#Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Karma Akabane
okchijt · 2 years
Can you please do a Karma or Nagisa with an S/O who frequently cries? I have bad separation anxiety and abandonment issues and they’re my favorite characters
Author's Note: Thank you so much Anon for the request! When I read this my first thought was "Why not both!?" and so I went with that! It's double the fun and comfort after all! I’m so sorry if Karma or Nagisa are out of character, it’s been a hot while since I’ve watched the show😅 I did some research when writing this to make it as accurate as possible, so feel free to correct me if anything is wrong! Hope it does the job for you or anyone who can relate to said request! And lastly, go ahead and check out my masterlist if you like what you just read and if you want to request anything yourself, thank you, and enjoy!❤
Karma Akabane
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😈 The first time Karma saw you crying, his brain went full stop. He just stared at you with a dumbfound expression until he snapped out of it upon you noticing him and immediately rushing to your side to comfort you.
😈 Now Karma has never seen you cry until now and he never had the pleasure of comforting someone before, but he tried his best just for you. Whether that was trying to make you laugh or trying to make you tell him who hurt you, he'll do and say just about anything to make you feel better.
😈 Once you've calmed down and explained to him that when you woke up this morning and found him nowhere to be found(you two had a sleepover at your place) and with no message left behind you assumed the worst and all of your insecurities and worries came to light, making you start crying.
😈 Karma would be even more taken aback than he was before after hearing such news. He never once noticed you feeling this way because of how well you were at trying to hide it. Not knowing how to react, Karma would just awkwardly pat your head while giving you some words of reassurance, vowing to himself to do better.
😈 Karma will start to take mental notes of what makes you want to start crying, it could be the most severe thing ever or the stupidest reason for you to begin baling, but Karma would take both just as seriously. Though he sometimes thinks you're overreacting, he won't say anything and still try to calm you down with smooth words, hugs, and pats on the head.
😈 Karma will try to get rid of the problem as quickly as possible, as soon as he understands who or what will start making you cry, he will confront the issues head-on. If it's a person, for example, Asano was bothering you because of the class you're in, he'll literally fight them and threaten them. Maybe it's the sounds of nails on the board or visual gore in movies, or the fact you might arrive late to class. Karma might not understand all of your worries, but he'll shield you from them all proudly.
😈 You both agree that all of the things you're suffering from are tiring for both of you, so Karma will help you to the best of his ability to get rid of or at least lessen your fears. Karma's way of helping would include you facing all of your issues head-on. You'd have to explain to him what was bothering you at the moment to make you want to cry, and Karma would force you to face it while standing right behind you. Of course, he'd start slow with you though, like if interacting with people bothers you, he'd make you order something at a cafe while on a date at least once yourself. Or if a sound/visual is bothering you, he'd make you listen to the sound in minimal doses, each time turning the sound a little bit higher when you get used to the previous level. And with the visual, he'd put on the video or images in low resolution, turning it up each time you get used to the previous visual. When it's something out of your control, like being late to something or not being ready in time, Karma would tell you that you'll do better next time and congratulate you, and praise you with affection if you do actually manage to accomplish the thing that was worrying you.
😈 Now that was surprisingly the easy part for Karma to help you with. When it comes to your abandonment issues and separation anxiety, it's a different story. Karma would only ever do any research for his own benefit or for school, but you are someone immensely special to him so he'd start searching for ways to help you as soon as possible.
😈 With separation anxiety, Karma's way of helping you would include him leaving you with your favorite plushy or something that reminded you of him for brief periods of time and short distances at first. The first few times were extremely hard for you, almost immediately calling him on the phone to come back to you. To help you with that, he'd relax you by making you watch TV or read a book with the object in your lap while he left to do whatever. With time you'd get used to the separation and begin to handle it better.
😈 Another thing Karma would do is reassure you that he will be just fine upon leaving. Communicating to you that there is nothing to worry about, especially since you both know Karma can handle himself perfectly fine. Still, Karma will make an effort to send you a funny photo of himself and a message when he arrives home or at his destination safe and sound. Making you less anxious each time he leaves.
