#And sending email copies...
supercantaloupe · 5 months
aw. my boss emailed me tonight to tell me what a great job she thought i did at work this week...
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god-infected · 3 months
my chapbook
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aeolianblues · 2 months
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Taylor Swift fans discover what the music industry is, a montage.
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yvesdot · 8 months
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Dots, you have to read Something's Not Right. Please help me. Max @goose-books got all of his friends to read Something's Not Right and also the Aeneid and Gregor the Overlander and now my GoodReads comp titles are a mess. ONLY YOU can save SNR from the iambic pentameter allegations!!!
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rollercoasterwords · 1 year
one thing about me is that if u wrote a paper and i want to read it i will email u. i see an interesting paper title? perhaps a quote? well first of course i will search on sci-hub + libgen + openlib + zlibrary + academia.edu + also just poke around google for a free pdf on the off-chance i might find one and perhaps 70% of the time i am successful but if i'm not?? straight to the linkedin page i go where do u work ahh hm i see let me find ur school website w ur little biography professor so-and-so....copying + pasting ur email and firing off the sweetest most unexpected message 2 brighten ur day abt how ur research looks sooooooo interesting but i am a lowly 9-5 worker a little mouse scouring the floor for crumbs....i want 2 learn about YOUR (yes YOUR) super-interesting research but it's behind a paywall + do u perhaps have an extra copy u might be willing to send along no worries if not no worries at all just thought i would humbly request.....this strategy works every time i have yet to encounter a single academic who will not be delighted 2 send u their research. u literally do not have 2 be a student anywhere 95% of the research out there is at ur fingertips just an email away. truly one of the most important lifehacks i have ever learned.
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lucy--chen · 2 years
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BECAUSE I LIKED A BOY (Behind the Scenes)
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valensemblestars · 5 months
Form is closed! Thank you everyone who submitted an application! I've already gotten everyone matched up so please keep an eye out for emails going out in the next few days. If you have not gotten an email by January 14th or whenever I announce that all emails have been sent out, please send me an off anon ask and I will send your information that way.
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ckret2 · 7 months
Woopsies another rather simple question about BTSDLB (Aka one of your oldest works again), So you said something about still having the images but all of the texts? Then I don't mind you not having all of the dialogues as long as you still have the images ! So is there any way you could make a Google Drive file and store all of the (especially/mostly missing) BTLSDB images there?
I have a slow-ass tired old geezer laptop, and over a thousand images that need uploading. That's why it hasn't been done yet.
Also if/when I ever do get around to uploading them, it sure as hell won't be on google drive. I fucking hate google's entire file management system and the fact that it's the only thing everyone wants to use is the absolute bane of my existence. I'd rather dump them in a hundred tumblr posts and spam them all on the dash at once than touch google.
Believe me, I have already considered going "here's all the pictures, figure out how to match them up to the dialogue yourselves." It's not like I don't know there's a demand for it. It's the combination of technology limitations and ADHD that's preventing it.
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bauhausdog · 3 months
im thinking of opening c0mmissions when i get paypal, do you guys have any tips? im thinking of opening a ko-fi page to simplify things and also have cashapp in case someone prefers it
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Today, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas leaders.
The ICC prosecutor alleges that Israel’s prime minister and defence minister committed crimes including starvation of civilians as a weapon of war, murder, extermination, and intentional attacks on civilians.
On March 18, the House of Commons passed an amended motion, initially tabled by the NDP, with the support of the Liberal government in relation to the horrors we are seeing in the region.
The motion that was passed specifically stated that Canada would, in relation to the conflict, “support the work of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court”.
This is our moment to determine whether Canada actually stands by our commitments to a rules-based international order or Canada does not.
We need all of you to send a letter to your local MP, as well as the Prime Minister and Minister Joly, calling for them to do the right thing today by putting out a statement clearly supporting the ICC's work.
Click here to send a letter.
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polaraffect · 2 months
forever and ever ago I submitted poems to my university's journal and they got accepted but there was some complications with sending the poems back after editing (my email sending them back was never responded to) and now im worried they're not even going to be in the journal :/
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
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ineffable-rohese · 6 months
Hell is a 10 person zoom meeting where people who are not generally writers but who are talkers are group-writing website content and the person who does write this sort of this thing (me) cannot actually talk because zoom hates me.
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trans-axolotl · 11 months
zine update btw: zines r supposed to arrive tomorrow night if my tracking number is correct. will ship them out to zine participants asap and everything should launch publically on friday! really excited
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thisismeracing · 4 months
my fyp is out to get me, i havent even had my coffee yet
OMG 😭😭😭👎
speaking of which, I saw this post about how lewis kept sending gifts to his kids and I instantly thought of you like C would share this painful post w me totally 😭
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tls123 · 1 year
not to be greedy but it's my birthday in two days so if anyone in the us, canada, or in mexico wants to buy a copy of golden terrace volume two and send it to me i wouldn't be against it. that's all i'm saying
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