#Andrew B. Sterling
Is there any chance we could have a round up of the Circus? I am so lost on how the dominoes fell over the last 40 days
Okay this is not comprehensive, because (a) my husband the politics nerd is currently on his way to a gig in west Wales somewhere and so cannot chime in and also (b) all our political journalist friends are understandably quite busy right now doing political journaling, but I seem to have an influx of new followers who are also very confused and don't understand what's going on, so I shall try.
Alright so what we're seeing here is the Second Clownfall of 2022, the hotly anticipated sequel to the Adventures of Big Dog the Clown. However it revolves around the character of Liz Truss, and will use some terminology, so
Previous Reading
Important Terminology - Required Reading
What is a Whip?
How do Whips work?
Shadow Cabinet
Front Benchers, Back Benchers and the Cabinet
What do we need to call an early General Election?
The Adventures of Big Dog the Clown - Suggested Reading
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Elanor's Guide to Liz Truss - Suggested Reading
Character-based prequel
...okay I think that's everything. On with the show!
The Premiership of Liz Truss (2022-2022)
Week One
We begin our tale on September 5th, 2022. Coincidentally, that was also the date that I personally started my new job. Let's see which of us does better!
The Daily Mail is delighted, and runs a headline proclaiming "Cometh the hour, cometh the woman". Tory rag in a frock coat the Financial Times runs an op-ed:
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So the results ARE IN! She will definitely fuck us up! But that's a good thing for vague reasons! Blitz spirit everyone. Tally ho, pip pip, shoot a servant and have sex with a wall, hey what. Good old Blighty.
(That's my best impression of Tories I'm good at their accents I hope you like it)
Truss does an interview with Laura Kuenssberg, and fellow guest and comedian Joe Lycett wildly and effusively applauds her every word. Even Liz realises no one would sincerely applaud her. Bafflingly, the entire right wing press and every member of the Tory party freak out about this, because they don't understand the function of a satirist and don't know how to defend against it. It is extremely funny. Joe Lycett announces he's a right-wing comedian now, and begins a new extended career bit effusively and sarcastically praising right wing politicians. They all cry extensively and call him mean.
SO, it's been a long hard leadership campaign! But she made it. For years, Tories have been blighted by the curse of the PM/Chancellor relationship, backstabbing and cheating and lying about each other to try and get power. But not our Liz, oh no; her Chancellor is Maths Mate and BFF Kwasi Kwarteng, an insipid and poisonous gnome known for three (3) things:
He once wrote a stupid book with Liz Truss about his stupid opinions on how he thinks economics work and everyone laughed at him and stuffed him in a locker
On the night of the Brexit vote he was overheard by a journalist gleefully saying “Who cares if sterling crashes? It will come back up again“ which are of course the words of a man who knows all about economics and how they work
This fucking bullshit back in July:
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But hey IT'S OKAY! Everything is fine! Because Liz and Kwasi are BFFs who certainly never had an affair and are marching in lockstep and have each other's backs and both love maths more than their own children if they had any! Maths Friends!
Multiple resignations immediately follow.
Among them is Ben Elliot, the Tory Party chair, which is a pretty big deal from a man who just lived through the Johnson years; also, shockingly, Priti Patel, the deportation-happy Home Secretary, decides that even as an animatronic goblin she cannot support this nonsense.
It's not a resignation per se, but at ten to seven in the evening it's announced that Andrew Bridgen, the Troy MP for Leicestershire North West, has been evicted from his home and ordered to pay £800,000 in legal costs, and a possible £244,000 in rent arrears. Also described as "dishonest" by a judge.
This is not directly relevant to Liz Truss but look, it was a staggeringly weird day and this was basically the topper.
Liz goes to the Palace and is duly sworn in by the Queen, who promptly keels over and dies the very next day. Parliament is instantly shut down for mandatory mourning. As omens go, this one was not subtle.
This triggers the circulation of some very awkward footage of Young Truss talking about how she thinks the Monarchy should be abolished for being a gross relic of horrifying social stratification. However you must understand that it's not awkward because anyone thinks she murdered the Queen. It's because Liz Truss's attempts at public speaking are like sitting through a children's Christmas play when you're the only person in the audience and they can all see your face so you have to look encouraging for four hours when inside you are shrivelling into something approximating an apricot pit travelling to the core of Jupiter.
Take a look at her acceptance speech and wither.
Anyway we're now several MPs and a queen down so she's got to get on replacing those so she can focus on her real love: the much-anticipated mini-budget that she is preparing with Kwasi to save the UK from the harrowing quagmire of crippling poverty that Big Dog managed to drive us into (all while pretending it wasn't Big Dog who did it.)
Fortunately, she does not need to replace the queen! Monarchies take care of themselves, which many people would argue is very much the problem, of course. They had a proper reunion with Meghan From Suits and Meghan From Suits' husband, both of whom were banned from visiting Balmoral, and also the Nonce flew in, who was allowed to visit Balmoral. Such heartwarming scenes.
But the Cabinet, that's another matter. That's something Liz DOES have to do, and it's important she gets it right, Tumblrs, because you see, every time a Cabinet minister is replaced it's expensive and a hassle and it weakens a government by making them look all crumbly, like a packet of biscuits that's been rammed against a wall and now someone is opening it and everyone is bracing for Crumbs.
So, step forward to the Cabinet soulless ghoul Suella Braverman, the new Home Secretary. She immediately distinguishes herself by trying to legalise torture.
And then, naturally,
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YEAH THAT'S RIGHT IT'S TICK TOCK TERF O'CLOCK also FUCK the sovereignty of the Scottish Parliament amirite ladies lol Girl Power uwu
Not that she can actually do anything at this point, of course. As I say: Enforced Mourning is in process, which means Parliament is shut down for ten days. No work, no speeches, no appearances, no announcements, just taxpayer's money going on legal fees to see if she can interfere with another nation's elected government in order to strip away the human rights of queer people.
However, while we all weep over the corpse of Queen Lizzie Two and beat our breasts in grief, the already-beleaguered pound is slowly bleeding out through this inaction. And this, to the Maths Mates, is unacceptable.
Two things get quietly slid into the news cycle.
Thing the First:
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Thing the Second:
Fracking ban in England lifted in bid to boost UK gas supply - BBC News
For those who don't know, fracking is an energy extraction process. Water, gas and dust are pumped at high pressure into shale bedrock to crack it open, releasing pockets of natural gas that can then be harvested for fuel. It's environmentally disastrous for multiple reasons, both direct (earthquakes, groundwater pollution, social impacts) and indirect (IT'S STILL A FOSSIL FUEL YOU STUPID CUNTS ARE YOUR SKULLS FUCKING EMPTY). The Welsh and Scottish governments have both banned it outright, a straight-up "Foot down no, petal". England, though, is the Tory paradise, so the ban was less complete.
However, this is still a Huge Deal - the 2019 Tory manifesto was very clear that fracking would only be unbanned IF "the science shows categorically that it can be done safely". In fact, most Tories don't like it either. Their constituents REALLY don't. Also in March Kwasi Kwarteng literally went on record and said it wouldn't lower European gas prices anyway; but not anymore! Now he thinks it's a zippy idea. Just spiffing. Top hole, pip pip (I'm so good at their accents :))
Scientists who have been studying the environmental impacts of fracking produce their report -
And it is quietly buried, so as not to offend the corpse of Lizzie Two.
Here ends the first four days of the Reign of Liz Truss.
Second Week
Anyway, royalists have gone insane and started a REALLY BIG queue to see a box that supposedly contains the rotting cadaver of the old queen. Multiple people have to be hospitalised because they join the Queue and don't take food, water, warm clothes, or essential daily medications with them, even though the Queue is literally days long. Some die. Many take the ashes of their own loved ones so they can wave them at the box for the thirty seconds they get to be in front of it, like a sort of play date for ashes.
Prince Charles, now King Prince Charles, starts swanning about as King, demanding everyone be sad for him and clap him to cheer him up. Someone holds up a sign saying 'Not my King' and gets arrested. This triggers a whole wave of protests and arrests as free speech slides out the window, until the Met Police chief has to step in and explain to the police like they're five-year-olds that they can't do that, actually, and need to cut that shit out.
But we can't wholly blame the police, because the main pressure to clamp down on protestors actually came from...
The government.
Meanwhile the country goes bat shit fucking insane. In order not to offend the fragile sensibilities of royalists, now so brittle they need to be treated with the same delicate touch normally reserved for unstable nitroglycerin, the UK sees supermarkets lowering the volume of self-serve checkout desks, people's funerals cancelled, vital operations and other medical interventions postponed, Centre Parcs cancelling holidays, FOOD BANKS CLOSING, Nintendo Direct cancelling its live stream in Britain (but not cancelling the release of the recording onto You Tube an hour later because as we all know Queen Elizabeth II was a MASSIVE livestream fan and would have been DEVASTATED to miss it but she was very 'meh' about YouTube), cycle racks being closed, and this unhinged shrieking harridan:
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Very normal, lads. Very normal.
Oh and also they cancelled Owain Glyndwr Day so as a Welsh person I am now legally allowed to forcibly ram a daffodil into the urethras of the landed English gentry.
However, the protests grow as the suppression wanes. By the time King Prince Charles comes to Wales, he is met with silent protests, this guy who learned a sentence in Welsh specially for the occasion, and a petition to abolish the Prince of Wales title.
Except government is still shut down, so the petitions are all suspended.
But not to worry! That gives the Maths Mates more time to work on their special mini-budget.
Week Three
More of the same at first, really, but she finally addresses the nation to announce that the Queen was the "rock" on which "modern Britain was built".
Also someone finally spots that the necklace she always wears is a day collar, so that was fun.
The moment we have all been waiting for, with baited breath.
On the 23rd September, 2022, the mini-budget finally arrives. The golden egg of Kwasi and Liz, their beloved, beautiful child, the crowning glory, the culmination of their economic beliefs and values. They are so proud of it, so sure of it, that they do not even submit it for the approval of the Office for Budget Responsibility. Why should they? This is the moment Kwarteng can finally show the world that he was right; that this is the way to do economics after all; that he alone in his brilliance and genius has reinvented the field and will lead the country to a new era of riches and prosperity.
And the pound does this:
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Truss goes into hiding for a day and a half, during which time her aids claim all her relatives have died so she won't have to speak to the press, which is obviously a simply fantastic quality in a Prime Minister. Finally, she resurfaces by doing a series of radio interviews for regional stations around the UK, hoping they'll be easier on her, starting with Radio Leeds. The good journalists of Yorkshire eviscerate her and strew her corpse through Adel Woods. It's downhill from there.
Week Four
One poll puts Labour 33 points ahead of the Tories.
It can be a little difficult to translate polls, because the electoral system is complex, so I asked my journalist friends. They cheerfully informed me that, if translated into a General Election, the Tories would have just 3 seats left.
