engaged... Elias came to us. He told us he'd gotten some girl pregnant, somebody he barely even knew and she had told him that she wasn't going to keep the baby after it was born. Elias, he... He knew that he wasn't ready to have a baby, he didn't want to be a father, but he felt guilty. He didn't like the idea of the baby being out there, not knowing it was okay, not knowing where it was. Your dad and I offered to adopt the baby, raise it as our own." She took a pause to breathe, a tear rolling down our face. "You have always been our son. From the day you were born. I was the first one to hold you, your dad was the one who carried your little seat into the house." She whispered, wiping away a tear. "But biologically, Elias... He's your father."
FH AH AG AG NH: Aaron let go of Alba's hand for a second as she spoke to their son, but only so that he could wrap an arm around her. He wanted to be able to comfort her as much as possible, because he knew how awful this situation was. He remembered it so well, all of them sitting down and being told what was going on; and he remembered going to visit Ava and Jude when they'd first brought Noah home, how in love with him they'd been. They were his parents, he knew that much - but he didn't think Noah was going to see it like that now. He just wished Noah could see those little moments they'd all been privy to. He was pretty surprised as Ava spoke, but he was glad - because it was only fair that Noah knew the truth about his life.
FH AH AG AG NH: "What the --?" Arlo whispered, shaking his head. His mum had never refused to tell him anything before, even when he'd asked ridiculous questions as a kid. Whatever this was, it was huge. He looked up at Ava as she began speaking, unsure of what she was going to say - but his mouth fell open as the truth was revealed. Whatever he'd expected, it wasn't this... and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Noah wasn't Ava and Jude's son? He was... Elias's? How did that make any sense? And why would Elias have given him up, when they'd been so close? This was a big joke, right? He looked to his mum for confirmation.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy squeezed Iris's hand gently, but it didn't stop the nausea she was starting to feel; something was seriously wrong and she needed to know what. She hated seeing her brother like this. As much as they fought, they'd always been there for each other in the big moments and Nancy wanted to make things better, but she didn't know how. She shook her head as Iris spoke. "Yes, he is." She whispered back. She knew what she was saying, of course - but whatever the truth was, Nancy didn't think it changed the fact that Noah was her brother. As she listened to the truth, though, her eyes filled with tears... Because part of her couldn't believe it. But another part knew how much sense it made.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: As it was finally revealed what it was that Ava and Jude - that everyone - had been hiding , it felt like he'd been punched. "And you all fucking knew?" He growled, looking around at the adults at the table. They'd all known, all lied to him, his entire life. He didn't think that he would trust anyone ever again. He stood up, his chair flying back. "You're -" He shook his head, trying to get the right words. Noah was never someone who thought about what he said before he said it but this time, he wanted to think of the right words. The words that would hurt them more than they were hurting him right now. "You are not my parents." He growled at them, glaring at Ava and Jude in turn. "You're fucking - You're fakes! No wonder she's your fucking favourite. Because i'm not yours. You've never treated me like you treated her and now I fucking know why!" He glared at Jude then, as it seemed to properly dawn on him that the one person who knew him better than anyone else was actually his father and Jude had kept it from him, "I wish you'd died instead of him." He shouted. And in that moment, he really meant it. "You didn't think this was something I would've fucking wanted to know?!"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Get the FUCK out of my house!" Jude roared at his father. He didn't understand how his father could come in here and decide how he was supposed to live his life, how he was supposed to treat his child, what he told his kid. He knew that his dad would never have stood for it when he was his age. And Jude absolutely wasn't going to let him stay in this house after everything that had happened. And as much as he had known that this was going to hurt, when he listened to what jude had to say to him, it was like someone had taken a knife and stabbed him. "We did what we thought was best. We all agreed!"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Oh god..." Alba whispered, closing her eyes. When she was younger, she had always been in the middle of fights like this. She had liked the attention, the drama. Now that she was older, she wanted to fade into the background, to pretend like she wasn't there at all. And then Jude spoke to her father and she shook her head, "That's not - Don't say that, Jude. He was doing what was right." She spoke. Because she really did think so. Alba had known, when Ava and Jude had decided to adopt Noah, when they had told everyone to keep it a secret, that it wasn't her decision to make but that didn't mean that she had liked it. She didn't like it then and she downright hated it now. And it made her miss Elias.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Of course he is. I didn't mean it like that.." Iris sighed. She had heard what she had said as soon as she had said it. But she knewt that Nancy wouldn't be mad at her for it. This whole situation was a mess. "Arlo. This isn't about you. For fuck sake." Iris snapped at him, rolling her eyes. She knew that it wasn't fair. She knew that she was snapping at him because she couldn't snap at anyone else but she had no idea what else to do. She looked across to her mum, "I think we should go." She whispered to her. Though she knew by the look on the other womans face that she was not going to go anywhere. "I'm - I'm going to step outside, Nance." She spoke, looking to her best friend. "If you need me, i'll be just outside but this is - it's a family thing." She smiled at her a little.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Freddie!" Grace shouted at her ex husband. She hated that this was all happening the way that it was and she thought that Freddie was just managing to make it all worse. While everyone was looking at Noah, Grace looked to Nancy. She had always been her favourite - they had, had a special bond from the moment that she was born - and Grace couldn't only imagine what this kind of news would feel like for her. She thought that it was just as much a bombshell for Nancy as it was for Noah. She got up and quickly - as quickly as she could - moved to sit in the seat that Iris had just vacated. She looked to her granddaughter, "Are you okay?" She asked her. She didn't reach out to touch the other though, she thought that Nancy needed to process this news first.
FH AH AG AG NH: Ava jumped slightly as Noah's chair went flying, bracing herself for the anger that she knew was coming. Their son had always had problems trusting people, he'd never felt secure in who he was or his place in the family and she knew this was only going to make it worse; she just kept telling herself that they had to get through this and then she would be able to make it better. "Yes we are, Noah! We're your parents and we've always loved you every bit as much as we love Nancy." It broke her heart that he would even think like that. She felt almost taken aback as Noah spoke to Jude, as though somebody had shoved her and she covered her mouth with her hands, feeling like she was going to burst into tears. "Noah, don't say that. Don't ever say that." She shook her head. She felt a pang of guilt then, though... Because it dawned on her, not for the first time, that Noah really believed Elias was dead. And they knew different. "He didn't want you to know, Noah! He wanted to be your uncle, he never wanted to be your father. We did what we thought was right." She pleaded.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Like hell!" Freddie yelled back at his son, slamming his fist down on the table in anger. "I'm not going anywhere - I'm the only one here on the boys side!" He argued. He wasn't leaving until this was over, until they found some way out of it because despite the front he put up, he really did care about his children and his grandchildren. And Noah was far too much like Elias for him to walk away now. He'd done that once, he wasn't going to let it happen again. "All of us? I don't fucking think so, Jude. I told you from the start I didn't like this. I told you it was wrong! If you'd given that boy a fucking chance to realise he was more than just a fucking junkie he might've stuck around!" And there it was; what Freddie had always thought deep down. He saw the way Elias had loved Noah, how he'd cared for him and been there for him... If they'd given him something to be responsible for, a reason to clean up his act, he might still be there with them now.
FH AH AG AG NH: "It's okay, Al..." Aaron whispered, tightening his arm around his wife, but he didn't know how true that was. People were saying unforgivable things, things he didn't think they'd be able to take back even if they wanted to and he and Alba were just sitting in the middle of it. This was always going to happen, Aaron had always known; secrets could only be kept for so long and especially one of this magnitude. He and Alba had spoke about it a lot, in the early days - how they hadn't agreed with it, how they felt bad for Noah. Especially once they saw the connection he and Elias had had. But it wasn't really as though either of their opinions meant anything. "Do you want to go home?" He whispered to her. He had no idea if she'd want to be here or not, but he would gladly escape with her if she wanted to.
FH AH AG AG NH: Arlo couldn't believe what was happening here; Elias was Noah's father? And nobody had ever told him? Even though they'd all known? When they'd been younger, he had always been jealous over the attention that Noah got from their uncle. He had obviously been the favourite... He guessed that all made sense now. He narrowed his eyes slightly as Iris spoke, confused - he hadn't even done anything and she was angry at him? He sighed, but as she left the room he watched after her... Was this maybe a good time to talk, to get past everything going on? It wasn't like anybody was going to notice him leaving. He got up quickly and walked out after her. "Hey, what the hell was that in there? You going at me over nothing?" He asked, shaking his head.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy felt as though everything she'd ever known was a lie. She'd been the second born, into this perfect family - she'd always known Noah as her big brother and they'd fought like cat and dog growing up, even though they loved each other so much. And now... it was all a lie? He was Elias's? And his mum was somebody who hadn't even wanted to know? She felt sick. Her arms wrapped around herself, protecting both her and the baby from all the arguing going on around it. The blonde looked up as she heard her grandmothers voice, feeling like a little girl again. She shook her head, eyes filled with tears. "Everything is all messed up, grandma..." She whispered. Of course, she wasn't just talking about the Noah situation - and in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be able to tell her grandma, her most trusted confidant, everything that was happening to her... But she knew it wasn't the time.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Noah had always had a bit of an issue with his temper. He'd never really been someone who could reign it in and right now, he was pissed off. Because he couldn't believe that they had all done this. That all of the adults knew the truth and they had been lying to him the entire time. And that his father - his real father - had never wanted him. Elias had been the person that Noah thought understood him better than anyone else ... and even he hadn't wanted him. Not really. And now even his memories with Elias was tainted. Because what more could it be than guilt? He had been his uncles favourite but now Noah was sure that it was just because he felt guilty for not being his father. "Do you ever stop lying?!" Noah shouted at Ava. He had never been this angry with his mum before but the more she lied, the more his temper grew. "No, I do. I fucking mean it. I wish you had died!" He was acting like a child but in that moment, he felt like that. Because his whole life had been a lie. "Thought was right? No. You did what you fucking felt like doing. You did what made you think that you looked like the better person. That's it."
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "I said get OUT! This is my god damn house and you do not get to stay if I do not want you here!" Jude roared. He had never felt anger like this towards his parents but he knew that he couldn't throw it back at his son. He knew that throwing anger at his son would just make the situation worse. He had done what he had thought was right. He had seen the look on his brothers face when he told them that he couldn't raise Noah and he'd done what he could to make the situation better. "Elias didn't want him, Dad!" Jude shouted. He refused to be made out to be the bad guy. He had done what he had thought was right. "You really think that the obligation of a child would make things better for him? Because Noah was right there. If he wanted to get better then he could've! He would've!"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba was used to hearing fights like this. She had grown up around fights like this. But she had never enjoyed them and she hated them even more now that she was older. Because she thought that they were all old enough to act like they were adults. "No. We should stay." Alba sighed, shaking her head. She thought that they all needed someone there to try and keep the peace. And as she listened to the fight between her father and her brother, she sighed a little. "Dad's right, Jude." Because hearing what she had always thought repeated to her, she knew that she couldn't keep quiet. She wasn't going to let Jude make out that she they had all thought that this was the right thing. "You didn't ask our opinion. We just - We had to go along with it." She shrugged.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Grace wanted to fight Freddie, to tell him to leave Jude alone. She thought that their son was dealing with this situation as best he could and people shouting at him wasn't going to make it any easier. But she knew that saying something would just blow the situation up even more and she didn't want that. She was trying her hardest to keep calm. "I know sweetheart." Grace sighed, nodding her had. She could understand how the other was feeling because she was feeling this too. If they were ever going to tell Noah about what had happened, then she thought that it should have been under better circumstances. They could've told him and made sure that things were calm. "But it'll get better , okay?" She told her.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Iris had stepped outside because she thought that this was all a family matter and it wasn't for her to get involved in. She'd be there if things blew up, if she needed to give people a helping hand. But she didn't want to get in the middle of things. And she needed a moment away from Arlo, if she was completely honest. She missed her best friend. But she didn't know how to talk to him... at least not right now, anyway. That was until she heard his voice, though. "Oh my god." Iris sighed, turning to look at Arlo, "What part of 'I need space' do you not understand? That means that I don't want to fucking talk to you!" She snapped at him. "I don't want to talk to you so why are you here? Why are you talking to me?"
FH AH AG AG NH: "I'm not lying!" Ava protested, tears streaming down her face now. And she meant it - she had never loved Nancy anymore than she loved Noah, they were both her children and she'd never thought anything else. "Noah, stop! Stop saying that!" Saying that he wished his father was dead was a step too far, even if she knew how much Noah was hurting right now - Jude didn't deserve that. "We have only ever tried to do what we thought was best for you, Noah. I swear. We wanted you to grow up in a loving home, a stable home, with endless possibilities and you did. Elias wanted that too. He never regretted his decision, Noah. Not once." And she needed him to know that - it had been them, or an adoption agency. Elias bringing him up had never once been an option. "Please Noah, please - we can work through this. I love you. Your dad loves you. You've been my baby since the day you were born, please." She whispered.
FH AH AG AG NH: "FINE!" Freddie roared back, his face red with anger. This was, after all, Jude's house and if he didn't want him in it then that was his right - but Freddie knew that bonds had been broken tonight, things wouldn't ever be the same and he just hoped his son could live with that. "He never HAD to! Because you two took all of the fucking responsibility from him, you let him carry on living his fucked up little life and never having to care about anything or anyone!" His temper was rising with the level of his voice and he didn't think it was going down any time soon. "You should've been honest with that boy from the moment he was old enough. Then maybe you could've avoided this. As it stands... You're lucky if you haven't fucking lost him." He spat the words at his son, turning around with a slight wobble and moving to grab his walking stick. He would walk home if that was what it took - he wasn't about to ask Jude to drop him off, anyway.
FH AH AG AG NH: Aaron nodded - he would do whatever Alba wanted right now, because he could see how much this was affecting her. Doubtless, it reminded her of all the arguments that had happened when she was growing up - one of the things he loved most about Alba was how dedicated she was to making their home a safe and loving space for their son, something she'd never had when she was a kid. And Aaron was onboard completely; he never wanted Arlo growing up with any of the chaos that Freddie and Grace had brought into their childrens homes. "Freddie, you can't walk home - I'll drive you." He said quietly, reaching out a hand to put on his father in laws shoulder gently.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Stop it, Noah! Stop saying that to him!" Nancy burst out, nails digging into her palm as she looked up at her big brother. She knew he was hurt and angry and she thought he was entitled to say a lot of things, but wishing death upon their father was too far. "How can this get any better, grandma?" She sighed, reaching out to hold the older womans hand. She needed the comfort right now and she thought Grace might too. Deep down, Nancy understood why they'd lied... The idea of Noah growing up with a father like Elias scared her; and even if he'd found out when he was a bit older, she thought it would've sent him off the rails. He wouldn't have had any of the opportunities he'd had growing up without their mum and dad. But she knew how much Elias had meant to him. How much this must hurt. Selfishly, Nancy couldn't help thinking about how her parents had reacted... and how they might reaction to her own baby. Would they think adoption was the best thing for him too? Were they going to force her to give it up, tell her it was all worth it because they'd done the right thing with Noah?
FH AH AG AG NH: Arlo's expression changed as soon as Iris started speaking to him, because he genuinely didn't even feel like he knew who this person was - how was this his best friend? This person who didn't even want him around, who looked at him as though he was an annoyance, an irritation. "I wanted to make sure you were okay! Because that's what friends do - or does that not count anymore?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. It certainly didn't feel like they were friends anymore, anyway. "Is that how it's going to work from now on? I tell you something you don't like and you ignore me forever? Pretend we're not best friends?"
FH AH AG AG NH joined the chat
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "You've lied to me my entire life. How am I ever going to believe another word that comes out of your mouth?!" Noah shouted. There was a small part of him, deep down, that was a little scared of the person that he became when that red mist took over. Here he was, looking at the woman that raised him, the woman that he adored and she was crying her heart out and he felt nothing but rage for her. "Just because you don't want to hear it doesn't mean it's not fucking true." Noah huffed, rolling his eyes. He didn't know if he would regret it later but he knew that he meant it in that moment and that was all that was important. "Shut up Nancy! Stay the fuck out of it." He snapped at his sister. He had no idea where this left the two of them but she was still his little sister - at least he was going to treat her as such, anyway. "No. I'm done with the both of you." He huffed, taking a step away from them. "I don't want to see either of you ever again. You kept my dad from me. Why? Because you're fucking selfish. You lost your baby and you wanted a fucking replacement and you thought that, that could be me. And you kept me from the one person who could keep my fucking sane. Because you're selfish assholes!" He was getting louder and louder and the longer that he stood there, the angrier he became.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Keep out of it Alba!" Jude snapped as he heard his sister agreeing with his father. Freddie was the only one that had said something at the time and he wasn't going to listen to his sister trying to rewrite history. "And he didn't want him!" Jude roared back at his father. "He didn't WANT him! It was either me and Ava took him in or he went to a fucking orphanage. Is that what you wanted, Dad? To lose your first fucking grandchild because you thought Elias would be man enough to take him on? Because you've forgotten how fucking fucked he was towards the end? It's fucking insane! The idea of Elias looking after a child is insane!" And he meant it. There wasn't a world where Elias was going to keep Noah. At least, this way, they'd been able to keep him in their lives.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba rolled her eyes as Jude snapped at her. She thought that if the conversation was going to take place with everyone around, then they all deserved a chance to pipe up, to give an opinion. But once again, she was treated like some sort of pest. Like she was an idiot. She had tried really hard to make sure that Arlo never felt like that - at least not with her, not with Aaron. She never wanted him to feel like he had to make himself feel smaller for the people around him. "Yeah, we'll take you home, okay?" She responded to her father, nodding her head. There was no way that she would let him walk home and she loved that Aaron knew that. "Shut up!" Alba screamed, "Stop talking about him like that! Stop it! Just stop!" She had always been her biggest brothers biggest defender and that had only gotten more so now that he wasn't there to defend himself.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: It was taking all of Grace might not to lose her temper at the way that Freddie and Jude were talking one another but as Freddie started to leave, she shook her head a little, "Freddie, sit back down." She snapped at him. She didn't want anyone to leave. Because if people left like how it was right now, then she was sure that things wouldn't be repaired. She had no idea how Noah came back from this, how Freddie and Jude would fix their relationship. And there was a niggle of guilt, at the back of her mind, as she looked at Freddie and Noah and remembered that they didn't know that Elias was alive. She was sure that part of their reaction was due to their grief. "Everyone is emotional right now. It's a shock. But things will calm down." She nodded, squeezing her granddaughters hand gently.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: It took all of Iris' might to let Arlo finish. She was wound up - because of the situation in the other room, because she had no idea how to feel about Arlo but, mostly, because she knew that she was going to have to spend the night cleaning up her mother. Any conversation about Elias meant that Bridie was not going to stop drinking until every bottle in the house was empty. "Don't pretend like what you told me wasn't a fucking bombshell, Arlo. Because it was!" She snapped at him. Sometimes, Iris found it hard to believe that 'love' even existed. And especially the good kind. Love had destroyed her mother. She had watched as Johnnys love for Bridie faded into nothing, into an obligation. Love didn't mean anything, she thought. And she hated that it had come and destroyed one of the most meaningful friendships in her life. "And if you're going to act like this when I tell you I need fucking space, then maybe it's a good thing if we aren't friends anymore."
FH AH AG AG NH: "Because I'm telling you the truth now!" Ava felt as though she was begging and she didn't even care; if begging was what it took to get her son to realise that they'd only done what they thought was right, she'd do it. She wanted to rush over to him as he took a step away, but she knew it would only make things worse. Her mouth fell open slightly as Verity was mentioned... it was a sore spot and Ava was sure Noah knew it. Her hand reached to the necklace around her neck, as it did any time her first baby was mentioned. "Don't, Noah... Don't talk about her right now..." She whispered, shaking her head. She couldn't handle it - and she didn't know what she would say if they continued to talk about Verity. Things she didn't mean, she was sure of that. "He was still in your life, Noah. Just the way he wanted to be. I don't - I don't even want to think about where you'd be if we'd forced him to take care of you." Jude was right; Elias had been so messed up towards the end that he couldn't even take care of himself. She and Jude had been the ones to take care of him, as well as their own two children.
FH AH AG AG NH: "I KNOW you think you did what was right, I fucking know that! And maybe it would've ended badly. I'm not a fucking idiot, I know who my son was. But you made the fucking decision Jude and you reap what you sow; it's time to face the fucking consequences and admit that you lied to the boy for twenty fucking years." Freddie shook his head. He thought a part of Noah might even be right... They had both been so messed up by losing the baby that they'd jumped at the opportunity to fill the gap she'd left, to make up for it by taking care of Elias's son. "I'm not staying here, Grace. I don't have anything fucking else to say. He's not going to listen and I'm not going to change my mind. That's the way it is." Freddie had always been a rash decision maker and that hadn't changed as he'd gotten older.
FH AH AG AG NH: Aaron shook his head as Jude dismissed Alba, unable to help himself; they'd done it as long as he'd known them, all of the Hayes and now he saw them do the same to his son. He hated it, it made him so angry - but he was never going to say anything. He was never going to rock the boat with this family, because he saw how easily you were pushed overboard if you did. "Al, Al - it's okay. You know who he was. You knew him." He said softly, shaking his head. Elias had been... Difficult. And maybe a part of Aaron did agree with what Jude was saying. But he knew Alba was never going to want to hear that.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy nodded her head, but even as she did so her resolve was getting stronger... She couldn't stay here. Not with everything like this. Her parents had lied to her and Noah for twenty years, because they thought they knew best. They'd adopted him, taken him from Elias and whoever his mother was because they didn't think they were capable of raising him and whilst she agreed with that, she was terrified that they wouldn't think she was capable of raising her baby either. What if they took him? If they forced her to put him up for adoption, because they thought they knew best? She had to get out of here, her and her baby... And Iris, if she wanted to come.
FH AH AG AG NH: Arlo knew emotions were high because of everything that had just happened, but he still recognised his emotions as legitimate - he was angry, he was frustrated and he was upset. "Fine! Fine, it was a bombshell - it was a shock, I know that! But I never expected anything back Iris and I made that god damn clear. I told you because I wanted to be honest, I wanted to get it off my chest and yeah... Maybe I wanted to know if you felt the same. But you don't and you know what? That's fine. But this? This is shit. This fucking sucks. I tell you something shocking and you fucking ignore me for weeks on end?!" He snapped back. "Wow." He laughed sadly as Iris spoke again, shaking his head. "So that's it? We're just not friends anymore?"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "And I don't believe you!" Noah countered. He didn't understand what part of that she wasn't getting. She had lied to him for his entire life. How could he ever trust that? And the more she spoke, the more angry he became. It felt like he wasn't allowed to be angry, like he wasn't allowed to be upset about this news. Not only had he learnt that his parents weren't his parents but he had also learnt that his father - the man that he had adored since he was a kid - was his actual father and he had never wanted him. Noah had always felt unwanted. He had always felt like he didn't belong and now, with this revelation, it felt like he was vindicated. It felt like, to him, that he was right. "Why? Does it touch a nerve? You realise just how right I am? You jumped on a chance to have a kid but you couldn't even keep your first child alive. And you've done a bang up job with me, really. Look at me - mother of the fucking century over here." He rolled his eyes. And then, without even thinking about it, he said something he regretted instantly, "Didn't you ever stop to think that the universe was telling you that you shouldn't have kids? That you'd just fuck them up?!"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Jude scoffed as his father spoke, "'Maybe it would've ended badly'?" Jude repeated, "You really think it was fucking fair to let a child be brought up like that? Where his whole life was going to be watching his dad getting high all the time? Struggling to keep sober?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "Dad, we've seen what that does to a kid who has her fucking head screwed on and she's a mess. You think that Noah could've handled that? Because I don't." They'd all seen the affect of an addict as a parent on Iris. He thought that the situation was exactly the same for Noah - except he would've been worse. Because they all had his fathers disease. "But hey, why would Elias ever think to clean up his act when he has you as a parent? You can blame me all you want for what happened but we all know where the blame should really sit."
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba shook her head a little bit as Jude spoke. She hated it. She hated that she could still let her brother get to her the way that he did. That she couldn't stop anyone treating her son the way that she had always been treated. Alba loved her family, with her entire heart, but sometimes she really wished that she didn't. She wished that she could walk away and take her son and husband with her. "He's talking about him like he was this monster. He wasn't a monster, Aaron. He wasn't." Alba sobbed. Her big brother had been everything to her and the idea that Jude could talk such shit about him sent her into a bit of a meltdown. She had never really coped with the grief for Elias. She had just tried to bury it deep down, to try and keep going.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Freddie, you're being ridiculous." Grace sighed. Though as she heard Judes final blow, she turned to look at her son. And she felt like she was looking at someone that she didn't recognise. She knew that she and Freddie hadn't been the best parents. THey hadn't given their children everything and they were absolutely flawed but she thought that talking to him like that was absolutely the lowest of the low. "We are your parents and whatever you think of any of our decisions, we deserve more respect than that, Jude." She huffed, shaking her head.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Iris thought that getting a little space from Arlo would give her a little bit of time to think. But it was like everywhere she turned, he was right there. And she didn't know how to escape it. She didn't know what to think. The way that things were before was perfect. She had her two best friends and she couldn't understand why that needed to change, why Arlo felt like he had to take a bomb to that. "Yeah and that's the thing, isn't it, Arlo? You didn't tell me because you wanted me to know. You told me to clear your fucking head. It was selfish." She snapped at him. She didn't know if she really believed that but she believed it in that moment, anyway. "I think it's probably best, don't you? If you can't even do the one thing that I'm asking you too. If you can't respect me enough for that? Then I don't think there's a friendship here."
FH AH AG AG NH: Looking at Noah right now, Ava felt full of guilt for everything they'd kept from him.. And she even found herself questioning whether or not it had been the right thing to do, even though she'd been sure it was for twenty years now. But as he started speaking about Verity, she saw red. She couldn't help it. She had never felt pain like losing her first baby and she thought about her every single day. Verity had grown inside her, they'd known one another; she'd held her when she was born. How could Noah stand here and say these things? "Stop, Noah! Stop it! Stop talking like that, you don't mean it!" She pleaded, taking a step towards him. Sometimes, she would lay awake at night wondering about just that... If something she had done or hadn't done had killed Verity. And now her own son was throwing it at her, just to hurt her? The last thing Noah said, however, was a step too far. Ava didn't even think about it before her hand flew out and slapped him across the face, jumping back in shock at her own actions. She was wide eyed, face wet with tears and she had no idea what she could even do right now. "I didn't... Noah, I'm sorry..." She whispered, shaking her head.
FH AH AG AG NH: "We could've helped him. You could've helped him, if you cared as much as you say you did." Freddie bit back, shaking his head. Part of him knew that his son was right; they had seen what Bridie had done to Iris and there was a high chance that Elias wouldn't have been any different, but there was a tiny little chance that he might've been. They might've been able to help him along. As Jude spoke his last sentence, Freddie's stomach dropped slightly... Because he'd always known he and Grace hadn't been the best parents, but hearing it put into words... Hearing that Jude had always thought the same... It hit differently. "Who are you right now?" He asked him, shaking his head. "You are not my son. I don't know you at all. And I want nothing to do with you." He told him, his voice dangerously quiet. He picked up his stick and turned first to Grace, then to Aaron. "I'm going home now. If you want to come, fine. If you don't, I'm still going."
FH AH AG AG NH: "I know he wasn't, Al... I know that." Aaron nodded. For all of his faults, Elias hadn't been a monster - and when he remembered the tender way he'd had with Alba, how he had been when things were calm and he'd treated her as a proper little sister, he definitely felt love for the man. Everything seemed to happen all at once - Noah and Jude's parting shots, the slap, Freddie's insistence that he leave... "I think we should go, Al. Take your dad home." He said softly, looking from Freddie to Alba. "We can take you too, Grace. If you'd like." He didn't want to get involved in everything that was happening, but he thought they needed to get out of there now.
