#And just because a love's time ends doesnt mean it goes away entirely
freebooter4ever · 11 months
kenny p is losing his mind over this one
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weird-is-life · 4 months
steve request🩷🩷
soo reader is drunk and at a party. maybe someone at the party calls steve who is her bestie to come pick her up. he’s out with eddie, robin and nancy at the time and they go and pick her up. because she’s drunk she’s so clingy with steve and doesnt want to be away from him and the rest of the gang make fun of him for it. he loves it really tho🩷
Ty for the request, lovely💕! Hope this is okay, warnings: fluff, use of pet names, mentions of parties, drinking, getting left alone by friends at a party, (0.6k)
Steve finds you sitting with your head down on the stairs of the house. The closer he gets to you, the louder the music is and he winces as he remembers how he used live for these kind of parties.
Now looking at you, he can only think of it as something he hates. Sure, the dancing, the drinks are fun, but getting left alone by friends isn't. Steve can't even count, how many times he was left alone at some party. It's too many.
He hates that your friends left you alone, but he's glad you called him, because he can now make sure you're gonna be okay.
He approaches you carefully, so he doesn't scare you, "Hi, sweetheart."
You immediately cheer up, lifting your head up quickly. You smile big at him and basically throw yourself around his neck, almost knocking him to the ground.
"Woah, woah, I'm happy to see you, too," Steve chuckles and hugs you back.
"Stevie, what are you doing here?" you ask happily. You called Steve to pick you up, which you clearly don't remember anymore.
"I came to take you home," he tells you amused, "c'mon let's get you moving."
Steve stands both of you up and you don't let go off of him, even as he starts to walk you to the car. And he's okay with that, he doesn't mind, that you've leaned with almost your entire weight against him.
What gets him a little flustered are your words. You start whispering all kind of nice words, compliments to him, that he's sure, you would be too shy to say sober.
By the time, you get to the car, Steve's cheeks are burning. He curses under his breath, because he knows, he's going to be teased even before he steps a foot into the car.
And he's right. Straight away Eddie, Robin and Nancy grin at him. You notice the three of them and smile drunkenly at them.
"Hi guys, you came, too?" you ask as you plop yourself without a care in the world next to Robin sitting in the back seat.
"Hi babe, " Robin greets you, while Steve squeezes in the seat next to you.
Your attention immediately goes from Robin back to Steve. You slide closer to him, as close as you can and you almost end up sitting in his lap. They all laugh at that.
"I missed you, Stevie, " you whisper, or more like you tell him very loudly, so the whole car hears it. Steve chuckles, because you were together few hours ago.
"I missed you, too." Steve tells you and puts one arm around you. You snuggle impossibly closer to him.
"I didn't sign up for this cuddle session, when I agreed to drive," Eddie mutters from the front of the car.
"Sorry, Eds. Did you want a hug, too?" you ask innocently.
"No, no, it's okay, you just keep hugging Steve. Lord knows how much he loves it," Eddie teases Steve again and Steve just glares at him. But it's true. He loves being close to you, maybe it's because he loves you. And maybe he'd get to hold you close more often, if he had the guts to confess his feelings to you.
"I love it, too, Stevie," you state and hide your face into Steve's front. It takes you only a few minutes to fall asleep, completely at ease in Steve's arms.
Steve can only smile and hold you tightly, as the blush comes back to his cheeks. He ignores the teasing smirks and looks from everybody.
Steve will survive the teasing, if it means he gets to hold you close. Anytime.
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mitsuristoleme · 5 months
I just saw your requests are open so I might as well jump in BECAUSE SKDNDNSN ok buttttt what about sukuna + his tummy having a mind of its own BEFORE you were their wife, like, you know nothing about this man but everytime you come in sigh you hear the most direct cat calling you've come across only to see a man with an expression of "God kill me now" so you don't know what's happening but it makes you really curious so you just... Provoke him? Like, use revealing clothing, put on an expensive perfume, etc. AAAH I Just love that hc of his stomach mouth having a mind of its own istg aaaa
a/n: ok so im gonna write this in a modern au because lets be real heian era Sukuna did NOT care about dating/courting
formatted into a bullet point headcannon post because im having way too much fun with this and nothing is connected in a cohesive form (pls forgive me for that but my brain is going ham with this concept)
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cw: gn!reader, cursing, sexual content, bestie!gojo, Sukuna’s tummy mouth is a menace but wbk
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imagine you’re a teacher at jujutsu high and a special grade sorcerer (because i enjoy feeling strong and this is a little self indulgent) (yall can choose if you want to be gojo’s classmate or nanami’s it doesn’t really impact anything)
Sukuna gets reincarnated without a vessel (dont ask me how it just happens ok) and to everyone’s surprise, he volunteers to be an instructor at jujutsu high
he says its to “make these pathetic kids somewhat decent sorcerers so they dont ruin the name of jujutsu”
for whatever reason, the higher ups assign him a spot among the teachers at the school
imagine your shock when this 1000 year old 7 foot tall motherfucker shows in the middle of your class to introduce himself as the new teacher
you’d heard about his whole situation but you didn’t expect him to show up in the middle of a lesson
you attempt to shoo him away but he doesn’t even move (i mean what did you expect really?) and you’re forced to end class early
weirdly enough he keeps a hand clamped over his stomach the entire exchange?? you chalk it down to a stomach ache or something (that night you do wonder if curses, or er, the king of curses, even get physical pains)
ok so before i get into the whole thing lemme just-
in my head, the tummy mouth has the humour of a middle school boy and the self control of the dog from ‘absolutely anything’
so yk. its a mess.
you see him the next day in the staff room
hes wearing a starched white shirt (it accommodates all his four arms and you question how he got one made in a single day) and a pair of fitted slacks, looking WAY too good for a curse
you realise you’ve been staring through the glass window if the staff room and finally enter
only to be greeted by a LOUD wolf whistle followed by a “OOOOH HEY HOT THANG” in the deepest, raspiest, most demonic ass voice you’ve ever heard
sukuna looks like he wants to kill himself.
he gets up and leaves the room immediately
you hear the a faint “NO GO BACK AND FLIRT WITH THEM YOU WIMP ASS HOE” in the same demonic voice as he stalks away
and you’re standing there
wondering what the actual fuck just happened
did you just experience harassment in your workplace?? but his mouth never even moved???
Gojo enters the staff room right after Sukuna vanishes and you IMMEDIATELY fill him in on whatever happened in hopes that he would have any explanation
hes confused, curious and amused all the same time
this doesnt mean hes of any help though
no, the piece if shit just laughs at you and goes off to terrorise the first years take class
before leaving he very unhelpfully reminds you that you have to share classes with Sukuna today
you enter the classroom a couple minutes before the students (you literally have 4 students and one of them is a panda god knows what the point of 2 teachers for such a small class is) and find Sukuna already in the room, leaning back on the chair, his legs resting on the table, eyes closed
once again
looking WAY too fine
just as you internally celebrate that nothing weird happened THE SAME OLD DEMONIC VOICE booms a “DAMN BABY YOU LOOK FINE, CMON LEMME TAKE YA HOME”
“wha- I- Eh??? I’m sorry what the fuhck?!?” you sputter, eyes wide
Sukuna has leaped up from his chair, a mixture of embarrassment and murderous rage on his face
he hisses a “shut the fuck up” in the vague direction of his abdomen before turning to you and apologising
“i am so sorry,” he says sheepishly “i owe you an explanation at the very least after two incidents”
and once again. you’re standing there. shook.
