#Anthony j Crowley x reader
nabooberrie · 5 months
I’m so desperate to know how a conversation would play out between these two
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bi-bard · 1 year
When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop - Crowley Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop
Pairing: Crowley X Reader
Word Count: 1,944 words
Warning(s): **SEASON 2 SPOILERS** mention of abandonment, drunk character
Summary: [Post-Season 2] After Aziraphale's departure, (Y/n) joins Muriel in the goal of taking care of the bookshop and the tasks that may come with that. One of those many tasks includes being prepared for the moment that a familiar demon finds his way to the doorstep at odd hours of the night.
Author's Note: Listen. I said that I was going to focus on my writing challenges. I know. But someone made this headcanon on Tiktok and I couldn't shake it. If anyone has the user, please let me know because I cannot find it, but I might also just be stupid.
When I first found Muriel in charge of Aziraphale's bookshop, I knew that I needed to step in and help where I could.
Well, that's not quite right.
I actually started off very scared.
After what had happened the night before that with the legion of demons coming to attack and Crowley ushering everyone away from the building, I knew that I needed answers. The only way to get those answers was to get back to the bookshop when the coast seemed to be clear.
If I had slammed the doors open any harder, then they would have surely popped off the hinges.
What I saw was Muriel standing in the middle of the room with a stack of books in their hands. They jumped at the sudden noise, quickly scrambling to keep from dropping the books.
"Oh, you scared me," they said before placing the books on the table. "Hello!"
"Who are you," I asked, ignoring any introduction.
"I am a human police officer," they motioned down at their all-white uniform. Angel. Got it. "And bookshop owner... now."
"Where's Aziraphale?"
"Oh, just... off."
That was the very moment that my fear turned to annoyance and anger. "Off?"
"Yeah... y'know, off."
"Oh, well..."
I stepped forward. "Listen. Aziraphale has been one of the dearest in my life for years now. I know about the angel thing. I know about demons that were here last night. Hell, I know about the failed apocalypse. So, when I hear that he's 'off' and has left his beloved bookshop in the charge of some random angel that I've never seen, I get very upset and very worried. I suggest that you tell me what happened to him."
"I can't-"
"And I suggest that you do it quick because he is not the only celestial being that I have on speed dial."
That seemed to be the only push that Muriel needed to tell me everything that had happened while I was gone. Gabriel's memories coming back, Gabriel and Beelzebub running off together, the offer that Aziraphale had taken, and the one that Crowley had apparently turned down. All of it. Well, as much as Muriel knew at the time.
I stood there for a few moments. Stunned into silence.
"Are you-"
"He didn't even say goodbye," I muttered.
"Well, the Metatron seemed very insistent that he needed to go right away- where are you going?"
I had already turned around and walked out of the bookshop again. I looked down the street before going to grab my phone. I frantically clicked Crowley's contact.
It rang a few times before going to voicemail.
"Crowley," I murmured. "Please, answer. Please. I... I found out about Aziraphale and I... I don't know what to do or where to go. Please."
I hung up and walked a little further down the road, wiping my eyes as tears started falling.
The moment that I went to call him a second time, I heard a car engine racing closer to me. I looked down the road to see the all too familiar Bentley pulling up to the curb next to me.
I put my phone away as he got out of the car.
I was cut off by him pulling me into a hug. I hid my face in his shoulder for a moment.
"He didn't even say goodbye," I repeated pathetically.
"Trust me, it would've been worse if he had."
It was then that I knew that we were losing the same person, yet grieving two very different things.
After that day, I made myself a new home in the room that had previously been used by "Jim". I had thrown a bit of a fit about the bookshop being entrusted to some random angel instead of a friend. Muriel was kind enough to let me stay. I think that they needed the help, but I was willing to call it merely an act of kindness if it made them feel better.
I didn't know how beneficial my presence would be in the shop.
I knew that I could help organize and clean. I could protect Aziraphale's precious books and keep Maggie's record shop safe. I could try to teach Muriel how to appear more human. I knew that stuff.
I never expected to become accustomed to Crowley turning up at odd hours of the night, often- if not always- drunk.
He would knock on the door or just barge in, yelling for Aziraphale. He wouldn't stop until I had gone down there and broke the news to him that Aziraphale may not come back. That he might be staying in Heaven forever and we may never be able to see him again.
It hurt. And I imagine that it always will. Having to put him to rest on the couch or watch him stumble back outside.
He always wore his glasses, but the heartbreak was so clear that it passed the lenses too easily.
It was one of those nights that he told me the truth of what happened before Aziraphale left. What happened between them.
I had been startled awake by the loud sound of the door slamming open and shut.
I walked out of my room immediately. Muriel stepped out, but I held a hand out. I had been taking care of this since it all started. I wasn't going to stop now.
I walked downstairs, hearing Crowley calling for his angel as I made it downstairs.
"Angel!" he was spinning in circles as he yelled. "I know that you can hear me! Come here and talk to me!"
"Crowley," I said gently as I approached him. "Stop it."
"Stop it!"
He didn't listen to me, instead still walking around and spinning as he yelled for Aziraphale to just talk to him.
He didn't stop until I grabbed his wrists and forced him to look at me.
"Stop, Crowley," I tried to keep my voice firm. "This is not going to get Aziraphale to come back! I don't even think that he can hear you! Stop it!"
The demon fell quiet as he stared at me. There was a long pause between us. I immediately began to question what I had said. I was constantly terrified of being too harsh. I didn't want to be some additional reason for Crowley to be hopeless over the whole event.
I grabbed the wine bottle that was sitting in his hand before placing it on the table nearby. "Come on... you're staying here tonight."
He didn't follow me when I tried to drag him over to the small couch.
"I don't... I don't want to sleep on that couch."
I frowned at him. "I'm not letting you sleep in your car right now, Crowley."
We both stopped. I had learned a lot about stubbornness over the course of my friendship with Crowley. And he knew that. And I'm certain that some part of him despised teaching me that skill.
"Come on," I said, dragging him toward the staircase. He followed me begrudgingly.
I pulled him to my room and motioned to the small bed in there.
"Go on," I pushed when he didn't move at first.
I heard him grumbling under his breath as he walked over. He somewhat flopped on the mattress, and I shook my head as I went to pull the blanket over him.
"Yeah, sure," he grumbled.
"Want to take off your glasses-"
"Leave them."
He hadn't taken off his glasses in front of me since Aziraphale left. Not that he often did anyway.
I took a deep breath and went to walk away.
"Would you...," he trailed off.
"What," I asked.
"Nothing. Never mind."
There's that stubbornness and closed-off attitude. "What is it, Crowley?"
"Would you stay?" he finally muttered.
"Just stay in here? Sure-"
"I meant lay with me. Please."
I glanced at the minimal empty space next to him for a moment. "Are you sure that you'd be comfortable with that?"
"I'm a demon. I have spent my nights in far more uncomfortable places than a small bed."
One day, I would need to question him on those 'I'm a demon' excuses.
I awkwardly shifted my way under the covers, fixing them over him as I did so. After a few more awkward moments, I reached out and wrapped my arms around his torso quietly. I expected some grumbling or some kind of fight. Nothing happened. Instead, Crowley merely sighed and seemed to relax into the pillow more.
I spent some time thinking. Mainly about whether or not demons actually had any need for sleep or for blankets to keep warm. I had thought about it before.
There was plenty that I knew.
I knew that food was more of a luxury than it was a necessity. I knew that they had a lot more control over things around me than I thought before. I knew that they could travel to and from Hell with a particular elevator or particular stairways.
I also knew that Crowley had the ability to sober himself up in an instant.
He had shown me that trick ages ago because I was curious.
So, when he began showing up at the bookshop while completely drunk, I questioned why he wouldn't sober himself up when on the couch or in his car or on any occasion like this.
It didn't take me very long to figure out why that was the case.
It was grief.
Not just normal grief, but grief for someone who was still very much living and breathing.
There was something so much worse about grieving someone who wasn't even dead yet.
When they aren't dead, there's always some remaining shred of hope that they will choose to come back. Which should be comforting, in theory. But when they don't come back... it only feels like a constant reminder that you truly may not be enough for them to fight for or want to fight for.
I could only guess that those thoughts were going through Crowley's mind because they were going through my mind.
"I kissed him."
My ears pricked up at his sudden words. "What?"
"I kissed him," Crowley repeated.
I knew that Crowley and Aziraphale loved each other. It was painfully obvious. I always thought that one of them finally saying something about it would have a dramatically different ending. I imagined them both hiding away in the bookshop. Not much changing... just what was normal for Aziraphale and Crowley but with a little more hand-holding. Not this.
I took a deep breath. "When?"
"After I rejected his offer to become an angel," he explained. "He had told me all about the Metatron's plan. I would have rejected it no matter what, but I had just been scolded by Nina and Maggie for not telling Aziraphale about how I felt. It just... It felt like the only chance that I had left to get him to stay."
I wondered if Crowley was telling me this because he trusted me or if it was merely because he was drunk.
"I miss him."
"I know," I muttered, hugging him a little tighter. "I miss him too."
I closed my eyes as I did that.
What else could I offer?
There was so much that I could understand. So much that I could offer him in terms of help and comfort. All I could do was hope that everything would eventually work itself out.
And at that point, that hope was getting harder and harder to hold onto.
Maybe some force in the universe would keep me from letting go of it completely. Eventually.
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Some Original Characters
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aliahm · 1 year
Crowley x Gender Neutral Reader - NSFW Alphabet
A collection of NSFW headcanons about the Serpent of Eden himself
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The moodboard above was made by me, using images found on tumblr and Google. (Image #4 is from firefly graphics, here on tumblr). Credit for those original images goes to each of the owners. The gif used in this post was made by me, and both the dividers in this post were also made by me, using images found on Google. Credit for those original images goes to each of the owners.
