#Angel Farnham
vicsuragi · 2 years
i am in disbelief of this movie
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Watching Con O'Neill Content Day 8- 3 Steps to Heaven
Warnings for: Full Body Nudity, drug use, murder, torture, BDSM Imagery, forced kiss
Online this is classified as a Comedy by Rotten Tomatoes, which feels fair. When you google it says Suspense/Dark Comedy.
Initially, based on the premise, I thought this movie was just Vengeance Is Mine but Con plays one of the fuckers semi-responsible. I was not entirely wrong.
Full Spoilers Below! If you don't want my reactions, skip to the dotted separations at the end for the rating!
I've separated out parts where Con is on screen, and identified if a part of the movie takes place in a flash back.
Why did she pull the gun out in elevator the first place. Like. Idk man, seems like you could have waited.
Love the step-by-step instructions for gun assembly
Why is she just spinning in circles with a gun in her hand? How does that help train for anything?
CON! I hate the facial hair, oh how I hate it. Just in combination with the short hair. Makes him look way older. Like, it probably fits the character- But like, if he fluffed it, or did anything besides letting it stay so flat-
Is he on something? The character Angel, not con. Clearly, he's going for paranoid criminal, and I love it.
You know what, I can enjoy this. 'Worried?' "Now that you mention it, yeah!' Sweet. That was a nice car they took.
If Con's look is interesting the man with a knife and a beaver on his head is something extra.
Con in a wife beater getting pinned and interrogated is surely something.
Hey look, he's allowed to laugh! Crazy how that works.
Angel just letting himself get driven around by her is very funny
She makes him close his eyes, and gives him a bullet. Babe. What the fuck does that even mean. You can't use a gun properly.
"I've met someone" Babe, you don't know her name. This is just Con in most of his roles, but Jesus. Never really noticed it was a trope of his until now.
Wife Beater+ Tighty Whitie's+ Cig is also surely a thing
Cocaine + waving a gun around. A winning combo
Angel- this makes 3 Con characters doing stupid shit with guns...Please lower the accidental kill count
"Oh," Carefully raises one finger, schusses the air "Gotta be quicker" Why am I loving this so much? This man has clearly never killed another person.
WHY THE MOUTH AND FINGER SUCKING CLOSE UP. He's licking up the trace of drugs on the table, but why was this the choice.
Wife beater+ Tighty Whittie's+ Cig+ white ROBE is amazing
Don't get too close to the balcony now babe, I know you're excited, you'll be thrown if in no time.
Did he give her his address? Why is she here? He's trying to lay low? Does he just think he needs to get laid and surely this woman won't murder his ass?
Angel stealing my actual fit. Jean button-up + blue Jeans in 90s fashion. Bastard.
Angel, sadly you aren't one of the Con characters our lead will run away with.
AHHHHHH hahahhaha that pistol whip. His dramatic fall. This fall vs ep9 OFMD is honestly a tie. Dramatic and extra as fuck.
They're both just anxious little purse dogs shaking so hard. Why? Calm down babe, you are literally holding a gun, and he's tied down in a chair.
Babe, it's been two weeks since your guy died and he's being hunted down for money. He probably doesn't remember what he had for breakfast the previous day, let alone your man.
(In the flashback for this one point)THOSE EARRINGS ARE OBNOXIOUS
Oh, good. The Beaver hair guy is back.
This is where our guy dies!
To be fair if I walked in and my target was already tied up, I'd also be very happy.
I didn't think there would be this much panting and grunting, especially from Angel.
"He's very gentle" Carefully pinches and lifts his chin. Oh, my stars. I'm clutching at my pearls. *pulls out notepad for my WIP*
I think we all deserve to be hoisted up into a bridal carry, and lovingly twirled around.
"Yeah he's lovely-" Exactly, Angel. Stop ruining the mood and get with the groove!
This is too good. Just throwing him around like a ragdoll! The dancing is a bit much, but they're having fun with it.
The two evil guys definitely explored each other's bodies. That's a proud boyfriend look if I've ever seen one.
