#Any and all corrects to my American English welcomed
utdrmv-confession-box · 5 months
Pinned Introduction post!
Welcome to the Undertale Deltarune Multiverse confession box! Here you can submit your opinions, criticisms, hot takes, theories, headcanons, etc! =)
Active hours are usually 4:30pm-12:00am on weekdays! weekends are all day (if i’m feeling up to it).
Confessions are to be submitted via the askbox. If you find that the askbox is closed, please do NOT try to submit your confession by any other means. It will not be posted.
Let’s go over some rules first! (subject to change as I am very forgetful!)
Keep it related to Undertale, Deltarune, or the multiple AUs the fandom has provided us!
Asks condoning problematic ships will be rejected immediately and will result in a block from this blog.
If your reply to several asks expressing frustration with the popularity of Sans is "just let people have fun" then actually get out.
Please submit them in english, mod (me) is a dumb American =( (If you can provide a translation however then it will be accepted!)
Please do not post NSFW confessions, it would make the mod (me) very sad =( (simping is allowed, just don’t get graphic with it)
Submissions that directly misgender the canon/vanilla/UTDR humans (as well as other trans characters) (not including discussions about WHY misgendering is bad or discussions regarding different identities being used in AUs) will be either rejected if done maliciously, or corrected if done on accident.
Reblogs and confessions that contain slurs will result in an immediate rejection and/or block.
And a few more things to note
As this is inspired by @ Splatoon-Confession-Box, I will be posting confessions in a very similar way! (putting the text in an image and not answering the ask directly) so worry not if you forget to post off anon! (I will provide a transcript at the bottom for those who might not be able to see the images either because of bad wifi or disabilities!)
My mental health and energy levels tend to fluctuate so some days may be more inactive than others!
Posts that mention proship/comship/darkshipping in anyway, shape or form will be labeled with the tags #tw proship, #proship tw, #cw proship and #proship cw. (Remember that confessions endorsing/encouraging proshipping will be rejected, but proshipping in itself is considered a sensitive topic, and therefore will be treated as such by tagging it properly so people with filters can avoid posts about it.)
Posts regarding filtering tags
[Character/AU] Negativity tags
Ship + Ship negative tags (Can’t find the post??? Summary: Ship posts will be tagged with #Ship and the tags for whatever ship it has, any post criticizing a ship will be tagged with #Ship Neg)
If you see this, a reblog would be appreciated! This project can’t start without a little push in the right direction!
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jellybeanium124 · 26 days
so I just saw a post about how the word "tribe" is racist. and like yeah it is. and I decided instead of derailing it I'm going to make my own, because it got me thinking about "the 12 tribes of israel," a phrasing that is perfectly acceptable in all the jewish circles I've ever been in. I've also heard the phrase "member of the tribe" used between jews to indicate jewishness. someone on that post said the word was roman in origin, but I was skeptical because we all know cultural appropriation loves taking things from the jews (this wouldn't even be the only time a word was taken from its jewish roots and applied to black people, ghetto comes to mind, but the conversation that we should be having around black-jewish solidarity is for another post).
anyways, I looked it up on etymonline, and yep, that person was right, but so was I:
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I found corroboration on the open encyclopedia of anthropology:
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now, I am not a scholar, so there's only so deep I can go. I am also a white-passing jew, and most jews I know irl are also white-passing. I do not know if this terminology is more controversial in jewish POC circles, or even used in non-american circles. it's possible conversations are happening about retiring the use of the word "tribe" and switching to the 12 nations of israel, because the word "nation" is also used in reference to us a lot (hebrew nation, nation of israelites, etc), and I just haven't heard about it.
I also don't really know where to go from here. the word has a derogatory connotation these days, like it or not, and the language we use should be welcoming and inclusive to all jews, not just us white-passing ones. I don't get the final say on that.
I just think the history is interesting here, and I wanted to point out to people that the word "tribe," when used in middle to modern english, originally was about the jews.
if anyone has any additions or corrections, please add on! the last thing I want to do is spread misinformation, and etymology and stuff like this can be sketchy and difficult to research. I do my best to find good sources but I'm not perfect.
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darkfictionjude · 2 months
Etymology nonnie here!
I have come back. And well, I almost regret writing what I did about the names in a previous ask. This is because most of the names that begin with "Luc-" are names that I do not like that much, or that often got replaced by an English variant by Italian Americans (during the 1950s, since that's when Luce was born, if my calculation was correct they were born in 1952, but the data I found wasn't so specific).
Worse, I ended up with a selection of three names. None of which had nothing to do with Luce. In any case, I believe the nickname has more to do with personality or how the character is seen by others. Or it may be related to the incident. Who knows? Not me, but you do, dear Jude.
Those names are:
1) Angelo: While it was often replaced by an English name (like Andy or Andrew), it was used enough at the time for me to consider it. I enjoy the contrast with the story and setting. And I always have liked the name. More so than the Spanish version (I do like Ángel, but I prefer the Italian 'g' sound most of the time). Also, I think it fits with the idea I have of Luce so far. Yet I may be wrong, so I may give it some thought before picking this one.
2) Michele: In most circumstances it would be readily replaced by Michael (which I'm also technically considering, but I want to consider Michele the main choice instead of Michael). But I like the Italian version better.
*I did consider the combination of Michelangelo, but I think too much of the artist, and I don't feel worthy. Lol.
3) Ernesto: I like Earnest better, probably. And I find funny both Italian and Spanish have the same spelling and pronunciation. Similar to Angelo, I enjoy the contrast between the meaning and the story and setting. And the meaning seems to make sense with the Luce I'm imagining in my mind given what little we know of them.
Now, I'm not making you choose (although any commentary about your preference is welcome). Rather, I'm curious about something more open and that can help other players figuring the name they want for their Luce.
See, it was common for Italian Americans to use a translation or a similar English sounding name of an Italian name. Although, there were still some who used the proper Italian name. What I'm wondering is what Luce's parents would prefer? Would they go for the original Italian name, or would they prefer an English one because of how convenient it can be for Luce in their daily life?
Now I'm also remembering that Luce is probably customizable, which means their ethnicity is not necessarily just Italian American. In that case, would Luce's parents consider a name that resembled the other ethnic/country origin (of the mother, I would believe)? Or an Italian one? Or an English name both out of convenience for Luce and as a compromise between the two heritages?
Also, maybe unrelated, but feel free to ignore it if that's the case: Do you have a name for the MC you play when you are playtesting? Does it change based on IF? Do you go with a gender neutral name for all those MCs (since I assume some interactions based on gender require a different MC while testing), or with a specific name for male MCs and female MCs?
So yeah Luce doesn’t have to be Italian American, they can be mixed. Their father is Italian, he’s pure Italian but Maria can be from any background. As I’ve said the Italian heritage is strong in the family and it is traditionally patriarchal and so the children’s names are Italian names, not English variants. Antonio chose his children’s names.
