#Anti abuse apologia
Billy Hargrove Stans Are Fucking Obnoxious.
Not gonna lie folks, getting really fucking tired of seeing Billy Stans openly cross-tagging, egging other people on and trying to guilt-trip people out of not liking Billy.
No. I do not care that Billy is an abuse victim, he abused his younger sister, tried to murder three kids and another teen. The moment he began abusing someone else, it ceased to matter what happened in his past. Billy is not a saint, not a hero, Billy Hargrove is a monster. That is it. That is all there is to it at the end of the day. Yes, he died doing something good and heroic, but he is still an abuser who hurt many.
He gave an apology? Who to and what for? Was it to Max, for all the years he had abused her? Was it Lucas for targeting him for his race? Was it for any of the others who (in a normal universe) would be traumatized at having a speeding car racing at them? Or is it just a blank apology for EVERYONE? Can we just do that now? Can he just say "Sorry" and just be forgiven by everyone? That's not how anything works.
You wanna know who DOESN'T forgive Billy? Max! Billy's favourite abuse victim, who sincerely wished and wanted Billy dead for everything he put her through.
It's funny how the oh so "enlightened" claim to be supporting victims of abuse while ignoring Will, Jonathan and Max. I guess they just don't matter?
The only thing I hate more about stupid fandom bullshit is the fact that I feel compelled to comment on it. I like to stay in my own bubble, but.
These people just CAN'T stay in their fucking lane. There's always a Billy Stan (I say Stan specifically because I don't mind admiring villains/antagonists for their complexity or for analysis purposes, that's totally fine, these people I'm referring to are obsessed with Billy and pretend that he did nothing wrong) that's cross tagging, acting like a total ass and mocking/provoking other people.
When you try and wash away Billy's abuse, use particularly crafted terminology like "Abuse survivor/victim" to try and portray Billy as nothing more than a poor, misunderstood abused teen, then you've become an abuse apologist.
I don't personally care, but I start to care when certain opposing fandom corners are infringed upon, because believe it or not, I don't like arguing 24/7 on any of these hell sites. The blacklist/block feature exists for a reason, and it's not so you can ignore it and make your obnoxious personality other people's problems.
Get a life ffs.
Billy Hargrove is not a hero.
Billy Hargrove is not a good person.
Billy Hargove did not get redeemed.
Billy Hargrove became a monster and died as one
If any of these statements offend or upset you, perhaps that is the cue for you to look deep inside yourself and ask why it does.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
every now and then i remember the time a few years ago, when sdmi fandom first had its revival thanks to netflix, when a wildly popular sdmi blog run by an anti said the words 'perfectly good Black woman' in reference to why you should ship [man you could easily read as white, whose arc she was fridged for] with her instead of [hatesink character whose race is ambiguous due to being a furry, but has a BLISTERINGLY antiblack narrative under a thin layer of fantasy racism, with a fun side of homophobia and holocaust denial the latter of which is directly invoked in the post], which got hundreds of notes, and i grimace my face through the back of my head all over again lmao
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fission-mailure · 1 year
Super glad right now that I'm no longer friends with a particular person, since I can guarantee that in the wake of the Russell Brand allegations she would be desperately trying to come up with excuses for him and/or asserting that all of the women involved (who purportedly don't know each other) are lying. The moment she learned he had allegations of rape against him, he would've become her absolute favourite person.
Not even because she especially ever liked Russell Brand, just because she never failed to express her undying support for sexual or domestic abusers (at least so long as they were men). Like, this is also the person who steered unrelated conversations constantly towards rants in defense of Johnny Depp, and who sulked about how the MeToo movement was going to 'destroy the acting industry,' the number one way to shoot to the top of her estimations was to be credibly accused of violence against women.
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
TIL that if I hate Bruce Wayne and want him to see consequences for his emotional and physical child abuse (I don't mean them being sidekicks that is a genre convention) I shouldn't be in this fandom. Which means, according to this person, the Batfandom is only for Bruce stans who can overlook child abuse. Kinda telling on yourself there mate.