Except! Of course, naturally, that is me reporting naught but the most extreme result, Tumblrs, dancing upon the bones of my enemies as I chant the rites to make the Tory party die faster. If I were to be fair about this - and I am, of course, a journalist of Integrity and Morals - I would actually give the average poll result. And I am wise and fair to all, ancient rites aside, so I shall.
The average poll result is still 19 points ahead.
Tony Blair's landslide Labour victory in 1999 was 12 points.
Rounding off the day, Labour declare that they are backing a change to a proportional representation voting system in place of the UK’s archaic first past the post system. Funny that.
Anyway, that mini-budget is going poorly. Realising unlimited borrowing rather than tax cuts for the rich is maybe Bad Actually, the Maths Mates decide to get the money for their bail-outs some other way. Can you guess, Tumblrs? Can you guess where they decide to get the money from?
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Week Five
In a fascinating little twist, the papers claim Liz banned King Prince Charles from going to the Climate Summit in Egypt. This is interesting for about a billion reasons, not least of which is that the papers seem very angry about this and yet also that it's an unsubstantiated rumour - the phrase "it's understood that _" gets a hell of a workout.
She then does not go herself. Makes sense. They'll probably be mean to her about the fracking.
She then loses the support of the Daily Mail, a paper that five weeks before were ecstatic about her rise to power :( so sad. But why? What made them change their minds?
Well. What else from Truss, but a massive and catastrophic u-turn on the economy?
And she does! The absolute nutter!
Plans to cut the 45p tax rate for those earning upwards of £150,000 were abandoned, as were:
abolishing the planned rise in corporation tax
cutting the basic rate of income tax
the two-year energy bill support plan
scrapping the planned dividend tax hike
VAT-free shopping for international tourists
freezing alcohol duty
easing of IR25 rules for the self-employed
ALL GONE! All gone. The mini-budget is not working so lol jk we'll think of something else, that's how government works, right? The pound promptly implodes further. Of all people, Nadine Dorries is the one to criticise
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The Daily Mail still finds a way to say it's all Michael Gove's fault, though.
Anyway, the 5th October dawns bright and beautiful and YouGov polls rural voters:
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THIS IS HUUUUUUUUUGE, because farmers just will not fucking stop voting Tory, AND YET. Wowsers. Not just popularity. Voting intention. She might as well have personally infected every farm in the South Downs with foot and mouth disease.
Truss realises her popularity is plummeting and she needs a new audience. She tries to appear down with the kids and declares that she's the only PM to have gone to a comprehensive school.
This is not true. Gordon Brown and Theresa May both did. However, it's certainly true that all three of them became PM by ousting a sitting PM, so there's that I guess.
Week Six
At this point I can start putting in PRECISE DATEs just call ME Robert Peston.
13th October
News reporters start speculating that she'll be done by the end of the month as the first rumoured letter of no confidence reaches us. People realise that her competition for shortest serving PM was a guy who died in office of TB at about the four month mark RIP king sorry about your lungs.
(A reminder - normally, if MPs want to oust a party leader, they must send in 54 letters of no confidence. This makes the 1922 Committee - a bunch of back benchers who preside over this shit - hold a vote of no confidence. A leader who loses gives way - this is very rare. A leader who wins is then immune to another such vote for 12 months, but they almost always crumble within a month or two anyway - this is much more common.)
This is extremely funny, because a newly-elected leader of the party has a 12 month immunity to votes of no confidence, same as people who've won such a vote. Likes charge reblogs cast apparently. MPs are getting desperate.
Pressure mounts. Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng announces that he is "Not going anywhere."
14th October
Chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng is sacked and blamed for the entire economic mess.
Incredibly, Liz does this without first planning a replacement, so it's several hours before Jeremy Cunt suddenly reappears like the spectre at the fucking feast.
Meanwhile here's Ed Milliband on Twitter
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Seven and a half years he waited to retweet that. Seven and a half long years, look, to have the last laugh.
In the end, he still went too soon.
15th October
Deputy PM and also Health Minister Therese Coffey (side note - have they always doubled up in roles like that? Or are there just not enough of them anymore?) announces that she loves antibiotic resistance and dead kids and also breaking laws:
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16th October
The Sunday Times calls for Extremely Corrupt Former Grand Vizier Rishi Sunak to take over, and then a General Election so that Labour can take the reins.
Calling for LABOUR
The Sunday Mail tries to stir up support for Ben Wallace taking over, because no one has heard of Ben Wallace so he needs the boost, but then accidentally publish their front page with a different man
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In another YouGov poll for the Times, not a single political group, age group, area of the country, gender, or other demographic said that Liz Truss was the right choice for PM
This is the new predicted election graph:
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17th October
The projected election results are a Labour victory so complete the opposition would be the SNP. Legend suggests Nicola Sturgeon's cackle on finding out was so powerful she accidentally resurrected a witchfinder.
18th October
Meanwhile in the Senedd, Welsh Tory leader Andrew RT Davies, a sort of humanoid boil dressed in ham, tries to accuse placid and gentle First Minister for Wales Mark Drakeford's Labour of being responsible for long ambulance waiting times.
T'was a mistake.
19th October
Oh boy.
Well, first of all, Suella Braverman sends an official email from her private email address, and then promptly leaves the Cabinet at cannonball speeds as though she's seen a brown child about to be given citizenship. Was she quietly fired by Jeremy Cunt? Did she do it deliberately to resign? On her way out, she blames the true source of our problems - the Guardian-reading, tofu-eating Wokerati.
Nigella Lawson spends the day tweeting tofu recipes.
Meanwhile, Graham Brady, the Chair of the 1922 Committee, comes to Liz Truss to inform her that he has in fact now received 54 letters of no confidence. Normally, of course, that would be considered enough to trigger a vote in her leadership; but not now.
However, these are unprecedented times. So he changes the threshold - if half of the Tories send him letters, her immunity will be revoked.
But the thing is, Tumblrs, the thing is...
It is all about to kick off in the most spectacular and catastrophic fireworks since Guy Fawkes had a dream.
Because Ed Milliband, once accused of leading the country to chaos and now riding high on the joy of his well-timed Twitter jab of Some Days Ago, wakes this morning and chooses violence.
He has spotted, of course, that no one likes fracking; even the Tories are against it.
He has also spotted that Liz Truss is very stupid.
So he goes into the House of Commons, and he digs a big pit and covers it over with twigs and leaves so it can't be seen, and he bakes a big cake and he places it in the middle of the twigs, and he sets up a net to fall as well and a big stick of ACME dynamite, and he hammers in little signs everywhere saying CAUTION - TRAP, by which I am of course being metaphorical because what he actually does is table a motion to extend the moratorium on fracking. The signs aren't necessary, really. This trap is easy to avoid.
All Liz Truss has to do, you see, is not use a three-line whip on this vote.
The three-line whip, as you'll all recall, is the highest level of coercion. MPs cannot defy a three-line whip. MPs cannot even abstain on a three-line whip. MPs have two choices on a three-line whip: to vote as they're told, or to be removed from the party. You obey or resign. That's all.
For this reason, it's sometimes called a 'confidence vote', as it is effectively a stand-in for one. The vote is not about the issue at hand - this is now a vote of confidence in your leader.
(He's also laid lesser traps. Years back when fracking was first being heavily discussed, Ed was Labour leader and one of the main figures in those discussions. During today, before it all Kicks The Fuck Off, a Tory stands and challenges him on previous statements about fracking, trying to accuse him of hypocrisy.
He was fucking ready for it.)
Graham Brady pops his head back around the door. He's changed his mind - a third of the party is all that's needed now to trigger a vote of no confidence in Liz Truss. And legend says he's only 17 off.
This is presumably the reason for what comes next.
Liz panics. Liz sees she's desperately unpopular. Liz sees that she has to do something to shore up support; and she sees that her important fracking rule, which her party hates her for, is now being challenged by a former Labour leader, and if he wins (which he will) she'll lose all credibility and maybe they'll take her nice office away and tell her she was a Bad Girl.
And so, with the inevitability of gravity on the now-leaden pound sterling, she makes it a three-line whip, and a confidence vote in her government.
There is uproar! There is rage! There is blinding fury! Tory MPs are standing up in the Commons and snarling and pissing and moaning! No one likes fracking except Jacob Rees Mogg! For TWO HOURS they shriek and scream and gnash their teeth, yelling at Liz Truss, demanding to know why this is happening.
(Legend has it chaos-deity Ed Milliband simply leaned back, put his feet up on the chair in front, and made Christian Wakeford hand-feed him grapes and fan him with a palm leaf, but this is unsubstantiated.)
And then, at 6.55, FIVE MINUTES before voting is ready to begin, the Tory Minister for Climate Graham Stewart stands up and declares that everyone should vote how they want because it's not a confidence vote.
Did I say there was chaos before?
Lol. Lmao, even. Rofl, in fact.
Now Tories leap to their feet and basically all scream one long, unending breath of WHAT-DO-YOU-MEAN-IT'S-NOT-A-CONFIDENCE-VOTE-WHAT-THE-FUCK-IS-HAPPENING-IS-IT-OR-IS-IT-NOT-A-CONFIDENCE-VOTE and so Stewart gets up again and says, right to everyone's faces, "It's not for me to say whether it's a confidence vote or not," which is an even faster and more spectacular u-turn than Truss herself could pull off given that he literally just said it wasn't and did so while being a minister.
And then the voting starts. MPs are now milling about like chickens who've sighted the hawk, clamouring to know if they're going to lose their jobs unless they vote for Satan. The Whips - specifically Chief Whip Wendy Morton and Deputy Chief Whip Craig Whittaker - descend upon them like fucking wargs on the hunt. They don't just spit vitriol and blackmail into MPs ears. They fucking bodily drag people into the right voting lobby. MPs are legitimately screaming. Grown men are crying literal tears. Labour's Chris Bryant reports holding multiple Tory MPs as they sob into his shoulder. Multiple MPs report similar scenes.
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And Tories still don't know if this is even a damn confidence vote, or if they should just knock the Chief Whip's teeth out.
And then the Whips, filled with bloodlust and frenzy, suddenly realise that NO ONE IS LISTENING TO US, YOU'RE ALL SUPPOSED TO LISTEN TO US SO WE FEEL POWERFUL -
Cue sudden meeting in a locked room with Liz Truss. For over HALF AN HOUR.
So is it a confidence vote? No one is sure. Deputy PM Therese Coffey thinks so, so in the absence of the Whips she decides physical assault is her job now and is seen by David Linden MP (SNP) physically carrying someone into the voting lobby. Jacob Rees Mogg thinks not and starts yelling "It's not a confidence vote!", to which his colleagues reply, "Fuck off." Meanwhile the Whips have possibly resigned, no one is sure. It is still uncertain if this was a confidence vote.
And Ed Milliband basks in the chaos, playing the fiddle while it all burns around him.
Finally, voting concludes. The Whips reappear to lurk.
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The votes are in - the government wins, and fracking will go ahead. But.
32 MPs abstained.
And one of those is Liz Truss.
