#And in a relationship that you think it's gonna be endgame (can't relate but I have friends that do ahskahsja)
theirloveisgross · 5 months
wait wdym chicago it's about hannah? 👀
oh, that's just my theory, anon. and i believe a few other people's as well.
it just makes so much sense to me, with all we knew about them back then. and i believe we don't know anything about hannah in recent years... so, who knows where she is, how she's doing, etc etc.
louis has also said it's about someone (duh), and when he played the album for jojowright everyone was like 'omg who's this about?' but obviously he wasn't gonna say.
now, naming it chicago... that's classic louis behavior. he knew EVERYONE was gonna focus on the city AND make the connection to danielle, etc etc. i mean, hannah could be living in chicago for all we know, tbh.
just- really listen to the lyrics and think about their relationship. to me the line about knowing someone's number is one of the biggest clues... because back then you knew people's numbers by memory. sure, there were cellphones that stored contacts and stuff already, but- you had to be there, hajshajs. i still remember a few phone numbers that no longer work... and louis is only 2.5 years younger than me, so...
alright, this was meant to be a short answer... but i got carried away. i love this song a lot, and in this context it gives me so much warmth too. they did love each other... they were, like, best friends! but... IT JUST WASN'T MEANT TO BEEEEEEEEEE.
because gay.
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
when you dislike the MC of a good series AKA Who Will Die in The Wicked Powers
damn, being petty enough to flip off the MC x canon ship in my (favorite) fandom is really kicking me in the ass--
yeah, basically I can't touch half the TSC stuff on Tumblr bc I'm so anti-Clace...(meanwhile I love literally every other character that's been in every Shadowhunter series)...& they're probably gonna have a wedding + kids in the next books (assuming Jace isn't killed)...
The Wicked Powers is most definitely gonna have the Princes of Hell as the main villains. I feel like Luke, Gwyn, or Izzy will die, since the younger Shadowhunters are supposed to be central & well...look at the couples who will be alive/extant by TWP:
Jace & Clary
Magnus & Alec
Simon & Izzy
Julian & Emma
Kit & Ty
Dru & Ash (& maybe Jaime)
Diana & Gwyn
Luke & Jocelyn
Tessa & Jem
(forgive me if I'm missing anyone!)
Jace already died once. Clary had dreams about dying, but those were shown to be visions of Thule. Based on canon events, I think they're Clare's favorite ship. SAFE.
Magnus almost gave himself to Asmodeus in CoHF. Alec almost-ish died saving Magnus in The Eldest Curses. Also, Alec almost died thanks to that poison demon in TMI (the one Magnus saved him from). Malec might end up forced to rule some region of Hell (reason unknown but I think it'll have to do with them beating/destroying Asmodeus). I feel like past events foreshadow Magnus dealing with the unfortunate sides of being a warlock. But he won't die--the "killing your gays" trope might actually save he & Alec.
Simon nearly died when the vampires attacked him (when he was a mundane), then when Valentine bled him pre-Daylighter (then Jace's blood saved him). He "sacrificed" himself to Asmodeus CoHF, in the form of his vampire immortality + memories (which he basically got back later on). Izzy...she's been through a lot psychologically & about as much as I think most Shadowhunters would physically. She lost Max & her dad. But she's a badass (I'm not faulting her for it, either). So I don't think she's safe.
Julian & Emma both lost their parents in horrible ways. Their whole series was about the parabatai curse (which, to me, was conveniently not mentioned in chronologically earlier series...probably because it wasn't invented til TDA was written, lol). They're kinda written to be the leaders of Livvy's Watch. SAFE.
Kit has his whole faerie power reveal shit to explore & he + Ty are some of the major characters in TWP. I'm pretty sure they'll spend the series healing their relationship. SAFE.
Kieran/Cristina/Mark will survive because 1) Kieran as the Unseelie King is an important Shadowhunter ally, 2) they're poly rep in YA, which is rare, and 3) killing one of them off would leave the others to mourn in such a weird way. SAFE.
I love Dru Blackthorn. She's one of the main of TWP, so I think she'll survive, plus tbh I don't think any more Blackthorns will be killed. Ash will probably end up as the Seelie King or as Clace's adopted son, to "redeem" Sebastian in a narrative sense. Jaime's sort of a main for TWP as one of Dru's love interests. SAFE.
Diana & Gwyn aren't main characters (though I like their romance). Diana also is the ONLY transgender person in all the books (unless I missed something). I don't think she'll be killed off. Gwyn might be just because I see the Wild Hunt as an important group in TWP & he might die protecting Diana (narratively, this shows strengthened faerie-Shadowhunter relations, despite the Wild Hunt being unaffiliated with either Court).
Luke & Jocelyn deserve to be endgame, but I could see Luke being killed off as one of those "MC's loved one is killed so the MC goes & avenges them" type of things. I love Luke & Jocelyn as characters, though.
Tessa & Jem deserve to be endgame, arguably, more than any couple. They were the mains in their series, then Jem survived but was sort-of-"lost" when he became a Silent Brother. Then he miraculously became a (mortal) Shadowhunter again when he was burned by heavenly fire, he just left the Clave behind to hang with Tessa (good choice!). Tessa has a baby & she's gonna suffer enough when she outlives Jem. SAFE?
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 2 months
oneshot asks: 1, 4, 5, 18 for the multiverse oneshots :D
1. What inspired you to write it?
Well, like many of my ideas, it starts off with me hinting about it being something that I have thought about writing in another fic of mine.
To summarize it briefly, I have a set of people/pairings in Violetta that I have next gens for. But, I happen to be a multishipper. Specifically with Violetta. I ship her just as much with Leon as I do with Francesca, so I have next gens for both Leonetta and Franletta. I also, additonally, have a next gen for Francesca in the universe where Leonetta is canon. Because Violetta can't date both at the same time, I have "universe 1" and "universe 2" in my next gen stories. The two universes are alike in every single way EXCEPT for who Violetta and Francesca are together with.
Now, I have a multichapter fic rn taking place in "universe 1" and focuses a lot on Leonetta's daughter, and her relationship with Francesca's daughter. In this universe, Fran only has one child, while in "universe 2" she has three children together with Violetta. So I explored the idea of why she'd only have one child, and in that chapter hint at the idea of a multiverse travel where she meets herself from universe 2.
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And originally, it was only supposed to be just a travel between these two universes, but then I was like "... let's get chaotic with it".
And after writing the Violetta one, I realized that I'd need to write one for Soy Luna too. In particular, because one of the Soy Luna next gens I have has relations with some of the Violetta next gens, so it would have some connection (even if that was just touched on briefly in the oneshot as the focus was on Luna and Ámbar, but still)
It was also just really fun to explore what WOULD happen if some pairings WERE endgame, or what would happen if we'd just have the most random pairing ever.
4. How long did it take to write it?
For both of them, it took like 2-3 days each I think. Not that long.