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plumsaffron · 9 months
Here's something from dec 14-17 @kuu-asaur
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Basically this thread reply starts with.
Luka pfp saying the models between kids and adults are very distinct. Cerise only seems older but that's all.
Then the Op says oh I'm 23 but people think I'm 16.
Which easily convinces the Luka pfp to be convinced that she made be an adult by that logic (but that should make it void considering the previous statement of looks older since you know people younger still made be seen as older.) that she is an adult.
Cause Lila flirting with Adrien means she has to be.
I'm gonna laugh in episode Felix now (would Marinette qualify too? Idrc. It's really dumb take)
Other replies are she's: 40 or idk she's ugly bitter old woman
old girl in her twenties passing 14
Idk I hope she gets arrested for false identities because it's illegal and she's going to hell.
Hmph illegal huh? That's nice. I guess Marino and Felix are going too.
Sigh why are these humans like this? What does wanting this do?
They rather eat raw meats and ignore ramifications of illnesses from their folly
They got that Esther from Orphan kink again I guess.
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sjbattleangel · 5 months
Just a reminder that @nooblord9001 is 99% likely to be another one of Lily Orchard's sock-puppets.
Case in point:
Constantly reblogging nearly everything from Lily.
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2. Has a major obsession for the cannibal-incest game for obvious reasons.
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3. Atrocious media literacy that's all focused on "killing Nazis" and a hatred of "boring white boys" with zero regards to the piece of media's actual message. For example: this "review" for Jojo Rabbit accuses an anti-Nazi film made by an Indigenous, Jewish film-maker of being Nazi apologia.
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Also noted, massive hate-boner for Steven Universe.
4. Likes and comments on a post framing all anime as "pedophilic".
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5. Praises Lily comparing her OC's sister to that of an animal companion as "peak fiction" while using a character from the cannibal-incest game.
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6. Shares ideas of writing a "borderline spicy crack-fic" with a "self-insert for two characters".
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7. These "interesting" interactions with Lily. Notice how they both share similar writing styles and ideas on certain topics?
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8. And Lily...
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...you just told on yourself!
Please, block and report @nooblord9001 at once.
Lily, if you're reading this:
The way you attacked Rebecca Sugar, Bryke, ND Stevenson, Darron Nefcy, Rian Johnson, Dana Terrace and many other creators as "creeps", "abuse fetishists", "misogynists", "racists", "Nazi apologists" was unacceptable.
Calling Japan a "nation of perverts" and condemning an entire cultural medium of art and animation as "misogynist spank-bait" and "pornography" was disgusting.
But most of all, what you did to Courtney, your former followers, your ex-girlfriends was beyond unforgivable.
Not only are you a bigoted, racist, antisemitic, elitist hack who has no right to call herself a critic or writer but one of the most vile, most sadistic, most evil human beings to ever walk the earth.
No wonder you and Mikalia adore the loving embrace of Cassandra Nya, an out and proud Neo-Nazi. You are monsters that deserve each other.
Have a little gift I made with my own hands:
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P.S Rebecca Sugar, ND Stevenson, Dana Terrace and others are far greater creators and human beings then you will ever be.
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txttletale · 9 months
"please be more careful" anon here, i think you are misunderstanding me. i am not anti-kink, i in fact am into many kinks myself. what i'm saying is you have, in fact, UNKNOWINGLY reblogged posts by sexual predators in the past that were, ostensibly, about "problematic kinks" but extremely vague about what they were defending. this does not make you one or a supporter, and does not make "pro-kink" inherently evil, and doess not make anti-kink transmisogynists correct, but given this pattern i think you're best served by checking to make sure that's not where they're coming from first
right, but this advice still fundamentally rests on the idea that there is something inherently suspect about Problematic Kinks as compared to other topics, which is an idea that i think is false & dangerous! like, you wouldn't say, yknow, "be more careful about who you reblog posts about how yummy pesto is from" because i'm sure lots of child predators make posts about how much they love pesto. like, there is no level of vagueness that makes 'Problematic Kinks' encompass doing apologia for / supporting actual real-world child abuse (or any of that other shit t**nimal is accused of), the distinction between those two things is pretty clearcut
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
Before looking at specific examples of disinformation by the “critics,” as the Times and NPR calls them, we should address a few broader points.