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A - Aftercare (What do they do after sex?)
If it’s needed, Crowley will clean you up before he does the same for himself, then he’ll make sure you have whatever else you need, whether that’s to be held, to drink water, to rest, etc. He especially loves to fall asleep with you after sex.
B - Body Part (Their favourite body part of their own and of their partner’s)
Crowley loves your lips, as well as your eyes.
He loves your smile, and the way your lips feel against his own. As for your eyes, he loves them because they show your emotions so clearly. All the happiness, excitement, lust, vulnerability and everything else held within them reminds him of how beautifully human you are.
He loves his hands. They remind him of the power and strength that he holds, and of the many miracles he’s performed in his time. He also loves that he can get what he wants with a snap of his fingers, and that his hands allow him to hold you, touch you, and give you pleasure.
C - Cum
He doesn’t really have a preference as to where he cums when you have sex. Wherever you ask him to, he will, but he does especially like to cum on your stomach or your back, where he can see it after sex.
He also loves to go down on you and have you cum in his mouth. He’ll sometimes put on a bit of a show and lick your cum off his lips or wipe it off with the back of his hand while you watch.
D - Dirty Secret
This isn’t a secret he keeps from you, he just doesn’t talk about it much: He likes it if you cry during or after sex, because he loves being able to comfort you and see you so open and vulnerable. He’s very proud that you trust him enough to show your emotions in that way.
E - Experience (How experienced are they?)
Crowley has become very sexually experienced over the course of his long life. He knows many, many ways to please a partner, and he takes a lot of pride in that knowledge. He definitely likes being more experienced than his partner, and being able to “teach them” as it were. He’d be lying if he said his sexual knowledge and skill doesn’t fuel his ego.
F - Favourite Position
It varies depending on his mood, but one scenario he particularly loves is to completely restrict your movements (either by restraining you or by miracling you completely still) and have his way with you until he allows you to move again. It usually starts a little something like this:
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G - Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humourous? etc.)
Crowley has always had a good sense of humor, and that applies when it comes to his sex life too. He can be serious depending on the moment of course, but if you’re just looking to have a good time together, he loves to make you laugh and smile during sex.
H - Hair
Crowley likes the look of having hair on his chest, and when it comes to the hair below his belt, he makes sure it’s always neat and well-maintained, but he’s never completely clean-shaven. He just prefers not to be.
I - Intimacy (How affectionate or romantic are they in the moment?)
Crowley is incredibly passionate in every aspect of his life, including sex. He sees it as another way to show you how much he cares for and desires you, and he loves to make that known in the ways he touches you and talks to you before, during and after sex.
He’ll hold your hand, kiss you all over your face, jaw, and neck, and whisper in your ear telling you how well you’re doing and how proud he is of you.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He definitely enjoys masturbation as much as partnered sex, and he has a voyeuristic side too. His favourite way to show it is to have you get yourself off while he watches.
K - Kinks
Crowley is no stranger to BDSM and kinks in general, but he usually enjoys them mainly as an addition to sex, instead of on their own. He likes lots of kinky activities, like bondage, gags and spanking, but if those aren’t things you’re interested in, that’s fine with him. Your comfort, safety and happiness are most important to him, and he takes your limits and boundaries very seriously. 
One of his favourite kinks/activities is edging you. He’ll have you whining and crying and he’ll say things like, “What is it, baby? Tell me what you need.” as if he doesn’t know, and when you’re begging him over and over again to let you cum, he’ll remind you that you can’t, and you won’t, until he wants you to. Until then, you can beg and cry all you want.
L - Location (Their favourite place(s) to have sex)
Pretty much anywhere, as long as you’re comfortable with it. Bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, his office, etc. etc.
He does have his personal favourite places, though. Those would be his own bed, his beloved Bentley, and the Ritz (he loves to slip his hand under your clothes when you’re there having dinner, and when you’re pretty much anywhere else where other people won’t notice).
M - Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
One particular thing that drives him wild is when he comes home and you tell him you missed him. He loves the idea that his baby just can’t stand it when he’s not around.
Of course, he knows how dramatic that is, it’s just that he loves you so damn much. He’ll definitely be taking the first opportunity to pull you over to the couch or bed and make up for the time he was gone.
N - No (Things they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Anything that involves cuts or broken skin.
O - Oral (Preferences for giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes giving and receiving equally, but if oral isn’t something you’re interested in, he won’t mind.
Crowley is, to put it simply, really damn good with his mouth, and he certainly isn’t shy about it. He’ll go down on you like he’s been starving for months on end, and he knows how to use that snake tongue of his to remind you what the true meaning of heaven is.
Receiving helps him relax, and in those moments he’ll lean back, close his eyes and stroke your hair. Sometimes he’ll bring your hand up to his lips and kiss it, as a way of letting you know that he’s enjoying what you’re doing.
P - Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be fast and rough depending on what you’re both in the mood for, but most of the time he keeps his movements steady and slow. He likes to make sex last as long as possible, and sometimes he finds it fun to drag things on while you’re getting desperate and begging him to go faster.
Q - Quickies (What’s their opinion on quickies?, How often do they have them? etc.)
He enjoys them, but he prefers not to have to rush when it comes to sex. When they happen, though, he absolutely makes the most of them. Those are some of the only times he’ll find himself in the backseat of his Bentley instead of the driver’s seat ;)
R - Risk (Do they like to experiment? Are they willing to? etc.)
He’s all for experimenting with new kinks, locations, etc. If you talk with him about something you’re already interested in, or something you want to try, he’ll always listen with an open mind.
S - Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last? etc.)
Crowley once implied that demons can have sex for as long as they want, then when you asked him about it, he clarified that he was specifically referring to himself.
He’s a cocky bastard, but it’s true. He can go for as many rounds as he pleases, and he can last for pretty much as long as he wants. Sometimes he’ll use that to overstimulate you until you can’t stand it, because he loves the power trip that comes with seeing you fall apart over and over, knowing he doesn’t have to stop until he wants to.
T - Toys (Do they own and use sex toys?)
He usually doesn’t use sex toys unless you ask him to, but he doesn’t mind them either way.
U - Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
Absolutely. Crowley loves to mess with you. He’ll whisper dirty comments in your ear while you’re out in public, telling you exactly what he wishes you were both doing at that very moment, or he’ll pull you away into a secluded corner during the day and cover your neck in love bites, or beckon you over out of nowhere and say things like, “Let me look at you”.
V - Volume (How loud are they?)
Crowley isn’t usually very loud during sex, but he’ll sigh and groan into your ear, and when he wants to, he’ll talk dirty just to see your reactions. Sometimes he’ll praise you over and over again, sometimes he’ll tease you about how “unbelievably needy” you are, and sometimes he’ll do both at the same time, after he’s promised to give you exactly what it is that you want so badly.
If you’re going down on him, those same sighs and groans will definitely leave his lips, and you‘ll even hear him hiss and growl sometimes too.
W - Wild Card (Random Headcanon)
His favourite thing for you to call him (both in and out of sexual situations) would have to be Daddy. He didn’t expect that to be the case, but the more he thought about it, the more he loved it.
He’s naturally very protective of the people he loves, and he also loves being the one in charge (during sex and otherwise). Not to mention that the name is a reminder of the age gap between you and him. He’s been around since the very beginning, and he loves being the older, more experienced one in the relationship, who you come to when you need help and guidance, because that’s what he’s there for: to take care of you, however you need him to.
He’ll call you “baby” or “little one” if you’re alright with that, although he does have lots of different pet names for you, so it varies. He also has a habit of calling you “pet”, especially when he knows you’re feeling down.
X - X-Ray (What’s going on inside those pants?)
Crowley is about average sized, and he’s never been the least bit insecure about it, because he knows it doesn’t actually matter at all. He’s got unshakable confidence, both when it comes to his appearance, and his sex life.
Y - Yearning (How often do they want and like to have sex?)
It varies, as with anyone, but it doesn’t really matter to him how often he has sex. He definitely enjoys having sex regularly, but if he doesn’t, that’s fine with him. He just likes to spend time with you and let things happen organically.
Z - Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after sex?)
It usually takes him a bit to drift off, after sex and in general, so he likes to read to you at night, or have you read to him. What helps the most though is being able to hold you or touch you in some way as he falls asleep.
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If I’ve left out any content warnings, or if I’ve made any mistakes writing for a gender neutral reader, please let me know.
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fandomohana · 1 year
Can someone guide me to the NON POLY Crowley x reader stuff? I've gone through everything I can find that isn't poly, and I'm in need. 😭😭😭 Don't get me wrong, I adore Aziraphale, but not in anything resembling a romantic notion. 😅 More, best friend, older brother, type. No hate on poly, it just pulls me out of the story if it's poly, and I don't feel romantically inclined toward all involved. 😅 I'm not talented enough to write it myself. 😭🤣🤣🤣
Reward is my unending love, and support. 🥹🥹🥹
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ineffablesuffering · 1 year
Help a gal out xox
plz reblog and share :))))
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fckdiosmio · 1 year
Heyyyy I got your tumblr because of the dirt/motley imagines, but now I found out that you're from the good omens fandom too! I love your writing and I'm really happy to see that you're back to your blog, I was wondering if you still take requests and if you write for go too?
thank you for the words! good omens imagines are an absolutely YES, PLEASE! I really miss writing!! aziracrow, self-insert, send me your prompt!
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mphistophls · 1 year
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Same chair, same destiny ?
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
He may always be a demon from hell, but she still loves him.