She could be a real bud and just shoot one of them. They don't know where she is, and then Angel has an opening to attack...or not.
"you-puff" Shame on you Con, those aren't usually your lines in these kinds of movies.
Did they not want to kill him? Why do they look so shocked he went over the edge?
Whelp, RIP Angel, I genuinely enjoyed that. don't be surprised if this next section is shorter. (Editor Me here, oh I thought the rest of this movie would be boring...how I was wrong)
Vaguely depressed and murderous is also how I look in semi-cheap wigs.
They really did cast a good guy for a politician/'sex pest'. Looks like a few of my state's representatives.
Remember, every character in a British piece of media needs to have a name in the form of Eddie, John, Sam, or Harry.
"Well respected in 'women's' things" Why does Angel get to die and these fuckers roam rampantly.
(Helps adjust his tie) "You've hurt me Harry" Is every villain in this having a thing with their side character besides Con? Or am I just watching too many Queer movies?
I don't think slapping the head like it's a basketball is the done thing with blow jobs, but I don't have a penis. So who knows?
'Angel Farnam.' Wow. That is a name choice.
Love that he has a beard. Like, an actual beard to hide a queer relationship from the public.
OH MY GOD. BELLY BUTTON? WHY? Fucking why? I'm more surprised seeing him finger his belly button than seeing his entire dick, which, is almost impressive for a movie to do!
How funny would it be if he died by falling down the stairs. '2/3 down, 1 to go!'
If he's not dead just fucking shoot him. I know you want info...but
If you look at this like you would a comedy, this movie becomes much better and more entertaining.
That isn't how putting peroxide on a wound should feel, why the fuck is he flinching over every tap?
Cold compress? It's a scrape! I'd be worried more about a concussion with a fall.
THE FUCKING TALKING WHILE THEY SET THE BED AND CLEAN IS SO FUNNY. That's the only editing in this movie that felt like it actually added something.
Why did she join in to the cleaning.
Love that he just wants to eat food when she clearly thinks they're going to fuck.
That was a gentle remote throw, don't know how it broke, 3/10.
You could have shot him almost at any time, now that a ton of people are waiting outside, you decide to care.
"Whore" "-Lying little whore" Hahahahaha. Its lame, but I love when movies do that.
(Seeing him fully bound in BDSM restraints) Look, Like What You Like, but this isn't safe with a stranger? Also, this room looks hard as shit to clean if fluids get anywhere.
If speech is a 'No No' in the dungeon there are toys for that.
"-I never panic". Angel would disagree, you panic all the fucking time. Speaking of Angel-
Izzy the spewer transfers across universes.
THAT ISN'T SAFE, don't reach around and try to swap drivers while driving.
Yes! Take all the drugs before you get pulled over, smart.
Their arguing is very just fucking funny. A lived weird friendship where things just keep going wrong. They're all tied into so many different criminal rings, but they found each other. This could be a prompt for a found family story.
(She took a ton of drugs because the cops are on their asses tryign to pull them over) "Do I look like I'm off my face!" "You're always off your face."
Everyone being high as shit panicking is so good. I've believed their weird friendship here more than anything else in this movie.
Love that they just kind of kidnapped this guy and now they need to deal with his corpse.
"Something I've always been bound up in!" Raises his hands, bound. That got a laugh out of me.
There are gags/toys for that babe, zipping up the mouth hole won't do shit.
Now that she knows all this stuff why doesn't she just shoot him
"Good Luck! God Bless!" He's fun.
At least she kept the key ring in eye sight for him.
This does play on the 'politicians are into kinky shit' thing, but eh.
She keeps on accidentally killing people. Fun.
(Weird shower scene) What the fuck? Who touches their body like that, is she getting off on this? It looks forceful and rough? What man directed this?
"I think he liked me." Sure? He liked you? Why does it matter that these people whose death you witness like you? It's not middle school, they're fucking dead.
"It was me, I was killing them. Sort of." Yes! I don't know why she only cares about them after they die.
What man directed this porn? I respect them not covering anything up I guess? I hope there's no creepy shit online where in interviews she felt like she was forced into these scenes.