I actually don’t have a specific name, I choose the first name available for each gender just to see how gender influenced flavour text is looking. So by that measure it does change for each IF since the suggested names are all different. For WWC, it’s normal yet old names, for EC it’s traditional Italian names, for OYHS it’s names that real Hollywood actors had. From what I’ve seen most players don’t think that much about their character’s name, really. Many people use the same name across many IFs
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OOR 2009 - Nr 10 - Rammstein interview
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Six voices, no harmony
The moment OOR returns from Berlin it drops be in the mailbox: the video clip for Pussy, the first single from Rammstein's sixth studio album Liebe Ist Für Alle Da. It's a kind of, well, wie sage ich das jetzt... Please see for yourself and make your own judgement. Guitarist Richard Kruspe had already warned us the day before: "Bigger, better, more extreme" is still the motto of Germany's biggest metal band. A motto that Rammstein has condemned itself to over the past fifteen years, Kruspe admits when we speak to him about the most difficult record the band ever had to make. OOR visited the guitarist in Berlin and flew with red sympath... sorry, ears back.
by Willem Bemboom
Durch Berlin fliesst immer noch die Spree... The old Berlin song comes up when OOR reports to the German headquarters of record company Universal. Inside a typical modern multimedia office, with Moke's Shorland in the listening post, on the banks of the Spree, you are in the middle of the history of the twentieth century. Twenty years ago, this was one of the most scarred places in torn Berlin: directly to the right of the office, the Oberbaumbrücke spans the river. Nowadays the U-bahn runs back and forth over the picturesque building, but in GDR times the bridge formed one of the borders between east (Friedrichshain) and west (Kreuzberg), meaning that only western pedestrians were allowed to pass. Along the road behind the bridgehead begins the East Side Gallery, an elongated preserved part of the Berlin Wall, where artists have enjoyed themselves. The old Ostbahnhof, gateway to Warsaw and Moscow, is now hidden from view from here by the brand new O2 World sports complex. And although Berlin started a great catch-up race immediately after the fall of the wall, the horizon is still dotted with cranes that plant futuristic-looking new things in the cityscape.
A cityscape that Richard Kruspe, guitarist of Rammstein, hardly recognizes. The riff-slinging flamethrower from the stage welcomes us with the friendliest smile and a diet coke in an office on the sixth floor. Previous interviews with Rammstein always meant the presence of an interpreter, but Kruspe, who lives in New York, has no problem with English as the main language. He uses a lightning-quick, thick American/German accent, which is almost eerily correct in terms of intonation. Only the slightly too long rolling 'r' in his pronunciation betrays a different native language. "I moved to New York in 2000 and I no longer recognize the Berlin of that time. It has suddenly become very hip to live, for artists from all over the world. Life is very cheap here, especially compared to other European cities. If you are a starting artist you have to work at least three jobs elsewhere to pay the rent, and then you no longer have time for your music or paintings. Berlin is perfect for such people and also acts as a magnet to others. I now see a much more vibrant, creative Berlin than I am used to."
And the difference with the GDR period?
"Well, the wall has now disappeared in every respect. When I walk through my old neighborhood, I see a mix, there are no longer places where only people from the east or west live. I actually think that's quite a shame, it had something typical. But Berlin will always keep changing and that is a very good thing. You hear all kinds of different types of German and languages from all over the world. A sign that the city is alive. When I first moved here, that was not the case. Berlin was cold, colourless, generic. I knew I had to go here to start a career and meet people who wanted the same thing as me, but I didn't like it here. It was difficult to survive, not obvious in any case. If there were people with the same ideas, they acted very elitist. As an outsider you were not just accepted into a group. In a sense, Berlin is still hard. When I came here with my ex-wife, she did not like it And neither does my girlfriend at the moment; I showed her some places from the past yesterday and she accidentally walked on the bike path. Then someone got off his bike and hit her in the head. This way I know the city again, I thought to myself. Welcome to Berlin, baby! But the city looks beautiful, especially the old east. The architecture and new city planning make it an open whole. Not so typically German anymore, more a mix of different cities and eras."
Growing up in the Eastern Bloc is something we in the Netherlands can hardly imagine.
"I thought the GDR was fine until I was about twelve. When you're young, you don't know any better and you don't care. Now you know how the system worked, then you felt protected. safe and if I compare it to the reality of 2009, it was: now you have a credit crisis, people going hungry, problems in education, drugs among the youth. This is a different world, much more extreme. We had a very simple and straightforward upbringing - what you don't see doesn't exist. As you get older, your curiosity also grows. You want to go somewhere and you can't, because there is a wall. Only when I was about thirteen or fourteen, I became aware of the wall. And of the other sides of the regime, because the more curious you were, the more you got into trouble. Daily life in the Eastern Bloc was simply not meant for the curious. I started making music, primarily to impress the girls, but gradually I understood that it was also one of the few ways to push your boundaries a little. I always managed to stay within the lines, and then maintain a sense of freedom, no, individuality."
How were you able to push your boundaries within the GDR?
"By moving from the north of Germany to East Berlin. I did that purely because of the music. I wanted to start a band and that wasn't possible at home, simply because there weren't enough good musicians who wanted the same. It was quite difficult, because you were expected to have a full-time job and could only do something with music outside working hours. Or you had to study it, but that was of course not the kind of music I wanted to make. Slowly but surely I started to get some blemish on my political background and I decided that I no longer fit into society in Schwerin. Living with music, it had to be in Berlin. Better than at home, but it was not easy at all."
Why did you decide to escape the Eastern Bloc?
"Nothing musical, I accidentally got into a disturbance, a matter of wrong place, wrong time. I ended up in prison, where I was interrogated and investigated. After three days I was released again, completely beaten up. From that point, you will never be out of the picture of the authorities again. I had the feeling that I could no longer even breathe freely, that I was being watched everywhere. I had to leave, so I fled to the west. That was impossible in Berlin, The chances were better in the Czech Republic 1). The border was not so much open, but more flexible. Via some detours I ended up in West Berlin, where it was easier to start a band. After the fall of the wall, Rammstein was also founded there."
And when Berlin and the band were on the rise, you fled to New York?
"You can look at it that way. I have escaped twice in my life, once from east to west and once from Berlin to New York. The latter was quite spontaneous and non-musical, it was about my private life. That has since blossomed into full bloom, which I would never have achieved on that scale in Berlin. From Rammstein I have always been the one who takes the most risks. In 2000 I wanted my life - now I achieved everything i fought for previously - to give a new impuls. There had to be more than just making music and I am still discovering that in New York."
Moving to New York is an adventure even for someone from Boston or Philadelphia.
"Right! I learned a lot from it, of course not after making every rookie mistake. It is indeed a big challenge, but I am a survivor. I come from the Eastern Bloc, I know that life is hard and a lot of you can take. Moreover, I come from the north of the country, where people are on their feet. A rough man in a rough city, that fits. It's a kind of overarching life lesson. I understand New York now, I can use the city to my advantage. Thanks to Rammstein I have the financial security to do this, I am a privileged person. I have a studio at home, I can make music whenever I want. I can go back to Berlin if I need to, and even more important: leave Berlin again if necessary. It is important for me to be able to distance myself from Rammstein. It is such intense work, sometimes you have to be able to forget it. When I moved, I was so caught up in the band that I no longer dared to hand anything over, I could hardly handle it anymore. A world without Rammstein seemed unthinkable, but now I have a universe all my own. A godsend! That distance has been essential, especially for this record."
Was it a difficult recording process?