Which is WILD??!? What possible benefit could she get from that??? No one knows. Everything is uproar again. Guess who else abstained? Well, riveted reader, here's a list with important names highlighted:
Nigel Adams, Gareth Bacon, Siobhan Baillie, Greg Clark, Sir Geoffrey Cox, Tracey Crouch, David Davis, Dame Caroline Dinenage, Nadine Dorries, Philip Dunne, Mark Fletcher, Vicky Ford, Paul Holmes, Alister Jack, Boris Johnson, Gillian Keegan, Kwasi Kwarteng, Robert Largan, Pauline Latham, Mark Logan, Theresa May, Priti Patel, Mark Pawsey, Angela Richardson, Andrew Rosindell, Bob Seely, Alok Sharma, Chris Skidmore, Henry Smith, Ben Wallace, Sir John Whittingdale, and William Wragg.
Kwasi still smarting about that p45, I see.
In any case it then turns out that Liz DID vote, but incompetently, because her voting card didn't read properly, which is actually fair given that she was being screamed at by angry Whips waving Graham Stewart's severed dick and balls around while they demanded power and authority. While she's clearing that up, the press are understandably waiting open-mouthed for comment, but don't worry Liz! Your old pal Jacob Rees Mogg is here to fill in for you!
And thus it is that JRM willingly chooses to go on the live news and calmly confirm to the nation that no one knows if it was a confidence vote or not.
Chaos. Chaos again. Unbridled chaos. The Whips are furious. Everyone is furious. The rebels are now in limbo, unsure if they're now out of a job. Tories are weeping, trying to work out if Rees Mogg WANTS to sink the party. Back bencher Charles Walker MP delivers a frank interview to the press absolutely SHIVERING with rage, like the drummer in a Fleetwood Mac concert. Ex-Lib Dem leader Tim Farron, a bland man known only for the time he himself willingly chose to go on the news and calmly explain that he's a homophobe without provocation, tweets that Liz Truss is a Lib Dem sleeper agent they sent in to destroy the Tories, sparking what is likely to be a whole slew of conspiracy theories by next week. No one knows what is going on. They all decide to sleep on it.
The good folks at Wikipedia ultimately decide to make three separate pages for the UK 2022 government crisis, and to label them with the month "to leave room for another by the end of the year."
Ed Milliband skips all the way home, and treats himself to a bacon sandwich.
20th October
Okay, Liz thinks, the morning after. Okay. Last night was bad. But today will be better.
So first... the vote.
Because there's bad news for Tories who like money and good news for people who like liveable planets - there are problems with the vote. For one, the vote counts are being called into question. Are the results reliable?
For another, the Speaker of the House of Commons calls for an investigation into the reports of, um, assault. So will the result stand?
It's so unclear! And so is that ongoing issue of whether or not the damn thing was a confidence vote. Angry whips say YES, JRM says NO, Downing Street refuses to pick up the phone to the BBC, but does send ITV's Robert Peston a text at 1am to say it was definitely a confidence vote and, unrelatedly, the Whips aren't resigning :)
I think we have found the price paid to keep the Whips.
Meanwhile. Let's see what this has done for Liz's leadership stability!
13 letters of no confidence are confirmed submitted by Sky, 5 of which came in overnight. The 1922 Committee reconvenes the coven to discuss matters. Simultaneously, the One Nation Conservatives reconvene their coven to discuss the same. Presumably there is much "Girl what are YOU doing at the Devil's Sacrament?"-ing and "Same cloak, how embarrassing"-ing. MPs are CLAMOURING for her head. It is VICIOUS. It's like cartoon piranhas in a supervillain's lair; which is highly appropriate, because that's exactly what Tory MPs are.
Graham Brady, head jester of the 1922 Committee, demands to see Liz Truss.
He walks into a room with her, and the doors are closed. Half an hour later, he walks back out of the room.
Ten minutes later, she calls a press conference.
45 days after being appointed, Liz Truss breaks the record, and becomes the shortest-serving British Prime Minister.
2K notes · View notes
A game I often spring on friends who are as obsessed with pop culture as I am is Who'd You Rather?. The terms are loose and we usually do it as a progression (so your last choice is often pitted against a new one). It's light fun but my diabolical goal is usually to torture someone with a choice of nearly equal weight (like I did to myself with the first two selections).
Sharing this here in case anyone would like to join in 😊 My own picks are in bold. If anyone has a round or two for me, feel free to add it in the comment section.
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Daniel Brühl vs Benedict Cumberbatch
Cillian Murphy vs Rami Malek
Gael García Bernal vs Diego Luna
Pedro Pascal vs Oscar Isaac
Riz Ahmed vs Dev Patel
John Cusack vs Ethan Hawke
Hugh Grant vs Jude Law
James McAvoy vs Tom Hiddleston
Michael Fassbender vs Tom Hardy
Matthew Goode vs Dan Stevens
Edward Norton vs Sam Rockwell
Brad Pitt vs Colin Farrell
Keanu Reeves vs David Tennant
Matt Smith vs Hugh Dancy
Adam Driver vs Jake Gyllenhaal
Robert Pattinson vs Jamie Dornan
Regé-Jean Page vs Jonathan Bailey
Michael Cera vs Jesse Eisenberg
Andrew Garfield vs Nicholas Hoult
Matt Bomer vs Andrew Scott
Bill Hader vs Paul Rudd
John Mulaney vs Ramy Yousef
Jason Sudeikis vs John Krasinski
Zachery Levi vs Adam Brody
Paul Dano vs Barry Keoghan
Steven Yeun vs Henry Golding
Domhnall Gleeson vs Ben Whishaw
Elijah Wood vs Daniel Radcliffe
Ryan Gosling vs Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman vs Ewan McGregor
Timothée Chalamet vs Tom Holland
Paul Mescal vs Josh O'Connor
Jeremy Allen White vs Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Shia LaBeouf vs Miles Teller
Mike Faist vs Dane DeHaan
Kingsley Ben-Adir vs Daryl McCormack
Mads Mikkelsen vs James Spader
Robert Downey Jr. vs Tom Cruise
Matt Damon vs Mark Ruffalo
Idris Elba vs Michael B. Jordan
Jeremy Renner vs Bradley Cooper
Henry Cavill vs Chris Hemsworth
Chris Evans vs Sebastian Stan
Alexander Skarsgård vs Bill Skarsgård
Austin Butler vs Jacob Elordi
Mahershala Ali vs Sterling K. Brown
Mark Strong vs Stanley Tucci
Steve Carell vs Bob Odenkirk
Michael Shannon vs Bryan Cranston
Joaquin Phoenix vs Christian Bale
36 notes · View notes
ghelgheli · 1 year
The Stuff I Read in September 2023
Stuff I Extra Liked Is Bold
Orphans of the Sky, Robert A. Heinlein
Starship Troopers, Robert A. Heinlein
Revenant Gun, Yoon Ha Lee
All Systems Red, Martha Wells
Artificial Condition, Martha Wells
Rogue Protocol, Martha Wells
Exit Strategy, Martha Wells
Friendship Poems, ed. Peter Washington
Introduction to Linear Algebra, ch. 1-3, Gilbert Strang
Manga (mostly yuri [really all yuri])
Yagate Kimi ni Naru / Bloom Into You, Nio Nakatani
Kaketa Tsuki to Dōnattsu / Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon, Shio Usui
Onna Tomodachi to Kekkon Shitemita / Trying Out Marriage With My Female Friend, Shio Usui
Kimi no Tame ni Sekai wa Aru / The World Exists for You, Shio Usui
Teiji ni Agaretara / If We Leave on the Dot, Ayu Inui
Nikurashii Hodo Aishiteru / I Love You So Much I Hate You, Ayu Inui
Tsukiatte Agetemo Ī Kana / How Do We Relationship? Tamifull
Himegoto - Juukyuusai no Seifuku / Uniforms at the Age of Nineteen, Ryou Minenami
Colorless Girl, Honami Shirono
Short Fiction
It gets so lonely here, ebi-hime [itch.io]
Aye, and Gomorrah, Samuel R. Delaney [strange horizons]
Evolutionary Game Theory
Red Queen and Red King Effects in cultural agent-based modeling: Hawk Dove Binary and Systemic Discrimination, S. M. Amadae & Christopher J. Watts [doi]
The Evolution of Social Norms, H. Peyton Young [doi]
The Checkerboard Model of Social Interaction, James Sakoda [doi]
Dynamic Models of Segregation, Thomas C. Schelling [doi]
Towards a Unified Science of Cultural Evolution, Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten, Kevin N. Laland [doi]
Is Human Cultural Evolution Darwinian? Alex Mesoudi, Andrew Whiten, Kevin N. Laland [doi]
Gender/Sexuality/Queer Stuff (up to several degrees removed)
Re-orienting Desire: The Gay International and the Arab World, Joseph Massad [link]
The Empire of Sexuality, Joseph Massad (interview) [link]
The Bare Bones of Sex, Anne Fausto-Sterling [jstor]
On the Biology of Sexed Subjects, Helen Keane & Marsha Rosengarten [doi]
Vacation Cruises: Or, the Homoerotics of Orientalism, Joseph A. Boone [jstor]
Romancing the Transgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the “Third Gender” Concept, Evan B. Towle & Lynn M. Morgan [doi]
Scientific Racism and the Emergence of the Homosexual Body, Siobhan Somerville [jstor]
White Sexual Imperialism: A Theory of Asian Feminist Jurisprudence, Sunny Woan [link]
Haunted by the 1990s: Queer Theory’s Affective Histories, Kadji Amin [jstor]
Annoying Anthro
The Sexual Division of Labor, Rebecca B. Bird, Brian F. Codding [researchgate]
Factors in the Division of Labor by Sex: A Cross-Cultural Analysis, George P. Murdock & Caterina Provost [jstor]
Biosocial Construction of Sex Differences and Similarities in Behavior, Wendy Wood & Alice H. Eagly [doi]
Political Theory
Some critics argue that the Internal Colony Theory is outdated. Here’s why they’re wrong, Patrick D. Anderson [link]
Toward a New Theory of Internal Colonialism, Charles Pinderhughes [link]
The Anatomy of Iranian Racism: Reflections on the Root Causes of South Azerbaijans Resistance Movement, Alireza Asgharzadeh [link]
The veil or a brother's life: French manipulations of Muslim women's images during the Algerian War, 1954–62, Elizabeth Perego [doi]
A Difficulty in the Concept of Social Welfare, Kenneth J. Arrow [jstor]
Manipulation of Voting Schemes: A General Result, Allan Gibbard [jstor]
China Has Billionaires, Roderic Day [redsails]
Conversations I Can't Have, Cassandra Byers Harvin [proquest]
Earth system impacts of the European arrival and Great Dying in the Americas after 1492, Alexander Koch et al. [doi]
Why prisons are not “The New Asylums”, Liat Ben-Moshe [doi]
Uses of Value Judgments in Science: A General Argument, with Lessons from a Case Study of Feminist Research on Divorce, Elizabeth Anderson [doi]
Boundary Issues, Lily Scherlis [link]
14 notes · View notes
l3m0ngal5 · 5 months
Hell is Forever
It's Time to Relax... On 'Coral Island' - The Loop
Sam Haft
Andrew Underberg
Alex Brightman
Erika Henningsen
Hazbin Hotel Original Soundtrack
← Happy Day in Hell Stayed Gone →
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Stayed Gone
Stayed Gone
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Out For Love
Happy Day in Hell
Happy Day in Hell
Sterling: Okay, I've got a lot to get through and not a lot of time
And I feel like you weren't hearing me before
So here it goes
I know Hell's population is out of control
It's a bad situation
It's taking a toll
If we rehab these Sinners
And cleanse all their souls
At my Hazbin Hotel—
Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself!
