#And sometimes it ends up cool lol
sysig · 1 year
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Evil Alignments, Aces Wild (Patreon)
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Classic Sona, Aces Tired (lol)
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Hugs are nice ♥
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Don’t tell me what to do >:0
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Okay fine
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At least there’s a wakefulness period after the fact
#Doodles#Villainsona#Just Desserts#True Villainy AU#Vent#Just put it all in one for ease of consumption lol#I'm fine now thankfully it's just always a good form of expression to get it down on paper#And sometimes it ends up cool lol#Sona-sonas get center stage! Regular sona gets to hang out with Bar lol#Who also counts as a sona-sona kind of not really mostly probably#Anyway lol#[Purple Text] still gets to have the most excitable energy I guess lol - even while agitated#Constant ringing keys noise lol#Going in again a bit on their strain of what ownership means - still very skewed but they're happy about it so?? Good for them lol#You're only supposed to have one red string [Purple Text] and then they're surprised when some of them detach when they're not looking#Well their hobby is tying new fates so :P It's entertainment! Pfft#They never want for activities that's for sure lol#I do think the pose turned out neat for the multi-strings :)#More TVAU Charm uh oh :0 Kaiein >:|#He's being light on purpose - part of his contrast/''I'm better than you'' play egh#Not that Charm's paying much attention#Been a bit since the wing - ah dang I just realized I forgot the shawl lol oh well next time!#It'd be harder to see with her silhouette so dark anyway just pretend it's there haha#He's always ready with the insults >:| Not helping!#And then classic sona stuffs#I'm so glad I like food 99% of the time lol it's only when I'm stressed that my appetite just bottoms out#Wish it didn't also make my stomach hurt but I mean - it does make sense lol#Bar's always good for a point in the right direction at least haha he's a good lad#Ate and got through the scary dreams >:3 Made it out! Good good
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splickedylit · 1 year
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@terminallywerde asked: next time you doodle, if you feel like it, It would be hella lit to see Karkat and Gamzee in the Barbie and Ken arrested meme
These Barbies Are: definitely not the leader of a radical antispectrum rebellion and his hereticoanarchist one-man-holy-war of a moirail, your honorable tyranny!
(bonus little closeups without the blood because I like how gz's face turned out)
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Do yall think that like Danny would read the fanfiction people write about him?
Cause I think he would avoid it at first but you know the saying curiosity killed the cat (or bragging killed the fenton. Hey they both get brought back)
Anyway so maybe hes just online, probably tumblr or twitter, and someone is posting a summary and a link. Oh that sounds neat sure lets check it out. Maybe he lets it go to his head in classic teenager style. Sam and Tucker think it’s weird but tbh Danny needs the win.
That or hes completely disgusted by it. He is a real person not some character to be fantasised about. Sam and Tucker tease him about it but totally agree that it’s super weird and gross. I mean people aren’t actively hurting anyone but Danny doesn’t go anywhere near the internet anymore, unless it’s to game and shitpost on twitter. Tucker probably made a huge program to help so none of them have to see the ship art. Again they arent bashing anyone but hes a kid and doesn’t wanna be traumatised anymore thanks.