"That's the understatement of the century, haha! It took two years and if I didn't have New York, I would have gone completely crazy. The level of bullshit often reached such great heights... It was ridiculous. We already had huge arguments about the smallest things and non issues, let alone about the really important matters. Everything had to be decided per meeting, per conference. Sometimes I was completely overwhelmed. Thanks to New York, I gained some perspective on the whole thing. Once back In Berlin I had some positive energy again. If someone was really insisting on a certain point of view, I would say: do it, at least you'll stop talking about it. In this way, many compromises were made just to end the whining."
Let's start at the beginning: you released Rosenrot in 2005, which was not followed by a major tour.
"That record wasn't really planned. We had six completed songs left after Reise Reise, plus a handful of advanced ideas. Throwing it away would be a shame, so after careful consideration it was decided to sculpt a whole album out of it. And that was it. I was eager to start my own project, Emigrate, and the others needed a holiday. That's why we left the Rosenrot story at that and consciously opted for a time-out instead of a tour."
Rumors were buzzing then; if Rammstein didn't even tour anymore after an album, something had to be wrong.
"The thing was, we had never not toured before. In this case it was more important to save the band through that break. After fifteen years I have learned that it takes more effort to maintain the group than to to create a new piece of music. If you work too much, it will cost you at some point. In that respect, I don't envy those American bands that have to do three hundred shows a year. You just can't keep that up for years. They blow themselves up. We got the first warning during the Mutter tour; our keyboard player couldn't handle it anymore and left for a while. He was done with it. At first we didn't understand it, we just wanted to keep going and going. Until we took a closer look at what we were doing. There had to be a construction that would allow us to spare ourselves. If someone can't handle it anymore, you have to stop for a while. Otherwise, at some point you would have a three-man Rammstein. And that is no longer a band. "
After that break, one day you ended up in the same room again. What happened?
"That was after about two years. On the surface everything seemed pleasant, but everyone had other plans. I didn't want to go straight into the studio, but first go on tour to get the band on the same page as quickly as possible. Moreover, with Rosenrot and Emigrate [Emigrate's 2007 debut] I only saw studios and no audience. However, it was decided to make a record first. I still think that was a big mistake, but hey, it was an honest choice."
How did you get started musically?
"That was quite cool, the first two months. We rented a house in the north and rehearsed in a small room, the size of a broom cupboard. Schneider had a small electronic drum kit and we did not play with our large cabinets but on very small speakers. That is a completely different physical aspect of playing, it was much harder, faster and heavier than we were used to. A lot of ideas came out, which we all recorded and at that moment I still liked it. However, things went wrong when we were transferring those ideas, riffs, melodies and rhythms to the computer to go through it. I thought: keep playing guys, it's going well! But no, the democratic group process was started. And that's when the trouble really started. "
Can you give a concrete example of that misery?
"Some members behaved as if nothing was wrong. Problems were simply ignored, like we were in Pink Floyd. You know, making music in Rammstein has never been easy. As a band we have always been more concerned with discussing than making music In the past there was sometimes a fight, to the death - almost literally. Unpleasant, but the problem was solved. Now we are all a bit older and less aggressive. The devil now lies in the attitude and the words. Rammstein is a convergence of egos that can make things very painful and difficult for each other. We have become a bunch of old whiners, haha!"
Were there things you did agree on?
"That this was a nightmare! For me personally, I think for everyone."
It's a miracle there's a record at all?
"As far as I'm concerned, yes. At many times I thought we wouldn't make it. We were all on the verge of quitting at some point. Not everyone recognized it, but you could see it in the look in our eyes: this it was, done, over. Everything has an end, maybe this is our time. Only no one wanted to be the first. No one wanted to take the responsibility for disbanding Rammstein. Or worse: I was afraid that the band would continue if I quit. This record was made on that energy, call it stubborn, or fearful, or pigheaded."
How did that work practically?
"When the six of us could no longer be in one room, we split the group up to continue working in small groups. In shifts, so to speak. Just to find solutions to finish the record. A regular album is made constructively, grows from ideas and creativity. This was the other way around; everything that was on tape was a problem. And everything that was missing was also a problem. Normally you tick off a track and say: great, another song added. Now it was It was a burden lifted off you every time, and on to the next bottleneck. Man, we were often stuck! Completely. At the end of the ride I didn't care about the music anymore, I was purely determined to get that thing done and get rid of it.”
Um, you know you're here to promote the record?
"Certainly, haha! I'm currently letting a lot of people tell me how good it is. I don't really care for it at all at the moment. Per song, per break or sound, I only hear the endless discussions that were attached to it. I can't look at the songs objectively, but that can still change. If you like the record, I'm happy for you. But myself? I don't know."
In this light: is the title Liebe Ist Für Alle Da another wry example of Rammstein humor?
"Not necessarily. We look for the most extreme forms of love in the lyrics. There is a song called Frühling in Paris, and on the other hand you have the single Pussy. One is romantic, the other explicit, but it amounts to the same thing."
Are there any tour plans this time?
"We've made it a point for ourselves that everything we do has to be bigger, better and more extreme than what we've done. Rammstein is a huge machine and even we can't stop it. Sometimes you wish you were in a band like Pearl Jam , where everything revolves around the music and the feeling and the spontaneity. However: I play in Rammstein. The only way to keep going is to make everything grow bigger. Bigger, better, more extreme. Buckle up, everyone."
Is the atmosphere on tour better than in the studio?
"Yes, certainly. That's a good thing. In fact, now that this delivery is over, the mood in the group is fine, at times even great. We are rehearsing, things are going well, there are still a lot of discussion points, but we are a step further, there is progress. That feeling is good for every musician. Look, we don't hate each other, it's just almost impossible to work with each other. Every decision is a battle. And perhaps that is precisely what after all those years still makes us so strong. Apparently we float on pain and drama and frustration and unrest. If you look back at the past you see that many important musical achievements were built on those things, so maybe it just has to be that way."
Do you secretly still love each other?
"Very much even. And above all, very secretly..."
Rammstein live: December 6 Gelredome Arnhem, December 10 Sportpaleis Merksem Antwerp
1) In other interviews Richard mentions having fled via Hungary, this one he mentions Czechoslovakia
List of other Rammstein OOR interviews
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tastesoftamriel · 2 years
I'm sure you're entirely sick of talking about this bc that initial anon was... dumb as hell and I too would like to forget about it if I were you lol, so feel free to ignore this ask!! but I just wanted to throw in my two cents as a fellow non-white non-American fantasy writer. cause fantasy as a genre is so insanely whitewashed, and even in settings like TES that have multiple different fantasy-cultures that are meant to draw inspiration from lots of different real-world-cultures, they tend to be shallow and lacking and let's be real, TES isn't getting any awards for being politically correct. I for one always get insanely hyped when I see more diverse takes on fantasy, whether thats in original fiction or fanfiction, cause 1) it just vastly improves the quality of the world building and 2) it creates more welcoming spaces for other bipoc to create more cool stuff. and also, it's just fun as hell to project your own culture into dope fantasy settings. I do it all the time and I fuckin love when other people do it.
