#Anton enus
burlveneer-music · 1 year
Eating Sports - Giorni Sportivi - skronky postpunk (despite the band logo) from Slovenia
Eating Sports so goriško-kitajsko-brazilska naveza štirih zvočnih entuziastov in medgeneracijski konglomerat različnih glasbenih interesov. Ko jih kdo vpraša »Kej delaste za enu muziku?«, odgovorijo, da jim žanr ne predstavlja omejitve, temveč zabavo. Ker zabava ni zabavna brez hrane in ker zabava ni vedno zdrava, nas zasedba ohranja v formi z mastnimi groovi, ki človeku ne dajo miru. Gonilo ritmične sekcije je Marek Fakuč, bobnar nekaterih vidnejših bendov, kot so Karmakoma, Marta Fakuch in Etceteral. Za slogovno razgibane rife skrbita kitarista Anton Lorenzutti in Tilen Kravos, sicer tudi člana zasedbe Kombo C in Zlatka Kaučiča, Kavasutra, Grunt, Duo Vadis, Suciri Beats, Niemoy … Zvočno paleto dopolnjujeta sempler in druga elektronika, s katero upravlja Lan Štokelj Wu, član dueta Razvrat in projekta Dronišnica. Eating Sports so nastali na začetku drugega vala epidemije. Svet se jim je zares začel odpirati šele preteklo poletje, ko so svojo glasbo predstavili po vsej domači grudi. Gruda je bila plodna in rodila se je plošča! Giorni sportivi! Na posluh! Marek Fakuč - bobni, sempler Anton Lorenzutti - kitara, synth Tilen Kravos - kitara, vokal Lan Štrokelj Wu - synth, PC, sampler Gosti: Amarcel (mm) - vokal, efeksti (tracks 3-7), osel (track 7)
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the-queer-look · 3 years
Queer Limelight
Name: Anton Age: 59 Location: Redfern Occupation: News Presenter Sexual Orientation: Gay Gender: Male
I’ve been a news presenter for the past twenty five years, and I’ve spend just over twenty two with SBS, in the presenters chair since 1999. I identify as a gay man. Of all the labels you could apply to yourself in life that would be the one that most defines who I am. I would describe myself as being quite conventional in the way I present in terms of gender, and fashion forwardness. I don’t think I’m particularly adventurous when it comes to fashion, I like to look smart and presentable, but because there is a public version of me and a private version of me, I tend to keep the two fairly seperate. For professional events, appearances, and broadcasts there is a very specific way that I am required to dress, and it’s quite constrained. When I’m not in that mode, just walking the dog, hanging out with my partner, or doing sports it’s much more dressed down than even just meeting someone like I’m meeting you today where I would want to be along that line of smart and comfortable. In terms of presenting gender wise I present as very male. I come from a generation of gay men where there was a very strong divide between flamboyant men, and masculine men, and no one wanted to be the flamboyant man who was easily identified as gay – It was a time when you wouldn’t want to be easily recognised as gay, luckily times have changed, but I still feel that that sense of who I am is leaning to that masculine side. Given I’m not a particularly masculine personality, the way I present is definitely leaning in that direction.
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A lot of people say that it (realising your sexuality) happened very young for them. High school for me was the turning point where I realised that there was an attraction that I felt. The way that my guy friends were getting crushes on girls, I was getting crushes on boys. Initially you just think “oh thats just a phase I’m going through, don’t worry about it.” but by the time I reached high school I realised that’s a feeling that isn’t going away and that it felt very natural. It’s a fairly agonising time, realising that that’s part of who you are, and not just something that you’re going through and will grow out of.
I am more assertive as a gay man, There is a burden that is lifted from you when you come out, and thirty five years ago it was a very different process coming out compared to what it is today. It manifests in smaller things like… would a man wear a scarf? There was a time when I wouldn’t do that because it felt too flamboyant, too obvious. Now though I feel much more comfortable, I’ll wear statement pieces, I wear an ear stud on camera – there was a time that would have been completely unacceptable for being too gay. Today? No one gives a stuff, News presenter is wearing an ear stud? So what? I’ve had it in since 1982, it’s not a new thing, but I can now feel comfortable having it in and presenting a part of my personality. I used to have to take it out and replace it with one of those blank studs for the news, its so much easier now!
