#And of course I headcanon trans Tina
homoqueerjewhobbit · 8 months
Tina Belcher would have such a crush on Daria Morgendorffer and Daria's like episode arc would be slowly seeing the importance of tolerating Tina (in small doses) in order to be a good influence on her.
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arizonaaaaaa · 4 months
11- Mike Chang- pansexual
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-Goes with my Tina hc, he falls in love for who the person is, not how they are
-really supportive of Tina when she came out
-his father wasn’t supportive at first so Tina had to interfere again but now his cool with Mike
12- Matt Rutherford- gay
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-he had a crush on Mercedes before he realized he actually likes guys
-I like to think him and Mike met again in university and they dated for a bit 👉👈
-he had so much potential😭
13- Jesse St. James- bisexual
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-not calling Jonathan Groff a bad actor but not even for a second I believed this man was straight
-he was totally into Finn back in season 1
-bi4bi4bi St. HudBerry throuple?
14- Sam Evans- bisexual
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-do I have to explain why?
15- Lauren Zizes- pansexual
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-I mean, girl slapped Tina’s and Brittany’s asses while singing about what she knows what boys like
-she really deserved to stay in season 3, this 👆 is the only fruity scene she has😭
-her and Tina being goth girlfriends tho
16- Blaine Anderson- gay and trans
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-canonically gay
-him being trans is not a unpopular headcanon surprisingly
-I don’t know why but this just makes so much sense
-I don’t have a lot to wright here, not the biggest Blaine fan out there
17- Sugar Motta- lesbian
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-crazy how she radiates lesbian energy, like all woman surrounding her just becomes sapphic
-she has the biggest crush ever on Santana, like really, this girl was legit staring at her boobs in 3x04
-she and Unique are girlfriends I don’t make the rules
18- Rory Flanagan- gay
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-“you now I wish I was Jessie’s girl”- Damian McGinty Jr on The Glee Project
-this was my Roman Empire
-totally had a crush on Finn and totally was flirting with Sam on Christmas
19- Joe Hart- questioning
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-he is a christian teenager of course he’s queer those are the rules
-not only that but he’s also on the glee club
-I think he never knew his identity, his parents always told him he was going to marry a woman someday so he thought that was the pattern…
-…until he saw Sam shirtless in the locker room
20- Dave Karofsky- gay and Bear
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-in my opinion, as a gay man, he’s the most well written lgbtq character on the show, his story is perfect
- @starpawedart opened a universe of Karofsky ships for me, thank you king✊
-he out of all people deserved a happy ending
-anyways, kurtofsky 🔛🔝
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aquamarine021109 · 5 months
My dsmp headcanons 😊
Tommy: biromantic demisexual (AMAB) (he/him)
Tubbo: gay and trans guy (AFAB) (he/him)
Ranboo: gay and non-binary (AMAB) (he/they)
Wilbur: pansexual and bigender (AIAB) (he/she)
Dream: bisexual (AMAB) (he/him)
George: gay and non-binary (AFAB) (he/she/they)
Sapnap: bisexual and ambiamorous (AMAB) (he/him)
Karl: homoromantic greysexual and ambiamorous trans guy (AFAB)(he/him)
Quackity: bisexual and ambiamorous (AMAB) (he/him)
BBH: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Skeppy: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Antfrost: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Sam: bisexual & prefers men (AMAB) (he/him)
Ponk: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Techno: aromantic asexual (AMAB) (he/him)
Dadza: straight ally (AMAB) (he/him)
Jack: bisexual trans guy and a cyborg (he was created by niki as a 'female' robot but transition to male) (he/him)
Niki: bisexual (AFAB) (she/her)
Foolish: bisexual (AMAB) (he/him)
Purpled: unlabeled and agender, also an alien (AMAB) (he/him)
Callahan: Unlabeled and knows sign language (A?AB) (any pronouns)
Fundy: gay and trans guy (AFAB) (he/him)
Puffy: lesbian (AFAB) (she/her)
Eret: bisexual and genderfluid/genderqueer (AMAB) (any pronouns except it/its)
Aimsey: lesbian (any pronouns)
Eryn: gay and unlabeled, also part demon (AMAB) (doesn't care what pronouns you use for them)
Schlatt: gay (AMAB) (he/him) (I also headcanon him to be c!tubbo's dad)
Tina: unlabeled (AFAB) (she/her)
Boomer: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Punz: gay and non-binary (he/they)
Alyssa: pan or bi (she/her)
Drista: I have no idea if irl her is fine with headcanons, so im not going to put anything.
Mexican dream: straight ally (AMAB) (he/him)
Girl dream: bisexual and trans woman (AMAB) (she/her)
Conner: I've heard he doesn't like cosplays of him, so he probably doesn't like people headcanoning his character.
Hbomb: gay (AMAB) (he/him)
Hannah: bi or pan (AFAB) (she/her)
Charlie: Unlabeled (A?AB) (he/him) (he's a slime so I dont know what his AGAB would be.)
Extra headcanons to give the characters more depth.