5. How long did you think about writing it before actually writing it?
Like a month or two lol
18. Do you have any plans for a new oneshot/several new oneshots?
I always got oneshot ideas! But any multiverse travels I'm a bit unsure. There's still a LOT you can do with it, of course (not to mention there's other alter egos being able to come visit them)...
I also now forgot to give examples of every single oneshot idea I had. I guess the pride month prompts I'm writing are all oneshots technically! So you're gonna see a bunch of those in june!
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sionisjaune · 9 months
present day brocedes r like we need to have a carefully planned out casual threesome to prove we're ready to be parents (the step before Lewis joins the coparenting with Nico and Vivian)
cause if u can't even take care of a third person without it getting messy howre u gonna handle christmas in monaco new years in LA
Ok I am seriously thinking about the logistics of mick/lewis/nico fic and... on one hand the easiest way to make it work is if the mick/nico/lewis is just a transient thing on the way to a nico/lewis endgame. BUT in my mind I have set up a nico/lewis that are actually functional and mindful of other people (insane thing to consider). So YES as per usual you are right and a giant genius BUT on the other hand if I were to do mick/lewis/nico I would want the relationship to be travelling towards its own endgame. The problem of course is that I cannot imagine what that endgame would like like because mick/lewis/nico has no precedent or canon that I can work with...
ALSO (under the cut because this is only kind of related), now that I'm on my brocedes in 2023 soapbox, I want to talk about one of the main obstacles to brocedes endgame (at least as I see it).
Lewis has expressed a strong desire to HAVE KIDS. And RAISE HIS FAMILY IN THE HOUSE IN COLORADO. Nico on the other hand has already had two children who are installed in Monaco, and for the sake of brocedes endgame he must be a GOOD FATHER. If Lewis values family, there is no way that he (as he is now) could justify being with a Nico that is a negligent father. So okay. Lewis wants to have kids. Nico already has kids. There is no mpreg in this universe (sorry everyone). There are a few solutions that each have their own merits and weaknesses.
Lewis becomes a co-parent of Nico's children with Vivian
Lewis and Nico adopt* children together
Lewis adopts* children on his own
Lewis does not become a parent
*Or surrogacy etc.
Solution 4 is sad (to me). Of course there is nothing wrong with never having children--but Lewis seems to want to have children. Also it means putting Nico above his own aspirations, which is against the point of a thoughtful brocedes endgame.
Solution 3 is something that I just thought of and which makes the most sense to me--and it also means that Lewis's relationship with his children and ability to parent are somewhat separated from Nico--which might be easier for a number of reasons. Lewis comes from a blended family himself, so this might appeal to him too. At the same time, when I think of brocedes I think of a HUGE GIGANTIC LOVE. Love that makes you want to do everything together all of the time. So I think they would both be involved in the parenting of Lewis's kid. The problem here, which is also the problem with solution 2, is... does Nico want more kids?
Solution 2 is idyllic... but as I mentioned it is not clear whether Nico wants more children. He said in the past that he wanted a "football team" of kids, but he seems to have stopped with two. Also his daughters are still reasonably young--and if we imagine that he and Vivian have a strong relationship post divorce, it seems problematic for him to suddenly have more children who require more care if he is also going to continue parenting his existing children. It could be done but it would be a decision that would also depend on Vivian in my mind!
Solution 1 is the most intuitive and yet it faces similar problems to solution 2. Vivian would have to be involved. Nico cannot simply offer his children to Lewis. And the Lewis & Vivian relationship that would have to exist is very difficult for me to imagine. I suppose that they know each other to some degree already but it is still tough for me to work out... Also logistically can same-sex couples adopt in Monaco? Would it be possible (in a social sense) to raise children as a same-sex couple in Monaco? Would Nico leave Monaco (and Vivian and his existing children) for Lewis? (Probably not.)
The final thing that I want to say about brocedes endgame--especially because I imagine it from Lewis's point of view--is that I am very careful to avoid creating situations that stick either of them in a permanent position of advantage. The various advantages that either of them have held (we are talking about race and class issues as well as advantage on track) have been the factors that have created the problems with brocedes in the past... and in order for brocedes endgame to work there needs to be a space where both can be/become themselves without bending to the other's advantage.
OK I'M DONE LOL!!! I did very much enjoy thinking about this although it is barely what Misa asked about.
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aparticularbandit · 11 days
thoughts on enogiri ?
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Yeah, yeah!
Honestly, I really love imagining them pre-Killing Game.
I love the idea of Kyoko Kirigiri who has no idea about anything regarding love or relationships and who is always and only detective and who doesn't intentionally keep herself closed off or separate from her classmates but just naturally is those things - like, let's be real, Kyoko has never really had a childhood. Jin tried up until he abandoned her, and even then, she was going on constant trips with her grandfather, she was never really staying in one location for very long, Kyoko has no idea how to actually have a friend at all and has been taught that friendships and family and all that other stuff MUST be seen as LESS THAN being a detective - and, yes, Yui tried, but the entirety of Danganronpa Kirigiri is Kyoko having a moment and then closing back up again because hey, look, this hurt, and I screwed up by trying, and I'm never gonna forget that I screwed up and I can't do this again - that's what the gloves are for!
So like. Kyoko who is this bundle of trauma and training and doesn't know how to people even if she wanted to people and isn't sure that she does want to people because the one time she did people it literally, quite literally blew up in her face--
Being literally adopted by Junko Enoshima who does not know how to keep her mouth shut and cannot take no for an answer and it does not matter how much Kyoko goes off by herself, Junko is going to chase after her because no, you are my friend now, and you don't get to escape this, I'm choosing you, and I don't care, and you're MINE.
Because let's be real. Junko preys on the vulnerable. And when it comes to interpersonal relationships, Kyoko is vulnerable. Kyoko is very strong in who and what she is, although she occasionally has doubts over the whole being a detective is more important than the people you care for thing, but she's very secure in who and what she is.
And Junko says, look, here is this entire world you are shutting yourself off from, and I want you to be part of it, and I'm not taking no for an answer. You don't have to be with anyone else, but you have to be with me, and you're going to like it, and you're going to like me, you're going to love me, even if you don't want to, even if you're scared and vulnerable. Even if no one else wants you, I want you.
Choose me.
Kyoko being warmed by that. Because she really, truly is alone. And she doesn't want to be. And when someone as insistent as Junko reaches out and says you don't have to be alone, eventually Kyoko will say okay and cling to the one person that she has. Because she's all she has.
And that's what Junko wants.
Abusers take lengths to separate their victims from their support system, but if we're honest here? Kyoko never had a support system. Her dad abandoned her. Her grandfather thinks she's just fine on her own. Yui is dead. Her mom is dead. Her other grandfather is dead. Kyoko has Kyoko.
And, in this case, Junko.
Who is exactly not the person you want her to have.
(Junko doesn't have to convince Kyoko she's alone. Kyoko already knows that. Junko just has to convince her that she's the only one who will push through her barriers and stick with her no matter what. And that's not hard.)