Crowley x human!reader
Summary: The reader and Crowley discuss what she's reading. She says it reminds her of him, to which he panics.
Words: 1,784
Warnings: demon, heavy makeout session, angst, alcohol
Author's note: I don't own the character or the book mentioned in this! Eeeeek enjoy!
Masterlist <3
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Crowley looked up from the glass of bourbon in his hands as he sat in one of Aziraphale’s many chairs. There she sat across from him. The pretty little human.
Her legs were pulled up onto the couch, her body curled into itself as she held her book out in front of her to read.
She was quite pretty. He had always thought so. Of all his years on this earth, this one was by far the best he had seen. And her soul simply solidified it. Her mind, body, and soul were precious. 
She was entirely focused on her book, not noticing Crowley’s gaze. He took that to his advantage, his eyes scanning her entire frame before finally resting on her face. He opened his mouth to speak. He didn’t know what he was going to say, but he knew he would do anything to talk to her as much as he could in her lifetime.
“What are you reading, Flower?”
That was his name for her. Aziraphale was his angel, sure. And she seemed like an angel herself, the metaphorical kind, anyway. She was not like a real angel, which is annoying and dull. No, she wasn’t like that at all. He hadn’t read many books but knew how humans romanticized the term 'angel.' The innocence it carried in its title. 
No, no, no. She was his flower. He spend many days searching for the right name, but once he came up with that one, it stuck like glue. He loved plants. He loved plants so much. And he loved her. She was his flower.
Now, her head perked up to let her eyes meet his. She held his gaze, admiring the snake-like pupils the demon had. She seemed to snap out of it quickly, regaining her composure. “Oh, uh…,” her voice soft, “it’s the Phantom of the Opera. Have… Have you read it, Angel?”
His eyes closed. He loved it when she called him that. He was no angel by any means, but she used the term every chance she could the day she learned that he had once been so. She had two angels as far as she was concerned. And while one had a significantly more gothic wardrobe, she still considered him just the same.
He nods, “I was around when it was written and published. Hated it then.”
Her lips slowly pull into an amused smile. “And now?”
He shrugs, looking back into her eyes, “…Do YOU like it, Flower?”
A soft breath comes from her lungs, “…Not sure, but I believe so. Won’t say until I finish it. You know how it ends, Angel?”
He shakes his head, “Can’t say I do. Didn’t care enough to finish it.”
She finds that quite amusing. She pulls her legs closer to her to get comfortable, trying to keep herself warm. “Well, I’ll let you know when I’m done, yeah? If it’s good enough, will you try to read it again?”
“Tell me why you like it so much, Flower.”
She considers his words carefully, “I… perhaps see similarities in it… sometimes. You know?”
His eyes move back down to the liquor glass in his hand. He remained quiet, a silent sigh for her elaborate on her findings. 
“That was… stupid. I shouldn’t have said it. I’m… I’m sorry…”
He was much more intrigued than before. Sorry? For what? He wished sometimes he could just see what was going on in that funny little brain of hers. “No. Tell me.”
She knew that wasn’t a reassurance that he wasn’t annoyed. It was more of a demand. 
“I don’t know, Crowley…”
He grins, pulling the glass to his lips to take another sip.
“Tell me what you DO know, Flower.”
Her eyes wander around the room in thought. “I suppose I feel remorse for the Phantom…”
He hums.
“…and… everyone makes him out to be a horrid creature. A vile beast worth ending. And he believes it too about himself. That he’s awful and cruel. But they don’t know anything about him. Nothing. They even assume it’s a ghost sometimes…”
By now, he’s hooked on her words. Not that he cared for the plot much, but just her. She was beautiful like this, the sunlight from the windows behind her casting a light against her back, giving her body a glowing effect. 
“…anyways, this girl falls in love with him. And she finds out he’s just a man. He’s a man like anyone else. He’s not the vile thing everyone makes him out to be.”
He’s taking in every word.
Her voice drops to a low volume, “They call him a demon from hell.”
Crowley felt his jaw clench at her words. 
“…But, he’s not. Not at all. He’s just a man. A man who deserves much more than life handed him. He was no demon. He could’ve been an angel. He’s kind and fair. Honest and witty. He protects her with his life. And he’s loyal. He is quite admirable, honestly.”
She held this look. It was a loving look as she stared at Crowley. This time, he could read her like an open book. She was referencing him. That everyone believed Crowley was vile and cruel. But he was just like a man. 
“…You’re awfully quiet, Angel.”
That sold it for him. Angel. Her angel. His eyes closed, taking in a deep breath. 
He stood up quickly, setting his glass on the side table before approaching the sofa she occupied. She noticed, scooting over slightly to make room for him, but he didn’t sit. He kneeled in front of the couch, in front of her. 
If his eyes could produce tears, they’d be running. “Flower? You truly think that of me? That I’m just a man?”
She nods, her breath quickening at his proximity. 
He wanted to believe her. He truly did, but he couldn’t. He leaned in, making their faces inches apart. 
“You think all this and you haven’t finished the book?”
She nods again, her gaze staring to settle on his lips.
His hand reached forward, grabbing her face gently. His voice became a low growl, “And what if this angel truly is a demon from hell? Would the girl stop loving him, Flower?”
She isn’t sure what to say. She’s not sure who they’re even talking about at this point. Her gut told her to say one thing, but her head said another. And his grip on her face was not helping her focus.
“I.. I don’t think… love takes what they are into con… consideration when it chooses them…”
Satan, she was perfect. She always knew exactly what to say, the sneaky thing. It stilled his vessel’s heart, his eyes still drilling into hers. 
“And… will she truly listen to her heart?”
She nods. “She would be a fool not to, Angel.”
He couldn’t take it anymore. Here she was, sitting so pretty for him, her words causing a fire to erupt in his stomach. He leaned forward, pulling her face towards his. 
Their lips meet in a gentle kiss. It doesn’t last long because Crowley pulls away.
“Maybe you should finish the book before you make your conclusions, Flower. Perhaps he’ll always be that demon from hell.”
He stands, sliding his hands into his pockets with a sigh before exiting the bookshop.
Days pass and Crowley acts as if their interaction never happened. It broke her heart. Aziraphale couldn’t take the two ignoring each other and decided to fix it. 
He told Crowley to be at the bookshop at a certain time. But Aziraphale wouldn’t be there. No, this was to get the demon alone with her to talk again, as they had before. And that plan worked perfectly.
This time, however, she was placing books on the bookshelf when he entered. He walked in confidently, but the confidence soon fell as he saw her pretty face. 
“Oh. I… where’s Angel?”
She shrugs, “Haven’t seen him all day.”
Curse that blasted angel from his stupid plans that always work. 
Crowley sighs, “I’m sorry I ran out on you.”
Her eyes finally move to find his. “I finished the book.”
His shoulders dropped somewhat at her sudden change of subject, but he went along with it nonetheless. “…Well, Flower?”
Her fingers lightly played with the spine of the book she had in her hand. “He may always be the demon from hell, but she still loves him.”
He was so stupid to leave her. To abandon his sweet Christine like this. His little flower that was always in bloom. 
“Oh, Flower…”
He moved forward, immediately wrapping his arms around her. He pulled her in for a kiss.
This kiss was very much different from their first. Where the first was soft and hesitant, this one was heated and passionate, as if this was their only method of communication. And to Crowley, it was. He needed her to see just how much her words meant to him. How much he craved to feel her lips on his again. How he imagined her the nights before. 
Her hands move to him, the book in her hand long forgotten. One rested on his forearm, the other cradling his face. She kissed him back with as much reverence as he did. She needed him to know she didn’t care. She didn’t care about what he was. What he did. She needed him to know that she loved him.
She loved him.
His tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip. She left out a soft moan, paring her lips. His tongue gently began to explore her mouth, their bodies holding each other in fear that they could be ripped from each other at any moment. 
She gently pushed him away, needing to catch her breath. “Sorry… sorry, Angel.. just… just gotta breathe…”
He smiled, leaning down to kiss her jaw lightly, trailing the kisses up towards her ear before whispering softly, “‘If I am to be saved, it is because your love redeems me.’”
She let out a soft gasp, and her hand moved to the back of his neck, her fingers playing with his hair. “You… you know it?”
She could practically feel his smile against her neck, his voice vibrating the bones there, “Read it again after we talked…. All the way through this time…”
She was speechless at his words. He had went back and not only read the story for her, but then was able to quote it. She had never felt love radiate in a room until this very moment in time.
She pulled him back in for another sweet kiss.
He was no demon. To her, he was an angel. Her angel.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 11 months
Bentley Shenanigans (Good Omens)
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Crowley x Fem!Reader 18+ ONLY / requests are open and encouraged
Summary: Crowley needs to relieve some frustrations after that shitshow of a birthday party.
CW: vaginal sex, fingering, dirty talk, car sex, vague degradation/humiliation
Good Omens tag list: @coffee-and-red-lipstick @quickslvxrr @clarina04 @motionlessindoubt (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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This was possibly one of the most shocking things you had ever seen. Crowley was wearing white. You’d never seen him in anything other than black and when he’d first come to pick you up after the birthday party, you had known something was different, but couldn’t pick what it was. It had actually taken you at least two solid minutes to realise that it was because he was wearing white. 
“What the fuck- you’re- what are you wearing?” 
Crowley glances at you as he pulls into the parking spot at the lookout trail and turns the car off. Sometimes the two of you came out here just to get away. 
“What- this old thing?” He chuckles, tossing his sunglasses onto the dash before sighing defeatedly. Oh dear, it wasn’t a good sign if he could barely keep his sultry demeanour going.
“I think,” he trailed off. “It is safe to say… that did not go as well as I hoped it would.”
