#Antidote Market Share
fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months
David and Michael interview with Vanessa Armstrong and Valerie Ettenhofer for SlashFilm, 10.7.2023
Film's Vanessa Armstrong got the answers in an interview with Sheen and Tennant, which it should be noted took place before the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike began. When asked about how and when Gaiman, who created and showruns the series, pitched the second season, Tennant revealed that "it gradually came into focus over a couple of years, probably." The actor notes that "the initial idea that there might be more story to tell" might have actually "had its genesis way, way back as a sort of fantasy idea, really, where we were shooting [season] 1." Like many a TV show these days, the show was initially marketed as a limited series, but that didn't last; it was officially renewed in 2021, two years after it aired.
While it sounds like Gaiman and the cast perhaps daydreamed about keeping the fun going with another season during production on the first, Tennant says the pieces still didn't come together until after it aired. "Then [season] 1 came out, and I think from that point, there was a slow realization that actually there might be more to come," he told /Film. "Neil was clearly excited at the idea, and I think Amazon were keen to do it." Some limited series clearly have aspirations for a sophomore season, but Tennant insists that he and Sheen "always thought it was a one-off," having signed contracts for one season and only been pitched on one season. When they got the go-ahead for another, though, he explained, "Michael and I were thrilled that we would get to return to [these] characters."
"When we started off on that journey, there was never a sense to go further, but what a treat that it was going to," Tennant explained. It took a long time for the full season 2 picture to come into focus: "I think Neil would drop us little nuggets down the months and years, really," he told /Film. Sheen, meanwhile, says he has "no memory whatsoever' of how Gaiman told him about the plans for Aziraphale in season 2. He did, however, have an inkling based on conversations Gaiman had described having with Pratchett about a continuation of the story before the author's death in 2015. "I know what we wanted to explore," Sheen said, "and I always remember what he was aiming to get to by the end of the second series, because of ideas that he and Terry had talked about with where the story might go."
Sheen says he thinks the first thing Gaiman told him about season 2 involved "the idea of Gabriel coming into their lives again in a very unexpected way, and then that eventually building to the point that they get to at the end of this series." Tennant, meanwhile, remembers being in Romania on a shoot for "Around The World in 80 Days" when Gaiman shared the first scene of season 2 with him and Sheen over Zoom. "Neil read us the first scene, the opening scene, which is, if you've seen it, you'll know we meet a very youthful Crowley and Aziraphale, very much way back at the beginning of time." (fygo: NGK FUCKING NGK!!!) Tennant says Gaiman "then gave us a quick sketch of what the rest of the series was going to be." Though both actors are understandably trying to keep mum about the ending of season 2, they note that Gaiman told them what it would be early on.
"That was all worked out, and it just felt delicious, really," Tennant says after recalling the Zoom meeting. "I mean from that moment on, it just felt like it was always meant to be. It felt like it was such a perfectly formed idea. I think it's fair to say that Michael and I didn't need much persuading." That's great to hear, because we certainly didn't need persuading to sign up for a season 2, either. The new "Good Omens" adventure begins on Prime Video on July 28, 2023.
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drafthorsemath · 8 months
Antidote (TBB Tech x afab Reader)
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Tech x AFAB Reader (use of she/her pronouns), but all of the Batch included
Word Count: Five words over 3.3k
Warnings: Sex pollen but not the usual trope (no sex and an alternative is found), suggestive sexual language and situations but nothing acted upon, restraining for safety, some strong language, frank description of biological processes, creative use of a tampon, some feelings of shame but they are addressed, NSFW, younglings begone
A/N: I can’t read sex pollen fics. I tried. It wasn’t my thing, but then I got an idea and @staycalmandhugaclone encouraged me so here we are. This is not a call out or meant to be negative toward any sex pollen fics. This is just a different take.
Also on AO3.
You met the Batch on Pabu and in the months since, found yourself spending more and more time with them. This was especially true of Tech. You found his thirst for knowledge and direct nature easy to understand and get along with. Though, you were doing more than getting along. You weren’t sure how to tell him, but you had fallen for him.  His brothers all noticed, but he seemed not to. What you didn’t know was that he simply didn’t know how to bring up his feelings just yet.
The boys had decided to visit a nearby planet and since there didn’t seem to be any danger, no one had any objections to you coming along.  You hadn’t been on a ship since you first traveled to Pabu and you loved watching as you flew through hyperspace. Tech landed just outside of a city and you all headed toward the market. Hunter and Echo went in search of supplies while Wrecker, Tech, and Crosshair all helped buy food to bring back to Pabu. You were particularly interested in the local fruits and vegetables that didn’t grow on the island you called home.
“I think this is enough,” you said, putting down the last crate next to the pile.
“Is it,” Wrecker asked. “I could eat all this in a couple days.”
“Yes, but we’re just getting what we can,” Crosshair responded. He didn’t want to make more than one trip back to the ship.
“Well, we can carry more,” Wrecker retorted. “At least I can.”
Crosshair gave him a half-hearted glare but helped purchase a few more crates.  Wrecker easily carried most of the load.
You turned around to look for Tech.  He was busy scanning some kind of contraption that caught his eye one booth over.
“Ready to go, Tech?”
“In just a moment,” he replied.
Wrecker and Crosshair walked ahead, catching up with Hunter and Echo who were waiting near the edge of town with some ship parts.  You knew a moment for Tech could mean anything from a few seconds to much longer than that but wanted to stay with him.
He put the item down and walked with you. “The wiring on this new style datapad results in faster computations. I want to see if I can rewire my own and achieve similar results.”
“That didn’t look like any datapad I’ve ever seen,” you replied.
“Ah, the outside is only meant to grab your attention. It is a new model. The inside is what interests me.”
You smiled at that.  Tech offered to carry the crate you still had, and you kindly accepted.
Once back at the ship, Wrecker took the crate from Tech. It was decided you all would spend the night on the ship and head back the next day.  Tech cleared his bunk so you would have a place to sleep, insisting he could sleep in a chair.  While you felt it was incredibly nice of him, you also couldn’t help but wonder what it might be like to share a bunk with him.  The thought left your mind as he asked if you wanted to come with him to document some of the local flora.  After dinner, the others stayed around the campfire while you and Tech walked over a few hills and to the edge of a forest.  He excitedly took pictures and samples, telling you about each plant and its properties.
“This one has several medicinal uses,” he said, handing you a pink flower. You smiled at it and then back at Tech.  You gathered several and put them in their own storage bag for transport.  Multiple species of flowers were packed before you looked a little further into the woods.
“Tech! Come see!”
He walked over and immediately noticed the large teal blooms that opened as you walked by.
“Fascinating,” he said. He took a picture and noticed that as he got closer to you, the flowers seemed to open even further. He scanned them, looking for any known properties. His face dropped as soon as the results showed up.
“We need to go, mesh’la!”
“What? Why?” You sneezed.
“It may be too late.” He took your hand and briskly walked you out of the woods. Your face suddenly felt hot and your throat burned.
“Tech, I don’t feel well.”
“We must get back to the ship,” he said nearly panicking. “I believe those flowers create an aphrodisiac that specifically affects females of several species.”
