#Anime (genre)
My two favorite types of anime are like:
An ancient evil has risen and the only ones who can stop it are these 3-5 mentally ill teens operating at different levels of queerness and insanity. (setting may vary)
Hercules, Cu Chulainn and Princess Kaguya come back to life and get an apartment together because rent is expensive these days.
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Ok so what do you call this hyper-specific genre of anime where character in a less developed world builds advanced technology with knoledge gained from another era/life?
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Also please tag more examples i can't get enough of this shit
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zenmom · 1 year
I love isekai! I think it’s a genre now that there are enough anime with this. I have a story in mind with this and I wanted to share it. Maybe it’ll go into a manga.
It’s something that goes like: Protagonist dies from being pushed by bully out the window at school (yes I know that is extreme but an alternate start is the door to nowhere made by pranksters who put in so much effort to make the prank look like that the school is buildling a new room) reincarnates as a goddess, gets her own planet which is her sandbox and builds her world for some reincarnated people to live here. She names this planet Rebuthnum. And story plot happens idk 🤷🏻‍♀️.
I can’t wait to meet other tumblrs who are into anime isekais like myself. There are more manga and manwha isekais than anime but I still like the anime isekais
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sanguinifex · 3 months
You gotta read and watch some old books and films that aren’t 100% modern politically correct. I’m not saying you should agree with everything in them but you need to learn where genres came from to understand what those genres are doing today and where media deconstructing old tropes is coming from.
Also, more often than you might think, they’re not actually promoting bigotry so much as “didn’t consider all the implications of something” or just used words that were polite then but considered offensive now.
Kill the censor in your head.
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random-brushstrokes · 2 years
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Karl Gussow - Old Man's Treasure (Das Kätzchen), 1876
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prokopetz · 2 months
"But if this other world has always operated according to video game logic, why is the isekai protagonist literally the first person to figure out all these basic mechanical exploints" well, largely because litRPG isekai is merely the latest flavour of I've Been Transported To Another World Where Everyone Is Stupid Except For Me, a venerable genre that's been a going concern at least since Mark Twain.
When I was a kid, it was American sci-fi authors writing stories about shitass engineering majors getting portal-fantasied to alien planets and single-handedly saving civilisation on the strength of being the only person in the world who knows what a flowchart is, and very little has changed – right down to the weirdly inverted character arcs where the loser protagonist discovers that they don't actually need to engage in any self-reflection at all because the very traits that rendered them odious in their native society are what make them God here.
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apollolewis · 1 year
What oddly specific genre in manga/anime/video games do you all like.
Mine is child care. Whenever I read a manga or watch an anime about parents/siblings/guardians looking after kids properly and raising them is some that always makes me smile (when It doesn’t go into the weird romance angle) and I love princess maker and games of a similar style
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goryhorroor · 5 months
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horror sub-genres: lovecraftian/cosmic
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animeblog18 · 1 year
AnimeMakeBlog | Anime Blogs
🤩 Have you ever wanted to read insightful, thought-provoking blogs about your favorite anime shows? Look no further! Animemakeblog is here to provide you with the latest and greatest in anime content. From reviews of new shows to deep dives into classic anime series, we have everything you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the world of anime 🌎 Check us out now and see all the amazing content that we have to offer!
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‘The Quiet Pet’ (detail) by John William Godward, c. 1906.
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lionofchaeronea · 6 months
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Kitten's Game, Henriëtte Ronner-Knip, 1860s or 1870s
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canisalbus · 1 year
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When you're secretly a woebegone victorian lady and languishing is your second nature.
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alivingmel · 1 year
I don't know what I was expecting when I looked up manatee anatomy the other day, but it was not that manatees have like. . . Fully-fledged hand bones.
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(They're incapable of individual finger movement but still, according to someone on Reddit that had a male manatee fall in love with her, THEY HAVE A VERY STRONG GRIP.)
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markscherz · 1 year
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Hot damn. Great question, I'd love to tell you.
High Fantasy
Look, this rainfrog is called Breviceps bagginsi, so I don't have a lot of choice, now do I?
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Also, I would go with them to the end. Into the very fires of Mordor.
Low Fantasy
Phyllomedusine hylids have a certain weird clown marionette vibe to them. Just look at these Pithecopus rohdei.
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The male Rhinoderma darwinii raises his tadpoles in his vocal sac.
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Gephyromantis pseudoasper sometimes wear handsome stripes—very Space Age™
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But more importantly, their calls evoke a battle with laser-blasters.
I filmed this calling male in 2017 at an obscene hour of the morning.
Trichobatrachus robustus, aka the Hairy Frog, has flanks and thighs covered in weird, hair-like outgrowths that increase oxygen exchange over its skin, and BREAKS ITS FINGERS TO STAB YOU WITH CLAWS MADE OF BONE
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Breviceps males physically glue themselves to the back-ends of females, and if that's not romance, I don't know what is.
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Nyctimantis arapapa are probably amongst the funniest-looking frogs out there.
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The 'poly' in Polypedates may be a double entendre
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Crime and Mystery
Calyptocephalella gayi is a Galaxy Brain frog.
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Myobatrachus gouldii is basically what would happen if you decided to try to build a turtle, but you only had frog pieces in the kit.
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random-brushstrokes · 1 month
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Ben Fenske - Amy, Buddy (2022)
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