Idk wtf in goingnon anouy buy it’s 735am and I am so tired but I need to be up a few more hours… wait does this oart go in th tags? Wheres am I
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dr-wormman · 3 months
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Got a little weird with this one since I've had mosaics on the mind
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fluffle-writes · 16 days
I wanna. Pick them up in my mouth and shake 'em around like a dog obliterating a squeaky toy
#you can tag anyone you feel this way about but I was thinking about Rook hunt in particular#tbh I feel like he'd picture the same - just with Vil and Neige#he wanta his oshis to be besties (he is just lime me fr) (just a liiiittle furyher frim reality)#(I view neigexVil as nore of a crackship until we get more Neige development/lore)#(our queen Vil doesn't deserve to be genuinely shipped with someone who's kinda 2D rn.#But I respect people who flesh out neige with headcanons - they write the dynamics realy well tbh)#(hopefully we get more RSA development at some point I think that'd be cool)#(plus I'd cry if TWST just. stopped. after the last NRC OB)#(I mean it'd make sense aince that's where the story is based and it'll probably end once Yuu finds a way home#- which feels close now thanks to Ortho)#(But at the same time I. have been following this since it first came out when I was about 16 - same age as the first year squad lol)#(and I feel like it'd feel weird if we stopped getting main story updates)#(Im rambling a LOT lol - probably because I'm tipsy haha)#(hope someone can relate to my lamenting of future woes though)#(Oh well - I should atop borrowing sorrow from the future and live joyfully with the now)#(I do miss my friends who've stopped being in the fandom though - and my friends who deactivated and idk how to contact now)#(sugarandmelody... zacrazyvalentine... I miss them. but we had fun#writing and stuff. and I suppose that's what matters in the end. that we had fun.)#at least - I hope they had fun too. and I kinda hope they think about me how I think of them sometimes.#have a nice day if you're reading this. I rambled in the tags a while and I understand that it's kinda long lol.#and probably riddled with typos#I'm tearing up for some reason haha. well it is what it is#I hope each and every one of my followers know how amazing they are - I hope y'all have a wonderful day - evening - or night#I wish I could hug people across the internet lol#I should stop posting on tumblr while drinky haha#tw drunk#tw drinking#i'll tag it just in case#don't wanna cause discomfort and stuff
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bunnihearted · 23 days
my upstairs neighbor is actually fucking insane and idk how im supposed to keep living like this 🙃
#it sounds like he's moving stuff and renovating constantly every day#like .... this is not normal and NO ONE would be able to be ok with living like this when it's been over a year of this#it's like that chinese torture method#when you're locked in a room and they let a bucket drip constantly non stop every day#the same noise all the time you cant escape will affect your psyche very negatively#like i cant escape because inside my own home i have to listen to some fucking crazy person#move stuff around all the time#and like i know he does illegal work and has a workshop up there but no one cares#like even if i'd contact the landlord office they wont care or do anything#so im just forced to live beneath some pos who makes noise... all day... everyday. it drives me crazy#like maybe some of y'all think im whiny or stupid or exaggarating but THIS IS NOT NORMALLLLLLLLL#you're not supposed to hear your neighbor have a workshop from home everyday all day#those noises drive me insane i cant live like thissssss i hate it#i dont like being a snitch or whatever but i've started to consider reporting him for the illegal work he does#but im not gonna bc they wont do anything#ppl are allowed to do whatever they want 💗#but if they drive you insane and you snap suddenly YOURE the bad guy and will end up in prison#everyone are insane i hate everyone im going crazy i fkn hate him so much#sometimes i consider just doing the deed and k wording him#then at least i will never be homeless bc i can live in prison. and i'll always have food lol#and i can exercise and write and read... learn languages. yeah sounds cool
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cyrsed · 9 months
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You ever write some shit where you're like 'oh yeah I'm totally just describing what this guy is doing in his free time nothing else im just setting the scene it's unnecessarily detailed for no particular reason' and then realize you are in fact just info dumping about some shit you are interested in actually
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ghosts-of-love · 7 months
not to be mentally ill but today when i went for a walk in a nature reserve i was climbing a hill and it was cold but so so sunny and everything looked beautiful and i saw so many cool things and i stood there and was like damn what's this feeling in my chest and why am i smiling so much?? my guy,, it's called fucking happiness. i was just present and content in the moment and couldn't contain myself so kept doing the silly arm shake thing i do and grinning at everything and then was like woah what's this feeling. fuckin, happiness dude.