You’re not really sure what to make of that, given that the balance of the world as you knew it hung squarely on Crowley and Aziraphale’s shoulders. Sitting quietly, you wait for Crowley to continue. 
“I mean, really- you wouldn’t have thought it would be that hard, would you? Fucking nuns, Pet. Useless, the lot of them.” 
Crowley pinches his nose and turns toward you, eyeing you up and down. Your dress has ridden up your thighs and you do not fail to notice the way he eyes you appreciatively. 
“Fancy a quick fuck?” He asks casually. You splutter on a response for a moment. Here you were, discussing how the end of the world was fast approaching in less than a week, and Crowley wanted to shag? You blinked at him. That wasn’t to say you weren’t interested, either, mind you. You definitely were, but, it was just a bit out of the blue was all. What did that say about you, you wondered… In the face of the end of the world, you’re thinking about getting fucked one more time. Hmm. On second thoughts, you think it might just mean that you appreciate the fun things in life. 
“Sure,” you say, cheeks pinking at the thought of him in that white coat bending you over and taking out his frustrations on you. “One condition, though.” Crowley’s brow arches, a sultry smirk appearing on his face. “The coat stays.” 
“Your wish is my command, love,” he replied. “Back seat, then?” 
You nod, shocked at the casual nature of this exchange. It wasn’t something you were necessarily unused to, but there was usually a little more pent-up energy and flirting beforehand. However, getting straight to it wasn’t a bad thing either. It was kind of refreshing, actually. 
You get out of the car and go around to the driver's side. Crowley opens the back door for you and promptly bends you over into the back of the car. You gasp, your hands reaching out to steady you on the leather seats. 
Crowley slides his hand up your sundress, exposing your black panties to him. He groans, gripping at your ass before letting go and giving it a rough slap. You jolt forward with the shock. Crowley tuts and grips you by the hips to drag you back towards him. 
His hips ground against your ass roughly, his cock hardening beneath his pants. You bit your lip, enjoying the roughness of his clothes against your almost bare skin. Crowley laughed, reaching down to rip your panties off you. You let out a sound of protest, though Crowley shushed you. 
“Fix ‘em later, promise,” he assured you before tossing the ripped remains of your underwear over your head and into the other door. Any further protests died before they even formed thought as his fingers slid down over the curve of your ass and sunk themselves into your tight, wet heat. 
You moaned, thighs twitching as he fingered you open. If you weren’t wet before, you definitely were now. 
Crowley removed the fingers once he thought you were wet enough and presented them to you to clean off. You did so without complaint or question, sucking his fingers into your mouth, tongue swirling over the digits to clean them of your slick. 
Crowley grunted, the other hand undoing his pants and removing his cock from its confines. Once he was free, he pulled his fingers from your mouth, giving your cheek a little pat. The feel of the saliva cooling on your skin- the dirtiness of it- had you clenching. 
“Look at that,” he groaned, pressing his head against your entrance. “Sopping for me, aren’t you? Filthy thing, you are, Pet.” 
You nodded, pressing back against him. His head slipped inside, causing you both to groan. You with impatience, and he with pleasure. Crowley’s fingers gripped at your hips harshly as he slowly sunk inside you. Once he was finally inside you, you were finally able to relax. Feeling so full up on his cock felt like your version of Heaven. 
God, Crowley made you so cock-drunk that it was ridiculous.
Then, your Demon started to move, hips snapping back and forth with fervour. It wasn’t long before Crowley was bent over you, yanking your hips into his own with every thrust. You were scrabbling at the leather, cheek sticking to the seat with the sweat. Loud moans and sharp grunts could be heard coming from the car, and you hoped that no one was on this particular walking trail today. 
Then again, maybe you’d like an audience. The thought had you biting your lip to stifle the groan, and you clenched around the Demon, who straightened up and wrapped a hand into your hair. 
“Fuck, that’s it-” he growled, fucking into you harder. “Reach down there and play with that pretty clit for me, Pet. Mm- like that.” 
Your fingers reached your clit, rubbing tight circles. You could feel the push and pull of his cock from within you, could feel as your slick creamed around him. You cried out in sharp pleasure as he slapped your ass cheek again. 
“Are you going to cum already, Pet? Huh?” 
You nodded, the motion pulling at your hair just that little bit more. Crowley laughed loudly, fucking into you harder. 
“Better do it then,” he warned. “Come on, cum for me, Pet.” 
Your fingers were lightning quick on your clit. Your thighs were twitching and struggling to keep yourself up from Crowley’s punishing thrusts. With a loud drawn-out moan, you came. 
Crashing waves of chaotic pleasure roiled inside you. Your fingers crushed themselves into the leather as you felt your release roll through your muscles. Your clit felt like it was on fire as you forced yourself to concentrate hard enough to rub yourself through it, contracting around Crowley hard enough to make him cum. 
He grunted from above you, hips stuttering- and then you felt it. His release coating your walls. You whined, grinding yourself back against him as he started to slow. Crowley gave your hip a warning squeeze, but you ground yourself back on him, pressing him in as far as you could to make sure not a drop of his seed escaped you. 
You sighed with relief, fingers slowing to a stop on your clit. Crowley was hunched over you, panting with exertion. 
You laughed, the endorphins starting to kick in. Crowley chuckled breathily against your back and pressed a kiss to the fabric of your dress. 
“That was fun,” you said, unsticking your cheek from the seat. 
“Mm-” Crowley grunted in response. “Aziraphale will be jealous.” 
You don’t think you’re wrong in thinking he doesn’t seem all that upset about making the Angel jealous. 
“I think you’re right,” you pant back, slowly starting to catch your breath now. 
“Alright, come on,” he says, picking himself up and slowly pulling out of you, shushing you comfortingly when you whimper at the loss. “I know, Pet. Come on, let’s get you back to the Shop, eh? The Angel will be missing us by now.” 
You groan and force yourself to stand up. Your walls clench to keep Crowley’s seed inside. 
“Don’t miracle it away,” you say, knowing that Crowley was planning to do so for your ease of comfort. “You know how Zira likes his seconds.” 
Crowley tutted at you, a smirk playing across his lips. 
“Naughty thing, you are. Whatever are we going to do with you?” 
You hop into the passenger side again, your muscles thanking you for the relief. 
“Guess we’ll have to find out, won’t we?” 
“Guess so, love.”
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Aziraphale: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
Crowley: But they said not to touch the masterpieces.
Aziraphale: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
Y/n, on a walkie talkie: Those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
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nabooberrie · 4 months
Good omens reference 😱 /j
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bi-bard · 1 year
Throw a Punch, Fall in Love, Give Yourself a Reason - Crowley & Aziraphale Imagine [Good Omens]
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Title: Throw a Punch, Fall in Love, Give Yourself a Reason
Pairing: Aziraphale & Crowley X Platonic!Reader
Based On: Call Your Mom
Word Count: 2,279 words
Warning(s): **LOOK HERE** depictions of mental illness/poor mental health, yelling
Summary: Aziraphale and Crowley are left on a hunt for something... well, someone quite important. When they find who they were looking for, they are confronted with questions that they have no answer to.
Author's Note: **PLEASE READ THIS** Let's have a serious talk here. This imagine is heavy. I use my personal experiences as a major influence for this (granted that I will not go into detail about that at this time). This is to say that it won't reflect everyone's experience and that is not the goal. This story is not meant to be educational in any capacity and I will not claim as much.
If you are experiencing struggles with your mental health, then I would invite you to skip this story. Please be responsible with the media that you are consuming. Thank you.
It all started with pacing.
Quite annoying pacing, really.
Crowley had walked- no, sauntered into the bookshop and found Aziraphale pacing the floor.
Over and over. Back and forth.
Annoyingly consistent steps. Floorboards seemed to creak along with each one, no matter how many times before that he had crossed them.
Crowley's voice was slow, "Angel..."
Aziraphale's pacing didn't change much as he hummed in response to Crowley. Crowley's face scrunched up a bit. He wasn't used to Aziraphale's attention not turning immediately to him when he spoke up.
"Angel," he said more firmly. Aziraphale finally looked at him. "What's going on?"
"I haven't seen (Y/n) in some time," the angel replied. "Have you?"
"I was honestly getting suspicious that they just hid in the shelves," Crowley muttered. "I don't visit them outside of your shop, Angel."
Aziraphale frowned even further than before.
"How long has it been?"
"Weeks," he answered simply. "I will admit that I have been getting a bit worried."
"Then, go visit," Crowley suggested. When there wasn't a response, he continued, "You didn't think to do that?"
"I didn't want to intrude!"
"Well, I do," Crowley turned on his heels and began his walk to the door. He stopped when he didn't hear an extra set of footsteps behind him. "Angel."
"Are you... What if they don't want to see us," Aziraphale asked.
"Well, (Y/n) can tell us that to our face," the demon shrugged before continuing his path out.
It wasn't until they started walking that the pair realized that neither one of them truly knew where (Y/n) lived. They had been told small details. Colors of curtains, what books were on shelves, the collection of notebooks that they always seemed to have. However, beyond that, the demon and angel had not thought much about where their dear friend lived.
Why would they when (Y/n) spent more time in the bookshop than they ever did in their own home?
It took some time- and a small miracle- before the pair found themselves outside an apartment door.
There was a small welcome mat sitting before their feet. It had been clearly well-loved. It had followed (Y/n) from place to place. An old gift from a parent that was meant to symbolize being a proper adult for the first time.
Aziraphale hesitated. He was still thinking about how (Y/n) may simply not want to see the two of them and that this visit would be incredibly intrusive.