Right! Extermination!
I know you guys fly down
Just to kill once a year
And it must be annoying
To schlep all the way here
If they join you in Heaven
That trip disappears!
You can wave that chore farewell
It'll be a happy day in—
Clayton: Let me stop you right there
Sterling: Oh
Clayton: Save us all precious time
Sterling: Okay...
Clayton: If what you're suggesting
Is letting them climb
Up the ladder
Oh, they'd rather cross the Pearly Gates?
Sterling: Well, uh—
Clayton: Sorry, sweetie
But there's no defyin' their fates!
'Cause Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Sterling: Okay, but—
Clayton: Just try to chillax, babe
You're wasting your breath
Sterling: Hehe...
Clayton: Did I hear you imply
That they don't deserve death?
Are they Winners?
Are they Sinners?
'Cause it's cut and dry
Sterling: Well, actually, if you take a look—
Clayton: Fair is fair, an eye for an eye!
And when all's said and done (Said and done)
There's the question of fun (Fun)
And for those of us with Divine Ordainment
Extermination is entertainment!
Guitar solo, fuck yeah!
Oh, da-nah-nah now-n-now, now-now-now-now
Sterling: Ugh...
Clayton: Hell is forever
Whether you like it or not
Had their chance to behave better
(Sterling: Where the Hell did you people come from?!)
Now they boil in the pot
'Cause the rules are black and white
There's no use in tryin' to fight it
They're burnin' for their lives
Until we kill 'em again!
Fuckin' Hell is forever
And it's meant to suck a lot!
So give up your dumb endeavor
'Cause you don't have a shot!
Long as I've got your attention
I guess I should probably mention
That we made the determination
To move up the next Extermination!
Sterling: What?!
Clayton: Can't wait a whole year
To slaughter those little cunts
I know it's just been a week
But we'll be back in six months!
Sterling: Um, wait, didn't you—
Ugh, SHIT!
A This makes sense b clay and sucks c That's such a good song
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
yeah baftas are unserious. Like ryan , jacob elordi and paul mescal should not be on this list. Ryan I'll def give a pass ( b/c its barbie its was a success, he was fun) but them over mark ruffalo, willem dafoe and charles melton and sterling k brown lile lmao what. No lily gladstone, No greta lee ?????? No natalie portman. I know baftas tend to favour whites over bipoc but they nominated the wrong whites 😭😭😭
Also margot , carey, bradley why are you on these lists you do not belong on them.
Im happy tee yoo got some love. But baftas really loved all of us strangers a british film and yet left out andrew scott the lead who easily the best part and yet was snubbed but paul mescal a nominee um what no.
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Go OFF Anon lol!
I'm still cracking up at "they nominated the wrong whites" lol 😅
I admittedly did not see ALL of the films that have been nominated and making the circuit (I've been SO busy lately....and every weekend I have work events to attend, and then a training for work in Feb one weekend), so I can't really vouch for too many people and argue with you on most of these performances...sorry! But I kind of feel like every year the awards circuit has their faves. Some even get nominated simply because they've been nominated before lol.
And I agree with you, if Margot and Ryan can get nominated for "Barbie", then by golly Jonathan Majors should have been nominated for "Creed 3", because he surely was believable!! 😅
Liiiiiike....come ON!
But, we all know THAT wouldn't happen, now don't we?? 😏 That film doesn't fit the "criteria" of what types of films usually get nominated for these awards shows. Neither does "Barbie" if you really think about it, but it was such a cultural phenomenon, that I think it just got nominated simply for riding on the coattails of the Barbenheimer hype lol. 🤣
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theepsteinlist · 1 year
"epstein" client lists
ring leaders:
epstein and gf
r. kelly
michael jackson
michael vick
donald trump
perps/victims: (i.e. their victims who joined the criminal conspiracy)
kelsey mayfield
megan thee stallion
beyonce knowles
targets:  pretty runaway rich girls who wanna be ~bad girls~ for a weekend and ~seduce an older man~
epstein was known locally to strippers as mr. brown
nazi blood diamond money laundering:
doc martens
james avery
dr pepper/snapple/green mountain/keurig
hobby lobby
american eagle
nazi pedophile blood money (m)/(b)illionaires:
robert a. eckert
sheila a. penrose
john w. rogers jr
miles d. white
richard childress
jen foyle
truett cathy
david green
meg whitman
john mcafee
alice walton
brian kelley
travis kalanick
mark zuckerberg
tony xu
new braunfels: ring leaders:
amy allen
sam allen
lori hines
donna simpson
targets: high school kids who just wanna ~have fun~ and ~have a safe environment to drink in~ because "there were adults present so it's safe"
sergio zamora
bryce parrock
chris allen
travis allen
clayton mott
curtis kostan
travis kostan
calvin hoffman
ashton henderson
hannah jeroswhatever jerosezswki
lisa pickens
rachael lee muschalek
courtney cashion
taylor davis
raelynn haggerty
adam sheldon
devin kelley
zach rhoades
ryan walker
taylor akins
samantha rich
stephanie gawlik
charlie miffleton
chris tysdal
ross johnson
reed edwards
paige beyer
landre nattinger
aubrie iverson
andrew shafer
matt durbin
spencer jergins
clint whitley
tim word
chad laborde
chez council
"victims"? (participants with a wide spectrum of consent that were nonetheless assaulted/exploited)
maggie osborne
esmerelda ??? (zapatos?)
liz perez
autumn reno
angel ??? (bustos?)
destiney sheldon
katie turpin
kiki grossman
lauren laborde
lindsay smith
stephen lupton
landre nattinger
ashton henderson
hannah jerosewzski
ring leaders:
david duke
greg abbott
ken paxton
vance lesseig
walton family
taylor swift
david green
james reno
edwin braun
marisol padilla
chuck kirchhof
tom muschalek
dunno mr. zeitler's name
aforementioned men's wives
oakwood baptist church of new braunfels
community bible church of new braunfels
vance langley
coach schmidt
coach mclean
mrs. lindsay
ms. pradervand
mr. baker
mr. trollinger
mr. ??? (other NBHS short term criminal justice teacher in 2009)
officer broussard
shelby lesseig
rachael lee muschalek
kelsey mayfield
henry desroches
thomas neupert
michael brennan
mark hardiman
dr. hardiman
sam allen
judge and mrs. gray
targets: young teenagers that were ~special~, i.e. identified by the duke talent program
sam coronado
samantha allen
mitchell ridsdale
aaron criddle
ben turrubiates
akash motani
faizal khan
sterling demasters
zach mares
ethan poulter
jordan thiem
edward stockwell
anthony castilleja
charles tandy
jonathan dockall
emily brandon
lauren knipe
heather brown
josh burlison
the trix family
the piranha family
gavon payne
emma roddy
alison kim
sarah perrilloux
amanda and mary pike
sarah stiponavich
stephen phipps
allie alcala
jeremy priest
jackson faires
alex mott
marco martinez
brandon anderson
scott antoine
amber antoine
star hernandez
jessica atwell
rylee young
jamie hand
suzanne stricker
emily langendorff
olivia langley
taylor francis
ana castro
maria chavez
tanner brewer
katie ha
zach parrish
anthony tran
kylie blair
cullen nisson
ranger wallace
taylor mares
kathryne mares
jayme zigler
evan zigler
gracie payne
ellie payne
manuel deleon
the dione triplets
justin and taylor schwarz
araceli ayala
jamie bell
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
rachel jones
andrew bryant
michael trombold
stephanie bryant
ashley bryant
daniel schroeder
kirsten schroeder
alexandria ingram
julianna pappalas
kindell hardin
edward yu
alexis lewis
katherine davis
ana ??? (katherine's girlfriend, texas a&m track team 2013)
ajay patel
james lamon
emily lamon
dionne diaz
mirea ayala
katelyn warner
kirby fisher
kyle fisher
tyler rougeux
kyle rougeux
josh chappell
kyle chappell
jaimee chapell
emily chappell
tyler mcdonald
marissa maddon
john maddon
tessa loge
eden bonneville
jack rhodes
andrew romero
lauren laborde
sarah laborde
stephenea sotcheff
sophia sotcheff
david mis
britton ware
will stapleton
canaan hoffman
caitie hoffman
sarah kreuger
ben jacks
ben triesch
gabe ramos
gene jacobson
aj jerosewszki
daniel phipps
daniel schumacher
eric stiebing
stephen rapp
maisha rumman
shradha thakur
vamsi vishnubhotla
michael carl
lindsay smith
lindsey kubena
samantha partida
steven partida
victoria rich
jennifer koepp
jenniffer flores
anne manzano
elizabeth villarreal
denise ortiz
kevin korpi
brad arnold
ed gonazles
david eckert
felicia curtis
trent wenzel
coach woodall
coach kilford
mrs. bock
mrs. lopez
ms. wetz
ms. caldwell
ms. biggs
mrs. thompson
oldest batey girl
oldest gorski girl
any other teenagers in central texas that have died in car crashes since 1980 or so
bharadwadj tanikella
hayley gray
colby callahan
austin milam
heath burley
los angeles:
ring leader: grayson bauer
targets: young runaway artist girls
harvey weinstein
bill cosby
jack antonoff
dr. luke
beyonce knowles
travis scott
janelle monae
megan thee stallion
erykah badu
mark oliver everett
marina diamandis
breandan urie
victims: (ranging from financial abuse to outright sex trafficking)
ellie goulding
rina sawayama
billie eilish
avril lavigne
amy lee
ky voss
christine and the queens
la roux
chloe chaidez
tove styrke
tove lo
bebe rexha 
ximena sarinana
angel haze
azaelia banks
colbie caillat
charli xcx
kim petras
kacey musgraves
mia rodriguez
melanie martinez
jazmin bean
ivy levan
iggy azaelia
alice glass
cardi b
nicki minaj
charlotte sometimes
lana del rey
sky ferreira
florence and the machine
sarah jaffe
alex winston
jessica hernandez
tegan and sara
caitlin rose
alice merton
hailey williams
emily king
rett madison
king mala
princess nokia
post malone
sir babygirl
caroline polachek
moses sumney
king princess
dorian electra
lil nas x
phoebe bridgers
harry styles
alicia keys
lil mariko
carrie underwood
kelly clarkson
mount moriah
zz ward
miranda lambert
the chicks
frank ocean
chance the rapper
ariana grande
britney spears
christina aguilera
alessia cara
mac demarco
sam fender
jason isbell
mexican institute of sound
la perla
gera mx
royal blood
st. vincent
white reaper
biffy clyro
the chats
corey taylor
cage the elephant