I’m originally from South Africa, which was a fairly repressive society, and there was a lot of pressure to conform. I was outed by a newspaper reporter who just ambushed me saying “I just found out this information, would you like to comment on this story? I’m going to publish it anyway.” I was outed and not sure where it would leave my television career, but it was also like a liberation, I didn’t have to hide anymore. From there I became active in sports administration, gay and lesbian sport specifically. That was a big validation for me, it was like finding a home to be where I felt comfortable. We were actually campaigning for change, acceptance, and awareness. We had media campaigns going, local and international sports events going and that was a big turning point for me in terms of feeling comfortable as a gay man.
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It was both empowering but at the same time those were the early nineties. It was a time of great transition for all of South Africa. Apartheid was being broken down, all of that negotiation was going on and it felt like the gay community… we weren’t the main game, but there was an opportunity for the community to say “hey, don’t forget about us, there are all these major political reforms, new constitution and everything, and we are a part of the deal.” It was quite empowering – I wasn’t a part of the process, that was for all of the advocates, lawyers, campaigners, and activists, who were doing all of the negotiating, but it was quite exciting to be a part of something new – to go from a system of great repression to a model constitution that was a world leading document that included a bill of rights that specifically included no discrimination on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, ableism and so on. It felt like being a part of history.
It was interesting to come to Australia from that, a whole different environment that was completely unknown. I came into a media market where I had zero experience and just lucked out at finding any employment. In about 2002 there was a thing in “The Good Weekend” called “Just The Two Of Us.” where they just interview two people about their relationship. They called me up and asked me to take part and I didn’t think for one second whether I should consider the implications, or consult my employer, and it was like a second coming out, just here in Australia. I outed myself as a gay man to a national publication. Luckily I work for quite a progressive network where that sort of thing has never been an issue.
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I’m quite positive about the term “Queer”, I’m very much in the camp that says “That’s out word to use in whatever positive and constructive way that we want”. There was obviously a time in my life when that was used as an insult, and you couldn’t speak back against that because that was just the way society was set up in those days. There was the “establishment” the state, the church, community leaders, psychologists, everyone was on one side, and you were the exception, the outsider, the rule breaker, the disruptor, and the establishment could use all of these weapons to beat you down and try to make you conform, and that was one of the words that they used in those days to try and force you to be something you were not. I celebrate the fact that nowadays we can take a word like that and say this is our word, this word is for us and we have the right to shape how it is used.
I thin it’s very important to keep some pressure on all media to keep everyone honest. We all have a place in all of those platforms, and you need to keep reminding them that cant have an all white newsroom, and all white presenting team, and all heterosexual presenting team, or an all non-indigenous group. We need that diversity, and we need to keep reminding people when they fall down on the job. There are organisations like Media Diversity run by Antoinette Lattouf from Chanel Ten, and it’s really important to have organisations like that to support people trying to get opportunities in the media, whatever little support and advocacy you can get as a minority is always welcome and needed.
I always try in whatever small way I can to support organisations, individuals, campaigns that try to present a positive image of the larger gay and lesbian community. I’m not sure if that counts as being completely engaged in the queer community, I’m not an activist or advocate, but I try to support the community whenever I can.I feel absolutely connected with gay and lesbian people in the wider community. It is very much a part of who I am and how I see myself. I’m proud to be a part of that community, it isn’t something that was thrust upon me, it’s something I embrace. You don’t want to be pigeonholed as the “something” person within the media landscape – I don’t want to be labelled as the gay news presenter, or the brown skinned, or the migrant. We are many things in many situations, but my connection to the gay community is a key part of who I am.
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I think that, like it or not, those of us that have a public profile have a sense of having to be better just to be good enough. You cant be just another person. There aren’t enough queer people in the media in order to just disappear and not make an impression and not make a positive impression on the airwaves. I don’t regard myself as a role model, but whatever positive presence I can present I can, and if I’m here then there’s room for other people like me to be here as well, and if that’s the only message that I can put out there then I’m happy with that.
We’ve come such a long way, but I would like to reach a point where it becomes more ordinary. We shouldn’t just be noticed when it’s Mardi Gras, or have someone be noted as our first gay something or other. I don’t want my gayness to be the main thing that people define me by. I want to reach a point where a person’s gender or sexuality is present, but unremarkable.