No sooner had he said that, and your limbs felt like jelly and you fell against him.  Something wasn’t right. You could swear you felt all your blood rushing to your groin and let out a moan. You tried to run, but felt a great weight on your ankles. Tech lifted you like you weighed nothing and ran toward the Marauder. Hunter stood as he saw his brother carrying your body. Preparing for the worst, the boys all stood up asking what was wrong and following Tech on to the ship.
“A large flower opened, spreading pollen,” Tech stated. “I believe it is an aphrodisiac and it has already started to work.”
He sat you down, scanned you, and confirmed your symptoms. The others stood behind him, looking rather helpless. He sighed and gave you a rundown of what to expect. Very brief fever followed by extremely high libido and high energy until satisfied.
Crosshair looked from you to Tech and asked, “Isn’t there a way she can take care of this on her own? You know? Manually?”
“Negative,” replied Tech. “Based on the information available, orgasm does not help in mitigating the symptoms. It appears this particular pollen only effects females and it does not wear off until either sexual intercourse with a male is completed or her hormones shift with her next menstrual cycle.”
“Next period?!” You really started panicking. “I can’t feel that way for that long!” You wanted to cry and yet you could feel that you had to fight to remain yourself even now. You knew it would only get worse. “Look I… Tech I…” You searched for words, feeling overwhelmed. This was not how you wanted to have this conversation, but it seemed like you had better get it over with. “Tech, I have feelings for you. I really like you, but I don’t want to have sex with you or anyone right now, for that matter and I’m afraid of what I might say or do in the next however long.”
Tech quickly processed the information and couldn’t help but smile. “I believe the feeling is mutual,” he said, still kneeling in front of you. “I promise no one will do anything you would not want done in your healthy state of mind. You have my word.”
“That’s great,” chimed Echo, “And I’m really glad for you two, but how are we going to fix this without waiting?”
“I have an idea,” Tech replied.
No sooner had he said that and the fever hit. You felt like you were on fire and cold as ice at the same time. Wrecker stepped toward you to hold your hand. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said. “If anyone can solve this, it’s Tech.”
You tried to nod. Your whole body shook with fever, but within a few minutes the fever was gone. You knew that you weren’t yourself, but there was no way to stop it. You looked at all five men greedily and started to take your shirt off.
“I want Tech first,” you said with a smirk.
“Now now,” Wrecker said, still next to you and taking your hand away from your shirt. “None of that.”
You tried to stand up and looked at each member of the squad. You giggled to yourself that you just thought about the word “member.” They would do nicely, but you would give anything for Tech to throw you onto his bunk and fuck you through the bottom of the ship. You walked closer to him and he adjusted his googles.
“I know this is not you,” he said.
It quickly became clear that you were going to be quite a handful.  Tech did research as fast as possible, finding flowers that reacted similarly.  Wrecker held you in his lap with his arms wrapped around you after you tried to jump on Hunter as he walked past to assist Tech. He was also trying to keep you from acting out your latest threat of walking up to Tech and sitting in his lap naked. You made several comments about each of the men, but would not stop talking about how much you wanted Tech.
“We know,” Crosshair said, sitting next to Wrecker.
You turned your head toward Crosshair and smiled like an idiot. “Jealous,” you asked him.
“I didn’t say that,” he replied in annoyance.
“It’s okay if you are,” you countered in a sing-song voice.
Your body then decided that since you were sitting on a man’s lap, you might as well start thrusting your hips.
“Nope,” Wrecker said, lifting you off his lap. He was strong, but you were giving him a run for his money with how much you were squirming.
“We’ll sit with her awhile,” Hunter offered, dragging Echo with him. “Crosshair too.”
“What? Why me?”
“Because you’ve only sat next to Wrecker. I think we’ll all have to take some limbs or something.” Wrecker sat you down on the bunk and Hunter held you back before you could lunge at Tech. You nearly yoinked him halfway across the Marauder. Hunter managed to sit you back down with Echo holding one arm, Hunter the other, and Crosshair sitting on the floor hugging your legs.
“This is ridiculous,” you giggled. “Just let me fuck your brother. Just once.”
Hunter sighed. He knew you were going to be upset later. Tech had already discovered that there is no lapse in memory for this particular drug, so you would remember every moment of this.  He hoped you would find solace in the fact that they all knew this wasn’t really you. 
They were all getting tired and while Wrecker wanted to help Tech, he knew there was little he could do, so he tried sleeping until it was his turn to hold you again. Tech worked furiously through the night. He grimaced when you hit the next stage and complained you felt throbbing.  You had gone from flirty to begging for someone to put your out of your misery “with as much cock as possible.” When that didn’t work you cried. He knew it must be painful by this point. He couldn’t stand to hear you cry.  Your body was simply reacting to a drug. He felt guilty for not knowing this plant was in the vicinity, but it had never been documented on this side of the planet before. How could he have known?
In the middle of the night, Wrecker woke to stay with you while Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair tried to get some sleep. You made a lot of noise, but they tried. Wrecker had to admit that he didn’t do any more than doze. They were all worried for you, but being in war and under stress, they had learned to sleep when they can and then get up and do their part when it was time. They got what sleep they could.
You wailed when Wrecker held you, trying to scramble away to get to one of the men. He just kept apologizing and telling you he was keeping you safe. You managed to turn in his lap and wrap your legs around his waist.
He sighed. “I know you don’t want that. Not really.” You started crying again and all you could seem to feel was your pulse between your legs and a chemical drive that would not go away.
At the front of the ship, Tech started to make some progress.  He smiled to himself when he found a research article on this species of plant. He needed one of the pink flowers you’d collected earlier along with two drugs from the med kit.
Hunter hadn’t done much more than close his eyes, but he sensed the med kit being opened and went to try to help his brother.
“Will you restart the campfire,” Tech asked.
“Sure. What progress have you made?”
“We are not able to create or obtain the hormones needed to trigger her menstrual cycle and end this using that method. However, it is theorized that the reason sexual intercourse causes the pollen to cease its effect is because of the presence of semen in the vagina. Specifically, one protein found in seminal fluid. Now, obviously that is not an option for us, but it appears a similar form of this protein can be synthesized using the pollen of some flowers we collected. While not ideal, there are some items in the med kit that can help this chemical process.”
“Great, but how do we get it in her,” Hunter asked.
“We don’t,” answered Crosshair, now standing behind them. “Put whatever you make on a tampon and ask her to do it herself.”
“Would that work,” Echo asked, joining them.
“I believe it is the least invasive option,” Tech replied.
They all nodded. Hunter went outside to start the campfire.  Tech sterilized some equipment and joined him.  It seemed simple enough. He only needed part of the flower and then the heated wound disinfectant along with bacta gel would cause the protein to be isolated. Hunter dug a tampon out of the emergency supplies.
Echo and Crosshair helped Wrecker who held your legs, while the other two sat on either side of you. You were tired, but still acting ravenous. Your method had gone even further in the direction of complaining about how you were hurting, and you just wanted all this to be over. 
“It doesn’t have to be Tech,” you declared. “I’ll take any of you. Please!”  You then melted in Echo’s arm and looked at him with stars in your eyes. “Changed your mind yet? Any of you?”
He simply shook his head, trying to show he cared, and held on so you couldn’t pounce on anyone.  You turned to Crosshair on your other side. He held your arm and tried to help keep you still as best he could. You quickly moved to try to bite his neck and he pulled away. “No thank you,” he said. “I’m saving that for someone special.”