I feel like that anon was just looking for a fight and intentionally trying to interpret your comment in the most bad faith way possible (classic tesblr behavior ngl). and like I get it, orientalism sucks ass, but I've followed you for a couple years now and I've only ever known you to be a super chill, super respectful person who (like I said before) creates a welcoming space for other bipoc in the fandom.
tldr: anon is a clown, representation is fun, your blog slaps
❤ from @reachfolk
Yes yes YES I could hug you! Inclusivity and breaking away from whitewashed fantasy is one of my main goals with this blog! My recipes and worldbuilding have me neck deep in exploring global cuisine and culture, but as soon as it's a picture then people go off about cultural insensitivity. Because reading comprehension is low here so most people barely glance at the worldbuilding posts.
Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, as far as Asian actors in Hollywood went, you had Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan. There was that show about Imperial Chinese cats called Sagwa (傻瓜 shagua literally means "dumb melon" which is what you call a certified idiot). Mulan (forever my favourite). Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon? But that's it. Seeing Michelle Yeoh winning everything recently makes me feel proud to be Asian. I cried when I saw Over the Moon.
If just ONE person looks at this blog and goes "cool, I learned something" or "cool, my culture is being recognised and represented as a form of inspiration", then I have done something right. Other Chinese/East Asian people in the past have applauded me for bucking the western "Asian" stereotype, simply because I express my love for my culture differently.
I'm no less Chinese for being fluent in English (which is actually my mother tongue btw thanks colonialism), or being a goth, or an author who happens to be atrocious at math. I just am. And I want everyone to just be too. To embrace their otherness, to rejoice in the diversity of the human experience, and to learn to live together. And most of all, I wanna see more awareness in writing (especially fantasy) about non-Global North cultures and the people who represent them. I'm sick of being a media cliché.
If you're a POC and you're looking for your sign to delve into fantasy worldbuilding, this is it. Go write. Create. Destroy. Build the world you've always wanted to see through the lens of your heritage, use your history as a lesson, use your language as a weapon. ~Tal
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hochsleep · 6 days
Post for introductions and important information!
Hi, cuties!
My name is Hochsleep and here I write stuff about Daryl Dixon (my favorite man ever)
Basically I'm just learning how to use this site, so I apologize for my mistakes and errors, I'm a newbie;)
I'll tell you a little bit about myself before we discuss some important things about my art and this account!
• Hochsleep ("hoch" is a form of a word in my native language that translates to "want", sleep you know what it means. I am a Hochsleep because I always want to sleep😴)
• I'm 20 so I can read and write all sorts of vulgarity and am more used to twd content with violence (which I actually hate, I'm a pacifist and don't accept violence anywhere but movies, TV shows and games)
BUT if you are under the age of 18 you really should leave this profile and only come back when you are of legal age!
• she/her
• I'm a big fan of twd and Daryl Dixon (obviously, yes) so you and I here will enjoy the company of this wonderful man (yes, I only like fictional men, no other way)
• I'm really just learning how to use Tumblr (it's important for me to say that again) and I really admire the design of other accounts, so hopefully I'll grow in that my profile will get better and more comfortable for us us!
Well, I don't have much more to say at this point. I mean, I'm just an ordinary young girl with no personal life and dreaming of a fictional man from the show, what else is there to tell? But maybe I'll update this post later if you're interested and I feel like sharing;)
Now important information regarding this profile and my work!
• Here will be mostly headcanons or small sketches, big works I plan to publish on ao3 (working on one now) But maybe on requests and my desire I will write something impressive and here!
• I plan to write mostly for female readers with a female anatomy, as it's closer and easier for me. But I don't mind the prospect of gender-neutral and male readers in the future!
• I'm currently writing a big paper on ao3 (the link will be below, as well as all the other necessary links, leaf to the end of the post to get it!)
• But I have to warn you, I don't plan on writing big pieces for Y/N just yet! My fanfic on ao3 is entirely about my OC, who has a spelled out past, appearance, character, and more (but it's still interesting, I promise)
• But don't worry, all the work here will be all about you, dear readers. In Y/N format without detailed descriptions of appearance or any specific character (that everyone could more or less match themselves with the character). Everything about Y/N will be mostly left to your taste and imagination ;)
• I'll mention again that English is not my first language! I mostly use a translator (with a bias towards American English), so there may be mistakes and inconsistencies. Feel free to correct me in the comments! If I use any phrases from my native language that are unclear due to being translated word-for-word (I mean, every language has such phrases and stable expressions), I will be sure to clarify for you the meaning of the speech abortion I used! I try to improve my English (also with the help of this blog), so I write in a way that the translator and readers can understand me, so I hope you will find it easy and comfortable to read me!
• You can send me your ideas and requests if you would like them written in my hand, I very much welcome this and would be delighted! All copyrights are reserved, I make sure to credit anyone and everyone whose material, including post ideas and queries, I use! It's important we stay ethical here, guys!
• I will try to appear here as often as possible, so hopefully we won't get lost;)
Now it's time for the very important part: the rules of use!
• All my work, here and on ao3, is copyrighted!
• You can use my art as inspiration for your pieces, but be sure to tag me!
• If you want to share my art on other venues discuss it with me first! I do not authorize the copying and distribution of my art without my permission!
• I do not give permission to copy and distribute my creations to pass them off as your own without any mention of the real author!
• As for Daryl Dixon and other "The Walking Dead" characters: they are all entirely the property of the creators of the series. I am only responsible for MY OWN vision of the original characters of the series and signing them as part of the fanfiction!
Yes, it's gotten pretty long here, but please understand me. Don't think I'm a nerd, but the intellectual property part of legality is really important to me.
Now as for the rules for reading this profile! It's pretty simple here.
• I'm completely open to constructive criticism, it is necessary. Therefore, be sure to write if you consider it necessary to correct me and of course express your opinion!
• But don't forget that your opinion shouldn't include: insults and aggressive forms of expression! No insults towards me, other readers and authors!
• My content may contain detailed descriptions of sexually explicit scenes and violence. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 DO NOT READ THIS PROFILE!
• No distribution of materials prohibited by law in the comments!
• I don't accept hatred based on sexual orientation, gender identity, race, nationality, etc. here. NO HATE!
Okay, we're finally done 🫠
I'm happy to everyone and anyone here! I suggest you to lose yourself in the forest of my fantasies ;)
I will endeavor to provide a comfortable environment for all of us here. This profile is your safe space!
We have a lot of interesting things waiting for us, guys;)
Thanks for sticking around! Enjoy reading!
Useful links to other:
The darkest night is before the brightest dawn
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theprissythumbelina · 10 months
Hello hello! Arch here, with yet more Horse-Queries:
One thing I've always been a tad confused by is the "pace" at which a horse would be moving at in any given situation. When I imagine, say, a large troop of horses moving from one point to another, I usually envision them all moving at a 'gallop' (I realise that's probably the wrong vocabulary to describe that sort of fast pace, so I'd welcome a correction!). But I recall some sources pretty much refuting that. So, I guess my question is: if you're expecting to move large distances without too much impetus for speed, how much faster than a walking person would a horse with rider and some equipment be able to move?
I'm going to answer your question, but I'm also going to teach you about paces because this confuses a lot of people in my experience. If you want to skip to the direct answer, I'll mark it with ***.
What is a horse's 'pace'. So horses have something called a stride, which is the distance it takes for all four feet to hit the ground once. A pace is the speed of a stride. So a faster pace means the feet are moving further and hitting the ground more often in a certain amount of time. That's the simple part.