#think the arm shake thing might be stimming (??) i referred to it as pogging and was informed that i've been using that word incorrectly#but yeah stimming ig#the arm shakes!! we all know them...#anyway do you ever get the feeling that other people experience happiness differently to you?#idk last week i was v depressed and now ive had a couple days in a row where ive been giggling with people and ive been cuddled and kissed#and today i took myself off on a walk and i was so so happy and then as i was walking back to my car#i had the gut wrenching feeling that i needed to text my parents that i'd been outside and had a good day and saw multiple cool animals#and that i loved them. because i suddenly got really worried that i would die on the way home and no one would know i'd been really happy??#even though id literally sent my bestie loads of photos and texts and a literal voice note while staring at a robin lol#anyway and then i was floored by the realisation that i carely deeply about whether i died or not#because i was pmsing last week and that is a terrible time for me and i end up being kind of passively suicidal ig#so to have such a big change in the space of a week was a huge shock#these tags are sooo incoherent and span so many emotions#i promise i've had a really lovely day. i just am anxious all the time and depressed sometimes#in a way that is harder to predict now my periods have stopped.#im realising this is the kind of stuff that should probably go in my diary but i've got this far with the tags that i can't be asked.#if anyone is still reading#you do not have to respond to this or like it in any way. i promise lol
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sysig · 9 months
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Some days you just have to scribble (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Emperor Awesome#Lord Hater#And technically they're in the margins so#Wander#Sylvia#They'll get their own post! Just ran out of room lol#The last puff of steam off the WOY thoughts this time around - I got Extremely inspired as a last hurrah!#I saw something that made me mad (lol) and it fired me up!#Unfortunately I wasn't warmed up yet and my whole intention was to just Draw#I didn't just want the shapes I already knew! I didn't want to fall in line with expectation! Had to work my way up and you can see a bit :3#Don't look too hard at the margin doodles yet hehe#But yeah I started kinda cautious and familiar - no sketch-touching and familiar lines and then quickly got sick of that#It's Doodle Time! Scribbles! Messy art! Creation!#So that quickly turned over into sketches that overlapped and shapes that were a bit more out there and fun#In the end the only one with odd shapes ended up being Peepers lol - even the first my-style was a little too samey#Looks a lot like an artist I like who also liked WOY lol - not my intention! /I/ want to make!#But that second to last of him turned out cool I think >:3c He deserves some cool sometimes!#Awesome is actually quite hard for me to stylize! I suppose partially because he's already rather stylized and I'm not much of a fish artist#Drawing him with big dark shark eyes was fun tho haha#And he's always the funnest to pose ♪#Hater was a challenge too! But I got there eventually :3c Not here but ♪ Eventually ♫#It was some good warmups all around hehe
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girlscience · 7 days
I hate getting into something that has a canon(ish) sapphic couple, but I only end up caring about one of the two women 😭😭😭
#warrior nun? only cared about beatrice couldn't really get behind ava much#the locked tomb? INSANE for gideon. harrow is like cool I guess (I feel like I should like her more than I do idk)#and now dungeon meshi. I knoowwwww I'm going to love falin. 10 episodes in and I already find her relatable and awesome and so cool and sexy#AND SHE BECOMES A DRAGON LIKE FUCK MAN (she's still dead atm but soon soooooon)#marcille on the other hand?? I mean she's fine... but I'm not really drawn to her (I like namari a lot more tbh)#and the thing is I know part of it is the feminization of all three of them#I am not attracted to femininity pretty much ever (outside of a super sexed up version in which case gugh)#and ava and marcielle both have a very bubbly personality type that has never really drawn me in ever#they can have cool stories and I can enjoy them in that. but I have no desire to seek them out outside of that#and harrow... honestly I think it might be the way fandom sees her that makes me not care much about her?#also my feelings about the series as a whole by the end of nona probably don't help#BUT I definitely think a big part for all three is the femininity. none of their counterparts that I DO love are overly fem#(and HONESTLY I don't think harrow should be either and the fact hardly no one actually makes her butch the way I see her pisses me off)#((she CANONICALLY hated her long hair!!!!!!!!! stop giving her anything more than a buzz cut I'm going to attack you!!!!!!))