FH AH AG AG NH: Where Iris wanted space, Arlo was afraid that not being around Iris would mean there was less chance of repairing their friendship and he knew he was ignoring what she'd asked, but he was just scared. He was worried. "Maybe it was selfish. Maybe it was, and I apologise. But that didn't mean it wasn't true. I - I'm in love with you, Iris. But I'd take being your friend over being fucking nothing!" He sighed. He just wanted to make her realise that he didn't need things to change, he just wanted her in his life. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, now - Iris didn't want him as her friend at all. She was willing to throw everything away because of his stupid admission. "Fine. Whatever you want, Iris." He muttered, feeling as though he was about to burst into tears.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: He barely even flinched as Ava slapped him. A part of him had figured that, that was going to happen after what he had said to her. He knew that Verity was her sore spot and that was exactly why he had picked at it. "Yeah, you just proved every fucking thing that I said, Ava." Noah spat at his mother. He grabbed his phone off of the table, then, figuring that there was no point in staying there anymore. He'd burnt the bridge, well and truly, and he figured that, that was all that he could do there. He glanced at Nancy as he was about to leave, "Love you." He muttered to her, wanting her to know that he still thought of her as his little sister, that anything he said to Ava and Jude had nothing to do with her. The mist cleared enough to give her that, at the very least.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "You think that I didn't try?!" Jude shouted, "I spent every spare fucking second I had helping him! I took him in when he was at his bottom. I did everything I could and none of it was good enough. Don't fucking stand there and tell me that I didn't try!" Jude hated that his father could think that he didn't try and help Elias where he could. He had exhausted himself trying to make things better for him. "Fine. Then get out." Jude huffed. he wasn't going to stand there and beg his father to stay, to love him, to be more than he had been his entire life. It wasn't like Freddie had ever really been a parent, after all. He'd only ever been out for himself.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Alba had always been pretty dramatic. She'd always struggled to deal with any kind of emotion and grief, she thought, was the strongest emotion of them all. She didn't think that she would ever actually be over the death of her brother .She nodded her head as Aaron spoke and moved over to her father, quickly wiping her tears. "We'll take you home dad, okay?" She asked, reaching out to touch his arm. "Or you can come back with us if you'd prefer? If it's easier for you. Whatever you need." And she was instantly back in the caregiver role. It was easier to slip into that, than face how she was really feeling.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: It had been Arlo that had dropped the bombshell. It was Iris who had wanted space and she hated that Arlo just couldn't give her that. She didn't feel like she was ever going to be able to work through what she was thinking, how she was feeling, while spending the same amount of time with him. "Then you should've thought about it, shouldn't you?" She snapped at him, shaking her head a little. "Sure. We'll see if you actually listen this time." Iris rolled her eyes. She spent most of her life trying her hardest to not be like her mother. She didn't want to be like the woman who had caused her so much hurt in her childhood. But her temper? Her temper was definitely like her mum and it scared her sometimes. She wished that there was some way out of all of it.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy watched the interaction between her mum and brother in horror and as soon as she saw Noah get up to leave, she stood up - because she had made up her mind. She had to leave. She didn't know when, but she had to go. And if this was their goodbye... She needed him to know that she lived him. "I love you, Noah." She whispered, putting her hands in either side of his face. "You call me, okay? You let me know you're okay." She stepped back then, letting him go. She knew there was no stopping him and she wouldn't try, anyway - he needed his space. She just hoped he was going home, she didn't want him to go and do something completely self destructive.
FH AH AG AG NH: Ava couldn't even say anything as she watched her son walk away from her, she just sunk into the chair nearest to her and put her head in her hands, silent sobs shaking her body. This was the stuff of her worst nightmares, everything she'd hoped would never happen and she had no idea how they came back from it. She wanted everybody out of her house, but she didn't have the energy to tell him. She might've just lost her son... How was somebody supposed to cope with that?
FH AH AG AG NH: "I'm going to my own house, Alba." Freddie shook his head. He knew his daughter was trying to take care of him and he appreciated it, but he wanted to be on his own - he didn't want to think about what had happened, he didn't want to talk about it. He wanted to drink himself into oblivion and pass out in front of the TV. If Grace wanted to stay with him, he would let her - but she was the only one. Even though they'd been arguing, they would always have that bond and he knew it.
FH AH AG AG NH: "I'll go and start the car." Aaron said quietly, leaning in to kiss his wife on the cheek before he moved towards the front door. He was glad to get out of there, if he was honest - he felt like he could breathe a little easier and he knew that he, Alba and their son needed to get home and talk about everything that had happened. They needed to explain to Arlo why they had kept this from him, when the rule in their house had always been total honesty. There was a lot that needed to happen, but it could all wait until they got home.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Yeah. Maybe I should." Arlo said quietly, shrugging his shoulders. He couldn't believe everything had turned out this way... And he wished that he had just kept his mouth shut, kept his feelings to himself, but he hadn't. They were out there - and they had ruined everything. He really did feel like he was about to cry and he didn't want to do it in front of her, so he turned and headed back into the house, arms folded across his chest. "Mum?" He asked, looking around at the utter carnage in the room. It seemed as though things had gotten even worse since he'd left and yet he couldn't imagine how.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Noah wasn't a very soft person and it wasn't very often that his softer side came out but he had such a soft spot for his little sister. He had been her main protector since the very moment that she had been born. They had been raised as siblings and he wouldn't see her as otherwise. Even if, technically, she was just his cousin. He nodded his head as Nancy spoke, "Yeah. I'll call you." He sighed. "Not tonight." He didn't know where he was going , what he was going to do but he knew that he needed to get out of there. He needed to have some space. He needed to not be so god damn sober. Ever since Elias had died, he had never been far from his thoughts but he couldn't get the older man out of them as he walked out of his childhood home. His uncle, his best friend, his hero... was his father. He had always felt a bond with Elias that was stronger than anything he had felt for Jude and now it just made sense.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Jude didn't know what to do. It was liked everything had been blown up and he had no idea where to start to make things better - he didn't want to. He was too angry. His father had pushed him to the limit and he had barely even heard what Noah had said to Ava and he didn't really had it in him to comfort her right now. Their entire world had just been shattered. He had no idea how anyone was supposed to come back from this.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Okay. It was just a suggestion." Alba sighed, shrugging her shoulders. She didn't like the idea of her dad being on his own tonight but she knew that there was no point in pushing it. She knew that he would never appreciate that. "I love you." She whispered to Aaron as he kissed her cheek. As she took in the sight of her sister in law, though, Alba knew that she couldn't leave just yet. "I'll be out in a second." She spoke before she moved over to Ava and wrapped her arms around her, enveloping her into a hug.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Well, i'm not going back to my house on my own. I'll stay with you, Freddie." Grace shrugged. Though she and Freddie had separated a long time ago, she still loved him. She thought that he was the big love of her life. She had, had relationships before but nothing compared to how she had felt for Freddie. And she didn't want to be on her own tonight. Not for the first time, she wanted to tell Freddie about Elias. She had been so tempted too since she'd first heard from him. But then her loyalty to her son always won out. If this was the only way she was going to have contact with him then, selfishly, she was going to keep it.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Iris rolled her eyes, "Go be with Ivy, Arlo. She actually wants to be with you." She thought that, that would solve things. She thought that, that would mean that she didn't have to worry about how she felt anymore. If he was with Ivy, then it solved everything. As soon as Arlo was out of sight, she moved to rest against the house, eyes closed tightly. She didn't want to cry but it did feel like the nail in the coffin. How could their friendship bounce back from this? How could they move on from everything that had been said tonight? She hated that she was unable to be what he wanted, that she couldn't just give him what they both wanted.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy nodded - the promise of a call was all she needed, she knew by now that nobody could make Noah stay somewhere he didn't want to be, so all she wanted was to know he was safe. She looked around then, realising that she hadn't seen Iris in a while - she knew the other had wanted to give them some space, but this seemed extreme. In the midst of all the chaos, she slipped out of the back door and looked for her friend, brushing past Arlo as he made his way back inside grumpily. She moved over to her best friend and placed a hand softly on her shoulder, raising an eyebrow. "What happened there?" She asked quietly. Whatever it was, she could already tell it wasn't good.
FH AH AG AG NH: "I love you too, Al." Aaron smiled at his wife, squeezing her arm gently as he made his way outside to get the car started. He passed his son as he went, immediately sensing that something was wrong with him. "We're going to head off home, son. Wanna come and help me get the car round?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. He didn't really need the help, but he didn't think Arlo would appreciate having to go back into all of the chaos. When his son nodded, he put an arm around his shoulders and they made their way to the car together - Aaron was glad of the excuse to have a few moments to catch his breath, think about everything that had just happened. He knew they'd have a lot to explain when they got in.
FH AH AG AG NH: "Fine." Freddie nodded. As much as he and Grace could be at each others throats, they pretty much had an open door policy; they would be there for one another at any time, any place and especially on nights like tonight. He thought they'd probably have a lot to talk about, anyway. He loved and trusted Grace more than anyone in the world, he knew he always would - it was just easier for them to be apart, so they didn't make each other completely miserable.
FH AH AG AG NH: Iris's comment definitely stung for Arlo; because he had told her about what had happened with Ivy in confidence, he had admitted it because he wanted to be honest... And now she was throwing it back at him? "Fine! Maybe I will!" He snapped back, fists clenched by his side. Maybe Iris was right, at least Ivy did want to be with him - and they had a good time together, after all. He wanted to say something else, something that would make Iris see sense, but he couldn't think of anything - and so he turned and walked back in, happy to bump into his father on his way so that he could get out of there as quickly as possible. When he was in the car, he felt as though he could actually breathe again.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Fine!" Iris shouted back at him. And it hurt. It hurt more than she ever really thought that it would but she knew that she couldn't admit that now. Arlo should be with Ivy. They made sense. She and Arlo didn't. They were destined to be best friends. That was what she was telling herself, anyway. It was easier to tell her that, that was how things were. "Arlos a fucking idiot." Iris sighed, rolling her eyes. A part of her knew that he hadn't really done anything wrong but yet she was still annoyed at him. "I can't fucking stay here, Nancy. Not after - My mums gonna be in a fucking state. I don't want to deal with that. I need -" She shook her head, not sure what she needed, "I need to get out"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Call me later, okay? I'm gonna get dad home.." She sighed as she let go of Ava. She couldn't help but wonder how this situation would've gone if Elias was there. Would he have been able to make things better? Would Noah have been so mad if he was alive and not dead? Alba had no idea. But she knew that she missed her brother as much that night as she had the day that he had disappeared. "Come on." She sighed at her parents. For once, she didn't really have much to say. She was tired and she wanted to be at home with her family.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Grace nodded her head. She figured that she didn't need to ask. No matter what happened with one another, they never had to ask. Not for something like this. Grace wondered how Freddie would react if Elias ever came back. Would he ever be able to forgive her? She had no idea. But she hoped that their relationship would stand. She hoped that it wouldn't shatter the years of love and trust that had always lived between the two of them.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: When Noah left the house, he had no idea where to go. He didn't want to go home. He didn't have many friends - none that he trusted with this news - so where could he go? He didn't even register that he was walking towards Mias place. She was the one person that he trusted more than anything. And sure, he had treated her terribly. He didn't deserve to turn up at her doorstep when he needed her but he knew that it probably didn't matter. A part of him knew that Mia would probably drop anything if he turned up at her door in this state .. and he needed that. So many people wrote him off because of who he was, because of his name. Mia never had.
FH AH AG AG NH: "I already knew that part." Nancy rolled her eyes, but she sighed sadly; she thought what Arlo had done was ridiculous, ruining a perfectly good friendship just because he couldn't keep his feelings in check. She knew how much Iris needed that friendship; to keep her grounded, to feel safe and happy and her age... And now he'd ruined it. Nancy felt so angry at him for that. Her heart jumped slightly as the other spoke; because this was exactly what she'd been thinking, what she'd been telling herself. She couldn't stay here. "So then let's go. Let's just... Go." She whispered urgently, looking back to the window to make sure nobody was listening to them. "I can't stay here, Ris. I can't. They're going to make me give up the baby just like they made Elias give up Noah and I... I can't. I have to go. We could go together."
FH AH AG AG NH: Mia hadn't expected Ben to meet her outside the library, but she definitely appreciated somebody to walk home with and his company never went amiss - she had absolutely never expected anything to happen between them, but she was having a good time. Things with him were easy and fun and he was so sweet to her. "You're really about to see something special when we get in here, you know? I call it... Uni Student Misreads Deadline and Spends All Night Writing Essay." She laughed, raising an eyebrow. She reached in her pocket for her keys, but noticed right away that somebody was standing outside the apartment. "...Noah?" She asked softly, taking a step towards him. It was clear he wasn't in a good state and she had no idea what was going on.
- joined the chat 21 hours ago
GH BS JH AG NH IS joined the chat
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "All I wanted was a little bit of space and he can't even give me that. What the fuck?!" Iris sighed, rolling her eyes. Because, she thought, that it wasn't that big of a thing to give her space when he'd thrown this huge, world altering news at her. She was a strong person but that didn't mean that she didn't need people around her. Arlo and Nancy were two of the most important people in her life. She couldn't understand why he would be so willing to change everything now. Iris' eyebrows raised as Nancy said that they should leave. It was what she wanted, more than anything, but there was a logical side of her that needed to figure things out first. "Where would we go?" She asked her. Because as much as she had been saying that she wanted to leave, she had no idea if they even had any sort of option. "I have some money left from my birthday... we can use that."
GH BS JH AG NH IS: As soon as Noah saw that Mia was with Ben, he felt his temper flare up. Because how could she be with him when she had told him that he meant as much as she had said? Was that all a lie too? He crossed his arms over his chest, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter. It was fucking stupid coming here." he huffed, rolling his eyes. The fact that Ben had seen him even a little bit vulnerable pissed him off. And he wanted to get out of there ... but once again, he was stuck. He didn't have anyone to turn too. He'd usually go to his grandad - after Mia - but even he had betrayed him. Even if Freddie had been the one to get Ava and Jude to tell him the truth, the man had still hidden this from him. He had no-one.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy's resolve only hardened as Iris asked where they would go; because that meant she was actually considering it, she was thinking about what they would do and where they could go... And she really thought it could work. She thought they could do it. "I have some savings... I'd been putting it all aside for my auditions, but my grandma wanted to pay for them. There's about five hundred pounds in my savings account." She shrugged. Her grandma had told her to put it towards her future - and surely this counted? It was her future with her baby. "My auntie. I mean - my great auntie. Grandma's sister. We could go to her. In Edinburgh." She said quietly, looking at Iris to see what she thought. It sounded crazy, she knew that... But her great auntie had always doted on her and they could afford to get down there, if she'd lend them some money once they arrived.
FH AH AG AG NH: The last thing Mia had expected to arrive home to was Noah outside the flat, but straight away she could tell that he needed her and she just... Couldn't turn him away. She didn't think she'd ever be able to. She loved him, even though they weren't together right now she was still in love with him and when he was this broken, she was always going to be there. "Of course it matters, Noah..." She said softly, chewing down on her lip as she turned to look at Ben. "Do you think you could head off home?" She asked him, feeling guilty even as she said it. "I think I just - would that be okay?" She knew, really, she shouldn't be asking the guy she was dating to go home so that she could spend time with her ex, but she couldn't think like that right now.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Iris nodded, taking in what it was that Nancy was saying. Edinburgh. That was far enough away, she thought. It would at least give them a little bit of time to get their head wrapped around everything that was happening before they had to worry about their parents finding them. She pulled out her phone and opened the trainline app. "There's a train for Edinburgh in..half an hour." She sighed. She looked up at Nancy again, "Do you think that's enough time? Get a bag of our stuff together - tell your mum and dad you're staying with me. Mine won't even realise that we're gone." She shrugged. The more she thought about it, the more plausible it was becoming. Iris didn't even feel like she needed to question why Nancy wanted to leave. The bomb from tonight, she thought, was enough.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Noah was about to leave when Mia told Ben to leave and he glared at the other, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, fuck off." Noah huffed as he looked to Ben... who simply nodded his head. He didn't understand what Mia saw in him. He didn't get why she would be interested in someone who was so plain, so boring. But he couldn't think about that. All he could really think about was everything that had just happened. He wanted to tell Mia but he wasn't going to do that while Ben was still there. His felt dizzy and jittery. He needed something a little more than just being sober but he knew that he couldn't think about that right now. One thing at a time.
FH AH AG AG NH: Nancy thought Edinburgh was just far away enough that nobody would think to look for them there, but it meant that they still had a source of belonging, a grown up that would look after them if they needed it... It was perfect. "That's enough time." She nodded, although she hadn't really thought about it - it had to be enough time, because she needed to get out of there as soon as she could. "I'll drive us there - I can leave my car at the station." She nodded, the cogs in her head turning. She felt terrified at the idea of being on her own, but then she thought... She wasn't really alone. She had Iris and the baby and the three of them would always be there for each other. This was the right thing to do. "We should - let's go and grab my stuff now. Then I'll drive us to yours." She nodded, placing a hand over her stomach as though telling the baby it was all going to be okay soon.
FH AH AG AG NH: Mia frowned slightly as Noah spoke to Benjamin, but she knew he wasn't really thinking straight right now - she could tell that much, even if she had no idea what was actually going on. "I'll call you later." She muttered, taking the keys out of her bag and taking a step towards Noah. "Come on, let's go inside. Everybody's out." She told him, putting a hand on his shoulder gently. She was so worried about him, she didn't think she'd ever seen him like this, even when he'd spoken about Elias... Something was definitely very wrong.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: If Iris was completely honest, she didn't really think that anyone would miss her all that much. She thought that her mum was too much of a mess to care and she had completely destroyed everything with Arlo. The only one she thought that might even notice was Johnny. She had no idea if he would notice any time soon, though. Not if she texted him to tell him that she was going out of town for a few days. She just hoped that he wouldn't question it too much. She nodded her head. "Yeah, that sounds like we have a plan, then." She felt dizzy with how quick the plan had taken place but she definitely thought that it was needed. They needed to get out of there, to stand on their own two feet. "I'm gonna wait out here. I don't want to talk to my mum. Don't be long, okay?"
GH BS JH AG NH IS: "Don't.." Noah snapped as Mia took a hold of him. He didn't want to be controlled. He wanted to be there, he wanted to be with Mia. But he did not want to have someone telling him what to do, where to go. Once the door was closed, he spoke, "They fucking lied to me." He huffed. "My entire life. They lied to me." Because that was all that was going around in his head. They lied. And now he was having to deal with the fact that his entire family hid the biggest secret in the world from him. "Ava and Jude .. they're not my parents." He huffed.
FH AH AG AG NH: After everything that had happened tonight, Nancy felt as though she didn't even know who her parents were; and regardless of whether or not they would miss her, she couldn't risk losing her baby because they thought they knew best. She wouldn't have that happen. "Yeah, okay... Okay." She said quietly, wrapping her arms around herself as she headed back into the house. Nobody even looked up, they were all so focused on their own things and she slipped past them and straight up to her room. She barely even looked at what she was throwing into her bag; bits and pieces of clothing, some makeup, a birthday card she'd kept in the draw that had a £50 note in from her granddad. She quickly changed out of her dress and into something more appropriate for travelling, pulling on a big coat so that nobody could see the bump. She'd moved so quickly that she didn't even realise her hands were shaking. She ran back downstairs, barely pausing to tell them she was staying at Iris's before she went back out to her friend. "Let's go."
FH AH AG AG NH: "Okay." Mia nodded, immediately drawing back - she wasn't going to force her comfort on him, even though her natural instinct was to try and take care of him. She couldn't help it, it was the Saracen in her. She knew she had to hold back, though; if he was going to let her help him. She turned to him as the door closed, narrowing her eyes slightly; trying to understand what he was saying. "Who did?" She asked, confused. Her mouth fell open slightly at the last part though and she shook her head, as though trying to get everything straight. "What... Do you mean?" She asked, her voice quiet. "But they - what?" She asked.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Even though it couldn't have been longer than a couple of minutes, it felt like she had been waiting for hours for Nancy to come back outside. She had managed to book the two of them their train. And then she just waited ... and waited ... and waited. A part of her wondered if Nancy had changed her mind, if she wasn't going to be coming back out at all. "Oh thank god." Iris sighed as Nancy came back outside. She had been making a mental list of things that she needed before Nancy had gotten outside. She knew where everything was. She just needed to get there, now. "Come on." She muttered, taking her friends hand and tugging her towards where the car was parked.
GH BS JH AG NH IS: Noah saw the look of shock on Mias face and he felt like laughing. Because this situation was so crazy, so ridiculous, that of course she wouldn't understand. Why would she? he was still struggling to get his head wrapped around everything that was going on. "Elias." He breathed, his voice cracking. "Elias is my father." And once that sentence was out, he crumbled. Noah had never felt this weak. He had never let anyone close to him like Mia. And right now was one of those situations where he couldn't even control it. He felt safe here. He couldn't stop this even if he tried. "Elias is my dad and they fucking LIED!"
1 note · View note
you thought u can escape my live reaction you thought wrong haha
Magnus had always been surprised by how easily Alec could forgive people.
like every alec will forgive easily. even imim!alec after traumatizing his problems were like you go on with your life i with mine live love laugh
Clary shoved him gently and then nodded. "You weren't here to give us notes on how to deal with them."
alec's guide on how to deal with the lightwood siblings: bail them out of jail, provide the occasional cuddle, dont ignore brunch
"Hi, honey. I'm home." Alec joked with a smile on his face.
wouldnt it be iconic for magnus to replay "hi home im magnus" back
His boyfriend raised his head from his lap and pouted at him. "I want to talk to you some more."
me collecting pouting alec like crumb cuz of secret reasons magnus was folding here but i absolutely would lmaooo
He showed Magnus the tongue like a child and strolled towards their bedroom.
Magnus laid on the couch and put both his hands behind his head. He waited for a few minutes before he heard footsteps coming toward him and found Alec standing in front of the couch with an even bigger pout on his face.
they are insufferable
Alec was always very loud in bed, always screaming and moaning, letting Magnus know how he felt.
headcanon that magnus like to make alec scream oh wait thats actually canon i refuse otherwise
“You’re allowed to move on if something ever happens to me.” Alec said after an hour of silence.
this is the worst pillow talk ive read in history alec what are you doing also excellent foreshadowing
"Yes. Nothing I can't handle."
top ten moments before disaster
Alec took a deep breath. "Ragnor and everyone told me some things."
top five moments before disaster
Magnus exhaled loudly and threw his hands in the air. "Alec!!!!. Live a little. Stop being so boring."
top three moments before disaster. also i relate to alec cause too many call me boring but like im too bored out to care
Rachel frowned at him. “Magnus is not at the studio.”
its not even disaster its an apocalypse at this point its all crumbling down so bad
“I’m here baby. I’ve been here all this time.” Alec exhaled. “But you—you just don’t see me anymore.”
this sound like break-up talk but also the most dramatic break-up talk ever alec has to turn around to drop the mic hes a chaotic gay
Magnus let out a dry chuckle. "Yeah. It's not like a building fell on you."
if your ex boyfriend hasnt had a building dropped on his head when trying to save your fake fiance, are you really living?
It's not how Magnus would ever want their last words to be.
but isnt it funny if alec's dead and in heaven the angels look at him and what his final moments and like thats rough buddy
"Who are you?" Alec asked in his direction, and Magnus stopped breathing.
k-drama lead convenient amnesia serve lets gooooo
Alec's eyes crinkled at the corner, and suddenly the confusion was replaced by a grin—and he started laughing.
or not...little shit alec my beloved
"He can stay with me." His voice rang around the room.
i can hear the audience cheer and clap and collective sigh in the background. im sensing a sitcom. alec the impatient patient and magnus the tired of this bs. they communicate in stares and when they say something hurtful the audience put a censored sound over it
next on survive breaking your ex's heart while you're living with them (first alec, second magnus)
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I missed your reactions so much lol. They give me so much serotonin lmao.
“Hi home. I’m Magnus.” PLSSSSS. This is so stupid and soft at the same time lol.
Also yes they are insufferable. And will continue to be so in every timeline.
Alec always was, and always will be a chaotic gay. You’re going to love him in the actual breakup scene lol. + little shit Alec supremacy.
The top ten/five/three moments before disaster made me laugh so hard bro.
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aethes-bookshelf · 3 years
three times you’d met & a fourth you remembered || Mirio/Reader
This took me SO LONG to finish and I don’t even know why. Also it’s 3 am where I live and I should be asleep. Do with that what you will.
Quoting the great @readwithcindy:
Bone Apple Titty.
Pairing: Mirio x Reader
Warnings: none, this is just pure fluffy goodness
AO3 link
The weather was unusually good for a late fall afternoon; the sun was still out, the birds were chirping and there was this nice breeze – not too cold, not too warm. School kids had just finished their club activities and were on their way to their homes. Some were walking with friends, some alone, but all of them were happy about the next few hours of complete freedom. Mirio wasn’t an exception. He hummed cheerfully while walking down the street. He was strangely happy, even for himself. But how could he not be, when his classes went well, he had fun with the people from his club and he started getting a better grip on how exactly his Quirk worked. It had been a great day, for better or for worse.
Mirio noticed a single orange butterfly – probably one of the last of the year. It fluttered around right above Mirio’s head. He stopped to look at it. The grin on his face just got bigger.
But apparently his happiness wasn’t something to cherish to some people. Mirio’s upperclassman, a guy slightly taller and stockier than him, bumped right into him despite the street around them being relatively empty; then he grumbled something about 'stupid second-years'.
Mirio’s bag tumbled to the ground. He stared at it for a moment before letting out an exasperated sigh. Such a small thing ruining his day? Never. That wouldn’t be his style at all. He could never be a hero who’d save a million people if he let some stupid jerk ruin his good mood.
He leaned down to pick up his school bag, and his fingers brushed someone else’s. That mysterious someone was also trying to pick up his bag. They had a bright orange bracelet on their wrist; but their uniform was a deep shade of green. Interesting combination, Mirio thought.
‘How’s it going?’ he asked.
'Pretty good! Oh, and sorry for that guy. He pretends to be all tough, but he’s a sweetheart deep inside.' The girl in front of him was speaking really fast. She was still holding his bag, gesturing wildly with her free hand.
'I’m not a sweetheart' mumbled the guy behind her.
'Yes you are, Keiki!' she turned back to Mirio. 'The girl he likes rejected him today, so he’s in a bad mood.'
'Why’d you tell him that?!'
'Because you owe him an apology for just bumping into him like that.'
'No problem.' Mirio shrugged slightly, still smiling. 'I don’t let stuff like that get to me.'
'That’s good.' She smiled back. 'I wish I could say the same thing.'
They finally got up. She passed Mirio his bag.
'Well then, have a good day,' she said.
'Thanks, you too!'
She hurried after her friend. They both were out of sight just as quickly as they’d appeared.
Mirio was beaming. He knew his day was still a good one. And now that a cute girl had helped him pick up his bag – even though he was perfectly capable of doing that himself – it started to change into a great one.
The orange butterfly fluttered above Mirio’s head.
* * *
It was Mirio’s first day at U.A. The welcoming ceremony had just finished, and he was walking back home.
Tamaki was right by his side, flustered by all the attention they had gotten from their new classmates. And while he had a small, subtle smile dancing on his lips, Mirio was sporting the biggest grin; he didn't think he’d ever smiled that much in his life.
‘I can’t believe we’re finally starting our hero course for real. And we’re in the same class!’ Mirio said. There was a spring to his step. ‘I mean, don’t get me wrong, I knew we’d both make it, but it still seems unreal, you know? It’s like a dream come true! Well, not that it isn’t…' Mirio laughed sheepishly. 'I’m rambling again, sorry.’
A small, orange butterfly flew right behind them.
‘It’s okay. I like hearing you talk,’ said Tamaki. ‘It’s pretty amazing how much you can say without running out of things to talk about. I wish I could do that.’
‘Oh, don’t sulk, Tamaki! I’m sure you’ll learn. Besides, it’s not like you never know what to say, you’re just afraid of talking too much.’
‘It’s not… I…’ Tamaki stuttered a bit. ‘Maybe you’re right,’ he said.
Mirio laughed a bit.
‘You worry too much. People like you, I mean it. You’re cute and talented, and you’re a genuinely good person. You just have to give yourself a chance.’