vishal dadlani
shor police
diet cig
flatbush zombies
dj scratch
jose madero
moses sumney
j balvin
chase & status
backroad gee
the neptunes
jon pardi
portugal. the man
aaron beam
the hu
tomi owo
phoebe bridgers
miley cyrus
elton john
yo-yo ma
robert trujillo
chad smith
dave dahan
mickey guyton
dermot kennedy
mon laferte
igor levit
my morning jacket
pg roxette
darius rucker
chris stapleton
goodnight, texas
imelda may
chery glazerr
kamasi washington
rodrigo y gabriela
worked with grayson, benefitted from him, but were not aware anything was going on or did their best to help:
st. lucia
tame impala
the hush sound
straylight run
the naked and famous
blue october
old 97's
frank turner
sea wolf
my chemical romance
avenged sevenfold
blaqk audio
fall out boy
young the giant
san francisco:
ring leaders:
marc benioff
elon musk
travis kalanick
evan spiegel
steve jobs
jeff bezos
mark zuckerberg
steve chen
bill gates
michael dell
ren zhengfei
eoghan mccabe
secondary: grayson bauer using this circle for remote revenge crypto shills from 20mission and burning man preying on runaways as well
targets: queer tech-inclined teenagers
zach snow
dan granquist
jeremy whittington
taran patel
jim spagnola
seth tager
walter harley
jose garcia
connor cook
andrew zigler
chris sullivan
"anna lytical" (billy)
kelsey mayfield
caroline rhoades
henry desroches
mark hardiman
ben angel
ian coldwater
"belgium solanas" (michael troy judd)
meagan clawges
nalini prakash
lovi yu
peeyush aggarwal
matthew allen
samantha allen
janus rose
c boucher
chelsea manning
ben turrubiates
emily johnston
gavon payne
jamie delton
chris koch
amanda le
naomi wu
tux pacific
sev welker
alison kim
cara mazzi
ruby ??? (caroline's old roommate)
nick ??? (caroline's ex-boyfriend)
rachel forbes
daphne gunawan
trisha day
sidney powell
srijita mori
rebecca ??? (srijita's partner)
scott conger
erin nielsen
qinlin chen (catherine chen)
hank yang
kevin ren
aaron wong
matt hwang
chloe cauley
zane witherspoon
ana garcia
jeremy cruz
john lewis
lida wang
waylon clanton
wyatt clanton
tyler mcdonald
jasmine christiansen
new york/london/vegas && norcal/socal rivalries
ring leaders:
bernie madoff
jack antonoff
joanne rowling
evan spiegel
fox news, et al
new york times, et al
washington post, et al
the guardian, et al
noah pentecost
mark zuckerberg
jp morgan/chase bank/etrade
lin manuel-miranda
bari weiss
sarah jeong
juliette sieve
ravi gill
will yang
jesse yang
sahil bhumi
???? (their armenian friend from stanford 2012 class)
antonis kartanapis
marko salkovic
erykah badu
oakstop coworking space
wag dogsitting app
kent from youtube & his sri lankan sugar mama
gabriella from wag
stephenie meyer
"e.l. james"
john green
hank green
susan collins
meg cabot
angela santomero
john kricfalusi
tom cruise
george r. r. martin
david benioff
targets: expressive, artistic teenagers envied by big money bankers and "feminist" writers
tori holland
janus rose
andrew bryant
daniel schroeder
max parks
amanda le
kelsey mayfield
samantha allen
josh burlison
ben turrubiates
henry desroches
nico ??? (from shippo)
sev welker
rachael kauffman
janelle monae
kim petras
scarlett ??? (my friend in the london club scene)
james sampson
james twigg
james sanchez
maria nunez
young asian women, age 18 - 22, going to raves and to vegas (i.e. "asian baby girls")
john lewis
lida wang
katie holmes
stacy london
carrie brownstein
ring leaders:
richard stallman
steven pinker
mark zuckerberg
queer software engineers
priscilla chan
amanda le
samantha allen
josh burlison
jamie delton
jamie hand
katie ha
emily johnston
chris koch
cara mazzi
jasmine christiansen
mark hardiman
chicago && washington dc
ring leaders:
barack obama
rahm emanuel
beyonce knowles
joe biden
targets: pretty, light skinned, liberal teenagers interested in politics
samantha allen
emily brandon
lauren knipe
andrew zigler
andrew bryant
michael trombold
carissa nietzche
cassie barrett
jordan d'eri
haley gray
ben turrubiates
jose garcia
ana garcia
victoria benson
cj dehart
austin scarborough
stephen lupton
michael morton
michelle moon
jeff stevens
becky pickert
ashton nicole casey
carter freeman
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rhettabbotts · 1 year
other than lew and that one older actor (i’m sorry i forgot his name), who else are your favorite actors?
oh babes are we just talking male actors only? i hope so bc buckle in!!!
harrison ford is my number one forever and always but i do have a lot more.
tom hanks, jason sudeikis, brett goldstein, oscar isaac, pedro pascal, bradley whitford, bill pullman, michael b. jordan, patrick swayze, sterling k. brown, andrew garfield, jeremy strong, brendan fraser, winston duke, peter scanavino…
i could go on sadly but that’s all for now!!
ask me anything!
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eureka-roleplay · 2 years
Active? Also, MW FC's (female and male) I need suggestions, sorry. 😊
Hi there! Here’s a non-exaustive smattering of fcs:
alexandra breckenridge, joanna garcia swisher, kylie bunbury, olivia cooke, naomi scott, billie piper, ruth wilson, vanessa kirby, aisha dee, antonia thomas, alice braga, yara shahidi, hannah john-kamen, rachel hilson, aja naomi king, carmela zumbado, cierra ramirez, monica barbaro, odette annable, nicola coughlan, torrey devito, gabrielle union, jess sula, anna diop, jessica parker kennedy, hannah waddingham, troian bellisario, gugu mbatha-raw, poppy liu, alexandra shipp, jessica chastain
rami malek, david casteñeda, ryan eggold, daveed diggs, manish dayal, alex meraz, steven yeun, michael b. jordan, taron egerton, scott michael foster, john david washington, sterling k brown, david tennant, idris elba, keiynan lonsdale, john boyega, alfred enoch, nathan stewart-jarrett, justin hartley, anthony mackie, ross butler, dev patel, charles melton, lucien laviscount, ricky whittle, jesse lee soffer, adam rodriguez, hugh grant, max irons, dan stevens, matthew goode, jason sudeikis, andrew garfield, riz ahmed
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westbays · 6 days
mw older faces??
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brookstonalmanac · 29 days
Events 8.24 (after 1930)
Jews are forced to flee the city. 1931 – Resignation of the United Kingdom's Second Labour Government. Formation of the UK National Government. 1932 – Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to fly across the United States non-stop (from Los Angeles to Newark, New Jersey). 1933 – The Crescent Limited train derails in Washington, D.C., after the bridge it is crossing is washed out by the 1933 Chesapeake–Potomac hurricane. 1936 – The Australian Antarctic Territory is created. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: the Basque Army surrenders to the Italian Corpo Truppe Volontarie following the Santoña Agreement. 1937 – Spanish Civil War: Sovereign Council of Asturias and León is proclaimed in Gijón. 1938 – Kweilin incident: A Japanese warplane shoots down the Kweilin, a Chinese civilian airliner, killing 14. It is the first recorded instance of a civilian airliner being shot down. 1941 – The Holocaust: Adolf Hitler orders the cessation of Nazi Germany's systematic T4 euthanasia program of the mentally ill and the handicapped due to protests, although killings continue for the remainder of the war. 1942 – World War II: The Battle of the Eastern Solomons. Japanese aircraft carrier Ryūjō is sunk, with the loss of seven officers and 113 crewmen. The US carrier USS Enterprise is heavily damaged. 1944 – World War II: Allied troops begin the attack on Paris. 1949 – The treaty creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization goes into effect. 1950 – Edith Sampson becomes the first black U.S. delegate to the United Nations. 1951 – United Air Lines Flight 615 crashes near Decoto, California, killing 50 people. 1954 – The Communist Control Act goes into effect, outlawing the Communist Party in the United States. 1954 – Vice president João Café Filho takes office as president of Brazil, following the suicide of Getúlio Vargas. 1963 – Buddhist crisis: As a result of the Xá Lợi Pagoda raids, the US State Department cables the United States Embassy, Saigon to encourage Army of the Republic of Vietnam generals to launch a coup against President Ngô Đình Diệm if he did not remove his brother Ngô Đình Nhu. 1967 – Led by Abbie Hoffman, the Youth International Party temporarily disrupts trading at the New York Stock Exchange by throwing dollar bills from the viewing gallery, causing trading to cease as brokers scramble to grab them. 1970 – Vietnam War protesters bomb Sterling Hall at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, leading to an international manhunt for the perpetrators. 1981 – Mark David Chapman is sentenced to 20 years to life in prison for murdering John Lennon. 1989 – Colombian drug barons declare "total war" on the Colombian government. 1989 – Tadeusz Mazowiecki is chosen as the first non-communist prime minister in Central and Eastern Europe. 1991 – Mikhail Gorbachev resigns as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1991 – Ukraine declares itself independent from the Soviet Union. 1992 – Hurricane Andrew makes landfall in Homestead, Florida as a Category 5 hurricane, causing up to $25 billion (1992 USD) in damages. 1995 – Microsoft Windows 95 was released to the public in North America. 1998 – First radio-frequency identification (RFID) human implantation tested in the United Kingdom. 2001 – Air Transat Flight 236 loses all engine power over the Atlantic Ocean, forcing the pilots to conduct an emergency landing in the Azores. 2004 – Ninety passengers die after two airliners explode after flying out of Domodedovo International Airport, near Moscow. The explosions are caused by suicide bombers from Chechnya. 2006 – The International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefines the term "planet" such that Pluto is now considered a dwarf planet. 2016 – An earthquake strikes Central Italy with a magnitude of 6.2, 2016 – Proxima Centauri b, the closest exoplanet to Earth, is discovered by the European Southern Observatory. 2017 – The National Space Agency of Taiwan successfully launches the observation satellite Formosat-5 into space.