#also. marcielle has green eyes and I'm sorry but I just can't 😭#I need every single character ever in existence to only ever have brown/black or gold/yellow eyes#stop with the blue and the green 😭 please#ANYWAY POINT BEING: I hate that this happens to me because I end up not getting obsessed with the ship#and mostly only getting into the single character but then I don't want to read fic about just one person#so I try out the ship stuff and shocker no one writes the other character in a way I like so I don't read it#and then I feel bad cause all my ships and main characters I'm obsessed over are men#and then I complain all the fandom favs and mcs in stories are men#but like I'm contributing to the problem!!!! but like I'm not attracted to hannibal but I like his personality#I'm not attracted to optimus but I love how fucked up his whole deal with megatron is#I DO love both luffy and zoro even though I'm not really attracted to either of them#the lotr/hobbit ships.... eh I love the world and I love dwarves and I will do anything for them so the characters don't matter much lol#AND THATS THE ISSUE 😭 the worlds of warrior nun and tlt and most of what i've seen of dungeon meshi don't really entrance me much#so I don't get into the ships for that. and I'm not attracted to both people in the ship. and I can't relate/project on both in the ship#and sometimes I find one character type less likable/annoying so that makes me not want to engage
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biteapple · 16 days
part of me still feels like i might be sort of genderfluid and/or bisexual but just traumatized about it. no idea anymore
#like. remember that. remember following me back when i was bi and genderfluid lol. awhile ago now#its like whatever to me now. its really hard for me to pin anymore#like when i feel like genderfluid and bi again i feel like i can be a lot more open about shit#but i dont really even know. its hard#i feel like. and this is just like. me yknow. i feel like if i wasnt dating a man i'd be missing out on something that i want#like i dont know if i would be content just marrying a woman and being satisfied if i. didnt have a husband. yknow what i mean#and its like. if *I* wasnt a man i'd be sad. if in a relationship i wasnt someone's boyfriend or husband i'd be sad about it#so this is what wraps back around to me being a gayboy about it yknow#its complicated because no matter the gender label outcome. i would STILL want testosterone and surgery and masculine terms#and i KNOW this doesnt mean anything for some people. like some women do all that and are women#so i could just be not-a-man and still want all this anyways#but i also know it doesnt make it any less complicated for some of these women. who also had to think about themselves a lot in this way#its this weird notion of whatever ends up happening i... physically want the same shit anyways. THAT stays almost completely static#so that for me is a breather. its just like.... idk ... if i ever got in a relationship with a woman#i'd feel like i would be intrinsically. missing out on something i wanted#which i think is what a lot of burgeoning gay kids feel generally. right#like if you went down this stringent path laid out for you that you'd be missing out on. your life that you want. right.#i dont know what i want out of that really. sometimes i feel like im too out of it to pursue anything romantically anymore anyways#i do sometimes think it'd be cool to be a butch woman. kinda..?#i think what i like about that is the masculinity of myself is gender non-confirming if i were a woman#which if im a masc guy i'm just like. your average dude. like. right#but i wanna be a bear about it. i wanna fag it up about it. and my metric of being transgender im not ... average about how i present mysel#can someone teach me how to fag it up. the construction worker part of this is working right#sighhhh.... i have to go shower. maybe i;'ll have a shower epiphany or something. sighhhhh#sometimes in my head being a woman would be alright. but its like.. i dont even know how to decode it#i think some people would call what im feeling being genderfluid. some people might call it something else. it depends on like. you yknow#and what you want. and what makes you smile. me? not quite so sure anymore#and i think its like. this sounds like its laid quite bare right. but its hard to word even.#but sometimes im like. am i just like. talking ...? yknow what i mean.
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tariah23 · 3 months
Hi I hope this question makes sense but how would I call out friends use of what might be aave? Im worried about being wrong and it not being aave/sounding like a white knight but I dont want to ignore it.
Hi! And no, you’re fine. If you’re not black, it’s always best to look up terms and listen to what black people say to begin with, that’s the most important thing and if you’ve seen black people talk about a specific term that you might recognize as being aave, simply let your friends know that they shouldn’t really be using such terms in the first place since at this point, viewed as antiblack and micro aggressive because Black people have grown tired of having to talk about this same problem over and over again. Especially when they use such terms directed at Black people. If they continue to use the terms despite being told not to, then you already know what they are.