😈 Regarding your abandonment issues, you and Karma would start to notice your daily feelings, reactions urges, and words you choose to use. Which would lead to Karma challenging some of your limits and seeing how far he can stretch out dose feelings of yours. The more you force yourself to linger in those uncomfortable situations like not talking with him for a few hours or not being in his presence for a while, the more you'll begin to function independently without worry.
😈And lastly, know the difference between a feeling and a fact. Emotions can come over you and overwhelm you, but remember, feelings are temporary. Just like being away from Karma is, it wouldn't be long until you see and talk to him again. The feeling is him leaving, but it's a fact you'll see him again. So check the facts when you notice emotional overwhelm, and bring yourself back to your core.
😈 Everyone has their limits though and Karma gets that. So if he ever sees you're getting overwhelmed with his help or not up to facing anything that day because of how tired you are, he'll let you have a day or two without your "exercises". Instead, he'll spend the day with you doing whatever you want to do, anything you want is a-okay with him because it'd be his way of congratulating you for how far you've come. Whether it's small or huge progress, he's still proud and happy you're trying to help yourself. And at the end of the day, Karma will always reassure you he'll always be there for you, that he'll always come back to you, that he'll never leave you, that he'll always protect you, and that he'll always love you. After all, Karma is a man of his word.
Nagisa Shiota
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🐍 Nagisa has already from the start been suspecting there's something going on with you, he could never pinpoint it though. He was also too shy to ask you himself, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.
🐍 But during the last lesson of the day you, unfortunately, had fallen asleep due to overworking yourself and being tired. Thankfully Koro-sensei was nice enough to let you slide with that one and you slept throughout the whole lesson. By the time you woke up, everyone was already gone, even Nagisa who always walked home with you after school. That was when you started baling thinking he got tired of you and left you without saying a word, overthinking the whole situation.
🐍 Suddenly the doors opened revealing Nagisa standing in them, his expression turning to one of concern once noticing the state you were in. It was then that his suspicions have been proven correct once you explained the issues you go through daily after he told you that he left the class without you because Kaede forgot something from her desk and he ran after her to give the item back before quickly getting back to you to wake you up.
🐍 After much explaining from both of you, Nagisa would focus on trying to make you feel better. He'd hug you, walk with you home while holding hands, and offer to go to one of your favorite cafes for dessert. And on the way there he'd reassure you of how much he loves you and that he'd never leave you like that without a warning again.
🐍 Nagisa would be very similar to Karma in how he deals with your issues, but there are some differences! For example, Nagisa would also make notes, but physically this time to what upsets you to the point of making you cry. He would use the same technics as Karma, making you face those issues head-on with him being by your side the whole time, the only difference is that Nagisa would have more knowledge of how to help you in said situations.
🐍 He'd tell you to focus on taking slow, deep breaths. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. He'd lean on you and say to try to replace negative thoughts with positive ones or think about something funny or silly instead. Seeing the lighter, funnier side of a stressful situation can make things easier and stop you from crying so easily. He'd cup your face, make eye contact, and tell you that when a person cries their face tends to tense up. Focusing on the muscles on your face and relaxing them can help prevent crying.
🐍 And lastly, he'd sit down with you and just listen to you vent, failure to communicate properly can lead to anger and frustration, which can trigger the urge to cry. Learning how to express feelings clearly, staying calm, and using words can help to keep tears at bay. All of these are great ways to prevent or reduce someone from crying, and you can bet that after every exercise, whether it works or not, Nagisa will shyly cover you with affection and praise as congrats.
🐍 Now compared to Karma, Nagisa has more of a better idea of helping you with your separation anxiety and abandonment issues. Therapy! If you can't afford it then get ready because Nagisa and his mom are both ready to spend every penny to help you out with that. They just can't help it, they adore you too much! And of course, after every session, you'd have to tell Nagisa what your therapist recommended you try to do to get over your problems. And you can expect that Nagisa will make sure you follow through with them by also helping out.
🐍 When it comes to separation anxiety Nagisa would develop a quick "goodbye" ritual with you. Those rituals are reassuring and can be as simple as a special wave through the window or a goodbye kiss. It's important to keep things quick and not let the goodbye linger, it will help you realize that Nagisa leaving isn't as much of a big deal as it seems, but a normal thing instead.