Sukuna turns to you again with an expression that clearly says ‘Gods please strike me down right now’ and asks if you know about him having multiple body parts
you’ve heard of the legends and stories: four eyes, four arms and mouths he can will to appear wherever he wants, so you nod
“Well it just so happens that the mouth on my stomach is sentient, and extremely vulgar. Although i’m sure you noticed the latter.”
his voice is a wonderful contrast to that of his tummy mouth
deep, melodic and smooth
he just got even more attractive.
you realise you haven’t given him a response and nod dumbly muttering out a quick “uh-huh”
thankfully the students enter at that moment saving you from any awkwardness
what you have recently come to identify as Sukuna’s tummy mouth stays blissfully quiet throughout the class and shockingly enough the silence on the belly front continues throughout the day as you discuss lesson plans with your ridiculously hot coworker
that night as you’re getting ready for bed, you remember the exchange between Sukuna and his appendage (specifically the part about Sukuna thinking you’re hot) and a mischievous idea forms in your brain (hey gojo satoru’s influence was bound to kick in at some point)
the next day you leave the top few buttons of your work shirt undone and put on some of the pheromone perfume you got as a gag gift in an (what you presume to be potentially successful) effort to rile Sukuna up (lets be real you think hes pretty damn hot too)
clap yourself on the back for that one bestie because the second you enter the staff room, Sukuna’s eyes nearly bulge out of his skull and the tummy mouth starts BARKING
and drooling apparently (how do you know? well maybe because the front of sukuna’s pristine white dress shirt is now sopping wet)
the sound of a coffee cup shattering interrupts whatever was gonna come after that
you’re met with Nanami’s incredibly unimpressed gaze
without saying anything he leaves the room, muttering, “its too early for whatever the fuck this is”
that happened.
yall get together eventually
gojo tells you “i knew you wanted to fuck him”
before you can come up with any sort of response, your boyfriend’s stomach pipes in with a “OH HE DEFINITELY WANTED TO FUCK THEM”
this is your life now.
good luck.
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a/n: HI IM HERE TOO THIS TIME!! i left the ‘getting together part kinda up to interpretation because im shit at writing the ‘getting together’ arcs but we’re gonna pretend like it was because i want you to be able to go wild with whatever you want
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dividers by @/vanillekiss
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
more childhood puppy love than slut hob. So Hob is out playing one day when he sees a another little boy about his age at the edge of the woods. He's a lonely kid himself, so he goes over to say hi. The little boy and him share a snack and talk about books. He and the little boy, Dream, meet every now and then, and Hob is pretty sure his best friend isnt human, but he likes talking with him, so he continues to talk out with the little boy. They grow up together and one day when theyre older in their late teens, they fall in love and have their summertime teen romance. Then one day, Dream says that he has to go to the magical other world. He's clearly very scared, and he begs Hob to wait for him. Dream doesnt know how long he'll be, but he knows it will be easier if he knows Hob will be there when he gets back. Hob promasses to wait until he finds his first silver hair. Dream leaves. For the first 10 years, he's worried that Hob will go back in his promise. Mean while, Hob has every intention of waiting for Dream. He didnt think it would take this long, but he doesnt understand fey time. He gets a job and slowly moves up. Dream has reached the end of his task at 12 years, but there's still a matter of getting back, and he doesnt know when human hair turns silver. At the 20 year mark, Hob is 38 and hes begining to wonder if his childhood sweetheart was real or something he made up to feel less lonely. He's getting a coffee when he sees a very disheveled looking man across the street. He begins to think "there's no way" when Dream looks him in the eyes and says "Your hair still looks as dark as the day I left. I hope this means you are still waiting for me Hob." And Hob sweeps him up into a kiss.
This is so adorable. I'm going to add a little twist, because it inspired me.
The truth is, Hob started going grey rather earlier than he'd expected - in his early thirties, perhaps. He was horrified to see that first grey hair, because he wasn't ready to stop waiting for Dream yet. So he quickly shut his eyes, fumbled away from the mirror, and hurried his way to the nearest store selling boxed hairdye. By sunset on that day, Hob’s hair is a couple of tones darker than it used to be, and there isn't a grey hair to be found in sight.
Over the next few years he is very strict about dyeing his hair. It never gets a chance to fade out before he's putting on the plastic gloves and giving the whole thing a good going over with fresh dye. His friends tease him about his vanity and he just smiles.
He's approaching 40, and starting to feel a little insecure. Maybe Dream won't come for him. Maybe this is a mistake and he should just let the dye fade out. His hair would probably thank him for it after almost a decade. But he decides to wait just a little longer...
And just a few days later, there's Dream. Taller and skinnier but still Dream. He mentions how Hob’s hair is still so dark, and Hob just wants to laugh. He kisses Dream instead, and guides him up to the flat where he lives.
He shyly shows Dream all the boxes of hairdye in his bathroom and Dream just... melts. He clings onto Hob so tight, unable to speak. Overwhelmed that Hob would do such a thing for him.
A few months later, the grey and silver streaks at Hob’s temples proudly show through, as he even more proudly walks hand in hand with Dream. Waiting was entirely worth it.
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its-the-sa · 10 months
I'd love to hear your interpretations on those dreams at the end of artificer's campaign, the ones where you're trapped in a hallway with a scav and you have to kill them.
Personally, it's very interesting to me that in some of them, the player is the one controlling the scavenger (imagine a dream where you're someone else and it's you that's the killer, that's fucked up). I like to imagine that they began as basically arti's bloodlust carrying over to her dreams, but over time they got more complex, more detailed. Less of a violent fantasy and more of a reoccurring nightmare, maybe a symbol of her regret or a general disgust for senseless violence.
I have a headcanon where the dreams eventually make arti so sick to the stomach at the idea of violence she decides to give it up entirely, only fighting to kill something to eat. It's how I felt after finishing her campaign- I was so exhausted from the fight with the chieftain that once I won, I didn't have it in me to go around killing any more scavengers. I just felt bad for them and watched them run away from me. I couldn't do it anymore.
THIS THIS THIS!!! seriously, so many people seem to think that arti just genuinely enjoys murdering scavs, and... i mean i kinda get where theyre coming from, but to me it seems pretty clear that she is just constantly re-traumatizing herself.
like yes, she is consumed by rage, and im sure she does get satisfaction from killing them in the heat of the moment. but afterwards, i think it definitely haunts her. i imagine she tries to tell herself that 'they're all the same' and 'they deserve it', but she knows deep down that isn't true. she just keeps choosing violence because it's easier than accepting her loss. just like some people try to drown their sorrows in drugs or alcohol, arti tries to drown hers in blood. it's a self-destructive coping mechanism. as long as she is out there fighting for her life, finding enemies to hate and kill, she doesnt have to sit with her pain. but, once she goes to sleep, she cant run from her demons anymore. she has to relive her trauma and her grief, and she has to face the twisted monster she's allowed it to turn her into. theyre called 'nightmares' for a reason, after all-- they aren't fantasies about something she enjoys doing. even in the ones where she is still 'herself', she is trapped as surely as the scavenger is. theres no going back at that point. she has already dug herself into a hole where there is no choice but to keep killing.
and the ones where she is dreaming from the scav's point of view? that is like... the most perfectly brutal representation of repressed guilt i have ever seen. it shows that she on some level sympathizes and identifies with the scavengers she kills, that she's horrified at what she has become, and that she is inevitably destroying herself. all just by simply changing who the player is controlling. its freaking brilliant tbh.
anyway, i think that ultimately arti just feels guilty. she blames herself for not protecting her pups. she didnt watch them closely enough, she dropped them when she was running away, she didnt realize the blue pup got left behind at first, and she couldn't dive in the water to save the green pup. she feels like she failed them. so i think that once she took revenge on those toll scavs, the only person she had left to punish was herself. and she did it by going on to project her guilt onto every scavenger she saw. she chose to become a monster because thats what she felt she deserved to be treated like
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ghostgraveyard · 1 year
I feel like I need to clarify. I like the whole “The Jedi code is like an itch; their compassion leaves a trail.” thing but more as a ‘values that the best and most true Jedi hold’ and that sort of futile idealism people believe applies to the jedi as a whole.