Full gallery on Facebook.com/thequeerlook
follow us on instagram @thequeerlook
Please contact us if you would like to be involved
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yourdailyqueer · 5 years
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Anton Enus
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Ethnicity: White
Occupation: News presenter, journalist
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toonarama2 · 2 years
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SBS TOON Superstars
ANTON ENUS: World News newsreader 1999 - present (TOON 2009)
LEE LIN CHIN: World News newsreader 1987 - 2018 (TOON 2018)
RICARDO GONCALVES: World News newsreader 2010 - present (TOON 2018)
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fontyk · 3 years
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And we’re up to the final session on East Stage for @adelwritersweek @adelaidefestival with our very own Hannah Kent discussing her latest work Devotion with Anton Enus. #adlww #adlfest (at Pioneer Womens Memorial Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca6dYj_JrJd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bbcbreakingnews · 4 years
Legendary SBS newsreader claims she resigned because staff were abused by managers
Iconic SBS newsreader Lee Lin Chin has claimed she resigned after 30 years with the network because of the ‘mistreatment of staff’. 
Chin resigned from the Australian broadcaster in 2018 and has spoken out after former staff members this month revealed they experienced racism at work.
The journalist, who began presenting the weekend 6.30pm World News in 1988, said there were systemic issues at SBS including the management style and culture. 
Chin, who was born in Singapore, wrote a letter to then SBS chairman Hass Dellal requesting a meeting and expressing her reasons for leaving, The Guardian reported.
Legendary SBS newsreader Lee Lin Chin (pictured) has spoken out about her resignation from the network in 2018 and claimed the management at SBS mistreated their staff 
Chin (pictured) began presenting the weekend 6.30pm World News in 1988 and had a 30-year career with SBS. She wrote to then network chairman Hass Dellal about her retirement in 2018
‘My reasons for arriving at this difficult decision is the general unhappiness at the style of management of the network, the culture resulting from it, the mistreatment of staff in the lack of consideration and common human respect, as well as the direction SBS is moving,’ she wrote.   
The presenter, who is known for her eye-catching fashion sense, said the problems she raised in her letter had still not been resolved.    
‘It is deeply dispiriting that the misrule at the network continues to thrive unchecked, unexamined.
‘Only the glare of exposure would put an end to this unhappy state of affairs. One hopes,’ she explained. 
Chin said she was expressing her reasons for leaving in the hopes of giving support to any staff who had come forward about bullying or racism at the broadcaster.     
An SBS spokesperson said the former SBS chairman had asked to meet Chin twice after her email but she did not respond and no further action could be taken.   
‘SBS respected Lee Lin’s decision at the time to leave SBS to pursue other commercial opportunities and wished her well in those endeavours.
‘SBS Chairman Dr Hass Dellal twice invited Lee Lin to meet with him to discuss her email, including over the phone if preferred.
‘Lee Lin did not respond to those invitations,’ the spokesperson said.  
Chin expressed her reasons for leaving SBS in a letter to former chairman Hass Dellal, which included ‘the mistreatment of staff in the lack of consideration and common human respect’
Chin said the issues she raised in her letter had not been resolved and she wished to support any SBS staff who were speaking out against bullying at the network 
The current SBS managing director, James Taylor, has promised to review the broadcaster’s policies to focus on diversity and inclusion.
‘I’ve been shocked and saddened by accounts of racism experienced at SBS.
‘SBS stands opposed to any form of racism or exclusion… Racism is abhorrent and I am committed to ensuring it has no place at SBS,’ he said in a statement.     
Chin branched out in her last years at the network and took part in covering the Eurovision Song Contest, performing comic segments on The Feed, and was the first SBS representative ever nominated for a Gold Logie in 2016. 
She was praised during her retirement as ‘one of SBS’s most beloved identities’ and ‘one of Australia’s most recognisable and respected newsreaders’.
Chin took to Twitter to deliver a cryptic message about leaving the network.    
‘I have not announced my retirement. I simply am not reading the news on SBS anymore,’ she said.   
Chin read her final news broadcast on July 29, 2018 and was replaced by SBS journalist Anton Enus.
SBS managing director James Taylor has promised to review the broadcaster’s (pictured) policies and focus more on diversity an inclusion 
The post Legendary SBS newsreader claims she resigned because staff were abused by managers appeared first on BBC BREAKING NEWS.
from WordPress https://bbcbreakingnews.com/legendary-sbs-newsreader-claims-she-resigned-because-staff-were-abused-by-managers/
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elisaminimeneghini · 7 years
It looks like Anton Stolyar is back coaching at GAL Lissone for real! He already coached Elisa Meneghini and Enus Mariani when they were younger, but now GAL Lissone President Roberto Meloni’s announcement made his comeback official. Hopefully this will be a great opportunity for the GAL Lissone girls to improve on their worst event, aka bars (and for Enus to maybe get her life together for her 2938574° comeback).