🐍 Another thing he'd do is tell you the exact time he'll return or the day you'll see him again. It's supposed to develop the confidence that you need to handle separation, so it's very important Nagisa returns at the time he promised you. And he very much keeps to his word 100%, he won't betray the trust you put into that promise and it's a helping exercise, so you can bet that Nagisa will always return at the exact time he promised you with a little souvenir in hand as a gift for believing in him and yourself.
🐍 About abandonment issues, Nagisa would tell you to self-validate. And the reason is that if you don’t self-validate, you’ll be dragging your “seeking validation self” to anyone who will listen to you, unconsciously seeking their approval and validation. If you thoroughly self-validate on a daily basis, you can ask others for support, but it isn’t from the same desperation for them to grasp the intensity of your emotional experience. It'll make you feel stronger and more in control of yourself, so that means you won't feel the need to consistently seek validation from Nagisa or anyone else when you can do it yourself now.
🐍 Another thing Nagisa would tell you is to focus on making healing your responsibility. Yes, others may have hurt you, but this is your life, and the more important you make your healing, the farther you’ll get and the better your life will be. Taking accountability is the opposite of self-abandonment, it is the way to self-embodiment and self-care. That of course doesn't mean that Nagisa isn't there to help you out all the way he can. What he means by that is that in order to make any actual change, it's you that has to put all the work in, Nagisa is just there to add additional help when needed.
🐍 Of course Nagisa knows that you can get sometimes overwhelmed with everything you're going through, and just like Karma he will allow you to have some days to yourself without a care in the world. Rather he'd come up with a day with just you two filled with all kinds of your favorite activities, which would quickly turn into dates. But if you'd rather just stay at your or his house and just sit around doing nothing, that's fine with him too, whatever the love of his life wants is more than fine with him. No matter how big or small the progress you make in improving yourself, he's always going to be proud of you and remain by your side all the way. Just like Karma, Nagisa is a man of his word, so there's no doubt he's staying with you till the very end and it doesn't matter how many times he has to say it or show it, he will prove his devotion to you eventually. And when that day comes, you'll know just how much he loves you and will never leave you for the world.
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anzulvr · 11 months
Karma with a perfectionist mom-like reader (good grades, sweet, used to be class A yada yada) that pretends to be aloof and innocent but secretly has similar humour to Rio and Karma?
Like imagine reader saying "the things I'd let them do to me." With the most stoic, nonchalant face ever 💀 or them watching Karma beat a bully till they're back with God with a small supportive smile going, "You're doing great, darling! Take your time. 👍"
what’s up ty for request sorry this took forever😭!! This is my first time posting in a while and I still haven’t done all request :,).
— You’re the walking embodiment of the “I could accept him as he is- the atrocities are apart of him” tiktok audio.
— Before you joined E class, no one really knew you personally(except for Karma) so the first few days were pretty formal.
— That was until you got comfortable and your more outgoing side showed through.
— You went from sweet and quiet to making the most out of pocket jokes.
(does anyone say that anymore? idk!!)
— Even then, you’re still really kind and helpful, just not in the ways they’d really expect.
Someone needs tissues? You’ve got it.
Someone feels sleepy? They can rest on your shoulder!
Karma needs 12 ounces of Wasabi and Sriracha to torture a grown man with? You’ve got it.
Your classmates think you’re a bit too helpful.
— Yk how they call Karma a sadist all the time? They coin you with the masochist name to match.
(Couple goals???)
— E class can never guess what you’re next line is going to be.
“That should be me.” And it’s Karma dragging Nagisa in a fight.
— You praise Karma a lot. Like alottt.
(He needs to get the Validation somewhere)
It gets to his head too. (Korosensei needs to humble him again)
Karma will finish beating someone up and all you say is
“Karma you’re so talented!” Or “Karma you’re so strong!!”
(No ones even surprised anymore😭. They’re come to terms with it.)
Course there’s still lots of ways you and Karma differ.
Even if you’re able to be a more real version of yourself after leaving A class you’re still responsible!
So a lot of the times you keep Karma in check.
“Let’s skip.”
“No we can’t..! It’s against the rules and Korosensei would be-”
“Alright, alright I get it.”