Horses also have gaits, which are the patterns in which their feet move. The normal horse has four, the walk, the trot, the canter, and the gallop. For some reason, some American cowboys call a canter a gallop? No clue, but the fact is that canter and gallop are different because the pattern of footfalls is different. A canter is also referred to as a lope in Western riding. A visual is below. (please ignore the misspelling, is it not canker, its canter, this was the best image i found of all four gaits together)
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As can be seen, a walk is a four beat gait, with each foot hitting the ground not in concert with any other foot. The trot(also called a jog in British English) is a two beat gait, with diagonal pairs moving at the same time. A canter is a three beat gait, with one hind leg and one front leg moving in concert, and the other front and hind moving separately. The gallop is a four beat gait, with a moment of suspension.
When it comes to riding horses over distance, these patterns are very important. The gallop is the fastest gait, but it requires a huge amount of energy due to only one leg hitting the ground at a time. This puts enormous stress on the body. Racehorses have shattered legs while racing due to having the entire body weight and stress on one single foot. No horse can maintain a gallop for more than a few minutes, even top racers.
The canter is less strenuous, but it is still difficult and potentially dangerous to maintain for long periods of time, due to the shifting of balance from foot to foot. The walk, of course, is the easiest gait to maintain over long distances, and most horses can regain stamina at the walk. But the best gait for long distances (for normal horses, I'll get to that) is the trot. Due to the diagonal pairs, a trot is the most stable and efficient gait, requiring the least amount of balance control, and also benefiting from the hind legs usually stepping in the exact foot print of the front legs. The trot averages 8 mph, or about 12.9 km/h. In comparison, a human walk is about 3 mph or 5.1 km/h.
***A horse and rider in good condition, over relatively flat ground at a trot, would be over twice as fast as a human walking.
But, here's the kicker, not every horse has only four gaits. Many breeds of horse, and many more that have gone extinct since industrialization, had five or six gaits. These are referred to in modern times as gaited horses. These special gaits were genetically inherited, and cannot be trained. A horse is either born with extra gaits or not.
Some additional gaits are: the amble, the pace, the sobreandando, the Tölt, the running walk, the foxtrot, the rack, and many more.
These are pertinent to the question because some of these gaits, in particular the Tölt, can be performed at speeds reaching those of a canter. Now, I am not an expert in gaited horses, but the Tölt, the foxtrot, and the running walk were all breed specifically for covering large distances quickly and comfortably. However, I cannot find a source I trust for how long these paces can be maintained at top speed. Due to the smoothness of the gaits, I would hazard a guess that it would be as far, if not further, than a trot, but that is my own guesstimate.
A historical anecdote, during medieval warfare, ambling horses were often used as riding horses to reach a battle site, where the courser or destrier would then be mounted and put into use. Centuries later, the ambling Tennessee Walking Horse and Missouri Foxtrotter were both used in the American South and West for long distance travel over rocky and mountainous terrain, and are known for being incredibly comfortable, as well as beautiful horses.
This became possibly my longest ever post, but I believe I answered your question and then some. Thank you for letting me go full horse-obsessed nerd once again!
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adamsvanrhijn · 1 year
Ok, sorry for very random question, but i didnt find any satisfying answer when i tried to look it up. Do you know or have any ideas why after mr van rhijn death it is Agnes who seems to be in charge of running things instead of Oscar who will inherit and "is expected to run the house infinietly" only after her death? (Sorry for bad english, but i tried to be clear haha)
this is a very good question (and is perfectly clear!!) and there are a few things that could be happening!
@ anyone reading this i welcome corrections about inheritance law in 1870s new york
legally, one of the following is probably true:
upon mr. arnold van rhijn's death, control of assets (funds, investments, property/real estate, etc) was transferred from him to agnes, as his wife, for her use but with a clause that it would be transferred to oscar, his only son, once a certain condition had been met — most likely, that condition would be either her death, or, the earlier of either her death or oscar's marriage, or some upon oscar's marriage and the rest upon her death, etc
upon his death, control of assets was transferred from him to oscar, as his only son, with agnes, as his wife, given a monetary income for running her household in perpetuity until her death as the beneficiary of some kind of trust, with oscar (or an appointed overseer) as the trustee/person who legally oversees those funds
the reverse of #2, where upon his death, control of assets was transferred to agnes, who was expected to transfer them to oscar at any point in the future but also given the legal right not to as sole decisionmaker, with oscar as the beneficiary of a fund agnes (or an appointed overseer) controls
upon his death, some assets were transferred to oscar (e.g. investments and some property and whatever else) and some to agnes (e.g. money and the block of houses she lives in and whatever else), with the expectation that agnes would eventually (or upon her death) transfer her assets to oscar (but potentially legally could do whatever she wanted)
i BELIEVE, based on 1960s law reviews that talk about The Before Times but obviously that's 90 years after what we're looking at, that agnes would only have had the right to inherit if mr. van rhijn died without a will. if he wrote a will (no reality where he didn't imo) then he legally could have excluded her. there would have been major social ramifications for doing that, though.
there also was nothing Barring agnes from inheriting, and she had the right to own her own property (in both Pennsylvania and New York) as a married woman as of 1845. as a widow she has no property restrictions at all by default.
in real life with any given matriarch and only son in 1870s new york, any of those could be possible — it depends on the will & testament & any clauses associated with those assets, and that's pretty much up to the person who dies.
unless specified in family legal documents, patrilineal inheritance was NOT legally the default in the USA at this time, and it wasn't necessarily socially the default either — not the same situation as say downton abbey, where there's an entail that specifies only male heirs can inherit, and those entails were both common and were legally the default in England prior to i think the 1880s (but i don't remember the year off the top of my head i might be confusing that with another law). if you Are familiar with Downton Abbey, this is where the whole American heiress thing comes in. (in TGA we see it with Oscar, obviously, & i expect we're going to see a lot more of it in TGA S2.)
and to get back to your actual question, i think REGARDLESS of what the legal situation is, it seems to me that oscar and agnes have an understanding of who is in control of what until agnes dies— like it's theoretically possible that oscar controls all of it already or was given all of it and then was like "congrats mama you get to deal with everything i don't want to deal with [yet]", whether or not as an actual legal change in rights
but i don't think that's likely to be the scenario, based on both canonical dialogue and like. vibes
in the 2nd episode we get the exchange between ada and agnes where agnes says that she can't leave marian the van rhijn money, which Should and Will go to oscar, and also tells ada basically not to worry about being provided for because agnes will outlive her
and from that among other things we can gather that agnes is making monetary decisions, at least where her own household is concerned, until she dies, and is not concerned about others infringing on those decisions. it also implies that (at least some of) the money and house aren't actually oscar's legally yet, and depending on how you look at it, that agnes could if she so chose leave it to someone else
it isn't 100% clear because she could be saying to ada that it legally must/will and that she thinks it should, or she could be saying that she thinks it should [and/or that is an expectation placed upon it, socially] and so it will even if she had the ability not to
even if she is using the money for her own household, she doesn't see the money as hers, she sees it as family money that rightfully belongs to oscar
oscar, meanwhile, doesn't appear to see the money as belonging to him! he sees it as a family obligation, money that has conditions and expectations for use, and that he doesn't have true control over... he wants More, Other money (and heiress money frequently is socially earmarked for the family of the man she has when she marries... not money she is obligated to use for her father's family) for himself. the van rhijn money is for his mother's household and probably like, upkeep of family real estate, etc, & he is not going the prodigal son route here and using it for things other than its socially intended purpose
i don't think any of this actually answers your question because the canonical answer is "we don't know" and the rest of it is viewer discretion... my personal interpretation has been that #1 is the legal situation and agnes is basically just looking after the money but it isn't really hers because it needs to go to oscar at some point
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Toady FAQ!