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aggelemou · 5 years
Anton Enus on his cancer battle: 'I thought my TV career was over' #resume #resumewriter #selectioncriteria #governmentjob https://rplg.co/89f30b70
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yonosoyjuliodenis · 6 years
Su estilo me aburre. Abusa de él hasta para casos en los que no es necesario, de modo que el relato se vuelve monótoma, como si
Es obvio que tiene algo que contar, y realmente creo que cualquiera lo haria de esa manera. Nada especial en su modo de relatar ni de hacer un análisis discreto de lo que habla ( aunque quizá piense que el análisis es personas y discreto,pero. FUCK IT.
Quiza no me sorprendió porque en parte soy un provinciano y un cholo más que el. Nunca viví en Lima y las pocas veces que estuve allí tambien me di cuenta que todos aquellos que vivimos más  allá de sus fronteras y que no habíamos migrado siempre habíamos sido y  seremos ignorados.
En el mundo hay muchas clasificaciones de personas. Raro el mundo. A veces me dsn ganas de morir, de no ser ni de sentir. Y aveces se me da por solo no querer pensar y solo sentir y ser.
 Como decía, hay muchas (clasificaciones, no te pierdas) Mas para mí solo uno. Quienes piensan en la muerte y quienes no. Dime tú ¿te pones a pensar en la muerte muy seguido? Ya sabes, pensar que no serás pronto y que el lugar que ocupamos (como la cama en la que tantas ganas nos tuvimos) serán indiferentes a nuestros pasos, a nuestras palabras y a todo aquello a lo que le  dimos un poco de significado.
Quizá dirás que sí ( solo espero que no digas que no te importa) pero ¿estás segura? Pensar en la muerte es estar y sentirse muerto ya. ¿has experimentado esa sensación? Entonces realmente eres una melancólica como yo.
Y si no. No te preocupes, estás a tiempo todavía. Eres chica aun. Solo pido que apenas lo sientas, aunque sea un poco, no te aferres a él ni lo dejes ir. Deja que dirija tu vida. No le temas. Ya te dije, creo que muchas veces, el temor es lo único que nos puede hacer sentir realmente esclavos, porque es de nosotros y para nosotros. Tu amiga lo sabe, no creas que su "no te quedes con las ganas, chola" sea una frase con origen misterioso.
Es deficil, lo sé, a veces yo me dejo llevar. Mirada triste, ojos perdidos, música fuerte. Pero no creas que siempre es así. Mirada segura. Ojos furiosos, música fuerte. Sonrisas.
Nietsche decía por ejemplo que es mejor resistir a las verdades crudas que creer que todo va bien. Yo lo apoyo. Yo soy muy fuerte ¿sabes? No parece, pero créeme
Maybe love is the only answers. ¿Qué es el amor, ANAAA? Tema complejo. Sospecho que se trata de necesidad. Necesidad de reconocimiento, intimidad y cuidado. No sé mucho, pero sé que las relaciones de noviazgo son una convención. Claramente no somos nada. Pero a veces te necesito y tú, pues, no sé (me gusta pensar que sí).
 Quizá si otro chico habría venido en vez de mí te habrías enamorado de él( o habrían estado en la midma situación)  y yo sería un chico con el que te diste besos en un mundo paralelo o algo así. Y sin embargo las casualidades ( que no son el destino, porque el mundo es casualidades, no hechos planificados) se dieron así. Con esto quiero decir que todo esto es momentaneo y random y que lo único que nos queda es difrutar.
 No preguntataré jamás otra vez en qué somos sino sólo haré lo que el momento quiera: ya sea ignorarte y dejarte en paz o darte besos  y tocar todo lo que me sea permitido.
 Maybe love is the only answer. Quizá el amor sea la única respuesta. ¿ a qué ? A la terrible sensacíon de muerte. La necesidad es la respuesta.  Tus besos. Tus senos. Tu sexo. Tus palabritas tiernas. Tú.
~ Luis Miguel, el agarre de Ana.