He had tried to stop Crowley on the way there in the hopes of avoiding such a fate. He had mentioned that (Y/n) may just be sick, but Crowley reminded him that (Y/n) would still stop by because the pair of them couldn't catch a cold. He suggested that (Y/n) was on a trip, but Crowley mentioned that (Y/n) would have told them to keep them from worrying. Any and all alternative explanations for the unexplained absence fell less on deaf ears and more on a stubborn mind.
Crowley raised his hand and knocked on the door, hitting the wood a little harder than he probably meant to. He'd never admit that though, so it's best not to ask.
There was a long pause. A pause that caused Aziraphale to feel even more like their presence was not wanted. A pause that made Crowley contemplate how much harder he could truly knock on the door.
The two stared at each other. It had been thousands of years since the pair had met each other. A conversation done with no words exchanged was alarmingly common for them.
"(Y/n)," Aziraphale said through the door. "Are you home?"
It was still silent.
"Open the door," Crowley added after a moment. "Aziraphale may not give up, but I am far more stubborn than you think."
(Y/n)- who had confined themself to their couch- knew that the demon was being honest.
With a heavy sigh, they pushed themself off of the couch cushion and trudged to the door. They considered leaving it shut. Leaving the two celestial beings standing on their doorstep until they gave up. Like one would do to missionaries or door-to-door salesmen... which were truly one and the same when you thought about it.
They rolled their eyes at the thought and finally unlocked the door, pulling it open a second later. The angel and demon stood there as if this visit was the most normal thing in the world. Crowley in his standard all-black outfit with his glasses seemingly glued to his face. Aziraphale is ever formal attire, a grin on his face that was meant to offer some silent comfort wherever it may be needed.
"Hi," (Y/n) greeted quietly. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, we haven't seen you for a while," Aziraphale explained. "We were worried."
"Well, I'm fine," (Y/n) didn't even bother to question the angel's statement... no matter how certain they were that the demon would never admit to feeling the same worry as Aziraphale had. "You two can go."
"What's going on," Crowley asked.
"Nothing. I'm just tired and want to be left alone."
Crowley raised an eyebrow at them.
"Please, just go."
"When will we be seeing you again," Aziraphale asked.
"I don't know."
"Do you need anything?"
"Can we come in?"
"Why not?"
"Why would you want to?"
"Because we're your friends and we care for you-"
"Friends would respect my boundaries when I asked them to leave."
Crowley scoffed. "Not if they got a proper look at you."
"Thanks," (Y/n) replied sarcastically. They knew how they looked. How the bags under their eyes looked and how their clothes looked and their skin and their hair. They knew.
"Tell us what's going on," Crowley pushed.
"There's nothing to tell."
"I don't believe you."
"That's not my problem."
Aziraphale tried to step in, "(Y/n), we just want to help-"
"Well, I don't want your damn help!"
The door slammed shut in front of them.
Another silent conversation was enough for both of them to be fully prepared to break in. This kind of anger was not common from (Y/n). (Y/n) was typically very levelheaded. They made a point to be so. It was meant to keep the angel and demon from picking too many pointless fights.
Crowley vaguely moved his hand to ensure the door had unlocked before going to walk inside. Aziraphale walked in awkwardly, making sure to close and lock the door behind the two of them.
(Y/n) jumped at the sound of the door opening. "What is wrong with you both?"
"You're lying to us," Crowley said simply.
"Oh my..."
"(Y/n)," Aziraphale's voice was much softer than Crowley's. "I promise that we're only trying to help-"
"Fine, then help me," (Y/n) stepped even closer to them both. They both seemed puzzled at (Y/n)'s reaction. "Go ahead. Angel and demon, right? Do one of your little miracles and fix me! Rewire my brain! Adjust all of the chemicals and impulses! Make me suddenly feel better! Get me to stop feeling like such... crap!"
The pair fell silent as they caught sight of the tears building in (Y/n)'s eyes. How long had (Y/n) been holding this in? How blind had the two of them truly been?
"Go on!"
Aziraphale spoke up first, "(Y/n)... I- I can't-"
"Fine, what about you?" they turned to Crowley. "Or is this all part of Hell's hope of causing suffering and torment? Is that why you won't properly help me?"
Crowley felt guilt begin to sink in his stomach like a weight. "(Y/n)-"
"What's Heaven's excuse," they turned back to Aziraphale. "The race of angels that claim to want to protect the humans and all of God's creations... what's their excuse for... this?!"
Aziraphale didn't have a response.
"What is it? Some garbage excuse about God wanting his bravest soldiers to face the hardest battles?"
He didn't want to respond. There wasn't a response that wasn't going to sound like some variation of exactly that.
"Because I don't want to be brave!" they continued shouting. "I am so tired of being brave and strong and calm and controlled! I am so tired! So stop acting like you can fix it!"
Any further attempt at conversation from Aziraphale or Crowley got interrupted by (Y/n) storming out of the living room. The next sound was the slamming of (Y/n)'s bedroom door.
The silence after the fact was nothing short of suffocating.
Admittedly, it was foolish of (Y/n) to assume that the pair would give up at the sound of a slamming door. The two had been around for far too long to let such an action truly stop them.
When they opened the bedroom door, (Y/n) was lying on their side, back facing the door. They were shaking a bit, clearly crying or overwhelmed or both.
Crowley stayed behind as Aziraphale stepped forward.
"(Y/n)...," Aziraphale said softly.
No response.
"I know that you don't believe that we can help you, but you have to understand why we can't just leave you alone right now."
Still no answer, but there was some kind of small shift as (Y/n) wiped their eyes.
"You know... if there's one thing that I've learned about humanity," Aziraphale explained, "then it's that they are creatures of profound hope."
(Y/n) closed their eyes. They had been told to hold onto hope. They had been told to look on the bright side. It always felt so pointless. Almost condescending.
"But I know that they commonly will hide themselves away in the absence of it," he continued. "That there's this embarrassment that comes with finding oneself without hope. And I think that such a thought leads to such loneliness that it makes the hope even harder to find."
There was still no response.
He hesitated for a few moments longer before sitting on the mattress next to them. "I am not going to demand that you complete some search for hope now. I think that you will find it when you need it most. I am going to ask that you don't isolate yourself. Not from us."
Crowley was still in the doorway, leaning against it as he listened to the angel talk. He knew that Aziraphale was much better at this kind of thing. Who was Crowley to speak on not isolating when that was all he had done for most of the time since he had fallen from Heaven?
Aziraphale didn't feel like he was the right person for this moment. Not in the silence that followed his words. He felt as if he had failed. As if (Y/n) would tell them to leave again and he would have to finally accept defeat in this situation.
He was about to push himself off of the bed but didn't get the chance before (Y/n) sat up and suddenly jumped forward. They wrapped him in a tight hug, hiding their face in his shoulder. He hugged them back as he glanced at Crowley.
Crowley stepped forward, letting his mere presence be a comfort. Physical affection in a time like this was never something that Crowley was particularly good at. In all fairness, he had never really had to be. There were two people in this world that he cared about enough to even entertain the idea of such an action.
"Thank you," (Y/n) muttered into Aziraphale's shoulder.
"You're welcome," he mumbled back. "How about you lay down here and I will go make you some tea... maybe a light lunch?"
(Y/n) leaned back and wiped their eyes before nodding. "Okay."
"Good," he nodded before standing up.
(Y/n) didn't speak up until Aziraphale was at the door, "I'm sorry."
The two looked at (Y/n) with confused expressions.
"For yelling at you both," they explained. "You two didn't deserve that. You were only trying to help."
"It's quite alright," Aziraphale promised, nodding with a gentle grin on his face.
There was a pause and a pointed look from Aziraphale before Crowley spoke up, "Consider it forgotten."
(Y/n) nodded before going to lay back down on the mattress.
After taking a deep breath, Crowley rounded the corner of the bed, going to lie on the other side of them. He plopped down on his back, legs thrown over each other rather lazily as he tried to relax into the mattress.
"So, what's the plan," (Y/n) asked, listening to the distant sound of Aziraphale waltzing around their kitchen as if he belonged there. "You two are just going to stay here?"
"Yup," Crowley replied. "You're stuck with us."
(Y/n) sniffled and wiped their nose. "At least take your shoes off if you're going to lay in my bed."
A small chuckle escaped the demon as he sat up for long enough to pull off his shoes. When he laid down, he reached over and grabbed their hand. He offered a small grin. Maybe the gentlest gesture that he had done in hundreds or thousands of years.
(Y/n) accepted it, merely moving closer and resting against his shoulder. "Thank you, Crowley."
"Yeah, yeah," he murmured, pretending to be completely unbothered by the situation. "Just don't go telling people about it."
"Your secret is safe with me."
By the time Aziraphale had made it back with tea, (Y/n) was in a light sleep, hand still clasped tightly in Crowley's as they did so.
He set the dishes on the bedside table and moved to sit with the pair on the mattress. A quiet comfort for the time being.
And for once, (Y/n) found fighting that isolation to not be nearly as terrifying as it had once been.
They just needed somebody to truly hear them and still be stubborn enough to stay.
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aliahm · 1 year
Figuring Things Out - Crowley x Gender Neutral Reader
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Summary: You and Crowley talk about the confusing feelings that came up for you after going out for lunch.
Warnings: Insecurities about eating, body image issues (If I’ve left out any content warnings, please let me know).
(The moodboard above was made by me, using images found on tumblr and Google. Full credit for the images goes to the owners. Credit for the divider goes to firefly graphics, here on tumblr).
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“What’s happened?”
Crowley had noticed the shift in your mood from the second you came home. You were talking, but only if he talked first, and you hadn’t looked him in the eye since you stepped into the house.
“What?” You asked, still looking straight ahead at the TV. “Nothing, I’m fine”.