Hey y’all! I get a lot of the same questions (both on Tiktok and here in the bog), so I thought I’d answer a bunch of em at once! As always, if you have questions not listed here, I’m happy to chat :)
Are you going to upload/continue the 90s series? (Alternatively: Upload the 90s series. You should upload it to Tumblr. Continue the 90s series.)
With all the love in the world, no. At least not for the moment—ask me again in 6 months!
Writing that series ended up being super stressful, and I’m not super eager to get back in there at the moment. I’m worried I’d continue to carry that stress and that I’d grow to resent the story, which is not at all what I want! I also don’t want to be 8 chapters into a new piece of writing and still have people asking about the 90s series, which I hope is understandable.
By all means, save the posts from Tiktok so you can revisit them. Just please don’t post them anywhere :)
Do you have Spotify? Can you make a playlist of all the songs you used in your Tiktoks?
I’ve thought about this question a lot, and basically: you tell me.
I have a Spotify account, but haven’t shared it for privacy reasons. However, if enough people wanted it, I could be persuaded to change my username and share my playlists :)
I do think it’s fun to have music to go along with a story, and it’s actually the one thing I miss about Tiktok. So the other option would be to maybe post chapters as audio posts with the text underneath, if I can figure out how to do that?
Basically: you tell me what you think, and I’ll do it!
Will your next story feature XYZ?
It depends on your request (and, honestly, the tone in which you ask it). I’m more than happy to consider requests and suggestions, but I have two stipulations:
1. There are certain perspectives and lived experiences from which I simply cannot write accurately; if you’re asking me to write about the experiences of a marginalized group, consider that I might not be the person to portray them. On top of being in a privileged position myself, I’m also just not an experienced enough writer to properly research and depict experiences so inherently different from my own. I can definitely try my best to recommend other writers, but know that, in all things, my knowledge is limited to my own exposure and experience.
2. I cannot possibly make everyone happy. If I took every request I received, I’d end up with a disaster of a story that I wouldn’t even feel like I’d written. I need to retain some creative freedom in order for this to feel worth doing, so while I welcome suggestions please don’t be offended if I don’t take every one I see!
Any advice for people who want to major in English? What are you doing with your degree?
Find your niche. Mine was American lit, specifically the weird stuff. The weirder the better—American Gothic, true crime journalism, 19th-century Spiritualism—you name it, I’ve written about it. If you can find a subgenre of literature that you LOVE, nothing you read or write will feel like work.
Don’t edit, rewrite! Print your draft and go over it in red pen, then re-type it with your corrections. I swear by this!
Don’t limit yourself, ever! Take classes on fantasy, sci-fi, children’s lit, climate crisis fiction, religious texts, whatever you can find. You will be better for it!
Everyone is wrong. There’s a TON you can do with an English degree. I worked in finance straight out of college—I knew nothing about business, but my degree taught me to communicate effectively and synthesize information from different sources. You have valuable skills, you just need to learn to market them! Now I’m working in my field and it’s great, but it was never the only option.
Beloved, stop yelling at me.
Can I use this as a writing prompt/write my own story/create fanart using these characters?
YES! Knock yourself out, I only ask that you tag me in the final product so I can see your lovely work and hype you up :)
Do you have book/movie/show recs that are similar to your work?
That depends! Send me a specific request (ie: MMCs with similar vibes to Jasper Stevens) and I’ll try my best to recommend you something. If I can’t think of anything, we’ll crowdsource!
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legendheroes · 2 years
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Welcome, this blog is full on delusional and crossover art/stuff between the Digimon TV series protags. Ah, and stuff from that peculiar XW AU setting i didn't shut up about on my artblog last year LOL.
Expect chaos and shitposts here. Also some canon divergence because some series i didn't rewatch for a long long time ago.
There's only love and unhinged energy here. Daisuke might be present in most of those because yeah, i love this kiddo a lot.
I won't tolerate any series/game/manga hate in this space. If you don't like any of them, please unfollow/block me instead.
Askblog → @tomorrows2top Artblog → @digitalgate02
Call me Ni (she/they), btw. Please be over 18+ to follow this blog, since some stuff might be not recommended for minors (mostly language, i don't draw/write NFSW/smut stuff). And don't steal or edit my stuff please! If you don't agree with my headcanons or ideas please politely block or mute this account 💦 I accept fact checking/corrections, but as long they're done in a non-passive-aggressive or non-mockery sense. And yeah, my English my not be perfect as well (and i can only read kanji and so little stuff in Japanese, having to double check stuff with friends with better skills than mine orz)
Blog status: lurking
↓ Some important things to be said regarding asks are below the cut ↓
I won't write/draw AUs or Stories/Fanfictions, OCs or even headcanons/theories from other people. Even the old ones i've collaborated with i prefer to not touch them again (because, i lost contact with people and also lost all the posts/details of them )
Please avoid sending me many of "what do you think of [X]" questions because sometimes those kiiiinda make me get no idea what to answer, or perhaps i've been answered/posted something related to it before. Even so, if you would like to send one of those, first check if i hadn't answered it or something similar to it first!
At this moment, this blog is me being delusional about the AU thingy on the pinned post. Most of those posts might be about them.
My memory is foggy about certain series, so if i end up misremembering something... Yeah, please contact me asap.
I know i've said this on countless accounts but, I have little to zero knowledge of the American dub, so my portrayal/answers/headcanons/etc are all based on the original Japanese version and sometimes stuff borrowed from the BRPT dub (which is mostly the same as the original JP for most of the series -- except Fusion). So please, don't assume that I had watched the US dub or that I am American.
My stance on the digimon (monsters) are that there's more than one of each species within the multiverse. So, Daisuke's V-mon/Magnamon, OG & Reboot Taichis' Agumon/Omegamon and Takato's Guilmon/Dukemon are not related to the Royal Knights.
I will follow all canon material if possible when working with canon versions of the characters, BUT only what i can work with. If something gets in conflict with the main TV series (Adv99-02-Tamers-Frontier-Savers-XW-Appmon-Adv2020-GG) i will reject the contradictions and use only the stuff not affected or influenced by it. Basically playing with the idea the events we know in certain media are played differently in-universe, adopted from Pixiv Dictionary. Explained better by Shiha in this post here.
I don't like passive-aggressiveness. If you have something to correct in my posts, please do it politely.
Usual common etiquette -- No hatred towards people's religions, sexual/romantic orientation, gender (or lack of), PoC, ethnicities, etc. I won't hesitate to block if needed.
Do not edit my art or repost it. If you wanna use it as an icon/sidebar, ask first. And no, you cannot use my art on A/I & N/F/T for ANYTHING. If you do that, I will block you immediately.