Calefaccion en casa
South gili locaza en aqp
Lentes para mamá
Ficcion" con capitulos de un mismo pueblo con temss masomenos en comun y con gente diferentw
Nombres del video
De los Oregon y sus poderes
Villa san anton
D 6 a E12 a sn
Leen y escriben( carta juridica)
Un bastardo
El día que tocaron la puerta estábamos lavando las ropas, más por hacer algo que por necesitáramos de ellas. No recuerdo el día específico porque en la sierra todos los días son iguales, si no fuera por el fluir del viento que nos corta la cara, la noción del tiempo la habríamos perdido hace mucho.
Mamá terminó de lavar la prenda que tenía en sus manos y salió, como si pensara en los pasos que daba, aun cuando yo sentía su indiferencia.
Al regresar, me miró y de golpe lo supe todo. Habíamos escuchado que muchas cartas habían llegado y no siquiera nos atrevimos a sospechar que uno fuera para nosotras.
Nos costó un poco darnos cuenta del llamado, resignadas estábamos a la indiferencia de los demás, y porque siempre prendíamos la radio para evitarnos los silencios incómodos.
Mamá no dijo nada hasta que la última prenda  fue extendida en aquel cordel que no había sido vuelto amarrado desde la última vez que él estuvo aquí. Debió pasar mucho ya desde que empacó sus ilusiones enu esa maleta vieja. Él era un pájaro y mamá un pájaro con las patas amarradas
La primera vez que lo vi, él estaba fuera de casa, vestía un terno y llevaba su saco y su sombrero en uno de sus brazos
Disculpe señorita ¿Es  su madre?
Lo volví a mirar y por su rostro supe que era uno de los nuestros
 Sí, pero ella no está en casa ¿De parte de quién?
Bueno, si dóña Dionisia es su madre, yo soy su padre ¿ Cómo es que se llama usted señorita?
Luna inmensa
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globintel · 6 years
Anton Enus Australian News presenter Co-hosting SBS World News
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careerjugglr · 6 years
Terminally ill cancer patient Rhys Pagalday's Centrelink support cut off when he failed to go job hunting
As Caroline Pagalday sat with her 21-year-old son Rhys, chemotherapy pumping through his body, the phone calls wouldn't stop. With only months to live, Rhys was expected to go job hunting or his Centrelink support payment would be cut-off. 
On Monday, Rhys's Newstart and partial youth disability pension were blocked for the third time for failing to show up to an interview because he was receiving radiation therapy to control his excruciating pain.
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After months of being hounded and harassed, Mrs Pagalday said, she finally broke down. 
"I just cried and cried," Ms Pagalday said. "I've had a lot of days where I think 'Oh gosh, how am I going to deal with this? I don't know how long I have left with him, but this was the final straw.
Rhys Pagalday, who had his Centrelink payments cut, with his mum Caroline. Photo: Edwina Pickles
"I want to create a peaceful environment for Rhys and just be with him, but I have to keep banging my head against this brick wall."
She could not fathom why the payments - her terminally ill son's lifeline to some semblance of independence - were stripped away, or why he was expected spend his final months alive trying to get a job.
"That money is for Rhys to spend time with his friends, or save for whatever he wants … he has lost so much. So much independence has been ripped from him," she said. 
Rhys was diagnosed with the aggressive bone cancer Ewing's sarcoma in 2014 as he prepared for his HSC.
The Sydney schoolboy underwent six months of chemotherapy at Chris O'Brien Lifehouse and surgeons removed the 10cm tumour bulging from his pelvis. After eight weeks in hospital lying flat on his back and another round of chemo, Rhys learnt to walk again.
His family were optimistic. Rhys couldn't wait to get back to normalcy. He wanted to work, and after gruelling treatment he needed some help. He was put on Newstart and a youth disability pension, totalling $425 a fortnight. 
But the cancer came back. Immunotherapy treatment, which cost his family more than $10,000, seemed to help for a while, but ultimately failed. In December, Rhys deteriorated rapidly with his last chance of survival. He was admitted to Lifehouse and his treatment team believe he only has months to live.  
As he underwent palliative care, Mrs Pagalday shielded Rhys from the phone calls, letters and demands that he turn up for appointments with Max Employment, the company contracted by the government to manage employment services for people who receive Centrelink disability payments. 
Parent company Max Solutions holds state and government contracts worth more than  $1 billion. 
"I was in shock. How could they have no empathy or compassion or respect for what Rhys is going through?" Mrs Pagalday said. "It is just so wrong."
With every doctor's certificate she sent to Centrelink, Rhys was given a reprieve from the job interviews, meetings and work he was expected to do in exchange for the payments. 