‘It’s easy for you to say. You already shine so brightly it’s blinding. You’re going to become the hero everybody wants to be. And me…’
Mirio stopped walking. He looked way more serious now. He took Tamaki by the shoulders and looked him directly in the eyes.
‘Listen – if not to yourself, then to me. I’ve told you many times, you’re great! And you’re going to become an even greater hero. Do you trust me enough to believe that?’
Tamaki looked away and nodded slightly.
‘That’s the spirit! Now come on, we have to celebrate. How about we get some ramen, huh? What do you say?’ Mirio wrapped an arm around Tamaki’s shoulder.
‘I’ve heard that a new ramen place opened somewhere around here,’ said Tamaki. ‘Maybe we could eat there? If you wanted to…’
‘Sure!’ said Mirio. He looked around the street. ‘Where exactly is it?’
‘It should be somewhere straight ahead.’
‘Alright. Do you know what it’s called?’ asked Mirio. ‘Probably something to do with ramen. Maybe something simple like… Wait a minute!’
‘Wait a minute?’
‘No!’ Mirio leaned forward. ‘Isn’t that one of our senpais?’
He pointed towards a huge guy wearing a U.A. uniform. He was towering over a girl in a dark green uniform Mirio didn’t recognise. It seemed like she was teasing the guy; he was blushing like crazy. But even though he was embarrassed, he seemed happy. And so did she. Her face was split by the biggest, brightest smile he’d ever seen. He felt his heart skip a beat.
‘And who’s that girl? She’s really cute!’
‘Mirio!’ Tamaki whisper-yelled. ‘You shouldn’t say that so loudly. They might hear!’
As if on cue the big guy glared at them, but the girl didn’t seem to mind, so he kept on walking.
Mirio heard her talking really, really fast.
‘I mean, if you want to buy that plushie then buy it. Those jerks from your class shouldn’t stop you. Just because they’re too cowardly to admit they like cute stuff too doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it. Besides,’ she lightly elbowed her friend’s side ‘there’s nothing more manly than challenging stupid stereotypes like this one. 'Guys can’t like plushies'. BS, I say!’ She was gesturing wildly. There was an orange bracelet on her wrist.
The guy sighed heavily.
‘I guess you’re right’.
‘See? Now let’s go get you that plushie, Keiki!’
‘I’m gonna talk to them,’ said Mirio.
‘What?’ Tamaki looked genuinely frightened.
‘I’ll go talk to them.’
‘What? No, Mirio, wait!’
But Mirio was already leaving. He approached the pair and smiled.
Keiki glared. ‘What do you want?’
‘Don’t be rude!’ said the girl.
‘It’s fine!’ Mirio chuckled. ‘I just wanted to ask about this new ramen restaurant that opened somewhere around here. Do you happen to know where it is? My friend,’ he gestured towards Tamaki, who looked like he wanted to die ‘and I completely forgot it’s name and now we’re lost.’
‘We don’t know any restaurants. Go away,’ said Keiki.
‘But Keiki, isn’t it that one ramen shop we went to last week?’
Now it was Keiki’s turn to wish for death.
‘Were you planning to go to 'Silver Dragon'?’ she asked Mirio.
‘'Silver Dragon'... Yes! Thank you for reminding me.’
‘It’s just down the street to the right. It has a big silver dragon on its front. You can’t miss it.’
‘Again, thank you. Have a nice day!'
‘You too!’
They left. Mirio came back to Tamaki.
‘She was so cute!’ Mirio sighed. ‘I should’ve asked for her number.’
Tamaki only looked down and muttered something under his breath.
‘What was that?’
‘Nothing. Let’s just go.’
* * *
The first semester passed by way too quickly for Mirio’s liking. Three months gone, just like that. A part of him knew he was falling behind his classmates. Everyone’s Quirks were great; he felt a bit out of place with how simple his own was. Not that Mirio didn’t know how to use it – he pretty much mastered all the basics and even some of the more advanced moves. The problem was that even after all this time, he couldn’t figure out how to phase through stuff only partially. He was quite sick of literally pummeling into the ground because he tried to make his arm phase through a wall. Mistakes like this had gotten pretty embarrassing during class; especially if he’d happened to be wearing sweats instead of his usual hero costume. He’d laugh and joke his way out of the majority of those situations, but he was slowly getting fed up with making the same dumb mistake over and over again.
For the first time in a while, Togata Mirio was frustrated.
He’d asked one of his friends from the support department for a simple tracksuit made from the same material as his hero costume. He’d been taking it to the nearest park ever since he got it. Mirio would go there every evening – no exceptions – and train well into the night. Most of that time was spent just phasing through everything he could find; from trees and benches to bigger rocks. He’d usually focus on a specific body part. Somedays he’d use just his hand or arm, or calfs. He’d worked himself into exhaustion more times than he could count.
Tonight wasn't any different. He started with just a few laps around the park. He made it a point of honor for himself to do all of them without stopping or slowing down. He ended up slightly out of breath, but proud. And so, after going through about one third of his water supply, he moved onto the real thing.
His regime was so repetitive it was almost boring. Tonight Mirio was supposed to focus on gaining better control of his quirk in his upper body – mostly shoulders up. He knew he looked silly with his head constantly popping out of random trees, but he kept going. He started to notice that with each rep his feet would stink less and less into the ground. He couldn't help but smile.
And then he nearly rammed his head into someone's shoulder after phasing through a particularly old tree.
It turned out that person was a girl. She shrieked to high heavens and jumped away. The big black dog she had on a leash started barking.
'Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to scare you,' said Mirio. He ignored the warmth in his cheeks. 'You see, I was just training my Quirk control.'
'It's fine don't worry,' she said after a minute or two.. She scratched behind her dog's ear to calm him down.
Mirio noticed a bright orange bracelet on her wrist. He’d definitely seen it somewhere before.
'You just surprised me, that’s all,’ she finished.
Then there was a long, painfully awkward silence. 
Mirio took the opportunity to discreetly get a better look at the girl. There was something familiar about her – something in her posture and the glint in her eye, but he couldn't exactly put a finger on what it was.
And then she smiled, and Mirio felt like something almost clicked into place in his brain.
'You seem familiar, you know? Like I've seen you somewhere before,' he said.
'Really?' she furrowed her brows.
'Really.' It was Mirio's turn to smile. 'Maybe we're going to the same school and just haven't talked before?'
'I don't think so… I would've remembered someone like you.' She flashed that smile again. 'Which school do you go to?'
'U.A.' Mirio pretended her remark didn't make him blush even more. He was probably overthinking it. Someone as loud as him wasn’t hard to miss. She definitely meant that, nothing more.
Her expression changed.
'My friend goes there too! I walk him home sometimes. You must have seen me then.'
Mirio hummed lightly. His brain was working overtime to remember where – or at least when – he'd seen her, but there was nothing. It felt like he was missing just one crucial detail that would complete the picture. Who was her friend again?
A small orange butterfly sat on her dog’s nose. He sneezed. The girl gently patted his head.
'You're probably right,' he finally said with a casual smile. 'Well, I won't take any more of your time. But remember, the next time you come to pick up your friend, I'll find you, and you'll have to talk to me again.'
She chuckled.
'Is that a threat or a promise?'
'Maybe a little bit of both.’ Mirio suddenly felt sheepish. This wasn’t like him. ‘But don't worry, I'm just kidding.'
There was a playful glint in her eyes.
'Well… If you're going to keep that threat-o'-promise, then look for a dark green uniform next time you're at school!'
'Dark green, huh?' Mirio cocked a brow. Not remembering where he’d seen her before was getting frustrating. Maybe it was a ramen shop? 'I surely will. Have a nice day!'
'You too.' 
And just like that, she was gone.
Mirio went back to his training, but he couldn't focus anymore. His feet kept sinking into the ground.
* * *
The hot summer sun knew no mercy, and Mirio was starting to regret choosing such a thick material for his costume. Sure, it was necessary for protection and the big not-fighting-naked thing but wearing it got nearly unbearable during the scorching hot summer time.
He’d been patrolling for the better part of two hours now and the heat was starting to really get to him. Sweat broke out on his forehead and his palms felt like the Niagara Falls. Mirio silently thanked Sir Nighteye for distracting him via checking up on him every half an hour. It made it all easier to ignore how gross he felt – at least a bit. Plus it made sense to be checking up on him so frequently; this was only his second patrol ever. And, just like on the first, everything was calm. Almost weirdly calm. Like Sir purposefully sent him to this part of town to make sure he’d come back without a scratch. He could’ve as well done that, given his foresight and all.
And then Mirio heard an explosion.
Spoke too soon.
'No!' someone screamed.
A huge, slimy villain emerged from the corner. He was holding a girl. Her bag slipped off her arm and landed by the villain’s feet with a thud. Her green uniform was covered with specs of blood.
'No!' he screamed with the girl’s voice. 'They always sound so funny when they’re afraid' he chuckled. His real voice was unpleasant to say the least. Deeper that anyone’s voice should be, gravely and throaty; like something from a horror movie.
'Oh, a hero? Are you gonna try and save her?' The villain shook the girl around, and a sickening crack was heard.
She opened her mouth and shrieked.
She sounded like an explosion, like an avalanche coming down. The villain covered his ears and let her go. She dropped right next to her bag; she didn’t stop screaming. A swarm of orange butterflies flew to the villain and sat all over him.
‘Get them off, get them off!’ he screamed. ‘I can’t see!’
Now Mirio had an opening.
He let himself sink into the ground. For a moment, there was only perfect silence. Then, he shot out of the pavement, right into the villain. Mirio felt his eardrums pop as his fist collided with the guy’s jaw. The girl’s voice was downright painful, and she only stopped once the villain dropped to the ground.
He didn’t get up.
'Are you okay?' Mirio asked, turning around to face the girl.
'I think' she nodded 'but my arms might be broken. They hurt like all hell.'
Mirio winced slightly.
'Yeah, I heard that crack. But don’t worry, I’ll get you somewhere safe.' He bent down to pick her up. 'Or, you know, at least to the closest police station.'
'Thanks.' She smiled slightly. 'By the way, who even was that guy? He seemed like a total nutjob.'
'No idea. We’ll probably learn that from tomorrow’s news…' Mirio paused when he got a good look at her face. She seemed familiar, really familiar. He remembered something about a dog and a ramen shop, but that was as good as his memory got. 'Do I know you?' he blurted out.
The girl gave him a long look.
‘I… I think?’ she said. ‘I think you might have jumped out of a tree when I was walking my dog.’
'Oh, did I?' His laugh was shaky. 'I’m really sorry about that. Didn’t mean to.'
‘I think you’re already apologised for that.’
‘Sorry. I mean…’ Mirio sighed. ‘I’m just gonna stop talking.’
‘No need. I like hearing you talk.’
‘Oh. Um, thank you.’
Mirio started walking. His face was burning and he could swear that he looked like a tomato. The girl’s eyes never left him. He was just hoping he didn’t smell like old sweat. Or something worse.
'What’s your name?' she said as they were nearing a police station.
'My name? I’m Lemi...'
Before Mirio could finish, a muffled voice came through his earpiece.
'Mirio, is everything okay?'
Mirio cleared his throat.
'Yes, Sir. Everything’s peachy. I have a casualty though, I’m taking her to the police station.'
'Good. I’ll contact you in the next thirty minutes.'
‘Sure, talk to you later.’
A strange silence stayed in the air after he finished talking to Sir. It made him uncomfortable. More than it should have.
'That was Sir Nighteye.’ Mirio cleared his throat. Again. More and more sweat was building up underneath his gloves. ‘I’m his inter, you know?'
'Really? I genuinely thought you were a full-fledged hero.' The surprise in her voice was sincere. 'You took that guy down in a moment!'
'Not without your help.' Mirio winked at her. He internally cringed immediately. 'But you know that using your Quirk on others without a license is illegal, right?'
She paled quickly.
'I-I didn’t mean to… He scared me and it just sort of… came out.'
He snickered.
'Calm down, I’m joking. As if I’d rat you out after you helped me.' His tone got more serious. 'Just make sure to be careful next time. Some people would turn you in in a heartbeat. Even heroes.'
'Sure, thanks for the advice.'
Before they knew it, they were standing right in front of the police station. Mirio put her down and gave her his signature smile.
'I hope I won’t have to save you again. Would be a shame if something happened.'
'Right.' She smirked. 'Oh, and you didn’t have to carry me all the way. My arms are hurt, not my legs' she said quickly. ‘If you wanted to ask me out, you could’ve just asked.’ she added as she walked into the building.
Mirio stood in front of the police station, speechless.
‘Well, I’ll have to get her number now. Who knows if I’ll see her again,’ he said to himself.
He walked right in after her.
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The Cassell Cynic Part 2
A continuation of @hectabdr @hectab‘s lovely characters.
When Nathan lay back on the bench, Hana’s face filled with furious determination.
Nathan protested loudly as she stomped his feet, seized his arm in a mighty heave and lifted him across the back of her shoulders. Her strong arm was wrapped around his leg and other her hand gripped his wrist. He tried to pull away but she held him tightly secured. “What are you doing?! Let me down!”
“I’m not going to let you make me fail this assignment!” She grunted roughly and stomped off toward the medieval looking administrators building.
Nathan used his free arm to pull his ear buds out. “Are you kidnapping me? Go die by yourself!”
“You think you’re going to die?”
“Of course I’m going to die if I go on assignment with you!” He struggled futilely against her iron-like grip. “Let go! You’re ruining my day!”
“When the dragons come back, they’ll do more than ruin your day. Or do you not know that because you don’t care to study?”
“I know that and that’s why I don’t bother! It’s obvious that someone else is going to do it, why should I care about it?”
“Because we …” She puffed, staggering with her struggling captive. “You're heavier than you look.... We all have a role to play. No one is going to slay the dragons alone! When the chips are down everyone needs to think about what they can do to make sure the dragons don’t win!”
“If I face a dragon, I’ll bow down and say ‘I welcome my new scaly overlords!’” He hollered loud enough for anyone in the courtyard to hear.
She stopped. Her face turned to him in horror. “You don’t mean that. Surely.”
His face was full of indignation. “And even if I don’t, so what? I just hope they don’t eat me and I live another day because I’m not slaying any god-damn dragon and chances are, neither are you! Now put me down!”
“Don’t put me in the same league as you, you coward…”
“I’m a coward? You’re a coward!” He turned to look at her over her shoulder. “You’re so scared of getting something less than an A+ that you’re kidnapping me! That’s what this is about. Don’t give me that Dragon War spiel. You’re more scared of your report card than a dragon. Am I right or am I right? Exactly. If this assignment was about dragonslaying, I wouldn’t be on it, being C ranked… No one’s going to put the world in my hands! Put me down!” 
She finally lowered him from her shoulders and he brushed himself off and smoothed down his hair. He turned to look up at her. “Thank you!”
She gave him a stern look, lips pursed. “You’re really serious… about not doing anything.”
“Yeah! I am serious! Thank you for finally acknowledging that!” He stepped around her to return to his bench.
“So you weren’t put up here to sabotage me?” She asked.
“I am not doing this to sabotage you. No. But someone might be. You do what you need to do if your grades are that important to you, but leave me out of it. I don’t need grades to stay here.” Nathan turned fully around and walked backwards towards the bench. “Contrary to your belief, your assignment is not the end of the world and, if it was really that important, they will find someone else to do it!”
He sat back on the bench, groaning in dismay as he picked up his ruined blunt where he’d dropped it.  “If I have to be on your assignment for you to pass then you might as well stay here on the bench! Because I’m not going. Period. You’ll have to deal with the smudge on your record. Though… knowing you, you’ll suplex them until they give you a make up assignment to erase the quote-unquote bad grade, so your parents don’t call you and cuss you out. If you do kidnap me, though, I’ll definitely make sure you fail, you psycho!” He rotated his shoulder. “That hurt, you know.”
Hana stayed where she was and helplessly watched him as he sat back down at the bench. “You’re really not coming. You’re not going to help me at all?”
Nathan didn’t respond. He rolled another blunt and lit it in silence. He could tell she wasn’t giving up, she was just changing strategy. She was drunk on the whole Dragonslaying mission Kool-Aid. He could feel his buzz actively dying as she approached him and sat back down. He passed it to her and she refused. But he insisted. “Take it, you need it more than I do.”
“I don’t smoke.” 
He shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He inhaled slowly. The skunky smell of the marijuana filled the air. “You shouldn’t care so much.”
“I do care but it's because this is what comes natural to me. I’m strong and talented and I can do the things they need me to do. My talents will be wasted elsewhere. No one’s putting pressure on me. This is who I am and what I do best. So why not excel at it?”
He coughed on a rough pull. He was genuinely shocked. “No? You don’t have some mommy and daddy at home who will be disappointed if you get a B?” He asked, scoffing at her. “You don’t care at all if you ‘fail your ancestors’ or something?”
“No.” She said firmly. “I don’t. I didn’t come from a prestigious family or a famous bloodline. I don’t even know who my father is. Unlike you.” She jabbed a finger into his chest. “I’m self motivated and good at what I do. A few of the professors were thinking of putting me on a track to become faculty. They said I have to learn how to be an earnest guide. They wanted me to take you on an assignment and walk you through it.”
“Really? ...damn.” Nathan shut his mouth for once, scratching his head. “I’d pegged you as one of those trust fund babies.”
She gave a bitter laugh. “Believe me, I’m not. Like I said, I don’t care for them. They’re just coasting on their parent’s allowance and pretending to be better than everyone else. Kinda like you. At least you’re a trust fund baby who has their head in reality.” She grinned but there was no humor in it.
Nathan couldn’t argue that. “So uh… what’s this assignment?”
“I just have to accompany some cargo to the airport. But it’s sensitive cargo. So we just need to guard it.”
“Ah ha!” He tilted his head back. “So solve one problem with another. Very clever. You know what I think? I think my lack of urgency pisses them off so bad that they would do anything to get me to care even a little bit. And if they can’t get me to do anything, then they can get me off campus so they don’t have to look at me. They don’t need me here. It’s all head games. So I’ll play their head game.”
“What do you mean?” She tilted her head.
He pointed to the blunt in his hand. “What I mean is, this weed is going to give me the munchies. So, I’ll go ahead and put in a big order from the canteen. What do you like?” He pulled his cellphone from his pocket.
“I guess. Italian… pasta. I like Greek Food?” She said.
“Pasta and Gyros… sounds good to me.” He typed to put in the order.
“Are you ordering food for me?” She peered at his phone.
Nathan turned to her. “Wow… you really don’t have any friends.”
“You don’t either!” She snarled.
“I did before I came here. And I will when I leave here. You on the other hand… good luck on your ‘Hero’s Journey’. Heh.” He chuckled.
“Why don’t you just leave if you hate it here so much.” She stretched her legs in front of her and looked at the sky.
Nathan continued his lengthy order. “I don’t hate it here. I can live here, eat good food, and do nothing. Duh. It’s like the best vacation ever. It just sucks that by the end I won’t get to remember any of it. It’s like an alternate dimension. I just want them to give me good memories. Like I did something awesome. That’s all.” He waved his book of false memory ideas.
“You’re going to let them erase your memory?” Hana lowered  her voice, partly shocked, partly amazed.
“Yep. Here I’m no better than a regular human. So I might as well live like one. Order will be ready in 45 minutes.” He put his phone in his pocket.
“Why not split the difference? Do just enough to participate and stick around. That’s what Fingel does.” She wondered.
“Oh ho... Not just Fingel. Isn’t that what everyone else does? I look at everyone around me and… you’re  the first person I’ve met here who actually believes all this is for saving the world. That’s cool. You want to be here for that. But that’s why the other people get on your nerves. You can tell they’re faking it, and you’re not about the BS.”
Hana fell into a thoughtful silence.
“Which is why they sent you to talk to me probably.” He lowered his blunt. “It’s not that I don’t care that dragons are big and scary, it’s just I know I can’t do anything, just like 90% of the people here… so…” He shrugged. “There’s going to be maybe… what … 10 or 12 people actually fighting dragons? The rest? They’re just in it for the social points. And I’m not interested in social points.”
“What are you interested in?” She asked.
“Enjoying life while I have it.” He sat back and blew out a long plume of smoke.
Hana sat with him and stared out into the empty courtyards. On the peak of a gabled roof, a mockingbird was singing its heart out and doing acrobatic leaps in the air as it did so. Hana pursed her lips and tapped her feet. “If you could… please do this one assignment for me. I won’t ask again. I’m backed into a corner here and I don’t really have a choice at the moment.”
Nathan sighed loudly. “You could always do nothing, Hana. Just say, ‘He’s not coming, figure something out.’ I don’t want to get in your way, but I’m not going to let them play the pity card either. We’re all adults here. Don’t ask me to play their game. And it is a game.” He looked at her with wide eyes, waving his blunt. “If this assignment is really important, they’ll find someone else. The assignment isn’t the real issue here. This has nothing to do with your grade. I guarantee it has everything to do with their ego. They’re just like my parents. They’re just like my brother. Trying to make me care about their shit and I don’t. And that pisses them off.”
“You’re… pretty defensive right now.” She laughed.
He laughed in disbelief. He was getting pretty riled up about all this. “I want them off my back! I don’t understand why they need the C-ranker to be on board with their war games.”
Hana smiled disarmingly. “I for one… appreciate your honesty. You’re not so bad. I can’t be the only one who feels that you’re not so bad either. I think I’m here because they want to keep you around.”
Nathan raised his eyebrows. “Tch… Yeah good luck to them.”
 Hana pushed off the bench. “Alright. I’ll ask them to pair me with someone else or… do something else about it. Nice talkin’ to you.”
“Hey, don’t forget. Food’s gonna be here in 40 minutes.” He shouted after her.
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goldenraeofsun · 4 years
Remember Me, Honeybee
Part I
Two hours into the farmers market, and Dean’s had enough. Even the gorgeous day outside, sunlight streaming down from a cloudless sky, does nothing for him.
Next to him in their produce stall, Sam rearranges their vegetable display with all the intensity of Bobby Fischer facing off against the Soviets. He adjusts an eggplant a few inches to the left, eyes it critically, and moves it back where it was.
Yesterday, Dean got sunburned from too many hours in the sun harvesting. But before he could even think about a shower, a visitor pounded on their door because some neighbor ratted them out to local Fish and Wildlife. So on top of dealing with a peeling forehead and an aching back, Dean had to take care of Ms. Rosen nearly breaking and entering to get at Sam or his watercress - she wasn’t really clear on which was her priority.
Sam, the cowardly sasquatch, bolted the moment her car tires pulled up to their farm.
It took an hour to get Ms. Rosen to leave. First, Dean had to show her Sam’s pet watercress plants at the edge of their property. According to Ms. Rosen, they’re an invasive species, which Sam could’ve mentioned to Dean at some point. Then, Ms. Rosen explained the $150 fine - all the while heavily implying she could dock a few bucks if left alone in a room with Sam.
Dean forked over the money. Sam’s virtue got to live to see another day.
At least Becky gave Dean plenty of blackmail material. If Sam pisses him off one more time, guess who’s getting Sam’s phone number faxed straight to her field office?
Dean was looking forward to sharing the whole story with Cas when they pulled up to the farmer’s market that morning. But his favorite beekeeper, potter, and candlestick maker is notably absent again.
As Hannah steps away from her stall to replenish her display, Dean seizes his chance. “Be right back,” he calls to Sam as he darts out behind their table.
When she catches sight of him, Hannah turns her back to lift a crate of soaps that would’ve left Dean sore for days. Goddamn angel strength.
“I may be a dumb human,” Dean starts, “but even I know that angels don’t get sick.” His voice drips with disdain. “Where’s Cas? The real reason, this time. Not that BS you fed me last week.”
Hannah sighs, her normally refined tawny wings fluttering in barely-concealed agitation. “He’s… indisposed.”
Dean folds his arms over his chest. “Cas has been here, rain or shine, every market for two whole friggin’ years. Is he,” he forces out the words, dread trickling down his spine, “dying or something?”
“No.” Hannah shakes her head. “He’s not mortally ill. He’s just indisposed.”
Dean gawks at her. “What the hell does that mean?”
“You have customers,” Hannah says shortly.
Dean waves off a soccer mom armed with a bushel of kale and a hungry leer. “Sam’s handling the orders.” He points at the line in front of Sam, and the lady walks off in a huff.
“Is that right?” Hannah asks innocently once Dean’s attention darts back to her.
“Cut the crap,” Dean says sharply. “Why hasn’t Cas shown for the past two weeks? The real reason. None of that indisposed bullshit.”
Hannah sighs. “You’re keeping me from my own customers.”
Dean raises his eyebrows. “So you’d better talk fast.”
Hannah makes a face like she smelled Sam’s post-Chipotle farts. “Castiel was cursed.”
“Keep it down,” Hannah hisses, leaning in. “He - well, it’s a long story. Our cousin, an archangel, cursed him.”
“For fuck’s sake, why?”
Hannah’s lips purse. “Gabriel has been very hard to contact for the details. He apparently thought Castiel was moping too loudly or too frequently. ”
“Moping?” Dean echoes, his brow furrowing. “Cas always seemed fine to me.”
Hannah shrugs. “Ask Gabriel. Now, if you don’t mind,” she lifts her nose into the air, wings straightening, “I have customers.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean retreats to his vegetable stand, his head swimming.
Dean never saw himself as a farmer until his health nut little brother decided to ditch his high-paying (and stressful) lawyer job to play Green Acres, and Dean, naturally, followed since there was no goddamn way Sam knew his way around a tractor. Sam was more likely to mow down his own gigantor foot than move a clod of dirt. Luckily, to Dean, an engine’s an engine.
At the farmers market, Sam’s booth was placed next to Cas’s. On their first day, Cas walked over with a complimentary jar of honey. He was stilted and awkward, sure, but he was also the first one to welcome them into the fold.
Lost in thoughts and worries about Cas, Dean almost gives a customer a twenty dollar bill instead of a one, blanks on when their summer squash will be in season, and accidentally rings up asparagus as broccoli.
“Look,” Sam says after apologizing for Dean’s latest mistake, “why don’t you head back and check on the tomatoes? It’s winding down here.”
Dean dubiously eyes the hubbub of people browsing vegetables.
Sam gives him a light shove towards their truck. “Just go. I know you don’t want to be here, anyway.”
Dean grimaces. “It’s that obvious?”
“To everyone and their grandmother,” Sam says under his breath.
Asparagus Man at the front of the line nods gravely.
“Thanks,” Dean says sourly to both of them.
“Go check on Cas,” Sam says as he gestures for the next customer to step up to the register. “Swing by and pick me up in a few hours.”
* * *
At the foot of the unpaved driveway up to Cas’s house, Dean cuts the engine. He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, debating with himself. Cas might not want visitors.
But Dean brought pie.
Homemade, of course. And if it was supposed to celebrate Sam’s birthday tomorrow, what Cas doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Sam likes cake better, anyway, because he’s a freak.
Dean grabs the pie, shoves open the door, and strides up the dirt road to Cas’s house before he can talk himself out of it for good.
This is what you do for sick friends, anyway. Charlie drove all the way up to the city with chicken noodle soup, Settlers of Catan, and prime gossip on Benny’s on-and-off-again thing with Andrea when Dean had the flu a few years ago.
Dean is just being a good friend. It’s not weird.
He knocks on Cas’s cobalt blue door, his heart beating double-time behind his ribs as the seconds wear on with no answer.
Dean dawdles on Cas’s welcome mat. He tries again. Cas’s house isn’t exactly small, with its pottery studio in the basement and wax room in the back. Cas might be in his nest, on the can, or in his garden by the hives. Hell, with this mysterious curse, Cas might not be home at all - but stuck in some angel hospital being poked and prodded by docs. He probably should have squeezed Hannah for more details.
The door opens as Dean contemplates, for the hundredth time, bailing with his tail between his legs.
“Hello?” Cas says, peering curiously at Dean.
“Cas,” Dean says, relieved. From one cursory look, Cas seems normal. His hair’s fucked up, of course. His dark wings are equally unkempt, feathers sticking out every which way. All typical Cas.
Cas blinks. His mouth opens, closes, and opens again. But no sound comes out.