SBI is canon: wilbur came out as pansexual to tommy and techno in the pogtopia arc, wilbur came out to phil via letters during the pogtopia arc. wilbur came out as bigender after he was revived (to everyone on the smp because he wanted people to use the correct pronouns for her.) tommy came out originally to phil, wilbur, and techno as bisexual before the dsmp but later figured out he was a biromantic demisexual when he first joined dsmp (and of course told phil, techno, wilbur, and tubbo). techno casually came out as aroace to phil, tommy, and wilbur, when they were all sat around at the diner table before they joined dsmp. Also of course everyone was accepting. Wilbur and tommy have wings, but tommy lost his during exile because dream cut them off so he couldn't run away (im sorry for the angst but oh well) and wilbur never lost his. (And the reason you cant see wilbur's wings in my fanart of him of a long time ago is because one: im lazy and its hard to draw wings, and two: he can retract his wings in his back)
Jack is a robot/cyborg: I personally like the idea of jack being a cyborg/robot, probably because im a fnaf fan, I also like to think that niki made him and thats why they were so close (before the smp he came out as trans to niki and she supported him of course) I also like the idea that he looked really human but because of his canon deaths his skin was damaged so you could see the robotic side of him, Also if you cant remember his first canon death was by wilbur, he was burned to death by him and I like to think the fire damaged the skin on his arm and thats how everyone found out he was a cyborg, his second canon death was by tommy on accident, tommy pushed jack in the lava in the nether and from that, thats why you can see his right side all robotic like because the lava burned his skin off. He also came out as bisexual to niki before the smp. (Also can people stop sleeping on jacks character because he is literally one of the coolest characters.) Also his third canon death was by techno, he and techno were having a dual during doomsday, and because of that he lost his right eye and had to tell niki to make another one, of which looked really robotic because she didn't have the resources to make a human looking eye. Jack also went to hell and had to complete different challenges to be revived which is canon btw. (And sense he didn't get revived by the revive book, I dont think he would have a white streak in his hair, and i know that jack doesn't have hair but you can still dye it, take irl billzo for example)
Tubbo's related to schlatt: I like to think that schlatt is c!tubbo's biological dad because both of them are ram/goats, and that schlatt thought he was straight, (thats why tubbo is schlatt's son even tho I headcanon schlatt to be gay) schlatt was also homophobic and transphobic and thats why tubbo when he was 15 he ran away from home (because he told schlatt he was gay and trans but schlatt didn't except him, tho later on schlatt was more accepting of him and actually used the right pronouns and stuff) later on phil found tubbo in a box and basically adopted him, also something cute I'd like to add to the clingyduo headcanon is that tubbo before he met tommy wore a green handkerchief while tommy wore a red handkerchief but when they met and became friends they switched their handkerchiefs so even when their far away from each other they would still remember each other😊.
Lazer, vikk, corpse, pokimane, lilnas x, ninja, ksi and Michaelmcchill will be excluded from this because they logged on there like once. And for anyone wondering AMAB means a person that was born male; AFAB means a person that was born female; AIAB means a person that was born intersex. I chose a question mark for c!Callahan's AGAB because we basically know nothing about their character and their irl self.
Also as a reminder these are CHARACTER headcanons and NOT content creator, do NOT speculate actual people's sexualities and gender identities!!!
(Also its kinda sad to know that most of these people I dont even watch anymore, really the only ones I watch now are wilbur, dadza, techno, tommy, charlie, jack, and on rare occasions i watch the dream team, eret, tubbo, and quackity but even then I rarely watch tommy now, maybe its because im getting older? I honestly dont know why :( )
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sunflowertheory · 2 years
Please assume when you see a Todd drawing from me, he is trans. ♡
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phcking-detective · 5 years
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amazing ship meme by @kalidels​; link to it here
this is for my own fic series on AO3, OTP: Fight Club, so all the headcanons are answered for my fics specifically
the pet names are baby (Gavin @ Nines) and darling (Nines @ Gavin)
Nines is much more likely to express his devotion by saying something painfully sincere that he doesn’t even realize is Big Romantic, but he also understands Gavin needs physical affection and will make a special effort to pet and cuddle him; Gavin’s touch-affection is mostly through blankets or only touching specific Safe Spots bc Nines doesn’t usually like to be touched. he loves having his hair brushed and played with though!
they’re both easily jealous idiots, lol. Nines keeps his own apartment, but often stays over with Gavin. luckily, Gavin manages to repair his friendship with Tina so he has another extrovert friend to go Do Things with. Nines mostly gets jealous of specific people (Connor) or situations (someone trying to work a case with Gavin), whereas Gavin tends to just get jealous in general
Gavin is very socially protective of Nines. he’ll stand in front of Nines and guide him in crowds so other people don’t touch him, do all the talking in most social situations, and ruthlessly insult anyone who makes fun of Nines; Nines is much more physically protective: he makes sure Gavin eats and sleeps regularly, and of course he protects his human on dangerous cases. he’s practically a military model, so he thinks nothing of stepping in front of bullets and body-slamming SUVs to keep Gavin safe
(also don’t @ me about the heights lmao, Gavin is 5′8″ bc he’s trans and I’m trans and I said so. his file only says 5′9″ because he wears lifts in his shoes to look a lil taller, the fucking dork. Connor is 6′2″ and Bryan said he played Nines by squaring up to look taller, so 6′4″ is realistic, gimme that height difference!)
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