Semi-Related, someone made a comment early on with OAEI (that's...the fic I've been posting; I'll link to it) that the first game feels very much like it's Junko and Kyoko's story, like Kyoko is meant to be the protagonist and Makoto's...there and not really a concern until after Kyoko goes to bring him back, and like. (They did a much better job explaining this than my overview.) That rings so true to me. So much of THH is so personal to Kyoko, from the murder of her dad to the tidbits that are left for her, specifically, to find (and are absolutely NOT meant for Makoto, which is why he gets knocked out and has the relevant secret information stolen from him), to the endgame investigations revealing that Kyoko was still her dad's password (which means, yes, he did still care about her) and the present of her dad's bones wrapped up just for her to find--
Makoto's the protagonist, sure, and he becomes the Ultimate Hope, sure, but the Killing Game is so much about the relationship between Junko and Kyoko.
The whole thing is a murder mystery.
A present.
Wrapped up for her girlfriend.
Because she loves her.
With the end driving her into despair just the same as Junko is.
(Except for Makoto getting in the way.)
I just.
I love the dynamic of them so much. I love exploring them.
They're cute.
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forcebookish · 9 months
Hey so you don't have to answer this if you dont have the time or anything but I really love all your takes on the show and was wondering if you had any thoughts/theories especially when it comes to mew's revenge and how you think all that is gonna go down. I'm just asking cuz I spent too much time in the tags and saw people that legit think mew is gonna sleep with boston or ray lmfao and I just need some good takes from someone that actually gets his character to drown it out.
oh, anon, i am at this level at all times,
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so of course i will answer this, i need very little prompting haha (and i'm glad you're loving my only friends takes❣️) BUT OMG IMAGINE THINKING THAT MEW WOULD SLEEP WITH BOSTON AFTER ALL THAT CAN'T RELATE BECAUSE I HAVE A BRAIN LOL trying to drown him is their foreplay i guess lmao ppl are really out here writing fanfiction and calling it "predictions"🤣🤣🤣
however, as for sleeping with ray, i'm not entirely sure actually! if at all, definitely not in the next episode, although it does look like mew is going to forgive him for ruining his birthday
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and my hope is that it's, in part, because ray is actually going to get sober. we've already seen that mew is maybe a little too forgiving when it comes to ray.
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but i don't think that now that mew has ~lost his virginity~ he's going to suddenly jump into bed with anyone. like how falling in and out of love isn't a switch you can flick on and off, losing your virginity after being that particular isn't a dam breaking. and when it comes to ray, i think mew's got a couple reasons for not wanting to be with ray and rejecting him when he did: not only because he "can't hook up with his friend," but because ray is a hot fucking mess. mew's already gone through a lot because of ray's addiction. plus, now that he knows how long ray has been holding that torch and how hard it's been burning, mew's smart enough not to fan the flames. especially based on his attitude in the above cap.
and we have this to look forward to:
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which i'm sure will be related to mew, but might be about something that hasn't even been set up yet, idk. we're only halfway through D:
all this to say, to your actual point, as angry as mew was at ray he's not going to be one of the "targets" for his revenge. boston's definitely going to get the brunt of it, and i'm hoping in the process mew will find out/realize what top's part actually was in all of this - and soon!!! it's tearing me up inside that mew thinks top slept with boston to mess with him and their whole relationship was a lie😭
as for how the revenge will be planned/play out, i've got a few of loose, disconnected ideations but nothing concrete:
sabotaging boston's part of the hostel project, specifically finding a way that he can fail without hurting mew's grades in the process (which i'm guessing may backfire)
(side-note: if nickboston are endgame at all, i don't think they're going to actually get back together but i do think that boston is going to move to new york to be with his mom/pursue photography - because i do not see him graduating without mew's help lol - and that nick is going to follow him. they may meet up with each other again, but no matter what i think it's going to be open-ended.)
leaking the audio recording and/or gap's video of him and boston, thus sabotaging boston's dad's campaign; this would definitely involve nick like book hinted, and hopefully will reveal all of what went down in the car. (there also could be footage from the photobooth where top and boston hooked up and/or security cam footage of the elevator in top's hotel, as @topapologist pointed out to me. that might be overkill though.) my guess is that mew's creepy bathtub brain-blast in the preview is going to be related to that, and after he finds out from ray where he got the recording, which should lead him to nick. and because of the full audio, mew will not only find out that top was coerced, but that boston has some kind of sex tape that "proves" mew and ray slept together. i've hidden this in the tags of some other post, but i do have a suspicion that the video boston showed top was the video gap took of them, either edited to make it hard to see or otherwise, especially since we don't see it or hear it. however, since it's been hinted that gap may still have a copy, nick might get it from there idk
something something nick is into animation something something lmao that could be totally unrelated!! but that seems to be where papang at least comes into it at least, seen here:
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and my wildest, totally out of left field, am 99% sure won't happen, just for giggles prediction is that mew frames boston for arson lol
i thought i had more about the revenge but guess not🤔 i do think that the first two are going to be in tandem, but if there's anything else going on or how it specifically goes down, no idea.
boeing is going to show up as the ex that sand said top "stole" - i've been thinking this for a while and i would assume it's become a popular theory now that we're sure mix is coming on to the show as boeing.
the ominous music cue when mew found the toy airplane seems like a lot just to indicate that top was going to lie about it, there has to be a deeper reason than just "it was my ex's"
the obviously abridged version of the truth that top tells mew later in the episode may be related to "stealing" him from sand, to hide an ugly side of himself he didn't want mew to see (we already know that he's uncomfortable talking about stuff that happened before meeting mew, see: beam - although i will maintain that beam made him uncomfortable in general because of their sexual history and whatever trauma he's secretly got going on)
however, i also think boeing either "pursued" top rather than the other way around and/or top didn't know that boeing was taken. i've got a few reasons:
top doesn't go after people who are "taken," based on this line when he first met mew (even though mew's wristband meant he wasn't looking for anyone), perhaps because he "learned his lesson" but i don't think so
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i think this line
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is a red herring. it's meant for us to think that top was the one who came on stronger, right? but i think it has more to do with boeing coming on stronger to top. (but maybe i'm just looking with my top lovin' goggles😅)
relative to "coming on stronger," i think that boeing may have something to do with why top shuts down when boston gropes him and why he's instantly on his guard when beam touches him (even before seeing who it was). it may have been another case where someone took advantage of him that he blames himself for - might've been the first case.
top is going to steal mew's pain medication.