You were trying so hard to fight the drug coursing through your system, but it was a losing battle. After what felt like ages, Tech seemed satisfied with the concoction. There wasn’t much of it, but once it was cool enough he dipped the end of the tampon in the gel and walked back onto the ship. The boys let go enough for you to walk toward him. Your flirty symptoms appeared again, and you wanted Tech so badly. You looked up and down his body with no shame. He really took your breath away.
Tech found your glances made him nervous, but simply cleared his throat.  Just as he was about to explain why he was holding a tampon, you started sniffing the air.
“That smell,” you said.
The men all looked at each other. “Can you smell it,” Hunter asked. “The protein?”
“Whatever it is, I want to sit on it,” you replied with a grin. You homed in on the tampon.
Tech cleared his throat again and explained, “I have created what we hope will reverse the effect of the drug, but you need to insert this yourself.”
Crosshair and Echo were still each holding your arms, but not too tightly. You seemed to calm and they let go. You took the tampon and went to take your pants off, but everyone stopped you. Tech opened the refresher door and you walked in. He closed it and everyone sighed.
“I hope this works,” said Echo. “All I smell is floral bacta gel.”
In the ‘fresher you regarded the tampon with a little suspicion, but your body seemed to be on autopilot. You placed the tampon and immediately the ache started going away. You took slower breaths. You washed your hands and realized your nerves had been on fire for hours.  You looked at yourself in the mirror and felt the heat in your face start to drain. Instead, you realized all that you had said and done, or tried to do. All kinds of emotions flooded your system. You were sure that Hunter could sense the change in you from the other side of the door, so you made no effort to report what was going on. You weren’t sure you wanted to see or talk to any of them yet. You were covered in sweat from all your activity and wanted a shower.  You stripped off your clothes and briefly stood under the water. Just enough to clear away the feeling on your skin.  When you got out, you noticed someone had left you the spare clothes you’d brought, and you slowly put them on. After a few more minutes of staring blankly into the mirror and letting the antidote work, you finally reappeared.
“I’m sorry,” you said quietly. “I didn’t mean all that.”
“We know,” Wrecker said, pulling you into a hug.
“Glad you feel better,” Hunter said.
“Been thinking we might all get some shut eye before we leave,” Echo suggested.  Crosshair nodded with a little smile on his face. For the first time all night, he popped a toothpick in his mouth.
You nodded, thanking them for helping you.
“Especially you, Tech.”
He wasn’t sure what to do. Should he hug you? Hold you? Keep his distance?
“Here,” he said. “If you find you need more to counter the drug, I will put this in a safe place.” He showed you a container with the small puddle of gel he had made using the flowers. You smiled at him.
“How did you figure it out?”
He walked you to the cockpit after closing up the ship as the sun rose. He sat you down, noticing how physically weak you looked. Sitting across from you, he told you about his research and how he found a way to mimic the protein structure that seemed to shut down the drug.  You smiled. Of course Tech would figure it out.
“I’m sorry again,” you said.
“Cyar’ika, you have nothing to be sorry for,” he said, reaching for your hand. He gave it a soft squeeze and smiled at you. “None of this was your fault.”
You returned the smile and sat back, looking like you might fall asleep.
“Let me help you to bed,” he offered. You took his arm, needing it to steady yourself. Your legs felt like jelly for a whole different reason this time.
You got into bed. In his bunk. The others were already sleeping. Tech sat on the end of the bed, but looked conflicted. When he originally offered to sleep in the pilot’s seat, he didn’t know all of this would happen.
“Tech? Can you stay? Is that okay?”
He nodded, but suddenly seemed a bit nervous. He had never shared a bed with anyone like this. What he said earlier was true. He had feelings for you and knew you had feelings for him. He wanted you to feel safe, so if you wanted him close, he felt it would be alright now, although he wasn’t sure what he was doing as he laid down.
“How would you like me to, uh…”
“Like this,” you replied, taking his hand and laying it across your middle. Not too close or tight, but just there. “But however feels right. I trust you.”
He softly smiled and relaxed. “Goodnight mesh’la.”
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The Radical Act of Choosing Happiness
Hey, besties.
Got a secret for you...
Our mutual happiness is the best antidote to miserable antis.
Next time some troll starts up on their bullshit?
Make them choke on your bliss.
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Solo dickheads victimizing or gatekeeping one of the members?
Don't fall into the trap. Instead, hashtag support for that member and move on.
Subgroup hell-bent on spreading lies and mistranslations again?
Don't engage at all. Just share the truth. Exalt in the truth. Celebrate the truth so loud, it drowns out the noise.
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A bunch of antis dogpiling slurs and hate on your fave?
No need to stoop to their level or return their energy--energy is precisely what they want. Report, block, move on.
Instead, you lean on in to the absolute euphoria of BTS's relationships, official content, and fan works.
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Are disingenuous anons clogging up your inbox?
Feel free to delete. We don't have time to waste playing tit-for-tat with assholes, and we aren't obligated to share our platforms to host their opinions. We've got songs to stream and folios to purchase and videos to like and share.
Not to mention voting. ARE Y'ALL STILL VOTING??
Look, my dear-hearts. I get that it's aggravating--these little shits coming into our spaces, trying to ruin things. But BTS has learned to rise above all that and work hard for ARMY. They still are out here working hard for us. They are the ones that deserve our focus. STAY FOCUSED, BROTHERS.
And every time we focus on BTS, it makes us happy, doesn't it?
I'm just out here on my soapbox today to encourage all my moots to choose to be unabashedly, uncontrollably, incandescently joyful.
The best revenge is to live well. Be radically happy.
And on that note, I'm gonna go get ready to see the Yet To Come Busan Concert in theaters. Today I am dragging my work bestie to see it with me. She says she's eager to become a newborn ARMY and might be Yoongi biased! HUZZAH!!
Go get out there and shift your focus to what brings joy. BTS would want you to.
Love and undaunted happiness to all of you,
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reidslovely · 10 months
So!!!! Is CEO Parker like a bit of mob Peter? Like surely he has the same amount of power and wealth as mob!Peter but what are some other things about ceo Parker?
For the sake of this we are going to pretend that Peter's body is not being occupied by Otto in this timeline. Different from the actual Parker Ind. timeline in the comics. This is not about the superior comic run.
In my head CEO Peter has always been Mob!Peter. So on his own yeah CEO!Peter has so much wealth and power but I think he's a bit more reclusive and built off than my interpretation of Mob!Peter was. Mob! always surrounded himself by his peers and built himself up through them and what they thought of him. He also fed off the control he had to keep him going after the trauma of losing everything he did. He was social by nature because it was the way to keep himself from sinking.
CEO!Pete on the other hand allows himself to sink. Especially after Gwen's death (who in this timeline for the sake of having Harry there because I love him and he deserved better was killed by the Norman Goblin). He throws himself into school and his studies, he takes summer classes to graduate earlier. He latches onto Otto and all the work they do together that basically becomes his relationship he comes up with prototype for the robotics that took off the company (im not a mogul so im not sure what it is: probably going to be robotics or ai implications like in the ps4 game so basically helping and aiding people with missing limbs or neurodegenerative disorders.) And that's not to say he's not having relationships with actual people he is..they just never go past one night. Parker and Osborn Industries is literally built from the ground up, Otto steps down from his position and leaves what is left of Octavius Industries projects to Peter who by this point is graduated and fresh out of college. So with the help of Harry (who he's helped with the Retroviral Hypodysplasia by coming up with a antidote from his own blood finally perfecting it after years of them trying) they break ground Parker and Osborn. Fast forward a few years the two go their separate ways, still friends just focusing on different ends of the scientific market. Peter now nearing 30, is a young CEO of this high-tech company he and his best friend made on the death bed of his former boss. How could he not feel isolated? He's gone this long without someone, why even bother at this point?