— Karma beat money out from some delinquent? You hand out bandaids, unless they were really reallly shitty- in that case no bandaids.
— You get along with Rio so well, like cheese and toast, strawberry & vanilla, and whatever two other things go together!!
She’s so psyched when she finds out you and Karma are together because she can (lovingly?) embarrass the hell out of both of you.
— don’t worry though Karmas already got a great plan to get back at her, and you’ve probably got everything he needs in that bag of yours.
<3 again sorry this took like forever, and sorry to everyone who I haven’t replied to yet :(!! Ik it’s been super long.
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heyhoeudoin · 11 months
do u have general kink hcs for aged up!karma akabane? :’> he’d be such a kinky bastard and i’m such a brat so i’m just over here like 👀
“Karma's Kinks...”
pairing: aged up!karma akabane x reader
words: 0.9k
genre/s: mature, MINORS DNI!
warning/s: swearing, kinks, sex, mentions of dick, no pronouns (unless i slipped)
synopsis: karma's kinks... plus you
a/n: answering this before any of the other asks in my inbox right now is unfair (because i just got this the other day), but when i read karma akabane and kinks; something awoken in me. hope you're happy with this because i don't delve with anything sexual and this my first attempt (we ignore the deku's and shoto's headcanon; i wrote that sht when i was a dumbass).
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karma akabane is one sadistic hot bastard and so i'm very sure that's a big part in his sexual desires. i also think this guy has a good amount of common kinks, but also has these specific wants during sex.
kinks i'm sure that he'd have:
bare backing (having anal or vaginal sex without a condom)
cum marking (letting a man's semen visibly dry on your skin or keeping a man's semen inside of you via plugs)
the feeling of him raw inside of you just makes it better for him. would he cum inside though? no because he'd rather see his cum sprayed all over you; on your face, on your stomach, on your back, on your ass... anywhere on you. just the image of it makes him all hard again.
begging kink (begging and pleading to have sex, for release/orgasm, to perform an act, etc.)
controlling orgasm (different from orgasm denial/delay because in this your partner gives you all the reasons to cum, but when you are close, they ask you to hold it which can get quite exciting if properly executed and done)
orgasm denial/delay aka edging (type of play where someone's orgasm is denied entirely, limited/ruined or delayed)
are you guys seeing my vision yet?
he loves it when you beg him to cum already. he loves to tease you and making you suffer relentlessly especially when it comes to you finally getting that sweet sweet release. when you tell him that you're about to finish, he suddenly stops all together and waits for a few seconds as you whine loudly to him.
karma loves hearing that whine come out of your mouth and that moan you make after he takes his entire dick out and pounds it back into your hole.
sadism (the kink for providing pain)
an obvious kink of his, but there's layers to it.
bitting (the act of bitting or nipping the skink whether it is to break skin or leave marks) or leaving marks in general
degrader (like to degrade and humiliate their partner either by acting upon them in a degrading way or by forcing them to do things they consider degrading)
face slapping
rigger (likes to restrain their partners, either by physical item [cuffs, ropes, etc.] or instruction [known as mental bondage]. restraint can be full-body, or involve a single body part. bondage may include furnitures and devices)
he loves leaving marks on you, any kind of marking whether it'd be bites or a shit ton of hickeys. choking you while degrading you is one of his favorite things to do. also slapping your face, especially when you're giving him a blow job. your face turning red from the multiple slaps he'd given you. it makes it look like you're flustered. he also loves spanking your ass since every time he does, you'd make a moan.
but here's some next level sadism (in my opinion):
electric play (playing with electricity and tame shocks well above the lethal level)
wax play (playing with molten hot wax)
he definitely tried other types of plays, but these two are the ones he likes the most. he likes using electricity on your nipples because he loves to watch you bite your lip in pain and let out an airy moan once you get used to the pleasurable pain (he likes watching your nipples slowly perk up as well).
some times when he pounds you from behind, he'd hold a candle above your back and let the wax fall and land there. every time you fell a hot wax drip on your back, you'd arch your back further down and let out a cry of pain that then turns into pleasure.
loud moaning
being dominant
brat tamer
he likes being in control and touching you and making you scream which is why i think he wouldn't like voyeurism because he'd rather do you himself than watch.