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this one's pretty obvious, although i suppose since the above q photo was staged between shots, it could be a red herring (i no longer think it's a suicide attempt, although that might have been the original intent based on the pilot trailer. they deleted/privated the pilot trailer for a reason; we picked that shit apart like wild animals lol). they reference the medication, they're definitely opioids, and we already know that top's drug of choice is some kind of opioid/opiate. it looks episode 7 might pick up right where episode 6 ended, since it's the same outfit, you know, before he got shirtless lol we also know that it's going to be harder than ever to sleep without mew and who knows what his tolerance level for his sleeping pills is at this point.
i might be forgetting something i've posted about or chatted about with friends already but for now, i rest my case lol
as always, i wrote too much, but these are still only small fractions of what may play out and i find that really exciting. guessing twists is a lot of fun, but how we get there or seeing them be built up especially without really knowing what's going to happen is the most fun to me! episode 6 was a wild ride: a lot of my predictions were correct but they still only made up, like, 10% of what actually happened. there was so much stuff i never would have guessed! even when it was breaking my heart, i loved it.
hope you enjoyed these takes too, anon! <3
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dwreader · 3 months
What do you mean by the show not wanting you to root for Loumand?
this is somewhat related to the other ask but i mean that a show having a very obvious agenda about how it wants the audience to react to certain relationships/pairings is imo detrimental to storytelling. obviously take with a grain of salt cause this is just a reflection of the marketing thus far but the premise thats sort of being put forth that loumand are doomed cause lestat is louis' true soulmate is reallllyyyy lame to me. there's already a HUGE elephant in the room that makes their relationship untenable in the end (claudia), which is 10x more interesting than lestat and loustat otp 4ever being the reason. its like i appreciate the show is trying to incoroprate the whole incomprehensible book series but sometimes you need to stop thinking about the endgame for a moment and just let the story do its own thing. the reason loumand are so interesting to me in the book is it was written without any thought to loustat or who was gonna end up with who. there's that moment near the end where you think maybe its going in that direction when armand brings louis to lestat to rouse some feeling back in him and in a more conventional book, it might've played out that way. but i LOVE that it didn't. louis couldn't muster anything for either of them because losing claudia made him numb to everything. soo much more interesting to me than just oh he can't get over his ex.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I have noticed E/riels are acting like cartoonish villains at this point. You’d think Gwyn is a real person who has somehow inserted herself into the book to prevent E/riel from happening as opposed to being a character that the author has written. The same author who gave Elain and Lucien, not Azriel, a bond.
And I’m sorry but SJM isn’t gonna make Gwyn part of Nesta’s found family and give her some mystery relating to power and bio family just to make her a villain. I don’t care much for Azriel, to be honest, but it’s crazy how they’re bending over backwards to “ship” Gwyn with everyone but him. If you’re so sure your ship will sail, why do all of this embarrassing shit?
And the whole “Gwyn had to be carried to the top of Ramiel” is so stupid because Rhys had to be carried, too. Gwyn was injured and had lost a lot of blood, did they expect her to skip to the top? Even then, she wanted to stay with Nesta - she literally had to be knocked out to leave.
I agree. What purpose would it serve to give Nesta her HEA (because that's what kind of books these are, HEAs), only to have a friend that was a major part of her healing journey turn evil? That makes no sense because she would then need another book from her POV to deal with the additional trauma something like that caused. Really, that's what I think anytime someone tries to turn one of these main characters into a secretly evil villain. It doesn't make logical sense considering Feysands main story is over and Nessian's main story is over. You can't have Rhys become a villain who was manipulating everyone this whole time after he found his Mate and had a son. What would that do to Feyre?
And why is Gwyn needing help a knock against her? You gave the example with Rhys. But didn't Elain also need saving from Hybern by Feyre and Az? Didn't Cassian need saving by Rhys? Didn't Feyre need Rhys's assistance during the second trial? It's childish when people try to make a character less relevant by using arguments that can be shot down based on what happened with other characters.
It's not a coincidence that in same book (including Bonus Chapter), we have Az thinking how being with Elain is so wrong, that he's not comfortable with her dealing with the Trove (because he doesn't think she's capable), that his shadows disappear around her and that he's never thought of a future with her versus a female who makes him feel calm, that his shadows are curious about, that he shows admiration for, that he believes in her ability to make it through the Rite and that SJM has attached the phrase "sparked in his chest" with. It's all laid out nice and clear for us to draw comparisons..
Dorian and Chaol were introduced at the same time yet Celaena was first interested in Dorian though she ended up having an actual relationship with Chaol (and even they weren't endgame).
I'm not sure why E/riels refuse to acknowledge that Elain could easily be a passing love interest for Azriel too and that a character introduced after her could be the real deal.
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dilfdoctordoom · 11 months
4, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 17
4. what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i was trying to be less liberal with the block button this year (cause I've blocked people for posting actors in character tags like I do not give a shit fuck off) buuuut that didn't last long & it was when someone tried to argue with me about ships while being a proshipper.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
The specific brand of Starmora shippers that have never read a comic in their life but go out of their way to harrass people for. even speaking about Peter & Gamora's other canon relationships.
(Actually adding onto the one above -- I blocked someone for commenting about how Adam & Gamora would have never be together because Starmora was endgame in the MCU... on a very clearly comics one shot.....)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I've read significantly more DC than Marvel, I just rarely talk about it 'cause fandom has made me hate so many of them. I see Dick Grayson nowadays and get filled with violent rage. It's so much worse for Tim Drake & Jason Todd.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
... Over 100. Mostly DC, tbf, but GOTG has added a lot too!
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
Sure as fuck isn't Gamora lemme tell you that much--
Uhhhh I tried to get back into DC so. Dick is sunshine, Tim loves coffee, Jason loves Jane Austen, Duke "threw himself out of a moving car" Thomas is the sane one. I want to die.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Starting off very softly with Peter Quill x Nebula, I think it's just fundamentally fucking stupid. Nebula's whole thing is that she hates always coming second to her sister & people want her in a relationship with a man that isn't over her dead sister in like 10 years um. why.
To get a little more controversial... MCU GOTG personalities. Like I like 'em! But there are people who seem genuinely convinced that they're better than the comics which. lmao.
I'm also gonna toss in Barbara Gordon, in her current state, because even if I ignore the ableism. jesus fucking christ as a woman I feel insulted every time she pops up.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Richmora, Adamora, Moonmora, Angelamora, LET GAMORA KISS MORE PEOPLE GODDAMN IT.
In light of vol 3, some more Gamora fix-its would be fucking great.
In general, more of the 616 Guardians cause they're my pookie bears & I deserve a treat for suffering through GOTG2023
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russilton · 2 years
I'm feeling quite emotional about your Seb POV Gewis fic idea, as someone who's already been following F1 when Brocedes was still a thing and then became what it became. Seb always right there. God, his friendship with Lewis is probably the most special one on the grid, for many, many reasons and I absolutely love the idea of you incorporating it. I never actually shipped them, although they're the obvious and popular Lewis ship - and I absolutely get why, but their friendship means so much to me that it kind of stopped me from touching it in a romantic fanfic sense. I can't explain it, but it's very deeply rooted in my own F1 history, starting back when I didn't even read fanfiction... Idk. I did, however, ship Lewis with Val (still do) just like I enjoy indulging in Gewis and while I can't really see George/Val I am intrigued. You're amazing at writing smut, so I'm sure I'll go crazy and you'll convert me.