#I won’t deem everyone who isn’t black a full blown racist for continuing to use aave but it does show that they don’t respect us at all#and that being merely told about how harmful and uncomfortable it is for them to continue on using them while ignoring what black#people are always saying about such topics… well 🗿#meh#anonymous#tkf replies#what can you do#people still make fun of how black peoples talk but as soon as our terms go viral and turned into stupid internet slang all of a sudden#there are white kids and nbs from the suburbs and across the world running them into the ground and misusing them like hell#and in the same manner#they don’t even realize that they just end up embarrassing themselves in the same way old people try to act ‘hip’ and with the times by#using slang#it’s very…#this is literally how it looks to black people whenever nbs and white folks use it#it’s just very uncomfortable#and it’s even worse when you have them explaining terms and adding their own twists and definitions to terms that they never understood to#begin with#it’s rather unsightly lol#makes me cringe#sometimes I don’t even say shit anymore because I’d see mutuals use aave and I’d go ‘um…. 🧍🏾‍♀️?’ like it’s so…#it always comes back to nbs and whites thinking that the way that black people talk is “’funny’ and when they want to act tough irl or over#the internet they start throwing out all sorts of aave terms like a baby learning it’s first words#the most incomprehensible string of words pulled together in hopes of appearing either ‘cool’ or ‘intimidating’#it’s… 👎🏾#funny thing is#the lot of these people don’t even have black friends or talk to black ppl in rl#a lot of them act like they’re afraid of us for some reason and would pull a 60’s white woman crossing the street so fast but be on the#internet talking about some ‘don’t get caught lackin!’ like oh brother#you get how this sounds right 😭!? it’s ridiculous
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munamania · 4 months
um yall… sam’s roommate pulled up to coffee like. um. dressed like this. btw. and their hair is just like. a better fluffier mullet. is this surprising
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#just wanna express what i’m dealing with btw because the hair thing sort of hit me like a truck earlier and then i was like#well girl wait… literally… come on lmao… also we both wore sweatervests hashtag twinem#it’s so chill though coffee was really fun#we ended up hanging for like two hours and then i was like fuckkkkk g2g to class and they walked w me partway there#and then almost dapped me up gave me a hug at the worst possible intersection there were so many people walking fuck the construction fr#but like. yeah it was chill im glad i reached out even tho like idk things r... ok.. w sam but we’re certainly not like 🤞#and i think they just had a semi recent breakup and drama and im like. um. largely unwell#and need 2 just get through this semester so i rlly forced myself to chill and go in with no expectations and it was just :-)#i was charmed by how passionate he was talking abt the weather and stuff like within minutes of meeting#i was listening to a very excited spiel about el nino and the tornadoes in wisconsin and etc oh and they came up w an ocean fact for me#and also ugh they played piano for so long growing up and can still like. do it. fucckcjkkk. and demonstrated#this rlly odd chord. um. like stretching and flexing their hand. srrryy lol i’m just giggling#lol and i mentioned my hair journey at one point and they were like ‘yeah? tell me about it’ shut UP… oh and also#knew exactly the stairwell i was talking abt when i described my favorite and we managed to chat abt that ugh it was so dorky#like. aw wow this person is just really cool#i also think they’re stupid hot but like idk since we actually um communicated and etc it's taken out a lot of the#tendency i had/have to be like 'sigh what if -' and er mythologize ppl. i suppose could be said. like aw we're just yapping and we're loyal#story likers now and if they ever want to just like make out sometime that’s so chill but regardless like we ball 💪#yayyyyyayyyyy me when i can be normal about things!!!!! 🫶🙈#abby talks
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keeps-ache · 4 months
my sibling just tripped and i said 'god bless you ?????' like they sneezed or something ??
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cerealmonster15 · 7 months
Idk if it’ll be the case when I read more story but so far I think it’s very funny that the in universe responses to the two pairs of boys are so drastically different… like when I watched that one petite sekai vid w/the vivid Bad squad café, the offscreen npcs were like “omg those two boys are so cool and mysterious and hot” meanwhile literally any time someone comes in contact with Rui and/or tsukasa they’re immediately like “oh god it’s those weird guys again please don’t look at me I don’t wanna talk to you I gotta get outta here NOW!!!!” like even when they met each other their first thought was “huh that guy’s kinda weird” but at least they liked it enough to hang out…. They have each other…. wonderhoys against the world I guess!!!
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