He does long for a family though, someone to share all this with. He had Harry and that made him feel less alone but Harry's married now, he and M.J. expecting their first born son soon and Peter's still grieving the loss of his high school girlfriend. He's backed himself into such a corner though that, he's not sure he could walk himself out of it at this point.
Sorry anon you probably wanted some CEO!Peter/Reader but I gave you my half assed, word vomit lore instead🫣😭
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pridepoisoned · 1 year
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When she's not working on her Infinity Energy Absorber technology with Devon, you can usually find Eris pursuing her personal research on Pokemon venoms. Given her obsessive nature when it comes to knowledge, her expertise on the subject is extensive...and always growing.
While this research doesn't distract from her main goal, it has resulted in Eris leaving behind footprints in nearly every region as she acquires new Pokemon specimens and sets up secret satellite labs within those areas. (see: her latest dabbling in Rocket's black market and her secret Mareanie testing lab hidden in Alola's Poni Breaker Coast.) While her personal endeavors will never lead to her corporate downfall (Devon's protection reigns supreme), her movements can be traced by a watchful eye because of this 'hobby', which routinely places her in more vulnerable situations.
Eris's research on venom spans nearly all Poison (and some non-Poison) Pokemon. Huddled in her secret labs, she's discovered which toxins are most potent (and how to effectively combine them), while also developing stealthy poison tools for self-defense...and the necessary antidotes, of course. They aren't for public sale (of course,) but she's willing to share with the right people, for the right price.
As a final note: It's highly recommended not to take any food or drink that she offers you if you happen to be on bad terms with her. Be smart.
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ciphersalm · 3 months
Fatal Farewell
When Dr. Stone woke from his tent the next morning in the jungle of Selvadorada, he was horrified to find himself covered in green dots… the poison had not worn off overnight as he had hoped, but had gotten worse!
Fearing for his life, Rosetto rushed into the town and asked all the locals for help, but none of them had an antidote. Then… he spotted someone he knew: Alan. Desperate, he went to Alan and pleaded with him for some aid… and after giving Alan some bone dust from the temple, Alan was able to give him an antidote and save his life.
Alan also apologised for what happened at the temple and admitted to Rosetto that he actually has a fiancé and a child, which is why he rejected him - and the two of them shared one last embrace.
Tired and triumphant, Rosetto’s vacation had come to an end and so he decided to return home for the time being, saying goodbye to Alan and the jungle of Selvadorada… for now.
So my sim survived after all, yay! I was really hoping the poison was going to wear off but then it progressed and I got so scared he was going to die… luckily Alan saved us and in return, I decided to treat him to a proper CAS makeover and even gave him a fiancé and child to give him more of a story than just “a random sim that the game generated to man the market stalls” and I love his character! Him and Rosetto won’t be becoming partners, but it’s nice to have sims wandering around this savefile with more lore!
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xtruss · 7 months
A New Fascist Trump on the Block: Argentina’s New Leader is a Snake-Oil Salesman with Extreme Wiews on Abortion, Gay Rights and More. I Fear For My Country
After his Landslide Victory in the Presidential Election, Javier Milei is Threatening to undo 40 Years of Democracy in Argentina
— Uki Goñi | Tuesday 21 November, 2023
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Javier Milei speaks to his supporters after winning the Argentinian presidential election. Photograph: Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images
Anti-woke libertarian Javier Milei’s landslide win in Argentina’s presidential election poses not only a worrying question for my country’s fragile 40-year-old democracy, but could also embolden other extreme libertarians in the US and Europe in their own anti-woke wars.
Milei is often described as an outsider – but his revolutionary persona has been carefully crafted by one of the country’s richest men. Argentinian billionaire Eduardo Eurnekian plugged the wild-haired economist relentlessly on his A24 media network as an antidote to those he views as the dominant “political caste”. Milei has accused the Peronist establishment of being “socialist” because they had legalised gay marriage and abortion, put on trial and sentenced the perpetrators of Argentina’s genocidal 1976-83 dictatorship and threatened to impose new taxes on wealth.
Milei has pledged to review all these achievements, and has even proposed a referendum on the legality of abortion. His party is already working on slashing taxes as soon as it takes office next month, and he has signalled he may exonerate Argentina’s imprisoned dictatorship officers. During a presidential debate, he said that the military were guilty only of “excesses”.
Milei’s proposed dollarisation of the economy, a long-cherished business establishment dream, unexpectedly gained traction with the public during the campaign. Milei won nearly 56% of the vote in a country where 40% of the population live in poverty, even though his policies reflect the typical obsessions of billionaires everywhere. Tax is “theft”, social justice is an “aberration”, and public health, public education and social welfare need to be abolished. The climate crisis is “a socialist lie”.
But one of Milei’s beliefs is shared only with Argentina’s business leaders. The 1976 dictatorship – which Milei is keen to reappraise – imposed policies similar in many ways to his, including a semi-dollarisation that pegged the peso to the dollar. The 1,200 convicted dictatorship officers are seen by many businesspeople not as the Nazi-style killers and other criminals they were, but as stalwart defenders of the free market system. But we know how that experiment went. The dollar peg broke loose, the economy crashed and the dictatorship returned to the barracks with its tail between its legs.
When democracy returned in 1983 the full horror of what the military had done exploded into view, creating a consensus embraced even by conservatives that the armed forces would never be allowed to return to government, not even as defenders of the capitalist faith. Both Milei and especially the vice-president elect, Victoria Villarruel, argue against this consensus. Villarruel has made it her life’s calling to advocate for former officers incarcerated for rape, murder and torture, a number of whom she has visited in prison. She refuses to use the word “dictatorship”, unless she is referring to democratically elected Peronist administrations, and employs “de facto government” for the real dictatorship instead.
I was a young journalist during the dictatorship, working at the Buenos Aires Herald, a small English-language community newspaper that reported on crimes against human rights. Part of my job was translating the speeches of the generals, full of references to “cultural Marxism” – a genocidal conspiracy theory that Milei chillingly resurrected for his campaign.
The generals had studied the works of Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, who argued that the revolutionary left would need to obtain cultural hegemony to achieve its ends. From this seed, the generals developed a conspiracy theory, not unlike the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that Marxists had infiltrated universities, Hollywood and the Catholic church, to undermine “our western and Christian way of life”. The “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory can be heard in the US and the UK today.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson in September, Milei channelled the 1970s killer generals almost verbatim. Communists “have no problem with getting inside the state and employing Gramsci’s techniques”, Milei told Carlson.
The consensus that Argentina’s dictatorship committed genocide is the foundation of our democracy. Citizens of our polarised country, divided neatly in half between Peronists and anti-Peronists since the mid 1940s, agree on little else. Ending this consensus risks plunging Argentina back into violent, totalitarian chaos. Rethinking the dictatorship was unimaginable only a few months ago.