Despite evidence of rape, those defending Hamas from charges of sexual violence point to a lack of forensic evidence — the kind that might be revealed at the denouement of a television crime show. Indeed, Israel’s frontier with Gaza on and after Oct 7 was less untouched crime scene and more battlefield and disaster zone.
But this is neither exonerating nor unusual. “There is very much what’s known as the CSI effect, where there is a perception that without forensic evidence or DNA, then you don’t have a case,” an expert on sexual violence in conflict zones told NPR. “And that’s just patently not true.”
In this case, the full CSI treatment was impracticable. “As is common in war, collection of physical evidence was hindered by ongoing combat and a large, chaotic crime scene,” NPR reported.
With limited resources and such a large-scale attack, compromises were necessary, journalist Carrie Keller-Lynn explained. “Instead of going through CSI, which would make it possible to produce evidence of crimes, the bodies are being processed through the disaster victim identification (DVI) track, as is common for mass casualty events,” she reported. Or as the UN mission put it, there was a “prioritization of rescue operations and the recovery, identification, and burial of the deceased in accordance with religious practices, over the collection of forensic evidence.” (The mission noted additional factors, too, that hindered the collection of forensic examination. See paragraph 46 of its report.)
The deniers had also pointed to lack of testimony by victims — a puzzling defense in the context of this story, where survivors describe women raped then murdered; where recovery workers noted naked and bound corpses; and where released hostages say those still in captivity had said they were sexually assaulted. Which category of those victims, exactly, would the deniers expect to have heard from? (When a hostage did eventually speak out about being sexually assaulted, the self-appointed investigators were not particularly interested, or worse, dismissed her account.)
None of this means every testimony is beyond reproach. Just as the record of 9/11 was contaminated by multiple false accounts and fake survivors, likewise after 10/7 false accounts were reported by pretenders, and some unfounded atrocity charges were shared, believed, and repeated. The “critics” did not miss the opportunity to capitalize on these inaccurate accounts in order to push the idea, through innuendo or explicit denial, that every witness of rape and every first responder account of sexually abused bodies are fake.
The Critics
NPR’s story about “critics” of a New York Times piece on sexual violence repeatedly cites The Intercept.
Once of many acknowledgements by The Intercept that its claims come from the further fringes.
And across The Intercept’s incessant efforts to discredit those shining a light on Palestinian sexual violence, its reporters cite Mondoweiss, Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada, and Max Blumenthal of Grayzone.
It is an echo chamber of Hamas apologia — invariably, one story links to identical accusations by the others, which link back to similar pieces by the rest. The common theme, other then denial, is the extremism of its participants.
Consider, most relevantly, their response to the Oct 7 massacre:
A writer for the Intercept, at least, grants that the attack was “horrifying” — though this was in a post whose argument was that we shouldn’t view it as horrifying.
Others are less subtle. Denier Ali Abunimah, for example, was self-evidently delighted by the slaughter of civilians in Israel. He not only defended the attack, calling it “just”; not only insisted we shouldn’t feel bad about it (this just minutes after he posted video of elderly female hostage paraded and taunted on video); but also viciously attacked those — including critics of Israel — who would dare share any sympathy for the victims of the mass slaughter of Jews.
Mondoweiss summarized the deadliest day in Jewish history since the Holocaust with an announcement that “Gazans have broken out of their open air prison imposed by Israel and launched an elaborate surprise attack on their occupier,” while pooh-poohing the idea that Hamas had started a war. As the extent of the atrocities became apparent, Mondoweiss’s defenses of the assault grew more emphatic. On Oct. 8, its culture editor Muhammed El-Kurd insisted the attack was a cause for “celebration.” On Oct. 9, it published a piece insisting we “must shout our support for the resistance from our rooftops.”
