drama-glob · 2 days
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Anyone else willing to bet Jax is going to try and see if he can suck the other characters up into the vacuum and not just ghosts? XD He'll at least try to use it on Gangle if anything based on the fact she has a ribbon body. ;) XD
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I had an idea for a Son of Mors au which is just a Pure Crack.
Basically, what little of Eos' consciousness remains decides "I'm going to ruin this guy's entire career prophecy".
Bahamut: *preparing to announce the next king*
Eos: *body checking him so he flies off the screen*
Crystal-Eos: Hail Vitale Lucis Caelum! Hail King of Lucis!
Regis and co: *extremely alarmed wtf expressions*
I mean it's can either be a Pure Crack (because a 5yo on the throne) or a Pure Angst (because a 5yo on the throne) and in this case I think I would prefer the first. Especially since Regis would have no idea where to even start looking for Nyx and also would be expecting somebody near his age and not a flipping kindergartener.
*shoos angst bunnies back under the bed*
Okay this is funny. And dramatic. In the over the top drama way one cannot help but laugh at.
On a meta level just... Bahamut used - something - to bind Eos. And it took her many human generations to scrape together enough power to jump on the opportunity presented to her. She takes the power of the human souls nestled within her heart, and speaks.
(That is just background meta for myself, because I need to have this make some amount of sense in my head. XD)
Regis is about to get the blessing of the Crystal as each new King does before the coronation. It should just be a formality, as it has been for nearly 10 generations already. Since there hasn't been more then one Lucis Caelum child per generation.
But then.
The Crystal surges and announces a name no one has ever heard of.
"Vitale Lucis Caelum, the Hidden."
No one knows what to do with that.
The coronation gets put on hold. Obviously. An announcement is made. The Gods have spoken and who is Regis to deny them? (He's secretly very relieved that it's not him who has to be King. Up until he meets the new King, that is.)
It's the scandal of the century.
Mors Lucis Caelum had another son. Someone fucked Mors Lucis Caelum of their own free will. At least Regis dearly hopes that's the case.
(It was totally a hate fuck. But very much consensual.)
And then come the shenanigans of trying to find Vitale Lucis Caelum.
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no joke they just make me happy
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bvckbiter · 1 day
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For those who say it is difficult or impossible to draw in Paint
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Eat my balls, if you can draw in Paint jajjajdjjdjajjs
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Although it is obviously difficult, I will not deny it.
It's my talent and I decide what to draw, so they don't ask where the ponies are.
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mechaking789 · 1 day
Charlie Chases Bumblebee Transformers One Meme ( Found this on YouTube)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 2 days
TTS do you think the Twins will ever go fearl on each other? Their balance has been relitively stable despite everything that happened but...? It does seem like it's ever so easy for it to tip a little to far towards Nightmare and Dream goes on a rampage...
Actually how would a Positity rampage look like? It feels amusing to think about.
It’s less likely now that they’re on good terms, but still a possibility! I can see them getting too comfortable and accidentally letting the balance lean one way or the other. I don’t think either side would take it too personally if their opposite suddenly went feral on them fjksnfjsnf pretty sure they’d understand that’s uncontrollable XD
As for a Positive rampage, don’t underestimate Dream, he’d still be pretty feral!! It’d be a lot like Ink’s rampage, but he’s trying to push the “problem” (most likely Nightmare) away from people, and is likely emitting TONS of positivity. Making him look like a glow stick and a flashlight all in one, because you know his eye sockets and mouth would be blinding.
And once he got the “problem” to back off, he’d likely just get stuck in a weird trance traveling through AUs to flood them with positivity until the Balance evened out.
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dfwbwfbbwfbwf · 3 days
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Caption this.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 4 months
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RIP to Bruce. Can't get a single night to himself smh
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viejospellejos · 2 years
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clotpolesonly · 6 months
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monstermonger · 1 month
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O, Death. Become my blade once more.
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girlfail300 · 6 months
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I just want to brush your hair
I just want to mirror your mare
I just wanna play horsie house
with you all day
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el-chico-perdido · 2 months
Parce, a veces solo hace falta una buena charla con alguien que de verdad te quiere escuchar.
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actual-haise · 1 year
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Holy shit
Speed Paint
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