“Something’s off, it wasn’t before. You can tell me”.
You didn’t say anything. Even if you tried, you didn’t think you’d know where to begin.
He snapped his fingers and suddenly the screen in front of you was blank, not that it mattered. You hadn’t been paying attention to whatever was playing in the first place.
Finally you turned to face him, and he said nothing, waiting patiently for you to say whatever you needed to say.
Another few moments passed as you tried to find words that fit whatever this was that you were feeling. Eventually you came up with:
“I just- don’t feel very good right now”.
“Not good how, love? Sick?”
“No, just- gross”.
Crowley frowned. He didn’t like hearing you say that about yourself, and it confused him. There was nothing gross about you.
“Gross? Did something happen at lunch? Did somebody upset you?”
He was beginning to worry, and that protective instinct of his kicked in immediately.
“I guess I did.” you answered with a shrug, as if feigning indifference would get rid of everything else you were feeling.
“You did? All you did was go out to eat, love”.
“I know.” You replied, your voice empty.
Crowley paused and thought over your words for a few moments. You fought the urge to look away from him, but you did. It was just too much.
Finally he asked, “Is that what’s bothering you? Going to lunch made you feel bad?”
“Not going to lunch, just…”
You didn’t say yes, you didn’t even nod. You couldn’t admit it, verbally or otherwise. Instead you said:
“and it’s never happened before- I- I don’t-“
Your voice broke and trembled as you tried to push your way to the end of a sentence you didn’t know how to finish.
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Crowley placed his finger beneath your chin and tilted your head towards him, “breathe”.
You took a shaky breath and closed your eyes for a moment, before meeting his eyes once again.
“I don’t know what’s going on.” you told him, and the sadness in your eyes sent a sharp pain right through his chest.
“Listen to me. Whatever this is, you can figure it out, I promise. We can figure it out”.
You hid your face in his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head.
“I feel so stupid.” you muttered.
“You aren’t stupid, and you aren’t gross either”.
“It’s just one thing after another with me, isn’t it?” You laughed bitterly. “Why can’t I catch a break?”
“We agreed to be honest with each other, that’s all you’re doing.” he reassured you, “That’s a good thing”.
“I don’t know what to do, or think”.
He held you without saying anything for a bit, then he replied, “Maybe take some time and see how you feel, then we’ll go from there.”
You nodded against his shoulder, and he pulled you away from him slightly, so you could look at each other again, then he told you:
“I want you to promise me you won’t try to struggle through it by yourself if things continue this way, alright?”
“Baby, I know you’re scared right now, but I need you to be brave, for me, and most of all, for yourself”.
You hesitated, deep in thought, then eventually you nodded again.
“Say it.” he encouraged you.
“I promise, that I won’t keep secrets from you, and I’ll tell you if I need help”.
“Good,” he kissed your forehead. “I’m already proud of you”.
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lokischickadee · 6 months
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newtthetranswriter · 1 year
Hello so uhm.... 0w0
Could I ask for a Aziraphale x reader / crowley x reader (seperated when possible) where the reader is sick and they both hug them and wrap their wings around them?
I'm just thinking their feathers would be so soft >~<
Have a nice day/evening!
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Word count: Crowley’s Part 1187 / Aziraphale’s part 1579
A/n: this was nice to write. I hope it lives up to expectations. Enjoy and have a great day/ evening as well.
    It was just a normal Tuesday, well as normal as it can get when going to work at Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, while feeling like someone hit me with a car. My head was pounding and it felt like my small breakfast of plain toast was trying to come back up. I would have called in, but I know Nina would need the help as we were the only to set to work today. I also didn’t tell a certain snake eyed demon about being sick because I know he would have made me stay home. 
    All of this leads us to where we are right now. I’m currently taking orders while Nina works on making the coffees and teas that are requested. It’s about two in the afternoon which means it’s time for our afternoon rush of people trying to get an extra boost of energy before they end their day. Trying to keep a smile on my face as my migraine gets worse from the loud customers, and the normally enticing smell of coffee which is currently making me more nauseous, is like hell on earth. 
    I was in the middle of explaining to an older lady that decaf does not in fact contain caffeine, when I noticed a familiar pair leaving the bookshop across the street. Trying to end this conversation quickly so my friends wouldn’t have to wait too long, I offered the lady a solution. “If you are nervous about the decaf having any caffeine I can recommend a warm cup of peppermint tea. It’s relaxing and contains no caffeine at all.” I said hoping to end this back and forth. Luckily she agreed right as the demon and angel pair walked in.
    Offering the two a kind wave and forced smile, I entered the lady’s order and proceeded to enter the pairs usual order before they even reached the counter. Normally I would let them place their order like everyone else but today I didn’t want Crowley near me for too long knowing he would quickly realize I was unwell. “Hello Love, Aziraphale. I already entered your order so you can go take a seat, it’s on the house today.” I said trying to avoid conversation with the pair.
    Aziraphale just nodded in thanks before going to find a seat. While Crowley on the other hand only stepped to the side so I could continue to assist customers, while he processed my strange behavior. “You never comp our order. Something about it being bad for business. What’s going on with you?” He asked, and even though he wore such dark glasses I could tell he was squinting at me trying to figure me out.
    “Nothing is going on. Can’t I be nice to my boyfriend and friend every once in a while.” I responded mindlessly, entering orders trying to avoid my demon’s scrutiny. “I have to help these customers, Crowley go sit down with Zira and Nina will bring it out when it’s done.” I heard a slight scoff before he walked away.
    I knew he figured something out but I also knew that he wouldn’t risk making a scene at my job just because he thinks I’m hiding something. Knowing Crowley he would keep quiet about it until I was off work and that’s exactly what he did.
    After another four hours of helping customers and cleaning the shop I was finally able to go home and relax. It was a bonus that Nina had figured out that I wasn’t feeling well and told me to take the next day off to get better. So ready for an extra day to recover from this stupid migraine, I left the coffee shop and headed over to A.Z. Fell and Co. to retrieve my grump of a boyfriend knowing he tended to hangout there until I was off work so he could drive me home.
    “Hey Aziraphale, Have you seen Crowley? I just got off work and thought he’d be here like normal.” I asked the angel, who was currently reading a book at his desk, upon noticing the demon was nowhere to be seen.
     Aziraphale jumped in his seat not having heard me come in. “Oh Y/n, yes Crowley went to the pharmacy around the corner, something about picking up medicine.” He said turning slightly to look at me before turning back to his book. “Though I’m not sure what medicine he would need, it’s not like he can get sick or anything.” He continued obviously oblivious to why a demon such as Crowley would need human medicine.
     I just rolled my eyes and took a seat in an armchair. “You don’t mind if I wait for him here do you?” I asked, relaxing for the first time all day, not registering the angel's response as I fell asleep in the chair.
     “They’re sleeping Crowley, don’t wake them up. They have obviously had a long day.” I heard my angel friend address my Boyfriend. It was obvious he was trying to keep quiet but was failing as began to slowly awaken from my nap.
     I heard a groan before feeling Crowley slip one arm behind my back and the other under my legs, gently lifting me out of the arm chair. “They wouldn’t have had a long day if they told me they were sick.” I heard him grumble as he walked out of the book shop and gently placed me in his bentley. I tried to wake up fully to greet him but the gentle rumble of the car starting lulled me back to sleep as Crowley obeyed traffic laws for once.
    The next time I woke up, I was being placed on mine and Crowley’s shared bed. He had brought me home driving far too slow for his liking and then carried me all the way into our apartment. It warmed my heart to know I had such an effect on the snake-eyed demon.
    After processing where I was I finally spoke up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want you to worry about me, it’s just a headache.” I said, trying to calm the demon.
    I watched as he set his sunglasses on his nightstand before laying down and wrapping his arms around me. “I will always worry about you, Love. I just wish you had told me. Now go back to sleep, in the morning you can take the medicine I got for you. And we will rest all day.” He said, kissing my forehead.
    “Okay” I said snuggling into his warm embrace before a thought came to mind. “Hey Crow, could you wrap your wings around me too? They’re just so soft and they help block out the light.” I asked half asleep, hoping he would agree. I didn’t have to wait long as he rolled on to his back with me laying on his chest. I heard feathers ruffle as he opened his wings before wrapping them around me.
    I cuddled closer to his chest as he whispered “anything for you, darling.” and then we both drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
    Dating an angel was a blessing and a curse. While he appreciated things like books, food, and drinks, he didn’t fully understand what it was like for humans when they got sick. Sure he’s been on earth for 6000 years and seen numerous people get sick, but it was never someone close to him. He tried to avoid sickness, he knew he couldn’t get any of the human diseases but he didn’t want to risk getting someone else sick because he came in contact with someone who was sick. He just didn’t want to risk it. 
    That’s why when I woke up this morning feeling like world war 3 was happening in my stomach, I decided to just tell my sweet boyfriend that I wouldn’t be able to come by today as work had called me in to cover for a coworker. I know it’s wrong to lie to him about it but I didn’t want him to tell me not to come over because I’m sick. It was easier on me if I canceled our plans instead of him being grossed out by my sickness. So, I’ve resigned myself to trying to nap on my couch as my bed just wasn’t comfortable right now.
     I just wanted to sleep through this, so I took some over the counter stomach medicine that I had laying around and turned on some anime to relax. 
     After about four hours of watching Demon Slayer, I decided to scroll on social media because maybe that would put me to sleep. Watching Tanjiro get his ass kicked wasn’t exactly relaxing right now. I opened up tiktok and started watching videos of different cosplayers and people making art for their small businesses. I would occasionally see one that reminded me of my demon friend Crowley and would send it to him, completely forgetting he typically hangs out with Aziraphale and would probably say something about it.