And you're contemplating writing for Singapore and Japan? That's amazing, both races felt very special for us Gewis shippers... some very good, memorable content. Do you have any specific ideas you're playing around with?
I’m really glad to hear the concept works for you, writing seb, heck writing ANYONE other than George and Lewis is a new and somewhat tough experience for me. Gewis comes easy because I spend a lot of time thinking about how they think about each other, how they feel when they react to new situations, and just, feeling alongside them. When they’re happy, I’m happy, when they’re sad, I’m sad.
I don’t quite have the same connection to seb, I don’t know as much about him, and while I can bother bads to tell me the technical history, sometimes writing a guy is something you have to figure out personally on your own. Because it’s a short fic idea it should at least move fast when I’m on a roll.
As for sewis or valwis etc, I’ve never shipped them exclusively because I am criminally mono shipper, I literally walked into F1 rpf, saw a gewis fic, and imprinted like a duckling.
I can say with 99% certainly I will never write a fic that doesn’t end with britcedes as the endgame. That doesn’t rule out poly or threesomes though, I’m a big fan of exploring ships of gewis + someone else, and that’s where the couple of Britcedes and Val ideas I’ve had came from. I just profoundly dislike reading things that don’t end with George and Lewis together, it honestly makes me feel sad!
I’ve also got ideas that involve George sleeping around with other people but he still ends with Lewis, because when I write about George I focus on exploring his relationship to his body and how that relates to other people. When I write Lewis I focus on how he is with his friends and family, how his status and skills effect his personal life, so I don’t tend to think about his past relationships, fuck boy au being the one exception because that’s all about him being the paddock top for casual sex and then catching feelings for a guy he won’t let himself have.
My skills with smut will be tested for you because I have a small scene of George/Val post imola 21’ in one of the above fics and while I’ve had trouble figuring out how to get them into bed (or rather, onto a hotel couch…), the smut was really fucking fun hahahah, and the post orgasm banter is one of my faves
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(For context, no Lewis doesn’t know they fucked it out lmao, and both Val and George sure as shit ain’t gonna tell him)
As for the Singapore and Japan fic, I haven’t got any concrete ideas yet, because if I do want to write for them I’ll have to finish ZV and Monza first. But I think I want to focus on George needing to be comforted for once? All his races this year were pretty spectacular (not including silverstone, that’s a special case) but both Singapore and Japan just sucked for him, for reasons mostly out of his control. I think id like to focus on how Lewis helps George get through those hard moments, how to handle guilt about wanting more vs accepting and moving on, because that’s where Lewis has experience.
George has experience scoring low at Williams but It’s a different beast to be in a race winning car and score low, there’s more to be conflicted about. He’s allowed to be mad at his team, but also they’ll be beating themselves up worse than him, and it’s moments like that that will define his leadership. Is he going to sulk like Max, or is he going to push them constructively for better. Thats what Lewis wants to guide him towards, not that George instinctively wants to do much different, but it’s helpful to have someone to talk to.
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starbuckaroo · 1 year
didn’t want to reblog this to add to it coz I haven’t actually seen the ep yet w my own eyeballs but wanted to get this down before I forget (but I’ll tap the op @evcndiaz and the awesome tags by @fruitydiaz thank u for the brainworms, comrades)
maybe Buck seeing Chris there, and things related to Chris (like the Ferris wheel) are related to this ep being all about parents and children? plus, Buck’s whole thing w the sperm donor plotline is about his clear desire to have children, and his weird blind spot when it comes to the child he has in his life already. Like as much as Buck really needs to work through the trauma of the shooting to make any kind of theoretical potential romantic relationship with Eddie successful, he also needs to work through his own childhood trauma and his ideas of parenthood (and how that directly ties into his lack of self worth and warped importance he places on his physical utility) before he could acknowledge himself as a parent to Chris.
Like it’s NOT just that we haven’t seen them touch the trauma of the shooting! They ALSO haven’t touched on the will again, not between Eddie and Buck, but also not between Chris and either one of them.
ESPECIALLY now that Eddie is repairing his relationship with his parents, like, just hear me out coz I swear I’m going somewhere with this, but the cynic in me feels like aw man are they gonna bring it up again when Eddie says “hey my parents are being nice to me again so imma put them back down as Chris’s number one?” but tbh that would be rly ooc for the show, like that’s just really not their vibe overall (but it WOULD be something Buck would think if he’s feeling down) I mean, sometimes the things the show ends up trying to about parents and family rub me the wrong way but like 80% of the time I really love their ideas about chosen family and family ties in general.
After rewatching some of s2&3 recently I am also reminded of some of the very strong parallels between Buck & Eddie and Michael & Bobby, and so another cynical side of me wonders if they’re leading to another interesting take on a chosen/blended family. which tbh if I wasn’t like “shipping” buddie I think me personally, with my own messy family history, I would find fucking FASCINATING, but there’s def a part of me that would be v disappointed if no buddie endgame and also idk if I trust the show enough to actually say interesting things about chosen family in that way but anyways what I’m getting at is:
IF (just play this hypothetical game w me for a sec) Buck and Eddie are being set up to end up with their own new love interests and those end up being long term partners, HOW does that impact Chris? And what agency does Chris have in this situation, to choose who gets to remain as family? Like if Eddie got a new gf and then they got married, the wife would be assumed to automatically end up as Chris’s guardian in the event. But is that what Chris would want? Even if he likes the new person is that what he would want? There have been plenty of fics I’ve read that discuss what it might look like for Buck and Eddie and their respective new partners if they end up seriously dating anyone new, but very few of them ever truly touch on Chris and his feelings and decisions in that situation. Plus, bc the fics are all buddie endgame, they’re not set up to make new characters that are likable or whatever (which is valid but it just means I haven’t seen this specific dynamic explored before).
But when you look at the Grant-Nash family (and whatever David’s last name is lol) like, the show didn’t make the kids choose! And yeah it went backwards, Bobby and Michael became friends after the fact but like. Athena and David get along. And Harry and May get along w all four adults. And we even get continued bonding scenes between Athena and Michael (until Michael doesn’t show up anymore for meta reason). So in theory, if Buck and Eddie were to end up romantically partnered off with new people, the show has a very strong precedent of allowing them to remain close friends, and for allowing Chris to be part of both of those new family structures. BUT bc it’s a family of choice, AND bc he’s basically a teenager now, it would (/should?) actually come down to being HIS choice, too. Which is what I find fascinating.
And honestly the show is going there! Because there’s the stuff with Denny and his birth father at the end of 6.09!!! And even in 6A with Harry CHOOSING to go live with Michael and David. The kids are growing up, y’all 😭🥺
So anyways back to Buck 😂
I guess my point is that it seems like this season especially has highlighted the kids in the show growing into their own agency. Harry is a little older and definitely started it with his arc last season, but choosing to go live w his dad was a big step and that was the beginning of this season. Chris was keeping secrets and fighting w Eddie and going to his first dance etc etc so, setting him up to actively CHOOSE Buck in some capacity, independent of Eddie, I think would be amazing and would fucking blow Buck’s mind tbh!!!