Milei is a snake-oil salesman who is promising to stare down inflation with drastic libertarian measures. Members of his party have already said they expect their drastic policies will result in massive protests. They have also said they will call in the armed forces if necessary to restore “order” – always that word. I’m confident that our democratic interlude will extend past 1983-2023, but it’s likely to take one hell of a beating during Milei’s presidency.
— Uki Goñi is a Writer based in Argentina and the Author of The Real Odessa: How Nazi War Criminals Escaped Europe
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mariacallous · 7 months
Anti-woke libertarian Javier Milei’s landslide win in Argentina’s presidential election poses not only a worrying question for my country’s fragile 40-year-old democracy, but could also embolden other extreme libertarians in the US and Europe in their own anti-woke wars.
Milei is often described as an outsider – but his revolutionary persona has been carefully crafted by one of the country’s richest men. Argentinian billionaire Eduardo Eurnekian plugged the wild-haired economist relentlessly on his A24 media network as an antidote to those he views as the dominant “political caste”. Milei has accused the Peronist establishment of being “socialist” because they had legalised gay marriage and abortion, put on trial and sentenced the perpetrators of Argentina’s genocidal 1976-83 dictatorship and threatened to impose new taxes on wealth.
Milei has pledged to review all these achievements, and has even proposed a referendum on the legality of abortion. His party is already working on slashing taxes as soon as it takes office next month, and he has signalled he may exonerate Argentina’s imprisoned dictatorship officers. During a presidential debate, he said that the military were guilty only of “excesses”.
Milei’s proposed dollarisation of the economy, a long-cherished business establishment dream, unexpectedly gained traction with the public during the campaign. Milei won nearly 56% of the vote in a country where 40% of the population live in poverty, even though his policies reflect the typical obsessions of billionaires everywhere. Tax is “theft”, social justice is an “aberration”, and public health, public education and social welfare need to be abolished. The climate crisis is “a socialist lie”.
But one of Milei’s beliefs is shared only with Argentina’s business leaders. The 1976 dictatorship – which Milei is keen to reappraise – imposed policies similar in many ways to his, including a semi-dollarisation that pegged the peso to the dollar. The 1,200 convicted dictatorship officers are seen by many businesspeople not as the Nazi-style killers and other criminals they were, but as stalwart defenders of the free market system. But we know how that experiment went. The dollar peg broke loose, the economy crashed and the dictatorship returned tothe barracks with its tail between its legs.
When democracy returned in 1983 the full horror of what the military had done exploded into view, creating a consensus embraced even by conservatives that the armed forces would never be allowed to return to government, not even as defenders of the capitalist faith. Both Milei and especially the vice-president elect, Victoria Villarruel, argue against this consensus. Villarruel has made it her life’s calling to advocate for former officers incarcerated for rape, murder and torture, a number of whom she has visited in prison. She refuses to use the word “dictatorship”, unless she is referring to democratically elected Peronist administrations, and employs “de facto government” for the real dictatorship instead.
I was a young journalist during the dictatorship, working at the Buenos Aires Herald, a small English-language community newspaper that reported on crimes against human rights. Part of my job was translating the speeches of the generals, full of references to “cultural Marxism” – a genocidal conspiracy theory that Milei chillingly resurrected for his campaign.
The generals had studied the works of Italian Marxist thinker Antonio Gramsci, who argued that the revolutionary left would need to obtain cultural hegemony to achieve its ends. From this seed, the generals developed a conspiracy theory, not unlike the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that Marxists had infiltrated universities, Hollywood and the Catholic church, to undermine “our western and Christian way of life”. The “cultural Marxism” conspiracy theory can be heard in the US and the UK today.
During an interview with Tucker Carlson in September, Milei channelled the 1970s killer generals almost verbatim. Communists “have no problem with getting inside the state and employing Gramsci’s techniques”, Milei told Carlson.
The consensus that Argentina’s dictatorship committed genocide is the foundation of our democracy. Citizens of our polarised country, divided neatly in half between Peronists and anti-Peronists since the mid 1940s, agree on little else. Ending this consensus risks plunging Argentina back into violent, totalitarian chaos. Rethinking the dictatorship was unimaginable only a few months ago.
Milei is a snake-oil salesman who is promising to stare down inflation with drastic libertarian measures. Members of his party have already said they expect their drastic policies will result in massive protests. They have also said they will call in the armed forces if necessary to restore “order” – always that word. I’m confident that our democratic interlude will extend past 1983-2023, but it’s likely to take one hell of a beating during Milei’s presidency.
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azurescaled-arch · 2 years
Dragon Parts as a Commodity pt.2
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Finally getting off my ass and getting to the continuation of the last post.
The organs of dragons are rare commodities, and can fetch a very high price on the black market. Either for their uses in various medicines and potions, prepared properly, they can be quite edible for people. 
For example, the livers of dragons are frequently used in antidotes for poisons and venoms because of how aggressively they can filter out anything unwanted in the body. When eaten, it typically increases the body’s immune system properties, rendering it more capable of fighting off illness and disease. Potions and antivenoms made with dragon livers in the components also have a much longer shelf-life, lasting up to years, and can be preserved after use as well.
The hearts of dragons are valued in rituals. In some cases, a dragon can be made to obey if it’s summoned from the grave and someone has preserved its heart. In extremely rare cases, as in it has only been recorded once in history, a dragon can share its heart with someone, binding their lives together. It’s a ritual that has a high chance of killing the recipient, hence why it’s never been attempted, and with the dissolution of the relationship between human and dragon, will likely never be seen again. 
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'In any other world, it would be hard to find similarities between a film starring Cillian Murphy about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, and Margot Robbie's Barbie odyssey. But in this world, the two are inextricably linked thanks to their shared premiere date. With both Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer and Greta Gerwig’s Barbie dropping on July 21st, the day has already become known as Barbenheimer.
While Barbie is painting the town hot pink, Oppenheimer has taken a subtler approach to promo. “Really crazy how the marketing for this really is just them releasing stills of Cillian Murphy and they all go viral,”  one user tweeted. The Barbie press tour has generated infinite buzz, thanks largely in part to Margot Robbie’s stylist, Andrew Mukamal, who has dressed the star in replicas of vintage Barbie looks. This style of method dressing has become a tentpole of Barbie promotion, but I’d argue that Murphy’s recent press looks, styled by Rose Forde, are the perfect antidote to the Barbie sugar high.
While men have been admiring the Irish actor’s sartorial and grooming choices since his days on Peaky Blinders, Murphy has been pulling out looks that can be rocked by any gender. Do I smell a new style icon?
Though the world premiere of Oppenheimer seemed a much milder affair than Barbie’s, Murphy still nodded to the film's subject matter and era with a khaki, militaristic button-down and tie under his black suit jacket—perhaps a reference to the complicated man behind the Manhattan Project without turning too meta. He hasn’t stopped there. Murphy showed off his forearms in a navy v-neck cardigan by Studio Nicholson over a white t-shirt, complete with tailored trousers and loafers during a cast photocall that finally gives us a definitive answer: yes, black and navy do work together.