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A man obsessed with conspiracy theories becomes a target after one of his theories turns out to be true. Unfortunately, in order to save himself, he has to figure out which theory it is. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Jerry Fletcher: Mel Gibson Alice Sutton: Julia Roberts Dr. Jonas: Patrick Stewart Agent Lowry: Cylk Cozart Mr. Wilson: Steve Kahan Flip: Terry Alexander Cynic: Alex McArthur Justice Guard: Rod McLachlan Justice Guard: Michael Potts Justice Guard: Jim Sterling Public Works Man: Rich Hebert Clarke: Brian J. Williams Piper: G. A. Aguilar Henry Finch’s Secretary: Cece Neber Labao Alice’s Secretary: Saxon Trainor Grouchy Nurse: Sage Allen Nurse – Roosevelt Hospital: Joanna Sanchez Cop – Roosevelt Hospital: Michael Shamus Wiles Lawyer: Andrew Lauren Tech: Danny Smith Surveillance Operator: Sean Patrick Thomas Helicopter Pilot: Al Cerullo Cleet: Dean Winters Night Security – Federal Building: Rick Hoffman Surveillance Operator: Peter Jacobson Intern: Troy Garity Alice’s Father: Bert Remsen Jonas’ Aide: J. Mills Goodloe Old Man in Book Store: Leonard Jackson Film Crew: Director of Photography: John Schwartzman First Assistant Director: Jim Van Wyck Original Music Composer: Carter Burwell Producer: Joel Silver Editor: Kevin Stitt Producer: Richard Donner Casting: Marion Dougherty Assistant Editor: Kris Cole Associate Producer: Julie Durk Writer: Brian Helgeland Co-Producer: Richard Solomon Art Direction: Gregory Bolton Editor: Frank J. Urioste Co-Producer: Dan Cracchiolo Co-Producer: J. Mills Goodloe Post Production Supervisor: Ilyse A. Reutlinger Unit Production Manager: Helen Pollak Unit Production Manager: Nan Bernstein Freed Second Assistant Director: John G. Scotti Set Decoration: Casey Hallenbeck Set Designer: Lauren Cory Set Designer: Joseph G. Pacelli Jr. Set Designer: Thomas Betts Leadman: Steven Curtis Husch Still Photographer: Andrew Cooper Video Assist Operator: Martin Glover Underwater Director of Photography: Pete Romano Second Second Assistant Director: Sean McCarron Unit Publicist: Stephanie Pond-Smith Script Supervisor: Sioux Richards Key Grip: Les T. Tomita Best Boy Grip: Audie Aragon Dolly Grip: Brad Rea Location Manager: Robbie Goldstein Location Manager: David E. Kaufman Negative Cutter: Mo Henry Color Timer: David Orr “A” Camera Operator: Mitchell Amundsen Steadicam Operator: Neal Norton First Assistant Camera: Christopher Duskin First Assistant Camera: A. Anthony Cappello Second Assistant Camera: Thomas D. Lairson Jr. Second Assistant Camera: Charles B. Katz Camera Loader: Jacobus Marcus Supervising Sound Editor: Mark A. Mangini Supervising Sound Editor: George Simpson Sound Editor: Richard L. Anderson Sound Editor: Mike Chock Sound Editor: John Dunn Sound Editor: Julia Evershade Sound Editor: Eric Lindemann Sound Editor: Geoffrey G. Rubay Assistant Sound Editor: Oscar Mitt Assistant Sound Editor: Sonny Pettijohn Music Editor: Adam Milo Smalley Scoring Mixer: Michael Farrow Orchestrator: Sonny Kompanek Supervising ADR Editor: James Simcik ADR Editor: William C. Carruth ADR Editor: Denise Horta ADR Mixer: Troy Porter Sound Re-Recording Mixer: John T. Reitz Sound Re-Recording Mixer: David E. Campbell Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gregg Rudloff Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Jeffrey J. Haboush Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Kevin E. Carpenter Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Dan Hiland Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gary D. Rogers Foley Editor: Solange S. Schwalbe Foley Editor: Aaron Glascock Production Sound Mixer: Tim Cooney Boom Operator: Todd Bassman Chief Lighting Technician: Andy Ryan Assistant Chief Lighting Technician: Brian Evans Assistant Costume Designer: Christopher J. Kristoff Costume Design: Ha Nguyen Production Design: Paul Sylbert Costume Supervisor: Kimberly Guenther Durkin Makeup Supervisor: Lee Harman Makeup Artist: Richard Dean Makeup Artist: Mel Berns Jr. Key Hair Stylist: Stephen Robinette Hairstylist: Lyndell Quiyou Hairstylist: Monique DeSart Property Master: Erik L. Nelson Assistant Property Master: Christopher Amy Special Effects Coordinator: Michael Meinardus Stunts: S...
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webionaire · 6 months
eacting to the White Publishing World: Zora Neale Hurston and Negro Stereotypes
Claudine Raynaud
118 Accesses
1 Citations
Hurston’s article in The Negro Digest ‘What White Publishers Won’t Print’1 (April 1950) bemoans the dearth of novels that depict Negro and other ethnic minority characters with emotions and rest content with the stereotypes of the ‘exceptional’ Negro and the ‘quaint’. Taken on its own account, it is a vindication of minority rights and argues for a true reflection of what American society was like in the 1950s. It is an appeal to fight racist ideology precisely by undoing racist and sex- ist stereotypes, such as the idea that the black American cannot love, but can only exhibit ‘the passion of sex’ (Hurston 1995, p. 953).2 In this text, Hurston does not limit herself to the depiction of black life. She is indignant about the way in which Jews, as well as other ethnic minorities, such as the Chinese, are maligned by authors supported by contemporary publishers. These texts, she argues, serve to glorify the image that the white Anglo-Saxon intellectual elite have of themselves, and promote. She advocates novels in the vein of the naturalist school embodied at the time by Nobel Prize novelist Sinclair Lewis and his best-selling Main Street (1920).3 When Hurston wrote that essay, her publishing years were over, the productive decade of the 1930s a thing of the past. She was aiming at placing her new work with white publish- ers who were working with the major modernist authors of the day. Her anti-communism was just as fierce as her desire to be true to the variety and the breadth of Negro experience.
African American Culture
Racist Ideology
Black Life
Negro Life
Black Writer
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.
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Select bibliography
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Hurston, Zora N. (1939) Moses, Man in the Mountain. In Zora Neale Hurston: Novels and Stories. New York: Library of America, 1995, pp. 337–593.
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Authors and Affiliations
Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, France
Claudine Raynaud (Professor of English and American Studies)
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Aix-Marseille Université, France
Cécile Cottenet (Associate Professor) (Associate Professor)
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© 2014 Claudine Raynaud
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Raynaud, C. (2014). Reacting to the White Publishing World: Zora Neale Hurston and Negro Stereotypes. In: Cottenet, C. (eds) Race, Ethnicity and Publishing in America. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137390523_6
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thetalentedmrkashyap · 7 months
B-10 : Oscar 2024 Predictions - A Film Fan's Perspective
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The 96th Academy Awards, a.k.a. The Oscars®, are set to happen on March 11 at 4:30 AM IST. The celebrations of the Oscar season are at their full peak. Amid the fun and excitement - and less than 24 hours for the ceremony to start, here's a look at the movie categories and our predictions of the winners. These are predictions based on the trends, previous award ceremonies this year (like Golden Globes, BAFTA, Critics Choice, and SAG), and the winners - along with my perspective. So sit back and stay with me till the end:-
Best Picture
American Fiction – Ben LeClair, Nikos Karamigios, Cord Jefferson, and Jermaine Johnson, producers
Anatomy of a Fall – Marie-Ange Luciani and David Thion, producers
Barbie – David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley, and Robbie Brenner, producers
The Holdovers – Mark Johnson, producer
Killers of the Flower Moon – Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Martin Scorsese, and Daniel Lupi, producers
Maestro – Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Fred Berner, Amy Durning, and Kristie Macosko Krieger, producers
Oppenheimer – Emma Thomas, Charles Roven, and Christopher Nolan, producers
Past Lives – David Hinojosa, Christine Vachon, and Pamela Koffler, producers
Poor Things – Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Yorgos Lanthimos, and Emma Stone, producers
The Zone of Interest– James Wilson, producer
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Prediction: Oppenheimer 
It's highly doubtful that the Academy would not give the highest honor to Nolan's cinematic masterpiece of the year. Not doing so would lead to havoc.
Best Director
Justine Triet – Anatomy of a Fall
Martin Scorsese – Killers of the Flower Moon
Christopher Nolan – Oppenheimer
Yorgos Lanthimos – Poor Things
Jonathan Glazer – The Zone of Interest
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Prediction: Christopher Nolan
Nolan has given the ultimate blockbuster of the year - a period film with intense acting and technical excellence. It's time to make up for the snubs of the past.
Best Actor
Bradley Cooper – Maestro as Leonard Bernstein
Colman Domingo – Rustin as Bayard Rustin
Paul Giamatti – The Holdovers as Paul Hunham
Cillian Murphy – Oppenheimer as J. Robert Oppenheimer
Jeffrey Wright – American Fiction as Thelonious "Monk" Ellison
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Prediction(s): Cillian Murphy
With his wins at the Golden Globe, BAFTA, and the SAG, it's time for the Irishman to get the golden man for his first role as a leading man in a Nolan (after playing supporting or character roles in movies like The Dark Night Trilogy, Inception, and Dunkirk).
Best Actress
Annette Bening – Nyad as Diana Nyad
Lily Gladstone – Killers of the Flower Moon as Mollie Burkhart
Sandra Hüller – Anatomy of a Fall as Sandra Voyter
Carey Mulligan – Maestro as Felicia Montealegre
Emma Stone – Poor Things as Bella Baxter
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Prediction(s): Emma Stone/Lily Gladstone/Sandra Hüller
The competition for best actress is intense - as Gladstone has showcased her method acting (which might make her the first Native American to win the trophy). Meanwhile, Stone's feminist portrayal of a woman on her purpose to stand for equality and liberation seems Oscar-worthy (with her acting wins this year). Hüller, on the other hand, has given a breathtaking performance in the trilingual thriller.
Best Supporting Actor
Sterling K. Brown – American Fiction as Clifford "Cliff" Ellison
Robert De Niro – Killers of the Flower Moon as William King Hale
Robert Downey Jr. – Oppenheimer as Lewis Strauss
Ryan Gosling – Barbie as Ken
Mark Ruffalo – Poor Things as Duncan Wedderburn
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Prediction(s): Robert Downey Jr
RDJ might be memorable for Tony Stark/Iron Man. However, it's his portrayal of Strauss that's going to win this year. With two previous nominations (including one for portraying Charlie Chaplin), RDJ would likely be the first Marvel hero to win the Golden Man. He would also repeat the feat of Actor-Supporting Actor wins for the same film - after 1959's Ben Hur (Charlton Heston - Charles Laughton), 2003's Mystic River (Sean Penn - Tim Robbins), and 2013's Dallas Buyers Club (Matthew McCoughnahey - Jared Leto).
Best Supporting Actress
Emily Blunt – Oppenheimer as Kitty Oppenheimer
Danielle Brooks – The Color Purple as Sofia
America Ferrera – Barbie as Gloria
Jodie Foster – Nyad as Bonnie Stoll
Da'Vine Joy Randolph – The Holdovers as Mary Lamb
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Prediction(s): Da'Vine Joy Randolph
Randolph's portrayal of a grieving mother stuck in a boarding school during the holiday season involves her comedic timing and emotional depth.