But I hate when people take that line and use it as a reason to discount people arguing against the Jedi.
Like you need to see the difference between ideals and values vs action.
I love that u love ur jedi and what they stand for, but i need you to understand that the jedi actually SUCK and thats okay (for you to like them in spite of such). Stop trying to convince people of their goodness bc for sure, some of them are good, but that doesnt make them representative.
The jedi fell bc they were a working part of a corrupt system and u literally can’t take their responsibility for that away just bc u wunna hold their hand and giggle. Root for them but dont talk to anyone amidst your delusion where the meow meow jedi can do no wrong. Do you understand?
“Their compassion leaves a trail…its like an itch” and I would see so many people use it like “See? The jedi are peak perfection and good!” and im like, “No! They arent! Anakin’s entire origin story is a prime example as to why!”
This was unironically canon:
Anakin: tries to literally do the most for one ounce of approval
Obiwan: 😐 your desire for praise will be your undoing.
Anakin: 😦
Can you not see he is DESPERATE for something he’s done to be recognised. His inner child is begging to be seen. His outer child is doing its best to be worthy of it and every time he thinks “this is it, this time—“ he’s basically smited.
Anakin knows love and affection through the eyes of a slave. Blunt honesty and proof through care and being there (action) and staying through thick and thin. He doesn’t need you to burn down a planet because that’s HIS love language, thats how HE shows he cares, not how he needs others to show it.
Because he feels he’s not good enough—burning down a planet, in his mind, shows the people he cares for that he would do anything for them of it’s in his power to do so, and that he really means it when he says he loves them. Grand gestures are how HE shows love because he feels like anything else is as inadequate as he is
Being abandoned and never told he’s loved and cared for is a big reason his affections and attachments turn obsessive. He’s never been given anything concrete, he’s never shown that people care in a way he can understand. They think “I said hi to him and spoke up for him and trained him and gave him camaraderie—thats proof I love him” and think Anakin can properly differentiate it between duty and not.
He thinks, “my master is my master but he only cares for the Jedi and I can’t live without him but he could without me bc I’m a burden and will never be good enough or perfect like Obi-wan” bc Obi-wan isn’t honest with himself or Anakin, and you can see this etched into the very lines of his story no matter where you look.
He doesn’t say “i love you” to Anakin’s face until he’s literally chopped Anakin’s limbs off and left him to die on Mustafar, and even then it’s ambiguous. Anakin understands there is SOME sort of affection between him and Obi-wan that goes both ways but in the end, he never feels like he can truly tell Obi-wan anything without being shunned, misunderstood, or lectured, when all he needs is someone to talk to and hold close without fearing theyll leave him behind when he disappoints them.
One of the only people to ever outright tell Anakin what they feel was his mom, and she ended up dead bc Anakin was told he was being irrational about her and his visions of her death; and the fact that his mother was one of the only people to ever tell him she loved him and was proud, and that she was one of the only people who would never turn her back on him when he wasnt perfect (bc she thought he was perfect anyway. Her love for anakin was unconditional whereas everyone elses’ seemed to be very obviously conditional) and that terrified him bc following her death, the only other person left was Padmé, in their very unhealthy, very suspicious, co-dependant romance.
But even then, since she was the ONLY ONE he knew for sure how they felt, he was terrified something would happen to her and that she would leave him too—be it through death or finding someone to replace him (visions + irrationally believing she and Obi-wan were having an affair). He was obsessive and possessive and I honestly can’t blame him, especially from a psychological standpoint—and even more especially, from a child psychology standpoint. He was never given a reason or a chance to nurture any secure attachment style, especially when faced with the first 10 years of his life as a slave? Yikes.
He was obsessed with his relationships because he never had anything else to hold on to (from his perspective), and do you know who took gleeful advantage of that? Palpatine.
Anakin only wanted to be good enough, to make people proud, to give them a reason to tell him they love him. And maybe the one person he wanted to lure in the most was Obi-wan, who viciously shunned him for that, even when he would sparsely give anakin the praise he wanted so desperately
Anakin said, “I beat you! I won!” All giddy and self-assured after a spar with Obi-wan and instead of allowing that feeling of accomplishment, of the desire to make his master proud, Obi-wan just looked at him and said with shame, “Your need for praise will be your undoing,” and in the end, he wasn’t wrong. It was a self fulfilling prophecy.
Because in the end. The only person left who told Anakin he was proud was fucking slimy Palpatine, the dark lord of the goddamn sith.
Unfortunately, a lot of explicitly pro-jedi/jedi apologist fandom participants like to “interpret” the Jedi code themselves. They make these incredibly long-winded, well thought-out posts explaining the meaning and how it works in practice and how the jedi embody this—BUT they never actually consider or address the literal canon aspects. Things we actually see with our eyes: the novelisations, the games, the shows, the movies.
You’d think, therefore they must be, right? Wrong. You say this is what the Jedi are like and while that’s beautifully wonderful and I wish you were right—that’s literally not what happens. Literally not what they’re like at all. It’s actively part of the plot.
I think your interpretations of the code are great but you act like that’s the reality we’re actually living in. You act like that’s what the shows tell you, rather than just what you want to believe based on your own interpretation of the code itself (ignoring lack of congruency we sometimes see in the shows or movies).
My point is, you can love the jedi while acknowledging their VERY obvious flaws. The flaws that destroy them, corrupt them, misguide them, make them terrible people. The flaws that cannot be retconned by one writer saying “its an itch” while pretending Anakin’s “Anakin Skywalker is dead. I killed him” makes up for the horrible things Old Hermit Kenobi does with luke.
So yeah.
Lets at least be real when we’re loving who we love.
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patataatomica5 · 4 months
Some Fear and Hunger headcanons and plot for a future fanfic I'm going to write :p
TW GORE, MENTIONS OF DEATH, SA AND VIOLENCE. (just in case something is mentioned)
(you have been warned)
This is my first post ever in tumblr, i know the concept of mixing plot of a future fanfic and headcanons is weird, and the post got out of hand and got too long, anyway i hope you guys enjoy it :D
Ok so this is how I want everything to happen in my happy world of sunshine and lollipops. This is basically a to-be fanfic mixed with headcanons.
Everyones S endings come true and Rag, the Girl, Cahara and Celeste live happily with Moonless being the best girl ever.
+ The main party will consist in Cahara, Ragnvaldr, The Girl and Moonless.
+ At first Rag frees The Girl and, of course, Cahara ends up stealing from Rag and running away. (which makes our barbarian very mad and loses a little bit of what is left of faith in humanity)
+ Enki is an asshole and thinks he is just some dumb barbarian who probably doesn`t even know how to read (he does)
+ Ragnvaldr tames Moonles (best girl ever) and gives the doll and the dagger to our poor child to at least defend herself.
+ Even though the girl doesn`t speak, little by little begins trusting this red haired giant we all love and you could see the brightest smile when he gives her the doll :""")
+ Him teaching her how to properly handle the dagger and where to stab and cut a bigger enemy.