Murphy clearly feels comfortable in monochrome, judging by his all-brown suiting at a cast photocall July 11. And in what I’d venture is one of his finest outfits, the star celebrated his BAFTA nomination for Peaky Blinders at the May 14 awards ceremony in a beautifully fitted suit with a tastefully disheveled black button-down and a haphazardly knotted tie, which hung loosely around his neck. But he also isn't afraid of a pop of color, as evidenced by the tomato red cardigan he wore to BBC Radio 2 in London on July 13. Nor is he scared to try out the sheer trend, which he broke out for the London premiere later that day, accessorizing with a subtle gold-tipped bolo tie. 
My favorite look of Murphy’s thus far has to be the sleek travel ‘fit he wore at the Gare du Nord on July 12 (another ode to black and navy). His relaxed navy t-shirt and black trousers generally isn't something to write home about, but with pitch perfect styling—loafers, wayfarers, and a gorgeous leather carry-on—he has never looked more like a movie star...'
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cartoonsaint · 2 years
you mentioned how hlvrai is an interesting form of storytelling and i think thats part of why it got big- same with taz and other dnd podcasts- people like the authenticity of it. theres no big writers rooms working to make it "perfect." its all very in the moment. the actors arent actors- theyre not reading off a script. everyone whose playing a part are equally a part of the storytelling process. everyone is making the script up in the moment, and things happen either to immediately make their friends laugh or make their friends go 'holy shit thats awesome' or (my personal favorite) to give their friends the opportunity to do something cool!
its an honest form of storytelling that we're kinda losing with the way media is so sanitized and washed out and forced to be marketable. like, i struggle explaining hlvrai or dnd podcasts to my friends when they ask what kind of content i watch, because theres really no comparison to it (unless they also engage with that type of content). its like people sitting around a campfire telling stories, just to pass the time and engage in creativity. and i think thats why people like them, theyre just fun and real.
i got a little rambley but overall: i think hlvrai and these types of media are popular because theyre honest
i think there's truth to this, yeah!!! :) there's a lot to be said for stories where the storytellers are present/visible, esp when they're all close-- it's like being invited into their warm, fun little friend group for a little bit, even if it's just to observe. it's a kind of antithesis to the wave of polished and soulless media that has become more and more of the stuff out there in the past ten years (spotless set design, everyone is beautiful and no one is horny, reliance on the Save the Cat method, i don't have enough links to sketch this whole thing out but yes: the number one word is marketability). these are lonely times; stories told by real people in real-time are a breath of fresh air, especially when there's the doubled wild cards of 1. wtf are my friends going to pull out of their asses next and how do i keep this balloon-story in the air oh god and 2. dice-rolling/weird g-mod stuff à la the helicopter heap, etc. it's great fun to see people up against these odds who manage to pull together a semi-cohesive story anyways :)
i don't think we're really losing this kind of story-telling, though it is becoming less visible in a marketability-lowest-common-denominator-blockbuster-content-production kind of way. but you're right that these kinds of practices trace back to telling stories around a fire, or while spinning thread or sharpening flint-- it's deep in our core as human beings. our lives are very different from those of our our ancestors 50k years ago but in the grand scheme of things, we've barely barely changed. we still want those stories. we still want to tell them, too. even as inhuman companies beyond our individual grasps manipulate things far above us, try to distract workers from too-long days at work with stripped-down marketable manipulative garbage, there will always be people making weird, niche art: friend groups who stream goofy improv together, people who write thousands upon thousands of words about their OCs even though only 3 people read it, toby fox in his basement, DnD podcasts with fewer than a fifty listeners, stick figure webcomics updating every day, pre-teens scribbling about sparklewolves in their composition notebooks and shyly sharing a little bit with the other weirdo in their class.
but yeah. especially for those of us who don't necessarily have the energy to create as much as we'd like, story-telling that has the foundations visible, that is honest about what it is and where it's coming from, that has at its core the desire to make one's friends laugh-- it's great! it's fun! it's a good antidote to the big polished crap :)
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back-to-louis · 1 year
Relatively new HS/LT/1D music enthusiast here 🙋
I'm the same age as the youngest 1D member and in a depressive phase post pandemic owing to a monotonous job, social anxiety and slightly troubling relationship issues. Tiktok got me through the pandemic and I came across HS, 1D, LT and ultimately the rabbit hole that is Larry. Mind you, I never knew any of the 1D names before and the only thing I remember was dancing and singing to WMYB when it got released when I was doing my first year undergrad.
From my understanding of my hopefully short stint of obsession that is Larry, I have a few things to convey:
1. Larries have completely taken Larry out of H and L's hands now. It is quite evident that they have created two characters who are playing parts to some convoluted theories and stories.
2. It is very telling of how people can get obsessed with Larry. Speaking from my experience, believing or atleast hoping for two men (yes men, because when men are soft and romantic it clashes with their stereotyped image of negative masculinity and is perceived as rare and precious) to be in a committed long term relationship gave me hope in a love so strong and devoid of gender roles. Waking up everyday thinking of how they are fighting against all odds for their love was something akin to Shakespearean love. Couple this with going through a depressive phase in your life, you got yourself an anchor to hold onto while living one day at a time.
3. I did my own reading into all the "proofs" and the "debunks" and realized that two grown men are not sending signals to each other through two colours which are objectively deemed as extremely complementary colours in fashion and everywhere else.
4. Also fake baby? Really?? That kid looks like LT's literal reincarnation. Haven't people heard of one night stands gone wrong? Or even unexpected accidental pregnancies? The whole baby gate masterposts were the antidotes which shook me out of the reverie that was Larry.
5. H and L probably had something going on. What that something was we will never know. But that does not erase the fact that they had girlfriends, PR or not. Sexuality is very fluid so people have absolutely no right to deductions, allegations or assumptions about theirs. They can dream, write fanfictions, fantasize and even fetishize (not in anyway insinuating that that is right but, here we are anyway) But that's all people can do.
6. HS and LT will never explicitly say, "No you have to stop shipping/supporting us as a couple, it is not true and we do not like it". Reasons:
a) They have politely indirectly stated that before.
b) They know that a considerable portion of their Fandom consists of larries. As much as they may be uncomfortable with it, they are artists and businessmen above all. Why would they want to close drapes on that share of their market?
c) Since I do think that they had something ,maybe a fling or whatever that was earlier (which ended possibly badly or amicably) they would find it difficult to address the topic in public explicitly. Imagine people incessantly and constantly asking about your fling or ex assuming that that person was your soulmate. I shudder to even think about facing such questions 😶.
d) They are artists. Embodiment of liberal thinking. How can one assume that whatever H and L had had can never ever be an experimentation or a fling? So any statement that could give this away from their side may also affect the image that the larry Fandom has specifically curated for them. Which they would not want, I think?
e) Also, (I nearly forgot to add this one) maybe they don't give a flying f**k because it isn't true at all and it isn't worth their time to go over the denials again. They might not even be aware of the stories brewing in the Larryverse.
7. L and H cannot have more different personalities. Atleast the personalities that they are projecting onto the fandom are strikingly contrasting. Opposites attract yes, but one must pause to think of how far one can go in the opposite direction to not even be in the same magnetic field. It is highly unlikely for a feasible relationship to exist between two men like L and H.
8. All the proofs and the convoluted connections can be pushed aside citing confirmation bias (like how a lot of antis have debunked) except for one. Which is why maybe I think that they may have had something (something very short) in the past. Also so many of the proofs are just coincidences and some are just bat crap crazy (sorry)
The points stated above have not even scraped the surface of the rabbithole of debunking the Larry theory. These are my conclusions formed solely by just thinking about it (not even researching deeply wrt closeting - which has been extensively discussed by antis). So I find it amusing to see people vehemently holding the Larry flag up when you can just think or even try to read the other side of the story.