Like I was thinking in one of the later 6A episodes they’re all in the truck and Eddie is like “he’s not kissing anyone, right? right?” And Buck just raises his hands like “I’m not telling” as if maybe he has insider info lol and that’s a common fic trope and I love to see it. But we haven’t gotten to see it onscreen, no chill exclusively just “Buck and Chris” time, EXCEPT when either Buck or Eddie are in or recovering from some time of peril (or when Eddie is moving on and dating someone new which I will come back to in a sec)! Coz the tsunami arc was bc Buck was recovering from the truck/embolism, and Buck living with him was bc Eddie was shot and in the hospital, and when Chris calls Buck in 5B it’s during Eddie’s breakdown.
And then, the other times we see JUST Chris and Buck, it’s when he flees to Buck’s apartment when Eddie says he’s dating someone else. And we don’t actually get to see them both onscreen but they do spend time alone together when Buck babysits so Eddie can go out with Ana.
So I’m not totally sure where I’m going with this but it’s like: what does the show demonstrate EXPLICITLY and ONSCREEN? It’s Buck and Chris being paired together when Buck or Eddie have been in serious danger, OR when Eddie is seeking a new romantic partner.
Which to ME seems like it might be demonstrating somethin that we all know but that the show has NOT demonstrated that BUCK believes, which is that Chris is Buck’s family, with Eddie (which we get to see LOTS of) or without, whether the “without” is because of infirmity or because of new family structures being built. And when Chris is young, it’s Eddie making that choice for him, but as he’s growing up he’s gonna start making that choice for himself.
Which is what I think is important for Buck! Bc I think he still sees himself as a stopgap, the backup plan, whatever it is he says to Bobby right after the shooting. But I have this sickening feeling that (as I mentioned near the beginning of this ramble) if Buck knew how far Eddie has come repairing his relationship with Ramón, he would think “ah okay I’m finally obsolete.” And then, if after that Eddie started dating someone seriously again? He would KNOW he was obsolete. And he would know that he’s no longer necessary as a backup plan. That he’s no longer Eddie’s lifeline as a newly transplanted single dad, so he doesn’t need to be the fallback anymore. Eddie now has a partner and his “real” family, so Buck, having lost his utility to the Diaz family, can fade away. (for the record I think it’s heinous how easy it is to slip into that “I’m only worth something if I’m doing something for someone else” Buck mindset skfjskfj and obviously I don’t believe any of these statements it’s just one potential bad brain path for Buck to take)
Except!!!!!!!! If Chris chose him, regardless of his dad’s relationships with their Texas family or new romantic relationships, Buck wouldn’t be able to deny him! He might half heartedly try, but he knows intimately what it means to choose your own parental figures. He might not know what it’s like to choose them even if you have good ones already, but he’s not gonna undermine Chris like that. And if Eddie backs Chris up, Buck might finally really truly feel, once and for all, the familial love they’ve been pouring out for him for all these years.
So anyways that’s a huge ramble about why it makes sense for me, from a characterization perspective, for Buck to have Chris show up in his coma dream but not Eddie. And personally I love it, bc all three of the boys (Harry, Chris and Denny) remind me viscerally of my brother in their own little ways and so I get verklempt anytime any one of them gets a storyline lol
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enamouredless · 1 year
(I sent this yesterday after my first ask but I don't think you got it, my wifi was bad.) No I get it, I agree that just because actors speak positively or lightheartedly about it, doesn't mean byler is endgame / Will gets a perfect happy ending. I know everyone always says "Don't compare them to other shows/ships" but. It really truly would not be the first time something like this happened and I would be extremely disappointed but not that surprised. Imo, giving a tragic character a tragic (or just meh) ending is bad, but the duffers might think it's peak television. Or maybe they are the kind of people who think Will not getting the guy is "just realistic". And actors could just say what they're told to, what fits the current vibe or whatever. Idk. I won't know until I have seen s5 myself. Byler and happy Will make narrative sense to me but that doesn't really mean much. I'm v curious about all your predictions now, what do you think is most likely gonna happen to everyone?
I honestly can't be certain about anything, tbh I try not to think too much abt S5 bc if I do I'll set expectations for myself that'll never end up happening lmao but if I'm talking in a positive the best I can see realistically go down is some sort of weird ambiguous gay ending? think something like Sam and Frodo.. in a more negative way I feel like all the events of these season do matter whether we like them or not, the lie abt the painting is going to be revealed and just like will said at rinkomania when mike finds out abt it he's gonna be mad and they'll def argue (the only good thing I can hope out of this is will getting the last word in an argument for once lol) like.. I'm not sure how big of a storyline this will be, I can definitely see vecna trying to use this all for his advantage to try to get will on his side, and honestly? If he's in a bad state emotionally I can see him being persuaded, ''my life started the day we find you in the woods'' remember? Vecna is definitely bringing that back lmao
I feel like this whole season was just building up ammunition to try to get will to break or snap or something next season(and I'm soooo not looking forward to seeing this tbh this season was already enough angst to last me a lifetime) but like despite all of this, Im like 100% that henry and will are meant to be character foils of each other, so whatever happens I think will end up going against him bc at the end of the day o don't think the duffers spent 4 seasons showing how selfless and kind will is to just end up straight up turning him into a villain, also how homophobic that would be....
Also m*leven side note I have no idea what's in store for them, idk how a love confession led by a lie is meant to be a good thing for them (and not any lie btw, wills feelings disguised as elevens) in my head this is something that should doom the entire relationship + the fact that max died during the monologue (just like Nancy and barb) but in reality the only thing this will do is just something to set up some conflict for them for the season just so they have something to argue about before they end up getting back together towards the end of the season like they always do... there's also the weird looming idea of marriage that makes my skin crawl but as much as I hate it I feel like it might be an actual possibility 😐 like I'm soooo serious if this happens I'm not watching S5 at all
There's more stuff that I think that might happen in s5 especially with all the time references they have been making throughout the show but if I get into that this answer will be 500 pages long so I'll also expect to be something time related, maybe even time manipulation especially related to will, I can also see vecna try to give him the opportunity to go back so none of this would've happened and he could've been able to live a normal life but will like the angel he is would tell him no and to fuck off, but this is more leaning into a full on theory based on nothing so idk what's the likelihood of it happening lol, thanks for the ask btw!!
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master-sass-blast · 2 years
I wonder. How will Piotr deal with (y/n) any gender or none, having to deal with the chaos of time and universe (MoM style…kinda…)..
Iiiiiii'm gonna assume "MoM" stands for Multiverse of Madness? Because I can't necessarily reason out what else it'd stand for.
Granted, idk how much I have to offer for this? I haven't really kept up with MCU releases in the past few years. Hearing about Infinity War and Endgame burned me pretty good, and now that a lot of the episodic stuff --that still plays into canon and understanding what's happening in the movies--is behind the Disney+ paywall, I really just can't be bothered.