Max Blumenthal minimized Hamas’s slaughter as ”guerrilla bands bursting out of a besieged ghetto with homemade weapons.” In response to a Twitter post noting that at its attack on a music festival Hamas “began shooting those in attendance,” Blumenthal mocked the victims and justified their slaughter.
The motivation for their leap to action at the first accusation of rape, then, is as simple as it seems: It is born of sympathy for Hamas.
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I just finished watching Encanto for the umpteenth time, and I have to say, I'm really disappointed that it feels like every time someone talks about understanding or feeling empathy towards Abuela Madrigal that the conversation inevitably turns to people accusing the poster of abuse apologia. I understand why Abuela Madrigal behaved the way she did, that does not mean I condone it. I can feel empathy for a person and understand their behavior while simultaneously condemn them for said behavior.
And I feel like this ties in to this trend of "Media that portrays a negative behavior at all is just as bad as media that glorifies that behavior." Which itself ties into a trend of Anti-Intellectualism, because ultimately what the message becomes is "Anything or anyone who doesn't demonize or villify this Bad Thing to cartoonish proportions is Condoning it, because portraying Bad Thing in a realistic way leads to Understanding it, and once people Understand it, I'm no long allowed to treat people who have done or are that bad thing like they aren't people anymore."
Addiction, for example. As people come to understand that Addiction isn't a moralistic failure, but an actual chronic disease that can even be genetic, it's becoming less acceptable to treat people who suffer from Addiction as non-people anymore. And you can SEE people fight against it because they WANT a target they don't have to treat with the basic respect people deserve to be treated with. With the way some people act about Clean Needle Initiatives, or Narcan, or Fentynal Testing Strips, you can tell that what they really want is to continue to be able to treat someone like they're below them. But as people come to understand why people do the things they do, it becomes harder and harder to do that.
Which is to say, I empathize with Abuela Madrigal. I understand why she acted the way she did, but I don't condone it.
And personally, I think the movie did a great job subtle queuing up why she behaved that way. That every issue that the individual family members brought up that they were worried about was something Abuela also worried about. She had the same pressure to fix everything that Louisa did, the same pressure to be perfect like Isabella, the same responsibilities to make sure all the towns people were taken care of as Julieta, and the same requirements of keeping her emotions under control like Pepa. All of her kids and Grandkids were mirrors into what Abuela was also having to deal with all by herself, so yes, I understand why she acted that way, and I do empathize with her, but I also understand that her reactions to all of that were still wrong.
Even Mirabel, arguably most of all, was a reflection of Abuela. Mirabel was a reflection of Abuela's internalized feelings of Unworthiness. That she didn't deserve the miracle that she'd been given, and so when she saw someone who was not given a miracle, she dumped those feelings of unworthiness onto Mirabel. Mirabel was never going to be good enough because Abuela didn't think of herself as good enough, and she took it out on Mirabel.
I could actually break down how all the powers of the Madrigal Family find their roots in Control, which is the root of Abuela's inferiority complex, but I'll save that for another time if anyone is interested.
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ae-neon · 2 years
I was complaining about acomaf to my irl bestie and specifically talking about how Rhysand "teaches" Feyre how to read
And she goes "eww, why didn't she (SJM) make it so he (Rhys) writes nice things about her (Feyre)"
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It's because everything is about HIM.
The narrative doesn't even let Feyre really deal with her trauma under the mountain because full doing so would mean acknowledging what he did to her
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These books are supposed to be FANTASY ROMANCE YA and are just bad in each of those 3 categories
TW: domestic abuse
I recently realised that my own unwillingness to personally condemn Cassian even tho I'm a Nessian anti is because of how abuse apologia works. Like I've seen him be nice to other people so he can't be that bad right??