If you like, ship them in the age of the AU setting, please don't ship the adults with the minors. I beg you to not tag me in anything suggestive about 20yo!Daisuke/Tagiru. Please. (however i do accept any adult Daisuke/Takato and adult Takuya/Daisuke SFW content.)
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a-buisness-panda · 1 year
✨️Hello people, hello internet✨️👋 and welcome to my MHA fanfic page. This is going to be a y/n type of blog. Ah, yes! Another abomination in an ocean of disappointments of posts. 🥰🌺
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So, before we get started here's a little disclaimer:
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• So, on the first hand, l know how awful this fandom can be with all the sexualization and toxic shipping and everything this kind so l want to let you know that this blog is going to be a 100% safe blog w/o any of those things. I am sick of seeing all those disgusting stuff about literally minors written and posted everywhere and people being ok with it. I want this to be a change in the fic category of the fandom and l want to represent some real things that this teenagers would do. 😄✌️❤
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• On the second hand (this is more of a me problem but that doesn't stop me from saying it 😘), l'm tired of people making y/n's character LITERALLY 120CM TALL, FUCKING 30 KG AND SUCH A soFtIE THat NeEDs aLL TimE prOtECtIoN, like bruh. You're in a hero school, a school that is made for training HEROES. And l don't say that being short and soft is a bad thing but the way her character is written being thoes things is extremely irritating and annoying and it makes me want to die. 💕😊🌸 So in the next post you'll see how the character of my y/n is going to be like.
꧁ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☁︎꧂
• On the third hand, if you're homophobic, rasist, a toxic fan or just an asshole in general leave and do something about your life loser. This blog is not made for anyone to spread their hate so if you dislike or don't approve with something you can tell me in the comments or in private and I'll see what can l do about it. And if it's really something I can't do much about it you'll have to learn to live with it babe. I have own own ships and I'll let you know what they are but l won't focus much on them. 🥰💖
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• And on the forth hand, l'm not american and my native language is not english so I'm sorry if I'll make any mistakes. Feel free to correct me. 🤗
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💕I hope I didn't wasted your time and I hope you'll stick around from now on too.💕
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sorrel-scribbles · 2 years
Welcome to My Blog!
Hey, I'm Sorrel, and welcome to my multifandom mess of a blog!
I'm a crazy cat lady with a passion for books, history, and a whole lot of other stuff. I wish I could give you a set list of fandoms, but that isn't going to happen because I get into and lose interest in stuff all the time. I have tried to compile a rough list of the fandoms I have been in at some point below the break, but there's probably still a couple things missing. This blog is mostly fandom stuff & reblogs, I'm just here to have fun 😁.
I write fanfiction too, and you can find some of it on Wattpad under LittleSorreltail ( here, I'm pretty inactive atm but there's fics up) and some of it on AO3 under sorrelscribbles (here)
I only speak English fluently.
This is a safe space for everyone as long as your actions, words, beliefs, or being are morally/ethically correct and/or legal.
DNI: NSFW blogs, racists, sexists, anti-feminists, ableists, anti-LGBTQ+, science/history deniers, religious or political extremists, anyone who condones any sort of unhealthy/illegal relationship, anyone else who can't be respectful and keep an open mind.
(Purple text in parentheses represents the furthest I have gotten in a series, either because there's a lot of stuff I don't know yet or because I'm trying to avoid spoilers)
♥Warriors-Erin Hunter (Broken Code book 4)
♥Tortall Universe-Tamora Pierce
♥Percy Jackson-Rick Riordan
♥ Keeper of the Lost Cities-Shannon Messenger (Book 8.5/Unlocked)
♥ The Hunger Games-Suzanne Collins (Specifically Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes)
♥ Skyward-Brandon Sanderson (Cytonic)
♥ These Violent Delights-Chloe Gong (Original duology only)
♥ Assorted historical fiction
♥ Some of the classics
♥ A lot more (feel free to ask!)
TV Shows:
♥ Scooby Doo from years < 2007 (and the animated movies)
♥ Hogan's Heroes
♥ Lost in Space (1965)
♥ MacGyver (2016) (Season 4)
♥ Supernatural (Season 8)
♥ Criminal Minds
♥ The Walking Dead (Season 2)
♥Downton Abbey (Season 5)
♥Sucession (Season 1)
♥ Medici & the Borgias
♥ Ace Attorney (actually the games but I'm not making a separate section; AA4)
♥ Yuri!!! on Ice
♥ I've watched a bit of Heartland and Lucifer
♥ The Sound of Music
♥ Little Women (2020)
♥ Enola Holmes
♥ Disney/Pixar
♥ Night at the Museum
♥ Christmas movies
♥ Hamilton
♥ Anastasia
♥ Six
♥ American Revolution
♥ Earps and Co.
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dracomusic325 · 9 days
About The Creator (aka, the idiot (/hj) running this account, me :D)
Hi there! Welcome to my account! I am known as L, Draco, and/or Orchid! I've been making stories since April 10th, 2019! Yes, I have been doing this for a long time, and no, I do not regret any of it.
I mainly post Gacha/photo edits or perhaps video spoilers, but I also post little scenes I want to write, videos that I can't upload onto YouTube (because it's blocked everywhere), and any other random bullshit that I feel like posting. So, I pretty much post whatever I want, whenever I want!
I'm in a LOT of fandoms (and I mean A LOT). However, I prefer to post stuff with my OCs and my OCs in AUs. That doesn't stop me from posting fandom content though! The main fandoms I post are Generation Loss by Ranboo and my Undertale (by Toby Fox) AU, Dragontale! You may have seen my GenLoss edits on YouTube and/or TikTok. If you want the full list of the fandoms I'm in, then we'd be here for a while.
Here's some basic info about me!
- Gender/Pronouns: I'm Non-binary and I use They/Them pronouns!
- Sexuality: Lesbian, Asexual, and Demiromantic
- Age: An adult (check my bio for the exact number if you're that curious)
- Languages: I am unfortunately only fluent in American English, but I'm learning other languages in hopes of making my content more available to the public!
- Story inspirations: Real-life experiences, dreams, other stories, people in my daily life, and so much more!
- Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated (i.e. racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.)
What do you typically write?
I mostly write long-form and/or short-form stories, but I also enjoy writing poems! I started seriously writing when I was 13 and I haven't looked back! However, if I make a mistake, please don't hesitate to correct me! I may be fluent in English and a writer, but my spelling and grammar tend to fail me all the time.
HOWEVER, my stories tend to contain topics that some may find triggering! I will ALWAYS put a trigger warning for my videos, stories, and edits, but it's safe to say that this account is meant for those 13 and older. If I ever misrepresent something I write, again, please do not hesitate to correct me! I am learning things as I go, and even though I have been educated on a lot of topics, I still will mess things up!
What kind of content do you hope to post here?
As stated before, I'll mainly do Gacha/photo edits, some scenes I want to write into my stories, videos that are blocked on YouTube, and maybe I'll do video spoilers, who knows? Well, I do, but that's beside the point. If there's anything specific that you want to see, feel free to leave some suggestions in the comments!
You're also more than welcome to post theories you have about my OCs and their lore! I won't tell you if you're right or wrong, but it'll be fun to see people get into something that I've made! Headcanons are fine too, but don't argue about it in the comments please, I'm too tired to deal with that.
Where else can I find you and your stories?