“You’re up,” Dean says stupidly. Of course Cas is up, or he wouldn’t have been able to answer the damn door. Dean shifts his weight to his other foot. “Hannah mentioned you’d, uh, been cursed,” he says awkwardly.
Cas relaxes a fraction. “Ah, yes, I was.”
Dean gives Cas another once-over. “I just found out this morning, so I thought I’d stop by. Bring pie." He holds up the pie as evidence. "See how you are. But you look good.”
Cas squints at him, his head tilting. “Thank you?” he asks like he had a half-dozen responses in his head and chose that one at random.
“No prob.”
Cas’s gaze darts down to the pie in Dean’s hands for the first time. “Would you like to come in?”
Dean grins. “Yeah,” he says, stepping inside. “I’ll take this to the kitchen. I’m starving. Do you wanna eat it now?”
Cas gestures him forward. “This way.”
Dean throws him a funny look but follows him to the kitchen he’s been in about a hundred times before - for Cas’s annual Spring Equinox party, for a handful of dinners with other farmers in the area, for water breaks in between weeding Cas’s bee-friendly garden.
Afternoon sunlight from the beautiful day outside streams through the large windows that overlook the back porch and garden. It illuminates the kitchen table, absolutely covered with what looks like all of Cas’s beekeeping books.
Dean clears enough space for pie and strides over to the drawer for the baking utensils, saying over his shoulder, “I hope you’re hungry.”
When Cas doesn’t answer, Dean hastily turns back around - only to find himself practically nose-to-nose with Cas.
Dean takes an instinctive step backwards, his ass smacking the drawer closed again. “Dude,” he says in a strangled voice. His heart pounds in his chest at the close proximity and intense look in Cas’s eye. “We talked about this. Personal space.”
Cas retreats, his brow furrowing. “My apologies,” he mumbles. “I must have misread the situation.”
“I - yeah - I guess,” Dean stutters as he grabs plates and stacks two forks on top.
Cas falls heavily into a seat at the kitchen table. Silently, he moves enough books around for them to sit and eat.
Dean eyes the haphazard piles as he takes his own seat. “D’you have a problem with one of the hives or something?”
Cas shakes his head. “I don’t think so,” he says, his brow furrowing. “But it’s hard to tell.”
Dean snorts as he cuts them both slices. “I thought you knew everything about bees.”
Cas shoots him a dour look. “I did,” he says pointedly.
Cas fusses with a pamphlet on colony collapse. “I’m trying to catch up, but there is a lot of information to learn.”
Dean frowns. “Catch up to what?”
“To where I was,” Cas says, head tilting.
Dean sets the pie server down to focus on Cas, since he’s not making any goddamn sense. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Cas looks at him like Dean’s the one who lost his mind. “I don’t remember how to take care of them.” After a beat, he clarifies, “The bees. I’ve spent the better part of two weeks relearning how to maintain the hives, harvest honey, check if there is enough honey to harvest...” he drifts off, looking more than a little lost.
Dean blinks. “That’s the curse?” He grimaces as he forks off a generous corner of pie. “Dick move on Gabriel’s part. That’s your goddamn livelihood.”
Cas tilts his head, eyes narrowing. “He didn’t just make me forget the bees.”
Dean chews at Cas thoughtfully. “What else? Please tell me you forgot that time with the goat and a hooker.”
Cas stares at him. “I don’t remember anything.”
Dean’s next bite of pie freezes halfway to his mouth. “What do you mean anything?” he demands.
“I didn’t think it needed explaining,” Cas says waspishly, as all the pieces finally fall into place for Dean. “I thought Hannah told you about it.” His feathers rustle against the back of his chair.
“Hannah only said you were cursed!” Dean flails, “Not that you have goddamned amnesia. Do you know what pie is? Do you know who I am?”
Cas blinks, a little taken aback by Dean’s reaction. “I retain my general knowledge. I know what pie is,” he says. “I don’t remember eating it, but I know it is meat or fruit wrapped in pastry.”
“Oh my god.”
Cas’s gaze falls to the uneaten pie in front of him. “And, no, I don’t know who you are.”
Dean blinks, all the blood draining from his face. He forces out, “You’re serious.”
“I’d hardly joke with a stranger,” Cas says frankly.
Dean lets his fork drop back to the plate with a clatter.
Cas peers at him curiously. “The curse erased all my personal memories, but I was assuming we were friends, is this right? You know your way around my house, and Hannah wouldn’t have divulged my condition to just anyone.”
“Yeah,” Dean says gruffly, “we’re friends. I - my brother and me, we have a stand next to yours at the farmer’s market.”
“Oh,” Cas says. “Work colleagues, then.”
Dean snorts. “A little more than that.”
Cas bites his lip. “But you told me to respect your personal space. If we were -”
“Woah!” Dean cuts in before Memento can come up with any more bright ideas, “We’re close friends, alright?” he says before Cas can get another word out, “But not… like that.”
Dean doesn’t even know if Cas goes for humans. Most angels don’t. Cas never mentioned any romantic partners, and Dean never pressed. Better to keep that box locked up tight. Cas never shied away from giving his opinion to Dean or anyone else. He’s the most blunt, sincere person Dean knows - angel or human.
If he felt anything for Dean - the barest speck of more-than-friendly feelings, he’d have said something.
“Oh,” Cas says, and, behind him, his wings droop the smallest fraction.
Dean scans the table and pushes Cas’s worn copy of The How-To-Do-It Book of Bee-Keeping by Richard Taylor his way. “Test me.”
Dean shovels more pie into his mouth. “As’ me anyfin’,” he mumbles.
Bemused, Cas opens the book to a random page. “How do you use a bee escape?” he reads aloud.
“Do you know what they are?” At Cas’s headshake, Dean holds his fingers about three inches apart, “They’re little plastic doodads with little bee-sized holes in the middle. You slide ‘em in the hive right before you’re about to harvest. Once they’re fitted, you smoke out the bees, one comb at a time. Once they’re out of the way, you can scrape off the honey.”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Do you also keep bees?”
Dean can’t help his loud laugh. “God no,” he says as he closes his mouth around another bite of pie. “I’m just a farmer. But I’ve helped you out a few times.”
At least twice a month since Dean moved to this corner of semi-rural America, but who’s counting. Honey is only harvested once a year, but Cas can always use an extra set of hands in his garden. Or around the house. Dean’s worked off more than one argument with Sam by kneading clay in Cas’s pottery studio basement.
“So you know all this from me,” Cas says dubiously.
“Sure do,” Dean says, smacking his lips as he debates another slice of Cas’s get-well-soon pie. “You’re a good teacher, and once you get on a roll about the bees, it’s kinda hard to shut you up.”
“Don’t be,” Dean says as he cuts himself another (smallish) slice. “I look hot in a beekeeper suit, anyway.”
Cas frowns, confused. “Do most humans find baggy coveralls and heavy veils sexually appealing?”
Dean snorts. “That was a joke.”
Dean doesn’t mention that he finds the beekeeper getup hot as hell as long as it’s Cas wearing it.
It’s just - Cas doesn’t usually bother with the veil since he likes to have a full range of vision when caring for his bees. Dean once let a whole comb drop on his foot at the sight of Cas bent over, wholly concentrated on the hive, a barely-there smile hidden in the corners of his mouth. His blue eyes were luminous in the bright sunlight, and every few seconds he would lick his lips, probably to wipe away the beads of sweat gathering on his upper lip.
“Oh,” Cas says, a faint blush touching his cheeks. His gaze drops to his plate, and his wings sag behind him.
Dean mentally kicks himself. Cas might still have all a whole encyclopedia shoved in his brain, but jokes will fly right over his head like so many of Cas’s precious bees. Since Dean started hanging around, he had been getting better with the jokes and references, but Total Recall Cas got that goddamn factory reset, so Dean has to cool it for now.
“Forget it,” he tells Cas. “I’m an asshole.”
Cas squints across the table at him. “You are not.”
Cas carefully spears off a bit of pie. “You came by to check on me, offer me food,” he slips his fork into his mouth, eyes closing as he savors the tart cherries and buttery pastry, “stay and talk.”
“I, mean, yeah,” Dean says, wrongfooted, “we’re friends. ‘S the least I could do.”
Cas has another bite. “This is really good.”
“Thanks,” Dean says before he crams the rest of his slice into his mouth. He studies Cas as they both eat, an uncomfortable foreboding settling deep in his stomach. Now he sees it, how Cas doesn’t look at him with any familiarity. It’s more like, to Cas, Dean is some fucked up jigsaw puzzle slash zoo animal. Eventually, Dean has to ask, “Are you going to get your memories back?”
Cas shakes his head, his expression hardening. “I’m not sure.”
Dean’s mouth falls open. “Are you serious?” He braces both elbows on the table. “But you were cursed - there’s gotta be a way to break it. That’s how curses work, right?”
Cas exhales a slow sigh. “Gabriel did say there was a way to break it.”
“And you haven’t yet?” Dean demands, almost offended on Cas’s - his Cas’s - behalf. “You’re okay forgetting your whole life?”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Are you insane?” he hisses, his feathers puffing up like an angry cat. “Of course I am not ‘okay,’” he says, air quotes and all, which Dean hasn’t seen since he told Cas they were lame. (He felt bad about it for a week afterward and gave Cas a free apology pumpkin. First of the season.)
“I am able to navigate the outside world as well as a human toddler,” Cas continues heatedly. “What do you think I’ve been trying to do for the past two weeks?”
Dean huffs an impatient breath. “What have you tried so far?”
Cas grimaces. “Gabriel said it could be broken like all curses could be broken.”
“What the fuck does that mean?”
“I have no clue,” Cas says frankly. “I spent a week in Heaven’s archives and libraries. The most common way to break curses is by consuming a stone taken from the stomach of a goat -”
Dean makes a gagging noise.
“-or bathing in the blood of a virgin at the new moon.”
“Not any less gross,” Dean says emphatically. “Where the hell are you going to get virgin blood? Are they talking about, like, a whole virgin? Or does born again count?”
Cas shakes his head. “The new moon was four days ago.”
Dean frowns. “Did you have to do the blood thing?”
From the look on Cas’s face, Dean isn’t going to make him watch Carrie anytime soon.
“So I went to more obscure magic,” Cas continues. “I tried bathing in a natural source of water. And then I ran a bath and filled it with salt, since salt repels evil.”
“All I’m hearing is lots of bathing so far.”
Cas rolls his eyes. “I lit sage in every room and burned three types of wood. I wore an evil eye bracelet. I sprinkled consecrated water blended with honey over the threshold.”
“No dice?”
Cas throws him a baleful look. “I have ants now.”
Dean snorts. “Well that sucks,” he says, since what else can you say when your best friend swaps all his memories for a Bug's Life?
Cas sighs. “From my notes and research, I can’t leave the hives completely unattended, so I’ve spent the past few days trying to figure out how not to kill them,” he says, gesturing to the rest of the kitchen table. “Once I’ve determined if the bees will survive on their own, I can look back into the curse.”
Dean purses his lips. “Have you prayed to Gabriel? Tried to convince him to take it back?”
“Every day since it happened,” Cas says, his face somber.
“Alright,” Dean says, grabbing Cas’s empty plate, “I can’t help with the curse stuff since I save the teen witch adventures for Sabrina. I can help with the bees, though, if you want.” He gets to his feet and dumps the plates in the sink.
Once his back is turned, he frowns as he thinks his words over. Who knows if this Cas actually wants him around? This Cas doesn’t know him from Adam.
To the dishes Dean says, “The next beekeeper is a few towns over. I could give him a call for you, if you’d rather have him. Cain’s mostly retired, so he’d probably have the time to show you the ropes.”
“Is Cain an angel?”
Dean laughs over the splashing water. “No, he’s a crotchety old bastard who would rather live with bees than people. You get along.” He sets the rinsed plates out to dry and faces Cas. “I’m sure you have his number in your phone too, come to think of it.”
Cas meets Dean’s cautious gaze with his usual soul-searing stare. “I wouldn’t mind if you helped me. Maybe I could call Cain if there are any advanced problems we can’t figure out together.”
Dean smiles. “Sounds like a plan.” He jerks his head towards the backyard. “You wanna get suited up?”
“Now?” Cas asks, alarmed.
“No time like the present,” Dean says as he walks out of the kitchen without waiting for Cas to follow. “Come on, we’re wasting daylight.”
* * *
Cas stares at his beekeeper suit, hanging in its usual place on his screened back porch, next to his gardening gloves.
“You okay?” Dean asks. “You’ve got a spare in your shed, so I’ll grab it on the way.”
Cas picks up the suit like it’s about to bite him.
“’S a good thing I’m here,” Dean says as Cas slowly unzips the front. “It’s always a bitch to get your wings covered.”
Cas’s wings slump. “I have a feeling this is going to be more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Hey,” Dean says, taking a step forward, “no, it’s your bees. You love them.”
Cas frowns. “But I don’t remember how.”
Dean grins. “Then you’re a lucky son of a bitch who gets to fall in love with something all over again.” He sighs wistfully. “What I wouldn’t give to erase Star Wars from my brain and watch it again for the first time.”
“What is Star Wars?”
“A trilogy of movies from the 70s and 80s,” Dean says, his smile widening.
Cas nods. “I’ll have to rewatch them, then.”
“Damn right,” Dean says. “I gave you the DVDs for my birthday last year, so they should be around here somewhere.”
“For your birthday?” Cas asks, eyebrows rising. “Isn’t gift-giving normally the other way around?”
Dean shrugs. “But I’d been bugging you to watch ‘em with me for years. Trust me, it was an awesome birthday.”
Cas opens his mouth like he’s not sure where to poke holes in Dean’s story first, so Dean reaches for the wing covers. “I think we should do the hard part first.”
“You’re currently the expert,” Cas says as he sets the suit aside.
Dean frowns as he takes in Cas’s black wings, reflecting muted tones of magenta, purple, cobalt, and green. Normally, Cas rocks the sex wing look - a few feathers askew here and there like someone raked their fingers through them - but now his wings look more like Cas stuck his alulas in an electrical socket.
Without thinking, Dean says, “It’s gonna be hard to get them in the wing covers. They’re a little messed up, dude.” As Cas’s face falls, Dean adds quickly, “Nothing a little grooming can’t fix.”
Cas flushes. “I haven’t been able to reach my whole wingspan on my own. Hannah offered-” he breaks off, his gaze skittering around to settle just over Dean’s left shoulder. “But I don’t know her, not really, so I was uncomfortable accepting.”
Dean takes a step back. “I mean, you don’t need to do it. I’ll have to touch a couple feathers to get these on you, if you’re okay with that.”
Cas swallows. “No, you’re right. My wings are a mess.”
Dean’s fingers practically tingle with the urge to reach out and smooth down the closest feathers, but he shoves his free hand deep into his pocket instead.
“Can you help me?” Cas asks.
Dean quietly dies inside.
Cas’s wings flutter in anticipation, and Dean is so, so weak.
“Yeah,” Dean says gruffly as he drops the wing cover and approaches Cas’s back. “You sure, man? I - I’ve never done this before.”
Cas turns his head. “Never?”
Dean clenches his hands into fists. Don’t touch. Not until he says so. Dean can keep his goddamn hands to himself. Cas deserves that much.
“Do you want me to walk you through it?” Cas asks softly. “I know how, since it’s only personal memories about my life that seem to have been affected.”
“Ah,” Dean hesitates, a hundred and one wing kink porn videos flashing through his head like popup ads. “No,” he coughs, “I know the mechanics.”
Cas’s eyes narrow. “Are you sure?”
Dean fidgets in place. “‘S like picking beans, right? Don’t pull on them too hard. They’ll come off if they want to come off. Make sure nothing is sticking out at weird angles.”
Cas makes a face. “Did you just compare my wings to legumes?”
“Maybe?” Dean says defensively. “Look, I know vegetables, and I know what your wings are supposed to look like. What else do you want from me?”
Cas’s mouth opens, but no words come out. With a sigh, he faces forward, presenting his wings for Dean.
Dean inhales a deep breath. Christ, his hands are goddamn shaking. Get a fucking grip, Winchester. He lightly touches the base of Cas’s left wing.
Cas shivers, the feathers rippling.
Dean yanks his hand back.
“Sorry,” Cas says sheepishly. “You took me by surprise. Please continue.”
Gently, Dean grazes the base of the wing again. The feathers rustle like under a moderate breeze, but Cas doesn’t tell him to stop, so Dean keeps going. He feels along the surface of Cas’s wings, most of the feathers slipping, glossy smooth, under his fingertips - until he catches the first snag. Nerves rocketing up to eleven, Dean tugs lightly on the first feather out of place.
Cas sucks in a breath.
It comes loose, and Dean has a fleeting, stupid thought to steal it for himself. But he lets it flutter to the floor.
Dean soldiers on, biting his lip as he tries to keep himself from grabbing handfuls of feathers and burying his face in Cas’s wings. Meticulously, painstakingly, he combs through the mess. As he moves closer to the second joint, Cas’s feathers, which had been subtly shifting the whole time, stiffen.
“You okay?” Dean asks.
Cas nods, stilted. “Please continue,” he says, his voice rough.
Dean frowns. If Cas is uncomfortable and doesn’t want to tell him, Dean’s not going to be the asshole who turns a blind eye to the signs. He withdraws his hands, and Cas’s wings -
They flare out, seeking Dean’s touch.
Without thinking, Dean blurts an astounded, “Dude.”
“Apologies,” Cas says, and, from this angle, Dean has primetime viewing of the back of Cas’ traffic light-red neck. His wings retreat to fold stiff as a board behind Cas’s back.
“Hey, no,” Dean says as he lays a hand along Cas’s wing, petting it gently. “I just wanted to check in with you.” He grins lopsidedly, not that Cas can see him. “Communication is important.”
Cas coughs. “Indeed,” he says, and his voice still sounds off. “Please continue. I,” he breaks off, turning a little in place so Dean can see half of his face, “I was enjoying it.”
“Good,” Dean says with a little too much enthusiasm. “I - uh, me too.”
Cas blinks. “You were?” He frowns. “Grooming is… boring. A chore.”
“Not for humans,” Dean says as he picks up where he left off. “We don’t have big fancy wings to lug around everywhere. They’re-”
“What?” Cas waits, clearly expecting an answer.
Dean sighs. “Cool,” he supplies lamely. “Your wings are cool.”
Dean can’t see Cas’s face with his back turned, but his wings fluff up ever so slightly, so Dean counts it as a win. “I’m glad you think so,” Cas says quietly.
“’Course,” Dean says, easy as pie. He pulls on another feather, and, when it doesn’t come out, tucks it back into its proper place, “I’ve never seen an angel with wings like yours. Malachi’s got dark grey ones, and I thought they were your shade of black, but they’re not. Plus, he’s an asshole.”
Cas chuckles. “I don’t see how him being an asshole has anything to do with his wing color.”
“No, but, if you ever run into him - an angel with dark grey wings - now you know.”
“So you’re only looking out for me.”
“You don’t know this yet,” Dean tells him conspiratorially, “but I’m awesome.”
“Yes, I’m beginning to see that for myself.”
Thank God Cas can’t see Dean’s face. Equally embarrassed and pleased, Dean rambles, “You should also watch out for Metatron - the white-winged dude who runs the thrift shop down the road. He’s been angling to set up shop at the farmers market for fucking ever even though he has a storefront for all his crap. Whoever said white wings meant purity was full of shit because Metatron’s a douche.”
Cas laughs, and Dean nearly slumps over in relief.
He can still make Cas laugh.
“Hannah, she’s okay,” Dean continues as he combs through the rest of Cas’s secondaries and coverts before he gets to the primaries, large and built for flight, and completely within Cas’s reach to groom himself. “But her partner, Duma, hates you for some reason, so I’d steer clear of her.”
Cas’s wings dip a few inches. “It doesn’t sound like I’m on good terms with many angels.”
Dean lightly runs his palm over Cas’s flight feathers - while he’s back here, he might as well. “I guess not,” he admits because Cas is right, “but they’ve all got massive sticks up their asses, so you’re better off.”
“They’re family.”
“They’re dicks,” Dean corrects. “Come on, you’re goddamn cursed with amnesia , and not one is here helping you out? Dick move for dick angels,” he finishes.
“Hannah visited.”
“Like I said, Hannah’s okay,” Dean says as he straightens up.
“At least you’re here,” Cas points out.
“Yeah,” Dean says bitterly as he brushes out bits of fluffy down near the base of Cas other wing, “After two weeks.”
“You said you didn’t know.”
“I should’ve.”
“How?” Cas asks, sounding baffled.
Dean scoffs as he cards his fingers through the shorter feathers near the bone of Cas’s wing, “You didn’t show at the farmers market. You always show.”
Dean shakes his head. “I should’ve known something was up.” He yanks a little too hard on a feather, and the brittle shaft breaks between his thumb and pointer finger. Dean lets it fall to the floor in disgust. “But Hannah said you were sick, and I didn’t know if you were the type who wanted company or everyone to stay the hell away. And then I talked to Sammy, and he said angels don’t really get sick like we do.” He exhales a slow breath, consciously holding himself back from tearing any more feathers out. Cas doesn’t deserve that, especially after all the shit he’s dealing with.
“We do get sick,” Cas says, his voice breaking through Dean’s morose reminiscing of the past week, “But never with the type of illnesses that can be treated outside of Heaven.”
“That’s what Sammy told me,” Dean says heavily.
“You were worried?”
Dean pokes him in the muscular part of the wing. “Of course I was worried.”
Cas’s head tilts, but not enough that Dean can make out his expression. “Because we’re friends.”
Dean swallows. “Yeah,” he says quietly, “because we’re friends.” He tugs on a few more feathers, and one comes loose. He holds it between his fingers for a beat, rubbing his thumb along the vane. With a sigh, he moves onto Cas’s other flight feathers. He gives them a few long strokes, unable to help his smile as he feels at the power, the potential, all hidden in Cas’s wings. But, eventually, he has to straighten up.
“All done,” he says with forced cheer as Cas turns around to face him.
Cas blinks a few times like he’s coming out of a trance. “Thank you,” he says gruffly.
He spreads his wings.
Dean’s breath catches in his chest, and his awe must show all over face, judging by Cas’s barely-there smirk. But, dammit, Dean’s going to enjoy the sight. Cas never puts himself on display like this, preferring to play the nerdy beekeeper in a trench coat rather than an almighty Angel of the Lord.
Cas turns his head to inspect Dean’s work. He gives an experimental flap, sweeping all the old feathers littering the floor up into the air. “Thank you, Dean,” he says sincerely. He folds his wings back, and Dean’s heart aches for something he never had in the first place.
“Don’t - don’t mention it,” Dean chokes out.
A fluffy piece of down drifts down to settle on Cas’s nose. He goes cross-eyed to keep it in view.
Dean cracks up. Grinning, he reaches up to brush away the offending bit of down.
Cas catches his arm in an iron grip, his own face oddly intense.
But before Dean can finish his sentence, Cas pulls him closer and seals their mouths together.
Dean lets out a muffled (completely manly) noise of surprise against Cas’s lips before muscle memory takes over. As Dean kisses back, Cas makes a light soothing rumble in the back of his throat, his touch gentle and warm. Dean’s other hand grasps desperately at Cas’s shirt, anchoring him in place. An electric, bubbly feeling is exploding in his chest, a wild kind of joy Dean normally would tamp down, tell himself, watch out for the other shoe to drop.
Other shoes like Cas’s missing memory.
Dean freezes, and it takes him a long moment to realize Cas isn’t moving either. His grip on Dean’s arm has gone slack. Dean opens his eyes to find Cas’s eyes wide open and glowing with an electric blue light.
Dean’s watched his fair share of angel-on-angel porn and more than his fair share of angel-on-human porn, and kissing’s not supposed to do that.
Dean takes a stumbling step back. “Cas?” he tries.
But Cas doesn’t move. He doesn’t give any sign he heard Dean at all.
Dean falls forward, tripping over his feet. He grips Cas, hard, by the shoulders. With his heart in his throat, he gives Cas a small shake. “Cas?” he tries again, and his voice sounds alien to his own ears, loud and breathy with his panic. He shakes him harder. “Cas!”
Several agonizing seconds pass, and the light slowly dims from behind Cas’s eyes, leaving behind his normal blue.
Dean’s knees nearly give out with relief. “Hey,” he says weakly, “Nice to have you back, buddy.”
Cas blinks a few times. He swallows, a strange expression coming over his face.
“You okay?” Dean demands. “What the fuck was that?”
Cas stares at him. “That was the curse breaking.”
Read Part II here!
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mikeluciraphgabe · 4 years
Church Fun
Gabriel stuffed, yes stuffed, the three older archangels into his car and skipped over to the drivers side. “Gabriel, what in dad’s name are you making us do?” Michael hissed from the passenger’s seat. Michael was in the middle of a movie with Sam and it was just getting good when Gabriel literally dragged him out of the room.
Gabriel smiled at him and turned the car on. “Put y’all’s seatbelts on!” Gabriel giggled to himself at the inside joke he had with himself. He waited until he heard four clicks before leaving the Bucker. Safety mattered, even for archangels.
Gabriel drove for a good ten minutes before parking in front of a church. Raphael let out a weird noise and stiffened. The other two raised their eyebrows before getting out. Gabriel dragged the three into the church. “Gabriel, what is going on?” Michael asked, looking around at the walls and ceiling. He would give the humans credit, it was actually pretty beautiful.
Gabriel hummed and looked at some of the statues that this particular church had. He then lead his confused brothers to the side of the church and look up at the windows. “Hehe Michael, they made you look like a girl.” Gabriel giggled and pointed to one of the larger windows. It showed Michael’s six blue wings unfolded and a soft feminine-ish face.
Michael growled lowly. “Shut up Gabriel. At least they didn’t make me a full on girl.” He teased back, pointing to the window that had Saint. Archangel Gabriel underneath the picture of Gabriel with his wings spread out. Gabriel pouted. He hasn’t even used a female vessel. The only one that was ‘female’ was a trans male. (Female turning male if that didn’t make sense)
Lucifer hid a laugh by stuffing his face on Raphael’s shoulder. “Look at what they did to Raph! They gave him red wings.” That was an insult for angels. Only one angel has ever had red wings and they where even more evil then Lucifer. That angel died long before the humans though. They tried to kill Chuck once and Chuck was forced to kill them. Every angel still loves them though.
Raphael huffed annoyed. “How did they get red form green!?” Honestly though!
Gabriel patted Raphael’s shoulder comfortingly. “At least they didn’t do you they way they did Lucifer.”
Michael fell to the floor in giggles when he saw Lucifer’s window. Lucifer, the most beautiful angel there was, painted as the ugliest thing. Michael honestly could not stop laughing. Lucifer pouted. “That’s just rude! My true form looks nothing like that! I’m not even red. And my wings are pink!”
Gabriel laughed as he moved on to the next thing. “Come on! Keep up assholes.” The other three glare at the stain glass windows before following the youngest archangel. Gabriel lead them into the altar and flipped off one of the statues that reminded him of Balthazar.
Sense it was Sunday, so the room was filled and there was a pastor preaching. Then, quickly and quietly, they move to the back and sit down on one of the benches. “God doesn’t want us to love the same gender the way a husband would love his wife-“
“Whao! What!? When the fuck did he say that!?” Gabriel called out. He doesn’t remember his father ever saying that.
The pastor gave him a patient small. “Ah. You must be new to this! Good to know that there is a new soul finding God and His never ending love! To answer your question, Genesis 19. You may use of one of the Bibles that are in front of you if you like.”
Lucifer giggled quietly as Gabriel stood up. This is going to be good. “Ya that entire story is about pedophiles. You know, those people that like to grope kids? They just happened to be two men doing it.”
The priest stood there in shock. Then a middle aged white women turned around. “How dare you go against the word of the Lord! You will burn for that!” The room filled with gasps.
Gabriel chuckled darkly. “And what? Scaring people that they will be going to to hell doesn’t make you go to hell? Also, the Americans in like the 18 hundreds or something paid the English church to make the translation say that. They did that because it made someone get uncomfortable, too bad from them. Go cry to mommy. The word that they used in the Bible actually means pedophilia. When the Bible said ‘If you are man you shall sleep boy’ it ment adult and child. Honestly, does the dude need to spell it out? It’s kind of self explanatory! Man and boy. Two different things. One is a child and one is a adult.”