Best Original Screenplay
Anatomy of a Fall – Justine Triet and Arthur Harari
The Holdovers – David Hemingson
Maestro – Bradley Cooper and Josh Singer
May December – Screenplay by Samy Burch; Story by Samy Burch and Alex Mechanik
Past Lives – Celine Song
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Prediction(s): Anatomy of A Fall/The Holdovers
While the former is this year's Palme d'Or winner and Golden Globe-winning screenplay, the latter is what would become a holiday classic. It's going to be a tough contest between the two films.
Best Adapted Screenplay
American Fiction – Cord Jefferson; based on the novel Erasure by Percival Everett
Barbie – Greta Gerwig and Noah Baumbach; based on characters created by Ruth Handler
Oppenheimer – Christopher Nolan; based on the biography American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin
Poor Things – Tony McNamara; based on the novel by Alasdair Gray
The Zone of Interest – Jonathan Glazer; based on the novel by Martin Amis
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Prediction(s): Oppenheimer/American Fiction
The former might be possible with the guaranteed Best Picture & Director awards - which could make Nolan another director to win writing, directing, and producing Oscars. However, the latter would pose a tough competition - as it has already won the Writers Guild of America (WGA) Award, the Critics Choice Award, and several other precursor accolades. Its poignant exploration of race, family, and the American dream resonates with critics and audiences.
Best Animated Feature
The Boy and the Heron – Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki
Elemental – Peter Sohn and Denise Ream
Nimona – Nick Bruno, Troy Quane, Karen Ryan, and Julie Zackary
Robot Dreams – Pablo Berger, Ibon Cormenzana, Ignasi Estapé, and Sandra Tapia Díaz
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse – Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller, and Amy Pascal
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Prediction(s): Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse/The Boy and the Heron
It'll be Marvel's turn to preside over this category - with its innovative animation style, captivating story, and emotional connection. However, the Golden Globe-winning Japanese anime with a timeless tale of loss and resilience is a strong contender for the American animated film.
Best International Feature Film
Io capitano (Italy) – directed by Matteo Garrone
Perfect Days (Japan) – directed by Wim Wenders
Society of the Snow (Spain) – directed by J. A. Bayona
The Teachers' Lounge (Germany) – directed by İlker Çatak
The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom) – directed by Jonathan Glazer
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Prediction(s): The Zone of Interest
The Grand Prix-winning tale of a Nazi leader's family living next to Auschwitz is a tale that will send chills down the spine.
Best Documentary Feature Film
Bobi Wine: The People's President – Moses Bwayo, Christopher Sharp, and John Battsek
The Eternal Memory – Maite Alberdi
Four Daughters – Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha
To Kill a Tiger – Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe, and David Oppenheim
20 Days in Mariupol – Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner, and Raney Aronson-Rath
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Prediction(s): 20 Days in Mariupol
A tale about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, 20 Days in Mariupol has won several documentary awards at multiple film festivals and award ceremonies. If it wins, it would be another film about the dark side of Russia to win the Oscar.
Best Documentary Short Film
The ABCs of Book Banning – Sheila Nevins and Trish Adlesic
The Barber of Little Rock – John Hoffman and Christine Turner
Island in Between – S. Leo Chiang and Jean Tsien
The Last Repair Shop – Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
Nǎi Nai & Wài Pó – Sean Wang and Sam Davis
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Prediction(s): The Last Repair Shop
Showing Los Angeles as one of the few United States cities to offer and fix musical instruments for its public school students at no cost, it might win the Oscar - as it has previously won the Critics Choice Documentary Award for the same category.
Best Live Action Short Film
The After – Misan Harriman and Nicky Bentham
Invincible – Vincent René-Lortie and Samuel Caron
Knight of Fortune – Lasse Lyskjær Noer and Christian Norlyk
Red, White and Blue – Nazrin Choudhury and Sara McFarlane
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar – Wes Anderson and Steven Rales
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Prediction(s): The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar
I guess it's time for Anderson to win his Oscar now - with his colors, symmetry, and star cast.
Best Animated Short Film
Letter to a Pig – Tal Kantor and Amit R. Gicelter
Ninety-Five Senses – Jared and Jerusha Hess
Our Uniform – Yegane Moghaddam
Pachyderme – Stéphanie Clément and Marc Rius
War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko – Dave Mullins and Brad Booker
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Prediction(s): War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko
Inspired by and featuring John Lennon and Yoko Ono's peace anthem "Happy Xmas (War Is Over)," It is a simplistic take on war and humanity - which the Academy might honor.
Best Original Score
American Fiction – Laura Karpman
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny – John Williams
Killers of the Flower Moon – Robbie Robertson †
Oppenheimer – Ludwig Göransson
Poor Things – Jerskin Fendrix
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Prediction: Oppenheimer
With his 54th nomination (and final because of his retirement), John Williams has entertained with his latest rendition of one of Hollywood's greatest film franchises. However, Goransson's Oppenheimer soundtrack adds tension to the film's plot - particularly with "Can You Hear the Music?" He can easily add an Oscar to his collection of Awards for Oppenheimer.
Best Original Song
"The Fire Inside" from Flamin' Hot – Music and lyrics by Diane Warren
"I'm Just Ken" from Barbie – Music and lyrics by Mark Ronson and Andrew Wyatt
"It Never Went Away" from American Symphony – Music and lyrics by Jon Batiste and Dan Wilson
"Wahzhazhe (A Song for My People)" from Killers of the Flower Moon – Music and lyrics by Scott George
"What Was I Made For?" from Barbie – Music and lyrics by Billie Eilish and Finneas O'Connell
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Prediction: What Was I Made For?
It's likely a second win for the Eilish-O'Connell siblings - after No Time to Die. 
Best Sound
The Creator – Ian Voigt, Erik Aadahl, Ethan Van der Ryn, Tom Ozanich, and Dean Zupancic
Maestro – Steven A. Morrow, Richard King, Jason Ruder, Tom Ozanich, and Dean Zupancic
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One – Chris Munro, James H. Mather, Chris Burdon, and Mark Taylor
Oppenheimer – Willie Burton, Richard King, Gary A. Rizzo, and Kevin O'Connell
The Zone of Interest – Tarn Willers and Johnnie Burn
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Prediction: Oppenheimer
It's Nolan's year when it comes to technical awards. The sound design and editing show that Nolan has duly followed the laws of physics - and ensured tension in the other scenes.
Best Production Design
Barbie – Production Design: Sarah Greenwood; Set Decoration: Katie Spencer
Killers of the Flower Moon – Production Design: Jack Fisk; Set Decoration: Adam Willis
Napoleon – Production Design: Arthur Max; Set Decoration: Elli Griff
Oppenheimer – Production Design: Ruth De Jong; Set Decoration: Claire Kaufman
Poor Things – Production Design: James Price and Shona Heath; Set Decoration: Zsuzsa Mihalek
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Prediction(s): Barbie/Poor Things
Fantasy films have eye-grabbing sets and decorations that are attractive to the Academy voters. It can be either of the two women-centric films.
Best Cinematography
El Conde – Edward Lachman
Killers of the Flower Moon – Rodrigo Prieto
Maestro – Matthew Libatique
Oppenheimer – Hoyte van Hoytema
Poor Things – Robbie Ryan
Prediction(s): Oppenheimer
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Hoytema's camerawork captures expansive desert vistas and painfully intimate close-ups using IMAX film cameras (in color and monochrome). A win for him is confirmed
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
Golda – Karen Hartley Thomas, Suzi Battersby, and Ashra Kelly-Blue
Maestro – Kazu Hiro, Kay Georgiou, and Lori McCoy-Bell
Oppenheimer – Luisa Abel
Poor Things – Nadia Stacey, Mark Coulier, and Josh Weston
Society of the Snow – Ana López-Puigcerver, David Martí, and Montse Ribé
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Prediction(s): Maestro
Although other movies have dominated the major categories, a Bradly Cooper film can win an Oscar this year - with the magnificent transformation of the lead actor into Leonard Bernstein. 
Best Costume Designing
Barbie – Jacqueline Durran
Killers of the Flower Moon – Jacqueline West
Napoleon – Janty Yates and Dave Crossman
Oppenheimer – Ellen Mirojnick
Poor Things – Holly Waddington
Prediction(s): Barbie/Poor Things
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Like many fantasy films, it's a tough pick between the two films in costumes - like the production design category.
Best Film Editing
Anatomy of a Fall – Laurent Sénéchal
The Holdovers – Kevin Tent
Killers of the Flower Moon – Thelma Schoonmaker
Oppenheimer – Jennifer Lame
Poor Things – Yorgos Mavropsaridis
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Prediction(s): Oppenheimer
It goes with saying for the technical awards and Nolan - with the montages, parallel storytelling, and transitions that accompany the screenplay.
Best Visual Effects
The Creator – Jay Cooper, Ian Comley, Andrew Roberts, and Neil Corbould
Godzilla Minus One – Takashi Yamazaki, Kiyoko Shibuya, Masaki Takahashi, and Tatsuji Nojima
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 – Stéphane Ceretti, Alexis Wajsbrot, Guy Williams, and Theo Bialek
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One – Alex Wuttke, Simone Coco, Jeff Sutherland, and Neil Corbould
Napoleon – Charley Henley, Luc-Ewen Martin-Fenouillet, Simone Coco, and Neil Corbould
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Prediction: Godzilla Minus One
I'm deeply offended that Oppenheimer didn't get a nomination in this category. However, with the nominees, I'd have to pick Godzilla - with its first-ever nomination in the franchise - and also because it is a visual spectacle besides Oppenheimer this year.
That's all for now. Let's see who wins what this year. See you at the Oscars.
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swashbuckler5e · 10 months
Black Panther 2018
Black Panther is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the 18th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The film was directed by Ryan Coogler, who wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, and stars Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther alongside Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya. , Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Sterling K. Brown, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis. In Black Panther, T'Challa is crowned king of Wakanda after his father's death, but is challenged by Killmonger (Jordan), who plans to abandon the country's isolationist policies and start a world revolution.
Wesley Snipes planned to make a Black Panther film in 1992, but the project did not come to fruition. In September 2005, Marvel Studios listed a Black Panther film as one of ten films based on Marvel characters intended to be distributed by Paramount Pictures. Mark Bailey was hired to write a script in January 2011. Black Panther was officially announced in October 2014 and Boseman made his debut as Captain America: Civil War (2016). Cole and Coogler joined by then, with additional casting in May. Black Panther was the first Marvel Studios film with a black director and a predominantly black cast. Principal photography took place from January to April 2017 at EUE/Screen Gems Studios in the Atlanta metropolitan area and in Busan, South Korea. Black Panther premiered at the Dolby Theater in Los Angeles on January 29, 2018, and was released theatrically in the United States on February 16 as part of Phase III of the MCU. Critics praised its direction, writing, acting (especially by Boseman, Jordan, and Wright), costume design, production values, and soundtrack, but some criticized the visual effects. Many critics consider the film to be one of the best of the MCU, and it has also been noted for its cultural significance. The National Board of Review and the American Film Institute named Black Panther one of the ten best films of 2018. It grossed $1.3 billion worldwide and broke numerous box office records, becoming the highest-grossing film directed by a black filmmaker, the ninth-highest-grossing film on release, the third-highest-grossing film in the United States and Canada, and the second-highest-grossing film of 2018. Movie
Black Panther was nominated for seven awards at the 91st Academy Awards, winning three and receiving many other accolades. It was the first superhero film to receive a Best Picture nomination and the first MCU film to win in multiple categories. A sequel, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, was released on November 11, 2022, while a television series set in Wakanda is being developed for Disney+.