Obviously it depends on the degree of critical analysis and on the degree to which you apply irl morality to the text
But honestly even in my harshest takes I've never considered Cassian hitting Nesta (for example) but their relationship shows telltale signs and he's already emotionally abusive to her? Already employs methods of isolation and breaking? Like no of course in a few years he'd physically hurt her that's just how abuse works.
These books are at best, badly written, and at worst, straight up damaging. It wouldn't even be a big deal, but they're YA, they're marketed towards young and deeply impressionable people.
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 5 months
me: hermes is a painfully accurate example of how some ways of defending yourself against certain kinds of insidious emotional abuse, gaslighting, ableism, and therapy speak can warp you into a person whose learned helplessness and lack of perspective can result in doing really shitty things, and who passes that abuse along in different forms (hi meteion) + lashes out in disproportionate ways + can be deeply hypocritical.
me: as a disabled person in a society where our systemic mass murder via pressure into government-sanctioned suicide is on the rise, the ancients' society is beyond fucking upsetting to me. i have zero sympathy for anything to do with them pre-apocalypse except for the effects of living in that system.
me: that said, they are a good opportunity to remind oneself that there are children in that burning building; that a society being fucked does not mean they deserve to be wiped out; and that that does not mitigate the harm they do, nor mean that its victims are not allowed to be angry or resist it, including the victims inside it.
me, booboo the fool: oh, this youtube essay about hermes looks interesting--
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nighthaunting · 3 months
i have been trying and failing to make a well-worded post about the wild increase in ageism i've been seeing from people who claim to be progressive and anti-discrimination that appropriately extracts the issue from current politics in a way that will actually let people understand what i'm talking about without it getting mistaken for some kind of apologia but this is honestly bothering me so much i don't care anymore
calling every older or elderly person who is doing things you dislike "demented" or talking about how they must have "dementia" or be "sundowning" is ageism flat out, with a nice soupçon of ableism on top
the automatic assumption that dementia is just something that 'happens' to every elderly person is ageism (and also ableism) and also a very harmful and frightening stereotype
the lack of understanding of what dementia actually is and what it looks like, as opposed to other neurodegenerative disorders and disorders that can cause cognitive decline or cognitive disruption as symptoms, is actively harmful
the people this harms are not the wealthy and privileged people who are doing the things you dislike
the people this harms are regular people who not only have to deal with an extremely youth-focused culture, widespread age-based discrimination, and widespread ableism but also the stereotype that every elderly person who doesn't speak with the clarity, diction, and humorlessness of a news anchor must be demented
the old lady who is being forced out of her home so her children can sell it and profit off the house she's lived for most of her life because they're saying she's got "dementia" and needs to be institutionalized is a victim of elder abuse enabled by this stereotype
the old man with a uti who starts having cognitive disruption caused by the infection and ends up getting misdiagnosed and foisted off into a skilled nursing facility where no one notices that the infection's reached his kidneys until he's actively septic and dying is a victim of medical malpractice enabled by this stereotype
the old lady who starts slurring her speech and having difficulty remembering isn't demented she's had a fucking stroke and needs to be taken to the hospital
if literally none of the rest of this is enough to get through to anyone please do consider that one day you too will be old and have to deal with every younger person you interact with being willing to dismiss anything you say at any time because hyper youth focused culture has convinced them that everyone over the age of 50 is a decrepit mummy about to precipitously start losing mental faculties
the sheer disdain and virulent hate i've been seeing recently as people express their feelings about The Current Politics...while using every derogatory term for elderly people they can think of....everyone needs to remember that insult reflection meme because whichever current politician you hate can't hear you saying that everyone over 70 should be forced into a rest home but your older family members sure fucking can
real true life story of someone i know:
elderly person went to the ER and got stuck in a bed in the hallway for three days because it was so overcrowded. when they went in they were completely oriented and aware, no cognitive decline of any kind, and by the time they managed to get out of there, after spending three days in pain and unable to sleep at all because they were laying in a bed, in a brightly lit and busy hallway, where people were constantly walking past and intercoms were constantly sounding overhead, the discharging nurse was trying to connect them with a social worker to help their family get them into care for their dementia because they'd gotten hospital delirium but never actually been assessed for their cognitive function so the nurse just assumed they must normally be like this
i don't think anyone here really understands how easily that even a young and healthy person being put under stressors like lack of sleep and illness can start having cognitive issues. every healthy 20-something i have ever interacted with who's told a funny story about how they barely got any sleep for a few days and then had some amusing cognitive slip, especially those who've then turned around and dismissed an older person as being "demented", are really only 30-40 years away from being that older person who's dismissed as being "demented"
once again, if you are very lucky, then someday you too will be old and having to deal with how our culture treats the elderly so it is in our best interests to start changing that culture NOW
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ca-suffit · 2 months
keep doing what you're doing. if it wasn't for you & others I follow who are conscious about racism I wouldn't know who to block and avoid. this fandom is a fucking mess- fandoms have always been racist and misogynistic but it's been particularly painful w amc iwtv bc the adaptation is critically engaging w race+gender (white supremacy +patriarchy) in such an evocative, insightful way and 90% of the so called "fandom" is anti Black patriarchal abuse apologia (literally being made fun of by the show i.e. the trial)
seriously we keep each other safe here. fuck racists‼️
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bonefall · 2 years
Because I can't keep my mouth shut and the Erins can't be trusted to write a good super edition.
So to start with, I'll remind all the kitties: The Bonefall Rewrite is a Fix-It Redux of the Warrior Cats series, attempting to keep major events the same while reducing or eliminating pointlessly uncomfortable aspects. It generally has Four Goals;
To make a more thematically consistent WC series, with consistent cat politics and a conclusive anti-authoritarian stance.
To grow the culture of the Clans, including building the groups they interact with into full societies in their own right.
To expand on supernatural elements, by giving StarClan more powers, renovating the Dark Forest, and even making entities that exist beyond the Clans.
To be cool as fuck. Totally radical additional action scenes, Bodacious familial drama, gnarly battles with cats retaining fighting styles. I'm fallin' ASLEEP! Won't SOMEONE blow up a bulldozer already?!
This is relevant because these principles apply heavily to all other arcs; but this is the one arc that I have promised to not stay faithful to.
That means that I will not feel bound to preserve major events of DotC. In any other arc, a major character death would be preserved and I would simply try to strengthen it as much as possible. Here? If I say Turtle Tail lives, she's LEAPING out of the grave like baby's first necromancy. If I say the Medicine Cat's Vow is completely different, Moth Flight is tripping over herself to do it for me.
Dawn of the Clans is the very origin of the Clan society I care so much for writing, and a point of endless frustration for me as a long-time fan who bought and read the field guides as they came out. I refuse to allow so much of the basis of the Clans be poofed into existence by StarClan.
I'm gonna write the mythological origin of the Clans that I always wanted, and utterly obliterate as much of the sexism and abuse apologia this arc is known for as possible. Chainsaw time.
Below the cut:
1. Events I DO want to keep 2. Big Redux Thoughts
Let's talk about the events I DO want to keep.
Clear Sky is the Antagonist
He's playing the role he was meant to. I have no desire to even try to "fix" his ridiculous 'redemption arc.' This is a controlling, brutal coward who covers up his insecurities in violence and tyranny. Skystar is the basis of the Might-Makes-Right culture that comes to be from this point on.
The Battle of Fivetrees
In the Bonefall Rewrite, there were once five trees at Fourtrees. The First Battle is integral to the mythology, and will involve a five-Clan battle of some kind.
Additionally, this site was now also an ancient shrine of some sort; the First Battle killed so many cats that it summoned One Eye.
One Eye and Star Flower
But... One Eye is now a God. One of four seasonal deities, along with Midnight, Rock, and Sol. Chronologically, this is his next appearance after Hollyleaf's Century. It's important to the rest of the rewrite that he is killed in this incarnation by a cat who is Tribeborn, not Clanborn, as he goes on to haunt the Tribe in the future as a result.