+ Rag having been a dad he will assure this girl gets the life she deserves outside of this damned dungeon, even if it means he won`t eat (or if he has to eat the c0rpses of his enemies behind her back in order to survive)
+ When Rag and Cahara see each other again, Rag is very weak and badly injured, but Cahara helps him come out of the battle and takes him to a safer space and cure his injuries (with the blue vials that he stole)
-¿Are those MY blue vials?-
-¡Hurry up and drink it before you bleed out!-
+Rag is somewhat still mad at him but at least he is thankful he saved him. So lets him join :D
+With the time they learn more about each other and realice they are just trying to survive in a cruel world and an awful situation.
+ In the times they rest and open a rare bottle of ale or whiskey the conversation ends up in them telling each other their background and origins.
+ Even Cahara tears up a little bit when our favourite Oldegardian tells him about his late wife and child.
+Cahara just cracks a lot of jokes to kind of light up the ambience and sings and dances with the girl trying to cheer her up when something makes her upset or is very afraid.
+ Moonless is the best girl ever and protects the child a lot and sleeps next to her to warm her up.
+ And licks her face if she cries making her giggle :")
+At some point in the story we find D'arce and joins their quest in finding Le'Garde.
+Find the Cube of the Depths and kill the entire Cavedweller village on the way out
+ D'arce doesn't like Cahara's jokes and thinks he needs All-Merr (Jesus)
+When they find him, he is already dead.
+ Ragnvaldr is very glad that the man who slaughtered his entire village died tortured in this hell they call dungeon.
+ Cahara panicks a little, but doesnt show it in the moment (i will explain)
+ D'arce just goes on crying and mourning her capitain and ends up in a nasty argument with Ragnvaldr about the man.
+ The mercenary, knowing how Rag can go berserk and how this will end up very bad when D'arce pulls out her sword, he drags Rag out and they just run away with Moony and The Girl.
+ In a safe place to hide (probably the stairs leading up to level 3), its the first time Rag sees Cahara cry and panick (the boy probably has an anxiety attack) because now what? His mission failed.
+ How will the people believe Le'Garde was already dead? How will he pay for the freedom of his wife? Where will he get the money to feed his child-to-be? Will he even get out of this alive or in one piece?
+ Rag helps him calm down assuring him they will get something valuable out of this hell of a place.
+ They rethink what are they going to do. Rag is a bit lost too, because now that Le'Garde is dead, what now. He doesn't has a house to go back, or a wife like the mercenary, not even a town.
+Well, he makes a promise to wipe all of the darkness out of this place, or at least as much as he can.
+Cahara wants to find something valuable so he doesn't go back home empty handed.
+ They get lost a few times in the dungeon, because let's be real, being in complete darkness in those laberynthic corridors must be very frustrating and confusing. Even more if they all look similar.
+ They kill Isayah. Funny story, Cahara tries to steal the maps but end up in a fight with him. (Oh shit, here we go again.)
+On their way following the map they wipe all the bosses out, some of them even without the help of Cahara, because Ragnvaldr just goes berserk with hatred.
+ Arrival to the City of The Gods, Mahavre!
+ Pause at the Tower of The Endless, where Cahara dreams of the days before he left to the Dungeon. At the end of the dream Nilvan visits him and tells him to carry her child (The girl) to the God of the Depths in exchange of her endless soul.
+The mercenary agrees, taking her soul and waking up with the stone in one of his hands. But lies.
+He won't allow the Gods their way with this poor girl who only has met darkness. She deserves something better than being sacrificed or worse things.
+Ragnvaldr dreams of the fatidic day he found his village reduced to ashes and had to bury his wife and son and wakes up crying :""(
+ Moonless tries to give him some comfort and the girl lends him her doll in an attempt to make him feel better and gives him a big big hug.
+ After fighting the fellowship, Cahara is tempted to sit on the golden throne, but snaps out of reality when Rag calls him out.
+ Both of them start filling their bags with everything that shines and even break a wall of the palace taking golden bricks and ornaments. It's pure gold, it can be sold and melted.
+ They find the crown of the treasure maps and having nothing else to kill in the dungeon, they rush out of that place as fast as they can.
I will make a part 2, don't worry, it has gotten very long.
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Rewatched The Avengers and took notes the entire time. Many of them having to do with Loki. Please enjoy.
"I am loki of asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" it sounds like something that was put into his mind, repeated to him over and over.
the other says the words "who (thanos) gave you ancient knowledge and new PURPOSE."
his whole spiel that he goes on about freedom could've possibly also been said to him by whoever (the Other) got into his mind and tortured him. or it's the mind stone affecting him and it's the mind stone's message to loki or whoever holds/uses it (could definitely be wrong here. just a thought)
I think people are right when they say he purposefully lost
it's made even more obvious in the scene -with The Other- at the end of their interaction that Loki has been tortured and put through immense pain. I mean he was bending over in pain and was struggling and he also looks very sick when he first shows up. TORTURED.
when did thor learn loki was working with the chitauri?? I guess a scene they didnt share during their interaction
not a note on loki but on steve. it always bugged me the way he was about orders and shit when in his own movies he's the exact opposite. he was the rule breaker the one who stopped following orders. the only reason for him to be this way I think is maybe it's because he's just got out of the ice at this point this is new and he doesnt want to rock the boat too much. I'm not sure how well that applies tho
Tom Hiddleston's acting gets me every time he's fucking fabulous my god i love him sm
I want to make out with him aggressively (loki)
phil coulson I would die for you
back to the I believe the people that say loki wanted them to win. stark is talking about how loki made it personal (killing phil) he's saying it's to tear them apart but no. it's like what fury did with the cards. it brought them together. it's the reason they were even able to win. and it's easily disguised as what stark interprets it as by them and the people controlling Loki.
on that note again. "and you've managed to piss off every single one of them." and then loki, "that was the plan." YES IT WAS
Ik he got blown up right after but loki was so hot when he caught that arrow and then leaned back with that smirk on his face
more on the loki wanted them to win. erik was conscious enough when being controlled to create a safety feature when building the portal and everything
I don't get how people would blame the avengers for the destruction when all of it wouldve happened either way and most of them would be dead if the avengers werent there. ALSO it was a WAR maybe not a normal one but a war nonetheless. when has there EVER been a war without destruction? answer, NEVER EVER IN THE HISTORY OF EVER
cant see loki with that thing over his mouth without thinking if the scene in endgame when it's revealed it was be cause he wouldnt shut up. I think it's so funny he was literally waging war on earth after everything with thanos and then when he's had his ass handed to him he just goes back to his little annoying shenanigans 😭 like turning into cap and mocking him. he's such a funny little guy I love him
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zaynesaurora · 1 month
so rafayel is as of now my little stool for books since his myth pair isnt coming home, and for celebrating the downfall of my sanity here's a fresh can of worms 🫙 the boys as girl dads:
Zayne's daughter would be Jasmine (its the only right answer I will fight a bear if denied), I feel like she'd be a lil ball of sunshine just jumping off the walls but would try to act serious when her papa is around, Zayne def knows abt her act. He also knows that one candy is all it takes for his lil girl to get her to do anything she doesnt wanna do: veggies are ugly? Oh too bad ig I'll save this candy for next time, dont wanna brush your hair? So you dont want the strawberry lollypop I saved up :(. When bring your kid to work days comes about everyone is just getting whiplashed cause Zayne keeps on switching from work mode to dad mode (also he def makes her go play with the bunnies they keep at the hospital)
Xavier oww Xavier :( mans tired but he stays alive for his little sunshine, half asleep in the middle of a tea party with a tiara on his head. I think he'd want to name her after a celestial body but since Im not too familiar with that stuff I'll leave that up for grabs, or maybe even after sum flowers (imagine xav asking Jeremaiah abt their meaning eueue). I feel like he'd just do whatever she asks of him, mans just folding at any requests and gives us a hard time doing sum discipline; somehow we end up with our little baby and xavier giving us doe eyes cause "why did u say no to her😦". And since Xavier lowkey gives off scary dog priviledge I can just picture him holding hands walking down the street with his lil girl and just throws daggers eyeing at lil boys trying to play with her(someone hold this man back its called play date for a reason)
Rafayel would want to name his daughter obv something sea related, like maybe some old Lemurian names or even after water nymphs so again names are really just up for grabs, maybe mix n match and come up with something brand new yeah? Between him and our daughter idk whos supposed to be the adult tbh 😭 i feel like when his lil girl throws a tantrum he just starts crying along with her, and she'd stop crying cause like ??? . Prepare to come home and just see paint everywhere and a very proud daughter holding a cute little canvas covered in colors all proud, meanwhile Rafayel hiding behind the couch cause he knows a storm is brewing. Also when the kid has a hard time falling asleep u can just hear him humming songs to her until she goes to sleep eueuueue😭
Thats all enjoy my worms, made with love 🧜🏻‍♀️
— you guys are so intune with making me feel things i love girl dad!aus so much you dont understand !!