Michael whistled and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t like all of the eyes looking in his direction. It made him really comfortable. It was very Dean like. The priest blushed with embarrassment. “Sir, please, sit down and keep it to yourself.”
Gabriel glared at him. “No! You are scaring people into thinking they will go to hell for who they love! There is at least 15 children in here that are gay. Maybe bisexual. You then say God has unconditional, unwavering love. But the second you are gay, oh, he no longer loves you. Why kind of bull- bs is that!? Kids, you won’t go to hell because you love someone of the same gender.”
The priest slammed his hand down on the Bible. “Sir! It is not ok! You will go to hell for it children! Do not let this unfaithful man tell you different!”
Gabriel didn’t even flinch. “No fuck you wont! You’re just made because I’m making more sense then that paper! Half of the crap that is on there is, well, crap! It’s been translated so many times in different ways you humans don’t even know what’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’!”
One of the teens in the room stood up. “Thank you!” She shouted. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say my entire God forsaken life!” The mother of that girl gasped and told her to watch her mouth. “Oh for fucks sake mother! I seriously doubt the dude cares if you use is name in vain.”
Gabriel pointed at her. “He really doesn’t! In fact, He does it Himself!”
The girl tilted her head. “How do you know?” It was general childish curiosity. Gabriel found it kind of cute.
Gabriel smirked. “Well you see-“
“Gabriel no-“ Raphael stood up panicking slightly. Not this again. Something like this has happened once long ago and Raphael honestly didn’t want to relive it.
“Gabriel yes!”
Lucifer looked over at him with a tired expression. “Gabe, not the best idea.”
“Shut up Lucifer. I know that He does because I’m the Archangel Gabriel.” Then he rolled his shoulders back, making shadows with his wings show and the light all went out, the bulbs exploding, and Gabriel’s halo glowed slightly. Everyone gasped.
Micheal sighed. “Gabriel, now you scared the priest!” The man held a cross to his chin and was praying very very fast.
Gabriel stuck his tongue out at him. Gabriel then winked at the girl who was looking at him in amazement and snapped his fingers. He moved himself and his brothers back to the car and drove off laughing hysterically.
“Oh Dad! I can’t believe you just did that!” Lucifer laughed loudly. Raphael was doubled over laughing, wheezing. Michael had his face in his hands but was shaking slightly. “Wait until dad hears that prayer! Oh it’s so over for us!”
Gabriel just continued to laugh and drive. Today was a good day for the second oldest group of siblings.
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(I found the fanart on google images)
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incorrect-mha-bnha · 5 years
Trans Bakugou HC????
His first genuine smile happened after waking up from top surgery to see himself finally weightless after years of drowning. No one would ever forget how bright and alive he seemed as tears fell down his face in the hospital. Kirishima could have sworn to hearing a laugh slip through at one point, but of course that was denied.
Bakugou designed his hero suit to be a cross tank because he assumed his top surgery would have been done by then but sadly, kidnapping and hero bs got in the way. Now he has to wear sports bras under it until the appointment can be booked. Leaving him pissed and just slightly dysphoric out and about which helps aid his sour mood while training.
My poor boy Bakugou has D cups. Pray for him😔...No, but for real. The size of his unfortunate lumps caused a lot of dysphoria while wearing his hero suit. (Going back to the previous bullet) Because of their size, it was a lot harder to bind to satisfactory which led to a lot of methods being used until he just said fuck it and started weight lifting. (For those who don’t know, weight lifting turns breast tissue into muscle and some other cool pectoral shit. I know this because my Ma is a personal trainer.) It shrunk him down a few sizes while building muscle, giving the illusion of pecs so wearing a sports bra was bearable.
Bakugou went through many phases of figuring out who he wanted to be (that’s obvious but I’m not talking about gender wise) in terms of style and personality. He tried different types of styles until one stuck, now he looks like a gremlin in baggy clothes (on occasions). He also went through a makeup phase to try and darken his features.
When Bakugou is really dysphoric, he hunches over and grumbles a lot. Everyone usually stays away, discounting Midoriya and Kirishima. Them being the bravest and brightest always gang up on Bakugou to help bring his spirits and confidence up. Even let him get the anger out with a rough spar.
Bakugou changes in the bathroom of the locker room to avoid invasive eyes (Mineta) or is released 5 minutes early by his teachers to get a head start.
During his pre-top surgery days, Bakugou would wear a baggy shirt into the pool But practically avoided it altogether. The first person to really get him comfortable enough to uncross his arms in the pool, given that they somehow coaxed him in, was Kirishima.
Bakugou was never self conscious about his height, being visited by the height fairy during puberty but his hips and chest? Count them as life ruiners. Baby had so many dysphoria episodes in front of the mirror that he turned into an angry introvert.
T does a lot of shit to your body, one of those being heightening your aggression levels. If Bakugou was already slightly aggressive to begin with, his pleasancey took a nose dive after starting T.
Uhmmm pro hero Bakuhou starting a fundraiser for trans kids and adults who are homeless, jobless (Aka struggling), in need of support or looking for others like them, searching for clarity, even protection. Bakugou is like the trans Jesus, that is all.
He literally hates what he feels like when someone points out that his mother and him look alike. Yeah, he fucking gets it but is there a need to point it out? Damn.
COMMITS himself to doing regular vocal excersises to lower his voice, even with T. His usual gruff tone is to mask the voice cracks he gets on the hormones, because that would be embarrassing.
When Bakugou got the call that he was going to get top surgery, he literally blew his phone up with so much excitment then burst into tears.
Showers suck- nuff said.
Midoriya was the first person to ever know about Bakugou being trans. So, he started bullying Midoriya into silence but soon realized the boy wouldn’t have uttered a word anyway and simply wanted to help and be there for him. Of course, Bakugou, being young and new to the life change, wanted everyone who had once known him as a girl to be gone. That meant he would try and remove Midoriya from his life for good but the green boy just kept on bouncing back. Imagine his surprise to know the one person with his secret would be attending high school with him. Shit got flipped.
All of the girls carry extra supplies for emergencies. Bakugou does too but sometimes a p*riod (I bleep because it can be a sensitive topic) just pops out of nowhere. It gets him frustrated and embarrassed whenever he isn’t prepared but the girls somehow always know the right timing to whisk him off to help or stealthily stuff some things into his pocket as they cross paths. It’s like a cartel of drugs but the girls are being true friends with pads in the end. Kirishima even got on the bandwagon and started carrying supplies for whoever may need it.
Bakugou refused to wear tampons, shit was a no go.
In the beginning, Bakugou would frequently steal one of the girl’s heating pads whenever the pain got unbearable. They hardly minded but Momo gifted him one as a present. He uses it all the time.
After he came out and became comfortable, Bakugou would joke about donating his lumps to the girls that bitched about being small chested. (We are looking at you Jirou). “Free unfortunate lumps for sale! I don’t want them, take the damn things!”, “Hey! Give me your chest, switch with me!”
Bakugou is a night dweller for many reasons. 1.) Time to not bind and give himself a break while doing stretches. 2.) snacks are Free real estate 3.) It’s easier to not bind while everyone isn’t there to witness him walking to relieve tension.
Bakugou once heard that frequent conception of coffee leads to a decrease in breast size by 0.3 cups. Bakugou ended up consuming so much that he stayed up for a total of 72 hours, almost overdosed, couldn’t sit still, finished everyone’s homework plus his own, deep cleaned the entire dorm and trained until he crashed. Now, he hates the taste of it but swears that his little shits shrunk a whole cup.
His waist in snatched thanks to those bitch ass hips.
His first post surgery outfit was a very thin material white shirt because fuck yeah, get a view of his binder less chest under there!
Bakugou wears headphones while going about in public for a few reasons. 1.) He doesn’t like interacting with people and the headphones usually wards them off from bothering him. 2.) Loud music in his ears tends to tune out people misgendering him and transphobes being chucklefucks.
Bakugou got his respect to be called a guy from his family by blatantly ignoring anyone who called him by his deadman and/or used the wrong pronouns. “Bitch, suddenly I can’t hear. I don’t know who you think you are calling.”
Bakugou is very proud of any hair that grows on his body. (Sigh, take that how you wish). Literally prances around the UA grounds showing off even the tineiest hint of a beard, and raves over his growing leg hair.
Bakugou’s favorite movie is Mulan, fight me on that.
Bakugou’s life zeal is Be Trans Throw Hands
More to be added
Part 2
Part 3
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kaalamarii · 4 years
Crash Landing (MLQC Victor)
And now my first MLQC fic! 💞 
Victor is such an asshole but I’m lowkey obsessed with him so 🤷‍♀️ but I hate that MC never turns his bs back around on him so I wrote this. 
Warnings: none really, some swears. just fluff(?)
Victor smirked as he heard the door to Souvenir open, knowing exactly who it was. 
He had left MC a voicemail earlier criticizing critiquing her latest report and knew she’d be by to talk to him about it. He had made some of the pudding she loved so much while he waited for her to arrive.  He'd never admit it, not even to himself, but he loved when she'd come to see him, all doe eyed and begging him to give her more time. Of course he'd give her a hard time but he always relented and she'd smile, act all grateful.
In some sort of fucked up way, it made him feel good, how she tried so hard to please him.
As he finished the pudding, sticking it in the fridge to let it set. He listened as her footsteps echoed through the restaurant, graceful and determined. 
This time, though, was different.
Victor almost laughed as she came into the kitchen, scowling, her knuckles white as she gripped her phone in her hand. She held it out in front of her, in his face. 
"What the hell is this?"
Victor glanced down at the phone, not even having to read it to realize it was his response to her proposal. He swatted her hand away. "Well, you see, that's what we call email. It's like writing letters but over the internet."
"Hilarious,” she said with a scoff. “You know what I mean, so answer the question, Victor.”
He smirked. “Your report.”
He rolled his eyes, getting irritated at the woman. “And what? It was awful."
"My report was great and thorough and my team worked hard on it."
"Not hard enough, apparently."
She growled in frustration. "You are such a dick, you know that?!"
He was pleasantly shocked at how forward she was being. He was just as proud of her as he was annoyed.
“Watch it,” he threatened. She wasn’t shaken at all by his tone and again, it annoyed yet thrilled him. He sighed. 
"I'll reread it, tomorrow," he said, before turning to get the pudding from the refrigerator. He slid it over to her. "Have some."
She pushed the dessert back to him. "You'll reread it now."
Victor set the plate of pudding back in front of her, eyes darkening as he stared down at her. “Eat the pudding, MC.”
“Not until you tell me the report was good.”
He chuckled. "You really are a fool."
She crossed her arms and tapped her foot, refusing to back down.
"God, you’re being such a brat,” he snapped. “Need I remind you that your funding depends on me?"
"Your point? I'll get funding elsewhere if I have to."
Victor laughed at her threat. "From who?"
"I'll fund it myself if I have to."
He stepped closer to her, his tall frame towering over her. "Really? And how would you do that?"
"I don't know, suck dick if I have to."
This threw him off his intimidation tactic and MC could’ve sworn she saw a slight blush on his cheeks. "Calm down, there will be none of... That. Now, come on, let's go eat this and I'll reread it now."
MC looked down at the pudding. It did look good...she loved his pudding. 
"Fine,” she finally agreed. “But only if you promise to not be an asshole."
"But that's my specialty," Victor joked, an awkward attempt to lighten the mood.
She gave him a look and he sighed. "Okay okay. I promise. No assholery."
“Pinky promise?”
Victor tried his best to stop a smile from playing out on his lips. There she was, sweet and almost childlike. The MC that he had come to know and love. 
He rolled his eyes, wrapping his pinky around hers.
Victor held the kitchen door open for her and followed her to a table. He set the pudding down and sat across from her.
She ate half of it, splitting the other half with him after a short argument about whether it’d be gross of them to share a spoon or not. 
“It’d be like kissing you,” Victor said.
“Oh, like you’ve never wanted to do that before,” she retorted, smirking when he coughed and turned his head to hide his blush.
“What’s with the sass today?” he asked as he grabbed another spoon and dug into the pudding.
“You’re sassy everyday, why can’t I be?”
“I’m not sassy,” Victor replied. “I just know you can write a better report.”
“And I’m telling you nothing’s wrong with it.”
“I’m sorry, is it so bad that I’m pushing you to be better?”
“It is when you make me feel like an idiot.”
“You are an idiot.”
MC grabbed the pudding back from him, crumbs falling onto the table. “You promised not to be an asshole. People who break promises don’t get to eat pudding.”
Victor scoffed, grabbing it back from her. “I *made* this pudding.”
She glared at him, her hand still stuck on the plate.
“Look, I’m sorry,” he said with a sigh. “I don’t really think you’re an idiot. Kind of dumb sometimes, but so is everyone.”
“Everyone but you?”
He shrugged.
MC scoffed, letting go of the plate and leaning back in her chair. “I know you don’t really think I’m dumb and that this is a facade.”
“What is?”
“You acting all tough. As if you’re not totally in love with me.”
Victor coughed. "Excuse me?"
"You're the little boy pulling the girl's pigtails. You like me and can't deal with it so you act like a dickhead."
"Somebody's full of herself."
MC shrugged. "Just calling it like I see it."
She stood up and walked over to him, putting her hands on his shoulders. Victor stiffened, the first time he had felt nervous around her. Well, around anyone, about anything. Ever.
She bent down to whisper in his ear. "I admit I do like this little game we've got going between us."
Victor stammered, face growing hot with frustration. “Look, dummy, I don’t know what you think-”
He was cut off by her pressing her lips to his. For a moment he didn't know how to react until she swiped his lips with her tongue. He obliged, opening his mouth and slipping his own tongue out to meet hers.
She pulled away, looking him in the eyes."I'll be in your office first thing tomorrow after you reread the report. I hope to hear something positive."
She gathered her belongings and kissed him again. “Thanks for the pudding.”
He watched, for once not able to speak, as she sauntered off, out of Souvenir. The door shut loudly behind her. Victor stared at it, dumbfounded.
What just happened? 
Holy shit, I am in love. 
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Enemies to Lovers Noah Sexton x dawson!reader
requested by: @bitweird1​
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
Warnings: swearing, mature themes, child neglect, slightly Dawson bashing but they really just didn’t know, canon compliant threats
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You had spent your entire life struggling and working your ass off. No social life, extracurriculars for the sole purpose of applying to universities, and spending the majority of your life studying because according to your dad at least one Dawson had to become a doctor and your older siblings had decided that it wouldn’t be them, leaving you to do nothing but prepare for the future that had been hand-picked by the man you felt abandoned you. And then Noah fucking Sexton just waltzes in having put in half the effort and riding the coattails of his much more intelligent sister who gave up a career as a doctor because of sexism. He spent far too much of his time flirting with everything that had boobs and a pulse. You didn’t like him because he took nothing seriously and didn’t have a responsible bone in his body, and he hated you because you were incredibly uptight and didn’t have a sense of humour.
“Maybe you’d have more friends here if you didn’t have a stick shoved up your ass.”
“I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to become a doctor.”
Everyone was getting really sick of your fighting, so they banded together and made things worse. They had badgered you until Doris had enough and dragged you to Molly’s. You refused to drink or eat anything, resulting in more snide remarks between you and Noah. Just when everyone was developing a migraine before they were anywhere even close to drunk your parents burst through the door and marched over to you. And suddenly, everyone in the bar, including your siblings, were subjected to and twenty-minute rant from your parents about how you should be grateful they pushed you towards medical school and all the activities that got you scholarships, that they didn’t abandon you, and that they clothed and fed you because a third child cost so much money, how you never took anything seriously and were always joking around, and how you were a disgrace to the family. Once they finished, your dad dragged you out by your arm, your mom followed muttering about why couldn’t you be more like Gabby and Antonio.
You walked into the ED the next day as robotic as ever. The pitiful and awkward stares were ignored with ease, it was something you were quite used to if you were honest. Your parents were always scrutinized by your teachers and DCFS. At the end of the day, though, they weren’t abusive enough for any charges or housing changes to be set. They weren’t like that with Gabby and Antonio, who had mostly moved out by the time you were in kindergarden, you were their last chance to help them prove to their family that they didn’t fail as parents. And they made sure you knew it.
“Dr. Dawson, you’ve got a patient in treatment one. Also, uh, are you okay? I feel pretty bad about last night.”
“Oh, don’t worry about anything. I’m fine, and my parents were right I should’ve been studying. It was a poor decision on my part not to. I’m gonna get to this patient, but you really don’t need to feel bad, okay?”
She nodded absently as you turned your back to her. ”Hi, I'm Dr. Dawson, can you tell me what brought you in today?”
Your patient had just gone up to the OR to have a blood clot removed and you made your way to the doctor’s lounge, followed by Noah Sexton. ”Hey, Y/N, are you-”
”Yes, Noah, I am okay. Yes, I'm sure. I am fine, I am always fine.”
”From my experience when people say they're fine they're usually not.”
”Noah, I am okay.”
“I don’t believe you.”
The next few weeks were a maze of pitiful stares, hushed concerned words, and a silent Noah. All of it was completely unnerving. It all came to a head when Dr. Charles approached in the ED you about starting therapy with him, talking continuously about all the points ‘brought to his attention’, not even giving you the time to tell him the majority were false. “Excuse me?” 
Your stomach coiled in anger at his words. Not only were you more than capable of doing your job, but you already had a therapist. With basket case parents like yours, it was blatantly obvious that therapy was required. But the audacity of your co-workers to gossip so much that it came to the point over half the points Charles brought up were complete BS was astounding. Not only that, but he’d apparently spent the last few days internet stalking you to try and find some of your demons. “Dr. Charles, do you consider me a danger or liability to any of the patients or doctors at this hospital because of my relationship with my parents?”
“No, you actually seem to be well balanced mentally.”
“Then what, on earth, made you think it was appropriate to go around behind my back asking everyone at the hospital their opinion about me and what happened at Molly’s, or stalk me online to try and get a read on me, and then ask me blatantly at work, in the middle of the shift, in front of all my co-workers and superiors? What made you think it was okay to loudly bombard me with rumours and hearsay while I’m working?”
“Well, I thought that since it’s my job to check on all the ED docs, I’d check on you.”
“... You’re joking, right? I am the only person in this department who goes to therapy. Don’t kid yourself, you don’t check on anyone here. You judge them and make sure they know it. And quite honestly, you don’t have the best reputation for looking out for the mental and emotional state of your colleagues. This confrontation was not only completely inappropriate, but rude, obnoxious, presumptuous, riddled with unchecked errors, and unprofessional.”
“That’s not how I would word it.”
“It’s how I see it, and how I’ll word it with HR.”
No one was pitying you anymore, not since the tongue lashing you gave Dr. Charles, who was on very thin ice with the hospital. While bringing up Robin and Sarah may have been a bit of a low blow, it exposed some issues with Dr. Charles that needed to be addressed. The only person who acted as if you were made of glass was Noah Sexton. While he had been a bit of a pain in the ass, this was worse. He was being sickeningly nice to you and it was getting on your last nerve. Yes, your parents were abusive. Yes, you had a messed up and traumatic childhood. But did that limit your abilities? No. Did that make you mentally unstable requiring therapy and fragility from your coworkers? Absolutely not.
He came in with coffee exactly the way you liked it, again. With a muffin, again. “You have to stop.”
“Stop what, Y/N?”
“Stop acting weird. You don’t like me, you hate me, actually. The only reason you’re being nice to me is because my parents resent my existence. I do not need or want your pity. So stop treating me like a china doll, and start treating me like your coworker.”
“Okay, okay, I uh... I’m sorry. I just, I feel guilty, okay? I gave you such a hard time for being so frigid and then when your parents showed up at Molly’s and started screaming at you for existing and having a life of your own, it just all made sense. And I gave you shit and trouble for coping with your crazy-ass parents. And then Dr. Charles came by to talk to you and I just felt even worse because even though I didn’t tell him anything, it was our fighting that put the spotlight on you in the first place. You shouldn’t have had your dirty laundry aired to the entire hospital, that’s happened to me a few times and it’s horrible, and I feel bad because I know that I was a contributing factor to all the shit you’ve had to deal with at work.”
“I get where you’re coming from, but let’s be real, everything would’ve turned out exactly the same way if you weren’t involved. The gossip mill runs strong at Gaffney.”
“Yeah, it does. I still feel bad.”
“Well, you’re forgiven then. So you can stop treading delicately, buying me coffee, and being creepily nice to me.”
“I am not being ‘creepily nice’! And how can being nice be creepy anyway?”
“Yesterday you followed me around offering to help me take my gloves on and off constantly, to the point where a patient who came in for falling out of the ceiling above the women’s changeroom said ‘that’s just weird’.”
“... Okay. I’ll stop. But I gotta be honest, I don’t think I can go back to arguing with you all the time.”
“That’s fine, just stop acting so weird that a couple I caught having kinky sex after an STD swab said ‘that made us really uncomfortable’.”
“Don’t have to tell me twice. Seriously, you didn’t have to tell me twice.”
You and Noah had actually managed to become good friends and roommates. Shortly after he started acting like a normal person around you, not an instigator or a psycho, you found yourself enjoying his company. And yesterday, when you’d come home to find your room completely torn apart by your mother because your father had tried to frame you for using weed, you were done. Most of what you owned had been destroyed in your mother’s search, which sucked, but it made packing up all your stuff into your car much easier.
So far you’d ignored 43 texts, 12 calls, two visits from Gabby when she brought in a patient, and one visit from Antonio who didn’t even bother trying to lie to you. He also threatened to impound your car, you threatened to tell Voight about the time he and Lindsay got drunk and hooked up. It didn’t even matter that she was in New York now, Voight wouldn’t even blink before bludgeoning him down. He swore at you, “how could you break mami’s heart like this?”, and “can’t you just behave and do what you’re told for once?”
You looked him dead in the eyes, heart beating erratically at you older brother supporting your parents belittling and abusing you, “You sound like dad Antonio.”, watched his face fall, and left. Noah stopped him when he went to follow you. “You good?”
“Uh, not really. I don’t have a place to go tonight.”
“Did your mom kick you out?”
“No, I left. I can’t do it anymore. I break out in hives whenever I even think about my mother now. I just can’t go back.”
“Well, you don’t have to. I have been looking for a roommate, we can move you into my place after shift.”
“Are you sure?”
“Now come on, it’s prank week. Stohl pissed off Manning last week and she’s been planning revenge ever since, you do not want to miss this.”
And you didn’t. You entered the ED to find one of the most hated doctors in med spitting out Gatorade. “WHaT thE heLL?! That was sooo-ughghghg-” he couldn’t even finish his sentence before running to the doctor’s lounge to throw up in the bathroom. To Natalie’s credit, she didn’t crack a smile or react at all as she gracefully stepped over the spilled orange Gatorade. She briefly reminded you of a fae, graceful, beautiful, and cunning as all hell. You made a mental note never to cross her. Later at lunch, Natalie opened her sushi container, slightly deconstructed each piece, loaded all the pieces up with wasabi, reconstructed them, and popped one in her mouth. Everyone sitting near her had their eyes flash in recognition. Stohl had a habit of stealing other people’s food, and no matter how many times anyone told him to stop, they were just bullied into compliance. As a result, everyone had to dictate their food choices around his palette. Which meant no spicy food. Something that sucked for nearly everyone because hot food was a favourite for most people in the ED. But Manning wasn’t taking his shit. Not today. Something that worried everyone sitting around her because she would get in trouble for eating her own food how she liked it. It wasn’t until one of the HR workers, Holly, sat down beside Natalie and engaged in conversation that everyone realized the full scope of her plans. Stohl plopped down beside you and stole half of your sandwich right out of your hand. Ranting and raving, insulting everyone, stealing food, he made his way all around the circular cafeteria table until he got to Nat. He scooped up to pieces and threw them in his mouth just after he finished the words ‘insolent underlings’. Everyone held their breath as they watched his pale face redden exponentially. His eyes widened. And then he screamed. 
He yelled, he swore. “I’m going to report you to HR! You tried to poison me!”
“You stole food from everyone, something inappropriate, unethical, and unprofessional. You stole her food. That she made spicy to her tastes. She didn’t try to poison you.”
“And just who the fuck do you think you are?!”
“Holly Scott, from HR.”
You and Noah were doing great, as roommates and as friends. “Hey, do you have any plans for dinner tonight? My parents invited me over for dinner and they asked me to extend an invite to you. It’s nothing major, they wanted to meet my previous roommates, too. Make sure you’re not a hooligan.”
“Okay, sounds fun. What should I bring?”
“It’s rude to show up at someone else’s home without a gift.”
“You don’t need to bring my parents a gift.”
“Oh, I’m bringing a gift. I’m just asking you for some input.”
“Okay, well they really like wheelie shoes-”
“Ha, oh my god, I meant for what your parents would like, not you. And want wheelie shoes? Those have been out for a while, Noah.”
“Hey, do not laugh at me! They are just a very effective and fun way to get around.”
“Would you like them to light up too?”
“... Is that an option?”
You knocked on the door while Noah rolled his eyes at you. “I grew up here!”
“Well you don’t live here anymore and it’s rude to just barge into someone’s home and act like you own the place.”
“Oh, you must be Y/N! I wasn’t expecting anyone to knock, usually, Noah just barges in and acts like he owns the place. Come in, come in. It’s freezing outside.” You gave Noah a side-eyed smirk as you took off your coat, while he looked bashfully embarrassed. “Uh, here Ms. Sexton, I brought some homemade empanadas, they can be put in the fridge or kept in the freezer, and it’s best to reheat them in the oven. 350 F, ten minutes from the fridge and about 20 if they were put in the freezer.”
“Oh, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“I was raised that when you go over to someone’s house for dinner or an event, you bring a gift. And it was either this or a house plant.”
“Ha, good idea going with the food, it’s a Sexton family trait that will kill all the plants we touch. Thank you very much.”
“Hello, you must be Y/N. It;s wonderful to meet you- and what smells so good?”
“Y/N brought empanadas, and they are going away so that you and I can enjoy them later. Now everyone, to the dining room, dinner is just about done.”
Things started to change a bit a few months later when Choi had to physically restrain Noah from attacking a drunk bar fight patient who called you a slut in the middle of the ED. You’d been confused but Maggie just kept saying that it was a matter of time.
When you’d been hanging around at Molly’s with Noah, Sarah, and Darren, Noah had his arm casually wrapped around your shoulders, something your sister gave you the eyebrow for from her place at the bar.
After you’d been mugged and beaten, you’d run to the 21st, where your brother promptly unleashed the most fearsome demon hell has ever cowered from, AKA Hank Voight, he also called Noah. And when your brother finally made an arrest and got Voight to calm down a little, he’d entered the breakroom to find you fast asleep, curled up against Noah. Who sat in an incredibly uncomfortable position, holding you and stroking your back. You missed the dark look that crossed his face, or the one of fear that had crossed Noah’s but something of an understanding had fallen to Noah. The two of you needed to talk.
So you did, and it went well, so well that you planned a date. Then another one. And another one, until you two had been dating for six months and figured it was time to tell your families. You were shaking in your boots, the Sexton’s were all incredibly close and incredibly doting on Noah, so even though they liked you, you had absolutely no clue as to what the reaction would be. To your relief, it was happiness, they loved you as much as Noah apparently, and they relished in the changed you’d caused in Noah.
Your family, on the other hand, did not react well. Which was why you’d made sure that you told them in a very public place, and had only ordered waters before you told them. There was yelling, screaming, your father waving his arms around so much Antonio had to use his cop voice on him. In the end, you and Noah had been there for around five minutes before throwing some cash at the waitress as a tip for leaving her with your family, and hauling ass out of there. The two of you had ended up just eating pizza on the boardwalk in your fancy clothes and heading back to the apartment late.You both had work the next day, but while you were an intern, Noah was not. And while you were off giving a patient a sponge bath, your siblings cornered Noah at the nurses desk. “Sexton, is there a place the three of us can talk?”
“Uh, sure, this conference room is free...”
“So, I take it this is about-”
“Nuh-uh. You do not talk. We do.”