Star Flower serves him in a high position of some sort, but if she's the daughter of his vessel, a demigod, or a nature entity like Brokenstar hasn't been decided yet. In any case, she is safe and being expanded significantly.
River Ripple and the Park Cats
We're gonna have to see what River's super edition decides for him. We'll have a look at what it adds to the lore, what it subtracts, what it does right, and what we're nuking from orbit.
If his super edition makes the Park Cats show up as villains, I'm goring it like a bull. I am trampling it like a tap-dancing horse. I am preemptively blowing up the idea with my mind.
The Park Cats are, in any case, going to become a full culture that humans destroyed in some fashion.
Gray Wing' Adoptions and Asthma
He will be keeping all of his adoptions, especially of Thunder. In fact, I do not want him to have biokits. There's no need. He raised Pebble Heart, Sparrow Fur, and Owl Eyes. 4 kits is enough; Slate did not also need babies.
He is also keeping his asthma, retaining smoke damage.
Redux Ideas, both confirmed and tentative.
The Sun Trail
To begin with, the Tribe was not overpopulated. That is not the reason why they left nor the reason why they were starving. I'm rejecting an 'overpopulation' narrative on the face of it. These cats are too coded as people for me to ever accept it in this series.
Disgusting to see this idea in a series already teeter-tottering on the edge of being pro-eugenics by way of being so abelist.
Instead, there was a blockage of some sort in the Tribe river, the one that starts in the mouth of the cave. Drought lead to famine; it was beyond anyone's control.
Clear Sky and the Sun Trail Pioneers were seeking the water at the end of the dry river heading south. The Sun-scorched riverbed was a Trail.
Thunder has Three Legs; Jagged Peak Died
Clear Sky kicked his brother out into the wilderness for breaking his leg, an injury that should not have been deadly, because he hated the idea of 'burdens.' He condemns him to starvation. This is something that needs immediate consequence.
Gray Wing and Storm leave with him to keep him alive, but leaf bare claims him regardless. Storm's kittens are born weakened by the stress of this ordeal; Thunder, the only survivor, has a leg missing in the exact place where Jagged Peak broke his.
When Gray and Storm return seeking help from Clear Sky, he rejects his kitten in front of everyone. It's cruel irony, like the Stars are trying to teach him a lesson, and he rejects it.
THIS is when the Clans split, as the group fractures between the cats who refuse to accept their leader's cruelty, and those who stay in the bounty of the Forest and play by Clear Sky's rules.
I may be willing to spare Jagged Peak. But, narratively, I think it is stronger for Thunder to functionally take all of his roles and axe the redundant character.
The Medicine Cat Vow's Origin is Completely Different
In a nutshell; Moth Flight and her kittens were the original medics. The other Clans tried to steal them to have their own medics. In response, they went willingly, but vowed to each other to never have family to serve medicine above the Clan.
Generations later, during the exile of SkyClan, this Vow was corrupted, completely flipped on its head to justify controlling medicine cats who did not abide the personal vow, to shut them up about the Exile of SkyClan. It was not created in its modern form.
This law, in fact, directly creates Ripplestar's rebellion.
The Great Unfridgening
Of Bumble, Turtle Tail, Bright Stream, and Storm, at least three will survive.
Bumble is confirmed. If you want to kill her again you'll have to kill me too. I'm considering Turtle Tail still dying to retrieve her kittens from their abusive ex, so Gray Wing can adopt the kits and raise them with Bumble as a godfather.
Of Bright Stream and Storm, I'm considering both of them staying alive. They can get some foundational roles.
River Ripple Can't Just Hide
Bothers me that River Ripple is able to avoid carnage by staying behind the river for the most part. ALL FIVE CLANS will have to take part in the Battle of Fivetrees. He won't like it, but River's Clan WILL get dragged into it, kicking and screaming
Slash Gone
Society has progressed past the need for Slash's rogue group. It's One Eye's Cultists or Clan Conflict, or it's NOTHING. NO MORE RANDOM ROGUE VILLAINS. NO. NO.