under a break bc i waffled big time
jasmineeeeee stop im gonna burst she would have a little lab coat and a fake stethoscope:(( and she’d check zaynes vitals im weeping he was designed to girl dad hes so protective of her :(
jabshsja xav the tired dad!! so true,, he was also SO GOOD at settling her when she was a baby bc man can he nap so she was so used to contact naps with him it was near impossible for you to be able to put her down to sleep :/
raf omg hes SO competitive with her its ridiculous but also he’s kinda jealous at the beginning because she gets all your attention and hes just ‘well this is gonna be hell,, what if i waste away’ AND THE FIRST TIME HE CHANGES A DIAPER oh hes definitely dry heaving
who’s baby girl is his entire life and his best friend, she’s like a little tiny version of him they have inside jokes from you and everything😭 and she absolutely gets her heart broken every time he has to go on long work trips but he would make up to her when he returns with little trinkets from where ever hes been and she has an entire shelf dedicated to daddies gifts waaah im melting (he also lets her play hairdresser on him and will come to you about something mundane with two tiny pigtails) anyway let me cry
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wiihtigo · 2 hours
CASEY NATION RISE 7, 9, 17, 20, 23, 25
ask game
7. What’s one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
i used to think that she didnt care much about the art of actually acting and cinema and stuff and for her it was more about just being famous and it didnt matter how. i think that was partially because although i knew i wanted her to lust for fame and money the acting dream was kind of just randomly decided on. i thought i could easily swap it out with modelling or singing or something and it wouldnt make much difference. but the more time ive spent with casey, the more i see her as a true lover of movies and art....which i think leads in well to her endgame job being a script editor rather than an actor. her true talents lie behind the screen even if she herself doesnt see it...
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
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whats a girl to do - cristina
a post canon (after nell dies) caseys life anthem:)
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
well i was going to blame it entirely on you that nell dies and i had no say in that but i suppose i did come up with her emotional reaction to that myself, which causes me a lot of slow damage pain. SO I GUESS THAT..the fact she pushes michelle away after it happens is really depressing to me because thats literally her only friend left and only possible pillar of support, but she pushes her away because she hates everything and shes mad shes not nell and shes mad at her family and wants to explode. I think she'd be marginally less suicidal if she stayed friends with her.....
I guess also pulling from alternate realities the one where she dies is pretty fucked up. and very painful. and nell doesnt even make it to her to cradle her in her arms. SAD
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
yyessss. at least when he and nell start getting lowkey. no. highkey #serious. early in their setup he wouldnt gaf if nell was married to a businesswoman in russia.but when they start ummmm [redacted] then hes like waittt. lol waittttttt lol wait. lol. WAITTT. gets a little annoyed when theyre at the doom patrol warehouse party and jayna from the wonder twins tries to get ladybugs number. THATS MY BODYGUARD..GET YOUR OWN. it manifests in that he'll get clingy to nell and mean and passive aggressive (or just aggressive) towards the person pissing him off. will be petty and spiteful (sees some poor scared nervous young lesbian trying to say hi to nell so he slides in and nuzzles up to her shoulder in public to let that sstupid kid know to go away)
idk why he does this. if you asked him if he liked nell he would say And what has she done to MAKE me like her
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
lol GRIEF. little casey has never experienced a death before nell! not even a pet death. she has no idea how to process those feelings or cope with them in the slightest. she goes like catatonic immediately after the fact bcuz shes so completely shocked and wasnt prepared for it at all (lowkey thought ladybug was too awesomeand strong to ever get got. stupidd)
on the complete flip side, also .....l-l-l-l-l-l-l--l-l-l-l-l-l...LOVE. or at least feeling a smidge of serious romantic attraction to someone. in canon end she never gets to deal with that bcuz she only realizes it after nell died and then promptly buried everything related to nell deep inside a hole. but in nyc nell simply has an epic near death experience where hes hospitalized and thats when casey is like fuuuuuuuuuck that scared me. DO I LIKE HER? she acts a bit pathetic and tsundere abt it which is endearing to me personally. maybe scares nell a bit. its cute to me though <3
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
shes not a good person </3 shes selfish and mean and doesnt care about other people </3 bent on revenge and hating </3 genuinely not a good guy </3 i love everything negative about casey the most
i also think secretary characters are sexy.
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byersfanclub · 1 year
ships aren’t the only things people care about in shows but I think that ppl lately highly underestimate just how important romance is in a story whether you personally care for a romance plot line or not. people like romance whether they realize it or not. it can be as simple as waiting for a character to finally pop the question to another character (proposing) that’s been hinted at, it can be the “ugh, finally” when two characters kiss in a season finale and a whole other array of examples I could use. people may not be into shipping culture the way we are, but ppl are rooting for romances subtly, without even realizing it. people like romance. it keeps you on edge, you want to see the outcome.
which is exactly why I think people have a hard time liking M1lev3n. It’s pretty much “established” from the beginning. There’s no build up to their relationship, there’s nothing really special about them, their romance story is as cliche as it can get and also a play on a super sexist trope within sci-fi “born sexy yesterday” but much more PG since they’re kids. you can’t deny it. mike and el are forced together, mike is a loser nerd that no girls like and (quote by Lucas Sinclair) el is the first girl who isn’t grossed out by him. she doesn’t know anything about the world, she grew up in a lab her entire life up until that point. she barely speaks, she doesn’t know what “friend” means, she doesn’t understand privacy and all the sudden a boy is being sprung in front of her and she doesn’t even UNDERSTAND what romance is and that she could even like/love another person— and he kisses her.
suddenly she vanishes and is yet to be seen for months and they’re suddenly reunited.
there’s no development between them. el only knows what she knows from reruns of old tv shows she watches which are highly dramatizied. again. this is all el can gather about romantic relationship. her and mike do not show any development or maturity in their relationship. all they do is kiss in s3 and suddenly they're broken up for most of the season and for months after the events of s3 end before the byers move away and suddenly she wants to tell mike she loves him back???
at this point, in my opinion, el is hyper fixating on mike since hopper “died”. she needs someone to fall back on, someone that took care of her and she feels (at least somewhat) comfort and safe with. but as we see in s4, mike doesn’t seem to be able to even give her that. I don’t think el loves mike and I don't think mike loves el romantically. they never have. they don’t know what the fuck they're doing. el wants to be a normal teenage girl and mike wants to be a normal teenage boy.
but that isn’t what stranger things is about.