I hope you allow this post on your timeline even though it doesn't deny the entire Larry theory. I'd love to know your opinion on this. Apologies for the long post. I had to do it for my own detox from this conspiracy. 😩 Also, I love L more than H :)
Em back-to-louis comments: sorry I took so long to post this! I have been traveling and when I wasn't, I was dodging aggro from right-wing in-laws or making sure my cats weren't lonely or battening down the hatches for a blizzard or playing video games :). Thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions!
My only comment regarding your position on "past larry" is that I refrain from making any definitive statements about their status since the only thing that matters to me is that they've denied it. I don't think it makes a material difference whether we believe them or think they're lying because the outcome is the same either way, so you do you.
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deshpandeisha · 10 days
Exploring Global AI-based Clinical Trials Solution Provider Market Growth and Size with Our Research Company
The global AI-based clinical trials solution provider market size reached USD 1.30 Billion in 2021 and is expected to register a revenue CAGR of 22% during the forecast period, according to latest analysis by Emergen Research. Increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-enabled digital technology is a key factor driving global AI-based clinical trials solution provider market revenue growth. Increasing use of AI-enabled digital health technologies coupled with patient support platforms is expected to improve patient engagement and retention throughout study duration as well as after study termination, which is expected to propel revenue growth of the global AI-based clinical trial solution provider market. 
AI-enabled technologies are enabling data integration and interpretation along with evolutionary modelling and pattern recognition for gathering, normalizing, analyzing, and harnessing the growing volumes of data that fuel modern therapy development. Thus, AI and advanced analytics are considered as the digital technology that can potentially improve clinical R&D productivity and clinical outcomes, and this is expected to augment growth of global AI-based clinical trials solution provider market to a significant extent.
The segmentation of the industry by type, application, classification, and geography works as an impetus towards increasing the sale figures and boosting business prospects alongside the hindrances that often restrict the industry's growth. In addition, bifurcation of the market on the basis of consumption volume, customer preference, end-user, and production capacity is explained through important resources including but not limited to charts, graphic images, and tables.
Claim Your FREE Sample Copy with Table of content@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-sample/774
The leading market contenders listed in the report are: AiCure, LLC, Unlearn.AI, Inc., BioAge Labs Inc., Antidote Technologies, Inc., Saama Technologies Inc., International Machine Business Corporation (IBM), Concentro Health AI, Deep 6 AI Inc., PathAI Inc., and Owkin Inc
The research study examines historic data from 2018 and 2020 to draw forecasts until 2030. The timeline makes the report an invaluable resource for readers, investors, and stakeholders looking for key insights in readily accessible documents with the information presented in the form of tables, charts, and graphs. To Visit Full Report & Table of Contents AI-based Clinical Trials Solution Provider Market: https://www.emergenresearch.com/industry-report/ai-based-clinical-trials-solution-provider-market
Emergen Research has segmented the global AI-based clinical trials solution provider market on the basis of clinical trial phase, therapeutic application, end-use, and region:
Clinical Trial Phase Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019–2030)
Therapeutic Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019–2030)
Cardiovascular Disease
Neurological Disease
Metabolic Disease
Infectious Disease
End-use Outlook (Revenue, USD Billion; 2019–2030)
Contract Research Organizations (CROs)
The research report offers a comprehensive regional analysis of the market with regards to production and consumption patterns, import/export, market size and share in terms of volume and value, supply and demand dynamics, and presence of prominent players in each market. Get An Impressive Discount On This Report@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-discount/774
Regional Analysis Covers: North America (U.S., Canada) Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU) Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC) Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
Key reasons to buy the Global AI-based Clinical Trials Solution Provider Market report:
The latest report comprehensively studies the global AI-based Clinical Trials Solution Provider market size and provides useful inference on numerous aspects of the market, such as the current business trends, market share, product offerings, and product share.
The report offers an insightful analysis of the regional outlook of the market.
It offers a detailed account of the end-use applications of the products & services offered by this industry.
The report holistically covers the latest developments taking place in this industry. Therefore, it lists the most effective business strategies implemented by the market rivals for ideal business expansion.
Request Customization as per your specific requirement@ https://www.emergenresearch.com/request-for-customization/774
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Sodium Nitrite Market Size To Reach $580.8Mn By 2030
Sodium Nitrite Market Growth & Trends
The global sodium nitrite market size is expected to reach USD 580.8 million by 2030, as per a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. registering a CAGR of 4.2% from 2023 to 2030. The demand is attributed to the increasing demand for preservatives in the food & beverage industry. Preservatives help increase food items' shelf-life by delaying the spread of pathogens and microorganisms. Thus, sodium nitrite is highly used to enhance the flavor of meat and maintain its original color (making it look more appealing and presentable to consumers), while preventing bacterial growth.
In the pharmaceutical sector, sodium nitrite is a well-known chemical molecule. Its most common application is as an antidote for cyanide poisoning, as it is quite effective even in severe cases. It is used in the production of saccharin and caffeine and is commonly utilized as a raw material and preservative in pharmaceutical formulations like eye drops. Since sodium nitrite contains nitrogen, the product can be utilized as a control agent in a variety of medicines. It is also utilized as a butadiene antifoaming agent and a raw material for aminopyrine and sulpyrine antipyretic analgesics. Thus, multiple applications of the product in the pharmaceutical industry indicate that the growth of this industry is expected to drive the demand for pharmaceutical-grade sodium nitrite in the coming years.
The growing consumer acceptance of processed food in countries like China, India, Japan, and others is likely to bolster the demand for the product in the Asia Pacific. China is the world's largest consumer of food and beverages. The processed meat market of China majorly includes beef, pork, poultry, mutton, and others, which require the use of sodium nitrite as a preservative, thus driving the demand for the product market.
Request a free sample copy: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/sodium-nitrite-market-report  
Sodium Nitrite Market Report Highlights
Food & beverages application accounted for the largest market revenue share of over 66% in 2022. The growth is attributed to the increasing demand for the product as a preservative in processed meat and other food items
The pharmaceuticals segment was the second-largest application and is predicted to attain a CAGR of 4.7% over the forecast period, owing to its ability to act as a raw material or control agent for the development of several medicines used for treating muscular dystrophy, neurotransmission imbalances, epilepsy, and others
Asia Pacific dominated the regional segment with a revenue share of over 71% in 2022 due to the growth of the meat processing and food & beverage industries in the region
The increase in population and rising per capita disposable income drive the food and beverage market. According to a China Chamber of Commerce article published in 2020, the beverage market which includes drinks, vegetable juices, and fruits generated revenue of USD 39,330 million, thus driving the demand for the product in the country
Europe accounted for the second largest market share of over 16% in 2022 due to the changing consumer preference toward processed food over cooked food in the region. In the European Union (EU), sodium nitrite is approved as a food additive and is used to prevent microbial growth in meat, cheese, and fish products as it helps to improve the flavor while protecting it against botulism
Sodium Nitrite Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global sodium nitrite market based on application and region:
Sodium Nitrite Application Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
Food & Beverages
Sodium Nitrite Regional Outlook (Volume, Kilotons; Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
List of Key Players in the Sodium Nitrite Market
Deepak Nitrite Ltd.