“You are dating our baby sister.”
“We may not be as close to her as you are with your sister, but she still means a lot to us.”
“We love her. We are two people with some pretty dangerous skills. It is for these two reasons that you will not hurt her. Ever.”
“And if you do, don’t forget who I work with.”
“No one will ever find your body.”
“Are we clear?”
“Uh, hmmh... Clear. Crystal clear.”
“Good. Now do you know where Y/N is? We’d like to take the both of you out to lunch or something, just the four of us, to make up for the dinner of many disasters.”
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aresrl · 3 years
Hello! Could I get a vision, friend (any gender) and romantic partner (male preferred! but open to females too if you feel that someone really fits!)?
(and if it isn't too much, could I get an enemy too? though if your inbox is too full, please omit this extra request!)
I tend to come across as friendly and polite, but with those that I’m close to, I can actually be quite dramatic and chaotic! Some say that their first impression of me is that I'm quiet or reserved, but I just think making small talk is useless and ends up making everyone awkward. Though I won't call myself an introvert entirely, I truly appreciate (and sometimes even deliberately seek out) periods of alone time. I tend to be more straightforward and prefer not to sugarcoat my words unless the situation calls for it. At the same time though, I'm similarly straightforward with compliments! I don't really like change, and would prefer to stick to what I'm sure of rather than trying new methods. I’m rather insecure and self-conscious but I try not to let it show because it would just end up being counterproductive. Usually more rational and practical, but deep inside me there is this one single emotional braincell that screams really (—sometime a little too) loudly all the time. I prioritize efficiency, and don't like people who are overly flashy but with little substance, the "all talk but no action" types, or those who don't take their work seriously at all. My major weaknesses (amongst many others) are my stubbornness and my tendency to run away from problems until the last minute. As for my strengths...I’m a hard worker and I have a pretty solid moral compass. Whether this compass is facing the right direction, only time will tell.
I enjoy learning about history and culture (though my knowledge severely falls short compared to my passion - but that can be worked on, fortunately!), and reading about almost any topic, though there’s a special place in my heart reserved for mystery novels :) My sense of style is one of the few things I’m confident in, I’ve been told that I dress well! If I could choose a weapon, it’d be a sword!
My love language is words of affirmation - both to give and to receive! I have a soft spot for grand gestures and formalities in romance, and given the opportunity, will also like to express my love in these kinds of ways - in moderation, of course! I would prefer an S/O or friend who can lend me a listening ear when I need it, but will also call me out on my bs if necessary! I’m not very comfortable with confiding in others about personal things, so I hope that they will be someone I can freely open up to. Respect for personal space is important too, and while I do enjoy intimacy to a certain extent, I don’t think I’d enjoy being with someone too clingy. I've come to realize that towards the few people I am closest to, I tend to go out of my way to make them feel special, and let them know that it is them that I prioritize the most, though this also sometimes leaves me feeling insecure that I do not hold the same weight in their heart as they do in mine. I’m not sure what I can bring to the table when it comes to romance since I have no prior experience in this area, but I’m certain that I will be able to reciprocate their love and devotion to an equal extent. My ideal relationship would be one where both of us inspire each other to be better versions of ourselves and support one another in the pursuit of our goals!
Thank you so much and sorry for the long description!
Hey! I hope you haven't been waiting for too long (I hope so for every following matchup, actually).
You received... A Hydro vision! Generosity, devotion to people, always helping others, and mastery are the main characteristics of the Hydro vision. • You could have been Geo because you have some of its traits: being efficient, productive, hard-working, and even if you have a weakness, you'll try your best to keep going. But the more I read you, the more I thought you were more on the support side. • “My ideal relationship would be one where both of us inspire each other to be better versions of ourselves and support one another in the pursuit of our goals!” “I've come to realize that towards the few people I am closest to, I tend to go out of my way to make them feel special, and let them know that it is them that I prioritize the most, though this also sometimes leaves me feeling insecure that I do not hold the same weight in their heart as they do in mine.” “My love language is words of affirmation - both to give and to receive!” These are Hydro traits that, to me, take over Geo traits. • You also said that you preferred to stick to what you're sure of. It may mean that you will use things you master instead of something else. Your partner would be... Childe! Distant but still here. • According to what you'd like in a romantic relationship, he would fit greatly: grand gestures are his thing, and formalities don't bother him. • Childe will remain himself, but he's understanding, so it won't hurt him to change some little things about him for you (when you need your space for example). • Your way of supporting each other is reciprocal. • He likes your way of thinking and your chaotic side. Your friend would be... Diluc! “Y/n? A pleasant person to talk with.” • Both of you don't like small talk. • Actually, you share the same way of thinking, so when you disagree on something, you know that the other's reason is valuable. Generally, this is the basis of most of your conversation. Your enemy would be... Venti! Maybe if you were aware of his real identity, you would not think the same. Or maybe not. • You perceive him as a lazy and never serious bard, only good at getting drunk: exactly what you dislike. Recently my routine has been: waking up in the afternoon, watching a stream or a video while eating, make a matchup or two, realize I'm tired, so I stop in the middle of it, playing Genshin because I have to, it wakes me up a bit so, I go in for another video/stream for hours while eating again and sleep. Or sometimes I just sleep directly after finishing a matchup and put an alarm at 10/11pm to do Genshin dailies. And it wakes me up, so I stay in front of a video or a stream until 5. I feel a bit bad that this is longer than the friend and enemy's description haha, sorry.
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Kevin - We finally meet - M
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AUTHOR’S NOTE: MERRY CHRISTMASSY THE Bs! I hope you will like my scenario for Kevin this Christmas day! :)
  Y/N and her friend named Hyeri are in their apartment and it was their day-off from their work. Then Hyori noticed that Y/N is very busy chatting with someone on her phone and she slightly peeked and…
“Y/N, who is that? It seems you are happy,” Hyeri said and Y/N just smiled at her.
"I forgot to tell you that I have a long-distance relationship with someone," Y/N said.
“What? You mean you have a boyfriend now?” Hyeri asked.
“Yup! But he is from Canada and we already did some video calls,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Are you really sure that guy is really serious about you? By the way, what is his name?” Hyeri asked.
“His name is Kevin. Also, I am really sure he’s serious with me and he also told me that he will visit me here,” Y/N said.
"Oh! Good luck with your relationship with him!" Hyeri said and Y/N smiled and nodded. Then the next day, while they are working, someone called Y/N on her phone and when she saw it was Kevin, she smiled and just answered the call.
Y/N: Kevin! Why did you call?
Kevin: I just really want to deliver some good news for you.
Y/N: Oh! What is that?
Kevin: I will be going to meet you next week.
Y/N: OMG! Are you sure about that?
Kevin: Yup! Also, I will tell you another good news when I already met you there.
Y/N: Kevin, you should just tell me now.
Kevin: I will tell you about the other good news when I am with you. So, I hope you understand.
Y/N: *sighed* Okay! I am getting excited and curious about your other good news.
Kevin: I bet you will really like my other good news for you. So, just wait for one week and we will finally meet each other!
Y/N: Okay! Don’t worry! I will prepare for our meet up next week. By the way, I have to go back to work.
Kevin: Oh! Okay! Talk to you later again. I love you Y/N!
Y/N: Okay! I love you too so much Kevin!
After she hang-up the call, she smiled widely and her friend, Hyeri noticed it.
“Hey, Y/N! It seems you are very happy. Huh? Did something happen?” Hyeri asked.
"Kevin called me earlier and he told me that he will meet me next week and he has another good news for me but he will tell me when we already meet each other," Y/N said.
“Oh! That’s great! I am happy for you, Y/N! Tell me about what happened when you meet him, okay?” Hyeri said.
“Don’t worry I will tell you the details when I meet him,” Y/N said and winked at her and Hyeri smiled at her. As they went back to work, Y/N noticed a name in their foreign clients and…
“Hyeri, I have a question,” Y/N said.
“What is that, Y/N?” Hyeri asked.
“Are you really sure that this name “Moon Hyungseo” is a foreigner?’ Y/N asked and looked at Hyeri.
“Yup! He’s a Korean-Canadian. Why did you ask?” Hyeri asked.
“ Oh! I just thought the name of the client is mistakenly added here. Thanks for informing me,” Y/N said.
“No problem, Y/N! I have to go back to work,” Hyeri said and Y/N nodded. As Y/N still looking at the client’s name and…
"I think it was just a coincidence that Kevin has the same surname as our client. Oh well, I think it's not him, right?" Y/N thought and just went back to work.
Y/N is in the office and someone suddenly called her and it was Kevin and she answered the call.
Y/N: Kevin! Why did you call?
Kevin: I think you forgot that I will meet you this week.
Y/N: No, I didn’t forget that, Kevin.
Kevin: Okay! I just want to tell you that prepare for yourself.
Y/N: Huh? Why?
Kevin: Just wait and see. I will call you again later.
Y/N: Okay! Bye! I love you, Kevin!
Kevin: I love you too so much Y/N!
After their conversation, Hyeri approached her and…
“Y/N let’s go to the conference room now,” Hyeri said.
“Huh? Why? Is there an emergency meeting?” Y/N asked.
"Yup! But they don't tell us what is the emergency meeting was for," Hyeri said and both of them just went to the conference room. As the meeting started…
"I am sorry if we had a sudden meeting for today, but this will be just quick and I just want to introduce the valuable clients of our company," the manager said. Then one-by-one the clients entered the conference room and when the last client entered, Y/N was surprised and…
“OMG! Kevin is one of our clients? It means he is Moon Hyungseo?” Y/N thought and…
“Hyeri, I have to tell you something,” Y/N whispered to Hyeri.
“What is it?” Hyeri said.
'The last person on the right side is Kevin who is actually my boyfriend," Y/N said and Hyeri was surprised.
"What? Are you serious?" Hyeri asked in a low voice.
"Yup! To be honest, I didn't know that his real name is Moon Hyungseo because he just told me his name is Kevin Moon," Y/N said.
"I am happy for you that you will be with him today since we are just going to work half-day. I really hope that he will stay here for good," Hyeri said and Y/N just smiled.
"Thanks Hyeri! I really hope that it will not be a long-distance relationship anymore for the two of us," Y/N said and Hyeri just smiled and nodded at her. As Kevin looking at the employees, he suddenly saw Y/N.
“Am I seeing it right now? Y/N is actually working here?” Kevin thought and their eyes suddenly met and both of them smiled at each other then it was Kevin’s turn to introduce himself and…
"Good morning everyone! I am Kevin Moon but my real name is Moon Hyungseo. To be honest, I am surprised that one of the employees here is my girlfriend," Kevin said and the rest of the employees suddenly chatted with each other because of his statement.
“Oh shit! Why did he tell in front of other employees! I am doomed!” Y/N thought and tried to lower herself in the seat and Hyeri slightly laughing at her.
“Can you tell us who is that employee?” Hyeri asked loudly and Y/N suddenly glared at her and Kevin slightly laughing at her.
“Her name is Lee Y/N, the one who is seating beside you,” Kevin said as he smiled at them and suddenly the other employees slightly teasing and cheering them because of their relationship.
“Ms. Y/N, is that true that Mr. Kevin Moon is your boyfriend?” the manager asked and Y/N gulped at his question and Y/N stood up while the other employees are still staring at her.
“Yes, Mr. Park! To be honest, I didn’t know he is one of our clients in the company,” Y/N said as she blushed and Kevin just smiled at her.
"Oh! Okay! Don't worry Ms. Y/N. I understood. You may sit now," the manager said as he smiled at her and Y/N just sat in the chair, and Hyeri is still teasing her.
“Aren’t you happy that Kevin told everyone here that you are his girlfriend?” Hyeri said.
"Hyeri, I think this is not the right place to say everything about the relationship between us since sometimes the company has strict rules about the relationship between an employee and a client," Y/N said.
"I think Mr. Park, understands that you didn't know that he is our client. Believe me, he will not give you a sanction for you for having a relationship with Mr. Moon and in the first place, you really don't know about that thing, right?" Hyeri said.
"Well, you have a point Hyeri. I am just kinda anxious awhile ago because you know I don't want my job to be at risk too. But I am happy that I was able to see him today," Y/N said as she smiled at Hyeri. Then someone sent her a text message and it was Kevin and she read as…
“Are you free later? - Kevin”
"Yup! I will be working just until noon. But we still have to talk about what you did today - Y/N"
“Haha! Okay! Let’s just meet at the restaurant that is near this building - Kevin”
"Okay! See you later! I love you, Kevin! - Y/N"
“See you! I love you too so much Y/N - Kevin”
As time goes by, it was already noon and Y/N went to the cafe' and met Kevin.
“Kevin!” Y/N said happily and hugged him then Kevin smiled at her action and hugged her back.
“Finally we meet in person Y/N!” Kevin said and they pulled out from the hug and both of them sat down in the chairs.
“I already ordered some food for us. So, we have now the time to talk,” Kevin said as he smiled at her and Y/N blushed.
“So, I really didn’t expect that you are one of our clients and you didn’t even tell me,” Y/N said and Kevin laughed at her.
“To be honest, I also didn’t know that you are an employee of the company. I am really surprised earlier when I saw you in the crowd,” Kevin said.
“Oh! I see! I thought you knew that I am one of the employees in the company. But why did you have to tell everyone awhile ago that I am your girlfriend?” Y/N said.
"Why? Don't you like it? " Kevin said as he looked at her with a worried face.
“I liked it! But I am kinda embarrassed earlier and also, I am kinda anxious because my job might be at risk since some companies are really strict about employee and client having a romantic relationship,” Y/N said.
“Oh! Okay! Don’t worry I talked already to Mr. Park, about it and he told me that he understands it and he will not give you a sanction for that. Since both of us didn’t know that we will meet like this,” Kevin said and Y/N smiled at him.
"Thanks, Kevin! By the way, what is your other good news to me?" Y/N asked.
“Ummm… I will tell you about it when we reached my place. We should just eat our lunch and I am very hungry,” Kevin said and Y/N laughed at him.
"Okay! I can't wait for your other good news!" Y/N said and both of them smiled at each other. After they had eaten their lunch, both of them went to Kevin's place.
“Wow! Your place is really big and spacious,” Y/N said and Kevin chuckled at her.
"So, I will tell you now what is my other good news to you," Kevin said as he looked at her and Y/N looked back at him.
“Okay! So, what is it?” Y/N asked and Kevin held her hands and she slightly blushed.
“Y/N, I will stay here for good and this place is not just only for me, It’s for us,” Kevin said as he looked at her lovingly and Y/N was surprised at his statement.
“Are you sure about that? This house is for us?” Y/N asked.
"Yup! Also, I bought this house for us and.." Kevin said as he kneels in front of her and gets a little box and he opened it was a ring and Y/N was shocked.
“OMG! Is this really happening to me?” Y/N thought.
“Will you marry me, Y/N?” Kevin asked as he smiled at her.
“Of course, I will marry you, Kevin!” Y/N said and Kevin put the ring to her finger and they hugged each other.
“Thank you for accepting me as your husband, Y/N! I love you!” Kevin said.
"I love you too so much Kevin!" Y/N said and both of them pulled out from the hug and Kevin kissed her passionately and she responded to the kiss then his hands went to her waist and pulled her closer to him and Y/N suddenly felt an erection in her core that made her moan into the kiss. Then suddenly they stopped kissing and Kevin held her hand and went to the bedroom and as soon as they went inside the room they remove each other's clothes and when both of them are naked, Kevin stared at her with lust and love and licked his lips at the sight of her being naked.
“ You’re so sexy Y/N! I am happy that you are mine!” Kevin said and Y/N gulped at his words.
"Oh gosh! He's so hot! Will I able to handle him later?" Y/N thought. Then suddenly Kevin pushed her into the bed and hovered above her and kissed her harshly as bites her lower lips and slipped his tongue and explored her mouth. Then his lips went to her neck as he licked and sucked a certain spot and made a hickey on her that made Y/N moaned his name softly. Then after giving attention to her neck, he suddenly dived into her breast and he sucked harshly her nipple that made Y/N arched her back and Kevin smirked at her action.
"So, responsive! I like it!" Kevin said as he suddenly bit her nipple and slightly pulled it and Y/N moaned loudly his name. Then one of his hands went to her core and inserted two fingers to her and thrust it a fast pace and Y/N moaned loudly his name and gripped the bedsheets tightly because of the pleasure she felt.
"Oh shit! M-more, Kevin!" Y/N said and Kevin smirked at her and he decided to thrust his fingers more to her and he saw that Y/N was now a moaning mess and it was a hot and erotic sight for him.
“Fuck! You’re taking my fingers well, baby! I will give you more later,” Kevin said.
“Shit! This man is really killing me! He was just super hot being so horny!” Y/N thought. As Kevin continued to finger her…
“Kevin! I will cum! Shit!” Y/N said.
"Cum in my fingers, Y/N! I want to taste you so bad," Kevin said, and with his words, Y/N cum in his fingers and as he pulled out his fingers from her core, he looked at her seductively and licked his fingers and Y/N gulped at the sight of it.
“You’re so tasty, Y/N!” Kevin said as he smirked at her. Then get a condom in a drawer and put it on his cock and Y/N can’t stop staring at him.
“Gosh! Good luck to me!” Y/N thought. Then Kevin hovered above her and kissed her lips quickly and both of them stared at each other.
“Are you ready for me, Y/N?” Kevin asked.
“Yes, Kevin! I love you!” Y/N said.
"I love you too so much Y/N! hold me tightly when you feel the pain, okay?" Kevin said and Y/N nodded. Then he slowly inserted his cock into her and Y/N yelped in pain and she just gripped his biceps and Kevin looked at her.
"Don't worry Y/N, I will make you feel so good later," Kevin said as he inserted fully his cock into her, and in a few seconds, Y/N already adjusted to him.
“Kevin you can move now,” Y/N said.
“Are you sure about that, Y/N?” Kevin asked and suddenly Y/N moved her hips against him and he suddenly moaned at her action.
“Fuck! Wrong move Y/N! I will give you more than that!” Kevin said as he smirked at her and he suddenly thrust his cock at a hard pace and Y/N moaned his name loudly and Kevin gripped his waist tightly.
“Oh shit! You’re so tight!” Kevin said as he put Y/N’s two legs on his shoulder and thrust it at a harder and deeper to her that made Y/N screamed his name because of the overwhelming pleasure she felt. Then Kevin holds slightly Y/N’s jaw to look at him and…
“I want to see you how much you enjoy this with me, Y/N!” Kevin said as both of them tried to make eye contact with each other.
“Feel so good inside of you, Y/N! shit!” Kevin said as he just continued to thrust his cock at a rough pace that made Y/N moaned like a mantra and as she is becoming oversensitive in her core and felt that she is close …
“Kevin! I will cum!” Y/N said.
"Cum with me, Y/N!" Kevin said. As he continued to thrust his cock at a stable pace, both of them moan each other's name as they cum and then he pulled out his cock from her core and removed the condom to him and threw it in the trash bin, and went back to lay beside her.
"Y/N, I am really happy that we overcame the struggle of being in a long-distance relationship for 2 years," Kevin said as he smiled at her.
“Me too! I really thought that it will not work out. But here we are, finally we met in person and we are also engaged!” Y/N said as she smiled back at him.
“I will cherish you, take care of you, and I will make you happy as always. I love you Y/N!” Kevin said.
“I love you too so much Kevin!” Y/N said. Then Kevin kissed her lips and forehead quickly and he hugged her close to him as both of them went to sleep.
“I will never regret that I chose Kevin as my husband,” Y/N thought.
Thank you for reading my one-shot smut fan fiction of  The Boyz’s Kevin/Moon Hyungseo!
Stay tuned for the next member! :)
고마워요 여러분! (Thanks, Everyone!)
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chimmyboii · 4 years
The Story of Us - Part 1
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Summary: He was a bright orange flame and I was the moth attracted to his light. 
* D/N = Dad’s name!
AN: So this is a fic i’m currently working on, not really sure how many parts there will be but stay tuned!! Feedback and criticism is welcomed!! :))) 
Part 1
The sound of the TV blaring was enough from me to know something wasn’t right. I took off my shoes quickly and peeked my head through the crack of the living room door. Dad was laying passed out on the couch, snoring like a pig. Empty beer bottles were scattered on the coffee table, one had fallen on the floor spilling on to the carpet. Sighing, I entered the room and walked to his sleeping figure, I tug the remote from his grip gently as I could in hopes of not waking him. I press the red button, shutting the TV off.
Just as I’m about to grip the empty bottles, Dad sits up with a gasp. His blurry eyes look at me, his lips turn down in a frown.
“What are you doing?” I inhale slightly, continuing to tuck two of the bottles under my arm before I grab the rest.
“Cleaning up,” I answer before walking into the kitchen and placing them into the bin.
“Well leave them,” he slurs out, taking the remote and turning the TV back on. I growl under my breath. I go back into the living room and go to grab the rest of the bottles when Dad grips my arm, I wince.
“I told you to fucking leave them, what part of that don’t you understand Y/N!” I pull my arm from his grip; tears slip from my eyes. I hurry back into the kitchen out of his way. I hear him stomp up the stairs to the bathroom. In the kitchen, I let out a sob, rubbing at my arm that I’m sure will bruise. Sniffing, I decide to make myself something to eat, grabbing a lot food to hide in my room to avoid coming out. As I’m cutting my sandwich, Dad comes stumbling into the kitchen. He ignores me and reaches into the fridge and pulls out another beer.
“Dad, you’ve got work tomorrow,” I remind, gently. He barks out a laugh before slamming the fridge shut, causing the contents to rattle inside and me to flinch. “That fucking Joe prick fired me this morning,” he laughs bitterly, “thinks I’m not capable for the job,” He walks over to the drawer and pulls out the bottle opener.
“What?” I whisper, my palms become clammy. “But we’re already late on this months’ rent,” Dad ignores me and continues to struggle opening the bottle. I grip the counter tightly as I begin to feel breathless, a surge of panic overwhelms me. “What are we going to do?” I ask him, voice high. Dad finally pulls the metal cap from the bottle and shrugs at me before taking a large gulp.
“Fuck ‘em,” he slurs walking back into the living room. Tears slip down my cheeks once more.
I stand there for God knows how long, just inhaling and exhaling. The tears had finally stopped. I reach and pull out my phone, looking at email of acceptance from the University, I sniffle before typing in the contact number. It rings four times before a female voice answer.
“Hello, I’m Y/N L/N, I’m calling to withdraw my application,” my voice croaks. The phone call lasts all of three minutes. It took three minutes to cancel my dream. I cry as I look at the mess of the kitchen, my blurry eyes look to the living and see my drunk Dad singing tunelessly to the music on the TV. This is my life now; I’m trapped here with this.
- I walk to the supermarket in town, since we don’t own a car and I don’t have enough money for bus fare. It takes me half an hour to get there and I’m sweaty from the walk. Smoothing back my hair, I walk in and go straight to Customer service. The woman behind the counter eyes me for a moment, taking in my flushed complexion and old clothing. I see the pity in her eyes.
“How can I help you, sweetheart?” I clear my throat.
“Are there any jobs going here?” I ask, trying hard not to sound hopeful. She shrugs.
“Not sure, honey. Hold on while I phone the manager,” I nod rapidly. She punches in the numbers on the phone before pushing the phone against her ear.
“Hey Bob, I got a kid here looking for a job. Can you come down?” She ‘uh-huh’ a few times before she turns to me. “How old are you, honey?”
“18,” She tells this to Bob on the phone. She mutters a few sentences which I don’t hear then hangs up.
“Bob will be with you in a moment,” I nod and move to the side, allowing customers to be served.
A bald man with dark glasses comes down the escalators, he holds a clipboard and I assume he is Bob. I stand straighter as he comes towards me. He smiles politely at me and reaches out a hand to shake.
“Hello, I’m Bob Young. So, you’re looking for a job?” I nod eagerly, Bob looks back at his clipboard. “Well we have some job openings; did you bring an application form?” I reach into my bag and pull out my CV. Bob reads it over. “Well you have good grades, all As and Bs.” He hums for a second. “You don’t have any experience though,” I feel a surge of panic.
“I’m a fast learner, I promise. Whatever job you give me I promise I will do my best and more!” I burst; Bobs eyes widen at this.
“I see,” he says almost wearily. “We have a job opening for 8 hours,”
“Umm… are there other jobs going with more hours?” I interrupt, Bob stops and looks at the clipboard once more.
“Well there is a job that just opened yesterday with 25 hours a week but-”
“I’ll take it!” I almost squeal. Bob lets out a chuckle and considers me a moment.
“25 hours a week is hard work, kid, are you sure your up to it?” I firmly nod. “Okay, well the job requires you to; stack shelfs and serve customers. However, I must tell you these shifts are night shift only.” Night shift is perfect actually, I’ll be gone when Dad arrives home hammered from drinking in the pub.
“That’s fine,” I confirm. Bob talks me through the rest of the responsibilities and tells me I’ll be required training which will start next week. I feel excited for the first time in weeks. He then gives me a tour of the shop, showing me where the fire exits are where the employee cloak room is.
“This is a bit informal,” Bob admits, “Normally, people apply for the job online and we reply via email for a job interview. But I know who you are kid, you’re D/N’s* daughter.” I look down feeling ashamed. In this small town, everyone knows your business. “I’m guessing your dad lost his job?”
“Yeah,” I whisper and Bob nods.
“Well, welcome to the team, Y/N,” He pats my back and flashes me a bright smile before leaving.
The till training took an hour and consisted of shadowing another member of staff. I was then placed at the customer service desk, ironically and this has been my position for the last two weeks. Since the supermarket is open 24 hours, it’s important to have staff on at the desk throughout the night. However, at night the shop is quiet and boring; there are barely any customers out after nine o’clock. I lean against the desk, doodling on a piece of paper. It is just me at the desk, my colleague Heather had been asked to give a hand stocking shelfs. I bin the piece of paper and lean my head against my hand, looking out at the dark car park. The desk is situated right by the main entrance which allows me to watch customers come and go. I watch as a black pickup truck pulls up outside the car park. Squinting, I spot what appears to be four boys jumping on the cargo bed. I watch as the boys jump from the back of truck and more exit the vehicle. They make their way into the supermarket, whooping loudly and pushing each other. I cringe at the sudden loud noises. There are seven of them, I note. Security is going to have fun with them. I continue to watch two of the boys laugh and push each other, when a bright flame comes into my view. He looks over at me and I see his lips curve into a small smile.  
His hair is bright orange, hard to miss. The turquoise leather jacket he wore complimented his hair, surprisingly. We continue to stare at each other, his smile growing wider until one of the boys nudges him which causes him to look away. I pull out my phone from under the desk, ignoring the boys completely as the walk past the desk into the aisles, disappearing from my view completely and a small part of me feels deflated. I continue to play the game on phone when a bang is sounded in front of me.
“Shit!” I yelp, almost dropping my phone. In front of me, the orange hair boy pushing a blue basket of shopping towards me. He has a large grin on his face, and I notice one of his front teeth is crooked. I gulp, placing my phone back under the desk. I take a bottle of Coke from the basket and scan it under the red light until it beeps.
“Hello,” he greets, his voice is smooth and has a nice pitch – its sweet and low at the same time. I nod at him with a small smile. I grab a bag of sweeties next and scan them. “How are you?” he asks.
“I’m fine,” I mummer, feeling a bit shy under his gaze, the smile still on his lips but has grew softer. I grab another bag and scan it, but it doesn’t scan, I try again still nothing. I look at him, “umm…just a second,” He nods, and I move over to the other till to see if it scans there and it doesn’t. I curse quietly under my breath, unsure on what to do.
“Maybe try putting in the barcode manually,” the orange-haired boy suggests. I frown at him, walking back over.
“What do you mean?” He smiles softly at me and reaches his hand out for the bag of sweets; I give them to him. He points to the barcode at the bottom of the packet.  
“See these numbers?” I nod, he continues, “You should be able to type them on the till.”  I let out a ‘ohhh’ before taking the packet back and began to type the numbers on the till, when I press enter the name of the sweets came up along with the price.
“Yes!” I exclaim and the boy let out a laugh. I giggle slightly out of embarrassment, “Sorry, I’m still learning,”
“Ahh, you’re new,” I nod, cheeks feeling hot. “When did you start?”
