#Anti Wanda Maximoff
musclesandhammering · 1 month
Something about the fact that the Loki writers have confirmed multiple times that his variants all look so different because of their inherit chaotic nature.
Something about the fact that it says in the show that the universe wants to be free so it manifests chaos in the form of Lokis.
Something about the fact that Loki is the TVA’s most common variant because every version of them refuses to adhere to their ‘destiny’.
Something about the fact that there was a scene in the show where Ravonna said “this is about order & chaos. I’m order-“ and then a loki variant violently burst in, implying “I’m chaos.”
Something about the fact that the entire story arc of the Loki series was about him choosing to free the sacred timeline & embrace all the anarchy & endless possibilities- positive & negative- that came with it instead of continuing to enforce the absolute order that would keep them all safe.
Something about Loki literally sacrificing himself so chaos could reign.
Something about the fact that Loki tried for years to beat He Who Remains through playing by his rules, and was only able to do it when he came up with a solution so insane that HWR didn’t anticipate it.
Something about the fact that messing with people’s minds & using tricky and unorthodox means of fighting has always been Loki’s Thing.
Something about the fact that at least one loki variant has the natural ability to rewrite the laws of time, space, and reality.
Something about the fact that Loki is literally the god of chaos- in the series, in the comics, and in Norse mythology.
And also..
Something about the fact that all of Wanda’s variants look and act exactly the same.
Something about the fact that the TVA never mentioned Wanda whatsoever despite her being a Reality Breaking Cosmic Anomaly.
Something about the fact that Wanda fans thought her reading the Darkhold caused the multiverse to open but Kevin Feige confirmed it was Sylvie killing He Who Remains that opened the multiverse, and in turn allowed Wanda to hear her kids through the Darkhold.
Something about the fact that Wanda almost always uses her ‘chaos magic’ to control people/events & bend reality to her will, which directly contradicts the meaning of chaos.
Something about the fact that Wanda has never once had any sort of symbolic arc or subplot or character dive directly linking her to chaos as a concept.
Something about the fact that the only thing about Wanda you could consider overtly chaotic is her propensity to go on destructive rampages when she doesn’t get her way.
And finally..
Something about the fact that, in the mcu, Wanda is constantly awarded with the chaos moniker- they decided to keep the ‘chaos magic’ name from the comics, fans call her the queen of chaos, and she gets credited as the token reality breaker pretty much constantly… while they’ve never even acknowledged on-screen that Loki’s the literal God of Chaos.
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illicthearts · 10 months
I watched Infinity War today, sometimes I question why I liked it so much because half the things they do pisses me off. Especially Quill he pisses me off so much.
And STEVE, don’t even get me started on him. “We don’t trade lives,” JUST A MOVIE A GO YOU WERE PREACHING THAT WE NEED ACCEPT THAT IN YOUR LINE OF WORK YOU CAN’T SAVE EVERYONE. And than he goes ahead sacrifices a bunch of people (POCs) to save a ROBOT! Who mind you could be made again.
But I guess that only applies to faceless people. Not to the people you know personally and especially not if Wanda loves that person. I hate his hypocritical ass so much.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Wandavision is unintencionally a terrifying story about how cishet middle class white woman can get away with almost anything with just a slap in the wrist and still feel like a victim.
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
I get "justified" hate from Tony-antis because it was "wrong" for him to go after Bucky and Steve, even after being confronted to the truth of his parents' murder so brutally, after Steve lied to his face and probably used Tony's resources to go after his mother's (unwilling, brainwashed, I get it) murderer. Tony's rage at this betrayal is reduced to a "tantrum" or just a "stupid man-pain" by so called fans and that he is the villain for going after an innocent man.
Meanwhile Wanda Maximoff and her brother saw Tony's surname on a missile that blew up their home and they immediately joined a Nazi cult for their quest for revenge. Instead of going directly after Tony Stark, or the people who actually blew up their home—Wanda decided to destroy an entire city by unleashing Hulk on them, mind fucked a man so he creates something that nearly destroys the entire planet and thought it was all fine and dandy to be on the side of something that felt no regard to human pain until she realised "oh shit, maybe this evil robot's plan would kill everyone, including me" and the fans dub her a "hero", a "traumatised sad child" who lost so much.