Will some of Slash's rogues show up? Sure. As One Eye Cultists. And if they're organized they're organized under Star Flower. No more creepy ass Slash and his "promised bride," ick, ew, gross, no.
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Why don't you just let people have fun and be excited about a character that they like?
Hello idiot. I am excited about Izzy actually. I watched that clip and was like LMAO HE SOUNDS SO STUPID and then I ran to tumblr to laugh about it with people because thats what I do when I get excited about something and immediately got my hopes of us all dunking on him because this clip was objectively funny dashed by people who I thought would be laughing about this taking it seriously.
My issue with the reception of Izzy in this fandom (aside from the racism and homophobia that goes into a lot of apologia) is and always has been that people consistently go out of their way to ruin my enjoyment of Izzy by crying about how sad and what a poor little meow meow he is and how Ed is a big mean abuser when I'm here to love to hate him. I read him as a panto villain and I react to him as such, which means my enjoyment of him, and I do enjoy him, is about me taking the piss out of him, and whenever I take the piss out of him because that's a fun thing to do to a character like this there's always some jackass up in my face calling me a hater and and anti. And then when I see people who I thought weren't like that treating a scene like this which I just want to laugh at with the utmost seriousness it reminds me of those people who have been jackasses to me and I make a vent post about it.
So I've gotta ask you, anon, Why don't you just let me have fun and be excited about a character that I like?
My brother in christ he nutted in his pants.
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martyreasemymind · 6 months
A lot of Harringrove shippers and Billy truthers give Nancy the anti treatment, that same anti treatment that comes from Steddies/Eddie fans and somehow, they have discourse posts about calling it out from said fandoms. It has to be said.
Everyone is entitled to get critical of her an d other characters they dislike. That is okay. However, there's that and then there's this constant vibe in which she's demonized and vilified for almost breathing - for instance, i've seen some posts in which they acuse her of physically abusing Steve using the S1 fight scene as their only back up for their take. Of all the things she's problematic for, she was on her whole right to do that.
While i don't care about her, something about that does not sit well with me. Matter or fact, these fans taking the exact anti role on characters like her, whom they project their own personal bias and internalized sexism, is a whole setback of these exact invalid takes Billy and his fans get by existing, that was quite strong around 2019 till 2022 in my opinion.
I think there's definitely a lot of truth to the statement that many billy fans are willing to throw other characters under the bus for the sake of minimizing his behavior, with nancy being one of the premier victims. this is especially frustrating b/c it plays right into the accusations that antis often throw at us, proving them right.
i'm obviously a billy fan (and far from a nancy fan), but this pattern of minimizing his violent behavior (b/c even though it came from a place of deep pain, even though it doesn't make him a monster or an abuser, it was still cruel and unacceptable) by villainizing a female character who, by all accounts, has done nothing but act as most other teenage girls (an already villainized part of the population) would given the circumstances, is quite concerning.
I think a lot of billy fans consider themselves more compassionate and appreciative of nuance than the rest of the fandom which, while very possibly true, leads them to think that they are somehow immune from holding discriminatory beliefs themselves. misogyny is just one example that i have observed, tho it is perhaps the most salient.
I am not here to say that nancy never did anything wrong or questionable, or that she would not have things to work on if she was a real person, but this misconstruing and demonization of her character for the sake of elevating billy's is exactly the kind of sexism laced abuse apologia that antis often yell about and is, quite frankly, a fandom example of the excusal and whataboutism that allows abuse culture to thrive.
someone like billy would not benefit from being told that the things they did to other people weren't 'that bad', or that another person was 'worse' than them so therefore they shouldn't feel guilty or try to improve (calling them irredeemable or undeserving of help wouldn't benefit them either, to be clear). that is not how build self-awareness and acceptance. and it certainly isn't how you heal from the abuse that drove you to do those things in the first place.
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