“Two weeks ago. They never told me I could type the barcodes though. How did you know?” The boy points his thumb behind him, I spot the rest of his friends outside by the truck.
“One of my friends works in retail. He broke the scanner, so he had to type manually for a while,” I smile at him before grabbing the rest of his items without a problem. The last item was a bottle of soju.
“Umm… c-can I see some ID, please?” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, he rustles around before letting out a sigh.
“I’ve left it in the truck, can you give me a minute?”
“Yeah that’s fine,” He shoots me a smile before rushing out the door. I watch him quickly dive into the front seat, his bum wiggling slightly as he rustles though the truck. One of his friends kicks his butt which causes the orange haired boy to reach back and rub the area. I let out a laugh at the sight. I frown confused when I see him lean over the dash and from what I can see, scribble something down a piece of paper before slipping it in his turquoise jacket. I jump when leaves the truck slamming the door and running back into the store. Looking at the till, I pretend I’m looking over the items.
“Here you are,” he announces handing me his ID.
Name: Park Jimin Date of Birth: 13 October 1995
He was older than me by two years, I notice. I nod happy he was the legal age and hand him his ID back. I scan the soju and click enter on the till; I turn back to the orange haired boy – Jimin. I open my mouth to speak but he beats me to it.
“My name is Jimin!” he blurts, “You already knew that because of my ID…uhhh shit,” he whispers shaking his head and I giggle. He was cute, I’ll admit.
“I’m Y/N,” I tell him, reach my hand out for him to shake. He clasps my hand and shakes it, the smile back on his face. “Do you need bag for your items, Jimin?”  
“Yeah, please.” I nod and begin to bag his items when Jimin hand shots out, pushing a piece of paper under my nose. I frown at it but take it away. The paper is receipt from somewhere and has a number written in blue ink on it. I look back at Jimin whose cheeks are flushed pink, he runs his hand through his hair.
“I-I was wondering i-if you would like to go out sometime…umm, with me?” he stutters, and my eyes widen. “That’s my number,” he nods to the receipt I’m holding.
“Oh,” I mutter looking down at it. My heart is thumping loudly in my ear. “I-I can’t, I’m sorry,” I watch Jimin’s face fall, his brown eyes make contact with the floor. “I’m flattered, honestly, but I’m just not interested in a relationship,” I lie and Jimin just nods. I go back to packing the rest of his items before looking at the till. “That’ll be 24.25, please.” Jimin pulls out his card and taps it on the contactless screen before grabbing the bag and speed walking off.
“Wait!” I yell, Jimin stops abruptly and turns to me. I grab the receipt that has printed off and wave it at him. “Do you want your receipt?” Jimin shakes his head before practically running out the store.
I sigh as I look the receipt which had Jimin’s number. He was cute, I thought with a small smile. I eye the paper once more before folding it and tucking it in the pocket of my trousers.
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diary-of-deadweight · 5 years
BNHA short(kinda): My dude you just got PRANKED!
A Trolling Neito Monoma fic.
Authors note: this was inspired by a prompt I found on Pinterest.
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Credit to rebel circus. (I had to squint to see if I was reading it right.)
Summary: after being tasked with vandalising one of monoma’s dress shirts, he’s out looking for the perpetrator but with less then stellar luck it seems.
“For today’s homework assignment-“ a unified groan resounded throughout the classroom at the prospect at doing homework until their hands ached made Aizawa’s eyebrow twitched in annoyance of being interrupted by the slackers of the class like Denki, Kirishima, Mina and Sero to name a few, “do you think the hero life is all glitz and glamour?” Asked the blunt, dry eyed and sleep deprived homeroom teacher rhetorically, awaiting the snarky comments to fly out of the kids mouths like bullets about how boring or how necessary they thought homework was when in actually it played a big factor, especially to those in the hero course, so when he heard the sweet sound of silence, something he wished would be a daily occurrence in Class 1-A but alas he could only dream and savour this moment into his head as it’ll be the only time it happens throughout the rest of the semester, “the answer I was looking for was no, even the pros have to do paperwork day in day out but you don’t hear them complain about it to the public now do you? So grow up and pretend to be ecstatic.”
He then proceeded to hand out the homework to everyone in the class one by one before proceeding to explain the material to you all, “ your homework, before I was so rudely interrupted,” He casted a sharp gaze to the Bakusquad in specific that it almost made Denki short circuit, “ is to create a constructive criticism analysis on your assigned classmate, I made sure that no one got anyone they were familiar with so you’ll make use of your brains for once, and how they can improve as a hero going forward into this course, it’ll be due in this time next week, class dismissed.” Aizawa waved all of you off, just in time as the bell rang out for lunch as he proceeded to crawl into his iconic yellow sleeping bag like a caterpillar who came out of his cocoon too early, which was apparently funny to you as that was exactly how you acted after a harsh day of training and a body load of aching muscles, scrapes and bruises, you couldn’t really complain though as becoming a hero requires intense training regimens and strict diets, so you knew that Aizawa was only doing what was beneficial for everyone in getting maximum results; you knew everyone in your class had the potential of becoming an awesome hero one day...except for Mineta...he’d be the biggest disappointment, you don’t have anything against the little creep but his personality stank like dog shit and it shows, no wonder his only ‘friend’ was the electric blonde with a short circuitry problem, you could withstand the flirtatious dunce more so then grape stain.
“Oi idiot,” a gruff voice cut through your thoughts like a hot knife through butter, turning your attention to the ash blonde leaning against the doorway, bag slumped over his shoulder as he stared at you with furrowed brows and crossed over arms, “you coming or do I have to drag you to eat something?”
“I’m coming, I’m coming keep your pants on angry chihuahua.” He growled at the nickname and that was pretty much all he did while you grabbed your bad and shove your notebook and your assignment inside with haste to then run out the door in order to catch up with Bakugou and his big ass strides that somehow didn’t falter under the weight of his big ass head as your journey to the canteen was riddled in silence and minimal conversations, which you didn’t really mind as you’d probably gain a headache if you went with Mina, Kirishima, Denki and Sero instead, you really didn’t know how Bakugou could deal with that constant noise and to be honest, he couldn’t stand it. At all. So he resorted to blocking out people’s obnoxious voices whenever he was with the group but today he decided that he should just walk to the canteen with you as you weren’t the most talkative nor were you a walking, talking headache either, something he appreciates but would refuse to admit it as his big ass ego stops him from doing so.
“Who did you get for the assignment,” he asked, straight to the point as ever, not bothering to engage in eye contact with you.
“Don’t know, I haven’t looked yet if I’m being honest.” You confessed, shrugging your shoulders, not really seeing why it would be of any consolation to him. “Well take a look now, no ones stopping you from doing so dumbass, you aren’t a dog patiently waiting for a treat.” He reaches a hand up to flick you on the forehead as if punishing your for your idiocy as you instinctually reached up to rub the spot he flicked to be rid of any stinging sensations, “your so mean katsushi!”
“It’s Katsuki. You dingbat.”
“Nope I’m pretty sure it’s Katsushi”
You two went back and forth like this for the rest of the walk so that when you were nearing the entrance of the canteen you noticed that Bakugou stopped walking some time ago, so turning to ask him what was wrong only to see his face contorted into anger at whatever he was seeing before him that was somewhat invisible to you for some reason the more you looked round the two of you fruitlessly, “ Oi Katsushi, what are yo-“ he grasped your cheeks in his hand with little to no pressure, turning your head so you could see where his scarlet eyes had narrowed in on.
It was class 1-Bs copy cat, the lilac eyed and avid hater of 1-A, Neito Monoma, the usually smug blonde was currently harassing all your friends, claiming that one of them at that table had vandalised his dress shirt that had scrawled across the back of it in blue marker and pretty pink glitter that was super glued within the heart outline was :
‘I ❤️ class 1-A’
You would’ve laughed if it wasn’t for Bakugou cupping your face in his hand so instead all that came out of your mouth was incoherent spluttering which earned you some weird stares from the students walking past you and the crimson eyed time bomb to get into the canteen as you two were well...kinda blocking the path but no one was brave enough to say anything about it due to the Male next to you, speaking of the Male next to you, Bakugou had a smirk plastered on his face that would -hopefully, for his case- come off as cocky before his face automatically rested to his 24/7 ‘I’m going to kill you and make it look like an accident’ face the second Monoma caught sight of the two of you and was now currently in front of your faces, ignoring the personal space he was invading, by this time Bakugou finally let your face go from his grip as he clenched his fists at the sight of the copy cat that tried to make a fool out of him during the Calvary battle at the sports festival.
“Are either of you 1-A scumbags gonna fess up for tarnishing my shirt?!” The lilac eyed egotist shoved his -surprisingly- nice smelling dress shirt mingled with the scents of blueberry scented marker and dried glue under your noses as you mentally groaned at the intoxicating smell of men’s cologne but mainly one in specific and it seemed that Monoma HAD that specific cologne that made you weak in the knees, you just wanted to know what it was called so you could get bottles of it for yourself damn it!
“Why would your dumbass assume that it was me who did it huh? You’ve got some big balls copy cat” Bakugou stated with a scowl, staring Neito down just as he did the same, you swore you saw a little bolt of lighting spark between them the longer they looked at each other as if they were in a cliche anime where two of the characters stare each other down in anger with a bolt of light is struck between them to add effect for their feud or something while you tried bidding the fact that you were about to blow a fuse trying to hold back your laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation, to find your self slowly weaken and loose self control.
‘I can’t this is too funny!’
With that you bursted our laughing so hard that you had to lean into Bakugou for support so that you don’t fall to the tiled floor in a heap of laughing limbs, unable to stop for the time being, surly Monoma had more then just one dress shirt in his closet right? Unless it was his favourite dress shirt but still a reaction to a harmless prank like this was totally unnecessary and a tad dramatic for your tastes that when you finally calmed down from your laughing fit, you unknowingly gained the attention of nearly everyone in the canteen, who turned to see what the unnecessary loud laughing was about.
“ I didn’t do it Neito, I’m not that petty.”
“Then why did you laugh as loudly as you did, only people who committed the crime laugh as loudly as you did just now, so why don’t you admit it (l/n) and confess that you vandalised MY shirt.” Neito squinted his eyes suspiciously as if to get you to crack under pressure but what was there to crack when there is no pressure being placed upon, he was that bad at trying to get you to crack that you didn’t really feel like you were being put under pressure as of right now while Bakugou could only scoff and roll his eyes at Neito’s quick judgment.
“I was laughing because (1) it’s a natural response to something this stupid and (2) who ever did it is a freaking genius!” You defended yourself as the patience within Monoma was wearing thin and his plasticine face was growing redder by the second as he huffs in annoyance, turning on his heel and stomping back to his table to sulk about his tainted shirt to his reluctant classmates who found the situation just as ridiculous as you did.
So as you and Bakugou were waiting in line for some spicy curry he turned to you with a knowing look in his eye, “ you did it didn’t you?”
“What gave it away mr observant?”
“The scented markers and the glitter pot you “borrowed” from raccoon eyes’ room with false promises of returning it one day.”
You nodded your head, turning your head towards the line in front of you with an equally knowing look in your eyes, “well done Katsushi, I was dared by Denki to do so...plus I had some inside contact within class 1-B who found Monoma just about as intolerable as we do.”
Bakugou only grunted in response as he looked back at Monoma’s table where the blonde had his head resting upon the shoulder of a tense Tetsutetsu or ‘man of iron’ you had him named in you contacts.
“But seriously who’s the idiot you got before copy cat shoved his prized possession in our faces.”
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Title: Animal (13)
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Chadwick Boseman X Original Female Character “Sianna”
Chapter Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot, Plenty of Words, Slow Burn
Word Count: 2.8k
Note:  I hope you guys enjoy this. By the way, Tumblr is on the BS and flagged every chapter because my old mood board had a portrayal of backshots. LMFAO!!!! So new mood board.
I censored my mood board, let’s see if it gets flagged. LOL
**Loosely edited/Proofread***
Thank you guys for reading!!!  If you enjoyed this please LIKE, REBLOG, COMMENT. ❤️ ❤️
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  MSG Mom: You have missed the last several months of Sunday dinners. That is inexcusable young lady. I get that you’re busy, everyone is busy. We are all busy. We all make the time. Why can’t you?
  You’d been staring at the message from her for the last few hours. After the last dinner you’d missed your brothers warned you that she was on a rampage. They told you to expect her call. You dodged the calls but this you couldn’t dodge. It had been months since you made an appearance at the biweekly family dinner. In the beginning, it was due to your insane work schedule and all the time you had to put into establishing your line and brand. Now with the pregnancy, it was terror. You knew you couldn’t show up to family dinner six months pregnant, especially when the last time they saw you, you weren’t and had no prospects as your mother would say.
 If you showed up preggers your mother would have a heart attack at the scandal alone. Your brothers would go into cabin in the woods ax murderer mode, your father would probably understand but be disappointed that you’d rearranged the order of events skipping boyfriend and marriage altogether. Everyone would have something to say and you were nowhere near prepared to handle any of it.
Groaning you dropped back onto your bed and closed your eyes. Maybe if you lied here long enough this would all fade away and you’d realize it was an insane fever dream and you weren’t pregnant with a near stranger's babies, and tackling all of it alone. Five, fifteen, then thirty minutes passed with you laying there in silence without a thought in your mind besides the yoga breathing you’d been learning the last two weeks you’d began Lamaze classes.
 When you opened your eyes everything was still calm, and you nearly forgot everything, but then felt a powerful jab in your abdomen. You shot right up and touched your stomach, the tiny imprint of some body part pressed against your right palm. A smile tickled your lips until you were full-on grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
 “Yep, not a dream. Reality.” You slowly rubbed your belly. Where your hands roamed the movements followed. Soon you were feeling a symphony of kicks all over your stomach and you sat there smiling enjoying every second. It was surreal, yes, but it wasn’t nearly as alarming now as it had been several weeks ago.
 “What are we gonna do guys? We have to get our shit together. Work is great, I can handle work but everything else. How do I even begin to go home to your grandparents and tell them about you? How do I face them? Then what do I do about your daddy?”
 The thought of referring to Chadwick as their daddy made you smile and your heart flutter. It filled you with warmth and more than half of you liked calling him that. He was their father. They had half his DNA and would probably look something like him. You hadn’t thought much about anything beyond being pregnant and having a lot going on. This was the first time you began to think about the secondary things.
 “He has rights, I know that. I don’t want to take them away. I just—he’s so famous and he’ll be even more famous. His career takes him everywhere, how do I know that he can be there for us? You, I mean for you. This has nothing to do with me. Right?”
 The sound of your doorbell broke you out of your monologue. As you walked down the stairs you continued to rub your belly enjoying the kicks, pushes and slithers you felt. It was strange to feel movement inside of you but it wasn’t something that made your skin crawl, it did the opposite. When you looked at the video of the front doorbell you smiled seeing your friends.
 “My God, could you have taken any longer?”
 “Excuse me, I am pregnant and carrying more weight.”
 The three of them walked in past you and made a line straight for the kitchen where you knew the wine was.
 “Girl please, you’re barely pregnant, and the only more weight you’re carrying is that ass,” Ebony teased. You smiled and dipped down to do a baby twerk. The three of them cheered loudly as you fanned them off.
 Once the three of you were seated around your kitchen island Zee was the one to pop the top off the wine bottle.
 “It’s barely three Zee.”
 “Three in LA means it’s well past five in New York,” she responded pouring the golden liquid in their three glasses.
 “None for you baby mama,” Tessa said as she slid a can of apple Izze your way. You rolled your eyes, popped the top and took a sip.
 “I didn’t want any wine anyway.”
 “How are you doing? You’re getting bigger.” Ebony’s hand flew to your belly and rubbed your bump.
 “I’m okay. I am. I think I’m going to have to go into maternity in the next week or two.”
 “Six months, with twins I’d say there are many women who would be jealous at that fact,” Tessa added.
 “What’s going on with the father?”
 “Zee, you can say his name he’s not the damn Candyman. Jesus, Chadwick Boseman. I still can’t believe you met, and popped that pussy for Chadwick Boseman in record time and came away with two souvenirs of your time together. Girl, talk about luck,” Ebony went on.
 “Yes, there are plenty of women who would love to be in your position, hell any of the positions he had you in.”
 The three of them snickered and you shook your head but couldn’t keep the smirk off your face.
 “If they wanna be me so bad, go ahead. This is messy.”
 “Have you heard from him since he showed up here to catch you with your new boo?”
 “Another thing, who dates and has a boo while being six months pregnant?”
 You narrowed your eyes at Ebony. She quickly raised her hands in surrender.
 “First of all, I don’t have a boo. Things with Chino are—over. We had a talk after Chad showed up here and he wants to take a step back, he thinks I don’t know what I want and that I should focus on figuring it out.
 “Smart man,” Tessa murmured.
 “So, Chino is out of the picture. I can’t even blame him for not wanting anything to do with me. I’m having babies with Chadwick Boseman.”
 “He knows he can’t compete with The Bleck Pantha,” Ebony chided in her best Wakanda accent. You rolled your eyes; you’d just about had it with her. Zee and Tessa snickered together.
 Again, she raised her hands in defeat. You knew she’d pipe up again with something else to say that was slick and smart.
 “Chad and I spoke, I told him everything and apologized for not telling him sooner.”
 “How did he take it?”
 You finished the can of Izze and went to the fridge for another and took the bowl of cut strawberries out as well.
 “He took it well. There was no yelling or screaming, or tears. It was a calm conversation—surpisingly calm considering.”
 “Anything decided? Does he want to be involved with his babies? Are the two of you going to I don’t know make a relationship?”
 “Will you be moving in with him?”
 Their questions hit you in the face one after the other like slabs of ice. They were questions you hadn’t thought about and definitely hadn’t even addressed. They were way ahead of the game.
 “Guys, chill. We didn’t decide anything. He asked me if I wanted him involved and I had no answer for him.”
 “What the hell you mean you had no answer? Si.” Ebony gaped at you ready to elaborate her outrage but the stern look on your face shut her up.
 “What did you tell him then?”
 “I said I don’t know. Guys, I really don’t know. I know he has rights and all that but not everyone who has kids should be involved with them.”
 “True, but if a man is willing, able and wanting to be there for his offspring, you have an obligation to allow him, especially a black man. Remember those statistics and stereotypes are a thing. He doesn’t want to be part of the fray,” Tessa explained. She was speaking nothing but facts, you knew it.
 “He didn’t say he wanted to be involved. He was clearly in shock. It was a lot to hear and absorb, still pregnant, over five months so, pregnant with twins. It was a lot. We left things with both of us needing to think and really figure out what we each want.”
 “What do you want Sianna?” Zee’s voice was gentle and her hands soft as she held one of yours. You took a deep breath and slowly released it. You didn’t know any more now than you did two weeks ago.
 “I got nothin.”
 “Okay, this was a productive chat.” Ebony rolled her eyes, finished her glass of wine and shook her head. “It’s okay to say you want to be with him. You know that right? It’s okay to want to experience this with him. You can be strong and independent together.”
 “Ebony is right. I know those are foreign words when using her name but in this particular situation, she is right. There is nothing wrong with figuring it out together,” Tessa breeched.
 “I have an idea. Maybe the two of you should spend some time together. It will give both of you an opportunity to get to know each other better hence seeing where the two of you are mentally. It should give you some form of an idea what would work and hopefully, that will make it easier to figure out.”
 The four of you sat there thinking about Zee’s idea. It was a good one, a really good one. The kicks began again, and you touched your belly. “You guys wanna feel?”
 All hands flew to your belly and the next ten minutes were spent oohing and aahing over the kicks. After the four of you burrowed into the couches and found a Netflix movie while discussing baby stuff. They were excited for the babies and it showed with how long they were able to talk about it without even mentioning a club or even any of their latest conquests. The more you listened to them the more excited you became.
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By the time seven rolled around they’d left and you were alone again. This time you were sitting in your tub trying to get a head start on your schedule for the next day while getting distracted with baby websites. You’d just finished your second bottle of the cherry limonatta you’d just gotten into drinking. It gave you the fizz and sweetness of wine without the alcohol. Who knew knocking the wine for nine months would be such a challenge? That was when your mind ran onto Chadwick. In truth, he wasn’t far from your mind at any given moment. You had his spawn growing in you and they’d been very active today.  
 You chewed your bottom lip and opened a new browser window on your iPad and entered his name in google. Yes, you knew about him, who didn’t, but you didn’t know everything. You were curious. As the search results populated the first one caught your eye; an image of him with a brown-skinned woman. You squinted and you could have sworn you’d seen her from somewhere. You tried to think back to where it could have been but for the life of you, you couldn’t place her face. You clicked the article and skimmed its contents. Her name was Simone and they were dating, or they had until at least a couple months ago. You wondered what happened and if you’d had anything to do with it.
 You continued to go through the search results and read through the first page of articles. You’d found out his upcoming roles, recent interviews, and even learned a little more about what was going on between him and Valentina. Every time you saw a picture of them together you wanted to vomit. After thirty or so minutes you’d gotten a lot of information and you’d come to the conclusion that he seemed to be a pretty good guy. Your iPad was now stopped on a very good shot of him. He was a good-looking man.
 Suddenly your iPad went off making you shriek and jump nearly dropping it into the lukewarm water. Chadwick’s name appeared. You froze unsure exactly what to do. After the third ring, you recovered and tapped the green answer button. His face appeared in a dewy white light. Without thinking you sucked your bottom lip into your mouth admiring his handsomeness.
 “Hi,” you repeated on a whisper.
 “Is it late? Am I interrupting? Did I wake you?”
 “No, no, you’re not interrupting. I was awake, just sitting in the bath.”
 Chadwick’s eyebrow shot up as he looked below your face. You looked at your image checking to make sure you weren’t turning this into soft porn. The frame caught the cleavage of your breasts but nothing provocative. He’d seen this before. Chadwick shook his head and brought his eyes back to yours.
 “Uh—I’m sorry.”
 “It’s fine. No harm, no foul.”
 Silence fell between you. The two of you just sat there looking over each other’s faces. The silence didn’t feel awkward at all.
“Are you doing okay?”
 “Yeah, I’m okay. We’re okay.”
 “Do you need anything? Pickles, ice cream, hot wings?”
 You snorted and pinched your lips, he thought he was funny with all the pregnant woman clichés.
 “Those are a lot of clichés sir.”
 “I mean clichés had to start somewhere right?”
 You nodded and leaned back, your body coming down from the anxiety it was in.
 “I don’t crave pickles, the only accurate thing there was the ice cream and hot wings. I’ve also recently started wanted a lot of chocolate-covered strawberries. I can’t seem to get enough which spells trouble for my ass.”
 Chadwick smiled and rubbed his hand along his goatee.
 “This is the one time you can unapologetically adhere to the eating for two phrase, so why not?”
 “Well, eating for three if you want to be accurate.”
 “See, play that shit up.”
 You laughed loud, it echoed through your bathroom. Chadwick joined in and you remembered his deep boisterous laugh that was all unique to him. It was a laugh you first heard in Jamaica across the beach before he approached and danced with you. It was a great laugh. Slowly your laughs died down and again the two of you just stared at each other.
 “Do you uh—do you have a good supply of ice cream, hot wings, and chocolate-covered strawberries?”
 You were tempted to read between the lines but decided against it.
 “Finished the strawberries today, you can never have enough a supple of ice cream or hot wings.”
 He nodded and licked his lips. Your eyes dropped to them and again you remembered the feel of them and how he kissed you. You couldn’t remember their taste though. It had been that long.
 “Would it be all right if we met up?”
 “Met up?”
 “Yeah, I thought maybe we could do something, talk.”
 It sounded like he was asking you out on a date, but it also didn’t sound like he was asking you out on a date.
 “Something like what?”
 “Well, I like to stay away from most places in LA.”
 “I can imagine, the Bleck Pentha gets recognized wherever he goes.”
 Chadwick smiled again but looked away as if he were embarrassed. “Go on laugh it up. Get it out.” You smiled and watched him and spoke on pure instinct without thinking.
 “You can come here.”
 The silence returned and Chadwick just gazed at you and looked as if he were in deep thought. You were holding your breath unsure what his answer would be.
“Are you sure?”
 “Uh—I mean only if you want to. If you don’t then I completely understand. You don’t have to; I’m not trying to force you,” you rushed out in an effort to cover yourself.
 “No, no, I never said I don’t want to. I know you’re not trying to force me. I do want to,” Chadwick rushed out overlapping your voice.
 “You do?” The uncertainty in your voice was evident. You were surprised.
 “I mean—yeah.”
 You smiled small but it took no time at all for it to spread across your face.
 “Okay, sounds like a plan then. We’ll—Netflix and Chill.”
 Chadwick’s eyebrows shot up again and you realized what you’d just said.
 “Oh my god. Wait, I didn’t mean that the way it came out.”
 He laughed his hearty laugh again and you gave you a “yeah right” look. 
“Oh my god, I’m serious. Jesus, I’ll see you in a bit.”
 You ended the call to Chadwick’s laughter. You put your iPad to the side and shook your head, mortified at your tongue slip. 
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queenmylovely · 5 years
Peer Review
Summary: John deacon x fem!reader. Two seniors in a freshman English class. 
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: fluff, cussing (ofc), and smut (18+!! marked by ***)
A/N: Cute little oneshot cause idk how to write blurbs. Basically what I wish uni was actually like lol. For you, anon! I hope you all enjoy, and any feedback including likes, replies, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Requests are open!
Request: hi love your writing!! i was wondering if i could request a uni!john deacon au? maybe something fluffy/smutty?
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(a sassy Deaky fed up with the freshmen’s bs)
Waiting to take English 101 until your senior year hadn’t necessarily been a conscious decision. More like you forgot that you were required to take it due to your eagerness to take the classes that were actually for your major. So on the first Tuesday of your last fall semester, just eight months until graduation, you were sat in a room full of mostly freshmen and sophomores.
The first thing your professor had everyone do was to get into five groups of five and introduce yourselves with your name, year, major, and hometown. Quickly, everyone grouped up and circled their desks, awkwardly waiting for someone to start.
Since you had been doing this for the past three years, you took the lead, “I’m Y/N. I’m a Spanish major and a senior because I forgot to take this course earlier. And I’m from here, London.”
Your answer gained a couple of chuckles and helped to break the ice as the girl next to you started without hesitation. After her, two more people introduced themselves and then the last guy went.
He had long hair and kind eyes, and his voice was a little nasally but altogether pleasing when he started to talk, “My name’s John Deacon. I’m also a senior ‘cause I couldn’t be bothered to take this class before my engineering ones. And, um, I’m from Leicestershire.”
When he said that he was a senior he had turned to you with a smile that you returned easily.
“Oh thank goodness I’m not the only one,” you half-whispered to him, leaning over conspiratorially. He giggled at your words before the professor called everyone’s attention back to the front.
For the rest of the hour, the class remained in the small groups, reading over sections of the syllabus and then presenting them to the rest of the class. As experienced students, you and John were able to pick out the most important information from the text with just a glance.
John and you made funny comments to each other every so often throughout the class, saying how young all of the freshmen looked and how they were confused at what office hours were. At first, it was mainly you making the comments, which you were happy enough with since he had a wonderful laugh. But after a little while, he made a few comments himself that were far more severe than yours, making it very hard for you to stifle your laughter.
By the end of class, the two of you had developed an ease of conversation and you were slightly reluctant that it was coming to a close. As you packed up your things, you saw John lingering by your desk and turned to him to say goodbye.
He beat you to it, though, and asked, “Where’s your next class?”
“It’s in the psychology building. Where’s yours?” you replied.
“The engineering building,” he answered.  
“Oh, mine’s on the way to yours,” you pointed out.
“It is,” he agreed.
“We could walk together,” you suggested.
“I mean, if you insist,” he said with a cheeky smile and you laughed, lightly hitting him on the shoulder.
The two of you walked over together, chatting about your majors. You found out that John was an electrical engineer major, finishing up in the spring like you. He asked what Spanish majors did and you explained that you wanted to be an interpreter or professor.