People paint Tony as the bad guy for calling Wanda a weapon of mass destruction in CW forget that this is coming from the man who was shown a vision of all his friends dead near his feet while his worst nightmare comes to play by her. Who knows and has seen what she's capable of. Yet he still keeps her fed, housed and bathed in luxury via his own "blood" money, makes her armor and tries to protect her from Ross' wrath.
Flash forward to Tony dying for the universe after finally getting a life worth living for and people saying "he didn't deserve the elaborate funeral mcu gave him" and then theres Wanda holding an entire town hostage and getting thumped on the back for being so sacrificing and kind by both mcu and her stans
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
feel free to ignore this but it truly p*** me off when people who are "rightfully" calling out wanda maximoff only cite her actions in WandaVision and beyond as if she hasn't been evil - acknowledged or not - for the ENTIRE TIME SHE'S BEEN A PART OF THE MCU!! like DUDE! are we FOGETTING about when she set the HULK on CIVILIANS or that she VOLUNTEERED for f***ing HYDRA!!! to say NOTHING of everything ELSE she's done in either AOU or CW. rant over
Oh I'll live and die right there beside you on the hill that Wanda was bad the entire goddamn time and it shouldn't have taken WandaVision for more people to start picking up on that
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grimlinateacup · 2 months
Yeah jed iss now on my "glad never touched loki" writers.
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Wft does this bitcn mean" almost HAD to date Loki " no one even tried to force you. You're the cunt that did everything loki just happened to be near you. Literally fuck wanda.
I hope you toaster dies again.
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themoonking · 3 months
ive said it before but people who are the specific crossover of tony stark stan + wanda maximoff hater are so insufferable. like i don't like wendy either but for normal reasons like brainwashing an entire town and psychologically abusing her robot husband meanwhile those people are like "she gave my fifty year old manchild a nightmare 😭😡" and "she mentioned that the weapons he manufactured and profited off of ended countless innocent lives 🤬😤" like girl
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musclesandhammering · 26 days
Friendly reminder that Wanda was a whole ass adult in Civil War (27), also an adult in Age of Ultron (26) & most likely even an adult when she signed up to work with Hydra (23-24 maybe).
Like not even college age, but full-on adult. Pushing 30.
The whole “she’s just a kid” argument is bullshit.
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fandom-rants · 11 months
It's so weird that people keep saying that Wanda's trauma is because of Tony. "Tony's weapons attacked her home! It's Tony's fault!" Actually, those weapons were sold by Obadiah Stane (if they were Stark Industries' weapons at all, but we'll ignore how the logo is wrong because it might just be a continuity error). Tony actually is the person who stopped Stane the instant he found out about it. So in fact, Tony is the one who prevented what happened to Wanda from ever happening again.
But for some reason we can't say that. Everyone cries foul. They say we're trying to erase Wanda's trauma. Instead of, you know, redirecting it to the proper source. But I guess it's easier to take up the narrative Wanda created (and loudly and consistently spouts) instead of looking at the truth (which is never said out loud in the movies and is left to be inferred). Because children don't understand how to think critically.
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What the fuck happened to Wanda's accent after Civil War? Did EO just get tired of doing it so they let her use her American accent?
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icedsodapop · 1 year
I know a lot of pple on this site hate MCU stans, and that's understandable. Me personally? I don't think all MCU stans deserve the hate, I personally enjoy vibing in the corner of the MCU fandom that's dedicated to Black Panther, Eternals, and the characters of color in general. The MCU!Iron Man, MCU!Spiderman, MCU!Dr Strange, MCU!Scarlet Witch, MCU!Loki and MCU!GOTG stans do deserve the hate tho, yall the worst.