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 8: 75-51
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
 75.  Zari, Not Zari (L5x8)
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76, Written by: Morgan Faust, Tyron B. Carter, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 „You can't kill me. I'm a god.“
„Yeah? I've faced worse.“
 74.  Freakshow (Legends of Tomorrow 3x2)
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35, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Grainne Godfree, Directed by: Kevin Tancharoen
 "We're bringing the circus to the circus."
 73.  The Magician (Arrow 3x4)
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50, Written by: Wendy Mercile, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: John Behring
 "I apologize for involving you in this. My quarrel is with your father." "My father's been dead for years, you crazy psycho bitch." "Not Robert Queen. Your true father—Al Sa-Her. 'The Magician.' Known to the uninitiated as Malcolm Merlyn."
 72.  Crisis on Infinite Earths 1-5
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Part 1: Supergirl Episode 5.9/96, Written by: Robert Rovner, Marc Guggenheim, Derek Simon, Jay Faerber, Directed by: Jesse Warn, Part 2: Batwoman Episode 1.9/9, Written by: Din Whitehead, Holly Henderson, Directed by: Laura Belsey, Part 3: The Flash Episode 6.9/123, Written By: Lauren Certo, Sterling Gates, Eric Wallace, Directed By: David McWhirter, Part 4: Arrow: Episode 8.8/168, Written by: Marv Wolfman, Marc Guggenheim; Directed by: Glen Winter, Part 5: Legends of Tomorrow Episode 5.0/68, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: Gregory Smith
 "It was not supposed to be like this. This is not his ending I foresaw."
"Things are turning out differently than expected. But one thing is certain. Everything we know... everything there is... and everything there ever was... is doomed."
 "You have suffered a horrible loss, but you have every reason not to lose hope. Seven in fact. Across space and time exist seven heroes, Beings of the purest will, who can ultimately defeat the Anti-Monitor, and help save the multiverse. They are known as Paragons."
 "It is time... to end the age of heroes, and everything you hold close."
 "You have failed this universe!"
 "Oliver died so that we could continue to fight. He sacrificed everything for this new world, and we will not fail him. We will not fail this world. For Oliver."
 71.  The Getaway (Legends of Tomorrow 4x10)
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61, Written by: Matthew Maala, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: Viet Nguyen
 "At least we got a road trip, at least it was with you guys. You know, maybe that's what "family" is: the people you don't mind being annoyed by."
 70.  Midvale (Supergirl 3x6)
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48, Written by: Caitlin Parrish, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Rob Greenlea
 "That was the first time I really became Kara Danvers." "It's a good thing, too. Got us through the next 10 years."
"Think I remember... thinking I would never feel at home on Earth. I still don't, in a way. But I feel at home with you." "Always."
 69.  For the Girl who has everything (Supergirl 1x13)
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13, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Ted Sullivan, Derek Simon, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "Kara Zor-El is at peace, which is more than she deserves. She has everything her heart desires."
 68.  Aruba-Con (Legends of Tomorrow 3x1)
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34, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Rob Seidenglanz
 "You don't think you need us anymore. Look Rip, this is our mess. You have to let us fix it."
"Using your team to fix anything is like doing brain surgery with a chainsaw."
 67.  Crisis on Earth X 1-4
 Part 1: Supergirl 3.8/ 50, Written by: Robert Rovner, Jessica Queller, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Larry Teng, Part 2: Arrow 6.8/ 123, Written by: Wendy Mercile, Ben Sokolowski, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: James Bamford, Part 3: The Flash4.8/77, Written by: Todd Helbing, Andrew Kreisberg, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Dermott Daniel Downs, Part 4: Legends of Tomorrow 3.8/21, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Keto Shimizu, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: Greogry Smith
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"Best wedding ever!"
 "This is sick."
"You mean looking at your reflection and seeing only weakness? I agree."
 "It's hard to believe a place like this actually exists, on any Earth."
"I wish I shared your sentiment. But in all my travels to distant times, one thing that sadly remains constant is man's ability to feel hatred for other men."
 "When you think about it... compared to the cosmos, one's life is but a blink of an eye."
 66.  Here I go again (Legends of Tomorrow 3x11)
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44, Written by: Ray Utarnachitt, Morgan Faust, Directed by: Ben Bray
 "I have spent so much time with you guys. You're my family now. You deserve to be happy and if I can be a small part of making that happen, then this will be worth it."
 65.  Unthinkable (Arrow 2x23)
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46, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Behring
 "To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable."
 64.  Luthors (Supergirl 2x12)
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32, Written by: Robert Rovner, Cindy Lichtman, Directed by: Tawnia McKiernan
 "People don't remember this, Kara, but Clark and Lex Luthor used to be best friends. For years. And Clark believed in Lex for the longest time. No matter what people said. No matter what kind of proof he saw with his own eyes. No. Lex was his friend. But Clark was wrong."
"Lena is not Lex."
 63.  Checkmate (Arrow 5x16)
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108, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Sarah Tarkoff, Directed by: Ken Shane
 "Oh... I'm ten steps ahead of you and you haven't even figured out what game we're playing yet."
 62.  The Virgin Gary (Legends of Tomorrow 4x1)
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52, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Grainee Godfree, Directed by: Gregory Smith
 "Well, not to pressure you, but the entire fate of the Sexual Revolution is in the balance here."
"That is my favorite revolution."
 61.  The Man Under the Hood (Arrow 2x19)
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42. Written by: Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg, Keto Shimizu, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "'Cause if I knew who he really was, then he'd become a person, right? Maybe he's got a family. Friends. People that care about him. Someone with a life. That he couldn't be what I needed him to be. What this city needs him to be. It's the Arrow that matters. The man under the hood isn't important. Look at me. Can you imagine what it's like to be him? What he has to live with day in and day out, what that's gotta be like? Hey. The least I can do is sit here and do a little bit of time for him."
 60.  Welcome to Earth (Supergirl 2x3)
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23, Written by: Jessica Queller, Derek Simon, Directed by: Rachel Talalay
 "Do the Hatfields mention the McCoys?"
"I take it your two planets didn't get along?"
 59.  Witch Hunt (Legends of Tomorrow 4x2)
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53, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Matthew Maalaa, Directed by: Kevin Mock
 "People always fear what they don't understand. And that fear turns them into monsters. But we can't let it turn us into monsters, too. We have to be better than them."
 58.  Helen Hunt (Legends of Tomorrow 3x6)
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39, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ubah Mohamed, Directed by: David Geddes
 "Wait... You're that talent agent from the party."
"I assure you, I am something far more ruthless than a Hollywood agent."
 57.  Deathstroke (Arrow 2x18)
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41, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Drew Z. Greenberg, Directed by: Guy Bee
 "They're calling you Deathstroke."
"That's a bit flamboyant. I like it."
 56.  Present Tense (Arrow 8x4)
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164, Written by: Oscar Balderrama, Jeane Wong, Directed by: Kristin Windell
 "Someone told me the only way to change the future is to start doing things differently now."
 55.  Phone Home (Legends of Tomorrow 3x4)
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37, Written by: Matthew Maala, Directed By: Kevin Mock
 "You know, I felt alone for a long time. So long, that I just figured that's how things were going to be. It turns out there were people out there for me that I didn't even know I wanted. You'll find your people too, I promise. You just have to keep believing that things will be okay, even when it's hard."
 54.  Supergirl Lives (Supergirl 2x9)
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29, Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Eric Carrasco, Jess Kardos, Directed by: Kevin Smith
 "Imagine my excitement when one of my fighters told me about Slaver's Moon. I jumped at the opportunity to help expand its market."
 53.  Heir to the Demon (Arrow 2x13)
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36, Written by: Jake Coburn, Directed by: Wendey Stanzler
 "We all have to keep secrets, Ms. Smoak."
 52.  Tagumo Attacks!!! (Legends of Tomorrow 4x5)
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56, Written by: Keto Simizu, Ubah Mohamend, Directed by: Alexandra LaRoche
 "Guys. I think we're gonna need a bigger timeship."
 51.  Honor Thy Fathers (Arrow 5x21)
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113, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Laura Belsey
 " What I can tell you is that nearly ten years ago, in a moment of... of immense courage, Robert Queen chose to sacrifice himself so that I might live. So that I had the opportunity to leave behind a better legacy than he did. So that I might return and one day serve this city. Today, we took a step forward. With help from the Green Arrow and his team, the Throwing Star Killer is now behind bars, and our streets are a little safer. Tomorrow, we'll take another step forward. The day after, we will take another one."
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lawlessfm · 2 years
mwm of color?
yes,      any of these beautiful fcoc would have me on the floor,   respectfully!!!      some suggestions we’d really love to see here would be rahul kohli,     daniel kaluuya,     dwayne johnson,     edgar ramirez,   cliff curtis,     denzel washington,     omar epps,     raymond ablack,      mahershala ali,    derek mio,   dev patel,       gong yoo,   leo sheng,        laurence fishburne,       alperen duymaz,    brian tee,   manny jacinto,     lakeith stanfield,     oscar isaac,    diego luna,    lewis tan,   john boyega,    tony leung,    gil birmingham,     jd pardo,     lee dong wook,     keanu reeves,     lee je hoon,     giancarlo esposito,   benicio del toro,   jonathan majors,    zahn mcclarnon,    alex meraz,      d’pharaoh woon-a-tai,  forrest goodluck,    idris elba,    steven yeun,     martin sensmeier,   rami malek,    javier bardem,    chiwetel ejiofor,    shah rukh khan,      ricky whittle,     shemar moore,      jung  wooseok,      jesse williams,    keith powers,    michael b jordan,     isiah mustafa,     yahya abdul mateen,     andrew koji,    ilhan şen,   hyun bin,    sen mitsuji,    kento yamazaki,     remy hii,    danny pino,    charles melton,    aldis hodge,    kayvan novak,    john david washington,   michael peña,    terrence howard,    sterling k brown,    mark consuelos,   daniel henney,    nattawin wattanagitiphat,   david castañeda,    fukushi sota,   takeru satoh,    gerardo taracena,   benjamin wadsworth,     clayton cardenas,     phakphum romsaithong,     ji jin hee,    kang tae oh,     regé jean page,       jimmy smits,      frank dillane,     kasamatsu sho,     michael trevino,    peter gadiot,    fujioka dean,   wagner moura,   hiroshi tamaki,     ludi lin,    lee soo hyuk,   charles michael davis,   kwak dong yeun,    and avan jogia  ( they / he ) .      i hope this helps!  
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