The whole 'Multiple photos, that get snuffed out as they die' thing has grown on me, not going to lie.
Her removing her hat and seeing her hair fall down then lighting up a cig, to me, was more erotic than seeing her naked.
Are the 'criminal crew' all Queers? I know Angel was kind of homophobic and jerked off to lesbian porn but-
"Lust came to the rescue?" What does that even mean? Are you planning on fucking her?
She's 40 which is still young, she's entering/in middle age. Just own any wrinkles you have, it's hot! So fucking weird that for feminine presenting people aging is seen as something awful, it shows experience! And you own a cat, and clearly have money! Live your life babe!
Her earrings are all choices in this. Those things could knock me out.
They don't film this shit for live TV, I don't know why they're so stressed about her being a few minutes late.
(Pulls bra on backward, snapping the clasp, twisting it right way round, pulling up straps and adjusting over chest) Most realistic scene of a woman putting on a bra in a movie.
Oh, to fondly be called Sweetie.
I want to be her: both of them.
Cocaine + Cigarettes + Alcohol. Uppers and Downers aren't great ideas. But she's having them.
They replaced her cause she's too old I'm guessing? Shitty.
"It wouldn't take much(to kill her)" So go do that! Why do you need a stroll to do the thing you were planning to do.
Strangulation feels like a choice you made when you have a gun.
(protagonist gets knocked out by a bottle when a criminal sees her gun) NICEE! She's been so dumb about pulling out the gun
Why is this such a Tom and Jerry routine
"Fuck you!" "All in good time" AHHHHHH. I've read this story before. We'll see how this one ends.
Oh, my favorite crew of idiots. How did they evade the cops? They were just on their asses now they have time to pull over?
Con/Angel fireman carried that guy? Good for him!
"That's not very dignified!" "Well what do you suggest?!!""Stand him up!" They slum him over the railing. Idiots. I admire this crew of fuck ups.
Did they not check for a pulse? Like, even high most people could figure that out. If you can still drive, you can hold your finger up to someone's throat.
(Sees him slowly tip over the railing into the water) Okay, so it's kinda on them, yeah.
Okay, so gun safety is to always assume a gun is loaded and safety is off. STOP WAVING IT UNDER YOUR NOSE
20? He looked mid 20s at least.
THE PAST (One of the earliest scene we see of them)
Doing drugs in a random Men's room is a choice.
Also, don't lick a public bathroom stall's TP Holder Angel, you fucking maniac.
I'm saying she wasn't invited cause they were planning to all fuck in the bathroom/do as many drugs as possible without her nose taking it all. Any other guesses?
I love Con in this so much. He's so unlike all his other characters it's just fun. Like a pissed-off high toddler that can only put a few thoughts together that arnt him being mad or horny.
"You're hair, it's so black!" "It's natural!" "Oh, Pa-lease" Angel said that last line, oh my sweet summer child, you confuse me so.
(the dead boyfriend and politician start getting handsy) No shit they had a thing going on there. They've been eye fucking every scene he's not passed out sick.
(She angles a mirror to see under a stall to watch a blowjob?) Mam, I wouldn't want to watch my friends fuck. Why are you so weird.
ANGEL 'COCK BLOCK' TO THE RESCUE. Look at that grin, he knew.
"I need some more(cocaine)." "Love? Affection? Punishment?" Sir, I have a whole discord full of Izzy Hands fans you can suggest ideas to. "I'll take the whole fucking lot." SIR!
Ohhh her boyfriend would entrap 'famous' queer people, take photos, and then blackmail/extort them. He deserved to die then, no sweat off their backs. (Also, how does evil lady know all this to tell our protagonist? Is she extorting Patrick now?)
Okay, this is my 4th time seeing this woman naked. Why?
(Protag is tied down and evil lady whispered in her ear)This is...a scene.
Gross forced kiss. I had more fun when this was semi-playful banter but now its just sexual assault. Gross, director.
Mam, you didn't bring that many bullets. Why are you just shooting random shit.
She just leaves her alive?
Aww, I wanted her to kill him(the other extorting friend). If anything he also kind of deserves some of the blame.