Rhys's deterioration and his inability to work appeared to raise no flags with Max Employment or Centrelink. Mrs Pagalday said no one suggested that Rhys could be eligible for a full disability pension. 
"They should have realised Rhys should never have been expected to work," Mrs Pagalday said. "It was completely inappropriate for him to be on this [disability] employment program."
It was only when a social worker at Lifehouse discovered the erroneous categorisation that they lodged an application for a full disability pension. 
During one chemotherapy session, Rhys's Max Employment case worker called her multiple times. In frustration, a Lifehouse senior nurse faxed a medical certificate to the agency. 
But Mrs Pagalday said she was told the certificate was not valid because it was not a designated Centrelink form.
A Max Employment spokesperson said Rhys' case manager has left the company. 
"We absolutely should have been more compassionate," Max Solutions managing director Deborah Homewood told ABC radio station Triple J Hack. 
A Facebook post by Rhys's sister on Tuesday was the first time Max Employment were alerted to the problem, the spokesperson said. 
Max Employment rejected the claim that their employee harassed Mrs Pagalday with phone calls, saying only five calls from the caseworker to Mrs Pagalday had been logged. 
Mrs Pagalday said she was contacted by Max Employment on Wednesday and the company's apologies have been heartfelt and much appreciated.
A spokesperson for Lifehouse, a the state's specialist centre for sarcoma chemotherapy and radiation therapy, said they had seen a worrying trend in patients getting caught up in the bureaucracy of accessing Centrelink support payments. 
"For families dealing with the tragedy of the terminal illness of a family member, the complexity of the benefits system can be difficult to navigate," the Lifehouse spokesperson said.
"We have noticed a lack of understanding and clarity around the requirements relating to benefits that has resulted in delays or lack of payments to vulnerable families at such a distressing time." 
Department of Human Services general manager Hank Jongen said "we appreciate this is an extremely difficult time for this young man and his family".
The department was investigating the matter to ensure Rhys received all the support for which he was eligible, Mr Jongen said. His payments have now been reinstated.
"We are unable to discuss specifics of this case, but can provide reassurance we will do everything we can to provide all available assistance," he said. 
"Where the medical evidence is clear a person has a terminal illness, DSP claims are processed by the Department as a matter of priority. While the DSP claim is being processed other income support is available, such as Newstart Allowance or Youth Allowance, with an exemption from looking for work," he said.
Max Solutions did not respond to Fairfax Media's repeated requests for a response by deadline.
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larrasmithh · 5 years
One Plus One: Anton Enus
Brought up in apartheid-era South Africa, Anton Enus only tasted real equality after arriving in Australia. Now a respected media figure, he’s turned his own cancer battle into a health campaign. He speaks with Kathryn Robinson.
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geogymbybombe-blog · 7 years
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Anton Stolyar torna al Gal Lissone ! Lo ha annunciato il presidente Roberto Meloni. Il tecnico russo aveva già allenato Elisa Meneghini e Enus Mariani , #EYOF nel 2011 e #Bruxelles2012 . Siamo sicuri che questo ritorno sarà una grande opportunità di crescita per le nostre campionesse
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fontyk · 5 years
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And we’re up and running at #twilighttalks @adelaidewritersweek @adelaidefestival featuring Azadeh Moaveni, Yanis Varoufakis and Joy Harjo with Anton Enus. #adlww #adlfest (at Pioneer Womens Memorial Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9TiSmzjgIq/?igshid=shvlazsabw5t
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elisaminimeneghini · 7 years
So Anton Stolyar is back to Gal Lissone, while Federica Gatti is no longer Pro Lissone's coach and Massimo Gallina is leaving too. This means Claudia Ferrè and Anton will coach both Gal and Pro Lissone.
Woah what even! I wasn’t expecting this, are you sure about it? This could have a potentially good or disastrous outcome lol. On the one hand I really like Claudia’s coaching approach and this could be beneficial for the Pro Lissone girls especially on beam. I’m thinking of Lucrezia Salvadori, for example, whom I love. On the other hand...where’s Federica going?? And what about Enus omg she and Federica are like bffs ://
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We're loving Musica Viva's new webseries Chamber Music & Me. In case you haven't been keeping up, Chamber Music & Me is a  four-part webseries which interviews people about their love chamber music. So far the series has provided some great insight into why, and how, people fall in love with music. 
Episode three, released today, features SBS Newsreader Anton Enus. To catch up on season one, visit; musicaviva.com.au/chambermusicandme
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