M1lev3n being endgame directly goes against stranger things message. it’s forced conformity.
which brings me back to my point.
this is why the general audience of stranger things doesn’t care about m1lev3n the way m1lev3ns do. they aren’t hardcore shippers, they’re casual, and mike and el give off nothing to be excited about, because el’s storyline was never about romance, it’s about found family.
but who’s storyline was directly tied to romance in s3? Will. “I’m not gonna fall in love.” immediately set Will up to have a romance storyline. The beginning of s4 “I think there is someone he likes” set will up to have a crush. The painting scene directly set will up to HAVE to eventually confess his feelings for mike because mike is inevitably going to find out the truth (if he doesnt already know). will at some point is going to confronted about his love for mike whether you like it or not which is why so many ppl became attracted to byler as a ship after watching s4. with will being confirmed gay and in love with mike, it sets the stage for a newly blooming romance and so much context, subtext in earlier seasons to go back and watch with a new lens. the duffers know what they’re doing, and byler being endgame in s5 means byler has been intentional since the beginning. they have been writing the show, the dialogue, setting the scenes and lighting and set design to directly link back to byler falling in love with each other.
I'll end this off with byler being almost at 400k followers on Tumblr, being the most viewed ship in st on TikTok, the third most popular ship on ao3 and constantly trending on twt.
M1lev3n can barely beat out bower x luigi.
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silent-sanctum · 2 years
i usually dont post unformatted stuff like this on the regular, but based on the amount of "jokes" ive seen in twitter and in tumblr about jotaro's character, i got some pet peeves that i may or may not be taking too seriously since he's my fave
but at the same time, a portion of the community is also taking these memes seriously as if it's the gospel and im kinda sick of it tbh so might as well treat this as a "in defense of" segment-
im sure there are others who feel the same way, but im letting everyone know that i feel the same sentiments:
Choosing Koichi over Jolyne
This is one that i don't feel that strongly about compared to the rest, but i feel like ive seen enough of these comments pop up in a youtube video and it makes me want to ask: "yeah? man literally let his emotions surface and sacrifices himself just to let his daughter know that he loves her over anything else".
And why? Because he stayed in Morioh and so happened to end up as a mentor-figure to Koichi (and, you know, to Josuke and Okuyasu too )? But why is it Koichi is singled out as "joot's preferred child" and not the rest? Cause he's child-sized?
Nothing much else to say but do stop treating jotaro like he fully abandoned his family just for shits and giggles.
Ocean Man x Dolphins
NOW. I have things to say.
What is up with these comments? Wherever I go (youtube, reddit, twitter etc.), i would see shit similar to this where he has a fetish for dolphins? Uhm, tf?
I get it if it's done for the memes, but istg, i see these in every reply in a thread as if araki wrote that in canon and people exaggerate this to an extent where "his lover is a sea mammal", "jolyne's mom is a dolphin", "he screws with dolphins", "make dolphin sounds to attract him" etc.
first off... how dumb and really stupid? Just because one of his P4 outfits had an abundance of dolphin pins doesnt mean he has an extreme liking to them. He wore that fit for one arc and thats pretty much it.
And to keep repeating that "i left my family to fuck with them" joke in every comment is just very subpar in terms of humor. It's not even funny to more it's used.
Need i remind these people that other than the clothes, he shows ABSOLUTELY no liking to dolphins at all in the show. If anything, he prefers starfishes over dolphins- he wrote a whole thesis about them and his office has an entire portion of a wall with framed starfishes.
don't know how the whole shtick blew up into this but omg it's annoying
I am Cold-Hearted Misogynist Giga Chad
Imma need everyone to stop mischaracterizing him as nothing but an "always angry" hates females person.
To address the misogynist topic, he talks regularly with the school nurse about cutting his pants, he emphasizes that he's deeply insulted when an innocent woman is hurt and that he considers that as true evil, protects and helps Anne when she's on screen, goes on a whole ass journey to help his mom recover, got married and had a kid with a woman, and offered a brief condolence to Tomoko about her dad's death.
also put in mind that he only barks up and become "misogynistic" (which not really) toward the females that obsess over him. I mean it's borderline sexual harassment if you ask me with the way the female students won't leave him alone and continue to be noisy around him or when adult women fawn over a MINOR.
AND EVEN THEN, when he goes to school with his fangirls flocking around him, he doesn't push them off. Why? Because it's unnecessary. He lets one of them cling to his arm and he just ignores them. After falling the stairs and they swarm around him, he doesn't become violent toward the girls and continues to ignore them. (sure he pushed those flight attendants away and punched his daughter to get out, but then again they were blocking his path and they needed to get out the room so he found it necessary to do those things)
again, him being annoyed with loud girls is reasonable but he isn't annoyed with every female in existence. That doesn't make him a misogynist.
Mr. Blank Slate
As an introvert myself, i find it sad and lowkey insulting that when it comes to watching introverted characters, the audience find them as boring and bears no personality. And i can tell...because the audience finds jotaro and giorno, the 2 introverted Jojos, as characters who are dull and bland.
maybe that's why i kin with joot, because we just quiet and vibing, and somehow people misinterpreting that vibes as "we hate everything don't talk to us"
We aren't openly dynamic and spontaneous but that doesnt mean we don't have personality.
But I think that's because viewers are well-acquainted with "out there" characters who show an explosive and emotive reaction to stuff like Joseph or Josuke. Much like a typical Shonen protag.
jotaro is a stoic, reserved man with a kickass no bullshit personality who wants things done as soon as possible, but holds a soft golden heart deep down who wants his friends and family safe and happy. He's a dork who makes corny one-liners, watches detective shows and documentaries, does party tricks for his friends, very keen on maintaining his sense of style (his uniform, 20k yen pants, expensive ass watch), literally smiles in ^_^ (and yes... he does emote in the anime yall are just too stuck up in the notion of him being angry 24/7 for yall to notice), etc.
idk much about giorno yet im sorry but all i know is that the kid's got a dream so I guess you could say he's ambitious and driven to secure his goal of being a gang-star mafia leader.
all i can say is that, the quiet ones have some quirks to them too and it's not always the loud ones.
Are these controversial? Maybe, but I've seen some express their frustrations so why not as well. Am i being a killjoy and taking this too seriously? Debatable, but there are some of you who also take your jokes seriously so don't come at me.
Will i have more peeves in the future? Likely. Let's wait and see :>
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basslinegrave · 5 months
angsty thoughts
knowing they only wanted to make a trilogy the ending could be whatever, but in the (unlikely) case of them wanting to pick it up again and make more movies, spinoffs, shows, whatever, they would most likely want to kill robotnik off now which is fair, and im thinking that if they kill stone off as well it would probably make me not be as angry because if one goes, the other has to as well. it just hurts more if only one goes you know? i was also super afraid they would kill stone off in the second movie, which Thankfully didnt happen, but this one? man im scared! that shit would hurt!! also, in the case of one dies, i would prefer if bot went first, i guess its cause its something i tried getting used to b4 (after jim saying hes quitting) and stone becoming the main villain with all the sorrow inside would work but the other way around? nonono i do not want to see bot alone. nope! nope
and if you looked at it like "he can rebuild him" while becoming a robot/cyborg/android whatever is cool, hell i even have a robot sona, i dont want that for stone. its too much for me, i get so terribly sad thinking about it (i believe the idea of bot loving and caring about only one human is more special than caring about a machine, even with stones mind etc, its just about the question of "where the human ends and machine begins" and how reprogrammable you might be, taking away the humanity) but thats just from a fanfic pov anyway since as i said this is where the trilogy ends.. bah
also i do think they should make more movies in this universe as theres soo much they can work with, adaptations of other media or new stuff entirely, but if they do that and its without rob and stone is there, i dont want it. i do wanna see stone but not like that i cant handle stuff like this.
about how two silly characters from a silly movie mean this much to me, i dont know
and once again im asking about adding stone to other media, its been enough time for eggman with dumbass robot lackeys, get him a human boyfriend Now (theres still hope as, didnt they mention sticks and tangle or someone in frontiers? even just a mention like that for game eggman would be everything to me) at least egg doesnt die in these lmao (and as long as he wouldnt get the same treatment as starline.....)