I'm also not of the opinion that changing the Reader's powers (because I'm assuming this ask is implying that the Reader would have powers similar to what's on screen in Multiverse of Madness, rather than that type of stuff happening incidentally to the Reader without any other connection) really changes much of their relationship with Piotr. At the end of the day, it's the personalities that make the relationship dynamic, not the mutations/powers.
However, I can see the potential for some unique characterization for the Reader, which I'll expound on below the cut.
-Disclaimer: I know nothing about Multiverse of Madness, or anything that's happened in Marvel past Infinity War and Endgame, and those I only know about from reading fandom posts/Wikis; I didn't actually watch the movies. Anything I'm talking about here is mostly just stuff I've gleaned from fandom conversation and advertising.
-I think Piotr would have some familiarity with powers similar to what's exhibited in Multiverse of Madness and other related materials. Illyana, after all, has magical powers --and, in some comics, is Sorceress Supreme of Limbo. So, if the Reader had powers in that category, he wouldn't find any of it off-putting or alarming; it's all old hat for him.
-To my understanding, the powers in Multiverse of Madness (and Scarlet Witch's powers, since she's featuring in the movie and the multiverse) revolve a lot around manipulating time and reality. There's obviously Wanda's whole deal in the TV show, along with Dr. Strange using the Time Stone in the first Doctor Strange movie. There's also the teleportation, the cool "turn parts of the world into fractal type shit" powers in the first movie, and astral projection. So, based on that, I'm using those types of powers (not all of them in one, but something similar) as my base for the Reader's abilities.
-I can see some potential for getting "lost" in time and reality; essentially, due to their abilities, the Reader loses track of where they are in time and reality. I could see them being disoriented easily, losing track of tasks, forgetting what they're doing in the middle of doing it, that sort of thing.
-To that end, I think Piotr would try to help them figure out what it is they need to stay grounded. He'd probably help them construct some sort of daily calendar and agenda so they can more easily keep track of what day it is and what daily responsibilities they have.
-I could also see him encouraging the Reader to meditate/meditating with them as a way of both bonding and helping the Reader work on staying mentally present.
-Also: snacks and drinks. Piotr would basically always have some sort of snack on hand for the Reader and encourage them to keep a water bottle with them/a thermos of some kind so that they stay hydrated and fed, on account of their spaciness.
-He'd also definitely have a mental list of things the Reader find most engaging, so that if they start drifting off to other realities/times, he can turn on some music or a TV show to help them "come back" to the present.
-(Also he's absolutely going to be a stickler about the Reader not astral projecting while they're sleeping to get stuff done. Sleep is important, and that means not detaching your spirit from your body, thank you very much.)
-(Also also I love the idea of the Reader using their powers to make little "living pictures" for Piotr based on the drawings and paintings he makes.)
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janiedean · 2 years
do you think grrm/asoiaf endorses incest and what do you think of jon/arya being a romance story in the OG outline and how some people it may be hinting towards jon/dany or jon/sansa
with the premise that if I get discourse on this it's getting immediately deleted and that I'm answering this in extremely objective terms and not wrt my feelings concerning specific ships:
'grrm endorses incest': he has said more than once in public/interviews that he does not and all the incest you see in *asoiaf* in canon is hardly endorsing™ since we're talking about one relationship that is presented from the get-go as unhealthy and that is over and finished on page, so no I don't grrm doesn't
that's also including the targ stuff in general in f&b because while grrm is a lot less hard on targ incest than on the other-specific-incest we're discussing f&b is written like a history book for the very specific reason of having the external pov from which you have to deduce things, it's clearly shown that the continuous incest going on within the family is bad™ and honestly idt that if he doesn't write idk jaehaerys/alysanne as immediately HORRIBLE™ doesn't mean that you can't see that he doesn't go and endorse that irl or that he enjoys the concept or whatever outside 'I am writing a fantasy thing where I incorporated the fact that most european royals married within each other and I want to explore this'
'what do you think of jon/arya being a romance in the og outline': that it was a shit idea but there's a reason why the og outline got scrapped for a good 75% of it and he realized it wasn't a very good idea, also jaime is the villain™ in the og outline and in what we got is half of the crowning achievement romance™ of grrm's dreams so I don't think that what's in the og outline beyond what's actually in the books matters at all
'how some people it may be hinting towards jon/dany or jon/sansa': with the premise that - again - I have absolutely zero horses in this race because as far as I'm concerned the only woman I ship jon with is ygritte (unless you throw gilly and sam both in the middle of it) so like it's all the same to me: - I have no doubt that at this point jon/dany is gonna happen because like... as much as I don't showtruth they went there for two wholeass seasons and there's enough text evidence that it might be a thing so if we say that he took the jon/arya outline thing and put it on dany it's not completely out of nowhere but - like... never mind that imvho jon/dany is not an endgame romance (I think she goes back to essos and he fixes shit/separates the kingdoms again and goes to live with the wildlings when he's done), while they are related, one thing is 'the sister of my long-dead father that I didn't even know was my father until I was 16 and to whom I have no previous relationship and to whose family I feel no previous kinship', one thing is 'my first grade cousin with whom I grew up thinking she was my sister' like sorry but the 'ew they're related' factor here counts in immensely different ways so just that would disqualify jon/sansa immediately because if you grew up with someone thinking they're your sibling that's not gonna stop the moment you find out you're cousins which is btw still incest
also like back to the beginning, in westeros incest is seen as bad - like the only reason targs get away with it is that jaehaerys paid off the entire fucking conclave to make a law saying that incest is bad and unholy and terrible except when targaryens do it because they're above everyone else but everyone else doesn't get that luxury like craster is seen as the literal worst, jc have to hide it because if they got found out they'd be killed for it -, I don't see how this setting means 'the author excuses incest', and the fact that cousin marriage is more accepted doesn't mean that eyebrows aren't raised at it and like it automatically means that then it's somehow more okay, like.... it's not and out of all the options jon/dany is the least charged one in that sense
I don't think 'incest is a thing in these books but the author obviously doesn't endorse it and has obviously clear that he doesn't go for it beyond the exploration of how that would work within the targs historically' is anything that leads to the conclusion 'the main character's endgame love interest will be strictly related to him'
especially when it comes to jon/sansa anyway because I'd again like to reiterate once again that sansa has an endgame romance whose name is either sandor clegane or tyrion lannister and jon isn't even a contender when it comes to people who have a chance in hell of being sansa's endgame LI so honestly I think it's a moot point anyway