public sex
here me out...
he loves to tease you right?
the biggest tease is him fucking you in public. works especially well if you work in the same building/company as him. the thrill of being in a public place where anyone could catch him pounding himself into you. you trying your best to scold him by saying "karma, we're in public!" but ultimately gets shut up by his mouth and/or dick.
that type of excitement; he just can't get enough of it.
and then a kink that i'm not sure he'd have, but it'd be pretty fitting if he did:
crying ("i love to see you cry")
i think that once you start crying either from begging or from something else, he'd fuck you like there's no tomorrow.
crying would be his ultimate turn on (and i'd be fucking terrified).
the first time you cried is when karma tried hot wax on you for the first time (only because you weren't a masochist yet) (yet because karma made you into a masochist).
he watched the wax melt off of the candle and drop onto your exposed back. you cried in pain as your reflexes took over and you flipped yourself onto your back. you stared at karma with tears threatening to fall out of your eyes.
"what the fuck was that?" you asked with a shaky breath as a tear rolled down your cheek.
karma blinked owlishly. then, in a quick second, he hooked his arms under your legs and slammed your back against the wall. his hands flat against the wall, pushing you against it as much as he can. he slammed his dick back inside you and pounded in devilish speed (you cried a bit more, which just fueled him a lot).
let's just say it lasted until the next morning.
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a/n: i'm very shocked with how this turned out. i actually quite like what i wrote here.
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Sometimes I remember that this artwork exists.
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And like, seriously what were they thinking?
I mean no shade to Kayano (much love for her in this house) but they could not have made the poor girl look like more of a third wheel if they tried.
There is no heterosexual explanation for whatever Karma and Nagisa are doing in this image? Sure, the shoulder sling can be casual buddies. But one does not simply tenderly grip their bro whilst blushing like this. If Nagisa stood any closer to Karma here he would be ON his feet.
Like I don't know if Karma and Nagisa know how coded this image is in canon here. But Kayano has just a slight glow of vacant despair that suggests she's aware.
Anyway 10/10 one of my favourite artworks.
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coolest-boooom · 8 months
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My comfort characters 😋
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enefue · 1 month
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umani-ko · 1 month
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missing these assassin kids and their glorified bb guns :”D
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seungsuki · 3 months
prompt ! ish? Karma with a s/o who acts dainty?helpless on the outside but on the flip side is the same as him pre-character development + also violent tedencies. whether he already knows or not is up to you, or he finds out through a situation where s/o steps up without the facade
helpless - time to show your true nature (gn!reader)
warning: none
note: idk how i wrote this while watching a yuta edit 
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class 3-e were scattered around the field, practicing sparing as instructed by their teacher. you weren’t a fan of the whole class since you didn’t want to get hurt. karma was your sparring partner and didn’t go easy on you like he promised 
“back stabber”, you muttered out of breath as you stopped 
“i just said that i’ll play fair and easy”, karma shrugged watching you sit on the ground 
“clearly you don’t understand the easy part!!”, you fought back 
rather than taking responsibility and apologising, the redhead simply stuck his tongue out to mock you. maybe you should have listened to rio’s dating advice. you looked over to see maehara and isogai going up against mr karasuma 
“someone should make an edit of this with the weekend’s song”, you mumbled watching 
“is there someone else?”, you recommended yourself a song 
you looked over to your boyfriend who gave you a questionable look. kayano mimicked his expression as she silently judged you while nagisa gave a small laugh at your thought. you crossed your arms and looked back at the match, which was over 
“[name], akabane, over here”, karasuma called out 
his authoritative voice cut off the class chattering. you gulped knowing why he was calling.. you most likely were going to have to practise against him with karma. now you wish you had called in sick 
“mr. karasuma.. hey you don’t mind if i sit this out huh? let karma take the spotlight for once”, you suggested within awkwards smile 
“no, i need you both to partner up. i thought you guys would make a good team”, karasuma sighed 
“i’m offended here babe”, karma placed his hand on his chest to be as dramatic as he could be