Well, this whole plot was kind of for nothing. She got closer to the real plot and was able to realize how shitty her boyfriend was. If he was 20 then she's got to be close to that age. She has plenty of life to move on from this.
Story: 5/10 Shit. No character in this movie had agency/impacted the plot. Everything was accidental. All the ways they were doomed weren't purposefully set up by the main protagonists.
She didn't actively plan for these deaths so they feel hollow. Angel sure, he was tied down by her, but he lives on the nth story, so in the 30-ish minutes he could have left he likely wouldn't have. He assumed it was safe. The politician was an accident, and the media lady still would have gotten replaced.
In OFMD it's fun when Stede Bonnet accidentally kills because we care about him. We know he doesn't mean to do this and it plays on the murderous pirate trope. In this movie, we only know she's hunting down her boyfriend's murders. That's all we know about her! One hour, and thirty minutes, she had no development.
This would be such a fun premise. A woman accidentally interrupts a crime 'friend' group and watches them fall apart. Yet they make it gross and weirdly give no one agency in this whole story.
I want to write this movie better. This premise could be rewritten for a fanfic...hmm....
Editing/Cinematography: 5/10 Keeping it out of chronological order ruined the movie. Some shit really bothered me. A director is a man who has only done other projects to this level. He also wrote this shit, so every gratuitously extra scene of our main actress naked was all on him. He wanted to see her fondle herself and oh boy did he get it.
Every scene of this nature just felt uncomfortable, and putting that forced kiss in at the end just adds to that. He's a perv who thought it was hot. The main actress's dead fish eyes during just added to the awful feeling I got. Sure, we got a 'blowjob' scene, but nothing was super explicit other than it happening. Sexual 'deviancy' felt like something to be ogled at in this movie. The straight/pure 'good' main character had to do away with these sinful yatta yatta, you've heard it all before. I can make this 1:30 minute movie into an hour movie if I cut it.
I wish we cared more about Angel getting caught by the men he owed money too. About Harry getting publicly outed and dumped. About Andrea getting replaced in her tv show. But we just don't. It just kind of happens.
Imagine if we told the backstory of her boyfriend's murder first. Then our main character shows up 20 minutes in, without knowing what the audience knew, to hunt them down! That would be so much more fun! And gives us a reason to care! I enjoyed the flashbacks in this movie and not much else.
There's a good movie in here, it just needs to be re-edited.
Every character besides Con: 6-7/10 I liked how fucked up everyone was, and most of my issues are with the writing. They acted with what they had, and they had shit. Somehow our 3 criminals come off as a weird trio accidentally, just through chemistry. I wanted a movie about them. The spare characters just seemed to try to have fun beside our protagonist. She did the whole dead eyes, getting justice thing. In the end, it didn't even fulfill her. Finding the truth did, not assisting in their downfalls.
Con! 6-7/10 Loved it: Once I accepted he was playing a goofy junkie, I was having a good time. The scene where she saves him after the interrogation was weird. It put me off his character for a few scenes. He was into her and tried to make a move, she told him he needed protection, and that whole story line was just dropped. WHY!
FLASHBACK ANGEL WAS FUN. I don't know the order they shot this, but currently, Angel felt like an always high junkie. Flashback Angel felt like the shitty friend who bullies the friend group and doesn't contribute to anything. When they fall apart he's panicking and loses all bravado. He's fun. I don't think I've seen a bad performance from him. The plot and writing just dragged it all down.
OVERALL: 5-6/10 Writing can kill a movie, and it murdered this one. Definitely the worst of the bunch so far. I enjoyed it, but in a 'cant look away sort of way', it was very fun to watch and just see the action unfold. So do with that what you will.
I'd recommend this movie if you're here for Con. If I wanted to watch this plot again, I'd just watch Vengeance Is Mine. Low B tier overall for movie+Con. Just above the projects where he has almost no time.
Looking at IMDB he did this after Dancing Thru the Dark and the same year as Scarborough Ahoy. How the ever loving fuck?
I would love to hear everyone's thoughts down below, including the usual suspects!