You can check out my linktree! It has all of my socials and even a little project I'm working on! I will say that sometimes, you will see me, like person me, not Gacha character me on those accounts. I will say this now, please do not pressure me to do a face reveal. I have a lot of reasons for not showing my face online and I'm probably never going to do one. Please respect that.
And that's pretty much it! If you have any questions, feel free to put them in the comments and I'll answer them! Thank you for taking the time to read this!
~ 💜🖤
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vvasiliev · 9 months
an introduction
hello to any aspiring or actualised historians on this god blessed evening here on tumblr dot com. my new years resolution was to broaden my horizons by an intense and frankly chaotic degree; i will be diving head first into all things history so that i may possess the biggest brain known to man.
thus far i’ve decided that every month will be devoted to a different historical topic, january being american history, february could be english history, it also could be quite literally anything else, so on and so forth. i’m waiting to see how the wind blows me.
another ambition that may or may not be actualised is the creation of content on youtube. i’m not sure if the world truly needs another young man geeking out making historical video essays, i’m not sure if anything i say would be worthwhile yet.
if you’re interested in lending a hand in correction, criticism, advice, or anything else i welcome you with open arms. i’m aware that the history side of tumblr is larger than i initially thought and i’m eager to be apart of it if you’ll have me.
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painting is the battle of la hogue, 1778, an oil work done on canvas by benjamin west
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lindsaywesker · 10 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to Too Much Information Tuesday.
Lobsters taste with their feet.
Music helps keep your memories alive.
Intelligent men tend to be more faithful.
Ecstasy was patented in 1913 as a diet pill.
Cuddling before bed helps the brain to relax.
The average person swears 80-90 times a day.
Chubby girls in Japan are called 'marshmallows'.
A day in the life of a dinosaur was 23 hours long.
Some people will ignore you until they need you.
The left side of the face is slightly more expressive.
The phrase “I don’t give a f*ck” originated in the 1790s.
If you travel across Russia, you will cross seven time zones.
The poorest Americans are still richer than 80% of the world.
Casanova’s euphemism for condoms was ‘English riding coats’.
Sleep makes you more creative and makes your memories stronger.
Jackie Chan's mother was an opium smuggler and his father was a spy.
A study found that chocolate milk performs better than energy drinks.
Just because someone doesn’t react, it doesn’t mean they don’t notice.
Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
Eating bananas is a natural aid to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety.
Nearly 60% of terrorists graduated school with degrees in engineering.
The Samaritans set up a helpline to help fans deal with the breakup of Take That.
There are more phone calls placed on Mother's Day than any other day of the year.
‘V’ is the only letter that can’t be used to make an acceptable two-letter word in Scrabble.
Your body is the weakest during 3.00 a.m. – 4 a.m.  This is the time most people die in their sleep.
According to research, siblings may be more influential shapers of who we become than parents.
In Europe, countries led by queens have been more likely to go to war than countries led by kings.
Muphry’s Law is when you make a spelling or grammar mistake while trying to correct someone else's.
Research shows that some people may delay their deaths if it means their family pays less inheritance tax.
The unhappiest people in this world tend to be the people who care the most about what everyone else thinks.
Don't marry/get in a serious relationship with someone unless you'd be proud to have a child exactly like them.
Psychology says, friendship is not about who you spend the most time with, it’s about who you have the best time with.
Studies have shown that the average person believes he or she will live a longer and healthier life than the average person.
There's a cafe located in France which charges €7 a coffee to rude customers and €1.40 to people who talk politely to staff.
Studies have found that one of the most crucial factors in a relationship is how you celebrate your partner's good news.
In 1850, a cult gave 600 acres in Pennsylvania to God.  It was later repossessed by the state because God did not pay his taxes.
According to a study, people don't listen to the smartest person in the room, they listen to whoever acts as if they know what's right.
Your height is generally determined by your father.  Intelligence, emotional strength and body shape are determined by the mother.
Broccoli, cabbage, and Brussel sprouts all contain a little bit of cyanide.  Eating them primes your liver to deal better with other poisons.
According to psychologists, exposure to nature allows us to remember and value important things like relationships, sharing and community.
There is a horse that is born black but turns white as it ages. The Lipizzan can be found in European countries such as Austria, Croatia, Hungary, and Slovenia.
Death rates drop during economic downturns.  People drive less and get into fewer accidents, leading to cleaner air.  People also have less money to spend on cigarettes and alcohol.
According to a recent Russian law, it’s only ‘champagne’ if it is produced in Russia.  Otherwise, and even if it comes from the Champagne region of France, it’s just ‘sparkling wine’.
In 1871, lawyer Clement Vallandigham was defending a client accused of murder.  In demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot himself, he accidentally shot himself.  He died.  His client was acquitted.
Before calling his 1929 novel ‘A Farewell to Arms’, Ernest Hemingway considered such alternatives as ‘Carnal Education’, ‘Death Once Dead’ and ‘I Have Committed Fornication But That Was in Another Country And Besides The Wench Is Dead’.
After Harry Secombe sang at Peter Sellers’s funeral in 1980, Spike Milligan said, “I hope you die before me because I don't want you singing at my funeral.”  Secombe died in 2001, but a recording of his singing was played at Milligan’s memorial in 2002.
Okay, that’s enough information for one day.  Have a tremendous and tumultuous Tuesday!  I love you all.
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orstube · 1 year
How to Download Barbie (2023) Dual Audio (Hindi-English) Complete Movie in Full HD
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Step By Step Guide How to Download Movies/Series   If You want to Download "Barbie (2023)" Dual Audio (Hindi-English) a Complete Hollywood Movie in Full HD Quality based on - Fantasy - Comedy - Adventure - Drama Don't worry. Now you are in Right Place because here we provide you with a High Defined Quality link through which You can easily Download your desirable movie. Nothing to do You simply Follow the below-listed Step and you will find your movies.
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Step - 2 Then Click to Join Group to download the Dual Audio (Hindi-English) Full HD Hollywood Movie and then write the Correct Title name of the movie/series in the Chatting box. Our team will provide you with a Proper High-Quality Downloadable/Resume Supportable Link
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Note- If you are facing any problems downloading your favorite movies/web series/TV Shows then you can message us on telegram personally or in Infinity Movie Group. We also have Movie Downloading where you can directly go to Okey Raj Sarkar's Official website and search for any movie, one more thing is that if you did not find your movie on Website then you can directly Join Our Telegram Group Infinity Movie Group and Kindly Request for your Movies/web series/TV Shows/WWE Shows with Infinity Movie Group More Relevant Keywords: #America Ferrera, #Ariana Greenblatt, #Birds Of Prey, #Coming Soon, #Doll,Dua Lipa, #Film, #Film Trailer, #Film Warner, #Greta Gerwig, #Harley Quinn, #Issa Rae, #Kate McKinnon, #Margot Robbie, #Michael Cera, #Movie, #Nicola Coughlan, #Official Trailer, #Rhea Perlman, #Ritu Arya, #Ryan Gosling, #Suicide Squad, #Trailer, #Trailer 2022, #WB, #Warner, #Warner Bros, #Warner Brothers, #Warner Media, #Will Ferrell, #barbie, #barbieandken, #barbiemovie, #barbiethemovie, #gretagerwig, #margotrobbie, #ryangosling Read the full article
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