you waved off the annoying devil before looking back at your teacher. has he always looked that intimidating? he stood tall and ready, just waiting for the both of you to attack him. he had an intimidating posture that made you want to back out immediately 
“i need you both to rely on each other and adapt to each other's preferences. communicate in a way i won’t be able to decipher”, karasuma said 
“you know sign language?”, you whispered to your partner 
“i can sign my love for you on a certificate”, karma joked and received a smack on the shoulder by you 
“[name]! i believe in you!! karma! you got this” 
there stood koro sensei, taking a place on top of the stairs. why did it give you a sense of deja vu? the yellow octopus had different signboards and banners prepared. he even had drums and tied a headband to make sure he was the most enthusiastic person in the room 
“this is embarrassing”, you cringed at the cardboard signs 
“hurry up slowpoke”, karma waved his hand for you to join him 
you took your position on your left while karma stood at the right. as soon as you heard the signal to begin, you just crouched down and covered your head while karma threw his knife on the karasuma 
“seriously?? babe get up and pick up the pace!”, karma called in frustration 
you quietly got up and your eyes widened at the sight of karma attempting to do an axe kick on karasuma. the redhead failed to do so and was pushed to the side. karma had falled down and you swore you saw a flash of pain in his eyes 
it was as if someone had flicked a switch because you turned into a different person all together. you picked up the discarded knife and ran towards your teacher in an attempt to strike him. if it wasn’t obvious, you failed at doing so but you weren’t going to give up 
you continue to distract karasuma as you slide your hand into your pocket for the item you hid the entire class. karasuma tried to grab your arm but you quickly moved in a blur of motion. with a good calculated strike, you pulled out your gun loaded with bb bullets 
you successfully managed to target your teacher's forehead and pulled the trigger, waiting for an impact. he definitely did not expect a gun and the bullet successfully made contact with his skin, as he yanked his head back in pain 
“[name][last name]! disqualified for using any other weapon expect for a knife!”, karasuma yelled 
“i forgot”, you said and dropped your gun 
“this was combat training. you can’t just forget things- nevermind. you’re still disqualified. go sit out”, karasuma cut himself off seeing how down you were 
“you were so cool!!”, kayano cheered to which you smiled 
you walked over to your lover, who happened to make himself pretty comfortable on the ground. you could even imagine him having popcorn and watching the entire scene. you reached out your hand to help him get up 
“how come i never got to see this side of you?”, karma teased 
“well now you did”, you rolled your eyes while teasing back 
“i should have recorded that.. you looked hot”, karma said raising his hands to make a camera motion 
“shut up”
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© seungsuki 2024-25 -- do not repost, translate, alter, etc on any platform without permission. Any characters used in my work do not belong to me, they are created by their original creator. images used are from pinterest and i do not claim them as mine
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nicnsmth1 · 3 months
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korosensei ruining their fun LMAO
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o0o0thorn0o0o · 11 months
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Karma: But why act so smug? You won by only 1.8% :P
Gakushuu: Shut it—a win is a win.
Some doodles based on this very hectic poll. I know I’m a little late, but I’m also on a trip up north rn.
A hint of AsaKanza because I haven’t drawn AC in a while, and I’d like to include the gal. That, and I got some encouragement from Luna to include Yukiko.
That, and because I be hella biased towards my favorites, as y’all should know by now :P
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anzulvr · 1 month
can you do a karma x reader but Korosensei just follows them around or he embarrasses Karma 🎀
Karma x Reader, where Korosensei embarrasses you both. Sorry for late replies as always & THANKS ALOT FOR REQUESTING THIS!! TELL ME IF U SEE TYPOS!!
— Korosensei has a lot of spare time on his hands tentacles. He can complete tasks that would take a regular person hours in a matter of seconds.
Which is why he often shoves his nose in other people’s business. He needs some way to keep himself entertained!
Unfortunately for him no matter how much he tries to set his students up together, none of them seem to make a move on their own accord!
Korosensei is 90% of the reason you and Karma are together.
You were too nervous to be honest about your feelings, confessing was out of the question.
Karma, he considered asking you out a few times but being inexperienced with romance (or any sort of affection ranging from friendships to his family life) , he didn’t know how to go about springing his emotions on you.
He planned it out himself a few times; ‘What am I supposed to do after I confess? High-five? Maybe a hug, nah I’m not a hug person.’