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@mossiestpiglet @ivegotnonameidea @treesofgreen
Have an amazing day y'all!
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gydima · 7 months
Since I don’t think this movie is worth watching in full, I made a compilation of Con’s scenes.
His character, Angel, is a coked-up fuckboi of the mid-90s variety. There's lots of drugs, some SUPER weird "violence," death, and enough bizarre stuff that you should probably just check the imdb page if you want to know more.
(BTW, just when you think he shouldn't be in any more scenes, there are flashbacks that go farther and farther back in time.)
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Lily Collins and Charlie McDowell’s Mid-Century Los Angeles case study house
Interior design: Emily Farnham
Photo credit: Justin Chung
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alliluyevas · 1 year
for my beloved followers interested in mormon polygamy name discourse, i have compiled and presented a list of the children of four different 19th century mormon polygamist men, ranging from 30 to 66 children. I included middle names when I could find them and the children are listed in chronological order of their birth.
Brigham Young:
Elizabeth, Vilate, Joseph Angell, Brigham Jr., Mary Ann, Emma Alice, Luna Caroline, John Willard, Brigham Heber, Edward Partridge, Oscar Brigham, Hyrum, Joseph, Moroni, Mary Eliza, Ella Elizabeth, Alva, Alma, Fanny Decker, Emily Augusta, Marinda Hyde, Clarissa Maria, Jeanette Richards, Zina Presendia, Evelyn Louisa, Hyrum Smith, Caroline Partridge, Ernest Irving, Nabby Howe, Willard, Eudora Lovina, Mahonri Moriancumer, Emmeline Amanda, Shamira, Alfales, Brigham Morris, Phoebe Louisa, Jedediah Grant, Arta DeChrista, Joseph Don Carlos, Louisa Wells, Susa Amelia, Lorenzo Dow, Miriam, Albert Jeddie, Feramorz Little, Alonzo, Josephine, Clarissa Hamilton, Charlotte Tallula, Ruth, Phineas Howe, Lura, Daniel Wells, Rhoda Mabel, Adella, and Fanny van Cott
Heber Kimball: 
Judith Marvin, William Henry, Helen Mar, Roswell Heber, Heber Parley, David Patten, Adelbert, Charles Spaulding, Henry, Brigham Willard, Sarah Helen, David, Margaret Jane, Abraham Alonzo, Isaac, Solomon Farnham, Samuel Chase, David Orson, Prescinda Celestia, Murray Gould, David Heber, Joseph Smith, Augusta, Cornelia Christine, John Heber, William Gheen, Susannah, Samuel Heber, Joseph Smith, Harriet, Newel Whitney, Willard Heber, Jacob Reese, Jonathan Golden, Horace Heber, Rosalia, Albert Heber, Lydia Holmes, Jedediah Heber, Hyrum Heber, Enoch Heber, Peter, Daniel Heber, Ann Spaulding, Sarah Maria, Jeremiah Heber, Mary Melvina, Andrew, Alice Ann, Eliza, James Heber, Joshua Heber, Washington, Mary Margaret, Moroni Heber, Sarah Gheen, Joshua Heber, Eugene, Wilford Alfonzo, Franklin Heber, Lorenzo Heber, Abbie Sarah
Joseph F. Smith:
Mercy Josephine, Sarah Ellen, Mary Sophronia, Leonora, Hyrum Mack, Donette, Joseph Richards, Alvin Fielding, Heber John, Joseph Fielding Jr., Alfred Jason, Rhoda Ann, David Asael, Edna Melissa, Minerva, Albert Jesse, George Carlos, Alice, Robert, Julina Clarissa, Willard Richards, Elias Wesley, John Schwartz, Franklin Richards, Emma, Emily Jane, Lucy Mack, Calvin Schwartz, Zina, Rachael, Jeanetta, Samuel Schwartz, Andrew Kimball, Ruth, Edith Eleanor, James Schwartz, Jesse Kimball, Asenath, Martha, Agnes, Silas Schwartz, Fielding Kimball, and Royal Grant
Parley Pratt:
Parley Parker Jr., Nathan, Olivia Thankful, Susan, Moroni Llewellyn, Alma, Helaman, Nephi, Julia Houston, Belinda Marden, Cornelia, Agatha, Abinadi, Lucy, Ether, Mormon, Mosiah, Malona, Lehi Lee, Henriette, Marian, Omner, Teancum, Mary Wood, Moroni Walker, Phoebe Soper, Isabella Eleanor, Sarah Elizabeth, Evelyn, Mathoni
also who had the best name taste and who had the worst
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Age of Reason • Blow by Blow • Listen to the Wind • Two Strong Hearts • Burn Down the Night • Beyond the Call • We're No Angels • Don't Tell Me It Can't Be Done • The Fire • Some Do Some Don't