P.o.V change to Aziraphale’s bookshop
     Little did Y/n know that was exactly what was happening. Crowley was currently scrolling through his phone listening to the angel complain about his partner canceling their plans because they had to go into work. Not completely paying attention to the angle Crowley watched as a tiktok notification flashed across his screen. He opened it wondering if Y/n was at work why would they be sending him tiktok.
     “What time does Y/n typically get off work?” The demon asked, trying to process what was happening. He wondered if it was maybe something they had sent before going to work and it just took a while to come through, but then again the chat did say you were currently active in the app.
     The angel paused thinking for a moment, “I believe they get off around five, so they should still be there now. Why do you ask?” He asked curious as to what his companion was getting at.
      Crowely took a second to decide if he was going to tell the truth or try to protect the innocent man's feelings from the fact his partner had lied. Sighing, he decided it was probably best to tell the truth even if it would hurt the angel. “Well they just sent me a tiktok and it says they are active.” He said turning his Phone for his friend to see.
      The angel’s eyes went wide seeing that his partner was active on the social media app while they were supposedly at work. He tried to deny it, “Maybe they are just on break.” He really didn’t want to believe that you would lie to him about having to work. Why would lie about that, if you just needed a day to rest he would understand.
      “Well looking here it seems they have been sending me tiktoks for the past hour so unless their lunch is over an hour long, they aren’t at work.” Crowley responded, scrolling up in the conversation to see when the first one was sent to him. Even though he was a demon he didn’t want to believe that his friend would lie to the angel. Y/n just wasn’t that kind of person. “The only way to get an answer would be to go over to their apartment, cause if you call them they will probably try to play it off somehow.” He said not trying to concern the angel but also trying to voice the truth.
      Aziraphale nodded and grabbed his coat, bidding his friend goodbye and heading out. He really hoped it was just that y/n had gotten off work early for covering and it wasn’t them lying to him. The angel couldn’t help but overthink things as he approached the familiar apartment gently knocking on the door.
P.o.V back to reader
      I had almost fallen asleep when I heard a quiet knock at my front door, not thinking anything of it I got up and walked to the door. Opening the door I was shocked to see the face of my angelic boyfriend with worry written across his features.
      “Zira, what are you doing here?” I was confused as to why he showed up here after I told him I was working an extra shift. “My boss let me leave early because it was slow and turns out they didn’t need me after all, I just got home. Why don’t you come in?” I said trying to cover the fact I in fact did not go into work. Aziraphale slowly walked into my home and sat down on the couch looking around. I could tell there was something on his mind before I watched him freeze, as his eyes landed on the cold medicine sitting on the table.
      “Why didn’t you just tell me you were ill? I would have understood.” He said, sounding dejected. “I know, you lie down and I’ll make you some tea.” He started getting up from the couch. It was crazy to see how fast he could go from hurt to caring in only a few seconds. I stoof there frozen, He just figured out I lied to me, I’m guessing he knew before he came here, but he is ready to take care of me just like that. I felt a tear roll down my cheeks as I took in how truly kind Aziraphale is. “Love, what’s wrong? It’s ok, just relax, I’ll take care of you.” He noticed I was still standing by the door.
      I gently shook my head, I can’t just let him take care of me after I lied to him. “But I lied to you. I said I was going to work and canceled our plans, when in reality I’m sick. You don’t like sick people. You’ve said so yourself. You avoid them even though you can’t get sick. I thought you wouldn’t want to be near me till I get better. You don’t have to take care of me just because we are dating, I understand.” I said as more tears rolled down my face. I was too busy trying to tell him to go back to the bookshop to notice he had walked up to me.
      I was startled out of my ranting by the feeling of being wrapped in his warm embrace. He had pulled me into his chest and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I completely relaxed into him, it was the most comfortable I had felt all day. “It’s alright Darling, I’m here because I love you. I want to take care of you. I avoid sick people so I don’t get you sick, I may not get sick but I could still pass the germs to you. I will always take care of you when you don’t feel well.” He said, face still rating against my hair. I just cuddled deeper into his embrace.
      After a moment I lifted my head to break the hug so I could lie down when I noticed it wasn’t just his arms wrapped around me. I stared at the beautiful white feather that trapped me in a warm embrace. I looked at my boyfriend’s face shocked as he had never shown me his wings before. “Are those?” I asked, completely stunned. “Can I touch them?” I also asked turning in his hold reaching towards the soft feathers.
      He just responded with a hum and a nod letting me run my fingers through his feathers. They were the softest thing I had ever felt. I giggled as I felt him nuzzle his face into the back of my neck, the feathers ruffling slightly at the contact. “Are they sensitive?” I asked, noticing his reaction.
      “They can be yes. It’s been a while since I have let them out so a little more so at the moment.” I felt him speak into the back of my neck. 
      “Well thank you for showing them to me. They truly are extremely soft.” I said praising the angel wrapped around me. I completely forgot about being sick enjoying his embrace.
      He slowly let me go and guided me to the couch, folding his wings back slightly so as to not knock anything over. “Of course dear. Now lay down, I’ll be back in a moment with soup.” He said before walking off towards the kitchen leaving me to relax into the couch. It was nice knowing I had such an angel of a boyfriend to take care of me.
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shinybearnerd · 1 year
"Notes of Chaos"
Hi everybody!
Since Good Omens season 2 is almost here, I wanted to share some of my ff with you.
The pairing is not between Crowley and Aziraphale, even tho there may be one of them in the future. They are so cute together and I ship them, but I think I'm not that good at capturing their ineffable love. Idk, I hope it makes sense...
This is my first time publishing a smut ff. I'm a little nervous lmao.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! Let me know if that's the case!
Pair: Crowley x Gn!reader
Words: 2,6k
Genre: Fluff, smut +18
Story: After the Armageddon, Crowley has been kicked out of his apartment and now he's living in his Bentley. You and Crowley are good friends, so you propose he stays at your place for the moment. He accepts, even tho he's reluctant. Days pass and you and the demon are coming to get closed and closed until one night, at a party...
-Engish is not my first language. So I'm sorry if there are any mistakes-
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Every person that has known y/n would describe them as someone that has an infectious smile and bright eyes that light up even at the littlest thing.
They had always been fascinated by the idea of supernatural creatures, and as soon as they learned that Crowley was a demon, they were drawn to him in a strange and intriguing way. Despite their human nature, y/n was open-minded enough to accept Crowley for who he was.
Ever since the demon had entered their life, they had discovered an unexpected complicity with him.
After weeks of living together, Crowley had become accustomed to y/n's company and their eccentricity. Though at first, he'd been reluctant to accept their offer of hospitality, he'd gradually come to trust them and realized that he couldn't have found a better person, apart from Aziraphale of course, to share time with than them.
One evening, Y/n enthusiastically approached Crowley while he was immersed in one of the many blogs about plants that the demon followed. <<Hey, some friends are planning a party this night. Five minutes from here. Would you like to come with me? >> asked, trying to hide the excitement.
Crowley lifted his eyes from the phone and looked at Y/n, considering their proposal. Initially, the prospect of a party didn't seem very appealing to the demon, who preferred to spend the evenings alone or with a few people he felt comfortable with. But then, a thought crossed his mind: perhaps, this would be an opportunity to get closer to them.
After a short pause, Crowley nodded. <<Yeah, sure. It'll be fun.>> Y/n eyes immediately lightened up as they embraced him enthusiastically. <<Crowley, you'll love them! And I'm sure they'll love you too!>>
In the evening, the two walked towards the meeting place. Crowley followed Y/n. As they passed through the neighbourhood, the lights of the adjacent houses cast a welcoming atmosphere on the whole street.
When they reached their destination, the music and the sound of laughter greeted them. The party was on an elegant terrace, above a very chich club, with upbeat music and some people already laughing and dancing.
Crowley noticed that Y/n was like a fish in water, in the midst of people, while he preferred to remain cold. Still, Y/n's presence offered him a sense of comfort he'd never experienced before.
<<Come, Crowley, I want you to meet my people!>> They insisted, gently taking his arm and leading him.
The demon found himself in a various circle of people: there were artists, musicians and people with eccentric clothing.
And if before he felt out of place, at that moment he felt at home.
He left himself carried away by the festive atmosphere and found himself laughing and joking with guests who weren't Luna or her friends. Maybe it was the alcohol. Yes, it was definitely the alcohol.
As the evening wore on, Crowley realized how gorgerous and charming Y/n looked as they danced lightly. He was beginning to love the way their eyes sparkled with a particular light when they talked about something that fascinated them or when they talked to their friends… The way their nose crunched when smiling or laughing…
The hours passed, and the party continued in its fervency.
Crowley and Y/n found themselves sitting against the railing of the parapet. The bright colour of the lights created a magical and intimate atmosphere in some way.
There was no need to talk much. They seemed to understand each other even without many words. <<Crowley>> Y/n said, placing their hand lightly on his. <<Thank you for coming with me tonight. It's nice to have you here.>> The demon smiled. A sweet one that he rarely showed to others. <<Yes. I'm happy too. It was a... pleasant evening.>>
They were smiling at each other when suddenly the DJ spoke, telling everybody that the night was almost ending and that he was putting on the last songs.
Immediately, Y/n took Crowley by the arm, dragging him into the dance floor. The demon didn't know whether to feel bothered or amused by their gesture. He chose the second option.
The music was loud, but that didn't seem to bother Y/N, who danced carefree and sensually, as if there was no one around them.
Crowley found himself mesmerized by their presence. His ancient and mischievous soul recognized Y/n's attraction and excitement, and the thought made him smile. He even thought that they would have been a heaven of a demon.