Airedale Chemical Company Ltd.
Shijizhuang Fengshan Chemical Co., Ltd.
Ural Chem JSC
Linyi Liguang Chemical Co., Ltd.
Radiant Indus Chem Pvt. Ltd.
Yingfengyuan Industrial Group Limited
Chemtrade Logistics
Browse Full Report: https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/sodium-nitrite-market-report  
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Economic Bounce Back & Busy Trade Lanes
New Kids on the Block: Emerging Trade Routes Geopolitical Musical Chairs: The world map of trade is getting a fresh paint job. Thanks to some geopolitical shuffle, places like Canada, America and India are turning into hotspots for trade. This shake-up is making freight companies rethink their game plans and routes.
Digital Swagger: The Freight Forwarding Tech Revolution With the economic landscape shifting, freight forwarders are all over digital tools. These tech solutions are game-changers, making operations smoother, adapting to market swings, and boosting customer satisfaction. Gone are the days of paper overload and headaches over manual tracking. Now, it’s all about slick, all-in-one systems that offer live tracking, automated paperwork, and smart analytics to keep businesses on their toes.
Green is the New Black: Eco-Friendly Shipping Eco Push: Everyone’s riding the green wave, and the shipping industry is no exception. Thanks to both carrot and stick approaches (think incentives and tough rules), shipping companies are moving towards cleaner, greener options like eco-friendly vessels and alternative fuels.
Rise of the Underdogs & Decentralization The global economy is less about the usual heavyweights and more about rising stars like Vietnam and India, reshaping the freight demand and flow. Plus, tech is levelling the playing field, enabling smaller companies to duke it out with the big dogs by offering top-notch service and efficiency.
Setting Sail: The Shift to Ocean Freight & Tech Tools With folks leaning into environmental concerns and wallet-friendly options, ocean freight is getting more attention. This has spiked the demand for ocean-specific freight software that makes maritime shipping smarter and smoother.
AI on Board: Smarter Ocean Freight Ocean freight’s getting a brain boost with AI. Think of AI as the new captain, helping predict delays, navigate the weather, and even cut down on fuel use. This isn’t just about keeping shipments on track; it’s about making them smarter and more cost-effective.
Better Together: Enhanced Collaboration Through Digital Platforms In today’s global village, smooth teamwork across borders is key. Modern freight systems are making it easier for everyone involved in shipping to stay on the same page. By sharing info and syncing up, these digital platforms are knitting a tight-knit shipping community.
Tailor-Made Tech: Custom Freight Solutions Just like no two people are the same, businesses have unique shipping needs. Enter custom freight platforms, offering services you can mix and match to fit your specific needs, from picking the best routes to managing your stockpile.
Economic Guard Dogs: Navigating Protectionism Some places are throwing up trade barriers to protect their turf, which can be a headache for the freight world. The antidote? Smart freight platforms that can weave through these regulatory mazes.
E-commerce Explosion & the Last-Mile Hustle The e-commerce boom is reshaping retail, cranking up the pressure for quicker, slicker last-mile deliveries. Freight systems that can click with e-commerce setups and give live updates are winning big.
Flexibility & Resilience: More Than Buzzwords The twists and turns of 2024’s economic rollercoaster highlight just how crucial it is for freight companies to stay nimble and resilient. Those ready to leverage tech, green up their act, and keep a global perspective are set to ride high.
So, there you have it: 2024’s freight forwarding landscape in a nutshell. It’s all about being tech-savvy, eco-conscious, and ready to adapt to the global beat. With the right tools and attitude, the future looks bright for the freight world.
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poohnotpiku · 2 months
Chapter 13 : Pooh & Feminism
Hey Peeps…Longggg Time! After a long gap, Pooh is trying to bring back her blogging bug with a controversial topic i.e. Feminism. Feminism is a concept which has seen varying descriptions and avatars, since its inception. When asked what is Feminism, there is no limits to one’s imagination for an explanation. You will hear most heart touching definitions to the most horrendous views, depending on who is answering!!
Pooh also has her rights, when it comes to define and practice feminism. YES, I am a Feminist! A Feminist with her own definition of Feminism!!
Feminism for me means being respectful and supportive of one another and it has nothing to do with Female gender. Feminism means fighting for Equity and not Equality. Feminism is more about empathizing than sympathizing. No gender needs pity or sympathy, we all just need understanding and compassion. Stop calling any gender the ‘weaker sex’. God didn’t make one gender strong and others weak. Each gender has its own strengths and weaknesses. We need people to not make assumptions and opinions on some pre-defined notions. It would be great if people with rigid and rudimentary thoughts could just for once come out of these boundaries and breathe in the open air!!
There are a few anecdotes which just left Pooh shell-shocked! Sharing some of them below :
Pooh is out veggie shopping and the vendor says ‘Bhabhiji, sab sabji ekdam fresh hai….itna accha khana aap banayenge ki bhaiya khush ho jayenge!’ (translation : the veggies are totally fresh and your husband would love whatever you cook with these!!)
Unmarried Feminist Pooh, who also hates cooking, was left dumbfounded…I was literally speechless…my mind was running in all directions…which point should I clarify with this moron first?? Point that I am not married and hence there is no bhaiya for this bhabhi? Or the point that I simply hate cooking? Or the point that who the heck he is to assume that a wife would cook for her husband and not vice-versa?
Instead I just smiled and walked away. Later, while having my tea, I went through all the possible comebacks I could have used!!! The best was ‘Bhaiya ko cook k haath se bana khana zyada pasand hai!!’ (Translation : The husband loves meal prepared by our cook more than mine!!) I can just imagine the expression on his face if only I had used my wit at the right time!!!
Pooh was in the managerial round (last round of interview) in a global company and salary negotiation discussions were going on. I wasn’t asking even the market value but much less, still this manager was hackling with me for 20mins or so. At the end he says : “Why do you even need this much salary? It’s just going to be your pocket money!” Again. I was left speechless. I didn’t want to take any panga and just ignored the remark. But today after 7-8 years when I look back on that incident, I feel so much anger on myself that why didn’t I escalate that stupid man to the HR!!!!
We were in a social gathering and I heard a middle-aged man saying : “Women were made by God to breed, give birth and look after the family and the house. But, nowadays women want more and that is against nature’s definition for their role. So, they are going to suffer and they should not crib….”
Yet again, Pooh was left speechless. Yet again, worrying about society, Pooh didn’t answer back to that ignorant man. Yet again, chauvinism was allowed to win by the ‘weaker sex’!!!!
There are many such anecdotes but no antidote yet! In fact, at times, we ourselves laugh away at statements like ‘is it that day of the month for you?’, ‘don’t give excuse of hormonal misbalance again’, ‘you need someone to support you’, ‘let the men of the family handle this’ etc etc
No one can help you, until you decide to help yourself. So, instead of being a silent spectator or the meek oppressed, we need to speak out…Speak with conviction and confidence…World is changing but still there is a long way to go, before all can truly understand and appreciate Feminism!!
Ending with a quote by Malala Yousafzai :
' I raise up my voice—not so that I can shout, but so that those without a voice can be heard. … We cannot all succeed when half of us are held back. '
Until next time, ciao!!!!
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