Spotify ♪ Youtube
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The Club for Hot Sluts
by drlokiren
The door should not be there. Since he’s been forced to make the Revenge his home, Izzy Hands has made it his business to know every inch of the ship. This door in front of him should not fucking exist. Even Bonnet wouldn’t have been stupid enough to put it there. It faces the open ocean, for fuck’s sake! If Izzy opens it, he could fall in and never be seen again. Still, that option might be preferable to another day of Bonnet and Edward making goo goo eyes at each other. Izzy shrugs and steps through the door.
Well, that’s a fucking surprise. Not only is he not soaking wet, he’s been transported to another room that he doesn’t recognize. It appears to be a tavern or club of some sort. Men sit around tables having drinks and talking. The mattresses on the floor are a bit odd, but Izzy’s seen weirder shit in Spanish Jackie’s. Izzy doesn’t know if he should announce his presence or hide. Someone catches sight of him and shouts “We’ve got another one!” That’s when Izzy makes his truly shocking discovery and gasps out “What the fuck?!” Every single man in the place looks exactly like him.
Or" Izzy learns about feelings, softness and the joys of sex with hot dudes who look like you.
Words: 4062, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV), Other Con O'Neill media
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Israel Hands, Val Pearson, Cliff Costello, Ian LeFebvre, Angel Farnham, Trevor Ferguson, Ralph Stone, Peter McGeghan, Jim Caxton
Relationships: Israel Hands/Other Con characters
Additional Tags: Alternate Reality, Doppelcest, Mysterious portal, Emotions, Male intimacy, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Val's pregnancy wish, sexual awakening, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Actually more than four, Izzy Hands learns to feel his feelings, Singing, Daddy Kink
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/43884532
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The 80s List
Update: Every Sunday
Last:       September 15, 2024
500 Miles - The Hooters
A Different Corner - George Michael
A Good Heart - Feargal Sharkey
A Question Of Time - Depeche Mode
Abracadabra - Steve Miller Band
Absolute Beginners - David Bowie
Addicted To Love - Robert Palmer
Advice For The Young At Heart - Tears For Fears
Africa - Toto
Age Of Reason - John Farnham
Against All Odds - Phil Collins
Ain’t Nobody - Rufus, Chaka Khan
Airhead - Thomas Dolby
All Around The World - Lisa Stansfield
All I Need Is A Miracle - Mike + The Mechanics
All I Want Is You - Carly Simon
All Night Long - Lionel Richie
All Of My Heart - ABC
All Out Of Love - Air Supply
All Through The Night - Cyndi Lauper
All You Zombies - The Hooters
Always On My Mind - Pet Shop Boys
Amanda - Boston
Americanos - Holly Johnson
Amoureux Solitaires - Lio
Angel - Fra Lippo Lippi
Angel 07 - Hubert Kah
Angel Eyes - Wet Wet Wet
Angel Of The Morning - Juice Newton
Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins
Another Life - Kano
Another Lonely Night In New York - Robin Gibb
Appetite - Prefab Sprout
Are You Man Enough - C.C. Catch
Around My Dream - Silver Pozzoli
Around My Heart - Sandra
Attention To Me - The Nolans
Babooshka - Kate Bush
Baby Baby - Eighth Wonder
Baby Can I Hold You - Tracy Chapman
Baby I Don’t Care - Transvision Vamp
Baby Jane - Rod Stewart
Baby Love - Regina
Back On Holiday - Robbie Nevil
Back On The Chain Gang - Pretenders
Back To Life - Soul II Soul
Bad - Michael Jackson
Bad Boys - Inner Circle
Ballet Dancer - The Twins
Beatles Medley - Stars On 45
Beds Are Burning - Midnight Oil
Beethoven (I Love To Listen To) - Eurythmics
Bette Davis Eyes - Kim Carnes
Better Be Good To Me - Tina Turner
Between Something And Nothing - The Ocean Blue
Big Fun - Inner City
Big In Japan - Alphaville
Big Love - Fleetwood Mac