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year
Heinkel Astrea himself >:D
Sexuality Headcanon: i think it could be one of several possibilities. he could be straight... he could be on the aroace spectrum... he could be bi and not even know... but we do know what he is for certain..... hes louannasexual................................................
A ship I have with said character: heinkel/louanna PLS THEYRE MARRIED OKAY......... louanna really looked at the astrea family Baggage and still went "im still gonna marry this man <3".... and like the way heinkel speaks about louanna T^TT "reinhard is me and louannas treasure..." "dont take away louannas way home"... LIKE FUCK MAN..... heinkel may be a piece of shit now but he took like those marriage vows of like in sickness and in health SERIOUSLY. its been like twenty years and hes been searching for a cure for louanna all this time. it drives me BONKERS...
A BROTP I have with said character: ......................im pretty sure you know what im gonna say LMAO. YEAH. YEAH. ROWAN AND HEINKEL?? ROWAN IS THE BEST POSSIBLE BROTP THAT COULDVE EVER HAPPENED FOR HEINKEL. deadbeat alcoholic dads of extremely powerful teenage sons club??? theyre literally insane. i love how they first meet because its the most pathetic thing ever. like rowan just seeing heinkel half-dead in some ditch and just deciding to help this random ass guy??? rowan dragging heinkel away like when you grab a cat by its scruff??? heinkel going "this guy is smiling at me but its not mocking... i dont know what the fuck it means" because heinkel doesnt know what fucking FRIENDLINESS is anymore...... theyre insane. im excited for the development thats gonna come out of them meeting. they foil so much T^T
A NOTP I have with said character: anyone other than louanna :((((((((((((((( pls..... pls dont separate them shes already in a coma :((((((((((((((((((((((((( ......except ill make an exception for rowan and heinkel because. they have 95 mental illnesses and theyre ALWAYS making it everyone elses problem... theyd be so horrible together and i can only see it happening if theyre drunk and the world is literally gonna end. they are Terrible. but they Would be entertaining...
A random headcanon: heinkel gets sober in all the timelines where wilhelm is erased <33 because its like. wilihelm gets erased, heinkel and reinhards relationship is better, so its like.... things are a little better for heinkel now. obviously his whole complex feelings on reinhard are either lessened or erased entirely, but i also feel like heinkel got at least Some of his insecurities because of how wilhelm probably was as a dad. and bc wilhelms gone - WELP nice going heinkel half of your insecurities are gone!! so, well, maybe heinkel wants to be fully sober and present for reinhard now. he wants to be in reinhards life as his dad...
General Opinion over said character:
if i met him irl i would immediately pull a pridebaru and poison heinkel's drink. HOWEVER, i am also screaming and crying over heinkel's heartbreaking tragic corruption arc where he goes from a very earnest and hardworking person whos trying his best with all the shitty cards handed to him. and then he turns into *GESTURES TO PRESENT DAY HEINKEL*
i need him to get his shit together and have the most GRUELING, PAINFUL, NAIL BITING redemption arc of all time. he's just so fucking pathetic 24/7 it's like... like im sitting here and reading every scene hes in and im going, god hes like one of those sad dirty exhausted stray dogs you see backed into a corner and theyre just like growling and snapping at everything that comes close. like we vaguely know that its Possible for him to get his shit together at least a little bit (see: pride if), and we Know that heinkel used to be a very affectionate person to louanna and reinhard, and the fact that tappei said he'd make heinkel the mc if subaru didnt exist indicates that heinkels Probably gonna have some insane development, especially given the debut of the rowan-heinkel dynamic... i cant wait for it T^TT i just like how hes Terrible... but hes also clearly very human. what a well-written character. i hope he goes for anime onlys kneecaps in season three.
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maddsmallow · 8 months
hi im gonna complain about people seeing hank and connor as father and son under the break so if you see them like that maybe dont read. like you do you but if this is gonna upset you then. dont fuckin read it lmao
if tumblr puts this in the fucking tags even tho i didnt tag it 1) im sorry, and 2) im gonna be fucking pissed im just trying to vent on my own got dang blog
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cropped out the person who made these tags because i dont even know them and also im not a fucking asshole thats gonna put someone on blast like that but. this is the EXACT problem i have with hank and connor as father/son. i dont even mind connor seeing hank as a mentor or something like that (even tho i personally disagree with using the term "father figure"), but it's the "connor is like a new chance for hank to be a dad" that fucking gets me. do you not see all the different CANON reasons why that works completely against hank's character, and takes away connor's say in the whole situation?? hank IS a dad. he's a dad to a dead boy. basically his whole fuckin personality is him mourning over the loss of cole because he loves him SO much. you think he's gonna cling to the first mentee he's had since cole's death and immediately have him replace his dead fucking child? that's like, making hank give into some kind of fucked up delusion. that's mentol illness luv. imagine misunderstanding a character THAT badly.
and that isnt even getting into the whole "you're taking away all of connor's agency as a fully grown adult man" thing. he's not a child. he's an android that was activated only a few months ago, sure, but he was literally created to be like 27-33 or something. he deals with guns. he looks at pole dancers at the eden club. he works with murder scenes. you literally ARE taking away all of his agency as an adult man by seeing him as some little puppyboy that needs a dad to take care of him.
i mean of course you can take these characters and do whatever you want with them outside of canon, they're basically just barbie dolls lmao. but to claim that it's CANON that hank would think of connor as his own literal son, that he thinks that before the game's even over?? absolutely fucking not. those jokes of hank being like "who's my son?" and connor answering "me:)" and hank's relationship bar goes up, it's cute i guess but if that happened in the game? if that was a real choice in the game? hank would've shot connor without a second fucking thought. hell no hank would've thought connor was anything CLOSE to what cole was to him. hank straight up would've murdered the real connor and not even been upset about it when sixty told him so. david cage can eat my entire ass for agreeing that they're father and son, he just said that because he's a homophobic piece of shit, and that's literally the ONLY thing ever to point at them having that sort of relationship.
and i'm not gonna sit here and be like "but anyways here's all the reasons hank and connor are TOTALLY in love" because i dont actually think that's canon either. i'm just playing with them like barbie dolls lmao. my problem is people taking subtext that doesnt fucking exist of them being "like father and son" and claiming it's the be all end all of their whole relationship. their view of them as father and son is the ONLY way to see them. which is just not fucking true. there's NOTHING in canon to support them as being anything but close friends or enemies. that's it. and then they come onto these posts about hankcon, which obviously have NOTHING to do with them since they dont ship it, and tell the OP who ships them "fuck you." like?? you could have just scrolled. you could have just kept fucking scrolling. you fool. you moron. what happened to ship and let ship. just fucking move on, jesus christ. stop taking the time and effort out of your day to go out of your way to 1) make yourself upset by seeing this content and not just blacklisting it and blocking the posters, and 2) making someone else upset that you took the time to be a shithead on something that obviously wasn't even meant for you but made THEM happy. just stop !!! log off!! touch grass!! and this goes for hankcon shippers who do the same!! what the fuck is wrong with you!! we're all just here to vibe and love on these dork ass characters!!!!! fuck !!!!!!!!!!!