Karmas love language is mentally draining the people he likes, which is why he’s not the type to prepare huge romantic gestures all on his own.
He prefers pissing you off until you want to punch him. (He thinks it’s funny when you miss.)
Or getting his ears pulled when he’s saying something stupid and you’re trying to shut him up.
Korosensei knows you two won’t get anywhere without a push, he’s very observant with his students, he decided he could give you two the encouragement you needed.
Honestly what better self appointed wing man is there? Korosensei can pretty much make anything happen with his abilities! He does everything behind you and Karmas backs. He gets the students and his colleagues involved at times.
Karasuma has spoken against it, might’ve said something along the lines of “Stop poking your head into your students private lives.” But what would he know? Romance has to be pursued! Everyone knows if you can’t follow your heart Korosensei will follow it for you.
He can make the most random, insignificant moments about you two.
“Korosensei, do you have an eraser you could let me have?”
“Unfortunately I’m all out [Name]. Karma has plenty erasers you should ask him!”
Karma looks confused, his only eraser got stolen by Terasaka around 20 minutes ago when he asked to borrow it and never gave it back.
��I don’t? Terasaka has mine.”
“Nufufufu… check again!”
Within a second after you asked, Korosensei flew around the class and replaced everything in Karmas backpack with erasers.
Karma opens his backpack and erasers are the only thing in his backpack, he chucks a few at his teacher before giving you one.
Korosensei finds a way to preform extravagant romantic gestures on Karmas behalf.
That wouldn’t be so bad if Korosensei wasn’t so extra.
With his powers, he struggles not to get carried away with all the cool stunts he can pull!
Cue to him finding a way to write your names together in the sky (Like a sky writer) WITHOUT the airplane. Because he could probably find a way to do it himself. He’s faster than a plane and has nicer writing anyway.
As a teacher he can’t afford to hire [your Favorite music artist] to serenade you two. (Mostly because he’s horrible at budgeting and partly because Karma steals from him once in a while.) Any normal person would give up and maybe rent a boombox.
Korosensei doesn’t give in that easily, which is why he dressed up as the lead singer.
(imagine like his Karasuma Costume sort of situation) He had the rest of E class involved in the production.
Mimura on air guitar😭.
There’d be food catering and everything. The catering is Isogai who’s perfect for the job as he has experience and Maehara who keeps eating from the plates. (He gets fired and replaced with Meg.)
You and Karma both are pretty used to it at this point so it’s turned into something you poke fun at together. Free food is free food.
The most ironic thing is, Korosensei had nothing to do with the day you both started dating.
It was during the island trip when the guys were talking about the girls they like, when asked Karma said that he’d have to go with Okuda because she’s good at chemistry and she’d be helpful with his pranks.
You overheard as you were walking past the room, it made your heart ache. The following days he’d gotten the impression you were mad at him, but couldn’t figure out what he did to upset you. You distanced yourself out of hurt, feeling like he’d been leading you on this entire time. Eventually he pried it out of you (he’s annoyingly persistent not to mention really good at convincing you to go along with whatever he wants.) In this conversation he admits, he wasn’t being serious with his answer towards the guys, that she makes a good friend but he doesn’t like Okuda in that way. He tells you he can make it up to you if you agree to go out with him. Once you agree he goes in for an high-five like he had planned earlier, but you go in for a hug instead. He reciprocates after the initial surprise wears off. Maybe he is a hug person.
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chxsloop · 4 months
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my fav ship of all time 🎉⭐️
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era-wao · 5 months
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oops accidentally left this one out but its karmaaa
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You know, considering Karma and Nagisa literally got distracted by each other in a life or death situation
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And they're pretty touchy feely with each other in 365 days at least
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Imagine how annoying these two assholes are with PDA. It's probably maybe slightly intentional on Karma's part (is a nuisance in general, would get some kind of enjoyment from disturbing others) but I also allege he's a bit of a simp. Nagisa just innocently abandons his judgement. I envision 'bickering that's really just obvious flirting' accounting for most of it but still. Touchy feely stuff. They'll end up turning the rest of 3E homophobic (/j).
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le-panda-chocovore · 4 months
Assassins boyfriends
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Why are they like this for real ? A pair of monsters
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enefue · 10 months
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