Big Time - Peter Gabriel
Billie Jean - Michael Jackson
Black Man Ray - China Crisis
Blow The House Down - Living In A Box
Blue Hotel - Chris Isaak
Blue Monday - New Order
Blue Monday 88 - New Order
Boys Of Summer - Don Henley
Brand New Toy - The Jeremy Days
Breakaway - Tracey Ullman
Bridge To Your Heart - Wax
Broken Wings - Mr. Mister
Brother Louie - Modern Talking
Brothers In Arms - Dire Straits
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zerwolf · 1 year
Lyrics Thingy
1: A song you like with a color in the title
Black Ninja - Battle Beast
2: A song you like with a number in the title
One More Night - Phil Collins
3: A song that reminds you of summertime
Günther - Teeny Weeny String Bikini
4: A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
Altaria - Final Warning
5: A song that needs to be played LOUD
Kishin Douji Zenki Opening
6: A song that makes you want to dance
Irene Cara - What A Feeling
7: A song to drive to
Ghostbusters - Ray Parker Jr.
8: A song about drugs or alcohol
Olviräppi - Raptori
9: A song that makes you happy
James Ingram - Better Way
10: A song that makes you sad
Scorpions - Here In My Heart
11: A song that you never get tired of
Scatman John - Scatman (Ski-ba-bop-ba-dop-bop)
12: A song from your preteen years
In The End - Linkin Park
13: One of your favorite 80’s songs
Holy Diver - Dio
14: A song that you would love played at your wedding
Faithfully - Journey
15: A song that is a cover by another artist
They Don't Care About Us - Beast In Black
16: One of your favorite classical songs
In The Hall of the Mountain King - Grieg
17: A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
If I Never Knew You - Jon Secada & Shanice (Pocahontas OST)
18: A song from the year that you were born
Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car - Billy Ocean
19: A song that makes you think about life
Nightshift - Commodores
20: A song that has many meanings to you
Strangers Like Me - Phil Collins
21: A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
I'm Not Justin Bieber B**ch - Günther
22: A song that moves you forward
John Farnham - Thunder In Your Heart
23: A song that you think everybody should listen to
Free Your Mind - En Vogue
24: A song by a band you wish were still together
I Wish I Had An Angel - (original) Nightwish
25: A song by an artist no longer living
Stay With Me - Miki Matsubara
26: A song that makes you want to fall in love
Every Heart Needs A Home - St Paul Peterson
27: A song that breaks your heart
Lara Fabian - I Will Love Again
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Missä miehet ratsastaa - Teräsbetoni (Jarkko Ahola)
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Wannabe - Spice Girls
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
Aerosmith - Dude Looks Like a Lady
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vicsuragi · 2 years
3 steps to heaven is a good movie actually
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electric-friend · 2 years
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made this a while ago. reposting with tags lmao! con stans come get y'all juice.
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japmp1 · 5 years
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The Sculpture Park Farnham 2
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samuelroukin · 2 years
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CON O'NEILL as angel farnham in 3 STEPS TO HEAVEN (1995)
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Angels • Seemed Like A Good Idea (At The Time) • Only Women Bleed • Talent For Fame • When All Else Fails • What You Don't Know • Treated This Way • Always The Same • The Reason Why • So Long In Love • It All Comes Back To You • Diamonds • Rolling Home • Talk Of The Town
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wychelm · 2 years
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sourtea · 7 years
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