also it's super cringe when bryan dechart is playing the game and you're all screaming "wow best father son duo everrrrr" in the chat as if that also doesnt make bryan uncomfortable because he's gotta be super fucking careful about how he fuckin speaks about his character to everyone and not piss off all the rabid father-sonners by insinuating they're only friends. just. shut the fuck up. hankcon shippers who try to shove it in other people's faces also need to shut the fuck up. jesus fucking christ
IN OTHER WORDS. old man yells at cloud is basically me rn
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^actual pic of me
anyways here's a cookie 🍪
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acaciapines · 1 month
as someone who’s very excited to read your Dess raises Kris AU, something that i’m really excited for is the dynamic between Dess and Chara! From the little excerpt we saw of them in the past i’m so curious as to how they’re relationship functions / how it’ll effect Kris growing up and such. If it isn’t too much to ask, could you go a bit in depth as to how they ‘work’ in a sense?
jkegkjdfgdf IT MEANS SO MUCH THAT UR EXCITED.....WOW.....like i am too its just so fun to know other people are!!
and! yeah so. i go into them a lot in this post here where i said. a lot of what my ideas are right now (and its said better lol) but i can for sure talk about them forever and ever and ever. most relationship of all time.
under the cut cause Oh My God it was not supposed to be this long.
so!!! i think a lot of how dess and chara work is that as time goes on it becomes increasingly obvious that They Do Not, actually. like, the way i see dess is that she is very much a person who needs to be on the move--she cannot stay in one place. that just...isnt who she is, and its stifling, and she HATES being weighed down. and kids, uh, sorta do that to you lol. vs chara, who like...has defined xirself around this role xe took up, 'cause the huge difference between them is that chara chose to have frisk and dess just sorta ended up with kris, right? so thats one point they arent ever going to like, understand the other one on.
so a lot of what leads them to deciding to stick together is this sense of loneliness they both feel...dess for being someone who is always on the move has also always had people with her: azzy, for one, but i think shes also the sort of people who makes a lot of like, surface-level friendships? i think shes A Lot and most people never get to know her that well, but like...chara DOES. and vice-versa for chara: people never bother to get to know xir, but dess WANTS TO. dess really truly cares about xir and xir life and who xe is which is very new for chara. cause before this all xe's had is frisk who is. literally a two year old and doesnt have any other choice lol.
theyre both people who have been dealt a poor hand in life in regards to dark world bullshit, something they cant exactly get help with through like, traditional means. they meet when theyre both super young--iirc dess is 18, chara 21? 22?--and yknow, raising a kid at that young an age isnt the most common experience. dess has run away from home, basically, and chara's a college dropout with a biological family xe never want to see again...neither of them have anybody else! they dont have any help! so they bond over that, a lot. its like...seeing someone Like You for the first time in your entire life.
and all that said its the kids thing that really throws a wrench into everything.
because dess cant stay still, right? she cant. shes not wired for it. but chara does, and she trusts chara, and chara doesnt mind watching kris, so dess doesnt feel bad leaving them with xir. but. a day becomes a week. week a few weeks, a month, a few months. as time goes on dess coming home grows more and more sparse. but theres this sense of like...chara doesnt really know who xe is, anymore, outside of this family xe has? outside of being a parent and spouse? so to chara, to leave dess is like, unimaginable. dess is xir person. dess loves xir, which is something xe cannot really comprehend as a loveless aromantic, but having never been loved in xir entire life (chara had a Bad childhood lets just say) its like...dess chooses xir. and sure, shes gone a lot, but when she does come home, her home is XIR. her home is chara. its gloriously dizzying.
and dess does feel the same way!!! dess never really means to leave chara for so long, she just...loses track of time. hates being Needed by kids in any way more than a cool aunt they see occasionally. funnily enough she gets on with frisk better because frisk doesnt really expect a mom out of her. (that isnt to say its returned lol kris likes dess wayyyyy more than frisk does. but for dess its easier to be around frisk cause they dont expect anything). if the kids werent a thing chara and dess would actually work a lot better--chara is a lot less adventurous and likes staying back and tending to things, but without frisk to like, REALLY cement that xe'd enjoy going out with dess, probably not into dark worlds but travel might be nice. and dess wouldn't feel so much pressure, if its just chara, 'cause chara kind of just likes dess for who she is. so for just-chara, dess could stay. dess is used to people wanting her to be someone else--her mother, her father, hell, even AZZY, who like...he never acted on it, but he had a crush on her for their entire friendship. she knows he'd rather she return those feelings.
but chara GETS HER. chara cares for her in a way that doesnt want her to become something she isnt--its why they get married!! dess never felt romantic love, and still doesnt, but its chara who makes her go--oh. oh, so i think i know why people might get married, actually. its saying--youre my person, and chara is her person. and vice-versa, of course. dess is this light chara never had.
but. of course. they have two kids.
which. complicates things. dess puts chara first--she LOVES chara, loves xir in every single way she can feel love. but chara...chara cares about dess, a lot. its why xe's really blind to a lot of xir faults for a while...because thats dess. xe doesnt know where xe would be without dess. but chara is a parent. frisk and kris do come first.
the kids are like, aware of this. frisk is very much aware of this--they're younger than kris but they dont have these rose-colored glasses about dess, and they sort of notice, how much of a toll it takes on chara to be a single parent, essentially, still. dess sends money back--she IS sort of the breadwinner lol, turns out selling weird dark world things is sometimes actually a viable career--but she doesnt, like, parent. when she comes home shes a friend. but not a parent.
kris fights with chara a lot. idealizes dess. its that idea that the parent who has to be the PARENT, be the one to say no, be the one to deal with all the crying and meltdowns and just general messiness of raising another human being, is the one that also gets the most flack. dess is never around! which is hard, but it also means she never messes up. at least in kris's eyes, lol.
for frisk and kris dess really is the one thing that like, gets in between all else. its the wound they all keep opening again, because shes never around, and it hurts. whenever she comes back and stays for a week when she said a month the kids know how sad chara gets!! how lonely xe is! but kris writes it off because dess will come back, and frisk grows bitter. its the one thing the two dont talk about because its the one thing that fractures their sibling relationship. every serious fight the two have is in some way about dess.
the entire reason why noelle and kris end up meeting? because kris thinks that if they prove themself as brave like dess, and dive into and close a dark world like she does, she'll stay longer this time. but of course all that does is get them stuck.
dess never does things maliciously. she does, really, truly, care about chara, kris, frisk. but she also just...does things. she never looks before she leaps. she shies away from facing consequences. and thats like...the sort of thing you CANT do, when youve got kids. but she never wanted them. she never meant to take kris.
she's just. in too deep. and chara does NOT hold her accountable which doesnt help. it would be best for the kids if chara got a divorce but. chara cant do that. xe cannot be alone again.
OKAY THAT WAS A LOT. uh. if you (general) wants to know more!! hit me up!!! tho i will say i'll have more to say about other relationships lol, i think i've said most of what i can able dess&chara right now. BUT I AM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS AU I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ON HOW IT CHANGES THINGS--
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