“At the moment, it’s looking like I’ll do private tutoring and lessons once I graduate until I find something I really like,” you told him.
“So, are you fluent?” he questioned.
“I better be,” you joked and the two of you laughed. “What about you, John? Do you speak any languages?”
“I took French in primary but promptly forgot it all. Oh, and you can call me Deaky, by the way,” he informed you.
“Deaky?” you questioned a little bit teasingly.
“Yes, it’s short for Deacon. It’s what my friends call me,” he explained.
“Oh, so we’re friends now?” you said with a smile.
“Well, yes, I’d quite like to be,” he said a little shyly, looking away.
“Me too, Deaky,” you assured, and he looked back at you with a grin. You then realized you were at your building and told him so. “Hasta jueves, Deaky.”
“What does that mean?” he laughed as you started walking away.
“See you Thursday,” you called over your shoulder before pushing the door open and going inside.
From then on, you and Deaky paired up together in class and then walked to your next ones. Occasionally, you met up at a coffee shop to study and peer review each other’s work. John wasn’t the best writer, but he tried very hard and improved a lot from paper to paper. You, on the other hand, were so used to writing in Spanish that it took some work to get to a place where John didn’t have to correct your grammar every couple sentences.
About halfway through the semester, the two of you had plans to go over your midterm papers in the coffee shop. It was the Friday before it was due and the plan was to meet at 7:00 and hopefully be done before closing. While you definitely had made progress, you were barely halfway done when you realized that the cafe was closing in 10 minutes. And because you were so engrossed in each other’s papers, the barista was the one that had pointed it out to you. They told you that you could take your time packing up, but the two of you cleaned up quickly since you were the last two in the place, and didn’t want to keep them longer than necessary.
As you stepped out to the street you turned to John, “What are we gonna do? We still have so much to go through and edit.”
“I would suggest we could go back to my place, but my roommates are pretty loud and intrusive,” he told you. He had mentioned his roommates a lot, but so far you had never met them and wondered what they were actually like. Apparently, though, that would be for a different time.
“Oh, then we can go to my place, that’s a good idea. I can’t believe I didn’t think of that,” you chuckled at yourself.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to intrude,” John hesitated.
“Yes I’m sure, you won’t be intruding at all. I want you there, Deaky,” you reassured him with a smile that he returned after a second. “Okay, so I live about 10 minutes from here, if you just want to follow me? There’s plenty of parking on the street, I swear no one there drives.”
“Sounds great,” he told you.
“Perfect. See you in 10 then,” you said before opening your door and climbing in. You waited until you saw him get in his car and turn it on before you started to pull out of the parking space and leave the parking lot. True to what you said, it took exactly 10 minutes before you pulled over and parked, John parking right behind you.
You got out and waited for John, leading him up to your apartment with idle chit chat about the neighborhood. Opening the door, you let him in first, and he followed your lead when you took off your shoes once you were inside.
“We can set up here,” you said, gesturing to your living room which had a couch with a large coffee table in front of it. You set down your bag on your couch, but didn’t sit down. “Let’s get some snacks or something first, though. We got those drinks at the coffee shop like 3 hours ago.”
John followed you into the kitchen, trying not to get in your way. He stood awkwardly just inside the entrance and you laughed. Grabbing his hand, you pulled him the rest of the way in and nudged him until he was leaning against the counter, “You’re allowed to be here, you know. I live alone, and you’re certainly not bothering me.”
He nodded but looked away a little bit, trying to hide the slight blush that had covered his cheeks when you grabbed his hand.
“I’m going to make a cuppa, do you want one?” you asked him.
“Yes please, thank you,” he replied.
“So polite,” you said with a smile and started making the drinks. Next, you pulled a jar of unpopped popcorn. “Do you know how to make popcorn? I always burn it.”
“Um, yeah I do. Do you have a pot?” John replied, stepping up to the stove and grabbing the jar from your hands. You went over to a cupboard and opened it, reaching up to get the pot. It proved just out of your reach though, and you strained. John was watching you, and when you stretched your arm as high as it would go, your shirt rode up and he caught a glimpse of your waist underneath your sweater. He stared only for a second before recovering and reaching up to grab the pot for you.
“Thank you,” you said, turning to face him. In doing so, you realized how close he was. His breath was fanning out over you, and you had to tilt your head up to look into his eyes. You hadn’t always thought of John as tall, but when he was standing so close to you that you were practically touching, he really was quite a bit taller than you. You didn’t know if it was your imagination or not, but he seemed to be getting closer and closer to you. Was that the tips of his or your hair tickling your shoulder through your sweater? Was it just you or was his knee touching your thigh? Whose breathing had gotten heavier, yours, his, both? Before you could answer any of these questions, the kettle whistled loudly, causing the two of you to jump apart.
“The water’s done,” you said plainly, and then cursed yourself silently for pointing out the obvious.
“I’ll get started on the popcorn,” John said, as he turned to the stove and away from you. Because he did, you missed the bright pink on his cheeks.
You unplugged the kettle and grabbed two mugs and tea bags from a different cupboard, pouring the water and let them steep. Walking over to the fridge, you opened it and grabbed the milk. “Milk and sugar?”
“Just one sugar, please,” John replied, still a little awkwardly.
You nodded to yourself and went about making the tea, adding sugar to both and only milk to yours. Once they were ready, you handed John his cup and you both sipped on the tea instead of talking while you waited for the popcorn to be ready. When the first kernel popped and hit the lid of the pot, the two of you jumped and then laughed together.
Once the tension had broken, you started talking more normally again, “So, how many roommates do you have again?”
“Three; Freddie, Roger, and Brian. They’re good blokes, things can just get pretty rowdy. Especially when Fred and Rog are in one of their moods,” Deaky replied with somewhat of a wry smile.
“Are they students too?” you asked.
“They’ve all graduated now, I’m the last one,” John explained as he took the finished pot of popcorn off the burner.
“Aw, you’re the baby,” you said teasingly and you poked him in the side.
He made a sound of indignation and turned to you as he poured the popcorn into the bowl you had set out, “Care to explain to me why I should continue making the popcorn while you tease and attack me?”
“‘Cause I’m cute,” you said with a wink before grabbing half a stick of butter to melt on the stove to pour over the popcorn. John didn’t have a response to that, instead he blushed and watched you starting to melt the butter.
“Why don’t you take our tea into the living room and take out our papers and stuff, I’ll be right in with this,” you said as you stirred the butter, nudging his side with your elbow.
He nodded and hastened to do what you said, carefully carrying the mugs into the living room and digging out his things. In a minute, you joined him in the living room, bringing the freshly buttered popcorn with you and a couple napkins.
The two of you dug into the revision and popcorn with the same fervor. With another hour of hard work, you finished all you could for the moment and it was a good stopping place for the night.
You both leaned back on the couch, brains tired from the constant critical thinking you had been doing.
“Essay writing is tough business,” you said with a sigh.
“Agreed. I’d take vector calculus over this any day,” John concurred.
“Can’t relate,” you said turning to him to laugh. As you did, you saw the shine of butter next to his mouth. Without thinking, you licked your thumb and brought it up to his face to wipe it off, saying, “You’ve some…”
That’s as far as you got before you realized that John was staring at you with wide-blown pupils and his mouth parted. Your paused with your thumb still resting on his cheek. John reached up to grab your wrist, but instead of removing your hand from his face, he kept it there. Slowly, you moved your thumb from his cheek to his lower lip. You brushed over it softly and felt his hand tense slightly around your wrist. Bringing your other hand to the other side of his face, you caressed his cheek before gently pulling his face to yours.
You had been watching your hands’ movements on his face and John had been watching your lips, but just before your lips met, the two of you flicked your gazes up to each other's eyes. Upon seeing the same look of desire he had reflected in your eyes, John took the chance and closed the distance between the two of you.
The kiss was soft and chaste. Pulling back slightly, you slid your hand so it was in his and brought his hand to your jaw. Once it was there, you moved both of yours to the back of his neck and pulled him into another kiss. This one was longer, and more testing. After a moment, you lightly sucked on John’s lower lip, and he groaned deep in his throat, causing you to both giggle against his lips and squeeze your thighs together in anticipation. In retaliation, John gave your lower lip a bite and you moaned, making John smirk against your mouth.
Soon, the kiss became more heated, and when John slid his hands from your jaw into your hair and gave a light tug, you parted your mouth in a gasp. He slipped his tongue in your mouth, teasing your own, making you deepen the kiss even further. In order to get better access and be closer to him, and maybe to get some friction that you so desperately needed, you pushed John so he was sat against the back of the couch and slung a leg over his hips so you were straddling him.
One of his hands moved from your hair to your waist, and he simultaneously pulled you closer to him as he lifted his hips up to you. You gasped into his mouth, and the two of you rocked your hips together as you continued to kiss heatedly.
John started toying with the hem of your sweater, running his hand along the strip of your waist that had been exposed to him earlier in the evening. Catching his drift, you grabbed the edge and pulled it over your head. Not wanting to be left out, you pulled on his shirt and he took it off too. As you continued to make out and grind against each other, you ran your hands over each other’s exposed bodies.
Making his way from your mouth to your jaw to your neck, John kissed and sucked light marks into your skin. With his hold on your waist, he pulled you so you were kneeling at full height and started kissing down your chest, mouthing at your nipples over your bra. You moaned and whined at his actions.
But, when his lips came dangerously close to the waistband of your trousers, you pushed yourself away a bit, and in between heavy breaths said, “Um, we should, um bedroom.”
John nodded eagerly and let you stand up so you could lead the way. You grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet, then practically ran to your bedroom with him in tow. Once you pushed open the door and John was inside, he stopped and pulled you to him again, bringing you into a deep kiss. Slowly, he walked the two of you to the edge of your bed, but before you could move onto it, he lifted you by your waist and threw you so you landed gently in the middle of your bed. You giggled on impact and he chuckled with you.
Returning to the mission of before, John climbed on top of you, kissing your neck hotly as he worked the button and zipper of your pants. Before he pulled them down, he looked up for confirmation and when you nodded, he took them off. Left in only your bra and underwear, you reached for John’s own waistband and he helped you take off his pants, kicking them to the floor.
John leaned up and started kissing you again, holding your face in his hands. Your hands moved from his chest to his shoulders, pulling him closer to you. He took the opportunity to grind his hips against yours and you automatically wrapped your legs around him to keep him close. You were spurring each other on to continually roll and thrust your hips as the other gasped and moaned.
Suddenly, John pulled away, but instead of getting up, he reached underneath you, trying to unhook your bra. It proved difficult for him, so, laughing slightly, you said, “Let me.”
Your hands took his place and effortlessly undid your bra, pulling the straps off your shoulders as you removed it. John groaned at the sight of your breasts and you felt your cheeks and chest heat up at the sound. He must have found it endearing because he smiled to himself and started a surprisingly relentless attack on your breasts.
He took a good couple of minutes just to suck hickeys into the tender skin at the top of your breasts, sucking on your nipples lightly every so often just to keep you on your toes. His ministrations made you breathless and desperate for more, and soon you were writhing underneath him, trying to get any sort of friction on your core.
If John knew what you wanted, he didn’t let on, and with a huff of exasperation, you spoke up, “John, can you please move lower?”
He smiled against your chest and replied, “Why would I do that when I’m having such a good time up here?”
“Please Johnny, I need more,” you whined, the nickname just slipping from your mouth.
John groaned at your words and stopped his movements, “Say it again.”
You quickly caught onto what he meant and repeated, “Johnny, please, please, I need you.”
With what almost seemed like a growl, John moved down your body, pulling your underwear off with him. He spread your legs quickly, and you gasped as the cold air hit your wetness. Without hesitation, John licked a stripe up your folds, groaning at your taste. You sighed and threaded your fingers through his hair to keep him close.
John, on the other hand, wanted you anything but relaxed, and started an assault on your pussy. He started by collecting wetness from your entrance on his tongue before moving up to toy with your clit. He kissed, licked, and swirled his tongue on the bundles of nerves until you were squirming beneath him and the hold on his hair had tightened.
When he looked up and saw that your eyes were squeezed shut and your head was thrown back, he moved one hand to his mouth, coating it in his saliva. Then, he pushed his index finger inside you, making you cry out “Johnny!” yet again. He pumped his finger, still paying attention to your clit until your back was beginning to arch and your thighs were trembling. Knowing you were close, he added another finger and sucked harshly on your clit, fingering you quickly until you tumbled over the edge.
Your orgasm was stronger than you expected, and you felt it from your walls that were clenching around his fingers to the shocks of pleasure that coursed up your spine. Gasping out his name as he continued his motions throughout your orgasm, you unconsciously squeezed your thighs together, keeping John as close as possible. As you came down, your breath evened out and you relaxed your legs, John coming back into view once he could lift his head again.
You would have apologized for nearly crushing him, but the look in his eyes was enough to silence any sorry that would have come from you. His eyes were dark with lust and boring into yours. His mouth was still slick with your wetness, and when he kissed his way up your body, he left little tracks that made you shiver when the air hit them.
When he made it to your mouth and pulled you in for a kiss, he pushed his tongue into your waiting mouth so you could taste yourself. You moaned into the kiss, reaching down to palm John through his underwear. Breaking away from the kiss, you pulled down his boxers and his dick, already totally hard, was revealed to you. As you began pumping it in your hands, John moved his attention to your neck, his kisses being interrupted with moans when you swiped your palm over the head to gather his precum and spread it along his shaft.
You continued jerking him off until he pulled away from your neck, giving your lips another short kiss, whispering, “gotta get a condom,” before he got off the bed and grabbed his jeans. As you waited for him, you remained laying down, but moved one of your hands first to your mouth to wet it, then to your pussy and started rubbing your clit.
John didn’t notice your movements until he was opening the condom and started to roll it down his length. “Fuck, you just couldn’t wait?”
You didn’t stop your movements even as John climbed back on top of you. Instead you giggled and shook your head, “Uh-uh.”
He shot back a smile of his own, shaking his head before he reached down and took your hand from yourself, “Leave that up to me, love.”
Next, he moved your legs so they were bent at the knee and were pushed above your hips. “Is this okay?”
“Yeah, hurry up,” you nodded and looked at him expectantly.
John scoffed at your words and look and took his cock in his hand, pumping it a couple times before lining up at your entrance and slowly sliding in. He moaned as he did, “So fucking eager.”
His words, along with how he felt inside of you made you moan out a weak, “Johnny, please move.”
Obliging, John started moving in shallow thrusts, getting both you and him used to each other. When you started reaching up to him, he leaned forward on a thrust in and went deeper than he had before. You both gasped at the feeling, and you held him to you by his shoulders, telling him, “That, do that again.”
John didn’t take any convincing and started thrusting into you in deep, slow thrusts that made you gasp and moan. You could tell he was holding back some though, and told him, “You can go faster, Johnny. Go faster.”
He did, and sped up his pace until you were crying out with every thrust. You could feel yourself getting close and almost reached your hand between the two of you before you remembered his words earlier, “Johnny, please.”
Knowing exactly what you meant, John moved his hand down so his fingers could rub tight circles on your clit. It only took another minute of this before you were tensing up around him and you could only say “Johnny,” over and over.
“Come for me, beautiful. Let go,” John whispered against your lips before capturing them with his own.
The kiss pushed you over the edge again, and you came with a stuttering cry that John swallowed with his kisses. It was gentler this time, but still lifted you to a high that left your body tingling and satisfied.
John kept thrusting into you, at a slower pace so you wouldn’t be overstimulated. You could tell that he was close though, and urged him on by meeting his hips with your own. Wanting to encourage him like he did you, you kissed along his neck until you reached his ear and whispered into it, “Please Johnny, come for me. Oh- please.”
Your words in his ear set him off and in two more snaps of his hips, John was coming hard, letting his head fall to your shoulder and moaning your name into the crook of your neck. He stilled inside of you, catching his breath. His heavy breathing on your neck caused a shiver to go down your spine, and you laughed lightly.
Hearing your laugh, John placed a sweet kiss to your neck before slowly sitting up and pulling out. He got up and went to the bathroom he had noticed on the way to your bedroom. He came back having disposed of the condom and cleaned the two of you off with a warm washcloth before lying next to you again. He laid on his back and you curled up to his side, laying your head on his chest while his arm rested on your body.
You traced little patterns on his chest and he played with the ends of your hair. Planting a couple of kisses to his chest, you chuckled to yourself.
“What’s so funny?” he said, tugging lightly on one strand of your hair.
“Well, I was just thinking that now I’m really glad that I didn’t have to pair up with some freshman for peer review,” you told him before both of you cracked up. 
Taglist: @somekindof-cheese @gwilyoubemine @deacytits @supersonicfreddie @siriuslovesmarlene @bowiequeen @acdeaky @deakysgirl @sunflower-borhap-boys @deakyfordays @queensilveryrog @happy-at-home @ceruleanrainblues @briarrose26
I just kinda created this taglist so if you would like to be taken off or added, just send me a message or ask!
Reminder that my requests are open! If you would like something in a sort of one shot format/length or blurb, etc. send it in! I’ll write for any of the Borhap or Queen boys (Freddie only platonically), Lucy, Patrick Murray, Gardner Langway and adult!Tim Murphy or possibly any of the other characters these people have played if I know enough about them!
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prorevenge · 5 years
You don’t want me to sleep for 9 months? Ok, guess you don’t need your degree.
So, I wasn’t sure if this story qualified for pro or petty. Everything I do, over the course of this, is extremely petty, but I think it probably is what I would consider a ‘scale up’ from low tier revenge, mostly on account of the last part.
So some backstory. This was about 6 years ago, during my first year at university. In the UK, you basically have two options for accommodations in your first year. The first option is called Halls, you stay in a huge apartment complex with a bunch of different students, you share a floor with about 10-15 people. Or, you go to a student house, which is basically a normal house, that some greedy landlord converts all the available space into bedrooms for 5-6 people (but, this is not always the case, in my second year I lived in a house with 15 people, many Petty Revenge stories there if I find the time to type them out). Anyway, I chose the latter.
I moved into what would be a 3 bed house, turned into a 5 bed. What would have been a living room, was converted into a bedroom below my room. 3 of my housemates were fine, we were civil to one another, but not really friends, we just lived different lives. We would go out for the occasional bevvy, have dinner together, but mostly just coexist peacefully. Notice how I said it was a 5 bed though?
Enter housemate in question. Let’s call her Cathy. Cathy was of African descent, very rich parents, sent to live in the UK to study Engineering, as the educational system in her native country was very poor. She was short, fat and quite obnoxious. When I moved in, I made a point of introducing myself to everyone. My first impression of Cathy wasn’t great. An issue I noticed immediately (of which persists throughout the entirety of our living together) is that Cathy f***ing stinks. You know when you work out for 4 hours but you crash out and forget the shower before? It was like that x1000. It was extensively unbearable. On top of that, Cathy is really rude. She basically starts out by saying she’s been here for 2 years already, and she wasn’t gonna change again this year. This had me a little concerned, but at the time it wasn’t a huge issue, I told her I kept to myself a lot, so she wouldn’t see any problems from me.
The first week or so I didn’t notice many problems. I was out partying hard during most nights (at English University, the first week is called ‘Freshers’ where everyone goes out and gets wasted for a week the week before studies start) other than some of my food going missing, and dirty plates staying on the side. F**k it, it’s week one, it’s fine.
Then Cathy rears her ugly head. So, I’m going to bed at 9pm the first night before studies (I had an hour commute to my campus and 1st day I wanted to be very awake) and I hear her shouting downstairs, she sounds very excited. I would find out tonight that Cathy is an avid gamer. Now myself I love games, I have late night sessions all the time, but I’m respectful of my housemates. I lie in bed, awake until 2:30am, hearing Cathy scream at her monitor and the sounds of a shooter in the background, very loudly. I didn’t want to be a bad housemate, so I let it happen. I barely slept and I went into my first lecture completely exhausted from sleep deprivation. I figured it was a one off, or it might happen every now and again. I was very wrong.
This carried on for 4 days before I said anything. On the Friday, I approach her in the kitchen and politely say “hey, don’t want to be rude, but can you try and keep it down a little late at night, I can hear you loud and clear through the floor and it’s really messing with my sleep. I don’t wanna be rude but I’ve noticed it’s been happening a lot”. She basically tells me I’m overreacting, she’s doing nothing wrong, nobody else has complained so it’s not a real issue. Cathy shares a wall with another housemate on the ground floor, so when she gets home I ask her about the issue. Turns out Cathy gave her the same spiel as to me. We knock on her door and ask what’s the problem, together. She gives us this whole sob story about how hard it is to make friends, that her online friends are her family, they live all across the world and she doesn’t want to break that relationship. I feel bad (stupidly) and tell her I totally get it, but just try and be a little quieter on weeknights. She says “I’ll try, maybe” and we leave it at that.
That night I slept fine. I thought it was over. The next night she’s screaming again, but it’s the weekend, so I get high as a kite and fall asleep in the bathtub. Sunday night rolls around, she’s screaming again, I can hear the sound of her rifle firing in game and she shouting obscenities with every shot. It gets to 11pm and I go downstairs and knock. Nothing. I wait a little while and try again. No change. I try again, same, so I go into the back garden and knock on her window. I hear her shout F OFF a few times and give up. I go to bed, but not to sleep.
This happens for the next few weeks. She screams, I go to confront, she screams at me through the wall till I leave. I approach her in the day, and she tells me she could hear me, doesn’t know what I’m talking about, I must have been DREAMING, think of a bs excuse and it’s probably on the list of things she would say.
So begins the revenge. I start by just going downstairs, flicking the power off and on for the router, and going back upstairs. The house is kind of old and creaky, so it’s pretty obvious that as the WiFi goes down, it’s me. This happens a few nights until she confronts me as I’m leaving in the morning. I tell her bluntly, yeah, it’s me, stop with the screaming or things are just going to get worse. She threatens to call our landlord on me. Great idea. I leave the house, go to my lectures, and after Uni I visit the landlord. I tell him the entire story about everything that’s happening, and how hard it’s making our lives. He says he’ll look into it, please be patient.
More weeks go by, no more pranks from me but no interference from the landlord. The night I contacted him was silent, but after that everything went back to scream-a-palooza. I contact him again, he says trust him, no changes. I try again, guess what no changes.
So I start getting pettier. So, I failed to mention before (at least in great detail) that Cathy is messy AF. She would eat, then leave all her plates, pots and pans on the side and return to her lair. For the first month, we just washed them up for her, nobody wants a messy kitchen. But, I was pissed off. So I started a new system. If I see a dirty plate of hers, I’d leave it in front her door. This was funny for a few days until I started finding my dirty plates she used at my door. From this point on, all kitchen equipment that was mine would from there on out live in my room until the end of my tenancy. This went on for another sleepless week until I am awoken by my landlord with a police officer. I’m told I’ve been stealing from my housemates and I need to go to the station. I promptly explain the situation, and my other housemates back me up. The officer clearly is annoyed to have his time wasted by us and leaves. Me, the housemates, Cathy and landlord have a group discussion on how to end the hostilities. We demand quiet weeknights and a clean kitchen, in exchange we (though, really it was just me) will not perform passive aggressive petty revenge. Seems like a fair deal right? No. Landlord said he can’t give any ‘preferential treatment’ so we need to stop regardless. I’m glad to say though, even though this guy was an awful landlord, he never interfered again, allowing for further pettiness to ensue.
So, back to revenge. Cathy would run an Ethernet cable from the modem to her computer, along the floor and into her room. I would start by unplugging this cable any time she was screaming. Cathy then started taping the cable so it was harder to pull out the socket. It got to a point were our hallway had a huge mess of tape and wire going across from the router all the way to her room. But f**k Cathy. I bought a roll of the same tape she had used, waited for her to leave the house. I had to wait 3 weeks for this opportunity. When I finally had the chance, I pulled up the tape, took a pair of scissors, cut the cable and taped it all back down. How she got into university was beyond me, as she didn’t figure it out for a few days. I slept wonderfully those nights. She confronted me days later and accused me of my crime. I simply denied it, and slammed the door in her face.
After this it was fairly passive aggressive both sides. Any time I heard noise I’d unplug the cable. She started eating my food (so I ended up buying a mini fridge and storing all my food in my room) and she would regularly throw out my belongings if I left them around the house. It was all getting a bit much. Mid year, I bought a cheap, turtle beach headset. I knocked on her door, and offered it as a peace treaty. I said the noise had to stop, and the revenge was starting to get out of hand. Please, take the headset, continue to enjoy your games, but I desperately need sleep. She took the headset, said thank you and promptly retreated to her room.
(As a side note, I’d never seen her room up until this point. It, was, disgusting. Old food everywhere, wrappers and cans. Her bed was half a space to sleep, half pizza boxes and rubbish. The smell was so bad, that after the conversation I went upstairs and threw up. I would only see the inside of that room once again until I moved)
So, overly generous peace offering? Yes. But I was desperate. The lack of sleep was really starting to affect my work, social life and relationship. I hoped it would turn a new leaf. Well, no. All night that night, screaming. I woke up the next day, and had a smoke in the garden. As I was pacing, I looked over at her window. Hanging out the window, I see a very damaged turtle beach headset. I decided in that moment, to destroy her.
Before I get into the big stuff, here’s a few c***ty things I did on top. I would pour salt into her milk and juice. Any time she left the house, I would cut the Ethernet. I put toothpaste onto her door handle. Any soft drinks she bought? Took them to class and donated them to my friends.
Anyway, so you notice that I said I had to wait 3 weeks for my cable prank? I became very aware that Cathy barely left the house. She was 100% not going to lectures or assignments. I started posting letters to her faculty posing as her parents asking for updates on her studies. After a few weeks she would start to get into shouting arguments with her parents over the phone. I then started ringing the faculty to let them know when she wasn’t in attendance. Our university had a relaxed approach to this, but all courses were expected to have an 85% attendance rating, or you’d face potential problems. After speaking to her staff supervisor, she had a whopping 23% rating. After a few more calls, it was established that she would have a ‘meeting’ as essentially a case for her to plead herself as to why she should stay. I took the time to somewhat befriend her supervisor, and asked if I could be present at the meeting to profess my story to aid in her expulsion. He agreed. As the days to her meeting rolled up, it was clear (due to the arguments with her parents on the phone) that she would not be staying here if she did not keep her position on her course. She began cleaning up after herself, and actually spoke to me semi-civilly begging me not to speak to the university any more. I told her, if she didn’t shout any more all the way to the hearing, then I’d retract all of my previous statements and give my verbal support to her staying. Zero noise. I slept like a baby for 3 days. Thursday night (meeting was the Friday) rolls around.
A final note, whenever Cathy did get up in the mornings, she had an extremely loud and obnoxious alarm clock, which would be on ages.
Thursday night, I give each of my other housemates the run down, and ask them to either skip town for the night and let it run its course. 2 stayed 2 left. Come 9pm, I proceed to invite my entire society around for drinks. 30 people in our tiny house drinking, shouting and playing loud music until 3am. Cathy comes out angry, begging, at one point in tears telling me to stop. But F this B, she had this coming. I go to bed at 4:30am. I wake up at 6am. No noise in the house. Good, she’s asleep. I go downstairs to the switchboard, and cut the power. I go out, eat breakfast, and go to the meeting at 8:30am. Much to my delight, Cathy does not turn up. At 9am I give the committee a full rendition of the past 9 months of hell, and proceed to strongly advise expulsion.
Afterwards, I call my university and fake having the flu, asking for a recovery period of 4-5 days. They accept, and I go back home to see my family for a week.
I return to a house one less occupied, with a few stand out pieces. In front of my room door, the now almost dust turtle beach headset. LOL. But, I ventured to her room. The smell had not left permanently, but it was bearable now. Many of her possessions were gone, but many left behind, most notably her printer and several pieces of balled up paper around it. Firstly, balled up print out copies of flight tickets to her native country, and a flight map. A letter from the university, denoting her immediate expulsion. A letter from our landlord, noting that as per the tenant agreement, if she cannot find study again within 28 days, she will be forced to leave the house. And finally; the creme de la creme. A letter, clearly intended for me and the housemates that she gave up on, telling us how this was all our fault and one day she would come back to haunt us.
(source) story by (/u/Tucker_Design)
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