He let himself go to the music, allowing Y/n to lead him on an intoxicating experience.
The evening had revealed a side of them that Crowley had never seen before: a wild and charming person, capable of awakening new sensations in him.
With an amused smile, Crowley followed Y/n's movements, letting the music surround them both. He no longer cared about the outside world or his worries. The only thought that mattered to him was sharing that moment with them.
At one point, they moved even closer to Crowley, their bodies almost touching. The heat and electricity between them seemed to increase. It wasn't just the music that moved them, but a mutual attraction that was growing more and more.
In a playful tone, Y/n whispered in Crowley's ear over the noise of the music. <<You know... we could wreak some havoc together! That would be fun.>>
Crowley smiled, realizing that they were playing with him, but at the same time seeing a small spark of truth in their suggestion.
<<We could, but you know, I've spent millennia wreaking it… Maybe I need a break, gorgeous.>> he replied winking behind his black glasses.
Y/n laughed, looking down as they resumed letting the music wrap around them. Trying to hide their blushed cheeks.
Something in hearing their laughter snapped in him and, without them realizing it, the demon slipped behind, grabbing them with one hand, which he held on their stomach, and pulling Y/n towards himself, continuing to dance.
Although Y/n seemed to never stop laughing, they felt their breath short for a few seconds. Crowley's touch made them shiver, but not in the way they expected. It was an electrifying sensation, a combination of awe and pleasure.
They turned to him, meeting his leering gaze, and their heart started pounding even faster. <<Crowley.>> they whispered, almost out of breath. The demon answered them with a knowing smile, moving closer. << Sounds to me like you need some guidance, Y/n. I can help you with the pacing if you like.>>
Y/n smiled. And immediately after they let themself be completely caught up in Crowley's grip. They felt his strong, warm hands on their skin as his rhythm joined in an intense, sensual dance. The heartbeat quickened the breathing of both mixed.
As they danced together, Y/n felt the heat of Crowley's body against theirs, a magnetic energy that seemed to grow stronger and stronger. It was as if their souls touched, opening the door to a deep and mysterious understanding. The more they danced, the more Crowley closed them, letting themselves be overwhelmed by their aphrodisiac smell; the more Y/n grinded and danced against Crowley. There were no words, just the music enveloping them, and their emotions melding together.
Y/n felt like they were in a trance, fascinated by the way the demon treated them. His touch was electrifying and everything they needed in their life.
Crowley, on the other hand, was surprised about how Y/n could push his emotions so high. In every movement, in every touch, he felt the pull of their power, humanity and irresistible energy. He had gotten used to being cold and calculating, but with Y/n, everything seemed different.
They continued to dance, letting themselves be guided by the music and the intensity of the moment, until they felt the demon's crotch behind them, letting out a sigh of pleasure. Which didn't go unnoticed by the demon, who gripped them closer. He leaned closer to them, leaning into Y/n's ear, grinding more. He spoke with a husky and amused whisper. <<Do you like dancing with me, my dear? >> Y/n moaned softly. << Yes...>>
Crowley's hands trailed up Y/n's hips as his sensual movements made them feel alive like never before. It was as if the whole universe was concentrated at that moment. The demon's hands squeezed them tighter, their bodies moving in unison. The dance floor felt like their kingdom, where they could express themselves without fear or judgment.
The music surrounded them more, leading them into a whirlwind of emotions and desire. Every movement, every touch, was filled with passion and mystery. Suddenly, it stopped. But, even though the song ended, the connection between the demon and the human was still strong.
They stopped to stare into each other's eyes, not saying a word. The short breaths were due to the movement and desire they felt towards each other. Crowley was breathing heavily too, looking at them through his glasses with an impenetrable gaze.
<<Follow me. >> he ordered, breaking the silence.
Y/n didn't have to hear it again. They let the demon grab their wrist and followed him, slipping through the crowd that had resumed dancing.
As soon as they got out, Crowley pushed Y/n against the nearest wall, approaching them with an intense expression in his eyes. Their lips met passionately, hungry for each other. Each kiss was a promise of pleasure and togetherness.
As Crowley brushed his hands against Y/n's skin, the contact ignited a fire that spread throughout their bodies. They felt the heat emanating from the demon, an intense and overwhelming feeling that made them want him even more.
Y/n's hands hooked on the collar of Crowley's jacket, pulling him closer. They could feel the hardness of his muscles against their body, and the energy emanating from him made them shiver with excitement.
Their breaths mingled, quickened by the desire that burned them from within. There was no more room for inhibitions, just the will to indulge in an uncontrollable passion.
As the kiss deepened and deepened, Crowley moved his hands over the curves of Y/n's body, exploring them with desire and reverence. His fingers traced lines down their back, leaving a trail of fire on their sensitive skin.
Y/n moaned in pleasure, responding to Crowley's touches with smooth movements of their body. It was as if they were in perfect harmony, dancing to an ancient tune of passion and desire.
The pressure of the demon's body against theirs intensified, and Y/n could feel their arousal spreading now. It was an explosion of sensations, a shiver that shot through their spines and spread through their entire being.
As the kiss broke off, leaving a line of saliva that united them, their gazes met once again. There was a promise of lust and affection in those golden eyes. An intensity that made their heart beat even faster. <<Crowley...>> whispered Y/n, their voice full of desire. The demon smiled at them. A smile full of mischief and affection that only they could see. Y/n bit their lower lip, their body vibrating with a desire that was impossible to ignore. <<Crowley, please... Fuck me.>>
Without saying a word, Crowley took Y/n's face in their hands and kissed them again hard and passionately. It was as if they were two souls on fire, consuming each other. Crowley's hands moved impatiently, exploring Y/n's body with uncontrollable hunger, starting to free both of the encumbrances of pants/and dresses.
Their breathing was irregular, their moans mixing in the night air with the muffled noise of distant music. It was a symphony of desire, a crescendo of sensations that carried them higher and higher.
The demon picked them up, pressing them against the wall, and Y/n wrapped their legs around him, welcoming him. Crowley began to playfully rub his hard erection against Y/n's core, who moaned impatiently. A sly smile was on his lips. <<Crowley... please!>> <<You know what to do, sweet cheecks.>> replied grinding harder against them. Y/n tightened their grip on the shoulders of the demon, who watched them in amusement. <<Crowley-… fuck. Please, fuck me hard. Ruin me! Ruin other people for me. >> With a sudden movement, Crowley thrust all of him hard, causing them to let out a strangled cry of pleasure. <<Fuck. You're so deliciously tight! ...Can I move?>> <<I'll kill you if you don't!>>
Their bodies moved in unison, dancing in a timeless, erotic choreography. Each movement was a promise of pleasure, a celebration of the intense connection between them. The more the demon moved, the more the human felt they were about to come.
As Crowley's trusts quickened, Y/n understand that he was close too. They could hear him gasping and grunting in pleasure, feeling Y/n's core squeezing him just in the right way. He tilted his head backwards, moaning and grunting into the free air as he had his way with Y/n.
<<Oh, my- fucking god! Yes, baby! Just like that!>> The blasphemy and the tone of their voice were his last straw. His movement quickened more, while his pushes became harder.
They soon came together: Crowley feeling his cock sweetly being milked by his lover's soft walls, and Y/n feeling his warm seed coating and filling them.
With their bodies still vibrating with passion, Y/n and Crowley remained embraced against the wall, wrapped up in each other and seeking the breath and the sweetness in each other's embrace. Their skins touched delicately as if they wanted to keep every spark of that magical moment.
With the accelerated beat of their hearts in the background, they exchanged an intense kiss, full of gratitude and complicity. Their warm skins pressed together as heavy breathing filled the air around them. It was as if time had stopped, leaving room only for the present, just for the two of them.
Crowley continued to support Y/n in his arms, his golden eyes fixed on their y/e/c. His hands caressed them delicately, almost as if he were touching a precious work of art. They felt every touch of the demon on their skin, an electric hiss that made them shiver with pleasure. He seemed fascinated by every inch of the human's body as if he were exploring an unknown and fascinating world. Every nuance, every curve, seemed to be etched into his mind like a symphony of beauty.
<<You're so gorgeous...>> Crowley whispered hoarsely, the words spoken with worship and adoration.
Y/n smiled, feeling loved and wanted in a way they had never experienced before.
<<And you are extraordinary. >> answered softly.
Their gazes met again, and deep in Crowley's eyes, Y/n could read a mix of emotions: desire, passion, but also a vulnerability that made him even more fascinating.
The demon's lips explored their necks, leaving a trail of hot kisses. His sensual bites on their skin made them quiver with pleasure, blending sweet with spicy in a symphony of sensations. Y/n's hands tangled in his red hair, pulling him even closer. They felt his heart beat in unison as if they had become one soul.
They lost track of time. It was just the two of them, immersed in a world of their own, a world of desire and pleasure that enveloped them like a whirlwind.
Suddenly the kissing stopped and Y/n felt Crowley's strong arms wrap around them while his head was buried against their chest. As if he wanted to protect them from the whole world and at the same time, wanted to protect himself.
They welcomed him gently, feeling the warmth of his body next to theirs. Making the demon feel loved. In the silence of the night, their breaths calmed. <<What a way to provoke havoc... >> he remarked, amused. Y/n chuckled. <<We should do it more often. >> The demon turned his gaze to look at them. A smirk full of love and devotion on his face. <<Yeah, we should.>> He brought his face closer and kissed them passionately, keeping their head in place with his hand.
<<I think it's time to go home...>> suggested Y/n with a smile. << Yes, I think so too.>>
He carefully set them down, asking if they could stand on their own. Once Y/n felt more comfortable, they dressed each other again and then left the party together. Crowley's arm was placed over their shoulders.
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