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minitonies · 2 years
Not y'all being completely okay with EVERYTHING Wanda did in WV and in MoM but fighting tooth and nail over how BAD Namor is when all of his reasoning was completely justified compared to Wendy 🙄
Make it make sense my duded
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galaxythreads · 5 months
Hi, do you mind if I rant a little? Because I found one of your posts while browsing the Loki tag and I’ve since found several more. Then I found your WandaVision one and it reminded me all over again how annoyed that finale made me. I’m sorry, I know it’s been a couple years since it came out, but MY DAYS! What were they thinking in the writers room!? It could’ve all been resolved if Wanda didn’t know what she was doing and sincerely apologised after for it, but… SHE KNEW!? The whole time! And then felt justified for it! “They won’t know what you sacrificed” still being one of the worst lines to come from Marvel. What happened to Wanda crying her eyes out in Lagos because she caused casualties? What happened to Wanda having a panic attack in AOU because she realised what she’d accidentally caused to happen? I had my own opinions about her before, but now I can’t stand her. It would be alright if Marvel went down the villain route of Wanda grieving so much she can no longer care to do good, but they’re still trying to act like she’s a good person after this, as if they haven’t made all her casualties only POC, as if she had a right to enslave an entire town and gaslight her husband and kids. I’m sorry, I’ve gone on for longer than I meant to about something you’re probably not even bothered about anymore. I don’t even know if I’m making sense
rant away, you're good. I remember that i made that post after months (weeks?) of frustration about seeing people praising the ground that Wanda walks on when all I could see when I looked at her is one of the most selfish people in the entirety of MCU. Her character was so good until WandaVision and MoM. She and Loki were my favorite characters.
"It could’ve all been resolved if Wanda didn’t know what she was doing and sincerely apologized after for it, but… SHE KNEW!?"
EXACTLY. There is a massive difference between "i did this without meaning to, I am so sorry" vs "I know I am actively hurting these people and I DO NOT CARE" she comes across as so cold and so selfish because she doesn't. Wanda in WandaVision doesn't care about other people, just what she wants. I just can't help but think about the beginning of her arc vs the end and just feel massive disappointment. And I think it wouldn't be as annoying if it wasn't framed like she was a hero. If they intentionally took her on a dark path and let her be evil, it would have been fine and I would have enjoyed it because I would have been in awe of the clever writing.
But she's not. Wanda is not a hero in WandaVision for holding an entire town captive. she's not a hero for being aware of what she was doing and then doing it anyway. Like I guess the problem with WandaVision is that the finale and the rest of the series seem to disagree with each other, if that makes sense?
Wanda knows what she's doing in every episode until the end, where she's suddenly more sympathetic because she's not trying to hurt people?
like this scene:
this scene was clearly intended for her to BE the villain
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but then you get to the end and the finale is like "NOPE! She was actually a good person the Whole Time :D"
look at her! Would I say she's in her right mind? no. but she is aware, she is responding, she is conscious, she KNOWS what she is doing because she understands that the wall can be exited and entered, she is aware these people are here to RESCUE the townspeople and she threatens them. She has what she wants, that's all that matters. WandaVision is an amazing villain origin story. but somehow after all of this she still doesn't have to face any repercussions???
gughsguhgusdghsdglihsdg. Yeah, it's been years and I'm still mad.
but this
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are not this:
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grimlinateacup · 9 months
Listen if he got to close for the kiss I wouldn't have had a problem with this but she was the one who encouraged the kiss?? When she knows that Loki views his entire existence as just getting punished for anything and everything no matter what he does..... Wanda this isn't it.
I somewhat understand she probably did this to win the duel of truth. But like? Chyfychv
Like you literally just broke someone you already know is broken for some weak-ass dude who probably can never rule.....on top of that Loki has a history of getting rejected in the cruellest ways possible
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This is what we could have had for Wanda Maximoff in my imagination we would have had such an amazing powerful Romani Jewish woman with an wonderful story but no marvel decided to whitewash and erase an character and to make it worse use racist stereotypes about the character and make her join n*zis! And they chose an actress who says racist things about said character! I can only hope that in the future that if they remake the movies they do Wanda Django Maximoff justice and make her what she deserves to be!
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
Unpopular opinion: Jean Grey and her dark phoneix arc in the x men movies is way more interesting the wanda whitewashed maximoff. Jean Grey beats mcu Wanda any day.
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