also I would like to again point out that fine there's the whole 'incest is a crime for everyone including targaryens' issue but for jon that wouldn't really matter because he never thought of himself as one, the one thing he wanted was being a stark, when he finds out he's targ it won't automatically make him go like OH WELL THEN THAT'S THE HOUSE I OWE MY ALLEGIANCE TO JUST FOR THAT and he won't go like 'ah well I can marry my relatives because I'm a targ who stops me' because he doesn't care for that and he's not going to change his entire value system based on that, and like if he and dany get together and they already know his bg (which... I mean I think there is no sensed way they wouldn't know before meeting given the book timeline) it's going to be in spite of that - like dany probably doesn't gaf about that bc she grew up with viserys who thought they should get married in targ fashion but jon would have an issue or two with that I think which ngl is why I thought no way jon/dany was gonna happen in canon but... i mean if it does now with a lot of conflict on his side I'm not gonna be surprised
tldr: that the jon/arya thing is a blueprint for jon/dany could be a thing but the fact that grrm thrice-removed the level of how strictly they're related to go there says everything there is to say about him realizing it was a shit idea/there was no way it was an endgame, that the jon/arya thing is a blueprint for jon/sansa endgame is not a thing dot because it bases itself on the concept that a) the moment jon finds out he's a targ he stops giving a fuck about everything he's gaf until this point b) that he's sansa's endgame, and considering that sansa's arc is 'I wanted to be a queen and marry a dashing pretty beautiful guy and then I realized that court sucks and pretty guys are fake as fuck so I won't be a queen anymore but I'll have my love story with a guy that everyone sees as monstrous but actually is not because the author really likes beauty and the beast' and jon is ultimately headed for kingship I really doubt they interact as more than 'we didn't care for each other while we were growing up together so now we'll learn to be siblings' so *shrug*
but anyway none of ^^^ means grrm thinks incest should be legal or encouraged or whatever
this stated: idgaf if people ship it in asoiaf any of them as long as they aren't assholes about it but that's valid for every ship under the sun anyway so like this isn't me judging ppl on enjoying incest stuff wrt asoiaf like knock yourself out, and people can ship whatever in whichever way they like (I mean if ppl wanna write however much fic with endgame j*nsa reigning together bc it's what they like good for them), but idt the text supports any incest ship being eventual endgame unless I'm colossally wrong about jondany but idt grrm wants targ restoration monarchy given his politics and the fact that it's present in canon doesn't mean the text supports it or sponsors it nor that grrm has it on top of his fictional preferences in ships list because his fictional preference wrt ships is beauty and the beast and that sure af doesn't exactly fit the bill XD
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⭐for the one of your SL fics.
Alright, then I guess I can talk about Sunshine and Moonshine. I can't come up with a certain part of it, so i'm just gonna speak about it in general.
I do post a lot of fics for different fandoms, but there's actually only around 4-5 I actually tell people when I post/update. S&M is not one of those 4-5. It's just this "deep" What If AU that I update whenever like a "mysterious being in the night" (this is because every time I write on it or post it, it's always late at night. I don't know, with this fic I only get in the zone once it's moonshine haha). I think it has most effect if you read it late at night too, but that might only be the aesthetic talking. I don't know if anything what I just said made any sense at all.
Anyway, onto the actual fic. I think it's not an original thought to wonder what would have happened if Sol Benson grew up with Sharon instead of ending up at an orphanage. That's when I was like "ok, Luna and Ámbar growing up together under the same roof... I wonder how their dynamic would change". And so I just... started writing. I tried to think about several things - would Sharon treat them differently or the same? Would Luna be named Sol all fic or should it eventually be changed to Luna and in that case, how? Do they know about their past?
I have to say, I may not even have it all figured out yet. But I solved the small stuff - I can't call her Sol all fic for example, because like... Luna's her name dfjxdfkui... so what I did for this was that Sharon created a fake identity for her for protection after the fire. However, while she knows her real name is Sol Benson, in this case she can't identify with the name because Sharon has basically brainwashed her that she doesn't deserve to have that name unless she lives up to "Sol Benson's status" - whatever that means. Ámbar's crisis is more like she feels like she has to be "little miss perfect" - Luna feels that too of course, but with Ámbar it's different. She has gotten the impression from Sharon that since she's adopted, she has to show gratefulness for getting a home, shelter and a future - "not all children who's adopted can get so lucky". Both girls are very traumatized by Sharon - luckily they have each other, even if they also bicker quite a lot.
I haven't decided on the endgames for the fic actually. I'm gonna let different ships play out and then I kind of see what will stick. And i'll see what the readers seem to like.
This fic is also a way for me to explore Lumbar's relationship, as their dynamic was one of my favorites in canon. And since they now have grown up together and more or less are like siblings, it's very fun to see how they interact. I especially love writing little flashbacks to different times in their childhood, which I will do a lot. Just to see how they acted in different situations and in different parts of their lives - because just like many children who grow up under the same roof, there's moments where you are very close and there's moments where you are kind of distant from each other and suddenly realize you haven't spoken to each other in a week despite seeing each other every day.
It's known that I also shipped Lumbar for a long while - but I have settled that, yeah you know, they may be cousins (even if they aren't blood related, they still are, thank you s3 for basically throwing the PRiMaS word in my face in every ep) but they still have a very interesting dynamic that's so fun exploring.
I don't even know how many people read S&M, I have gotten hits/kudos but I haven't really gotten any comments so I don't know what people really think about it, but it's a fic I like working on.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
I think gwynrierls and eluciens are starting to realize their ships are not going to be canon because now they’re grasping at straws like the books can’t be all about the Archeron sisters, so someone else (gwyn before or after an elucien book🙄) is also going to get a book because otherwise the math is not adding up (I don’t understand why?) but it’s obvious that vassa will get a book, Koschei will definitely be ultimately defeated in her book (I’m hoping for poly lucienjurianvassa or at least vassalucien / vassajurian) Or mor could get a book too but it doesn’t feel like she could carry a whole book to me, a novella maybe
I am SO into the Vassa/Lucien/Jurian relationship, I can't wait. While I think Jurian will betray everybody, like he always does, there is obviously a reason why Lucien and he and Vassa are all together, and even have their little snappy name. I mean, WHY ELSE? Why put Lucien in that situation if there isn't some type of endgame potential? WHY? for him to wake up one and say, OMG, I love Elain so much and we have a bond, must go back to her! SJM could've made him end up literally anywhere else, but it's clear that there is a reason why he is with Vassa. He's been with Vassa for 3 books now--since ACOWAR, that's WAY longer than he's been with Elain (with whom he's never really been at all). Also, I dont get one thing--if you are a Lucien fan and you want more of him, who is going to give you a full book? Elain and nothing, or Vassa and Koschei and curses and immortality and imprisoned women and Jurian and world domination? What is Elucien book gonna be even about? They are both into other people and have their own storylines, which will cross obviously, but would also fill 2 separate brooks. Two solid romances, with people who want each other. Not some weird tortured relationships based on bonds, or lack there of.
Gwynriel is just a ship that never was, so there is really nothing to talk about. She is in the Library and he is pining for another woman, who is pining for him. Done.
I would be very curious to see if SJM makes Vassa related to the Archerons, which I think she will.
But yes, the books are about the Archerons and that's how they'll remain. Don't recall SJM ever mentioning a Gwyn or a secondary character book.
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